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                             METHODS OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF
                                     EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS
                                        Khurramov Mansur Musurmon o'gli
                                Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
                                      Student of the Faculty of Military Education
                                        E-mail: mansurhurramov71@gmail.com

       ARTICLE INFO                                          ABSTRACT
Received: 15-december 2021                  Since the independence of the Uzbek people, in the
Accepted: 15-january 2022           system of spiritual and moral education of our youth,
Online: 5-february 2022
                                    including students of military education, there is a sense of
        KEY WORDS                   patriotism, faith in the motherland, patriotism, humanity
Patriotism,          military       and kindness.      The formation of their feelings, their
education, loyalty to the           upbringing as loyal children of their people and homeland is
country, military oath, laws,       becoming the spirituality and content of our lives. Patriotism
military          knowledge,        is one of the most ancient and centuries-old human emotions,
spirituality, armed forces.         which has always had a specific social and psychological
                                    content and originality. As a result, national and universal
                                    values of patriotism emerged.

Our first President I.A.Karimov said,                  Man's spiritual maturity is determined by
“Indeed, the feeling of homeland, the                  the values that emerge, are formed and
concept of homeland, must be as pure and               determine the spirituality of the individual,
great for us as a shrine. We must learn the            based on the formation of the values of
great human virtue of honouring the                    patriotism, humanity and kindness in him.
motherland, protecting it from evil eyes               The future of independent Uzbekistan
and actions, and, if necessary, sacrificing            largely depends on the upbringing of a
our lives for our motherland. "                        harmoniously developed generation. To do
Emphasizing that the great task facing                 this, we must follow the noble ideas of our
teachers and intellectuals today is to bring           wise people and thinkers and teach our
up well-rounded, well-educated young                   military youth the most popular moral
people who have a deep sense of love for               values and values used by our ancestors
their country and motherland, devotion to              from childhood in the educational process.
the motherland and people, patriotism and              The results of scientific research conducted
humanity. "First of all, it is both a duty and         by pedagogues and psychologists, as well
an obligation to bring up our children, the            as a number of initiatives of the
younger generation, who are our support                Government of Uzbekistan, personally
and hope, our future, in the spirit of the             initiated and led by the first President
Fatherland and the sense of humanity and               Islam Karimov, in the interests of our
purpose," he said. Therefore, it is a priority         children and people, such as human
to develop a sense of patriotism in the                personality     and     upbringing,   family
minds of the younger generation.
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upbringing, healthy generation, documents             perfect man and a mature community - are
and decisions were made.                              highlighted.
      In all spheres of life, based on the             The great thinkers and scholars of the East
national interests of the republic, taking            have devoted all their creative activity to
into account the age-old way of life,                 the formation and development of the
traditions, customs and skills of our                 spiritual culture of the individual. This is
ancestors, to form in our children feelings           the feature that distinguishes the creative
of love and sincerity for their homeland              activity of Eastern thinkers from that of
and people, application to the theory and             Western thinkers.         For example, in
practice of education is becoming one of              AlisherNavoi's epic "Farhod and Shirin"
the important urgent tasks.                           there is a strong desire to enjoy the source
      According to the ancient Greek                  of courage, honesty, enlightenment, hard
philosopher (384-322 BC) Aristotle, "it is            work, respect for the elderly, the interests
not the goal but the means to achieve it              of the state and the people. Human
that are decisive."                                   qualities such as self-interest, as well as
 In epic narratives, which are considered to          loyal love, are embodied and can serve as
be our spiritual heritage, including the              an example for students of military
Avesto, Gorogly, Alpomish epics, Firdavsi's           education. In this way, the poet tried to
"Shohnoma", Mahmud Kashgari's "Devonu                 show the basics of the formation and
lug'atit-turk", and a number of other works           development of the spiritual culture of the
consider the qualities of our ancestors as            individual. When Farhod is given the
love of country, people, honour and loyalty           opportunity to run the country, he says
to friends as their main social qualities.            that he is still young, that he has no
 The scholars of the first period of the              experience in this field, and that it would
Eastern revival (9th-11th centuries) were             be better if he was hired by people who are
brought up in the tenets of Islam, tested             older than him and have more experience
them several times in life, and tried to              in public administration. will not accept
convey them to us through words of                    this offer. However, Farhod was well-
wisdom. In particular, Abu Rayhan al-                 known among the courtiers and the
Beruni said, "The main cause of all vices is          common people for his knowledge and
ignorance." Abu Ali ibn Sina said, “To know           skills in this area. With this behaviour of
the truth, one must have knowledge, but               the poet Farhod, he tried to show the
any knowledge does not lead to the truth.             following qualities that develop spiritual
To know the truth of one's knowledge, one             culture:
must know logic. "Medieval Central Asian               1. Ability to self-evaluate and have a deep
scholars and 19th-century Jadids also                 sense of responsibility for each task.
focused on human qualities, highlighting               2. Take things in stride and try not focus
the basic characteristics of a perfect human          too much on the problem.
figure. In the works of thinkers, scientists,          3. Respect older and more experienced
poets and sages of this period, human                 people and try to learn from their
qualities that are important for social               experience.
development - humanity, belief in                      4. Stay away from the flaws of
knowledge, protection of the interests of             bureaucracy. Amir Temur also gave a lot of
the people, raising spirituality, achieving a         educational instructions in his charters. In
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particular, he stressed the need to treat              Spirituality is the spirituality of man, the
public administration with justice, to treat           stages of its formation, the factors that play
the     intelligentsia fairly,     to    show          a special role in the formation of
compassion to the poor, and to defend                  spirituality, the social development of
national values in a sustainable manner.               spirituality, moral significance, as well as
Thoughts are of great importance in the                the conditions for the formation of his
formation of a direct spiritual culture.               spirituality, based on the psychological
Farobi's “City of Noble People” discusses              characteristics of the individual. Emphasis
the problem of enforcing laws, which is one            is placed on the fact that patriotism is a
of the main criteria of democracy.                     characteristic of a person with a high level
According to Farobi, when a new law is                 of spirituality. The concept of “patriotism”
passed, a true legislator will take into               is also interpreted. According to the
account the fact that it will bring happiness,         author, “patriotism is a characteristic of all
joy, freedom and prosperity to all classes,            people who connect their destiny with the
generations and people of the country. The             destiny of the homeland and the nation.
law should be well-received by people with             The opportunities, glory and prestige of the
a variety of personalities and qualities.              nation's development also depend on the
 According to Farobi, happiness can be                 level of formation of patriotic values in the
achieved through wisdom and constant                   people of this nation. "In his book "Pride"
striving. Therefore, the law only leads to             M.Sharifkhodjaev expressed his views on
prosperity when it is focused on cultivating           the values of rightful pride in the great
a strong spirit and common sense. This                 state of the future, the achievements of the
means that the leader must strive to                   republic during the years of independence.
educate the people, to strengthen their                Focusing on faith and patriotism, the
spirit and understanding. If we summarize              author emphasizes the need for a thorough
and organize these positive qualities, which           study of the history of the Uzbek people,
are the human criteria of our ancient                  the restoration of national traditions and
ancestors and are required of everyone, the            customs, enriching it with modern
following system of social qualities is                achievements, explaining to the military
embodied: first - courage, then -                      youth on the basis of modern
knowledge, resourcefulness, patriotism,                requirements. .
diligence, humanity, morality and decency,             B.Aminov, T.Rasulov in their book
friendship, thrift, and frugality.        Both         "Homeland - a jewel in the heart" to form
religious and secular works played an                  national and patriotic values in students in
important role in the formation of such                the spirit of devotion to the Motherland,
qualities.                                             faith, ancestral heritage, devotion to the
 The lofty ideals of the perfect man are               teachings provided training materials on
especially deeply expressed in the works of            As the First President of the Republic of
thinkers such as Abu Nasr al-Farabi and                Uzbekistan I.A.Karimov said: “Uzbekistan is
AlisherNavoi. In fact, a perfect human                 a sacred Motherland, the land of our
being is a high position that can be attained          ancestors. We are glad that raising our
through teachings and practices.                       children in the spirit of devotion to this
     E. Yusupov in his work "Spiritual                 land, instilling in their hearts a loving love
foundations of human perfection" said that:            for every age of this blessed land - is
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becoming one of the most important                      proud and satisfied with the place of a
qualities of today. In his speeches and                 person of a certain nation in the world
works, the First President of Uzbekistan                community, his position, his contribution
I.A.Karimov lamented that in the                        to human development and civilization.
spirituality of our people, in the hearts of             Patriotism is a sense of belonging to a
our people, a citizen living on the land                particular nation and a sense of pride in the
where he lives, if necessary, will not spare            contribution of that nation to world
his life, to form love for the Motherland               culture, as well as a sense of devotion to
from an early age. "First of all, it is both a          one's own nation and practical action in
duty and an obligation to bring up our                  that direction.          S. Ochilov's book
children, our young generation, who are                 "Spirituality     and      Fundamentals    of
our support and hope, our hope and future,              Education" describes the reforms taking
in the way of the Motherland and the                    place in Uzbekistan during the period of
patriotic feeling and purpose," he said.                independence, the educational process. The
 Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor            author puts forward the following opinion:
Z. Nishonova defines the concept of                     "Education means the game, the home. In
"harmoniously developed person" as                      the process of their work, in the study of
follows: "A fully developed person is a                 education and science, it is necessary to
person who is able to express himself, his              understand and know the political
abilities in all respects, mentally mature,             explanation of life and life lessons, as well
highly talented and capable." He is a free,             as the state of personal example. These
creative person, who is spiritually high,               factors must be combined ", he says.
morally pure, physically healthy that able              According to him, “Man should be educated
to feel the beauty of life. The author                  in two main ways: by the direct influence of
reveals the role of spiritual and moral                 others, that is, by teaching, as well as by
views put forward by Eastern thinkers in                reading the thoughts, teachings, and works
the history of the formation of the perfect             of the sages, so that students can express
man and their significance for today, which             their thoughts, people in his actions, in
serves as an important guide for the                    what he has done, and in what he is doing,
effective organization of spiritual and                 he is able to draw appropriate conclusions
moral education in educational institutions.            - the most powerful - can be nurtured
The concepts of national “pride” and                    through thinking. Our first president notes
“pride” in the formation of patriotic values            that it is advisable to recommend this set of
in the psychological literature can reflect             studied samples as an educational guide
both individual and social characteristics in           and guide for young military students. The
terms of the object of study. After all,                formation of patriotic values of military
personal pride is a psychological trait that            youth is not limited to theoretical
is unique to a person, such as his or her               knowledge. Only selfless young people,
social status (e.g., status as a member of a            who serve the country, the nation, and
particular nation), personal characteristics,           protect its interests, care about its future.
lifestyle, professional or social activity, and         In the future, young professionals working
satisfaction with accomplishments is                    in the socio-political, economic, legal and
considered to form. Having the values of                other spheres of our country will be
national pride means understanding, being               formed on the basis of their social activity,
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the deeper the patriotic values in their               assessment, achieving positive spiritual
minds and worldviews. The Republican                   values, conscious self-management, living
psychologists' research on spirituality                with the values of the Motherland,
analyzes national values and its methods               contributing to its development; it is a
and tools for the development of military              combination of qualities such as respect for
students. Educating military students is               one's mother tongue and respect for other
one of the main tasks of military school               nations. It allows teenagers to learn about
teachers. With the help of upbringing, the             national identity, the past of the nation, the
tried, best, progressive experience of                 uniqueness of its history. Because a person
generations is assimilated and passed on to            who does not understand the history of his
the new generation, people's consciousness             people cannot determine his place in
and moral values are inculcated in this                society and his position among different
society, and a conscious attitude towards              nations. A person who does not have a
them is formed. Therefore, one of the                  social status cannot think independently
important tasks of the education system is             and make decisions in different situations.
to form and develop the values of faith and            Therefore, he is doomed to dependence,
patriotism in the worldview of adolescent              servitude and slavery. In the process of
students, to turn them into sustainable                forming patriotic values in adolescent
beliefs.                                               military students, it instills in them a sense
      It is important to have a deeper                 of confidence in the future, making
understanding of the essence of                        forward-looking plans and aspirations.
independence, to love and be proud of the              Confidence in the future nurtures in a
Motherland, to inculcate in the educational            person mental endurance, the formation
process what military students should pay              and manifestation of willpower, motivates
attention to in order to protect the honour            him to try to get out of the situation on the
of the Motherland. From the content of the             basis of logical thinking, even in complex,
sources discussed above, it is clear that the          very difficult situations. In the formation of
coverage of the content, methods, forms                patriotic    values,     national     customs,
and means of the formation of beliefs and              traditions and values, the ideas put
patriotic values in military students is an            forward in them, serve to form the human
urgent problem in psychology.               Z.         psyche, in which to cultivate spiritual and
Kurbaniyazova, who conducted research                  moral qualities. One of the defining factors
on the formation of patriotic values in                of nationality is customs, traditions and
adolescents, including military students,              values. Therefore, as a representative of
along with the understanding of national               the nation, the preservation and
identity, the essence of their values, puts            enrichment of national traditions, customs
forward the following opinion about the                and values is becoming a social and
components of this value: Understanding                psychological necessity. In turn, pride in
is the beginning of all human qualities, the           the fact that the ideas of national customs,
achievement of a solid unity of knowledge,             traditions     and     values      serve   the
skills and abilities about the historical              development        of   the      nation,   the
memory, socio-spiritual life, national                 development of humanity, ensures that
heritage, customs and traditions, values,              adolescent military students acquire the
psyche of our people, their conscious                  values of faith and patriotism.
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  In the organization of educational work, it          example there must be an educator who
is desirable to pay attention to the training          can educate and train his subordinates.
of military students in the skills of                  "Military personnel," said the first
preserving national traditions, customs and            President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in
values, the ability to strive to enrich them.          his congratulatory message to the
It is advisable to pay special attention to            Defenders of the Motherland on the
introducing military students to the heroes            occasion of the 21st anniversary of the
of our time, who are effective in the field of         Armed Forces of the Republic of
production and creativity, and to be active            Uzbekistan, "first of all, have deep
in this direction. It is necessary to create           knowledge       and       modern     thinking,
psychological and pedagogical conditions               intellectual      maturity."           Radical
for adolescents not to put personal                    improvement of the system of training
interests above the interests of society, to           officers, as well as highly qualified junior
fully understand their human duties to                 commanders-sergeants, who form the core
society and the nation, to strive to work for          of our army today, should also be one of
the happiness of the people and the welfare            the most important areas of the Armed
of the country.                                        Forces Command reflecting the main
 It is necessary to revive the tradition of            trends in the development of the military
organizing large-scale and high-level                  sphere and martial arts, taking into account
interesting events promoting patriotic                 the foreign experience, forms and methods
ideas among students studying in the                   of conducting warfare in fundamentally
military.                                              new specialties and areas of science. It is
 To achieve a holistic study of the                    no exaggeration to say that training is the
psychological,        pedagogical         and          most responsible aspect of the work ahead
philosophical aspects of the formation of              of us. ”As in any field, there have been great
patriotic values in them, to adequately                positive changes in the training of military
study the effective ways, factors and means            personnel. Demand for military personnel
of organizing this process. Hence, it is               is growing. Because the current officer is
important to ensure that adolescents                   not only a narrow-minded specialist with
acquire patriotic values and to organize the           limited knowledge in a particular field, but
process as a whole, in which the targeted              also a person with deep intellectual
use of each effective factor, the ability to           potential, broad-minded, highly cultured
see opportunities and evaluate their                   and spiritual, with his own knowledge,
effectiveness.                                         personal example it must be a capable and
 As in any field, there are significant                skilled educator who can educate and train
changes in the training of military                    his subordinates. What knowledge, skills
personnel. Demands for military officers               and competencies should military listeners,
and sergeants are growing. Because the                 especially educators, have in military
current officer and sergeant is not only a             education, what should they do, how
narrow-minded specialist with limited                  should they behave and what should they
knowledge in a particular field, but also a            pay attention to? To a certain extent,
person with deep intellectual ability,                 pedagogical sciences answer these and
broad-minded, highly cultured and                      other similar questions. This course aims
spiritual, with his own knowledge, personal            to shed light on the content of military
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pedagogical skills, its components and                of love and devotion to our heritage, it is
ways of revealing and shaping their specific          the product of our work, which has a
features.                                             positive effect on each of us adequate legal
 Regarding the types of military service,             training is required. However, the concept
the following should be mentioned:                    of legal education and its explanatory
 Military service is a special type of public         methods have not been fully covered by
service of citizens of the Republic of                our scientists so far. Legal education can
Uzbekistan in the ranks of the Armed                  be seen in a broad and narrow sense. In a
Forces in the performance of general                  broad sense, it is an education aimed at
military service.                                     influencing the minds of the whole
      The following types of military                community, and in the narrow sense, it is a
         service will be introduced:                  way of influencing the mind of an
     1. conscription;                                 individual. As a result of legal education, if
     2. military service in the mobilization          the general public or a person understands
         reserve;                                     the legitimacy of their actions, tries to
     3. contract                                      avoid violating the law and order, and is
     4. military service;                             able to govern himself consciously and in
    Service of reservists who have served             accordance with the rule of law, the goal is
in the Armed Forces of the Republic of                achieved. Thus, legal education is an
Uzbekistan for peacetime military service             organized,      systematic,      goal-oriented
in peacetime as soldiers and sergeants, as            activity that can influence an individual's
well as for service in the mobilization               “group of individuals” and develop in them
reserve, the Armed Forces from eighteen to            the qualities of legal awareness, legal
twenty-seven years, depending on health               knowledge, and obedience to the law.
The purpose of legal education is to                      Of course, in order to follow the law, you
improve the legal culture of the younger              must first know it.            Through legal
generation, the development of legal                  education, it is necessary to inform
knowledge of citizens and the rule of law,            everyone about what can and cannot be
obedience to the law, patriotism, humanity,           done, what society and the state require of
national independence. The main goal is to            them. Among the violators is the illegality
bring up in the spirit of the idea.                   of their actions. It is common not to
Uzbekistan is a country with a great future.          understand, not to think that it is illegal,
The education of the perfect man has                  and not to think that such an action is not
always been one of the most topical issues.           punishable. In order not to create such an
Legal education of young people plays an              understanding, it is necessary to explain
important role in building the rule of law            and explain that in the process of legal
and a free civil society. Legal education             education in each community there is a
plays a key role in educating young people            violation of the established order, non-
in the spirit of humanity, patriotism and             compliance with the law, disciplinary,
the idea of national independence, as well            administrative, material or criminal
as in raising their legal knowledge. In the           penalties. Special attention has been paid
legal education and upbringing of young               to the strengthening of education since the
people, our national traditions, customs it           sixties. It should be noted that at that time,
is known that if we are able to form a spirit
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legal education is still closely linked with           - have the basics of military work, the
education.                                            necessary military knowledge and practical
 The main directions of military education            skills, as well as physical fitness and mental
are physical and spiritual upbringing of the          and spiritual strength;
younger generation in the spirit of                    - will master the basics of civil protection
patriotism, preparation of young people of            and medical knowledge.
pre-conscription and conscription age for              Storytelling, conversation, and explanatory
state labour and defence.            Military         techniques are used to explore areas of the
knowledge includes mastering the required             military establishment that are not related
amount, physical training, studying the               to practical action, and the explanation is
military history, symbols and principles of           done using posters, slides, and educational
one's homeland, forming a patriotic citizen,          films. The actions of the group guard are
a loyal warrior.                                      practically studied in a specially equipped
 During military training, students should            place.      In order to help students
learn:                                                consciously master the charter, it is
 - to understand their constitutional rights          advisable to create conditions for
and obligations, to know the Constitution             independent work with the charter during
of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the defence            the lessons. It is noteworthy that the
of the Motherland and its protection from             program includes a new topic "The right to
armed aggression;                                     armed conflict" in the section on the basics
 - The military doctrine of the Republic of           of military service. The fact is that the
Uzbekistan is focused on defence, duties of           Republic of Uzbekistan acceded to the
the Armed Forces of the Republic of                   Geneva Conventions of 1949 and
Uzbekistan and other troops;                          Additional Protocols of 1977 in September
 - Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On              1993. Article 19 of the Charter of the
Defence" "On General Military Obligation              Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the
and Military Service", Resolution of the              Republic of Uzbekistan stipulates that
Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of               every serviceman must know and follow
Uzbekistan "On the organization of service            the international rules of treatment of non-
of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan".           military population in the places of
To study the main provisions of the                   hostilities, as well as the military age. As
Resolution "On military registration and              noted in the preamble, this means that
expulsion of citizens of the Republic of              Uzbekistan recognizes the "supremacy of
Uzbekistan, criminal and administrative               universally       recognized       rules    of
liability for war crimes and refusal to serve         international law." The inclusion of the
in the military":                                     four-hour topic "Law of Armed Conflict" in
 - Study and understand the basic                     the curriculum of military law for young
requirements of the Charter of the Armed              people is one of the manifestations of the
Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan and              Republic of Uzbekistan's responsible
the military oath;                                    approach to the implementation of
 - Familiarity with the weapons and                   international agreements. In connection
military equipment of the military unit, the          with the introduction of the four-hour
understanding and location of personnel;              theme "Law of Armed Conflict" in the
                                                      Republic of Uzbekistan - Undergraduate
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students studying in the field of military            convinced that this is sufficient for
education and the current military leader             pedagogical activity.
(Military Vocational Education Law) There              It is believed that among this part of the
is a need to increase the knowledge and               teachers, it is sufficient to know the subject
skills of teachers on the topic of "The right         of specialization for the teaching activity.
to armed conflict" and to further improve             In many ways, the formation of these
their methodological skills.                          military teachers is mainly related to
 Currently, the subject of "Law of Armed              working on the content of the subject being
Conflict" is taught in accordance with the            taught (supplementing knowledge about it,
approved curriculum for undergraduate                 including them in a lecture course, etc). The
students studying in the field of                     formation of a teacher is, as a rule, based
compulsory military education, based on               on the personal, personal experience of
the curriculum, the text of lectures have             teaching 10-15 years or even 20 years ago:
been developed. Perspective plans have                "I teach as I teach."          The model of
been developed to further improve and                 reproductive-communicative education is
develop the teaching of the subject of "Law           repeated, which is based on informing the
of Armed Conflict". At the same time, at the          cadets about the “knowledge” completed
current stage of reforming the military               outside the preparatory activity.          The
education system, the requirements for the            trainee is obliged to receive the contact
professional level of military teachers are           information, then memorize it, and then, as
growing.        the role of personal                  a rule, repeat it orally. The results of such
responsibility for outcomes is growing. A             teaching are well known: a negative
teacher-practitioner-psychologist should              attitude towards mastering the theory of
replace a science teacher who knows his               teaching has a negative impact on the
subject well, knows the cadet’s personality           process of teacher training and the quality
well and knows how to manage himself,                 of teaching.
develop and educate students.                          At the beginning of the training, the
 This can be achieved not only by a teacher           facilitator noted that the Law of the
who has no knowledge of the subject being             Republic of Uzbekistan "On Defence" was
taught, but also by a teacher who is able to          adopted on July 3, 1992, and in May 2001,
apply psychological and pedagogical laws              amendments and additions were made to
in practice to master them. At the same               it. It announces that the edition has been
time, in traditional military universities,           approved. It then provides information on
fundamental       scientific   training    is         the content of the law. The second article
conducted by specialists who know their               of the law states that the defence of the
job well, but are not ready for pedagogical           Republic of Uzbekistan is a set of political,
activity. Many, and not just elementary               economic, military, social and legal
teachers, were ready to address seemingly             measures aimed at protecting the state
simple issues of pedagogical activity. Most           sovereignty, territorial integrity, views of
of them are committed to the template, the            the republic and the peaceful life of the
monotonous methods of teaching, are                   population. The main principles of state
limited by some practical skills that allow           policy in the field of defence are as follows;
them to conduct lessons, and are fully                except for the cases of non-use of military
                                                      force against another state, prevention and
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repulsion of aggression, as well as                    teaching and, most importantly, on the
assistance of the Republic of Uzbekistan to            training of highly qualified defenders in
the states bound by the relevant treaties;             Uzbekistan.      Criteria for selection of
participation in collective security systems           teachers in military and special subjects
in accordance with international law; non-             have not been developed. The personnel
participation in military-political blocs; the         policy established at the beginning of the
similarity of military construction to the             Soviet era limited the professional
nature of modern wars and armaments;                   selection and training of teachers for
denial     of     production,     processing,          military schools. However, the university
acquisition, distribution and deployment of            did not have special educational
nuclear and other types of weapons of                  institutions to train officers for pedagogical
mass destruction; adequacy of defence;                 activities forcing the departments to
ensuring that military service is                      organize their own training sessions, which
honourable. While explaining the articles              are usually organized in studying the
and principles of the Law of the Republic of           content of the subjects taught. The efforts
Uzbekistan "On Defence" to the students, it            of individual pedagogical teams of
is important that the facilitator gives real-          departments aimed at ensuring the process
life examples of the application of the link.          of professional formation of teachers of
After explaining the content of the lesson,            higher military educational institutions are
the facilitator is encouraged to invite the            often not provided from an eclectic,
students for an interview, ask questions               inconsistent and optimistic point of view.
and increase their activity.                           Beginner teachers learn teaching methods
 Introduce students to the general                     by observing the work of more experienced
responsibilities of military personnel,                colleagues. Obviously, not all departments
giving them an understanding of                        are able to prepare teachers at a high level
commanders and subordinates, adults and                for continuous complex training at the
juniors, familiarization with the rights and           university. As a result of insufficient
responsibilities of direct and indirect                approach to the organization of the
managers. They develop the skills to                   pedagogical process aimed at solving the
comply with the requirements of the                    problem of training and development of
statute. The analysis shows that in recent             teachers, as a result of inconsistencies in
years, ideas about the essence of the                  the efforts of pedagogical teams of
professional and pedagogical culture of a              departments to form pedagogical skills,
military teacher have become a universal               teachers of military universities do not
feature and a professional feature in the              always succeed. they are In the last few
encyclopedia. In this context, the problem             years, there has been a declining trend in
of improving the professional and                      the level of pedagogical skills of even
pedagogical skills of a military teacher is            university teachers.
not only an objective social need, but also a           Military service is a special federal service
subjective     need     to    improve      the         of citizens in the Armed Forces aimed at
professional skills of a military teacher.             protecting the homeland from aggression.
The teacher selection system is obscure                The legal framework of military service is
and steeped in outdated stereotypes that               based on the Constitution of Uzbekistan,
have a serious impact on the quality of                the laws "On Defence", "On Military Service
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and Military Service", "On the Status of               students' learning activities. Traditional
Military Servicemen", military regulations             methods of practical training in the "story-
and other laws of Uzbekistan determined                demonstration-practice" scheme do not
by law. A law is a normative document that             ensure that all the basic psychological
regulates the most important social                    conditions based on highly effective
relations, adopted by the supreme body of              methods of training students are met.
state power or at the direct request of the            Practice shows that in addition to
population (for example, through a                     improving the quality and effectiveness of
referendum) in the manner prescribed by                student preparation, the introduction of
the Constitution of Uzbekistan. Law and                new methods in the learning process, a
order is a society that arises as a result of          deeper educational impact on students also
the implementation of various social norms             ensures the effective preparation of
that regulate various spheres of public life           students.      An important aspect of
and are characterized by characteristic and            improving the educational process is to
inappropriate ways of influencing people's             bring the theoretical principles of military
behaviour (customs, moral norms, etc.).                work as close as possible to the practical
Wars and armed conflicts involve many                  activities of the army. Therefore, it is
people who need to be managed and a                    necessary to create conditions in the
variety of logistical tools are used that must         educational process that correspond to the
be used as effectively as possible. The only           real combat environment.
way to unite these people in accordance                 Further reforms in the country have led to
with the requirement of armed struggle is              significant changes in the Armed Forces of
to establish a certain order, a rule of their          the Republic. For example, the new version
conduct. The primacy of military law                   of the Law on General Conscription and
contributes to the unification of the                  Military Service was adopted on December
military community, strengthening the                  12, 2002. According to it, the law consists
moral and spiritual condition of the                   of compulsory military training of citizens
personnel. Any serviceman, his or her                  for the defence of the Republic of
colleagues engaged in other activities, must           Uzbekistan and is introduced in order to
be sure that each of them is in his place,             replenish the Armed Forces of the Republic
working with him in a strictly prescribed              of Uzbekistan and ensure their reserve. The
manner.                                                general military obligation is to prepare
 A military leader, the legal task of military         citizens for military service, conscription
vocational education is not only to provide            (entry). ), conscription or contract military
students with the necessary amount of                  service, reserve service, alternative service,
knowledge or acquire certain practical                 observance of military registration rules,
skills, but also to protect their homeland             measures to protect the population in case
from aggressors with an inner confidence               of emergency or aggression against the
and responsibility to develop their                    Republic of Uzbekistan. The rights of a
military-professional knowledge. is also to            serviceman and the procedure for their use
feed them to perfection. To this end, it is            shall be established by the legislation of the
necessary to use guidelines for the effective          Republic of Uzbekistan. No one has the
use of more advanced teaching methods                  right to restrict the rights of a serviceman
based on the active rejuvenation of                    guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of
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the Republic of Uzbekistan. The use of the            the Armed Forces, its military unit, the
rights of servicemen must not infringe on             prestige of its military rank, to remain
the rights and legitimate interests of                faithful to the military oath, to selflessly
society, the state, military service, the             serve the people. to defend the state
rights of other servicemen and various                independence and territorial integrity of
citizens. The state guarantees social and             the Republic of Uzbekistan with courage,
legal protection of servicemen, creating              skill, until the last drop of blood, even
adequate and decent living standards,                 without sacrificing his life, to perform
improving service and living conditions.              military duty;       to comply with the
will take measures to          Ensuring and           requirements of the Constitution of the
protecting the rights of servicemen is the            country, military regulations; To endure
responsibility of state authorities and local         the hardships of military service related to
self-government bodies, courts, military              the defence of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
administrations and commanders (chiefs)               to acquire regular military professional
of law enforcement agencies. In particular,           knowledge, to improve their military
conscription in the Armed Forces of the               training skills; knowledge of the weapons
Republic of Uzbekistan, The Constitution of           and military equipment entrusted to him,
the Republic of Uzbekistan and other laws             keeping them in constant readiness for use,
and military regulations provide full                 protection of military property; to be
benefits.       Soldiers-sailors, sergeants-          honest, disciplined, courageous, to show
sergeants, officers serving in the Armed              reasonable initiative in the performance of
Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan enjoy            military duty; unconditional obedience to
the right to participate in the parliament,           commanders (chiefs) and their protection
local elections, referendums and other                in battle, guarding the battle flag of a
issues.                                               military unit; to observe the rules of
 A serviceman is a person who performs                military etiquette and to perform military
active military service. He is a defender of          salutes, to dress modestly and neatly, to
the Motherland, the independent Republic              show patriotism, to appreciate the
of Uzbekistan. In the Armed Forces of the             international friendship of peoples, and to
Republic of Uzbekistan, servicemen are                strengthen the brotherhood between
divided into soldiers and sailors, sergeants          nations and provinces.
and officers (junior, senior, senior). A                     In short, the most important thing is
serviceman has personal responsibility in             that in the minds of our people there have
the process of defending his homeland.                been great changes in the education
Servicemen of the Armed Forces of the                 system, and the desire and interest in
Republic of Uzbekistan shall comply with              education among our youth is growing.
the requirements of the law, military                 Today, our talented young people are
regulations and shall not be involved in the          mastering complex technologies in the
activities of other public organizations and          new, most modern industries of our
associations pursuing political goals.                country, achieving great achievements in
 The serviceman has the following:                    science, culture and sports. This is the
 To honourably justify the high title of              result of the fact that the head of our state
"Defender" of the Republic of Uzbekistan,             and government have kept pace with the
to honour the honour and combat glory of              times, paid special attention to the
                              Organized by Innovative Academy

education system and paid special                   fact, by the level of development of the
attention to the process of large-scale             education system, the conditions created
education reforms. After all, the present           for the upbringing of the younger
and future of any country is determined, in         generation.

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     Uzbekistan. 1996.
2.   G.M. Tansiqboyeva- “International humanitarian law”. 2000.
3.   F.A. Abdullayev, E.X. Rasulev, A.R. Rakhmonov-“The right to armed conflict. Adolat. 2001.
4.   O’.Hakimov. “International humanitarian law”. Study guide.Gafur Gulam Publishing
     House of Literature and Art. 2001.
5.   I.K. Abdukarimov. “I will be a general”. Cholpon, 2001.
6.   “Homeland Defence is a sacred duty”. «Uzbekistan», 2001.
7.   General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
8.   Regulations on the procedure for military service of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
     Tashkent . 2006.
9.   Ataboeva Zulfiya-Patriotic values in teenagers social psychological characteristics of
     formation. Andijan – 2014.

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