Strategic Plan Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment - - Office of the Commissioner for ...

Page created by Sherry Peters
Strategic Plan Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment - - Office of the Commissioner for ...
Strategic Plan
2020 - 2022
Office of the Commissioner
for Public Sector Employment
Strategic Plan Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment - - Office of the Commissioner for ...
FOREWORD                                                                                                                                                    FOREWORD

Commissioner’s                                                                                                     We work as one team, putting
                                                                                                                   the South Australian Public
Foreword                                                                                                           Sector workforce at the heart
                                                                                                                   of everything we do.
Enabling the public sector to deliver great results and
outcomes for the community through an agile, flexible
and inclusive workplace

The South Australian Public Sector is the largest and     Our knowledgeable team goes above and beyond
one of the most diverse employers in South Australia.     to help departments and agencies develop their
It provides a range of services in health care,           workforce, providing advice, insightful data,
education, keeping communities safe, protecting our       guidance and open and honest feedback.
environment, transport and infrastructure, looking
after our heritage, culture and arts, and helping those   Without a doubt, 2020 was a difficult year, and the
in need.                                                  public sector should be proud of its response to
                                                          supporting our community and our workforce.
These things don’t just happen. They happen
because of the many people working in the public          We have adapted to new ways of working and
sector who place the community at the heart of            continue to put the wellbeing and safety of our sector
what they do.                                             and community first, ensuring that we are prepared
                                                          to manage risk and uncertainty for the future.
At the Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector
Employment (OCPSE) we put the South Australian            Our Strategic Directions 2020 – 2022 provides a
Public Sector workforce at the heart of everything        blueprint to support a future focused public sector.
we do.
                                                          We will continue to develop exceptional leaders
We enable the development of an agile, inclusive          at every level, strengthening behaviours and
public sector workforce of more than 100,000 South        organisational practices that are grounded in
Australians. We do this by:                               integrity and underpinned by the South Australian
                                                          Public Sector Values.
• leading the development of the Human Resources
  (HR) strategy for the public service                    I look forward to us all proactively collaborating and
• providing stewardship to the sector to ensure           working as one team to realise these collective
  ethical and responsible practices                       goals and creating the environment for positive
• collaborating with HR leaders and professionals         employee experiences across the South Australian
  within the public sector to evolve core people          Public Sector.
  practices and enhance HR capability and systems.

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INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                                           INTRODUCTION

OUR VISION                                  OUR PURPOSE                          STRATEGIC GOALS

An agile, flexible and inclusive            Enabling the Public Sector to
public sector that is enabled               deliver great results and
                                                                                                    ENHANCE WORKFORCE
to serve a strong and healthy
South Australia
                                            outcomes for the community
                                                                                    01/             PERFORMANCE AND
                                                                                                                                               02/              ADVANCE CURRENT AND
                                                                                                                                                                FUTURE LEADERS

                                                                                    Employment approaches and guidance that enable             Highly effective leaders who invest in their talent
                                                                                    the workforce to deliver its best work                     and unleash workforce potential

                                                                                    • Support the Public Sector through COVID-19               • Improve leadership capabilities
                                                                                    • Review and enhance core people processes                 • Ensure all leaders are effectively on-boarded to
We will
How wemake
        will make
              it happen
                   it happen                                                        • Provide workforce performance advice, support and          the SA Public Sector
                                             VIBRANT AND RESILIENT TEAM,              guidance
                                             COLLECTIVELY WORKING TO A              • Uphold high standards of statutory advice
                                             CLEAR PURPOSE
Our people are passionate,
inclusive and forward-thinking.
                                             SAFE, INCLUSIVE AND RESPECTFUL         03/               SHAPE THE FUTURE
                                                                                                      WORKFORCE                                04/              ADVANCE SYSTEMS
                                                                                                                                                                AND DATA
We set the standards for                     CULTURE, PLACING OUR PEOPLE AT
                                             THE CENTRE OF EVERYTHING WE DO
excellence by creating a                                                            We enable the Public Sector to develop a resilient         Decision makers have connected systems and data
positive work environment                                                           and future focussed workforce                              enabling insights for continuous improvement

to enhance our employees                                                            • Reimagine the future of the SA Public Sector             • Provide workforce data and information to measure
                                             LEAD WITH INTEGRITY, DELIVER WITH                                                                   and evaluate performance
experience.                                  PROFESSIONALISM AND BUILD TRUST
                                                                                    • Build the fundamentals for strategic workforce
                                                                                      planning and resource management                         • Facilitate whole-of-sector employee engagement
                                                                                    • Provide attractive and accessible employment               surveys
                                                                                      pathways to optimise the workforce of the future         • Improve capability of corporate Human Resources and
                                                                                    • Identify Professions requiring the greatest capability     Work Health Safety and Injury Management systems
                                                                                      uplift                                                     and applications


                                                                                    05/              INCLUSIVE, SAFE AND
                                                                                                     ETHICAL PUBLIC SECTOR

                                                                                    We lead a safe, diverse and inclusive workforce that
       SERVICE            PROFESSIONALISM       TRUST              RESPECT          reflects the communities we serve

                                                                                    • Lead diversity strategies that provide all employees
                                                                                      with a sense of belonging
                                                                                    • Lead Work Health, Safety and Injury Management
    COLLABORATION               HONESTY &      COURAGE &
                                                                SUSTAINABILITY        strategy, continuous improvement and compliance
    & ENGAGEMENT                INTEGRITY       TENACITY                            • Drive initiatives to build mentally healthy and
                                                                                      culturally safe workplaces
                                                                                    • Continue to embed the South Australian Public Sector
                                                                                      Values and the Code of Ethics in everything we do

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SECTION 12                                                                                                                     SECTION 1

                               Employment approaches and guidance

Enhance workforce              that enable the workforce to deliver its
                               best work.

performance and
potential                      OBJECTIVES            ACTIONS 2020 – 2022

                                                      • Streamline the COVID-19 mobilisation      • Develop workforce policy and guidance
                                SUPPORT THE PUBLIC      process and governance to facilitate        to manage the workforce impact of
                                SECTOR THROUGH          rapid resource management                   COVID-19

                                REVIEW AND ENHANCE    • Enhance workforce transitions within      • Continue to offer agencies centralised
                                                        the current Enterprise Agreement, in        case management support services
                                CORE PEOPLE             collaboration with Industrial Relations     that effectively manage talent across
                                PROCESSES               and Policy Branch (DTF)                     the SA Public Sector

                                PROVIDE WORKFORCE     • Identify opportunities to enhance         • Refresh HR Leaders training
                                                        alignment, credibility and integration      and induction for performance
                                                        of unsatisfactory performance               management in partnership with
                                ADVICE, SUPPORT                                                     SA Public Sector agencies
                                AND GUIDANCE

                                                      • Continue to deliver responsive, high      • Develop an integrity framework,
                                UPHOLD HIGH
                                                        quality advisory services for effective     aligning fundamental ethical
                                STANDARDS OF            workforce management                        behaviours and practices to the SA
                                STATUTORY ADVICE      • Successful execution of the statutory       Public Sector workforce
                                                        powers of the Commissioner for            • Continuous improvement and review of
                                                        Public Sector Employment, including         the Commissioner's determinations
                                                        advancing the principles of the Public      and guidelines
                                                        Sector Act 2009                           • Investigate and manage employment
                                                                                                    complaints and public interest
                                                                                                    disclosure matters

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SECTION 2                                                                                                                     SECTION 2

                               Highly effective leaders who invest in their

Advance current                talent and unleash workforce potential.

and future leaders             OBJECTIVES            ACTIONS 2020 – 2022

                                                      • Develop a leadership strategy, and       • Continue to evolve sector wide
                                IMPROVE LEADERSHIP      revised whole-of-sector leadership         leadership capability through the
                                CAPABILITIES            capability framework                       delivery of the South Australian
                                                                                                   Leadership Academy

                                                      • Design and implement an engaging
                                ENSURE ALL LEADERS      on-boarding experience for SA Public
                                ARE EFFECTIVELY         Sector chief executives and executives
                                ON-BOARDED TO THE       that enhances their leadership
                                SA PUBLIC SECTOR        capability and role effectiveness

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        2                                                                                                                            SECTION 3

                                We enable the public sector to develop a

Shape the future                resilient and future focused workforce.

workforce                       OBJECTIVES              ACTIONS 2020 – 2022

                                 REIMAGINE THE           • Partner with DTF and DPC to deliver the     • Develop a whole-of-sector HR Strategy
                                                           Workforce Transformation Roadmap              and annual implementation plan to
                                 FUTURE OF THE
                                                                                                         position the SA Public Sector
                                 SA PUBLIC SECTOR                                                        workforce for the future

                                 BUILD THE               • Develop practical resources and tools       • Provide best practice workforce
                                 FUNDAMENTALS              to enhance workforce planning and             planning advice, support and
                                                           resource management capability                guidance for the SA Public Sector
                                 FOR STRATEGIC             within the SA Public Sector
                                 PLANNING AND

                                 PROVIDE ATTRACTIVE      • Deliver the Skilling South Australia and    • Enhance the capability of employment
                                 AND ACCESSIBLE            the Budget Stimulus Traineeship               systems and registers to increase the
                                                           programs for the SA Public Sector             visibility of opportunities and potential
                                                         • Continue to promote and facilitate            candidates across the SA Public Sector
                                 PATHWAYS TO               Aboriginal, youth and disability
                                 OPTIMISE THE              employment programs
                                 WORKFORCE OF
                                 THE FUTURE

                                                         • Partner with the HR and Senior leaders      • Develop a HR Capability Framework to
                                 IDENTIFY PROFESSIONS      to identify the professions requiring the     bridge identified capability gaps
                                                           greatest capability uplift
                                 REQUIRING THE
                                                         • Partner with the HR Leaders and
                                 GREATEST CAPABILITY       operational managers to undertake a
                                 UPLIFT                    HR capability assessment

Image: Steve Schueler

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        2                                                                                                                     SECTION 4

                                Decision makers have connected systems

Advance systems                 and data enabling insights for continuous

and data                        OBJECTIVES            ACTIONS 2020 – 2022

                                 PROVIDE WORKFORCE     • Develop and review the State of the      • Continue to build the Enterprise Data
                                                         Sector Report, and work with agencies      Warehouse and further develop
                                 DATA AND                to build strengths and address areas       workforce dashboard reporting
                                 INFORMATION TO          for improvement
                                 MEASURE AND           • Provide valuable data and information
                                 EVALUATE                to the SA Public Sector through the
                                 PERFORMANCE             annual Workforce Information Report

                                 FACILITATE            • Conduct I Work for SA - Your Voice
                                                         Survey baseline current state and
                                                         identify cultural strengths and
                                 EMPLOYEE                weaknesses

                                 IMPROVE CAPABILITY    • Partner with small agencies to deliver   • Replace and enhance the Injury
                                 OF CORPORATE HUMAN      E-recruitment                              Management System (SIMS)
                                 RESOURCES AND WORK    • Partner with small agencies to design    • Continue to facilitate the Human
                                                         and implement a performance                Capital Management Vendor panel
                                 HEALTH SAFETY AND       management and development system        • Continue to manage the Audit
                                 INJURY MANAGEMENT     • Replace and enhance the Work Health        Verification System 2020
                                 SYSTEMS AND             and Safety System (My Safety)              program contract

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        2                                                                                                                          SECTION 5

05                              We lead a safe, diverse and inclusive workforce
                                that reflects the communities we serve.

Inclusive, safe                 OBJECTIVES               ACTIONS 2020 – 2022

and ethical                      LEAD DIVERSITY           • Continue to implement the Diversity and

public sector
                                                                                                      • Develop and implement OCPSE
                                                            Inclusion and the Disability Employment     Disability Access and Inclusion Plan
                                 STRATEGIES THAT            Strategies, updating them in line with      (DAIP)
                                 PROVIDE ALL                the IWFSA survey results                  • Oversee implementation of the
                                 EMPLOYEES WITH           • Engage with key stakeholders through        Buthera Agreement
                                 A SENSE OF                 communities of practice, strategic        • Update flexible work guidance to
                                 BELONGING                  committees and HR Leaders to                enable new ways of working
                                                            integrate diversity and inclusion into
                                                            organisational practices

                                                          • Protect the health and safety of the      • Review and update the Governance
                                 LEAD WORK HEALTH,
                                                            workforce, leading implementation of        framework for WHSIM policy for the
                                 SAFETY AND INJURY          the WHSIM framework                         SA Public Sector
                                 MANAGEMENT               • Complete actuarial valuation of           • Enhance the capability of the
                                 (WHSIM) STRATEGY,          outstanding liabilities for workers         WHSIM practitioners across
                                 CONTINUOUS                 compensation                                the SA Public Sector
                                 IMPROVEMENT AND          • Review and update all Practice Notes/-
                                 COMPLIANCE                 Standards for the SA Public Sector to
                                                            operate against

                                                          • Support agencies to implement the         • Support agencies to implement peer
                                 DRIVE INITIATIVES          Mentally Healthy Workplaces                 support programs by developing
                                 TO BUILD MENTALLY          Framework with a focus on developing        guidance materials, training programs
                                 HEALTHY AND                skills and resources, training and          and providing advice to their peer
                                 CULTURALLY SAFE            raising awareness of initiatives            support officers
                                 WORKPLACES               • Support agencies to reduce bullying       • Provide expert advice and guidance to
                                                            and harassment by providing best            the Suicide Prevention Issues Group
                                                            practice advice and guidance on
                                                            assessing, preventing and responding
                                                            to these issues

                                 CONTINUE TO EMBED        • Support agencies and their leaders to     • Educate and promote SA Public
                                                            embed the South Australian Public           Sector employee responsibilities
                                 THE SOUTH                  Sector Values into organisational           under the South Australian Public
                                 AUSTRALIAN PUBLIC          practices and behaviours                    Sector Code of Ethics and the Public
                                 SECTOR VALUES AND                                                      Interest Disclosure Act 2018.
                                 THE CODE OF ETHICS IN
                                 EVERYTHING WE DO

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SECTION 2   MAKE IT HAPPEN                                                                             HOW WE WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN

How we will                     We set the standards for excellence by creating
                                a positive work environment to enhance our

make it happen
                                employees, experience.

                                WAYS OF WORKING         SUCCESS OUTCOMES

                                 VIBRANT AND             • We all understand the purpose of            • We work as one team to deliver the
                                                           the office and know how our work              collective goals of the office
                                 RESILIENT TEAM,           contributes to the delivery of the          • Performance conversations are valued
                                 COLLECTIVELY              OCPSE Strategic Plan                          and embedded in our everyday work
                                 WORKING TO A            • We all have the capabilities, information
                                 CLEAR PURPOSE             and support to reach our potential and
                                                           drive excellence

                                                         • We have adaptive systems in place to        • We are strategic and authentic in our
                                 SAFE, INCLUSIVE AND
                                                           support the requirements of a diverse         communications and engagement
                                 RESPECTFUL CULTURE,       and inclusive workforce                       practices
                                 PLACING OUR PEOPLE      • Our Mentally Healthy Workplaces
                                 AT THE CENTRE OF          Framework is embodied in our work
                                 EVERYTHING WE DO          practices

                                 LEAD WITH INTEGRITY,    • We role model the guidance, policy          • We are proactive and strive for
                                                           and programs we develop for the office        continuous improvement; reviewing
                                 DELIVER WITH
                                                         • Information and advice is shared              the currency and effectiveness of
                                 PROFESSIONALISM           openly with staff and stakeholders            our work
                                 AND BUILD TRUST         • We deliver on the commitments
                                                           we make

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The Office of the Commissioner
for Public Sector Employment

Street Address
Ground Floor, State
Administration Centre,
200 Victoria Square
Adelaide SA 5000

Mailing address
GPO Box 1045,
Adelaide SA 5001

T    1800 317 333

©2020 South Australian Government. All rights reserved. Use of the contents of this report should acknowledge the source and where applicable provide a
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