SUMMER CAMP GUIDE Summer 2021 - Registration begins March 29, 2021 - Sarasota County

Page created by Christopher Perkins
SUMMER CAMP GUIDE Summer 2021 - Registration begins March 29, 2021 - Sarasota County
Sarasota County Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources

Summer 2021

                                         Parents tell us: “Excellent value,
Registration begins March 29, 2021       excellent counselors, excellent camp!”
SUMMER CAMP GUIDE Summer 2021 - Registration begins March 29, 2021 - Sarasota County

WELCOME!                                                              Counselor-in-Training (C.I.T.): An elite group of
                                                                      hand-selected high school students learn skills that will
Sarasota County Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources               prepare them to become successful camp counselors. C.I.T.
offers 6 weeks of summer fun for children entering grades             participants assist counselors and have the opportunity to
1 through 12. These camps provide a variety of safe and               earn volunteer hours.
enjoyable summer recreation opportunities for your children.
                                                                      Specialty Camp: More than 30 specialty camps are
Day Camp: Designed for children entering grades 1 through 5,          scheduled throughout the summer. Each camp focuses on
the camp includes weekly themes, multiple field trips a week,         a specific theme, allowing campers to focus on a favorite
physical activity, creative arts, science and nature, safety and      activity or try something different.
wellness and character-development activities.
                                                                      Signing up is easy with our online registration at
Adventure Camp: Youth entering grades 6 through 8            Online registration may be paid in full or in
participate in multiple field trips a week as well as sports,         two installments. Please use mail-in registration if you are
games, arts and crafts, and more.                                     interested in applying for financial aid or in making payments.
                                                                      Registration begins at 7:30 a.m., Monday, March 29, 2021.

                                                                      At the time of this printing, Sarasota County Parks,
                                                                      Recreation and Natural Resources (PRNR) is planning
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                     to operate a full camp program for the 2021 summer.
                                                                      If the situation calls for changes due to COVID-19,
 Camp Schedule                                       Page 1           PRNR will implement changes while following the
                                                                      current CDC guidelines. This could lead to reduced
 Day Camp (North)                                    Page 5           camp opportunities, limited registration, no off-site
                                                                      activities and possible cancellation of the program(s).
 Mini Camp                                           Page 5
 Day Camp (South)                                    Page 6
 Adventure Camp                                      Page 7
 C.I.T. Program                                      Page 8
 Specialty Camps                                     Page 8
 Camp Guidelines                                     Page 20
 Registration Procedure                              Page 22
 Registration Form                                   Page 23
 Adopt-A-Camper Donation Information                 Page 25
 Credit Card Remittance Form                         Page 25
 Camp Locations Map                                  Back Cover

                                    You’re first in line when you register online at
SUMMER CAMP GUIDE Summer 2021 - Registration begins March 29, 2021 - Sarasota County

Dates        Name                                              Location                     Hours                    Fee      Ages    Page

June 14-18   Beach Volleyball Camp                             Siesta Beach                 8:30 a.m. to noon        $125     8-15    9

June 14-18   Chef Camp: Basic Cooking and Restaurant Skills    Mattison’s Forty-One         8:30-11 a.m.             $240     10-12 10

June 14-18   Freshwater Fishing and Boating Camp               Twin Lakes Park              8 a.m. to noon           $100     9-12    11

June 14-17   Sand Sculpture Camp (four days)                   Siesta Beach                 9 a.m. to noon           $145     6-12    12

June 14-18   Skim, Surf and Paddle Camp                        Lido Beach                   8 a.m. to noon           $225     7-15    13

June 14-18   Snapology: Gamebots                               Nokomis Community Park 9 a.m. to noon                 $175     7-14    14

June 14-18   Snapology: Poke-Heroes                            Nokomis Community Park 1-4 p.m.                       $150     6-14    15

June 21-25   Adventure Camp – Session I                        Colonial Oaks Park           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $438* 11-13 7

June 21-25   Chef Camp: Basic Pastry                           Mattison’s Forty-One         8:30-11 a.m.             $240     10-12 10

June 21-25   Counselor-in-Training Program – Session I         Day Camp locations           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $95*     14-16 8

                                                               Bee Ridge Park
June 21-25   Day Camp (North) – Session I                      Colonial Oaks Park           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $294* 6-10       5
                                                               Longwood Park

                                                               Laurel Park
June 21-25   Day Camp (South) – Session I                                                   7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $294* 6-10       6
                                                               Woodmere Park

June 21-25   Junior Lifeguard Camp                             Siesta Beach                 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $150      9-17    11

                         *Price is per three-week session. Financial assistance/scholarship available   Full-day camps      Specialty camps

                                                   Register at                                                               1
SUMMER CAMP GUIDE Summer 2021 - Registration begins March 29, 2021 - Sarasota County
JUNE continued
Dates            Name                                              Location                     Hours                    Fee      Ages    Page

June 21-25       Skim, Surf and Paddle Camp                        North Jetty Beach            8 a.m. to noon           $225     7-15    13

June 21-25       Snapology: Science of Superpowers                 Nokomis Community Park 1-4 p.m.                       $150     6-12    16

June 21-25       Snapology: Space Wars Robotics                    Nokomis Community Park 9 a.m. to noon                 $175     6-14    16

June 21-25       Archery Camp                                      Knight Trail Park            9 a.m. to noon           $90      8-16    9

June 28-July 2   Counselor-in-Training Program – Session I         Day Camp locations           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $95*     14-16 8

June 28-July 2 Creepy, Crawly Critter Camp                         Shamrock Park                9 a.m. to noon           $75      6-9     10

                                                                   Bee Ridge Park
June 28-July 2 Day Camp (North) – Session I                        Colonial Oaks Park           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $294* 6-10       5
                                                                   Longwood Park

                                                                   Laurel Park
June 28-July 2 Day Camp (South) – Session I                                                     7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $294* 6-10       6
                                                                   Woodmere Park

June 28-July 1 Sand Sculpture Camp (four days)                     Siesta Beach                 9 a.m. to noon           $145     6-12    12

June 28-July 2 Skateboard Camp                                     Payne Park Skate Park        8 a.m. to noon           $225     7-14    13

June 28-July 2 Snapology: Combat Robots                            Nokomis Community Park 9 a.m. to noon                 $175     7-14    14

June 28-July 2 Snapology: Planes, Trains and Automobiles           Nokomis Community Park 1-4 p.m.                       $150     6-12    15

                             *Price is per three-week session. Financial assistance/scholarship available   Full-day camps      Specialty camps

                                         DONATE TO ADOPT-A-CAMPER
                                         AND HELP SEND A KID TO CAMP!
                                         Your donation will help Sarasota County provide financial assistance
                                         to qualifying county residents who attend a Parks, Recreation and
    Give the Gift of
    Camp                                 Natural Resources summer adventure or day camp. To donate, call
                                         941-861-PARK (7275) or use the mail-in form on the inside back cover.

2                                  You’re first in line when you register online at
SUMMER CAMP GUIDE Summer 2021 - Registration begins March 29, 2021 - Sarasota County
Dates        Name                                              Location                     Hours                    Fee      Ages    Page

July 6-9     Adventure Camp – Session I                        Colonial Oaks Park           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $438* 11-13 7

July 6-9     Archery Camp                                      Knight Trail Park            9 a.m. to noon           $72      8-16    9

July 6-9     Art and Movement Camp                             Nokomis Beach Park           1-4 p.m.                 $176     5-10    9

July 6-9     Counselor-in-Training Program – Session I         Day Camp locations           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $95*     14-16 8

                                                               Bee Ridge Park
July 6-9     Day Camp (North) – Session I                      Colonial Oaks Park           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $294* 6-10       5
                                                               Longwood Park

                                                               Laurel Park
July 6-9     Day Camp (South) – Session I                                                   7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $294* 6-10       6
                                                               Woodmere Park

July 6-9     Woodshop 101 Camp                                 Nokomis Beach Park           9 a.m. to noon           $176     6-12    16

July 12-16   Adventure Camp – Session II                       Colonial Oaks Park           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $438* 11-13 7

July 12-16   Chef Camp: Advanced Cooking Techniques            Mattison’s Forty-One         8:30-11 a.m.             $275     13-16 10

July 12-16   Counselor-in-Training Program – Session II        Day Camp locations           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $95*     14-16 8

                                                               Bee Ridge Park
July 12-16   Day Camp (North) – Session II                     Colonial Oaks Park           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $294* 6-10       5
                                                               Longwood Park

                                                               Laurel Park
July 12-16   Day Camp (South) – Session II                                                  7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $294* 6-10       6
                                                               Woodmere Park

July 12-15   Sand Sculpture Camp (four days)                   Siesta Beach                 9 a.m. to noon           $145     6-12    12

July 12-16   Skim, Surf and Paddle Camp                        North Jetty Park             8 a.m. to noon           $225     7-15    13

July 12-16   Snapology: Brick Art and Design Lab               Nokomis Community Park 1-4 p.m.                       $150     6-14    14

July 12-16   Snapology: RoboPets/Creature Creator Robotics     Nokomis Community Park 9 a.m. to noon                 $175     6-14    15

July 19-23   Adventure Camp – Session II                       Colonial Oaks Park           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $438* 11-13 7

July 19-23   Counselor-in-Training Program – Session II        Day Camp locations           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $95*     14-16 8

                         *Price is per three-week session. Financial assistance/scholarship available   Full-day camps      Specialty camps

                                                   Register at                                                               3
SUMMER CAMP GUIDE Summer 2021 - Registration begins March 29, 2021 - Sarasota County
JULY continued
Dates        Name                                              Location                     Hours                    Fee      Ages    Page

                                                               Bee Ridge Park
July 19-23   Day Camp (North) – Session II                     Colonial Oaks Park           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $294* 6-10       5
                                                               Longwood Park

                                                               Laurel Park
July 19-23   Day Camp (South) – Session II                                                  7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $294* 6-10       6
                                                               Woodmere Park

July 19-23   Fishing Camp                                      Nokomis Beach                8 a.m. to noon           $100     8-12    10

July 19-23   Skim, Surf and Paddle Camp                        Turtle Beach                 8 a.m. to noon           $225     7-15    13

July 26-30   Adventure Camp – Session II                       Colonial Oaks Park           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $438* 11-13 7

July 26-30   Aim, Fire, Shoot Camp                             Knight Trail Park            9 a.m. to noon           $125     12-16 8

July 26-30   Archery Camp                                      Knight Trail Park            9 a.m. to noon           $90      8-16    9

July 26-30   Chef Camp – Advanced Pastry and Design            Mattison’s Forty-One         8:30-11 a.m.             $275     13-16 10

July 26-30   Counselor-in-Training Program – Session II        Day Camp locations           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $95*     14-16 8

                                                               Bee Ridge Park
July 26-30   Day Camp (North) – Session II                     Colonial Oaks Park           7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $294* 6-10       5
                                                               Longwood Park

                                                               Laurel Park
July 26-30   Day Camp (South) – Session II                                                  7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $294* 6-10       6
                                                               Woodmere Park

July 26-30   Freshwater Fishing and Boating Camp               Twin Lakes Park              8 a.m. to noon           $100     9-12    11

July 26-30   Mosaic Smash Club Camp                            Nokomis Beach Park           9 a.m. to noon           $176     6-12    12

July 26-30   Skim, Surf and Paddle Camp                        Lido Beach                   8 a.m. to noon           $225     7-15    13

Dates        Name                                              Location                     Hours                    Fee      Ages    Page

                                                               Colonial Oaks Park
Aug. 2-6     Mini Camp                                                                      7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   $98      6-10    5
                                                               Woodmere Park

                         *Price is per three-week session. Financial assistance/scholarship available   Full-day camps      Specialty camps

4                               You’re first in line when you register online at
SUMMER CAMP GUIDE Summer 2021 - Registration begins March 29, 2021 - Sarasota County

                                                                        DAY CAMP (NORTH) QUICK FACTS
                                                                        • Field trips every week!
                                                                        • Professional entertainer on-site each week!
                                                                        • Camp fee includes all field trips and activities.
                                                                          There are never additional fees!
                                                                        • One camper T-shirt provided with each session enrollment.
                                                                        • Meal service provided as field trip schedule allows.
                                                                        • Staff-to-camper ratio is less than one-to-20.
                                                                        • Camp fee breaks down to $1.96 per hour, $19.60 per day,
                                                                          $98 per week.
                                                                        • Minimum enrollment is required for all programs.
                                                                        • No refunds for any programs or sessions will be issued
                                                                          after Monday, May 17, 2021.

Day Camp offers a safe and exciting setting for your children
to enjoy a summer of discovery. Weekly themes allow campers
to have fun, make friends and enjoy new experiences with
field trips each week and on-site activities focusing on physical
activity, creative arts, science and nature, safety and wellness,
character development, and reading to prevent summer
learning loss. Camp fee includes one official camp T-shirt, field
trip costs and on-site activities including a weekly professional
entertainer. Lunch will be provided free of charge through the
Sarasota District Schools Food and Nutrition Services Summer
Break Spot Program as the field trip schedule allows. Campers
are transported to field trip sites in Sarasota County school
buses. Parents must check in their children at the campsite
between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. Structured activities take place
between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Children arriving late must
be transported to the field trip location by their parent or
guardian. Payment plans are available. Financial assistance is
available to qualifying Sarasota County families. Please refer to
the Registration Procedure on page 22 of this guide for more
information on financial assistance.
Dates:      June 21-July 9 (no camp on July 5) Session I
            July 12-30			                       Session II
                                                                      MINI CAMP - GRADES 1-5
            Additional week available (see Mini Camp).                This program provides an additional week of camp fun for
                                                                      children. One field trip is included in the camp fee. Campers are
Fee:        $294 per session. Includes a $25 nonrefundable            transported on Sarasota County school buses.
            administrative fee. Payment plan available.
            Financial assistance available to qualifying families.    Dates:      Aug. 2-6
Ages:       Entering grades 1-5 (ages 6-10 as of Sept. 1, 2021)       Fee:        $98
Hours:      7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.                                    Ages:       Entering grades 1-5 (ages 6-10 as of Sept. 1, 2021)
Locations: Bee Ridge Park                                             Hours:      7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
           Colonial Oaks Park                                         Locations: Colonial Oaks Park
           Longwood Park                                                         Woodmere Park

                                                      Register at                                                        5
SUMMER CAMP GUIDE Summer 2021 - Registration begins March 29, 2021 - Sarasota County

                                                                          DAY CAMP (SOUTH) QUICK FACTS
                                                                          • Field trips every week!
                                                                          • Professional entertainer each week!
                                                                          • Camp fee includes all field trips and activities.
                                                                            No additional fees ever!
                                                                          • One camper T-shirt provided with each session enrollment.
                                                                          • Meal service provided as field trip schedule allows.
                                                                          • Staff-to-camper ratio is less than one-to-20.
                                                                          • Camp fee breaks down to $1.96 per hour, $19.60 per day,
                                                                            $98 per week.
                                                                          • Minimum enrollment is required for all programs.
                                                                          • No refunds for any programs or sessions will be issued
                                                                            after Monday, May 17, 2021.

Day Camp offers a safe and exciting setting for your children
to enjoy a summer of discovery. Weekly themes allow campers
to have fun, make friends and enjoy new experiences with field
trips each week and on-site activities focusing on physical activity,
creative arts, science and nature, safety and wellness, character
development, and reading to prevent summer learning loss.
Camp fee includes an official camp T-shirt, field trip costs and
on-site activities including a weekly professional entertainer.
Lunch will be provided free of charge through the Sarasota
District Schools Food and Nutrition Services Summer Break Spot
Program as the field trip schedule allows. Campers are transported
to field trip sites in Sarasota County school buses. Parents must
check in their children at the campsite between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m.
Structured activities take place between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Children arriving late must be transported to the field trip location
by their parent or guardian. Payment plans are available. Financial
assistance is available to qualifying Sarasota County families.
Please refer to the Registration Procedure on page 22 of this
guide for more information on financial assistance.
Dates:      June 21-July 9 (no camp on July 5) Session I
            July 12-30			                      Session II
            Additional week available (see Mini Camp).
Fee:        $294 per session. Includes a $25 nonrefundable
            administrative fee. Payment plan available.
            Financial assistance available to qualifying families.
Ages:       Entering grades 1-5 (ages 6-10 as of Sept. 1, 2021)
Hours:      7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Locations: Laurel Park
           Woodmere Park

6                                    You’re first in line when you register online at
SUMMER CAMP GUIDE Summer 2021 - Registration begins March 29, 2021 - Sarasota County

                                                                      ADVENTURE CAMP QUICK FACTS
                                                                      • Multiple field trips every week!
                                                                      • Camp fee includes all field trips and activities.
                                                                        There are never additional fees!
                                                                      • Meal service provided as field trip schedule allows.
                                                                      • For field trips more than 50 miles from camp,
                                                                        participants will travel on comfortable charter buses.
                                                                      • Staff-to-camper ratio is less than one-to-20.
                                                                      • Camp fee breaks down to $2.92 per hour, $29.20 per day,
                                                                        $146 per week.
                                                                      • No refunds for any programs or sessions will be issued
                                                                        after Monday, May 17, 2021.

Your older child will enjoy more challenging activities and
field trips while maintaining a safe environment. Adventure
campers participate in multiple field trips every week and enjoy
on-site activities including sports, games, arts and crafts, and
more! Adventure campers are transported to field trip sites
in commercial and school buses. Parents must check in their
children at the campsite between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. Most
activities are planned between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m., but some
field trips require an earlier arrival or later pickup. Children
arriving late must be transported to the field trip location by
their parent or guardian. Lunch will be provided free of charge
through the Sarasota District Schools Food and Nutrition
Services Summer Break Spot Program as the field trip schedule
allows. Payment plans are available. Financial assistance is
available to qualifying Sarasota County families. Please refer
to the Registration Procedure on page 22 of this guide for
more information on financial assistance. *Adventure Camp
scholarships will be awarded on a sliding scale, giving younger
campers a greater percentage.
Dates:     June 21-July 9 (no camp on July 5) Session I
           July 12-30			                      Session II
Fee:       $438 per session. Includes a $25 nonrefundable
           administrative fee. Payment plan available.
           * Limited financial assistance available to
           qualifying families.
Ages:      Entering grades 6-8 (ages 11-13 as of Sept.1, 2021)
Hours:     7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Location: Colonial Oaks Park

                                                    Register at                                                  7
SUMMER CAMP GUIDE Summer 2021 - Registration begins March 29, 2021 - Sarasota County
                                                                       SPECIALTY CAMPS
                                                                       Many of our camps are subject to weather conditions.
                                                                       If camp is canceled prior to the start of the day’s activities,
                                                                       a make-up day will be offered. No refunds will be given.

                                                                       AIM, FIRE AND SHOOT CAMP
                                                                       Experts introduce campers to the growing sports of trap, skeet,
                                                                       sporting clays, archery and bow hunting. Campers will learn
                                                                       shotgun safety, etiquette and proper technique for shooting
                                                                       clay targets. Ear and eye protection will be provided. For best fit,
                                                                       campers should bring their own sunglasses. Campers will spend
                                                                       three days learning the basics of archery from certified USA
                                                                       Archery coaches. They will take the ATA “Explore Bowhunting”
                                                                       course where they will learn how to track game, use camouflage,
                                                                       shoot from a tree stand, lure in your target, set game lanes
                                                                       and place shots. This introduction covers the mechanics of the
                                                                       traditional and compound bows, 3-D shooting, Olympic archery
                                                                       and competition shooting. This camp ends with an archery
                                                                       competition with prizes to test campers’ skills. All equipment
                                                                       is provided. Campers should bring water and a snack daily. For
                                                                       more information, email
                                                                       or For registration questions,
C.I.T. PROGRAM                                                         call 941-861-PARK (7275).
Students entering 9th through 11th grade are invited to apply          Dates:      July 26-30
for the Counselor-in-Training Program and enjoy sessions that          Fee:        $125
will prepare them to become a successful camp counselor.               Ages:       12-16
A limited number of C.I.T. opportunities are available. Online
registration form indicating camp location must be completed           Hours:      9 a.m. to noon
prior to April 30. Candidates will be interviewed in the order         Location: Knight Trail Park
the registration form is received until maximum enrollment
is reached. C.I.T.s will have the opportunity to earn volunteer
hours as they assist counselors on-site and on field trips. Training
sessions include team building, group games, safety, first aid,
event planning and more. If selected, candidates must provide
a letter of recommendation from an adult other than a family
member. The program fee is due once the candidate is selected.
Participants should contact their high school prior to summer to
verify eligibility of volunteer hours. A certificate of hours earned
will be provided at the end of camp. Lunch will be provided
free of charge through the Sarasota District Schools Food and
Nutrition Services Summer Break Spot Program as the field trip
schedule allows. C.I.T.s will receive three uniform T-shirts.
Dates:      June 21-July 9 (no camp on July 5) Session I
            July 12-30			                      Session II
Fee:        $95 per session
            Includes a $25 nonrefundable administrative fee.
Ages:       Entering grades 9-11 (ages 14-16 as of Sept. 1, 2021)
Hours:      7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Location: Bee Ridge Park, Colonial Oaks Park, Laurel Park,
		 Longwood Park, Woodmere Park

8                                    You’re first in line when you register online at
                                                                   ART AND MOVEMENT CAMP
                                                                   This camp is perfect for creative kids who love to move! Half
                                                                   of each day will be spent in a creative arts and crafts segment
                                                                   with take-home projects and the other half will be spent doing
                                                                   a movement class including gymnastics, kids yoga and martial
                                                                   arts. We provide a healthy snack daily. Throw on your play
                                                                   clothes and let the fun begin!
                                                                   Dates:      July 6-9
                                                                   Fee:        $176 (includes $20 supplies fee)
                                                                   Ages:       5-10
                                                                   Hours:      1-4 p.m.
                                                                   Location: Nokomis Beach Park

                                                                   BEACH VOLLEYBALL CAMP
                                                                   Campers will master the fundamentals, develop proper
                                                                   mechanics and gain game play experience in this camp directed
                                                                   by Megan Wallin, a professional volleyball player. Coaches cover
                                                                   the rules, player rotation and zones. Camp includes fun games
                                                                   and maybe a few dance moves! Megan has a hands-on coaching
                                                                   style with a philosophy that practice creates performance
                                                                   perfection. Your camper’s performance as an athlete will
                                                                   skyrocket, along with his or her self confidence! Campers
                                                                   should bring water, healthy snacks and lunch. They should
ARCHERY CAMP                                                       wear sunscreen and comfortable clothing including spandex or
                                                                   swimsuit and a shirt. Open to players of all ability levels. Shade
Campers learn the art of archery through expert instruction
                                                                   tents provided.
by certified USA Archery coaches from the Lekatchka Archery
Club. This introduction covers the mechanics of traditional        Dates:      June 14-18
and compound bows, 3-D shooting, Olympic archery and               Fee:        $125
competition shooting. This camp ends with a competition            Ages:       8-15
with prizes to test campers’ skills. All equipment is provided.
Campers should bring water and a snack daily. For questions        Hours:      8:30 a.m. to noon
about the archery program, email       Location: Siesta Beach volleyball courts
For registration questions, call 941-861-PARK (7275).
Dates:     June 21-25
Fee:       $90
Dates:     July 6-9
Fee:       $72
Ages:      8-16
Hours:     9 a.m. to noon
Location: Knight Trail Park

                                                   Register at                                                         9
Bon appétit! Learn cooking techniques from the chefs at
Mattison’s Forty-One. Basic Cooking and Restaurant Skills
Camp teaches how a restaurant runs with hands-on kitchen
experience, safety, food-handling and dining room training.
Advanced Cooking Camp teaches culinary techniques
and more elaborate recipes. Basic Pastry Camp teaches
basic workings of pastries with attention to weights and
measurements. Advanced Pastry Camp teaches baking
techniques to create more complex pastries and breads as
well as design. All campers receive a chef hat and must wear
long pants, closed-toe athletic or rubber-soled shoes, and
long hair must pulled back.
Dates:     June 14-18    Basic Cooking and Restaurant Skills
           June 21-25    Basic Pastry
           July 12-16    Advanced Cooking Techniques               CREEPY, CRAWLY CRITTER CAMP
           July 26-30    Advanced Pastry and Design
                                                                   Want to know more about bugs, snakes, owls and other
Fee:       $240 Basics / $275 Advanced                             critters? This camp provides in-depth exploration into
Ages:      10-12         Basics Camps                              where they live, what they eat, all the fun facts and gory
           13-16         Advanced Camps                            details! Campers will learn about spiders, slimy and slippery
Hours:    8:30-11 a.m.                                             amphibians and reptiles, the “good, the bad and the ugly”
                                                                   insects as well as how to identify skulls and wildlife paw prints.
Location: Mattison’s Forty-One
                                                                   Park naturalists will lead nature walks, conduct safaris and
                                                                   provide interactive presentations. Indoor activities include
                                                                   live “show and tell” specimens, owl pellet dissections and
                                                                   take-home crafts. Campers should wear hats and closed-toe
                                                                   shoes and bring a plain white t-shirt to decorate, sunscreen,
                                                                   water and a snack each day.
                                                                   Dates:      June 28-July 2
                                                                   Fee:        $75
                                                                   Ages:       6-9
                                                                   Hours:      9 a.m. to noon
                                                                   Location: Shamrock Park

                                                                   FISHING CAMP
                                                                   This introduction to fishing techniques for youth anglers
                                                                   teaches basic skills to understand equipment preparation, basic
                                                                   weather and how to target and catch game fish. Techniques
                                                                   are taught in classroom and beach settings with small group
                                                                   instruction as well as daily hands-on training and organized
                                                                   practical application of learned skills. Campers will learn about
                                                                   catch and release techniques and the importance of habitat,
                                                                   ecology and resource stewardship. Camp will culminate with a
                                                                   fishing tournament. Campers receive a rod and reel and tackle
                                                                   box with basic supplies to take home.
                                                                   Dates:      July 19-23
                                                                   Fee:        $100
                                                                   Ages:       8-12
                                                                   Hours:      8 a.m. to noon
                                                                   Location: Nokomis Beach

10                               You’re first in line when you register online at
Campers will have a great time learning freshwater fishing and
boating skills while receiving hands-on instruction and in-boat
experience! Supported in collaboration with the Florida Fish
and Wildlife Conservation Commission, this camp will focus
on key angling and boating skills such as casting, netting, knot
tying, motor instruction, oaring, launching and maneuvering
vessels. Anglers will get up close and personal with fish
biology and cleaning, as well as practicing responsible angling
methods. This new camp will provide instruction for numerous
key skills and techniques that anglers of all ages can use for
years to come. Campers will receive a rod, reel and tackle box to
take home. Limited to 20 campers.
Dates:       June 14-18
             July 26-30
Fee:       $100
Ages:      9-12
Hours:     8 a.m. to noon
Location: Twin Lakes Park

                                                                    JUNIOR LIFEGUARD CAMP
                                                                    Spend a week with professional lifeguards learning the
                                                                    fundamentals of lifeguarding. This program offers hands-on
                                                                    learning experiences and character-building activities while
                                                                    having fun. Lifeguards with the Sarasota County Beach Patrol
                                                                    train participants in water safety, rescue techniques, rescue
                                                                    paddling, competitive lifeguard events, how to identify and
                                                                    treat marine life, CPR and first aid. Fee includes a rash guard and
                                                                    T-shirt. Swimsuits and goggles are required. To participate, all
                                                                    potential campers must attend a 30-minute tryout session at
                                                                    Arlington Park Pool and demonstrate the ability to swim 100
                                                                    yards freestyle in two minutes 5 seconds, tread water for five
                                                                    minutes and retrieve an object from the bottom of the pool.
                                                                    Strong swim background is essential, swim team experience
                                                                    preferred. Conditions vary daily. If your child is a returning
                                                                    camper and has demonstrated the necessary skills in previous
                                                                    tryouts, they are exempt from the tryout. The lead instructor
                                                                    will contact any potential returning campers that need to be
                                                                    reevaluated based on previous years’ performances. Tryouts
                                                                    are offered from 11 a.m. to noon May 15, 22, 29, and June 4.
                                                                    Reserve your date during online registration or indicate date on
                                                                    mail-in form; walk-ups are not allowed. Alternate tryout dates
                                                                    may be arranged if necessary.
                                                                    Dates:      June 21-25
                                                                    Fee:        $150
                                                                    Ages:       9-17
                                                                    Hours:      8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
                                                                    Location: Siesta Beach

                                                    Register at                                                     11
                                                     MOSAIC SMASH CLUB CAMP
                                                     From destruction comes new life! Come smash and rebuild
                                                     colorfully creative mosaic pieces from multiple media types
                                                     when we explore the wonderful world of mosaic art. All supplies
                                                     and tools are included for projects campers take home. All new
                                                     projects this summer!
                                                     Dates:      July 26-30
                                                     Fee:        $176 (includes $20 supply fee)
                                                     Ages:       6-12
                                                     Hours:      9 a.m. to noon
                                                     Location: Nokomis Beach Park

                                                     SAND SCULPTURE CAMP
                                                     Amaze your family and friends with the sand-sculpting skills and
                                                     techniques you’ll learn from a master sand sculptor on beautiful
                                                     Siesta Beach. Fee includes a sand-sculpting tool kit for campers
           Give the Gift of                          to keep. Bring plenty of water, a hat and sunscreen. A shade tent

           Camp                                      will be provided for breaks from the sun.
                                                     Dates:      June 14-17
                                                                 June 28-July 1
                                                                 July 12-15         (Monday-Thursday)
      DONATE TO ADOPT-A-CAMPER                       Fee:        $145 (four days)

     AND HELP SEND A KID TO CAMP!                    Ages:
                                                                 9 a.m. to noon
                                                     Location: Siesta Beach

12                 You’re first in line when you register online at
                                                                    SKIM, SURF AND PADDLE CAMP
                                                                   Let’s go surfin’ now, everybody’s learnin’ how! Suitable for
                                                                   all skill levels, this camp consists of skim, surf and stand-up
                                                                   paddle board instruction, demonstration and practice, mixed
                                                                   with beach activities and plenty of summertime fun. Qualified
                                                                   instructors from the Compound Boardshop focus on board
                                                                   awareness, balance, flexibility and strength. Campers also
                                                                   learn basic ocean knowledge on tides, wind and waves; sports
                                                                   nutrition and fitness; and environmental awareness from
                                                                   professional instructors and educators. Meet at the beach
                                                                   pavilion. Campers should bring sunscreen, snacks and a
                                                                   refillable water bottle. Bring your own equipment or use the
                                                                   equipment provided by the Compound Boardshop.
                                                                   Dates:      June 14-18		           Lido Beach
                                                                               June 21-25		           North Jetty Beach
                                                                               July 12-16		           North Jetty Beach
                                                                               July 19-23		           Turtle Beach
                                                                               July 26-30		           Lido Beach
                                                                   Fee:        $225
                                                                   Ages:       7-15
                                                                   Hours:      8 a.m. to noon

Come shred Sarasota’s Payne Park this summer with the
Compound Skate Team! Go from dropping in and work your
way up to the more advanced stuff, like board slides, grinds
and airs. This camp is great for everyone, from the newest of
beginners to the most advanced skaters. There’s a teacher
perfect for every skill level. Take your skating to a whole new
level this summer. Campers should bring sunscreen, snacks
and a refillable water bottle. No equipment? No problem!
Loaner equipment available by calling the Compound
Boardshop in advance at 941-923-0430.
Dates:     June 28-July 2
Fee:       $225
Ages:      7-14
Hours:     8 a.m. to noon
Location: Payne Park Skate Park

                                                    Register at                                                     13
As your child learns about different types of art and the
periods they were created, students will be interpreting what
they see and creating their own works of art using LEGO® bricks.
Through Snapology’s Interactive Art History class, children
will learn about Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, Van Gogh’s Starry Night,
Wright’s Falling Water, and many more! Campers should bring
water and a snack daily if they need one. For questions about
the program, email and for registration
questions, call 941-861-PARK (7275).
Dates:     July 12-16
Fees:      $150
Ages:      6-14
Hours:     1-4 p.m.
Location: Nokomis Community Park

                                                                   SNAPOLOGY: COMBAT ROBOTS
                                                                   Do you think you can build the strongest and most agile robot?
                                                                   Can your robot win a head-to-head combat mission? Come
                                                                   learn engineering strategies for building sturdy structures
                                                                   using LEGO® bricks and then apply that knowledge to build a
                                                                   robot for friendly competition. You will have a blast as you
                                                                   play robot football and complete the hoop challenge in this
                                                                   fun robotics program. Campers should bring water and a
                                                                   snack daily if they need one. For questions about the program,
                                                                   email and for registration questions,
                                                                   call 941-861-PARK (7275).
                                                                   Dates:      June 28-July 2
                                                                   Fees:       $175
                                                                   Ages:       7-14
                                                                   Hours:      9 a.m. to noon
                                                                   Location:   Nokomis Community Park

                                                                   SNAPOLOGY: GAMEBOTS
                                                                   Calling all gamers! Have a blast creating robotic games each
                                                                   week while learning about robotics. Students will learn about
                                                                   gear ratio, sensors, programming and pulleys as they create
                                                                   fun-to-play games. Whether creating a robotic hockey player,
                                                                   pinball machine, or a ring toss, your child is sure to have fun
                                                                   building, learning and playing. Campers should bring water
                                                                   and a snack daily if they need one. For questions about the
                                                                   program, email, for registration
                                                                   questions, call 941-861-PARK (7275).
                                                                   Dates:      June 14-18
                                                                   Fees:       $175
                                                                   Ages:       7-14
                                                                   Hours:      9 a.m. to noon
                                                                   Location:   Nokomis Community Park

14                               You’re first in line when you register online at
In Snapology’s Planes, Trains and Automobiles program,
children will explore the world of transportation. Students will
build models of their favorite forms of transportation as they
learn about energy, wheels and axles, air resistance, and more.
Campers should bring water and a snack daily if they need one.
For questions about the program, email,
for registration questions, call 941-861-PARK (7275).
Dates:     June 28-July 2
Fees:      $150
Ages:      6-12
Hours:     1-4 p.m.
Location: Nokomis Community Park

                                                                   SNAPOLOGY: POKE-HEROES
                                                                   Come join Snapology for Poke-Heroes. Students will build
                                                                   and explore the world of Pokémon as they create their own
                                                                   gyms, battles and even their very own generation of Pokémon.
                                                                   Children will also learn about real world science as they learn
                                                                   about the habitats of the Pokémon. Your child will have a blast
                                                                   becoming the best Pokémon trainer ever. Campers should
                                                                   bring water and a snack daily if they need one. For questions
                                                                   about the program, email, for
                                                                   registration questions, call 941-861- PARK (7275).
                                                                   Dates:      June 14-18
                                                                   Fees:       $150
                                                                   Ages:       6-14
                                                                   Hours:      1-4 p.m.
                                                                   Location:   Nokomis Community Park

                                                                   SNAPOLOGY: ROBOPETS/
                                                                   CREATURE CREATOR ROBOTICS
                                                                   In Snapology’s Creature Creator Robotics class, your animal
                                                                   lover will create their own animal inspired robotic models.
                                                                   Students will learn about gear ratio, sensors, simple machines
                                                                   and programming as they build insects, dolphins, gorillas
                                                                   and much more. Your child is sure to have a wild time as they
                                                                   build, learn and play. Campers should bring water and a snack
                                                                   daily if they need one. For questions about the program,
                                                                   email and for registration questions,
                                                                   call 941-861-PARK (7275).
                                                                   Dates:      July 12-16
                                                                   Fees:       $175
                                                                   Ages:       6-14
                                                                   Hours:      9 a.m. to noon
                                                                   Location:   Nokomis Community Park

                                                   Register at                                                     15
In Snapology’s Science of Superpowers program, children will
learn about the science behind their favorite heroes’ powers.
Students will learn about gravity, aerodynamics, forces, motion
and much more as they learn about flight, super villain fights
and superhero vehicles. Campers should bring water and a
snack daily if they need one. For questions about the program,
email, for registration questions,
call 941-861-PARK (7275).
Dates:      June 21-25
Fees:       $150
Ages:       6-12
Hours:      1-4 p.m.
Location:   Nokomis Community Park

                                                                    WOODSHOP 101 CAMP
                                                                    Here is an opportunity for campers to really get busy with a
                                                                    hammer and nails! What joyous things we can create with
                                                                    wood. Campers go home with a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.
                                                                    All supplies and tools are included. All new projects this summer!
                                                                    Dates:      July 6-9
                                                                    Fee:        $176 (includes $20 supply fee)
                                                                    Ages:       6-12
                                                                    Hours:      9 a.m. to noon
                                                                    Location:   Nokomis Beach Park

Robotics inspired by Star Wars® and space travel! Come on
an adventure building and programming functional robots
using LEGO® bricks in this super-fun program. Learn about
space, space travel and, of course, Star Wars®! Build different
robots each day! Learning is enhanced through the use of
laptops in this class! Campers should bring water and a snack
daily if they need one. For questions about the program,
                                                                                       Give the Gift of
email and for registration questions,
call 941-861-PARK (7275).
Dates:      June 21-25
Fees:       $175
Ages:       6-14                                                           DONATE TO ADOPT-A-CAMPER
Hours:      9 a.m. to noon
Location:   Nokomis Community Park                                        AND HELP SEND A KID TO CAMP!

16                                You’re first in line when you register online at
Sarasota County provides the following information on area camps at county parks for your convenience.
These programs are not affiliated with Sarasota County Government.

4-H EXPLORING YOUR                                                    NBP LEARN TO SAIL CAMP
ENVIRONMENT CAMP                                                      No experience necessary! Campers will acquire foundational
Join UF/IFAS Extension agents and educators and learn about           knowledge in the concepts of sailing. They will learn
the Sarasota environment. In this 4-H curriculum-focused camp,        nomenclature, knots and safe sailing practices. On-land
youth will learn about earth ecosystem services and capacity.         instruction and safety requirements accompany all activities
Campers will meet at the extension office and go on field             before campers get out on the water, so they obtain the
visits to natural areas around Sarasota County, make scientific       knowledge and safety skills needed. Campers will be issued
inquiries and observations, and get hands-on learning and             PFDs for on-water activities. Visit
experience in environmental science and education. Register           or call 941-358-7275 and talk to our program staff.
at 4H Scholarships available. For           Dates:      May 31-Aug. 6
further information, call 941-861-9833 or email:        Fee:        Weekly, $150 (half day)
Dates:       June 21-25                                               Ages:       6-14
             June 28-July 2                                           Hours:      8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Fee:         $185                                                                 Before- and after-camp available for additional fees
Ages:        10-14                                                    Location: Nathan Benderson Park, Regatta Island,
Hours:       9 a.m. to 4 p.m.                                                     5851 Nathan Benderson Circle, Sarasota
             Before- and after-care available for additional fees
Location: UF/IFAS Extension, Twin Lakes Park,                         NBP ULTIMATE CAMP
             6700 Clark Road, Sarasota
                                                                      Morning session: Archery on Monday and Tuesday and
ENGLEWOOD SAILING SUMMER CAMPS                                        freshwater fishing on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
                                                                      Campers will gain experience to become independent,
Supervised instruction in the fundamentals of sailing, boat
                                                                      educated, safe archers, and will learn the essentials of safe
handling, safety, seamanship and environmental awareness.
                                                                      fishing. Campers will learn the rod and reel, tackle, knots,
The ability to swim is a prerequisite. Registration begins in early
                                                                      casting, bait and boating safety. All of our camp staffers hold
April. To register, visit for more details.
                                                                      at least a Level 1 National Archery Association certification.
Dates:       June 14-18, June 28-July 2, July 12-16
Fee:         $150 per week                                            Afternoon session: Water Adventure Camp activities
                                                                      (stand-up paddleboarding, sailing, kayaking, canoeing
Ages:        10-17
                                                                      and rowing) all week. Campers will learn the basics of each
Hours:       9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
                                                                      discipline and, more important, boating safety. On-land
Location: Indian Mound Park, 210 Winson Ave., Englewood               instruction and safety requirements accompany all activities
                                                                      before campers get out on the water, so they obtain the
NBP LEARN TO ROW CAMP                                                 knowledge and safety skills needed. Campers will be issued
No experience necessary! Learn to row camp focuses on the             PFDs for on-water activities.
fundamentals of sculling, or rowing with two oars. Individuals will
be taken step by step through nomenclature, safety maneuvers          Visit or call 941-358-7275 and
and independent boat handling skills. This camp will provide          talk to our program staff.
campers with the skill set to safely row a single scull. On-land      Dates:       May 31-Aug. 6
instruction and safety requirements accompany all activities          Fee:         Weekly $150 (half day), $285 (full day)
before campers get out on the water, so they obtain the               Ages:        8-14
knowledge and safety skills needed. Campers will be issued
                                                                      Hours:       8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
PFDs for on-water activities. Visit or
                                                                                   Before and after camp available for additional fees
call 941-358-7275 and talk to our program staff.
                                                                      Location: Nathan Benderson Park, Regatta Island,
Dates:      May 31-Aug. 6                                                          5851 Nathan Benderson Circle, Sarasota
Fee:        Weekly, $150 (half day)
Ages:       6-14
Hours:      8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
            Before- and after-camp available for additional fees.
Location: Nathan Benderson Park, Regatta Island,
            5851 Nathan Benderson Circle, Sarasota

                                                      Register at                                                       17
PADDLING ADVENTURE CAMP                                              SARASOTA SHARKS AND SELBY
Each day, campers will participate in different water sports —       AQUATIC CENTER SUMMER PROGRAMS
kayaking, canoeing and stand-up paddleboarding! Campers              For more information on the Sarasota Sharks and Selby
will learn the basics of each discipline and, more important,        Aquatic Center summer programs, please contact the
boating safety. On-land instruction and safety requirements          Sarasota Sharks, 8501 Potter Park Drive, Sarasota, by phone
accompany all activities before campers get out on the               941-260-9107 or by email or
water, so they obtain the knowledge and safety skills needed.
Campers will be issued PFDs for on-water activities. Visit or call 941-358-7275 and talk to
our program staff.                                                   SARASOTA YOUTH SAILING
Dates:       May 31- Aug. 6                                          SUMMER CAMP
Fee:         Weekly, $150 (half day)                                 Learn to sail this summer and explore Sarasota Bay!
                                                                     To register, visit
Ages:        6-14
                                                                     Dates:       June 2-July 30
Hours:       8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
             Before and after camp available for additional fees.    Fee:         $400 per session
Location: Nathan Benderson Park, Regatta Island,                     Ages:        5-18
             5851 Nathan Benderson Circle, Sarasota                  Hours:       9 a.m. to noon or 1-4 p.m. (two-week session)
                                                                                  9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (one-week session)
SARASOTA BMX SUMMER                                                  Location: Sarasota Sailing Squadron
PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES                                                           1717 Ken Thompson Parkway, Sarasota
For information on summer programs and BMX activities,
please contact Sarasota BMX, 1500 N. Tuttle Ave. Sarasota,           SUMMER ROWING FOR
by phone 614-496-3999 or email                   EXPERIENCED ROWERS
                                                                     For more information and to register, email
SARASOTA CREW SUMMER CAMP                                   or call 941-966-2244.
Row with Sarasota Crew. No experience necessary for New              Dates:     June 14-July 30
to Rowing sessions. We offer a safe environment with 30+
                                                                     Fee:       $180/month for middle school rowers.
professional coaches and volunteers committed to our summer                     $285/month for high school rowers.
camps. Come row with the dolphins - no alligators! Additional
                                                                     Hours:     6:45-9 a.m. (Monday through Friday)
sessions offered for experienced middle school and high school
rowers. Register at or call 941-966-9791.           Location: Sarasota Scullers Boatyard, Blackburn Point Park,
                                                                                800 Blackburn Point Road, Osprey
Dates:      June 21-July 2, July 12-23, July 26-Aug. 6
Fee:        $250 for new rowers
                                                                     VENICE LEARN TO SAIL PROGRAM
Ages:       8-18 (Grades 3-12)
                                                                     Enjoy a fantastic summer on the water! Learn to sail and have
Hours:      8 a.m. to noon                                           fun while making new friends! No experience required. Classes
Location: 343 Palmetto Ave., Osprey                                  available for beginner and experienced sailors. To register,
                                                                     visit, call 941-468-1719 or email
SARASOTA SCULLERS 				                                     
YOUTH ROWING PROGRAM                                                 Dates:      June 14-Aug. 6
Learn to row with the Sarasota Scullers. Rowers will be              Fee:        $225 for one week half day
grouped by age for a fun and exciting summer rowing camp                         $375 two week half day
that includes racing! No experience necessary. To register,                      $450 full day with lunch (select weeks)
visit or call 941-966-2244.                                 Scholarships available, call for information
Dates:       June 14-18 		           $175                            Ages:       6-17
             July 19-23 		           $175                            Hours:      Morning classes		       9 a.m. to noon
             Flash Camp! Aug. 2-4 $150                                           Afternoon classes       1-4 p.m.
Ages:        12-18 (Grades 6-12)                                     Location: Venice Youth Boating Association
Hours:       7-10:30 a.m.                                                        1330 Tarpon Center Drive, Venice
Location: Sarasota Scullers Boatyard, Blackburn Point Park,
          800 Blackburn Point Road, Osprey

18                                 You’re first in line when you register online at

1-Mile Fun Run - Free event

• FREE ice pop each week
• Participation ribbons awarded each week
• Free T-shirt after four runs

SIESTA BEACH                                 BROHARD BEACH
948 Beach Road, Siesta Key                   1600 Harbor Drive, Venice

June 8-July 27                               June 9-July 28
Every Tuesday                                Every Wednesday
Registration: 5:30 p.m.                      Registration: 5:30 p.m.
Pavilion near the playground.                Near Venice Fishing Pier.
Race time: 6:30 p.m.                         Race time: 6:30 p.m.

                          Register at                   19
The purpose of these guidelines is to provide you with the               Staff background checks
basic policies and procedures that allow for safe and organized
                                                                         Employees undergo state and local criminal background
programs. Guidelines shall be followed at each camp throughout
                                                                         checks, an FBI fingerprint screening, a state sexual predator
the county. It is your responsibility as parents/guardians to
                                                                         background check and substance screening.
review this information with your child (or children) so that all
involved understand and agree on camp operations.                        Indoor-outdoor activities
At the time of this printing, Sarasota County Parks, Recreation
                                                                         and camper groups
and Natural Resources (PRNR) is planning to operate a full               Children participate in various activities, both indoor and
camp program for the 2021 summer. If the situation calls for             outdoor. Campers are grouped in similar age groups. We
changes due to COVID-19, PRNR will implement changes                     cannot take special requests for grouping children together.
while following the current CDC guidelines. This could lead to
reduced camp opportunities, limited registration, no off-site
                                                                         Proof of age
activities and possible cancellation of the program(s).                  Campers must meet age requirements by Sept. 1, 2021.
                                                                         Proof of age must be furnished upon request.

OPERATING PROCEDURES                                                     Health/medical concerns
                                                                         Counselors cannot hold or dispense medication. All campers
Sign-in/sign-out procedures                                              must be able to transfer on and off standard school buses with
Drop-off and pick-up for full-day camps will occur via a car line.       minimal assistance. All camp participants must be toilet trained
Each family will be issued car tags for up to five people they           and be able to use toilet facilities independently. Some camps
have designated as authorized pick-ups during the registration           may have the occurrence of lice. Parents will be notified by
process. The registration form provides a space for the names of         letter if lice have been found at camp. If your child (or children)
a parent and up to three additional people who may sign your             has lice, you will need to keep them at home until they are
child out of camp. One of these designated people will have to           lice-free. If other contagions occur, parents will be notified.
sign his or her name at the time of pick-up on the master                Campers who are ill will need to stay home until they present a
attendance sheet with a staff member. Be prepared to show                doctor's notice releasing that child.
photo identification. You may choose to have your child walk or
bike home. Simply indicate that choice on the registration form.
                                                                         Lunch and snacks
Your child will sign themselves out at the close of camp, and            For full-day programs, lunch service will be provided through
staff will release them. More details on the car line times will be      Sarasota County Schools’ Food and Nutrition Services Summer
given prior to the start of camp.                                        Break Spot program as field trip schedules allow. Advance
                                                                         notice will be given if lunch services will not be provided. Food
Late morning drop-off/                                                   service will not be available during the mini camp. For full-day
early departure procedures                                               and specialty camps, parents should provide plenty of water
                                                                         and snacks. Water will be available at all park sites; however,
For full-day camps, drop-off occurs from 7:30-9 a.m. and pick-up
                                                                         we encourage you to pack extra beverages for your children.
between 4-5:30 p.m. (hours may very depending on field trips).
                                                                         Lunches and snacks will not be refrigerated. Please label your
If you arrive with your child after the car line closes in the
                                                                         child’s lunch box or cooler.
morning, you will need to call the park office number noted on
your car tag to have a staff person come out to greet you. If your       Camper shirts
child’s group has already left for an activity off-site, you will need
                                                                         Each camper attending day camp will receive an official camper
to take your child to that location and sign them in with camp
                                                                         shirt. One shirt will be distributed in Session I and another in
staff. If you wish to coordinate an early pick-up for your child
                                                                         Session II. We encourage your child to wear the T-shirt on field
prior to their return to camp, you must do so in advance and
                                                                         trips for easy recognition. Additional T-shirts are available to
sign out your child with camp staff at the off-site location.
                                                                         order for $8 and may be pre-ordered through Friday, April 30.
Late fees                                                                Indicate your child’s size on the registration form. Shirts are not
                                                                         refundable and cannot be exchanged.
A late fee will be charged when children are picked up late
from the camp programs:                                                  Attire
• $10 will be charged for the first 15 minutes.                          Please provide your child (or children) with the proper attire.
• $1 will be assessed for each minute after the first 15 minutes.        Closed-toe shoes are required. Refer to the field trip schedule and
This policy is strictly enforced and your child will not be              provide sunscreen on the appropriate days. Staff is not permitted
allowed to return to camp until the late fees are paid.                  to apply sunscreen. Time will be set aside for children to apply
                                                                         sunscreen. Shirts and hats should be worn to prevent sunburn.

20                                  You’re first in line when you register online at
Personal items                                                          Evaluations
Children should not bring any personal items such as toys,              Evaluations will be issued for each of the “Summer in the Parks”
cellphones, games, radios, trading cards, headphones or money           programs. Your comments and concerns are important to us.
to camp unless approved by staff. Staff is not responsible for          Please take time to fill out the evaluation and return it to your
personal items.                                                         child's summer campsite, or mail it to:
Reasonable accommodation                                                Summer in the Parks Evaluations
                                                                        6700 Clark Road
Children of all abilities are invited to enroll in our summer camp
programs. During registration, be sure to indicate that an              Sarasota, FL 34241
accommodation is necessary for your child so we may contact
you prior to camp to discuss reasonable accommodation.
                                                                        Tax Information
                                                                        For tax purposes, the Federal Tax ID # is
ADA compliance policy                                                   59-6000848. Keep your receipt for tax purposes.
Sarasota County prohibits discrimination in all services, programs
or activities. View the complete policy at

Field trips
                                                                        CAMP RULES AND DISCIPLINE
Many camp programs offer a variety of field trips. All children         •   Be respectful toward other campers and camp staff.
shall participate in these trips, and the camp facility may be          •   Follow directions.
vacated. Please have your child (or children) at camp by                •   No fighting.
8:30 a.m. in order to participate. Please note the following:
                                                                        •   No foul language.
• Participants must be able to transfer on and off standard
  school buses with minimal assistance.                                 •   No phone use during camp activities.
• Registration fees include the cost of all field trips for Day,        •   No sexually suggestive language or behavior.
  Adventure and C.I.T. Camps. Field trip fees cannot be                 •   No smoking or drug use.
  refunded. Refer to the field trip schedule for locations.             •   No stealing.
  Field trips are subject to change without notice.
  Whenever possible, you will be notified of any changes.               •   No teasing other campers.
• A field trip and general release must be signed by a parent           •   No weapons of any kind.
  or guardian at time of registration. This will cover all camp         Should a disciplinary problem arise, parents/guardians will be
  programs unless additional permission slips are required 		           contacted if the problem affects the safety or well-being of
  by field trip vendors.                                                another camper or staff member, or if the problem cannot be
• Announcements will be made daily at all camps, so ask your            resolved after fair warning.
  children where they will be going and refer to the schedule.          A three-strike system for misbehavior and continued
  Provide your children with the proper attire, sunscreen, lunch        misbehavior is used in all camp programs:
  and beverages. NO GLASS CONTAINERS. Label personal items
  with your children’s names.
                                                                        • First strike: warning.
                                                                        • Second strike: suspension from the program or
• We encourage parents to be frugal if sending spending                   removal from the next field trip.
  money with campers. Spending money is not necessary.
                                                                        • Third strike: permanent removal from summer camp.
  Staff is not responsible for a camper’s personal money.
                                                                        Suspension or expulsion is possible regardless of strikes or
• For late arrivals or early dismissals, you will be responsible
                                                                        without warning if:
  for getting your children to or from the field trip site.
  Children must be signed in or out with camp staff at the              • a child deliberately harms another child or staff member.
  field trip location.                                                  • a child deliberately or willfully destroys the property of
                                                                          others (damage to property will be paid for by parents).

                                                                        Public schools are permitted to make information available to parents
                                                                        regarding student activities offered by not-for-profit organizations.
                                                                        The School Board of Sarasota County provides this information as a
                                                                        service to students and their families. Distribution of this information
                                                                        does not constitute an endorsement of these activities.

                                                        Register at                                                          21
• Registration begins at 7:30 a.m., Monday, March 29, 2021,
  either by mail or online.
• Registrations postmarked prior to Friday, March 26, 2021,              REGISTRATION CHECKLIST
  will not be accepted and will be returned.
                                                                         Registration begins at 7:30 a.m., Monday, March 29, 2021.
• Refund Policy. No refunds for any camp program or sessions
  will be issued after Monday, May 17, 2021. Refunds for all             ONLINE REGISTRATION
  camp programs requested prior to Monday, May 17, 2021,                    24/7 online registration at begins
  will be subject to a $25 nonrefundable administrative fee.                7:30 a.m., March 29, 2021.
• NSF Check Fees. A returned check, for any reason, will be                 Use your customer account login or create a new
  charged the face value of the check plus a service charge.                customer account at
  Service charges are based on the amount of the check,
  minimum of $25.                                                           Online registration requires a minimum 50 percent
                                                                            credit card payment. The remainder will be billed.
• Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
  Online registration receives immediate placement with a 50             MAIL-IN REGISTRATION
  percent credit card payment and the remainder to be billed.
  Twin Lakes Park is the only drop-off site for registration.               Use registration form on pages 23 and 24 of this guide.
  Forms will only be accepted on Monday, March 29, from                     Use blue or black ink and print neatly.
  9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or until camps are full. (Drop-off registration
                                                                            Use one form per family and additional forms if
  will accept payment by check or credit card.) Drop-off
                                                                            necessary. Mail in the same envelope.
  registration is extremely limited. Mail-in registration will
  be processed according to date received. Camp locations                   Indicate camp programs, fees and total.
  fill up fast. Please plan accordingly and mark your second                Make check payable to Sarasota County Parks,
  and third location choices.                                               Recreation and Natural Resources.
• If mailing, double check your postage to ensure that it is
                                                                            If paying with a credit card, complete and include the
  adequate for delivery.
                                                                            credit card remittance form on page 25.
• Read all options carefully. Incomplete information slows
  down the registration process. Please be neat and complete.               Check for adequate postage.
  Be aware that no refunds for any program or session will be               Registrations postmarked prior to Friday, March 26,
  issued after Monday, May 17, 2021.                                        2021, will not be accepted and will be returned.
• Multiple families who want their children at the same camp                Before camp begins review camp guidelines with
  location should mail registrations in the same envelope.                  your child(ren).
• Bring your receipt with you on the first day of camp!
                                                                         No refunds will be issued after Monday, May 17, 2021.
• Mail your registration information and payment to:
                                                                         CAMP INFORMATION: 941-861-PARK (7275).
			              Summer in the Parks
			              6700 Clark Road                                         PAYMENT INFORMATION
			              Sarasota, FL 34241                                      • Online registration requires 50 percent credit card
• Financial Aid for Sarasota County families. Sarasota                     payment per program at time of registration.
  County families must qualify for free or reduced lunch                 • Mail-in registration requires an initial payment of $200
  through the National School Lunch Program to be eligible.                per family. The total balance will determine the amount
  The approval letter from the Sarasota County school district             of the up to three additional payments. Partial payments
  must be included with the online application.                            are due at the beginning of each month.
• Online financial aid applications will be accepted beginning           • Fees must be paid in full one week prior to the first day
  Monday, March 8. Applications received prior to this date                of each camp program. Failure to make full payment in
  will not be considered.                                                  that time will result in removal from the camp program.
• A limited number of scholarships are available per qualifying            No refund will be given.
  location. Applications will be processed in the order received.        • No refunds for any camp program or sessions will be
• Apply for financial aid for adventure or day camps online at             issued after Monday, May 17. Refunds for all camp                                        programs requested prior to Monday, May 17, will be
• Questions regarding financial aid should be directed to                  subject to a $25 nonrefundable administrative fee.
  941-861-PARK (7275) or

22                                 You’re first in line when you register online at
At the time of this printing, Sarasota County Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources (PRNR) is planning to operate a full
camp program for the summer of 2021. If the situation calls for changes due to COVID-19, PRNR will implement changes
while following the current CDC guidelines. This could lead to reduced camp opportunities, limited registration, no off-site
activities and possible cancellation of the program(s).

Registration begins Monday, March 29, 2021. Do not mail forms prior to Friday, March 26, 2021.
Complete both pages of registration form and mail with payment to: Summer in the Parks, 6700 Clark Road, Sarasota, FL 34241
Parent/Guardian name:
City: 															 State: 						Zip:
Home phone: 								 Work phone: 								 Cellphone:
Email address:
Participant’s name         		         Date of birth M/F 		        Program name and camp location                   Dates             Fee


DAY CAMP ONLY: If day camp location is full, identify second choice

   Official Camp T-shirt (for Day Camp and C.I.T. programs only)
Child’s name:                                           YS   YM    YL   AS   AM   AL   AXL   number of additional shirts x $8   $
Child’s name:                                           YS   YM    YL   AS   AM   AL   AXL   number of additional shirts x $8   $
Child’s name:                                           YS   YM    YL   AS   AM   AL   AXL   number of additional shirts x $8   $
Child’s name:                                           YS   YM    YL   AS   AM   AL   AXL   number of additional shirts x $8   $

   Adopt-A-Camper Donation – your donation will be used locally to send children in need to camp.				                           $
                                                                             									                                     Total $

                                   Grade		                                         Swimming ability    ESE Assessment?      Walk/Bike home?
Child’s name                      Fall 2021 Allergies*                                (N,B,U,A)**        Yes / No***         Yes / No / Time

* We cannot hold or dispense medication in any program.
** (N) Non-swimmer, (B) Basic skills, (U) Swim unassisted, (A) Advanced swimmer.
*** Has your child received an ESE assessment through his/her school? If yes, please explain:

EMERGENCY / PICK-UP INFORMATION (other than parent/guardian listed above):
Name:							Phone:				Phone:
Name:							Phone:				Phone:
Name:							Phone:				Phone:

                                                    Register at                                                           23
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