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             2021    VOLUME     20   |   NUMBER    2   VENUE SNOW.COM


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                                                              F E B RUA RY 20 2 1
           C O U RT E SY TA M PA S P O RTS AU T H O R I T Y

       he Tampa-St. Petersburg region            Bay Lightning won their second Stanley              Tampa Bay Buccaneers were one win away from
       stands among Florida’s idyllic destina-   Cup title in 16 years, competing in a bubble        reaching Super Bowl LV in their hometown under
       tions, known for its sparkling beaches,   format at Edmonton’s Rogers Place after the         ageless quarterback Tom Brady.
       gorgeous sunsets and signature tourist    pandemic put the 2019-20 season on ice for             Even the Tampa Bay Rowdies, a member of
       attractions. Sports development for the   five months.                                        the USL Championship soccer league owned
       most part has grown in tandem with           In St. Pete, the Tampa Bay Rays reached the      by the Rays, advanced to the title game before
the market’s big league teams over the past 25   2020 World Series after playing a shortened 60-     USL officials canceled the Oct. 31 match due
years.                                           game regular season. They lost to the Los Angeles   to COVID-19 cases on the Rowdies team. To-
  On both fronts, it’s proved to be a winning    Dodgers in six games at neutral site Globe Life     ward the end of the 2020 season, the Rowdies
combination of late. In September, the Tampa     Field in Arlington, Texas. At presstime, the        played a few matches with limited fans at Al

                                                                                                                                                      C O U RT E SY TA M PA S P O RTS AU T H O R I T Y

                                                                           PIRATE BEAUTY: Raymond James Stadium, where the
                                                                           Tampa Bay Buccaneers have provided some light during
                                                                           a dark year, will host Super Bowl LV on Feb. 7.

                                                                                                           F E B RUA RY 20 2 1                  23
Lang Stadium.

    Across the region, the four
teams lifted spirits through the
doom and gloom of the lengthy
    “All the teams in the market
had tremendous success,” said
Bill Walsh, the Rays’ vice presi-
dent of strategy and development.      MIND THE CHANDELIER: The Toronto Raptors, in town for the NBA season to eliminate the need to cross
“It was wonderful to watch the         the border during the pandemic, have practice courts in a hotel ballroom across from Amalie Arena.
Lightning’s run and we almost got
there ourselves. In many ways, it      care workers with complimentary       For the Lightning, it helped that    Edition, the first residential/hotel
picked us up as a community.”          tickets to the game. The NFL de-      team President Steve Griggs was      project, opened a sales office in
    To keep up with emerging           termined that number in working       among the first 15 employees         November, with 37 condominiums
trends tied to the fan experience,     with the authority and local health   hired by Maple Leaf Sports &         starting at $2 million, according to
both Raymond James Stadium,            officials, Hart said.                 Entertainment back in 1994. The      a story in the Tampa Bay Times.
where the Bucs play, and Amalie           In Hillsborough County, where      Canada native retains strong             All told, the district is projected
Arena, home of the Lightning           Tampa is situated, local leaders      connections with the ownership       to take up 9 million square feet by
and a leading concert venue, have      pushed for the stadium, arena and     of the Raptors and Leafs.            the time the project is completed
gone through $100 million-plus         Steinbrenner Field, the New York         “The setup for them was per-      in 2027. It is designed to strength-
renovations over the past decade.      Yankees’ spring training facility,    fect,” Griggs said.                  en Tampa Bay’s emergence
    Most recently, both buildings,     to receive millions of dollars in        Toronto played a few home         as a sports and entertainment
as well as Tropicana Field, the        CARES Act funding to help pay for     games at Amalie Arena with           bulkhead with bars, restaurants,
Rays’ stadium, have gone through       touchless technology, improved        crowds limited to 4,000 before       office space, residential and three
extensive COVID upgrades, driv-        air flow and other protective mea-    officials hit the pause button on    hotels, including the JW Marriott.
en in part by the region’s effort      sures against coronavirus.            fans attending games due to new          “It took a bold vision and the
to keep tourism dollars flowing           “Our county officials took the     spikes in COVID cases in January.    right resources, plus a commit-
despite the restrictions across the    position that they wanted us to       The switch came just a few days      ment from the city and county
country that have made it difficult    keep people employed,” Hart           before the Lightning’s first regu-   and Jeff to continue to do great
to generate revenue.                   said. “We had several thousand        lar-season home game.                things in this community,” Griggs
    Florida, a state marked by few-    people working at every NFL              Together, the Lightning, public   said. “It was already sitting here
er restrictions than most of the       game, trying to do as many events     officials and the team’s three       and just needed someone to con-
country, does not have a mandate       as we possibly can, safely. We’re     health care partners made that       nect all the key pillars.”
requiring face coverings in public.    happy that our health department      difficult decision, recognizing          Griggs has seen downtown
Gov. Ron DeSantis allowed ven-         has indicated there have not been     there will be additional losses in   Tampa evolve after the Lightning
ues to reopen at full capacity, de-    any high contacts coming out of       event-related revenue. They hope     hired him in 2010, five months af-
spite the state recording some of      our venues.”                          to reopen the arena with fans for    ter Vinik acquired the team. The
the highest rates of coronavirus.                                            NBA and NHL games by March,          old Channelside Mall near the
    In the Tampa Bay region,           A NEW TEAM IN TOWN                    team executives said.                arena had fallen on hard times,
venues and public officials were          In downtown Tampa, Amalie                                               and coming out of the recession,
prudent as they started to reopen      Arena added a second tenant           DOWNTOWN                             the venue had fallen behind on
for business in the fall, going with   during the pandemic. The Toron-       DEVELOPMENT                          fan amenities.
partial attendance in the range of     to Raptors, Canada’s NBA team,           Lightning owner Jeff Vinik            “It was just the arena with 40
22% to 23% for NFL games, which        decided to play a good portion of     sees the long-term play, revolv-     acres of barren parking,” he said.
amounted to about 16,000 fans          their 2021 home games in Tampa        ing around a hot team and the        “We had the convention center,
attending Buccaneers contests.         as part of a mini-bubble format       Water Street District, the $3.5      the history center, aquarium and
    Raymond James Stadium              to cut down on potential spread       billion mixed-use development        the port where the cruise ships
served as the model for all area       of the virus from travel between      next to the arena arena. He’s        come in. The bones were there; it
venues post-pandemic.                  two countries.                        spearheading the 40-acre district    was just a matter of building ev-
    “From start to end, masks are         They set up temporary resi-        with Strategic Property Partners,    erything in between and turning
required,” said Eric Hart, president   dency at the new JW Marriott          whose investors include Micro-       it into a (true) district.”
and CEO of the Tampa Sports            Water Street Tampa, a 500-room        soft co-founder Bill Gates.              Sparkman Wharf, the initial
Authority, governing body of Ray-      lodge that opened in December            Nine buildings are now under      piece of development, replaced
mond James Stadium. “The biggest       across the street from the arena.     construction. The first of three     the old mall and opened in No-
challenge that buildings have faced    The Raptors converted a large         phases, encompassing three           vember 2018. It’s designed as a
                                                                                                                                                            C O U RT E SY T E A M

is fighting the whole mask issue.      ballroom into two practice courts.    residential complexes, should        casual pop-up-style environment
We’ve done pretty well.”               Other hotel spaces were made into     be completed by early 2022. The      with local chefs running street
    The 65,890-seat stadium, site of   a locker room, weight and condi-      vision is to have 3,000 to 4,000     food destinations in shipping con-
Super Bowl LV, will have atten-        tioning area and coaches’ offices.    people living in the district,       tainers, plus a craft beer garden,
dance capped at 22,000, which             The Raptors considered three       Griggs said.                         office lofts and lawn space to ac-
includes 7,500 vaccinated health       cities before selecting Tampa.           The Residences at the Tampa       commodate live music and fitness

24                     F E B RUA RY 20 2 1

              LIMITED TIME OFFER

      20% OFF

LIGHTING ROUND: A rendering shows Phase 1 of the Water Street District,
     a downtown development area next to the arena district and led by Light-
     ning owner Jeff Vinik with Strategic Property Partners.

events. Sparkman Wharf’s retail         venue. All told, 1.8 million people   either market. St. Petersburg Mayor     dise sales for the Rays for what was
and office space is just starting to    annually attend events at the         Rick Kriseman has dismissed the         otherwise a “pretty devastating”
open, project officials said.           25-year-old arena, including con-     idea, stating the Rays must adhere      year financially for the organiza-
   Over the past 20 years, mixed-       certs and family shows.               to the lease terms before consider-     tion without fans attending games,
use projects tied to sports venues                                            ing a move elsewhere.                   he said.
have been a defining trend across       LAB FOR INNOVATIONS                      Over the past few years, the Rays       The Rays, in conjunction with
North America. In Tampa, the               Across the bay, there’s a much     have used The Trop, where average       Rank & Rally, Levy’s merchandise
point of difference is the district     different dynamic going on with       paid attendance has declined over       group, reopened the team store at
sits right on the city’s waterfront,    the Rays in terms of the facility     the past decade from 23,000 to          Tropicana Field in August. During
providing an authentic coastal          equation.                             14,700 in 2019, as a laboratory for     the postseason, there were long        C O U RT E SY ST R AT EG I C P RO P E RT Y PA RT N E R
vibe unlike its landlocked coun-           They’ve been trying for the        innovation and experimentation.         lines of fans standing 6 feet apart
terparts, Griggs said.                  better part of 15 years to build a    Two years ago, prior to the pandem-     outside the doors waiting to buy
   “There’s a real sense of health      new ballpark to replace 31-year-      ic, they were among the first teams     the latest gear, Walsh said.
and wellness because we are on          old Tropicana Field, which stands     in big league sports to go complete-       “There was a lot of hunger in the
the water,” he said. “It’s different    as Major League Baseball’s only       ly cashless in-venue.                   community to just interact with the
than up north. There’s a real focus     indoor facility with a fixed roof.       “Once you train fans and they        club and the brand,” he said.
on brand ethos and turning Water           The Rays’ lease at the city-       get used to being in a cash-free           The retail demand led to the
Street into a district and we’re a      owned stadium runs through            environment, there are a lot of         Rays launching a new concept
part of it.”                            the 2027 season and they remain       interesting things you can do           called “Rays and Rowdies on the
   Amalie Arena, after going            committed to pursuing a proposal      with mobile ordering and digital        Road.”
through extensive renovations,          to split home games at new open-      wallets and fan rewards and                The focus is on fan engagement,
has driven most of the develop-         air ballparks in St. Petersburg and   loyalty and all of that,” Walsh said.   tied to a new website and a brand-
ment, due in part to the Light-         Montreal, Walsh said.                 “We’re going to be moving in that       ed merchandise trailer set up over
ning’s success on the ice. The             The team announced the concept     space this season.”                     lunch hour in downtown Tampa
team has sold out 250 consecutive       in June 2019 and there has been no       Advancing to the World Series        and the new pier in St. Petersburg,
games at the 20,500-capacity            movement to build new stadiums in     provided a nice bump in merchan-        among other sites. Player appear-

26                      F E B RUA RY 20 2 1
ances, plus Raymond, the Rays’
                        furry blue mascot, are part of the                         RAYMOND
                                                                                   ON THE
                        retail caravan.
                           “We started off with tents, do-                         Raymond,
                        ing it as quickly as we could, and                         the Tampa
                        then got the trailer toward the                            Rays mascot,
                        end of the postseason,” Walsh                              is part of
                        said. “We did about a half-dozen                           a new fan
                        events in December and into                                engagement
                        New Year’s Eve. We’ll ramp back                            campaign
                        up as we get into February and                             built around
                                                                                   a traveling
                        the start of the season.”
                           Overall, sports executives                              trailer.
                        forecast continued growth for
                        Tampa-St. Petersburg as an
                        entertainment destination.
                           “What we’re creating here
                        with our district and the whole
                        region itself is attractive,”
                        Griggs said. “We have another

                        crack at the College Football
                        Playoff, WrestleMania 37, Frozen
                        Four and Women’s Final Four.
                        Our building alone is booked
                        (most years) for an NCAA

                                                             F E B RUA RY 20 2 1             27
                                                                                                                                         Jannus Live is a
                                                                                                                                         ity club in St.


                                                          BY E R I C R E N N E R B ROW N

          ampa Bay’s sports              pa Bay market is characterized         ‘Guess what! We’re not coming           the stadium’s single-night gross
          market, which includes the     by its diversity. While Miami is       to Florida!’” explains Douglas,         record with an August 2018 show
          NHL’s 2020 Stanley Cup         known for Latin, hip-hop, and          who’s been booking shows from           that raked in $7.2 million.
          winner, the MLB’s 2020         EDM, and Jacksonville has more         punk to reggae to jazz at Jannus           In recent years, Amalie Arena,
          American League pennant        in common with the country             since the mid-’80s.                     which typically holds 14,000 to
          winner, a team playing for     and rock inclinations of other            If traveling down the Flori-         16,000 for concerts, has hosted
the NFC title, and Super Bowl LV         Deep South markets, Tampa Bay          da Panhandle isn’t financially          talent from Elton John to Chance
in February, is just one aspect of its   offers up something for everyone,      worthwhile for an artist, Douglas       the Rapper to Eric Church, while
booming live sector.                     from classic rock icons to touring     says, “they dip into Jacksonville       Yuengling Center, which accom-
   “I can’t explain how much it’s        Broadway.                              and then just head west or north”       modates about half that, has
changed, how much it’s blown up,”           “The Tampa Bay demographic          to other regional markets like          presented shows by artists such as
says Summer Bohnenkamp, vice             is very diverse and very vast,”        Atlanta and New Orleans.                Lizzo and Old Dominion.
president of programming and             says Steve Minick, director of            Still, north-south Interstate           While the market’s Live Na-
marketing at the Straz Center for        entertainment at the Seminole          75 and east-west Interstate 4 run       tion-operated shed, MidFlorida
the Performing Arts, situated in         Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tam-          through the market, making it           Credit Union Amphitheatre,
downtown Tampa on the eastern            pa, which sits on the city’s eastern   a convenient stop for any tour          stages plenty of rock and hip-hop,
bank of the Hillsborough River.          edge. “You can be in an area           embarking on a Florida leg.             country is its forte, with recent
   “It’s barely recognizable,”           that’s very rural very quickly, just      “What attracts tours to come         box-office highlights dominated
Bohnenkamp says. “Downtown               outside of the Tampa Bay metro,        through here is that we are right       by the likes of Luke Bryan, Sam
Tampa, it just used to go to sleep       or you can be in a very urban envi-    off major crossroads that get to        Hunt, Jason Aldean and Dierks
at 5 o’clock. Everything was dark.       ronment very quickly.”                 all these other destinations,”          Bentley.
If you were coming to the show at           Tampa Bay’s varied nature           Minick says. “We’re really poised          Below the market’s largest
the Straz Center, you were alone         means that sometimes the indus-        locationwise.”                          rooms, acts of all stripes can find
downtown. Now, we have a vibrant         try’s conventional wisdom doesn’t         (Sources agree that, for most        homes among Tampa Bay’s rich
nightlife.”                              hold true in the market.               acts at the club level or above, lo-    tapestry of theaters, performing
   Tampa and St. Petersburg, a half-        “We’ve always felt that our         cation within the market doesn’t        arts centers, and clubs.
hour drive across Tampa Bay, rank        market here was a very unique          matter much — fans will generally          Among Tampa Bay’s most
third and fifth in population among      market, and I think is still is in a   go from St. Petersburg to Tampa         acclaimed spaces is the 2,200-ca-
Florida’s cities, and the metro          lot of ways,” says Rob Douglas,        or vice versa to see shows.)            pacity Ruth Eckerd Hall, located
area’s population of 3.2 million         director of music operations at                                                in the coastal enclave of Clear-
— more than those of Denver, St.         Jannus Live, a lauded 2,000-ca-        DIVERSITY OF VENUES                     water, north of St. Petersburg. It
Louis, and Baltimore — is second         pacity club in St. Petersburg. “You      Once in the market, artists           opened in 1983.
only to Miami’s within Florida.          can’t take anything for granted,       have plenty of options. Raymond            The theater hosts a little
   “The Tampa Bay market is cer-         at least in the Tampa Bay market,      James Stadium also hosts mar-           of everything, from traveling
tainly one of the most vibrant and       because something may be trend-        quee music talent when it comes         shows — recent highlights include
strongest markets in the state,”         ing wonderfully elsewhere, but         through town; Taylor Swift set          eight-show runs of “The Book of
says AEG Presents senior vice            when they get to us, it collapses –
president John Valentino, who            or the opposite.”
has booked shows in Florida for             Like other Florida markets,
                                                                                “Downtown Tampa, it just
                                                                                                                                                              C O U RT E SY V E N U E

more than 40 years, including a          geography plays a key role
three-decade stint with legendary
regional promoter Fantasma Pro-
                                         in determining Tampa Bay’s
                                         bookings.                              used to go to sleep at 5
ductions. (see story, Page 32.)             “If you can’t get them four or
                                         five dates up and down the state       o’clock. Everything was dark.”
A TASTE OF EVERYTHING                    — or at least the money that is the
  More than anything, the Tam-           equivalent to that — then it’s like,                                         — SUMMER BOHNENKAMP

28                       F E B RUA RY 20 2 1
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ROLLING IN TAMPA                                                                                       6


                                                                                                                                                      10 7

        18                               19                                                                 9
                                                                                                                                   13                        5
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                                                                                                                  3 12            15


       ROLLING                                                      ARENA               STADIUM

       IN TAMPA
                                                                    CLUB                AMPHITHEATER


                                          MAJOR VENUES IN THE AREA
                                          Based on box-office data reported to Pollstar 2000-2019.

                                          MAP# VENUE CITY TYPE CAPACITY                                                           AVG. GROSS AVG. TICKETS TICKET
                                          							                                                                                  PER SHOW   PER SHOW AVG. PRICE
                  23 21                   1     Amalie Arena                       Tampa            Arena       20,000             $427,036         7,536        $56.66
              25 22 20                    2     Brass Mug                          Tampa            Club          650                   $2,279        192         $11.87
                                           3    David A. Straz Jr. Center for      Tampa           Theater       2,610              $110,205        1,846        $59.70
              24                          		    the Performing Arts
                                          4     Cuban Club                         Tampa            Club         6,300                 $96,447      2,863        $33.68
                                          5     Dallas Bull                        Tampa            Club         2,165                  $14,853      1,187       $12.52
                                          6     George M. Steinbrenner Field       Tampa           Stadium      10,000            $1,034,686       14,929        $69.31
                                           7    MidFlorida Credit Union            Tampa         Amphitheater   20,000             $477,539         11,761       $40.60
                                          8     New World Brewery                  Tampa            Club          250                    $1,052       102        $10.31
                                          9     Raymond James Stadium              Tampa           Stadium      65,422            $4,335,573       46,049        $94.15
                                          10    Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tampa            Theater       1,500                 $68,760      1,534        $44.82
                                          11    Skipper’s Smokehouse               Tampa            Club          700                   $9,323        526         $17.72
                                          12    Tampa Theatre                      Tampa           Theater       1,238                 $34,949      1,010        $34.60
                                          13    The Attic                          Tampa            Club           175                  $3,467        105        $32.89    R A N I E R L E S N I E WS K I /S H U T T E RSTO C K .C O M

                                          14    Orpheum                            Tampa            Club           720                   $8,577      459         $18.67
                                          15    The Ritz Ybor                      Tampa            Club         1,786                  $22,722       947        $24.00
                                          16    Yuengling Center                   Tampa            Arena       10,500             $160,398         4,079        $39.32
                                          17    Capitol Theatre                  Clearwater         Club          800                  $26,976        491        $54.91
                                          18    Coachman Park                    Clearwater      Amphitheater   13,500                 $181,163     4,530        $39.99
                                          19    Ruth Eckerd Hall                 Clearwater        Theater       2,180                 $72,432      1,444        $50.16
                                          20    Al Lang Stadium                 St. Petersburg     Stadium      12,000             $273,997         4,888        $56.06
                                          21    Jannus Live                     St. Petersburg      Club         2,000                  $27,923     1,240        $22.52
                                          22    Local 662                       St. Petersburg      Club          250                   $3,392        245        $13.86
                                          23    State Theatre                   St. Petersburg      Club           705                  $8,576        481        $17.82
                                          24    Mahaffey Theater                St. Petersburg     Theater       2,031                  $78,176      1,415       $55.25
                                          25    Tropicana Field                 St. Petersburg     Stadium      50,000             $169,973         2,713        $62.66

  30                      F E B RUA RY 20 2 1
WILD NIGHTS: A four-night stand by Van Morrison (left) in 1997 “was a catalyst in changing the way
                                                                           people perceive Ruth Eckerd Hall,” says the venue’s Bobby Rossi.

                                                                                                                                                      Las Vegas-style pool parties,
                                  Mormon” and “Kinky Boots” — to            MIRACLE                                                                   where top-tier DJs like Tiësto,
                                  esteemed musicians.                       MAN: Smokey                                                               Alesso, and Snoop Dogg (as DJ
                                     “We’ll go from Jane’s Addiction        Robinson                                                                  Snoopadelic) have played to audi-
                                  to Tony Bennett, and that’s the           plays the                                                                 ences of 3,000. Minick describes
                                  direction that really has worked          Hard Rock                                                                 it as “a home run in the market.”
                                  really, really well for us in this        Event Center.
                                  community,” says Ruth Eckerd                                                                                        THE FUTURE IS HERE
                                  Hall director of entertainment                                                                                         It’s a far cry from the outré club
                                  Bobby Rossi, who joined the hall                                                                                    scene that Tampa Bay was known
                                  in 1996. “Audiences, we learned,                                                                                    for in the ‘80s, when Douglas and
                                  will come. They really didn’t care                                                                                  Rossi both worked with Valentino
                                  what you did the night before or                                                                                    at Fantasma.
                                  what you did the night after.”                                                                                         Back then, Douglas would

                                     In the ’90s, Rossi identified                                                                                    regularly slap local favorites on as
                                  that many arena-level rock acts                                                                                     support to the national tours that
                                  were transitioning to more inti-                                                                                    passed through Jannus, and he’d
                                  mate, multinight runs at theaters                                                                                   readily create unusual pairings
                                  and performing arts centers, and                                                                                    – one late ‘80s Jannus co-headlin-
                                  made that a core part of Ruth          ter’s Coachman Park, and has         Weeknd, J. Cole).                       ing show consisted of The Neville
                                  Eckerd’s business.                     also brought music to baseball          “The folks who are coming to         Brothers and Was (Not Was)
                                     A four-night Van Morrison           games at Tropicana Field, the St.    our venues have become signifi-         – when two artists found them-
                                  run in 1997 “was a catalyst in         Petersburg home of the Tampa         cantly younger,” says Bohnen-           selves in the market.
                                  changing the way people perceive       Bay Rays, and Innisbrook Resort,     kamp, adding that Straz has made           Today, the local music scene
                                  Ruth Eckerd Hall,” and in January      which hosts the PGA Tour’s Val-      an effort so people don’t “see it so    has diminished in clout, though
                                  2017, the musician returned to         spar Championship. Ruth Eckerd       much as a formal kind of venue,         clubs like Jannus, 400-cap Crow-
                                  Ruth Eckerd for three nights, set-     Hall Presents is even putting on     which was certainly a reputation        bar, and 1,500-cap Ritz Ybor still
                                  ting the venue’s box-office record     an invite-only Dan + Shay show       we had in our first 10 or 15 years.”    offer smaller-ball alternatives to
                                  with $1.5 million grossed.             for 500 special guests the after-       East of downtown, the Semi-          the market’s higher-profile arenas
                                                                         noon of Super Bowl LV.               nole Hard Rock seems poised to          and theaters.
                                  NOT JUST A THEATER                        “My mantra has been, ‘We’re       become a formidable player in the          Jannus, a courtyard in the cen-
                                     Ruth Eckerd’s influence             promoters first, and we have ven-    market post-pandemic. Among             ter of a city block, holds particular
                                  extends well beyond the walls of       ues,’” Rossi says. “We try to be     the buzziest aspects of the proper-     cachet regionally, and has hosted
                                  the hall itself under the umbrella     wherever we can. We’ll do a show     ty’s recent $750 million expansion      just about every major act on its
                                  of Ruth Eckerd Hall Presents,          on the head of a pin if we can.”     project was the Hard Rock Event         way up – or down, Douglas jokes –
                                  which ranked No. 81 on Pollstar’s         Across the bay, Bohnenkamp        Center, a 1,500-capacity space          over its three-and-a-half decades
                                  year-end worldwide promoters           oversees Straz’s six perfor-         that opened with a Keith Urban          in operation.
                                  list in 2019. The company books        mance spaces, which include the      concert on Oct. 4, 2019, and               Jannus and small venues
                                  Clearwater’s 700-cap Bilheimer         2,600-capacity Morsani Hall          subsequently hosted legends such        like it will play a key role as the
                                  Capitol Theatre, a historic facility   and the 1,000-capacity Ferguson      as Smokey Robinson and George           Tampa Bay music market looks
                                  that turns 100 in March; like          Hall.                                Clinton before the pandemic             to rebound from the pandemic
                                  Ruth Eckerd Hall, the Capitol             Like Ruth Eckerd, touring         forced its temporary closure.           – and navigate the “disconnect
                                  has found success booking re-          Broadway and stand-up comedy            “We’re looking to give [fans] a      between federal, state, county,

                                  duced-capacity shows during the        are reliable bookings at Straz,      one-of-a-kind show that they’re not     and municipal regulations ... that
                                  pandemic.                              which opened in 1987. But over       able to see anywhere else,” Minick      are thwarting our ability to carry
                                     For the last decade-plus, Ruth      the last decade, the venue has di-   says. “Our worst seat in our place is   on,” according to Douglas.
                                  Eckerd Hall on the Road has            versified, booking edgier comedy     the best seat in an arena.”                “We’re taking the risk on,” he
                                  staged gigs at traditional concert     (Iliza Shlesinger), family pro-         Also included in the renova-         says, “because the larger compa-
                                  spaces such as Amalie Arena,           gramming (“Paw Patrol Live!”),       tion: A new 20,000-square-foot          nies just aren’t quite back in the
                                  Tampa Theatre, and Clearwa-            and hip young acts (Bon Iver, The    outdoor pool area modeled after         ballgame yet.”

                                                                                                                                                F E B RUA RY 20 2 1                     31
AEG PRESENTS’ VALENTINO:                                                                           MULLET TO GREEK
Tampa Big for All Kinds of Music                                                                   SPONGE DIVERS
BY E R I C R E N N E R B ROW N                                              FLORIDA MAN:
                                                                            John Valenti-
                                                                                                   The Outlaws’ Henry
                                                                                                   Paul on Tampa/St.

                                                                            no has been a
                                                                            promoter in the
    f you’ve seen a show in Florida over        James Stadium. The          market for more        Pete’s Many Charms
    the last four decades, there’s a reason-    stadium is a great play     than 40 years.
    able chance John Valentino had a hand       for a lot of our larger
                                                                                                   BY A N DY G E N S L E R

    in it.                                      shows. Amalie Arena
       From 1979 to 2008, Valentino worked      and Yuengling Center
    alongside Jon Stoll at Fantasma Produc-     are great venues that                                      he Outlaws’ founder and
tions, helping to make Florida’s music mar-     we frequent often.                                         prime mover, Henry Paul, may
ket the powerhouse it is today. After Stoll’s   Both are viable arenas,                                    be one of the biggest rock stars to
untimely death in 2008, Valentino joined        midsize and full size. We do a lot of shows                hail from Tampa. Though he no
AEG Live, now AEG Presents, as senior           at Ruth Eckerd Hall, between them and                      longer lives there, he still visits
vice president of its Southeast region, where   their smaller theater, the 700-cap, seated                 every year, partakes in its culinary
he has continued to shape Florida’s varied      Capitol Theatre; Ruth Eckerd, Straz and            delights and actively roots for its sports
markets for the last decade.                    even Mahaffey to the south in St. Peters-          teams — which are having a banner year.
   Today, Valentino and his small team          burg, all great theaters. We do a lot of shows     Here, the 71-year-old recalls building his
ensure AEG has a presence at venues in the      at (2,000-capacity) Jannus Live, and that’s        music career there as well as the region’s
Tampa Bay metro area from Clearwater’s          one of the most unique and fun experiences         hidden gems including smoked mullet, the
700-capacity Capitol Theatre all the way up     for going to a show of any place I’ve been,        historical Columbia Restaurant and, of
to Raymond James Stadium.                       just because it’s an open outdoor courtyard        course, Greek sponge divers.
   The veteran promoter connected with          area. It’s been there for decades and it’s
VenuesNow to discuss the market’s idiosyn-      in the heart of downtown St. Petersburg.           You grew up in Tampa. What’s the
crasies, carrying on Fantasma’s spirit and      We’re well over 100 shows a year in that           overarching thing people should
an impressive string of bookings his team       market.                                            know about Tampa?
pulled off at Amalie Arena.                                                                           Mine is culinary because the Span-
                                                How does your work with AEG today                  ish personality of that city is incredible.
How have you seen the market evolve in          carry on Fantasma’s legacy and what                Cuban sandwiches, deviled crabs, black
recent years?                                   you learned there?                                 beans and rice, chicken and yellow rice.
   I’ve been in Florida my entire career.          We were able to take the independent            The Columbia Restaurant is the crown
The Tampa Bay market is certainly one of        spirit of what we had at Fantasma with Jon         jewel of that culture and that’s a very
the most vibrant and strongest markets          Stoll and bring it to the next level and further   important part of Tampa.
in the state. There are some great venues       develop it with the resources and support of
and it’s a great market for most all kinds of   a company like AEG Presents.                       It sounds very diverse.
music.                                                                                                Oh, very much. The cigar industry was
                                                What particularly big successes have               there and the influx of Cuban workers,
What differentiates it from other Florida       you had in the Tampa market?                       immigrants was huge. And Italians, and
markets like your Miamis or your Jack-             Just a couple of years ago — and it was         all the other familiar suspects. It has a very
sonvilles?                                      really by happenstance, and not by design          pronounced Latin personality.
  Florida is very diverse from market to        — our touring division had Roger Waters
market. Miami is the strongest by far for       on sale. Then, I worked with my office             What clubs did you play coming up?
Latin music in the state. Jacksonville is       and (Marshall Arts’) Barrie Marshall in               The In-Crowd, and there was a club out
much more Deep South and country-based          bringing Paul McCartney into the state,            on Waters Avenue, a big one called the
and things like that. But all the markets       and we played Tampa the very same week-            FCA, the Florida Confederate Association.
are balanced and can support all styles.        end. Then, Rod Stewart popped up and I             It had this big building where they had
                                                                                                                                                    C O U RT E SY A EG P R E S E N TS

Tampa Bay and Central Florida — across          worked with Artist Group (International)           a band called Mike and the Hurricanes.
the Orlando-Tampa Bay corridor, in the          and Dennis Arfa in bringing Rod Stewart            They were really good.
heart of Florida — is a good mix of all of      into Tampa. Those three shows played the
those things, with the north and south as       Amalie within a four-day period (July 8-11,        What does its position on the Gulf
the extremes.                                   2017). We wanted to make sure we didn’t            Coast mean?
                                                cannibalize ourselves. All three of those            Smoked mullet, of all things, was a huge
Can you walk me through the various             shows sold out. That was when I was like,          local, popular item. The fish is an herbi-
venues at each tier that AEG handles in         you know, this can be done. This market            vore, and they’re cheap and they would
the market?                                     is very supportive and there is a balance          smoke them. They’re very oily. And you
  We’ll start at the top with Raymond           there.                                             could drive around and there would be

32                    F E B RUA RY 20 2 1
                                                                        Sponge Diver Memo-
                                                                        rial Statue in Tarpon
                                                                        Springs just outside of

                               little smokers on the side of the
                               road and people with spray-paint-        Tampa, which is known
                               ed signs up, “Smoked Mullet,             as the sponge capital of
                                                                        the world.
                               25 Cents.” And Tarpon Springs,
                               which has the Greek sponge div-
                               ing community. It’s very diverse.

                               Wait, you just said Greek
                               sponge diving community?
                                  Yeah, the Greek sponge diving
                               community. It still has an incredi-
                               bly European feeling. It looks like
                               a little enclave when you go down
                               there. The tourists love it. They
                               have great restaurants.

                               So Greek sponge diving is a
                               real thing?
                                 That’s a real thing. And the
                               Tampa Latin cigar rolling com-
                               munity is a very real thing.

                               What about the music scene?
                                  There was a coffeehouse in Pi-                                                                                   What’s in the water in Tampa?
                               nellas Park, halfway between St.                                                              GHOST RIDER:          They’re just winning everything.
                                                                                                                                 Henry Paul
                               Petersburg and Clearwater, called                                                                                       They’re spending money. The
                                                                                                                             leads The Out-
                               Beaux Arts, and Jim Morrison                                                                laws, among the         Rays have this beautiful farm
                               played there. All these folk music                                                              biggest rock        system and these really smart
                               luminaries would come through                                                                 bands to come         guys that can make chicken salad
                               and play. I would go and hang                                                                  out of Tampa.        out of chicken shit and every-
                               around with my guitar in the back                                                                                   body else is spending money.
                               and play with different people and                                                                                  The Lightning are spending and
                               eventually got the nerve to get on                                                                                  the Bucs are definitely spending
                               stage and sing two or three songs.                                                                                  it. The Gators — Florida State’s
                               It was a very important cultur-                                                                                     in the tank right now, but the
                               al destination, it was the Jack                                                                                     Gators are hot. The whole sports
                               Kerouac crowd. Kerouac actually                                                                                     scene down there has always
                               lived there and wound up dying in                                                                                   been — especially on the football
                               Tampa or St. Petersburg.                                                                                            front — something religious.
                                                                        Ted Peters is a smoked fish         the NFC title game, the Super
                               I know you went to NYC and            restaurant in a little town be-        Bowl’s there. What do you              What do you think Tampa will
                               moved back to Tampa with a            tween St. Pete and St. Pete Beach      make of Tampa being Sports             be like as they host the Super
                               band that eventually became           called Pasadena. They have             City USA this year?                    Bowl?
                               The Outlaws.                          smoked mackerel, smoked mul-              Well, if you take it a step fur-       We had one before that I actu-
                                  We had a five-piece group and      let, just the greatest little smoked   ther, the Florida Gators (football     ally went to. Back before the new
                               all these songs and a handful of      fish house in the world. If you go     team) won the Southeastern             stadium was built, I went and
                               clubs we played in North Tampa        to St. Petersburg, there’s a beach     Conference (East Division) and         saw Washington Redskins play
                               where we carved out a following.      at the south end of St. Peters-        played Alabama to within six           the Oakland Raiders.
                                                                     burg called Pass-a-Grille. Artsy       points. I’m an avid sports fan. I
                               What’s North Tampa like?              fartsy, really small, really old       love the Gators. I love the Bucs.      It was the saddest Super
                                  North Tampa was out near           school Florida beach commu-            I love the Rays, and I love the        Bowl. Redskins got destroyed
                               the University of South Florida       nity. If you go north you get to       Lightning. I’m a Tampa fan and         by the Raiders.
                               and a geographical area unique        Tarpon Springs on the Anclote          lo and behold, the Lightning              The town lit up. Ybor was
                               unto itself. There must have been     Bay and that’s where the sponge        have been threatening for a            packed and Bern’s (Steakhouse)
                               15,000 kids going to the Univer-      diving fleet is docked. There’s a      while. They had won the (Stan-         was packed. Tampa’s a swing-
                               sity of South Florida in the early    barbecue restaurant in the black       ley) Cup and now they’ve come          ing-ass town. And now it’s
                               ‘70s and they would patronize         community on 40th Street called        back and won it again. But the         gotten to be such a big town.
                               these bars and come see The           Big John’s Alabama Barbecue.           Rays lost (manager) Joe Maddon,        The town that I used to live in,
                               Outlaws. There were bars like The     I swear to God, on my mother’s         and I thought, “Oh, what a horri-      it doesn’t exist anymore.
                               Whipping Post, The Depot, The         name, it is the high tabernacle of     ble thing.” But the guy that took

                               Losers, Mi Backyard.                  the best barbecue on the planet        his place rebuilt that team into       Do you still go to Tampa reg-
                                                                     in the Deep South. The Columbia        a contender on no money. And I         ularly?
                               When you got bigger, where            Restaurant is a fine dining desti-     don’t think Tom Brady is going to         I do. I fly there every year and I
                               did you play?                         nation and it is to this day out of    win the Super Bowl, but …              still have family down there. My
                                 The Bayfront Center and the         this world.                                                                   wife and I go down occasionally.
                               Lakeland Civic.                                                              You never know.                        I drive her around and show her
                                                                     So the Rays went to the World            He’s done a good job bringing        all the places we used to play and
                               What Tampa spots would you            Series, the Lightning won the          the Bucs back.                         the house I used to live in. It’ll
                               recommend to visitors?                Stanley Cup, the Bucs are in                                                  always be home to me.

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Henry Paul             Charlie Brusco                    Bill Walsh                      Eric Hart                    Bill Wickett                  Rob Douglas

                           We’ve asked some of the Tampa/St. Petersburg market’s power                                   training facility,               I really enjoy
                           players their favorite spots in town. While some predictably picked                           George Steinbren-             attending events
                           their own venue of interest, there are some hot takes and good
                                                                                                                         ner Field, is a great         at Amalie Arena.
                           advice for anyone looking to do business in or enjoy the sights and
                           sounds of this bustling market, which has been extensively profiled                           place to see big              They’re very profes-
                           in VenuesNow’s and Pollstar’s first Market Focus deep dive.                                   leaguers up close             sional. They’re very
                                                                                                                         and have a hot dog            spot on, they have
                                                                                                                         and a beer. The               a great operation.
                           1) What’s your                      kamp, Vice President,     on Clearwater                   grapefruit league             Amalie’s really got
                           favorite venue in               Programming and Market-       Beach.                          is the best bang              some top-notch tal-
                           Tampa/St. Pete to                 ing, Straz Center for the              — Bill Wickett,      for your buck and             ent there. They do a
                           see a live music                          Performing Arts       Executive Vice President      a Florida tradition           great job delivering
                           performance and                                               of Communications, Tampa        dating back to                on the fan experi-
                           why?                               Jannus Live –                           Bay Lightning      1913.                         ence.
                                                          the unique and                                                        — Henry Paul, The                 — Steve Minick,
                              I can’t really              intimate setting                   Ruth Eckerd Hall                            Outlaws        Director of Entertainment,
                           just call one out.             among downtown                 and the Capitol                                               Seminole Hard Rock Hotel &
                           There’s nothing like           buildings, bars, and           are my favorites –                Raymond James                             Casino Tampa
                           seeing Elton John              restaurants feels              they’re my second               Stadium. Have
                           play Amalie, and               like you are watch-            and third homes.                been there for                   I’m a huge base-
                           then you’ve got the            ing the show in an             But I do have a                 Bucs games and a              ball fan, but my love
                           intimacy of a place            urban living room.             fondness for Tampa              Super Bowl!                   affair goes through
                           like Ruth Eckerd Hall                    — Bill Walsh, Vice   Theatre in Tampa,                      — Charlie Brusco,      the more boutique
                           where you could                    President, Strategy and    because I met my                   Red Light Management       historic spring train-
                           see somebody like                 Development, Tampa Bay      wife there in the                                             ing venues. With no
                           Van Morrison do                                       Rays    lobby 30 years ago.                Still love Amalie          offense to the major
                           three nights. And                                             I was at Fantasma,              Arena for a hockey            league stadiums,
                           then to be at Jannus              Capitol Theatre             promoting a Cow-                game. Grew up play-           here is one of the
                           Live and have the              or Ruth Eckerd Hall            boy Junkies show                ing hockey and the            few places where
                           feeling of the open            in Clearwater.                 and she came in                 design and layout             you can get the old
                           floor, GA vibe there                   — Charlie Brusco,      the lobby with an-              of Amalie is perfect          time spring training
                           – they’re all very                 Red Light Management       other friend of mine            for a game. With all          baseball. I’m a
                           different in their                                            who I had known                 the added amenities           massive Yankees
                           own way.                          Raymond James               from high school                and promotions,               fans, so Steinbren-
                                     — John Valentino,    Stadium. No feeling            and that was it.                one of the best in            ner Field in Tampa
                             Senior Vice President, AEG   like 50,000 plus                     — Bobby Rossi, Direc-     game experiences              obviously is very
                                              Presents    live fans in one of              tor of Entertainment, Ruth    in the NHL.                   dear to me.
                                                          the best outdoor                                 Eckerd Hall           — Eric Hart, Tampa          — Bobby Rossi, Ruth
                              Ruth Eckerd Hall            environments in                                                           Sports Authority                 Eckerd Hall
                           in Clearwater is a             the world. Perfect             2) Your favorite
                           beautiful state of             weather, great ven-            place to take in                   My team has won            3) What’s your
                           the art venue that             ue and awesome                 a sporting event                two Stanley Cups              favorite place to
                           stays in close touch           fans!                          there and why?                  (calling Amalie Are-          eat in the area?
                           with the contempo-                  — Eric Hart, President                                    na home), so I’m
                           rary popular music                 and CEO, Tampa Sports         Tropicana Field –            not going to stray                  A lot of people
                           scene and books a                                Authority    home to memories                from that one.                  will tell you Bern’s
                           wide variety of mu-                                           of some of the best                 — Bill Wickett, Tampa      Steak House. If it’s
                           sical acts. It’s small-           Amalie Arena,               sports moments                              Bay Lightning       a formal meal, it’s
                           er sister venue, the           of course. (Else-              I’ve ever experi-                                              got to be at Bern’s.
                           Capitol Theatre, in            where), the weather            enced, including                   I go to concerts               I’m a beach guy,
                           Clearwater is also a           in Tampa Bay is so             Game 7 of the                   so much that I re-               so anything with
                           popular local music            good, especially               2008 ALCS, Game                 ally don’t get to go            sand and a sunset
    HOT                    venue that provides            from September                 162 in 2011, and                to sporting events             (such as) Salt Rock
    SPOTS                  the Tampa Bay area
                           with a beautiful
                                                          through April,
                                                          anything outdoors,
                                                                                         the 2019 ALDS, the
                                                                                         Trop rocks like no
                                                                                                                         as much as I’d like
                                                                                                                         to, but I’d have to
                                                                                                                                                          Grill. Great spot.
                                                                                                                                                        They catch all their
    TO HIT                 destination for live
                                                          no matter where
                                                          it’s at, is great.
                                                                                         other venue during
                                                                                         when it’s packed
                                                                                                                         say Amalie Arena.
                                                                                                                              — John Valentino, AEG
                                                                                                                                                       seafood fresh daily.
                                                                                                                                                        —Bill Wickett, Tampa Bay
    FROM THE                       — Henry Paul, The      One man on guitar              with fans for big                                Presents                      Lightning
                                            Outlaws       on a beachfront                moments.
    MARKET’S                                              balcony, in front                    — Bill Walsh, Tampa         The Amalie                      There’s a great
                             The Independent              of a bar or restau-                             Bay Rays       Arena.                        little communi-
    POWER                  Bar & Cafe. I really           rant, is wonderful.                                                  — Summer Bohnen-        ty called Tarpon
    PLAYERS                love going out there.
                                 — Summer Bohnen-
                                                          Can’t beat that. (For
                                                          example) Frenchy’s
                                                                                           The Yankees
                                                                                         baseball spring
                                                                                                                          kamp, Straz Center for the
                                                                                                                                   Performing Arts
                                                                                                                                                       Springs which has
                                                                                                                                                       a place called Rusty

    34                   F E B RUA RY 20 2 1
                                                                                                                        HOTELS, HE APPLIES THE
     John Valentino            Summer Bohnenkamp                   Steve Minick                  Bobby Rossi
                                                                                                                        GOLD STANDARD
Bellies Waterfront                       Sports Authority         — Charlie Brusco, Red    Clearwater Beach’s                Entertainment Travel, based in Nash-
Grill, which is the                                                  Light Management      Sandpearl Resort is          ville, specializes in putting bands on the
local favorite that               Ted Peters                                               the one that we we           road for tours. And for Nick Gold, who
we go to.                      Famous Smoked                 4) Your favorite              love to go for our           founded the company in 1985, every tour
       — Bobby Rossi, Ruth     Fish. It’s a little fish      Tampa/St. Pete                special occasions.           is different.
               Eckerd Hall     shack out on the              hotel?                        It’s a really good                “From an accommodation point of view
                               beach that has the                                          quiet escape.                there are three main things we look at:
   An El Cap                   best cheeseburger               Le Méridien                           — Bobby Rossi,     obviously, the band and its budget; the
cheeseburger (all              in town – go figure.          downtown is a cool                      Ruth Eckerd Hall   location from the hotel to the venue; and
the way, LTMPO) is             I don’t know how              spot. It used to be                                        the service at the hotel being what the
the ultimate com-              that worked out.              a courthouse. It’s a            The Don CeSar              band is looking for,” Gold said. “I’m not
fort food. But for                 — Rob Douglas, Jannus     neat space.                   on St. Pete Beach –          going to take an A-listed act and put them
a night out (adher-                                   Live         — Summer Bohnen-        aka “The Don.”               in a Holiday Inn (and) I’m not going to put
ing to pandemic                                               kamp, Straz Center for the         — Bill Walsh, Tampa    a club act at the Ritz-Carlton.”
safety protocols of               You have to expe-                    Performing Arts                      Bay Rays         Fortunately for Gold and bands he
course), the menu              rience Bern’s if you                                                                     tours through Tampa-St. Pete, he’s got
at Brick and Mortar            never have. Bern’s               The Opal Sands             5) What do you               plenty of options, but he names the
in downtown St.                Steak House is                in Clearwater Beach           think is the most            Westin Tampa Bay, the Tampa Marriott
Pete is tough to               certainly the place           is my personal                quintessential               on Water Street and the Sheraton Tampa
beat. Pop across               I think that every-           favorite hotel in the         place in Tampa/              Riverwalk as his go-to properties.
the street to Cycle            body should go to             area.                         St. Pete everyone                 “Those are the main ones I go to, but
Brewing and grab               at least once.                    — John Valentino, AEG     who visits should            that doesn’t mean they’re the only ones
a delicious barrel                  —John Valentino, AEG                     Presents      go see?                      I go to. They specialize in entertainment
aged stout for                                 Presents                                                                 and even some of my small acts, relative
dessert.                                                       The JW Marriott                St. Pete has really       to what’s going on in the city, it’s (possi-
       —Bill Walsh, Tampa         I like Armature            that just opened in           become an amazing            ble) that they could give me a rate that
                 Bay Rays      Works. Not a tradi-           downtown Tampa                art destination,             would work for a budgeted band. So,
                               tional restaurant.            and it’s beautiful.           and that began               I’ll always try them initially to see if that
   Rooster & The               It’s a place where                 — Bill Wickett, Tampa    with the opening             works because then they are getting a
Till. Chef Ferrell             you can get 20                             Bay Lightning    of the Salvador Dalí         really good property for a low rate, and
Alvarez was nomi-              different types of                                          museum [in 1982].            so why not?” Gold said. “If you can get
nated for a James              cuisines all under               Marriott Water-            St. Pete’s Salvador          into a Sheraton with a really Holiday Inn
Beard award – he’s             one roof.                     side. Have not tried          Dalí museum has              band, well then, they’re living large on the
pretty great. I’d say                     — Steve Minick,    the (new) JW as of            the second largest           road. If the budget’s the same because it
it’s the best thing                    Seminole Hard Rock    yet, but my favorite          collection of Dalí           happens to be a good time to go into that
around.                                                      place for a stayca-           work in the world.           hotel, then it’s a win-win.
       — Summer Bohnen-           The Columbia               tion.                         I remember doing                  “Once I’ve looked at the band, looked
  kamp, Straz Center for the   Spanish Restaurant                   — Eric Hart, Tampa     a show with Pearl            at the budget, looked at where the show
           Performing Arts     in Ybor City, and                      Sports Authority     Jam, touring the             is, then I’m going to work through that
                               Bern’s Steak House                                          first album (in 1992).       series of hotels based on those three
   This is a tough             in South Tampa,                 The Don CeSar               They got there and           criteria,” Gold said.
one. There are so              are the two crown             Hotel sits on the             they’re like, “We                 Special requests — from pet friendly
many great places              jewels of fine dining         Gulf Of Mexico in             want to go to the            hotels to 24-hour room service or an all-
to eat in Tampa.               in Tampa. There are           the quaint South St.          Dalí museum. Who             night gym — are common, and again, the
For the experience,            a number of family            Pete beach town               can take us to the           Tampa Bay area has options to satisfy all
either Sparkman                style Cuban restau-           of Pass-A-Grille. It          Dalí museum?” We             such needs.
Wharf or downtown              rants led by La Tere-         was a boarded up              shuttled them all off             Aside from new health and safety pro-
Ybor. I am a big               sita in West Tampa,           abandoned prop-               with a runner to the         tocols prompted by the pandemic, which
fan of Ulele for a             and probably one of           erty as recently as           Dalí museum. They            Gold expects to remain in place “easily
modern twist of                the best barbecue             the early mid-70’s.           spent the afternoon          through 2022” and possibly beyond, Gold
Florida favorites              restaurants in the            Since then it was             there and they were          said smokers have been getting squeezed
but still love going           south in Big John’s           sold to a caring de-          just happy as they           at all properties over the last decade at
to the Colum-                  Alabama Barbecue              veloper, renovated,           could be.                    the same time that more acts are seeking
bia in Ybor. Best              on 40th Street.               and has become                    — Rob Douglas, Jannus    things like ready access to health clubs.
grouper nuggets                        —Henry Paul, The      the premier hotel                                   Live   In that regard, the mild climate in Tampa
and atmosphere                                 Outlaws       destination in the                                         offers a number of outdoor options for
is at Frenchy’s in                                           bay area.                       Mons Venus. If             health and recreational activities for those
Clearwater. Noth-                 Bern’s Steak-                     — Henry Paul, The      you don’t know               with any spare time available, he says.
ing like a sunset              house or Donatello                            Outlaws       about it you are too              “I have had some tours that have request-
at Frenchy’s with              Italian. Both old                                           young and not in a           ed the closest vegan restaurants,” Gold said.
some grouper and               style and great food            There’s so many             rock and roll outfit!        “I have various different food types.”
a cold beer.                   and service and               wonderful hotels                     — Charlie Brusco,
        — Eric Hart, Tampa     wine!                         on the beach.                    Red Light Management                                    — James Zoltak

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