The Artist Within - Christine Cassano

Page created by Samuel Warner
The Artist Within - Christine Cassano

                                                          SUMMER 2021


                                              The Artist
The Artist Within - Christine Cassano
The Artist Within - Christine Cassano
Cover art:
            SPR/SUM 2021


                                       The Artist Within .......................18
"Resonance" by featured artist,
Christine Cassano.

                                                           PRESIDENT’S LETTER ............................................................   2

                                  I N E V E RY I S S U E
                                                           CHAPTER NEWS .....................................................................4

                                                           MEDIA PARTNER NEWS ........................................................12

                                                           INDUSTRY PARTNER NEWS ...............................................14

                                                           STUDENT NEWS ..................................................................24

                                                           SPONSOR DIRECTORY ........................................................26

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                                                                                                               SPR/ SU M 2 0 2 1 D E SE RT DE SIG N 1
The Artist Within - Christine Cassano

                                                                                                 ☛            Join
                                                                                                              The Fun!

                                   Staying Positive
                                                                                                     SPR/SUM 2021

                                  t’s been a challenging year, yet we are staying positive
                                  through the pandemic, blessed that the design                  JUNE
                                  community is staying busy and thriving. Grateful for our
                               abundances, our sponsors, our industry partners, and your           Wednesday, June 23rd
                               continued support.                                                  0.1 CEU and Chapter Meeting
          As we look ahead, industry experts shared future insights on how the pandemic            Solstice Stone
       has illuminated the need for trust in data, people and physical spaces. As interior         5:30-7:30pm
       designers we serve as essential advisors, not only to respond to COVID-19, but
       more so to lead and activate health, safety, and welfare for all.
          As we move forward, let’s challenge ourselves to design with purpose, take
       action for positive change, embody the role of trusted advocates for people in              Thursday, July 15th
       the built environment – and inspire others to participate in the movement to                Collaborative and
       actualize excellence.
                                                                                                   Grand Opening Meeting
          As creatives, let’s color outside the lines, break out of old patterns in order to
                                                                                                   Central Arizona Supply Reserve
       see things in a new way. Sometimes we constrain our creativity when we box
       ourselves in. When we do this, we fail to see solutions outside of the status quo. If

       you have boxed yourself in... simply get rid of the box.

           • Let your mind be free to think what the human eye can comprehend.
                                                                                                   Wednesday, August 4th

          • The more you stay creative, experiment and dream, the more you can explore
                                                                                                   Virtual Roundtable
             the beauty in life.
                                                                                                   Friday, August 13th
           • Your greatest work of art will reflect all that is meaningful to you!
                                                                                                   Virtual Drive Thru
           • Let your life be a work of your heart.
                                                                                                   Saturday, August 21st
          Thanks to the poets, painters, writers, musicians and other artists as they are all
                                                                                                   The Design Excellence
       teachers and also healers of souls. They heal, nourish, alleviate soul's pains in a way
       no one else can do, and of course, they're not doing it alone. Their part is truly
                                                                                                   Awards Gala
       important, so treasure creative gems who share their gifts with generosity and love,        Renaissance Phoenix Downtown
       linking us to our own one of a kindness.
          I hope to see you all at the Gala, Saturday, August 21, 2021.
       With deep gratitude,
                                                                                                   Thursday, September 9th

       Paddy                                                                                       ASID Student & Emerging
                                                                                                   Professional Kick-Off

       Arizona North Chapter President

                                                                                                   Saturday, October 23rd
                                                                                                   ASID Student Charette

2 D E S E RT D ES I G N S P R / S U M 2021
The Artist Within - Christine Cassano

                                                                                                                                 2020 – 2021
                                                                                                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                       PO Box 36795
                     Phoenix AZ 85067                                                                               Originally from Virginia, Paddy has lived in Phoenix since
                                                                                   President                        high school. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in
                                                                                   PADDY RASMUSSEN                  Interior Design from The Art Institute. In 2016, Paddy
                                                                                         founded New Beginnings, a company that helps people
                                                                                   Allied ASID
                                                          move forward after loss.

      C O M M U N I C AT I O N S D I R E C T O R
          JANET JACKSON, Allied ASID                                                                                                       Membership Director
                                                                                                                                           CHRISTINE RHODES
                                                                                   President-elect                                         Industry Partner Rep,
                    Editorial Staff                                                JENNIFER BIFFER                                         Facings of America
                PAIGE LEWIS, Allied ASID                              Founder and President of Duneier Design,                Originally from southern California, Christine
                                                                      Jennifer has designed homes primarily in                moved to Arizona while still a child. She
               A S S I S TA N T E D I T O R                           New York and Scottsdale but also as far                 studied marketing at Phoenix College and
                                                                      reaching as Cairo, Egypt. Jennifer graduated            joined ASID as an industry partner rep in
             CHRISTINA DICKINSON, ASID                                from the New York School of Interior Design,            2015. Christine is the Communications
                                                                      earned her NCIDQ certification, and is a                Coordinator for Facings of America.
                    PROOFREADERS                                      professional member of ASID.
                 JEWELL BLAIR, Allied ASID
         BRENDA EMRICH, Industry Partner Rep
      MIRANDA GWILLIAM, Industry Partner Rep                                                                                               Professional Development Director
                                                                                   Finance Director                                        TERI SMITHERS
               JANET JACKSON, Allied ASID                                          SUJAYA REDDY,                                           ASID
                    CINDY LEWTON, ASID                                             Allied ASID                                   
                DEB RITCHIE, Administrator                                                                                    Teri is the lead designer and owner of TLS
                                                                      Sujaya worked in the information technology             Interior Design. Her goal is to design spaces
           F. CHRISTOPHER WEST, Allied ASID
                                                                      field prior to earning her degree in interior           that are functional, sustainable, aesthetically
                                                                      design at Mesa Community College. After                 beautiful and true to her design values. Teri
                                                                      working as an assistant designer for Pulte              loves to travel with her husband and family,
                                                                      Homes, she began her own business working               create with molten glass, and make unique
          RICK EMRICH, Marketing Rep for                              on remodeling projects.                                 pieces of jewelry.
            ASID Arizona North Chapter
                        Follow Us On                                               Communications Director
                                                                                   JANET JACKSON                                           Student Representative to the Board
                                                                                   Allied ASID                                             MARWAH ASAD
                                                                                                                 Student ASID
     Desert Design Magazine is published by the Arizona North                                                                    
     Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers            Janet has worked in the construction and
                                                                                                                              Marwah is an amazing student. She has
     (ASID). Editorial content and the Desert Design Magazine         design industries for over thirty years.
     title are controlled and owned by the Arizona North Chapter                                                              degrees in computer science, architectural
                                                                      She has held management positions with
     of ASID. Reproduction of this publication in whole or in part,                                                           technology and interior design. She is now a
                                                                      prestigious homebuilders in the Valley.
     in any form, is strictly prohibited without the written                                                                  junior in the NAU Interior Design BS program.
                                                                      She has degrees in accounting and interior
     permission of the Arizona North Chapter of ASID. The                                                                     Marwah also works as a Design Consultant at
     Arizona North Chapter of ASID assumes no responsibility
                                                                      design and holds a CPA license with the
                                                                                                                              Facings of America.
     for the validity of advertisers’ claims or statements made in    state of Arizona. Currently, she is Director of
     published items.                                                 Operations for Alliance Contracting.

  Do       Submission information                                                  Director at Large &
Miss n’t             for next
                                                                                   Industry Partner Liaison
 Date his Desert Design issue
                                                                                   KRISTIN BATSCHE
      !                                                                            Industry Partner Rep, Dal-Tile
        Submit Date: Sept 15, 2021
                                                                      Kristin has been in the tile business since
       Submit to:                                                     2000. She is excited to be joining Daltile and                                    thrilled to be a part of ASID and help connect
                                                                      industry partners with the design community.
       Topic:     Design Excellence Awards                           Kristin loves time with her daughter and to
                                                                      fish and kayak.

                                                                                                                                              SPR/ SU M 2 0 2 1 DE SE RT DE SIG N 3
The Artist Within - Christine Cassano

   ☛                   Do you have
                        to share?

                P L E A S E E M A I L TO
                                                                                                                                                           NCIDQ Study
                                                           DESIGN EXCELLENCE
                                                             AWARDS GALA

                                                      DRESSED TO                                                                                           Group Update
       Members in                                      THE NINES
       the News
                                                                                                                                                                    ver 40 ASID members
                                                             Saturday, August 21, 2021
                                                                   5:00 - 8:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                    across the US attended the
                                                               Renaissance Phoenix                                                                                  Arizona North Chapter
       • Thoma-Holec Design’s                                        Downtown
                                                                                                                                                           study group this past spring! ASID
       beautiful community, The                                                                                                                            Allied members from Texas, Florida,
       Colonnade in Surprise, AZ,                                                                                                                          Indiana, Nevada, and Connecticut
       received the Gold Award for                                                                                                                         joined members of both the North
       Best Assisted Living or Special                                                                                                                     and South Arizona Chapters via
       Needs Community from the                                                                                                                            Zoom as we poured through 100's
       National Association of Home                                                                                                                        of pages of material.
       Builders (NAHB) 55+ Housing                                                                                                                            The Spring 2021 exam marked
       Industry Council!                                                                                                                                   the first exam with expanded
                                                                                                                                                           code questions. As scoring was not
                                                                                                                                                           instantaneous this session, please let
                                                                                                                                                           us know if you sat, how you did, and
                                                                                                                                                           what you thought.
                                                                                         Linara Collection                                                    We are looking for guest speakers
                                                                                                                                                           to talk about their expertise:
                                                                                                                                                           acoustics, lighting, building

                                                                                                                                                           regulations and codes, mechanical
                                                                                                                                                           and electrical, project management,

       THE MOST
                                                                                                                                                           contracts, to name a few of the
                                                                                                                                                           competencies tested. If you know it,

       OF HOME
                                                                                                                                                           we need it!
                                                                                                                                                              The next study group will
                                                                                                                                                           commence in July. Please contact
                                                                                                                                                  to preregister
                                                                                                                                                           and/or share your knowledge.
                                                                                                                                                              Congratulations to Christina
                                                                                                             ©2021 Ferguson Enterprises LLC 0421 2683941

                                                                                                                                                           Dickinson, ASID, Susan Solliday,
                                                                                                                                                           ASID, and Amy Wenger, ASID, for
                                                                                                                                                           achieving professional status this year
                                                                                                                                                           by passing all three portions of the
                                                                                                                                                           exam, and Laura Pask, Allied ASID
                                                                                                                                                           for passing IDFX and IDPX!"


         Shop online or schedule a personalized
         appointment from the comfort of your
         home today at

4 D E S E RT D ES I G N S P R / S U M 2021
The Artist Within - Christine Cassano

  Acclaimed for its exquisite design and advanced
  technology, the Monogram Professional Range is
  redef ining luxury appliances one detail at a time.
                                 Elevate Everything.
The Artist Within - Christine Cassano

                                                                he past year has been incredibly challenging for everyone. As we move
                                                                into 2021, we are facing similar challenges but, as one of the most active
                                                                ASID chapters in the nation, we are finding ways to make it work. And
                                                         make it work, we are!!
                                                            We are continuing the Industry Partner Drive Thru Series until our
                                                         membership feels more comfortable being in a group setting at chapter meetings.
                                                         These Zoom presentations give us the opportunity to learn about our industry
                                                         partners and their businesses from the comfort of our home or office. Join us
                                                         as we present local and national guest speakers. Look for information about
                                                         upcoming presentations in The Buzz!

     MAR                                                                                                             Underfoot

                                   big thank you to Gary and Shelly Lester, Deanna Miekle and Stan Upitor! They were amazing hosts
                                   of our March DriveThru event. Shelly began by walking us through their huge showroom filled with
                                   everything you could imagine (or can’t even imagine!) for flooring and wall coverings.
                             Shelly introduced us to Garrett Leather, a family-owned company in Buffalo, NY. They import fine Italian
                          leathers, many of which are available with short lead times and great pricing.You can select full and half hides
                          for your projects. Their newest creation is "Nurtured by Nature" great for wall panels, headboards, etc. They offer
                          leather welting and wovens and leather bindings for rugs which can be fabricated for any rug in Underfoot’s
                          onsite workroom. Pressed leathers are also available. Amazing!
                             Underfoot offers the largest selection of wool carpet in the southwest. They have an infinite array of
                          broadloom carpet and rug options in all styles, colors, materials and budgets. They have 10,000-15,000 samples
                          on site! See a broadloom option that you really want to have as a rug? Gary can make that happen. Underfoot
                          has many outdoor options as well. Wide widths are available for large projects. They have woven vinyls that are
                          great for residential gyms and other uses. Their natural grasses and hair-on-hide options are customizable. If you
                          can dream it, they can make it happen!
                             Deanna discussed area rugs and their wide range of size availability. They are easy to view and arranged
                          by color and style. There are many wools, synthetics and natural products available.You can easily add borders
                          to your selections, backings and customized pads. Most of the rug options are in stock with short lead times.
                          Underfoot’s workroom provides an array of services to make creative designs and full customization so easy!
                             Stan discussed Underfoot’s hard surface products. They have a tremendous display of engineered wood
                          flooring-over 2000 samples. Underfoot works with a local company to provide herringbone or chevron patterns
                          for manufacturers who don’t offer those options. Their porcelain tile and natural stone options are incredible.
                          Large format selections are available. There are metal, wood and mirror details that can be added to any design.
                          Other materials include cork, rubber flooring for gyms, waterproof vinyls, bamboo, etc. They have many
                          companies who offer fully customizable sizes and colors for tile. Their wood-look plank tile selection is huge.
                          They offer mosaic tile for backsplashes, pool tile and laser cut tile that is gorgeous!
                             Check out Underfoot! Gary, Shelly, Deanna and Stan are knowledgeable, professional and so great to
                          work with.

6 D E S E RT D ES I G N S P R / S U M 2021
The Artist Within - Christine Cassano

                                          The Kintsu™ Bath Collection
                                          honors the rich heritage of wabi-
                                          sabi design with an exquisite motif

                                          of broken geometries.


               yet I N T R I C A T E .
               B R O K E N , yet
               P E R F E C T.

               APR                                                                                                           Arizona
                                                                                                                                        J. CARRO
                                                                                                                       Marketing Ideals Company

                       n Friday April 9th in partnership with Arizona North Chapter of ASID, Arizona Fireplaces had the
                       pleasure of hosting the March DriveThru event featuring Ross Morrison,VP-Marketing of Stellar
                       Hearth Products, an industry leader in creativity, advanced technology and one of the most extensive
               lines of luxury fireplaces available for both indoor and outdoor hearth projects.
                   Whether you are adding a grand single-sided fireplace to your room or using a multi-sided fireplace as a
               room divider to help break up an open concept layout, clients choose from seven different design configurations
               to identify the perfect fireplace for any living space. Beautiful fires demand to be seen and Stellar’s Galaxy
               Series provides taller viewing areas and more BTU’s of flame than any other in its class.
                   If Stellar Hearth Products is known for its innovation and design, Ross Morrison undoubtedly is the
               visionary behind the operation. Hailing from Minneapolis, MN, Ross’ sales career in the fireplace industry
               began in 1990. His in-depth knowledge, experience and creative mind took him straight to marketing with a
               position shift to Marketing & Product Development for a competing brand. He served as CMO for eight years
               before conceptualizing the Stellar Hearth brand in 2009, developing a presence in the gas fireplace market and
               serving a premium, affluent clientele.                                                                          continued on page 12

                                                                                                                      SPR/ SU M 2 0 2 1 D E SE RT DE SIG N 7
The Artist Within - Christine Cassano

                          The Power of Staying Connected
                             Throughout the winter and into spring, the Arizona North Chapter
                          hosted a monthly Roundtable Discussion over Zoom. These
                          roundtables are traditionally part of our monthly chapter meetings but
                          have been hosted separately over Zoom while we haven’t been able to
                          be together in person.

                      > FEBRUARY ROUNDTABLE
                          DEDE RADFORD, Allied ASID

                                  or our February event, Dede Radford, Allied ASID shared her vast knowledge of color with us. Dede
                                  just recently retired after a long career working in the world of paint. Here are some of the highlights of
                                  what we learned in Dede’s discussion:
                             • As designers are always using color, understanding tones and tints is a vital component of selecting
                          the right color for a project. There are so many undertones of color especially with grays and yellows and
                          understanding these is an important skill to develop.
                              • Paint is tinted using the RGB color space or RGB color system, this system constructs all the colors from
                          the combination of the Red, Green and Blue colors. Using this system there are 16,777,216 possible colors!
                          It’s no wonder selecting the perfect one is so hard. Luckily, professional paint tinters can mathematically match
                          colors from fabric samples or other swatches. For an easy resource check out
                          where you can match, compare or convert color data.
                             Dede also explained that there is a science to shadows and sunlight and how it affects color in the space,
                          be it morning, noon or night. Understanding how a color looks in a space in all kinds of light can help avoid
                          making a mistake when selecting a paint color and having to repaint. The one aspect of paint that many
                          designers fail to take into account is light reflective value and yet it is one of the most important things to
                          reference. There are many CEU’s on the subject available in the ASID Academy.

                      > MARCH ROUNDTABLE
                          Sherry Hauser, ASID
                          Past President, Arizona North Chapter

                                 irst of all, we would like to thank, Sherry Hauser, ASID for volunteering to help us as the Committee
                                 Chair for the Roundtable events. She has been lining up Past Presidents to share their expertise.
                                     Sherry herself hosted the Roundtable in March where she discussed client development. A few tips
                          she shared about building clientele are being involved in your community, perfecting a style or focusing on a
                          geographic area. She recommended that you can build exposure by being at your children’s events, generally
                          getting out and meeting people and old-fashioned networking. Some designers also specialize in a certain style
                          of design and sell their services focusing on that expertise. And of course, it can be helpful to stay focused in a
                          certain area of the valley in order to build a concentrated clientele.
                             It is important that once you develop your client base that you maintain it by meeting their needs and
                          exceeding their expectations then getting referral business based on consistently delivering excellence. If your
                          design is solution based, fast and efficient then you only have to please your clients.
                             Another way to attract clients is to do massive amounts of advertising and open a brick-and-mortar
                          design studio where you can meet with clients and other professionals. Regardless, if you go big to start or
                          not, developing strategic relationships around the Interior Design business with developers, architects, and
                          contractors will help you achieve referral business. Ultimately, what you want is referral business based on
                          excellent performance. Work toward being as good as you can be.

8 D E S E RT D ES I G N S P R / S UM 2021
14190 WEST VAN BUREN STREET                    MONDAY – FRIDAY
                                                                 GOODYEAR, ARIZONA 85338                       9AM TO 5PM
                                                                      623.535.7655                              SATURDAYS
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                                                                      ROC # 301973

    It’s important to showcase your work with professional photography to prove what you can do and have
 a presence with a website on social media. It’s fun to see how good it can look especially staging a recently
 completed project. Then entice the clients to purchase the items used in those photos as well.
    For Sherry, many of her clients have become her friends which makes working with them even more
 enjoyable. In her career she finds that every project is different, so every day is different too. As she does
 research on products for these new projects she shares her findings on her blog at so be sure to
 check out her helpful specifications.

 LuAnn Thoma-Holec, FASID
 Past President, Arizona North Chapter

       uAnn Thoma-Holec, FASID is the owner of Thoma-Holec Design, a national award-winning senior
       living design firm. She is known as an expert in the field of senior housing. She explained that to build a
       new senior living community from start to finish it takes almost three years. A remodel is normally six to
 twelve months.
    Due to the pandemic, senior living communities (SLCs) dropped in occupancy by 70% to 80%. In order to
 be profitable, they need stay at 90% occupancy. To help boost occupancy again, some have started to require
 employees be vaccinated. The growth market for senior living communities is Baby Boomers aged 55 and over,
 who are choosing SLCs for their parents based on their vicinity to their personal residences.
    Even before the pandemic, technology was becoming a major aspect of design in senior housing. These
 technologies can be used in wayfinding such as color changing signage and sensors under carpets among many
 other applications. These sensors can take residents’ temperatures to detect infection or sense if a resident’s gait
 has changed signaling a stroke or other physiological injury. In many SLCs, WIFI will be amped up to ensure
 connectivity in all rooms and all residents will have iPads and smart televisions to keep them entertained and in
 touch with family.
    Other fun facts LuAnn shared are stairways in senior living communities are not for the residents but for
 that “homey feel” yet only the staff and guests use them. Wall coverings are not used only for aesthetics but are
 made three dimensional to help hide acoustic systems behind art. Special touches LuAnn likes to include in her
 designs are fun and elaborate ceilings using clouds and other decorative elements.

                                                                                                          SPR/ SU M 2 0 2 1 DE SE RT DE SIG N 9

                         Interior Designer for Hire
                         Kick Off!

                                 ur signature program, Interior Designer for Hire (IDFH), kicked off to a great start this year in
                                 January. Our PR partner, Evolve Marketing, promoted the program through interviews, and articles
                                 were published across the Valley in local TV channels, newspapers, magazines and social media.Year after
                         year this program has continued to grow, and we look forward to the seasons ahead. IDFH has helped many
                         designers build their businesses over the years and we have touched countless lives, bringing them beautiful
                         designs and functional spaces. Profits from IDFH remain earmarked for student scholarships and educational
                         programs, including
                         funding of chapter
                         community efforts.
                            With the
                         concerns around
                         COVID-19 still
                         looming, we
                         reached almost 90%
                         of our projected
                         goal. While our
                         fundraising goals
                         were not met,
                         our campaign was
                         successful in the
                         promotion of our
                         design community
                         to the public. The
                         Interior Designer
                         For Hire Program

10 D E S E RT D ES I G N S P R / S UM 2021

is our big fundraiser for
the year, encouraging
designers to volunteer their
time to benefit student
education, the scholarship
fund, and to support our
charity, Stepping Stones
of Hope. SSOH provides
programming for grieving
families. Such exposure
increases the brand identity
of the Arizona North
Chapter of ASID and
ultimately, the value of your
ASID appellation.
    On behalf of the chapter,
we would like to extend
a heartfelt thank you to
all the designers who
contributed their time and
talents towards the IDFH

                                                               Visit Emser Tile’s™ showroom for more inspiration & full product lines!
                                                               2604 S. 38th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85034
                                                               5255 W. Phelps Road, Ste 3, Glendale, AZ 85306
                                                               15500 N. Greenway-Hayden Loop, Suite 1, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
                                                      | Photo Featuring Parkview™

                                ASID_AZPHX_quarter page_May 2021.indd 1                                                        5/10/21 10:49 AM
                                                                                                              SPR/ SU M 2 0 2 1 DE SE RT DE SIG N 11

       ASID Media
          Sponsor The Artist Within

                                                       rtists are magicians and I have always envied those that can take a brush to canvas, a
                                                       chisel to a piece of marble, a pen or pencil to a piece of paper and create an incredible
                                                       painting, sculpture or sketch seemingly out of nowhere. The ability to start from
                                              nothing and create something beautiful (or at least attention-getting) is a true gift and one that
                                              I have always admired. Mostly, because when I’m given a blank canvas, my lack of visual artistic
                                              skill becomes apparent pretty quickly. My creative talents lie elsewhere (some considered my
                                              athleticism on my college soccer field to be art, but I’ll let history decide).
                                                  For some, their creative art is highly visible with painters, photographers, graphic artists and
                                              others that create a vibrant world for everyone to appreciate. Of course, interior designers fall
                                              into that category, as well. I continually watch the artists of ASID who look at four blank walls
                                              and create art that people can live within every day. To create a room or an entire home to be
                                              appreciated by their owners, friends, and family for the years to come is a real talent - a talent
                                              that many people claim they have, but only a few truly do. As ASID members, you have elevated
                                              the artform and proven yourselves as true artists.
                                                  Art is something that unites everyone, and an interior designer often has a unique assignment
                LAUREN STURMAN                to integrate two individual’s styles into one cohesive work. Many times, the interior designer
                   Group Publisher            becomes a marriage counselor, negotiating and compromising between the two parties. I know
       Modern Luxury Scottsdale               that in my own house, there is a constant tension between differing styles and tastes (mine is
            Interiors Scottsdale              great and his is less great). A truly talented interior designer will know how to navigate those
                Scottsdale Art +              conflicts and ultimately create something beautiful that both parties can appreciate. I would
                   Gallery Guide
             Custom Publishing
                                              consider that artistry of an entirely different level.
                                                  I think it’s safe to say that if you’re reading this letter in this magazine you would consider
                                              yourself to be an artist, or at least, a creative.Your ability to conjure together something from
                                              nothing is nothing short of magic and I am excited to be watching you perform your magic
                                              shows year after year.

                                          April DriveThru continued from page 7

                                             Stellar Hearth grew quickly and as a result, was acquired by Hearth & Home Technologies.
                                          Hearth & Home Technologies (HHT) is an operating division of HNI Corporation. HNI is
                                          dedicated to delivering long-term value to its shareholders, exceeding customer expectations and
                                          being a responsible corporate citizen.
                                              Today, the company innovates and manufactures for the fireplace industry, earning recognition
                                          for their award-winning indoor and outdoor fireplace products alike.
                                             Experience the Stellar Galaxy, up close and personal only at Arizona Fireplaces’ showrooms.
                                          Two convenient locations serve designers, architects and builders, featuring a knowledgeable sales
                                          team and customer service division that is second to none! Keith Richardson is President of both
                                          Arizona Fireplaces and AF Distributors - industry leaders in retail and 2-step distribution centers
                                          that serve the southwest. These two companies represent the largest combined part of the family
                                          business. The other related companies include AF Steel (fabricators and installers of structural steel
                                          in metro Phoenix for large commercial and residential builders), Modern Flames (manufacturer
                                          and international brand of electric fireplaces), and Grand Canyon Gas logs (manufacturer of gas
                                          logs and burners).
                                             Learn more at Arizona View the Stellar Galaxy at either showroom.

12 D E S E RT D ES I G N S P R / S U M 2021
Introducing a new digital destination with coast-to-coast
   design expertise from the editors of Modern Luxury

       IP Spotlight


                                Jessica Gessler is the Director of Sales for Arizona Appliance & Home. She
                             has been in the industry for over 20 years and is proud to lead their tenured sales
                             team. They provide a consultative selling atmosphere where the team gets to know
                             their customers and help them build their dream kitchen. E.A. Thomas founded Arizona Appliance & Home
                             (previously Arizona Wholesale Supply Co.) in his early days as an appliance distributor, strapping MaytagTM
                             washing machines to his Pierce-Arrow car and driving them to ranches and farms, letting residents try out
                             the machines in-person. Today, they continue this tradition of hard work and excellent service with over 30
                             legacy brands including Sub-Zero/Wolf TM, Whirlpool, Perlick, GE, Thermador, LG, Blue Star, Monogram
                             and many others. They offer complete delivery and installation for all brands to ensure that appliances are
                             installed to the full manufacturer guidelines.You can visit them online or in-person at well-placed showrooms
                             in Scottsdale, Phoenix, and Tucson. For over 75 years, Arizona Appliance & Home has been the state’s premier
                             provider of appliances and more since 1944.


                                 In 1977, John Huarte started Arizona Tile with one small location in San
                             Diego. Forty-four years later, Arizona Tile has locations in eight western states
                             with more coming soon, making it one of the largest independent importers and
                             distributors of natural stone and porcelain/ceramic tile in the United States.
                                 Roland Arnold is an Outside Sales Representative for Arizona Tile (and past
                             board director for our chapter) and has been with the company for more than 23
                             years. He adheres to the Huarte family’s directive that, “no job is too small, every
                             customer is important.”
                                 Arizona Tile supplies tile, stone and quartz to production builders, commercial projects and custom
                             residential throughout the United States, but mainly focuses on the West. This regional concentration allows
                             them to maintain stock and the ability to move material quickly from one of their distribution centers to
                             where it is needed quickly. “We don’t think it’s boastful to say, that in our opinion, no one does this better,”
                             says Roland, “I think it’s because, we never lose sight of the final user, and that’s the homeowner.”
                                 Roland is also sure to keep his eyes on another important clientele, adding, “The design community,
                             especially in Arizona, caters to such a diverse clientele, and does it so well, we’re truly honored to be even a
                             small part of it, and always will be.” It is his goal to make Arizona Tile one of the most dependable suppliers
                             any designer can use.

14 D E S E RT D ES I G N S P R / S UM 2021

                                                                                     IP Spotlight


        Dal-Tile is the country’s leading manufacturer and distributor of
    high-quality porcelain, ceramic, glass, mosaic and stone tile, natural stone,
    quartz, installation product and more. For the team there, providing the
    best products and overall experience will always be a top priority. Their
    Commercial Architectural and Design and Residential/Builder Field
    Reps are happy to present the latest products from their brands and to
    assist you with specifying the correct products for your project. They
    have three locations in the Metropolitan Phoenix Area. Their Tempe and
    Scottsdale Showroom Design Consultants offer free design services and guidance for your design.
        Denise Bowser has been an Arizona Architectural/Design Rep for over 25 years, including the last
    15 years with Dal-Tile. She finds the construction industry fascinating. Denise is always amazed at the
    creativity, knowledge and collaboration involved in completing a beautiful and functional, commercial or
    residential project.
        Andrea Smith received an Interior Design Degree from the American Institute of Interior Design in
    2005. She started working on model homes for several builders and did residential design. She came to
    Daltile in 2015 as a consultant in their showroom and accepted a position as an A&D rep in 2017.
        Ryan Seifer has worked in hard-surface flooring for over a decade working in high end markets such as
    Chicago and Orange County, CA. He is now a Showroom Design Consultant. When not designing beautiful
    spaces, Ryan enjoys attending the theatre, live music, and hosting friends for “dive-in” movies.
        Meegan Gillett has been in the Dal-Tile family since 2011. She moved from the showroom into
    Architectural Sales where she quickly realized her talents fit best. Meegan will tell you: “I love what I do
    and am proud to work for a company that produces amazing trend setting, sustainable design solutions for
    architects and designers”.
        Diana Lubic is a Design Consultant and has been in the design and construction materials industry for
    over 21 years with a background in natural stone, stone veneer, paint and interior design. When not in the
    Scottsdale showroom, Diana enjoys hiking, reading, cooking and wine tasting.


       Described by her colleagues as highly organized and a skilled communicator,
    Paige Snodgrass has developed a unique perspective when it comes to working
    with customers as a Showroom Sales Consultant at Ferguson Enterprises.
       She is influenced by her background in opera and understands the importance
    of sensory experiences. Paige says, “During a remodel or build, homeowners are looking to create a new
    experience. Think about when you turn on the radio and you hear a song from when you were a teen.
    Memories come flooding back and it is almost like you are experiencing them again. Or sometimes, we turn
    on a piece of music so we can feel a certain way. It is the same thing in kitchen and bath product selection.
    Homeowners want products – appliances, fixtures and more – that recreate a feeling. They may not know
    how to describe the feeling in words. My job is to connect them to that feeling with products. It’s a highly
    consultative and hands-on experience.”
       Along with her in-depth knowledge gained from working directly with customers, she studied at Wheaton
    College and earned a degree from the University of Arizona. Additionally, Paige is a Certified Lighting
    Consultant (CLC) by the American Lighting Association.
       When not helping clients bring their visions to life, she enjoys running and soaking in scenic mountain views.

                                                                                       SPR/ SU M 2 0 2 1 DE SE RT DE SIG N 15

       IP Pinpoint

                                              Sherwin-Williams ®
                                                 The Sherwin-Williams Company was founded by Henry Sherwin and Edward
                                              Williams in Cleveland, OH in 1866. They operate over 4000 independent stores in the US
                                              and have operations in over 120 countries. Sherwin-Williams’ products have decorated the
                                              White House, Air Force One, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame,
                                              championship race cars, stadiums and the famous “Hollywood” sign in California.
                                                 As the Sherwin-Williams Company Senior Designer Account Executive, Laurie Clark
                                              supports the design community in Arizona, Las Vegas and Southern Utah. Laurie works
                                              directly with interior designers to support their efforts to learn about paint products and
                                              color. She frequently hosts informational seminars and CEU classes, including our annual
                                              Colormix Forecast events!
                                                 Today, the company is a global leader in the development, manufacture and sale of
                                              innovative coatings and related products.
                                                 Laurie started in the industry in 1985 and served as President of her school's Interior
                                              Design Student Chapter. Since then, she switched sides and found supporting the design
                                              industry to be her passion. She has worked with Sherwin-Williams since 2005 as the
                                              Senior Designer Account Executive supporting residential interior designers in the state of
                                              Arizona, Las Vegas, NV. and southern Utah.

                                              The Art Department
                                                 The Art Department has been serving the local Phoenix design community for over
                                              twenty-five years as “a prerequisite for art, design and framing.” For the past fourteen years,
                                              Terry Amerine has been the friendly face you can find designing art and framing packages
                                              in their Scottsdale Airpark showroom.
                                                 Terry’s experience in the business, however, has roots that run even deeper. As a graduate
                                              from Arizona State University with a BA in Art Education, he has been educating, learning
                                              and working in the industry for the past thirty-three years. His focus is staying on top of
                                              current design and framing trends and to help keep his clients aware of the newest offerings.
                                                 Alongside Terry, the staff at The Art Department has industry experience totaling almost
                                              100 years and it shows in the quality of craftsmanship in each and every framing project.
                                                 “I have been blessed to work with so many talented designers over the years” said Terry,
                                              “I cherish the relationships I have built over that time and I look forward to continuing to
                                              grow and serve this industry!”

16 D E S E RT D ES I G N S P R / S U M 2021
                                          • Sheryl L McCaleb,       • Savannah Ochaba,
                                             ASID                       Student ASID
                                          • Angela Saks, ASID       • Audrey Shearer,                 TO THE
Beth Zink Art
                                          • Greg K Holm,
                                             Allied ASID
                                                                        Student ASID
                                                                     • Alex Stark,
Beth Zink
(480) 980-3848
                                          • Denise F Israel,
                                                                        Student ASID          GR A DUAT ES
                                             Allied ASID             • Liana Sugarman,                                                                          • Nathan Everson
                                                                        Student ASID                       • Jacqueline Louise
Art                                          Santos, Allied ASID     • Brooke Torrenga,      • Rachel Frail
Local                                                                   Student ASID
                                          • Erin Martyn,                                     • Meghan Hiller
California Closets                           Educator Partner        • F Christopher West,
Robin Gulley                                 ASID                       Allied ASID           • Malinda Lawdahl
(480) 540-9338                            • Amna Alrefai,           • Arianna P Young,                           Student ASID               Student ASID          • Kaitlynn Tapaha Madsen
Custom Storage Solutions, Cabinetry       • Sonja Bochart,          • Mikelle Zimmerman,    • Danielle Smith
National                                     Student ASID               Student ASID
                                                                                              • Fayrooz Sweis
                                          • Emily Elizabeth
Luxury Floor Lamps LLC                       Cowan, Student ASID
Joey Wakefield                                                                                • Amber Tornaben
(888) 589-5267                            • Robyn Sue DeZego,
                                             Student ASID
                                                                     PROFESSIONAL             • F. Christopher West

                                                                     MEMBERS                  • Leslie D Galan,
Lighting/Accessories                         Student ASID
Local                                                                NEW
                                          • Elizabeth J Glucroft,
Mohawk Group                                 Student ASID            • Amy Wenger, ASID
Beth Chandler
                                          • Steffany Goldstein,
(404) 395-7453
                                             Student ASID               • Tiffany Marie James,
Flooring                                     Student ASID
                                          • Marisa Johnson,
RM Coco Décor Ltd                            Student ASID
Shelia Hendrickson                        • Junbeom Kim,
(573) 803-4965                               Student ASID
www.                        • Araya Hope Kuechler,
Textile; Upholstery; Decorative Details      Student ASID
National                                  • Kierra Marrero,                                   FIND
Two Hawks Design & Development
                                             Student ASID
                                                                                               A PRO
(480) 304-5049                            • Lexus Maud,                      Student ASID                                      DIRECTORY
                                          • Megan Mays,
                                             Student ASID
Waterstone Faucets                        • Chloe McQueen,                                    FIND
Jeff Maples
(602) 696-3168
                                             Student ASID
                                                                                               AN IP
                                          • Cerise Lisette Nida,
                                             Student ASID                                      DIRECTORY

                                                                                              SPR/ SU M 2 0 2 1 DE SE RT DE SIG N 17
The Artist
          L                             eann Fernald, Industry Partner of ASID, recently connected with the
                                        talented local artist Christine Cassano surrounded by her beautiful
                                        and thought awakening works exhibited at the Mesa Artspace
                                        Lofts in Mesa, Arizona. Cassano reminds us that art enhances our
                                        lives not only visually but emotionally and intellectually. Christine
                                        also invites us to consider the impact we have in the world and
                                        challenges us to use our power, intelligence and voice to make a
                                        positive difference.
18 D E S E RT D ES I G N S P R / S U M 2021
Impact and Connection
                              Art is expression, Design is solution. Impact and connection are powerful words, and you cannot have one
                          without the other. They are inherently linked, like art and design, and they serve to describe their respective
                          fields even as they illustrate their relationship to one another. Art inspires and Design solves problems. Art
                          in its broadest sense is a means of communication; an act of expression of feelings, thoughts or observations.
                                                                           Design is a process by which feelings, thoughts and observations
                                                                           are applied to achieve a specific outcome. Art and Design are
                                                                           instinctively interwoven in their desire to bring meaning and
                                                                           purpose to their audience.
                                                                               "Recursion", a recent solo exhibit by artist and curator
                                                                           Christine Cassano, explores and examines both impact and
                                                                           connection. Works in a variety of mediums bring sharply into
                                                                           focus how connected we are to one another, our planet and
                                                                           the cosmos beyond. "Recursion" by definition means return or
                                                                           repeated application of a recursive procedure, although the body
                                                                           of work in the gallery can be more aptly portrayed in the artist’s
                                                                               “My work explores connection, accumulation and
                                                                           convergence as a metaphor within our ecological, technological
                                                                           and cosmological systems. I investigate recursive patterns and
                                                                           connections between biological formations, technological patterns
                                                                           and aerial views of our industrial patterns and our inter-connected
  "Clear Cuts"

                                                                           universe. In my art practice, I often make use of inherent
                                                                           physical properties or materials in order to transform them into
                                                                           experimental mediums. Materials such as copper, glass, porcelain,

                          mirror, concrete, metal formations and
                          even my own hair as threading are utilized

                                                                                                                                                 The Conductive Cartography series
                          as a medium. My installations, sculptures,
                          sound pieces and 2D works are often
                          formed by layering, connecting, stacking,
                          tethering, and suspending materials
                          into accumulations. These arrangements
                          and relationships explore principals,
                                                                                                                                                 "Recursion" from

                          correspondences, and paradoxes of our
                          cultural progress while also offering new
                          considerations of emerging hybrid forms
                          and converging systems.”
                             Christine’s work serves as a witness
                          mark on the patterns of connection we as
                          humans have created, and the relationships
                          they have to the more ethereal patterns that exist. The influence of her family in aviation is apparent and
                          reinforces her expanded perspective. The work and careers of her father, a naval jet pilot, brother a marine corps
                          and commercial pilot and uncle, a veteran pilot astronaut for three of NASA’s space missions, have inspired
                          her to probe viewpoints from above as well as below, the macro and the micro. Intrigued by human patterns

20 D E S E RT D ES I G N S P R / S U M 2021
"The Rosetta Stone"

                                                                                                 on the earth’s surface and how circuitry
                                                                                                 and human marks work together, she
                                                                                                 has uncovered and captured how they
                                                                                                 mimic one another, creating function as
                                                                                                 well as something more indelible, a scar
                                                                                                 if you will. Employing satellite imagery
                                                                                                 and in-flight photography evidence of
                                                                                                 deforestation, fracking and urban sprawl
                                                                                                 emerge, drawing a correlation between
                                                                                                 the things we produce and the patterns
                                                                                                 that result. The hyper-connections on
                      view in her works “Moments in Cartography”, “Conductive Cartographies” and “Clear Cuts” underscore the
                      loop from cell to city - city to circuit - circuit to cell and back, all adding to the human impact on the earth.
                      Copper, a conduit, has been intentionally chosen in her work by virtue of its ubiquity in circuits that fuel our
                      technology, but also for its connection to the earth and the patterns caused by mining to extract it.
                         Art appreciation by and large, requires an audience. As an artist forced to shelter in place due to COVID 19,
                      for Christine, a more solitary and introspective view emerged. Her meditative drawings and sound sculptures
                      developed as means of maintaining mental stability. As the world was spiraling out of control and the chaotic
                      bombardment of pandemic, politics and civil unrest ensued, she used meditation to reach the eye of the storm.
                      Drawing from circuits called traces, she created a form of meditation in the hyper-connections. Focusing on

                                                                                                                             SPR/ SU M 2 0 2 1 DE SE RT DE SIG N 21
"Passage Procession"

     Cassano with "Porcelain Foramina"                "Recursion" exhibit created during
                                                      the isolation of Covid 19.

                                            "House of Cards"

22 D E S E RT D ES I G N S P R / SUM 2021
"Axioms & Accumulation"

the human marks as visual connection points, on the beauty of hyper-connections, in isolation it was a way
to focus on personal connections. Dot, line, dot, line. Creating these works became a sort of meditative prayer
and a way to stay balanced. The stunning result, a series called “Emergence”, is a richly layered grouping of
works that bespeak not confinement but the vast constellations. This series also directly connects the meditative
formations and materials within her sound and sculptural pieces in the exhibit. There is a dialogue within these
connections, a message, one that reminds us we are all connected to one
another, to the earth and to the universe. There is a guiding wisdom in
this message, a visual map connecting the past to present and our future.        Christine Cassano lives and creates
    How different our lives have become in this last year, how different         locally but also exhibits nationally and
our patterns have become. Design too has shifted; acute awareness of
                                                                                 internationally. She currently has her work
the way we live, work and play in our homes and the patterns that have
taken shape has come to the fore. A renewed emphasis on joy, health, and         on exhibit at the Tempe Center for the
equity, not just in our homes but in all spaces, to create a culture that        Arts and at G2 gallery in Santa Fe, New
supports greater wellness and collaboration. Charles Eames said “ Design         Mexico. Locally, you can find her public art
is a plan for arranging elements in such a way as to best accomplish a           installations at the Wexford Biomedical
particular purpose”. In design, our purpose is to be agents of change            Campus and the AC Hotel by Marriot in
and progress. Artists then, are the Sentinels, ever-present to light the way
                                                                                 downtown Phoenix. To find out more
forward or remind us where we’ve been.
                                                                                 about Christine’s work as an artist, visit her
                                                                                 website at

                                                                                                    SPR/ SU M 2 0 2 1 DE SE RT DE SIG N 23
✴                          ✺

    ✳                                ✺
                              Congratulations 2021 Graduates!
          ✳               Student Portfolio Review Event

                                  everal students took advantage of the newly-launched portfolio review event hosted by Villagio
                                  Tile and held by the Arizona North Chapter of ASID.Villagio Tile presented a safe and hygienic
                                  environment for students to present their portfolios to be critiqued and evaluated.
                              The event consisted of a 30-minute,
                          one-on-one, review of each student’s
                          portfolio presentation with an opportunity
                          to have feedback from additional design
                          professionals. It was exciting to see the
                          different approach each student took to
                          promote themselves, showcase their unique
                          talents, and highlight student achievements
                          and awards. In addition, they outlined their
                          proficiency in academic skills and their
                          professional resume as they seek employment
                          in the exciting world of interior design.
                              ASID Professionals present were Paddy

                                                                        ABOVE: Student, Danielle Smith; Designer, Wanda Fredrick
                                                                        LEFT: Student, Keri Filsinger; Designer, Esther Gonzales

                                                                       Rasmussen, Allied ASID; Jennifer Biffer, ASID; Susan
                                                                       Solliday, ASID; Teri Smithers, ASID; Esther Gonzalez, ASID;
                                                                       and Wanda Frederick, ASID.
                                                                          Two additional opportunities for a Student Portfolio Review
                                                                       will be available, Sat, Dec 4th and Sat, Apr 9th (locations, TBD)
                                                                       for all students wanting to receive immediate personal feedback.
                                                                       We look forward to meeting more students and emerging
                                                                       professionals who are excited to introduce and promote
                                                                       themselves through ASID.

24 D E S E RT D ES I G N S P R / S U M 2021

Student, Lani Webb; Designers, Jennifer Biffer & Susan Solliday

                                                    SPR/ SU M 2 0 2 1 DE SE RT DE SIG N 25
• DIAMOND •                       • BRONZE •                             • BRONZE •                    • BRONZE •                    • COPPER •

                                                  APPLIANCE & HOME
                                                          BY: ARIZONA WHOLESALE

                                          Arizona Appliance & Home
         Alyshaan                         Kim Walling                             Emser Tile                  Toto - Brizo                   Hunter Douglas
         Saeed Aslam                      520-400-4922                            Bill Trocki                 Paula Quan                     Kim Mergen
         480-607-4955                           602 263-8453                602-304-0001                   480 226-3147            

                 • MEDIA •                      • BRONZE •                              • BRONZE •                   • BRONZE •                    • COPPER •

         Modern Luxury Scottsdale/
         Interiors                        Arizona Tile                            Ferguson                     Sub Zero Wolf                 Image Craft
         Lauren Sturman                   Roland Arnold                           Nicole Levy                  Kelly Dobbins                 Christine Sterling
         209-642-3857                     480-893-9393                            602 300 6407                 480-536-5631                  602 305-4814       

                  • GOLD •                     • BRONZE •                              • BRONZE •                    • COPPER •                     • COPPER •

         Monogram                        Central Arizona Supply                   La-Z-Boy Home Furnishings    Arizona Fireplaces            Interior Essentials
         Deron Rensen                    Jeremy Smith                             Jennifer Chandos             Andy Doucett                  Johanna Kamenchuk
         480 297-3552                    602 943-3488                             602 426-5292                 602 243-6423                  480 478-8612    

                • S I LV E R •                 • BRONZE •                              • BRONZE •                    • COPPER •                    • COPPER •

         California Closets              Dacor                                    Premier Lighting             CFM Floors                    Monterrey Tile
         Janet Hutchinson                Ryan Gates                               Ken Ross                     Steve Apodaca                 Jeffrey Bennett
         623 434-8888                    480 670-1658                             480 699-3534                 602 563-8101                  480 507-3356     

                • S I LV E R •                  • BRONZE •                              • BRONZE •                   • COPPER •                    • COPPER •

         Expressions Home Gallery         Daltile                                 Solstice Stone              Estrella Cabinetry             Pella Windows and Doors
         Kristina Bedoe                   Denise Bowser                           Nicole Burke                Laura Eagan                    Patricia Frisoni
         480 219-4442                     480 443-1057                            480 493-2000                623 535-7655                   480 344-3280          

26 D E S E RT D ES I G N S P R / S U M 2021

    • COPPER •

                             Scottsdale Community College

RugWorx                              dapting to digital formats was by far the theme of this last year. I had
Scott Gwilliam
                                     one and a half semesters of classes in the Interior Design program under
602 350-4083                     my belt when classes went virtual last spring. Knowing that I wanted
                             to make the most of my time in college, I sought out any way possible to stay
                             connected in my program and in the local design community. Things like
    • COPPER •               assembling my final portfolio and serving as student body president of the
                             ASID chapter at Scottsdale Community College took on a different meaning
                             within a virtual context.
                                 As president of ASID at SCC, I felt passionately that student members
                             shouldn’t be missing out on any opportunities. Being involved with ASID as
                             a student provides a jump start on making industry connections and learning
                             about the local community. So, I worked at making this experience as seamless
Scottsdale Design District
Don Payne                    as possible by holding virtual events where we hosted designers and industry
480-421-0221 x206            partners to talk about an area of expertise. Each month during the semester,     students could log in and spend an hour engaging with professionals in the
                             community. We got to hear from recent SCC graduate Katie Simpson about her
    • COPPER •               experience graduating during the pandemic and landing her job for Mackenzie
                             Collier Interiors. Local designer Molly Beresford, Allied ASID reviewed space
                             planning, client programming, and project budgeting. SCC professor CJ Robb
                             went in depth about creating a standout digital portfolio. We were so fortunate
                             for the time these individuals spent sharing with us and answering our questions.
                                 Another area of the college experience that underwent a shift over the last
                             year was portfolio preparation. Upper-level students in the SCC program have
Villagio Tile & Stone        the experience of assembling and presenting our portfolios. The way we all
Doug Adamson
480 422-6700
                             do business has shifted- sometimes drastically- so making sure my portfolio               works under any context was a top priority. I took extra time to make sure
                             my portfolio would be able to stand alone as a digital presentation. This meant
                             revisiting past projects and developing out their scope to create a story that

                             could be told visually, even if I wasn’t physically present when my portfolio
                             was being reviewed. It was particularly exciting that I had the opportunity to
                             get critique from local professionals at the ASID portfolio review hosted by
Sponsor                      Villagio Tile. Esther Gonzalez, ASID of Italian Design Concepts went through
                             page by page and provided thoughtful feedback to elevate my portfolio. The

Directory                    event was invaluable, and it was great to see that we’re on track to having safe
                             in-person meet-ups in the design community.
                                 The student experience certainly shifted. However I feel like being engaged
  Our Sponsors               has meant more now than ever. In some ways, it’s become even easier to be
                             involved with events quite literally at our fingertips. Plus, the long hours on
           are               Zoom make the in-person opportunities that are beginning to pop up again feel
                             even more gratifying. The industry has proven itself to be quite resilient, and I
    exclusively              think we’ve all risen to the occasion.
                             KERI FILSINGER, Student ASID
         in the              Scottsdale Community College
                             Student Chapter President
  Desert Design

                                                                                                 SPR/ SU M 2 0 2 1 DE SE RT DE SIG N 27

                             IIDA Charette Winners
                                 CONGRATULATIONS!                                                      JUDGES                 ☛
                                    • Team 2 •
                                1st Place Winner
                                                               • Team 3 •
                                                           1st Place Winner                            NEEDED

                                                                                                Join the excitement and support our
                                                                                                student members by volunteering to join
                                                                                                our Charette panel of judges.

                                                                                                To volunteer, please email
                                                                                                or call
                                     Emilia                   Melissa                           602-569-8916
                                     Raines                  Sadowski
                                  ASU • 3rd Year             NAU • 3rd Year

                          Emerging Professional

                                  s we look forward to new beginnings in 2021, so too does ASID. As the new Professional Development
                                  Director, I am excited to be working with our emerging professionals. Our focus this year will be
                                  two-fold; to bring you quality programs and events and to create mentoring opportunities for all our
                          young designers. Over the next year I hope to speak to many of you, hear your stories and find out how our
                          chapter can better help you as you move forward in your design career. We are currently working on developing
                          some amazing programs and events for the 2021-22 year and we hope to see many of you as we safely start to
                          reemerge to a new normal. We want to provide programs and events that are important to you, so please don’t
                          hesitate to reach out to me or any board member with any thoughts or ideas you may have. I look forward to
                          meeting many of you and a year of new beginnings!

                          Student Affairs

                             t has been a tough year for all of our student members, but there is a light at the end of this long, dark tunnel.
                             As we all begin to emerge back into the world, we look forward to a new year with an array of opportunities.
                             We are in the process of planning events and activities for our students and are excited to bring you some
                          new things!
                             The Student Design Charette originally scheduled for March 2021 has been rescheduled for October 2021.
                          We decided to postpone this event until the fall in the hopes that we may be able to do an in-person event. We
                          are working through the details now, so stay tuned for additional information later in the summer.
                             We are also bringing back Real-World Design Week in the Spring of 2022. We hope to create other
                          opportunities for you to learn and grow in your design career. We are here to help you, so if you have thoughts
                          or ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Marwah Asad, Student Rep to the Board or any board member. We
                          are looking forward to a new and exciting year!
                          TERI SMITHERS, ASID
                          Director, Professional Development

28 D E S E RT D ES I G N S P R / S U M 2021
                            i n s p i r e d by pa s s i o n

8340 E. Raintree Dr | Suite B-9 | Scottsdale, AZ 85260
                Phone: 480.538.1288
DESERT DESIGN                                        PRSRT STD
P O Box 36795                                        U.S. Postage
Phoenix AZ 85067                                         PAID
                                                     Phoenix, AZ
                                                     Permit 5937

                                            KITCHEN | BATH

                          7550 East Greenway Road, Suite 110

   Discover Excellence.
Spr/Sum 2021 Industry Partner Directory
Alyshaan Fine Rugs                   American Leather
Saeed Aslam                          Regan Paluch
(480) 607-4955                       (720) 320-5005       
15125 N Hayden Rd Ste 110            4501 Mountain Creek Pkwy
Scottsdale AZ 85260-2548             Dallas TX 75236-4600
Local Member                         National Member

American Western Distribution        Antique Drapery Rod Co., Inc.
Richard Logan                        Jaclyn Carignan
(602) 272-6016                       (214) 653-1733             
1511 S 47th Ave Ste 400              1937 Irving Blvd Ste A
Phoenix AZ 85043-6113                Dallas TX 75207-6687
Local Member                         National Member

Ardy`s Gallery of Window Coverings   Arhaus Furniture
Kelli Enriquez                       Linde Perelli
(602) 276-2232                       (480) 789-3549               LPERELLI@ARHAUS.COM
3422 E Atlanta Ave Ste 103           4221 N 20th St Apt 7
Phoenix AZ 85040-2826                Phoenix AZ 85016-5452
Local Member                         National Member

Arizona Fireplaces                   Arizona Tile, LLC
Jackie Carro                         Renee Pomatto
(602) 343-1000                       (480) 991-3066
3435 E Atlanta Ave                   14700 N Hayden Rd
Phoenix AZ 85040-2846                Scottsdale AZ 85260-3465
Local Member                         National Member

Arizona Tile, LLC                    Arizona Tile, LLC
Lia Flores                           Meghan Wise
(480) 991-3066                       (480) 893-9393    
14700 N Hayden Rd                    8829 S Priest Dr
Scottsdale AZ 85260-3465             Tempe AZ 85284-1905
National Member                      National Member
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