The automotive experience reimagined

Page created by Isaac Griffith
The automotive experience reimagined
The automotive
experience reimagined
The automotive experience reimagined
Rising expectations around                       Within weeks of the pandemic’s start,          $1,321.74 billion in 2020—was being tipped to
sustainability, new definitions of luxury        three of Japan’s largest carmakers—Nissan      increase at a compound annual growth rate
and digitally-enhanced vehicles are              Motor Co., Mitsubishi Motors Corp. and         (CAGR) of 9.3% this year and at a CAGR of 8%
set to change the way people think               Mazda Motor Corp.—had put 20,000               to $1,988.72 billion by 2025, according to one
about cars forever. Now is the time for          of their workers on temporary leave.4 In       survey of the global passenger car market
the automotive industry to reimagine             Germany, meanwhile, COVID-19 compelled         published in February 2021.7
products, services and experiences that          an estimated 95% of automotive-related
deliver against customers’ new values,           companies to put their workforces on part-     Now, as OEMs look ahead to a future beyond
wants and needs.                                 time schedules during the shutdown—            the pandemic, the time is right to reimagine
                                                 and people who were temporarily laid off       the role of cars in our daily lives for good—
Connectivity, autonomous vehicles                recieved a substantial amount of their pay     reestablishing their value and rebuilding the
and electric and shared driving are four         government-subsidized.5                        emotional infrastructure and relationships
megatrends that had been disrupting                                                             humans have with them.
the automotive industry—causing                  Lockdowns and social distancing measures
unprecedented technology and business            used to stem the spread of COVID-19 also       It’s a shift that can be likened to the humble
model transformation—for a while.1 Then a        sped up important shifts in consumer           horse evolving beyond simply being viewed
global pandemic magnified these pressures,       behavior that were already set to have a       and used as a functional “beast of burden.”
forcing organizations to rethink many            significant impact on original equipment       In the same way, people will expect more
aspects of how they do business.                 manufacturers’ (OEMs’) futures.                of their cars in the future—more safety,
                                                                                                more experience, more flexibility and more
COVID-19 quickly devastated industry             Conscious consumption, shopping local and      integration into our daily lives beyond simply
growth by almost instantly stalling consumer     e-commerce have all grown significantly        being a mode of transportation.
demand. In the U.K., sales of new cars were      over the past year and the acceleration
down 50% year-over-year by the end of the        of these trends are set to continue.6 While    Moving forward, OEMs need to organize
first national lockdown, in June 2020.2 And by   just a year or two ago attentions were fixed   the whole business around the delivery of
February 2021, British new-car registrations     on convenience and simplicity, now it’s all    exceptional experiences, which is what we
for that month had slumped to the lowest for     about rapidly evolving priorities around       call the Business of Experience. It means
a February since 1959.3                          sustainability and redefining notions of       rewiring the customer-facing functions of the
                                                 “ownership.”                                   organization: marketing, commerce, sales
On top of this, there was widespread                                                            and service. The Business of Experience is
disruption to supply chains in an industry       A year from the start of the first lockdown,   an approach that allows organizations to
all about “just in time” production, global      automotive sales were starting to rally.       become customer-obsessed and reignite
networks and lean inventory.                                                                    their growth.
                                                 The global passenger car market—valued at

The automotive experience reimagined
Here, we identify four opportunity areas.       Yet to date, many services and offers have      As a result, people feel torn between wanting
Each is significant and important in its        struggled to deliver against what change        to embrace greener lifestyles and not
own right. Combined, they represent a           demands, creating a perception that singular    wanting to forgo the daily convenience of
reimagination of the whole automotive           and one-sided solutions are not up to the       private mobility. They want everything at the
domain. This is the time for OEMs to            job because personal mobility is just too       same time and they expect OEMs to expand
take innovation seriously and holistically      complex, too contextual and too diverse.        their offerings accordingly.
reimagine the automotive experience in
line with technological progress and human      Meanwhile, consumers’ expectations              Meanwhile, cars are taking on new roles in
change.                                         continue to rise—especially around              people’s daily lives. Increasingly, they’re being
                                                sustainability. People want more from their     reconsidered in terms of both functionality
1. New sales experiences                        cars, and they want the companies behind        and usage. And as cars become more
2. Change for good: The road to zero            them to deliver more, too.                      connected, flexible and adaptive, they’re
   emissions                                                                                    offering many of the features of a home
3. From lost time to prime time: Cars as        OEMs need broad-based openness and              away from home.
   experience platforms                         courage to leave the beaten track and
4. Software-defined vehicles: From              embrace the era of technology in order to       Business trends:
   predictive personalization to                rebuild automotive from the core. They need
   individualized interaction                   to integrate personal, shared and public        OEMs need to rethink their entire business
                                                transportation infrastructure into a seamless   around people’s new demands and respond
                                                experience that adapts to the different needs   to the value created by digital experiences.
Radical change                                  of consumers. And they must address a set
driven by realism                               of underlying, accelerating trends that fall
                                                into two broad categories.
                                                                                                To do this, they need to scale flexible digital
                                                                                                capabilities across both their main business
                                                                                                and the entire value chain—from new points
                                                Human trends:                                   of sale and payment models to logistics,
The automotive industry has long been
                                                                                                production and product innovation.
powered—and characterized—by change.
                                                People are reluctant to accept compromises
From shared mobility to carpooling and
                                                around mobility—a necessary part of modern      Challenged by new entrants, new digital
communal mobility, there has been a
                                                life and society—and they are often blind to    disruptors and new partnerships, incumbents
massive shift in how people move from point
                                                the contradictions that exist. For instance,    also need to embrace agile software delivery,
A to B. Now, the industry stands on the brink
                                                on one hand they strive for the luxury and      fast iteration cycles and constant expansion
of a radical change in attitudes toward car
                                                flexibility of owning a car, on the other       of digital services as areas of growth.
                                                hand they’re increasingly demanding more
                                                sustainable mobility solutions.

The automotive experience reimagined
Striving for
a holistic view

What’s needed now is nothing less than a         will be paved with electric options, circular
reimagining of the automotive industry’s         production and new models of shared
foundational building blocks to explore          mobility, going from one-time purchases
completely new areas of value and expand         to total cost of ownership. Meanwhile,
the range of experiences in the daily lives of   expanding the car into a more versatile tech
their customers.                                 device will turn it into a true life companion.

It’s too easy to focus on incremental areas of   Understanding how the decoupling of
improvement. Instead, what’s needed is an        software and hardware can help us wrap
understanding of mobility as an integrative      consumers in a software bubble that moves
layer of working, living, social experiences     with them from vehicle to vehicle will create
and health. This understanding will offer        a whole new paradigm.
progressive OEMs the opportunity to
redefine their value propositions, set new       OEMs that have high ambitions for human
industry standards and reimagine the future      experience and embrace this kind of
of mobility.                                     meaningful innovation will grow and sustain
                                                 their mission while leading a positive shift
New digital sales experiences will make          in the automotive domain. They’ll need to
choosing and buying cars as smooth as the        be ambitious, because radical expectations
drive itself by offering radical transparency    demand radical ideas.
and letting people experience the vehicle
in a virtual setting. Reimagined physical
touchpoints will evolve from singular options
to interconnected points that support and
elevate the digital experience in the offline

As we move into new frontiers of
sustainability, the road to zero emissions

The automotive experience reimagined
Experience Reimagination
Automotive - The new sales experience

                                        The new sales experience

                                        When buying a car, customers       What’s going on

                                        want a digital-first experience    The automotive sales model is primed for
                                        that combines the flexibility      change.
                                        of virtual product interaction     Today, almost 90% of customers use online
                                        with the convenience of            channels in the early stages of their decision-
                                                                           making journeys. While previously customers
                                        buying online and the personal     visited dealerships on average eight times
                                        consultancy of a dealer.           before deciding what vehicle to buy, today
                                        With the use of e-commerce         the average is somewhere between one and
                                                                           two times.1
                                        and expectations of brand
                                        experiences driven to new
                                        heights by the pandemic, now
                                        is the time to reimagine the car
                                        sales experience.

The automotive experience reimagined
Experience Reimagination
Automotive - The new sales experience

Meanwhile, many large original equipment            On top of this, the plethora of information
manufacturers (OEMs) expect to achieve              and reviews available online had flipped the
25% of global passenger car sales through           symmetry of information between dealers
online channels with their trading partners         and buyers on its head.
by 2025.2 In the world’s largest auto market,
China, digital sales are expected to account        Yet despite all this, the quality of the car-
for 10% of new vehicle sales by 2025 and            buying experience was falling short.
43% by 2035.
                                                    Then came COVID-19, and some important
Yet currently, most of the automotive               aspects of the automotive sales experience
industry’s established OEMs still rely on a         were highlighted. The first is the value of
traditional sales model. Typically, this involves   the digital experience in choosing and
an OEM selling its cars to an independent           buying a car, which was magnified during
dealer—with the dealer playing a central role       the pandemic—a time when traditional real-
in pricing, marketing and sales—then the            world showrooms were forced to close.
dealer selling direct to the consumer.
                                                    Volkswagen and FAW’s joint venture virtual
New players such as Tesla, NIO and Canoo,           showroom in China, for example, attracted
however, are now challenging established            2.5 million customer views at its peak. More
OEMs and their dealers with a direct                than 2,000 Volkswagen dealerships are
customer approach that offers convenient            presenting the current model line-up via
sales and mobility experiences.3 And OEMs           livestreams.4
are starting to design new, more customer-
centric sales models in response.                   During 2020, car brands including Mercedes-
                                                    Benz, Honda, Volkswagen and BMW
Before 2020, digitization was evolving the car      launched online portals and embarked on
sales experience and expectations around it.        an accelerated digitization of consumer
                                                    touchpoints. Mercedes-Benz, meanwhile,
It was clear that selling cars online wasn’t        launched a host of remote customer
as simple as putting inventory on a website         initiatives under the umbrella theme Merc
or offering a sleek configurator, and that          from Home, which used digital tools to boost
digital experiences that empowered and              ease of purchase.5
entertained were needed to transport people
from browse to buy.

The automotive experience reimagined
Experience Reimagination
Automotive - The new sales experience

The second issue raised by COVID-19 was
the importance of OEMs meeting customers’
rising expectations of the quality of the
experiences associated with buying a car—
expectations raised by the high-quality
experiences provided by brands in other
industries where digitization was more

When it comes to buying a car, customers no
longer just want to be inspired and informed
online. Increasingly, they want a digital-first
experience that combines virtual interaction
with the car with the convenience of buying
online, plus the personal consultancy of a
                                                  What’s next
Further, they expect all related experiences—
from digital brochures all the way through to     The current sales model is likely to remain     Deserted showrooms have left lots full of
after-sales—to be joined up.                      in place for some time. However, the time is    cars and salespeople idle at a time when
                                                  right for OEMs to accelerate their efforts to   COVID-19 has accelerated people’s desire
Now, as OEMs assess the lasting impact            tackle its many shortcomings.                   for many more products and services to be
of shifts in consumer behavior caused by                                                          delivered to them at home.
the global pandemic, the stage is set to          Among the most important are an
address the shortcomings of the traditional       unsatisfying customer journey caused by         The relationships the sales model fosters in
sales model and pave the way for new sales        limited online options; an inconvenient         its present form are also lacking.
experiences.                                      purchasing experience and insufficient
                                                  channel alignment; inconsistent pricing,        The fact that customers visit car dealerships
                                                  which results in intra-brand competition;       infrequently—when they’re shopping for
                                                  and little engagement between OEMs and          a car or for a service or they’re “locked in”
                                                  customers, which limits OEMs’ access to         with a particular dealer or OEM—makes
                                                  customer information and so the capability      the customer-dealer relationship purely
                                                  for truly data-driven sales.6                   transactional.

The automotive experience reimagined
Experience Reimagination
Automotive - The new sales experience

Further, car buyers are spending less time      misaligned digital and physical sales            vehicles (EVs)—the sales of which are now
shopping and spending fewer days in             experiences can leave people feeling             predicted to grow by 22% by 2026—as EVs
market—during which time they are visiting      shortchanged.                                    need less aftercare.10
a smaller number of dealers and making
their purchasing decisions more quickly.7 The   All too often a customer who has configured      Yet while many dealers admit that new car
knock-on effect of this is reduced time for     a car online is either unable to access the      sales are not profitable for them and want
dealers to build relationships.                 additional information they need or test drive   to change business models, they struggle
                                                the precise desired car once they visit the      to change due to capital investments, fixed
Finding new ways to engage with customers       dealership.                                      sales territories and OEM relationships.11
more effectively—be that more personalized
advertising or more convenient interactive      At the same time, it will be important to        Looking ahead, further pressure to change
sales journeys online—is an obvious             continue to evolve physical touchpoints          the current sales model will come from the
opportunity.                                    and their role in customer decision-             growing sales of EVs—which typically last
                                                making and the sales journey. Some 70%           longer and have less wear and tear—and
Meanwhile, the limited contact OEMs have        of consumers find the concept of a brand         rising subscription usage models, such
with their end customers impacts the            experience center appealing, research by         as Canoo’s mobility in exchange for a
relationship between the brand and the          Cox Automotive shows.9 Boutique-style city       membership fee proposition.12 This will need
customer.                                       center locations for brand experiences such      to be balanced with the sale of services and
                                                as Tesla Stores, Audi City Cyber Stores and      experiences.
Customers don’t really want to negotiate        Mercedes-Benz Visionary Stores are a few
on price, research shows. When asked, 81%       examples of new retail formats.
prefer fixed transparent prices, for example,
yet they do want a physical, visceral           The case for change is further strengthened
interaction with the car as part of the sales   by how challenging it has become for
process: 77% of consumers still want to buy     dealers to turn a profit on new car sales as
in a physical store.8                           competition erodes their margins.

Then there’s the disconnect that often          Another challenge associated with the
exists between the digital and physical         existing model is that dealerships make more
components of the car-buying customer           profit from aftercare service than the sale
journey. With the majority of customers         of the asset. This revenue pressure will only
starting their car-buying journeys online,      increase, however, with the rise of electric

The automotive experience reimagined
Experience Reimagination
Automotive - The new sales experience

Opportunities for reimagination
                                                  Tesla’s touchless delivery experience,             In India, Renault has trialed mobile
                                                  meanwhile, involves test-drive vehicles left       showrooms, for example,16 blending
1. Meeting customers                              in parking lots at Tesla locations, each with      convenience with the tactile nature of car
where they really are                             its unique QR code posted in the window.
                                                  Interested parties scan the code, enter

                                                  their information and get started on a test        With a mobile showroom, the dealer can
                                                  drive without talking or even seeing a Tesla       draw on a larger pool of cars to bring
2020 brought many changes to the retail           employee.15                                        the closest car a prospective buyer has
experience, especially when it comes to                                                              configured online to their home for a
what consumers will venture out for and           It will also be important for organizations        safe and convenient test drive. With the
what they expect to be delivered to their         to respond to habitual changes and meet            opportunity to touch and feel different
homes. Anxiety about health and safety will       customers where they can be found now: at          vehicles and options seamlessly delivered
ease over time. Yet many shifts in behavior       home and online. This will require a seamless      to their door, the disconnect between the
and expectations now look likely to endure        integration of the digital channel with the        online and physical experience for the buyer
beyond the pandemic.                              physical, which will continue to have an           is closed.
                                                  important role to play.
It will be critical for OEMs to learn lessons                                                        In the U.S., a number of dealerships are
from the pandemic. New digital retailing          While customers browse and increasingly            testing similar models in response to the
tools drove process efficiencies and              shop for their mobility online, there will still   success of new entrants. Carvana, for
achieved higher buyer satisfaction, for           be important physical touchpoints. And it will     example, has innovated with its car vending
example, improving the automobile buying          be important that these physical touchpoints       machines, multi-story structures holding
process during the prolonged downturn.13          don’t feel like starting from scratch or an        dozens of cars where buyers pick up their
                                                  interruption of the process.                       online purchases. It’s operated using a
Early in the pandemic, FCA UK launched                                                               special oversized coin the buyer puts into the
Car@Home, a service that allows dealers           Dealers need to take on new roles in               machine, and out comes their car.17
to sell vehicles and communicate with             the experience and have full access to
customers remotely via videoconferencing.14       customer data, preferences and choices in          Finally, nearly half of drivers want after-
It also introduced a chat function across         order to amplify the user’s experience, not        sales services to be integrated seamlessly
all of its brand and retailer websites so, just   merely complement or fulfil it. In this way,       into their daily lives, saving them the time
like visiting a showroom, customers on            disconnected and separate points of sales          and effort of having to go in person to
the website can engage with their retailers       will turn dealerships into locations people        a workshop or dealer service location,
in real time, receiving engaging, relevant        use to explore their personalized mobility.        according to internal Accenture research.
information when they need it.

The automotive experience reimagined
Experience Reimagination
Automotive - The new sales experience

                                        2. Experience concierges

                                        Today’s car dealer plays the role of sales      Dealers need to double down on their
                                        point and gatekeeper to vehicle ownership.      profitable service business but not restrict
                                        But what if their role evolved to being a       this to pure car service.
                                        purveyor of experience?
                                                                                        Some dealerships already invite existing
                                        As Experience Concierge to all our mobility     and prospective customers to track days
                                        experiences, a car dealer or OEM could          to test the full potential of a car in a safe
                                        create more reasons for authentic customer      environment. Such experiences are often
                                        interactions and develop longer-term            limited due to cost, however, which means
                                        relationships based on trust. The opportunity   opportunities to experience the car in a more
                                        is for them to play a greater role in helping   immersive way are missed.
                                        consumers experience the car and truly feel
                                        what it would be like to own that vehicle.      If a dealer were to help a customer arrange
                                                                                        a night on the town—organizing dinner
                                        Mercedes-Benz’s User Experience team set        reservations, a show, perhaps even an
                                        three goals for the development of its in-car   overnight stay as part of an elongated test-
                                        voice experience:                               drive experience—the customer could have
                                                                                        a deeper, richer experience of what owning
                                        1. Allow drivers to talk as naturally as they   that car could really feel like. The dealer,
                                           would to another person.                     meanwhile, could collect commission for the
                                        2. Support more types of queries than           third-party referrals they’ve aligned to the
                                           typical voice services.                      interests of that customer.
                                        3. Integrate voice more naturally into the
                                           overall in-car experience so users can       Rethinking how dealerships create
                                           seamlessly switch between voice and          experiences in which the car plays an
                                           touch control.18                             important part can help drive car sales,
                                                                                        improve dealers’ margins and provide
                                                                                        customers with more emotional connection
                                                                                        than achievable with a 30-minute test drive.

Experience Reimagination
Automotive - The new sales experience

3. Partnering to evolve
the dealer model

New entrants such as Tesla have proven that    BMW is using a collaborative digital
the direct sales model has benefits for both   experience management platform to solidify
the OEM and the customer, starting with        relationships with its dealers and customers.
the lower cost of sales. Traditional OEMs      Dealers and manufacturers collaboratively
are encumbered with an existing dealer         cultivate relationships with the customers
network, however. This means that they need    they seek, using consent-based marketing
to evolve the role of and relationship with    and advanced analytics to engage with
dealers over and beyond simply running         pinpoint accuracy.20
small pilots.
                                               Further, the company has used customer
OEMs have an opportunity to partner with       data to create relevant digital experiences
dealers and move from a wholesale model        that have resulted in higher levels of online
to a retail model where they may finance the   conversation.21
dealer inventory, reducing dealer costs or
subsidizing online advertising costs.          Evolving the dealer model to a retail model
                                               will also help reconnect the customer
Ford, for example, partnered with dealers      directly with the OEM and stabilize or fix the
during the pandemic to offer new vehicle       sale price. To achieve this, OEMs will need
home delivery. Those who agreed to             to invest in central customer management
participate were offered incentives for        systems and help evolve the financial model
completing the entire purchase process         to fix pricing and mitigate discounts, creating
online.19                                      an opportunity for dealers to maintain their
                                               current 1-3% margins.

Experience Reimagination
Automotive - The new sales experience

                                        4. Customer                                      Taobao shopping platform, which attracted 4
                                                                                         million viewers in April 2020.23
                                                                                         Chery, meanwhile, launched its new Tiggo
                                                                                         7/7 PRO model exclusively via livestream,
                                        Borrowing from different consumer sales          generating more than 7,000 sales leads,
                                        models will unlock other opportunities.          according to official data.24

                                        A satisfied customer could become a
                                        customer ambassador who shows off their
                                        own vehicle in return for a small commission—
                                                                                         5. Data transparency
                                        something some enthusiastic Tesla owners
                                        have been willing to do for free. This model     Customers are demanding greater
                                        would reduce costs and create an authentic       transparency around how their data is used
                                        connection between consumers. It could also      by organizations. These organizations need
                                        help new customers by connecting them with       data—and more of the most useful data—
                                        relatable people with whom they can discuss      to develop the new value-added, more
                                        vehicles and product features.                   personalized and relevant offerings customers
                                                                                         now expect. A rich area to explore sits where
                                        Chinese EV company NIO is leveraging its         these two needs collide.25
                                        many customers, who pride themselves
                                        on their loyalty to the brand, by building       Inspiration can be found with the data-
                                        online communities of satisfied customers        focused start-ups that have already emerged
                                        to encourage them to act as sales                in this space.
                                        representatives. Existing owner referrals
                                        accounted for more than 45% of its cars sold     Cloud-based software start-up Otonomo,
                                        in 2019.22                                       for example, helps companies capture and
                                                                                         monetize connected car data by harnessing
                                        Other brands are partnering with social media    and anonymizing it for use to create apps
                                        influencers to leverage their followings and     to provide services like EV management,
                                        generate sales leads. For example, Tesla         usage-based insurance or subscription-based
                                        worked with the Chinese online celebrity Wei     fueling.26
                                        Ya to present the brand’s models, specs and
                                        prices in an hour-long video stream on China’s

Experience Reimagination
Automotive - The new sales experience provides artificial intelligence-
powered transparent and comprehensive
                                                    6. Recharging
used-car inspections.27 It benefits dealers by      drivers and cars
enabling them to accurately appraise trade-
ins and existing used-car inventory, as well as
detect odometer and VIN fraud. It benefits          With the rise of EVs, the time it takes to
buyers by giving greater transparency into the      charge their batteries and the number
health of a used car.                               of charging stations mean there’s an
                                                    opportunity for dealers and OEMs to
The experience of buying a used car is often        integrate charging into customers’ daily lives.
overlooked. Yet it’s growing in importance
due to sustainability concerns, and it’s ripe for   Imagine if during the time that the car
reimagining.                                        was charging, a customer could grab their
                                                    favorite Starbucks coffee, access some salon
As with new cars, much information                  services and even plan their weekend with
concerning used cars has been                       an on-site Experience Concierge? Done well,
democratized. Yet with critical data still          such services could be not only a reason to
trapped in OEM and dealer systems, pockets          visit, but possibly even more compelling than
of opaqueness remain. Systems like Carfax           simply fueling the car.
already provide some level of transparency.28
Now, community-generated insight models
are also evolving.

One example of this is the
community—a rich set of aficionados who
regularly dissect images of cars put up for
auction to offer counsel and confidence to
potential bidders around issues that can arise.
Many of those providing these insights have
actually owned similar vehicles so speak from

Community-generated validation models like
this are cost effective and can help build trust
for OEMs.
Experience Reimagination
Automotive - The new sales experience

What automotive
leaders can do next
1. Experiment and pilot                           By building a centralized database to better
                                                  retrieve and analyze customer data, an OEM
Small-scale pilots are a useful starting point,   can cut siloed data waste.
and many brands are already trying to do
some or all of these things in markets like       3. Bridge the divide
Scandinavia and South Africa.
                                                  Customers want a digital-first experience
To pilot moving from a wholesale to a retail      that combines virtual product interaction
model, start a dialog with dealerships to         with the convenience of buying online and
change the commercial model by finding a          the personal consultancy of a dealer. So, find
middle ground.                                    ways to bridge the existing digital-physical
To explore potential for creating experiences
that allow a customer to feel what it’s like to   Create new experiences around taking
own a car, take inspiration from Airbnb-style     products and services to where customers
experiences—a long weekend camping in a           are: in their homes. Take inspiration from
Subaru Outback, for example, or a racetrack       online used-car dealer Carvana, a new
experience bringing people together to test-      entrant already doing this—with showrooms
drive a high-speed, high-performance car.         located wherever its customers are, from
                                                  living rooms to mobile devices—to prove the
2. Create direct relationships with               model works.29

Today’s car dealers are the middlemen
between OEMs and customers. But what
if OEMs built more direct relationships
or provided the glue between the digital
channel and the dealerships, like a customer
relationship management (CRM) system that
builds one view of the customer?
Experience Reimagination
Automotive - Change for good:
The road to zero emissions

                                Change for good:
                                The road to zero emissions

                                When it comes to sustainability,   What’s going on

                                the automotive industry doesn’t    Consumer demands have driven sustainable
                                have a great track record. But     automobile solutions to become a matter of
                                                                   survival for the industry.
                                at a time when consumers
                                don’t just want change but are     Globally, 66% of car buyers consider
                                                                   sustainability when deciding if and what to
                                demanding it, organizations        buy.1 On top of this, there’s pressure from
                                have a powerful opportunity        governments on manufacturers to support
                                to take the lead in driving the    sustainability initiatives. Norway, for example,
                                                                   now plans to raise the per-ton carbon tax
                                sustainability agenda forward      from $95 to $240 by 2030 to help reach its
                                through the products, services     climate goals.2

                                and experiences they create.

Experience Reimagination
Automotive - Change for good:
The road to zero emissions

Momentum for change is building. And                However, if the automotive industry is to         Whatever the solution, it will need to match
with nearly 40% of people worldwide open            truly maximize value to society and the           people’s lifestyles.
to innovative e-mobility solutions, the             environment, it needs to adopt circular
pressure is on automotive original equipment        economy practices—or a so-called “circular        The most effective strategies will involve
manufacturers (OEMs) to change and                  car” approach.                                    exploring a variety of smart tools and options
adapt—fast.3                                                                                          to adopt more sustainable life choices,
                                                    What’s next                                       progressively shifting toward more ethical
The road to zero emissions is paved with                                                              and ecological options along the way, so that
innovation and it’s being powered by                A circular car approach means the efficient       it fits seamlessly into people’s everyday lives.
electricity. Electric vehicles (EVs) are one part   use of resources and public goods and
of the solution, and many manufacturers are         measuring success in terms of the ability
moving toward EV fleets. The share of total         to provide mobility and reduce carbon
EV car sales is now predicted to be 10% by          emissions and non-circular resource
2025, increasing to 28% by 2030 and 58% by          consumption.8
2040, though predictions vary by region and
by OEM.4                                            This starts from an organization’s business
                                                    model and extends across car production
Ford, which is on track to fulfill its              through distribution to miles driven.
commitment of an $11.5 billion investment           Achieving circularity is not a one-time effort,
in electrification through 2022, recently           however. Instead, it’ll require collaboration
doubled its commitment to $22 billion               across the automotive ecosystem over the
and extended the timeline to 2025 while             years and decades ahead.9
also investing an additional $7 billion in
autonomous vehicles.5                               This will be a major priority for OEMs in the
                                                    coming years.
BMW plans to double its fully EV sales this
year, which already accounts for 15% of its         Because people like convenience and
sales in Europe.6 Tesla led the race in 2020        want greater sustainability, a significant
by ramping up production to just under              opportunity lies in new sustainability
500,000 full electric vehicles by the year’s        solutions that are pragmatic enough to
end.7                                               survive the flow of daily life.

Experience Reimagination
Automotive - Change for good:
The road to zero emissions

Opportunities for reimagination

1. It’s electric
EVs are a great start for the industry to       Yet the batteries that power EVs have a
become less of a catalyst for climate change,   way to go, which is why many brands are
with research now proving that EVs reduce       investing in research and development into
emissions.                                      battery manufacturing that can achieve truly
                                                clean energy solutions.
For some years, it was suggested
that emissions produced during EV               Chinese EV giant BYD and Japan-based
manufacturing combined with the electricity     Toyota, for example, are now partnering for
needed to power the vehicles once on the        EV battery R&D. Stellantis and Total/Saft
road made EVs bigger polluters. But in 53       have created joint venture Automotive Cells
of 59 global regions—making up 95% of           Company to do the same.13
the world—EVs and electric household heat
pumps produce fewer emissions and are           In Germany, Opel has created a
better for the environment than fossil fuel     refurbishment center near its production
alternatives, according to a recent study.10    plant for end-of-life batteries. This paves
                                                the way for second-life use by creating a
OEMs are stepping up. Daimler is now            charging point from used battery packs and
working toward having an electric or hybrid     by recycling spare parts to return to the first-
version of each of its models by 2022.          life battery cycle.14
Volkswagen has pledged to achieve the
same by 2030. General Motors, meanwhile,        Such initiatives prove that investing in a
recently announced it will only sell zero-      cleaner power source positions the entire
emission vehicles from 2035 on.11               industry for success. They also help in setting
                                                standards beneficial to all regarding topics
                                                such as charging and payment regulations
                                                and grid integration, which is essential for
                                                ensuring sufficient infrastructure.

Experience Reimagination
Automotive - Change for good:
The road to zero emissions

                                2. The circular economy
                                The automotive industry’s philosophy              activities. With the re-factory, we are also
                                on the value chain has already shifted            reaffirming our industrial footprint in France
                                fundamentally—from “take-make-waste”              and are working with our unions to maintain
                                linear production and consumption models          the jobs that were originally dedicated to car
                                to “reduce, reuse, recycle.”15 Yet though EVs     manufacturing.”
                                are leading the charge, they alone cannot
                                save the day.                                     Circular economy strategies have the
                                                                                  potential to reduce carbon emissions per
                                With projections suggesting that EVs will         passenger kilometer by up to 75% and non-
                                account for 28% of all car sales by 2030,         circular resource consumption by up to 80%
                                sustainable success will also depend              by 2030, according to Accenture research.19
                                on achieving a true circular economy.16
                                This means leveraging circular economy            With cars increasingly bought online and
                                strategies to transform products, as well as      flexibly subscribed to for shorter time
                                the way the products are used.                    periods, revenue streams are shifting
                                                                                  toward the use phase, and the drive toward
                                To move from sustainable ambition to              circularity is slowly picking up speed. Already,
                                reality, there are four main transformation       most automotive materials are recyclable.
                                pathways to increase circularity: energy          Meanwhile, more and more cars are being
                                decarbonization, material circularity, lifetime   built to last and to be repaired.
                                optimization and utilization improvement.17
                                                                                  These are all important aspects of circularity.
                                “Renault has long been dedicated to making        But more work will be necessary to
                                its business model more circular,” said Jean-     fundamentally reimagine the value chain
                                Philippe Hermine, Renault’s vice president,       to minimize lifetime carbon emissions and
                                Strategic Environmental Planning.18               resource consumption.
                                “Extending vehicle lifetime, providing a
                                second life for parts and recycling, as well as
                                new innovations, will be at the core of these

Experience Reimagination
Automotive - Change for good:
The road to zero emissions

3. Redefining luxury

Today, 88% of consumers look to brands to       compressed timber product made from a
help them be more environmentally friendly      sustainably harvested rattan called karuun.22
in their daily lives.20 Delivering on this is
therefore quickly becoming essential for a      Volvo Car Group’s EV sub-brand Polestar,
brand’s future success. But when it comes to    which is exploring materials ranging from
cars, going green goes far beyond greening      flax to recycled bottles and fishing nets,
a car’s power source.                           has a state-of-the-art manufacturing plant
                                                in Chengdu, China. The plant showcases
Eco-conscious consumers expect to see           every aspect of the brand’s sustainability
change from the inside out. Considering         focus—from improved efficiencies in energy
that the materials and manufacturing            expended in its factories to the wellness of
burdens of a new vehicle can account for        its employees.23
anywhere from 6% to 25% of its lifetime
carbon footprint, both can have a material      Using new materials can also increase the
effect on sustainability.21                     energy efficiency of vehicles by saving
                                                weight, which is becoming even more critical
OEMs need to drive holistically sustainable     as battery technology matures. “Our material
solutions across the supply chain, and with     can cut the weight of interior panels by up
their innovative use of more environment-       to 50%,” said Per Martensson, chief sales
friendly materials, luxury auto brands are      officer at Bcomp—the Swiss supplier of a
leading the way.                                flax-based composite Polestar is using.24 “So,
                                                we reduce the plastic content drastically, and
Mercedes-Benz has incorporated a host of        we increase the performance.”
new materials. For example, Dinamica—a
sueded fabric made from recycled plastic
bottles and clothing fibers—is used for
covering seats. On floorboards and
dashboard trim Mercedes-Benz uses a

Experience Reimagination
Automotive - Change for good:
The road to zero emissions

What automotive
leaders can do
1. Give innovation the backing it deserves      circularity. And this framework should raise
                                                industry ambition from merely doing less
Innovation is a top priority. In fact, 71% of   harm to building a truly sustainable global
automotive executives believe that the stakes   economy.
for innovation have never been higher.25 So,
it’s imperative that multifaceted innovation    Remember, sustainability starts with design—
is not only funded but incorporated into a      not just product design, but also all the
brand’s core operation.                         different design components that go into
                                                creating mobility solutions.
Think beyond the hunk of metal that is the
car to see how you can innovate within          2. Walk the walk
the production process: in the factory,
along the supply chain, in your approach        It’s essential that OEMs act, rather than
to partnerships—for example, collaborating      simply pledge, to make the world better and
with other organizations you might consider     that they’re transparent about what they do.
                                                Today’s consumers—younger groups
As technology continues to evolve and new       especially—want positive actions on
materials are uncovered, it’s a smart move to   sustainability from brands, not just words. In
invest in strengthening research partnerships   fact, 87% of Generation Z are worried for the
with ecosystem partners and third-party         environment and the planet, and 90% believe
organizations. Combining powers is key to       companies must drive action on social and
unlocking new insights and know-how, as         environmental issues.26
already seen in the race to better battery
production for EVs. However, true success
lies in agreeing upon a common framework
for guiding and measuring progress toward

Experience Reimagination
Automotive - Change for good:
The road to zero emissions

For OEMs this means viewing everything             ten biggest automakers are working to drive
they do through a sustainability lens.             sustainability through the supply chain, is a
This should begin with the source materials        great example of this.29
OEMs use—questioning what they’re made
from, how they’re produced, how long               Car brands must go the extra mile in creating
they’ll last, if they’re recyclable, or at least   a more sustainable tomorrow. This could
biodegradable, and so on—and extend                even mean investing in helping strengthen a
to engaging with industry bodies and               city’s infrastructure for charging or becoming
governments to find effective ways to enable       more engaged in the design of smart cities.
EVs to be on the road.
                                                   Toyota, for example, recently rebranded
Be transparent. For instance, develop              itself as a mobility company with a focus on
strategies that enable increased data              developing new technology to change the
transparency and information sharing with          way people move.30 Then in February 2021, it
other players along the automobility supply        broke ground on the construction of Woven
chain up to, and perhaps including, joint          City—a prototype city of the future that’s
standards.27                                       being built from scratch at the bottom of
                                                   Mount Fuji in Japan.31
3. Widen your horizons
                                                   As well as being home to an initial 2,000
Sustainability doesn’t just mean better for the    residents, Woven City will be a living
environment—it’s also better for the greater       laboratory where Toyota can test the latest
good. OEMs should, therefore, ensure               smart technologies.
sustainable mobility strategies that also
address the need to benefit communities.

Partner with others to meet and then
exceed people’s growing sustainability
expectations—like EV software companies
Hubject and did to simplify home
and public EV charging.28 Consider public-
private partnerships. And partner with
competitors for the greater good. The Drive
Sustainability partnership, where the world’s

Experience Reimagination
Automotive - From lost time to prime time:
Cars as an experience platform

                                             From lost time to prime time:
                                             Cars as an experience platform
                                             Cars no longer just get us        What’s going on

                                             from point A to B. Today, they    Not so long ago, the car was simply how
                                             act as a charger or hot spot,     we got from one place (and experience) to
                                                                               another. The time spent riding in them was
                                             an office, a place to relax, or   effectively wasted. However, this has been
                                             even an entertainment venue.      totally upturned by technology, especially
                                             With cars now valued not just
                                             for convenience but also their    Today’s vehicles are becoming an extension
                                             safety (over public modes of      of our homes. Increasingly, cars are seen as
                                                                               another valued member of our digital device
                                             mobility), the time is right to   family—much like an Alexa or iRobot vacuum
                                             upscale ambitions for what the    cleaner—they’re a way for us to connect with
                                                                               our lives at home even while we’re away.
                                             future in-car experience can
                                             and should be.

Experience Reimagination
Automotive - From lost time to prime time:
Cars as an experience platform

BMW has been leading the way for years              touchscreen. The car’s dashboard goes way         What’s next
with BMW ConnectedDrive.1 This digital,             beyond providing car information—rather,
connected “drive-o-tainment” and services           it’s a concierge that helps drivers navigate      While varying degrees of connected vehicles
suite allows the user to control in-car             everyday life.4                                   currently cruise the roads, forecasts suggest
comfort, entertainment and security, and                                                              an installed base of 700 million units of
also manage multiple facets of their daily          Much like our phones, car dashboards              connected vehicles by 2030, with all new
life—from configuring at-home devices to            now go far beyond their initial use. And          cars being connected from 2020 and
booking services—all while on the road.             when connected with mobile devices that           beyond.6
                                                    help us control our lives at home—such as
Subsequently, BMW brought on board                  Alexa or Nest—the ability to incorporate a        Historically, connectivity and integrated
key strategic partners to expand                    home’s functionality into a car’s functionality   flexible software platforms limited adoption.
ConnectedDrive’s connected services and             promises a whole new world to explore from
experience ecosystem. Particularly notable is       behind the wheel.                                 With the advent of 5G, Android-based
its integration into Tmall Genie, the first smart                                                     car platforms and Apple Play integration,
voice assistant developed by China’s Alibaba        Benefits to the user range from optimizing        for example, automotive industry original
AI Labs.2                                           errands with shopping and pick-up                 equipment manufacturers (OEMs) will
                                                    functionalities to feeling confident in           develop new ways vehicles can increase
General Motors’ GM Marketplace, the                 conducting meetings on the go, knowing            productivity and build value over and above
industry’s first in-car commerce platform,          you can check on home from miles away.            their transportation capability.
is the next step in brand experiences for           And people’s appetites for this in-car
customers. It connects users with the brands        functionality are growing.                        All of this creates the ideal environment for
they love, providing offers and discounts,                                                            the automotive industry to reimagine the
loyalty programs, restaurant reservations,          In the long term, cars will offer the biggest     in-car experience and upscale ambitions for
parking spot bookings and a curb-side               opportunity for 5G Internet of Things and, by     what its future can and should be.
concierge for retail pickup and orders to go.3      2023, the automotive industry will become
                                                    the largest market for 5G IoT solutions,
Meanwhile, in the U.S., Fiat Chrysler               Gartner predicts.5
Automotive has introduced Uconnect
Market, a commerce platform that facilitates
services like ordering food conveniently,
finding the nearest gas station, or making
dinner reservations using the vehicle

Experience Reimagination
Automotive - From lost time to prime time:
Cars as an experience platform

Opportunities for reimagination                 space. In fact, just as the home’s role in an     Opportunities will also arise from OEMs
                                                array of our daily activities has grown, so too   partnering with third parties that are already
                                                will we see the car’s role extended. One-fifth    doing voice-activated services well in other
1. Car as extended                              of British motorists used their cars as a spare   sectors. The key will be not building bespoke,
living space                                    room over the first half of 2020, according to
                                                a Skoda study.11 Alternative uses ranged from
                                                                                                  siloed gardens that might limit future options
                                                                                                  while broadening the array of aspects of
                                                catching up on work to watching TV, taking a      daily life their customers can control from
                                                nap or creating a play space for kids.            inside their car.
Before the pandemic, consumers were
spending more time at home.7 Then, as we        Airo, a concept car from London-based             The question for OEMs, then, is: What new
were forced to engage with more of the          Heatherwick Studio for a Chinese-built green      products, services and experiences can they
external world from inside our personal         car, includes flexible interior features easily   create around the car’s new role as extended
spaces, this shift was further accelerated in   reconfigured to suit different needs. These       living space?
2020 by COVID-19.                               include a dining table and swivel chairs and
                                                reclining seats that can convert to a double
Today, the home is the place where most         bed.12
of our experiences in work, health and
play reside—not just for now, but for the       Voice-activated services—increasingly used
foreseeable future. Some 43% of people who      in a growing number of homes via smart
had never worked from home pre-COVID            speakers like Echo and Alexa—and the
now say their preferred working pattern         potential to integrate them more deeply
post-pandemic would involve working from        across home and car are important parts of
home at least once a week, our own research     this opportunity.
                                                Mercedes-Benz’s bespoke in-car voice
Among employers, there are now indications      technology system, Mercedes-Benz User
that many businesses may never go back          Experience (MBUX), is one of the most
to traditional ways of working. Unilever9       intelligent voice assistants on the road.13
and Nationwide10 are among those to have        MBUX is a concierge in the dashboard
recently confirmed plans to change post-        that caters to a wide range of driver and
pandemic working patterns.                      passenger needs. By leveraging a variety of
                                                biometric technologies, it also provides a
Our spending more time at home has given        new level of personalization and security that
our cars the chance to shine as an additional   are quickly accessed using voice.

Experience Reimagination
Automotive - From lost time to prime time:
Cars as an experience platform

                                             2. It’s game time                                3. Safe and sound
                                             Many have talked of the potential for a          For years, in-car safety has been about
                                             new world of in-car entertainment once           airbags, crumple zones and driver assistance
                                             autonomous cars become an everyday               systems. Then customers’ health and
                                             reality and drivers become passengers with       safety concerns changed as a result of the
                                             extra time on their hands.                       pandemic.

                                             But why wait? The in-car entertainment           Today, physical safety features remain just as
                                             experience is already ripe for reimagining.      important. But we’re now more likely to see
                                             There’s plenty of scope to create more           our cars as safety bubbles that can protect
                                             immersive experiences for passengers,            us from an invisible virus more effectively
                                             which is what Holoride is now doing.             than shared public transportation, for
                                             Holoride’s mission is to turn vehicles into
                                             moving theme parks.14 By combining real-         Chinese automaker Geely Auto, whose
                                             time vehicle data with XR, it offers a dynamic   parent company owns high-end brands
                                             backseat experience that matches every           Volvo Cars and Lotus, announced in February
                                             movement of the car to turn each ride into       2020 that in response to the coronavirus, its
                                             a thrill. By harnessing the data and idleness    forthcoming Icon electric SUV would feature
                                             at hand to create experiences ranging from       an N95-certified air purification system
                                             gaming to educational tours, it’s transforming   that could “isolate and eliminate harmful
                                             dead time into time well spent.                  elements in the cabin air,” including viruses.15

                                                                                              But what about beyond the pandemic? How
                                                                                              could OEMs evolve health and safety within
                                                                                              the car further and make it more enjoyable?
                                                                                              Smarter cars mean smoother rides and the
                                                                                              promise of relief from motion sickness. In
                                                                                              fact, advanced driver assistance vehicles
                                                                                              showed a 27% reduction in bodily injury claim
                                                                                              frequency and a 19% reduction in property
                                                                                              damage frequency, according to a report
                                                                                              from LexisNexis Risk Solutions.16

Experience Reimagination
Automotive - From lost time to prime time:
Cars as an experience platform

What automotive                                 2. Remember: 1 + 1 > 2

leaders can do next                             From fleets to app development and beyond,
                                                the key to future industry success lies in
                                                OEMs’ ability to form partnerships that
1. Empower autonomy                             supersede their past collaboration efforts.
                                                In a complex system of emerging tech, it’s
Autonomous vehicles will create many            only logical that companies look to third-
opportunities to connect to adjacent areas      party collaborators. While the past was about
like wellness, entertainment, and beyond.       secrecy, the trend toward multiparty systems
To prepare, OEMs need to actively               provides a shared data infrastructure
experiment in these spaces and start            to enhance trust, transparency and
understanding consumer needs in a much          collaboration—even among competitors.19
wider context than just getting from point
A to B. And they need to partner up across      The benefits of sharing data extend beyond
industries to make it happen—following the      outcomes and efficiencies. Sharing data
example set by the likes of Waymo or Cruise     also contributes to a more connected
for their development of self-driving cars.17   society and, in the case of advanced driver-
Toyota’s e-Palette self-driving vehicle was     assistance systems (ADAS), safer and more
developed with partners like Amazon and         satisfied consumers.
                                                3. Think big, act bigger
In the future, mobility needs to reach beyond
automotive partnerships: Think big.             It’s time to think bigger than the sale of a    is neatly demonstrated by Turo, which is
Imagine restaurants sending a car to pick       single car as a main objective.                 capitalizing on rental car companies slashing
you up for a truly door-to-door experience,                                                     their fleets during the pandemic with its app
dealers sending cars to your door for a         Nearly half of all drivers in a multicountry    that enables private car owners to rent out
test drive and many more multilayered           survey of 7,000 consumers said they would       their private vehicles.21
experiences.                                    consider giving up vehicle ownership in favor
                                                of autonomous mobility.20                       To keep customers in the future of
                                                                                                autonomous mobility, experimenting and
                                                OEMs need to fully commit to embracing          dabbling in ideas now isn’t enough. OEMs
                                                alternatives to the ownership model.            need to start positioning mobility services as
                                                The power of thinking big and acting bigger     a valid alternative to car ownership.

Experience Reimagination
Automotive - Software-defined vehicles:
From predictive personalization
to individualized interaction

                                          Software-defined vehicles:
                                          From predictive personalization
                                          to individualized interaction
                                          As OEMs shift their business     What’s going on

                                          model from product-focused       The automotive industry has pivoted
                                          to software services, business   from hardware creation to software
                                                                           optimization. Not so long ago, the car was
                                          is no longer “as usual.”         a feat of mechanical engineering. Today,
                                          Software-defined vehicles not    it’s a connected machine that has a lot
                                                                           in common with a consumer electronics
                                          only require new production      device.1
                                          approaches and ways of
                                          working, but also a paradigm     Car buyers no longer base their purchasing
                                                                           decisions on horsepower and unique seat
                                          shift in how drivers and         innovations. Instead, in-car technologies
                                          passengers experience vehicles   have become a primary consideration for
                                                                           consumers when buying a car, an Accenture
                                          and what they can do above       survey on connected vehicle solutions
                                          and beyond transportation.       shows.2

Experience Reimagination
Automotive - Software-defined vehicles:
From predictive personalization
to individualized interaction

Digital services are what matter. Some 59%        In China, now the world’s largest car market,
of buyers consider a car’s connectivity           Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporate
in their purchasing decisions—a huge              and Alibaba have a strategic alliance to
opportunity for the connected car industry.3      jointly manufacture cars with an internet
                                                  connection. Both Dongfeng and Changan
Empathetic car interiors are already a reality.   automobile manufacturers, meanwhile,
Such interiors respond to an individual’s         have technological agreements with Huawei
in-car experience and preferences using an        Technological Co. Ltd.5
array of sensors to pick up nonverbal as well
as verbal cues. But they don’t just enable an     In short, the industry has undergone a
enhanced in-car experience today; they also       fundamental shift, creating a desire for
pave the way for far greater personalization      new business models and new driving
in the near future.                               experiences based not on buying and selling
                                                  a car, but on mobility services.
New technologies have driven OEMs to              Never has it been more critical for OEMs to
rethink the way they design, manufacture          optimize their digital capabilities and plan for
and distribute cars from the ground up,           new connected automotive experiences and
across both the supply chain and the              the smart mobility services that lie ahead.
customer journey. They have increased
the availability and value of data, fueling
the evolution of a new generation of more
tailored and responsive propositions and

Meanwhile, the ability to update your car
over the air (OTA) is driving software-centric
OEMs such as Tesla—an early adopter of the
capacity to push OTA software updates to
its vehicles, which it first did in 2012—to the

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