Taking the Natural Approach - Nature-based solutions in global carbon markets Transforming Methodologies - Carbon Mechanisms
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CARBON MECHANISMS REVIEW Vol. 9 | No. 2 Summer 2021 Taking the Natural Approach Nature-based solutions in global carbon markets Transforming Methodologies Making CDM methodologies fit for Article 6 cooperation
34 CARBON MECHANISMS REVIEW Content Summer 2021 36 Scaling-up Nature-based Solutions Leveraging the long-term experience in carbon markets 44 Ramping up Efforts The LEAF Coalition for tropical forest protection and climate collaboration 51 Earning Potential Towards a new business model for carbon farming 57 Transforming CDM Methodologies How to make them fit for Article 6 market-based cooperation 64 Ready for Article 6.2 Reporting? Mutual learning program based on the JCM experience provides Article 6.2 reporting options 72 Developing non-market Approaches Towards the operationalisation of Article 6.8 and 6.9 of the Paris Agreement Source: Sapelli tree being cut near Lieki, DRC by Axel Fassio/CIFOR (https://flic.kr/p/297Hcy7)/ Flickr/CC BY-NC-ND (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/)
EDITORIAL editorial Dear Reader! Nature-based solutions (NbS) have recently attracted considerable interest in global environmental forums Carbon Mechanisms Review (CMR) is a specialist magazine on cooperative mar- ket-based climate action. CMR covers mainly the cooperative approaches under such as the UNFCCC and the Convention on Biological the Paris Agreement’s Article 6, but also the broader carbon pricing debate Diversity (CBD). They serve in addressing a considerable worldwide. This includes, for example, emission trading schemes worldwide and their linkages, or project-based approaches such as Japan’s bilateral off- number of societal challenges and can also be deployed setting mechanism, and the Kyoto Protocol’s flexible mechanisms CDM/JI. CMR in adapting to and mitigating climate change. This has appears quarterly in electronic form. All articles undergo an editorial review sparked a debate on if and how NbS might be integrated process. The editors are pleased to receive suggestions for topics or articles. into global carbon markets. Published by: Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy We at Carbon Mechanisms Review take up this debate (Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH) Döppersberg 19 · 42103 Wuppertal · Germany with a special focus issue on nature-based solutions in market-based climate action. We begin with a tour d’hor- Editor responsible for the content: Christof Arens, Energy, Transport and Climate Policy Division izont of the concept and the challenges it brings. We also Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy look at a recent initiative to scale up REDD+ activities in E-Mail: christof.arens@wupperinst.org an environmentally sound, integrative way. The cover fea- Editorial team: ture is rounded off by an introduction to the EU’s Carbon Christof Arens (Editor-in-Chief) Farming Initiative (CFI). Thomas Forth, Lukas Hermwille, Nicolas Kreibich, Wolfgang Obergassel Distribution: Also in this issue, we analyse ways to transition CDM Carbon Mechanisms Review is distributed electronically. methodologies and report on Article 6.2 activities, and Subscription is free of charge: www.carbon-mechanisms.de look at approaches for use in operationalising Articles 6.8 English language support: and 6.9 of the Paris Agreement. Words-Worth, Stocks & Stocks GbR, Bonn/Düsseldorf (except pages 44-56) Layout: www.SelbachDesign.com On behalf of the editorial team, I wish you an inspired read and a relaxing summer break. Title page: ©Christopher Brunner - stock.adobe.com Back page: ©zentilia - stock.adobe.com Christof Arens Editor-in-chief This magazine is compiled as part of the Carbon Mechanisms project at the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (wupperinst. org/p/wi/p/s/pd/853). The editorial team works independently of the Market mechanisms and Article 6 coordination unit at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. Vol. 9, No. 2, Summer ISSN 2198-0705
36 NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS Scaling-up Nature-based Solutions Leveraging the long-term experience in carbon markets by Jacqueline Gehrig-Fasel and Martin Gehrig, TREES, and Owen Hewlett, Gold Standard Nature-based Solutions (NbS) have long been and implemented project activities are stream- successfully implemented in carbon markets and lined across the voluntary carbon standards. Thor- environmental programs. What is different about oughly reviewed, science-based quantification NbS today is the way they are framed: NbS are methodologies are available for NbS activities in now regarded as a solution to achieving ambi- forestry, land use and blue carbon1 scopes. Imple- tious social and environmental goals on a mass mentations of different types of NbS in carbon scale. Besides climate impact, the focus is on food markets are successfully delivering greenhouse and water security, disaster risk reduction, human gas (GHG) emission reductions, removals, and health and socioeconomic development, as well avoided emissions (Table 1). These mitigation ac- as combating environmental degradation and tivities are not only urgently needed to limit glob- biodiversity loss. al warming to 1.5°C and 2°C respectively by 2030 (IPCC 2018), they also contribute, through various Different definitions for NbS are now being used co-benefits, to meet the Sustainable Development which can be summarized as an umbrella concept Goals (SDGs). for many approaches addressing climate-related challenges and using nature to emphasize dif- ferent aspects of either the problem to be solved Growing demand for or the nature to be used. The World-wide Fund NbS due to blending and for Nature (WWF 2020) recommends including in the NbS definition the use of nature for both evolvement of carbon climate change mitigation and adaptation, to set markets ambitious, measurable and time bound numeric targets, to maximize benefits from biodiversi- With the provisional end of the Clean Develop- ty, and to include all ecosystem types that can ment Mechanism (CDM) in 2020 and pending the provide climate benefits such as wetlands, forests, conclusion of negotiations on Article 6 of the Paris mangroves, coral reefs, grasslands, working lands, Agreement, the biggest compliance market for and urban landscapes. project-based mitigation benefits has come to a halt. Following the Paris Agreement, the voluntary Though there is no common practice definition of carbon market has become the main driver for NbS in carbon markets, the respective NbS scopes NbS climate mitigation projects and is now at the 1 Blue carbon is the carbon stored in coastal and marine ecosystems. Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
COVER FEATURE 37 Table 1: Scope, NbS activities and their GHG mitigation impacts in carbon markets Carbon Credit Units Scope Activity Emission Avoided Removals reduction emissions Afforestation/reforestation (A/R) X Forestry Improved forest management (IFM) X Avoided deforestation or forest degradation (REDD) X Agroforestry X Nutrient management (fertilizer/inputs) X X Improved practices (tillage) X X Agriculture Irrigation / water management X Organic inputs (compost, green manure / mulch, biochar) X Livestock (CH4 reduction in enteric fermentation) X Peatland and wetland conservation and restoration X (X) X Blue Carbon Coastal mangrove restoration X (X) X Tidal wetland restoration X X forefront in testing and developing NbS project Colombian carbon tax systems allowing heavy types in land use, forestry, and the blue carbon emitters to purchase offset credits from voluntary sector. standards; Figure 1). In the transition from the Kyoto Protocol to the Many of these systems specifically include NbS Paris Agreement, and thus to global emission impacts such as GHG removals (e.g. the Sci- reduction targets and contributions across all ence-based Targets Initiative Net-Zero Approach), countries and sectors, the formerly clear separa- providing a great opportunity for the use of NbS tion of compliance and voluntary markets is soft- mitigation units across different markets, but also ening. New applications and schemes are emerg- bringing with it the challenge to align all carbon ing, including sectoral programs (e.g. CORSIA markets with national accounting to avoid double scheme for international aviation) and corporate claiming of benefits. initiatives, and compliance and voluntary market components are aligning (e.g. South African and Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
38 NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS Figure 1: Simplified schematic view of Kyoto and post-Paris carbon market environments Considerable potential for countries to tons of carbon dioxide equivalent or even state strengthen the role of NbS in NDCs specific quantification/measurement approach- es for NbS activities. There is vast potential to The importance of NbS for climate change miti- improve quantification precision and accuracy in gation and adaptation is evident by its inclusion NDCs by leveraging expertise from the voluntary in the majority of the Nationally Determined Con- carbon standards. Under such standards, carbon tributions (NDCs). However, most NDCs mainly reference efforts in the forestry sector covering projects are required to apply an activity-specific, management, restoration and/or protection of science-backed, reviewed, and registered quan- forests and/or afforestation. By comparison, other tification methodology to calculate the emission ecosystem types that can provide NbS benefits reduction or sequestration potential in tons of such as grasslands, drylands, coastal and/or ma- carbon dioxide equivalent. In addition, the quality rine ecosystems (e.g. mangroves), other wetlands and accuracy (uncertainty) of data and models (e.g. peatlands), working lands, and urban land- used for quantification need to be assessed for scapes are poorly represented. any carbon project, with penalties in place to incentivize improved approaches compared to Many NbS targets in NDCs are non-specific and simply applying IPCC Tier 1 defaults with high as- not defined per sector, stating instead a general sociated errors (e.g. Gold Standard, Climate Action emission reduction target covering all sectors (e.g. Reserve). EU NDC). In addition, most NDCs do not include robust NbS targets that are linked to a clearly Challenges inherent to NbS such as the manage- established baseline and are measurable, time- ment of climate risks that threaten the long-term bound and based on science and/or local knowl- viability or potential reversal are currently not edge and consultation; only few are expressed in addressed in the NDCs but are vital to the success Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
COVER FEATURE 39 of NbS for climate mitigation and adaptation. In Barriers and challenges faced by all carbon pro- contrast to the CDM, the voluntary carbon stan- jects and not inherent to NbS include the lack of dards such as the Gold Standard and VCS have supportive and aligned policy and legal frame- established standard-level risk mitigation tools works, lack of financial incentives and access to and safeguards to address these challenges and upfront funding. Also, not specific to NbS but cru- ensure successful implementation and delivery of cial for their implementation at landscape level NbS climate benefits for their long-term carbon are challenges in common practice and addition- projects. These tools and safeguards could also be ality considerations. It is essential when upscaling considered for application with NbS in NDCs. NbS that robust additionality approaches with adequate benchmarks are applied in next-genera- Another issue is the uncertainty around how car- tion market systems. bon units will be embedded in the accounting and governance structure of a country’s NDC. At the Safeguards and solutions have been implemented core of this is a lack of clarity as to whether coun- in carbon markets on project-scale already, with tries will allow voluntary carbon market projects stakeholder consultation and alignment at the to contribute to the NDC goals or export carbon core of many solutions. However, if NbS activities units to private buyers without simultaneously are to be upscaled to country/landscape level, making corresponding adjustments to their own some critical barriers linked to diverse, multi-ac- NDC goals – which could lead to “double count- tivity and multi-stakeholder environments remain ing” or overestimating the amount of carbon. to which solutions are still needed. Newly emerg- ing barriers – not specific to NbS but to mitigation Thus, considerable potential remains for countries projects in general – like avoiding double counting to strengthen the role and facilitate implementa- between different markets and accounting sys- tion of NbS in future NDCs. tems (e.g. carbon markets, NDCs, corporate supply chain, emerging systems like CORSIA), must be addressed, e.g. by applying corresponding adjust- Carbon market approaches offer ments (aligned with Paris Agreement Article 6) to solutions to many barriers inherent ensure that a mitigation unit (i.e. a GHG emission to NbS projects reduction or removal) is only counted once across NbS have been successfully implemented at pro- all market and systems. ject level but often face a range of challenges that impede large-scale implementation, such as regu- Substantial innovation potential for latory and social environments, cultural barriers blue carbon and urban scope and traditions, funding difficulties, and technical There is substantial potential for innovation, and operational challenges. especially for the NbS sector and activities not yet However, not all barriers discussed in relation to (fully) tapped by carbon markets (namely in the NbS are actually NbS specific. It is important to blue carbon and urban sector): distinguish between general barriers for the im- plementation of carbon market activities and bar- Expansion of blue carbon NbS, e.g. macroalgae riers inherent to NbS activities. Table 1 provides in marine carbon sequestration; algae as a an overview of barriers inherent to NbS activity replacement resource for food, animal feed implementation and available solutions under the or fossil products, as a power source, or for carbon sequestration, e.g. in coatings. voluntary carbon standards. Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
40 NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS Table 1: Barriers specific to the implementation of NbS activities at project level, and available solutions in carbon markets Solution approaches available in voluntary Type of barrier Examples of barriers and challenges carbon markets Dominating traditional practices (e.g. Multi-year (10-50) crediting period ensures long-term practice land use) change. Projects require public stakeholder interaction to raise awareness, Social and cultural Lack of knowledge/skills and to provide support and training. barriers Voluntary carbon standard’s principles and safeguards ensure Food security that yields are not reduced, and water quality and quantity are not Water security adversely impacted. Voluntary carbon standards require uncontested land right proof or Long-term land tenure/conflicts long-term lease to ensure carbon rights. Multi-stakeholder environments, land Mandatory public stakeholder consultation creates transparency, use conflicts identifies common goals, and reduces risk of conflicts. Land tenure and social conflicts Grievance processes are required for any carbon project to deal with Gender equality and child labor (in potential conflicts during the entire project duration. agriculture systems), illegal land use activities/land use change Standard level safeguards forbid child labor and require gender equality. Models and data are rigorously verified and calibrated by third party Complexity of natural processes auditors to ensure project and activity applicability. Quantification of Interaction of benefits if several NbS On site field measurements directly quantify net multi-activity GHG benefits activities are applied in one project. impact. Variability and uncertainty in quantifi- Voluntary carbon standards such as GS require credit deductions for cation models, data and measurements high uncertainties in models or data (i.e. reducing credits issued). Climate change impacts (drought, water Risk assessments for projects include climate change effects and shortage) require risk management and mitigation at project setup. Climate risks Deductions of credits are applied for non-mitigated risks. Natural disasters (fires, floods) Recovery of losses through retirement of credits in carbon standard’s risk buffer pool. Carbon standards such as GS and VCS require risk buffer credit con- Environmental tribution for NbS projects, CAR allows insurance solutions or ton-year integrity and quality Permanence of stored carbon accounting (see Section 3.3). All voluntary carbon standards have assurance implemented strict reversal rules resulting in project non-compli- ance or required credit compensation. Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
COVER FEATURE 41 Expansion of urban NbS, both in and around cities, Upscale from Individual Projects to Landscape linking urban processes to climate mitigation and Programs adaptation objectives (e.g. green roofs, urban gardens, As with NbS, landscape management approaches are green spaces, city trees, community gardens, green nothing new. Forest landscape restoration programs have indoor areas for climate control, green infrastructure been implemented using programmatic approaches and and urban forests). carbon funding. However, applying NbS principles to a landscape in multi-use productive systems or urban areas Use of natural solutions in artificial systems such as controlled aquatic systems or integration of carbon would help to scale up NbS and allow implementation in sequestering organisms into production processes. situations where a single, smaller project cannot achieve Note: Such approaches may technically not be catego- the desired objectives. rized as NbS if deeply embedded in industrial or manufacturing processes. However, connecting these NbS at their core are recovery activities, restoring, re-in- to or integrating them into NbS programs can be troducing, improving, or adapting natural processes to -beneficial, e.g. to link resource supply chains. benefit the climate, the environment and human society. However, in many situations, counteractive objectives To enable the application of these new NbS activities in require trade-offs, with an increase in one contribution carbon markets, respective research on GHG impacts leading to a decrease in another (e.g. an increase in socio- quantification and influencing factors as well as de- economic productivity leads to a decrease in biodiversity). velopment of respective quantification methodologies While in the best case this can be overcome, it remains is urgently needed. Ideally, such activity-based quantifi- a reality in many NbS applications. One solution is to cation follows a standardized approach as applied under expand the NbS space from a single site to a larger land- the voluntary carbon standards, but one which applies scape as an incentive to address conflicts and integrate all program-specific/locally-applicable parametrization and/ relevant stakeholders. or models (IPCC Tier 2 or Tier 3, IPCC 2019) instead of using globally applicable Tier 1 defaults with a high degree of Diversifying natural structures and human land use associated errors. enables the harnessing of different benefits from differ- ent activities in a landscape. Each type of activity has one Figure 2: NbS landscape approach with multiple benefits Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
42 NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS or more clear and transparent objectives and is jurisdictional and credit-based mechanisms in managed accordingly. Beyond this, integrating “hybrid” programs (Figure 3), leveraging overar- all activities into a NbS program attaches great ching framework programs (governance, data, weight to understanding and improving inter- stakeholder support) across multiple operational actions between different activities, eliminating activity implementations (carbon projects). The negative effects, and improving overall perfor- development of system-wide frameworks could mance towards all NbS goals. Benefits (commer- also help to address interactions and potential cial as well as carbon revenues) can be shared trade-offs between different NbS activities, across stakeholders to maximize impacts. In such taking the perspectives of different stakeholders approaches, the whole is indeed greater than the into account. Especially for NbS in diverse produc- sum of its parts (Figure 2). tive environments, harmonized overall policies, regulatory requirements and incentives need to Tapping carbon markets with landscape program be managed during program setup. activities serve multiple purposes in a landscape program, including provision of additional income Larger programs and frameworks can also from carbon credits, providing transparent and contribute to reducing financial loads on opera- consistent mechanisms to quantify impacts (and tions by providing basic functions funded from thus performance indicators for the program), non-market sources (e.g. grants, readiness funds) and increasing commitment for long-term gover- and facilitate access to innovative finance ap- nance and stakeholder contributions. proaches such as ex-ante credits or early credit issuance to close the gap between upfront invest- A promising, innovative approach to facilitate ments and lagged financial returns. the urgently needed upscaling from project to landscape/country level is the combination of Figure 3: Conceptual setup of a hybrid program framework and integrated carbon credit projects Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
COVER FEATURE 43 Conclusions We conclude that the long-term experience from Na- Further information: ture-based Solutions (NbS) in voluntary carbon markets can be leveraged to ensure that large-scale NbS programs This article is a summary of the study on Nature-based provide the required contribution to climate change Solutions (NbS) in Carbon Markets developed by TREES and mitigation, adaptation, and the Sustainable Development the Gold Standard for the Foundation Future of the Car- Goals. Voluntary carbon standards’ safeguards, guidelines, bon Market (Stiftung Zukunft des Kohlenstoffmarktes). impact quantification methodologies, and risk tools for all It discusses the opportunities, barriers, and innovation NbS activity scopes (forestry, land use, blue carbon, urban) potential of NbS in carbon markets with a strong focus can be used and expanded for broad application across on new emerging mechanisms, markets, and governance different market systems and purposes. systems. The study can be downloaded here: To enable the application of new NbS activities not yet https://www.carbon-mechanisms.de/en/publications/de- fully tapped by carbon markets, such as blue carbon and tails/nature-based-solutions-in-carbon-markets urban scopes, respective research on GHG impacts quanti- fication and influencing factors as well as development of respective quantification methodologies is needed. References: IPCC (2018). Summary for Policymakers. In: Global Warm- National policies and regulatory systems currently im- ing of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of glob- peding NbS implementation need to be improved and al warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related aligned to allow the urgently needed upscaling from a global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context project-scale, single NbS activity approach to programs of strengthening the global response to the threat of covering multiple NbS activities on landscape or country climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to level. NbS frameworks with consistent policy and incen- eradicate poverty [Masson-Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, H.-O. Pört- tives across all involved NbS scopes, stakeholders, and ner, D. Roberts, J. Skea, P.R. Shukla, A. Pirani, W. Moufou- governance levels need to be established. ma-Okia, C. Péan, R. Pidcock, S. Connors, J.B.R. Matthews, Y. Chen, X. Zhou, M.I. Gomis, E. Lonnoy, T. Maycock, M. Tignor, Barriers inherent to NbS activities can be overcome, with and T. Waterfield (eds.)]. solutions available that can be targeted to different mech- anisms (e.g. NDC, CORSIA, corporate supply chain inter- IPCC (2019). Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for ventions, compliance/voluntary markets). The same is true National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Chapter 3 Key Con- for new challenges faced by all market-based approaches cepts unchanged from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. (e.g. specification of Article 6 implementation, avoidance of double counting). WWF (2020). Enhancing NDCs through Nature-based Solutions. [https://www.worldwildlife.org/publications/ Lessons learned from international carbon trade as well as enhancing-ndcs-through-nature-basedsolutions] voluntary carbon schemes and non-market mechanisms (e.g. jurisdictional programs and corporate interventions) can be applied in the design of new markets and new, integrated “hybrid” models combining market mecha- nisms with jurisdictional programs to maximize climate benefits, scale up NbS activities and accelerate implemen- tation. Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
44 NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS Ramping up Efforts The LEAF Coalition for tropical forest protection and climate collaboration by Ruben Lubowski, Environmental Defense Fund Eliminating and reversing the loss of tropical The good news is that private and public actors forests within the next decade is necessary to have never been more willing to move forward preserve chances of meeting the Paris Agree- with finance for programs to reduce emissions ment’s goals for stabilizing global temperatures from deforestation and forest degradation in de- (IPCC 2018), as well as meeting biodiversity and veloping countries (REDD+). Growing numbers of sustainable development goals. In addition, there corporations are committing to reduce their own have also been large-scale demonstrations of how carbon footprints, including through voluntary deforestation can be effectively reduced at large purchases of carbon credits, with special interest jurisdictional (national and state/province) scales in forests and other natural climate solutions. while increasing agricultural production and eco- nomic development (Nepstad et al. 2014). In addition, a jurisdictional (national or large sub- national) approach to measuring and crediting International climate cooperation through carbon REDD+ has been agreed under the United Na- markets and other pay-for-performance systems tions Framework Convention on Climate Change that include tropical forest protection could result (UNFCCC) – codified in the Warsaw Framework in almost double the emissions reductions at the for REDD+ in 2013 and reaffirmed by the Paris same total cost, compared to a non-cooperative Agreement in 2015 – and in major compliance scenario for implementing Nationally Determined carbon market forums. By supporting the govern- Contributions (NDCs) (Piris-Cabezas et al. 2019). ment’s role in forest and other land management Nevertheless, an enormous gap remains between and the inclusion of all relevant actors across the mitigation potential from forests and the the landscape, this approach has proven to yield financial flows to date. lasting deforestation efforts at large scales (for more details, see below). The International Civil Private finance is critical to closing this gap, and Aviation Organization (ICAO) Council’s decision emerging carbon markets – both regulated and in 2020 to include jurisdictional-scale REDD+ voluntary – offer a crucial opportunity to signifi- programs in its Carbon Offsetting and Reductions cantly scale up both private and public finance System for International Aviation (CORSIA) market flows for high-integrity programs to protect and the first time REDD+ credits were approved in an restore tropical forests. When governed by appro- international compliance carbon market system. priate rules and criteria, these markets hold the California provided another important signal in promise of transforming economic incentives to 2019 when it issued its Tropical Forest Standard eliminate and reverse global deforestation. (TFS), which is based on a jurisdictional REDD+ approach. Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
COVER FEATURE 45 Quality assurance: the Gold Standard seeks to represent best practice for carbon trading. Source: Sapelli tree being cut near Lieki, DRC by Axel Fassio/CIFOR (https://flic.kr/p/297Hcy7)/Flickr/CC BY-NC-ND (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/) Scaling up: the jurisdictional approach enables large-scale, integrated emission reductions to avoid leakage and progress reversal An important step was taken at the Leaders Summit on and Unilever. More private and public participants are Climate convened by U.S. President Biden on April 22, 2021. expected to join in coming months. The governments of the UK, US, and Norway together with nine leading companies launched The Lowering The LEAF partnership offers a new, high-integrity pub- lic-private results-based finance approach for accelerat- Emissions by Accelerating Forest finance (LEAF) Coalition, ing global climate ambition through the protection of a public-private partnership to provide large-scale finance tropical forests. LEAF aims to mobilize at least $1 billion for high-integrity REDD+ results, alongside commitments this year with a call for proposals for 100 million tons of by the participants to cut their own emissions along a high-integrity, jurisdictional-scale emissions reductions science-based pathway. The initial participating compa- to be delivered over 2022-2026 and be compensated for at nies are Airbnb, Amazon, Bayer, Boston Consulting Group, a minimum price of $10 per ton of CO2. This is intended GlaxoSmithKline, McKinsey & Company, Nestle, Salesforce, to just the first tranche. The deadline for jurisdictions to Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
46 NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS Beneficial: Gold Standard projects come with additional sustainable development benefits. Source: Sapelli tree being cut near Imbolo, DRC by Axel Fassio/CIFOR (https://flic.kr/p/297Hcy7) / Flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/) System change: reversing the loss of tropical forests within the next decade is crucial in achieving the Paris Agreement goals. submit proposal to LEAF is July 31 with the goal of signing Coalition is ensuring the full and effective participation of transaction agreements by the end of the year. At least Indigenous Peoples and local communities in implemen- half the emissions reductions are expected to be paid for tation of the programs described in the proposals submit- by the participating companies signing advance purchase ted by jurisdictions. LEAF participants and forest country commitments, with the remaining emissions reductions partners will work together to ensure emission reduction underwritten by minimum price guarantees provided by programs address and respect the rights of Indigenous the participating governments. Peoples and members of local communities. LEAF will pay for emissions reductions achieved at jurisdic- The initiative is being administered by Emergent Forest tional scales and certified according to criteria set by an Finance Accelerator (Emergent), a US-based non-profit independent standard, The REDD+ Environmental Excel- finance intermediary launched at the New York Climate lence Standard (TREES) managed by the Architecture for Week in 2019 by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), REDD+ Transactions’ (ART), to ensure emissions reductions The Rockefeller Foundation, Norway’s Climate and Forest are real and verified and that social and environmental Initiative (NICFI) and other partners. Emergent was es- safeguards are respected. A key aspect of the LEAF tablished to aggregate demand and supply and support Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
COVER FEATURE 47 transactions for high-quality tropical forest protection credits at scale. The Green Gigaton Challenge – an- Supply-side integrity criteria nounced in late 2020 by UN-REDD+, Emergent and ART, Payments are for demonstrated results, achieved at large in partnership with EDF and FT – aims to further catalyze scales, which is important for aligning incentives with funds by setting a goal of one gigaton of high-quality environmental and social performance. The ART-TREES annual emissions reduction transactions from tropical standard used by LEAF brings the highest assurance of forests by 2025. environmental and social integrity, addressing many long-standing concerns with forest and other types of Private/public finance volume carbon credits. In particular, emissions reductions paid for under LEAF will be quantified at the level of jurisdictions and price (countries, states, provinces, and potentially Indigenous territories) containing over 2.5 million hectares of forests. The commitment of private companies in LEAF represents Such a jurisdictional approach aligns with international by far the largest private sector commitment for tropical frameworks for REDD+ under the UNFCCC and in compli- forest protection and the first major private sector com- ance market systems, notably CORSIA. To date, the vol- mitment to reward REDD+ emissions reductions at the untary carbon market for forest carbon credits and other jurisdictional scale. The $1 billion commitment for the first emissions reductions has been based on methodologies 100 million tons LEAF is also significant numerically, as it is at the level of stand-alone “projects,” relatively small areas roughly equal to the total volume of all voluntary carbon delineated voluntarily, rather than at the jurisdictional market transactions and over triple the value in 2019, scale, under which projects can be integrated or “nested.” the last year for which data are available from the Forest Under ART-TREES, jurisdictions can choose to distribute a Trend’s Ecosystem Marketplace (FT Ecosystem Marketplace portion of credits or finance to discrete projects, based on 2020). a variety of potential approaches, and these could sup- port scaling and achievement of performance to reduce The $1 billion is also commensurate with major almost deforestation. exclusively publicly funded efforts such as the Amazon Fund and the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) The overarching jurisdictional approach is important Carbon Fund managed by the World Bank, but notable as given the important role of the government in deter- the majority if not all the emissions reductions under LEAF mining forest and other land management, including are expected to be paid for by private companies. Also, through establishment of protected areas, recognition the $10 price/ton that will be paid under LEAF is double of Indigenous rights, and law enforcement efforts. A the $5 price paid to date under pay-for-performance jurisdictional approach enables government efforts to jurisdictional REDD+ efforts financed chiefly by public reduce deforestation, alongside actions by private sector, donors. There is also potential for jurisdictions to receive communities, and other stakeholders. The tropical forest more than $10/ton if private buyers resell their credits or if conservation programs proven to reduce deforestation Emergent can sell the emissions reductions underwritten at large scales are those where the government has been by private donors at higher prices. This higher price is a centrally engaged. From 2004 to 2012, Brazil demonstrated recognition of the high quality of the emissions reductions that a combination of indigenous territories and protect- and the high level of ambition represented by the ART- ed areas, increased law enforcement, finance reforms, TREES standard and the jurisdictional approach. supply chain initiatives plus some at-scale incentives can achieve large-scale results, reducing deforestation by 80% within 10 years while increasing cattle and soy production (Nepstad et al. 2014). Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
48 NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS A jurisdictional approach provides important standard specifically requires adherence and im- assurances of environmental integrity, including plementation of the Cancun safeguards, codified enhanced confidence that emissions reductions under the UNFCCC, to ensure social and environ- are “additional” to what otherwise would have mental governance, in particular the recognition, happened. Rather than quantifying emissions respect, protection, and fulfillment of the rights reductions relative to a projected future scenario of indigenous peoples and local communities. The or “baseline” for emissions area, the jurisdictional LEAF call for proposals also states that proposals approach under ART-TREES is based on absolute will be prioritized according to the jurisdiction’s emissions reductions below a 5-year historical av- ambition in reducing deforestation and broader erage of emissions across a large area, monitored climate goals, as well as the participation of all via satellite, with a set of additional deductions to relevant stakeholders, notably Indigenous people ensure conservativeness. As a result, credits are and local communities. issued for absolute reductions achieved, relative to recent levels. ART-TREES further requires this baseline to adjust downwards over time, setting Demand-side integrity the stage for forest jurisdictions to drive their criteria deforestation rapidly to zero, consistent with the ambition needed to achieve the goals of the Paris The companies and governments participating Agreement. in LEAF are also modeling high climate ambition by taking on commitments to decarbonize their The approach requires accounting for all the own emissions in their own operations and supply forest area within a jurisdiction, ensuring that chains while supplementing these actions by pay- any shifts or “leakage” of emissions within a ing to reduce emissions externally via the protec- jurisdiction’s boundaries are captured within the tion of tropical forests, an urgent and time-limit- accounting. This comprehensive approach also ed climate priority to help the planet as a whole avoids potential issues with small projects where achieve net zero emissions. In particular, com- participants can selectively choose whether or panies are committing to setting science-based not to participate in the program, depending on climate targets consistent with the Paris Agree- whether the crediting methodology is economi- ment goals, and to commit to mid-century net cally advantageous (van Benthem and Kerr 2013). zero targets covering all three scopes of their A large-scale approach helps pool risks of fires and emissions. Thus, the emissions reductions secured other events that could reverse individual proj- through LEAF will be augmenting climate impact ects, and ART-TREES further provides for conser- rather than substituting internal emissions reduc- vative crediting and the use of buffers to further tions based on these targets. The buyers also are manage the risk of potential reversals of progress committing to publicly report on the use of the in reducing emissions. A jurisdictional approach emissions reductions paid for under LEAF. that drives systemic societal changes provides the best assurance that forests will be protected on a The terms of participation under LEAF offer a durable basis, even in the face of political changes. model for how voluntary carbon transactions can immediately support high ambition and aligned LEAF also centrally incorporates social integrity accounting under the Paris Agreement. The trans- criteria with the goal of ensuring Indigenous and actions are intended to be voluntary and support local communities meaningfully participate in the the host countries in the achievement of their Par- design and implementation of REDD+ programs is pledges, known as Nationally Determined Con- to share fairly in the benefits. The ART-TREES tributions (NDCs). Payments from government Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
COVER FEATURE 49 Source: Aerial view of oil palm plantation by Nanang Sujana/CIFOR (https://flic.kr/p/227QTNa)/Flickr/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/) Addressing the drivers: palm oil plantation in Indonesia. participants will be results-based climate finance CORSIA or a market where another country would without taking any ownership to the emissions be claiming the reductions towards their own reductions. While the participating compa- Paris targets. nies under LEAF have the option to take title to carbon credits issued under ART-TREES, they are The way forward committing to be transparent in any associated communications (e.g. to customers) that the un- A massive increase in both international public derlying mitigation will be counted towards the and private results-based funding commitments host country’s NDCs. In this way, the LEAF terms is essential to protect tropical forests and deliver address potential concerns about double claiming, on other nature-based climate solutions. The without a requirement for forest countries to give LEAF Coalition is an important demonstration up their ability to claim the reductions themselves of private demand, linked to clear, high-integrity – through a “corresponding adjustment” to their criteria for high-integrity and ambition on both Paris reporting – unless the host countries chose the demand and supply sides. A critical next to do so. This would be required to sell credits into priority is successful implementation of pro- Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
50 NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS grams in the participating tropical jurisdictions, Jennifer H. Hewson, Jennifer F. Howard, Juan Car- ensuring integral engagement and benefits to los Ledezma, Susan Page, Lian Pin Koh, Johan Rock- Indigenous and local communities, as well as the ström, Jonathan Sanderman and David G. Hole. mobilization of technical assistance and financing 2020. “Protecting irrecoverable carbon in Earth’s from variety of sources to achieve performance in ecosystems.” Nature Climate Change 10: 287–295. reducing deforestation that can meet the guaran- https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-020-0738-8 teed demand. Successful conclusion of the first round of transactions – and delivery of associated IPCC, 2018: Global warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Spe- reductions – offers the potential to accelerate the cial Report on the impacts of global warming of development of a new private market capable of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global growing to several billion $ per year to protect greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context and restore global forests on the scale needed to of strengthening the global response to the threat address climate challenge. of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty [V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, H. O. Pörtner, D. Roberts, J. Skea, P.R. Shukla, A. Pirani, W. Moufouma-Okia, C. Péan, R. Pidcock, Further information: S. Connors, J. B. R. Matthews, Y. Chen, X. Zhou, M. I. LEAF Coalition Gomis, E. Lonnoy, T. Maycock, M. Tignor, T. Water- https://leafcoalition.org field (eds.)]. LEAF Call for Proposals Nepstad, D., D. McGrath, C. Stickler, A. Alencar, https://www.leafcoalition.org/img/ A. Azevedo, B. Swette, T. Bezerra, M. DiGiano, J. pdf/LEAF%20Call%20for%20Proposal.pdf Shimada, R. Serao da Motta, E. Armijo, L. Castel- lo, P. Brando, M. C. Hansen, M. McGrath-Horn, O. Emergent Forest Finance Accelerator Carvalho, L. Hess. 2014. “Slowing Amazon defor- www.emergentclimate.com estation through public policy and interventions in beef and soy supply chains.” Science. 6188: Architecture for REDD+ Transactions 1118-1123. www.artredd.org Piris-Cabezas, P., R. Lubowski, and G. Leslie. 2019. Green Gigaton Challenge “Estimating the Power of International Carbon https://www.greengigaton.com Markets to Increase Global Climate Ambition.” In: The First International Research Conference on Carbon Pricing. World Bank Working Paper Series. World Bank and Carbon Pricing Leadership Coali- References tion, Washington, DC. Forest Trends’ (FT) Ecosystem Marketplace, Vol- untary Carbon and the Post-Pandemic Recovery. Van Benthem, Arthur and Suzi Kerr. 2013. “Scale State of Voluntary Carbon Markets Report, Special and transfers in international emissions offset Climate Week NYC 2020 Installment. Washington programs.” Journal of Public Economics 107: DC: Forest Trends Association, 21 September 2020. 31–46. Goldstein, Allie, Will R. Turner, Seth A. Spawn, Kristina J. Anderson-Teixeira, Susan Cook-Patton, Joseph Fargione, Holly K. Gibbs, Bronson Griscom, Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
COVER FEATURE 51 Earning Potential Towards a new business model for carbon farming by Chiara Micelli, DG Climate Action, European Commission Reaching climate neutrality in the EU by 2050 has direct incentives at the level of the individual land been an aspiration for the Commission since the manager, farmer or forester to increase carbon re- publication of ‘A Clean Planet for all1’ in late 2018. movals and protect carbon stocks. As of yet, there The analysis behind this Communication shows is no significant technological carbon removals that net-zero greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) can to speak of in the EU, and there is no regulatory only be reached if ambitious emission reductions framework mandating or incentivising sustain- are complemented with the removal of carbon di- able Bioenergy Carbon Capture and Utilisation oxide from the air to compensate for outstanding or Storage (BECCUS), Direct Air Capture (DAC) or emissions. Reducing our emissions to net zero by other clean technologies for capturing, recycling mid-century is now a formal commitment under or storing carbon. the European Green Deal, and the provisionally agreed European Climate Law confirms the need The European Union already provides some to increase removals to reach that aim. The law funding opportunities to kick-start the develop- also foresees the need to increase EU carbon net ment of carbon removal technologies or practices. removals by 2030 and to achieve net negative The Innovation Fund3 supports promising clean emissions after mid-century. technologies that include solutions for capturing, storing or recycling CO2, the LIFE programme4 is Closing the gap on climate neutrality requires an EU funding instrument well adapted to test solutions for capturing CO2 from the atmosphere nature-based approaches on the ground, and and storing it sustainably in ecosystems, geologi- Horizon Europe5 is essential to the development cal reservoirs or purpose-made products. Both na- of new innovative solutions for removing carbon. ture-based and engineered solutions are needed They are all important instruments but deploying to remove several hundred million tonnes of CO2 carbon removals at a scale that matches the EU per year from the atmosphere. The Land Use, Land objective of climate neutrality requires additional Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) Regulation2 policies. In this context, the European Commission (EU) sets a minimum level of climate mitigation announced two initiatives in 2020 establishing performance in the LULUCF sector for each EU the regulatory framework for certifying carbon Member State. However, it does not establish removals and providing targeted support to car- 1 COM(2018) 773 final of 28 November 2018, A clean Planet for all - A European strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy. 2 Regulation (EU) 2018/841 on the inclusion of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use, land use change and forestry in the 2030 climate and energy framework 3 https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/innovation-fund_en 4 https://cinea.ec.europa.eu/life_en 5 https://ec.europa.eu/info/research-and-innovation/funding/funding-opportunities/funding-programmes-and-open-calls/horizon-europe_en Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
52 NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS Source: 1798-0080 by National Agroforestry Centre (https://flic.kr/p/HcJ8JA)/Flickr/CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/) Multifunctional buffer: riparian forests offer a wide range of both climate and biodiversity services and benefits bon farming initiatives promoting the uptake of and/or incentives for the medium-term market carbon sequestration. take-up of carbon removal solutions. Towards a regulatory framework for the Certified carbon removals have the potential to certification of carbon removals fulfil various roles. They can be used as incentives To help scale up and encourage carbon removals or requirements under current climate policies, through both nature-based and technological they can also demonstrate the achievement of vol- solutions, the European Commission is working untary pledges or climate objectives of non-state on the development of a regulatory framework or corporate actors. Where deployed appropriate- for certifying carbon removals. Certification will ly, such uses for carbon removals could help mo- be based on robust carbon accounting in order bilize the financial resources necessary to support to monitor and verify the authenticity of carbon carbon removals and thus advance climate action. removals6, representing a necessary and import- ant step towards providing regulatory mandates The first priority and a necessary precondition for reducing the risk of carbon removals diluting 6 Announced in the Circular Economy Action Plan COM(2020)98 Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
COVER FEATURE 53 climate action is the creation of a robust and substituting fossil fuels, but cannot be considered credible governance framework that only allows permanent carbon storage. actual, sustainable, transparent and verifiable carbon removals to be certified. This implies The impermanence risk is higher for nature-based setting the appropriate monitoring, reporting and solutions exposed to natural hazards or changes verification rules with robust safeguard clauses to in land management practices. The liability for ensure the environmental integrity of the mech- carbon reversal depends on how crediting periods anism. The potential for synergies with other are established and how liability is attached to the environmental priorities (e.g. on biodiversity, landowner. Carbon reversal within a certification clean water, air and soil and resilience to climate period can, for example, be managed through change) should be explored and encouraged. use of buffer accounts that withhold certificates to cover potential instances of carbon reversal. The scope of the initiative will define the type of Other approaches include temporary certificates projects that can be certified. Priority should be or the so-called “tonne-year” approach comparing given to nature-based or engineered solutions activities that sequester (or release) carbon for that remove carbon from the atmosphere on a different lengths of time by using an accounting sustainable, efficient and long-term basis. The convention or equivalency factor. Carbon reversals maturity of practices or technologies, their costs occurring after any certification period are more and potential barriers, as well as their overall challenging to manage. Baseline setting and the quantitative and qualitative potential will deter- concept of additionality are also critical for the mine which solutions are the most appropriate for certification of nature-based projects that remove an EU certification mechanism. Technological and carbon. A baseline sets the reference against economic factors will continue to evolve with the which carbon removal should be measured and development and the initial implementation of determines how much of the carbon sequestered the framework. The framework should therefore can be attributed to the project itself and how be flexible enough to incorporate lessons learnt much would have been sequestered regardless of along the way, while limiting regulatory uncer- the project. This distinction is essential to ensur- tainty caused by too frequent revisions. ing cost-efficient climate action. The durability and permanence of carbon remov- A carbon removal certification mechanism als are central criteria for their certification. The involves several actors from the proposal of a directive for the geological storage of CO2 (so- carbon removal project, to the validation of the called “CCS Directive”) already establishes a legal project, delivery of the certificate and its final use, framework for the environmentally safe, geo- as well as the important role of the accreditation logical storage of CO2 to contribute to the fight and verification system. From a centralised EU against climate change. It lays down extensive system to a structure relying more on Member requirements for selecting sites for CO2 storage, States, various options exist for a governance including prior risk analysis of CO2 leakage and framework involving public authorities and the the associated liabilities. Using captured CO2 to private sector to support its implementation. produce long-lasting products such as building This should be feasible at a reasonable cost and material through mineralisation processes or without administrative burden hampering the wood production is also contributing to the long- deployment of carbon removals. term storage of carbon. Other more short-lived products from the reuse of carbon, such as syn- thetic fuels, contribute to climate mitigation by Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
54 NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS Providing a new business action-based carbon farming, beneficiaries receive payments for implementing defined man- model for carbon farming agement actions, independently of the resulting impact of those actions. A result-based approach, The Farm to Fork Strategy 7 adopted in 2020 builds on the other hand, entails a direct and explicit link on the European Green Deal Communication, between the results delivered and the payments which encourages the agriculture and forestry that the land manager receives. Result-based car- sectors to deliver more on climate action by in- bon farming schemes have the advantage of en- creasing their capacity to store and sequester car- suring a more targeted use of the relevant funds bon. In this strategy, the Commission announced a towards the intended climate objective. Addi- Carbon Farming initiative to promote a new green tionally, land managers enjoy a greater degree of business model that rewards climate-friendly flexibility, being able to choose their management practices by land managers based on the climate strategies to achieve the desired results, rather benefits they provide. than following a set of rules. Carbon farming incentives can also help to achieve the targets set Carbon farming aims to incentivise actors of the out in several EU initiatives, such as the forthcom- bioeconomy to take measures to increase carbon ing Forest Strategy, the Biodiversity Strategy and sequestration and storage by compensating the Adaptation Strategy. them. This in turn creates a new source of income, while helping them to adapt their businesses Support for carbon farming can come from public to withstand the effects of climate change and or private initiatives, or a combination of the become more resilient. two. Result-based schemes, in particular, can be financed through carbon certificates that could Examples of effective carbon farming practices either be bought directly from project developers include: or intermediaries, or traded on carbon removal markets. Experience of ongoing EU schemes has planting new forests, restoring degraded shown that carbon certificate prices are general- forests and improving the management of ly higher than those traded in the international existing forests; voluntary carbon markets, and that buyers are generally willing to pay higher prices to secure supplying biomass for the production of co-benefits in terms of biodiversity and ecosystem long-lasting bio-based products such as restoration. The development of an EU regulatory building material or furniture; framework for the certification of carbon remov- als would certainly benefit result-based approach- enhancing soil organic carbon on depleted es and provide new opportunities for farmers or arable land; foresters. protecting carbon-rich soils, such as grass- lands and peatlands, through appropriate Carbon farming can also be promoted through EU management techniques. and national policies. Member States will be able to accelerate the roll out of carbon farming prac- Carbon farming can take the form of action- tices in the context of the Common Agricultural based or result-based schemes. In the case of Policy (CAP). CAP instruments can support a wide 7 COM(2020) 381 final of 20 May 2020, A Farm to Fork Strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system. Carbon Mechanisms Review, Vol. 9, 2, Summer 2021
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