SUBCOM 2018 The Subscription Commerce Summit - Insight Exchange Network

Page created by Hugh Ryan


The Subscription Commerce Summit
October 15 – 16, 2018 • Marines’ Memorial Club • San Francisco, CA

                                                                            HEAR DIRECTLY
                                                                 FROM PRACTITIONERS WITH
                                                                EXPERIENCE AT BRANDS LIKE:
                                            CRUNCHYROLL, FORRESTER RESEARCH , CISCO, AMAZON,
                                     ADOBE, COURSERA, HULU, POLITICO, LIVEGLAM, SLACK, RADDISH,
                                     SURVEYMONKEY, SYMANTEC, BARE MINERALS, AUTODESK, SONY,
                                                                LIP MONTHLY...and many more!

Join us in San Francisco this October 15-16 for our 3rd annual SUBCOM.                       Who Should Attend:
SUBCOM 2018 is focused on refining business operations and optimizing the customer           ·· CEOs, CMOs, CFOs, and COOs of subscription-based
lifecycle in order to reduce friction and churn and maximize recurring revenue for              companies or companies with subscription offerings
subscription organizations. This is an entirely unbiased, educational event engaging with
                                                                                             ·· VPs, Directors, and Managers in Marketing, Sales,
all relevant verticals and industries—from CPG to SVOD, media to SaaS, OTT to business
                                                                                                Operations, and Product
& consumer services—and will provide an opportunity for anyone involved in navigating
a subscription-based business model to learn tricks of the trade from the brightest, most    ·· Finance, Billing, and Payments professionals
innovative minds in this space!                                                                 dealing with recurring revenue
                                                                                             ·· Entrepreneurs looking to become established in
With our attendees’ needs in mind, we’ve carefully selected a professional faculty full of
                                                                                                the subscription space
leading minds in subscription commerce. IEN is committed to providing our attendees
with readily-useable takeaways based on the first-hand experiences and unique areas of       ·· Subscription management and payments
expertise of our brilliant speakers.                                                            solutions providers

Unique to our San Francisco 2018 event, we’ll have two dedicated tracks—Subscription
Marketing & Customer Insights vs. Subscription Business Operations.
                                                                                             Past Attendees Include:
                                                                                             A+E Networks                 McAfee
Specific topics will include:                                                                Adobe                        National Geographic
• GDPR retrospective for subscription businesses                                                    Pandora
                                                                                             Apple                        Peloton
• Challenges and opportunities in scaling headcount
                                                                                             Blue Bottle Coffee           Politico
• How to optimize your recurring billing framework
                                                                                             Book of the Month            Roku
• Top strategies for pricing, packaging, and bundling                                        Dog TV                       Salesforce
• Combatting trial fraud and other exploitive behaviors                                      Dow Jones                    San Francisco Chronicle
                                                                                             Grammarly                    Spotify
• Maximizing profit through analyzing MRR trends
                                                                                             HP Inc.                      Stitch Fix
• Addressing involuntary churn with limited internal resources
                                                                                             Hulu                         Subscription Insider
• How to balance your freemium offering with your premium                                    LifeLock                     Talkspace
• Recurring payments processing considerations for global expansion                          LinkedIn                     Unbounce
                                                                                             Madison Reed                 Vinyl Me, Please
• Reinventing the funnel—how subscription upends the age-old marketing analogy
                                                                                             Match                        Zipcar
• Successful acquisition strategies from top brands
• Marketing subscription products to Millennials
• The importance of effectively applying CLV                                                 About IEN:
• Fraud & security in the new recurring payments ecosystem                                   IEN is focused on producing practical, actionable,
…and so much more!                                                                           and content-driven events. We personally interview
                                                                                             literally hundreds of people in each conference’s topic
We can’t wait to see you in San Francisco for this special event!                            area, discovering their on-the-job problems, issues
                                                                                             and concerns. We then find the very best speakers to
Sincerely,                                                                                   offer solution-driven content, as well as facilitating
                                                                                             peer-to-peer networking at each event. Our events
Meg Freitag, Content Director                  Sean O’Meara, Content Director
                                                                                             are not trade shows or expos, although we do offer
                                                                                             partnership opportunities to select vendors. We’re
                                                                                             focused on the attendee’s needs entirely.

Advisory Board

             Robert Oswald, VP of Sales                 Ursula Sellars, Principal
             RECURLY                                    URSULA SELLARS CONSULTING                                                                                                                             2
Day One                                         October 15, 2018
7:45                                                                                   10:10 – 10:30
Continental Breakfast and Conference Registration                                      Networking & Exhibit Break

8:15                                                                                   10:30 – 11:05
Chairperson’s Opening Remarks                                                          DIAMOND KEYNOTE: Subscription Benchmarks
                                                                                       Recurly will share their latest subscription benchmarks. Find out how your
8:30 – 9:30
                                                                                       business compares and key insights to power subscription success.
OPENING PANEL: Subscription Commerce State-of-the-Industry
                                                                                       Speaker to be announced
This lively, in-depth discussion will set the stage for the two days of talks that     RECURLY
follow. Hear seasoned subscription business professionals from different
corners of the industry talk candidly about the current state of subscription          11:05 – 11:40
commerce, and what we can expect for the future.
                                                                                       Scaling Your Subscription Business from $1MM to $20MM in
Topics to be discussed will include:                                                   Revenue
··   Why subscription, why now?                                                        Getting to your first million in revenue requires achieving product market
··   What successful subscription giants like Netflix, Amazon, Zipcar, Stitch          fit with a viable monetization strategy. Once that’s accomplished the next
     Fix, etc. have done to get where they are                                         step is to press the gas, hold on for dear life and make it scale. Dhar Mann
                                                                                       was a key player in helping bootstrap a beauty subscription startup called
··   Pros & cons of different subscription models: all-you-can-eat,                    LiveGlam. Starting with just $600 initial capital (all they had at the time), the
     replenishment, discovery, freemium, premium memberships, etc.                     company grew to $20MM in annual revenue within just two years. In this
··   How subscription blurs the lines between B2B & B2C marketing                      talk he will share the valuable secrets he learned on how to tactfully scale a
                                                                                       business by going all in on effective sales channels and quickly ramping up
··   Addressing limitations of the traditional marketing funnel analogy                operations to keep up with the growth without crashing—all while staying
     when it comes to subscription                                                     lean and profitable.
··   Where investors are putting their money                                           Dhar Mann, Founder
…And more!                                                                             LIVEGLAM

Moderator to be announced                                                              11:40 – 12:10
Presenters:                                                                            Built to Serve: What Does a Successful Subscription Organization
                                                                                       Look Like?
Sucharita Kodali*, Vice President and Principal Analyst
FORRESTER RESEARCH                                                                     The ideal organizational structure for supporting subscription is different
                                                                                       from one that is more focused on one-off transactions. Subscription
Pooja Kapoor, Product Management, Software Subscription Offers                         commerce blurs the lines between different departments and roles,
CISCO SYSTEMS                                                                          demanding a whole new organizational culture and structure. At a high level,
Ryan Cahill, Partner                                                                   it’s about the entire team being focused on customer service, acquisition,
WINNING BY DESIGN                                                                      and retention.
                                                                                       Listen to Slack’s Eugene Berson discuss how the subscription business model
9:30 – 10:10                                                                           necessarily upends all traditional operations, from sales & marketing to
PRACTITIONER KEYNOTE: Building a Successful Subscription                               operations & product to finance & revenue. They’ll discuss the challenges, the
Business Despite Many Mistakes                                                         unforeseen opportunities, new emerging roles, and tips for inspiring a spirit
 It’s easy to talk about success. Hiring the right talent, making the smart            of innovation and customer-centricity across the entire organization.
investments, understanding the needs of customers. What isn’t as easy is               Eugene Berson, Sales Business Operations
confronting our mistakes, even though all great and successful companies               SLACK
are full of them. During this session, POLITICO Pro’s Danica Stanciu will share
how Politico has transformed itself into a business where more than half               12:10 – 1:10
of its revenue now comes from subscriptions. Most importantly, Danica will             Luncheon for All Attendees
dive into some of the biggest mistakes Politico has made across the past
seven years and the lessons learned as they’ve built a successful subscription
business with 90+% renewal rates.
Danica Stanciu, Vice President

      Venue                                       ABOUT THE MARINE’S MEMORIAL CLUB & HOTEL
      Marines’ Memorial Club & Hotel              Dedicated as a living memorial to the U.S. Marines who served in the Pacific during World War II, Marines’
      609 Sutter Street
                                                  Memorial Club & Hotel is a leader in San Francisco Union Square hotels. A landmark since 1946, the hotel is
      San Francisco, CA 94102
      (415) 673-6672                              located close to a bustling theater district in the heart of the city. Blending traditional décor and modern                          comforts, our classic 1920’s California Spanish Revival hotel offers an inviting atmosphere that is rich with
                                                  history, honor and pride.
      Standard Rooms: $259*
                                                  *Mention IEN SUBCOM 2018 to receive this special discounted rate. Please be aware that these rooms
      Call Marines’ Memorial for                  are first come, first served and will fill up quickly. The cut-off date to receive the preferred group rate is
      availability at (415) 673-6672.             September 24, 2018.                                                                                                                                                3
TRACK A                                                                              TRACK B
             SUBSCRIPTION MARKETING & CUSTOMER INSIGHTS                                                SUBSCRIPTION OPERATIONS
1:10 – 2:10                                                                     1:10 – 2:10
PRACTITIONERS’ ROUNDTABLE: Cutting Through the Noise—                           PRACTITIONERS’ ROUNDTABLE: Pricing, Packaging, and Bundling—
Successful Acquisition Strategies from Top Brands                               The Secret Weapon of Subscription Business
How do you get the attention and gain the trust of potential customers in a     Whether you’re implementing a new subscription-based offering,
world where the signal-to-noise ratio is at an all-time low? Several esteemed   undergoing the transition from perpetual to subscription, or considering
practitioners will discuss their strategies for customer acquisition.           reevaluating your existing pricing structure in order to optimize
                                                                                monetization, pricing strategy is necessarily very complex.
This session will cover:
                                                                                Key topics to be discussed in this session include:
··   Paid channel management including strategies for determining when/
     how to test new channels                                                   ··   How should cost be measured for your customers?
··   Establishing fast, simple, automated customer acquisition workflows        ··   How should your pricing level change over time?
     across multiple channels
                                                                                ··   How to approach a price change with existing subscribers
··   When to use free trials
                                                                                ··   Aligning price metrics with customer value
··   Successful tactics for measuring growth
                                                                                ··   Utilizing price testing and customer research to make
··   Gauging the quality of free users in order to drive bolder                      data-driven decisions
     investment decisions
                                                                                ··   Turning insights derived from customer data into impactful
··   Testing/experimentation to improve conversion rates for free                    business decisions
     and premium
                                                                                …and more!
··   Successful strategies and best practices for win-backs
                                                                                Moderator to be announced
…and more!
Moderator to be announced
                                                                                Kapeesh Saraf, Head of Growth
Panelists:                                                                      COURSERA
Greg Yagan, Director of Marketing                                               Danica Stanciu, Vice President
RADDISH                                                                         POLITICO
Lakshmi Hari, Head of Integrated Marketing                                      Additional speaker to be announced
Adi Gullia, Co-Founder
2:15 – 2:55                                                                     2:15 – 2:55
Use Case Q & A: Identifying & Executing Subscription Marketing                  MRR Growth 101: Get Clear about What’s Driving your MRR
Strategies to Prove Differentiating Value                                       Trends to Maximize Profit
Session details forthcoming                                                     Every subscription business leader tracks monthly recurring revenue and
                                                                                works as many angles as possible to maximize this all-important KPI. MRR
Clive Henry, Partner Lead Media & Entertainment Vertical
                                                                                is a critical top line metric, but do you really understand what’s driving it
                                                                                up or down month-to-month, or are you mostly guessing? In this session,
                                                                                subscription expert Ursula Sellars unpacks the five key segments of the gold
                                                                                standard for understanding MRR (New, Expansion, Reactivation, Churned
                                                                                and Contraction), how to calculate Net New MRR, and what to do with
                                                                                this data. She will provide actionable examples of how to use this under-
                                                                                the-hood view of your revenue trends to make sharper, more deliberate
                                                                                decisions to track, influence and grow your MRR.
                                                                                Ursula Sellars, Principal
                                                                                URSULA SELLARS CONSULTING
                                                                        2:55 – 3:15
                                                                    NETWORKING BREAK
3:15 – 3:45                                                                     3:15 – 3:45
The Expanding Role of Marketing in Subscription GTM                             It’s Nice to Be Niche: The Power of Product Focus
The subscription business model is built on a relationship between a            The hardest aspect of product strategy is deciding what not to do, but it’s
business and its subscriber, but the breadth and length of this relationship    also the most powerful lever. Product focus is critical for small and growing
can far exceed traditional business models, putting added pressure on           companies because, almost invariably, they’re going up against larger,
marketers. This session will walk through how to identify campaigns and         better-resourced rivals. When you don’t have the resources to be everything
programs that actually move the needle and how to market across the             to everyone, having a narrower product strategy helps ensure that your
customer journey from awareness to upsell.                                      product is fantastic for someone. In this session, Mainsail Partner’s Director
                                                                                of Product, Kate Hopkins, will share actionable examples of how focus can
In this session, we will discuss:
                                                                                help streamline operations and drive revenue, and how to tell whether
··   How to respond to the changing trends in subscriber behavior               you’re focused enough.
··   The science behind subscription marketing and how it helps you drive ROI   Kate Hopkins, Director of Product
                                                                                MAINSAIL PARTNERS
··   How marketing can reduce churn, increase LTV and reduce CAC
                                                                                (formerly Sr. Product Manager at AMAZON)
Ryan Cahill, Partner & Sales Architect
WINNING BY DESIGN                                                                                                                                          4
TRACK A                                                                                        TRACK B
               SUBSCRIPTION MARKETING & CUSTOMER INSIGHTS                                                        SUBSCRIPTION OPERATIONS
 3:50 – 4:20                                                                             3:50 – 4:20
 USE CASE: Unpacking Customer Lifetime Value—The Importance                              USE CASE: How to Approach Billing Framework Optimization
 of Effectively Applying CLV                                                             Billing optimization is a crucial tactic employed by subscription billing
 In this session Ellation’s Reid DeRamus will outline the various components             merchants to minimize churn, increase customer retention and ensure
 that drive customer lifetime value and proceed with an in-depth discussion              undisturbed service offering. In this session, attendees will get a look behind
 of how to put these insights to work once you have them, providing                      the scenes at some of the successful techniques used by industry leaders
 examples from his own first-hand experiences growing subscriptions at                   including timing strategies, outreach, customer messaging, and more.
 Hulu, Crunchyroll, and VRV.                                                             Key discussion points will include:
 Key talking points include:                                                             ··   Timing strategies (day of the week, time of the day, frequency)
 ··    Key related metrics, such as price or revenue per user; retention                 ··   Customer messaging: email vs. direct mail vs. PIF (Product Inbuilt
       & average customer lifetime; subscriber acquisition cost; cost to                      Framework)
       service subscription
                                                                                         ··   SMS and phone call outreach during dunning period
 ··    Drawing the line between free vs. premium for freemium models
                                                                                         Kasia Sitkiewicz*, Product Manager, Billings & Payments
 ··    How to best manage price changes and different subscription tiers                 SYMANTEC
 ··    Several high-level strategic applications of CLV (i.e. setting a SAC target,
       estimating break-even points for various investment levels, etc.)
 ··    The importance of segmentation for CLV (by acquisition funnel, by user
       type, by month they joined, etc.)
 Reid DeRamus, Business Insights
 4:25 – 5:00                                                                             4:25 – 5:00
 USE CASE: Striking the Balance—Adding Value to Your Premium                             USE CASE: Cisco’s Digital Journey from Lumpy to Recurring
 Product While Maintaining Upper Funnel Freemium                                         Revenue Models
 In this session, attendees will find out how a leading subscription company             This session provides a view of Cisco’s own transformation and what it
 redesigned their freemium and premium products to convert more of their                 means for Cisco’s customers, partners and sales teams. It will outline their
 users to paid subscribers. Learn how much is too much to give away for                  customer’s context, their business model and, finally, how Cisco’s portfolio
 free, how to evaluate the balance point and design a premium offering with              of offerings are also changing to reflect their customers’ needs.
 enough value-add to convince users to convert.
                                                                                         Pooja Kapoor, Product Management, Software Subscription Offers
 Speaker to be Announced                                                                 CISCO SYSTEMS

                                                                          COCKTAIL RECEPTION

Day Two                                         October 16, 2018
Continental Breakfast                                                                             TEAM DISCOUNTS
8:30 – 9:15
                                                                                                  ·· Three Delegates will receive a 10% DISCOUNT
GDPR Retrospective for Subscription Businesses
This session will discuss the ins and outs of GDPR adoption for subscription                      ·· Four Delegates will receive a 15% DISCOUNT
and recurring revenue businesses. Discussion points will include:                                 ·· Five Delegates or More will receive a 20% DISCOUNT
··   What are some good and bad examples of GDPR adoption?
                                                                                                  Please call Rebecca Davis to make your group reservation at
··   What unforeseen and unintended consequences have companies                                   501-904-5716 or email
     experienced based on this?
··   How are we seeing this policy work in action?                                                Refunds and Cancellations: For information on refunds and
Speaker to be announced                                                                           cancellations please visit our website:

9:15 – 9:45
Open session for leading subscription professional
Speaker to be announced

     PRICING RATE                                                    Early Bird: Before Sep.21                                  Standard: After Sep.21
     Start-Up*                                                                        $995                                                  $1195
     Regular                                                                          $1195                                                 $1395
     *Requires IEN approval. Startups include companies that are three years old or younger, with less than $500,000 in revenue.                                                                                                                                                 5
TRACK A                                                                                       TRACK B
             SUBSCRIPTION MARKETING & CUSTOMER INSIGHTS                                                           SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENTS
9:50 – 10:20                                                                             9:50 – 10:20
USE CASE: Are You Listening?—The Importance of Incorporating                             USE CASE: Addressing Involuntary Churn with Limited Internal
Customer Feedback into Your Broader Subscription Business Goals                          Resources – One Company’s Story
This session will uncover how one company uses the literal voices of                     Churn is a battle of inches, but so many of these incremental improvements
their customers to level up their subscription game. Key discussion points               are created by monumental product efforts. Involuntary churn, on the other
will include:                                                                            hand, is often overlooked. There is a large opportunity to create high-value
                                                                                         impacts with relatively low resource dedication. Unbounce is a bootstrapped
··   Leveraging a customer service team to scale customer feedback:
                                                                                         company that is now taking a closer look at this hidden value. This session
     asking agents for their wish-list of functionality, service and product
                                                                                         will provide insights into key low-resource, high-impact steps you can take
     improvements that would have positive impact in their realm
                                                                                         tomorrow to make a difference.
··   Participating in call listening: prioritizing the time it takes to literally hear
                                                                                         Joe Marconato*, Project Manager
     what customers are calling/chatting/emailing about to help drive future
     friction-less shopping
··   Scan the competition: what are subscription customers of your
     competitors saying on social media about their subscription experience?
     How do you measure up? Where can you improve?
Marissa Torres, Digital Sales Retention Business Manager
                                                                              10:20 – 10:50
                                                                           NETWORKING BREAK
10:50 – 11:25                                                                            10:50 – 11:25
USE CASE: Marketing Subscription Products to Millennials                                 USE CASE: Identifying and Mitigating Global Trial Fraud in
Not only are Millennials the largest generational group in the U.S. and                  Digital Streaming and Services
far-and-away the biggest consumers of subscriptions, they also grew up                   In this session, Monica Dabaghi will provide an in-depth review of tactics and
with a level of technological literacy that’s fairly new to the market. So how           key features that she and her team at Sony Interactive have used to combat
do subscription companies get and keep the attention of this increasingly                trial fraud globally. She will share use cases from around the world and
powerful group? While most companies know that social media is the                       attendees will come away with a better understanding of how to reduce trial
heartbeat of marketing to millennials, it’s not as simple as a static digital            fraud and other exploitive behaviors in their own organizations.
presence, especially in the current culture of viral markets and ever-shifting
trends. In this session, you’ll hear from a leading practitioner speak to                Monica Dabaghi, Sr. Manager, Product Management,
the unique opportunities and challenges they’ve experiences marketing                    Global Payments, Fraud, and Tax
subscription offerings to millennials.                                                   SONY INTERACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT

Ursula Sellars, Principal
Dhar Mann, Founder
11:30 – 12:30                                                                            11:30 – 12:00
PRACTITIONERS’ ROUNDTABLE: Reinventing the Funnel—How                                    Going Global—Strategic importance of Payments in
Subscription Upends the Age-old Marketing Analogy (and how you                           International Expansion
can leverage it!)                                                                        Understanding alternative payment modes as they vary from country to
In subscription businesses, all notions of a traditional marketing funnel go             country is absolutely essential for successful international expansion for
out the window. Is your company making the most of this new marketing                    any organization, but subscription companies face a host of additional
landscape, or does it all still feel a bit like the wild west? Are you worried           unique challenges. This talk will detail the strategic importance of rolling out
that your CAC is too high compared to ACLV? Do you struggle with retaining               payments methods for subscription when going global.
customers past the trial or introductory offer? What are you doing to                    Key talking points include:
manage and combat churn? What are your marketing teams doing to
engage and entice existing customers? How are you addressing additional                  ··   How can payments help in keeping a subscription business running
attribution challenges? Here attendees will learn a wealth of tips and tricks                 smoothly, rather than becoming a hindrance?
on leveraging the new shape of marketing from the hard-fought wisdoms of                 ··   How to know when it’s time for local acquiring
several top practitioners.
                                                                                         ··   How needs change depending on a company’s country of incorporation
Moderator:                                                                                    and customer base location
Ursula Sellars, Principal                                                                ··   Keeping an eye on outliers — just because a method is popular widely
URSULA SELLARS CONSULTING                                                                     doesn’t mean it’s right for your customer base
Panelists:                                                                               ··   Key success factors for global interoperability of common payment
Marissa Torres, Digital Sales Retention Business Manager                                      options — balancing the need for global alignment while meeting local
AUTODESK                                                                                      needs and preferences
Clive Henry, Partner Lead Media & Entertainment Vertical                                 Sheela Ursal, Founder
ADOBE                                                                                    FINTECH LAUNCH
                                                                                         (formerly Lead Payments Product Management & Expansion at AMAZON
Daniel Corsaro*, Manager, Subscription Growth                                            and WESTERN UNION)
SURFLINE WAVETRACK                                                                                                                                                     6
11:30 – 12:30                                                                 12:00 – 12:30
 PRACTITIONERS’ ROUNDTABLE: Reinventing the Funnel—How                         User Trust in the Age of Subscription and Today’s Data Climate
 Subscription Upends the Age-old Marketing Analogy (and how you                We live in the golden age of data sharing and financial technology
 can leverage it!) cont’d.                                                     innovation. Extending payment options to power commerce has never
                                                                               been easier, however, consumer trust is dwindling and the need for privacy
                                                                               and control has become a regulatory concern in some markets. In this
                                                                               session, we’ll explore the psychological, cultural, regulatory, and design
                                                                               factors impacting consumer confidence in payment products and explore
                                                                               successful strategies to bridge the trust gap. Key points:
                                                                               ··   Understanding user trust: cultural and regulatory background in
                                                                                    key markets
                                                                               ··   Influence of design and communication practices on user trust and
                                                                                    payment method adoption
                                                                               ··   Impactful strategies to build user trust in subscription models
                                                                               Carla Canino, Secure Payments Task Force, Data Protection Group Member
                                                                               FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
                                                                               Consultant & Founder
                                                                               SUNLIGHT COMMERCE CONSULTING

                                                                CONFERENCE CONCLUDES

*Speaker pending final confirmation

Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities
Insight Exchange Network, LLC (“IEN”) has a limited number of sponsorship opportunities in a variety of packages to help you get your
message out to attendees. Sponsorship pricing is based on packages and start at low out-of-pocket. We can customize a variety of solutions
to provide you with the best possible network opportunity.
For more information, contact Corinne Smart at 704-649-3860 or email

Diamond Sponsor
                                Recurly, Inc. delivers an enterprise-grade subscription management platform to thousands of businesses worldwide. Leading
                                subscription businesses such as Sling Media, JibJab Media, Asana and HubSpot depend on Recurly’s ability to cut through the
                                complexity of subscription management to drive recurring revenue growth. Since its launch in 2010, Recurly has deployed
subscription billing for thousands of companies in 32 countries, making it the most trusted pure-play provider of subscription management services. Recurly,
Inc. is PCI-DSS Level 1, SAS 70 / SSAE 16 Compliant. For more information, visit

Gold Sponsor
                            Fluent, LLC, a cogint company (Nasdaq: COGT), is an industry leader in people-based digital marketing and customer
                            acquisition, serving over 500 leading consumer brands and direct marketers. Leveraging a massive reservoir of proprietary
                            audience data, as well as millions of real-time survey interactions with consumers every day, Fluent enables advertisers to
more effectively target and acquire their most valuable customers, with precision, at a massive scale. The company is headquartered in New York City. For
more information visit

Bronze Sponsor
                            Chargehound fights and wins thousands of chargebacks every minute for customers around the world. We have live
                            integrations with leading global payment processors that enable us to automatically receive disputes, match the right
                            response templates, populate compelling (customer-specific) evidence and send back for review. Automation ensures
comprehensive and consistent evidence which in turn leads to increased win rates. We have consistently matched or outperformed win rates for all our
clients while saving them manual resources.
Come talk to us and we will share our strong track record in subscription commerce for both physical and digital goods.                                                                                                                                        7
SUBCOM 2018: The Subscription Commerce Summit
                                                                                                                                             PRSRT STD
         Call: 501-904-5716                           Insight Exchange Network                                                             US Postage Paid
         Email:              200 Washington Street, Suite 101                                                     Cedar Rapids, IA
                                                                                                                                            Permit No.860
         Web:                 Santa Cruz, CA 95060

    “Great diversity of content,      “One of the more useful and             “I learned at least 1 thing   “This is the 1st conference   “I’m not a conference
    expert speakers. Schedule         actionable conferences I’ve been to     in every session. The         I’ve attended that is         guy, but I actually
    and setting allowed plenty of     esp. for those who might be newer       pace was right, there         dedicated to subscriptions    really dug this one
    networking time.”                 to subscription, as I am. I found the   was an interesting mix of     + I feel like everyone is     and will recommend
    Alyson S., IHEARTMEDIA
                                      quality of the speakers (experience,    companies, and a good         speaking my language.”        to others.”
                                      companies, and presentations) to        balance of panels and         Susan D.,                     Keith L.,
                                      be generally very high.”                case studies.”                NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC           THRIVENT FINANCIAL
                                      Rachel M., BRAD’S DEALS                 Ali L., DOW JONES

                                                                        …and many more!
                                                                        AUTODESK, SONY, LIP MONTHLY,
                                                                        SURVEYMONKEY, SYMANTEC, BARE MINERALS,
                                                                        COURSERA, HULU, POLITICO, LIVEGLAM, SLACK, RADDISH,
                                                                        CRUNCHYROLL, FORRESTER RESEARCH, CISCO, AMAZON, ADOBE,
                                                                         Hear from industry leading experts with experience at brands like...

                                    October 15 – 16, 2018 • Marines’ Memorial Club • San Francisco, CA
                                                                                                     SUBCOM 2018

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