The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement - FALL 2021 | Fully virtual event - HANYS

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The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement - FALL 2021 | Fully virtual event - HANYS
The Academy for
Healthcare Leadership
FALL 2021 | Fully virtual event
A partnership with Cornell External Education

 This educational activity is jointly provided by AXIS Medical Education and Healthcare Association of New York State.
The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement - FALL 2021 | Fully virtual event - HANYS
The Academy for Healthcare                                                                                   Virtual program dates
                                                                                                                    Sept. 12 – 14
       Leadership Advancement                                                                                       Opening sessions

                                                                                                                    Sept. 21 – Oct. 19
       FALL 2021 | Fully virtual event                                                                              Weekly webinars

                                                                                                                    Nov. 3 – 5
                                                                                                                    Closing sessions

     Who should
                                                                  The American healthcare system is experiencing unprecedented change, redefining how
                                                                  care is delivered. In this evolving environment, organizations need innovative leaders with
                                                                  strong decision-making skills, techniques and strategies to successfully evolve.

     attend                                                       To help healthcare organizations advance their leadership capabilities, HANYS and Cornell
                                                                  External Education are teaming up to offer The Academy for Healthcare Leadership
     Healthcare management professionals                          Advancement.
     seeking leadership advancement or
     recently assuming a leadership role,                         The Academy combines HANYS’ nationally recognized data analytics excellence and
     including:                                                   in-depth healthcare system knowledge with the executive education and business expertise
                                                                  of Cornell External Education — the organizational solutions entity of Cornell University, one
     • Quality management executives                              of the nation’s premiere universities and business schools.
     • Medical staff directors
                                                                  Through The Academy, healthcare professionals gain focused insight on currently pressing
     • Emergency department directors
                                                                  healthcare issues, data analytics and cutting-edge business leadership strategies. The
     • Nursing administrators                                     seven-week Cornell certificate virtual program provides healthcare professionals with the
     • Nursing directors                                          skills, knowledge and expertise to effectively lead their organizations in today’s complex and
     • Laboratory service directors                               changing healthcare environment.

     • Radiology service directors                                Redesigned to a fully virtual format, Academy participants are given many opportunities
     • Managed care directors                                     to exchange ideas and network with their colleagues in a variety of interactive and
     • Reimbursement directors                                    engaging sessions.

     • Planning and development professionals
                                                                  As fiscal, regulatory and quality pressures mount for healthcare providers, chief executives
     • Information technology professionals                       should consider The Academy as a key element of their organizational development and
     • Human resources professionals                              workforce planning for leaders.

     • Community health coordinators
     • Chief executive officers
     • Chief operating officers
     • Chief financial officers
     • Chief medical officers
     • Chief nursing officers                                     M. Beatrice Grause, RN, JD                    Elizabeth A. Mannix, PhD
                                                                  President                                     Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Management
     • Chief information officers                                 HANYS                                         SC Johnson Graduate School of Management,
                                                                                                                Cornell University

1   The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement | FALL 2021 | Virtual event                                       © 2021 Healthcare Association of New York State, Inc.
The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement - FALL 2021 | Fully virtual event - HANYS
Program Features
       The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement offers you the opportunity to:
           1                                   2                             3                          4                               5
          engage with a one-of-               develop a capstone         advance your                  develop leadership              network with peers
          a-kind curriculum that              project plan based on      professional career           skills that will                and colleagues from
          packages foundational               a real-time challenge;     by earning a program          help advance your               across the nation.
          leadership skills with                                         certificate from              organization’s
          targeted healthcare                                            Cornell University;           mission; and
          issues, delivered by
          world-class faculty;

       Learning Objectives
       Attendees of The Academy will gain knowledge and insight in the following areas:

       • identify best practices for clinicians and administrators in                 • identify key strategic issues in healthcare information
         healthcare organizations to motivate, engage and inspire;                      technology and risks and approaches to healthcare IT safety;

       • discuss smart collaborating, “leading alongside," decision-                  • describe how developing and investing in your workforce fulfills
         making and executing;                                                          an organization’s mission and drives positive patient outcomes;

       • plan how to get the best out of your direct reports, teams and               • review the critical thinking challenges faced by doctors, nurses
         peers in a variety of scenarios, including situations of conflict              and other healthcare decision makers, and provide frameworks
         and difference of opinion;                                                     for high quality strategic decision making;

       • analyze financial statements using real world healthcare                     • examine your personal tendencies in the face of conflict and
         examples and cases;                                                            examine effective strategies for engaging more effectively with
                                                                                        patients, clinicians, administrators and external providers;
       • define a business strategy and identify common traps in
         development and execution of that strategy;                                  • explore strategies employed by healthcare leaders to address
                                                                                        pressing issues while sustaining their organizations’ mission;
       • outline how marketing strategy and analysis can help reduce
         risk and improve hospital leader decision-making and                         • prepare a facility-specific action plan to improve patient
         implementation;                                                                satisfaction, reduce cost or enhance population health
                                                                                        initiatives; and
       • review the current healthcare landscape, quality and patient
         safety concepts and new payment models and their implications                • demonstrate the essentials of working collaboratively with a
         for those in leadership roles;                                                 cross-functional team within a clinical healthcare setting.

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The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement - FALL 2021 | Fully virtual event - HANYS
Opening virtual sessions | Sept. 12 – 14
          Sunday, Sept. 12                                                          Tuesday, Sept. 14
          10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (Lunch noon – 12:30 p.m.)                                9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
          Leading with Purpose                                                      Building Financial Acumen
          Elizabeth A. “Beta” Mannix, PhD, Ann Whitney Olin Professor               Non-CME/CNE-certified session
          of Management, SC Johnson Graduate School of Management,                  Drew David Pascarella, Associate Dean for MBA programs,
          Cornell University                                                        Rempe Wilson Distinguished Lecturer, Senior Lecturer of Finance,
          A growing body of evidence demonstrates that both individuals             SC Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University
          and organizations who operate in a genuinely purpose-driven               When you make decisions without financial skills you are unable
          manner have a sustained advantage. Purpose-driven leaders                 to evaluate the impact of your decisions on the well-being
          turn challenges into opportunities, are resilient and focused and         of the organization. All members of healthcare organizations
          lead with influence, confidence and humility. No one doubts               — administrative and clinical roles — must have a basic
          we are at an inflection point in healthcare with issues such as           understanding of the organization’s financial drivers. In the first
          physician and nurse burnout, time and performance pressures,              half of our session we’ll focus on understanding and analyzing
          fast-paced technological changes, increased telehealth                    financial statements. Participants will assess the financial state
          demands and patient-centricity at the forefront. Moving forward           of affairs of a healthcare business by reviewing and analyzing
          and taking on the challenges to thrive as leaders in the current          their income statement, cash flow and balance sheet. Then
          environment will take both vision and clarity.                            we’ll shift to understanding and estimating shareholder value.
          In this session, we will draw from work across the social                 Participants will be introduced to valuation methodologies and
          sciences to articulate each participant’s core values and                 will learn how to apply these techniques to estimate the value
          purpose, and link those to their impact on key performance                of a range of healthcare companies and to better understand
          outcomes across the organization. We will continue this work in           the key drivers behind that value.
          a second session when we connect leadership and purpose to
          how to motivate, engage and move others toward your vision.               12:30 – 1:15 p.m.

          Monday, Sept. 13                                                          1:15 – 1:45 p.m.
                                                                                    Capstone discussion/Orientation
          9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
          Competitive Strategy/Positioning for Success                              1:45 – 2:45 p.m.
          Non-CME/CNE-certified session                                             Making it Real: Positioning for Success
          Vrinda Kadiyali, PhD, Director of Graduate Studies, Field of              Steven I. Goldstein, Vice President, University of Rochester
          Management, Nicholas H. Noyes Professor of Management and                 Medical Center; President and Chief Executive Officer, Strong
          Professor of Marketing and Economics, SC Johnson Graduate                 Memorial Hospital and Highland Hospital; and President,
          School of Management, Cornell University                                  Long-term Care, University of Rochester Medical Center
          Hospitals and health systems face intense competitive                     As a result of federal and state healthcare reform initiatives,
          pressures in today’s environment. This session examines                   chief executives must grapple with the challenges of today’s
          business strategies for managing profitability, including in the          climate while taking steps to manage change. In New York,
          face of consolidation of various players. We’ll also learn lessons        that means leaders must operate in a highly regulated and
          from other industries that have faced similar issues.                     politically active environment, be conscious of issues ranging
                                                                                    from workforce to shifting reimbursement and maintain a
          12:30 – 1:15 p.m.                                                         positive operating margin — all while ensuring their facilities
          Lunch                                                                     deliver the best care to patients. This session will include
                                                                                    a candid assessment of the current healthcare landscape
          1:15 – 3 p.m.                                                             and challenges faced. Discussions will also cover leadership
          Fostering a Culture of Engagement and Belonging                           questions and strategies and what management teams can do
                                                                                    to keep healthcare provider institutions on a path to success.
          Elizabeth A. “Beta” Mannix, PhD
          How can we lead with clarity, focus and purpose? How can we
          motivate and engage our teams, drive toward results — yet also
          be open and empowering? Nowhere is this balance more critical                                   “This course provided a great opportunity
          than in healthcare, where collaborative, cross-functional teams                                 to learn from some of the most respected
          must learn to work together in order to achieve outstanding
          technical outcomes, a positive patient experience and efficient,                                and knowledgeable individuals in our
          affordable care. In this session, we’ll continue our work and                                   industry. Takeaways from this program can
          look at the power of balancing adaptation and accountability                   be applied to all healthcare settings. Well worth the time.”
          and present practical tools for fostering results-driven cultures
          of psychological safety, inclusion and belonging.
                                                                                         Marcia Chung, MD, General Surgeon
                                                                                         Carthage Area Hospital | Class of 2017

3   The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement | FALL 2021 | Virtual event                                © 2021 Healthcare Association of New York State, Inc.
The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement - FALL 2021 | Fully virtual event - HANYS
Weekly webinars | Sept. 21 – Oct. 19

       Tuesday, Sept. 21                                                 Thursday, Sept. 23
       3 – 5 p.m.                                                        3:30 – 5 p.m.
       Emerging Payment, Delivery and Coverage Models                    Quality and Patient Safety in a Dynamic Healthcare
       Evan Brooksby, MBA, Director, Policy Analysis and Special         Environment
       Projects, HANYS                                                   Colleen McVeigh, Senior Healthcare Informatics Analyst, HANYS
       Alyssa Dahl, Senior Director, Advanced Analytics, DataGen         Kathleen Rauch, RN, MSHQS, BSN, CPHQ, Vice President,
       Jeffrey Gold, Esq., Senior Vice President and Special Counsel,    Quality Advocacy, Research and Innovation, HANYS
       Insurance, Managed Care and Behavioral Health                     The changing political and payment landscape will
       Cara Henley, Senior Consultant, Health Management Associates      continue to impact how providers ensure high-quality
                                                                         care and patient safety. Numerous quality improvement,
       This session covers the transition to new value-based             measurement, pay-for-performance and public reporting
       payment models and how they impact the delivery of care           programs have placed an extraordinary demand on
       and design of coverage. Faculty will explain how both public      healthcare leaders to improve processes and change culture
       and private payers are incorporating accountable care, value-     to drive meaningful and sustainable improvement. In this
       based purchasing and bundled payments into their business         session, you will learn about quality improvement and
       models. They will also discuss what leaders need to know          patient safety concepts.
       to evaluate the opportunities and risks that a value-based
       model may present. As organizations participate in these new      Practical application of these concepts will also be
       arrangements, healthcare leaders need to understand how           explored, including best practices and maximizing data
       their financial success is directly related to positive quality   effectively and accurately.

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The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement - FALL 2021 | Fully virtual event - HANYS
Weekly webinars continued
         Tuesday, Sept. 28                                                          Tuesday, Oct. 5
         3:30 – 5 p.m.                                                              3:30 – 5 p.m.
         Healthcare Marketing and Planning                                          Disruption in Healthcare: Disrupting the Disruptors and
         Non-CME/CNE-certified session                                              Implications for Hospital Boards
         John Huppertz, PhD, Associate Professor, Clarkson University               Non-CME/CNE-certified session
         Capital Region Campus                                                      Maureen Swan, President and Owner, MedTrend, Inc.
         As consumers take a more active role in decision making,                   Apple. Google. CVS-Aetna. The reach of non-traditional players
         marketing becomes increasingly important for healthcare                    extends deeper into the healthcare space every day. This session
         organizations. This session will explore how healthcare                    will examine this trend and how boards and their CEOs can
         organizations can apply marketing concepts to address                      and should be thinking, questioning and strategizing about this
         issues around market potential, consumer choice, business                  significant challenge — and opportunity. Participants will also
         development and branding. You will also learn about                        look at hospitals that are proactively dealing with disruption
         organizational strategic planning, core organizational strategies          head-on.
         and using census, demographic and public health data to make
         sound, evidence-based decisions. By analyzing utilization,
         target markets and population patterns and trends, hospital
         leaders can improve decision making and implementation, and                Tuesday, Oct. 12
         reduce financial risk.
                                                                                    3:30 – 5 p.m.
                                                                                    Health Information Technology and Decision Support
                                                                                    Nancy Pratt, RN, MSN, Principal, Nancy Pratt Consulting
                                                                                    Rapid advances in technology coupled with high expectations
                                                                                    for healthcare providers to deliver safe, quality and efficient
                                                                                    patient care have created a complex and often confusing health
                                                                                    information technology. Technology-based goals for hospitals
                                                                                    often include improved patient care, privacy assurance,
                                                                                    improved efficiency, medical error prevention, meeting
                                                                                    government HIT requirements and enhanced communication
                                                                                    among healthcare professionals, consumers and organizations.
                                                                                    This session will sort through this complex issue and provide
                                                                                    HIT strategies that leaders can use.

                                                                                    Tuesday, Oct 19
                                                                                    3:30 – 5 p.m.
                                                                                    Team Member Growth and Development
                                                                                    Patti Adelman, Vice President, Center for Learning and
                                                                                    Innovation, Corporate University for Northwell Health and
                                                                                    Physician Leadership Institute
                                                                                    Esther Margalit, Senior Director, Career and Performance
                                                                                    Development, Northwell
                                                                                    Today’s ever-changing healthcare environment has a tremendous
                                                                                    impact on how healthcare organizations grow and develop
                                                                                    their workforce. Even amid the pandemic, growth, integrations,
                                                                                    affiliations and new reimbursement models all have workforce
                                                                                    Employees and their leaders are critical to fulfilling an
                                                                                    organization’s mission, and their willingness to continually
                                                                                    develop their knowledge, skills and roles is crucial to
                                                                                    organizational success.
                                                                                    Recognizing that decisions on workforce development can be
                                                                                    complicated, this session will offer insight on how a large health
                                                                                    system has swiftly responded to many of these challenges
                                                                                    and how investing in its workforce has resulted in ongoing
                                                                                    organizational development efforts and positive outcomes.

5   The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement | FALL 2021 | Virtual event                              © 2021 Healthcare Association of New York State, Inc.
The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement - FALL 2021 | Fully virtual event - HANYS
Closing virtual sessions | Nov. 3 – 5
       Wednesday, Nov. 3                                                    Thursday, Nov. 4
       9 a.m. – noon                                                        9 a.m. – noon
       Strategic Negotiation                                                The Critical Thinking Advantage
       Stephen Sauer PhD, Senior Lecturer, SC Johnson Graduate              Erica Dawson, PhD, Director, Nancy and Bob Selander
       School of Management, Cornell University                             Engineering Leadership Program, Cornell University
       Healthcare professionals must understand how to manage               Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are indispensable
       conflict. Physicians will need to have difficult conversations       to leadership success in all roles and all industries, including
       with insurance providers or patients, nurses must manage their       healthcare. Nurses are relied on constantly to use critical
       teams or clinicians from other departments, administrators may       thinking to interpret, analyze and evaluate information.
       find themselves negotiating internally or with external providers.   Likewise, individuals working in patient safety, quality, human
       Exceptional leaders must have exceptional negotiating skills.        resources, information technology and community health — all
       In this session, we will cover everything from understanding         require critical thinking as a core competency. Participants
       your Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA),             in this interactive session will identify the traits that the best
       to refining your aspirations in light of the other party’s needs     critical thinkers exhibit, explore some of the most significant
       and tactics. We will use interactive, real-world negotiation         obstacles to critical thinking success and, most importantly,
       simulations to enable participants to understand their personal      learn and practice implementing a framework for thinking
       tendencies in the face of conflict and learn how to manage their     and problem solving that helps organizations overcome those
       own bargaining strengths and weaknesses. We will discuss how         obstacles and produce well-reasoned, compelling solutions to
       to manage difficult people and handle manipulative tactics,          complex organizational challenges.
       focusing on examples within the healthcare setting, as well as
       when to walk away from a negotiation, and how to increase your       Noon – 1 p.m.
       likelihood of reaching the prized win-win solution.                  Working lunch – two sessions of capstone sharing
       Noon – 1 p.m.
       Working lunch – two sessions of capstone sharing                     1 – 3 p.m.
                                                                            The Critical Thinking Advantage - continued
       1 – 3 p.m.                                                           Building on our morning session, this afternoon session will
       Strategic Decision Making                                            focus on how to persuasively sell your critically thoughtful
                                                                            analysis to key organizational stakeholders.
       Elizabeth A. “Beta” Mannix, PhD
       Too often, rational people are tripped up by irrational decision
       making. Extensive research over the last 25 years has                Friday, Nov. 5
       demonstrated that even the most careful managers can fall
       prey to decision traps. Cognitive bias is especially prevalent in    9 – 11:30 a.m.
       healthcare, including diagnostic reasoning, treatment decisions      Conversations on Leadership and Wrap-up
       and medical decision making. Using real-world examples
       and in-class exercises, this session reveals common decision         José Acevedo, MD, MBA, President and Chief Executive Officer,
       biases and how to avoid them to create a framework for making        Finger Lakes Health
       rational, effective decisions.                                       John B. McCabe, MD, Professor/Chair Emeritus, Upstate Medical
                                                                            Kristen Mucitelli-Heath, Vice President, Population Health, St.
                                                                            Joseph’s Health – Regional Advocacy and Government Affairs, NY
                                                                            Joseph M. Tasse, FACHE, Interim Chief Executive Officer,
                                                                            Southwest Solutions
                                                                            During this session, participants will hear from hospital CEOs
                                                                            about the strategies they employ to address pressing issues. In
                                                                            this roundtable discussion, healthcare leaders and experts will
                                                                            explain how they sustain their organizations’ missions.

© 2021 Healthcare Association of New York State, Inc.                        The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement | FALL 2021 | Virtual event   6
The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement - FALL 2021 | Fully virtual event - HANYS
                              José Acevedo, MD, MBA                                    Committee for Quality Assurance Patient-Centered Medical Homes
                              President and Chief Executive Officer,                   and a practice-wide hypertension initiative that improved the control
                              Finger Lakes Health                                      of hypertension among patients from 68% to 90% — well above
                                                                                       the national average. He served as deputy director of the Center for
                            Dr. José Acevedo leads Finger Lakes Health, a
                                                                                       Health Systems Transformation — the organization leading the Albany
                            696-bed integrated health system serving four New
                                                                                       Medical Center DSRIP initiative.
                            York counties (Ontario, Seneca, Yates and Wayne).
         Acevedo became Finger Lakes Health’s first physician chief executive          Brooksby is a graduate of the Marriott School of Management
         in 2010 after having served as vice president of medical affairs, chief       at Brigham Young University. He earned his MBA in healthcare
         medical officer and executive vice president.                                 administration at Union Graduate College.
         Previously, he was at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn as
         director of clinical integration, director of hospitalist services and lead                      Alyssa Dahl
         hospitalist. He is fellowship trained in pulmonary/critical care and                             Senior Director, Advanced Analytics, DataGen
         completed his fellowship and residency at Maimonides Medical Center.                             Alyssa Dahl began working in healthcare
         Acevedo completed medical school at San Juan Bautista School of                                  quality and payment policy in 2012 at DataGen,
         Medicine in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and earned a Master of Business                               a subsidiary of HANYS. Dahl has experience
         Administration from the New York Institute of Technology. He is chair of                         conducting research and developing analyses
         Pandion Sourcing national board and serves as Pandion Optimization            around emerging payment models, comparative efficiency and
         Alliance regional board president. He has been a member of the HANYS          quality improvement. Dahl leads a team of 10 analysts and business
         board since 2016.                                                             intelligence developers deploying interactive data monitoring
                                                                                       platforms and creating custom analytic solutions to more than
                                                                                       50 organizations across the country. Before joining DataGen, she
                              Patti Adelman, EdD, MS Ed., MSW
                                                                                       interned at the New York State Department of Health in the Office
                              Vice President, Center for Learning and
                                                                                       of Health Systems Management on Certificate of Need redesign and
                              Innovation, Corporate University for Northwell
                                                                                       in the Legal Affairs Division on plaintiff enrollment into the Medical
                              Health and Physician Leadership Institute
                                                                                       Indemnity Fund.
                             Dr. Adelman is responsible for the assessment,
                                                                                       Dahl received a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry from
                             development, implementation and evaluation of
                                                                                       Loyola University Maryland and a Master of Public Health degree in
         organizational and leadership development activities for both clinical
                                                                                       epidemiology from the State University of New York at Albany.
         and non-clinical team members. In conjunction with senior leadership
         and organizational stakeholders, she plans appropriate interventions to
         grow organizational effectiveness.                                                               Erica Dawson, PhD
                                                                                                          Director, Nancy and Bob Selander Engineering
         Adelman helped to develop and implement the Physician Leadership
                                                                                                          Leadership Program, Cornell University
         Institute, growing it from one to more than 17 consistent programs.
                                                                                                          Erica Dawson lives by the motto comfort is
         Adelman graduated from the Chief Learning Officer Program, a
                                                                                                          overrated. She has pursued her passion for
         doctoral program at the University of Pennsylvania, where she
                                                                                                          growing courageous leaders for more than 12 years
         obtained her EdD. She obtained her master’s in education from the
                                                                                       and over six continents — teaching and learning from female pharma
         University of Pennsylvania and her master’s in social work from New
                                                                                       scientists, Buddhist monks and nuns, South American judges,
         York University. Adelman also holds a bachelor’s in psychology from
                                                                                       engineers and MBA students globally — on their quest to become
         the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
                                                                                       authentic, purpose-driven leaders. Her programs combine academic
                              Evan Brooksby, MBA                                       rigor, personal awareness and reflection and active experimentation
                                                                                       pushing personal limitations. She believes that people learn best
                              Director, Policy Analysis and Special Projects,
                                                                                       when they’re having fun, and if you never feel at least a little
                                                                                       uncomfortable, you’re not growing.
                            Evan Brooksby works on HANYS’ governmental
                                                                                       Dawson is the founding Nancy and Bob Selander director of Engineering
                            affairs advocacy and health policy priorities,
                                                                                       Leadership Programs at Cornell’s College of Engineering. Between
                            particularly those related to workforce, payment
                                                                                       earning a PhD in social psychology from Cornell in 2003 and returning
         reform and population health. He also serves as chairman of the board
                                                                                       in 2012, she was a professor at the Yale School of Management. She
         of directors at Hometown Health Centers.
                                                                                       also served as the founding executive director of the US-Israel Center for
         Before joining HANYS in 2016, Brooksby worked on numerous special             Innovation and Economic Sustainability at UC-San Diego’s Rady School
         projects at Albany Medical Center including the delivery system reform        of Business, with a mission to foster international collaboration on
         incentive payment program, faculty practice certification as National         entrepreneurial and growth-oriented social and tech ventures.

7   The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement | FALL 2021 | Virtual event                                     © 2021 Healthcare Association of New York State, Inc.
The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement - FALL 2021 | Fully virtual event - HANYS
Other areas of expertise include negotiation, women’s leadership,            Regional Healthcare Association. He also holds a joint appointment
       decision making, diversity and inclusion, organizational culture,            as professor in public health sciences for the University of Rochester
       leadership presence and communication and change leadership.                 School of Medicine and Dentistry and professor of clinical nursing for
                                                                                    the University of Rochester School of Nursing.
                             Jeffrey Gold, Esq.                                     Goldstein is a diplomat of the American College of Healthcare Executives
                             Senior Vice President and Special Counsel,             and received his master’s degree from the St. Louis University Graduate
                             Insurance, Managed Care and Behavioral Health,         School of Hospital and Health Care Administration and his bachelor's
                             HANYS                                                  degree from Utica College of Syracuse University.
                         Jeffrey Gold works with the payer community,
                         state and federal regulators and New York state                               Cara Henley
       government to address provider issues. He has drafted, negotiated                               Senior Consultant, Health Management
       and helped secure major packages of managed care reform legislation                             Associates
       that impact external appeals, administrative denials, claims                                    A policy expert in insurance, managed care and
       processing and payer practices. He designed HANYS’ highly regarded                              value-based purchasing, Cara Henley provides
       Strategies, Weapons and Tactics programs and coaches hospitals on                               leadership and guidance to clients on contracting,
       denials management and contract negotiation strategies.                                         strategic planning, implementation and policy.
       Before joining HANYS, Gold was special counsel for healthcare to the         She offers clients detailed knowledge of the marketplace and policy-
       New York State Attorney General. He served four attorneys general            making environment. Before joining Health Management Associates,
       in New York and was the founding bureau chief of New York’s Health           Henley spent more than eight years with HANYS. Prior to that, she
       Care Bureau in 1997. Gold developed his managed care background              worked for the New York State Senate and various law practices.
       as a result of overseeing units of the attorney general’s office at Helen    Henley provides healthcare organizations and other related
       Hayes Hospital, Roswell Park Cancer Institute and the State University       entities with operational and financial support, including strategic
       of New York Medical Centers. Before that he worked at two private law        planning, assistance with mergers and affiliations, contracting and
       firms in New York City with a focus on civil litigation.                     reimbursement assistance with particular emphasis on adoption of
       Gold has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania and         value-based payment, assistance with regulatory compliance and
       a Juris Doctor degree from Brooklyn Law School.                              overall market intelligence. A frequent speaker on topics related to
                                                                                    reimbursement, managed care, health reform and policy changes, Henley
                             Steven I. Goldstein                                    facilitates education sessions in diverse healthcare settings for both
                             Vice President, University of Rochester                small and large teams, including on complex topics for clinical teams
                             Medical Center                                         and boards of trustees.
                             President and Chief Executive Officer, Strong
                             Memorial Hospital and Highland Hospital                                   John Huppertz, PhD
                             President, Long-term Care, University of                                  Associate Professor, Clarkson University Capital
                             Rochester Medical Center                                                  Region Campus
       Before assuming his position at Strong Memorial and Highland hospitals,                         Dr. John Huppertz is associate professor and chair
       Steven Goldstein served as president of Rochester General Hospital;                             of the MBA program in healthcare management at
       acting president of The Children's Medical Center, Dayton, Ohio; assistant                      the Capital Region campus of Clarkson University.
       administrator of the University of Nebraska Hospitals and Clinics; and                          Before joining Clarkson, Dr. Huppertz was
       administrator of the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute in Omaha.                managing partner, marketing and research services at Eric Mower and
       Goldstein was recently reappointed to the Accreditation Council of           Associates, where he conducted marketing research and served as a
       Graduate Medical Education, the American Hospital Association’s              strategic marketing consultant for clients in a variety of industries.
       committee on clinical leadership and ACGME’s board executive                 His research interests focus on customer satisfaction, patient
       committee. He recently completed a three-year term on the AHA’s              experience, marketing effectiveness, healthcare advertising and the
       board of directors. During his term on the AHA board, he served as           impact of social media on healthcare. His research has been published
       chairman of the AHA regional policy board 2, was the board liaison           in leading marketing and healthcare journals including Health Services
       to the section for long-term care and rehabilitation and served as a         Research, Journal of Healthcare Management, Journal of Marketing
       member of the AHA committee on research and the AHA committee                Research and Journal of Retailing.
       on health reform. He is a past chairman of the HANYS board of                Dr. Huppertz is a visiting professor of healthcare marketing at IESEG
       trustees. Goldstein has served on numerous boards of directors and           School of Management at Lille Catholic University in Paris and Lille,
       committees, including Highland Hospital of Rochester, University of          France. He received his bachelor’s degree from Xavier University in
       Rochester Medical Center, UR Medicine Home Care and Rochester                Cincinnati and his doctorate from Syracuse University.

© 2021 Healthcare Association of New York State, Inc.                                 The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement | FALL 2021 | Virtual event   8
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                              Vrinda Kadiyali, PhD                                                      John B. McCabe, MD
                              Director of Graduate Studies, Field of                                    Professor/Chair Emeritus, Upstate Medical
                              Management, Nicholas H. Noyes Professor of                                University
                              Management and Professor of Marketing and                                 Dr. John McCabe served as CEO of Upstate Medical
                              Economics, SC Johnson Graduate School of                                  University from 2009 to 2017. McCabe received
                              Management, Cornell University                                            his medical degree from Upstate Medical College
                            Vrinda Kadiyali’s research is on firms' competitive                         of Medicine in 1979 and completed a residency in
         strategies. She has been published in leading marketing and economics       emergency medicine at the Wright State University School of Medicine.
         journals, such as Marketing Science, Management Science, Rand Journal       He joined Wright as an assistant and then associate professor of
         of Economics and Journal of Econometrics. She has served on editorial       emergency medicine, where he developed a research program and
         boards and refereed for several leading marketing and economics             laboratory for emergency medicine.
         journals and organizations.                                                 In 1987, McCabe joined Upstate Medical University as the associate
         Kadiyali currently teaches business strategy core in various programs       director of critical care and emergency medicine and went on to
         at the SC Johnson Graduate School of Management. Previously, she            became the founding chair of the department of emergency medicine.
         taught courses on internet marketing, channels of distribution and          He was instrumental in developing the residency program in
         marketing models, as well as PhD courses.                                   emergency medicine at Upstate.
                                                                                     McCabe served as vice president and vice dean for clinical affairs,
                              Elizabeth A. “Beta” Mannix, PhD                        and in 2009, after serving as chair of the department of emergency
                                                                                     medicine, he was appointed CEO. He served as president of the Ohio
                              Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Management,
                              SC Johnson Graduate School of Management,              Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians and held all
                              Cornell University                                     offices in the national American Colleges of Emergency Physicians,
                                                                                     including president. He served as a trustee of the American Board
                             Mannix’s research and teaching focuses on effective
                                                                                     of Emergency Medicine and held all offices within the organization,
                             organizational performance and the factors that
                                                                                     including president of the board. He was elected to the board of directors
                             make individuals motivated, high-performing
                                                                                     and Executive Committee of the American Board of Medical Specialties,
         leaders and team members. Her work concentrates on principled
                                                                                     and served as board chair. McCabe currently holds certification with the
         leadership, creating environments of belonging and inclusion, leading
                                                                                     American Board of Emergency Medicine.
         high-performance teams and sustainable organizational change.
         Mannix served as the associate dean for executive MBA programs
                                                                                                        Colleen McVeigh
         at the SC Johnson College of Business, as well as the director of
         the Institute for the Social Sciences, and the vice provost for Equity                         Senior Healthcare Informatics Analyst, HANYS
         and Inclusion at Cornell University. She is the recipient of Johnson’s                          Colleen McVeigh works on the data informatics
         inaugural EMBA Globe teaching award and the Faculty Research                                    team at HANYS, producing analytics to support
         Award. Mannix is a fellow of the American Psychological Society,                                members and various divisions within the
         Society for Organizational Behavior and Academy of Management. She                              organization. She focuses on quality improvement
         is the author of over 75 articles and books, and her consulting and                             and data analytics. She received her Bachelor’s of
         executive education reaches executives and major corporations across        Business Administration degree in technology management from the
         the globe, working across industries including healthcare, technology,      State University of New York at Cobleskill and her Master’s of Business
         government and consumer products.                                           Administration degree in healthcare administration from Union
                                                                                     Graduate College.
                              Esther Margalit
                              Senior Director, Career and Performance                                   Kristen Mucitelli-Heath
                              Development, Northwell Health                                             Vice President, Population Health, St. Joseph’s
                                                                                                        Health – Regional Advocacy and Government
                              Margalit has spent her career devoted to individual,
                                                                                                        Affairs, NY
                              team and organizational development.
                                                                                                         Kristen Mucitelli-Heath’s responsibilities at
                             She has a master’s in industrial/organizational
                                                                                                         St. Joseph’s Health include overseeing system
         psychology and began her career as a management consultant at E. Rogers
                                                                                                         population health management strategy and
         Associates. She then moved to PepsiCo organization and management
                                                                                     design; participation in value-based payment models and Medicaid
         development, focusing on research and development and global
                                                                                     value-based payment; and innovation and facilitation of regional
         concentrate. Previously, she led North America talent management for
                                                                                     system development and affiliations, including the startup of a
         Avon Products, Inc. and learning and development for Consumer Reports.
                                                                                     multi-region Upstate New York Super-CIN. She also leads government

9   The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement | FALL 2021 | Virtual event                                   © 2021 Healthcare Association of New York State, Inc.
relations strategy and advocacy in New York state for St. Joseph’s                               Nancy Pratt, RN, MSN
       Health and St. Peter's Health Partners.                                                          Principal, Nancy Pratt Consulting
       Before her ten years at St. Joseph’s, Mucitelli-Heath led a policy                                A healthcare industry veteran with a focus on
       caucus in the New York State Senate, served as chief of staff to two                              driving operational improvement and effective
       commissioners at Empire State Development Corporation and served                                  information technology strategies, Nancy Pratt is
       two New York state governors in various roles. She also served as an                              now spearheading the next generation of innovation
       executive on loan to develop the regional Performing Provider System                              as senior vice president, clinical product design,
       under the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment program.                  at Clinicomp, Intl. Pratt is committed to transforming healthcare by
       Mucitelli-Heath serves on the boards of the St. Joseph’s clinically          optimizing operational effectiveness, product development and patient
       integrated network, Rome Memorial Hospital, PACE of Central New York,        safety both internally and with clients and patients.
       the Concordia Healthcare Network Super CIN and the Plaza Corporation.        An American Society of Quality Certified Six Sigma Black Belt, she
                                                                                    recently served as chief operating officer for AirStrip, a mobile healthcare
                             Drew David Pascarella                                  information technology company. She previously served as senior vice
                                                                                    president, chief quality and safety officer, at St. Joseph Health and
                             Associate Dean for MBA Programs, Rempe
                                                                                    as senior vice president, clinical effectiveness, at Sharp HealthCare
                             Wilson Distinguished Lecturer and Senior
                             Lecturer of Finance                                    in San Diego and led the initiative that resulted in Sharp HealthCare
                                                                                    receiving the 2007 National Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award.
                             SC Johnson Graduate School of Management,
                             Cornell University                                     An experienced manager in cardiovascular care and trauma,
                                                                                    Pratt has more than 20 years of experience as a critical care
                           As associate dean for MBA programs, Drew
                                                                                    nurse in a variety of settings. A retired U.S. Naval Reserve
       Pascarella is responsible for curriculum, admissions, placement, student
                                                                                    Lieutenant Commander, she began her career in the Nurse
       services, leadership programs and diversity and inclusion initiatives for
                                                                                    Corps and led cardiovascular and trauma operating areas at the
       Johnson’s residential MBA programs. He also leads Investment Banking
                                                                                    Medical University of South Carolina and Sentara Health Care.
       Immersion at Johnson.
       Pascarella founded Johnson’s Fintech Intensive, delivered at the Cornell
       Tech campus each spring. In addition, he has taught core finance,                                Kathleen Rauch, RN, MSHQS, BSN, CPHQ
       mergers and acquisitions, investment banking essentials and lectures in                          Vice President, Quality Advocacy, Research and
       finance. He is also heavily involved with executive education initiatives,                       Innovation and Post-acute and Continuing Care,
       working with global corporate clients on finance hard skills and Fintech                         HANYS
       training. He was the 2014 recipient of the Class of 1992 Apple Award for                    Kathleen Rauch has more than 20 years of experience
       Teaching Excellence.                                                                        in healthcare quality, patient safety and regulatory
       Prior to his arrival at Johnson, Pascarella spent 15 years working                          and accreditation compliance. Working in the acute
       at bulge bracket investment banks. He has advised clients on over       care setting, she has served as a lead on initiatives for adopting the Just
       $35 billion of merger and acquisition transactions and led equity,      Culture methodology, achieving zero preventable harm and implementing
       convertible and debt financing transactions totaling over $9 billion in strategies to improve performance on value-based payment programs.
       proceeds. Most recently, Pascarella was a director in the Technology    Rauch has been published in the Journal of Healthcare Quality and has
       Investment Banking group at Citi. Notable transactions include the      served as a presenter at regional conferences where she has shared
       formation of Nokia Siemens Networks, Nokia’s $8.1 billion acquisition   readmission reduction strategies. As vice president of HANYS’ Quality
       of NAVTEQ and associated €1.75 billion debt IPO, Andrew Corporation’s Advocacy, Research and Innovation division, Rauch provides strategic
       $2.6 billion sale to Commscope, Lucent’s $1.62 billion convertible bond direction, planning, coordination and oversight for development and
       offering and the sale of multiple private businesses to Cisco. While at execution of HANYS’ quality and patient safety agenda. She oversees
       Citi, Pascarella was an active participant in the Investment Banking    numerous quality improvement grant projects, directs the formulation
       Associate Training Program, developing and delivering hard and          of advocacy and education strategies for HANYS’ quality agenda,
       soft skills courses. Prior to joining Citi, he was a technology project collaborates with HANYS’ members, advocates on their behalf with
       manager at Goldman Sachs, where he led the design, development,         regulators and policymakers and develops collaboratives and other
       implementation and support of global trading technology systems.        educational resources. She holds a Master of Science degree in
       In addition to his duties at Johnson, Pascarella is managing director   healthcare quality and safety from Thomas Jefferson University.
       and head of East Coast Banking at Vista Point Advisors. Pascarella
       holds an MBA from Cornell University and a BBA in computer
       information systems from James Madison University. He was the class
       co-president and a Fried Fellow at Cornell.

© 2021 Healthcare Association of New York State, Inc.                                  The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement | FALL 2021 | Virtual event   10
                               Stephen Sauer, PhD                                                          Joseph M. Tasse, FACHE
                               Senior Lecturer, SC Johnson Graduate School of                              Interim Chief Executive Officer, Southwest
                               Management, Cornell University                                              Solutions
                             Stephen Sauer’s research and teaching focus                                   Joseph Tasse, FACHE specializes in hospital and
                             on issues of leadership, team processes,                                      nonprofit financial recovery and CEO assignments.
                             entrepreneurship, and status and diversity in
                                                                                                           During the height of the pandemic, he served as the
                             management. His work has been published in
                                                                                       interim CEO of Southwest Solutions, an integrated community services
          a number of academic journals, including Leadership Quarterly,
                                                                                       organization that provides housing, homelessness support, job training
          Organization Science, Journal of Applied Psychology and Human
                                                                                       and mental health counseling. He led the organization to the successful
          Resource Management. His research has also been featured in a variety
                                                                                       attainment of a CCBHC Award by SAMHSA and an 18-month recovery
          of mainstream media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, Harvard
                                                                                       from a significant operating loss to profitability along with restructuring
          Business Review, and USA Today, among others.
                                                                                       the governance of its four 501(c)(3) corporations.
          Sauer’s teaching experience includes courses in leadership, strategy,
                                                                                       Previously, Tasse served in interim CEO roles for hospitals in Ohio and
          negotiations and organizational behavior at both the undergraduate
                                                                                       Colorado. He is also an executive consultant with Custom Learning
          and graduate levels. He has extensive experience leading executive
                                                                                       Systems, assisting healthcare providers with improving patient and
          education workshops and seminars for a number of major corporations.
                                                                                       client satisfaction, employee engagement, HCAHPS scores and LEAN
          He is also an entrepreneur in residence at Cornell’s Center for Regional
                                                                                       process improvement. He is currently serving as an executive-in-
          Economic Advancement and Rev: Ithaca Startup Works and is a member
                                                                                       residence for the Executive Masters in Health Administration Program
          of the teaching team for the NSF Innovation Corps national program.
                                                                                       at Cornell University and had served in a two-year assignment as an
          Sauer graduated with a Doctorate in management and organizational            executive-in-residence for the Sloan Program in Health Administration
          behavior from Cornell University, where he also earned an MBA and a          at Cornell. He served as president of the Ambulatory Network for
          master’s in business and policy administration. He also holds a bachelor’s   the St. John Providence Health System, now called Ascension Health
          degree in aeronautical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.    Michigan. His previous roles included president of St. John Macomb-
          Prior to embarking on an academic career, he worked as an organizational     Oakland Hospital, formed with the merger of two hospitals that
          change consultant and as a plant manager, after serving for seven years      he led as the hospital president. Prior to that, he served as chief
          as an armored cavalry officer in the US Army.                                administrative officer of Beaumont Hospital and was senior associate
                                                                                       administrator of clinical and professional services at the University of
                               Maureen Swan                                            Cincinnati Hospital.
                               President and Owner, MedTrend, Inc.                     Tasse received his bachelor’s degree in finance from John Carroll
                                                                                       University and his MBA from The Johnson School at Cornell University
                               In 1998, Maureen Swan founded MedTrend, Inc.,
                                                                                       where he simultaneously completed the requirements for a certificate in
                               a consulting group that specializes in governance
                                                                                       hospital and health services administration from the Sloan Program in
                               performance and strategy development for the
                                                                                       Health Administration. He completed a management fellowship program
                               healthcare field. Swan has 25 years of management
                                                                                       at New York University on a grant from the Pew Charitable Trusts in
                               experience in healthcare.
                                                                                       conjunction with the National Association of Public Hospitals. He is a
          Before forming MedTrend, she was vice president, strategy and business       fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives and is a past
          development for Allina Health System in Minneapolis. While there, she        ACHE Regent for the state of Michigan, an elected position in which he
          led efforts to understand strategic and market opportunities for Allina’s    served more than 1,000 ACHE members in Michigan and northern Ohio
          one million-member health plan, 18 hospitals and 60 physician clinics.       on the national Council of Regents. His current involvement is in working
          Prior to Allina, she held positions with Abbott Northwestern Hospital,       with students and emerging healthcare leaders.
          IBM and Eastman Kodak.
                                                                                       Tasse has been a leader in acute, emergency, ambulatory care and
          Swan has worked with large health systems, academic medical centers,         nonprofit operations for over 35 years. He is past president of the
          physician clinics and community hospitals across the country to improve      Midwest Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives and
          the performance of their boards and to develop strategies that improve       assisted nonprofit community organizations by serving on their boards.
          organizational performance. She graduated from Indiana University with
          a degree in quantitative business analysis and from the University of
          Minnesota with a master’s degree in healthcare administration.

11   The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement | FALL 2021 | Virtual event                                    © 2021 Healthcare Association of New York State, Inc.
       Tuition for The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement is    Questions about the program and registration?
       $4,950 per person and includes course work and materials. A rate
       of $4,400 per person is being offered to alumni organizations.      Contact Cathy Oxentine, office manager, HANYS Solutions, at
                                                                           518.431.7732 or

       Cancellation Policy
       Reservations cancelled in writing before Aug. 30 will be refunded
       50% of the tuition. Cancellations made after Aug. 30 forfeit the
       entire fee; however, substitutions are permitted and encouraged
       at no extra charge.

© 2021 Healthcare Association of New York State, Inc.                       The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement | FALL 2021 | Virtual event   12
                                                                                                                                            St. Francis Hospital, The Heart Center
                                                                                               Nassau Queens Performing Provider
                                                                                               System                                       St. John’s Episcopal Hospital

                                                                                               Nassau-Suffolk Hospital Council              St. John’s Riverside Hospital

                                                                                               Nathan Littauer Hospital                     St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center

                                                                                               New York Hospital Queens                     St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center –
                                                                                                                                            St. Luke’s Division
                                                                                               New York Community Hospital of Brooklyn
          A                                         F                                                                                       St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center –
                                                                                               NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital – Morgan       Roosevelt Division
          Adirondack Health                         F.F. Thompson Hospital                     Stanley Children’s Hospital
                                                                                                                                            St. Peter’s Health Partners
          Adirondack Medical Center                 Faxton St. Luke’s Healthcare – Faxton      NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital – New York
                                                    Campus                                     Weill Cornell Medical Center                 St. Mary’s Hospital for Children
          Albany Medical Center
                                                    Finger Lakes Health                        NewYork-Presbyterian Queens                  St. Mary’s Healthcare
          Alice Hyde Medical Center
                                                                                               Newark-Wayne Community Hospital              St. Vincent’s Hospital – Manhattan
          Arnot Health                              G
                                                                                               Nexera Consulting                            St. Vincent’s Medical Center, Connecticut
          Arnot Ogden Medical Center                Geneva General Hospital
                                                                                               North Shore Home Care                        Staten Island University Hospital
          Auburn Community Hospital                 Glen Cove Hospital
                                                                                               North Shore University Hospital              Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children’s
          Aurelia Osborn Fox Memorial Hospital      Glens Falls Hospital                                                                    Medical Center of New York
                                                                                               Northern Westchester Hospital
          B                                         Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center                                                  Stony Brook University Hospital
                                                                                               Northwell Health
          Bassett Healthcare Network                Gouverneur Hospital                                                                     Stratton VA Medical Center
                                                                                               Novo Nordisk, Inc.
          Bassett Medical Center                    Greater Hudson Valley Health System,                                                    Strong Memorial Hospital
                                                    Inc.                                       Nyack Hospital
          Benedictine Hospital                                                                                                              Syosset Hospital
                                                    Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital             NYC Health + Hospitals
          Beth Israel Medical Center – Kings                                                   NYU Langone Medical Center                   T
          Highway Division                          H                                                                                       The Burke Rehabilitation Hospital, Inc.
          Beth Israel Medical Center – Milton and   Harlem Hospital Center                     O
          Carroll Petrie Division                                                                                                           The Mount Sinai Hospital
                                                    Health Quest                               O’Connor Hospital
          Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center                                                                                                     The University of Vermont Health Network
                                                    HealthAlliance of the Hudson Valley        Optum                                        – Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital
          Burke Rehabilitation Hospital, Inc.                                                  Orange Regional Medical Center
                                                    Healthcare Association of New York State                                                The University of Vermont Medical Center
          C                                         Henry J. Carter Specialty Hospital and     Oswego Health                                The Zucker Hillside Hospital
          Calvary Hospital                          Nursing Facility – Carter Hospital         Our Lady of Lourdes Memorial Hospital        Thompson Health
          Canton-Potsdam Hospital                   Highland Hospital of Rochester
                                                                                               P                                            Tri-Town Regional Hospital
          Care Compass Network PPD                  Hudson Valley Hospital Center
                                                                                               Peconic Bay Medical Center                   U
          Carthage Area Hospital                    Huntington Hospital
                                                                                               Phelps Memorial Hospital Center              UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital
          Catholic Health Services of Long Island   Huntington Living Center
                                                                                               Plainview Hospital                           United Health Services
          Catholic Health System, Buffalo           I                                          Putnam Hospital Center                       United Health Services Hospitals, Inc.
          Catskill Regional Medical Center          Inter-Lakes Health
                                                                                               R                                            United Memorial Medical Center
          Cayuga Medical Center at Ithaca
          Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation,
                                                    J                                          Richmond University Medical Center           University of Rochester Medical Center

          Inc.                                      Jamaica Hospital Medical Center            River Hospital                               Unity Living Center

          CenterLight Health System                 Jones Memorial Hospital                    Robert Wood Johnson Medical Group            UPMC Chautauqua WCA

          Champlain Valley Health Network, Inc.                                                Rochester General Hospital                   Upstate University Hospital
          Clifton-Fine Hospital                                                                Rochester Regional Healthcare                Upstate University Hospital Community
                                                    Kaleida Health                                                                          Campus
          Clifton Springs Hospital and Clinic                                                  Association
                                                                                                                                            UR Medicine
          Cobleskill Regional Hospital              L                                          Rutgers School of Public Health

          Cohen Children’s Medical Center           Lenox Hill Hospital
                                                                                               S                                            V
          Columbia Memorial Hospital                Lewis County General Hospital                                                           Vassar Brothers Medical Center
                                                                                               Saint Vincent Catholic Medical Centers of
          Community Memorial Hospital               Little Falls Hospital                      New York – Staten Island Region
          Continuum Health Partners, Inc.           Long Island College Hospital               Samaritan Health System
                                                                                                                                            Weill Cornell Medical College
          Corning Hospital                          Long Island Jewish Medical Center          Samaritan Medical Center
                                                                                                                                            Westchester Medical Center
          Cornell University                                                                   Saratoga Hospital
                                                    M                                                                                       Western New York Healthcare Association
          Cortland Regional Medical Center                                                     SBH Health System
                                                    Maimonides Medical Center                                                               Westmed Medical Group
          Crouse Hospital                                                                      Schuyler Hospital, Inc.
                                                    Margaretville Hospital                                                                  White Plains Hospital
                                                                                               Sheehan Memorial Hospital
          D                                         Mercy Hospital of Buffalo                                                               Winthrop-University Hospital
                                                                                               Sound Shore Health System, Inc.
          Delaware Valley Hospital                  Mercy Medical Center                                                                    Wyckoff Heights Medical Center
                                                                                               Sound Shore Medical Center of
          Delmont Medical Group                     Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center                                                    Wyoming County Medical Center
                                                    Mohawk Valley Health System
          E                                                                                    South County Hospital, Rhode Island          Y
                                                    Montefiore Medical Center
          Edna Tina Wilson Living Center                                                       South Nassau Communities Hospital            YAI Premier HealthCare
                                                    Montefiore Mount Vernon Hospital
          Elizabethtown Community Hospital                                                     Southampton Hospital
                                                    Mount Sinai Beth Israel
          Ellis Medicine                                                                       Southern Tier Health Care System, Inc.
                                                    Mount Sinai Health System
          Erie County Medical Center Corporation                                               Southside Hospital
                                                    Mount Sinai South Nassau
          Essex County Public Health Department                                                Southwestern Vermont Health Care
                                                    Mount Sinai West
          Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield                                                      St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center

13   The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement | FALL 2021 | Virtual event                                                 © 2021 Healthcare Association of New York State, Inc.
Accredited Continuing Education
Accreditation Statement
                                    In support of improving patient               interest disclosed by staff, planners, faculty/authors, peer reviewers, or
                                    care, this activity has been planned          others in control of content for this activity. Disclosure of a relationship is not
                                    and implemented by AXIS Medical               intended to suggest or condone bias in any presentation but is made to provide
                                    Education and Healthcare Association          participants with information that might be of potential importance to their
                                    of New York State (HANYS). AXIS               evaluation of a presentation or activity.
                                    Medical Education is jointly accred-          Disclosure information for faculty, authors, course directors, planners, peer
                                    ited by the Accreditation Council             reviewers, and/or relevant staff is provided with this activity.
                                    for Continuing Medical Education
                                                                                  The faculty reported the following relevant financial relationships or relation-
(ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and
                                                                                  ships they have with ineligible companies of any amount during the past 24
the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing
education for the healthcare team.
                                                                                  Name of Faculty or Presenter         Reported Financial Relationship
                                      This activity was planned by and for        Elizabeth (Beta) Mannix, PhD         Nothing to disclose
                                      the healthcare team, and learners
                                                                                  Steven I. Goldstein                  Nothing to disclose
                                      will receive 24.5 Interprofessional
                                      Continuing Education (IPCE) credit for      Jeffrey Gold, Esq.                   Nothing to disclose
                                      learning and change.                        Evan Brooksby, MBA                   Nothing to disclose
                                                                                  Alyssa Dahl                          Stocks: Canopy Growth and Zosano
Credit Designation for Physicians                                                                                      Pharma Corp.
AXIS Medical Education designates this live activity for a maximum of 24.5        Cara Henley                          Nothing to disclose
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit            Kathleen Rauch, RN, MSHQS, BSN, CPHQ Nothing to disclose
commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.              Colleen McVeigh                      Nothing to disclose
                                                                                  Nancy Pratt, RN, MSN                 Consultant: AirStrip. Advisor: Laudio.
Credit Designation for Nursing
                                                                                  Patti Adelman, EdD, MS Ed., MSW      Nothing to disclose
AXIS Medical Education designates this continuing nursing education
                                                                                  Esther Margalit                      Nothing to disclose
activity for 24.5 contact hours.
Learners are advised that accredited status does not imply endorsement by         Stephen Sauer, PhD                   Pending
the provider or ANCC of any commercial products displayed in conjunction          Erica Dawson, PhD                    Nothing to disclose
with an activity.                                                                 José Acevedo, MD, MBA                Nothing to disclose
                                                                                  Kristen Mucitelli-Heath              Nothing to disclose
Quality Professionals
                                                                                  Joseph M. Tasse, FACHE               Nothing to disclose
This program has been approved by the National Association for Healthcare
Quality for a maximum of 10.25 CPHQ continuing education credits for this         The directors, planners, managers and reviewers, Allison Manny; William
event.                                                                            Streck MD; Kathy Rauch, RN, MSHQS, BSN, CPHQ; Elizabeth Mannix PhD; Holly
                                                                                  M. Hampe, DSc., RN, MHA, MRM, CPHQ and Dee Morgillo, MEd, MT(ASCP),
American College of Healthcare Executives                                         CHCP reported no financial relationships they have with any ineligible company
By attending The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement offered            of any amount during the past 24 months.
by the Healthcare Association of New York State, participants may earn
up to 24.5 ACHE Qualified Education Hours toward initial certification or         Disclaimer
recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives    Participants have an implied responsibility to use the newly acquired informa-
designation.                                                                      tion to enhance patient outcomes and their own professional development. The
                                                                                  information presented in this activity is not meant to serve as a guideline for
AXIS Contact Information                                                          patient management. Any procedures, medications, or other courses of diag-
For information about the accreditation of this program, please contact           nosis or treatment discussed in this activity should not be used by clinicians
AXIS at                                                       without evaluation of patient conditions and possible contraindications on
                                                                                  dangers in use, review of any applicable manufacturer’s product information,
Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest                                               and comparison with recommendations of other authorities.
AXIS Medical Education requires faculty, instructors, authors, planners,
directors, managers, reviewers and other individuals who are in a position        Requirements for Credit
to control the content of this activity to disclose all real or apparent          Attend/participate in this educational activity and review all course materials.
conflicts of interest they may have with ineligible companies. An ineligible          • The Attestation portal will activate at the conclusion of the program on
entity is any organization whose primary business is producing, market-                 11/5/2021.
ing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on           • Complete the CE Attestation form online by 11:59 pm ET 12/5/2021.
patients. All relevant conflicts of interest are identified and mitigated prior         Instructions will be provided. If you do not enter the online portal
to initiation of the planning phase for an activity.                                    by the above date, you will not be able to retrieve your statement of
AXIS has mitigated and disclosed to learners all relevant conflicts of                  participation.
                                                                                      • Upon successful completion of the online form, your statement of
                                                                                        completion will be presented to you to print.
You can also read