Page created by Scott Jensen
See It. Find It. Her e

     5 DAY SHOWS

     JANUARY 20 - 24, 2023
      MARCH 10 - 14, 2023

  (Please find individual contracts inside)

Complete Exhibit Package
  Each booth package includes:
  • Free line listings in our directory - contact info, lines description and logo.
  • Pipe and drape- 3 ft side and 8 ft back drape - March Only
  • Exhibitor booth signage • Chair and wastebasket
  • Extensive marketing outreach
  • Daily booth cleaning
  • Free POV (personally owned vehicle) Load In/Out
  • Name badges - must be pre ordered
  • Free wireless internet
  • Free parking

                   Minneapolis Mart
                   10301 Bren Road West
                   Minnetonka, MN 55343
                   DATES & HOURS:
                   Fri —Tues, Jan 20-24, 2023          Fri —Tues, March 10-14, 2023
                   9:00 am to 6:00 pm                  9:00 am to 6:00 pm
                   Move In:                            Move In:
                   Wednesday, January 18, 2023         Wednesday, March 8, 2023
                   8:00 am - 5:00 pm                   8:00 am - 5:00 pm
                   Thursday, January 19, 2023          Thursday, March 9, 2023
                   8:00 am - 9:00 pm                   8:00 am - 9:00 pm
                   Move Out:                           Move Out:
                   Tuesday, January 24, 2023           Tuesday, March 14, 2023
                   After 6:00 pm                       After 6:00 pm

                   Minneapolis Mart
                   10301 Bren Road West
                   Minnetonka, MN 55343
                   952-932-7200 • 952-405-2254
                   mj@mplsmart.com • www.mplsmart.com
Return this page
  Exhibit Space Contract                                                              For Office Use Only:
  Minneapolis Mart Temporary Show
                                                                                      Booth Assignments(s) _____________________________
  Fri. - Tues., January 20 - 24, 2023
                                                                                      Amount Due $ ____________________________________
Company Name: __________________________________________                              Date                 Check/Charge                       Amount

Contact: __________________________________________________                           __________________________________________________
Business Address: ________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: ______ Zip: _________
                                                                                      Payment Totals
Bus. Phone: (          ) ________________________________________
Fax: (      ) ________________________________________________                        Booth(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ __________
Email (required): ___________________________________________                         Display Table 6’ or 8’ ($30.00 ea) . . . . . . $ __________
Website: __________________________________________________
                                                                                      Post-show list (emailed) ($25.00) . . . . . . $ __________
         q Mfg. q Importer q Distr. q Rep Co.
                                                                                      Discovery Table ($100.00 each) . . . . . . . $ __________
                                                                                      Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ __________
$10/sq. ft - 8’x10’ = $800.00 • End of Gallery - 5’x12’ = $600.00
                                                                                      Deposit ($500.00 per booth) . . . . . . . . . . $ __________
Booth Selection - Refer to Booth Plans
                              Booth #(s)                   Total                      Balance: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ __________
     1st Choice                     ____________           $ ____________             FULL PAYMENT IS DUE DECEMBER 19, 2022.
                                                                                      A $75 LATE FEE WILL BE APPLIED TO ALL LATE PAYMENTS
     2nd Choice                     ____________           $ ____________
                                                                                      SHOW DEPOSIT & FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.
     3rd Choice                     ____________           $ ____________
Special Requests _______________________________________________                      Payment Made By:
                                                                                      q Cashier’s Check              q Money Order
                                                                                      q Company Check                q Mastercard                    q Visa
            Additional Advertising
                                                                                      Card No.
 available in the Minneapolis Mart Directory                                          __________ - __________ - __________ - __________

Please see the attached ad contract and spec sheet.                                   V-code (3 digit number of back of card) ___ ___ ___

                                                                                      Exp. Date _____________ Total Charged $ ___________
 q Post-show Buyer’s List
     Excel Spreadsheet (emailed)                    $25.00           $ ________        __________________________________________________
                                                                                      Card Holder’s Name
 q Yes, send me ___________ (up to 100) FREE postcards to invite
    my buyers to enjoy the Mart Experience. First come/first serve –
                                                                                      Card Holder’s Address
    subject to availability after December 2, 2022.
 q Yes, I would like a Discovery Table. ($100 each)                                   Card Holder’s Signature
                                                                                      I, the cardholder, authorize the amount specified above to
                                                                                      be charged to my credit card. I understand the final balance
                                                                                      will be charged on this credit card on December 19, 2022.
Signature: _____________________________________________________                      I understand that upon cancellation of this agreement,
Date: __________________________________________________________                      payment will not be refunded or tranferred to another
                                                                                      market. No exceptions. I understand there will be a 3.5%
All booth assignments are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Location          charge added for using my credit card.
requests MUST be in writing. Minneapolis Mart will accommodate requests as space
permits. Complete contract and deposit required. All deposits will be processed
upon receipt. Minneapolis Mart reserves the right to reject ANY application for ANY   Exhibitor Badges:
reason. This contract becomes valid only after acceptance by show management.
Upon acceptance, all monies are nonrefundable and nontransferable. No exceptions.     List Names of all exhibitors working:
After December 19, 2022, full payment will be due with application by credit card,
company check, cashiers check, or money order. By signing and executing this           _____________________________________________
contract, the above signed consents to receiving communications from or on behalf
of Minneapolis Mart via telephone, email, and/or facsimile at the telephone            _____________________________________________
number(s), email address(es), and facsimile number(s) indicated above.
Mail or fax completed contract, August                                                 _____________________________________________
directory form and booth deposit of $500 to:                                           _____________________________________________
Minneapolis Mart, 10301 Bren Road West
Minnetonka, MN 55343                                                                   _____________________________________________
Fax Number: 952-932-0847                                                               _____________________________________________
Exhibit Space Terms & Conditions
    Minneapolis Mart Temporary Show
    Friday, January 20 - 24, 2023

Dates & Hours:                                                                    Liabilities:
Friday, January 20 - 24, 2023 • 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.                                   While all reasonable efforts to provide a safe and secure location and event, the
                                                                                  Sponsor nor their respective officers, members, agents, representatives, or
Show Locations:                                                                   subcontractors shall be responsible or liable for any loss, loss of sales, damage
Minneapolis Mart                                                                  or injury sustained by Exhibitor, or property, agents or invitees by fire, water,
10301 Bren Road West                                                              theft, disappearance, accident or other casualties. Exhibitor agrees to indemnify,
Minnetonka, MN 55343                                                              defend, protect and hold harmless Sponsor and their respective officers,
952-932-7200 fax: 952-932-0847                                                    members, agents, representatives or subcontractors for all liabilities which might
                                                                                  ensue by reason of Exhibitor’s exhibit, action, failure to act or presence at the
In the event that a change in show location is required, choice of space          show or or the negligence of Exhibitor or agents and shall make reimbursement
at new location will be prioritized based on historical participation. The        for any loss or expense incurred thereby.
show sponsor shall make the final determination for space allocation and
location. There shall be no refunds for a change in location except for           Exhibit/Merchandise Requirements/Samples:
reductions in space provided.                                                     Exhibitors will display only product lines that are (i) regularly sold by Exhibitor,
                                                                                  (ii) are listed in the Temporary Show Buyers Guide, and (iii) are NOT shown in a
Exhibit Space Includes:                                                           permanent showroom at the Minneapolis Mart. Nor shall Exhibitor display
• 10 classified listings and free line listings in our extensive buyers           product lines which have been withdrawn from a permanent showroom at the
  guide                                                                           Mart within the six month period prior to the commencement of the show.
• Exhibitor booth signage • Chair and wastebasket                                 Sponsor reserves the right to reject exhibits that may have been misrepresented
• Extensive marketing outreach                                                    or which are otherwise deemed by Sponsor to be objectionable. Samples may
• Daily booth cleaning                                                            not be sold or delivered to buyers during the show. No “Samples for Sale” signs
• Free POV (personally owned vehicle) Load In/Out                                 are allowed in the booth at any time.
• Name badges - must be pre ordered
• Free wireless internet • Free parking                                           Show Parking:
                                                                                  Free parking is available at the Minneapolis Mart
Booth Set Up/Tear Down/Removal of Merchandise
Exhibitors may set-up from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm on Wednesday, January                Use, Signs and Advertising:
18 or 8:00 am – 9:00 pm Thursday, January 19. All booths must be set-             The Sponsor may use any part of the Exhibit Space at any time as deemed
up by 8:00 am Friday, January 20 or the sponsor has the right to terminate        necessary for the operation of the show, including infrastructure items,
your booth. No one will be permitted to enter the loading area or show            directional and informational signs. No Exhibitor signs are permitted outside of
area prior to set-up time. Unloading/Delivering of merchandise is the             Exhibitor’s assigned Exhibit Space and no signs may be displayed on persons
responsibility of the exhibitor. There is no parking in the loading area.         outside of Exhibit Space beyond the Sponsor issued identification. Exhibitor
Exhibitor may not dismantle or remove any part of their exhibit prior to          agrees that it will not endorse, promote or otherwise advertise any other trade
show closing, Tuesday, January 24 at 6:00 pm. There will be no extra              show or off-site exhibit from their Exhibit Space or any other location within the
security for the show.                                                            show. Distribution of any printed matter, samples or other articles is restricted
                                                                                  to the confines of the Exhibitor Booth. Exhibitor shall not have or operate any
Assignment/Subletting                                                             display or exhibit which, at the sole discretion of the Sponsor, is the source of
Exhibitors may exhibit product lines in the space assigned by Sponsor             objectionable noises, odors or lights. Any person(s) disrupting the Show or
and may not assign this agreement or let another Exhibitor use any part           interfering with the operation of the Show may be removed or expelled from the
of its assigned space without the express written consent of Sponsor.             Show at the sole discretion of the Sponsor.
Exhibitors must stay within the square footage (space) assigned. The
Sponsor reserves the right to alter space assignments in order to conform         Rules & Regulations:
to the display requirement of the Mart Fire Marshal, show rules, and              Exhibitor shall not engage in any action that has or may have a negative adverse
guidelines. The Sponsor reserves the right to alter, change, or modify the        impact on the reputation or good will of the Sponsor. Examples shall include,
space allocation system for future shows. Sponsor reserves the right to           but are not limited to false or misleading advertisting, disparagement of Sponsor,
reject any application which cannot be accommodated into the show’s               repeated break of contracts with customers and suppliers without justification
guidelines, plans and procedures. Sponsor will assign all booth(s) for            and failure to ship products timely. The Sponsor may expel the Exhibitor without
exhibitors in the show. Sponsor will give special consideration to seniority.     refunding deposit or show fee. Exhibitor shall observe and abide by these Terms
                                                                                  and Conditions and such other rules and regulations that Minneapolis Mart may
Seniority does not guarantee the same location in each show. All space            adopt from time to time. Exhibitor assumes all responsibility for compliance with
assignments subject to change due to permanent lease of showrooms                 all pertinent ordinances, regulations and codes of duly authorized local, state,
up to 60 days prior to show. Sponsor reserves the right to relocate               and federal governing bodies, including without limitation fire, safety and health,
exhibitors to different space if a showroom is permanently leased.                together with the rules and regulations of the operator and/or owners of the
Deposits/Payments/Cancellation:                                                   property wherein the Show is held. Sponsor may remove any person during the
A $500.00 per booth deposit is required by December 1, 2022. (Check,              Show whom Sponsor believes is disrupting or obstructing proper operation and
Money Order, or Visa/Mastercard). Sponsor will be placing all exhibitors          management of the Show. Exhibitors who do not attend/show up will be
in show after deadline. No spaces will be held. Deposits and Show Fees            expelled from all other shows.
are Non-refundable. Payment in full must be paid by December 19, 2022             All Exhibitors, Exhibitor Staff, and associated personnel must wear Exhibitor
or a $75 late fee will apply. Booth space not paid in full by December 19,        Badges at all times on the show and Mart Premises. No children 12 and under
2022 will be reassigned or cancelled with no refund. All payments                 are allowed in your booths or at the show. Exhibitor badge requests must be
including advertising must be paid in full prior to show. Sponsor may             made prior to January 13, 2023. Request should be emailed or faxed. Exhibitor
cancel this Contract without refund to Exhibitor, and may reassign any            badges will be available for pickup Wednesday, January 18, 2023 or later.
Exhibit Space previously assigned to Exhibitor, upon failure of Exhibitor
(i) to make payments as required, (ii) to abide by these Terms and                Exhibitors are not allowed in other Exhibitor booths, without their permission.
Conditions and other rules and regulations as provided, or (iii) failure to       Please do not take sales materials, or handle another Exhibitor’s product without
claim its assigned Exhibit Space prior to the deadline set for the show.          their presence and consent. No cameras or photographic equipment shall be
In any such case, the defaulting Exhibitor shall release space and shall          brought into the show without the Sponsor’s consent.
not be entitled to a refund. Should Sponsor cancel the show or fail to            Private Event:
furnish the space to Exhibitor, it shall promptly refund to Exhibitor all         This Show is a private event, operated on private property. All Exhibitors, guests
sums paid; but if such cancellation is due to an act of God; war, fire, strike,   and Buyers are subject to all rules and regulations as adopted by the Sponsor
government decree or any other cause beyond Sponsor’s control, there              and the Minneapolis Mart. Exhibitors agree that they are individually responsible
shall be deducted a pro-rated portion of the expenses incurred by                 to abide by all federal, state and local laws in the operation of their Exhibits and
Sponsor in connection with the show. Such refund shall be in full                 while present on the premises of the Minneapolis Mart.
settlement of all loss or damage suffered by Exhibitor and in no case will
any refund exceed the Exhibit Fees actually paid by the Exhibitor to the          Entire Agreement:
Sponsor. If a space become unavailable due to a permanent showroom                This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and
lease, a new space will be assigned by the sponsor. There will be no              supersedes any and all prior written or oral contracts, correspondence,
refund/cancellation permitted due to reassignment unless there is no              agreements, and understandings. Any amendment to the terms hereof shall not
available space.                                                                  be valid unless presented in writing and signed by authorized parties hereto.
                                                                                  The full balance of this contract remains binding in the event that any party of
                                                                                  the contract is legally found to be void.
Return this page
  Exhibit Space Contract                                                              For Office Use Only:
  Minneapolis Mart Temporary Show
                                                                                      Booth Assignments(s) _____________________________
  Fri. - Tues., March 10 - 14, 2023
                                                                                      Amount Due $ ____________________________________
Company Name: __________________________________________                              Date                 Check/Charge                       Amount

Contact: __________________________________________________                           __________________________________________________
Business Address: ________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: ______ Zip: _________
                                                                                      Payment Totals
Bus. Phone: (          ) ________________________________________
Fax: (       ) ________________________________________________                       Booth(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ __________
Email (required): ___________________________________________
                                                                                      Post-show list (emailed) ($25.00) . . . . . . $ __________
Website: __________________________________________________
         q Mfg. q Importer q Distr. q Rep Co.                                         Discovery Table ($100.00 each) . . . . . . . $ __________

         CONTRACTS ARE DUE BY JAN. 2                                                  Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ __________

$10/sq. ft - 8’x10’ = $800.00 • End of Gallery - 5’x12’ = $600.00                     Deposit ($500.00 per booth) . . . . . . . . . . $ __________
Booth Selection - Refer to Booth Plans                                                Balance: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ __________
                                    Booth #(s)             Total                      FULL PAYMENT IS DUE FEBRUARY 6, 2023.
     1st Choice                     ____________           $ ____________             A $75 LATE FEE WILL BE APPLIED TO ALL LATE PAYMENTS
     2nd Choice                     ____________           $ ____________             SHOW DEPOSIT & FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.
     3rd Choice                     ____________           $ ____________
                                                                                      Payment Made By:
Special Requests _______________________________________________
                                                                                      q Cashier’s Check              q Money Order
                                                                                      q Company Check                q Mastercard                    q Visa
             Additional Advertising                                                   Card No.
 available in the Minneapolis Mart Directory                                          __________ - __________ - __________ - __________

Please see the attached ad contract and spec sheet.                                   V-code (3 digit number of back of card) ___ ___ ___

                                                                                      Exp. Date _____________ Total Charged $ ___________
 q Post-show Buyer’s List
         Excel Spreadsheet (emailed)                $25.00           $ ________        __________________________________________________
                                                                                      Card Holder’s Name
 q Yes, send me ___________ (up to 100) FREE postcards to invite
    my buyers to enjoy the Mart Experience. First come/first serve –                  Card Holder’s Address
    subject to availability after January 27, 2023.                                   _________________________________________________________
                                                                                      Card Holder’s Signature
 q Yes, I would like a Discovery Table. ($100 each)
                                                                                      I, the cardholder, authorize the amount specified above to
                                                                                      be charged to my credit card. I understand the final balance
                                                                                      will be charged on this credit card on February 6, 2023.
Signature: _____________________________________________________                      I understand that upon cancellation of this agreement,
                                                                                      payment will not be refunded or tranferred to another
Date: __________________________________________________________                      market. No exceptions. I understand there will be a 3.5%
                                                                                      charge added for using my credit card.
All booth assignments are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Location
requests MUST be in writing. Minneapolis Mart will accommodate requests as space
permits. Complete contract and deposit required. All deposits will be processed       Exhibitor Badges:
upon receipt. Minneapolis Mart reserves the right to reject ANY application for ANY
reason. This contract becomes valid only after acceptance by show management.
Upon acceptance, all monies are nonrefundable and nontransferable. No exceptions.     List Names of all exhibitors working:
After February 6, 2023, full payment will be due with application by credit card,
company check, cashiers check, or money order. By signing and executing this           _____________________________________________
contract, the above signed consents to receiving communications from or on behalf
of Minneapolis Mart via telephone, email, and/or facsimile at the telephone            _____________________________________________
number(s), email address(es), and facsimile number(s) indicated above.
Mail or fax completed contract, August                                                 _____________________________________________
directory form and booth deposit of $500 to:                                           _____________________________________________
Minneapolis Mart, 10301 Bren Road West
Minnetonka, MN 55343                                                                   _____________________________________________
Fax Number: 952-932-0847                                                               _____________________________________________
Exhibit Space Terms & Conditions
    Minneapolis Mart Temporary Show
    Friday, March 10 through Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Dates & Hours:                                                                             representatives or subcontractors for all liabilities which might ensue by reason of
Friday, March 10 - Tuesday, March 14, 2023 • 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.                               Exhibitor’s exhibit, action, failure to act or presence at the show or or the negligence of
                                                                                           Exhibitor or agents and shall make reimbursement for any loss or expense incurred thereby.
Show Locations:
Minneapolis Mart                                                                           Exhibit/Merchandise Requirements/Samples:
10301 Bren Road West                                                                       Exhibitors will display only product lines that are (i) regularly sold by Exhibitor, (ii) are listed
Minnetonka, MN 55343                                                                       in the Temporary Show Buyers Guide, and (iii) are NOT shown in a permanent showroom at
952-932-7200 fax: 952-932-0847                                                             the Minneapolis Mart. Nor shall Exhibitor display product lines which have been withdrawn
                                                                                           from a permanent showroom at the Mart within the six month period prior to the
In the event that a change in show location is required, choice of space at new            commencement of the show. Sponsor reserves the right to reject exhibits that may have
location will be prioritized based on historical participation. The show sponsor shall     been misrepresented or which are otherwise deemed by Sponsor to be objectionable.
make the final determination for space allocation and location. There shall be no          Samples may not be sold or delivered to buyers during the show. No “Samples for Sale”
refunds for a change in location except for reductions in space provided.                  signs are allowed in the booth at any time.
Exhibit Space Includes:                                                                    Show Parking:
• 10 classified listings and free line listings in our extensive buyers guide              Free parking is available at the Minneapolis Mart
• Pipe and drape- 3 ft side and 8 ft back drape
• Exhibitor booth signage • Chair and wastebasket                                          Use, Signs and Advertising:
• Extensive marketing outreach                                                             The Sponsor may use any part of the Exhibit Space at any time as deemed necessary for
• Daily booth cleaning                                                                     the operation of the show, including infrastructure items, directional and informational signs.
• Free POV (personally owned vehicle) Load In/Out                                          No Exhibitor signs are permitted outside of Exhibitor’s assigned Exhibit Space and no signs
• Name badges - must be pre ordered                                                        may be displayed on persons outside of Exhibit Space beyond the Sponsor issued
• Free wireless internet • Free parking                                                    identification. Exhibitor agrees that it will not endorse, promote or otherwise advertise any
Booth Set Up/Tear Down/Removal of Merchandise                                              other trade show or off-site exhibit from their Exhibit Space or any other location within the
Exhibitors may set-up from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on Wednesday, March 8 and/or from            show. Distribution of any printed matter, samples or other articles is restricted to the
8:00 am to 9:00 pm on Thursday, March 9. All booths must be set-up by 8:00 am              confines of the Exhibitor Booth. Exhibitor shall not have or operate any display or exhibit
Friday, March 10 or the sponsor has the right to terminate your booth. No one will         which, at the sole discretion of the Sponsor, is the source of objectionable noises, odors or
be permitted to enter the loading area or show area prior to set-up time.                  lights. Any person(s) disrupting the Show or interfering with the operation of the Show may
Unloading/Delivering of merchandise is the responsibility of the exhibitor.                be removed or expelled from the Show at the sole discretion of the Sponsor.
Arrangements can be made with our show contractor Chrom. There is no parking
in the loading area. Exhibitor may not dismantle or remove any part of their exhibit       Rules & Regulations:
prior to show closing, Tuesday, March 14 at 6:00 pm. There will be no extra security       Exhibitor shall not engage in any action that has or may have a negative adverse impact on
for the show.                                                                              the reputation or good will of the Sponsor. Examples shall include, but are not limited to
                                                                                           false or misleading advertisting, disparagement of Sponsor, repeated break of contracts
Assignment/Subletting                                                                      with customers and suppliers without justification and failure to ship products timely. The
Exhibitors may exhibit product lines in the space assigned by Sponsor and may not          Sponsor may expel the Exhibitor without refunding deposit or show fee. Exhibitor shall
assign this agreement or let another Exhibitor use any part of its assigned space          observe and abide by these Terms and Conditions and such other rules and regulations that
without the express written consent of Sponsor. Exhibitors must stay within the            Minneapolis Mart may adopt from time to time. Exhibitor assumes all responsibility for
square footage (space) assigned. The Sponsor reserves the right to alter space             compliance with all pertinent ordinances, regulations and codes of duly authorized local,
assignments in order to conform to the display requirement of the Mart Fire Marshal,       state, and federal governing bodies, including without limitation fire, safety and health,
show rules, and guidelines. The Sponsor reserves the right to alter, change, or            together with the rules and regulations of the operator and/or owners of the property
modify the space allocation system for future shows. Sponsor reserves the right to         wherein the Show is held. Sponsor may remove any person during the Show whom
reject any application which cannot be accommodated into the show’s guidelines,            Sponsor believes is disrupting or obstructing proper operation and management of the
plans and procedures. Sponsor will assign all booth(s) for exhibitors in the show.         Show. Exhibitors who do not attend/show up will be expelled from all other shows.
Sponsor will give special consideration to seniority. Seniority does not guarantee
the same location in each show. All space assignments subject to change due to             All Exhibitors, Exhibitor Staff, and associated personnel must wear Exhibitor Badges at all
permanent lease of showrooms up to 60 days prior to show. Sponsor reserves the             times on the show and Mart Premises. No children 12 and under are allowed in your booths
right to relocate exhibitors to different space if a showroom is permanently leased.       or at the show. Exhibitor badge requests must be made prior to March 3, 2023. Request
                                                                                           should be emailed or faxed. Exhibitor badges will be available for pickup at exhibitor
Deposits/Payments/Cancellation:                                                            services.
A $500.00 per booth deposit is required by January 2, 2023. (Check, Money Order,
or Visa/Mastercard). Sponsor will be placing all exhibitors in show after deadline.        Exhibitors are not allowed in other Exhibitor booths, without their permission. Please do
No spaces will be held. Deposits and Show Fees are Non-refundable. Payment in              not take sales materials, or handle another Exhibitor’s product without their presence and
full must be paid by February 6, 2023 or a $75 late fee will apply. Booth space not        consent. No cameras or photographic equipment shall be brought into the show without
paid in full by February 6, will be reassigned or cancelled with no refund. All            the Sponsor’s consent.
payments including advertising must be paid in full prior to show. Sponsor may
cancel this Contract without refund to Exhibitor, and may reassign any Exhibit Space       Private Event:
previously assigned to Exhibitor, upon failure of Exhibitor (i) to make payments as        This Show is a private event, operated on private property. All Exhibitors, guests and Buyers
required, (ii) to abide by these Terms and Conditions and other rules and regulations      are subject to all rules and regulations as adopted by the Sponsor and the Minneapolis Mart.
as provided, or (iii) failure to claim its assigned Exhibit Space prior to the deadline    Exhibitors agree that they are individually responsible to abide by all federal, state and local
set for the show. In any such case, the defaulting Exhibitor shall release space and       laws in the operation of their Exhibits and while present on the premises of the Minneapolis
shall not be entitled to a refund. Should Sponsor cancel the show or fail to furnish       Mart.
the space to Exhibitor, it shall promptly refund to Exhibitor all sums paid; but if such   Entire Agreement:
cancellation is due to an act of God; war, fire, strike, government decree or any other    This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes
cause beyond Sponsor’s control, there shall be deducted a pro-rated portion of the         any and all prior written or oral contracts, correspondence, agreements, and understandings.
expenses incurred by Sponsor in connection with the show. Such refund shall be             Any amendment to the terms hereof shall not be valid unless presented in writing and signed
in full settlement of all loss or damage suffered by Exhibitor and in no case will any     by authorized parties hereto. The full balance of this contract remains binding in the event
refund exceed the Exhibit Fees actually paid by the Exhibitor to the Sponsor. If a         that any party of the contract is legally found to be void.
space become unavailable due to a permanent showroom lease, a new space will
be assigned by the sponsor. There will be no refund/cancellation permitted due to
reassignment unless there is no available space.
While all reasonable efforts to provide a safe and secure location and event, the
Sponsor nor their respective officers, members, agents, representatives, or
subcontractors shall be responsible or liable for any loss, loss of sales, damage or
injury sustained by Exhibitor, or property, agents or invitees by fire, water, theft,
disappearance, accident or other casualties. Exhibitor agrees to indemnify, defend,
protect and hold harmless Sponsor and their respective officers, members, agents,
Return this page
       Buyers Guide Directory Form
                                                                                   Complete this form and mail, email or fax back to:
               5 Day Show                                                          10301 Bren Rd. W, Minnetonka, MN 55343
               Which show are you exhibiting in:                                   Fax: 952-932-0847 or mj@mplsmart.com
                                                                                   Questions? Call 952-932-7200
                      qJanuary             qMarch

Buyers Guide Deadlines:
January - January 2, 2023                               March - February 20, 2023

                       I   N F O R M A T I O N                                 R   E Q U E S T           F   O R M

       Please note what information you provide will be published in the Buyer’s Guide
Your Company Logo:                                                             FREE Product Showcase
q I do not have a logo                                                         q I do not have product images
q I will send a copy of my logo to the Mart
q I give permission to the Minneapolis Mart to go                              q I will send a product image
  to my website and copy my company’s logo.

Product / Line Listings for Directory:                                                 Page Example            Product Showcase
Each exhibitor may list their product line(s), description(s), and be listed                                       Example
in the Classified Listing section in up to 10 classifieds. (i.e. fashion
accessories, gourmet, greeting cards, home décor, toys, etc.)
Exhibitors will only show lines NOT shown at the Minneapolis Mart
permanent showrooms.

Each exhibitor (Distributor, Importer, Manufacturer or Rep) will have
their company name and contact information, their line(s) with
description listed in the Buyer’s Guide. Each line name will be listed in
the classified section under the chosen categories as well as
alphabetically in the manufacturer section of the Buyer’s Guide.

Any adjustments will be at the discretion of the Editor and/or Temporary
Show Manager.

Company Name: _________________________________________________
Contact: _________________________________________________________
Business Address: ________________________________________________
City: ______________________________ State: ______ Zip: ____________
Bus. Phone: (                          ) ________________________________________________
Fax: (                ) _______________________________________________________
Email (required): __________________________________________________
Website: _________________________________________________________
1) Product Line ________________________________________________________________________________________

    Description _________________________________________________________________________________________

    Classifications (See Below) ___________________________________________________________________________

2) Product Line ________________________________________________________________________________________

    Description _________________________________________________________________________________________

    Classifications (See Below) ___________________________________________________________________________

3) Product Line ________________________________________________________________________________________

    Description _________________________________________________________________________________________

    Classifications (See Below) ___________________________________________________________________________

4) Product Line ________________________________________________________________________________________

    Description _________________________________________________________________________________________

    Classifications (See Below) ___________________________________________________________________________

5) Product Line ________________________________________________________________________________________

    Description _________________________________________________________________________________________

    Classifications (See Below) ___________________________________________________________________________

 Exhibitors Classified
 Each exhibitor may choose up to ten classified listings.

 Apparel                             Fireplace Accessories               Lodge                                Toys
 Art Glass                           Floral: Silk, Dried Accessories     Men’s Gifts                          Travel Accessories and Luggage
 Bags and Totes                      Footwear                            Metals: Brass, Copper, Pewter,       USA Made Products
 Bar and Wine Accessories            Frames and Albums                      Silver                            Wall Decor: Art, Mirrors, Posters,
 Bath Accessories                    Free Trade                          Minnesota Made Products                 Plaques, Clocks
 Bells, Chimes                       Games, Puzzles, Playing Cards       Music: CD s and Cassettes            Western
 Bird Houses and Feeders             Garden                              Music Boxes                          Windsocks and Flags
 Blankets, Throws, Afghans, Quilts   Giftwrap, Gift Boxes, Labels        Nature Themed Products               Wood Products
 Books, Cookbooks, Publications      Gourmet: Food, Candy, Coffee, Tea   Nautical
 Bridal Accessories                  Greeting Cards, Invitations,        Organic and Natural Products         Others
 Calendars and Planners                 Announcements                    Paper Goods
 Candles, Oils, Potpourri and        Green - Eco Friendly                Party Decorations, Balloons
    Accessories                      Handcrafted Items                   Pet Items
 Children’s and Baby Products        Health and Beauty Products          Pillows
 Christmas                           Holiday: Christmas, Easter,         Plush
 Collectibles                           Halloween                        Primitives
 Country                             Home Decor and Furniture            Religious/Inspirational Items
 Crafts and Hobby                    Impulse Items                       Rugs
 Custom, Private Label               Jewelry, Jewelry Boxes, Watches     Scandinavian Products
 Desk and Office Accessories         Kitchenware, Houseware, Cutlery,    Scrapbooking and Stickers
 Dinnerware                             Bakeware, Cookware               Sculptures
 Fair Trade                          Lamps and Lighting                  Souvenirs and Novelties
 Fashion Accessories, Hand-bags,     Leather                             Stationery and Writing Instruments
    Sunglasses, Watches              Licensed Products                   Tabletop: Flatware, Hollowware,
 Figurines                           Linen and Lace                         Glassware, Coasters

We cannot guarantee that classified listings, lines listings and directory ads will appear if material is received after deadline.
A supplement is published after print deadlines.
The Minneapolis Mart
   The Minneapolis Mart attracts buyers from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North and South
 Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Illinois and beyond. The Minneapolis Mart Temporary show is your
 opportunity to reach thousands of new prospects that shop our regional mart.

    The cost savings in airfare and hotel, and the fact that they like to do business with people
 that already understand their customers, are just a few reasons buyers love to come to the
 Minneapolis Mart.

     The Mart is proud of the many buyers and stores that visit each year.

Marketing that gets you prospects

Aggressive and comprehensive marketing              • Direct mail: a directory is sent three weeks
efforts by The Minneapolis Mart will attract          before the show, reaching thousands of
buyers that you’ll want to start a partnership.       stores in the upper midwest and beyond.
• Advertising in national trade magazines
• Exposure on www.mplsmart.com.
• Broadcast emails targeting Minneapolis
  Mart buyers

And to help your marketing efforts...
Free listing in the                                  Buyer incentive prize giveaway
Minneapolis Mart directory                           Daily prizes will be given away each day of the
As part of your exhibit package, you receive a       show. Buyers earn drawing entry slips with
free listing that includes your logo (if you have    each order they place.
one), your company name, contact information,
lines carried with a brief description in the        Cash incentive for NEW
show’s comprehensive and professionally              exhibitors
produced directory mailed out three weeks prior      Minneapolis Mart Temporary Show Exhibitors
to the show. One of the best guides in the           who bring in NEW exhibitors will receive $100
industry, you will be reaching 1000’s of buyers      CASH for each NEW exhibitor.
who have recently registered at Minneapolis
Mart shows.                                          1. These exhibitors must have never
                                                        participated in a past temporary show
There is also an opportunity to purchase                with the Minneapolis Mart, or have never
additional advertising for your products in full        been represented in the permanent
color. This will quickly reach thousands of             showrooms.
Midwest buyers. Please refer to the Provision ad
Agreement.                                           2. The New Exhibitor must say which
                                                        exhibitor referred them to the Minneapolis
Free postcards                                          Mart at time of booking.
Generate awareness and invite buyers to the
                                                     3. Cash will be paid during the show to the
Mart with FREE full color postcards. Order them
                                                        individual who referred them.
on your contract form. You will receive them
approximately 6 weeks prior to the show.
Preferred Hotels
Special rates are available at the following hotels.

*Hilton Garden Inn, Eden Prairie
6300 Point Chase, 952-995-9000
Book online for best available rates:

*Holiday Inn Express, Minnetonka
10985 Red Circle Drive, 952-912-9999
Book online for best available rates:

Home2 Suites by Hilton
6030 Clearwater Drive, 952-945-9999
Call hotel directly for competitive rates

Additional hotels can be found on

                            Minneapolis Mart
               10301 Bren Road West, Minnetonka, MN 55343
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