Sustainability Plan Our strategy for creating better places for people and the environment - Peel L&P

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Sustainability Plan Our strategy for creating better places for people and the environment - Peel L&P
Sustainability Plan
Our strategy for creating better places
for people and the environment
Sustainability Plan Our strategy for creating better places for people and the environment - Peel L&P
Peel L&P
Sustainability Plan Our strategy for creating better places for people and the environment - Peel L&P
We devote our energy to              Our sustainability plan aims to
accomplishing great things; not      help us meet the current needs
for their own sake, or ours, but     of our business and stakeholders
for those who come after. Today,     whilst keeping ahead of key
tomorrow and for generations to      trends to ensure we future-proof
come. Our ambitions are for a more   our activities. We are often the
prosperous, sustainable future for   facilitator, with an in-direct impact
all; where people and places are     on sustainability, and our ambitions
matched with the opportunity to be   can only be achieved by working
the very best they can be.           together with partners to keep pace
                                     with key future trends.
 We see possibility.
 We deliver transformation.

                                           We acquire, own
                                            or manage land,                     We consider
                                                                                                                Business,                 A positive impact
                                          property, water and                the best possible
                                                                  for                              which     community and     that        on peoples lives
                                          airspace that offers   which        use and impact      provides    environmental   delivers     for a long-term,
                                           a development or                   for that specific
                                                                                                               opportunity               sustainable business
                                               investment                       environment

                                                                                                                                 Peel L&P model
Sustainability Plan Our strategy for creating better places for people and the environment - Peel L&P
Future trends identified by                              Climate change

the UK Green Building Council

The Past                    The Future                   Nature &
Reasonable change of pace   Unprecedented instability

                                                         Health &
Regulation is the answer    Business leadership is key

Do less                     Do more
                                                         Resource use
Business as usual           Breakthrough innovation

It sits with the            The mainstream own it
sustainability team                                      Socio-economic
Sustainability Plan Our strategy for creating better places for people and the environment - Peel L&P
Peel L&P                                                                                 Peel Group
                                                                                                         John Whittaker

on governance
                                                                                         Board           The Peel Group

At Peel L&P we recognise                                                                 Peel Group     Steven Underwood
the responsibility we hold                                                               Supervisory
                                                                                                        Chief Executive
                                                                                                        The Peel Group
as a leader in regeneration
projects, and we understand
that this responsibility starts
                                                                  Steven Underwood             Mark Whittaker             James Whittaker        Myles Kitcher
with a governance structure                                       Chief Executive              Executive Director         Executive Director     Executive Director
that involves our Executive              Peel L&P
                                                                                               Property Investment
                                                                                               & Management
                                                                                                                          Development            Natural Resources
                                                                                                                                                 & Energy
and Senior Leadership Teams.             Executive
                                                                  Stephen Wild                Phil Wilson
                                                                                                                          John Schofield
                                         Leadership                                                                       Finance Director       Robert Hough
                                         Team Board               Executive Director          Executive Director                                 Non Executive
Our sustainability activities are                                 Strategic Investment        Land & Communities          John Peter Whittaker   Director
reported quarterly by business unit                               & Growth                    & Northstone                Non Executive
to the Peel L&P Sustainability Board,                                                                                     Director
which in turn reports quarterly
to the Executive Leadership
Team Board.
                                        Lois Kay                                                         Joanne Holden
The Peel L&P Sustainability Group       Development Surveyor                          Peel L&P
and the Green Team both engage          - Peel NRE                                    Sustainability
                                                                     Reporting                           Director
                                        Sustainability Champion                       & ESG Board
our practitioners in the delivery                                                                        Peel L&P
aspects of sustainability matters.                                                                                                                    Peel L&P
A network of Sustainability                                                                                                                           Sustainability
Champions and Energy Champions                                                                                                                        Group
ensure sustainability is embedded
in everyday thinking.                                                                                                                                 Peel L&P
                                                                                                                                                      Green Team
Sustainability Plan Our strategy for creating better places for people and the environment - Peel L&P
1                            5
                                                                             Create opportunities         Strive to put more
                                                                             for people to                back into the natural
                                                                             lead better, more            environment than is
                                                                             prosperous lives             taken out

                                                                         2                            6
                                                                                                           Support the health
                                                                              Engage with local            and wellbeing of
                                                                              people to understand         communities by
                                                                              the needs of                 creating beautiful,
From the three pillars          To encourage the creation of
                                                                              existing and future          functional
of sustainability - balancing   highly sustainable, future-proofed
                                                                              communities                  and well-used green
                                destinations, we have developed
the economy, environmental      the Principles for all our partners to
                                                                                                           public realm
responsibility and community    seek to deliver in our development

                                                                         3                            7
needs - we have developed       schemes. By setting a consistent
7 Sustainability Principles.    approach across our developments
                                and measuring progress, we can                Develop highly               Promote sustainable
                                                                              sustainable and smart        transport options
                                ensure our activities deliver
                                                                              built environments           for all
                                liveability for whole communities,
                                more sustainable individual sites
                                and long-term custodianship.

                                                                         4    Embrace a low carbon
                                                                              energy strategy
Sustainability Plan Our strategy for creating better places for people and the environment - Peel L&P
The United Nations
Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs)
The UN’s 17 SDGs, otherwise        We have prioritised the four that
known as the Global Goals,         are most relevant to our business
                                   activities and recognise that none
were launched in 2015 and          could be achieved without working
underpin our ambition to           in partnership with our stakeholders.
embed sustainability into
our placemaking activities.

We support the principles of the
SDGs and have started to look
at how we can play our part in
contributing to them.
Peel NRE’s
UN SDG Commitments
Peel NRE, part of Peel L&P, is at the heart of the
nation’s activity around clean growth and the
circular economy – helping the UK achieve net
zero by 2050 and supporting the regions in their
actions to achieve climate emergency targets.

With our partners we re-use, re-purpose
and re-energise natural resources to develop
and maintain vital infrastructure across the
UK and are experts in renewable energies,
district heating, waste to value, water
management, materials management
and electric vehicle charging.
Ensure access to
 affordable, reliable,
 sustainable and modern
 energy for all                      Our Commitment:                        estate, infrastructure and operational   further 120MW on the Shetland
                                                                            solutions to benefit sustainable         Islands. Our Protos, Cheshire energy
                                     We will continually explore            energy provision both in the regions     and resource hub leads the way
What does this mean?                                                        we are based and nationally.             in low carbon energy and waste
                                     innovation in energy production
                                                                                                                     management with the deployment
Pursue innovation in energy                                                 In Liverpool, our Mersey Heat            of innovative technologies including
                                     Through our business areas,
production to provide sustainable                                           energy service company (ESCO)            the UK’s first plastic-to-hydrogen
                                     including renewable and low carbon
heat and power sources for current                                          is delivering a low carbon district      facility, a 21.5MW biomass plant,
                                     waste management and energy
and future generations.                                                     heat network. Across the UK we           a 49MW energy from waste plant
                                     production, we have the opportunity
                                     to work in partnership with            have delivered over 180MW of             in construction and a plastic park
                                     investors, technology providers and    onshore wind, including the 65MW         blueprint to revolutionise plastic
                                     businesses, together with the public   Scout Moor wind-farm,                    recycling nationwide.
                                     sector, to provide bespoke real        and are currently delivering a
Make cities and human
 settlements inclusive, safe,
 resilient and sustainable
What does this mean?

Contribute towards making places
for the economy, communities and   Our Commitment:                Engagement and participation are     gain assessments into many of our
nature to thrive.                                                 integral to Peel NRE’s approach to   projects to further this commitment.
                                   We will develop our strategy   community consultation, being a      place where all people
                                   for engagement with local      good neighbour, and supporting       feel welcome.
                                   communities and partners,      economic and social growth of
                                                                  the regions in which we are based.
                                   and work across Peel L&P
                                                                  Over the coming years, we will
                                   to promote the benefits of
                                                                  be building social value and net
                                   using recycled aggregates
Promote sustained, inclusive and
  sustainable economic growth,
  full and productive employment
  and decent work for all
                                       Our Commitment:                       resources and energy projects,         bringing three divisions of Peel L&P
                                                                             providing solutions and expertise to   together, we seek to continually
What does this mean?                   We will support training,             Government ministers, public and       expand through volunteering
                                       employment and local                  trade bodies and industry leaders.     activities associated with the areas
Economic and skill growth, inclusive                                         Thus, we are in a strong position to   in which we work, and supporting
                                       business opportunities
and engaging working environments.                                           give back and support the regions      the next generation of talent.
                                       through our activities
                                                                             in which we work with their carbon
                                                                             reduction and COVID-19 recovery
                                       At Peel NRE, we have a strong track
                                                                             plans over the coming years.
                                       record in working with partners
                                                                             As a newly formed business [unit],
                                       to deliver successful natural
Build resilient infrastructure,
  promote inclusive and
  sustainable industrialisation
  and foster innovation

What does this mean?

Innovation in energy provision
and waste management to support     Our Commitment:                 Across Peel NRE, we provide time     Over the next 5 years, we look to
decarbonisation.                                                    and resources to regional working    bolster the nation’s ability to deal
                                    Work with partners to explore   groups focused on economic,          with non-recyclable plastic and
                                    and implement innovation to     energy and waste management          further development of district heat
                                    support national clean growth   resilience through cross- business   network projects.
                                    and the circular economy
Targets                      SDG 7: Ensure access to affordable,              SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements
                             reliable, sustainable and modern                 inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Our 4 commitments            energy for all
are underpinned by
                             1 year target                                    1 year target
8 one-year targets
and 9 five-year targets,     • Support the development of the EPort           • For Peel NRE’s renewable energy projects,
                               study (looking at a multi-vector energy          explore the potential opportunity
focussed on the                solution for Ellesmere Port) by dedicating       to provide wider benefits to local
sustainability issues          resource as a consortium member for              communities hosting our wind and solar
                               future phases of the project.                    farm developments.
that are most relevant
to our business activities   • Enable the opportunity for occupiers
                               at Protos to join a local grid allowing more   5 year target
and associated                 sustainable, direct provision of energy
stakeholders.                  to adjacent facilities.                        • Stimulate a circular economy approach by
                                                                                promoting the use of recycled aggregates
                                                                                across Peel L&P.
                             5 year target
                                                                              • Proactively engage with the local and
                             • Investigate the potential for Carbon             wider community in our developments
                               Capture and Underground Storage (CCUS)           beyond statutory and planning and
                               and connection of Protos into Hynet              legislative obligations.
                               (hydrogen distribution network).
SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive             SDG 9: Build resilient infrastructure,
and sustainable economic growth,                promote inclusive and sustainable
full and productive employment                  industrialisation and foster innovation.
and decent work for all
                                                1 year target
1 year target                                   • Investigate a carbon usage scheme at Protos
• Support a work experience opportunity           by the end of 2021 subject to successful funding
  (Covid restrictions permitting).                and management approvals, with the intention
                                                  to reduce the carbon load of the planned
• Establish a Peel NRE volunteering strategy.     PowerHouse Energy hydrogen facility, produce
                                                  lightweight construction materials
                                                  and responsibly treat up to 12,000 tonnes
5 year target
                                                  per annum of local alkaline residues.
• Increase engagement with Peel L&P
                                                • Investigate a carbon capture demonstration
  People Team initiatives.
                                                  scheme at Protos by the end of 2021 subject
• Support local authorities in which              to successful funding and management approvals.
  our developments are based by
                                                • Coordinate the delivery of a cross-sector,
  communicating upcoming construction
                                                  cross-vector blueprint for industrial
  and operational facilities, employment
                                                  decarbonisation in the NW of England
  opportunities to allow for further
                                                  and NE Wales by the end of 2022.
  education training alignment.

• Support public sector and wider               5 year target
  initiatives to achieve carbon reduction
  and Covid recovery plans in the regions       • Seek to develop over 10 Plastic to Hydrogen
  where are projects are located.                 plants over 5 years, to take locally-generated
                                                  end of life plastic and create a local source
                                                  of clean fuel for the automotive sector.

                                                • Create Peel NRE’s first plastic park at Protos
                                                  which will process up to 300,000 tonnes of plastics
                                                  that would either go to landfill, incineration or
                                                  be shipped abroad for processing.

                                                • Explore low carbon energy solutions for future
                                                  district heat network projects.
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