EARLY BIRDS SAVE $100 Register by Oct. 22



NOVEMBER 8–10, 2021
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MEMBERS SAVE $150 Register by Oct. 8


                             MNCPA TAX CONFERENCE
                             NOVEMBER 8-10, 2021

                              MASTER STRATEGY
                              Tax, like chess, is complex and nuanced, requiring skill, precision
                              and problem solving. Make a smart move and attend TAX21 to
                              master your strategy.

                                  • Customize your learning — choose from more than
                                    45 sessions on employee retention credits, the latest
                                    federal individual and business tax updates, Minnesota
                                    tax developments and much more.

                                  • Earn valuable continuing education credits — up to
                                    24 CPE, 4 ethics and 15 IRS CE credits. Select sessions will
                                    also qualify for CFP and CLE (credit applications pending).
                                    View the latest credit updates online.

                                  • Make important connections — with fellow attendees,
                                    sponsors and your professional association.

                                  • Save on CPE — members save the most ($150!) with the
                                    VIP member-only discount. Not a member? There are other
                                    ways to attend for less, including early bird savings and
                                    discounts for large groups. Details on page 15.

                              Master your strategy at TAX21.

                              REGISTER TODAY

EARLY BIRDS SAVE $100 Register by Oct. 22

                      DAY 1 | MONDAY, NOV. 8
8–9 a.m.             A1. AICPA State Regulatory and Legislative Update
                         Marta Zaniewski, AICPA
                         Business Management & Organization - Non-Technical (1)
9–9:20 a.m.                                                                BREAK
9:20–10:35 a.m.      B1. Federal Individual Tax            B2. International Tax Issues     B3. Cybersecurity Secrets From
                         Highlights                            for Individuals                  the U.S. Federal Government
                         Paul Neiffer                          Kelly Young                      Tony Chiappetta
                         Taxes - Technical (1.5)               Taxes - Technical (1.5)          Specialized Knowledge -
                         IRS CE: (1)                           IRS CE: (1)                      Technical (1.5)
10:35–10:55 a.m.                                                           BREAK
10:55 a.m.–12:10 p.m. C1. My Client Can’t Pay Their        C2. Federal Business             C3. Essential Tips to
                          Taxes, Now What? Disputing           Tax Highlights                   Master Your Virtual and
                          and Resolving Tax Liabilities        Paul Neiffer                     Hybrid Leadership
                          Kathleen Pfutzenreuter               Taxes - Technical (1.5)          Jon Lokhorst
                          Benjamin Wagner                      IRS CE: (1)                      Personal Development –
                          Taxes - Technical (1.5)                                               Non-Technical (1.5)
                          IRS CE: (1)
12:10–1 p.m.                                                     LUNCH | VISIT SPONSORS
1–1:50 p.m.          D1. Minnesota Department of           D2. Income Tax Issues with       D3. Technology Planning for a
                         Revenue Update                        Bankruptcy and Cancellations     Post-Pandemic Environment
                         Commissioner Robert Doty              of Indebtedness                  Stephen Yoss, Jr.
                         Taxes - Technical (1)                 Edward Zollars                   Information Technology -
                                                               Taxes - Technical (1)            Technical (1)
                                                               IRS CE: (1)
1:50–2:10 p.m.                                                             BREAK
2:10–3:25 p.m.       E1. The Lifecycle of a Criminal       E2. Refunds Are Waiting:         E3. CPA Firm
                         Tax Investigation                     Understanding the Employee       Technology Strategies
                         Robert Nordlander                     Retention Credit                 Stephen Yoss, Jr.
                         Specialized Knowledge -               Edward Zollars                   Information Technology -
                         Technical (1.5)                       Taxes - Technical (1.5)          Technical (1.5)
                         IRS CE: (1)                           IRS CE: (1)
3:25–3:45 p.m.                                                             BREAK
3:45–5 p.m.          F1. Post-Mortem Tax Planning          F2. What’s Happening             F3. Regulatory Ethics
                         Jeremiah W. Doyle, IV                 in Partnerships and              Charles Selcer
                         Taxes - Technical (1.5)               S Corporations in 2021?          Regulatory Ethics - Technical (1.5)
                         IRS CE: (1)                           Edward Zollars
                                                               Taxes - Technical (1.5)                                     ETHICS
                                                               IRS CE: (1)

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                          DAY 2 | TUESDAY, NOV. 9
    8–9 a.m.             G1. Current Economic                 G2. Partnership Audit Rules          G3. Avoid IRS Checkmate: Five
                             Conditions in Minnesota              Adam Sweet                           Income Tax Must-Knows for
                             Ronald Wirtz                         Auditing - Technical (1)             Real Estate Owners in 2021
                             Economics - Technical (1)            IRS CE: (1)                          Ashley Sullivan
                                                                                                       Roger Upton
                                                                                                       Taxes - Technical (1)
                                                                                                       IRS CE: (1)
    9–9:20 a.m.                                                               BREAK
    9:20–10:35 a.m.      H1. Federal Individual               H2. Buying, Selling and              H3. Three Keys to Attract and
                             Tax Highlights (Repeat of B1)        Restructuring a Business             Retain Top Talent
                             Paul Neiffer                         Mark Sellner                         Jonathan Lokhorst
                             Taxes - Technical (1.5)              Taxes - Technical (1.5)              Personnel/Human Resources –
                             IRS CE: (1)                          IRS CE: (1)                          Non-Technical (1.5)
    10:35–10:55 a.m.                                                          BREAK
    10:55 a.m–12:10 p.m. I1. Capital Gain Planning            I2. Federal Business                 I3. Unleash Your
                             Opportunities in 2022                Tax Highlights (Repeat of C2)        Peak Performance
                             Robert Keebler                       Paul Neiffer                         Sarah Elliott
                             Specialized Knowledge -              Taxes - Technical (1.5)              Personal Development –
                             Technical (1.5)                      IRS CE: (1)                          Non-Technical (1.5)
                             IRS CE: (1)
    12:10 –1 p.m.                                                   LUNCH | VISIT SPONSORS
    1–1:50 p.m.          J1. 2021 Minnesota Tax Update        J2. Nuts and Bolts of                J3. Developing an Equity
                             Dan Kidney                           Cryptocurrency Taxation              Leadership Identity Lens:
                             Taxes - Technical (1)                Shehan Chandrasekera                 Starting with Addressing
                                                                  Taxes - Technical (1)                Unconscious Bias
                                                                  IRS CE: (1)                          Naomi Taylor
                                                                                                       Personal Development –
                                                                                                       Non-Technical (1)
    1:50–2:10 p.m.                                                            BREAK
    2:10–3:25 p.m.       K1. Residency Changes Revisited: K2. Understanding Schedule               K3. You Are Worth It: Billing
                             Living and Working Outside       K-1 for Partnerships and                 for Your Advisory Services
                             Minnesota                        S Corporations                           Will Hill
                             Masha Yevzelman                  Mark Sellner                             Business Management &
                             Taxes - Technical (1.5)          Taxes - Technical (1.5)                  Organization - Non-Technical (1.5)
                                                              IRS CE: (1)
    3:25–3:45 p.m.                                                            BREAK
    3:45–5 p.m.          L1. Estate Planning in               L2. Farm Tax Update                  L3. Business Ethics: 2021 Issues
                             2022 and Beyond                      Paul Neiffer                         Boz Bostrom
                             Robert Keebler                       Taxes - Technical (1.5)              Behavioral Ethics –
                             Specialized Knowledge -              IRS CE: (1)                          Non-Technical (1.5)
                             Technical (1.5)                                                                                      ETHICS
                             IRS CE: (1)
    5–6 p.m.                                                              HAPPY HOUR

EARLY BIRDS SAVE $100 Register by Oct. 22

                 DAY 3 | WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10
8–9 a.m.               M1. International Tax Issues             M2. The Employee Retention Tax          M3. Tax Ethics Case Studies
                           for Business Entities                    Credit: Latest Developments             Mark Sellner
                           Matthew Heberlein                        Susan Smith                             Regulatory Ethics - Technical (1)
                           Mayra Pena                               Taxes - Technical (1)                   IRS CE: (1)
                           Taxes - Technical (1)                    IRS CE: (1)                                                        ETHICS
                           IRS CE: (1)
9–9:20 a.m.                                                                    BREAK
9:20–10:35 a.m.        N1. Passive Activity Code                N2. Choosing the Right Business         N3. Refocusing on Workplace
                           Sections: Deep Dive                      Entity                                  Connections: New Hires and
                           Brandon Lagarde                          Susan Smith                             Beyond
                           Taxes - Technical (1.5)                  Taxes - Technical (1.5)                 Sarah Gengenbach
                           IRS CE: (1)                              IRS CE: (1)                             Personnel/Human Resources –
                                                                                                            Non-Technical (1.5)
10:35–10:55 a.m.                                                               BREAK
10:55 a.m.–12:10 p.m. O1. Planning for Proposed                 O2. Understanding the New               O3. Hybrid Work and
                          2022 Tax Changes                          State Pass-Through Entity               Cybersecurity for Small Firms
                          Susan Smith                               Tax Regimes: Planning and               Donny Shimamoto
                          Taxes - Technical (1.5)                   Potential Pitfalls                      Information Technology -
                          IRS CE: (1)                               John Gupta                              Technical (1.5)
                                                                    Dylan Lien
                                                                    Taxes - Technical (1.5)
                                                                    IRS CE: (1)
12:10–1 p.m.                                                          LUNCH | VISIT SPONSORS
1–1:50 p.m.            P1. 2021 Minnesota Income                P2. SALT Nexus Update                   P3. Optimizing Tax Workflow and
                           Tax Update (Repeat of J1)                Masha Yevzelman                         Practice Management
                           Dan Kidney                               Taxes - Technical (1)                   Frank Stitely
                           Taxes - Technical (1)                                                            Business Management &
                                                                                                            Organization – Non-Technical (1)
1:50–2:10 p.m.                                                                 BREAK
2:10–3:25 p.m.         Q1. Minnesota Legislative and            Q2. CARES Act Update                    Q3. Critical Thinking
                           Professional Issues Update               Tom McCarr                              Masterclass for CPAs
                           Geno Fragnito                            Taxes – Technical (1.5)                 Toby Groves
                           Linda Wedul                              IRS CE: (1)                             Personal Development –
                           Business Management &                                                            Non-Technical (1.5)
                           Organization - Non-Technical (1.5)
3:25–3:45 p.m.                                                                 BREAK
3:45–5 p.m.            R1. A Complaint-Free World
                           Will Bowen
                           Personal Development – Non-Technical (1.5)

                                                     LATEST & GREATEST
 The game could change at any moment. If important legislation comes out of Washington, D.C. — including the anticipated infrastructure bill,
     budget developments or other tax laws — TAX21 speakers will revise their content to be as up-to-date as possible for the conference.

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                         DAY 1 | MONDAY, NOV. 8                                                     10:35–10:55 a.m.          Break

Oct. 8                    8–9 a.m.                   General Session                                10:55 a.m.–12:10 p.m.     Breakout Sessions C

                         A1. AICPA State Regulatory and Legislative Update                         C1. My Client Can’t Pay Their Taxes, Now What? Disputing
EARLY BIRDS                                                                                        and Resolving Tax Liabilities
                         Marta Zaniewski, AICPA, Washington DC
SAVE $100                                                                                          Kathleen Pfutzenreuter, Wagner Tax Law, Minneapolis, MN
Register by              Kick off the conference with this valuable update direct from
                         the AICPA. Find out which issues are taking priority in the               Ben Wagner, JD, Wagner Tax Law, Minneapolis, MN
Oct. 22
                         profession and see what’s on the horizon as states begin looking          Review common tax resolution situations so you can confidently
                         ahead to the 2022 legislative session.                                    guide clients on their options for resolving outstanding tax
                         FOS: Business Management & Organization - Non-Technical (1)               obligations and/or reducing their debt. Find out how to
                                                                                                   respond to various collection letters and how to dispute federal
                          9–9:20 a.m.                Break                                         tax assessments. Explore payment proposals for resolving
                                                                                                   outstanding liabilities, including offers in compromise and
                                                                                                   installment agreements. Plus, learn about the major changes the
                          9:20–10:35 a.m.           Breakout Sessions B
                                                                                                   IRS has made to its collections procedures in the last two years
                                                                                                   and how that affects your approach. This session is sponsored by
                         B1. Federal Individual Tax Highlights                                     Wagner Tax Law.
                         Paul Neiffer, CPA, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, Walla Walla, WA
                                                                                                   FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)

                         Recent tax legislation, including the Consolidated
                         Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan, along with               C2. Federal Business Tax Highlights
                         updated IRS guidance and court decisions, will affect your                Paul Neiffer, CPA, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, Walla Walla, WA
                         individual clients. At this high-level session, identify valuable
                                                                                                   Recent tax developments, IRS guidance and court decisions
                         tax credits, understand the importance of targeting AGI and
                                                                                                   influence the planning landscape for your business clients.
                         pinpoint smart planning opportunities presented by recent
                                                                                                   Learn how the latest changes, including the Consolidated
                         tax legislation. Hear the latest and come away with fresh tax
                                                                                                   Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan, affect
                         planning ideas for your individual clients. Coverage will include
                                                                                                   businesses and the tax strategies they employ. Identify useful
                         other new tax legislation signed prior to the conference.
                                                                                                   new planning opportunities, business tax credits, income
                         FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)                                considerations and ways you can help clients enhance cash flow.
                                                                                                   Coverage will include other new tax legislation signed prior to
                         B2. International Tax Issues for Individuals                              the conference.
                         Kelly Young, CPA, Baker Tilly, Philadelphia, PA
                                                                                                   FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)
                         Residents of the United States who live outside U.S. borders
                         face unique considerations when it comes to tax planning and              C3. Essential Tips to Master Your Virtual and
                         reporting. Learn about current issues and tax planning insights           Hybrid Leadership
                         affecting your international clients. Explore international tax           Jon Lokhorst, CPA, PCC, Lokhorst Consulting LLC, Andover, MN
                         issues, hurdles, planning measures and required disclosures for
                                                                                                   When the COVID-19 crisis hit full force in March 2020, it
                         individual taxpayers. Gain practical guidance on how to prepare
                                                                                                   sparked a dramatic shift to work-from-home for much of the
                         forms that are required to be filed by individual taxpayers with
                                                                                                   workforce. As the pandemic continues to carve an uncertain path,
                         international assets or income.
                                                                                                   your “next normal” likely includes remote work at some level.
                         FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)                                Now that the novelty of remote work has worn off, leaders face
                                                                                                   new challenges leading teams in a virtual setting. In this session,
                         B3. Cybersecurity Secrets From the U.S. Federal Government                gain leadership guidance on how to overcome these hurdles and
                         Tony Chiappetta, CHIPS, White Bear Township, MN                           lead more effectively through this long-lasting season of remote
                         There’s a big reason ransomware and data breaches are in the              work and the transition to hybrid work arrangements.
                         news everyday: traditional security methods are ineffective at            FOS: Personal Development – Non-Technical (1.5)
                         stopping today’s modern threats. Commonly used data protection
                         methods are only effective about 70% of the time — but the U.S.            12:10–1 p.m.              Lunch
                         government employs methods that are much more effective.
                         Learn how the U.S. federal government protects their most
                                                                                                    1–1:50 p.m.               Breakout Sessions D
                         sensitive data and why their methods are stronger than the ones
                         you’re likely using. Identify your cybersecurity protection gaps
                         and find out how to close them. Evaluate your current solutions,          D1. Minnesota Department of Revenue Update
                         see what you should consider for the future and gain guidance to          Commissioner Robert A. Doty, Minnesota Department of Revenue, St. Paul, MN
                         prevent your firm from becoming the next data breach victim.              The Minnesota Legislature passed a number of tax law changes
                         This session is sponsored by CHIPS.                                       this year, many in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Catch
                         FOS: Specialized Knowledge - Technical (1.5)                              up on these state-specific developments and hear Commissioner
                                                                                                   Robert Doty discuss the latest happening at the Minnesota
                                                                                                   Department of Revenue (DOR). Walk through recently passed
                                                                                                   law changes and learn about how the DOR is preparing for the
                                                                                                   upcoming tax filing season. Plus, look at Minnesota’s approach
                                                                                                   to conforming to federal tax law changes.
                                                                                                   FOS: Taxes - Technical (1)

6                                                             MINNESOTA SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS | MNCPA TAX CONFERENCE
D2. Income Tax Issues With Bankruptcy and Cancellations of                            3:25–3:45 p.m.            Break
Edward K. Zollars, CPA, Kaplan Financial Education, La Crosse, WI                     3:45–5 p.m.               Breakout Sessions F
CPAs don’t normally have to deal with the complexity of cancelled
debts until times get tough. And with ongoing uncertainty amid                       F1. Post-Mortem Tax Planning
the pandemic, times are tough for many right now. Make sure you                      Jeremiah W. Doyle IV, Esq., BNY Mellon Wealth Management, Boston, MA
understand the current rules so you can help clients avoid negative                  The most valuable tax planning often happens after an individual has
tax impacts. Learn how to determine when a debt is deemed cancelled                  died. Brush up on this critical topic so you can effectively administer
for federal income tax purposes, and how to apply the appropriate                    estates and trusts and apply strategic tax planning opportunities.
exclusions under Section 108. Plus, explore the special rules for                    Explore the various elections available to an executor or trustee after a
partnerships and S Corporations with cancellation of debt issues.                    death and learn how to coordinate tax elections between the estate tax
FOS: Taxes - Technical (1) | IRS CE: (1)                                             return and the income tax return. Learn about the protections available
                                                                                     to a fiduciary and gain insights on portability, qualified domestic trusts,
D3. Technology Planning for a Post-Pandemic Environment                              death of a partner, generation-skipping tax elections and more.
Stephen M. Yoss, CPA, MS, K2 Enterprises, Hammond, LA
                                                                                     FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)
Your technology plan should align with your business plan. But what if
your goals are disrupted and suddenly it’s no longer business as usual?              F2. What’s Happening in Partnerships and S Corporations in 2021?
In light of COVID-19, it’s time to reconsider your future technology                 Edward K. Zollars, CPA, Kaplan Financial Education, La Crosse, WI
needs. Identify opportunities to improve your technology plan as you                 As COVID-19 relief issues kept our attention in 2020 and 2021,
re-evaluate the tools your team needs and the way you work. Explore                  many developments took place in the area of partnerships and
post-pandemic technology considerations, including remote and                        S Corporations. Unpack recent court cases, learn about the IRS’s push
hybrid work environments, security risks, collaboration tools and more.              for more details on basis issues and discover what the IRS is likely to do
FOS: Information Technology - Technical (1)                                          with that information. Get caught up on what you might’ve missed so
                                                                                     you can properly complete compliance reporting forms (including new
 1:50–2:10 p.m.            Break                                                     forms and new guidance) and help clients avoid issues with the IRS.
                                                                                     FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)
 2:10–3:25 p.m             Breakout Sessions E
                                                                                     F3. Regulatory Ethics
E1. The Lifecycle of a Criminal Tax Investigation                                    Charles Selcer, CPA, CGMA, MBA, Schechter Dokken Kanter CPAs, Minneapolis, MN
Robert Nordlander, CPA, CFE, Nordlander CPA, PLLC, Colfax, NC                                  If you think “same old, same old” when it comes to ethics
Since the days of Al Capone, IRS Criminal Investigation (CI) has                      ETHICS   regulations, it’s time to think again. Changes are on the way.
been taking down organized crime syndicates, politicians and average                           Explore the latest in this technical session with attendee
citizens who cheat on their taxes. If you’ve ever wondered how the                   favorite Chuck Selcer. Hear what’s new, what’s coming and how you can
IRS finds and pursues criminal tax investigations, this is your chance               avoid costly ethical errors.
to learn more from a retired IRS special agent who has done the                      FOS: Regulatory Ethics - Technical (1.5)
work. Walk through the investigative process and the tools CI uses
to investigate potential criminals. Hear case studies involving recent
prosecutions and understand the consequences of tax evasion and
other tax crimes.
FOS: Specialized Knowledge - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)

E2. Refunds Are Waiting: Understanding the Employee
Retention Credit                                                                           “This conference was still the
Edward K. Zollars, CPA, Kaplan Financial Education, La Crosse, WI
The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) got little notice in 2020 because                      high-quality conference it has
those who received Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans couldn’t
take advantage. But the rules changed and now your clients may
actually qualify. Learn about the latest rules so you can identify clients
                                                                                         always been, and the technology
eligible for the various credits enacted in 2020 and 2021. Find out how
to help clients maximize their total PPP and ERC benefits and how to
prepare claims for refunds for taxpayers now eligible for the ERC.
                                                                                               worked wonderfully!”
FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)                                                       — 2020 attendee
E3. CPA Firm Technology Strategies
Stephen M. Yoss, CPA, MS, K2 Enterprises, Hammond, LA
Given the challenges CPA firms have faced in the last two years, do
you have the tech tools you need to move forward successfully? Get an
independent overview of key solutions so you can employ a strategic
technology plan that’s suited to your firm’s needs. Learn about options
that can help you offer new services, maintain compliance profitably,
enhance client interactions, boost security, optimize your advisory
practice and more.
FOS: Information Technology - Technical (1.5)

                                                        REGISTER NOW |                                                                   7
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                          DAY 2 | TUESDAY, NOV. 9                                                  H2. Buying, Selling and Restructuring a Business
                                                                                                   Mark A. Sellner, CPA, JD, LLM (taxation), Sellner Tax Consulting, LLC, Sarasota, FL
Oct. 8                     8–9 a.m.                  Breakout Sessions G                           The purchase, sale or restructuring of a business comes with
                                                                                                   a variety of important tax consequences. Get an overview of
                          G1. Current Economic Conditions in Minnesota                             this critical topic, from succession planning, employment and
EARLY BIRDS                                                                                        noncompete agreements to understanding the distinction
                          Ron Wirtz, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN
SAVE $100                                                                                          between capital gains vs. ordinary income and capital vs.
Register by               Take an up-to-date look at how Minnesota’s economy is                    ordinary losses. Uncover opportunities with S Corporations and
Oct. 22                   performing and the critical role that labor force will have on           limitations with limited liability companies when it comes to
                          future growth. Gain insights on current economic conditions              restructuring a business. Build your knowledge so you have a
                          in the nascent recovery among firms, workers and the broader             stronger foundation for structuring a tax-efficient transaction.
                          Minnesota landscape using recent data and ongoing surveys
                          by the Minneapolis Fed. Plus, share your experiences in an               FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)
                          interactive survey gauging recent business activity, hiring              H3. Three Keys to Attract and Retain Top Talent
                          demand and labor and wage trends.
                                                                                                   Jon Lokhorst, CPA, PCC, Lokhorst Consulting LLC, Andover, MN
                          FOS: Economics - Technical (1)
                                                                                                   As if talent challenges weren’t already severe enough, “The Great
                          G2. Partnership Audit Rules                                              Resignation” has triggered pent-up turnover as the pandemic
                          Adam Sweet, JD, LLM, Eide Bailly LLP, Spokane, WA                        starts to subside. The only way to stem the tide of turnover is
                                                                                                   with intentional leadership focused on this challenge. Learn
                          Partnerships subject to the centralized partnership audit regime

                                                                                                   what it takes to become a talent magnet and explore three
                          — enacted as part of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 — face a          key drivers to help you attract and retain the best people for
                          new world when undergoing an IRS audit or filing an amended              your firm. Discover how to use storytelling to promote your
                          tax return. Discover more about what’s happening under this              firm’s talent value proposition and increase your competitive
                          new regime, including what decisions must be made, insights              advantage for attracting and retaining the right people.
                          about partnership-focused IRS audit initiatives and what could
                          be expected in the near future.                                          FOS: Personnel/Human Resources – Non-Technical (1.5)
                          FOS: Auditing - Technical (1) | IRS CE: (1)                               10:35–10:55 a.m.            Break
                          G3. Avoid IRS Checkmate: Five Income Tax Must-Knows for
                                                                                                    10:55 a.m.–12:10 p.m.       Breakout Sessions I
                          Real Estate Owners in 2021
                          Ashley Sullivan, CCSP, MS Consultants, LLC, Amherst, NY
                          Roger Upton, CPA, MS Consultants, LLC, Pittsford, NY                     I1. Capital Gain Planning Opportunities in 2022
                                                                                                   Robert Keebler, CPA/PFS, MST, AEP (Distinguished), Keebler & Associates, LLP,
                          Take an up-close look at critical tax updates in the real estate           Green Bay, WI
                          sector. Get updated on expiring tax laws, new regulations, tax
                          law extensions, changing tax rates and potential changes coming          2021 may be a critical year for your clients to front-run
                          through via the Biden administration. Learn about key tax                potential changes to capital gain rates and implement strategies
                          planning topics affecting real estate owners, including Section          to mitigate the expected increase. Learn about these anticipated
                          1031, Section 199A, QIP, Section 179D and 45L. Gain insights             changes and the opportunities and challenges they could bring
                          to help advise your clients on real estate tax planning and              to this critical planning area. Examine guidance related to
                          deductions. This session is sponsored by MS Consultants, LLC.            Section 1014 step-up in basis, gain realization at death, mark-
                                                                                                   to-market taxation, CRTs to defer and eliminate capital gain
                          FOS: Taxes - Technical (1) | IRS CE: (1)                                 tax, the mathematics of harvesting capital gains, Section 1031
                                                                                                   exchanges and more planning opportunities.
                           9–9:20 a.m.               Break
                                                                                                   FOS: Specialized Knowledge - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)
                           9:20–10:35 a.m.           Breakout Sessions H
                                                                                                   I2. Federal Business Tax Highlights (Repeat of C2)
                                                                                                   Paul Neiffer, CPA, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, Walla Walla, WA
                          H1. Federal Individual Tax Highlights (Repeat of B1)
                          Paul Neiffer, CPA, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, Walla Walla, WA               Recent tax developments, IRS guidance and court decisions
                                                                                                   influence the planning landscape for your business clients.
                          Recent tax legislation, including the Consolidated                       Learn how the latest changes, including the Consolidated
                          Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan, along with              Appropriations Act and the American Rescue Plan, affect
                          updated IRS guidance and court decisions, will affect your               businesses and the tax strategies they employ. Identify useful
                          individual clients. At this high-level session, identify valuable        new planning opportunities, business tax credits, income
                          tax credits, understand the importance of targeting AGI and              considerations and ways you can help clients enhance cash flow.
                          pinpoint smart planning opportunities presented by recent                Coverage will include other new tax legislation signed prior to
                          tax legislation. Hear the latest and come away with fresh tax            the conference.
                          planning ideas for your individual clients. Coverage will include
                          other new tax legislation signed prior to the conference.                FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)

                          FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)

8                                                             MINNESOTA SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS | MNCPA TAX CONFERENCE
I3. Unleash Your Peak Performance                                                      1:50–2:10 p.m.             Break
Sarah Elliott, PCC, CPA, Intend2Lead, Austin, TX
The accounting profession is demanding, with high levels of burnout                    2:10–3:25 p.m              Breakout Sessions K
and exhaustion. When you focus all your energy on serving clients,
colleagues and family, your own well-being suffers. Explore how you                   K1. Residency Changes Revisited:
can optimize your performance and decrease burnout by improving                       Living and Working Outside Minnesota
your capacity to bring energy and full engagement to what you value                   Masha Yevzelman, JD, Fredrikson & Byron, P.A., Minneapolis, MN
most. Learn about the concept of energy management, see how well-
                                                                                      Minnesotans increasingly want to work and live outside Minnesota, but
being and mindfulness impact your performance and find out how to
                                                                                      changing residency to other states is complicated and requires careful
unleash your peak performance in a way that manages your energy
                                                                                      evaluation by an experienced adviser. Explore the impact of changing
more consciously.
                                                                                      residency on individual taxpayers, their trusts and estates and their
FOS: Personal Development – Non-Technical (1.5)                                       employers. Discover what it takes for an individual or trust to change
                                                                                      residency from Minnesota to another state. Review nonresident tax
 12:10–1 p.m.              Lunch                                                      concepts for individuals, trusts, estates and fiduciary obligations, as
                                                                                      well as the implications of employees living and working remotely from
 1–1:50 p.m.               Breakout Sessions J                                        other states.
                                                                                      FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5)
J1. 2021 Minnesota Income Tax Update
Dan Kidney, CPA, JD, Wipfli LLP, Minneapolis, MN                                      K2. Understanding Schedule K-1 for Partnerships and
Not only did the 2021 Minnesota legislative session deliver another                   S Corporations
round of retroactive federal conformity, it also brought a new pass-                  Mark A. Sellner, CPA, JD, LLM (taxation), Sellner Tax Consulting, LLC, Sarasota, FL
through entity (PTE) tax for the 2021 tax year. This fast-paced session               To serve your clients well, you need to be able to prepare Schedule
covers final draft 2021 tax forms and guidance from the Minnesota                     K-1s and use Schedule K-1s provided by other CPA firms. Review the
DOR about the PTE tax, which isn’t necessarily intuitive. Look at                     components of Schedule K-1 reporting and key areas that require focus.
practical examples covering whether a PTE tax election might be the                   Learn how to interpret Schedule K-1, explore tax basis capital account
right decision, opportunities for amended 2017-2020 tax returns and                   reporting, address basis issues and understand the IRS’s approach to
other major aspects of the 2021 Minnesota Omnibus Tax Bill.                           calculating outside basis.
FOS: Taxes - Technical (1)                                                            FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)
J2. Nuts and Bolts of Cryptocurrency Taxation                                         K3. You Are Worth It: Billing for Your Advisory Services
Shehan Chandrasekera, CPA, CoinTracker, San Francisco, CA                             Will Hill, Thomson Reuters, Ann Arbor, MI
Form 1040 now includes a front-and-center question about                              While there is a lot of conversation around advisory services (and rightly
cryptocurrency. It’s no longer a niche topic, but one you must know                   so), the conversation about billing for those services is often surface-level
about to advise your clients effectively. Walk through the tax implications           only. How do you shift your mindset and your practices from giving
associated with common cryptocurrency-related transactions. Explore                   away ideas to truly selling advisory services? In this session, dig into
the latest developments, the virtual currency question on Form 1040 and               what it takes to make this transition in your firm and how to ensure your
common tax notices, including CP2000, Letter 6173, Letter 6174 and                    clients see the value as you shift to a more profitable advisory services
Letter 6174-A. Understand the challenges and opportunities of working                 model. This session is sponsored by Thomson Reuters.
with clients who hold cryptocurrency so you can expand your services                  FOS: Business Management & Organization – Non-Technical (1.5)
and equip them with smart tax planning opportunities.
FOS: Taxes - Technical (1) | IRS CE: (1)                                               3:25–3:45 p.m.             Break

J3. Developing an Equity Leadership Identity Lens: Starting with                       3:45–5 p.m.                Breakout Sessions L
Addressing Unconscious Bias
Dr. Naomi R. Taylor, Pleasant Spirit Consulting, Little Canada, MN                    L1. Estate Planning in 2022 and Beyond
To do the hard work of equitable leadership, it must be part of your                  Robert Keebler, CPA/PFS, MST, AEP (Distinguished), Keebler & Associates, LLP,
identity. Cultivating this identity takes intentional self-development                  Green Bay, WI
and a willingness to work toward your goals. It starts with the
individual — and then the collective — to make changes. Take some                     2021 started with the proposal of massive changes to federal tax policy,
important steps with this session, where you’ll explore five critical                 with many of those changes directed toward wealthy Americans.
lenses of equity leadership and get practice identifying your implicit                Explore how this, along with the fiscal stimulus from Congress, could
biases. Gain guidance on how to work toward dismantling your biases                   have tremendous estate planning implications for your clients. Look at
and developing a framework to raise your consciousness and work                       the impact of the “blue wave” on wealthy taxpayers and future planning
toward individual and systemic change that bridges cultural differences               considerations for this time of potentially heavy tax policy change.
and creates a more equitable environment.                                             FOS: Specialized Knowledge - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)
FOS: Personal Development – Non-Technical (1)

                                                       LOOKING FOR CFP OR CLE CREDITS?
                                    Applications are pending! Visit for the latest updates.

                                                         REGISTER NOW |                                                                         9
SAVE $150                 L2. Farm Tax Update                                                       L3. Business Ethics: 2021 Issues
Register by               Paul Neiffer, CPA, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, Walla Walla, WA                Boz Bostrom, MBT, CPA, College of St. Benedict & St. John’s University,
Oct. 8                    The agricultural industry is full of special rules and planning             Collegeville, MN
                          considerations. Gain niche insights at this session as you explore                 Ethical leadership matters. Gain guidance on how to be
                          tax pitfalls and unique tax opportunities available for farmers.                   a more effective and ethical leader as you walk through
EARLY BIRDS               Learn how the latest IRS guidance, court decisions and tax
                                                                                                             the ethics rules and regulations that apply to CPAs.
SAVE $100                 legislation — including the Consolidated Appropriations Act               Inspect various ethical violations involving CPAs and other
Register by               and the American Rescue Plan — impact tax planning for your               business professionals so you can forge a different, better and
Oct. 22                   agricultural clients.                                                     more ethical path.
                          FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)                                FOS: Behavioral Ethics – Non-Technical (1.5)

                                                                                       MNCPA TAX CONFERENCE

                                                                                       VIRTUAL, NOVEMBER 8-10, 2021

                                         CONFERENCE PARTNERS & SPONSORS



                                                                                                                 Wagner           TA X L AW

                                                 Visit for the most up-to-date sponsor listings.
                                           Interested in being a conference sponsor? Contact Leslie Mueller at or 952-885-5520.

10                                                            MINNESOTA SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS | MNCPA TAX CONFERENCE
DAY 3 | WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10                                                            N2. Choosing the Right Business Entity
                                                                                                                   Susan Smith, CPA, Surgent, Radnor, PA
                              8–9 a.m.                    Breakout Sessions M                                      The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act landed with new considerations for
                                                                                                                   choosing a business entity, and additional considerations could
                             M1. International Tax Issues for Business Entities                                    be on the way. The tax rate for C Corporations was lowered to
                             Matthew Heberlein, JD, LLM, Baker Tilly, Houston, TX                                  21%, and the Section 199A deduction offered pass-through
                             Mayra Pena, CPA, Baker Tilly, Chicago, IL                                             entities the chance to significantly lower their tax rate. But
                                                                                                                   which choice is best for which business? Learn about the
                             Take a high-level look at common tax forms — as well as

                                                                                                                   options so you can help clients who may want to re-examine
                             misconceptions and mistakes with those forms — for businesses                         their choice-of-entity determinations. Session will include any
                             operating internationally. Get updated on the anticipated tax                         pertinent updates related to the infrastructure bill or other
                             administration changes due to policy shifts, including changes                        related, late-breaking tax developments.
                             to tax rates, credits and deductions. Examine current IRS Large
                             Business & International (LB&I) division campaigns related                            FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)
                             to international tax forms, the current availability of voluntary                     N3. Refocusing on Workplace Connections:
                             disclosure programs and changes to enforcement procedures                             New Hires and Beyond
                             since the pandemic began.
                                                                                                                   Sarah Gengenbach, CPA, Redpath and Company, Ltd., White Bear Lake, MN
                             FOS: Taxes - Technical (1) | IRS CE: (1)
                                                                                                                   Connection is a primary reason employees leave — or
                             M2. The Employee Retention Tax Credit:                                                remain with — a company. That connection impacts every
                             Latest Developments                                                                   part of work life, from onboarding to retention, engagement,
                             Susan Smith, CPA, Surgent, Radnor, PA                                                 productivity and employee wellness. Uncover insights about
                                                                                                                   team connections, connections to firm culture and values, and
                             The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) was expanded                                 connections to clients and customers. Learn what’s working
                             in 2021 to encourage small businesses to invest in new                                (and what isn’t) at Redpath and how technology — including
                             opportunities and to offer more money per employee to                                 Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Quantum Workplace and video
                             businesses for keeping staff on the payroll. Under the recovery                       conferencing — has played a critical role in building and
                             startup provision, qualified small businesses can claim up to                         maintaining workplace connections.
                             $100,000 in Q3 and Q4 of 2021. The passing of the infrastructure
                             bill could bring even more changes. Get caught up on the latest                       FOS: Personnel/Human Resources – Non-Technical (1.5)
                             developments so you can advise your clients. Session will include
                                                                                                                    10:35–10:55 a.m.          Break
                             any pertinent updates related to the infrastructure bill or other
                             related, late-breaking tax developments.
                                                                                                                    10:55 a.m.–12:10 p.m.     Breakout Sessions O
                             FOS: Taxes - Technical (1) | IRS CE: (1)

                             M3. Tax Ethics Case Studies                                                           O1. Planning for Proposed 2022 Tax Changes
                             Mark A. Sellner, CPA, JD, LLM (taxation), Sellner Tax Consulting, LLC, Sarasota, FL   Susan Smith, CPA, Surgent, Radnor, PA
                                       Ethical lapses are expensive for your practice and pose                     President Biden is proposing changes in the tax code. Learn
                                1                                                                                  about those changes, including the American Jobs Plan, the
                              ETHICS   a significant threat to your reputation. Because ethics
                                       are key to a profitable tax practice, make sure you                         American Families Plan and other recent developments. Session
                             know how to identify and resolve tax ethics issues. Review the                        will include any pertinent updates related to the infrastructure
                             AICPA’s Statements on Standards for Tax Services and the latest                       bill or other related, late-breaking tax developments.
                             revisions to tax ethics standards. Look at case studies related to                    FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)
                             ethical lapses so you can avoid those negative consequences and
                             keep ethics in mind as you manage your tax practice.                                  O2. Understanding the New State Pass-Through Entity Tax
                             FOS: Regulatory Ethics - Technical (1) | IRS CE: (1)                                  Regimes: Planning and Potential Pitfalls
                                                                                                                   John Gupta, Eide Bailly LLP, Boulder, CO
                              9–9:20 a.m.                 Break                                                    Dylan Lien, Eide Bailly LLP, Minneapolis, MN
                                                                                                                   Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act brought about a $10,000
                              9:20–10:35 a.m.             Breakout Sessions N                                      limitation on individual state and local tax deductions (aka the
                                                                                                                   SALT cap), Minnesota adopted new pass-through entity (PTE)
                             N1. Passive Activity Code Sections: Deep Dive                                         tax regimes, shifting the incidence of tax from the owner to
                             Brandon Lagarde, CPA, JD, LLM, Postlethwaite & Netterville, Baton Rouge, LA           the entity. These “workarounds” challenge even experienced
                                                                                                                   tax advisers due to their widely varying rules, qualifications,
                             The rules and regulations associated with passive activities                          procedures and interconnected multistate and federal tax
                             under Section 469 are complicated. Look at the practical aspects                      impacts, creating the potential for unanticipated results. To
                             of this topic and sharpen your skills in handling the pragmatic                       make smart entity selections, you must understand the PTE
                             issues. Explore the fundamentals, planning opportunities and                          regimes in the home state and any other states in which the
                             creative strategies to ensure proper classification of passive                        entity operates. Explore the background of these new PTE
                             activities. Come away better equipped to solve problems and                           tax regimes, with a focus on Minnesota and Wisconsin tax
                             advise clients on Section 469 nuances.                                                structures. Gain guidance on the important considerations
                             FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)                                            PTE owners should consider — both state and federal — when
                                                                                                                   making an election.
                                                                                                                   FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)

                                                                                         REGISTER NOW |                                                        11
SAVE $150                    O3. Hybrid Work and Cybersecurity for Small Firms                            1:50–2:10 p.m.            Break
Register by                  Donny C. Shimamoto, CPA, CITP, CGMA, IntrapriseTechKnowlogies LLC,
Oct. 8                         Honolulu, HI                                                               2:10–3:25 p.m             Breakout Sessions Q
                             Hybrid and remote work opportunities are the present and
                             the future. But there’s more to it than simply digitizing your              Q1. Minnesota Legislative and Professional Issues Update
EARLY BIRDS                  manual processes. Additionally, having employees work offsite               Geno Fragnito, Minnesota Society of CPAs, Bloomington, MN
SAVE $100                    comes with new risks you must prepare for. In this session for              Linda Wedul, CAE, Minnesota Society of CPAs, Bloomington, MN
Register by                  non-techies of small firms, learn about what to consider when               Keep tabs on the key issues affecting the accounting profession
Oct. 22                      developing remote work policies and cybersecurity measures                  so you can be ready for whatever comes next — which is sure
                             so you can balance your team’s remote work needs with the                   to involve more change. The MNCPA is tracking the Minnesota
                             need to mitigate cybersecurity breaches for your firm. Explore              Legislature, DOR, Board of Accountancy and other developments
                             affordable technology options you can implement easily to                   affecting you and your practice so you can respond and adapt
                             address employee engagement, cybersecurity and other hybrid                 to what’s on the horizon. Learn how federal legislation will raise
                             work challenges.                                                            conformity issues once again, CPA Evolution is driving exam
                             FOS: Information Technology - Technical (1.5)

                                                                                                         changes, demographics are impacting the talent pipeline, hybrid
                                                                                                         work is shaping your practice and more.
                              12:10–1 p.m.                Lunch
                                                                                                         FOS: Business Management & Organization –
                                                                                                         Non-Technical (1.5)
                              1–1:50 p.m.                 Breakout Sessions P
                                                                                                         Q2. CARES Act Update
                             P1. 2021 Minnesota Income Tax Update (Repeat of J1)                         Tom McCarr, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Minneapolis, MN
                             Dan Kidney, CPA, JD, Wipfli LLP, Minneapolis, MN                            Hindsight may not be 20/20 when it comes to the year 2020,
                             Not only did the 2021 Minnesota legislative session deliver                 but the CARES Act dust has settled a bit. Gain clarity on this
                             another round of retroactive federal conformity, it also brought            major legislation and its federal tax implications. Explore the
                             a new pass-through entity (PTE) tax for the 2021 tax year.                  latest CARES Act technical updates, practical applications and
                             This fast-paced session covers final draft 2021 tax forms and               reporting considerations. Look at new developments with the
                             guidance from the Minnesota DOR about the PTE tax, which                    Employee Retention Credit, paid leave credits and the Paycheck
                             isn’t necessarily intuitive. Look at practical examples covering            Protection Program (PPP), both from the borrower and lender
                             whether a PTE tax election might be the right decision,                     perspectives. Hear practical updates on payments and credits
                             opportunities for amended 2017-2020 tax returns and other                   impacting individuals and families, including the child tax credit,
                             major aspects of the 2021 Minnesota Omnibus Tax Bill.                       unemployment compensation and economic impact payments.
                             FOS: Taxes - Technical (1)                                                  FOS: Taxes – Technical (1.5) | IRS CE: (1)

                             P2. SALT Nexus Update                                                       Q3. Critical Thinking Masterclass for CPAs
                             Masha Yevzelman, JD, Fredrikson & Byron, P.A., Minneapolis, MN              Toby Groves, Ph.D., Cincinnati, OH
                             With Wayfair three years behind us, many companies are                      Prepare to make radical leaps in your critical thinking. In a
                             reevaluating their state and local taxation footprint. Due to               world of rapid change and unreliable information, you need
                             the rising popularity of telecommuting from various states,                 the ability to separate fact from fiction, recognize flawed
                             that evaluation process is increasingly complex. Examine                    assumptions and maintain clarity under pressure. Learn how
                             the triumphs and challenges in evaluating SALT nexus and                    to audit your thinking and build more effective reasoning
                             compliance efforts, including withholding implications, income              strategies so you can improve your judgment, problem solving,
                             tax and sales and use tax. Get guidance on economic nexus                   memory and learning capabilities. Explore critical thinking
                             trends and the consequences of remote employees, and learn                  skills related to flexibility, adaptability, creativity and resiliency
                             how to tackle the patchwork of nexus laws around the country.               and build a cognitive toolkit you can carry with you for life.
                             FOS: Taxes - Technical (1)                                                  FOS: Personal Development – Non-Technical (1.5)

                             P3. Optimizing Tax Workflow and Practice Management                          3:25–3:45 p.m.            Break
                             Frank Stitely, CPA, CVA, Stitely & Karstetter, PLLC, Chantilly, VA
                             As you face the dual challenge of staff shortages and                        3:45–5 p.m.               General Session
                             commoditizing prices, your firm must become more efficient to
                             thrive. Learn about Lean Six Sigma principles that can optimize             R1. A Complaint-Free World
                             your workflow, which in turn improves productivity and client               William Bowen, Lamplighter, Inc., Key Largo, FL
                             service, leading to a better, more profitable tax season. Get               We’re inundated with complaints from coworkers, clients,
                             tips on how to improve your processes, assign staff to the right            customers and family members every day. If you pay attention,
                             projects, achieve growth targets, meet productivity goals and               you’ll likely find that you’re contributing to the complaint count
                             delight clients with better service.                                        in the world, too. In this inspiring closing keynote, take a look at
                             FOS: Business Management & Organization – Non-Technical (1)                 the pervasiveness of complaining and its destructive effects on
                                                                                                         your health, happiness, relationships and career. Look at the five
                               MNCPA MEMBERS SAVE THE MOST!                                              main reasons people complain and find out how to get people
                                                                                                         — including yourself — to stop complaining. Leave inspired to
                               Register and pay by Friday, Oct. 8 to save $150.                          put a stop to your complaining and motivated to infuse more
                               Not a member? Visit to join and start saving           positive leadership into the world.
                               even more on CPE.                                                         FOS: Personal Development – Non-Technical (1.5)

12                                                                 MINNESOTA SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS | MNCPA TAX CONFERENCE
                    Lamplighter, Inc., Key Largo, FL
                                      Will Bowen is the founder of the Complaint Free® movement, which has been shared on Oprah,
                                      Forbes, NBC’s Today Show, CBS Sunday Morning, People, Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal and
                                      more. He’s the world authority on complaining — why people complain, what’s wrong with
                                      complaining and how to stop. Thousands of companies worldwide have used his program to
                                      increase productivity, improve communication and raise morale.
                                      R1: A Complaint-Free World

                    ROBERT S. KEEBLER
                    Keebler & Associates, LLP, Green Bay, WI
                                      Robert S. Keebler, CPA/PFS, MST, AEP (Distinguished), is a 2007 recipient of the prestigious

                                      Accredited Estate Planners (Distinguished) award from the National Association of Estate Planners &
                                      Councils. He has been named by CPA Magazine as one of the Top 100 Most Influential Practitioners
                                      in the U.S. and one of the Top 40 Tax Advisers to Know During a Recession. His expertise focuses on
                                      family wealth transfer and preservation planning, charitable giving, retirement distribution
                                      planning and estate administration.
                                      I1. Capital Gain Planning Opportunities in 2022
                                      L1. Estate Planning in 2022 and Beyond

                    SUSAN SMITH
                    Surgent, Radnor, PA
                                      Susan Smith manages her own firm specializing in tax planning for individuals and business owners.
                                      She was a Senior Manager in the tax departments of Price Waterhouse and Peat Marwick, the
                                      predecessor of KPMG. Smith is a four-time recipient of the James L. McCoy Discussion Leader of the
                                      Year Award for excellence in teaching, and a three-time recipient of the Surgent Outstanding
                                      Discussion Leader Award for her consistently high evaluations for knowledge and presentation skills.
                                      M2. The Employee Retention Tax Credit: Latest Developments
                                      N2. Choosing the Right Business Entity
                                      O1. Planning for Proposed 2022 Tax Changes

                    MARTA ZANIEWSKI
                    AICPA, Washington D.C.
                                      Marta Zaniewski, vice president of state regulatory and legislative affairs, leads the AICPA’s state
                                      regulatory and legislative efforts, building relationships with stakeholders on issues that impact the
                                      CPA profession. She serves as the AICPA’s voice on state advocacy efforts and works closely with
                                      state CPA societies, the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), state
                                      legislative and executive branch officials and global professional services firms.
                                      A1: AICPA State Regulatory and Legislative Update

                    EDWARD K. ZOLLARS
                    Kaplan Financial Education, La Crosse, WI
                                      Edward K. Zollars, CPA, is an author, CPE instructor and a partner in the CPA firm of Thomas, Zollars
                                      & Lynch, Ltd. He has more than 25 years of public practice experience, specializing in closely held
                                      business and individual tax issues. Zollars has both tax and technology expertise and produces a
                                      weekly tax podcast in these areas. He also writes tax development articles that have appeared in
                                      various publications and is the primary author on the Current Federal Tax Developments website.
                                      D2. Income Tax Issues with Bankruptcy and Cancellations of Indebtedness
                                      E2. Refunds Are Awaiting: Understanding the Employee Retention Credit
                                      F2. What’s Happening in Partnerships and S Corporations in 2021?

                                                           REGISTER NOW |                                          13
SAVE $150
Register by
Oct. 8
                                                                    “Good gear up for tax season.”
SAVE $100
Register by
                                                         “Without a doubt, the best value all year.”
Oct. 22
                                                                         “Quality, quality, quality.”
                                                                              — 2020 attendees

                      CPE NOTES
                      • The MNCPA is the sponsor of this conference.
                      • It qualifies as group internet-based learning, not self-study.
                      • In compliance with CPE standards, your participation will be tracked with polling questions.
                        Answer polling questions to ensure you receive full CPE credit.
                      Visit for more details.

                      WHAT TO EXPECT AT TAX21
                      This event will take place virtually. Here’s how it works:
                      • You’ll use a web-based platform called CrowdCompass on your desktop or laptop. You can also
                        download the mobile app if you prefer.
                      • Conference sessions are viewed through Zoom within the platform.
                      • Your CPE attendance is tracked with polling questions.
                      • You can connect with sponsors and other attendees virtually.
                      • More instructions will be emailed to you two business days before the conference.
                      Visit to learn more.

                      SPONSOR TAX21 — IT’S NOT TOO LATE!
                      CPAs rely on a variety of tools, products and services to connect with clients, work productively and
                      securely, engage with staff and run a successful business. Think your company can help? Sign on as
                      a TAX21 sponsor — it’s not too late!
                      Contact Leslie Mueller at or 952-885-5520 for information about sponsoring TAX21.

MEMBERS SAVE $150                                               EARLY BIRDS SAVE $100                                             REGISTER NOW
            Register and pay by Oct. 8 for                                  Register by Oct. 22                                     
            VIP member-only fee

EVENT ESSENTIALS                                          YES! Sign me up for the MNCPA Tax Conference (TAX21):
Dates: Monday, Nov. 8–Wednesday, Nov. 10                  Choose one:           o Whole conference             o Day 1 only        o Day 2 only          o Day 3 only
Format: Virtual
                                                          Online:                 Mail: Minnesota Society of CPAs         Call: 952-831-2707
CONTINUING EDUCATION                                      Email: Scan form below and email to:                1650 W. 82nd St., Suite 600
Credit amounts are based on attendance at all                              Bloomington, MN 55431
days of the conference unless otherwise noted.
                                                          Name 		                                             Company
CPE: 24 hours
See session descriptions for technical /                  Address                                             City                    State              Zip
non-technical fields of study.                            Phone                                               Email
Ethics: 4 hours available
To receive ethics credits, you must attend                SESSION SELECTIONS
approved sessions: F3 (1.5 hours),
L3 (1.5 hours) and M3 (1 hour).                           In order to receive continuing education credits, you must submit this information.
IRS CE: 15 hours available                                Day 1 | Nov. 8                              Day 2 | Nov. 9                     Day 3 | Nov. 10
Requires attendance at approved sessions                  o A1                                        o G1     o G2      o G3            o M1       o M2       o M3
(1 hour of IRS CE each): B1/H1, B2, C1, C2/I2,
                                                          o B1       o B2       o B3                  o H1     o H2      o H3            o N1       o N2       o N3
D2, E1, E2, F1, F2, G2, G3, H2, I1, J2, K2, L1,
L2, M1, M2, M3, N1, N2, O1, O2, Q2                        o C1       o C2       o C3                  o I1     o I2      o I3            o O1       o O2       o O3
CFP®: Application pending                                 o D1       o D2       o D3                  o J1     o J2      o J3            o P1       o P2       o P3
Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc.       o E1       o E2       o E3                  o K1     o K2      o K3            o Q1       o Q2       o Q3
owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED
FINANCIAL PLANNER™, CFP® (with plaque design)             o F1       o F2       o F3                  o L1     o L2      o L3            o R1
and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it
awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP
                                                          FEES                                           Whole Conference                       One Day Only
Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.
CLE (Standard): Application pending                       Description                             Nonmember            Member           Nonmember              Member
Visit                 VIP MEMBER-ONLY*                           —              o $449                    —                  —
for credit status updates.                                Register by Oct. 8.                                  (MNCPA members only)

Code: 21CF-TAXX                                           Early Bird                               o $699              o $499             o $499              o $399
                                                          Register by Oct. 22.
Cancellation and refund policy: Receive a full
refund if you cancel before Nov. 2, 2021.                 Standard                                 o $799              o $599             o $549              o $449
                                                          First-time Attendee**                      —              o $449                    —                  —
Materials: Event materials are available                                                                       (MNCPA members only)
electronically only, three business days
before the event until two weeks after (full              Multiple***                              o $449           o $449                    —                  —
payment required).                                        Register by Oct. 15.

Photo disclaimer: Photographs may be taken at             Discounts/offers cannot be combined.
MNCPA events and used in marketing.                       *VIP Member-Only: New in 2021, this fee is for MNCPA members only. You must register and pay by
See the full policy at            Friday, Oct. 8, to receive this rate. If you’d like to become a member, please call MNCPA Customer Service
                                                          at 952-831-2707 or email
Special requests: Please notify the MNCPA of              **First-time attendee: If you’ve never attended the MNCPA Tax Conference and are an MNCPA
any special needs or ADA requests. Every                  member, you’re eligible for the special first-time attendee fee. Please call MNCPA customer service at
effort will be made to accommodate you.                   952-831-2707 to register.
                                                          ***Multiple: Submit 20 or more registrations from the same firm/company with payment by
                        The Minnesota Society of
                                                          Friday, Oct. 15, to qualify for this registration fee. Fax, mail or email the multiple registration form
                        CPAs (MNCPA) is registered
                        with the National Association
                                                          with names and contact information for all attendees. Questions? Contact Deb Griffith at 952-885-5509
                        of State Boards of                or
                        Accountancy (NASBA) as a
                        sponsor of continuing             PAYMENT
                        professional education on the
National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of        Total amount due		                                         o Check enclosed             o Bill me
accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of     Credit cards accepted online and via phone.
individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints
regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to
the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its         o My company is interested in sponsoring this event. Please contact me with more
website:                           sponsorship information.
                                                             REGISTER NOW |                                                                     15
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Choose from more than 45 sessions covering:
• Employee retention tax credits.
                                                    AHEAD OF TAX SEASON
                                                    • Hear the latest developments and planning
• Federal business and individual tax highlights.
                                                      insights to guide clients through a game-changing
• Minnesota tax, DOR and legislative updates.         tax environment.
• CARES Act updates.                                • Learn from respected experts, including Bob Keebler,
• Residency changes.                                  Dan Kidney, Paul Neiffer, Susan Smith, Masha Yevzelman
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