Student Handbook Practice - Doctor of NursiNg 2024-2025 - Weber State University

Student Handbook Practice - Doctor of NursiNg 2024-2025 - Weber State University
D oc to r o f N u r si n g
       P r a ct i c e
         Student Handbook

 fall   2024   c o h o rt
Student Handbook Practice - Doctor of NursiNg 2024-2025 - Weber State University

With great excitement and optimism, I want to welcome all new and continuing students to the Annie Taylor Dee
School of Nursing at Weber State University as you embark on your graduate journey. This DNP Student
Handbook is for all Doctor of Nursing Practice students. Please also review the Annie Taylor Dee School of
Nursing Handbook, which applies to nursing students at all levels and will introduce you to our policies,
procedures, and resources. All DNP students are responsible for becoming familiar with and adhering to the
expectations and policies in both handbooks.

Again, welcome to WSU, and congratulations on taking such an important step toward achieving your career


Carrie Watkins Jeffrey, PhD, RN
DNP Program Director & Associate Professor

                          Administration & Staff Contact Information

Carrie Jeffrey, PhD, RN
DNP Program Director
Associate Professor

Ann Rocha PhD, APRN, FNP-BC
DNP-FNP Assistant Program Director
Associate Professor

Chelsea Pike, DNP, RN, CNE
DNP-ExL Assistant Program Director
Assistant Professor

Catie Weimer
Graduate Programs Clinical & Marketing Coordinator

Lynda Blanch
DNP Program Administrative Specialist

Student Handbook Practice - Doctor of NursiNg 2024-2025 - Weber State University
Table of Contents
Welcome .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Administration & Staff Contact Information ........................................................................................................................ 1
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Doctor of Nursing Practice Program Structure & Curriculum ........................................................................................... 4
   The DNP Curriculum ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
       DNP-Executive Leadership Program of Study ................................................................................................................. 4
       DNP-Family Nurse Practitioner Program of Study ........................................................................................................... 4
       DNP-Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program of Study ............................................................................. 4
       DNP Program Student Learning Outcomes & Role-Specific Competencies .................................................................... 5
       DNP Practicum Hours ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
   DNP Project Requirements .................................................................................................................................................. 5
DNP Program Policies & Procedures ................................................................................................................................... 6
   Academic Standards & Graduation Requirements ............................................................................................................... 6
       Course Grades & GPA Requirement ................................................................................................................................ 6
       Graduation & Degree Completion .................................................................................................................................... 6
   Academic Advisement .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
   Graduate Student Late Work Submission Policy.................................................................................................................. 6
   NRSG 6860 Graduate Independent Study Course .............................................................................................................. 7
   Academic Writing & Professional Communication ............................................................................................................... 7
       Graduate Writing Center Tutors ....................................................................................................................................... 7
   Canvas® Learning Management System ............................................................................................................................. 7
   Student Communication ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
       Notification of Changes in Policy/ Procedures .................................................................................................................. 7
       WSU Student Wildcat Email ............................................................................................................................................. 7
       DNP Cohort Codes & WSU Student Email Signature ...................................................................................................... 7
       DNP Student Cohort Google™ Shared Drive................................................................................................................... 8
       Canvas® Inbox Messaging & Announcements ................................................................................................................ 8
       Student Representation .................................................................................................................................................... 8
   Student Program & Clinical Partnership Compliance ........................................................................................................... 8
       Verified Credentials .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
       Additional DNP Project Site Clinical Documentation ........................................................................................................ 9
       Additional FNP/PMHNP-Specific Clinical Documentation ................................................................................................ 9
       RN Licensure .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
       Appearance, Dress Code, & Student Badges .................................................................................................................. 9
Required Textbooks, Software, & Computer Access........................................................................................................ 10
   Informational Technology Support...................................................................................................................................... 10
   Online Technology Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 10
   Textbooks, Software, & Computer Access with Associated Costs ..................................................................................... 10
   Software & Computer Access Without Associated Costs................................................................................................... 11
DNP Student Resources ...................................................................................................................................................... 12

Student Handbook Practice - Doctor of NursiNg 2024-2025 - Weber State University
Academic Resources.......................................................................................................................................................... 12
       WSU Stewart Library ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
       Annie Taylor Dee Nursing Graduate LibGuides ............................................................................................................. 12
       WSU Writing Center ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
   Financial Resources ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
       Financial Aid & Scholarships .......................................................................................................................................... 12
       Out-of-State Non-Resident Tuition Waivers ................................................................................................................... 12
       Financial Literacy Center ................................................................................................................................................ 12
       Laptop & Technology Checkout ..................................................................................................................................... 12
       Hourly Child Care Center ............................................................................................................................................... 13
   Health Resources ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
       Student Health & Wellness ............................................................................................................................................. 13
       Ogden Clinic Student Healthcare Services .................................................................................................................... 13
       WSU Dental Clinic .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
       Campus Recreation ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
   Mental Health Resources ................................................................................................................................................... 13
       Counseling & Psychological Service Center .................................................................................................................. 13
       Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) .................................................................................................................................. 13
       Safe at Weber................................................................................................................................................................. 13
       Code Purple.................................................................................................................................................................... 14
       Stress Relief Center ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
   Focused Support ................................................................................................................................................................ 14
       Disability Services .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
       Help With Basic Needs ................................................................................................................................................... 14
       Military-Affiliated Student Center .................................................................................................................................... 14
       International Student & Scholar Center .......................................................................................................................... 14
       Office of Graduate Studies ............................................................................................................................................. 14
   Other Resources ................................................................................................................................................................ 14
       Parking ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14
       Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing - Nu Nu Chapter ................................................................... 14
FNP & PMHNP Program-Specific Student Information ..................................................................................................... 15
   FNP/PMHNP Lab Course Policies ..................................................................................................................................... 15
   FNP/PMHNP Clinical Course Policies ................................................................................................................................ 16
   FNP & PMHNP Certification & APRN Licensure ................................................................................................................ 17
References ............................................................................................................................................................................ 19
APPENDIX A: DNP-Executive Leadership Program of Study .......................................................................................... 20
APPENDIX B: DNP-Family Nurse Practitioner Program of Study .................................................................................... 21
APPENDIX C: DNP-Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program of Study.................................................... 22
APPENDIX D: DNP Program Student Learning Outcomes & Role-Specific Competencies .......................................... 23

Student Handbook Practice - Doctor of NursiNg 2024-2025 - Weber State University
Doctor of Nursing Practice Program Structure & Curriculum

The DNP Curriculum
The WSU Annie Taylor Dee School of Nursing (ATDSON) Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program is
accredited through the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). It is designed to prepare
nurses for an advanced level of nursing science, leadership, and practice through three unique emphases:
   • Doctor of Nursing Practice, Executive Leadership (DNP-ExL) emphasis for post-master students
   • Doctor of Nursing Practice, Family Nurse Practitioner (DNP-FNP) emphasis for post-baccalaureate
   • Doctor of Nursing Practice, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (DNP-PMHNP) emphasis for
       post-baccalaureate students

It is important to note that while the DNP-FNP and DNP-PMHNP programs lead to NP certification and
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) licensure, the DNP-ExL program does not lead to certification or

DNP-Executive Leadership Program of Study
The DNP-ExL emphasis is a part-time, five-semester, online program ranging from 5-7 credit hours per
semester (see Appendix A). Though the DNP-ExL coursework is asynchronous, students must attend a
synchronous meeting over Zoom in the third semester for project proposal presentations and in the fifth
semester for final project presentations. DNP-ExL students must complete 510 DNP practicum hours connected
to community-engaged learning activities related to coursework requirements and the DNP project within the

DNP-Family Nurse Practitioner Program of Study
The DNP-FNP emphasis is a full-time, eight-semester, hybrid program ranging from 7-12 credit hours per
semester (see Appendix B). Physical attendance is required on campus for lab sessions during the third, fourth,
and fifth semesters (6-12 days a semester), virtually for synchronous Zoom classes during the first and second
semesters (4-5 days a semester), and during FNP clinical rotations. Clinical rotations require at least 180-190
hours of direct patient care during the last four semesters of the program, for a total of 750 clinical hours. The
semester schedule will be emailed to students before the start of each semester. DNP-FNP students must
complete 1,260 DNP practicum hours, including FNP clinical hours and community-engaged learning activities
related to coursework requirements and the DNP project within the curriculum. ***Due to the rigor and intensity
of the course, lab, project, and clinical requirements, DNP-FNP students are highly discouraged from working
full-time while enrolled in the program.

DNP-Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program of Study
The DNP-PMHNP emphasis is a full-time, seven-semester, hybrid program ranging from 10-12 credit hours per
semester (see Appendix C). Physical attendance is required on campus for lab sessions during the third, fourth,
and fifth semesters (6-12 days a semester), virtually for synchronous Zoom classes during the first and second
semesters (4-5 days a semester), and during PMHNP clinical rotations. Clinical rotations require at least 180-
190 hours of direct patient care during the last four semesters of the program, for a total of 750 clinical hours.
The semester schedule will be emailed to students before the start of each semester. DNP-PMHNP students
must complete 1,260 DNP practicum hours, including PMHNP clinical hours and community-engaged learning
activities related to coursework requirements and the DNP project within the curriculum. ***Due to the rigor and
intensity of the course, lab, project, and clinical requirements, DNP-PMHNP students are highly discouraged
from working full-time while enrolled in the program
Student Handbook Practice - Doctor of NursiNg 2024-2025 - Weber State University
DNP Program Student Learning Outcomes & Role-Specific Competencies
The ATDSON DNP program emphases are designed to prepare students to fulfill specific roles as doctoral-
prepared nurse professionals in the healthcare environment. The dynamic DNP curriculum incorporates current
standards, guidelines, and competencies as outlined in the ATDSON Student Handbook, Section III, to ensure
the curriculum is current and grounded in evidence-based practice. The DNP End-of-Program Student Learning
Outcomes (EPSLOs) and Role-Specific Competencies (RSCs) are aligned with the ATDSON outcomes. They
are leveled to meet degree-specific requirements and guide course development for the DNP program (see
Appendix D).

Summative assessments of EPSLOs and RSCs are conducted through Signature Assignments in the last three
semesters of each program. Signature Assignments measure significant and essential learning that students
should accomplish before graduation.

DNP Practicum Hours
Practicum hours for advanced-level nursing students provide high-impact learning opportunities for direct and
indirect care experiences. These experiences prepare students for specialty nursing practice roles in healthcare
(ACEN, 2023; American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2021). National standards and guidelines
indicate that DNP non-APRN options must provide a minimum of 500 practicum hours, and DNP APRN options
must provide a minimum of 1,000 practicum hours to attain a DNP degree (ACEN, 2023; ACEN; 2024). DNP
practicum hours are incorporated throughout the three program options as follows:

   •   DNP-Executive Leadership Option: 510 DNP Leadership Practicum Hours
   •   DNP-Family Nurse Practitioner Option: 510 DNP Leadership Practicum Hours + 750 DNP-FNP Clinical
       Hours = 1,260 DNP Practicum Hours
   •   DNP-Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Option: 510 DNP Leadership Practicum Hours + 750 DNP-PMHNP
       Clinical Hours = 1,260 DNP Practicum Hours

DNP Project Requirements
Completing an evidence-based, quality improvement DNP project is a graduation requirement of the WSU
ATDSON DNP program. According to The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education
(AACN, 2021), nurses are instrumental in the transformation of healthcare; however, they "cannot be expected
to significantly impact healthcare transformation unless their educational preparation provides them with
opportunities to learn and employ scholarship, leadership, and teamwork skills to advance practice" (pp. 24-25).
Key elements of the scholarly work include (a) problem identification, (b) a current literature search, analysis,
and synthesis, (c) translation of evidence to construct a strategy or method to address a problem, (d) designing
a plan for implementation and sustainability, (e) implementing the plan, and (f) evaluating the outcomes,
process, and experience (AACN, 2021). More details about the DNP project can be found in the DNP Project
Handbook, which students will receive during the program's first semester.

DNP Program Policies & Procedures

Academic Standards & Graduation Requirements

Course Grades & GPA Requirement
Students must have an 80% (B-) or higher to pass any nursing course to continue in the nursing program. In the
Nursing Department, course failure is defined as any final grade
NRSG 6860 Graduate Independent Study Course
NRSG 6860 is an independent study course designed for graduate students to complete project-related
requirements that may exceed the typical time needed for project completion. This course may also be used to
bridge student project work related to leave of absence under extenuating circumstances. DNP Director
approval is required for registration.

Academic Writing & Professional Communication
Scholarly academic writing and professional communication are required competencies in all DNP program
options. Courses are writing-intensive and are designed to prepare students to write at the doctorate level.
Graduate-level writing resources are available in all Canvas® courses. Generative AI (i.e., ChatGPT, etc.) is
NOT permitted for use in completing assignments in DNP courses unless explicitly stated in the
assignment instructions.

Graduate Writing Center Tutors
The WSU Graduate Writing Center is staffed with tutors who work specifically with graduate students to assist
with doctorate-level writing. They are available to meet in person or online. See the Writing Center website for
more information or to schedule an appointment.

Canvas® Learning Management System
All WSU courses are delivered through the Canvas® Learning Management System. Students are required to
send all course-related communication to faculty through Canvas® Inbox Messaging. We recommend that
students unfamiliar with Canvas® complete an online Canvas® training course before the first semester courses
start. Students will have access to their courses in Canvas® on the first day of each semester. For additional
help, Canvas® support is available 24/7 at (877) 215-0831,, or click the "Help" menu
in Canvas® for a live chat.

Student Communication

Notification of Changes in Policy/ Procedures
Changes in ATDSON policies are communicated to students through WSU student email, cohort shared drives,
and Canvas® Announcements.

WSU Student Wildcat Email
Upon admission to WSU, students receive a WSU student Wildcat Email account. Program information, course
registration instructions, policy changes, clinical coordination, and all other program-related communication will
be sent to students’ WSU email addresses. Students must monitor their student email daily and respond to
requests for information promptly throughout the program. Students will be held responsible for the
information distributed through their student email. Student contact information changes should be emailed to
the DNP Program Administrative Assistant.

DNP Cohort Codes & WSU Student Email Signature
Each cohort has a unique identifier to help faculty and staff quickly identify and assist students through
electronic communication. The cohort code consists of abbreviations to identify the program, emphasis,
program start, and graduation. For students admitted during the 2024-25 academic year, the cohort codes are
as follows:
        DNP-ExL FA24-SP26
        DNP-FNP FA24-SP27


Students should change their WSU student email signature settings to this format:
      Firstname Lastname, RN (make sure credentials meet ANA standards)
      Doctor of Nursing Practice Student
      Cohort Code

      Jane Smith, RN
      Doctor of Nursing Practice Student
      DNP-FNP FA24-SP27

DNP Student Cohort Google™ Shared Drive
The DNP Student Cohort Google™ Shared Drive is specific to each cohort. It contains essential information and
resources for students, such as textbook lists, calendars, orientation resources, clinical rotation information,
handbooks, programs of study, and more. Students must notify the DNP Program Administrative Assistant of
their WSU student email address before they can be added to the shared drive. Students will then receive
notification through their student email when they are granted access to the shared drive. Students must check
the drive frequently for updates and will be held responsible for the information distributed there. Note: Students
must be signed into Google™ Chrome with their WSU account to access the shared drive. Access will not be
granted to personal email accounts.

Canvas® Inbox Messaging & Announcements
Students are required to send all course-related emails to faculty through Canvas® Inbox Messaging unless
otherwise directed. Students must check Canvas® Inbox messages and course announcements daily
throughout the program.

Student Representation
Student representation and input are essential in the continued efforts to improve the DNP program
administration, processes, and shared governance and allow open communication between students, faculty,
and staff. Students are encouraged to participate in monthly DNP faculty meetings. Contact the DNP
Administrative Assistant for dates, times, and locations. Students are also encouraged to serve on the university
student senate or other leadership committees, councils, and clubs through WSU. More information can be
found at

Student Program & Clinical Partnership Compliance

Verified Credentials
All graduate students must purchase and use Verified Credentials (VC) for required materials and documents as
described in the ATDSON Student Handbook and the Additional FNP/PMHNP-Specific Clinical Documentation
below. Documents must be kept current in Verified Credentials throughout the program. This includes flu shots,
CPR, immunizations, background checks, drug tests, etc.). Failure to keep ALL required materials (overdue and
rejected items) up-to-date will result in a 2% grade deduction in a designated DNP course each week the
materials are not updated. Please see required Textbooks, Software, & Computer Access with Associated
Costs below for more information on purchasing Verified Credentials. *Clinical requirements are subject to
change in accordance with clinical facility policies.

Additional DNP Project Site Clinical Documentation
All DNP students must meet the clinical documentation requirements for the site where they are implementing
their DNP project. Please note that individual facilities may have additional requirements and costs associated
with student compliance when implementing DNP projects. The Graduate Clinical Coordinator will communicate
facility-specific requirements to students via email.

Additional FNP/PMHNP-Specific Clinical Documentation
DNP-FNP and DNP-PMHNP students have clinical requirements in addition to the ones listed in the ATDSON
Student Handbook:

       Annual Background Checks: All FNP/PMHNP students will require yearly background checks.
       Students will be emailed instructions for purchasing annual background checks through VC each year
       when background checks are due.
       TB Testing: All FNP/PMHNP students will require annual TB testing.
       BLS for Healthcare Providers: All FNP/PMHNP students must have BLS for Healthcare Providers
       certification through the American Heart Association®. Though BLS through the American Red
       Cross® may be accepted in other nursing programs, nurse practitioner clinical rotations require
       certification through the AHA.

Individual facilities may have additional requirements and/or costs associated with student compliance for
clinical rotations. The Graduate Clinical Coordinator will communicate facility-specific requirements to students
via email.

RN Licensure
Students must maintain current, active, unencumbered licensure as a Registered Nurse throughout their
enrollment in the DNP program in all states where they complete clinical, practicum, or DNP project activities.

Appearance, Dress Code, & Student Badges
Students must comply with school of nursing dress and grooming policies during clinical rotations, lab courses,
implementation of DNP projects, or any other activities when representing WSU in the community. Clinical
agencies may require additional dress code requirements. DNP-FNP students should wear professional
business attire in the lab and clinical setting. Scrubs may be worn if appropriate for the specific clinical area (i.e.,
OR/PreOp/PACU, L&D, etc.). Every student must wear a photo ID WSU nursing badge and/or a facility-issued
nursing badge during the implementation of projects, clinical rotations, lab courses, or any other activities when
representing WSU in the community. Information about receiving student badges will be included in admission
materials. Please see Part B, Section III.C. of the ATDSON Student Handbook for more details on professional

Required Textbooks, Software, & Computer Access

Informational Technology Support
The WSU Information Technology Service Desk provides technical support with WSU Online software and
general networking concerns. Go to for more information.

Online Technology Requirements
All DNP students must have access to a personal computer or laptop, meeting the minimum technology
requirements. Please see Part B, Section I.C. of the ATDSON Student Handbook for the ATDSON program
technology requirements.

Textbooks, Software, & Computer Access with Associated Costs

The ATDSON faculty is mindful of the increasing costs of nursing education, and every effort is made to select
affordable and effective educational materials and resources. Listed below are some resources that students
are required to purchase, depending on the program option. **These additional costs are for estimation
purposes only and are subject to change.

Textbooks: Student textbooks and other required course materials are available through the WSU Bookstore.
The textbook list will be available in the DNP Google™ Shared Drive before the start of each semester.
**Costs vary per semester**

Verified Credentials: Student textbooks and other required course materials are available through the WSU
Bookstore or general book resellers. The textbook list will be available in the DNP Google™ Shared Drive
before the start of each semester.
**Approximate cost (includes background check and drug screen): $145 one-time fee upon admission**
**Additional Background Check approximate cost: $38**
**Additional Drug Screen approximate cost: $42**

Grammarly Premium: Scholarly academic writing skills are critical for success in the DNP program. All
graduate students must purchase and utilize Grammarly Premium digital writing assistant throughout the entire
program. Grammarly's online writing assistance and plagiarism tools encourage polished grammar, better
overall wordsmithing, and a professional writing style. Students will receive further instructions on purchasing
and setting up a Grammarly account in NRSG 6190 during the first semester.
**Approximate cost: $144/year**

Exxat Student Tracking System (FNP/PMHNP Students Only): A subscription to Exxat is required for
students in the FNP and PMHNP programs. This clinical scheduling and hours tracking system will allow
students to document clinical encounters and log clinical hours. Students will receive instructions by email on
registering for Exxat.
**Approximate cost: $200 one-time fee upon admission**

American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) Student Membership (FNP/PMHNP students only):
DNP-FNP/PMHNP students are required to purchase a student membership to AANP. The AANP offers a
journal and other resources needed for coursework. Students must register for AANP by the first day of the Fall
Semester. For more information, go to
**Approximate cost: $55/year for student membership**

APEA NP Continuing Education (FNP/PMHNP Students Only): In select courses, students will be asked on
their bookstore list to purchase a limited-use license for APEA, which has helped nurse practitioners prepare for
board exams and clinical practice. APEA develops and may be used to provide exam prep, clinical resources,
and mobile reference tools.
**Approximate cost (will be broken down into three payments over the course of the program): $1,159 total**

Software & Computer Access Without Associated Costs

Microsoft Office 365 & Adobe Creative Cloud: Students can download Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative
Cloud for no cost by visiting Students must use MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS
Excel, and Adobe PDF during the DNP program.

IBM® SPSS Statistics: IBM® SPSS Statistics is a statistical software platform to input and interpret complex
data quickly to ensure high accuracy and quality decision-making. Instructions on downloading IBM® SPSS will
be embedded in Canvas® courses that require this resource.

Qualtrics XM®: Qualtrics XM® is an online survey and reporting tool DNP students will use to collect online,
confidential DNP project data using a simple survey link. Qualtrics is capable of providing descriptive statistics
and demographic data in real time. Instructions for accessing Qualtrics can be found in the DNP project

UpToDate®: UpToDate® is an evidence-based resource healthcare providers use for reliable information to
support clinical decision-making. UpToDate® is required for all DNP-FNP/PMHNP students and may be used in
some DNP-ExL courses. This is a free resource that can be accessed through https://www-uptodate- Students must use their WSU Wildcat email address to log in.

Folio/Canvas® ePortfolios (formerly Portfolium): Folio is an electronic portfolio tool integrated with Canvas®
that allows students to showcase academic and work accomplishments and connect with peers, other
professionals, and potential employers. Instructions for accessing and setting up Folio can be found in the
NRSG 6190 course.

DNP Student Resources

At WSU, student health and well-being are critical for success in the DNP program. Students are encouraged to
utilize the numerous financial, mental, physical, and academic resources available as WSU students. For more
information, visit

Academic Resources

WSU Stewart Library
The WSU Stewart Library provides graduates with online access to numerous academic resources and
databases in addition to books, periodicals, and documents. Jason Francis ( is the
dedicated health science librarian available to students for consultation and assistance.

Annie Taylor Dee Nursing Graduate LibGuides
Two nursing LibGuides are available to DNP students to help navigate library resources. The Annie Taylor Dee
Nursing LibGuide was explicitly designed to assist graduate nursing students with graduate-level courses and
projects. The Nursing & Health Care Article Databases LibGuide is a collection of databases and references
typically used in nursing.

WSU Writing Center
The WSU Graduate Writing Center is staffed with tutors who work specifically with graduate students to assist
with doctorate-level writing. They are available to meet in person or online. See the Writing Center website for
more information or to schedule an appointment.

Financial Resources

Financial Aid & Scholarships
Students must complete all five steps outlined on the Financial Aid & Scholarships website to be considered for
all available funding opportunities. Additional information on nursing scholarships can be found on the Nursing
Scholarships website. To maximize award funding, students must complete all financial aid and scholarship
applications as early as possible.

Out-of-State Non-Resident Tuition Waivers
A non-resident student may be eligible for a full or partial non-resident tuition waiver. This graduate tuition
waiver is awarded individually to academically qualified students. For more information, contact the nursing
Enrollment Director.

Financial Literacy Center
Get information on free financial coaching, completing the FAFSA, and other financial resources by visiting the
Financial Literacy website.

Laptop & Technology Checkout
Laptop checkout is available to students through the Weber State Computer Labs. Students can check out a
laptop computer for single-day use, one week, or one-semester block. See the Laptop Checkout website for
more information.

Hourly Child Care Center
Weber State's Hourly Child Care provides flexible and affordable child care for WSU students. Child care is
available for any academic-related activity, including classes, studying, testing, tutoring, practicum placements,
internships, clinical, and student teaching. See the Hourly Child Care website for more information.

Health Resources

Student Health & Wellness
The Student Health & Wellness division promotes optimal student health and well-being through resources for
healthcare, one-on-one consultations, substance abuse prevention, wellness events, and programs to get
students educated and involved.

Ogden Clinic Student Healthcare Services
Eligible WSU students may use services from Ogden Clinic-Professional North for care for common illnesses
and injuries, select lab testing, reproductive healthcare, physical exams, and more. See the Ogden Clinic
Student Healthcare Services website for more information.

WSU Dental Clinic
The WSU Dental Hygiene Clinic provides high-quality oral healthcare at a low cost and is open to all students
and community members. Clinical services are provided by our professionally trained students under the
supervision of our experienced and licensed Dental Hygiene Faculty.

Campus Recreation
WSU Campus Recreation is available to students to support lifelong learning and the development of healthy,
active lifestyles. See the Campus Recreation website for more information on recreation facilities, activities, and
programming available to all WSU students.

Mental Health Resources

Counseling & Psychological Service Center
The WSU Counseling and Psychological Services Center provides professional mental health care, outreach,
and training to help individuals improve coping and achieve personal goals in an environment that welcomes
and respects individuals of all backgrounds, belief systems, and identities. In-person and telehealth
appointments are available.

Therapy Assistance Online (TAO)
Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) is a platform of free self-help educational modules to help students learn
about and change how they think and feel. TAO's educational modules can be completed anytime and
anywhere through internet access.

Safe at Weber
Weber State University takes the safety and well-being of all individuals on its campuses seriously.
Safe@Weber provides access to resources to help students and faculty deal with a variety of safety and
emergency issues. Please use these resources and reach out if you or someone you know needs help.

Code Purple
Do you want to know when WSU is closed due to the weather? Or when there is an emergency on campus?
Code Purple is an emergency notification system that allows Weber State University to communicate health and
safety emergency information quickly by text, voice, and email message. By enrolling in Code Purple, you may
receive safety-related information, regardless of location.

Stress Relief Center
The Stress Relief Center is where relaxation happens. The center is designed to provide tools and resources to
reduce your stress and help your overall wellness. The Stress Relief Center is located in the Swenson Building.

Focused Support

Disability Services
WSU Disability Services provides services and accommodations to qualified students with disabilities who are
attending or planning to attend Weber State University.

Help With Basic Needs
Resources are available through the WSU Help With Basic Needs website to assist students with housing,
utilities, food, health, safety, transportation, and other financial needs.

Military-Affiliated Student Center
Veterans and military-connected students can find additional resources through the WSU Military-Affiliated
Student Center. WSU complies with disclosure and transparency requirements mandated by the Department of
Defense (DOD) and Veterans Affairs (VA) regarding admission procedures, tuition and fees, graduation and job
placement rates, financial assistance, and other criteria.

International Student & Scholar Center
The International Student and Scholar Center supports international students seeking academic opportunities at
WSU by providing guidance, resources, and services that foster academic and personal success.

Office of Graduate Studies
The Office of Graduate Studies supports all graduate-level students through additional financial support and
guidance, the annual Research and Engagement Symposium, and other opportunities.

Other Resources

Student parking or visitor parking is available to students. Students must use designated parking at the fee
determined by the University. When on campus, students may purchase a W lot pass or a visitor parking pass
through the Parking Services website.

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing - Nu Nu Chapter
Sigma Theta Tau provides valuable resources throughout the entire nursing career. Potential members who
meet the eligibility criteria are invited to join Sigma, which includes graduate nursing students who demonstrate
excellence in scholarship. Students are eligible for a membership discount. The Sigma Nu Nu Chapter offers
graduate scholarships and grants annually to members. Graduate students interested in applying for
membership should contact Dr. Chelsea Pike at
FNP & PMHNP Program-Specific Student Information

FNP/PMHNP Lab Course Policies
Lab courses in the DNP-FNP/PMHNP programs are held on campus for hands-on, skills-based instruction.
Completion of lab classes and the ability to perform skills are required before beginning hands-on patient care
experiences under the guidance of an assigned clinical preceptor. Not completing lab course requirements will
delay FNP/PMHNP clinical courses and graduation. ***Due to the rigor and intensity of the course, lab, project,
and clinical requirements, DNPFNP/PMHNP students are highly discouraged from working full-time while
enrolled in the program.

Lab Attendance Policies
Due to the complexity of coordinating lab experiences for students, the following attendance policies are in

Punctuality: Punctual attendance for lab classes is a professional and program requirement. Students must be
on time, in their seats, dressed appropriately according to the dress code listed in Appearance, Dress Code, &
Student Badges, and ready to learn by the class start time. Students who arrive late to the lab will receive a
30% deduction from the daily lab points. Students who are late to two or more labs will receive an additional
10% deduction from the overall course grade.

Presence & Professionalism: Full engagement in lab activities and listening to guest speakers is required. Cell
phone use is prohibited unless indicated by the instructor or guest speaker as part of the learning experience.
Students who are not fully prepared for or engaged in lab learning activities will receive a 30% deduction from
the daily lab points. Students who are off task during two or more labs will receive an additional 10% deduction
from the overall course grade. *For emergent phone calls during lab time, please inform the instructor, step into
the hall, and return to the lab as soon as possible.

Absences: Attendance is required for every lab day. The only circumstances in which an absence may be
approved are for true emergencies and illness (such as a student infectious illness, student or immediate family
member hospitalizations, or death in the immediate family). Absences due to workplace commitments,
family commitments, vacations, or other personal reasons are not approved and do not qualify for an
exception or accommodation and will result in failure of the course. Should students experience an illness
or emergency, faculty must be notified as soon as possible. For an approved lab absence due to an emergency
or illness, attendance at a make-up lab day on campus is required. Standardized live patient exams, such as
women's health exams with paid professional models, cannot be duplicated, so the makeup lab experience will
be significantly different, but will still meet the outcomes of the lab.

The following attendance infractions will result in failure of the course:
   • Unapproved absence on a lab day
   • Failure to attend the scheduled lab make-up day
   • Missing more than one lab day, regardless of cause
   • Failure to complete the required lab hours

Students withdrawing from or failing the lab course will be required to repeat the course when it is offered again.
In addition, the student may be unable to move forward with clinical placements.

FNP/PMHNP Clinical Course Policies
FNP and PMHNP students must complete clinical rotations to gain clinical hours in direct patient care across the
lifespan. FNP clinical hours mainly focus on family practice/primary care, women's health, pediatrics, and some
mental health care experiences. PMHNP students will focus on mental health care across the lifespan while
completing clinical hours. Not completing clinical course requirements may delay subsequent DNP courses and
graduation. ***Due to the rigor and intensity of the course, lab, project, and clinical requirements, DNP-
FNP/PMHNP students are highly discouraged from working full-time while enrolled in the program.

Clinical Attendance Policies
Due to the complexity of coordinating clinical experiences for students, the following attendance policies are in

Punctuality: Punctual attendance for all clinical shifts is a professional and program requirement. Students
must be on time, dressed appropriately, and prepared for the clinical day by the stated shift start time. Students
who arrive late to clinical shifts will receive a point deduction.

Presence & Professionalism: Full engagement in the clinical experience is required. Cell phone use is not
permitted unless indicated by the preceptor as part of the learning experience. Students who are not fully
prepared for or engaged in the clinical experience will receive a point.

Absences: Attendance is required for every scheduled clinical shift. The only circumstances in which an
absence may be approved and a clinical shift rescheduled are for true emergencies and illness (such as
infectious disease, hospitalizations, or death in the immediate family). Workplace commitments, family
commitments, or vacations do not qualify for an exception or accommodation. Should students
experience an illness or emergency, the preceptor, Graduate Clinical Coordinator, and faculty should be notified
as soon as possible.

The following attendance infractions will result in failure of the course:
   • Unapproved absence on a scheduled clinical day
   • No call, no show to clinical shift (except for emergencies)
   • Failure to complete the required clinical hours for the course

Students withdrawing from or failing the clinical course will be required to repeat the course when it is offered
again. In addition, the student may be unable to move forward in the program until the course is passed

Clinical Hours Policy
In the DNP-FNP/PMHNP programs, students complete a total of 750 clinical practice hours during the last four
semesters of the program in the following courses:

         DNP-FNP Courses                      DNP-PMHNP Courses                    Clinical Practice Hours
           NRSG 7902                              NRSG 7912                            190 clinical hours
           NRSG 7903                              NRSG 7913                            190 clinical hours
           NRSG 7904                              NRSG 7914                            190 clinical hours
           NRSG 7905                              NRSG 7915                            180 clinical hours

Failure to complete the required clinical hours in each clinical course will result in a failing course grade. Clinical
hours must be completed within the designated class and semester, and hours cannot be carried forward or
made up in other courses. Additionally, students should plan on meeting the minimum estimated hours with
each assigned preceptor.

FNP/PMHNP clinical practice hours must be associated with direct patient care with an approved preceptor in
an approved healthcare setting. Time spent completing facility-specific training/orientation or traveling to/from
the clinical site does not count toward clinical hours.

During clinical courses, students should plan to be in the clinical setting for 15-20 hours each week or the
equivalent of 2-3 days of work. Students should not work an overnight shift before scheduled daytime clinical
hours. Most clinical rotations will be held during business hours (0800-1800) Monday through Friday but may
also include weekends. Students are not permitted to be in the clinical setting on lab days, asynchronous
learning days, or University holidays.

Clinical Placement Coordination
Securing clinical rotations is a collaborative process between the student, the Graduate Clinical Coordinator, the
clinical partner, the faculty, and the DNP Program Director. Though ATDSON has partnerships with many
facilities and preceptors, students will also be responsible for identifying clinical preceptors. The Graduate
Clinical Coordinator will work with students to establish optimal clinical placements, considering program and
course student learning outcomes, site-specific learning opportunities, logistics, feasibility, scheduling,
geographical location, and overall student performance in coursework and previous clinical experiences.
Students are responsible for checking their WSU email daily and keeping close contact with the Graduate
Clinical Coordinator throughout the program.

Clinical Partner Affiliation Agreements
All clinical placements require a legal affiliation agreement with the partnering facility to be in place before the
semester of the scheduled clinical rotation. Depending on the facility, this process can take anywhere from one
to six months. Students must work directly with the Graduate Programs Clinical Coordinator to establish their
placements in advance to ensure all agreements are in place. Students cannot attend a clinical rotation until
the Graduate Clinical Coordinator grants clearance to start.

Student Transportation to Clinical Sites
Because FNP/PMHNP students must complete at least 750 supervised clinical hours in various settings, the
ATDSON partners with hundreds of clinical sites across Utah. This requires students to travel to multiple
facilities, which may extend to clinical sites outside their local residency area and rural areas in Utah requiring
an overnight stay. Students are responsible for transportation to and from clinical sites, including all associated

More details about the FNP/PMHNP Clinical requirements and policies can be found in the DNP-FNP/PMHNP
Clinical Handbook and the WSU DNP Preceptor Handbook, which students will receive before their first
clinical orientation meeting.

FNP & PMHNP Certification & APRN Licensure
The DNP-FNP/PMHNP Programs prepare students to be eligible for national certification as nurse practitioners
and subsequent licensure as an APRN in the state of Utah. Certification exams are available through two
organizations. The American Nurses Credentialing Center offers the Family Nurse Practitioner Certification

(FNP-BC™) exam and the Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (Across the Lifespan) Certification
(PMHNP-BC™) exam. The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board offers the Family
Nurse Practitioner (FNP) exam and the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) exam. Students
should be familiar with these two organizations to make an informed decision about certification. In-depth
instruction and guidance on the certification and licensure process will be included in NRSG 7002 during the last
semester of the program.


Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. (2023). ACEN Position Statement Related to Graduate

       Nursing Education Programs.

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. (2024). ACEN Practicum Requirements for Graduate

       Nursing Programs.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2021). The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional

       Nursing Education.

APPENDIX A: DNP-Executive Leadership Program of Study

APPENDIX B: DNP-Family Nurse Practitioner Program of Study

APPENDIX C: DNP-Pyschiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program of Study

 Post-BSN to Doctor of Nursing Practice
 Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program of Study

  SEMESTER 1       SPRING 2025                                                 TOTAL CREDITS: 11.0
  NRSG 6120        Research & Statistics                                                      3.0
  NRSG 6190        Professional Foundations for Grad Nursing Students (1st Block)             1.0
  NRSG 6210        Advanced Pathophysiology I                                                 2.0
  NRSG 6215        Advanced Pharmacology I                                                    2.0
  NRSG 7050        Advanced Population Health                                                 3.0
  SEMESTER 2       SUMMER 2025                                                 TOTAL CREDITS: 11.0
  NRSG 6211        Advanced Pathophysiology II                                                2.0
  NRSG 6216        Advanced Pharmacology II                                                   2.0
  NRSG 6271        Psychotherapeutic Modalities                                               3.0
  NRSG 7004        Complementary Medicine & Alternative Therapy for Adv Pract Nrsg            1.0
  NRSG 7020        Biostatistics/Epidemiology                                                 3.0
  SEMESTER 3       FALL 2025                                                   TOTAL CREDITS: 10.0
  NRSG 6212        Advanced Psychopathophysiology                                             2.0
  NRSG 6220        Advanced Health Assessment (Lab)                                           2.0
  NRSG 6221        Diagnostic Reasoning (Lab)                                                 2.0
  NRSG 7030        Information Technology to Support EPB                                      2.0
  NRSG 7070        Healthcare Policy & Professionalism                                        2.0
  SEMESTER 4       SPRING 2026                                                 TOTAL CREDITS: 11.0
  NRSG 6217        Advanced Psychopharmacology                                                2.0
  NRSG 6222        Mental Health Assessment, Diagnostic Reasoning & Treatment I (Lab)         3.0
  NRSG 7010        Scholarly & Ethical Foundations for Advanced                               3.0
  NRSG 7912        PMHNP Clinical I 190 clinical hours                                        3.0
  SEMESTER 5       SUMMER 2026                                                 TOTAL CREDITS: 12.0
  NRSG 6223        Mental Health Assessment, Diagnostic Reasoning & Treatment                 3.0
  NRSG 7040        Systems Approach & Quality Improvement                                     3.0
  NRSG 7801        DNP Project I                                                              3.0
  NRSG 7913        PMHNP Clinical II 190 clinical hours                                       3.0
  SEMESTER 6       FALL 2026                                                   TOTAL CREDITS: 10.0
  NRSG 6272        Substance Abuse and Addiction Disorder Therapy                             1.0
  NRSG 7060        DNP Organizational Leadership                                              3.0
  NRSG 7802        DNP Project II                                                             3.0
  NRSG 7914        PMHNP Clinical III 190 clinical hours                                      3.0
  SEMESTER 7       SPRING 2027                                                 TOTAL CREDITS: 10.0
  NRSG 7002        Transition to Practice                                                     2.0
  MHA 7080         Healthcare Finance/Economics                                               2.0
  NRSG 7803        DNP Project III                                                            3.0
  NRSG 7915        PMHNP Clinical IV 180 clinical hours                                       3.0
  Total DNP Practicum Hours:            Total Clinical Hours:            Total Program Credits:
             1,000                               750                               75

     Marriott Allied Health • 3875 Stadium Way, Dept. 3903 Ogden, Utah 84408-3903 • (801) 626-7833
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