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TECHNICAL ARTICLE - The Permanent Way Institution


The Journal January 2018 Volume 136 Part 1

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       Permanent Way Institution
TECHNICAL ARTICLE - The Permanent Way Institution

      Studs and squats:                                                                                       AUTHOR:

                                                                                                              Stuart L Grassie
                                                                                                              BE, MEngSc, PhD, CEng, MIMechE, FPWI

      A best practice approach                                                                                Stuart Grassie Engineering Ltd

     This paper was previously published in              This paper is based on field work undertaken         work, and accordingly also no significant
     “Studs and squats: the evolving story”,             primarily in NSW to reveal some of the               depth of compressive residual stress. These
     Wear, vol 366-367, pp194-199, 2016 (also            characteristics of stud defects, in particular       characteristics are very different from classical
     Procs of 10th Intnl Conference on Contact           in contrast to rolling contact fatigue (RCF) of      squats.
     Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel                    which squats are a classical example. Studs
     Systems, Colorado Springs, USA, August              are associated with sites where there is high        Although some transverse defects (TDs) have
     2015).                                              traction, such as the exit from stations. In         been associated with studs, both gauge corner
                                                         NSW, they commonly initiate at about 10 0 -20 0      cracking (GCC) and studs have coincided in
     The paper provides some guidance on                 to the vertical towards gauge on the high rail       all of the cases examined. In these cases, the
     treatment and maintenance of studs as well          in curves, then grow into the rail at an angle       TD has clearly developed in the conventional
     as updating a hypothesis that still rests           of about 20 0 to the surface. Studs can at first     and well understood manner from the GCC.
     substantially on circumstantial evidence.           develop very quickly e.g. to a depth of 2.2mm        The stud has given rise to a dynamic load
                                                         in 6MGT. The stud fans out across the rail from      that accelerates growth of the TD. But if the
     ABSTRACT                                            the initial surface crack, developing across the     GCC had not existed, the TD would not have
                                                         rail at a substantially constant depth of 3-6mm.     developed.
     Several railways suffer from a defect that          If the stud is left, it may rise to the surface at
     has been christened a “stud” which appears          the opposite side of the railhead, giving rise to    INTRODUCTION
     superficially similar to a squat but is very        an ugly spall with a fracture surface typical of a
     different in character. Although both               conventional fatigue crack.                          This paper follows a pair of papers[1, 2] that
     initiation and propagation of studs are poorly                                                           examined the current state of understanding
     understood, at least a couple of railways have      There is no evidence whatsoever that studs           of “squat-type defects” in rails and proposed
     already benefitted from exploiting the less         become transverse defects, nor should this           that there existed a defect that was
     malevolent nature of studs, particularly the fact   occur with a crack that develops across rather       commonly confused with a squat but was in
     that these do not themselves initiate transverse    than along the rail as there is an absence of        fact significantly different. In order to avoid
     defects.                                            flexure to drive the crack. Studs have grown         confusion, this defect was given the less
                                                         in rails in which there is no significant plastic    appealing name of a “stud”. The original work[2]
                                                                                                              was based primarily on analysis of defects
                                                                                                              from London Underground (LU), where studs
                                                                                                              on some lines were the most prevalent type of
                                                                                                              rail defect. These defects have subsequently
                                                                                                              been given a lower priority for treatment on
                                                                                                              at least some of LU with significant savings in
                                                                                                              maintenance and apparently, no increase in

                                                                                                              Studs are apparently also widespread in
                                                                                                              Australia, where these have been examined,
                                                                                                              for example, as part of the CRC for Rail
                                                                                                              Innovation[3]. A considerable body of work on
                                                                                                              these defects exists from research groups in
                                                                                                              the Netherlands and France[4, 5]. Although the
                                                                                                              defects [2 - 5] appear substantially identical, the
                                                                                                              author and his colleagues have differed from
                                                                                                              others working in this area in concluding that
                                                                                                              these are not RCF defects.

                                                                                                              A substantial body of work has been
                                                                                                              undertaken by staff of RailCorp and successor
                                                                                                              organisations, primarily Sydney Trains and the
                                                                                                              Asset Standards Authority (ASA), on defects
                                                                                                              that they have called “lamination defects”
                                                                                                              (LDs)[6]. This has included, amongst other
                                                                                                              things, very thorough monitoring of individual
                                                                                                              defects over a period of years, documentation

     Figure 1: Stud that has spalled out

TECHNICAL ARTICLE - The Permanent Way Institution

                                                                                                              Monitoring is described in more detail in
                                                                                                              reference 6. The development of the crack
                                                                                                              front for a typical stud at Chatswood is shown
                                                                                                              in figure 3. The green dotted line in this Figure
                                                                                                              shows the visible crack mouth. Evidently the
                                                                                                              crack has initiated at the rail surface towards
                                                                                                              the gauge corner then “fanned out” towards the
                                                                                                              field side of the rail.

                                                                                                              This is remarkably similar to the pattern shown
                                                                                                              for supposed “normal squat development” in
                                                                                                              reference 7.

Figure 2: Multiple studs with unusual development                                                             The author was a co-author of reference 7,
                                                                                                              albeit not of this section of the document, and
                                                                                                              would suggest that the document exemplifies
of the occurrence of defects and factors               Beach marks that are typical of conventional
                                                                                                              the confusion of studs and squats, and the
that appear to affect their development, and           fatigue are apparent on the fracture surface,
                                                                                                              need for a clear differentiation of two very
examination of the extent to which defects can         and the defect extends from the gauge corner
                                                                                                              different rail defects, see figure 3.
be detected using the ultrasonic test train that       right across to the field side of the rail. There is
is used on the NSW system.                             no sign of the defect having turned down, see
                                                                                                              The average depth of the crack front has been
                                                       figure 2.
                                                                                                              calculated for 4 studs at Chatswood and 7 at
The paper provides some guidance to
                                                                                                              Erskineville, and is shown as a function of time
differentiate studs from squats and proposes           Although the features shown in figure 1 are
                                                                                                              in figure 4. There is a consistent difference in
measures regarding treatment of studs. The             by far the most common, studs do develop in
                                                                                                              depth between the sites (a range of 2.06-
evidence in NSW, as in London, has been                other ways. For example, the defects shown in
                                                                                                              2.62mm and 3.00-3.37mm in mean depth for
that studs do not initiate broken rails. This          figure 2 were in the high rail of a curve on the
                                                                                                              Chatswood and Erskineville respectively) but
remains the case. Some progress is made                uphill approach to signals where many trains
                                                                                                              no significant change in depth with time. See
on a hypothesis for studs that is as yet poorly        would stop. These appear to have initiated
                                                                                                              figure 4.
developed.                                             towards the field side of the rail and developed
                                                       towards gauge. The line along which defects
                                                                                                              Overall the measurements suggest that the
This paper is based on work done by the                initiate is probably the preferred line along
                                                                                                              defects develop at a roughly constant depth,
author as part of a project, initially for Railcorp,   which the wheels run that initiate the defects in
                                                                                                              substantially across (not along) the rail. This
to review previous work on LDs and to advise           these conditions of e.g. high traction, high cant
                                                                                                              is very different from a squat. The rate of
in certain areas. It includes work undertaken          excess.
                                                                                                              growth of depth is also very much greater than
by his colleagues in NSW that was part of that
                                                                                                              that of an RCF defect: a not atypical defect at
review. Nevertheless, the views contained here         Similar behaviour of a preferred line of initiation
                                                                                                              Chatswood developed from 0mm to 2mm depth
are those of the author alone.                         of studs has been noted on rails from at least
                                                                                                              in 6MGT while one at Erskineville developed
                                                       one, very different, system. Evidently the
                                                                                                              from 0.9mm to 3.5mm depth in 7MGT.
MONITORING OF DEFECTS                                  detailed tangential contact stresses, arising
                                                       probably from both curving and traction,
                                                                                                              Metallurgical examinations have shown that
Some characteristics of studs and differences          influence crack growth.
                                                                                                              cracks grow initially at about 20 to the rail
between these studs and GCC are highlighted
                                                                                                              surface towards the field side of the rail from
here, see figure 1. A well-developed stud that         Comprehensive monitoring of individual stud
                                                                                                              gauge. A possible explanation of this behaviour
has spalled out is shown in figure 1, in which         defects had been undertaken over a period of
                                                                                                              is that the crack grows under the relatively
traffic is towards the left and gauge corner to        about 18 months by RailCorp staff at sites at
                                                                                                              shallow sub- surface layer of compressive
the bottom. Some general characteristics of            Chatswood (14MGT p.a., 1010m radius) and
                                                                                                              residual stress. Although plastic working of
studs are apparent here, including the inverted        Erskineville (13MGT p.a., 402m radius) on the
                                                                                                              the material is required to develop residual
V towards the gauge corner, where the stud             suburban network[6]. Studs at both sites were
                                                                                                              stress, and some studs develop in almost virgin
initiates. In NSW this is typically at 10 0 -20 0 to   in 60kg/m head-hardened rail in the high leg of
                                                                                                              rail, in older rails (such as those shown here),
vertical towards gauge.                                the curves. Monitoring included photography
                                                                                                              there would be a layer of compressive residual
                                                       and detailed measurements of depth using a
                                                       hand-held ultrasonic gauge.

                                                                                     Figure 4: Variation of average defect depth with time
Figure 3: Growth of individual stud                                                  (13-14MGT p.a. of traffic)

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                                                                                                          an indentation that increases dynamic loading.
                                                                                                          The localised dynamic loading has increased
                                                                                                          flexural stresses, thereby accelerating
                                                                                                          propagation of the fatigue crack from RCF.

                                                                                                          The character of studs and typical GCC is such
                                                                                                          that confusion between the two is unsurprising.
                                                                                                          For example, a rail with a couple of studs and
                                                                                                          coincident, light GCC is shown in figure 6.

                                                                                                          One “leg” of the surface-breaking crack on
                                                                                                          each stud is at almost the same angle as
                                                                                                          the GCC, and the dark spot is clear from the
                                                                                                          depressed layer over each stud. It would be
                                                                                                          easy to conclude from casual observation that
                                                                                                          there was a single problem here, whereas
     Figure 5: Transverse defect associated with stud: note coincident RCF in                             there are in fact two problems that appear
     running band                                                                                         to have completely different origins, which
                                                                                                          develop at very different rates, in substantially
                                                                                                          different directions and with different
     TRANSVERSE DEFECTS, RCF                           cracks. Coincidentally the running band has        consequences.
                                                       broadened where a crack has grown sub-
                                                       surface towards the field side of the rail.        The author has examined several TDs that
     It had been noted in both Australia[8] and the                                                       have been associated with studs from two
                                                       What appears to have happened at this              different railway systems. In every case these
     UK [2] that transverse defects (TDs) were not
                                                       location is that an RCF crack has initiated        share the features shown in figure 5.
     associated with studs, although TDs are a
                                                       at the rail surface, developed longitudinally
     common occurrence with RCF that is not
                                                       (doubtless under the influence of water), turned   The stud is significant because it has
     maintained or eliminated. In the last few years
                                                       down on reaching the edge of the layer of          accelerated development of the TD. However,
     there has been some association of TDs with
                                                       compressive residual stress and developed          if there had not been RCF in the rail or if RCF
     studs that may call the apparently benign
                                                       into a TD under the influence of flexural          had been controlled e.g. by routine reprofiling
     nature of studs into question. To examine this,
                                                       stresses in the rail. This mechanism is well       and a modified profile that relieved the area
     a TD that has been associated with a stud is
                                                       understood. At the same location, a stud has       in which RCF is initiated, the TD would not
     shown in figure 5.
                                                       developed (for reasons that are as yet poorly      have occurred. Growth of a stud across the
                                                       understood).                                       rail would not and does not result in a TD.
     The fracture surface of this defect has the
     characteristic appearance of a break that                                                            It nevertheless presents a risk because a
                                                       This has developed substantially across (rather    stud could conceal a conventional TD from
     has occurred from an RCF crack that has
                                                       than along) the rail. The large sub-surface        ultrasonic inspection. RailCorp and their
     developed longitudinally and then turned
                                                       crack has resulted in a thin, poorly supported     contractor for ultrasonic inspection have made
     down into the rail. Moreover, the rail surface
                                                       surface layer that has deformed and caused         significant progress in identifying studs[6].
     is covered in relatively closely-spaced RCF

                                                                                                          Further progress appears likely in this area
                                                                                                          even if relatively little is known about the
                                                                                                          detailed development of these defects. It is
                                                                                                          particularly important to develop a routine
                                                                                                          method of distinguishing studs from genuine
                                                                                                          TDs, whose signature is very similar, see
                                                                                                          figure 6.

                                                                                                          RAIL TYPE, REPROFILING AND
                                                                                                          STUD DEVELOPMENT

                                                                                                          It has been noted that studs are less prevalent
                                                                                                          in standard carbon than in head-hardened rail
                                                                                                          on the NSW system [6]. Evidence for this was
                                                                                                          also noted during this project. Photographs
                                                                                                          in figures 7 are from a curve that was being
                                                                                                          rerailed because of defects. The SC rail
                                                                                                          in this curve, from 1995, is free of defects
                                                                                                          whereas HH rail only 11m away in the same
                                                                                                          high rail of the curve, rolled in 2002, is
                                                                                                          riddled with defects. This behaviour is quite
                                                                                                          contrary to what would be expected for RCF
                                                                                                          defects, provided routine reprofiling had been
                                                                                                          undertaken to a profile that did not increase
                                                                                                          contact stresses, see figures 7a and 7b.

                                                                                                          A possible explanation for the different
                                                                                                          propensity for defects in different types of rail
                                                                                                          steel is that rail wear is higher in the softer rail.
                                                                                                          This could also act as a guide to the extent
     Figure 6: Rail with light GCC and coincident studs                                                   of reprofiling required to keep defects at bay.

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                                                                                                            propagate across the rail and often rise to
                                                                                                            the rail surface beyond the running band to
                                                                                                            cause an ugly spall suggests that compressive
                                                                                                            residual stress influences crack growth and
                                                                                                            that the crack may grow under the layer of
                                                                                                            compressive residual stress. Unfortunately,
                                                                                                            this hypothesis remains both tentative and
                                                                                                            poorly developed.

Illustrations of different propensity of defects to occur in HH rail                                        ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Figure 7a: Quasi-continuous defects in 2002 HH rail at 1.741km, high rail
                                                                                                            The author is grateful to RailCorp for funding
                                                                                                            the study and for their tentative permission to
                                                                                                            publish the paper. He is indebted to Malcolm
                                                                                                            Kerr, Andrew Wilson and David Cooper,
                                                                                                            whose enthusiasm, openness and generosity
                                                                                                            contributed greatly to this project. Others
                                                                                                            contributed to this work, but the opinions and
                                                                                                            omissions are his alone.

                                                                                                            [1] SL Grassie, “Squats and squat-type defects
Figure 7b: Defect-free 1996 SC rail at 1.730km, high rail                                                   in rails: the understanding to date”, Journal
                                                                                                            of Rail and Rapid Transit, Procs of I mech E,
To this end a very preliminary examination          understood and has been studied exhaustively.           2012, 226F, 235-242.
was made to correlate metal removal with the        On the other hand, the stud develops across
presence of defects in head-hardened rail.          the rail, slightly below the surface, thereby           [2] SL Grassie, DI Fletcher, AE Gallardo-
Notwithstanding the limitations of the data         causing a depression that exacerbates                   Hernandez and P Summers, “’Studs’: a
there was a tendency for defects to have            dynamic loading. The high dynamic loading               squat-type defect in rails”, Journal of Rail and
developed where MR was low and for there to         accelerates development of fracture from the            Rapid Transit, Procs of I mech E, 2012, 226F,
be no defects where MR was relatively high.         RCF. However, in the absence of RCF the                 243-256.
If an attempt were made to implement these          stud itself would not develop into a rail break.
findings in a reprofiling programme to control      This problem is treated most successfully by            [3] WJT Daniel, S Pal and M Farjoo, “Rail
studs, the indication was that MR rates of at       reprofiling to control the development of RCF.          squats: progress in understanding the
least 0.025mm/MGT would be required and                                                                     Australian experience”, Journal of Rail and
less than 0.020mm/MGT would be inadequate.          The common morphology of a stud is for it to            Rapid Transit, Procs of I mech E, 2013, 227F,
Routine preventative reprofiling may in practice    initiate towards the gauge side of a rail, at an        481-492.
be extremely difficult given the experience of      angle of about 10 0 -20 0 to gauge. The crack
rapid stud growth e.g. at Chatswood from 0mm        grows initially into the rail at about 20 0 to the      [4] Z Li, R Dollevoet, M Molodova, X Zhao,
to 2mm depth in 6MGT. A second possible             rail surface to a depth of 3-6mm, then fans             “Squat growth – some observations and the
explanation of the behaviour is given by the        out from the point at which it initiates, mainly        validation of numerical predictions”, Wear,
work of Joerg and his co-authors[9]. This work      across but to some extent also along the rail in        2011, 271, 148-157.
tentatively suggests that a narrow band of          both directions. The depth of the crack remains
high tensile residual stress may exist in some      substantially constant. A well- developed               [5] S Simon, A Saulot, C Dayot, X Quost, Y
circumstances at the edge of the running band.      stud may rise to the surface of the field side of       Berthier, “Tribological characterisation of rail
This band would tend to be more concentrated        the rail, perhaps when it extends beyond the            squat defects”, Wear, 2013, 297, 926- 942.
on a harder rail as the contact would broaden       layer of compressive residual stress. Different
less as a result of plastic deformation. The        characteristics, in particular a different initiation   [6] M Kerr, A Wilson, S Marich and S
high tensile residual stresses could initiate the   point across the rail and different growth              Kaewunruen, “Wheel/rail conditions and squat
cracks from which studs propagate.                  pattern, are associated with different wheel/rail       development on moderately curved tracks”,
                                                    contact conditions and tangential tractions.            CORE 2012, Brisbane, 10-12 September 2012.
                                                    Studs are less common in standard carbon                [7] “Rolling contact fatigue in rails: a guide to
Observations are recorded from field                than in head hardened rail. A possible reason           current understanding and practice”, Railtrack
investigations undertaken on the NSW railway        for this is a higher wear rate of the softer rail.      plc, RT/PWG/001 Issue 1, February 2001.
system of rail defects that have been called        There is evidence that studs do not develop
“studs”. It is clear from these observations that   in head hardened rails if the wear rate is              [8] M Kerr, A Wilson and S Marich, “The
studs are not rolling contact fatigue and that      sufficiently high. A very simplistic analysis           epidemiology of squats and related rail
they differ significantly from RCF.                 suggests that few defects exist if the metal            defects”, CORE 2008, Perth, 7-10 September
                                                    removal rate is more than 0.025mm/MGT                   2008.
Of critical importance for the safety and           whereas studs are prevalent at sites with a
integrity of the railway, there is as yet no        metal removal rate of less than 0.020mm/MGT.            [9] A Joerg, R Stock, S Scheriau, HP Brantner,
evidence that transverse defects propagate                                                                  B Knoll, M Mach, W Daves, “The squat
from studs. Although TDs have been                  The evidence remains that these defects                 condition of rail materials – a novel approach to
associated with studs, the evidence in all          initiate from wheelslip, and possibly from              squat prevention”, Procs of 10th International
cases is that TDs have occurred where               thermally transformed material that is the              Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear
RCF and studs coincide. The TD develops             result of wheelslip. The different morphology           of Rail/Wheel Systems, Colorado Springs,
from propagation of RCF, which is initially         of defects in areas in which tangential                 USA, 2015.
substantially longitudinal. Once the RCF turns      tractions differ significantly suggests that the
down into the rail, it develops as a result of      defects grow under the influence of tangential
flexural stresses. This mechanism is well           tractions. The fact that defects usually

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