Page created by Kim Bates
THE                        STUDIO THEATRE
                                         Three Tall Women

                                      THEATRE CANOPY


                                        Why We Tell the Story
                                       You Can’t Stop the Beat
                                              Play On!
                                         Finally There’s Sun

                                      TOM PATTERSON
                                      THEATRE CANOPY
                                    A Midsummer Night’s Dream
                                           The Rez Sisters
                                            I Am William
                                          Serving Elizabeth

      JULY – OCTOBER        
                                    1.800.567.1600 | 519.273.1600
1   1 800 567 1600 | 519 273 1600                                   STRATFORDFESTIVAL.CA   2
WORLDS WITHOUT WALLS                                                                                  But far from placing limitations on our creativity, the need to work within the parameters
                                                                                                      required of us – with shorter performances, smaller casts (no more than eight actors
                                                                                                      per show) and physical distancing on
                                                                                                      stage – has stimulated our artists to new
Two young people are in love. They’re next-door neighbours, but their families don’t get              feats of imagination as they devise novel
on. So they’re not allowed to meet: all they can do is whisper sweet nothings to each                 modes of performance. Our 2021 playbill
other through a small gap in the garden wall between them. Eventually, they plan to run off           encompasses Shakespeare, music, modern
together – but on the night of their elopement, a terrible accident of fate impels them both          classics and new work, presented in ways
to take their own lives.                                                                              you’ve never seen at Stratford before.
Sound familiar? It’s the story of Pyramus and Thisbe, as told by the ancient Roman poet               And it’s not only the pandemic that
Ovid, one of Shakespeare’s favourite authors. Most of us know it from the comical play-               has opened us up to new ideas and
within-the-play in A Midsummer Night’s Dream – but it’s also essentially the same story               experiences. The Black Lives Matter
Shakespeare told in Romeo and Juliet.                                                                 protests of last summer brought home to
It certainly resonates with us today. We know what it’s like to be isolated in our homes,             us how far our society still remains from
separated from our loved ones, reduced to interacting through online equivalents of a hole            overcoming those other dividing barriers
in the wall. And we know about other barriers, too: walls of prejudice, mistrust and hatred           of systemic inequity and oppression. So
that can be as fatal as any pandemic.                                                                 our playbill celebrates difference as well as
But there’s more to Ovid’s story. The blood of the lovers, seeping into the ground, is                universality, widening our definitions both
absorbed by the roots of a mulberry bush – and turns its berries from white to a deep and             of a classic and of who we are. To learn
vibrant red. And with that metamorphosis comes the families’ realization of the tragedy their         more about our work on anti-racism please
enmity has wrought.                                                                                   visit our website.

That idea of metamorphosis, of awakening and new growth arising from loss, informs our 2021           The pandemic has taken a dreadful toll,
season. Our artists, like the rest of us, have been living through a time of seismic shock to their   both in lives and in lingering psychological
psyches – but it has also been a time of transformative regeneration. It’s as if we’ve been in a      effects. We at the Festival may be
cocoon, and now it’s time to emerge in a blaze of new colour, with lively, searching work that        powerless against the former, but we have
deals with profound questions and prompts us to think and see in new ways.                            a crucial role to play in addressing the
                                                                                                      latter. If theatre has anything to teach us, it
While I do intend to program in future seasons all the plays we’d planned to present in 2020, I       is about the resilience of the human spirit.
also know we can’t just pick up where we left off. The world has changed; we have changed.
Something huge has happened to us and within us. How do we express that together?                     Our new season was born of our
                                                                                                      determination to emerge from this crisis
In one significant sense, 2021 sees us return to our roots. Two open-sided canopies, one              more inventive, more inclusive and more
erected at the Festival Theatre and the other on the grounds of the new Tom Patterson                 creative than ever. I hope it will excite
Theatre, shelter appropriately distanced seats. Sharing the same visually gorgeous design,            you and engage you, bring renewed joy
these structures enable audiences to gather in safety and comfort in the open air.                    into your life and inspire you as we dream
But more than that, they bring an inherently festive quality to the season. Just like our             together of a world without walls.
original tent in 1953, these new canopies signal that a very special event is taking place
here in Stratford: a new artistic beginning.
Meanwhile, we have also been able to make provision for limited-capacity indoor
performances at the Studio Theatre. As always, your safety, and the safety of our artists
and staff, is our very first priority, and all three of our 2021 venues will operate in strict        Antoni Cimolino
accordance with public-health guidelines.                                                             Artistic Director                                                           PHOTOGRAPHY BY SCOTT WISHART

                                                                                                                                                                           STRATFORDFESTIVAL.CA                  1
A WORLD-BEATING COMBINATION                                                    LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Outstanding theatre presented in a                                             Welcome. It is a great privilege to share stories on this beautiful territory, which has been
beautiful setting, rich in ancient tradition,                                  the site of human activity – and therefore storytelling – for many thousands of years.
that invites communion with friends,                                           This territory is governed by two treaties. The first is the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt
moments for reflection and Instagram-                                          Covenant of 1701, made between the Anishinaabe and the Haudenosaunee Confederacy,
worthy photos: that’s the combination that                                     an agreement to set violence aside and peacefully share and care for the land in the Great
makes a visit to Stratford such a sublime                                      Lakes Basin. The second is the Huron Tract Treaty of 1827, an agreement made by eighteen
pleasure.                                                                      Anishinaabek Chiefs and the Canada Company, an agency of the British Crown. As an
In 2021, our city’s lush parklands become                                      organization and as individuals, we at the Stratford Festival are in a process of learning how
even more of a complement to the artistry                                      we can be better treaty partners.
on our stages as we mount a season of                                          We wish to honour the ancestral guardians of this land and its waterways: the Anishinaabe,
plays and cabarets under two beautifully                                       the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Wendat, and the Neutrals. Today many Indigenous
designed outdoor canopies. You can enjoy                                       peoples continue to call this land home and act as its stewards, and this responsibility
our performances, both indoors and out,                                        extends to all peoples, to share and care for this land for generations to come.
safe in the knowledge that the Festival
has received the World Travel and Tourism
Council’s #SafeTravelsStamp, recognizing
we have adopted worldwide standards
for health and hygiene at our outdoor and                                            STRATFORD IS BACK – SO STAY IN TOUCH!
indoor facilities. On page 20 you’ll find our                                        We’re delighted to welcome you in our spaces this summer and you’ll find much
duty of care statement that outlines all the                                         of the information you need to plan your visit in the following pages. But there’s
measures we’re taking to keep you safe at                                            still more to come!
the Stratford Festival this year.
                                                                                     The Meighen Forum will feature performances, readings, speakers, panels and
For those of you unable to join us this                                              workshops for you to enjoy in person or online via STRATFEST@HOME. A full
summer, we plan to film and stream our                                               schedule will be available soon.
season offerings on our digital platform,
STRATFEST@HOME.                                                                      STRATFEST@HOME, our digital subscription service, will stream filmed versions
                                                                                     of many of our 2021 productions! Details will be announced later this summer.
Either way, whether you visit us in person
or virtually in the comfort of your own                                              Watch our website to find out more. For earliest notification, make sure you’ve
home, we look forward to sharing with                                                given us permission to email you so that we can let you know about these
you the world’s best theatre experiences,                                            offerings and any further announcements about our season. Simply log into
in a Stratford Festival season like no other.                                        your account to update your profile or call our box office at 1.800.567.1600.

                                                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS
Anita Gaffney                                                                      The Plays                              4       Season at a Glance                      21
Executive Director                                                                 The Cabarets                          10       Season Calendar                         22
                                                PHOTOGRAPHY BY SCOTT WISHART
                                                                                   Care Commitment                       20       Accessibility                           29

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STUDIO THEATRE | AUGUST 10–OCTOBER 9 | OPENING AUGUST 19                                                         FESTIVAL THEATRE CANOPY | AUGUST 12–SEPTEMBER 26 | OPENING AUGUST 15

EDWARD ALBEE’S                                                                                                   R+J
                                                                                                                 BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE
                                                                                                                 ADAPTED BY RAVI JAIN, CHRISTINE HORNE AND ALEX BULMER
                                                                                                                 DIRECTED BY RAVI JAIN
                                                                                                                 PRODUCED IN COLLABORATION WITH WHY NOT THEATRE
By turns acerbic, anguished and sarcastically funny, an old woman known to us only as “A” lays bare her inner    THERE’S MORE TO LOVE THAN MEETS THE EYE
life in sometimes shocking detail to two others: a middle-aged caregiver identified only as “B” and a young      They say that love is blind – and with blindness comes the freedom to open the mind’s eye to a world of
legal professional, “C.”                                                                                         limitless possibility. Likewise, the challenge of staging the world’s most famous love story, Romeo and Juliet, in
Originally programmed for our 2020 season, Albee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning drama, which he called an              a time of physical distancing brings with it the opportunity to explore modes of theatrical presentation that are
“exorcism” of his own troubled relationship with his adoptive mother, is a profound meditation on aging, death   both unexpectedly novel and as old as the art of storytelling itself.
and the very nature of the self: who are we really, and how do we become who we are?                             Intended for blind, low-vision and sighted audiences alike, this radically reimagined version of Shakespeare’s
In keeping with our pandemic precautions, we present the play’s two parts – the second of which brings a         beloved romantic tragedy invites you into an up-to-the-minute modern world of sound and music, a world that
startlingly different take on its characters – as separate performances, scheduled to be seen on the same day.   challenges the identities we construct when we use only our eyes, a world in which the entrenched hostilities of
                                                                                                                 an older generation are challenged by the passions of young people who only want to love.
Production support is generously provided by Sylvia D. Chrominska, Dr. Desta Leavine in memory of Pauline        Production support is generously provided by Dr. M. Lee Myers and by Catherine & David Wilkes.
Leavine, Sylvia Soyka, The Westaway Charitable Foundation and by Jack Whiteside.

    Three Tall Women will be performed in two parts. Book one ticket – it provides access
    to both parts on the same day.
                                                                                                                 Dante Jemmott        Eponine Lee           Alex Bulmer           Beck Lloyd              Lisa Nasson
                                                                                                                 Romeo                Juliet                Friar                 Lady Capulet, Tybalt    Benvolio

Martha Henry               Lucy Peacock   Mamie Zwettler       Andrew Iles
A                          B              C                    The Boy                                           Sepehr Reybod        Rick Roberts          Tom Rooney
                                                                                                                 Mercutio             Capulet               Nurse
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                                                                                                                   THE REZ SISTERS
                                                                                                                   BY TOMSON HIGHWAY
DIRECTED BY PETER PASYK                                                                                            DIRECTED BY JESSICA CARMICHAEL
WAKING UP TO THE UNREAL WORLD                                                                                      WIN OR LOSE, THE GAME WILL CHANGE THEIR LIVES
Spellbound lovers, quarrelling fairies, tradesmen with a fervour for amateur theatricals: they’re all mixed up     They have their dreams and their difficulties, these seven women. One yearns for a singing career; another for
together in the surreal world of Shakespeare’s great comedy of dreaming and desire.                                a white porcelain toilet. One grieves for her lover, killed in a motorcycle accident; another harbours the memory
                                                                                                                   of a horrific sexual assault. The cancer that afflicts one of them is not the only malignancy they confront.
This deep dive into the sometimes unsettlingly dark and dangerous realms of the subconscious famously
culminates in a play within the play: a hilariously inept performance by Nick Bottom and his fellow would-be       But one dream they hold in common is that of winning “the biggest bingo in the world” – and one day,
actors. But even as we laugh at the ham-fisted efforts of these “rude mechanicals,” we are won over by their       accompanied by the transformative spirit guide Nanabush, they leave their Manitoulin Island reserve and set
heartfelt belief in the power of the imagination.                                                                  out for Toronto to do just that.
Taking its cue from that insight, this production deploys the most fundamental techniques of theatrical art in a   Ribald, harrowing and mystical, this seminal work of Indigenous drama celebrates the spirit of resilience and
magically inventive staging of a play that is itself a celebration of the imagination at its most extreme.         the powerful beauty these women bring to the tough world in which they live.
                                                                                                                   $5 from each ticket sold to The Rez Sisters will be donated to the Native Women’s Association of Canada
Production support is generously provided by the Harkins & Manning families in memory of Susan & Jim Harkins.      in support of justice for missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.
                                                                                                                   Production support is generously provided by Karon C. Bales & Charles E. Beall and by M. Fainer.

Eva Foote                 Craig Lauzon             Trish Lindström     Jonathan Mason       André Sills
Hermia, Snug,             Oberon, Theseus          Puck, Egeus         Demetrius, Quince,   Bottom                 Jani Lauzon          Brefny Caribou         Lisa Cromarty             Christine Frederick     Nicole Joy-Fraser
Peaseblossom                                                           Mustardseed
                                                                                                                   Pelajia Patchnose    Zhaboonigan Peterson   Marie-Adele Starblanket   Veronique St. Pierre    Annie Cook

Amaka Umeh                Micah Woods             Bahareh Yaraghi
Helena, Flute, Moth       Lysander, Snout, Cobweb Titania, Hippolyta                                               Kathleen MacLean     Tracey Nepinak         Zach Running Coyote
                                                                                                                   Emily Dictionary     Philomena Moosetail    Nanabush
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                                                                                                                      SERVING ELIZABETH
                                                                                                                      BY MARCIA JOHNSON
TEXT BY RÉBECCA DÉRASPE                                                                                               DIRECTED BY KIMBERLEY RAMPERSAD
ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY LEANNA BRODIE                                                                                  IN THE SCRIPT OF HISTORY, WHO GETS A SPEAKING ROLE?
DIRECTED BY ESTHER JUN                                                                                                In Kenya in 1952, Mercy, a restaurant proprietor, is hired to cater the impending visit of Princess Elizabeth,
                                                                                                                      soon to be Queen. In 2015, another story unfolds in London, England, where a young Kenyan-born Canadian,
HER BROTHER’S NO SHAKESPEARE – BUT SHE SURE IS                                                                        Tia, is working as an intern on a TV drama series about the British royal family, while also pursuing a writing
                                                                                                                      project of her own. These parallel narratives seem only coincidentally connected – until a surprising twist
Margaret Shakespeare has a dazzling talent for writing, which she yearns to put to serious use. But in an age         reveals a deeper relationship between the two. Audiences are certain to enjoy this ingenious contemporary
lethally suspicious of female intellect and literacy, how can she find a way to fulfill her authorial ambitions yet   drama that keeps us guessing as it explores issues of colonialism, nationalism and the question of who gets
still survive? Fortunately, she has a brother, William, who isn’t much of a writer but who wants to make it as        to have a voice.
an actor – and friends in high places have just the role for him.
                                                                                                                      Produced by special arrangement with Thousand Islands Playhouse.
Tapping into our fascination with the enigma of William Shakespeare’s life and how he came to write those
plays – and the seemingly endless speculation in some quarters about whether he really did – this light-              Production support is generously provided by John & Therese Gardner and by the Tremain family.
hearted yet genuinely passionate interweaving of comedy, song and poetic fancy spins a playful and witty
yarn that will delight younger audiences and adults alike.

Shakura Dickson          Landon Doak       Allan Louis               Shannon Taylor                                   Sean Arbuckle        Arlene Duncan        Cameron Grant        Virgilia Griffith    Sara Topham
Margaret                 William           John, Earl of Leicester   Mary, Queen Elizabeth I                          Talbot, Maurice      Mercy, Patricia      Montague, Steven     Faith, Tia           HRH Princess Elizabeth,
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FESTIVAL THEATRE CANOPY | JULY 10–JULY 21 | OPENING JULY 13                                                  FESTIVAL THEATRE CANOPY | JULY 15–JULY 31 | OPENING JULY 18

WHY WE TELL THE STORY                                                                                        YOU CAN’T STOP THE BEAT
                                                                                                             CURATED AND DIRECTED BY THOM ALLISON
                                                                                                             THE ENDURING POWER OF MUSICAL THEATRE
A CELEBRATION OF BLACK MUSICAL THEATRE                                                                       What is it about musical theatre that captures the hearts of millions of fans? Through wars, disasters,
Throughout the ages the African-American community has told stories of life, love, pain and hope through     heartbreaks and triumphs, musicals have been there to give us a way to understand the human experience
the glorious expressions of musical theatre and poetry. In this update of the sold-out 2019 Meighen Forum    and flourish. Has there ever been a better way to represent our inner lives than in glorious Technicolor and
concert, Festival artists take you on a journey with the voices of legendary Black poets African-American    song? We invite you on this tune-filled ride to celebrate why musicals have always been the ultimate tonic for
musical-theatre canon, including hits from Aida, Ain’t Misbehavin’, Caroline, or Change, The Color Purple,   the soul in good or troubled times.
Hamilton, The Lion King, Once on This Island, Show Boat and many more. As Maya Angelou said,
“Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, / I am the dream and the hope of the slave.”                     Production support is generously provided by Nona Macdonald Heaslip.

Production support is generously provided by Mary Ann & Robert Gorlin.

Neema Bickersteth         Robert Markus   Marcus Nance       Vanessa Sears                                   Alana Hibbert       Gabrielle Jones      Evangelia Kambites   Mark Uhre

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                                                                                                                CURATED AND DIRECTED BY BEAU DIXON
                                                                                                                SPIRIT AND LEGACY OF BLACK MUSIC
A SHAKESPEARE-INSPIRED MIXTAPE                                                                                  From the moment Black people landed on North American soil, their music took root and became the basis
Shakespeare’s influence on Western culture extends even into your favourite pop hits. Whether it be direct      for much of the popular music we hear today. There is an endless list of exceptional Black musicians who
lines from his plays appearing in Top 40 lyrics or whole songs inspired by his plots, whether the borrowers     have been lost to history while their white counterparts gained fame. From church hymnals to the blues,
be Taylor Swift, Madonna, Elton John, The Beatles, Prince or Radiohead, Shakespeare is still there, lurking     from jazz to rock ’n’ roll, R&B and rap, we owe much of our musical history to Black culture, and it’s time to
in the mainstream, as cool and as relevant as ever. This lively celebration of terrific tunes affords a great   give credit where it is due.
opportunity to introduce a younger audience to Shakespeare’s continuing role in popular culture.                Production support is generously provided by Mary Ann & Robert Gorlin and by Sylvia Soyka.
Production support is generously provided by Barbara & John Schubert.

Gabriel Antonacci         Jacob MacInnis   Jennifer Rider-Shaw   Kaitlyn Santa Juana                            Robert Ball          Alana Bridgewater    Beau Dixon           Camille Eanga-Selenge

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                                                                                                                        Special Performances | Speakers & Panels
                                                                                                                                 Interactive Workshops
After their success with The Victory Cabaret and The New Cabaret, Sara Farb and Steve Ross return, along with
Noah Beemer and Germaine Konji, to take us on a musical journey through a year of enormous change and                 EXPAND YOUR EXPERIENCE IN STRATFORD AND ONLINE!
growth. They explore the isolation, the loneliness, the upheaval and the unexpected silver linings that came out
of a time like no other. Join us to reflect on this “great pause” as we move forward and get back to living freely.
Production support is generously provided by Jody & Deborah Hamade and by Dr. Robert & Roberta Sokol.
                                                                                                                                            LIVE IN LAZARIDIS HALL
                                                                                                                               Be among the first to experience a performance in the new
                                                                                                                               Lazaridis Hall, designed as the home of The Meighen Forum
                                                                                                                                            in the new Tom Patterson Theatre.

                                                                                                                             The Digital Meighen Forum brings expert commentary and artistic
                                                                                                                               insights directly to your device. Dive into the play before your
                                                                                                                              Stratford trip, or revisit and reflect after you’ve returned home.

Noah Beemer               Sara Farb        Germaine Konji        Steve Ross                                                      
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                                                                                                      The Courage to Right a Woman’s Wrongs BY ANA CARO MALLÉN DE SOTO
                                                                                                      Wednesday, August 18, 8 p.m.
                                                                                                      When Fernando, a gentleman to the Prince of Flanders, discovers that Don Juan saved
                                                                                                      Estela from bandits, he invites Don Juan to stay at his castle. As Don Juan joins the
                                                                                                      esteemed company, he confesses to Fernando that he fled Madrid to avoid a woman who
                                                                                                      has accused him of ruining her honour. This woman is Lenor and she has followed him all
                                                                                                      the way from Madrid to Flanders in a man’s disguise. And now she seeks revenge.
                                     IN-PERSON EVENTS                                                 The Wonder: A Woman Keeps a Secret BY SUSANNA CENTLIVRE
                                                                                                      Thursday, August 19, 8 p.m.
ONE STEP AT A TIME CREATED BY ANDREW PRASHAD                                                          Isabella escapes an arranged marriage by jumping out of her window. Colonel Briton
                                                                                                      miraculously catches her fall, and so he immediately takes her to Violante’s house, where she
August 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, 8 p.m. | August 14, 2 p.m. From $35                                     is hidden. Felix, the beloved to Violante, becomes wildly jealous when he notices Colonel
Using monologues, original songs, improvisational tap dance and multimedia video,                     Briton at her house, hoping to speak with Isabella. Violante is now faced with the impossible
Andrew Prashad shares his and his wife’s journey of caring for a son with spina bifida                choice: does she confess Isabella’s whereabouts to Felix? Or does she protect her friend’s
and hydrocephalus, while raising two daughters – all while maintaining his career as a                right to say no to marriage?
professional actor, singer and dancer.
                                                                                                      When Ladies Meet BY RACHEL CROTHERS              Wedding Band BY ALICE CHILDRESS
#KanderAndEbb CREATED BY RYAN G. HINDS                                                                Friday, August 20, 8 p.m.                        Saturday, August 21, 8 p.m.
September 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, 8 p.m. From $35                                                      An irreverent comedy about Mary Howard,          A spell-binding story by one of the most
                                                                                                      a successful novelist about to publish her       important playwrights of the modern era.
Ryan G. Hinds’s #KanderAndEbb is a tour through the music of Broadway songwriters John Kander         most scandalous book about a young               Wedding Band follows Julia, a Black woman
and Fred Ebb, set against entertaining and touching real-life stories from the fan who managed to     woman who nearly breaks up a marriage.           desperate to escape the American South
get semi-close to the legendary writers’ fabled world: touching on why you should almost always       Art begins to mirror life when Jimmy             so that she can legally marry Herman, a
meet your heroes, their unique writing process, the secret sexiness behind one of their most          introduces Mary to the last person on Earth      white man who she’s loved for ten years.
wholesome shows, how a chance encounter at Kiss of the Spider Woman changed his life, and             she’d want to meet.                              However, the influenza pandemic has sunk
what it is that makes Kander and Ebb’s music so special. Featuring a fabulous four-piece band                                                          its teeth into the South, claiming Herman as
led by music director Mark Selby, the show is a hilarious, personal and sincere tribute that leaves                                                    its victim. Just after Herman gives Julia the
audiences with a new and deeper appreciation of the music and lyrics they thought they knew.          Support for the Uprising Series is generously    engagement ring she has waited all this time
Support for #KanderAndEbb is generously provided by Sandra Rotman in honour of Louis Applebaum        provided by The Dorothy Strelsin Foundation.     for, she must fight to save his life in secret.
through The Louis Applebaum Visiting Artists Program.

PLAY BY THE BOOK                                                                                      REV-elations Series CURATED BY SADIE BERLIN
                                                                                                      A co-production with b current Performing Arts
Dramatic, intimate play readings complementing the season’s playbill and performed live in
Lazaridis Hall, the new home of The Meighen Forum. $30                                                REV-elations brings to light older and rarer plays by Black playwrights for audiences to
                                                                                                      discover. Spanning the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, these plays were created by
                                                                                                      writers from Martinique, Canada and the Deep South. Play descriptions to come shortly.
Friday, August 6, 8 p.m.                                                                              The Escape BY WILLIAM WELLS BROWN                Parallel Hands BY FRANTZ FANON
Emilia Bassano, the probable Dark Lady of Shakespeare’s sonnets, was a published poet in              Wednesday, August 25, 8 p.m.                     Friday, August 27, 8 p.m.
her own right. She was also trilingual, multiracial, and a talented musician. The Dark Lady
brings these two poets intimately together as they wrestle with artistic collaboration, ambition,
envy and love: an entanglement that will profoundly shape both their lives and their work.            Collected Plays BY ZORA NEALE HURSTON            How Now Black Man BY LORRIS ELLIOT
Shakespeare in the Ruins is planning a full production of The Dark Lady for 2022.                     Thursday, August 26, 8 p.m.                      Saturday, August 28, 8 p.m.

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THE DIGITAL MEIGHEN                                                     Playwriting                                        Building Props
                                                                                                             Learn some creative writing strategies and         In these workshops led by Stratford Festival
                                                                                                             exercises directly from Marcia Johnson,            prop-builders, learn practical prop-building
                                                                                                             playwright of Serving Elizabeth. Discuss the       techniques in order to begin to create
                                                                                                             particular styles and techniques employed          your own pieces at home. Participants
                                                                                                             in her plays and engage in some active             can observe or can purchase materials in
                                                                                                             writing exercises yourself!                        advance to build alongside the artisans.

                                                                                                             The Stillness Room
                                      DIGITAL WORKSHOPS                                                      The Stillness Room is a coming together to experience the centring and quietly
                                                                                                             transformative qualities of stillness, silence and connection. No previous meditation
                                     Dates and times to be announced shortly                                 experience is required.
                                                                                                             The Stillness Room was founded in 2016 by Toronto theatre director and teacher Alan
                                                                                                             Dilworth. A longtime meditation practitioner, Dilworth started The Stillness Room as a health
                       All ages are welcome to participate, but children under 12                            and wellness offering for artists and theatre staff working under pressure. The program
                             must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.                                    was piloted at Soulpepper Theatre Company, where it ran for two years, and was then
                           Recommended technical requirements for participants:                              implemented at the Stratford Festival.
 A computer or tablet able to run a recent version of a web browser such as Chrome, Safari or Firefox,       Since May 2020 The Virtual Stillness Room has been available free for all, in partnership
  a reliable high-speed internet connection, a webcam (internal or external), digital camera or similar      with Necessary Angel Theatre Company.
       device to stream video, a microphone (internal or external) plus speakers or headphones.
                                                                                                             For more information, please visit

                                       As part of our commitment to making sure the Stratford Festival is
                                       open and accessible to every member of our community, we have
                                       introduced Pay What You Will (PWYW) to let you decide the price
                                       you can afford to pay to participate.
                                                                                                                             DIGITAL SPEAKERS AND PANELS
Poems by Playwrights                                         Shakespeare’s Speeches                                                     Watch for series launch in mid-July.
What story is being told in a poem? What                     Through discussion and acting exercises,
history lies between the lines? How is                       explore the intricacies of some of
poetry connected to theatre? In these                        Shakespeare’s great speeches in these
three workshops led by Monice Peter,                         workshops, led by actors, past and present,
delve into the poetic journey of Afro- and                   who have brought the words of Romeo and
Caribbean-Canadian and American                              Juliet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream to
playwrights and discover how their culture
and experiences are layered within the
                                                             life on stage.                                                            FREE DIGITAL EVENTS
devices of their poetry.

Creating Costumes                                            Original Dance                                                                   MEET THE FESTIVAL
In these workshops led by members of                         Learn original choreography from some of                   July 10, 17, 24, 31; August 7, 14, 21, 28; September 4, 11, 18, 25. 10 a.m.
the Stratford Festival Wardrobe, learn                       the Stratford Festival’s professional dancers               Fun and informal digital Q&A sessions with Festival artists and staff.
practical costume-building techniques in                     and choreographers. No previous dance
order to begin to create your own pieces                     experience is necessary! Minimum floor
at home. Participants can observe or can                     space at home of approximately 8’ x 8’ in
purchase materials in advance to build                       which to move is recommended.
alongside the artisans.

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STRATFORD FESTIVAL                                                                                                                  SEASON AT A GLANCE
CARE COMMITMENT                                                                                   Tourism Industry
                                                                                                Association of Ontario   STUDIO THEATRE
                                                                                                                                                                          July              August           September            October

A visit to the Stratford Festival has always provided an opportunity to gather and                                       Three Tall Women
celebrate the best of live theatre. During the current pandemic, this commitment to a
common, engaging experience has not changed – but doing so safely requires careful
attention to important health and safety measures.
                                                                                                                         FESTIVAL THEATRE CANOPY
                                                                                                                                                                          July              August           September
WHEN WE WELCOME YOU BACK TO OUR VENUES, OUR                                                                              R+J
COMMITMENT TO YOUR SAFETY INCLUDES:                                                                                      Why We Tell the Story Cabaret
• Limited-capacity performance venues to ensure effective physical distancing.
• Enhanced cleaning/disinfecting of all of our guest and staff areas.                                                    You Can’t Stop the Beat Cabaret
• Face coverings worn by all staff and are encouraged for everyone, as per guidance from local
   health authorities.                                                                                                   Play On! Cabaret
• Physical distancing and single-direction foot traffic supported through directional signage as well                    Freedom Cabaret
   as the guidance of staff and volunteers.
• Sanitation stations at all venues and detailed handwashing directions at sinks.                                        Finally There’s Sun Cabaret
• Plexiglas barriers installed where physical distancing is more difficult to maintain.
• Touchless/automatic faucets and doors wherever possible, and regular sanitizing of high-touch                          Support for the 2021 season in the Festival Theatre Canopy is generously provided by Daniel Bernstein & Claire Foerster
   surfaces throughout the theatre facilities.
• Paperless environment, including electronic/tap payments, digital house programs and digital
   ticket scanning.
• Pre-ordered food and beverage service available for physically distanced pickup.                                       TOM PATTERSON THEATRE CANOPY
• Limited-capacity, physically distanced in-person Theatre Store experience, as well as curbside and                                                                      July              August           September
   ship-to-home options.
• Assistive listening receivers sanitized between uses, with headsets available for you to purchase                      A Midsummer Night’s Dream
   and keep.
• Coat check/baggage dropoff closed for the season.                                                                      The Rez Sisters
• Exchange fees waived for all cases of illness.                                                                         I Am William
To support our ability to keep you safe, please ensure we have a valid email address on file so
that we can keep you informed as our protocols evolve in response to guidance from public                                Serving Elizabeth
health authorities.
We look forward to celebrating the best of live theatre together. Thanks for supporting our efforts to
keep patrons, artists and staff safe at all times.
For our latest updates, visit
                                                                                                                                        2021 SEASON STREAMING ONLINE THIS FALL
                                                                                                                                             Enjoy a show again – or catch shows you couldn’t see in person!
   The Stratford Festival has been awarded a #SafeTravels Stamp, which is recognized globally, for
                                                                                                                                 Join our virtual audience for streamed performances. Watch for details on how to book:
   adopting proper, standardized health and hygiene protocols.

20 1 800 567 1600 | 519 273 1600                                                                                                                                                                                 STRATFORDFESTIVAL.CA          21
                                             SUNDAY                        MONDAY           TUESDAY                         WEDNESDAY                          THURSDAY                             FRIDAY                          SATURDAY
 LEGEND                                                                                                                                               1                Canada Day 2                                         3

 (O) Opening Performance
 (F) Filmed performances –
                                                  NEW – WAITING LIST FOR
     camera positions may
     affect sightlines.                          SOLD-OUT PERFORMANCES
                                                            See page 26 for details.
                                   4                                  5             6                                 7                               8                                   9                                 10
    The two parts of
   Three Tall Women
   will be presented
   Book one ticket –                                                                                                                                                                                                        3:00 Why We Tell the Story
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            7:00 Why We Tell the Story
   it provides access              11                                 12            13                                14                              15                                  16                                17
     to both parts on                                                                        OPENING
      the same day.                                                                      Why We Tell the Story

                                                                                                                                                                                          11:00 Why We Tell the Story
                                                                                                                                                      11:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat       3:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat      11:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat
                                                                                                                                                      3:00 Why We Tell the Story          3:00 Midsummer Night’s            3:00 Why We Tell the Story
                                   3:00 Why We Tell the Story                       7:00 Why We Tell the Story (O)                                    7:00 Why We Tell the Story          7:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat      7:00 Why We Tell the Story
                                   18                                 19            20                                21                              22                                  23                                24

                                             OPENING                                                                                                             OPENING
                                        You Can’t Stop the Beat                                                                                           A Midsummer Night’s Dream

                                   11:00 Why We Tell the Story                                                        11:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat                                                                         11:00 The Rez Sisters
                                   11:00 Midsummer Night’s                                                            3:00 Midsummer Night’s          11:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat (F)                                     3:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat
                                   3:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat (O)                 11:00 Why We Tell the Story (F)   7:00 Why We Tell the Story      3:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat (F)    3:00 The Rez Sisters              7:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat
                                   3:00 Midsummer Night’s                           3:00 Why We Tell the Story (F)    7:00 Midsummer Night’s          3:00 Midsummer Night’s (O)          7:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat      7:00 Midsummer Night’s
                                   25                                 26            27                                28                              29                                  30                                31

                                                                                                                               OPENING                                                                                               OPENING
                                                                                                                             The Rez Sisters                                                                                           Play On!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat
                                                                                                                      11:00 Midsummer Night’s                                             11:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat     11:00 The Rez Sisters
                                                                                    11:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat     3:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat                                        11:00 Midsummer Night’s (F)       3:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat
                                   11:00 Midsummer Night’s                          11:00 Midsummer Night’s           3:00 Midsummer Night’s          11:00 Play On!                      3:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat      3:00 The Rez Sisters
                                   3:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat                     3:00 The Rez Sisters              7:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat    3:00 Play On!                       3:00 Midsummer Night’s (F)        7:00 Play On! (O)
                                   3:00 The Rez Sisters                             7:00 The Rez Sisters              7:00 The Rez Sisters (O)        7:00 You Can’t Stop the Beat        7:00 Play On!                     7:00 Midsummer Night’s

22 1 800 567 1600 | 519 273 1600                                                                                                                                                                                          STRATFORDFESTIVAL.CA 23
                                          SUNDAY                  MONDAY                 TUESDAY                    WEDNESDAY                         THURSDAY                            FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
 LEGEND                            1                         2     Civic Holiday 3                             4                             5                                  6                          7

 (O) Opening Performance
 (F) Filmed performances –
     camera positions may
     affect sightlines.

                                   11:00 Play On!                                                                                                                               11:00 Play On!             11:00 The Rez Sisters
                                   11:00 Midsummer Night’s                                                     11:00 Play On!                11:00 Play On!                     11:00 The Rez Sisters      3:00 Play On!
                                   3:00 Play On!                                                               11:00 The Rez Sisters         11:00 The Rez Sisters              8:00 The Dark Lady         7:00 Play On!

                                   8                         9                  10                             11                            12                                 13                         14        OPENING

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I Am William

     IT ALL IN                                                                                                                                                                                             11:00 R + J
                                                                                                                                                                                                           2:00 One Step at a Time

                                                                                11:00 Play On! (F)                                           11:00 Play On!                                                3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1
                                                                                11:00 The Rez Sisters                                        11:00 The Rez Sisters              11:00 Play On!             3:00 R + J
                                                                                3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1                                 3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1       11:00 I Am William         3:00 I Am William (O)
                                                                                3:00 Play On! (F)              11:00 Play On!                3:00 R + J                         3:00 R + J                 7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2

    Love it so
                                   11:00 Play On!                               3:00 I Am William              11:00 I Am William            3:00 I Am William                  3:00 I Am William          7:00 Play On!
                                   11:00 The Rez Sisters                        7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2   7:00 The Rez Sisters          7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2       7:00 The Rez Sisters       7:00 The Rez Sisters

    much you
                                   3:00 The Rez Sisters                         8:00 One Step at a Time        8:00 One Step at a Time       8:00 One Step at a Time            8:00 One Step at a Time    8:00 One Step at a Time
                                   15                        16                 17                             18                            19         OPENING                 20                         21

   want to see                            OPENING                                                                                                   Three Tall Women                                                 OPENING
                                             R+J                                                                                                  (Not available for sale)                                            Freedom

     it again?                                                                                                                               11:00 Freedom
                                                                                                                                             11:00 I Am William
                                                                                                                                             3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1 (O)
                                                                                                                                                                                                           11:00 R + J
                                                                                                                                                                                                           11:00 I Am William

                                                                                                               11:00 I Am William            3:00 Freedom                                                  3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1
                                                                                                               3:00 R + J                    3:00 The Rez Sisters                                          3:00 Freedom
                                                                                11:00 R + J                    3:00 I Am William             7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2 (O)   11:00 R + J                3:00 The Rez Sisters

   productions                     11:00 Play On!
                                   11:00 The Rez Sisters
                                                                                11:00 The Rez Sisters (F)
                                                                                3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1
                                                                                                               7:00 R + J
                                                                                                               7:00 The Rez Sisters
                                                                                                                                             7:00 R + J
                                                                                                                                             7:00 The Rez Sisters
                                                                                                                                                                                11:00 The Rez Sisters
                                                                                                                                                                                3:00 R + J
                                                                                                                                                                                                           7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                           7:00 Freedom (O)

    streaming                      3:00 R + J (O)
                                   3:00 The Rez Sisters
                                                                                3:00 The Rez Sisters (F)
                                                                                7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2
                                                                                                               8:00 The Courage to Right
                                                                                                                     a Woman’s Wrongs
                                                                                                                                             8:00 The Wonder: A Woman
                                                                                                                                                   Keeps a Secret
                                                                                                                                                                                7:00 Freedom
                                                                                                                                                                                8:00 When Ladies Meet
                                                                                                                                                                                                           7:00 The Rez Sisters
                                                                                                                                                                                                           8:00 Wedding Band

    this fall on                   22                        23                 24                             25                            26                                 27                         28

    @HOME                                                                                                                                    11:00 Freedom
                                                                                                                                             11:00 I Am William
                                                                                                                                             3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                           11:00 R + J
                                                                                                                                                                                                           11:00 I Am William
                                                                                                                                                                                                           3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1
                                                                                11:00 R + J (F)                11:00 R + J                   3:00 R + J                         11:00 R + J                3:00 R + J

      Watch for                    11:00 Freedom
                                                                                11:00 I Am William
                                                                                3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1
                                                                                                               11:00 I Am William
                                                                                                               3:00 Freedom
                                                                                                                                             7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2
                                                                                                                                             7:00 R + J
                                                                                                                                                                                11:00 I Am William
                                                                                                                                                                                3:00 Freedom
                                                                                                                                                                                                           3:00 Serving Elizabeth
                                                                                                                                                                                                           7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2

       details:                    11:00 I Am William
                                   3:00 R + J
                                                                                3:00 R + J (F)
                                                                                7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2
                                                                                                               7:00 Freedom
                                                                                                               8:00 The Escape
                                                                                                                                             8:00 Collected Plays by Zora
                                                                                                                                                   Neale Hurston
                                                                                                                                                                                7:00 Freedom
                                                                                                                                                                                8:00 Parallel Hands
                                                                                                                                                                                                           7:00 Freedom
                                                                                                                                                                                                           8:00 How Now Black Man     29                        30                 31

                                                                                                                                       NEW! TOM PATTERSON THEATRE TOURS
                                                                                                                                     Explore our beautiful new venue with guided tours.
                                                                                11:00 Freedom (F)
                                                                                                                                $25 per person – limited availability, so be sure to book early.
                                                                                11:00 I Am William
                                   11:00 Freedom
                                   11:00 I Am William
                                                                                3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1
                                                                                3:00 Freedom (F)
                                                                                                                                           Tours on performance days beginning August 31.
                                   3:00 Freedom                                 3:00 Serving Elizabeth                                          Visit for times.
                                   3:00 Serving Elizabeth                       7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2

24 1 800 567 1600 | 519 273 1600                                                                                                                                                                          STRATFORDFESTIVAL.CA 25
                                            SUNDAY                     MONDAY              TUESDAY                       WEDNESDAY                        THURSDAY                          FRIDAY                          SATURDAY
  LEGEND                                                                                                           1                              2                               3                                 4

  (O) Opening Performance                           CALLING ALL TEACHERS!                                                                                    OPENING
                                                                                                                                                          Serving Elizabeth
  (F) Filmed performances –
      camera positions may                Watch King Lear, Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and                                                                                             11:00 R + J
                                                                                                                                                                                  11:00 I Am William
      affect sightlines.                Juliet, Othello and The Tempest for FREE using our                         11:00 R + J                    11:00 Freedom                   3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1      11:00 R + J
                                        PerformancePlus resources – at home or at school!                          11:00 I Am William
                                                                                                                   3:00 R + J
                                                                                                                                                  11:00 I Am William
                                                                                                                                                  3:00 R + J
                                                                                                                                                                                  3:00 Freedom
                                                                                                                                                                                  3:00 Serving Elizabeth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    11:00 Serving Elizabeth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3:00 R + J
                                                                                                                   3:00 Serving Elizabeth         3:00 I Am William               7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2      3:00 I Am William
                                                                                                                   7:00 Freedom                   7:00 R + J                      7:00 Freedom                      7:00 Freedom
                                                                                                                   7:00 Serving Elizabeth         7:00 Serving Elizabeth (O)      7:00 Serving Elizabeth            7:00 I Am William
                                   5                              6     Labour Day 7                               8                              9                               10                                11

     @HOME                         11:00 R + J
                                                                                                                                                                                  11:00 Three Tall Women Part 1
                                                                                                                                                                                  11:00 R + J
                                                                                                                                                                                  11:00 I Am William                11:00 R + J
        Fresh digital              11:00 Serving Elizabeth
                                   3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1
                                                                                                                   11:00 R + J
                                                                                                                   11:00 Serving Elizabeth
                                                                                                                                                  11:00 Finally There’s Sun
                                                                                                                                                  11:00 I Am William (F)
                                                                                                                                                                                  3:00 Three Tall Women Part 2
                                                                                                                                                                                  3:00 R + J
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    11:00 Serving Elizabeth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3:00 Finally There’s Sun
       content from                3:00 Freedom                                                                    3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1   3:00 Finally There’s Sun        3:00 Serving Elizabeth            3:00 Serving Elizabeth
          some of                  3:00 I Am William
                                   7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2
                                                                                                                   3:00 I Am William
                                                                                                                   7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2
                                                                                                                                                  3:00 I Am William (F)
                                                                                                                                                  7:00 R + J
                                                                                                                                                                                  7:00 Finally There’s Sun
                                                                                                                                                                                  7:00 Serving Elizabeth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    7:00 Finally There’s Sun
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    7:00 I Am William
       Canada’s best               12                             13               14                              15                             16                              17                                18
        performers.                         OPENING
                                         Finally There’s Sun
      Films, original                                                              11:00 R + J
                                                                                   11:00 Serving Elizabeth (F)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    11:00 Finally There’s Sun
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1
      content, music               11:00 R + J                                     3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1                                                                                                     3:00 Finally There’s Sun
        and more.                  11:00 I Am William
                                   3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1
                                                                                   3:00 Finally There’s Sun
                                                                                   3:00 Serving Elizabeth (F)
                                                                                                                                                  11:00 R + J
                                                                                                                                                  3:00 Finally There’s Sun
                                                                                                                                                                                  11:00 R + J
                                                                                                                                                                                  3:00 R + J
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3:00 Serving Elizabeth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2
                                   3:00 Finally There’s Sun (O)                    7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2    11:00 Serving Elizabeth        3:00 Serving Elizabeth          3:00 Serving Elizabeth            7:00 R + J
              ONLY                 3:00 Serving Elizabeth                          7:00 Finally There’s Sun        7:00 R + J                     7:00 Finally There’s Sun        7:00 Finally There’s Sun          7:00 Serving Elizabeth

                                   7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2                    8:00 #KanderAndEbb              8:00 #KanderAndEbb             8:00 #KanderAndEbb              8:00 #KanderAndEbb                8:00 #KanderAndEbb
                                   19                             20               21                              22                             23                              24                                25

                                                                                   11:00 Finally There’s Sun (F)                                  11:00 Finally There’s Sun                                         11:00 R + J
                                                                                   3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1    11:00 R + J                    3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1    11:00 R + J                       3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1
                                   11:00 R + J                                     3:00 Finally There’s Sun (F)    11:00 Serving Elizabeth        3:00 R + J                      11:00 Serving Elizabeth           3:00 Finally There’s Sun
                                   3:00 Finally There’s Sun                        3:00 Serving Elizabeth          3:00 R + J                     3:00 Serving Elizabeth          3:00 Finally There’s Sun          3:00 Serving Elizabeth
                                   3:00 Serving Elizabeth                          7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2    3:00 Serving Elizabeth         7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2    3:00 Serving Elizabeth            7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2
                                   26                             27               28                              29                             30 National Day for Truth 1                                       2
                                                                                                                                                     and Reconciliation

                                   11:00 R + J
                                   3:00 Finally There’s Sun                        3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1                                   11:00 Three Tall Women Part 1                                     3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1
                                   3:00 Serving Elizabeth                          7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2                                   3:00 Three Tall Women Part 2                                      7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2
                                   3                              4                5                               6                              7                               8                                 9

                                                                                   3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1                                   3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1                                      3:00 Three Tall Women Part 1
                                                                                   7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2                                   7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2                                      7:00 Three Tall Women Part 2

26 1 800 567 1600 | 519 273 1600                                                                                                                                                                                  STRATFORDFESTIVAL.CA 27
The capacity of seating shown in each venue is based on anticipated regulations. You will be required
  to book all the seats within your selected seat grouping to allow for physical distancing. For your
 convenience, groupings are available for parties of 1, 2, 3 or 4. If regulations allow larger audiences,
                                                                                                                             FOR GUESTS WITH LOW VISION FOR GUESTS WITH
                          additional seating will be provided on outer edges.                                                   Audio-described performances are
                                                                                                                                designed for patrons who are blind or
                                                                                                                                                                      RESTRICTED MOBILITY
   When we begin selling tickets, indoor capacity will be limited to 25 seats per venue based on                             have low vision. A live audio describer gives                 We offer accessible and mobility seating in
        Ontario’s reopening plan. Those seats are coloured blue. When regulations allow for                                  details of costumes, sets and key on-stage                    the outdoor venues located at the Festival
                    greater capacities, the grey seats will be available for booking.                                        action. Delivered via headset, the description         Theatre and Tom Patterson Theatre. Accessible
                                                                                                                             supplements the spoken dialogue without                seats are reserved for those using wheelchairs
                                                                                                                             interfering with it.                                   as all other seats in our 2021 venues meet
      FESTIVAL THEATRE CANOPY                                    TOM PATTERSON THEATRE CANOPY                                                                                       mobility requirements.
                                                                                                                             NOTE: R+J is accessible to blind and low-vision
          Fully accessible outdoor venue.                                Fully accessible outdoor venue.                     audiences through an integrated audio description.     Our theatres also feature special-access
                All seats at floor level.                                      All seats at floor level.                                                                            washrooms, motorized door controls and elevators
                                                                                           Pod B
                                                                                                                                                                                    in multi-level buildings. Patrons are welcome to

                                                                              E                                  E

                                                                                                                             FOR GUESTS WHO ARE HARD                                bring their own assistive devices; however, large
                                                                                                                                                                                    devices such as walkers must be stored away from
                                                                          C                                      C
                                                                                                                             OF HEARING OR DEAF                                     the seating area during performances.
                                                                              B                                  B
                                                                                                                                    Our theatres offer wireless radio frequency            Pre-paid special-access parking is available
                                                                              A                              A
                                                                                                                                    hearing assistance receivers that are also             with a valid permit. These spaces are
                                                                                                                             compatible with t-coil-equipped hearing aids and       limited, so please reserve and pay when booking
Support for the 2021 season under the Festival Theatre Canopy                                                                cochlear implants. Guests are encouraged to bring      tickets. The City of Stratford also provides
 is generously provided by Daniel Bernstein & Claire Foerster.                                                               their own headsets/earbuds but can also purchase       unreserved special-access parking in Upper
                                                                                                                             earbuds to use onsite and take home. Please            Queen’s Park adjacent to the Festival Theatre, as
                                                                                                                             reserve your hearing assistance device at the time     well as near our other theatres. Metered parking is
                LAZARIDIS HALL                                                                                               of booking your ticket.                                free throughout the City of Stratford in designated
                                                                                                                                                                                    spaces with a valid special access permit.
           Indoor venue at ground level,                                      A                              A

          adjacent to the auditorium at the                                                                                                                                         In the 2021 outdoor season our accessible
                                                                                                                             FOR GUESTS WHO REQUIRE
                                                                              B                                  B
              Tom Patterson Theatre.                                                                                                                                                parking is located a significant walk from the
                                                                                                                                                                                    venue that includes a steeply inclined hill. Please
                                                                          C                                      C



                                                                                                                             A SUPPORT PERSON                                       consider dropping off patrons with accessibility
                                                                                                                                                                                    requirements before parking, or reaching out to
                                                                                           Pod A
                                                                                                                                     Support persons are welcome to provide         our box office to arrange support for your visit.
                                                                                                                                     services or assistance with communication,
                                                                                  STUDIO THEATRE                             mobility, personal care, medical needs or access
                                                                                                                             to our facilities. Support persons must have a
                                                                      Indoor venue with all seating, except front row,
                                                                 accessible by steps leading upward from stage level. The    valid ticket to performances or events that have
                                                                                                                             assigned seating, and admission prices will be
                                                                                                                                                                                    FOR GUESTS WITH SCENT
                                                                 auditorium is steeply inclined and reaching the back rows
                                                                   may be challenging for those with restricted mobility.    charged for both attendees. Complimentary
                                                                                                                             admission for one support person will be granted
                                                                                                                                                                                    ALLERGIES OR SENSITIVITIES
                                                                                                                             with a valid CNIB card or an Access2Entertainment           While we encourage our guests to refrain
                                                                                                                             card – please contact our box office for assistance.        from wearing heavily scented products,
                                                                                                                             The Festival will consider additional requests on a    we cannot guarantee a scent-free environment.
                                                                                                                             case-by-case basis.                                    Our performances will be held outdoors and
     Our canopies will offer cover in case of rain,                                                                                                                                 guests with allergies or sensitivities should come
     and performances will only be cancelled in                                                                                                                                     prepared for any impacts this may create.
     extreme weather. Please dress appropriately
     for the conditions. If you choose not to
     attend due to weather, but the performance
                                                                                                                             SERVICE ANIMALS
     is given, the exchange policies outlined on                                                                                    Service animals are welcome; please                        For more details visit
     page 31 will apply.                                                                                                            advise the box office when ordering to
                                                                                                                             ensure a suitable seat is reserved.             

28 1 800 567 1600 | 519 273 1600                                                                                                                                                                           STRATFORDFESTIVAL.CA 29
ORDER EARLY TO AVOID                                                                                                               BOOKING IS EASY!
        DISAPPOINTMENT                                                                                              1. Pick your performances from the calendar on pages 22 to 27.
                                                                                                                    2. Select the price that you wish to pay. All the rates below are available for
                                                                                                                       all seats – prices shown are per seat.
   With smaller venues, we anticipate high demand for seats                                                         Please help us in this recovery season. If you’re able to do so, please consider the Stratford
                                                                                                                    Lover rate or the Festival Enthusiast rate and help ensure an unparalleled experience for all.
                         Flexible exchange terms in cases of travel restriction or illness.

                                                                                                                              PLAYS AND CABARETS
                                                                                                                                (Excluding Three Tall Women)                                            THREE TALL WOMEN
                                                     ONLINE SALES                   TELEPHONE SALES
                                                 1.800.567.1600 | 519.273.1600                   $120 Stratford Lover Rate                                                $159 Stratford Lover Rate
Playwright’s Circle, Sustainer and              Tuesday, July 6, at noon        Wednesday, July 7, at 9 a.m.
                                                                                                                             $95 Festival Enthusiast Rate                                            $129 Festival Enthusiast Rate
Prospero Society Members
Associate, Benefactor, Ambassador             Wednesday, July 7, at 2 p.m.       Thursday, July 8, at 9 a.m.                          $75 Regular Rate                                                         $99 Regular Rate
and Friend Members
On-Account and Relaunch                          Friday, July 9, at 9 a.m.         Friday, July 9, at noon
                                                                                                                                Discounted Rate                                                            Discounted Rate
                                                                                                                         $35 for 11 a.m. performances,                                            $45 for the 11 a.m./3 p.m. pairing,
General Public                                  Monday, July 12, at noon         Tuesday, July 13, at 9 a.m.        $55 for 3 p.m and 7 p.m. performances.                                        $65 for the 3 p.m./7 p.m. pairing.

                                                                                                                        As part of our commitment to making sure that the Stratford Festival is open and
                                                                                                                     accessible to every member of our community, the discounted rates are offered to those
                                                                                                                                       who may be unable to afford the higher price bands.

                                                                                                                    3. Choose your seat grouping size. See each venue’s seat groupings on page 28.
        NEW! WAITING LIST FOR SOLD-OUT PERFORMANCES                                                                 You will pay the same ticket price for all the seats in your selected seat grouping, even if
  Join the waiting list for a performance and we’ll let you know when seats become available. Simply                your party won’t occupy all the seats. All ticket prices are available for all seats – you select
 specify and pay for the number of tickets you need. If they become available, we’ll reach out to you by            the price you wish to pay.
      phone. If not, we’ll refund you in full. Members receive priority access within the waiting list.
                            Call the box office for details or to join a waiting list.                              4. Order your tickets on your booking day by visiting or calling

                                                                                                                    EXCHANGES AND RETURNS
 STUDENT AND GROUP INQUIRIES                                                 NO TICKET FEES!                        Tickets are fully exchangeable – a charge of $7.50 per ticket will apply but will be waived for patrons required to self-isolate or in
                                                                                                                    the event of COVID-related illness. Programming, casting and schedule are subject to change without notice.
 Please refer to our website or reach out to our                        Prices shown are what you’ll pay
                                                                                                                    Visit for full conditions.
 box office for student and group opportunities                                (only tax is added).                 People with any COVID-19 symptoms are not allowed in our venues, for the safety of other guests, staff and artists. If you have
            and ticketing information.                                                                              symptoms, please contact our box office at least one hour prior to the performance and we will walk you through the next steps
                                                                If you choose to have your tickets mailed to you,   regarding your tickets. Options will be to exchange to another performance with all fees waived, to donate and receive a tax |     a $4 postage charge will be applied to your order.   receipt for the value of the tickets or to place the non-expiring value on your Stratford Festival account for use in the future. As our
                                                                                                                    performance capacities are very limited this year, if you find you are unable to attend, please contact our box office as early as
                                                                                                                    possible so we can assist you with alternative arrangements.
                                                                                                                    Tour operators with TICO licenses are authorized ticket sellers. Avoid other, unauthorized third-party sellers by booking through our
                                                                                                                    official website:

30 1 800 567 1600 | 519 273 1600                                                                                                                                                                                         STRATFORDFESTIVAL.CA                31
Your commitment to the Festival over this past year has strengthened and
inspired us. Thanks to your support, we were able to survive the most
difficult year in our history and can now bring you a season filled with joy.
A simple word of thanks does not convey the enormous gratitude we feel.
The financial stability your generosity provides, through your membership
or through a new or second gift to Raising the Tent, our Relaunch                       We are always so grateful for the very generous support of our Sponsors – and
campaign, ensures that treasured Stratford moments will be enjoyed for                now, more than ever! Our particular thanks go to the many local supporters and the
generations to come.                                                                     following key Corporate Partners who honoured their commitments in 2020.
Thank you! And we look forward to once more welcoming you home
to Stratford.                                                                                                           Proud Season Partners

                 THANK YOU TO OUR RELAUNCH CHAMPIONS                                                             Production & Program Sponsors
         MORE THAN                        MORE THAN                 MORE THAN

  6,540                               3,161                    5,348                                           Stratford Festival On Film Sponsor

                                        AS OF JUNE 14, 2021                              The Stratford Festival is a non-profit organization with charitable status in Canada and the US.

                                                                                      The Stratford Festival gratefully acknowledges the generous support of these contributors to our success:

 To make a donation to our Relaunch campaign or for membership please visit or call our box office at 1.800.567.1600.
                                                                                                                                                                  An agency of the Government of Ontario
                                                                                                                                                                 Un organisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario

32 1 800 567 1600 | 519 273 1600                                                                                                                                      STRATFORDFESTIVAL.CA 33
Subscribe now


ª   Exclusive content                      ª New voices
ª   Electrifying Shakespeare productions   ª Original drama
ª   Intimate musical concerts              ª Treasures from
ª   Spontaneous Shakespeare riffs            our film library   TAKE PART IN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING
                                                                      AND ACCESS RESOURCES FOR:
     Experience all this and more for only $10/month!                                   STUDENTS AND TEACHERS
                                                                                          YOUTH AND FAMILIES
    Tune in on Thursday evenings for live viewing parties,                      POST-SECONDARY STUDENTS AND SCHOLARS
       where we share films and brand-new content.                                 THEATRE ENTHUSIASTS OF ALL AGES!

                                                                                                LEARN MORE:
                                                        | | 1.800.567.1600

                                                                    Education Program Sponsor

                                                                                                                         STRATFORDFESTIVAL.CA 35
                                                                                           EXCLUSIVE PICNICS
                                                                                              ON THE ALONZO TERRACE
          Don’t miss this exceptional opportunity to own                                  AT THE TOM PATTERSON THEATRE
               a piece of Stratford Festival history!
                                                                                     INDIVIDUALLY CATERED PICNICS FOR A GROUP OF 2 TO 10 GUESTS.
    WOMEN’S AND MEN’S WATCHES, HANDCRAFTED FROM THE                                      ONLY 2 SEATINGS PER DAY. $200 FOR 2 GUESTS, $50 FOR
      ORIGINAL TOM PATTERSON THEATRE RED OAK STAGE                                                 EACH ADDITIONAL GUEST UP TO 10.
          Only 200 of each style available, each with its unique
       production number engraved on the back, made exclusively                         Includes private seating, butler service, and sparkling wine.
                       by Revival by Martin & Co.                                    A splendid spread of gourmet sandwiches, cured meats, artisanal
                                                                                               cheeses, decadent desserts and much more.

      $349.00                                                           $299.00
    + shipping                                                          + shipping

                                                                                                FOR DETAILS AND BOOKING, CALL 1.800.567.1600.
36 1 800 567 1600 | 519 WATCHES
                        273 1600 INCLUDE A 2-YEAR MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTY                                                              STRATFORDFESTIVAL.CA 37
                                                                                                                                       STRATFORDFESTIVAL.CA 2
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