Be Involved Semester 1, 2022 - Kenmore State High School

Page created by Kurt Frank
Be Involved Semester 1, 2022 - Kenmore State High School
Be Involved
Semester 1, 2022
Be Involved Semester 1, 2022 - Kenmore State High School
Contents                                                                  Volleyball Club .......................................... 12

                                                                       New Club Proposal ..................................... 13
Deputy Principal’s Introduction ................... 2
                                                                       Instrumental Music ..................................... 14
Be Involved at Kenmore SHS ....................... 3
                                                                          Band Ensembles ....................................... 15
Student Clubs ................................................ 4
                                                                          Choir Ensembles ....................................... 15
   Alphabet Alliance ........................................ 4
                                                                          Percussion Ensembles ............................. 16
   Amnesty International Group ...................... 4
                                                                          Strings Ensembles .................................... 16
   Anime Club .................................................. 4
                                                                       Sport ............................................................. 17
   Chess Club .................................................. 4
                                                                          Interschool Gala Sport .............................. 18
   Culture Club (Without Boy George) ............ 5
                                                                          Northern Eagles District Representative
   Dance Troupe ............................................. 5           Sport Trials ................................................ 18
      Junior Dance Troupe (Year 7 to 9).......... 5                       Ski Trip ...................................................... 18
      Senior Dance Troupe (Year 10 to 12) ..... 5                      Events Term 1 ............................................. 19
      Hip Hop Troupe ....................................... 5            Lunar New Year ........................................ 19
   Debating ...................................................... 6      Valentine’s Day ......................................... 19
   EALD (English as an Additional Language                                Swimming Carnival ................................... 19
   or Dialect) Support ...................................... 6
                                                                          Year 11 Convention .................................. 20
   First Lego League ....................................... 6
                                                                          Bullying. No Way! ...................................... 20
   First Nations Group ..................................... 7
                                                                          International Women’s Day ....................... 20
   German Club ............................................... 7
                                                                          World’s Greatest Shave ............................ 21
   Kenmore Readers’ and Writers’ Group
                                                                          International Student Program (ISP) Camp
   (RAW).......................................................... 7
                                                                           .................................................................. 21
   LEOS Club .................................................. 8
                                                                          Year 7 Camp ............................................. 21
   Movie Club .................................................. 8
                                                                          Kenmore All Nations (KAN) Week ............ 22
   Peer Mentor Scheme .................................. 8
                                                                          Harmony Week ......................................... 22
   Rowing Club ................................................ 9
                                                                          Cross Country ........................................... 22
   Running Club .............................................. 9
                                                                       Events Term 2 ............................................. 23
   Scale Modelling Group .............................. 10
                                                                          ANZAC Day Ceremony ............................. 23
   Senior Schooling Homework Club ............ 10
                                                                          School Production – One Act Play ............ 23
   Student Representative Council ............... 10
                                                                          Open Day .................................................. 23
   Tabletop Gaming Club .............................. 11
                                                                          Reconciliation Week & Sorry Day Assembly
   Taiko Drumming Group ............................. 11                   .................................................................. 24
   TALS Sports .............................................. 11          Athletics Day ............................................. 24
   Tech Team ................................................ 12          Fashion Parade ......................................... 24
   Theatre Sports Club .................................. 12

Be Involved Semester 1, 2022 - Kenmore State High School
Deputy Principal’s Introduction

                       Welcome to the 2022 edition of “Be Involved”. This is a collection of the vast
                       array of opportunities, clubs, competitions, and events that are available for the
                       students at Kenmore SHS to be involved in each year. Collating this together
                       has being a joy in itself - a testament to our staff for all the work they do in
                       providing these opportunities and to our students for their commitment and
                       involvement in each of the opportunities. Our school values encompass
                       Belonging, Integrity, Learning, Excellence and Partnerships. Students who are
                       involved in any or many of these opportunities will be espousing many of these
school values in all elements of their participation. We aim for all students at Kenmore to Flourish and
Belong - we want students to be actively involved across our school. Students get the opportunity to
show Accomplishment, to have Purpose, to be Engaged, to develop Relationships and to gain and
recognise Positive Emotions (all of our PERMAH Pillars) when they are involved in any of these
activities in our great school.

             The academic opportunities all have links for students of staff that they can contact to
             apply and compete.

             We encourage all students to participate in our cultural opportunities. The cultural
             opportunities are advertised on notices, and we encourage all students to participate.

             Community & Environment
             We encourage all students to participate in community and environmental events. You
             can engage your passion for social justice, environmental sustainability, harmony, and

             We encourage all students to participate in any of the sporting opportunities. GALA Days
             are held for Seniors and Juniors each term. Sports change each term - look on the
             Notices for details.

Mrs Karla Pope
Deputy Principal of Inclusion and Wellbeing
Be Involved Semester 1, 2022 - Kenmore State High School
Be Involved at Kenmore SHS

                                             ‘Be Involved’ at Kenmore State High School showcases
                                             the wide variety of extracurricular activities, clubs, groups,
                                             programs, sports, events and competitions available to our
                                             students throughout the year. One of our five core values
                                             at KSHS is ‘Belonging’ and the opportunities outlined in
                                             this booklet aim to engage as many students as possible
                                             in learning experiences beyond the classroom.

Our mission is to foster growth and a sense of belonging in students to allow them to flourish - to
mature into young adults who feel like they belong and who have made a genuine and positive
contribution to their school community. Having a strong sense of belonging means a student feels
accepted, valued and included in their school setting by their peers and others in the school. When
students feel a sense of belonging, they have positive relationships, value learning and engage with
their school environment. Additionally, they also have improved overall wellbeing and mental health.

In addition to the many benefits associated with a student feeling like they ‘belong’, participation in
extra-curricular activities is also linked to positive academic outcomes. It is widely reported that
positives include educational aspirations, improved attendance, positive social behaviours and more
positive development generally.

Kenmore State High School offers a range of clubs, activities, events and campaigns where students
get opportunities to be show positive emotions, be grateful, be kind and to experience a purpose
beyond themselves (meaning). They get to focus on health, be a leader, and be involved with skills to
be active citizens in our school. We encourage all students to try something new, to put themselves
out there, take a risk and be involved. Students can contribute their voice and activism as a member
of the Student Representative Council or show their support and plan events through the Alphabet
Alliance. If students are interested in sports, we have Rowing, Running and Volleyball clubs in
addition to the Gala Days and Interschool Sport on offer. If students are interested in global or
community initiatives students can get involved with the Amnesty International Group, Leos Club or
Debating. There are a range of clubs to promote creativity through the Craft or Art Club or perhaps
students prefer to unleash their creativity through performance-such as our extensive Instrumental
Music Program, Dance Troupes, Theatre Sports or Taiko Drumming. Students may wish to learn a
new skill at Chess Club, First Lego League or the Scale Modelling Group, amongst many more.
Where a club is not currently offered, students are invited to submit proposals for new clubs.

Overall, engagement in these clubs, programs and events promote connectedness and a sense of
belonging. These opportunities would not be possible without the commitment shown by our
passionate staff for whom we are immensely grateful for. We have something for everyone here at
Kenmore State High School and we look forward to seeing how students flourish in 2022.

Ms Elise Jacoby & Mr Doug Meikle
Wellbeing Heads of Year
Be Involved Semester 1, 2022 - Kenmore State High School
Student Clubs

Alphabet Alliance                               Anime Club
This is a support group for LGBTQIA+            Are you interested in anime? Would you like to
students and allies. Students meet each week    meet with like-minded students with a love of
to socialise with safe peers in a safe place,   all things Anime to read, draw, discuss, or just
plan for events such as Wear It Purple Day,     hang out and watch anime. Anime is hand-
and discuss their passions and interests.       drawn and computer animation originating
When: Thursday, Lunchtime                       from Japan. Everyone is welcome - come
Where: S110                                     along and see the variety of discussions and
Who: All students welcome                       art that happen each week.
Coordinator: Mrs Jo Morelli                     When: Tuesday and Friday, Lunchtime
Email:                         Where: J01 - J02
                                                Who: All students welcome
                                                Coordinator: Mr Steven Loxton
Amnesty International Group                     Email:
Are you interested in world issues? Do you
want to help create a better, more just world
and be a contributing member of the
                                                Chess Club
community? Join the Amnesty International       If you are a beginner or if you are a seasoned
Group! You’ll be involved in term campaigns     professional then we welcome you to come to
designed to help create awareness of            the library and play Chess. Throughout the
important Human Rights issues on a global       year we also play against other school teams
scale through letter writing, and at a school   in the Gardner Chess Competitions for those
level via student notices, newsletters and      students that want to play competitively.
artwork.                                        When: Tuesday, Lunchtime
When: Wednesdays, Morning Tea                   Where: Library
Where: G06                                      Who: All students welcome
Who: All students welcome                       Coordinator: Mr Justin Prestidge
Commitments: Term campaigns & Annual            Email:
Conference at Brisbane Boys’ College
Coordinator: Mrs Tamara Bracey

Be Involved Semester 1, 2022 - Kenmore State High School
Culture Club (Without Boy                         Dance Troupe
George)                                           An opportunity for students who are
Learn to unlock the secret language of words      passionate about dance and performance to
and discover their often surprising and           extend their knowledge outside of the
sometimes disconcerting origins. Learn to         classroom by taking part in external
develop a language learning strategy, not just    competitions and support school events with
for English but other languages as well; take a   creative stage shows.
deeper look at Classical mythology and world      Who: All students welcome
mythology; learn the basic mechanics of Latin     Commitments: Eisteddfods, musicals,
and Classical Greek including pronunciation.      assemblies, performances during class
All of these things can provide us with an        Coordinator: Miss Sarah Callaway
insight into human development and                Email:
‘progress’, our significance and place in the
world, and even a realistic view of how and       Junior Dance Troupe (Year 7 to 9)
why we should and could act with a view           When: Thursday, 7.45am – 8.45am
towards harmony and balance with each other       Where: Dance Studio, S Block Ground Level
and the environment, a feature of many            Who: All students are welcome to audition but
cultures over many thousands of years.            prior dance experience is preferred
When: Thursday, Lunchtime
Where: Location via student notices               Senior Dance Troupe (Year 10 to 12)
Who: All students welcome                         When: Wednesday, 7.45am – 8.45am
Coordinator: Mr Shane Pearce                      Where: Dance Studio, S Block Ground Level
Email:                           Who: Students are expected to take Dance as
                                                  a senior subject whilst in this troupe

                                                  Hip Hop Troupe
                                                  When: Friday, 7.45am – 8.45am
                                                  Where: Dance Studio, S Block Ground Level
                                                  Who: Invitation only - members from Junior
                                                  and Senior Troupe will be invited to join

Be Involved Semester 1, 2022 - Kenmore State High School
Debating                                          EALD (English as an Additional
Are you interested in debating or knowing what
                                                  Language or Dialect) Support
it is that debaters do? Then we encourage you     Are you an EALD student who would like some
to join the Debating teams across both the        support in homework tasks? Looking for
Senior and Junior school. You will gain           additional feedback on your draft? Not sure
confidence with public speaking, honing           how to write that essay? This is the support
writing, researching, logical thinking skills.    group for you!
When: In debating season teams meet with a        When: Weekdays, during junior sports lessons
teacher at lunch times to prepare for debates.    and Monday afterschool on nominated days
Debates are held In Term 2 and 3 across           Where: A16
schools in the western districts.                 Who: EALD students
Where: Library or G Block                         Coordinator: Ms Rachel Chitoni
Who: All students welcome                         Email:
Commitments: Teams participate in four
Queensland Debating Union competitions
throughout the year. These are held outside of
                                                  First Lego League
school hours at various schools in Brisbane. If   FIRST® Robotics is an internationally
a team wins the first round, they will proceed    acclaimed robotics program that inspires a
to semi-final and final competitions.             passion for Science, Technology, Engineering
Coordinator: Mrs Josphine Hallmond (Junior)       and Maths in young people. Kenmore SHS will
& Mrs Peta-Marie Teale (Senior)                   enter the 2022 competition against other
Coaches: Mrs Nicole Poder (Year 11) & Mr          schools and if successful, will progress to
Grant Hoy (Year 9)                                States/Nationals.
Email: &                       When: TBD – Competition Dates released                                  later in 2022
                                                  Where: Team practice held in H03/H04.
                                                  Who: All students welcome
                                                  Coordinator: Mr Dan Robins

Be Involved Semester 1, 2022 - Kenmore State High School
Kenmore Readers’ and Writers’
First Nations Group                                Group (RAW)
A gathering of all First Nations students and
                                                   Are you interested in writing? Are you the kind
allies to discuss and promote issues relating to
                                                   of person who always has a novel with you?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
                                                   Then come to Readers and Writers Group.
within the school and community. Meetings
                                                   Kenmore RAW is for those who love writing,
often include special guest speakers and
                                                   reading, creating fictional worlds, and
involvement at upcoming events.
                                                   recommending novels. Our meetings combine
When: Thursday, Week 2 and 6
                                                   conversation, quick writes, critiquing, silent
Where: A03
                                                   writing sessions, and the latest competition
Who: All students welcome
                                                   details. Joining Kenmore RAW is a wonderful
Commitments: Two meetings per term and
                                                   way to connect with likeminded creatives,
involvement in special school events
                                                   share your work, and practise the craft of
Coordinator: Mrs Karla Pope
                                                   When: Wednesday, Lunchtime
                                                   Where: Library
German Club                                        Who: All students welcome
                                                   Coordinators: Ms Liz McKewin, Mrs
Calling all students interested in using the
                                                   Josephine Hallmond & Mrs Peta-Marie Teale
German language! Come along at lunch and
have fun learning and using German. phrases
and words.
When: Friday, Lunchtime
Where: S202/S203
Who: All students welcome
Coordinator: Mrs Chrissie Geuthner

Be Involved Semester 1, 2022 - Kenmore State High School
LEOS Club                                         Peer Mentor Scheme
LEO Clubs are an official activity of Lions       All year 10 students are taken through the
Clubs International that encourages young         peer support program. This is run over two
men and women to serve others in their            days and includes a range of engaging and
community and around the world. LEO Clubs         team work activities. Every year 10 student
are sponsored by local Lions’ Clubs and may       that completes the training can apply to be a
be either school-affiliated or community based.   Peer Mentor. Peer Mentors help new year 7s
LEO Club activities include regular meetings,     to Kenmore transition successfully into high
service projects and social functions. Students   school.
decide on issues that are important to them       When: Week 10, Term 3
and the Leo’s look at these local community       Where: Run in various classrooms around the
projects to assist, donate and raise              school over a two day training block.
awareness.                                        Who: Year 10 students
When: Monday in Weeks 2, 5 and 8 during           Commitments: An application process and
second-half of lunchtime (12:25pm)                attending year 7 care classes once a week.
Where: J8                                         There may be additional commitments.
Who: All students welcome                         Coordinator: Ms Tanja Schneider
Coordinator: Mr Donna Alcorn                      Email:

Movie Club
Movie Club welcomes all year 11 and 12
students to come and watch film classics new
and old, and recent blockbusters. Students
sometimes are invited to vote on the next film
to watch, then sit back and relax at lunch time
while adding to their experience of quality
films. Movie club is also good as a supplement
for year 11 and 12 FTVNM curriculum.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays, Lunchtime
Where: QG05
Who: Year 11 and 12 students
Coordinator: Ms Amanda Gallagher

Be Involved Semester 1, 2022 - Kenmore State High School
Rowing Club                                       Running Club
The KSHS Rowing Club row through the              Running Club is an inclusive club offering a
Centenary Rowing Club. Students will need to      session suitable for all abilities, fitness levels
contact the Centenary Rowing Club and             and ages. If you can jog 500m continuously
complete a 6 week “Learn to Row” course           you can make it through a session. Running
before they start training with the school        Club caters to those wanting to run at state
squad.                                            cross country and athletics to those just
When: Wednesday 4.00pm-6.00pm and                 wanting to get out and improve their fitness. It
Saturday 7.30am-9.30am                            is open to all Kenmore students and staff that
Where: Centenary Rowing Club                      want to improve their fitness and mental
Who: All students welcome                         health. Sessions are planned and delivered by
Commitments: Fees are approximately $225          accredited level 2 athletics coaches.
per term. A KSHS zootie will need to be worn if   When: Tuesday and Thursday, 3:15pm –
rowing competitively. School Regattas are held    4:15pm
during Term 2 and 3, culminating in the School    Where: KSHS Oval grandstand
State Championships traditionally held on the     Who: All students (and staff) welcome
first weekend of the September school             Commitments: Shoes to run in and
holidays.                                         comfortable running clothes. Cross Country
Coordinator: Mrs Kylie Cornish                    and Athletics including QA cross country
Email:                           events and Nitro Athletics.
                                                  Coordinator: Mr Tom McNicol

Scale Modelling Group                             Student Representative Council
Scale modelling group is open to all students     The SRC's role is to support student initiatives
interested in building models. As a group we      that reflect the needs of the students and the
work together to plan and then paint,             school. The SRC is made up of the school
construct, and complete any scale model that      Captains and Vice-captains (who form the
students are interested in. Come along and        executive), Prefects, Indigenous Leaders,
give this group a try.                            House Captains and elected year level
When: Thursday, Lunchtime                         representatives.
Where: H Block                                    When: Thursday, Lunchtime
Who: All students welcome                         Where: G Block
Commitments: Students need to bring their         Who: Elected leaders and year level
own models and communal tools.                    representatives
Coordinator: Mr Roger Dutton                      Commitments: Meetings are weekly
Email:                           Coordinator: Mrs Jacqui Vaughan and
                                                  Ms Donna Alcorn
                                                  Email: and
Senior Schooling Homework
Senior students can access support on a
Monday and Wednesday afternoon to enhance
their academic outcomes. The sessions are
coordinated by a member of our Senior
Schooling Hub with the assistance of a past
student tutor who is on hand to support
students. These tutors have recently
graduated from the new QCE with outstanding
results. This program will appeal to student
who appreciate structure and routine with the
opportunity to collaborate with fellow students
in a supportive environment.
When: Monday 2:15pm - 4:15pm, Wednesday
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Where: E101
Who: Year 10, 11, 12
Coordinator: Mr Will Fozard

Tabletop Gaming Club                             TALS Sports
Meeting with like-minded students with a love    TALS Sport is available for any student who
of playing games (that don’t involve screens)    has a disability from year 7 to 12, with no
whether it’s playing Chess, cards, Battleship,   sporting experience required. It will help
Uno, Exploding Kittens, Magic: the Gathering,    improve sporting skills, social skills, and gives
D&D, Connect 4, Guess Who, Munchkins, The        students the opportunity to compete in an
Lost Island, and so on… That’s how we roll.      organised competition.
When: Tuesday and Friday, Lunchtime              When: Tuesday, 8.00am – 8.45am
Where: J04 – J05                                 Where: Meet at the Learning Centre
Who: All students welcome                        Who: Any student who has a disability
Coordinator: Mr Loxton                           Commitments: Gala Day each term against
Email:                          Centenary High.
                                                 Coordinator: Mrs Kay Gilroy
Taiko Drumming Group
Are you interested in percussion and
drumming? Is drumming something that you
think could assist with your stress and
anxiety? Are you keen to be involved in a
group that makes a lot of noise? Taiko
drumming refers to any of the various
Japanese drums called wadaiko (和太鼓, lit.
"Japanese drums") and to the form of
ensemble taiko drumming more specifically
called kumi-daiko (組太鼓, lit. "set of
When: Beginners - Tuesday, Lunchtime
Advanced - Thursday, Lunchtime
Where: F12
Who: All students welcome
Commitments: Performing at selected school
and community events
Coordinator: Mrs Bec Murray

Tech Team                                          Theatre Sports Club
The Tech Team consists of a dedicated group        Theatre Sports is a club which focuses on
of students in years 8 to 12 who service a         forms of improvisational theatre at a
variety of school events and productions in        competitive level. Students will participate in
sound and lighting.                                activities to build acting skills, collaboration
When: Events range from weekly school              abilities and dramatical understandings, using
assemblies, sporting carnivals, parent             the format of theatre sports (drama games) as
information evenings and exam blocks to large      competition for dramatic effect. Students will
extra-curricular productions such as the           improve on their improvisational skills and then
musical, fashion parade, drama and dance           begin an in-school based competition where
nights.                                            students work as a team to compete each
Where: Various                                     week in a new drama game for the Theatre
Who: Year 8 to 12                                  Sports Champion title. Teams will perform
Commitments: Students will undergo general         scenes based on audience suggestions, where
training. Being part of the Tech Team is a         they will apply their fast-thinking skills and then
considerable commitment with students often        be judged based on storyline and amusement.
required to set up for events outside of regular   When: Tuesday, 3:15pm – 4:15pm
school hours.                                      Where: QF20
Coordinator: Ms Hailey Gibson                      Who: All students welcome
Email:                           Coordinator: Mr Alex Dawson and Ms
                                                   Rebecca Lawlor
                                                   Email: &

                                                   Volleyball Club
                                                   Volleyball is an excellent sport for students to
                                                   participate in. The volleyball games and
                                                   training have a range of students with mixed
                                                   ability- come along and there will always be a
                                                   place on the team for you and your skills.
                                                   When: Juniors - Monday and Friday, 7:30am-
                                                   Seniors - Wednesday and Thursday, 7:30am-
                                                   Where: Activities Centre
                                                   Who: All interested students
                                                   Coordinator: Mr Justin Prestidge

New Club Proposal

Do you have an idea for a new club at Kenmore State High School? Please contact our Wellbeing
Heads of Year Ms Elise Jacoby ( or Mr Doug Meikle (
to find out how you can be involved and positively contribute to inclusion and belonging within the

Instrumental Music

Kenmore State High School offers numerous opportunities for students to participate in our highly
successful Instrumental Music and Vocal programs. Our music program provides students with a
sense of spirit and belonging, as well as opportunities and skills beyond the classroom.
Kenmore State High School offers students a variety of ensembles to suit various playing levels. Our
award-winning Instrumental Program consists of three Bands, two Percussion Ensembles and three
String Orchestras which regularly perform in competitions, community events and concerts.

We have an inclusive choir program, helping create a fun and inspiring place where every student can
achieve personal excellence and strive for their best. All Kenmore State High choirs regularly perform
at competitions, assemblies, community events and concerts - they have even performed at QPAC!
There are four choirs at the school and students are encouraged to join whichever best suits their
level of singing.

For more information about the Vocal and Instrumental Music program including costs, audition
process and forms, visit
For further enquiries regarding the Instrumental and Vocal Program, please contact Ms Hailey Gibson

Band Ensembles
Name           Overview                           Year Group           Time & place         Teacher
Symphonic      For advanced instrumental          All year levels.     Q Block Auditorium   Mr Ed
Band           students. Practice playing in an   Audition required.   7:30am Monday and    Kennedy
               ensemble and performance                                Thursdays
Wind           For intermediate                   All year levels.     Q Block Auditorium   Ms Heather
Ensemble       instrumental students.             Audition required.   7:30am Wednesday     Conomos
               Practice playing in an ensemble
               and performance techniques

Concert        For developing instrumental        All year levels.     Q Block Auditorium   Ms Heather
Band           students. Practice playing in an   Audition required.   7:30am Tuesday       Conomos
               ensemble and performance
Junior Jazz    For intermediate instrumental      All year levels.     QF24                 Ms Heather
Band           students. Practice playing in an   Audition required.   7:30am Monday        Conomos
               ensemble and performance
Big Band       For advanced instrumental          All year levels.     QF24                 Mr Ed
               students                           Audition required.   2:15pm Monday        Kennedy

Choir Ensembles
Name           Overview                           Year Group           Time & place         Teacher
Nascente       For advanced instrumental          All year levels      Q Block Auditorium   Mr Joshua
               students. Experience group                              7:45am Friday        Clifford
               singing and performance
Concordia      For Bass and tenor voices.         All year levels      QF24                 Mr Joshua
               Experience group singing and       Audition required.   1:05pm Monday        Clifford
               performance techniques
Lyric Voices   For alto and soprano voices.       All year levels      S001                 Ms Tricia
               Experience group singing and       Audition required.   7:30am Monday        Elgar
               performance techniques
Chorale        For all voices. Experience group   All year levels      S001
               singing and performance            Audition required.   7:30am Tuesday       Ms Elgar

Percussion Ensembles
Name           Overview                           Year Group           Time & place    Teacher
Percussion 1   For advanced instrumental          All year levels      Q Block         Ms Sue Berti
               students. Practice playing in an   Audition required.   Auditorium
               ensemble and performance                                7:30am Friday
Percussion 2   For intermediate                   All year levels      QF24            Ms Sue Berti
               instrumental students.             Audition required.   1:05pm Friday
               Practice playing in an
               ensemble and performance

Strings Ensembles
Name           Overview                           Year Group           Time & place    Teacher
Nascente       For advanced instrumental          All year levels      S004            Ms Alice
               students. Practice playing in an   Audition required.   7:30am          O”Donnell
               ensemble and performance                                Tuesday
Sinfonia       For advanced                       All year levels      S004            Ms Alice
               instrumental students.             Audition required.   7:30am          O’Donnell
               Practice playing in an                                  Thursday
               ensemble and performance
Philharmonic   For intermediate instrumental      All year levels      S004            Mr Matthew
               students. Practice playing in an   Audition required.   7:30am          Hoey
               ensemble and performance                                Wednesday


Sport plays an integral role in the social fabric of our community. Kenmore State High School has a
proud tradition of achievement both in team and individual pursuits.

    •   Each Year 7, 8 and 9 student participates in 1 x 70 minute physical activity session a week,
        where they work in their Sport Class to build relationships and belonging through team work.
    •   All students are involvement in three Interhouse Sports Carnivals throughout the year
        including Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country.
    •   Students have the option to compete in Interschool sporting competitions known as Gala
        Days throughout the year.
    •   Students have pathways to representative teams at a District, Regional, State or National

For further enquiries regarding sport at Kenmore State High School, please contact HPE Head of
Department Mr Michael Walker -

Interschool Gala Sport                                   Northern Eagles District
The school participates in Interschool Gala
                                                         Representative Sport Trials
Sports on various days throughout the school             The QLD Representative School Sport
year. Premiership Gala Day teams progress to             pathway starts with District trials. If students
the Metropolitan Finals competition where they           would like to nominate for Northern Eagles
verse other schools in South East                        trials in their chosen sport(s), they need to
Queensland.                                              nominate through the online survey via the link
                                                         in the student notices and then see Sports
A range of Senior and Junior Secondary Gala              Coordinator, Mr Darren Kayrooz in the HPE
Sports are available each term. Team sign-ons            Staffroom (upstairs in the Activities Centre), to
are advertised at the start of each term                 nominate and collect the trial paperwork.
through the student notices.                             Students must see Mr Kayrooz in person and
                                                         collect the mandated paperwork for their
All Gala Day and representative trial                    nomination to be processed.
information will be advertised to students in the
daily notices on the Student Intranet. For any
                                                         Ski Trip
further questions, students can see Sports               The biennial ski trip takes place during the
Coordinator Mr Darren Kayrooz in the HPE                 September school holidays and offers an
Staffroom (upstairs in the Activities Centre).           awesome week of skiing or snowboarding at
                                                         Australia's premier ski resort, Perisher. It’s a
                                                         fantastic opportunity to get to know other
                                                         students, improve skiing or snowboarding
                                                         abilities, and increase resilience and

                                  Junior Secondary (Years 7 – 9)
                Summer (Term 1):                                 Winter (Term 2):
                    Basketball                                        Soccer
                  Touch Football                                   Girls Netball
                   Girls Tennis                                Boys Rugby League
                  Boys Volleyball                                  Boys Tennis
                                                                  Girls Volleyball
                 Spring (Term 3):                          Social Gala Day (Term 4):
                    Badminton                                         Cricket
                   Ultimate Disc                                       Futsal
                        AFL                                            OzTag

                                           Senior (Years 10 - 12)
                   Semester 1:                                          Semester 2:
                  Girls Basketball                                         Soccer
                  Touch Football                                        Girls Netball
                       Tennis                                            Boys AFL
                  Boys Volleyball                                      Boys Basketball
                   Boys Cricket                                        Girls Volleyball

Events Term 1

Lunar New Year                                    Swimming Carnival
Our annual Lunar New Year festivity is            Our Swimming Carnival is the first big whole
celebrated by our international students with     school event where students compete in their
Lunar New Year traditions and a special lunch.    houses for house points. The results from the
When: Week 2 (cancelled in 2022)                  carnival give us our swimming age champions
Where: International Student Hub                  and the winning house.
Who: International students (ISP)                 When: Week 4 (Cancelled in 2022)
Coordinator: Ms Rachel Chitoni                    Where: Valley Pool
Email:                           Who: All students
                                                  Coordinator: Mr Michael Walker
Valentine’s Day
Senior students deliver roses, balloons and
serenades during lessons 1 and 2. These are
available to purchase the week leading up to
Valentine’s Day. All students are invited to
wear pink and red to celebrate the day, raising
money for the Student Representative Council.
When: Monday 14 February (Week 4)
Where: KSHS
Who: All students welcome
Coordinator: Ms Jo Willett

Year 11 Convention                                 International Women’s Day
Convention is an opportunity for the whole of      International Women's Day celebrates the
Year 11 to get together and listen to a range of   social, economic, cultural and political
presenters informing them of the best methods      achievements of women. The annual Parent &
in being successful in senior school. They will    Daughter Breakfast is held in the Activities
hear about the QCE and ATAR systems as             Centre before school and includes a special
well as effective study methods and how to         guest speaker address (RSVP essential).
make to most out of your time.                     Students and staff have many opportunities
When: Week 4 (Cancelled in 2022)                   throughout the day to be involved including
Where: University of Queensland                    quizzes during Care Class and activities during
Who: Year 11                                       lunchtime.
Coordinator: Mr Tom McNicol                        When: Tuesday 8 March (Week 7)
Email:                            Where: Activities Centre before school & Q
                                                   Block Auditorium at lunchtime
                                                   Who: All students welcome
Bullying. No Way!                                  Coordinator: Miss Rachel Shaw
Help our school demonstrate Kindness Culture       Email:
this National Day of Action (NDA) against
Bullying and Violence! Together we can make
a change; everyone in our school community
has a role to play in bullying prevention. The
NDA is an important opportunity to share the
message that bullying is never ok.
When: Assembly (Week 5), activities during
Care (Week 8)
Where: Activities Centre & S106
Who: All students
Coordinator: Ms Elise Jacoby & Mr Doug
Email: &

World’s Greatest Shave                              Year 7 Camp
Each year Kenmore SHS takes part in the             The year 7 camp aims to build positive
World's Greatest Shave to help beat blood           relationships, resilience and teamwork skills,
cancer. Students can volunteer to shave by          especially during this transitional phase of high
joining the KSHS team (advertised on notices),      school. The camp also aims to deliver a
or watch their peers shave for a cure and help      physically and mentally challenging program
raise funds for the Leukaemia Foundation.           that is enjoyable and engaging for students
When: Friday 18 March (Week 8), Lunchtime           and an invaluable opportunity to build
Where: Q Block Auditorium                           friendships outside of their form class. This 3-
Who: All students welcome                           day camp is open to all Year 7 students. The
Coordinator: Ms Jo Willett                          camp accommodates 300 students in cabin-
Email:                          style accommodation.
                                                    When: Week 9 (Cancelled in 2022)
                                                    Where: Noosa North Shore Retreat
International Student Program
                                                    Who: Year 7
(ISP) Camp
                                                    Coordinator: Ms Melissa Gould
The ISP camp is attended by all EQI                 Email:
international students. It is designed to provide
the international students with opportunities to
strengthen their English skills, learn important
safety lessons, such as beach/swim safety
skills and engage in Australian cultural
activities. The camp is at the beautiful
Tallebudgera Outdoor and Environmental
Education Centre, which is located between
the southern bank of the Tallebudgera Creek
and North Palm Beach on the Gold Coast.
Under the guidance of trained instructors, the
students participate in a variety of fun filled
When: Term 1
Where: Tallebudgera Outdoor and
Environmental Educations Centre
Who: Students connected to the International
Student Program
Coordinator: Ms Rachel Chitoni and Ms Kim

Cross Country
Kenmore All Nations (KAN)
Week                                              Our Cross Country and fun run is the second
                                                  big school event for the HPE department
During KAN Week, we recognise the cultural
                                                  where all students are involved. Competitive
richness of our school community and
                                                  students run in the period 1 session and then
celebrate this diversity. Students and teachers
                                                  cohorts complete the fun run in either period 2,
put together a fun program of events including
                                                  3 or 4.
a paper cranes challenge, “Purikura” photo
                                                  When: Week 10 (Postponed in 2022)
booth, Lob-A-Choc game, Gummibärchen
                                                  Where: KSHS Oval
guessing game, and wheel of fortune.
                                                  Who: All students
When: Week 9
                                                  Coordinator: Mr William Fozard
Where: Check student notices for all the
activities on offer
Who: All students welcome
Coordinator: Ms Chrissie Geuthner

Harmony Week
Harmony Week is a time to celebrate our
school’s cultural diversity because everyone
belongs! Celebrations include a special
assembly and fun activities throughout the
When: Week 9
Where: Check student notices for all the
activities on offer
Who: All students welcome
Coordinator: Ms Chrissie Geuthner

Events Term 2
                                                 Open Day
ANZAC Day Ceremony
                                                 The school’s annual Open Day is an
Our annual ANZAC Day Ceremony is a key
                                                 opportunity for prospective students, their
event in the school calendar. The Ceremony
                                                 families and the community to discover all that
involves special guests from the community
                                                 the school has to offer. Students get involved
and is chaired by the student leaders.
                                                 by volunteering at academic and extra-
When: Friday 22 April (Week 1)
                                                 curricular displays, hosting school tours,
Where: Activities Centre
                                                 musical performances, Café 12, and much
Who: All students
Coordinator: Mrs Julie Savage
                                                 When: Saturday 21 May, 9am-12pm (Week 5)
                                                 Where: KSHS
                                                 Who: All students welcome
School Production – One Act                      Coordinator: Miss Rachel Shaw
Play                                             Email:

In the years when the school does not run a
musical, we hold our One Act Plays which are
smaller productions more focused on acting.
These tend to feature a smaller cast but still
involve students at every stage of the
production schedule including sound and
lighting design.
When: Week 4
Where: Q Block Auditorium
Who: All students welcome
Coordinator: Ms Daria Smith

Fashion Parade
Reconciliation Week & Sorry Day
Assembly                                           The school fashion parade is an opportunity
                                                   for students to design and create their own
National Reconciliation Week and National
                                                   clothing. Students model the clothing and
Sorry Day is a time for all Australians to learn
                                                   prizes are awarded under selected fashion
about our shared histories, cultures, and
achievements, and to explore how each of us
                                                   When: Wednesday 22 June (Week 10)
can contribute to achieving reconciliation in
                                                   Where: Q Block Auditorium
                                                   Who: All students welcome
When: Week 8
                                                   Coordinator: Ms Sarah Valmadre
Where: Activities Centre
Who: All students
Coordinator: Mrs Karla Pope

Athletics Day
Our Athletics Carnival is the third big school
event for the HPE department that is
conducted over two days. Competitive events
and novelty events are run on the day and
points from students go towards the Athletics
house trophy.
When: Monday 20 June and Tuesday 21 June
(Week 10)
Where: KSHS Oval
Who: All students
Coordinator: Mr Michael Walker

Kenmore State High School Vision
  Schooling at Kenmore State High will be a happy and inspiring experience, a time and place where every
  young person develops a real sense of spirit and belonging. Our vision is for our young people to be
influential locally and prepared to transform the world. We want our school to make a difference for each
                                 and every student, now and in the future.
                                    Our motto is Education for Life.

                               P: (07) 3327 1555 | F: (07) 3327 1500
                             60 Aberfeldy Street Kenmore QLD 4069
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