January 2019 - Natural Capital Partners

Page created by Pedro Richardson
January 2019 - Natural Capital Partners
The CarbonNeutral Protocol
The global standard for carbon neutral programmes
                                                    January 2019
January 2019 - Natural Capital Partners
The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019

     Natural Capital Partners works with and supports the following internationally recognised bodies:



January 2019 - Natural Capital Partners
The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019

                    Publishing and copyright information
                    CarbonNeutral® is the registered trademark of Natural Capital Partners. The copyright notice displayed
                    in this document indicates when the document was last issued. © Natural Capital Partners 2019.

                    CarbonNeutral Protocol Versions and Amendments
                    The CarbonNeutral Protocol was first launched in 2002 and is revised every year
                    in accordance with the latest business, scientific and environmental standards.

                    Version 13 of the CarbonNeutral Protocol, published in January 2019, includes the
                    following amendments:

                       Technical Annexes
                       n New: Use of the CarbonNeutral certification logo
                       n Updated: Approved environmental standards now include energy attribute certificates (EACs)
                       n Updated: Attestation reports

                       n New: EAC application for third party assessment partners
                       n Updated: Guidance on addressing transmission and distribution (T&D) losses with EACs

                    Please contact Natural Capital Partners should you wish to view the amendments made
                    to previous versions.
January 2019 - Natural Capital Partners
Table of Contents

    Glossary of Terms..................................................... 5                   G. Requirements and Guidance
                                                                                                   for GHG Emissions Assessments..................... 47
    Preface..................................................................... 15            	G1. Illustrative table of results
    Target audience.............................................................. 18              for CarbonNeutral® certification............................ 48
    About Natural Capital Partners................................... 18                       	G2. Example GHG assessment
    Acknowledgements........................................................ 18                   validation report format........................................... 49
    Use, legal disclaimer and copyright........................... 18
    Awards............................................................................... 18   H. Authorisation and Management
                                                                                                   of Secondary Certifiers...................................... 50
    Introduction............................................................. 19
    Purpose............................................................................. 20    Appendices for Guidance and Clarification......... 51
    Approach and principles............................................... 20
    Relationship to other standards,                                                           1. Pertaining to “Defining the Subject”................. 52
    protocols and broader context................................... 21                        	1.1. Emission reduction project types
    Structure of The CarbonNeutral Protocol................ 21                                    excluded under The CarbonNeutral Protocol.... 52
    Development of The CarbonNeutral Protocol........ 21                                       	1.2. Corporate value chain (Scope 3)
                                                                                                  accounting and reporting........................................ 53
    The Five Steps to Achieving                                                                	1.3. Selecting boundaries for “cradle to
    CarbonNeutral® Certification................................ 22                               customer” CarbonNeutral® products................... 55
    Step 1: Define the Subject............................................ 26                  	1.4. Using Environmental Product Declarations
    Step 2: Measure the Subject’s GHG Emissions....... 26                                         (EPDs) for CarbonNeutral® products.................... 56
    Step 3: Set Target........................................................... 30           	1.5. Treatment of assets rented or leased
    Step 4: Reduce Emissions............................................ 31                       to customers of CarbonNeutral® entities............ 59
    Step 5: Communicate.................................................... 34
                                                                                               2. Pertaining to “Measure the Subject’s
    Technical Annexes.................................................. 36                         GHG Emissions”.................................................. 59
                                                                                               	2.1. Treatment of renewable (“green”)
    A. List of CarbonNeutral® Certifications............... 37                                     electricity in Scope 2 emissions............................. 59
                                                                                                   2.2. Market-based Scope 2
    B. CarbonNeutral® Certifications                                                              reporting declaration................................................ 60
       and their Emissions Sources............................. 37                             	2.3. Third-party assessment partners,
    	B1. CarbonNeutral® entity certifications –                                                   EAC application protocol......................................... 60
        required GHG emissions sources......................... 38                                 2.4. Guidance on how to report
    	B2. CarbonNeutral® product certifications –                                                  GHG emissions from green gas............................. 60
        required GHG emissions sources......................... 39                                  2.5. Measuring the climate impacts
    	B3. CarbonNeutral® activity certifications –                                                  from aviation............................................................... 63.
        required GHG emissions sources......................... 40                                  2.6. Determining aviation emissions
        B4. Endnotes.............................................................. 41                from flight distances................................................. 64.
                                                                                                   2.7. Treatment of recycled waste –
    C. Requirements and Guidance on the use                                                        substitution within GHG assessments................. 65
        of the CarbonNeutral® certification logo......... 42                                   	2.8. Water consumption and waste
                                                                                                    water treatment......................................................... 65
    D. Approved Environmental Instrument Standards....42                                       	2.9. Guidance on quality assurance
                                                                                                   and verification........................................................... 65
    E. Recognised Non-carbon Accounting Standards....44                                            2.10. Guidance on how to report GHG
                                                                                                   emissions from carbon neutral services
    F. Cross-compliance Tables................................... 45                               within a corporate GHG inventory........................ 67
    	F1. Relative to PAS 2060: 2014 specification
       for the demonstration of carbon neutrality........ 45                                   3. Pertaining to “Reduce Emissions”..................... 68
    	F2. Relative to Australia’s National Carbon                                              	3.1. Guidance on evaluating
       Offset Standard Carbon Neutral Program.......... 46                                        internal GHG reduction projects........................... 68
                                                                                               	3.2. Guidance on setting internal
                                                                                                  reduction targets....................................................... 70
4                                                                                                 3.3. Guidance on insetting...................................... 70
January 2019 - Natural Capital Partners

Acre Amazonian Rainforest

                                     Glossary of Terms
Conservation Portfolio, Brazil:
The three projects work with
communities and local groups
to help protect ecosystem services
while providing alternative models
of economic development which
avoid destruction of the forest
January 2019 - Natural Capital Partners
The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                                                 Glossary of Terms

                        Additional (also additionality): Refers to an external     It generates Australian Carbon Credit Units
                        emission reduction project from which emissions            (ACCUs). Established under the Australian
                        reductions are verified as carbon credits under an         National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011,
                        applicable carbon accounting standard. An emission         the CFI has provisions that address additionality,
                        reduction project is said to be additional when it can     permanence and double accounting.
                        be demonstrated that in the absence of the availability
                        of carbon finance the project activity would not have      Available (referring to data): Applied to primary
                        occurred (the “baseline” scenario); and, such baseline     data, “available” means readily collectable, at
                        scenario would have resulted in higher greenhouse          reasonable cost. Applied to secondary data,
                        gas (GHG) emissions. Each eligible carbon accounting       “available” means readily found in reputable,
                        standard under The CarbonNeutral Protocol provides         published sources such as those issued by
                        tools for how additionality at a project level is tested   government departments, academic institutions,
                        and demonstrated. For further discussion of this topic,    specialist research bodies and the secretariats
                        please see Annex D.                                        of leading GHG standards and protocols.

                        AIC: Aircraft (or aviation) induced clouds which have      Aviation Impact Factor (AIF): A term used in
                        a potential climate warming affect. See Appendix           The CarbonNeutral Protocol for the multiplier
                        2.5 for further discussion of this topic.                  applied to the GHG emissions from aviation in
                                                                                   order to take account of the wider impacts of
                        Assessment: The process of quantifying the GHG             aviation on climate. This includes but is not
                        emissions for a given subject, using robust and            limited to short or long-term impacts; from
                        transparent methods that can be replicated.                GHGs alone and others with global warming
                                                                                   influence (for example, soot particles and aviation
                        Australian Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI):                induced clouds); and, direct and indirect impacts
                        An Australian Department for Environment                   (for example, the interaction of NOx with methane
                        emission reduction standard linked to the                  gases and ozone at high altitudes). See Appendix
                        Australian Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF).                 2.5 for further discussion of this topic.

                        Baseline: Refers to an external emission                   Boundary: The physical or spatial extent of the
                        reduction project from which emissions reductions          subject – the entity, product or activity – i.e. the
                        are verified as carbon credits under an applicable         sites (including mobile sites such as vehicles)
                        carbon accounting standard. The baseline for a             involved. By way of example, the boundary might
                        project activity is the projected GHG emissions            encompass the office and vehicles of an entity,
                        that are calculated to occur in the absence of the         or the sites used for the manufacture, storage
                        proposed project activity. For further discussion of       and transportation of a product. See Annex B
                        this topic, please see Annex D.                            for further information of this topic with
                                                                                   respect to CarbonNeutral® certifications.

January 2019 - Natural Capital Partners
The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                                     Glossary of Terms

                                            Carbon credit: A transactable, intangible instrument representing a unit
                                            of carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e) – typically one tonne – that is reduced,
                                            avoided or sequestered by a project and is certified/verified to an internationally
                                            recognised carbon accounting standard. Carbon credits are typically ultimately
                                            used to counterbalance or compensate for emissions occurring elsewhere.

                                            Carbon neutral: Condition in which the net GHG emissions associated
                                            with an entity, product or activity is zero for a defined duration.

                                            CarbonNeutral®: The registered trademark of Natural Capital Partners.

                                            CarbonNeutral® certification: The process by which a client receives
                                            recognition that it has met the provisions of The CarbonNeutral Protocol
                                            for a specific subject. CarbonNeutral® certifications can only be awarded
                                            by a CarbonNeutral certifier.

                                            CarbonNeutral certifier: An organisation providing CarbonNeutral®
                                            certification through the application of The CarbonNeutral Protocol.
                                            There are two types of CarbonNeutral certifier: the primary certifier
                                            and secondary certifiers. The primary certifier, Natural Capital Partners,
                                            is responsible for the development and oversight of The Protocol.
                                            Secondary certifiers are Natural Capital Partners’ channel partners which
                                            have been authorised by Natural Capital Partners to provide certifications
                                            in accordance with The CarbonNeutral Protocol. See Annex H for further
                                            information about the selection and management of secondary certifiers.

                                            CarbonNeutral® certification logo: A logo incorporating the CarbonNeutral®
                                            trademark that is licensed to a client upon the successful completion of a
                                            CarbonNeutral® certification. See Annex A for further information on this topic.

                                            CarbonNeutral® certification logo guidelines: Natural Capital Partners’
                                            requirements and guidelines governing the application of CarbonNeutral®
                                            certification logos.

                                            Certification period: The duration for which a CarbonNeutral®
                                            certification is applied to a subject.

                                            Client: The organisation, individual or group of individuals entering
                                            into a contract with a CarbonNeutral certifier for the purposes of a
                                            CarbonNeutral® certification.

                                            Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e): A unit of measurement that describes
                                            for a GHG the amount of CO2 in tonnes that would have the same global
Uganda Improved Cookstoves
Project, Africa: The project
                                            warming potential, when measured over a 100 year timescale.
employs resident artisans
for the manufacturing of this               Cradle-to-customer: A particular boundary for product subjects. The cradle-
locally-made product which
reduces fuel-use by 36%                     to-customer boundary includes the extraction and processing of raw materials
compared to traditional                     (including any packaging materials), manufacture, storage and distribution to
cooking methods
                                            first customer. See Appendix 1.3 for further information on this topic.

                                            Cradle-to-grave: A particular boundary for CarbonNeutral® product
                                            class subjects. The cradle-to-grave boundary includes extraction
                                            and processing of raw materials (including any packaging materials),
                                            manufacture, storage, distribution to first customer, further distribution
  7                                         and storage, retail, use and end-of-life disposal.
January 2019 - Natural Capital Partners
The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                                      Glossary of Terms

                        Department for Environment, Food and             Delivery (referring to carbon credits): Refers to
                        Rural Affairs (DEFRA): Part of the United        the receipt of legal title and ownership of verified
                        Kingdom Government, which has provided           and issued carbon credits by the provider of such
                        GHG measurement guidance which is                reductions. Delivery can occur on a third-party
                        referenced and applied internationally.          external registry, or through written agreement.

                        Emissions sinks: The specific activities or      Environmental instruments: The broad category
                        processes within a boundary which remove         of instruments that includes carbon credits, energy
                        GHGs from the atmosphere.                        attribute certificates, and all other instruments
                                                                         designed to track the environmental attributes
                        Emissions sources: The specific GHG-emitting     of project based activities.
                        activities or processes within a boundary.
                                                                         Environmental Product Declaration (EPD):
                        EN 15804: Refers to the European standard        An independently verified document that reports
                        on “Sustainability of construction works –       environmental data of products based on life cycle
                        Environmental Product Declarations – core        assessment and other relevant information and in
                        rules for the product category of construction   accordance with the international standard ISO 14025.
                        products.” It provides core product category     See Appendix 1.4 for further discussion on this topic.
                        rules for type III Environmental Product
                        Declarations (EPDs) for any construction
                        product and construction service.

January 2019 - Natural Capital Partners
The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                                              Glossary of Terms

                        Geographically relevant: Pertaining to the specific     GHG Protocol Corporate Standard: The World
                        location of the emissions-generating activity in        Business Council for Sustainable Development
                        question. In order of preference, emission factors      (WBCSD) and World Resources Institute’s (WRI)
                        and secondary data should be applied first from         Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard
                        local, sub-national datasets; then from national        (Corporate Standard). The GHG Protocol
                        datasets; and then from regional datasets. In the       Corporate Standard is the most commonly used
                        absence of available data from these datasets,          organisational GHG accounting methodology.
                        available global factors and data may be applied.       It defines emissions reporting under three key
                                                                                scopes, ensuring comprehensive reporting.
                        Greenhouse gas (GHG): GHGs listed under the Kyoto
                        Protocol and currently targeted for reduction are:      GHG Protocol Product Standard: The WBCSD and
                        carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide      WRI’s Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting
                        (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulphur-   Standard (Product Standard). This document
                        hexafluoride (SF6), and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3).     allows an entity to measure the GHG associated
                                                                                with the full life cycle of products including raw
                        Green Gas (or biogas): A generic term for calorific     materials, manufacturing, transportation, storage,
                        gas produced by the breakdown of organic matter,        use and disposal.
                        through anaerobic digestion or fermentation.
                        Feed stocks include biodegradable materials such        Guarantee of Origin (GO): An instrument defined
                        as manure, sewage, municipal water, green waste         in European legislation, issued per MWh, that labels
                        and plant material. Biogas is primarily methane         and tracks electricity from renewable sources to
                        and carbon dioxide and may have small amounts           provide information to electricity customers on
                        of hydrogen sulphide, siloxanes and moisture which      the source of their energy.
                        make it corrosive. Before biogas is introduced to
                        a gas distribution grid it is dried and the hydrogen    Global Warming Potential (GWP): Gives an
                        sulphide and carbon dioxide is removed and the          index of the activity of atmospheric constituents,
                        upgraded gas is known as biomethane.                    referenced to carbon dioxide (which therefore
                                                                                has a GWP of 1) over a given time horizon.
                        GHG inventory: An accounting of the amount              As an illustration of this, over a 100 year horizon,
                        of GHGs discharged into the atmosphere from             methane has a GWP of 34 (Ref: IPCC Fifth
                        sources and removed from the atmosphere by              Assessment Report (AR5), 2013, p714).
                        sinks within a specified boundary.

January 2019 - Natural Capital Partners
The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                                             Glossary of Terms

                        Independent qualified third party (referring           ISO 14044: Refers to the international standard
                        to GHG assessment providers): An individual or         on “Environmental management – life cycle
                        organisation experienced in GHG accounting that        assessment – requirements and guidelines.”
                        has no conflict of interest or financial gain in the   It specifies requirements and provides guidelines
                        outcome of the assessment and is approved by           for LCA including: definition of the goal and scope
                        the primary CarbonNeutral certifier.                   of the LCA, the life cycle inventory analysis (LCI)
                                                                               phase, the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) phase,
                        Insetting: A specific application of offsetting when   the life cycle interpretation phase, reporting and
                        emission reduction projects are sited within a         critical review of the LCA, limitations of the LCA,
                        corporate’s supply chain and sphere of influence.      relationship between the LCA phases, and conditions
                        The focus on location-specific mitigation actions      for use of value choices and optional elements.
                        enables the corporate to gain multiple benefits,
                        often delivering against both commercial and           ISO 14064-1: International Organisation for
                        sustainability objectives.                             Standardisation’s specification for quantification
                                                                               and reporting of GHG emissions and removals
                        Internal emission reduction: A reduction of            at the organisation level. Its approach is similar
                        GHG emissions made within the boundary of a            to the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard.
                        subject (through for example, undertaking energy
                        efficiency projects, on-site renewable energy or       ISO 14065: International Organisation for
                        fuel substitution) which is accounted for in the       Standardisation’s requirements for the accreditation
                        subject’s GHG inventory.                               of entities that validate or verify resulting GHG
                                                                               emission assertions or claims. The aim of ISO
                        International Renewable Energy Certificate             14065 is to give confidence to parties that rely upon
                        (I-REC): A market-based instrument based on            a GHG assertion or claim, for example customers or
                        one MWh of electricity production from a single        investors, that the entities providing the declarations
                        generation facility defined by the International REC   are competent to do so, and have systems in place
                        Standard that labels electricity from renewable        to manage impartiality and to provide the required
                        sources to provide information to electricity          level of assurance on a consistent basis.
                        customers on the source of their energy.
                                                                               ISO/TS 14067: Refers to the technical specification
                        ISO 14025: Refers to the international standard        on “Greenhouse gases – carbon footprint of products
                        on “Environmental labels and declarations – type       – requirements and guidelines for quantification
                        III environmental declarations – principles and        and communication.” It specifies principles,
                        procedures.” It establishes the principles and         requirements and guidelines for the quantification
                        specifies the procedures for developing type           and communication of the carbon footprint of
                        III environmental declaration programmes and           a product, based on international standards on
                        type III environmental declarations. It specifically   LCA (ISO 14040 and ISO 14044) for quantification
                        establishes the use of the ISO 14040 series            and on environmental labels and declarations
                        of standards in the development of type III            (including ISO 14025) for communication.
                        environmental declaration programmes and
                        type III environmental declarations.                   ISO 21930: Refers to the international standard
                                                                               on “Sustainability in building construction –
                        ISO14040: Refers to the international standard         environmental declaration of building products.”
                        on “Environmental management – life cycle              It provides a framework and the basic requirements
                        assessment – principles and framework.”                for product category rules as defined in ISO 14025
                        It describes the principles and framework              for type III environmental declarations of building
                        for life cycle assessment (LCA) including:             products. Where this international standard contains
                        definition of the goal and scope of the LCA,           more specific requirements, it complements ISO
                        the life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) phase,         14025 for the EPD of building products.
                        the life cycle impact assessment phase (LCIA),
                        the life cycle interpretation phase, reporting         Issuance: The delivery of a specified quantity
                        and critical review of the LCA, limitations of the     of carbon credits into a specified account on
                        LCA, the relationship between the LCA phases,          a registry. Issuance allows carbon credits to
                        and conditions for use of value choices and            be transferred and retired on a registry.
 10                     optional elements.
The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                                       Glossary of Terms

Guatemala Water Filtration and Improved Cookstoves:
The Ecofiltro water filter removes 99% of pathogens from non-potable
water, making it safer for local communities to drink in a country where
water-borne disease has been identified as a national priority

                                                                           Offsetting: The practice of compensating for GHG
                                                                           emissions by retiring (cancelling) carbon credits.

                                                                           PAS 2050: BSI’s Publically Available Specification
                                                                           for the assessment of the life cycle GHG emissions
                                                                           of goods and services. The general principles of
                                                                           PAS 2050 are similar to the GHG Protocol Product
                                                                           Standard, both of which are appropriate for use
                                                                           within The CarbonNeutral Protocol.

                                                                           PAS 2060: Publicly Available Specification for the
                                                                           demonstration of carbon neutrality produced
                                                                           and published by the British Standards Institution
                                                                           (BSi). A BSi PAS provides a sponsored route for any
                                                                           type of organisation to develop a standardisation
                                                                           document in response to a market need. This PAS
                                                                           specifies requirements to be met by any entity
                                                                           seeking to demonstrate carbon neutrality through
                                                                           the quantification, reduction and offsetting of GHG
                                                                           emissions from a uniquely identified subject.

                                                                           Product Category Rule (PCR): Documents that
                                                                           define the rules and requirements for EPDs from
                                                                           a certain product category. They are vital for the
                                                                           concept of environmental declarations as they
                                                                           enable transparency and comparability between
                                                                           different EPDs based on the same PCR.

                                                                           Primary data: Data collected or directly measured
                                                                           which has not been subjected to processing
                                                                           or any other manipulation. Examples of primary
                                                                           data sources include direct measurement of the
                                                                           quantity of natural gas burnt in a heating system
                                                                           (Scope 1) or metered electricity (Scope 2) before
                                                                           the application of conversion factors used to
                                                                           determine CO2e emissions.

The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                     Glossary of Terms

Madagascar Makira REDD+
Project, Africa: A key focus
of the project is to protect the
area’s exceptional biodiversity,
including the lemur which plays
an important role in seed dispersal         Quality assurance: Independent review conducted by
and natural forest regeneration
                                            an expert third party to check that the input data for GHG
                                            inventories, or use of a CarbonNeutral® certification logo
                                            meets the requirements of a CarbonNeutral® certification
                                            and is in line with the approach and principles of
                                            The CarbonNeutral Protocol. See Appendix 2.9 for
                                            further guidance on quality assurance and verification.

                                            Quality assurance statement: A written statement by an
                                            expert third party with demonstrated experience declaring
                                            the results of a quality assurance exercise.

                                            RE100: A global collaborative initiative led by
                                            The Climate Group that brings together influential
                                            and multinational businesses that are committed
                                            to sourcing 100% renewable electricity.

                                            Renewable Energy Certificate (REC):
                                            An instrument defined in North American regulations
                                            that labels electricity from renewable sources to provide
                                            information to electricity customers on the source of
                                            their energy.

                                            Registry: A database of carbon credits and their transactions,
                                            where each credit has a unique identifier and where credits
                                            are retired (cancelled) upon being sold to offset an equivalent
                                            amount of GHG emissions.

                                            Retire: Refers to the permanent cancellation of carbon
                                            credits from future use in a third-party registry.

                                            Radiative Forcing Index (RFI): A factor used to quantify
                                            non-CO2 warming effects of air travel. RFI is the ratio of total
                                            radiative forcing (RF) of all GHGs to RF from CO2 emissions
                                            alone for aircraft emissions (IPCC, 1999). RFI does not account
                                            for the different residence times of different warming factors.
                                            See Appendix 2.5 for further discussion of this topic.

                                                                   Julie Larsen Maher © WCS

The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                                                   Glossary of Terms

                        Science Based Targets (SBT): A collaborative              Scope 3 emissions: All non-Scope 2 indirect
                        initiative by CDP, World Resources Institute              emissions from upstream and downstream
                        (WRI), the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)               sources. The most common examples are
                        and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)              emissions from: transport-related activities;
                        that champions science-based target setting to            transportation of purchased materials, goods
                        encourage and support companies in the transition         or fuels; employee business travel; employee
                        to a low-carbon economy.                                  commuting to and from work; transportation
                                                                                  of sold products in third-party owned vehicles;
                        Scopes: The three “classes” of emissions sources          and the transportation and disposal of waste
                        identified in the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard,        and sold products at the end of their life.
                        relevant to assessing and reporting the GHG
                        emissions of entities.                                    Secondary data: Data collected or measured
                                                                                  which has been subjected to processing or
                        Scope 1 emissions: Those direct GHG emissions             additional calculations to arrive at a usable output.
                        directly attributable to the subject that occur from      Examples include applying emission factors to
                        sources that are owned, leased or controlled by           flight distances or fuel consumption to produce
                        the entity seeking CarbonNeutral® certification,          a value for GHG emissions.
                        principally from the following types of activities: the
                        combustion of fuels for the generation of electricity,    Simplified Estimation Method (SEM):
                        heat, or steam; processing and/or manufacturing           Rough, upper bound estimation developed and
                        of materials or chemicals; transportation in              implemented as necessary and appropriate to a
                        company owned/controlled mobile combustion                subject’s GHG assessment. SEMs are intended to
                        sources; and fugitive emissions from intentional          be used for GHG emissions sources that represent
                        or unintentional releases (e.g. equipment leaks           less than 2% of the subject’s total GHG emissions.
                        and hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) emissions from                Collectively SEMs should total no more than 5% of
                        refrigeration and air conditioning equipment).            the subject’s GHG emissions.

                        Scope 2 emissions: Those emissions indirectly             Short Lived Climate Forcers (SLCF):
                        attributable to the subject from the generation of        Emissions with a short atmospheric residence
                        electricity, heat, steam or cooling that is acquired      time which have the potential to affect climate.
                        and consumed in owned, leased or controlled
                        equipment or operations.                                  Subject: The entity, product or activity to
                                                                                  which CarbonNeutral® certification is applied.

                                                                                                         Kanungu Run-of-River Hydro
                                                                                                         Power Project, Uganda:
                                                                                                         The project generates ~29GWh
                                                                                                         electricity each year, displacing

 13                                                                                                      diesel-powered generators that
                                                                                                         supply the Ugandan grid
The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                        Glossary of Terms

                                            Tradable Instrument for Global Renewables
                                            (TIGR): A global instrument defined by APX
                                            that labels electricity from renewable sources
                                            to provide information to electricity customers
                                            on the source of their energy.

                                            Verification: Independent evaluation conducted
                                            by an expert third party with demonstrated
                                            experience to the requirements of an independent
                                            verification standard (such as ISO 14064:3 or ISAE
                                            3410) to check that the quality of input data, a GHG
                                            assessment, or that the use of a CarbonNeutral®
                                            certification logo meets the requirements of a
                                            CarbonNeutral® certification and is in line with
                                            the approach and principles of The CarbonNeutral
                                            Protocol. See Appendix 2.9 for further guidance
                                            on quality assurance and verification.

                                            Verification statement: A written
                                            statement by an expert third party with
                                            demonstrated experience declaring the
                                            results of a verification exercise.


Valdivian Coastal Reserve

Conservation, Chile: This project
restores and enhances a coastal
ecosystem of global biodiversity
significance, which is part of one of
the most carbon-dense forests on
Earth. The project’s pilot restoration
programme involved the planting of
225,000 trees

© 2012 Nick Hall
The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                                                         Preface

                        Business Climate Action in 2019

                        Welcome to the 2019 edition of The CarbonNeutral           To achieve these goals, successful carbon
                        Protocol. First developed and published in 2002,           neutral strategies were found to focus on:
                        The Protocol is revised and updated annually to
                        reflect developments in climate science, international     n Reducing emissions through investments in
                        policy, standards and business practice. It underpins         internal efficiency measures that reduce cost and
                        CarbonNeutral® certifications of organisations,               align with targets informed by climate science
                        products, services and events, and provides a detailed
                        framework to the design and implementation of              n Decarbonising consumed electricity and gas
                        credible carbon neutral programmes.                           (Scope 1 and 2 emissions) by direct production
                                                                                      or purchase of renewable energy and the
                        In 2018 we conducted an extensive review of                   retirement of energy attribute certificates (EACs)
                        the application and impact of carbon neutrality
                        in business. We convened 61 corporates, with               n Financing emission reduction projects to
                        revenues totalling over US$1.3 trillion, in seven             compensate for emissions, aligning with specific
                        events across the U.S. and EU to explore how                  business objectives of the company, driving
                        private sector commitments to net zero emissions              low carbon sustainable development, building
                        will support higher ambition in the Paris Agreement.          resilience in supply chains and delivering impact
                        We found that companies are increasingly using                on the Sustainable Development Goals
                        carbon neutrality to establish a price on carbon;
                        to shift climate action from compliance or corporate       This approach, which has at its core market-based
                        responsibility responses to business strategy              carbon pricing, gives a high degree of flexibility in
                        through the management of business risk                    finding cost effective solutions to deliver immediate
                        and opportunity; and, to earn the reputational             impact. It ensures that the price of carbon paid by a
                        benefits from delivering action and impact.                company goes directly to projects and activities that
                                                                                   make a positive impact.

                        Energy Attribute Certificates: Companies can address
                        their Scope 2 emissions credibly and cost-effectively by
                        purchasing Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs), which
                        label electricity produced by wind, solar and biomass
                        generators as renewable.

The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                                                    Preface

Acre Amazonian Rainforest
Conservation Portfolio, Brazil: As part
of its programme, the three projects have
built local health centres and dental clinics,
providing improved local community access
to medical facilities and services

                            In October 2018, just as we were finishing our       enters into force in 2021. It has established a
                            review, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate       sound foundation which details how all countries
                            Change (IPCC) published a special report on          will account, report and raise ambition in line
                            the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above        with the commitments in the Paris Agreement.
                            pre-industrial levels and set out the critical       However, the Katowice Climate Package is
                            importance of carbon neutrality. The report          incomplete and there is more work needed
                            translated the latest climate science into a         to detail the collaborative approaches to
                            simple call to action: “the world needs to build     financing emissions reductions that are
                            a net zero global economy by 2050.” Our review       essential to reaching the “net zero by 2050”
                            assembled evidence to the fact that companies are    recommendation of the IPCC.
                            using carbon neutral programmes to lead the way
                            towards that single most important climate goal.     Businesses with carbon neutral programmes
                            And importantly, they will not wait until 2050 to    are not waiting for governments to negotiate
                            take action.                                         and finalise the rules. They are demonstrating
                                                                                 climate leadership and we will continue our
                            As we finalise this version of The Protocol, the     mission to ensure that The Protocol provides an
                            UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s          internationally recognised framework through
                            (UNFCCC) annual Climate Summit held in Katowice,     which carbon reduction and environmental action
                            Poland in December has drawn to a close with         can be measured, reported and communicated to
                            the publication of the “Katowice Climate Package.”   key audiences in ways which reward their action
                            This is the detailed “operating manual” needed       ahead of and beyond compliance and regulation.
                            to operationalise the Paris Agreement when it

The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                                                   Preface

                        Target audience                                       on behalf of its clients, and over the past two
                        The CarbonNeutral Protocol is designed for:           years has contracted 14.5 million MWh of energy
                                                                              attribute certificates from 36 countries and six
                        Businesses and organisations –                        continents. In addition, the company has received
                        To understand what is required to develop             the Environmental Finance Best Offset Retailer
                        a credible carbon neutral programme and               award for the past eight years.
                        to achieve CarbonNeutral® certification.
                                                                              The CarbonNeutral Protocol is one of the services
                        Technical partners – To ensure Natural Capital        provided by Natural Capital Partners, providing a
                        Partners’ technical partners (e.g. GHG assessors)     framework for CarbonNeutral® certification, enabling
                        understand what is required of them to ensure         its clients to make clear, credible and transparent
                        their services are consistent with the requirements   claims of achieving net zero carbon emissions.
                        of each CarbonNeutral® certification.
                        The wider “Climate Action Community” –                Natural Capital Partners is solely responsible
                        To encourage partnerships amongst business,           for the development and deployment of The
                        NGOs, policy-makers, regulators and civic             CarbonNeutral Protocol as an open access
                        society to promote high standards for carbon          standard. However, we wish to acknowledge and
                        accounting and the reduction of greenhouse            thank our clients, members of our Advisory Group,
                        gas emissions to net zero.                            and the many organisations and individuals that
                                                                              have encouraged, supported and shared their
                        About Natural Capital Partners                        expertise with us during the development of
                        Natural Capital Partners, formerly                    The Protocol since it was first launched in 2002.
                        The CarbonNeutral Company, works with                 We could not have done our work without their
                        clients to combine business success with              invaluable help.
                        positive impact on the environment and
                        society. Through collaboration with global            Use, legal disclaimer and copyright
                        project partners, the development of innovative       The CarbonNeutral Protocol should be applied in
                        solutions, and understanding the specific goals       conjunction with relevant terms and conditions on
                        of its clients, the company delivers a broad          the use of logos, marks and trademarks owned by
                        range of products and services for carbon,            Natural Capital Partners, as specified in contracts
                        energy, water, biodiversity and communities           with Natural Capital Partners.
                        in direct operations, consumer markets and
                        supply chains. The company was founded in 1997        CarbonNeutral® certifications made in accordance
                        and has more than 300 clients in 33 countries.        with previous versions of The CarbonNeutral
                                                                              Protocol are not retroactively affected by subsequent
                        Up to the end of 2018, Natural Capital Partners has   changes to The CarbonNeutral Protocol.
                        contracted more than 35 million tonnes of carbon
                        credits from 397 projects in 56 countries             © Natural Capital Partners, 2019




Danjiang River Solar Cooker Project, China:
The project aims to provide solar cookers to
100,000 households, reducing fuel consumption
and indoor air pollution associated with
traditional cooking methods
The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                           Introduction

India Solar Water Heating Project, Asia:
The project provides solar water heaters
to households, businesses and institutions,
offering a renewable, in-house hot water
supply and reducing the dependency on
unreliable grid electricity
                                              The CarbonNeutral Protocol describes the requirements
                                              for achieving CarbonNeutral® certification. By following
                                              The CarbonNeutral Protocol, organisations have a
                                              credible, transparent and practical framework for achieving
                                              CarbonNeutral® certification that can be consistently applied
                                              across a broad range of entities, products and activities.

                                              The CarbonNeutral Protocol has been developed as a set
                                              of requirements to provide clients with a single-source guide
                                              to make credible, transparent claims anywhere in the world.
                                              As third-party standards are developed, The CarbonNeutral
                                              Protocol aims to provide a framework which builds upon
                                              the best guidance in the market and offers a unifying
                                              process for making carbon neutral claims which is
                                              recognised internationally.

                                              Approach and principles
                                              The requirements of The CarbonNeutral Protocol
                                              are underpinned by the following principles:

                                              1. Transparency: Disclose the data, methodologies and
                                                  assumptions used in GHG calculations and reduction
                                                 efforts within the bounds of commercial confidentiality

                                              2. Accuracy: Ensure that the data, methodologies and
                                                  assumptions used for GHG calculations and reduction
                                                  efforts are accurate and time-relevant, and that the
                                                  claims made in connection with such efforts are factual
                                                  and credible

                                              3. C
                                                  onservative estimation: Be conservative when
                                                 making estimations to ensure that they do not understate
                                                 GHG impacts nor overstate emissions reductions

                                              4. Continual improvement: Strive to make continual
                                                  improvements in GHG accounting and reductions

                                                  ider context: Ensure that CarbonNeutral® programmes
                                              5. W
                                                 and claims are an appropriate response to the wider
                                                 environmental, social and economic impacts of the
                                                 subject or organisation, based upon a high-level
                                                 understanding of all major impacts

                                              The primary function of the principles above is to guide the
                                              implementation of The Protocol, particularly when the application
                                              of The Protocol to specific issues or situations is ambiguous.

The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                                                  Introduction

                        Relationship to other standards,                       Activities: Defined by the delivery of utility through
                        protocols and broader context                          a combination of mobile and stationary activities,
                        The Protocol incorporates best practices in the        including traditional transportation services (flights,
                        areas of measurement and monitoring of GHG             car journeys, logistics etc), information provision
                        emissions and the design and certification of          such as hosting of data, or professional services,
                        emission reduction projects. Concerning GHG            and one-off events that involve a combination of
                        measurement, the Protocol is aligned with the          mobile and stationary activities.
                        GHG Protocol Corporate Standard (including
                        the Scope 2 Guidance), GHG Protocol Product            The remainder of this document sets out the
                        Standard, Environmental Product Declarations           requirements for achieving CarbonNeutral®
                        and the principles of the PAS 2050 for products        certification in each of the classes mentioned
                        and services.                                          above. These requirements are set forth
                                                                               in the body of this document as well as
                        The Protocol is also suitable as a platform for        in the accompanying Technical Annexes.
                        compliance with a number of related standards          Detailed guidance and clarification on selected
                        for carbon neutrality, such as the British Standards   topics can be found in the Appendices.
                        Institute’s specification for the demonstration
                        of carbon neutrality, and Australia’s National         The term “must” is used in this document
                        Carbon Offset Standard Carbon Neutral Program.         to indicate a requirement of The Protocol.
                        Guidance is provided in the form of a cross-           The term “must not” indicates prohibited
                        compliance table for those who seek to comply          actions. The term “should” is used to indicate
                        with these standards (see Annex F).                    a recommendation, but not a requirement.

                        The Protocol recognises the importance of taking       Development of
                        action that is appropriate and proportionate.          The CarbonNeutral Protocol
                        Clients should have a high-level understanding of      The CarbonNeutral Protocol undergoes
                        all their major environmental, social, and economic    an annual development cycle which involves
                        impacts. Clients may use internationally recognised    input from multiple stakeholders.
                        management standards, including but not limited
                        to ISO 14000 and ISO 9000, to identify and manage      Natural Capital Partners’ Advisory Group is
                        their key impacts.                                     consulted on development priorities within
                                                                               the annual revision cycle. The development of
                        Structure of The CarbonNeutral Protocol                the subsequent version takes place over the
                        To provide consistency across a wide range of          following year, including rounds of consultation
                        possible situations, The Protocol provides for a       with stakeholders. While all opinions and ideas
                        number of different CarbonNeutral® certifications      cannot be included within the Protocol, they will be
                        corresponding to different possible entities,          considered. Suggestions for improvement raised
                        products and activities. These certifications          too late to be included within the next version of
                        are grouped into three classes (a complete             the Protocol will be put on the list for consideration
                        list of certifications is provided in Annex A):        in subsequent versions.

                        Entities: Defined by legal status and spatial          Natural Capital Partners also accepts input from
                        boundaries, covering all types of organisations,       clients and members of the public. Suggestions for
                        including companies and public sector bodies,          development priorities for subsequent versions
                        households, individuals and sub-divisions of these.    of The CarbonNeutral Protocol should be sent to
                                                                               Natural Capital Partners using the contact details
                        Products: Physical goods produced for sale.            at: www.naturalcapitalpartners.com/contact-us.
                        Products include standard consumer goods
                        such as milk, paper or computers, or single-use
                        or custom-built products such as buildings
                        or urban developments.


Sub-Saharan Africa Improved Water
Infrastructure Project, Africa: Providing

                                                        CarbonNeutral® Certification
clean drinking water to small rural communities
through repairing and drilling new boreholes.
In addition, clients have supported extensions to
this project to include the refurbishment of sanitary
and hand-washing facilities combined with school
and community-delivered hygiene workshops
to emphasise the importance of hand-washing
The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                                      Case Study

CHEP’s CarbonNeutral Pallet
Offering Drives Customer Value
Certification: CarbonNeutral® product                  CHEP’s ¼ pallet is fabricated from 100% recycled
                                                       plastic and the company minimises emissions
First certified: 2012                                  from transportation by collaborating with other
                                                       companies to eliminate empty truck miles.
Driver: Offer customers a CarbonNeutral pallet,        Verified carbon projects are used to offset
and in some countries a full CarbonNeutral             remaining emissions
product portfolio
                                                       Offset project type: CHEP’s customers can choose
Measure: Lifecycle of ¼ pallet                         the carbon project they invest in when selecting
                                                       CarbonNeutral® pallets to ensure it aligns with their
Reduce: Global supply-chain solutions company          own sustainability strategy. As an example: REDD+
CHEP has demonstrated that customers sharing           Rainforest Conservation - Brazil
and reusing CHEP’s pallets and reusable plastic
containers saved 1.6 million trees, more than 4,600    Standards: VCS
megalitres of water, 1.4 million tonnes of waste and
2.5 million tonnes of CO2 when compared to one-        Communicate: First CarbonNeutral® pallet
way packaging and non-pooled pallets. In addition,
The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                             CarbonNeutral® Certification

                        The Five Steps to Achieving
                        CarbonNeutral® Certification

                        As illustrated in Figure 1, there are five steps to achieving CarbonNeutral® certification.
                        These five steps are mandatory for all classes of certification. While these steps are set
                        out sequentially, they may be carried out in parallel.

                        Figure 1: Five Steps to Achieving CarbonNeutral® Certification

                                               Step 1: Define the Subject
                                                   Give a clear description of the subject

                              Step 2: Measure the Subject’s Emissions
                           Provide a complete and accurate account of the GHG emissions of the subject

                                                      Step 3: Set Target
                                                 Set a target to achieve net zero emissions

                                               Step 4: Reduce Emissions
                                            Achieve the target through a combination of internal
                                                reductions and environmental instruments

                                                  Step 5: Communicate
                                             Provide accurate and transparent information on
                                               how CarbonNeutral® certification is achieved
The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                                 Case Study

VMware Achieves Major Milestone on
Journey to Net Positive Global Impact

Certification: CarbonNeutral® company                Reduce: CarbonNeutral® company certification
                                                     was achieved two years ahead of schedule
First certified: 2018                                through a combination of internal energy
                                                     efficiency initiatives, investments in renewable
Driver: VMware 2020 is the company’s global          energy including through high quality energy
impact vision to serve as a force for good.          attribute certificates (EACs), and financing high
The company has commitments to long-term             impact emission reduction projects which deliver
sustainability, accountability and transparency in   significant co-benefits to sustainable development
the management of its environmental footprint
                                                     Offset project type: Water filtration and improved
Measure: Total GHG emissions for global              cookstoves – Guatemala, Improved cookstoves –
operations arising from owned, leased or directly    India, and Renewable energy wind – India
controlled stationary and mobile sources that
use fossil fuels and/or emit fugitive emissions;     Standards: Gold Standard and VCS
emissions from the generation of purchased
electricity, heat and cooling; and emissions         Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs):
from waste and business travel                       GOs, I-RECs, REGOs

                                                     Communicate: CarbonNeutral® company
The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                         CarbonNeutral® Certification

            Step 1: Define                            Step 2: Measure
            the Subject                               the Subject’s
                                                      GHG Emissions
            The first step is to clearly define
            the subject that will be certified
            CarbonNeutral®. The subject is the        The second step is to measure the
            entity, product or activity being         subject’s GHG emissions and provide
            certified CarbonNeutral® and              a complete and accurate GHG inventory
            may be distinct from the client.          over a relevant timescale.

            Requirements/recommendations              The subject’s GHG emissions must be assessed
            The subject to which The CarbonNeutral    in accordance with the requirements set out
            Protocol is being applied must be         for entities, products and activities in Table 1
            clearly defined, by name and by           on page 28.
            description of the relevant legal and/
            or physical boundaries. The duration      Appendix 2 provides additional information
            of a CarbonNeutral® certification must    regarding the measurement of GHG emissions.
            also be defined. Where applicable,        CarbonNeutral certifiers and technical partners
            a start date should be defined.           should also pay particular attention to the contents
            The CarbonNeutral® certification to       of Appendix 1 which provides further guidance
            be applied must also be defined and       and clarification on defining the subject for
            must be compatible with the subject.      certifications. The Appendices may include new
            The definition of the subject and the     guidance and clarifications as new versions of
            certification must be recorded by         The CarbonNeutral Protocol are released.
            the CarbonNeutral certifier and the
            information retained for the purpose
            of auditing.

            See Annexes B and G, and Appendix 1
            for further guidance and clarification.

The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                                  Case Study

Dentons UK and Middle East
Sets a Leading Example to the
Wider Business, Clients and Peers
Certification: CarbonNeutral® company               Reduce: Dentons has reduced its emissions in
                                                    several ways, including integrating renewable
First certified: 2017                               energy into its energy portfolio through green
                                                    tariffs. The Dentons UK and Middle East offices
Driver: As the largest law firm in the world and    have implemented a management programme
a member of the Legal Sustainability Alliance,      to improve the efficiency of office air conditioning
Dentons wanted to stand out and be regarded         and heating and lighting systems, as well as
as an innovative climate leader                     reducing air travel

Measure: Total GHG emissions for UK and             Offset project type: Uganda Improved Water
Middle East operations arising from owned,          Infrastructure, Africa
leased or directly controlled stationary and
mobile sources that use fossil fuels and/or emit    Standards: Gold Standard
fugitive emissions; emissions from the generation
of purchased electricity, heat, and cooling;        Communicate: Dentons UK and Middle East is setting
and emissions from waste and business travel        an example to Dentons worldwide and communicates
                                                    its achievement internally and externally
The CarbonNeutral Protocol | January 2019                                                                                       CarbonNeutral® Certification

Table 1: GHG Emission Quantification Requirements for Different Classes of Certifications

    Step                       Entities                                  Products1                                  Activities
    1. S
        elect GHG             The GHG Protocol Corporate                The GHG Protocol Product Standard,         The GHG Protocol Product Standard,
       accounting              Standard, or ISO 14064-1, or the          PAS 2050, ISO/TS 14067 or methods          PAS 2050 or methods set out
                               Climate Registry’s General Reporting      set out in steps 2-7 below must be         in steps 2-7 must be applied
                               Protocol or similar consistent            applied unless the CarbonNeutral           unless the CarbonNeutral certifier
                               protocols must be used.                   certifier identifies valid reasons for     identifies valid reasons for using
                                                                         using other methods.                       other methods.
    2. D
        efine boundary        The boundary must include all             The boundary must be consistent            The boundary must be consistent
                               sites, plants and vehicles owned by       with the definition of the subject.        with the definition of the subject
                               or under the direct management            For cradle-to-customer subjects, the       and must include the sites and/or
                               control of the subject.                   boundary must extend to the point          vehicles involved in the delivery of
                                                                         of customer delivery. For cradle-to-       the activity.
                                                                         grave subjects, the boundary must
                                                                         extend to end-of-life disposal.
    3. Identify emissions Assessments must include emissions sources as specified in Annex B – CarbonNeutral® certifications and their
        sources            specific required assessment emissions sources.

    4. Identify GHGs          All Kyoto Protocol GHGs, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons,
       to be measured          perfluorocarbons, sulphur-hexafluoride (SF6) and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) must be measured in the assessment,
                               insofar as they apply to the subject.
    5. E
        stablish time         Assessments must at a minimum             For standard consumer products,            For standard consumer activities,
       period                  be conducted annually and should          assessments must at a minimum              assessments must at a minimum
                               relate to a 12 month data period.         be every three years, unless a             be annual. For one-off or custom
                               The final date of an assessment           significant change to the product          activities the timescale must
                               data period must not be earlier           supply chain has occurred in which         relate to the production and
                               than nine months prior to start of        case another assessment must be            delivery period.
                               CarbonNeutral® certification period       undertaken. For one-off or custom
                               (i.e. data more than 21 months old        produced products the timescale
                               is not permitted).                        must relate to the production and
                                                                         delivery period.
    6. D
        etermine data         Primary data must be used in preference to secondary data, where it is readily available, up to date and
       validity                geographically relevant. Estimates, extrapolations, models and industry averages may be used where primary data
                               is unavailable. When this is done, these assumptions must be recorded by the party carrying out the assessment.
                               A qualitative and/or quantitative description of the uncertainty associated with the client-supplied data should be
                               made. In cases where the quality of client supplied data is not known (e.g. in online calculators), the dependency
                               of results on the quality of input data should be made clear.
    7. M
        easure GHG            The subject’s GHG emissions must either be directly measured or quantified using national, regional, international,
       emissions               or other relevant emission factors, with preference given to emission factors most closely associated with the
                               emissions source (e.g. DEFRA emission factors for UK-based assessments).

                               The assessment must be reported in units of CO2e according to the 100 year potential of each gas. Preference should
                               be given to the GWP factors included within the latest assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
                               Change (IPCC) (currently 5th). In instances where most relevant emission factors available use previous GWP factors,
                               it is still acceptable to use these emission factors. GWP factors applied must be clearly stated in the assessment.

                               Emission sources that are required to be assessed (see Annex B) but are estimated to represent less than 2%
                               of the subject’s total GHG emissions, but collectively no more than 5% of the subject’s GHG emissions, may be
                               calculated and reported using simplified estimation methods.
    8. Q
        uality assurance All GHG assessments must either be conducted or checked, and in the case of GHG tools and calculators, be
                               approved, by an independent, expert third party approved by Natural Capital Partners to ensure they have met
                               the above requirements in this table. Annex G details requirements and recommendations for the presentation
                               of GHG assessments; and, Appendix 2.9 provides further guidance on quality assurance and verification.
 If the subject is covered by an EPD which meets the requirements specified in Appendix 1.4, it shall fulfil the GHG emission quantification requirements for
CarbonNeutral® product certification. Please refer to Appendix 1.4 for further guidance on EPDs.

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