Surface Circulation of Lakes and Nearly Land-Locked Seas - PNAS

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Proc. Nat. Ac4d. Sci. USA
                                        Vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 93-97, January 1973

                                        Surface Circulation of Lakes and Nearly Land-Locked Seas
                                            (marginal seas/wind drive/water movements)

                                       K. 0. EMERY AND G. T. CSANADY
                                        Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543
                                        Contributed by K. 0. Emery, October 30, 1972

                                       ABSTRACT         The pattern of surface circulation has been             north to south are: Lake Superior (1), Lake Huron (1-3),
                                       mapped for more than 40 lakes, marginal seas, estuaries,                 Lake Michigan (1, 4), Lake Ontario (1, 5), Lake Erie (1, 6),
                                       and lagoons. All are within the northern hemisphere,
                                       and all except one are known to have a counterclockwise                  Great Salt Lake (7), and the Salton Sea (8, 9). Patterns also
                                       pattern. This consistent pattern is attributed to the drag               are available for the following lakes of Eurasia: Lake Con-
                                       of wind blowing across the bodies of water. Warmer sur-                  stance-Bodensee (10, 11), Lake Neuchatel (12), Lake Geneva-
                                       face water is displaced to the right-hand shore zone (fac-               Liman (13), Aral Sea (14), Caspian Sea (A. F. Mikhalevskii
                                       ing downwind), where it produces greater surface turbu-                  in ref 15), Dead Sea (16), and Bitter Lake (17).
                                       lence and, thus, greater wind drag. This effect leads to
                                       counterclockwise water circulation regardless of the direc-                 Circulation patterns for water bodies of North America
                                       tion and, within limits, the duration of the wind.                       that are nearly separated from the ocean or from large ad-
                                                                                                                jacent lakes by structural barriers have been published for:
                                       During studies of northern hemisphere lakes and water bodies             Baffin Bay (18, 19), Hudson Bay (20, 21), Gulf of St. Law-
                                       marginal to the ocean, we have noted a consistent counter-               rence (22, 23), Passamaquoddy Bay (24), Grand Traverse
                                       clockwise circulation of surface waters. "Circulation" is here           Bay (25), Bay of Fundy (26, 27), Gulf of Maine (22), and
                                       defined to mean a long-term pattern of motion, or residual               Long Island Sound (28). In South America the circulation
                                       motion remaining after the irregular water movements in-                 in Lake Maracaibo (29) has been mapped. Similar water
                                       volved in wind drift, seiches, and other short-term phenomena            bodies of Eurasia for which surface circulation are known are:
                                       are averaged. The averaging period is taken to be long com-              the White Sea (V. Timonov in ref. 30), Baltic Sea (31), Black
                                       pared with the typical passage time of weather cycles. Ex-               Sea (32), Adriatic Sea (33, 34), Japan Sea (ref. 35, Sizova in
                                       perimentally, such long-term patterns of flow may be directly           refs. 30 and 36), the Mediterranean Sea (37), and the Persian
                                       determined, e.g., by releasing batches of drift bottles and              Gulf (38, 39).
                                       tracing their paths of long period drift.                                  These enclosed or nearly enclosed bodies of water span a
                                         Charts of this circulation pattern were assembled, and the            range from 720 to 9 North latitude; unfortunately, no data
                                       cause of the pattern was examined in the expectation that it            of surface circulation were found for similar water bodies in
                                      may be useful to other workers, particularly in connection               the southern hemisphere. Where the methods by which the
                                      with predictions of pollution down-current from points of                circulation was measured were reported, they consisted vari-
                                      sewage and industrial discharge into large bodies of water.              ously of drift bottles or drift cards, drogues, buoyed fishing
                                      Information about circulation patterns of lakes is very scarce           nets, measurements with drift lines and current meters from
                                      in limnological journals, as these mainly are limited to strictly        anchored ships, tracing of increased salinity caused by excess
                                      biological problems. Moreover, most studies of water move-               evaporation, and computations from dynamic topography
                                      ments in lakes are restricted to seiches, internal waves, and            above prominent thermoclines. The short-term methods are
                                      other movements in a vertical plane. Investigations of cir-              significant only during average conditions. Some examples
                                      culation in marginal seas and estuaries are more common                  are based upon several methods.
                                      than in lakes, possibly because of the natural landward ex-                 The circulation patterns for all but one of the lakes and
                                      tension of oceanographic methods. Many marginal seas are                 seas of Figs. 1 and 2 are generally counterclockwise. The
                                      separated from the ocean by barriers caused by crustal de-               pattern for the Aral Sea, however, is reported to have a
                                      formation that allow little exchange of water. These are in-             clockwise circulation; whether this uniqueness is due to
                                      cluded in the discussion below. Estuaries and lagoons sepa-              peculiarities of bottom topography or to perhaps erroneous
                                      rated from the ocean by barriers produced by sand deposition,            interpretation of measurements is unknown, and it must re-
                                      and marginal seas widely open to the ocean (Kars Sea, Chuk-              main an exception for the time being.
                                      chi Sea, Norwegian Sea, Bering Sea, and the North Sea) often
                                      have circulation patterns similar to those of lakes and the              Cause of counterclockwise    circulation:
                                      nearly land-locked seas, but they are omitted here because of            physical description
                                      possible control by currents from the open ocean.                        The general consistency in circulation patterns demands a
                                                                                                               general explanation. For estuaries and some small marginal
                                      Patterns                                                                 seas the chief mechanism may be the inflow of light fresh water
                                      The charts of horizontal circulation in lakes and nearly land-           at the landward side and the outflow of mixed water at the
                                      locked bodies of ocean water are so thinly and widely scattered          mouth, where it is largely counterbalanced by inflow of
                                      in physical and geological literature that we probably have              denser ocean water. Similarly, the flow of light fresh water
                                      missed some of the published examples. Most of the ones we               into lakes having no outlet (Salton Sea and Dead Sea) may
                                      found are illustrated in simplified form in Figs. 1 and 2. Ex-           be important. Such inflows of light water would produce a
                                      amples of patterns from lakes of North America listed from               surface slope down which movement of water would be de-
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94     Geophysics: Emery and Csanady                                                          Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70      (1978)

                                         FIG. 1. Circulation patterns for lakes simplified from original     FIG. 2. Circulation patterns for nearly land-locked bodies of
                                      illustrations cited in the text: Lake Superior, Lake Constance,      water separated from the open sea by structural barriers. Pat-
                                      Lake Geneva, Aral Sea, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake On-           terns are simplified from original illustrations cited in the text:
                                      tario, Lake Erie, Caspian Sea, Salton Sea, Dead Sea, and Bitter      Baltic Sea, Hudson Bay, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Passamaquoddy
                                      Lake.                                                                Bay, Grand Traverse Bay, Bay of Fundy, Black Sea, Adriatic
                                                                                                           Sea, Japan Sea, Long Island Sound, Persian Gulf, and Lake
                                      flected to the right (in the northern hemisphere) by the
                                      Coriolis force of earth rotation. In most examples, however,
                                      the water bodies are too large to be much affected by the            by the rotation of the earth. In a circular basin, constant-
                                      relatively small inflow of light water. Likewise, a decrease in      depth model of a stratified lake, the motions produced by the
                                      density of water above the shoal nearshore zone through solar        irregularly occurring wind impulses may be elucidated in
                                      heating could produce a slope that may give rise to a counter-       considerable detail analytically (40), by use of linearized
                                      clockwise current, but this effect must be small; if it were im-     equations of motion. These equations describe large bodies
                                      portant, the current would be counterclockwise only during           of water quite faithfully, and the qualitative features of the
                                      the spring and early summer-before the development of a              analytical solutions are in good agreement with observation.
                                      homogeneous surface layer-a restriction that seems not to            With a uniform wind blowing over the basin, "coastal jets"
                                      be present. In some specific instances one would be inclined         more or less along the direction of the wind are produced at
                                      to attribute the observed circulation pattern to the topog-          both right-hand and left-hand shores, with Ekman drift
                                      raphy of the basin, but in most examples such an argument            occupying the central part of the basin.
                                      also is unconvincing. The generality of the counterclockwise            One key property of wind-induced motions in a symmetrical
                                      circulation in the northern hemisphere suggests that the cause       basin is that the circulation pattern is also symmetrical, unless
                                      is independent of basin shape and depth distribution, and            the wind stress distribution itself possesses significant asym-
                                      within limits also of size. Therefore, it will be convenient          metry or "curl." If the basin is small compared to the dimen-
                                      to examine how a counterclockwise circulation pattern may             sions of weather systems (this is true even for very large
                                      be set up in a circular basin of constant depth, which repre-         lakes), any such asymmetry, if present, must be produced by
                                       sents a theoretical model sufficiently idealized to exclude          the basin itself, through some interaction with the air flow
                                       irrelevancies.                                                       above. To explain an anticlockwise average circulation, we
                                          It is well known that water movements in lakes and shallow        have to show why there should be a positive (cyclonic) curl
                                       seas are produced mainly by wind, that they are strongly             in the wind stress, regardless of the direction in which the
                                       influenced by the vertical stratification of the water column,       wind blows. In simple terms, we have to show why the wind
                                       and that in the larger bodies of water they are also affected        should drag the water along more effectively on the right-
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Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70 (1973)                                                              Surface Circulation of Lakes        95

                                         hand shore than on the left-hand one (in the northern hemi-
                                         sphere, and "right" and "left" if we look downwind).
                                           As shown by Roll (41), the stress exerted by the wind on
                                        a water surface depends critically on the air-water tem-
                                        perature difference. The stability of the air layer in contact
                                        with a water surface colder by several degrees than the air
                                        some distance above may completely suppress turbulence and
                                        reduce wind stress to zero. In the Great Lakes it is common to
                                        observe a completely smooth band of cold water, while the
                                        warmer water a few hundred meters away is covered by
                                        capillary waves, a clearly visible sign of wind stress. Even
                                        when the contrast is not quite so extreme, the wind stress
                                        magnitude is significantly affected by surface temperature
                                        changes of the order of 10, or even 0.5°. This effect is further
                                        discussed quantitatively below.
                                           It is also clear that in the presence of net surface heating a
                                        horizontal temperature gradient tends to become established,
                                        positive in the direction of surface drift. In sufficiently large
                                        basins (in practice, larger than a few km in size) and in the
                                       northern hemisphere the surface drift has a large component
                                       to the right of the wind ("Ekman drift"). Therefore, in the
                                       presence of net surface heating the water becomes warmer on
                                       the right-hand shore and is, in fact, dragged along more ef-
                                       fectively by the wind. Aerial temperature surveys of the
                                       Great Lakes, for example, show clear evidence of this warming
                                       trend across wind, the temperature contrast being of the order
                                       of 1-2°. Fig. 3 illustrates this point. A much more pronounced
                                       temperature difference occurs between left- and right-hand
                                       shores when the wind stress is strong enough and acts long
                                       enough to produce upwelling of cold water. The upwelling                FIG. 3. Observed surface temperature patterns of Lake On-
                                                                                                            tario from aerial infrared radiation surveys. Before surveys (a)
                                       occurs on the left-hand shore in the northern hemisphere,            and (b), the winds were generally westerly; before survey
                                       and it is under such circumstances that absence of wind stress       (c), they were easterly. Larger temperature contrast in (a) is
                                       may be observed over the upwelled water, while the warmer            typical of summer conditions, while that of (b) is typical of early
                                       water not too far away is clearly acted upon by the wind.            autumn. Redrawn from illustrations by Irbe (48).
                                       The exact dynamical effects on a stratified lake of such an
                                       asymmetrical distribution of wind stress are complicated, but
                                       they undoubtedly include a tendency to produce counter-              proximation, i.e., there is no net drift in the direction of phase
                                       clockwise circulation of the wind-driven surface waters.             propagation. A second-order drift akin to Stokes drift in
                                          At least in temperate latitudes the winds are variable:           surface waves is possible (45), but such an effect has not yet
                                       as weather systems pass over a lake or marginal sea, wind-           been shown to be quantitatively significant in the above types
                                       stress impulses are exerted on the water surface that change         of waves.
                                       irregularly both in magnitude and direction. As a result, cur-          A second plausible explanation that does not work is that
                                       rents observable at any fixed point in such a lake or sea are        nonlinear momentum transport by the mean motion fortifies
                                      highly variable. Near shore, for example, they alternate ir-          the right-hand shore "coastal jet." This momentum transport
                                      regularly between the two shore-parallel directions. Ac-              is in fact to the right on both shores, i.e., shoreward on the
                                       cording to the above argument, however, the currents are             right and offshore on the left. However, its net effect is to
                                      somewhat stronger when they leave the shore to the right              displace the left-hand jet somewhat offshore and to stabilize
                                      than in the opposite case. When the flow is averaged over a           the right-hand jet against the shore, without interfering very
                                      longer period, most of the irregular motion is cancelled out,         significantly with the overall flow pattern.
                                      but not the portion directly due to wind-stress curl; this por-          Possibly other nonlinear or more complicated effects also
                                      tion is of the same sense regardless of wind direction or veloc-      contribute to the maintenance of anticlockwise mean circula-
                                      ity and it should add up to a significant component of the            tion in enclosed bodies of water, but we have not been able
                                      mean flow pattern.                                                    to identify any that were quantitatively significant. By con-
                                          In concluding this section, it may be useful to point out two     trast, the surface heating-Ekman drift coupling of air and
                                      nonexplanations of counterclockwise circulation. One is the           water should be able to maintain a significant circulation
                                      well-known property of certain long waves to progress in a            amplitude, as shown by the calculations below.
                                      counterclockwise direction along the periphery of a suffi-
                                      ciently large basin. Thus, the phase of the seiches or "wind          Quantitative considerations
                                      tides" of Lake Erie progresses counterclockwise (42), as do           To calculate the "typical" magnitude of the cross-wind tem-
                                      tides in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (43) or long internal Kelvin        perature gradient, we assume that the wind has blown long
                                      waves in Lake Michigan (44). However, particle orbits as-             enough from a constant direction to establish equilibrium
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                                      sociated with such wavelike motions are closed in a first ap-         between surface heating and advective heat transport in the
96      Geophysics: Emery and Csanady                                                             Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70   (1M)
                                      water, i.e.                                                          of the wind-stress curl, i.e., to
                                                                   wO        H
                                                                                                     [1]                                                                   131
                                                                  by CpV                                                                   J     l--dt
                                      where 0 is temperature (0C), H is net heat absorption by the              Suppose that the above wind-stress curl was acting for
                                      water in cal cm2 sec-', c. and p are the specific heat and den-      a   period of t = 8 hr, over a circular basin of 50 km in diameter,
                                      sity of water, y is the direction perpendicular to the wind, and     i.e.,
                                      V is Ekman transport to the right of the wind (cm2 sec'1). A
                                      typical magnitude of the net heat flux is 2. 10-' cal cm-2                                    =    AO/p)   =
                                      sec-' (about 180 cal cm-2 day-'), while the Ekman drift in                       by \p/        50km
                                      a 6 m/sec wind ("10 meter level wind") at mid-latitudes is                      W = 8 3600-10-7 = 2* 88- 10-8 cm sec
                                      close to 104 cm2 sec'1. These data yield a temperature gradient
                                      60/by of 2. 10-7 0C cm-', or 20 per 100 km. Actual observed          where we have assumed a linear change in stress across the
                                      temperature gradients in the central part of Lake Ontario,           basin. The circulation produced by this wind stress curl is
                                      during the heating season for example, (see Fig. 3a), are of a       characterized by a tangential velocity at the shores of
                                      similar magnitude to several times greater.                                                           Wr
                                         In the absence of surface heating, temperature contrasts                                           2#[41
                                                                                                                                      V: ==2h
                                      in a cross-wind direction are also observed, although they
                                      tend to be somewhat smaller; in Lake Ontario, these effects          where r is the basin radius and h is the mixed-layer depth.
                                      are of the order of 10 across the 70-km wide lake. An examina-       For r = 25 km and taking h = 10 m, we find
                                      tion of successive surveys suggests that these temperature                                 Vt = 3.6 cm/sec
                                      differences are caused by intermittent upwelling of cold water
                                      on the left-hand shore, followed by some horizontal mixing.                                          3.1 km/day
                                         The wind-stress differences corresponding to temperature          Note that vt is proportional to Wr, so that it does not directly
                                      contrasts of the above order of magnitude may be estimated           depend on radius, given a certain temperature contrast, and
                                      on a theoretical basis by the use of geostrophic drag coefficients   with it A(To/p) across the basin, W containing the gradient
                                      presented in (46). These drag coefficients are functions of two      A(To/p)/2r. Similar tangential velocities v: can, therefore,
                                      nondimensional parameters, the surface Rossby number and             develop in smaller or larger basins, as long as the temperature
                                      the Lettau number                                                    contrast remains significant.
                                                                    Ro   =
                                                                             U9                            Concluding remarks
                                                                             fzo                           To sum up briefly, we have presented a possible physical
                                                                                                     [21   mechanism to explain the observed universal tendency toward
                                                                   Le   Le=AT

                                                                                                           counterclockwise circulation in northern hemisphere lakes and
                                                                                                           marginal seas. The salient parts of our argument are: (i) there
                                      where U, is geostrophic wind speed, f is the Coriolis parameter,     is usually a temperature contrast between the right- and left-
                                      z0 the roughness length of the surface, AT the temperature           hand shore, (looking downwind), the former being warmer;
                                      difference between air at geostrophic level and surface below,       (ii) the observed temperature differences are sufficient to
                                      T the absolute air temperature, and g is the acceleration of         produce cyclonic wind-stress curl of appreciable magnitude,
                                      gravity. As a typical roughness length, we take z0 0.1 cm.
                                                                                                           which sets up the counterclockwise circulation. Climatic
                                      Assuming also U, = 10 m sec-', f = 10-4 sec-, we calculate           conditions allowing these physical factors to operate prevail
                                      Ro = 108. Suppose that the air-water temperature difference          from early spring to late fall. In midwinter, the circulation
                                      on the right-hand shore is exactly zero, while on the left-hand      pattern should be different. In some lakes and other water
                                      shore the water surface is 10 cooler than the air-then Le = 0        bodies, this appears to be true, but the evidence is scant as
                                      on the right, Le = 109 on the left. The corresponding drag           most observations of circulation are made during the warmer
                                      coefficients and surfaces stresses are                               seasons. The rotation of the earth is involved in the establish-
                                      Right           Cd   =   0.55 10-8                                   ment of the temperature contrast across wind, either through
                                                                                                           Ekman drift to the right, or the production of an upwelling
                                                      To =     Cdp.U,2 = 0.7 dyne   cm2
                                                                                                           on the left. In the southern hemisphere the opposite circula-
                                      Left            Cd   =   0.15 10 3                                   tion should be observable. Unfortunately, as we remarked
                                                                                                           before, evidence on this point is insufficient to confirm our
                                                      To   =   0.2 dyne cm-2                               reasoning.
                                        The theoretically predicted wind stress is thus 3.5 times            We thank the Office of Naval Research, which supported this
                                      greater on the right than on the left, a very significant varia-     work under Contract N00014-66-C0241. This is Contribution
                                      tion indeed, considering the smallness of the temperature            2965 of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
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                                      substantial wind-stress curl due to surface temperature con-              culture, Washington, D.C., Weather Bureau, Bull. B),
                                      trasts is, in fact, a likely possibility.                                 16p.
                                                                                                            2. Ayers, J. C. (1956) "A dynamic height method for the de-
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