T -Mobile & 5G - Inflection Capital Management

Page created by Anita Ferguson
T -Mobile & 5G - Inflection Capital Management
T -Mobile & 5G

The purpose of this project was to:

  1. Update an investment idea and research work
     created in ’18 that was a “big idea.” One that Wall
     Street had absolutely not discussed, or focused on;
     i.e. it was not considered.

  2. Present to prospective employers how I frame new
     opportunities and explain very complex situations
T -Mobile & 5G - Inflection Capital Management
T-Mobile: How 5G creates the opportunity for a
transformation and substantial value creation

T-Mobile’s consistent obsession on increasing customer satisfaction
and value, being a consumer advocate and disruptor, Sprint’s
limitations, and the transition to 5G has created a substantial
opportunity for it to enter new markets and create more customer
lifetime value.

The merger with Sprint would be a major win for the consumer and the
nation as it will result in a more capable, higher quality, greater
coverage 5G network that is built faster than the status quo, especially
in rural markets. It will also bring more competition to the ISPs.

                   All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC   2
T -Mobile & 5G - Inflection Capital Management
A Unique Opportunity: T-Mobile is afforded an opportunity for substantial shareholder value creation due to its
obsession for enhancing the relative consumer value of its service, hamstrung competitors, and the transition to 5G.

Winning Brand For Consumers: T-Mobile, know for its “Un-Carrier” product enhancements, has created substantial
consumer affinity and brand love over the past six years, resulting in substantial and continuing market share gains.
Given the fixed-cost nature of wireless service, those gains have resulted in substantial profit and cash flow growth
which allowed the financial strength for the Sprint proposal.

5G Precipitated the Merger: Wireless technology transitions like 3G to 4G, and 4G to 5G, allow wireless operators to
enhance their relative network service levels and significantly disrupt market share. The 5G transition also creates the
opportunity for T-Mobile to acquire Sprint as the economics and physics of the merger allows them to deliver a superior
5G service in terms of coverage, capacity, and capability to what it could independently

Win for the Country: the New-T-Mobile significantly increases in competitive intensity of both the wireless and wireline
industry, incenting AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, and Charter to move harder and faster to enhance their services and
value. All of this is good for the consumer and nation; that’s what creates a regulatory opening for the merger.

Replay of the Past: The proposed Sprint & T-Mobile merger is a replay of the Metro PCS & T-Mobile merger, a
development that was significantly disruptive to the status quo and that yielded significant consumer benefits.

5G – Forget about IoT, Remember 4G: the transition to 5G allows the opportunity for significant incremental service
revenue from more consumption. More consumption will come from more lines of service for new devices, more data
consumption, cloud-based services, and other more speculative opportunities like IoT.

Approval to Happen: We expect the deal to be approved because it’s good for the nation, provides the mechanism
for underserved markets to get better telecommunication services than the status quo, especially as 5G threatens to
widen the digital divide, and because it will be trumpeted as a major win by the Administration. The FCC’s leadership
blessed the merger on May 20th.

3X Investor Return: Should everything go management’s way with TMUS appreciating from $75 to over $245.

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T -Mobile & 5G - Inflection Capital Management
TMUS’ Substantial Value Creation Opportunity                                                                                                     Dated: 5.23.19

           The table shows a range of potential TMUS stock prices resulting from a range of fundamental outcomes.
           Should everything go managements’ way, TMUS stock price could exceed $246/sh, up 3.25X.
           The only way for a 3X increase to be possible is if the company and industry went through a significant and
            favorable transition. That is what this presentation explores.
           We have no way to accurately estimates potential outcomes, to apply probability-weighted outcomes
            would be a false precession that yields a meaningless expected return number.
           The Downside scenario is reflective of a break in industry pricing or an unexpected increases in costs that
            leads to a -10% earnings revision and a contraction in the valuation multiple to 5.5X EV/EBITDA.

                                                           Year-End 2020 Stock Price Outcomes

                                                   Current Hitting 2021    6.5X 2022      8.5X 2022                     8.5X & 5G          Platform
                            Downside                 Price Consensus EBI TDA w / 5G EBI TDA w / 5G                        S+TMUS         Economics
                 Value          -$17                                + $8      + $23          + $39                           + $74            + $27

          Total Value                 $58                $75               $83              $106               $145           $219              $246
        Annualized Return            -16%                                   7%               26%                55%           104%              121%

Hitting Consensus means that     6.5X & 5G means that industry      8.5X & 5G means that industry     8.5X & 5G + S+ TMUS means the    Platform Economics means
TMUS can drive EBITDA to         growth accelerates due to          growth accelerates and            prior plus the merger is         that the 5G architecture
match the 2021 Consensus         increased consumer usage           margin levels improve. The        approved allowing synergies;     allows operators to capture
estimates, while maintaining a   (lines & data) & estimates rise.   faster growth leads to            we estimate $8.5B in synergies   an portion of subscriptions,
6.5X EV/EBITDA Valuation         Yet, valuations do not.            valuations expanding 30%          vs. $6.0B guide                  apps, cloud, etc.

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T -Mobile & 5G - Inflection Capital Management
Since its 2012 merger with Metro-PCS, T-Mobile
The Un-Carrier: Classic Strategy --                                           has consistently given the consumer more value
                                   Disrupt the Status-que                     and flexibility which has resulted in increased
                                                                              competitive intensity for the industry.

                                                                                                 The rise in intensity yielded:
                                                                                                  A substantial decline in wireless CPI

                                                                                                  Flattish industry revenue growth

                                                                                                  A less competitive Sprint that has
                                                                                                   been pushed back to #4 and into a
                                                                                                   unsustainable financial position as a
                                                                                                   national carrier

   Note: Prepaid & Wholesale are connections

  2016:Unlimited Data                     2017: One-Price and Netflix-on-Us

                                                                                  Wireless Service CPI: More Consumer Value

                                                                                                           Incumbents move
                                                                                                           to “Unlimited”
T -Mobile & 5G - Inflection Capital Management
Sprint + T-Mobile: A Replay of Metro by PCS + T-Mobile
    T-Mobile acquired MetroPCS (April ‘13 closing) coincident with the transition to 4G in order to foster greater
     revenue and network scale and generate cost savings/synergies to fund its 4G network transition
             i.e to improve on its competitiveness versus Verizon and AT&T; this is the same argument that is employing to
              regulators and the public to justify the Sprint merger.

    The merger created spectrum synergies to increase the capacity and coverage in major metro markets,
     allowing T-Mobile to improve on its #1 consumer negative--network quality and coverage.

    Additional benefits came from leveraging the sales force and stores, and better leverage with OEMs (Apple).

    $1.5B in annual cost synergies were identified, at $3.34/sub/mo.
    The integration of MetroPCS went smoothly in ‘13 and the full synergies were realized by ‘14. During 2013, new
     customer benefits included the elimination of service contracts, iPhones for the 1st time, increased network
     capacity, and the expansion of 4G LTE coverage to 200m peoples.

    In the subsequent years, T-Mobile was able to improve its network quality and coverage such that its service
     deficiency to industry leader Verizon significantly narrowed (as shown in the subsequent slides). That along with
     T-Mobile’s value proposition strategies (Un-Carrier moves) strongly resonated with the consumer and these
     allowed T-Mobile to gain substantial market share.

  Synergies to improve coverage and value                  Network & spectrum synergies               Spectrum Combination

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T -Mobile & 5G - Inflection Capital Management
T-Mobile’s Network Started Inferior

      At the MetroPCS Deal
       (as of Oct, 2012)
       (no coverage w/ LTE)

     Verizon’s LTE Network in ‘14

                                                                Verizon’s network was vastly superior
                                                                in ’14 & won the advertising claim
                                                                “Best Network”

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T -Mobile & 5G - Inflection Capital Management
T-Mobile’s Improvement in Coverage: No Deficiency

                                                                         Verizon enjoys no network distinction 2018

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Un-Carrier + Better Network: More NPS & Customer Love

   Note: Prepaid & Wholesale are connections

Service Revenue Market Share Gains

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T -Mobile & 5G - Inflection Capital Management
The Un-Carrier, Market Share Gains
     Postpaid Market Share Gains, +69% improvement in 6 years
      millio ns                2012    2013     2014     2015      2016      2017     2018
     Postpaid Phone
      Verizon                    84      86       88        89       89        90        91
      AT&T Mobility              68      68       68        66       64        64        63
      Sprint                     28      27       25        25       26        27        27
      T-Mobile                   20      22       26        29       31        34        37

     Total Postpaid Phone       200     203      207      210       211       214      220

      T-Mobile Share          10.0%   10.8%   12.5%     14.0%     14.9%    15.9%     16.9%    Significant

     Relative Churn Improvement, +90% in 6 years
     Monthly Postpaid Churn    2012    2013     2014     2015      2016      2017     2018
      Verizon (connections)   0.91%   0.96%   1.03%     0.95%     1.01%    1.09%     1.09%
      AT&T Mobility           1.08%   1.06%   1.04%     1.09%     1.07%    1.08%     1.11%
      Sprint (phone)          2.02%   2.22%   2.20%     1.74%     1.61%    1.66%     1.59%
      T-Mobile (phone)        2.32%   1.69%   1.59%     1.38%     1.30%    1.19%     1.15%

     Total                    1.28%   1.25%   1.25%     1.15%     1.14%    1.17%     1.17%

     T-Mobile vs. Others      1.7 X   1.2 X    1.1 X     1.1 X     1.1 X    0.9 X     0.9 X   Significant

     Service Revenue Market Share Gains, +46% improvement in 6 years
      $ billions               2012    2013     2014     2015      2016      2017     2018
      Verizon                   $64     $69      $73      $70       $67       $63      $61
      AT&T Mobility             $59     $62      $61      $60       $59       $58      $57
      Sprint                    $29     $29      $28      $26       $24       $23      $22
      T-Mobile                  $22     $21      $22      $25       $28       $30      $32

     Total                     $110    $111     $111     $111      $111      $111     $112

     T-Mobile Share            20%     18%      20%       22%       25%      27%       29%
                                        All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC             10
Wireless services is a scale-business. Given the market share gains
Un-Carrier: Impact on                                                    shown on the prior pages, those resulted in substantial profit and
                                                                         cash flow growth, allowing the T-Mobile to deleverage, increase its
T-Mobile’s Profits & Cash Flow                                           service and sales investment (fueling a virtuous cycle), and allowing
                                                                         for the Sprint bid in 2018.

Leverage from Disruption
                                2013            2018       Despite a 20%
 $ billions expect mont hlies                              decline in price,
                                                                                                    ~$3.35/mo of the price
                                                           EBITDA/sub improved
Branded Customers (Avg)31.7                      61.2                                               decline was funded by
                                                           10% due to
 (millio ns)                                                                                        MetroPCS synergies
                                                           leveraging fixed
Service Revenue                 $19.1           $32.2      costs
 (billio ns)

 ARPU-Postpaid               $52.60            $43.25
                                                           Leverage from filling
                                                           the network; lower
COGS                             $5.3            $6.4      costs despite massive
                                                           increases in usage
                                                                                                    Borrowing Capacity Increased
 Per Sub / Mo                $13.86             $8.69      and customer value                                                 2013        2018
                                                                                                      $ billions
 Est. GP-$ / sub / mo        $38.74            $34.56                                               Total EBITDA               $4.9       $12.4
                                                                                                    Net Debt                  $20.2       $23.6
SG&A                             $7.4           $13.2      Customers per FTE                        Debt/EBITDA               4.1 X       1.9 X
                                                           improved to 1200
 Per Sub / Mo                $19.38            $17.94      from 800                                 2.75X Leverage
                                                                                                    Borrowing Capacity        Zero        $10.5
Service EBITDA                   $6.9           $14.4

 Per Sub / Mo                $18.01            $19.61
                                                            More customers and                                                 More profits for more
                                                            more profit/customer                                               borrowing capacity.
  Note: T-Mobile’s acquisition of MetroPCS
  closed in April ‘13. That was the point of
                                                                                                   The outcome is what T-
  time that they had the ability to scale.                                                         Mobile & Sprint argue is
                                                                                                   the motivation for the
                                                                                                   current merger and why
                                                                                                   prices aren’t to rise

                                                        All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                                        11
4G + iPhone was the step-change as they enabled the
3G to 4G: Product Transition                                                                               mobile app ecosystem by allowing significantly faster
                                                                                                           data speeds and capacity that foster a new ecosystem
                                                                                                           and platforms—the smartphone app.
4G allows Verizon and T-Mobile to be share winners
Market Share               2011       2012       2013        2014           2015        2016
Postpaid Phone
                                                                                                     T-Mobile wins share in the value
AT&T                      32.7%      32.9%      32.4%       33.0%       31.7%          30.6%         market and due to improvements
Sprint                    15.6%      13.8%      13.0%       12.1%       12.1%          12.4%         in network and in Un-Carrier values
T-Mobile                  10.5%      12.6%      13.4%       12.5%       14.0%          14.9%
Verizon                   41.2%      40.7%      41.3%       42.4%       42.3%          42.2%             Verizon wins share in the premium
                                                                                                         and business segment due to its
Total                   100.0%      100.0%    100.0%      100.0%       100.0%         100.0%
                                                                                                         perceived superior network.

Upgrade rate accelerates due to 4G benefits over 3G
Service Revenues                      3Q17     4Q17      1Q18      2Q18       Q318      Q418
A djusted Service revenue gro wth
AT&T Mobility                         -2.9%    -2.5%     -1.7%      0.2%      2.3%       2.9%
Sprint                                2.5%      3.1%      4.6%      2.8%      -0.5%     -0.5%
T-Mobile                              7.4%      7.3%      6.9%      6.5%      4.7%       6.6%
Verizon                               -5.1%    -2.9%     -0.7%      2.5%      2.9%       1.9%
Total                                 -1.3%    -0.3%      0.9%      2.5%      2.6%       2.7%

          Note: Service revenue likely strengthened ex. hurricane credits
                Sprint, AT&T, and VZ all guided to higher ARPUs in ‘19.

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                                                                                                                Wireless Report                                    12
What is 5G Really?

   5G is Tony Stark Toys for Everyone

   5th-Generation is the latest wireless standard following 4G

    We are not going to opine about telemedicine, IoT, smart cities, autonomous vehicles and the like.

    Focus on the two things that consumer care about--latency and speed (especially in the context of cloud-based services).

    5G is going to allow processing and storage to move from the handset to the Cloud and the Edge.

    5G will allow phones/devices to have significantly less commentary and a longer/smaller battery which is less cost.

              5G Features
              Speed          100 Mbit/s - 5G                       10X
              Latency        1 ms                                  50x
              Battery Life                                        >10X
              Battery Life Inverted                            10X Smaller
              Better Coverage & Reliablity                       Better

            Latency: Think Nextel’s Push-To-Talk service, think “boot-up” time when computers used to be turned off
                     when not used, or when one had to “dial up” to reach the internet

                                          All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                           13
 Pre-5G we have the following constructs in our head; they are
 things that we consider and manage

      “Strong-Weak Signal”

     “Fast-Slow Connection”

    “Connected – Not
 Connected to the Internet”

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      “Strong-Weak Signal”

     “Fast-Slow Connection”

    “Connected – Not
 Connected to the Internet”

                                   All rights
                     All rights reserved,     reserved,
                                           Inflection   Inflection
                                                      Capital      Capital Management,
                                                              Management,    LLC       LLC   15

      “Strong-Weak Signal”

     “Fast-Slow Connection”                                      Electricity

    “Connected – Not
 Connected to the Internet”

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                                         to the Web
                                         to the Cloud

                                         across nearly all devices

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                                                                                         Less cost
                                                                                         Less weight
                                                                                         Less volume

     Other Features
      10 second movie downloads
      Instantaneous content, page downloads and search results
      Instantaneous and life-like augmented reality
      Nextel-like Push-To-Talk voice-connectivity and real-time
        language translation, think Babel Fish or C-3PO

                            All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                     18

                                                               Little added
                                                               • volume
                                                               • weight
                                                               • cost

                                                                  • Slim profile
                                                                  • Less weight
                                                                  • 3x battery life
                                                                  • Lower cost
                                                                  • More features

     All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                          19
Instantaneous subscription
                                                     music and video from the cloud
5G                                                   into the Smart Eyewear

      Real-time Traffic Navigation

                                                              Hands-free video
     Augmented Reality Integrated                             stored into the cloud
     into Smart Eyewear

                                                                                     Real-time Translation

                                                                                               Your own Babel Fish

                                     All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                         20
Will 5G be priced at a premium?
        4G fueled massive demand for data and 5G is expected to accelerate the trend.
        The YoY absolute changes are enormous in ‘18

      > 14X in data increase with 3G –> 4G, +88% YoY in Q4

                                                                                              Ericsson says
                                                                                              a 5.8X increase
                                                                                              for 5G

                                    All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                     21
We refer to Sprint and T-Mobile and
Will 5G be priced at a premium?                                                                 managements as “The Companies”

        It’s complicated. Verizon has an early price of $10/mo. Our industry conversations have generally led to
        confidence that there will more revenue from increased data usage, but we do not expect any real plan
        price increases, or a 5G premium tier. Certainly, The Companies’ statement make it certain that they will not
        charge a 5G premium. Verizon and AT&T will likely restrain themselves to not create a disadvantage. However,
        what all three will do is bundle data intensive services and apps (gaming, SVOD, streaming music, etc.) that
        push subscribers above throttling limits which incent users to upgrade their plans for more monthly data.

 5G                                                                                                                          Extremely limited
                                                                                                                             Hotspot data

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& More Pricing (+$5/mo)

                                after 22 GB

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Will 5G be priced at a premium?

       We have created a hypothetical model to demonstrate how this usage-based mechanism may
       work. The model is completely a WAG. We do not know if usage has a normal distribution or
       what the standard deviation is. We have seen enough surveys to feel that 6 GB per month is a
       reasonable baseline. We have also used a range of 3rd party estimates for our 53 GB average by
       2023. However, as we don’t have access the authors’ models we would also characterize our
       estimates for data usage to be a WAG.

             As 5G incents subscribers to use more data, upgrades increase
                                   Monthly Wireless Data Use (GB) increases w/ 5G

                                       2018       2019        2020         2021        2022       2023
                        Avg Use           6          8          15           27          38         53
                   Est. Std Dev           8         10          12           14          17         20
                 % of Users < 22         98         92          72           36          17          6
                 % of Users < 35          2          8          28           59          59         39
                 % of Users < 50          0          0           0            5          24         55

                       ‘21 Distribution of Monthly Data Users by Usage

                                        All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC          24
Revenue for 5G to be driven by plan upgrades

       We have applied our usage model to a hypothetical product model to demonstrate how the
       usage increases could filter through into higher ARPUs and more revenue. Verizon and AT&T use
       caps at 22 GB. T-Mobile uses a much higher 50 GB. Verizon’s and T-Mobile’s plan tiers are
       $10/mo and $15 respectively; AT&T’s is $5/mo. The model below uses $10/mo, but this is a also
       WAG. Obviously the companies know their customer elasticities and how to optimize the benefit
       from packaging, trade-up, and mix.

                Model implies annual ARPU increases of +HSD, or ~$4/mo.

                                Monthly Wireless Data Use (GB) increases w/ 5G

                                    2018      2019         2020        2021         2022         2023
                     Avg Use           6         8           15          27           38           53
                Est. Std Dev           8        10           12          14           17           20
              % of Users < 22         98        92           72          36           17            6
              % of Users < 35          2         8           28          59           59           39
              % of Users < 50          0         0            0           5           24           55

          Hypothetical Prices      ARPU
                   < 22 GB          $40         $40         $40          $40         $40          $40
                   < 35 GB          $50         $50         $50          $50         $50          $50
                   < 50 GB          $60         $60         $60          $60         $60          $60

                   < 22 GB        $39.20    $36.80       $28.80      $14.40        $6.80         $2.40
                   < 35 GB         $1.00     $4.00       $14.00      $29.50       $29.50        $19.50
                   < 50 GB         $0.00     $0.00        $0.00       $3.00       $14.40        $33.00
                  Weighted        $40.20    $40.80       $42.80      $46.90       $50.70        $54.90
                   YoY % Ch                     1%           5%         10%           8%           8%

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5G & Wireless Industry
                                                                                   No Iot, smart factories,
               Three Use Cases Modeled                                             autonomous cars, drones,
                                                                                   Robotic surgery, etc. modeled

                                     Year                2020

                           5G Mobile
      Total Postpaid Wireless Sub Mkt                265,302
                5G Phone Subscribers                   9,500              Use Case-1
                         Penetration                    3.6%                    Increased data consumption
                                                                                leading to higher data-cap tiers
                             ARPU lift                 $2.80                    and $2.80/mo of added ARPU
                             Revenue                    $210
                               NOPAT                    $133

            5G Wireless Accessories
             Penetration of 5G Subs                    50.0%
              5G Access Subscribers                    3,500              Use Case-2
                                                                                Connected accessories, pricing
                              ARPU                    $10.00
                                                                                levels already established with
                          Revenue                       $300                    iWatch and connected cars.
                             NOPAT                      $237

                   Fixed Broadband
     Total Broadband Subscribers Mkt                  98,940
                   5G BB Subscribers                   1,500
                                                                          Use Case-3
                         Penetration                    1.5%                    This is wireline broadband
                               ARPU                   $50.00                    replacement using
                            Revenue                     $750                    neighborhood antennas.
                              NOPAT                     $415

                Subscriber units are thousands; revenue and NOPAT is millions

                                             All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC               26
5G & Wireless Industry
                 Three Use Cases Modeled

                                   Year               2020         2021           2022        2023         2024
                                                                                                                   Assuming penetration
                          5G Mobile                                                                                gains slightly faster
     Total Postpaid Wireless Sub Mkt              265,302      270,608       276,020      281,541        287,171   than 4G
               5G Phone Subscribers                 9,500       27,061        62,105      112,616        143,586   T-Mobile says 70% by
                        Penetration                  3.6%        10.0%         22.5%        40.0%          50.0%   2023
                            ARPU lift               $2.80        $6.90        $10.00       $10.00         $10.00
                            Revenue                  $210       $1,514        $5,350      $10,483        $15,372
                                                                                                                   ARPU lift capped at
                              NOPAT                  $133         $957        $3,381       $6,625         $9,715   $10/mo

           5G Wireless Accessories
            Penetration of 5G Subs                   50.0%        45.0%        40.5%        36.5%          32.8%
             5G Access Subscribers                   3,500       12,177       25,152       41,049         47,103
                             ARPU                   $10.00       $10.50       $11.03       $11.58         $12.16
                         Revenue                      $300         $988       $2,469       $4,598         $6,429
                            NOPAT                     $237         $780       $1,951       $3,633         $5,079
                                                                   2021         2022         2023           2024
                  Fixed Broadband
    Total Broadband Subscribers Mkt                 98,940     100,919       102,937      104,996        107,096
                 5G BB Subscribers                   1,500       5,000        10,000       15,000         17,442   Assuming the historic
                        Penetration                   1.5%        5.0%          9.7%        14.3%          16.3%   precedent seen
                              ARPU                  $50.00      $50.00        $50.00       $50.00         $50.00   elsewhere. Google
                           Revenue                    $750      $1,950        $4,500       $7,500         $9,733   Fiber penetration was
                            NOPAT                     $415      $1,078        $2,489       $4,148         $5,382   75% of homes passed

                                                                                                                   Telcos are modeling
                                                                                                                   substantially more BB
                                                                                                                   subs than 17.4m
                  Subscriber units are thousands; revenue and NOPAT is millions

                                               All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                                     27
5G & Wireless Industry: $21B new profit pool in 2024

                                       Year               2020         2021         2022           2023      2024

                                 5G Mobile
            Total Postpaid Wireless Sub Mkt           265,302      270,608       276,020         281,541   287,171
                      5G Phone Subscribers              9,500       27,061        62,105         112,616   143,586
                               Penetration               3.6%        10.0%         22.5%           40.0%     50.0%
                                    ARPU lift           $2.80        $6.90        $10.00          $10.00    $10.00
                                   Revenue               $210       $1,514        $5,350         $10,483   $15,372
                                     NOPAT               $133         $957        $3,381          $6,625    $9,715

                   5G Wireless Accessories
                    Penetration of 5G Subs               50.0%        45.0%        40.5%           36.5%     32.8%
                     5G Access Subscribers               3,500       12,177       25,152          41,049    47,103
                                     ARPU               $10.00       $10.50       $11.03          $11.58    $12.16
                                  Revenue                 $300         $988       $2,469          $4,598    $6,429
                                    NOPAT                 $237         $780       $1,951          $3,633    $5,079
                                                                       2021         2022            2023      2024
                         Fixed Broadband
           Total Broadband Subscribers Mkt              98,940     100,919       102,937         104,996   107,096
                         5G BB Subscribers               1,500       5,000        10,000          15,000    17,442
                               Penetration                1.5%        5.0%          9.7%           14.3%     16.3%
                                     ARPU               $50.00      $50.00        $50.00          $50.00    $50.00
                                  Revenue                 $750      $1,950        $4,500          $7,500    $9,733
                                   NOPAT                  $415      $1,078        $2,489          $4,148    $5,382

                        New Revenue Pools                                                                            Other
                                 Revenue                  $100         $200         $400           $800     $1,600   applications.
                                  NOPAT                    $55         $111         $221           $442       $885

                          Total 5G Revenue              $1,360       $4,651      $12,719         $23,381   $33,134
                                    NOPAT                 $840       $2,926       $8,042         $14,848   $21,061
                                       All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                                       28
5G + T-Mobile-Stand Alone = Significant Lift to Growth & Profits
   Stand-alone means that we are
   looking at the impact of 5G on
   T-Mobile’s economics independent
   from any Sprint merger                   Year                  2020          2021           2022            2023     2024    CAGR

T-Mobile currently has a      Total 5G Revenue                  $1,360        $4,651       $12,719       $23,381      $33,134
17% share of post-paid
subs and 29% share of           Total 5G NOPAT                    $840        $2,926        $8,042       $14,848      $21,061
service revenue.
                                 23% share of 5G
                           Incremental Revenue                    $313        $1,070        $2,925         $5,378      $7,621
                             Incremental NOPAT                    $193          $673        $1,850         $3,415      $4,844

                     Exisiting Bus Service Rev                $32,160                                                 $42,155     7%
                    Exisiting Business NOPAT                   $4,757                                                  $8,755    16%   4 pt lift to
                           Esisting T-Mobile + 5G
                                 Total Service Rev            $32,473                                                 $49,776    11%
                                      Total NOPAT              $4,950                                                 $13,599    29%

                            T-Mobile 5G EBITDA                    $156          $546        $1,521         $2,850      $4,115
                                   Margin Rate                     50%           51%          52%            53%         54%

                                                     All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                                          29
Dec-19      Dec-20     Dec-21     Dec-22     Dec-23
                                                                Hitting Consensus
 T-Mobile Stand-Alone Valuation                                   EBITDA-NTM              $13,700      $14,600    $15,500    $16,200    $16,900

 & Longer-term Price Targets                                    EV/EBITDA                   6.5 x        6.5 x      6.5 x      6.5 x      6.5 x
                                                                Enterprise Value          $89,050      $94,900   $100,750   $105,300   $109,850

  Here we lay out the first three valuation
                                                                Net Debt                  $26,212      $22,841    $18,919    $14,407     $9,679
   cases that were shown at the introduction                    FCF                        $4,494       $5,230     $6,016     $6,304     $6,704
   (the green circles)                                          Debt Paydown               $3,371       $3,923     $4,512     $4,728     $5,028

  75% of the free-cash-flow (FCF) is put into                  Equity Value              $62,839      $72,059    $81,832    $90,894   $100,172
   deleveraging. Using the resulting debt and                   per Share                     $72          $83        $94       $104       $115
   holding the multiple, yields a rising equity
   value driven by the EBITDA growth.                           6.5X & 5G                  Dec-19      Dec-20     Dec-21     Dec-22     Dec-23

  The 5G scenario results in more EBITDA to                      5G EBITDA NTM                           $546     $1,521     $2,850     $4,115
   deleverage faster. The 8.5X valuation vs.                      Total NTM               $13,700      $15,146    $17,021    $19,050    $21,015

   6.5X amplifies the equity value.
                                                                EV/EBITDA                   6.5 x        6.5 x      6.5 x      6.5 x      6.5 x
                                                                Enterprise Value          $89,050      $98,446   $110,638   $123,826   $136,599
  8.5X is more appropriate given faster growth
   and a larger TAM.                                            Net Debt                  $26,212      $22,841    $18,595    $13,182     $6,765
                                                                FCF                        $4,494       $5,661     $7,218     $8,556     $9,955
  The 2022 to 2023 equity value increase of                    Debt Paydown               $3,371       $4,246     $5,413     $6,417     $7,466
   $23B compares significantly to TMUS’ current
   equity value of $65B.                                        Equity Value              $62,839      $75,605    $92,043   $110,644   $129,834
                                                                per Share                     $72          $87       $106       $127       $149

                                                                8.5X & 5G                  Dec-19      Dec-20     Dec-21     Dec-22     Dec-23

                                                                  5G EBITDA NTM                           $546     $1,521     $2,850     $4,115
                                                                  Total NTM               $13,700      $15,146    $17,021    $19,050    $21,015

                                                                EV/EBITDA                   8.5 x        8.5 x      8.5 x      8.5 x      8.5 x
                                                                Enterprise Value         $116,450     $128,738   $144,680   $161,927   $178,629

                           $10B in FCF/yr                       Net Debt                  $26,212      $22,841    $18,595    $13,182     $6,765
                           compares to current                  FCF                        $4,494       $5,661     $7,218     $8,556     $9,955
                           debt of $26B and a                   Debt Paydown               $3,371       $4,246     $5,413     $6,417     $7,466
                           market cap of $63B
                                                                Equity Value              $90,239     $105,897   $126,085   $148,745   $171,864
                                                                per Share                    $104         $122       $145       $171       $198
Prices as of 5.23.19                        All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                                         30
Convergence Redefined
    In September ‘17 T-Mobile announced “Netflix On Us” which is a benefit for 2-line (& other) subscribers of no
     Netflix bill, i.e. Netflix will cover your T-Mobile subscription. At Netflix’s current price of $13/mo (2-streams), this is
     a substantial subscriber benefit as it represents an 11% benefit/discount to the mobile subscription.

    T-Mobile pays Netflix a discounted wholesale price (~10-30% lower). Netflix accepts the discount/wholesale
     price because it benefits from no customer billing costs, no bad debt, and a lower cancelation (churn) rate.

    Since then, AT&T included HBO and Sprint included Hulu.

    Based upon T-Mobile’s management’s enthusiasm for the Netflix partnership, the prominence of the offer on
     T-Mobile’s marketing and website store, and our analysis of disclosed figures, the offer is very popular.

    We estimate that there are now 5.6m T-Mobile customer on the Netflix offer which is ~10% of Netflix’s
     domestic subscribers. Moreover, the offer contributes ~17% of Netflix’s new subs each quarter.

    “Netflix On Us” offer estimated to be 10% of Netflix’s US base
                                                                                                     Netflix marked on all
                                              Q4'17             Q4'18        Q1'19
                                                                                                     T-Mobile merchandising
    TMUS Postpaid Phone Subsribers: Avg.     33,669            36,714       37,224

    Estimated new Neflix Subsribers YoY    800                   2,400       2,400
    Estimated Wholesale Price            $8.99                   $9.90       $9.90
    Estimated Contra-Revenue--Annualized   $43                    $143        $143

    Calculated ARPU Impact                    $0.11              $0.32       $0.32
    Reported ARPU Impact                      $0.11              $0.32       $0.32

    Estimated Total Neflix Subscribers          800              3,200       5,600
     on TMUS' plan

    Netflix Domestic Paid Subs: EOP          52,810            58,486       58,486
     TMUS's Share                                2%                5%         10%

    Est. Netflix Gross Domestic Adds                           13,800       13,800
      % from TMUS                                                17%          17%
                                           All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                                 31
5G holds another transformative opportunity—
                                                      To become a Platform Company
 Two dynamics are at work,
                  one is the speed and response that 5G provides, the second is convergence.
        Speed & response as noted previously will magnify the demand for cloud services and storage, but also for
         what is called “mobile edge-computing” (MEC). It is imaginable, that the carriers not only compete with
         price, packaging, and network coverage and capacity, but also with what the network can do in terms of
         computing performance and applications.

        Convergence between voice, data, video is happening at a very fast pace and scale (AT&T acquirng Time
         Warner). It is also happening with payments, music, and other services. Over time, the carriers are going to
         come head-to-head with Apple and Google over “who owns” the customer, who accrues the majority of
         the customer’s life-time-value, and who gets the distribution revenue. In the case of T-Mobile’s “Netflix on
         us,” if the subscriber had previously come to Netflix via. the Apple App Store, Netflix was paying 15% or
         $2/mo to Apple. With “on us,” Netflix pays Apple nothing (T-Mobile also pays nothing to Apple).

 The merger is strategically very important to T-Mobile and Sprint as it produces more scale to
  create the above mentioned edge-computing and network differentiation vs. Verizon and AT&T.
  It also gives them greater heft in negotiations with content providers (Netflix and Spotify), other
  service providers (banking, etc.) and with Apple and Google.
        The more the investment in 5G edge-compute hardware and backhaul, the superior the consumer
         experience will be. The T-Mobile and Sprint merger via network, spectrum, and expense synergies allow for
         a far more significant investment. One that creates a 5G service that would be far superior to what T-Mobile
         alone could bring to market and at a faster pace. A superior service by T-Mobile/Sprint would incent AT&T
         and Verizon to elevate their network investment intensity and pace from the status quo.

        A superior 5G network will also give more leverage to the wireless operators in their relationships with
         adjacent tech and media titans. That leverage should exhibit itself in a broader distribution of new revenue
         and economics. As the competitive intensity between the operators will remain high, some of those
         economics will flow to the consumer as we have seen with bundled OTT video.

                                       All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                          32
Existing Network Architecture and Services Ecosystem

                        Current circle of
                     economics for operators

                                            15-30% of the
                                                go to

                           All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC   33
5G Demands Added Element of Edge Servers

         Mobile Edge
         added in 5G

                       All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC   34
Edge Servers Allow for Disrupting the Economics
    A share of cloud storage and processing will move to MEC servers owned by the operators, as such the
     operators should get these economics. This IS NOT TO IMPLY that work loads move to the MECs to the detriment
     of AWS, etc. It is that the MECs and 5G create additional demand because of the Edges’ better response.

    Should the operators offer a differentiated network that adds value, they should be able to capture some of
     the value from new apps and bundled entertainment and subscription services into their monthly fee.

    As the operators bundle entertainment and gain some leverage on IOS and Android, it is conceivable that
     they are able to build targeted advertising business that also have local relevancy. This would serve to pick off
     some of Google, Bing, and Facebook revenue.

                                                                                  Storage &

                                         5G app

                                        All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                          35
2024 Platform Economics                              Plateform TAMS
                                                                                    billions          2019   2024   Assumption

 We have made WAG estimates for each of                                         Cloud
  the existing and tangible markets from                          Big-3 Cloud Revenue                 $52    $159   25% CAGR
  which the operators should be able to                                           % NA                60%     50%
  capture increased economics.                                               Big-3 $ NA               $31     $79

 We assume that The New T-Mobile captures             Wireless Operator Penetration                   0%    10%    WAG
  a third of each of the new markets.
                                                                    T-Mobile of Wireless                     33%
 In total, these could exceed $7B in revenue                            T-Mobile $ NA                 $0    $2.6
  for The New T-Mobile which at 70% margins is
                                                                            Mobile Apps
  worth $33/sh in 2024, or $27/sh at year-end
                                                                        US App Revenue                $20    $40    AppAnnie
  2020 using an 11% discount rate.
                                                                                OS Split              20%    20%

                                                       Wireless Operator Penetration                   0%    10%    WAG

                                                                    T-Mobile of Wireless                     33%
                                                                         T-Mobile $ NA                 $0    $1.3

                                                          Entertainment Subscriptions                 $110   $119   PwC

                                                       Wireless Operator Penetration                   0%    10%    WAG

                                                                    T-Mobile of Wireless                     33%
                                                                         T-Mobile $ NA                 $0    $1.1

                                                                              Advertising             $224   $253   Morgan Stanley

                                                       Wireless Operator Penetration                   0%    2.5%   WAG

                                                                    T-Mobile of Wireless                     33%
                                                                         T-Mobile $ NA                 $0    $2.1

                                                             Total Platorm Economics
                                                                          for T-Mobile                       $7.2
  The New T-Mobile is T-Mobile’s term for
  the merged T-Mobile and Sprint entity.
                                            All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                                  36
On May 20th the
The Regulators: T-Mobile + Sprint Helps Promote the FCC’s Goals                                 FCC Chairman Ajit
                                                                                                Pai announced
   The FCC’s four primary strategic goals are:                                                  that he supported
                                                                                                the merger
        1) Closing the Digital Divide: Develop a regulatory environment to encourage the private sector to
           build, maintain, and upgrade next-generations networks so that the benefits ….are available to
           all Americans.

        2) Promoting Innovation: Foster a competitive, dynamic...through policies that promote the
           introduction of new technologies and services…and remove barriers to…investment.

        3) Protecting Consumers & Public Safety

        4) Reforming the FCC’s Processes

           Approving the merger with conditions on rural service delivers on (1) and (2) expeditiously and
            with a magnitude that would not happen otherwise.

             The merger would foster a deeper investment in rural and underserved markets both though the
              existing commitments by T-Mobile management to do so and by making a requirement for approval.

             The New T-Mobile is promising $15B in added network investment funding by merger synergies. An
              investment that would not happen otherwise.

             A more competitive 5G market between Verizon, AT&T, and the New T-Mobile would result in more
              services (edge compute) and platforms than would exist otherwise. That in turn would foster the
              introduction of new technologies and services and lower the entry costs for innovators to come
              aboard these network platforms.

                                    All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                         37
T-Mobile + Sprint Helps Resolve Acute Public Service Deficiencies
  Proposed T-Mobile and Sprint merger intimately intertwined with 5G: The merger allows the companies a
   5G network that is NATIONWIDE and ROBUST.

         Commingled spectrum assets allow for the national coverage and the capacity for 5G capacity & speeds.

         $4B in savings from the network resulting from fewer antennas and lower payments for rents & carriage.

         Sharing network allows capacity to be allocated to 5G while at the same time supporting LTE capacity.

  The merger (Merger) facilitates faster and 5G deploy nationwide significantly earlier than AT&T and
   Verizon. Merger raises the industry’s competitive intensity leading to better 5G networks and service.

         Sharing network allows capacity to be allocated to 5G while at the same time supporting LTE coverage.

         $1B in savings from marketing and $1B from back office allows for more upfront investment in 5G network.

         New T-Mobile is promising 96m people covered with 300 mbps service by 2021 vs. w/o merger. With
          approval AT&T and Verizon would have to materially step up their investment pace to match.

         As present, AT&T and Verizon have indicated no step-up in spend. New T-Mobile has promised $15B in
          adding spending, to be funded by the merger synergies. An approval would change AT&T and Verizon’s
          spending plans—more and faster.

  Merger allows T-Mobile the credibility to argue that the merger will allow them to bring 240 Mbps speeds
   to the underserved--the 50% of US HH that have only one broadband (BB) option and the 10% w/o any
   BB; to narrow the Digital Divide.

  5G is a material risk for further widening the gap. This is because without the merger, metro communities
   will get 5G service and capacity first. Rural communities will be get the service last with less MEC and
   backhaul investment and far after the 5G ecosystem is paying dividends to metro residents.

                                       All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                       38
Current Digital Divide

                                                                                          Only 58% of lowest 20% in
                                                                                          HHs income are served
                                                                                          by incumbent wireline BB


                                                                                          84% of the highest 20% in
                                                                                          HHs income are served
                                                                                          by incumbent wireline BB

                                                                                            Only 53% of the 20% most
                                                                                            rural HHs are served by
                                                                                            incumbent wireline BB


                                                                                            92% of the 20% least rural
                                                                                            HHs income are served
                                                                                            by incumbent wireline BB

         20m “Broadband” homes
         are still service with                Why? Cost to serve significantly higher, lower service take-up
         copper DSL wires.                     because of lower incomes

                                               In both circumstances the wireless industry has been a better
Source: FCC 2018 Broadband Deployment Report   service provider than the wireline industry.                              39
T-Mobile’s June 2018 Public Interest Statement on Merger

Public Interest Statement (PIS)
 Speed & Capacity Enhancement
 2021 & 2024
 Merger vs. No-Merger

                                  The area between the black line
                                  and stand-alone lines represents
                                  the improved public utility/value
                                  of the merger to the nation

Public Interest Statement (PIS): Speed & Capacity Enhancement

                                                          The take-way here is
                                                                                                                                                                    Throughput is the quantity
                                                          that there is no                                                                                          of data transferred per unit
                                                          comparable                                                                                                of time
                                                          mechanism to
                                                          create this much
                                                          coverage, capacity
                                                          and social value. Its
                                                          just physics.

                                                                      3X Capacity improvement calculation:
All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC

                                                                      Network Capacity =          # of Cell Sites    x    Spectrum per Site x Spectral Efficiency
                                                                                                       1                          2                    3

                                                                                      The New T-Mobile                                vs.   T-Mobile & Sprint as stand-alones

                                                                                  1   79K T-Mobile sites   +   11K Sprint sites       vs.   Separate

                                                                                  2   Urban High-band + 2.5 GHz + 600 MHz             vs.   Separate

                                                                                  3   More deployed to 5G is MORE spectrum            vs.   Spectrum shared to serve existing 4G

                                                                           For sake of comparison, T-Mobile on its own without Sprint’s cell sites and spectrum would
                                                                           need to have 162K sites in place to reach equivalent capacity. That is not likely to happen.
Sprint Stand Alone Option: Best case scenario (now in doubt 12 months later)
      ~$5.5B in network cap ex/yr in ‘18-20 focused on densifying and optimizing metro and suburban areas and
       deploying equipment to eventually launch 5G in its top markets. NO EXPANSION of coverage is contemplated.
       Sprint invests in metro markets where it can win in QoS consumer affinity.

      While Sprint’s 4G LTE network covers 302m POPS, only 133m are covered with 5G compatible spectrum and cell
       sites. Sprint’s 5G plans only envision covering 150m POPs, with commercially competitive service less than that.
                                                                      2.5 GHz
      Because of Sprint’s limited geographic footprint, its more reliance on roaming arrangements, particularly in
       rural areas that relegates these regions with low business economics and poor QoS means that Sprint will never
       market to these populations.

      Sprint intends to launch 5G on its 2.5 GHz spectrum and maintain its other networks on its 800 MHz and 1.9 GHz.
       Sprint also states that its 5G network will have substantial coverage gaps within a covered area due to 2.5
       limitations. The 800 MHz could resolve those, but its incumbered by 4G.

      Sprint also does not have the financial capacity to green-field build in these regions. Consequently, it will not
       use the attractive/highest speed 2.5 GHz spectrum in these regions.

The New T-Mobile Option: Combine spectrum, cell networks, & split cells

                                                                               1/2 mile
                                                                   High-Band   service radi
                                                                   > 20 GHz
                                                                               High penetration:
                                                                               rain, leaves,
                           2.5 GHz                                             windows, and walls

          4 mile
          service radi                                   600 MHz

                                          18 mile
                                          service radi
                                         Low penetration:
                                         windows and walls

                                        2.5 GHz
                                                  > 20 GHz

MHz = capacity/site           600 MHz
2.5 GHz is 4X more
capacity per cell site                  2.5 GHz
vs. 600 MHz site.

More capacity is              600 MHz
needed per site as
population density rises

T-Mobile + Sprint = More Network Investment                                 The Companies’ Public Interest Statement
                                                                             (PIS) states that because of the network’s
                                                                             spectrum synergies and higher investment
  ~$6B/year in savings, Re-invested in Near-Term                             that more subscribers will have 5G than

                                                                            We have pulled apart the companies’
                                                                             statements and the PIS to analyze the level of
                                                                             increased investment. This shows that New T-
                                                                             Mobile intends to spend $15B, or 64% more
                                                                             than the stand-alones during the next three

                                                                            There is no reason to believe that the level of
                                                                             investment in ‘22 – ’24 would not be of a
                                                                             similarly higher level. All total that’s $30B in
                                                                             more investment.

                                                                            Assuming that competition demands the
                                                                             same from AT&T and Verizon, that’s $90B in
                                                                             additional 5G network investments. That’s a
                                                                             $90B better national 5G wireless network than
  ~$5B/year in increased 5G Network investment vs. stand-alones
                                                                             the status quo.
   billions            2019           2020           2021          Total
                                                                            Assuming a 5X multiplier (WAG) of economic
                                                                             benefit from this investment, that’s $450B in
    5G                 $3.6           $3.6           $3.6          $10.8     added economic growth than the status quo.
  T-Mobile                                                                  Moreover, we expect Sprint as a stand-alone
    5G                 $4.3           $4.3           $4.3          $12.9     to actually retrench and lower its investment
                                                                             from these stated targets as we detail
  New T-Mobile                                                               subsequently.
   5G                 $14.0          $12.0          $13.0          $39.0
                                                                            We suspect that the FCC shares these views
  Difference           $6.1           $4.1           $5.1          $15.3     and that is why it supports the merger. It wants
                                                                             more capital investment in the nation’s
                                                                             communication networks, not less.
               All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                                                          45
T-Mobile + Sprint = National Coverage

    $15B in additional network investment (cell sites, density, etc.) over 3 years, or 60% more than what the stand
     alone companies intend to spend, to be funded by network and back-office synergies.

    This added investment, plus spectrum synergies will allow The New T-Mobile to have better indoor coverage than
     the stand alone companies.

    Also, in terms the network cost it is important to understand that while tower companies lease their space on their
     towers, it’s the operators that need to provision for the power, backhaul, and cell sites. Leases are based upon
     square inches of space. Power and backhaul have price breaks based upon volume. Less cost in one coverage
     area for the New T-Mobile equates to more investment in coverage and capacity elsewhere.

    While communities want coverage, nobody want’s the tower and cables in their backyard; thus, there is a
     scarcity value to these assets and community efficiencies and environmental benefits.

    Customer satisfaction = coverage & signal strength; Signal strength = strength + consistency of strength

The New T-Mobile Coverage

More 5G Coverage = More 5G Subscribers
    The Companies’ PIS states that because of the network’s spectrum synergies and higher investment
     that more subscribers will have 5G than otherwise.

    The 10% lift is the result of more market share of subscribers (+5.2m) and higher 5G penetration. The only
     way that The Companies can count on more market share is if the merger allows them to offer more
     consumer value than otherwise, which is consistent with management’s public statements.

On May 20th the FCC
Regulatory Considerations: DOJ                                                                 Chairman Ajit Pai announced
                                                                                               that he supported the merger

 The DOJ will be concerned about the merger’s impact on competition and the associated impact on overall
 wireless service coverage & quality and consumer prices.


      The White House is rumored to be in favor of the merger.

      The DOJ has stated that it has no pre-conceived views about three vs. four competitors.

      U.S. Attorney General Bar has recused himself from the Justice Department's deliberations.

      Assistant Attorney General of the Antitrust Division Makan Delrahim, the White House’s appointed
       Division leader, has said that he has no pre-conceived opinions on the merger. However, he is known to
       want structural remedies, not behavioral remedies, for granting approval (i.e. selling the pre-paid
       business vs. promises to not raise prices.)

      The DOJ staff has been rumored to be against the merger from the start on the belief that they
       prevented AT&T from acquiring T-Mobile in ‘12 and that lead to substantial price competition and
       consumer benefits. DOJ staff are also rumored to hold a conventional, or strict view of how the market
       is to be defined.

                                     All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                                  50
Regulatory Considerations: DOJ
 Competitive intensity is typically measure by the HHI index. Industries with HHI’s above 2500 are characterized
 as “relatively” concentrated. Mergers that increase an industry’s HHI by over 200 pts are expected to attract
 more regulatory scrutiny and objection.

     The wireless industry when conventionally defined has an HHI of 2615. The merger as introduced would increase the
     index by nearly 500 pts to 3104 and into the range characterized as “highly concentrated.”

    HHI for Market as Conventionally Defined

   Wireless Connections
     (million)                         YE-2021                     Mkt Sh ^ 2            YE-2021                Mkt Sh ^ 2

   AT&T                                   150.3       33.5%                1119              150.3      33.5%        1119
   Verizon (incl. 15.6m MVNO)             137.7       30.7%                 940              137.7      30.7%         940
   T-Mobile                                89.7       20.0%                 399              144.7      32.2%        1038
   Sprint                                  55.0       12.2%                 150                0.0       0.0%           0
   US Wireless                              5.2        1.2%                   1                5.2       1.2%           1
   Other                                   11.3        2.5%                   6               11.3       2.5%           6

   Total                                  449.2      100.0%                2615              449.2     100.0%        3104
   Change                                                                                                             489

     Source: Fact Set 11.1.18 & FCC compet it ion report (397m connect ions + 2.5% annual growt h)

                                             All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                         51
DOJ HHI Index Calculations

 Should The Companies say they are willing to spin their pre-paid business, then the HHI is nearly
 undisturbed by the merger. This will be The Companies’ regulatory path.

 The May 20th FCC leaderships’ support for the merge is conditional upon The Companies divesting the Sprint pre-
 paid business. We suspect that this was The Companies initial offer and that they will eventually spin the entire pre-
 paid business to meet the DOJ part way.

          HHI Index for SpinCo of the Prepaid Business
          Phone Connections
            (million)                       YE-2021                      Mkt Sh ^ 2            YE-2021                 Mkt Sh ^ 2

          AT&T                                   79.4        23.9%                 571                 79.4    24.6%         606
          Verizon                                94.1        28.3%                 803                 94.1    29.2%         852
          T-Mobile (ICM)                         75.4        22.7%                 515                 71.7    22.2%         494
          Sprint (ICM)                           36.0        10.8%                 117                          0.0%           0
          TracFone                               23.0         6.9%                  48                 23.0     7.1%          51
          Other MVNO                             13.0         3.9%                  15                 13.0     4.0%          16
          Pre-Paid Spin-Co                                                                             30.0     9.3%          87
          US Wireless                             5.2        1.6%                   2                   5.2     1.6%           3
          CMCSA (MS est.)                         5.0        1.5%                   2                   5.0     1.5%           2
          CHTR (GS est.)                          1.1        0.3%                   0                   1.1     0.3%           0
          Total                                 332.2      100.0%                2075                 322.5   100.0%        2111
          Change                                                                                                              36

                                            All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                                 52
Regulatory Considerations Continued
The DOJ will be concerned about the consolidation’s impact on competition and the associated impact on
overall wireless service coverage & quality and consumer prices.

     The Public Interest Statement addresses service coverage and quality and these shouldn’t be objections.
      That leaves “price.” The Companies argue that The New T-Mobile has significant economic incentive to
      lower prices to fill its substantial increase in capacity by taking substantial market share. Moreover, the
      companies argue that Sprint is an ineffective competitor and that its business is fragile and not durable in
      the longer-term. As such, the Companies imply that the current four competitor situation is not sustainable
      and that it will not be a longer-term governor of prices. Moreover, T-Mobile points to its long-term practices
      of un-carrier moves and its disruption on industry prices. It argues that should it act otherwise that it would
      severally damage its brand and consumer trust.

     We think that the capacity argument lacks historical precedent and is such, it is unlikely to not be an
      effective argument for approval.

     We believe that the DOJ is unlikely to be swayed by the Sprint fragility argument because that would require
      taking a speculative view, something that the DOJ is unlikely to do.

     This is unfortunate because even if Sprint were to re-capitalize, it would not have the assets to sustainably
      grow profits. In addition, Sprint has had negative free-cash-flow for the past five years and there is no
      discernable improvement recently. Moreover, the industry’s capital intensity is rising, not falling. Therefore,
      there is no logical argument to be made that Sprint stand-alone will have any influence on industry pricing
      for most consumers in the medium- to long-term.

     Sprint can concentrate its resources (which it says it will do), but that will result in the only selective benefits of
      4-player competition. Those selected benefits will be more affluent- and metro-markets. That’s sad.

                                         All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                                53
Wireless Prices
What is the price for wireless service?”
      It is not CPI, because the consumer expects “unlimited” data, or units of consumption. CPI is more of a measure of
       the increased value that consumers are receiving. ARPU (average revenue per user) is likely the better measure
       because that is what the consumer experiences and budgets monthly.
      T-Mobile’s ARPU trend is distinctly downward (as it is for the other carriers) despite better coverage, speed, app
       services, and more data consumption. This is what being the Un-carrier was all about.
      The industry has experienced improved consumer sentiment (seen on the next slide) as the consumer has noticed
       that it is getting “more for less.” This improved sentiment has also coincided with an industry-wide decline in churn
       rates, declining customer acquisition costs, and handset subsidy costs, all of which have other economic benefits.
      The wireless industry’s improvement contrasts to the downward trend exhibited for the ISPs and paid-TV industries.
       This deviation in consumer sentiment is what opens the opportunity for the wireless industry to encroach upon these
       two adjacent markets. Given network and scale economics, there is more long-term value creation if a wireless
       operator can make $5/mo in gross profits being the primary broadband provider and $5/mo being the paid-TV
       provider, than raising wireless prices by $10. Serving these adjacencies require little in added customer care,
       marketing, or billing costs, but there is a substantial benefit of lower wireless churn.

T-Mobile ARPU ‘10 to ‘18 down despite more data usage           US Wireless CPI -3.2%/year per Census Bureau

Consumer Satisfaction: Wireless up, Wireline down

T-Mobile and Price
If T-Mobile were to raise price, not consistently increase the consumer value, and not act as a disrupter,
it would severally damage its brand and consumer trust.

     This consideration is the strongest argument for why the New T-Mobile will continue to be disruptor and
      competitive deterrent to higher prices. (From press reports we know that DOJ staff are not giving weight to
      this argument. However, we suspect that the Administration and Delrehim may be swayed.)

     Examples of strong brands that lost their customers’ trust include Samsung, eBay, and Chipotle, from which
      they never recovered their prior mojo. Consumer trust is now one of the most tenuous but powerful assets as
      Airbnb, Netflix, Costco, and Amazon have demonstrated. High trust is what allows companies to cross sell
      more services and why customers remain loyal. Given the wireless industry’s high customer acquisition cost,
      churn is the significant metric for customer LTV and an operator’s terminal value. As such, it would be self-
      detrimental and value destructive for The New T-Mobile to do anything that detracted from consumer trust
      and that increased churn.

     T-Mobile has built a brand and business model based upon giving the consumer more flexibility and value.
      Should T-Mobile invert and give the customer less value (via price vs. service) by soft-following Verizon and
      AT&T package prices higher, the consumer would know and revolt. This behavior can be tested in consumer
      surveys and academic research show that price elasticity in wireless service exceeds -0.5 and the value-tier
      exceeds -1.0. Prices rise and churn increases. Prices remain stable and churn falls. The industry’s opportunity
      for revenue growth is to sell more volume, not to sell for more price.

     Unfortunately, T-Mobile has damaged this argument recently by “promising to not raise prices for three
      years” if the deal were to be approved. T-Mobile should have made the argument that consumers would
      not allow them to raise prices and provided the evidence. By declaring that it “promised to not…” suggests
      that it would be possible for them to do so.

                           T-Mobile will not raise prices
                           T-Mobile will not raise prices
                           T-Mobile will not raise prices
                           T-Mobile will not raise prices

                                        All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                         56
Sprint Stand-alone: Looks Bad, but not catastrophic
                                                             The following estimates for Sprint are as a stand-alone where they pull back from the national markets to concentrate
                                                              their 5G investment in affluent- and metro-markets. At that point, they begin to loose significant subscriber share.
                                                             We do not envision positive free-cash-flow (FCF) during this time horizon due to Sprint’s scope and capital limitations.
                                                             That said, our FCF estimates are rough given that cap-ex is a large component and we have no insight as to their
                                                              plans under more stressed conditions will be. Management’s current statement is $5-6B/yr through 2020.
                                                             Sprint may have spectrum or other asset to divest (Boost) that could help lower its debt levels.

                                                                 subs in thousands, dollars in millions          2016      2017      2018      2019E     2020E      2021E      2022E        2023E

                                                               Postpaid Subs                                    31,694    31,942    32,605    30,722    26,879     21,902     18,327       17,689
                                                               Postpaid PhoneChurn                                1.5%      1.6%      1.7%      1.7%      1.9%       2.2%       2.1%         2.0%

                                                               Wireless Service Revenue                         24,218    22,736    21,980    22,131    20,575     18,027     15,478       14,328
                                                               (-) Cost of Service                              (7,148)   (5,748)   (5,735)   (5,710)   (5,341)    (4,993)    (4,609)      (4,551)
                                                               (-) SG&A                                         (7,665)   (7,779)   (7,285)   (6,876)   (6,270)    (5,470)    (4,714)      (4,344)
All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC

                                                               (+/-) Other                                        (518)     (342)     (606)     (400)     (300)      (200)      (100)           0
                                                               10% of industry 5G economics                                                                 68        233        636        1,169
                                                               Cash EBITDA from Wireless Services               8,887     8,867      8,354     9,145     8,731      7,597      6,691        6,601
                                                               % of Wireless Service Revenue                    36.7%     39.0%      38.0%     41.3%     42.4%      42.1%      43.2%        46.1%

                                                               Net Cash Flow from Equipment Sales and Leasing   (4,931)   (5,011)   (2,299)   (1,043)      (912)      (743)      (622)      (600)
                                                               % Grow th                                          -5.2%     1.6%     -54.1%    -54.6%    -12.5%     -18.5%     -16.3%       -3.5%

                                                               Cash EBITDA from Wireless Services                8,887     8,867     8,354     9,145     8,731      7,597      6,691        6,601
                                                               Net Cash Flow from Equipment Sales and Leasing   (4,931)   (5,011)   (2,299)   (1,043)     (912)      (743)      (622)        (600)
                                                               Net Cash Flow from Wireless Operations            3,956     3,856     6,055     8,102     7,819      6,854      6,069        6,001

                                                               (-) Net Interest Expense                         (2,395)   (2,385)   (2,471)   (2,599)   (2,663)    (2,620)    (2,588)      (2,565)
                                                               (-) Cash Taxes, Net of Refunds                        0         0         0         0         0          0          0            0
                                                               (+/-) Other                                       1,671     2,863       200         0         0          0          0            0
                                                               Cash Operating Income                             3,342     4,293     3,658     5,432     5,092      4,176      3,426        3,383

                                                               (-) Cash Capex on Network                        (2,212)   (3,157)   (4,762)   (6,020)   (5,300)    (4,500)    (4,250)      (4,000)
                                                               Adjusted Free Cash Flow                           1,130     1,136    (1,104)     (588)     (208)      (324)      (824)        (617)

                                                               Cash                                                                  $6,868    $6,280    $6,072     $5,748     $4,924    $4,307.11
                                                               Debt                                                                 $39,884   $39,884   $39,884    $39,884    $39,884      $39,884
                                                               Net Debt                                                             $33,016   $33,604   $33,812    $34,136    $34,960      $35,577

                                                               Net Debt / EBITDA                                                       4.0x      3.7x      3.9x       4.5x       5.2x         5.4x
Regulatory Considerations: The States

   The Companies have secured all of the necessary state PUC approvals, save California and New York. California is
    suspected of leaning towards approval. New York is rumored to be looking for “benefits.”

   State AG’s could sue to oppose the merger both on state and federal levels; however, to appose the DOJ would
    be unusual. Clearly these are unusual and highly political times. New York and California AGs have particularly
    been outspoken. Alabama, Massachusetts, Mississippi, and five others states also say that they are still reviewing.

   For a state AG to contradict the DOJ it generally requires that there be state specific concern that the DOJ failed
    to address. That bar seems to set a high threshold for state AGs in this circumstance. Jobs and network coverage
    gaps would be two likely focal points of these AG. Interestingly, The Companies have that they are going to create
    five new customer service centers post merger. Two locations are New York and Kansas, the other three are to be

                                        All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                           58
Regulatory Considerations: The Pre-paid Market

   The DOJ and FCC will be concerned about the merger’s impact on the pre-paid market which serves low-
    income HHs. In the prior slide we show how a spin of The Companies’ pre-paid business (Spin-Co) would
    favorably impact the HHI such that the resulting industry structure has no increase in the HHI.

   Should there by no increase in the HHI, can there be any regulatory opposition to the deal? We suspect not.
    However, regulators would be concerned in this scenario about the financial robustness in Spin-Co and its
    ability to bring 5G to lower-income HHs. Given the scale economics of the network business, there may be a
    quid pro quo available to The Companies and regulators in the form of service agreement between the
    Companies and Spin-Co with The Companies being a wholesaler to Spin-Co. The price of the service for Spin-
    Co would be set at a level that allows The Companies to only recover their cost of capital.

   Spin-Co would take the Metro brand and retail locations. Effectively this would be a reverse of the 2012 Metro
    PCS merger. Additionally, Spin-Cp would be responsible for the network equipment in some of its service areas
    with The Companies providing the spectrum, the technical expertise, and the nationwide network. This would
    make the consistency of coverage Spin-Co’s responsibility and relieve the regulators of enforcing any
    behavioral remedies.

   The remaining concern for regulators would be the financial strength of Spin-Co and its ability to properly
    serve the pre-paid market in the long-term. As a condition of the merger, Spin-Co would have no debt and
    sufficient cash to invest in its service areas network, and equivalent terms to The Companies’ network for
    national coverage (i.e. Spin-Co customers receive the same speed and coverage as The Companies’

                                       All rights reserved, Inflection Capital Management, LLC                       59
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