Temporal Encoding is Required for Categorization, But Not Discrimination - Oxford Academic Journals
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Cerebral Cortex, June 2021;31: 2886–2897 doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhaa396 Advance Access Publication Date: 12 January 2021 Original Article ORIGINAL ARTICLE Temporal Encoding is Required for Categorization, Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/cercor/article/31/6/2886/6082826 by guest on 31 December 2021 But Not Discrimination Justin D. Yao1 and Dan H. Sanes1,2,3,4 1 Center for Neural Science, New York University, New York, NY 10003, USA, 2 Department of Psychology, New York University, New York, NY 10003, USA, 3 Department of Biology, New York University, New York, NY 10003, USA and 4 Neuroscience Institute, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York University, New York, NY 10016, USA Address correspondence to Justin D. Yao, Center for Neural Science, 4 Washington Place, Room 621, New York, NY 10003, USA. Email: jdyao@nyu.edu. Abstract Core auditory cortex (AC) neurons encode slow f luctuations of acoustic stimuli with temporally patterned activity. However, whether temporal encoding is necessary to explain auditory perceptual skills remains uncertain. Here, we recorded from gerbil AC neurons while they discriminated between a 4-Hz amplitude modulation (AM) broadband noise and AM rates >4 Hz. We found a proportion of neurons possessed neural thresholds based on spike pattern or spike count that were better than the recorded session’s behavioral threshold, suggesting that spike count could provide sufficient information for this perceptual task. A population decoder that relied on temporal information outperformed a decoder that relied on spike count alone, but the spike count decoder still remained sufficient to explain average behavioral performance. This leaves open the possibility that more demanding perceptual judgments require temporal information. Thus, we asked whether accurate classification of different AM rates between 4 and 12 Hz required the information contained in AC temporal discharge patterns. Indeed, accurate classification of these AM stimuli depended on the inclusion of temporal information rather than spike count alone. Overall, our results compare two different representations of time-varying acoustic features that can be accessed by downstream circuits required for perceptual judgments. Key words: amplitude modulation, auditory cortex, auditory discrimination, rate code, temporal code Introduction judgments. For example, our ability to distinguish the pitch Perceptual judgments depend on neural responses that are of a musical instrument must be encoded in the temporal unique to individual sensory stimuli. The neural representation domain, at least in the auditory brainstem (see Bidelman 2013 can be as simple as the total spike count, or it can take on a for review). Here, we ask whether temporal encoding by core more complicated form as the temporal distribution of spikes auditory cortex (AC) neurons is necessary to explain behavioral (temporal code). For example, visual and somatosensory cortex acuity in animals that are discriminating sounds based on the neurons encode behaviorally relevant stimulus parameters with modulation rate of time-varying intensity fluctuations. a spike count code that provides sufficient information to guide Modulation of signal amplitude is a fundamental acoustic perceptual acuity (Tolhurst et al. 1983; Parker and Hawken 1985; cue that is present in speech, nonhuman vocalizations, and Bradley et al. 1987; Britten et al. 1992; Hernández et al. 2000; many other natural sounds (Shannon et al. 1995; Wang 2000; Salinas et al. 2000; Luna et al. 2005). However, most natural Singh and Theunissen 2003; Zeng et al. 2005; Elliott and Theunis- sounds are composed of time-varying intensity fluctuations, sen 2009). Although neural responses to amplitude modulated from slow (∼1 Hz) to fast (>100 Hz), suggesting that a temporal (AM) sounds are well characterized (Joris et al. 2004; Malone et al. pattern of activity may be required to perform fine perceptual 2010), their relationship to perceptual judgments is less certain. Published by Oxford University Press 2021. This work is written by US Government employees and is in the public domain in the US.
Candidate Codes for Auditory Discrimination Yao and Sanes 2887 For very fast AM rates, core AC neurons are unable to synchro- paradigm, similar to that as described previously (von Trapp nize to the stimulus, and must encode these stimuli with a spike et al. 2017). Briefly, gerbils were placed on controlled food access count code (Yao and Sanes 2018). At intermediate AM rates, and trained to initiate a trial by placing their noses in a cylindri- described perceptually as “flutter” (Miller and Taylor 1948), AC cal port that interrupted an infrared beam. Animals were shaped neurons can provide a sufficient representation through either to approach a food tray upon presentation of the “Go” signal (AM spike count or temporal codes (Joris et al. 2004; Bendor and Wang rate > 4 Hz), and received a reward (20-mg pellet) from a pellet 2007). In fact, the discrimination of large differences between dispenser (Med Associates Inc.). After learning to consistently temporal fluctuation rate in the flutter range may rely on an AC initiate Go trials, animals were then trained to repoke upon neuron spike count code (Lemus et al. 2009). In contrast, the peak presentation the “Nogo” signal (AM rate = 4 Hz). Nogo trials (30% of the AM spectrum of speech is quite slow at ∼4 Hz (Ding et al. probability) were randomly interleaved with Go trials. During the 2017). Thus, AC neuron temporal encoding could easily account initial training stage, both the Go and Nogo stimuli consisted of for auditory discrimination of slow time-varying fluctuations. AM frozen broadband noise (25-dB rolloff at 3.5 and 20 kHz) with Here, we ask whether temporal encoding is necessary to a modulation depth of 100%, presented at a sound level of 50-dB Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/cercor/article/31/6/2886/6082826 by guest on 31 December 2021 explain behavioral acuity in animals performing an AM rate SPL. In addition, AM stimuli were preceded by a 200-ms onset discrimination task. We recorded from gerbil AC neurons tele- ramp, followed by an unmodulated period of 200 ms, which then metrically while they discriminated between a 4-Hz AM broad- transitioned to AM noise for at least 1000 ms. This resulted in a band noise and AM rates >4 Hz. We found that a proportion of total stimulus duration of at least 1400 ms. AC units displayed spike count AM discrimination thresholds Trials were scored as a Hit (correctly approaching the food that were superior to behavioral thresholds, suggesting that tray during a Go trial), Miss (failing to approach the food tray spike count is sufficiently informative to explain perceptual and repoking during a Go trial), Correct Reject (CR; correctly acuity. Similarly, a population-level activity decoder based on repoking during a Nogo trial), or False Alarm (FA; incorrectly spike count was sufficient to explain average behavioral AM approaching the food tray on a Nogo trial). Psychometric thresh- discrimination, whereas a decoder with access to temporal dis- olds were assessed by presenting Go trials across five different charge information outperformed the best overall behavioral AM rates (4.5, 6, 8, 10, and 12 Hz), randomly interleaved with performance. Finally, we show that temporal coding is likely Nogo trials (4 Hz). The percentage of Hits were plotted as a required to support the accurate classification of AM rates. function of AM rate and these psychometric functions were Overall, our results suggest that discrimination of time-varying fit with a cumulative Gaussian using Bayesian inference from acoustic features can be accomplished with a spike count code, the open-source package psignifit 4 for MATLAB (Schütt et al. but categorization of these same stimuli requires temporal spike 2016). The fitted distribution of percent correct scores was then pattern information. transformed to the signal detection metric, d , by calculating the difference in z-scores of Hit rate versus FA rate (Green and Swets 1966). Hit and FA rates were constrained to floor (0.05) Materials and Methods and ceiling (0.95) values to avoid d values that approach infinity. Experimental Subjects Psychometric threshold was defined as the AM rate at which d = 1. Only sessions during which the FA rate was ≤30% and the Three adult gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus, 2 males and 1 female) animal performed a minimum of 150 trials were used to track were weaned from commercial breeding pairs (Charles River), psychometric performance and auditory cortex physiology. and housed on a 12 h light/dark cycle with free access to food and water unless otherwise noted. All procedures were approved Neurophysiology by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at New York Electrophysiological procedures are identical to those of previ- University. ous studies from our laboratory (Yao and Sanes 2018). Below, we provide a summary of the procedures. Method Details Behavioral Apparatus Electrode Implantation Adult gerbils were placed in a plastic test cage (0.25 × 0.25 × 0.4 m) Animals underwent electrode implantation after they were fully within a sound-attenuating booth (IAC; internal dimensions: trained and three psychometric functions had been obtained 2.2 × 2 × 2 m) and observed via a closed-circuit monitor. Acoustic that met the criteria of FA rate ≤ 0.30 and maximum d ≥ 2. stimuli were delivered from a calibrated free-field tweeter During implantation surgery, the animal was anesthetized with (DX25TG0504; Vifa) positioned 1 m directly above the test cage. isoflurane/O2 , secured on a stereotaxic device (Kopf), and a 16- Sound calibration measurements were made with a 1/4-inch channel silicone probe array (four shanks with recording sites free-field condenser recording microphone (Bruël and Kjaer) arranged in a 600 × 600-μm grid; Neuronexus A4 × 4–4 mm-200- placed in the center of the cage. A pellet dispenser (Med 200-1250-H16_21 mm) was implanted in the left core auditory Associates Inc.) was connected to a customized 3D printed food cortex. The array was fixed to a custom-made microdrive to tray placed within the test cage, and a nose port was placed allow for subsequent advancement across recording sessions, on the opposite side. Stimulus, delivery of food pellet rewards and angled at 25◦ in the mediolateral plane. Typically, we (20 mg), and behavioral data acquisition were controlled by a positioned the rostral-most shank of the array at 3.9 mm rostral personal computer through custom MATLAB scripts (written by and 4.6–4.8 mm lateral to lambda. A ground wire was inserted Dr Daniel Stolzberg: https://github.com/dstolz/epsych) and an in the contralateral cortical hemisphere. Animals recovered for RZ6 multifunction processor (Tucker-Davis Technologies). at least 1 week before being placed on controlled food access for psychometric testing. At the termination of each experiment, Behavioral Training and Testing animals were deeply anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital Amplitude modulation (AM) rate discrimination was assessed (150 mg/kg) and electrolytic lesions were made through one with a positive reinforcement Go-Nogo appetitive conditioning contact site via passing current (7 mA, 5–10 s). Animals
2888 Cerebral Cortex, 2021, Vol. 31, No. 6 were then perfused with phosphate-buffered saline and 4% respectively (Fig. 3A). The percentage of Hit and FA scores were paraformaldehyde. Brains were extracted, postfixed, sectioned calculated across repetitions. The percentage of Hits was fit with on a vibratome (Leica), and stained for Nissl for offline a similar cumulative Gaussian as described in the psychome- verification that electrode tracks spanned core auditory cortex tric analysis above. The fitted distribution of percent correct (Radtke-Schuller et al. 2016). scores was then normalized (Z scored) and converted to a neural classifier-based d . Neurometric thresholds for individual units were defined as the lowest AM rate that proved significantly Data Acquisition different from the Nogo AM rate (4 Hz). Our procedural definition Neural recordings were made from awake, behaving animals of significant neural AM rate discrimination was identical to that during psychometric testing. Extracellular neural activity was used for behavior, d ≥ 1. Thus, the neural threshold was defined acquired via a 15-channel wireless headstage and receiver as the AM rate at which the neurometric function crossed d = 1 (model W16, Triangle Biosystems). The analog signals were (see Fig. 3B). preamplified and digitized at a 24.414 kHz sampling rate (TB32; Tucker-Davis Technologies). The converted digital signals were Population Coding Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/cercor/article/31/6/2886/6082826 by guest on 31 December 2021 then fed via fiber optic link to the RZ5 base station (TDT, We used a previously employed linear classifier readout proce- Tucker-Davis Technologies) for filtering and processing. dure (Yao and Sanes 2018) to assess AM rate discriminability For offline multiunit and single-unit analysis, signals were across a population of AC single units. Specifically, a linear clas- high-pass filtered (300 Hz), and common average referencing sifier was trained to decode responses from a proportion of trials was applied to each individual channel (Ludwig et al. 2009). A to each stimulus set (e.g., “Go” and “Nogo”; Fig. 7A). Specifically, spike extraction threshold was set to 4 SDs > noise floor, and spike count responses from N neurons were counted across 1 ms an artifact rejection threshold was set to 20 SDs > noise floor. bins to T trials of S stimuli and formed the population “response Candidate waveforms were then peak-aligned, hierarchically vector.” Since the number of trials were unequal across all units, clustered, and sorted in principal component (PC) space using we randomly subsampled a proportion of trials (i.e., 14 trials) the MATLAB-based package UltraMegaSort 2000 (Fee et al. 1996; from each unit. 13 of the 14 trials were then randomly sampled Hill et al. 2011). Well-isolated single units demonstrated a clear (without replacement) across N neurons and averaged to reduce separation in PC space, and fewer than 10% of refractory period the response vector to length Nbin . To decode overall spike count violations. The majority of recording sites contained spikes from responses, spike counts were first summed across the bins, several unresolved units and were considered multiunits. Sepa- which further reduced the length of the response vector and rate analyses of single- versus multiunit populations revealed no eliminated the temporal dimension. A support vector machine systematic differences from one another, and were pooled for all (SVM) procedure was used to fit a linear hyperplane to the data reported analyses. set (“training set”). Cross-validated classification performance was assessed on the remaining single trial (1 of the 14) by com- Neurometric Classifiers puting the number of times this test set was correctly classified We adopted spike count and pattern classifier analyses to fur- and misclassified based on the linear hyperplane across 500 ther assess the cortical encoding of AM rates (Machens et al. iterations with a new randomly drawn sampled train and test 2003; Narayan et al. 2006; Wang et al. 2007; Billimoria et al. 2008; sets for each iteration. Performance metrics included the pro- Schneider and Woolley 2010; von Trapp et al. 2016; Yao and Sanes portion of correctly classified Go trials (“Hits”) and misclassified 2018). The spike count metric used the overall spike count in Nogo trials (“False Alarms”). Similar to the psychometric and response to each AM stimulus (1000 ms), whereas the spike individual unit neurometric analyses, we converted population pattern metric utilized Euclidean distance to quantify the dis- decoder performance metrics into d values. Decoding readout similarity between two spike trains in high-dimensional space performance was assessed as a function of the number of sin- (van Rossum 2001). Both spike count and spike pattern clas- gle units (Fig. 7B–F). The SVM procedure was implemented in sifiers were decoded using a leave-one-out template-matching MATLAB using the “fitcsvm” and “predict” functions with the procedure. For each individual unit, test trials consisted of one “KernelFunction” set to “linear.” randomly selected spike train from a Go trial at a particular Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis AM rate (e.g., 4.5, 6, 8, 10, or 12 Hz), and one randomly selected Each experiment was performed once with technical replica- spike train from a Nogo trial (4 Hz). Each Go and Nogo template tion occurring for behavioral data only (i.e., each animal was was composed of all other trials other than the test trials. The tested psychometrically multiple times), and all measures were test trial was assigned to the Go or Nogo template based on subject to biological replication. Statistical analyses and proce- the smallest difference in spike count (spike count classifier) dures were implemented in JMP 13.2.0 (SAS) or custom-written or Euclidean distance (spike pattern classifier) between the test MATLAB scripts (MathWorks) that incorporated the MATLAB and mean of the template trials. For classifying spike patterns, Statistics Toolbox. For normally distributed data (as assessed the average discriminability across all units was maximized by the Lilliefors test), data are reported as mean ± SEM unless when spike times were binned at 10 ms (Fig. 3C,D). Thus, all otherwise stated. When data were not normally distributed, reported spike pattern data were from spike trains binned at the nonparametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used when 10 ms. Test and template trials were selected randomly, and appropriate. spike train classification was repeated 1000 times to minimize selection biases. Classification of trial to template assignments was scored Results as follows: Go test trials were labeled as “Hits” or “Misses” if Psychometric Sensitivity to AM Rate they were assigned to the Go or Nogo template, respectively. Likewise, Nogo test trials were labeled “False Alarms” or “Correct In order to simultaneously record from auditory cortex Rejections” if they were assigned to the Go or Nogo template, neurons during behavior, we first trained gerbils (n = 3) on a
Candidate Codes for Auditory Discrimination Yao and Sanes 2889 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/cercor/article/31/6/2886/6082826 by guest on 31 December 2021 Figure 1. Behavioral performance on the AM rate discrimination task. (A) Exem- plar fit psychometric function obtained from one gerbil during one session. Horizontal black dashed line indicates discrimination threshold relative to the 4 Hz Nogo signal (d = 1). (B) Individual (symbols) psychometric thresholds across session number. Each symbol type corresponds to each individual gerbil. Average psychometric threshold from all animals (horizontal bar) is plotted. (C) Distribu- tion of FA rate, lapse rate, maximum d , and report “Yes” are plotted for each Figure 2. Candidate waveform selection for neurometric analyses. (A) Raw animal. waveform trace of evoked neural response to AM stimulus. Red line represents selection criteria of >4 SDs above the noise f loor. (B) Principal component analysis plot where two waveform clusters (blue and orange) are separated. Raw waveforms and averages from two waveform clusters are displayed above. (C) Go-Nogo AM rate discrimination task. Figure 1A displays an Example rasters and PSTHs from one unit in response to each AM stimulus. Bin example psychometric function for one test session from width: 10 ms. one animal. AM discrimination thresholds were taken as the lowest AM rate corresponding to d = 1 from the fitted psychometric function. Across our three animals, AM dis- crimination thresholds were similar (two-way mixed model performance for each unit based on the similarity of spike count ANOVA; F(2,58) = 0.38, P = 0.69) (Fig. 1B), and the average AM rate and spike pattern to a template (see Materials and Methods; discrimination threshold across all animals and sessions was Fig. 3A). Neural sensitivity was quantified by a d metric that 4.87 ± 0.02 Hz (relative to the 4 Hz Nogo stimulus). For each signifies the statistical difference between neural responses animal, thresholds were not statistically correlated with session evoked by 4 Hz (Nogo signal) versus each Go signal (4.5–12 Hz). number (Spearman’s correlation; Gerbil 1, r = 0.41, P = 0.05; Gerbil Figure 3B displays two neurometric functions, calculated by 2, r = 0.27, P = 0.09; Gerbil 3, r = 0.07, P = 0.60). We also measured temporal spike pattern (green) and spike count (magenta) across lapse rate, or the probability of a Miss on the easiest Go signals 1000 ms stimulus duration, from one individual unit. For this (i.e., 12-Hz trials). Lapse rate has been used as a proxy for example unit, d values were greater when calculated from task engagement and motivation, as unmotivated animals the spike pattern metric compared to the spike count metric, tend to miss easy Go trials. No between-animal differences suggesting spike pattern yields greater sensitivity. were observed for FA rate (two-way mixed model ANOVA; To assess which template-matching classifier metric yielded F(2,58) = 3.2, P = 0.50), lapse rate (two-way mixed model ANOVA; overall greater sensitivity, we compared each unit’s best (e.g., F(2,58) = 1.17, P = 0.32), maximum d (two-way mixed model maximum) spike pattern d with its corresponding best spike ANOVA; F(2,58) = 2.72, P = 0.07), and reported “Yes” (two-way mixed count d . These metrics were calculated across the entire 1000 model ANOVA; F(2,58) = 0.06, P = 0.94) (Fig. 1C). ms stimulus duration. Across our population of recorded units, best spike pattern d (mean ± SE: 1.54 ± 0.04) was significantly Behavioral Performance More Closely Matches Neural Sensitivity higher than best spike count d (mean ± SE: 0.94 ± 0.02) (two- Based on Temporal Spike Patterns tailed t-test; P < 0.0001, t = 15.6) (Fig. 3C). To further examine neu- Recorded physiological data (Fig. 2A) were preprocessed to ral sensitivity between spike pattern and spike count metrics, we extract candidate waveforms for offline spike sorting pro- compared each unit’s “neural threshold” extracted from spike cedures (see Materials and Methods). Principal component pattern and spike count neurometric functions (Fig. 3D). We (PC) clustering (Fig. 2B) was used to further sort the extracted found that 16% of units produced neural thresholds based on waveforms into clusters classified as single- or multiunits. spike count, whereas 58% of units produced neural thresholds Figure 2C displays example raster plots and corresponding based on spike pattern. Of the units with neural thresholds poststimulus-time histograms (PSTHs) for one unit in response from either spike pattern or spike count, spike pattern neural to each AM rate presented during task performance. We thresholds were significantly lower than spike count neural recorded from a total of 463 units (gerbil 1: 102, gerbil 2: 104, thresholds (Wilcoxon signed-rank test; P < 0.0001; Spike pat- gerbil 3: 257) where 98 (21%) were classified as single units. tern median threshold: 4.54 Hz; spike count median thresh- To assess the neural sensitivity of each unit, we old: 10.2 Hz) (Fig. 3E). Together, these results indicate that the applied a template-matching classifier analysis that calculates temporal spike pattern of cortical responses provides greater
2890 Cerebral Cortex, 2021, Vol. 31, No. 6 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/cercor/article/31/6/2886/6082826 by guest on 31 December 2021 Figure 3. Quantifying AM rate sensitivity with AC spike count and pattern. (A) Schematic of template-matching classification procedure. Spike count and spike pattern classifiers were decoded using a leave-one-out template-matching procedure. For each unit, test trials consisted of one randomly selected spike train from a Go trial at a particular AM rate (e.g., 4.5, 6, 8, 10, or 12 Hz), and one randomly selected spike train from a Nogo trial (4 Hz). Each template was composed of all other trials other than the test trial. The test trial was assigned to the Go or Nogo template based on the smallest difference in spike count (spike count classifier) or Euclidean distance (spike pattern classifier) between the test and mean of the template trials. This classification procedure was repeated 1000 times to minimize selection biases. See Methods for details. (B) Exemplar fit neurometric function from one unit based on spike pattern (green) and spike count (magenta) classification across 1000-ms stimulus duration. Horizontal black dashed line indicates discrimination threshold relative to the 4-Hz Nogo signal (d = 1). Corresponding thresholds for each classification metric are indicated by vertical dashed lines (spike pattern, green; spike count, magenta). (C) Scatter plot of best spike pattern d versus best spike count d across all individual units (circles). Histograms plot the distribution of best spike pattern and spike count d . Inset: Average spike pattern best d (±SEM) as a function of bin width for all units. (D) Scatter plot of neural thresholds based on spike pattern and spike count metrics. Histograms plot the distribution of neural thresholds based on spike pattern and spike count. Inset: Average spike pattern neural threshold (±SEM) as a function of bin width for all units. (E) Cumulative distribution of thresholds for each classification metric. Vertical gray bar represents the average behavioral threshold. See text for statistical details. neural sensitivity than spike count, which may be utilized for neuralSP /behavioral threshold ratio: 0.97) than spike count stimulus-driven behavioral performance. neural thresholds (median neuralSC /behavioral threshold To examine whether temporal spike patterns or over- ratio: 1.3). Overall, neuralSP /behavioral threshold ratios were all spike count evoked by the AM rates are sufficient to significantly lower than neuralSC /behavioral threshold ratios explain behavioral performance, we quantified the relationship (Wilcoxon signed-rank test; P < 0.0001). Spike pattern neural between neural and behavioral thresholds by calculating thresholds could be better than behavioral thresholds. This is neural/behavioral threshold ratios for each unit. Specifically, illustrated by the greater proportion of units with spike pattern each unit’s spike pattern and spike count neural threshold neural thresholds ≤ behavioral thresholds (neuralSP /behavioral (Fig. 4A) is directly compared with its corresponding behav- threshold ratio ≤ 1: 0.60, 162/272 units) relative to spike count ioral threshold from the same session. The distribution of neural thresholds ≤ behavioral thresholds (neuralSC /behavioral spike pattern neural (neuralSP )/behavioral threshold and threshold ratio ≤ 1: 0.21, 17/80 units) (Fig. 4C). spike count (neuralSC )/behavioral threshold ratios for each To examine whether greater neurometric sensitivity based animal are shown in Figure 4B. Behavioral thresholds more on spike pattern relative to spike count could be explained closely matched spike pattern neural thresholds (median by the degree of overall synchrony of each unit’s responses
Candidate Codes for Auditory Discrimination Yao and Sanes 2891 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/cercor/article/31/6/2886/6082826 by guest on 31 December 2021 Figure 4. Behavioral acuity is matched by AC sensitivity. (A) Histogram of neural thresholds from spike pattern (green) and spike count (magenta) metrics. Vertical gray bar represents average behavior threshold. (B) Relationship between AC activity and behavior quantified as the ratio between neural and behavior thresholds (NT/BT) from the same recorded sessions. Vertical lines represent median ratio values. (C) Proportion of individual units with ratio values ≤1. Neural classification metrics were calculated across 1000-ms stimulus duration. See text for statistical details. to AM rates, we compared each unit’s best vector strength corresponding best vector strength (linear regression; R2 = 0.30, against its best spike pattern d (Fig. 5A) and best spike count P < 0.0001), whereas best spike count d had a near-zero cor- d (Fig. 5B). Vector strength represents the strength of stimulus relation with best vector strength (linear regression; R2 = 0.01, synchrony and range from 0 (no synchrony) to 1 (all spikes are P > 0.05). This demonstrates that the synchronous patterns of identical phase) (Goldberg and Brown 1969). We found that best neural responses evoked by the presented AM rates are a strong spike pattern d possessed a significant positive correlation with factor driving the neurometric sensitivity.
2892 Cerebral Cortex, 2021, Vol. 31, No. 6 the number of cells in Figure 6B–F. Across each stimulus condition, both spike pattern and spike count decoders displayed greater d with increasing cell counts. However, the spike pattern decoder outperforms the spike count decoder across all conditions (mean ± SEM d difference; 4 vs. 4.5 Hz: 1.89 ± 0.05; 4 vs. 6 Hz: 1.57 ± 0.05; 4 vs. 8 Hz: 1.45 ± 0.06; 4 vs. 10 Hz: 1.15 ± 0.07; 4 vs. 12 Hz: 1.10 ± 0.08). The spike pattern decoder reached maximum d for all stimulus conditions at ≥45 cells, whereas spike count decoder performance never reached an asymptote, suggesting that decoding performance could continue increasing with additional cells. To compare population coding with behavioral performance, we examined Figure 5. Greater neurometric sensitivity based on spike pattern relative to spike spike pattern and spike count decoder results relative to the Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/cercor/article/31/6/2886/6082826 by guest on 31 December 2021 count could be explained in part by the degree of overall synchrony of each unit’s overall best individual or average behavioral performance for responses to AM rates. (A) Scatter plot of each individual unit’s best spike pattern each stimulus condition. Across all stimulus conditions (4 vs. 4.5, d versus its corresponding best vector strength value. (B) Scatter plot of each 6, 8, 10, and 12 Hz), the spike pattern decoder performed better individual unit’s best spike count d versus its corresponding best vector strength value. Black lines represent linear fits of the data. See text for statistical details. than the average and best behavioral d . The spike count decoder reached average behavioral d and only performed better than the best behavioral d for the near-threshold 4.5 Hz Go An Auditory Cortex Population Readout Reveals Complementary condition. Codes for AM Rate Discrimination Our current findings suggest that neural sensitivity based on stimulus-driven temporal spike patterns for individual units AM Rate Classification Relies on the Temporal Patterns of Cortical correlates more closely to behavioral performance than neural Responses sensitivity based on overall spike count. To assess whether Currently, our results suggest that temporal and rate codes population-level encoding follows a similar neural code that could serve as potential readouts for AM rate discrimination. contributes to behavior, we constructed linear classifiers using This complementary neural code scheme could be most appro- support vector machines (SVM) (see Materials and Methods). priate to our Go-Nogo AM rate discrimination task where a Briefly, Go versus Nogo AM rate discriminability was calculated correct response could be determined based on the difference in across our recorded single-unit population (n = 98) with a linear evoked spike count or temporal pattern responses between a Go population readout scheme. Our population linear classifiers and Nogo signal. Thus, in order to distinguish the contribution were trained to decode responses from a proportion of trials of temporal versus spike count coding to AM rate processing, to each individual Go versus Nogo stimulus pair (Fig. 6A). Sim- we asked: what sound-driven behavior would rely only on the ilar to the individual unit-by-unit template-matching classifier temporal patterns of cortical responses? To address this, we scheme, the parameters of our linear classifier (i.e., comparing predicted that an auditory classification task, where a subject is populations of each individual Go signal vs. the Nogo signal) required to classify an AM rate stimulus across a number of var- were chosen because the animal’s goal was to indicate and ious AM rates, would exclusively rely on the temporal patterns report whether the Go signal differentiated from the Nogo (4 Hz). of cortical spikes for accurate behavioral performance. To test To decode population responses, spike trains from all neurons this prediction, we performed a template-matching classifier were organized across 1 ms bins throughout the full stimulus analysis on our current neural data set that calculates the clas- duration (1000 ms) for all trials. Thus, the SVM was given access sification accuracy for each unit based on the similarity of spike to spiking information across the entire temporal domain in pattern and spike count to different AM rate templates. This order to fit a linear hyperplane that best segregated the training is similar to our Go versus Nogo template-matching classifier data set. Additionally, the SVM was given only overall spike analysis presented in the previous sections except test trials are count information (i.e., spike counts were summed across all compared with each of the 6 AM rate signals. Figure 7A displays bins throughout the entire stimulus duration) to fit its appropri- dot rasters and corresponding PSTHs to each AM rate stimulus ate linear hyperplane. This reduced the length of the response from one example unit. Classification performance based on vector and eliminated the temporal dimension. Cross-validated temporal spike pattern and spike count from this example unit classification performance was assessed across 500 iterations are displayed by confusion matrix plots in Figure 7B,C, respec- and labeled as spike pattern and spike count readouts based tively. For this example unit, AM rate classification based on on whether or not information within the temporal domain was temporal spike pattern is near perfect (Fig. 7B), whereas AM present for the SVM, respectively. Overall, population decoding rate classification based on spike count is poor (Fig. 7C). This performance was assessed as a function of the number of units trend is evident across all units, with the grand mean confusion used in the linear population readout by applying a resampling matrix based on spike pattern displaying near perfect AM rate procedure to randomly select a subpopulation of cells (5–98 at classification (Fig. 7D). AM rate classification based on spike increasing increments of 5) across 250 iterations. During each count remains poor (Fig. 7E). iteration of the resampling procedure, a new subpopulation of To quantify classification performance, we considered the cells was randomly selected (without replacement) prior to the unsigned error magnitude (mean observed RMS error, “RMSE”) decoding readout procedure. Thus, 250 groups of N cells from for each tested AM rate. Larger RMSE values signify greater error the entire population were randomly drawn and 500 sets of trials magnitudes. Figure 7F plots the distribution of RMSE from all were randomly drawn. units for spike pattern and spike count classification across each Spike pattern and spike count decoding performance for tested AM rate. RMSE values displayed a significant interaction each Go versus Nogo condition is plotted as a function of between neural classification metric (spike pattern and spike
Candidate Codes for Auditory Discrimination Yao and Sanes 2893 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/cercor/article/31/6/2886/6082826 by guest on 31 December 2021 Figure 6. AC population decoder analyses can explain behavioral performance. (A) Assessing population encoding by measuring discriminability with a linear population readout. See Methods for details. (B–F) Average (±SD) population decoder performance between AM rate Nogo (4 Hz) versus Go (4.5, 6, 8, 10, and 12 Hz) signals as a function of unit count. Green functions represent average readout performance from a population decoder with access to temporal discharge information. Magenta functions represent average readout performance from a population decoder based on overall spike count. Solid horizontal lines represent the best behavioral d from all animals and sessions. Dashed horizontal lines represent average behavioral d from all animals and sessions. Shaded region represents ±1 SD. count) and AM rate (two-way mixed model ANOVA; F(5,4620) = 107, found that RMSE significantly increases with increasing bin P < 0.0001). Post hoc two-tailed t-tests (Holm-Bonferroni- width (two-way mixed model ANOVA; F(8,4158) = 2434, P < 0.0001). corrected) indicated RSME values from spike pattern were This suggests that spike pattern can be represented in a significantly lower than RSME values from spike count across all more complex space than a simple spike count measure. tested AM rates (mean ± SEM; 4 Hz: spike pattern = 0.17 ± 0.02, Overall, accurate neural classification of slow AM rates requires spike count = 2.60 ± 0.04, P < 0.0001, t = 62.1; 4.5 Hz: spike temporal spike pattern information. pattern = 0.45 ± 0.02, spike count = 2.42 ± 0.03, P < 0.0001, t = 51.9; 6 Hz: spike pattern = 0.57 ± 0.02, spike count = 2.22 ± 0.02, P < 0.0001, t = 51.3; 8 Hz: spike pattern = 0.66 ± 0.03, spike Discussion count = 2.30 ± 0.02, P < 0.0001, t = 50.5; 10 Hz: spike pattern = 0.95 Understanding the relationship between perceptual judgments ± 0.04, spike count = 2.85 ± 0.03, P < 0.0001, t = 30.9; 12 Hz: spike and the neural representation of sensory stimuli remains pattern = 1.17 ± 0.05, spike count = 3.77 ± 0.05, P < 0.0001, t = 36.1). challenging due to the breadth of candidate codes (Perkel and These results demonstrate that temporal spike pattern is the Bullock 1968). To address this question, we simultaneously mea- dominant neural code for the classification of AM rates that sured the perceptual ability of gerbils to discriminate between range between 4 to 12 Hz. Furthermore, we found that RSME slow AM rates while recording stimulus-evoked responses grew significantly larger with faster AM rates (two-way mixed from AC neurons. Our primary goal was to determine whether model ANOVA; F(1,924) = 13 245, P < 0.0001). This suggests that temporal coding was necessary to explain behavioral acuity. the temporal spike pattern becomes a less reliable code at Here, we report that AC neuron spike count coding is sufficiently higher AM rates. To examine the degree to which classification informative to explain the gerbils’ behavioral AM discrimination accuracy improves across increasing dimensions of the data, we thresholds. Since temporal coding far outstripped behavior, compared average classification RMSE for each AM rate based we asked whether this information would be required to on temporal pattern as a function of bin width (Fig. 7G). We support a more demanding perceptual task. In fact, our results
2894 Cerebral Cortex, 2021, Vol. 31, No. 6 A Spike Count Code is Sufficient to Support AM Discrimination The detection, discrimination, or categorization of envelope cues could be based on either of two cardinal strategies: a spike count code or some type of temporal code. For auditory cortex, a spike count code has been proposed to account for AM depth detection threshold, as well as improved sensitivity as the AM depth increases (Liang et al. 2002; Johnson et al. 2012; Niwa et al. 2012, 2013, 2015; Rosen et al. 2012; von Trapp et al. 2016; Yao and Sanes 2018). In fact, a cortical spike count code correlates closely with the perceptual acuity of detecting AM stimuli (Niwa et al. 2012, 2013, 2015; von Trapp et al. 2016; Caras and Sanes 2017; Yao and Sanes 2018), despite the availability Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/cercor/article/31/6/2886/6082826 by guest on 31 December 2021 of a synchronized discharge pattern that also scales with modulation depth (Eggermont 1994; Middlebrooks 2008a, 2008b; Malone et al. 2010). AC neuron discharge rate can also vary across a narrow range of modulation frequencies (Schreiner and Urbas 1986, 1988; Schulze and Langner 1997; Liang et al. 2002). Thus, spike count coding could also support AM discrimination. For example, the discrimination between temporal fluctuation rates within the flutter range (∼10–50 Hz) is plausibly explained by an AC neuron spike count code (Lemus et al. 2009). Our results indicate that neural AM rate discrimination thresholds based on the overall spike count are sufficient to account for behavioral thresholds obtained simultaneously during a recording session (Fig. 4B). Furthermore, a population decoder based on spike count matched, but did not exceed, the average behavioral performance (Fig. 7). In contrast, when neural thresholds were based on spike pattern, a greater number of AC unit thresholds exceeded behavioral thresholds (Fig. 4C). One possible explanation for this disparity is that, with additional training, animals begin to use this temporal information and reach superior behavioral thresholds. In fact, the single best psychometric sensitivity displayed during a single session was 4.57 Hz, nearly identical to that predicted by a temporal coding strategy. Such a scenario could also help to explain why animals reach exceptional perceptual performance following focused practice on a narrow task (Recanzone et al. 1992, 1993; Crist et al. 2001; Schoups et al. 2001; Beitel et al. 2003; Bao et al. 2004; Polley et al. 2006; Yan et al. 2014; Caras and Sanes 2017). Another possible explanation for the disparity between neural thresholds and behavioral acuity is that the integration of sensory encoded information across areas downstream of sensory cortex could accurately predict how well an animal per- Figure 7. Accurate classification of AM rates requires temporal coding. (A) forms on a given trial (Yao et al. 2020). This is primarily the case Example rasters and PSTHs from one unit in response to each AM stimulus. as perceptual judgments emerge from the temporal integration (B) AM rate decoded with a temporal spike pattern classifier from the spiking responses from one example unit. (C) AM rate decoded with a spike count of sensory inputs downstream of primary sensory cortices classifier from the spiking responses from one example unit. (D) Same as B (Fassihi et al. 2017). As sensory input ascends the cortical except from the average of all units. (E) Same as C except from the average of pathway, the timescale over which neurons encode infor- all units. (F) Distribution of root-mean squared error (RMSE) of classification mation increases. For example, neurons within secondary based on temporal spike pattern (green) and spike count (magenta) for each AM auditory cortex encode and integrate acoustic information rate. Vertical bars represent population averages. (G) Average classification RMSE over longer durations than neurons in primary auditory based on temporal spike pattern for each AM rate across bin widths. See text for statistical details. cortex (Boemio et al. 2005; Bendor and Wang 2007; Scott et al. 2011). These longer integration times are suggested to correlate with perceptual attributes (DeWitt and Rauschecker demonstrate temporal coding would be needed for accurate 2012; de Heer et al. 2017). Thus, even if a physical stim- classification of slow AM rates. Below, we discuss these findings ulus is encoded accurately within sensory cortex, the lack within the context that distinct perceptual capabilities driven or inappropriate integration of such sensory information by time-varying acoustic cues likely require separate cortical across downstream pathways could lead to poorer behavioral codes. performance.
Candidate Codes for Auditory Discrimination Yao and Sanes 2895 Classification Judgments Must Rely on a Temporal Code financial, or nonfinancial interest in the subject matter or mate- rials discussed in this manuscript. The authors declare no com- Although a cortical spike count code is sufficient to explain peting interests. the detection and discrimination of envelope cues, a temporal code could be required for more demanding perceptual judg- ments, such as a feature classification. Previous investigations Funding on the neural encoding principles of communication sounds National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication offer evidence that auditory cortex processing and temporal Disorders at the National Institute of Health (grant numbers coding underlie perception for complex time-varying acoustic K99DC018600 to J.D.Y.; R01DC011284 to D.H.S.). cues such as speech and animal vocalizations. 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