SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION - Continuing Education Program 2021 SWISS

Page created by Shawn Carter
SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION - Continuing Education Program 2021 SWISS

Continuing Education Program 2021

SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION - Continuing Education Program 2021 SWISS
Hello and welcome to the

even in continuing education and further training?

disputed global market leader for ceramic implants, has
created a unique setup within the context of the SWISS
TION CENTER, it provides you with a new launchpad for
quenching your thirst for knowledge and satisfying your
professional enthusiasm, allowing you to do so in a healt-
hy atmosphere that is characterized by its Swiss style and
friendly and collegial ambiance.

You want to learn all that you need to know to take you to
the next level and beyond as an implantologist and pro-
sthodontist? You want to do so as quickly and effectively as
possible by applying “chunking” techniques? And you want
to be taught from the best in their field at a single location?

This is exactly what we offer you at our headquarters in
the Swiss municipality of Kreuzlingen, just 100 meters from
the German border! Based on the knowledge that you can
never really absorb the meaning of a book if you just read
a few pages a month over the course of a year, we have
consolidated every subject area as a “chunk” (e.g. the BONE
AUGMENTATION WEEK). This means that you can advance
to become an absolute professional in the respective area
within a period of just a few days to a week. You will build
your knowledge day by day, thus progressing through the
different levels one at a time. This approach is based on the
same wisdom as the fact that you will internalize a book
much better if you read it in one go over the course of a
rainy weekend!

In 2019, we had more than 3,000 course participants at our
continuing education courses. And in 2020, all three con-
gresses held in November, namely the BONE AUGMENTA-
and the German Sports Physicians Congress, were comple-
tely booked out, meaning that we even had to structurally
combine our two course rooms so that we could still ac-
commodate 120 participants in the lecture hall under the
applicable Swiss safety guidelines! What inspires us time
and again: up to 50% of those who take part are repeat par-
ticipants who have found many friends and an additional
home here at SDS and SWISS BIOHEALTH!

SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION - Continuing Education Program 2021 SWISS
Insights into the SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC and our
SOUL FOOD vegan café & take away

                                 You have worked hard during the week and we not only provi-
                                 de you with a unique level of content, but also the framework
                                 within which you will perform your activities during your few
                                 days with us. Let’s start with the contents: the SWISS BIO-
                                 HEALTH CLINIC, which is located directly adjacent to the
                                 SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION CENTER, is THE leading
                                 clinic for biological dentistry and ceramic implants. You are
                                 free to take a look around at any time in parallel to your con-
                                 tinuing education course. You will also have the opportunity
                                 to take advantage of an accompanying treatment—perhaps
                                 you would like to treat yourself to a high-dose vitamin C in-
                                 fusion at the same time as deepening your knowledge. The
                                 doctors, dentists, dental technicians and external trainers
                                 are among the best speakers in their respective fields and
                                 guarantee you a high-speed learning experience! To make
                                 this possible, however, our rooms, which boast a sophistica-
                                 ted air conditioning and oxygen system, do not provide any
                                 Wi-Fi signal and are insulated against mobile communica-
                                 tions, allowing you to devote your full concentration. Those
                                 looking for something to eat or drink can look forward to
                                 the most delicious dishes, smoothies and bowls prepared in
                                 a vegan, gluten-free and sugar-free manner at our very own
                                 SOUL FOOD vegan café & take away.

                                 See you soon at the SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION

SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION - Continuing Education Program 2021 SWISS
Overview of our
Continuing Education Program 2021

    DATE WITH                                           Pages 10 – 17

    BIOLOGY & ZIRCONIA                                  Day 1         Biological dentistry
                                                        Day 2         Ceramic implants
    Be part of a new cause- and results-based form of
    dentistry (two days)

    BONE AUGMENTATION                                   Pages 18 – 23

    WEEK                                                Level 1       Focus: bone
                                                        Level 2       Focus: blood/soft tissue
    Become a bone augmentation specialist in just       Level 3       Workshop with hands-on course (two days)
    one week
                                                        Level 4       Live surgeries

    BONE AUGMENTATION                                   Pages 24 – 25


    CERAMIC                                             Pages 26 – 31

    IMPLANTOLOGY WEEK                                   Level 1       Case planning
                                                        Level 2       Surgery hands-on course
    Become an expert in biological dentistry and        Level 3       Prosthetics hands-on course
    ceramic implants in only one week
                                                        Level 4       DATE WITH BIOLOGY & ZIRCONIA
                                                                      (two days)

    JOINT CONGRESS FOR                                  Pages 32 – 33
                                                        * the CONGRESS will be held once a year only and is scheduled to take place
    CERAMIC IMPLANTOLOGY                                 immediately following the CERAMIC IMPLANTOLOGY WEEK

SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION - Continuing Education Program 2021 SWISS
Course dates                              Speakers                               Booking

  Course hours                              Investment

AESTHETICS &                                              Pages 34 – 37

PROSTHETICS WEEK                                          Level 1     i-PRF injections
                                                          Level 2     Myoreflex therapy
Become a master of zirconia prosthetics and               Level 3     Gnathology/bite position
intra- as well as extra-oral aesthetics
                                                          Level 4     Prosthetics on SDS implants

ART FAST TRACK WEEK                                       Pages 38 – 41

                                                          ART technique (autonomic response test) according
Become a safe user of a scientifically recognized
                                                          to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt—special course for dentists
test method in just a few days
                                                          (six days).

ONLINE-COURSES                                           Pages 42 – 49

                                                         PRF & LSCC
Deepen your knowledge on various topics with
our online course offer                                  Nutritional Design
                                                         Neural therapy

CURRICULUM                                                Pages 50 – 51

Specialist in biological dentistry and
Ceramic implants

SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION - Continuing Education Program 2021 SWISS
1st half of 2021

          JANUARY                          FEBRUARY             MARCH

1   Fri         New Year´s Day   1   Mon              1   Mon

2 Sat                            2 Tue                2 Tue

3 Sun                            3 Wed                3 Wed

4 Mon                            4 Thu                4 Thu

5 Tue                            5 Fri                5 Fri

6 Wed                            6 Sat                6 Sat

7 Thu                            7 Sun                7 Sun

8 Fri                            8 Mon                8 Mon

9 Sat                            9 Tue                9 Tue

10 Sun                           10 Wed               10 Wed

11 Mon                           11 Thu               11 Thu

12 Tue                           12 Fri               12 Fri

13 Wed                           13 Sat               13 Sat

14 Thu                           14 Sun               14 Sun

15 Fri                           15 Mon               15 Mon

16 Sat                           16 Tue               16 Tue

17 Sun                           17 Wed               17 Wed

18 Mon                           18 Thu               18 Thu

19 Tue                           19 Fri               19 Fri

20 Wed                           20 Sat               20 Sat

21 Thu                           21 Sun               21 Sun

22 Fri                           22 Mon               22 Mon

23 Sat                           23 Tue               23 Tue

24 Sun                           24 Wed               24 Wed

25 Mon                           25 Thu               25 Thu

26 Tue                           26 Fri               26 Fri

27 Wed                           27 Sat               27 Sat

28 Thu                           28 Sun               28 Sun

29 Fri                                                29 Mon

30 Sat                                                30 Tue

31 Sun                                                31 Wed

SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION - Continuing Education Program 2021 SWISS

                                             CERAMIC IMPLANTOLOGY WEEK         ART FAST TRACK WEEK

               APRIL                                     MAY                              JUNE

                                                                                       Focus: Blood /
1   Thu                                  1   Sat                           1   Tue     soft tissue

2 Fri                                    2 Sun                             2 Wed       Workshop with

3 Sat                                    3 Mon       ART FAST TRACK        3 Thu       hands-on course (two days)

4 Sun                    Easter Sunday   4 Tue       WEEK (six days)       4 Fri       Live surgeries

5 Mon                    Easter Monday   5 Wed                             5 Sat       BONE AUGMENTATION

6 Tue                                    6 Thu                             6 Sun       CONGRESS (two days)

7 Wed                                    7 Fri                             7 Mon

8 Thu                                    8 Sat                             8 Tue

9 Fri                                    9 Sun                             9 Wed

10 Sat                                   10 Mon                            10 Thu

11 Sun                                   11 Tue      Case Planning         11 Fri
                                                     Surgery hands-on
12 Mon                                   12 Wed      course
                                                                           12 Sat
                                                     Prosthetic hands-on
13 Tue                                   13 Thu      course
                                                                           13 Sun
                                                     DATE WITH
14 Wed                                   14 Fri      BIOLOGY & ZIRCONIA
                                                                           14 Mon

15 Thu                                   15 Sat      (two days)            15 Tue

16 Fri                                   16 Sun                            16 Wed

17 Sat                                   17 Mon                            17 Thu

18 Sun                                   18 Tue                            18 Fri

19 Mon                                   19 Wed                            19 Sat

20 Tue                                   20 Thu                            20 Sun

21 Wed                                   21 Fri                            21 Mon

22 Thu                                   22 Sat                            22 Tue

23 Fri                                   23 Sun                            23 Wed

24 Sat                                   24 Mon                            24 Thu

25 Sun                                   25 Tue                            25 Fri

26 Mon                                   26 Wed                            26 Sat

27 Tue                                   27 Thu                            27 Sun

28 Wed                                   28 Fri                            28 Mon

29 Thu                                   29 Sat                            29 Tue

30 Fri                                   30 Sun                            30 Wed

                                         31 Mon      Focus: Bone

SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION - Continuing Education Program 2021 SWISS
2nd half of 2021

              JULY                        AUGUST             SEPTEMBER

1   Thu                         1   Sun            1   Wed

2 Fri                           2 Mon              2 Thu

3 Sat                           3 Tue              3 Fri

4 Sun                           4 Wed              4 Sat

5 Mon                           5 Thu              5 Sun

6 Tue     Case Planning         6 Fri              6 Mon
          Surgery hands-on
7 Wed     course
                                7 Sat              7 Tue
          Prosthetic hands-on
8 Thu     course
                                8 Sun              8 Wed
          DATE WITH
                                9 Mon              9 Thu

10 Sat    (two days)            10 Tue             10 Fri

11 Sun                          11 Wed             11 Sat

12 Mon                          12 Thu             12 Sun

13 Tue                          13 Fri             13 Mon

14 Wed                          14 Sat             14 Tue

15 Thu                          15 Sun             15 Wed

16 Fri                          16 Mon             16 Thu

17 Sat                          17 Tue             17 Fri

18 Sun                          18 Wed             18 Sat

19 Mon                          19 Thu             19 Sun

20 Tue                          20 Fri             20 Mon

21 Wed                          21 Sat             21 Tue

22 Thu                          22 Sun             22 Wed

23 Fri                          23 Mon             23 Thu

24 Sat                          24 Tue             24 Fri

25 Sun                          25 Wed             25 Sat

26 Mon                          26 Thu             26 Sun

27 Tue                          27 Fri             27 Mon

28 Wed                          28 Sat             28 Tue

29 Thu                          29 Sun             29 Wed

30 Fri                          30 Mon             30 Thu

31 Sat                          31 Tue

SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION - Continuing Education Program 2021 SWISS

                                       CERAMIC IMPLANTOLOGY WEEK          ART FAST TRACK WEEK

             OCTOBER                          NOVEMBER                            DECEMBER

1   Fri                            1   Mon                            1   Wed

2 Sat                              2 Tue                              2 Thu

3 Sun                              3 Wed                              3 Fri

4 Mon                              4 Thu                              4 Sat

5 Tue                              5 Fri                              5 Sun
6 Wed                              6 Sat       INTERACTIVE ZOOM DAY
                                                                      6 Mon

7 Thu                              7 Sun                              7 Tue       Case Planning

                                                                                  Surgery hands-on
8 Fri                              8 Mon                              8 Wed       course
                                                                                  Prosthetic hands-on
9 Sat                              9 Tue                              9 Thu       course
                                                                                  DATE WITH
10 Sun      Case Planning          10 Wed                             10 Fri      BIOLOGY & ZIRCONIA
            Surgery hands-on
11 Mon      course
                                   11 Thu                             11 Sat      (two days)

            Prosthetic hands-on
12 Tue      course
                                   12 Fri                             12 Sun
            DATE WITH
                                   13 Sat                             13 Mon

14 Thu      (two days)             14 Sun                             14 Tue
                                   15 Mon                             15 Wed

16 Sat      (two days)             16 Tue                             16 Thu

17 Sun                             17 Wed                             17 Fri

18 Mon                             18 Thu                             18 Sat

19 Tue                             19 Fri                             19 Sun

20 Wed                             20 Sat                             20 Mon

21 Thu                             21 Sun                             21 Tue

22 Fri                             22 Mon                             22 Wed

23 Sat                             23 Tue                             23 Thu

24 Sun                             24 Wed                             24 Fri                      Christmas Eve

25 Mon      i-PRF Injections       25 Thu                             25 Sat                         Christmas

26 Tue      Myoreflex-Therapy      26 Fri                             26 Sun

27 Wed      Gnathology/Occlusion   27 Sat                             27 Mon

28 Thu      Prosthetic on SDS      28 Sun                             28 Tue

29 Fri                             29 Mon                             29 Wed

30 Sat                             30 Tue                             30 Thu

31 Sun                                                                31 Fri

SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION - Continuing Education Program 2021 SWISS
Be part of a new cause- and results-based form
of dentistry by and with Dr. Ulrich Volz

After many years of conservative implantology, you may         Dr. Ulrich Volz is considered a trailblazer of this scientifical-
have thought from time to time how nice it would be to         ly verifiable biological/immunological dentistry approach
open a door that gave you access to a new and exciting         and a pioneer in the field of ceramic implants. In performing
world. A world that would rekindle your enthusiasm and         his work, Dr. Ulrich Volz can call on proven results from 30
provide you with new drive for the coming years and deca-      years of practice and more than 20,000 personally placed
des ahead. Experts from the realms of science and indus-       ceramic implants. The first day places a focus on biology
try are in agreement that the new megatrend in the field       and immunology as well as the causes and triggers of chro-
of dentistry is set to be “biological dentistry and ceramic    nic diseases and their relation to dentistry. Dr. Ulrich Volz
implants”! You can already see the beginnings of this new      demonstrates heart rate variability as a measurement inst-
age on the congress stages, with a trend towards the biolo-    rument for chronic cell stress as well as metals, root-treated
gization of dentistry being observed. It is this development   teeth, titanium implants and fatty degenerative osteolysis
that forms the basis of THE SWISS BIOHEALTH CONCEPT            in the jawbone as interference field triggers. The solution
developed by Dr. Ulrich Volz and his team. This “new” form     aspect with respect to this topic is formed by THE SWISS
of dentistry, which in fact dates back more than a century,    BIOHEALTH CONCEPT in which the interferences are dealt
takes systematic account of biology and immunology as a        with step by step according to clear and structured algo-
means of supplementing the surgical and mechanistic work       rithms, fully in keeping with the motto “paint by numbers”.
of implantologists, and in doing so places a focus on causes   All statements and treatment concepts are supported by
and reproducible results.                                      studies and you are provided with a study overview of this
                                                               topic comprising approximately 200 pages on this first day.
place where you can gain an essence of this new form of
dentistry within just two days. The course is extremely ent-
ertaining and is free of any junk and filler.

Further Information

On the second day, you will begin to “think in terms of           A special bonus is the very large number of repeat parti-
ceramics” and come to the realization that a successful ce-       cipants that we always welcome, i.e. colleagues who have
ramic implant system can never merely be a copy of the            been practicing this unique concept for more than a de-
approach applied for titanium implants. Instead, such a sys-      cade in some cases and who attend this course time and
tem can only emerge on the basis of thousands of s as part        again to ensure that they remain at the cutting edge of
of a continuous process of further development, as zirconia       developments. After all, science never stands still and de-
follows its own biological, immunological and mechanical          velops constantly. During the breaks, you will have the op-
laws. You require this knowledge in order to successful pla-      portunity to talk to these colleagues and find out how they
ce ceramic implants, as this expertise is essential for ensu-     have implemented the concept of biological dentistry and
ring that you will not only be able to avoid errors, but rather   ceramic implants at their practice and how this has chan-
also be in a position to redefine and extend existing limits:     ged their life.
“ceramic implants are simpler—but different!”. You will be
thrilled to learn that immediate implant placement in the
sense of “socket preservation 2.0” is a MUST and with the         COURSE CONTENT
unique DYNAMIC THREAD design of the SDS implants even             • Introduction to biological dentistry
works absolutely reliably and predictably in upper jaw/mo-        • Treatment sequences and algorithms according to bio-
lar region. In countless case presentations, Dr. Ulrich Volz        immunological criteria
will show and demonstrate how this is done and that this          • THE SWISS BIOHEALTH CONCEPT - a proven approach
process can be performed even in large and completely de-         • Thinking in term of ceramics: the special properties of zir-
solate situations using the ALL-IN-ONE concept, where in            conia
a single appointment both jaws are restored, the implants         • Indication overview: Which implants in which situation?
are placed and long-term temporary restorations are imme-         • Biological implant shapes and prosthetics on SDS im-
diately fitted that can bare load right away. On this day too,      plants
you will receive a 100-page manual, this time on THE SWISS        • The ALL-IN-ONE immediate implant concept
BIOHEALTH CONCEPT. The manual summarizes both days                • Before/after case presentations including extensive bone
once more, is underpinned by hundreds of studies and is             augmentation
much more than just a script. Instead, it is more of a hand-
book or textbook on a new way of looking at dentistry and
implantology that will inspire you forever.                       IMPORTANT

                                                                               Before participating in the course, please watch part 3 of
                                                                               “The Longevity Code” on our YouTube channel. The topics of
                                                                               micronutrients, minerals and vitamins (“Fantastic Four and More”) are
                                                                               explained in detail here.

MAY                  COURSE DETAILS                    COURSE DATES

                                Duration               Two days   05/14-15/2021
           DATE WITH                                              07/9-10/2021
14   Fri
           BIOLOGY & ZIRCONIA                                     10/13-14/2021
15   Sat   (two days)           dentists                 520 €    12/10-11/2021
                                assistant physicians     440 €
                                dental assistants        400 €    TIME DAY 1
                                and students                      9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
                                                                  followed by a dinner
                                dentists                  620 $
                                                                  TIME DAY 2
                                                                  9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
           DATE WITH
9    Fri

10 Sat     (two days)

                                The following QR code will take you directly to the re-
                                gistration form on our website:


           DATE WITH
13   Wed

14   Thu   (two days)


           DATE WITH
10 Fri

11   Sat   (two days)

One day interactive-live-online

From day one of the coronavirus crisis, we were sure (see          There is no better, more direct or more personal live online
SDS Swiss Dental Solutions YouTube channel: SWISS                  further education course—as always, we want to do ever-
BIOHEALTH NEWS) that SARS-CoV-2 would lead to a                    ything a little better than everyone else. You will, of course,
severe illness virtually exclusively in patients with a vit-       not only receive the course documentation (THE SWISS
amin D3 deficiency. This has since been proven by nu-              BIOHEALTH CONCEPT, study brochure, SDS catalog, etc.)
merous studies and the first governments have now                  in advance, but also a bottle of our delicious organic hand-
responded by providing vitamin D3 supplementation for              crafted DETOX gin, which has been awarded a gold medal
vulnerable population groups. Until we have the coronavi-          in Switzerland and a silver medal in San Francisco. And, it al-
rus under control, however, it will only be possible to reliably   most goes without saying, our tasty Allinone energy drink...
plan classroom events during the vitamin D3-rich season
(May to October) and we have therefore structured our
continuing education program accordingly. The two-day
course DATE WITH BIOLOGY & ZIRCONIA as part of the                   COURSE DETAILS                     COURSE DATES
CERAMIC IMPLANTOLOGY WEEK is without doubt the                       Duration              One day      11/06/2021
non-plus-ultra for this subject. However, as we know that
many of you cannot and do not want to wait that long, we                                                TIME
                                                                     Investment               470 €
have condensed this course into a single day and designed
                                                                                              550 $     9 a.m. to 5 p.m
it in a unique online format:

You will all be projected via Zoom onto a giant wall, mea-
ning the Dr. Volz can see each one of you in screen size
and talk to you. A multiple of 25 can always be accepted
for each course, i.e. 25, 50, 75 or 100 participants. Not only
is Dr. Volz able to communicate with you, but you can also           BOOKING
communicate with one another. In the event of questions or           The following QR code will take you directly to the
direct communication, the screen of the respective Zoom              registration form on our website:
partner is enlarged to maximum. On your screen at home,
you can either see the screen of the communication partner
or Dr. Volz in speaker mode as he holds the presentation in
front of the many screens of the participants. Alternatively,
the keynote slide currently being used will be displayed to


For those of you who are in a hurry or who simply don‘t
have much time, Dr. Volz has shortened the most important       COURSE DETAILS                  COURSE DATES
elements of his course to 3 hours and incorporated them         Duration        Three hours     You may register
into a sensational online course with green-screen techno-                                      anytime
logy, which you can register for quickly and easily using the
                                                                Investment            290 €
following QR code. Immediately after the course you have
                                                                                      350 $
to answer 30 multiple choice questions correctly and you
are unlocked to use the SDS implants! You will receive your
access data within 24 hours (on weekends within 48 hours)
after receipt of payment to the e-mail address you provided
during your registration. Please make sure that you have
access to it and check your spam folder if necessary.           BOOKING
                                                                The following QR code will take you directly to the
NOTE: For a successful certification you have to answer         registration form on our website:
70% of the questions correctly.


FAST TRACK QUICK START GUIDE                                BOOKING
And if you have even less time: only in combination with
                                                            The following QR code will take you directly to the
surgical accompaniment by our ingenious field service
                                                            download the brochure:
team and with the scope of the SDS implant portfolio re-
duced to the standard forms (diameters of 3.8 and 4.6mm
of the lengths 8, 11 and 14 mm, one-piece and two-piece),
you can already get started with this FAST TRACK QUICK
START GUIDE that has been reduced to 12 pages. The most
important “dos and don’ts” are summarized in a nutshell
here with a maximum reading time of 15 minutes. Those
who can invest a few more minutes can watch the respec-
tive short films and animations on their smartphone using
the QR codes and view the SDS implant in 3D via augmen-
ted reality.

Become a bone augmentation specialist in just one week

LEVEL 1 - FOCUS: BONE                                        LEVEL   1    05/31/2021
• Fracture—defect—healing                                    LEVEL   2    06/1/2021
• Bone formation: mechanisms and limits                      LEVEL   3    06/2–3/2021
• Bone metabolism                                            LEVEL   4    06/4/2021
• Membranes and bone replacement materials                   LEVEL   5    06/5–6/2021

LEVEL 2 - FOCUS: BLOOD/SOFT TISSUE                           TIME
• Biology of wound healing                                   every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
• Blood concentrates
• PRF/LSCC, blood collection workshop
• Incision and suture techniques                             LEVEL 1
• The Open Healing Method according to Prof. Dr. Shahram     Prof. Dr. Shahram Ghanaati, Dr. Ulrich Volz
                                                             LEVEL 2
                                                             Prof. Dr. Shahram Ghanaati,
•   Indication-based bone augmentation measures              Prof. Dr. Shahram Ghanaati, Dr. Ulrich Volz,
•   BISS - BONE IMPLANT STABILIZATION SYSTEM                 Dr. Rebekka Hueber, Moritz Kneer
•   Internal/external sinus lift, rules and techniques
•   Zirconia umbrella discs                                  LEVEL 4
•   Membrane screws, umbrella screws                         Prof. Dr. Shahram Ghanaati, Dr. Ulrich Volz,
•   Modified Khoury technique                                Dr. Rebekka Hueber, Dr. Josephine Tietje,
•   AIM - ANATOMICAL IMPLANTATION METHOD                     Moritz Kneer

                                                             LEVEL 5
LEVEL 4 - LIVE SURGERIES                                     Prof. Dr. Shahram Ghanaati, Dr. Ulrich Volz,
• Live transmission from two to three operating theaters     Dr. Tobias Wilck, Sabine Hutfilz
• Prof. Dr. Shahram Ghanaati, Dr. Ulrich Volz and his oral
  surgeons team                                              Young panel:
• Various operating techniques from the GAP                  Dr. Rebekka Hueber, Dr. Josephine Tietje,
• Parallel transmission with monitor and audio channel se-   Moritz Kneer
                                                             German presentations will be simultaneously trans-
                                                             lated into English.
•   Indication-based bone augmentation measures              5,800 € | 8,000 $ for level 1–4
•   BISS - BONE IMPLANT STABILIZATION SYSTEM                 Congress fees not included
•   External/internal sinus lift, letter lift, awning
•   Zirconia umbrella discs
•   Membrane screws
•   Umbrella screws
•   Modified Khoury technique

Further Information

                                             LEVEL 1 - FOCUS: BONE
                                             You are probably just like us—while you learnt the mecha-
                MAY / JUNE                   nisms of bone healing and things like osteoprogenitor cells
                                             at some point during your time at university, you would
                                             now be unable to recall this 100% perfectly. And: In most
     31   Mon   Focus: bone
                                             cases, you can also get by without this knowledge; most
                                             extraction sockets heal and in the majority of cases very
     1    Tue   Focus: blood/soft tissue
                                             good bone will also form if we use the product of company
     2    Wed   Workshop with                X or Y as intended... But as always, we and the course par-
                                             ticipants who come to us want more! We really want to pull
     3    Thu   hands-on course (two days)   out all the stops in order to regenerate or form bone in an
                                             absolutely safe, reproducible and predictable way. And we,
     4    Fri   Live surgeries               of course, increasingly want to do so without limits, even in
                                             difficult situations!
                                             Your BONE AUGMENTATION WEEK therefore starts by
     6    Sun   CONGRESS (two days)          placing an initial focus on bone itself. We do so by looking
                                             at bone metabolism at a molecular level—from vitamin D3
                                             to K2 and from osteocalcin and macroscopic mechanisms
                                             such as cavitation, healing chambers and the influence of
                                             bone preparation to the osteoinductance of the perios-
                                             teum and the Schneiderian membrane. We also look at the
                                             mechanisms of bone and defect healing as well as the cri-
                                             teria for successful bone augmentation, taking particular
                                             account of the different bone replacement materials and
                                             membranes. This is because only when you know these
                                             mechanisms inside out are you able to decide which bone
                                             replacement material is appropriate for the respective si-
                                             tuation: Quick or slow resorbing, and do we require some
                                             of the patient’s own bone or blood concentrate to biolo-
                                             gize the graft? Which membrane makes sense and what
                                             precisely are the mechanisms that take place when this is
                                             digested step by step? We will open the door wide for you
                                             and sort and index these materials according to categories
                                             such as synthetic, vegan, bovine, porcine, equine, allogenic
                                             and autologous. After this first day, you will be able to talk
                                             to any expert about bone healing, bone replacement ma-
                                             terials and membranes with absolute confidence and will
                                             be in a position to select the right material/product for any
                                             indication in a company-independent manner!

                                             LEVEL 2 - FOCUS: BLOOD/SOFT TISSUE
                                             You will find the second day of the BONE AUGMENTATI-
                                             ON WEEK just as exciting or perhaps even more riveting
                                             than the first: Together with you, we will now delve into
                                             the topics of soft tissue and wound healing. This logical-
                                             ly begins with the incision! The objective of an intelligent
                                             incision should be to destroy as few vessels and struc-
                                             tures as possible, to form as few scars as the procedure

permits and to maintain optimal blood circulation while si-      practicing blood sampling (phlebotomy) with you, as this
multaneously working in an atraumatic and minimally in-          is extremely important for the quality of the matrices and
vasive manner and avoiding postoperative morbidity for           blood concentrates.
your patients! You will once more immerse yourself in the
mechanisms of soft tissue and wound healing and remem-
ber the three phases of inflammation, proliferation and new      LEVEL 3 - WORKSHOP WITH HANDS-ON COURSE (TWO
tissue formation. A new aspect for us was the influence of       DAYS)
blood concentrates at all three phases and how they inter-       The time has finally come! Over the coming two days, you
vene to optimize and accelerate this biological healing pro-     will be able to put your hands to work and practice on an
cess and ensure that the three phases take place almost          artificial jaw. This will ensure you are already able to call on
simultaneously and generate safety through acceleration.         a wealth of technical experience and a good routine when
The low-speed centrifugation concept (LSCC) is a product-        working in practice at a later date. For us, it goes without
and company-independent centrifugation protocol develo-          saying that you will have your own workplace for the dura-
ped by Prof. Dr. Shahram Ghanaati, which produces various        tion of this two-day period, thus allowing you to benefit to
matrices in a solid form (formerly A-PRF) as well in an injec-   the greatest possible extent in terms of establishing a rou-
table or wettable liquid form (formerly I-PRF). You will gain    tine. Working on camera, your instructors will demonstrate
an overview of the number of revolutions you have to use         operating techniques on various indications and situations.
for other centrifuges, such as those from BTI or Curasan,        You will be able to follow this in detail on the 7-meter-wide
in order to achieve a certain g-force specified in the LSCC.     screen, with the image enlarged to the maximum extent,
                                                                 and copy directly in parallel. In the GAP — GUIDED AUG-
We will understand how we can obtain firmer, thicker or          MENTATION PROCEDURES HANDBOOK, we have created
thinner matrices depending on the indication or the li-          an overview that includes all conceivable indications, which
quid form with which we can improve the soft tissue or           we will then work through with you one by one. Speaking
produce sticky bone. At this level too, we expand on the         of the handbook: You will receive this unique work from us
intelligent use of collagen membranes, which play an im-         on this third day. It is made up of around 100 pages and
portant function in would healing and absolutely have to         comprises an indication overview, product overview, simu-
be biologized with blood concentrates. You are sure to ag-       lation catalog, textbook, case presentation and study over-
ree that the blood flow of the flap postoperatively has a        view. This cannot be purchased, downloaded or otherwise
tremendous impact on wound healing, complication rates           viewed outside of the course. It is a kind of ultra-premium
and dehiscence tendencies. We will therefore look inten-         script that we have created for you and the BONE AUG-
sively at the supporting of the flap using liquid injections     MENTATION WEEK, investing an unbelievable amount of
and discuss intelligent suture techniques, such as the api-      effort over hundreds of hours in the process. Following the
cal mattress suture, which prevent traction on the flap or       course, it will allow you to recall and look up everything
the stifling of the bloody supply. You will be inspired when     you have learned. What is special about our indication-ba-
Prof. Dr. Shahram Ghanaati presents his OPEN HEALING             sed approach? As a rule, companies promote products that
PROTOCOL, which is the only concept capable of covering          can seemingly be used in a wide range of indications or
enormous volume increases from extensive augmentations           surgeons present their surgical methods that supposedly
in a coronal direction without encroaching on the vestibu-       allow for bone to be built up in all regions. In this innovative
le and without provoking a fully mobile gingiva. In recent       workshop, you will get to know bone augmentation from
months, we have operated on many such open healing si-           a completely different perspective. Here, the starting point
tuations at the SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC. We are fasci-            is formed by the defect itself, which provides a clear indi-
nated by how well, predictably and elegantly such large          cation on the basis of its location (upper jaw or lower jaw)
augmentations can be covered as part of a BISS operation,        and classification (one-walled/two-walled/three-walled) as
for example, and how pain and swelling can be avoided,           well as the loss of height and/or width. This clear indication,
as there is no need for relief incisions or to perform peri-     which we have newly classified, now generates the best
osteal incisions. When handling your own cases at a later        possible augmentation technique for each case. Under the
date, however, it is important that you are extremely con-       guidance of Prof. Dr. Shahram Ghanaati and our team, you
scientious in following the proven protocol that we will         will apply these one by one on the phantom model. Wit-
present on this second day, which we will round off by           hin the framework of this indication-based GAP – GUIDED

Further Information

AUGMENTATION PROCEDURES, you will of course also                  on course days is that you will be able to take all of the mo-
apply the BISS—BONE IMPLANT STABILIZATION SYSTEM                  dels with the inserted implants, cages and umbrella screws
developed by Prof. Dr. Shahram Ghanaati and Dr. Ulrich            home with you. This means you can also use them at a later
Volz. With the help of the AIM—ANATOMICAL IMPLANTA-               date when explaining things to your patients. Furthermore,
TION METHOD, you will be able to insert the implants in           you will work with the latest generations of surgical motors.
the perfect anatomical positions, symmetrically and axial-        Should you be interested, you will be able to acquire the-
ly to the facial anatomy, at the correct distance from one        se at a special price from the company MECTRON, which
another and, as if by magic, 100% parallel to one another.        provides us with logistical support during this course. We
An important prerequisite for the ultra-fast production of        ask that you bring your surgical box with the SDS ceramic
a good long-term temporary restoration, which has to be           drills to this course with you. Alternatively, you can purcha-
placed after the apical mattress sutures but before the fi-       se a brand new box from us for this course at a sensatio-
nal individual button sutures in order to generate perfect        nal special price. In particular, you can already look forward
papillae. On both days, you will also practice the various        to receiving the BISS starter set, which is included in the
sinus lift techniques, including the internal lift and external   course price. It is equipped with the most important tools,
lift with sinus implant as well as the letter lift and marquee    including pincers, a screwdriver for ratchets and a hand
techniques, on special sinus models. However, you will also       screwdriver as well as some occlusal, bone and umbrella
use the model to operate on simple augmentation indica-           screws and double cages. This will allow you to professio-
tions using umbrella screws and bone blocks. Following            nally apply the techniques on the artificial jaw model. You
these two days, you will be able to rest assured that you         can take this starter set home with you and then add to it
can provide advice to your patients and operate on them in        with the corresponding refill packs for the individual pro-
an accomplished and adequate manner.                              ducts as you wish, meaning you can treat your patients in
                                                                  accordance with the GAP.

What is especially great about these two practical, hands-

LEVEL 4 - LIVE SURGERIES                                             LEVEL 5 - BONE AUGMENTATION CONGRESS
You will now be thinking: “That is all well and good, but            (TWO DAYS)
show us everything! I would love to see how this works on a          Information on the BONE AUGMENTATION CONGRESS,
real patient!” It is precisely this aspect that is the strength of   which follows on from the BONE AUGMENTATION WEEK
the SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION CENTER: Everything                     as a bonus program can be found on page 16.
that you learn with us has been developed within a radius
of 200 meters and has been tested and proven thousands
of times. It is now our turn and during this fifth course day        BOOKING INFORMATION
you can sit back and watch us operate with a gin and tonic           You will understand that from a logistics point of view, pla-
or glass of champagne in your hand. It is not only Prof. Dr.         ces are limited for the two-day workshop in level 3. This me-
Shahram Ghanaati who is eager to present the final tips and          ans that we give priority to those participants who book the
tricks to you live, but rather also the SWISS BIOHEALTH              entire BONE AUGMENTATION WEEK en bloc. As soon as
TEAM with Dr. Ulrich Volz and his three oral surgeons. Ho-           all of the hands-on places have been filled, we will of course
wever, as we also appreciate just how valuable your time             then also offer you individual levels for booking.
is, two to three surgeons will always be operating at the
same time. We have invested a lot of money so that we are            Nevertheless, we strongly recommend that you book the
able to transmit all of the operations in parallel. You are now      entire week. This will ensure that you gain a really compre-
able to simply turn to the screen that interests you the most        hensive and complete overview and that you can take ad-
and set the corresponding audio channel, meaning that you            vantage of as many course days as possible for the travel
are not left with any idle time. At the end of the day, you          time you invest. We advise that you only go on to a hig-
will have seen more live bone augmentations than almost              her level separately if you are sure that you have absolutely
anybody else who hasn‘t attended this BONE AUGMENTA-                 mastered the previous level.
                                                                     The following QR code will take you directly to the registra-
Our motto is always: “We want to deliver more than the               tion form on our website:
participant expects and surprise them positively!”

CONGRESS (two days)

With the development of the GAP—GUIDED AUGMENTA-                 6/5–6/2021
TION PROCEDURES, we have created something unique.
In doing so, we have not only closed a big GAP for you,
but also for us and our team of surgeons. We are now final-      COURSE TIMES
ly in a position to augment even the largest bone defects        every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
with simultaneous implant placement. And we are always
able to do so in the target position rather than in the cur-
rent position as had been the case previously. Here, the im-
plants were inserted in the augmented sinus on the “first
floor” rather than the “ground floor”, simply because the                 Prof. Dr. Shahram
                                                                                                     Dr. Ulrich Volz
bone augmentation was easy to accomplish in the sinus.                    Ghanaati
We are proud of this development and everything associa-
ted with it and would like to demonstrate to you and as
many dentists and implantologists as possible this added
                                                                          Dr. Tobias Wilck           Sabine Hutfilz
value as part of many meaningful case presentations and, in
particular, using follow-up images that show how this new
augmentation perspective and technique works.
                                                                 YOUNG PANEL

After all, the reconstruction of major bone defects
remains one of the greatest challenges in dental implanto-                Dr. Rebekka                Dr. Josephine
                                                                          Hueber                     Tietje
logy, and we are sure that you will be excited to see these
results. Not only Prof. Dr. Shahram Ghanaati, Dr. Ulrich Volz
and the young wild surgeons from the SWISS BIOHEALTH
CLINIC will present their cases. They will also be joined by a            Moritz Kneer
whole host of other surgeons who, as early adopters, have
gathered experience with this concept very early on and
are already able to present results. Of course, the Hamburg      German presentations will be simultaneously trans-
maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Tobias Wilck, who has exclusively      lated into English.
been inserting ceramic implants for many years, will also
present both of the techniques developed by him for the
sinus, namely the LETTER LIFT and MARQUEE techniques.            INVESTMENT
And it also goes without saying that you can look forward to     800 € | 950 $
METHOD, an innovative parallel guide system that allows
you to achieve a whole new quality of precision without any      BOOKING INFORMATION
pre-planning for drilling templates.                             Participants booking the workshop and/or the
                                                                 entire week will be given priority. Once these pla-
As we are not as limited in terms of places for this cong-       ces are taken, the remaining levels can be booked
ress as is the case for the BONE AUGMENTATION WEEK,              individually. The following QR code will take you
you can of course also book this congress individually if you    directly to the registration form on our website:
would like to gain an initial insight into the system and the
DURES. If you have already attended for the entire week,
we will only charge you half price for the congress.

Become an expert in biological dentistry and ceramic
implants in only one week

LEVEL 1 - CASE PLANNING                                      LEVEL   1    07/06/2021 | 10/10/2021 | 12/07/2021
• Radiographs and DVT analysis                               LEVEL   2    07/07/2021 | 10/11/2021 | 12/08/2021
• Possible applications of SDS implants                      LEVEL   3    07/08/2021 | 10/12/2021 | 12/09/2021
• Immediate and late implant placement, diameter and         LEVEL   4    07/09–10/2021 | 10/13–14/2021 |
  length                                                                  12/10-11/2021
• Special shapes: Sinus, balcony, shorty or oval implant     LEVEL 5      10/15–16/2021
• Creation of planning animation for the patients

LEVEL 2 - SURGERY HANDS-ON COURSE                            every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
• Incision and suture techniques on the artificial jaw
• The SDS biological drilling protocol
• Implant placement of a wide range of indications and       LEVEL 1
  implant shapes on the artificial jaw                       Dr. Rebekka Hueber
• Application of the AIM parallel technique
• Insertion of eight to ten SDS implants in the edentulous   LEVEL 2
  maxilla model                                              Moritz Kneer,
                                                             SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC team

LEVEL 3 - PROSTHETICS HANDS-ON COURSE                        LEVEL 3
• Prosthetic standards                                       Caroline Vollmann,
• Crown down, from planning to the end result                SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC team
• Creation of long-term temporary restoration on the mo-
  del from the previous day                                  LEVEL 4
• Molded part, ski boots, eggshell temporary restoration     Dr. Ulrich Volz

                                                             LEVEL 5
LEVEL 4 - DATE WITH BIOLOGY & ZIRCONIA                       Prof. Dr. Shahram Ghanaati, Dr. Ulrich Volz,
Be part of a new cause- and results-based form of den-       SDS user, ISMI member, IAOCI Member, SBCB
tistry (two days)                                            member, Academy member
see pages 10–15
                                                             German presentations will be simultaneously transla-
                                                             ted into English.
This will be held once a year only and is scheduled to       INVESTMENT
take place immediately following the CERAMIC                 2,900 € | 3,500 $ for level 1–4
IMPLANTOLOGY WEEK on October 15 and 16, 2021.                Congress fees not included

•   Case presentations
•   Studies and scientific investigations                    BOOKING INFORMATION
•   Blood concentrates in the application                    The following QR code will take you directly to the
•   Aesthetics on ceramic implants                           registration form on our website:

Further Information

                                              On the opening pages of this continuing education brochu-
                JULY                          re, we introduced the DATE WITH BIOLOGY & ZIRCONIA
                                              course to you and described the extensive knowledge that
                                              you will gain in just two days on the subject of “biological
     6    Tue   Case planning                 dentistry and ceramic implants” from Dr. Ulrich Volz. What’s
                                              more, you will do so in person and on a first-hand basis. This
     7    Wed   Surgery hands-on course
                                              will ensure you are absolutely comfortable in this area. This
                                              two-day level 4 course represents an element and building
     8    Thu   Prosthetics hands-on course
                                              block that we view as a prerequisite for being able to work
     9    Fri   DATE WITH                     with the premium SDS implant system, which, by the way,
                BIOLOGY & ZIRCONIA            is the market leader for all ceramic implant systems by a
     10 Sat     (two days)                    wide margin. However, if you‘re looking for training from
                                              the ground up in order to really get to know every aspect of
                                              ceramic implantology, you should make time for the entire
                                              CERAMIC IMPLANTOLOGY WEEK!

                                              During this intensive training week, we will also work with
                OCTOBER                       you step-by-step and level-by -level on the requisite know-
                                              ledge. In doing so, we will make sure that you always have
                                              fun in the process, get what you need and, under no cir-
     10 Sun     Case planning                 cumstances, are bored with things that are unimportant.
                                              We as dentists and implantologists are also craftsmen in
     11   Mon   Surgery hands-on course
                                              a sense and, due to our haptic inclination, always want to
                                              apply everything in practice right away. It is for this reason
     12   Tue   Prosthetics hands-on course
                                              that we have integrated two hands-on days within the CE-
     13   Wed
                DATE WITH                     RAMIC IMPLANTOLOGY WEEK!
                BIOLOGY & ZIRCONIA

     14   Thu   (two days)
                                              LEVEL 1 - CASE PLANNING
                JOINT CONGRESS FOR            It can be said with almost certainty that you too spend a
                                              significant part of your valuable time on implant planning.
     16   Sat   (two days)                    In principle, this is absolutely the right thing to do. After
                                              all, good planning reduces the execution time when wor-
                                              king on patients and prevents the occurrence of failures,
                                              surprises or complications. However, we believe that the-
                                              re is still great potential here for reducing this effort to a
                                              fraction by implementing fixed algorithms as part of your
                                              case planning. We refer to this procedure as “painting by
                                              numbers”. To give you a simple example: The decision as
                                              to whether an erupted wisdom tooth can be left in place
     7    Tue   Case planning
                                              or whether it would be better off removed is taken by us,
     8    Wed   Surgery hands-on course       our surgeons and our users within a matter of seconds by
                                              precisely applying a fixed algorithm. If the wisdom tooth
     9    Thu   Prosthetics hands-on course   is completed surrounded by keratinized gingiva, including
                                              distally, it is left in place. If not, it has to be removed, as this
                DATE WITH
     10 Fri                                   represents a parodontopathy, and the deep gingival pocket
                BIOLOGY & ZIRCONIA
                                              or even gingival hood, like a Trojan horse, allows pathogens
     11   Sat   (two days)                    to attack the middle germ layer—the bone—without main-
                                              taining the immunological protection of the outer germ lay-

er—the keratinized gingiva. According to these fixed algo-      You are now itching to use the basic and planning knowled-
rithms, you will be able to quickly decide which teeth are      ge gained the previous day to place as many SDS implants
to be removed, in which positions implants of which length      as possible with the various geometries and all conceivable
and diameters are to be planned and which extension the         indications in the artificial jaw. You want to feel how the
long-term temporary restoration will have. We will of course    unique shape of the DYNAMIC THREAD almost magically
also demonstrate the possible application of special sha-       finds its way into the bone as you had planned. There is
pes such as sinus implants, balcony implants, short implants    no bouncing during drilling, no slipping of the implant, no
and oval implants. How do you proceed with the simulta-         sticking and no spinning—SDS implants simply “work like
neous removal/treatment of infections, cysts or osteolytic      clockwork” and you’ll enjoy the experience from 20 years of
areas? How do we place implants in class IV bone and in         ceramic implantology and thousands or surgical procedu-
uncompromising class I bone? Which techniques do we use         res that have gone into the development of this system. Du-
to allow us to even place an immediate implant in an upper      ring this first hands-on day, you will not only get to observe
molar region, including in cases whether there is no bone       the different situations and perform implants in parallel at
whatsoever between the sockets? It is best to bring some        your own workplace, with the various operating techniques
OPGs and DVTs on a USB stick so that you can plan these         being demonstrated by the instructors and projected on a
cases directly with our support. You will be particularly en-   7-meter-wide screen using a clever camera technique. You
thusiastic about the planning tool developed by Dr. Ulrich      will also practice intelligent incision and suture techniques
Volz, which you can take home with you for your future          on special artificial jaws with imitation gingiva. These tech-
planning activities. Hand on heart: There is hardly a single    niques maintain the blood supply and are also minimally
dentist who understands his own treatment and cost plans.       invasive, painless and swelling-free for the patients. Relief
So how is a patient supposed to fathom what you have in         incisions and periosteal slits were already removed from
mind for him? However, if you also provide your patient with    the program of the SWISS BIOHEALTH CONCEPT many
an animation of the treatment outcome, your “closure rate”      years ago, as they leave and cause swelling, pain and scars,
will massively increase. These animations will be created by    while also destroying the blood supply and thus increasing
you in a matter of minutes and will also serve as a perfect     the risk of complications. Here, you will practice the SOFT
guide for you yourself during the operation.                    BRUSHING TECHNIQUE developed by Prof. Dr. Alain Si-
                                                                monpieri, which can stretch the flap up to 1.5 cm without
                                                                damaging the periosteum!

Further Information

However, you will also work on the artificial jaw model using     It is this development that forms the basis of THE SWISS
the AIM—ANATOMICAL IMPLANTATION METHOD, an in-                    BIOHEALTH CONCEPT developed by Dr. Ulrich Volz and his
novative ad hoc navigation system, before culminating the         team. This “new” form of dentistry, which in fact dates back
day by placing eight to ten SDS implants in the edentulous        more than a century, takes systematic account of biology
maxilla in absolutely perfect and parallel positions, while       and immunology as a means of supplementing the surgical
at the same generating perfect distances between the im-          and mechanistic work of implantologists and in doing so
plants, which are essential for filling the interdental spaces    places a focus on causes and reproducible results.
with healthy papillae.
                                                                  The SWISS BIOHEALTH EDUCATION CENTER is the only
                                                                  place where you can gain an essence of this new form of
LEVEL 3 - PROSTHETICS HANDS-ON COURSE                             dentistry within just two days. The course is extremely ent-
On this additional practical hands-on course day, everyt-         ertaining and is free of any junk and filler. Dr. Ulrich Volz is
hing revolves around prosthetic standards and the final           considered a trailblazer of this scientifically verifiable bio-
restoration as well as its production. Before this, however,      logical/immunological dentistry approach and a pioneer in
we will look at the production of perfect temporary resto-        the field of ceramic implants. In performing his work, Dr.
rations for immediate loading, as this can either ensure the      Ulrich Volz can call on proven results from 30 years of prac-
surgical result or destroy it in the case of incorrect loading.   tice and more than 20,000 personally placed ceramic im-
Using the techniques, you will produce eggshell temporary         plants. The first day places a focus on biology and immuno-
restorations, ski boots and molded parts on the maxilla mo-       logy as well as the causes and triggers of chronic diseases
del created the day before with eight to ten implants. You        and their relation to dentistry. Dr. Ulrich Volz demonstrates
will realize just how important a parallel and perfect implant    heart rate variability as a measurement instrument for chro-
position is. This is because on this second practice day you      nic cell stress as well as metals, root-treated teeth, titanium
will be able to produce a long-term temporary restoration         implants and fatty degenerative osteolysis in the jawbone
for the entire upper jaw in record time that is perfect in        as interference field triggers. The solution aspect with re-
terms of aesthetics, margin fitting and friction. During later    spect to this topic is formed by THE SWISS BIOHEALTH
surgery, this will provide you with completely new options        CONCEPT in which the interferences are dealt with step by
for restoring the papillae and achieving outstanding aest-        step according to clear and structured algorithms, fully in
hetics.                                                           keeping with the motto of “paint by numbers”. All state-
                                                                  ments and treatment concepts are supported by studies
What is especially great about these two practical, hands-        and you are provided with a study overview of this topic
on course days is that you will be able to take all of the mo-    comprising approximately 200 pages on this first day.
dels with the inserted implants in the different indications
and the long-term temporary restorations home with you.           On the second day, you will begin to think in terms of cera-
This means you can also use them at a later date when ex-         mics and come to the realization that a successful ceramic
plaining things to your patients!                                 implant system can never merely be a copy of the approach
                                                                  applied for titanium implants. Instead, such a system can
                                                                  only emerge on the basis of thousands of implant place-
LEVEL 4 - DATE WITH BIOLOGY & ZIRCONIA                            ment as part of a continuous process of further develop-
After many years of conservative implantology, you may            ment, as zirconia follows its own biological, immunological
have thought from time to time how nice it would be to            and mechanical laws. You require this knowledge in order
open a door that gave you access to a new and exciting            to successful place ceramic implants, as this expertise is
world. A world that would rekindle your enthusiasm and            essential for ensuring that you will not only be able to avo-
provide you with new drive for the coming years and deca-         id errors, but rather also be in a position to redefine and
des ahead. Experts from the realms of science and industry        extend existing limits: “ceramic implants are simpler—but
are in agreement that the new megatrend in the field of           different!”.
dentistry is set to be “biological dentistry and ceramic im-
plants”! You can already see the beginnings of this new age       You will be thrilled to learn that immediate implant place-
on the congress stages, with a trend towards the biologiza-       ment in the sense of “socket preservation 2.0” is a MUST
tion of dentistry being observed.                                 and with the unique DYNAMIC THREAD design of the SDS

implants even works absolutely reliably and predictably in     Places on the surgery and prosthetics hands-on course are
the upper jaw/molar region. In countless case presentati-      limited. This means that priority will be given to individuals
ons, Dr. Ulrich Volz will show and demonstrate how this is     booking the entire week.
done and that this process can be performed even in large
and completely desolate situations using the ALL-IN-ONE        Once the places on the practical courses are booked, indi-
concept, where in a single appointment both jaws are res-      vidual levels will be made available for booking. Our recom-
tored, the implants are placed and long-term temporary         mendation is to book the entire week with all levels in order
restorations are immediately fitted that can bear load right   to get the maximum knowledge. We advise that you only
away. On this day too, you will receive a 100-page manual,     go on to a high level if you are already an absolute expert
this time on THE SWISS BIOHEALTH CONCEPT. The ma-              at the previous level.
nual summarizes both days once more, is underpinned by
hundreds of studies and is much more than just a script. In-
stead, it is more of a handbook or textbook on a new way of
looking at dentistry and implantology that will inspire you
forever. A special bonus is the very large number of repeat
participants that we always welcome, i.e. colleagues who
have been practicing this unique concept for more than
a decade in some cases and who attend this course time
and again to ensure that they remain at the cutting edge
of developments. After all, science never stands still and
develops constantly. During the breaks, you will have the
opportunity to talk to these colleagues and find out how
they have implemented the concept of biological dentis-
try and ceramic implants at their practice and how this has
changed their life.

For detailed information see page 10.

This will be held once a year only and is scheduled to take
place immediately following the CERAMIC IMPLANTOLO-
GY WEEK on October 15 and 16, 2021.


The largest congress of its kind for ceramic implants,
blood concentrates and biological dentistry at the

Ceramic implants and the biologization of dentistry are re-   COURSE DETAILS                    COURSE DATES
ceiving a rapidly growing number of enthusiastic „follow-     Duration            two days      10/15-16/2021
ers“ who appreciate the positive medical impact of this
therapeutic method on the health of the patient.
                                                              In-person      490 € | 580 $      TIME
                                                              Zoom           350 € | 420 $
We invite you to the 1st JOINT CONGRESS FOR CERAM-                                              every day from
IC IMPLANTOLOGY for comprehensive education on this           Online         270 € | 320 $      9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
range of topics.
In addition to top-class speakers and live surgeries in the
SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC, you can expect to see the fol-                                          German | English
lowing participating organizations:
•   ISMI (International Society of Metal Free Implantology)   WHITE NIGHT
•   IAOCI (International Academy Of Ceramic Implantolo-       Exclusive for all those involved in the JOINT CONG-
                                                              RESS FOR CERAMIC IMPLANTS, the White Night will
•   SBCB (Society for Blood Concentrates and Biomateri-
                                                              take place on Friday evening. The event must be boo-
    als e.V.)
                                                              ked additionally. The number of participants is limited,
•   ICOSIM (International College of Maxillo-Mandibular
    Osteo-Immunology e.V.)                                    participation is only possible with pre-registration.
•   GZM (International Society for Holistic Dentistry)
•   ABBC (Academy for Blood concentrates, Biological          BOOKING
    dentistry and Ceramic implants)
                                                              Don‘t miss out on registering early with the SDS boo-
                                                              king code: SDS-JC21
Company participations come on the one hand from Mec-
tron and CaviTau as well as from the following ceramic im-
plant companies: SDS SWISS DENTAL SOLUTIONS, CAM-             The following QR code will take you directly to the
LOG and CERAMTEC/DENTALPOINT.                                 registration form on our website

The event will be organized from the SWISS BIOHEALTH
EDUCATION with media support from Oemus Media AG.
Catering will be provided by our own SOUL FOOD vegan
café and take away.

Three categories are available for your participation:
•   120 live and in-person seats
•   49 interactive Zoom seats
•   unlimited number of livestream seats

Become a master of zirconia prostheses and intra- as well as
extra-oral aesthetics

LEVEL 1 - I-PRF INJECTIONS                                   LEVEL   1    10/25/2021
• i-PRF for oral surgery                                     LEVEL   2    10/26/2021
• i-PRF for extra-oral aesthetics                            LEVEL   3    10/27/2021
• Materials, methods and injection techniques                LEVEL   4    10/28/2021
• Aging and anti-aging processes

LEVEL 2 - MYOREFLEX THERAPY                                  every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
• Basics of myoreflex therapy
• Anatomy and functional anatomy relevant to
  myoreflex therapeutics                                     LEVEL 1
• Introduction to Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) rele-   Prof. Dr. Shahram Ghanaati
  vant to myoreflex therapeutics
                                                             LEVEL 2
                                                             Dr. Kurt Mosetter
• Pathologies and dysfunctions                               LEVEL 3
• Diagnoses and analyses                                     Dr. Paul Kilanowski,
• Splint therapies                                           SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC team
• Pre-op LTT planning and LTT-2
• Setting and testing bite positions (based on               LEVEL 4
  the ART method)                                            Joachim Maier (ZTM)

                                                             German presentations will be simultaneously transla-
LEVEL 4 - PROSTHETICS ON SDS IMPLANTS                        ted into English.
• Smart LTT techniques for SDS implants
• Material, stability, absence of friction, occlusion
• Indication-based preprosthetic planning                    INVESTMENT
• All-ceramic prosthetics on SDS implants                    2,300 € | 2,710 $

                                                             BOOKING INFORMATION
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                                                             registration form on our website:

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