Strategic Plan 2017-2022 - TE ORA Ō TĀMAKI MAKAURAU - ARPHS

Page created by Holly Fleming
Strategic Plan 2017-2022 - TE ORA Ō TĀMAKI MAKAURAU - ARPHS
Auckland Regional Public Health Service
                                    Ratonga Hauora-ā-Iwi ō Tāmaki Makaurau


About us

Strategic priorities

›› Live, learn, work and play

›› Environmental hazards

›› Harmful commodities
›› Notifiable infectious diseases

›› Leadership
                                    T E O RA Ō TĀMAKI MAKAURAU
Strategic Plan 2017-2022 - TE ORA Ō TĀMAKI MAKAURAU - ARPHS
                                          As a discipline, public health is about preventing disease, prolonging life
                                          and promoting health through the organised efforts of society. ARPHS
                                          provides public health services to people residing within the Counties
                                          Manukau, Waitemata and Auckland District Health Board (DHB) areas
About us                                  through health protection, prevention and promotion. This Strategic
                                          Plan identifies, at a high level, the direction in which ARPHS intends to
                                          travel to improve the health and wellbeing of the region’s people and
                                          environment. ARPHS’ vision is Te Ora ō Tāmaki Makaurau. We are only
Strategic priorities                      Julia
                                          able to achieve this by collaborating with our stakeholders.
                                          During the development of the strategy, we have identified many
                                          challenges and opportunities facing Auckland including its projected
                                          growth, diversity, climate change and health inequities. To navigate these
›› Live, learn, work and play             changes, the strategy outlines five outcome areas on which ARPHS will
                                          focus. To achieve these outcomes, ARPHS will prioritise: stakeholder
                                          relationships and collaboration, leveraging new technology, supporting
                                          effective communications and surveillance, workforce development and
›› Environmental hazards                  improving equity.
                                          We would like to thank the ARPHS team for the many contributions and
                                          input into the development of this strategy. We would also like to thank
                                          Simon Bowen and Dr Margaret Wilsher for their leadership and guidance
›› Harmful commodities                    during the development process.              Julia

›› Notifiable infectious diseases

                                          Jane McEntee                                   Julia Peters

›› Leadership                             General Manager                                Clinical Director

Auckland Regional Public Health Service
Ratonga Hauora-ā-Iwi ō Tāmaki Makaurau
Strategic Plan 2017-2022 - TE ORA Ō TĀMAKI MAKAURAU - ARPHS
2017-2022                                                                                                                                                       About us
                                                                                                                                                                                           N EX T
                                          PUBLIC HEALTH
                                          The art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organised efforts of society.
                                          - Acheson, 1988; WHO

About us

                                          Kia hora te marino                                 E ngā tini mate kei waenganui ia tātou,              To the deceased among us, depart to Hawaiki,

Strategic priorities                      Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana                     Haere, haere, hoki atu ra ki Hawaiki nui, Hawaiki    To great Hawaiki, to long Hawaiki, to distant
                                                                                             roa,                                                 Hawaiki, to the meeting place of departed souls.
                                          Hei huarahi ma tatou i te rangi nei
                                                                                                                                                  There you shall be at rest.
                                                                                             Hawaiki pāmamao ki te Hono-i-Wairua, ki reira
                                          Aroha atu aroha mai
                                                                                             okioki ai.                                           Auckland Regional Public Health Service
›› Live, learn, work and play             Tatou ia tatou katoa
                                                                                             Ki Ngā Mana Whenua ō Tāmaki Makaurau,
                                                                                                                                                  acknowledges Ngā Mana Whenua ō Tāmaki
                                                                                                                                                  Makaurau for the care and protection you
                                          Haumi e hui e                                      tēnei mātou Te Ratonga Hauora a Iwi ō Tāmaki
                                                                                                                                                  extend to all within the Auckland Region per
                                                                                             Makaurau e mihi ana kia koutou mō tō manaaki
                                          Taiki e                                                                                                 the articles of the Treaty of Waitangi. We extend
                                                                                             kia mātou e noho ana ki roto i tō rohe i raro i te
›› Environmental hazards                                                                                                                          thanks and appreciation to you all.
                                                                                             maru ō Te Tiriti ō Waitangi. E rere ana te mihi
                                                                                             maioha kia koutou katoa.                             Turning now to us all, of many tribes,
                                                                                                                                                  communities, families and civil servants who all
                                                                                             Ka huri kia tātou, ngā iwi mataawaka, ngā
                                                                                                                                                  dwell in this region. Sincere greetings to you, and
                                                                                             hāpori, ngā whānau, ngā kaimahi ō Te Karauna
›› Harmful commodities                                                                       e noho ana ki tēnei takiwā, nei rā te mihi kia
                                                                                                                                                  to us all.
                                                                                             koutou, oti rā kia tātou katoa.                      Auckland Regional Public Health Service is the
                                                                                                                                                  regulatory public health organisation serving the
                                                                                             Ko te Ratonga Hauora ā Iwi o Tāmaki Makaurau
                                                                                                                                                  diverse population of Tāmaki Makaurau through
›› Notifiable infectious diseases                                                            ngā kaiwhakahaere i ngā taupori kanorau ki
                                                                                                                                                  health protection, prevention and promotion. We
                                                                                             tēnei rohe. Mā te tiaki, te taupā me te hāpai i te
                                                                                                                                                  aim to provide public health service to people
                                                                                             hauora tēnei kaupapa ka kawe. Ka whakarawe
                                                                                                                                                  residing in Waitemata, Auckland, and Counties
                                                                                             mātou i ngā ratonga hauora kia ngāi tātou
                                                                                             e noho ana ki tēnei takiwā, mai Waitemata
›› Leadership                                                                                taenoa ki Manukau.

Auckland Regional Public Health Service
Ratonga Hauora-ā-Iwi ō Tāmaki Makaurau
Strategic Plan 2017-2022 - TE ORA Ō TĀMAKI MAKAURAU - ARPHS
2017-2022                                                                                                                                              About us
                                                                     Health equity            Increased life expectancy
                                                                           Māori health gain           Outbreak response     Alcohol licensing               PREV

Foreword                                    Environmental health                            Drinking water quality            Quality of life
                                                        Assessment         Early childhood wellbeing   Healthy Auckland Together
                                                                  Research and evaluation   Emergency management
About us
                                              Stakeholder relationships                                                      Surveillance
                                                                                                       Vaccinator authorisation

Strategic priorities
                                                        Communications Networks and partnerships                           Health improvement

›› Live, learn, work and play
                                          Informatics   Smokefree
                                             Intelligence and planning
                                                  Workplace health
                                                                                Public                                            Burials and cremations

                                                                                                                            Pandemic planning
                                                                                                                         International health regulations

›› Environmental hazards
                                                     Built environment
                                                 Psychoactive substances

                                                           Contaminated land
                                                                                Health                                      Regulation and enforcement
                                                                                                                            Border health protection

                                            Non-communicable diseases Early childhood education centre assessments
›› Harmful commodities
                                                         Public health capacity development
                                                     Notifiable diseases Controlled purchase operations Tuberculosis control
›› Notifiable infectious diseases           Recreational water BCG immunisation Alcohol Refugee health services
                                                         Nutrition and physical activity Hazardous substances
›› Leadership                                         Social environments Policy submissions Obesity Workforce development
                                                                   Communicable diseases
Auckland Regional Public Health Service
Ratonga Hauora-ā-Iwi ō Tāmaki Makaurau
Strategic Plan 2017-2022 - TE ORA Ō TĀMAKI MAKAURAU - ARPHS
2017-2022                                                                                                        Strategic priorities
Foreword                                  Why we’re here                     What we do

About us                                  VISION                             LONG TERM O U TCO M E S             TOP STRATEGIC PRIORITIES
                                          Te Ora ō Tāmaki Makaurau           People live free from the           Reduce the harm of notifiable infectious diseases, in particular:
                                                                             harms associated with harmful       • Reduce the spread of Tuberculosis through TB case and contact
                                          Our vision captures the essence    commodities                           management
Strategic priorities                      of promoting and protecting
                                          the health and wellbeing of the                                        • Actively manage infectious diseases and pursue an ‘up stream’
                                                                             People are protected from the
                                          region’s people and environment                                          approach to infectious disease prevention
                                                                             impact of environmental hazards

›› Live, learn, work and play                                                People are protected from the       Build healthy and resilient environments and communities, in
                                          PURPOSE                            impact of notifiable infectious     particular:
                                                                             diseases                            • Early identification and active management of enteric diseases
                                          Collective action for the health
                                          and wellbeing of Tāmaki                                                • Active support for high quality water and waste management
›› Environmental hazards                                                     The environments in which
                                                                             people live, learn, work and play
                                                                             promote health and wellbeing        Reduce obesity, improve nutrition, and increase physical activity

›› Harmful commodities                    HIGH LEVEL OUTCOMES                                                    Support Smokefree 2025
                                          Increased life expectancy          SUPPORTED BY
                                                                                                                 Enhance surveillance of communicable and non-communicable
                                                                             Leadership, workforce               diseases and risk factors for public health action and reporting
                                          Quality of life                    development and organisational
›› Notifiable infectious diseases
                                                                             sustainability                      Enhance and build stakeholder relationships with organisations
                                          Māori health gain
                                                                                                                 and communities to continuously improve public health for Tāmaki
                                          Equity for all
›› Leadership

Auckland Regional Public Health Service
Ratonga Hauora-ā-Iwi ō Tāmaki Makaurau
Strategic Plan 2017-2022 - TE ORA Ō TĀMAKI MAKAURAU - ARPHS
                                          Live, learn,   N EX T

About us
                                           work and
Strategic priorities                              play
›› Live, learn, work and play

›› Environmental hazards

›› Harmful commodities

›› Notifiable infectious diseases

›› Leadership

Auckland Regional Public Health Service
Ratonga Hauora-ā-Iwi ō Tāmaki Makaurau
2017-2022                                                                                  Live, learn, work and play

                                          LONG TERM OUTCOME                                                              FOCUS           Influential partnerships for optimal results
                                                                                                                                         Making the case for change
                                                                                                                         AREAS           Equity enhancing environments
About us                                  The environments in which people
                                          live, learn, work and play promote                                         WHAT’S              Healthy Auckland Together
                                                                                                                                         Early childhood programmes
Strategic priorities                      health and wellbeing                                                     INCLUDED              Workplace wellbeing

›› Live, learn, work and play
                                          BOL D GOAL                         WHAT WE D O                           W HY                                  HOW

›› Environmental hazards                  Wellbeing is at the forefront of   By July 2022, target populations      Evidence supports making positive     Generate and share evidence
                                          decisions that impact Tāmaki       (identified by equity) see positive   changes to where people live,
                                          Makaurau                           differences in where they live,       learn, work and play improves their   Build strong stakeholder
                                                                             learn, work and play                  health                                relationships to support change
›› Harmful commodities                                                       By 2022, community voice informs      Obesity has become a significant      Drive for equity
                                                                             how we are planning, designing        health and community issue
                                                                             and delivering improved                                                     Incorporate community voice
                                                                             outcomes for the people of            The first 1000 days of development
›› Notifiable infectious diseases                                            Tāmaki Makaurau                       is critical for shaping outcomes in   Champion healthy environments
                                                                                                                   later life                            and public policy

                                                                                                                   Workplaces are no longer just
›› Leadership                                                                                                      an important setting, but are
                                                                                                                   considered a determinant of health

                                                                                                                   Strong collaborations with
Auckland Regional Public Health Service                                                                            common purpose drive change
Ratonga Hauora-ā-Iwi ō Tāmaki Makaurau
                                          Environmental   N EX T

About us
Strategic priorities

›› Live, learn, work and play

›› Environmental hazards

›› Harmful commodities

›› Notifiable infectious diseases

›› Leadership

Auckland Regional Public Health Service
Ratonga Hauora-ā-Iwi ō Tāmaki Makaurau
2017-2022                                                                                     Environmental hazards

                                          LONG TERM OUTCOME                                                        FOCUS           Influential partnerships for best outcomes
                                                                                                                                   Dynamic thriving team
                                                                                                                   AREAS           Use resources innovatively to grow with our
About us                                  People are protected from the                                                            communities

                                          impact of environmental hazards                                      WHAT’S              Enteric diseases          Waters and wastes
                                                                                                                                   Built environments        Hazardous substances
Strategic priorities                                                                                         INCLUDED              Border health             Environmental disease
                                                                                                                                   Burials and cremation

›› Live, learn, work and play
                                          BOL D GOAL                     WHAT WE D O                         W HY                                 HOW

›› Environmental hazards                  Build healthy, resilient       ARPHS will focus on the             Enteric disease management           Provide best practice for notification
                                          environments and communities   prevention and best practice        and prevention leads to healthier    and management of enteric
                                                                         management of environmental         communities                          diseases
                                                                                                             Reducing environmental hazards       Support control of public health
›› Harmful commodities                                                   ARPHS will work with communities    reduces harm in communities          hazards at the border
                                                                         to support the prevention of
                                                                         environmental hazards               Public health support and            Respond with action and advice to
                                                                                                             communication leads to more          reduce the impact of environmental
›› Notifiable infectious diseases                                        ARPHS will support the              resilient communities                disease
                                                                         management of high quality water
                                                                         and waste systems                                                        Collaborate with other organisations
                                                                                                                                                  to build a strong network of
›› Leadership                                                            ARPHS will maintain robust                                               support, advice and communication
                                                                         stakeholder management to
                                                                         support sustainable wellbeing for                                        Provide comprehensive and
                                                                         the people of Tāmaki Makaurau                                            sustainable surveillance and
Auckland Regional Public Health Service                                                                                                           reporting
Ratonga Hauora-ā-Iwi ō Tāmaki Makaurau
                                             Harmful    N EX T

About us
Strategic priorities

›› Live, learn, work and play

›› Environmental hazards

›› Harmful commodities

›› Notifiable infectious diseases

›› Leadership

Auckland Regional Public Health Service
Ratonga Hauora-ā-Iwi ō Tāmaki Makaurau
2017-2022                                                                                               Harmful commodities

                                          LONG TERM OUTCOME                                                              FOCUS           Leadership and effective partnerships
                                                                                                                                         Changing the culture of consumption
                                                                                                                         AREAS           Effective legislation, policy and enforcement
About us                                  People live free from the
                                          harms associated with harmful                                              WHAT’S              Smokefree
Strategic priorities                      commodities                                                              INCLUDED              Psychoactive substances

›› Live, learn, work and play
                                          BOL D GOAL                           WHAT WE D O                         W HY                                  HOW

›› Environmental hazards                  Reduce the availability and          ARPHS influences social discourse   Harmful commodities are some of       Build public support for change
                                          consumption of harmful               and policy decisions regarding      the leading causes of preventable
                                          commodities across Tāmaki            harmful commodities                 death and disease in New Zealand      Advocate for positive change in
                                          Makaurau, particularly in areas of                                                                             influential arenas
                                          high deprivation                     ARPHS contributes to healthy        Alcohol consumption is an
›› Harmful commodities                                                         public policy, regulatory and       important risk factor for more than   Provide comprehensive
                                                                               enforcement environments            60 different disorders, and has an    surveillance and reporting that is
                                                                                                                   estimated economic cost of            widely disseminated
                                                                                                                   $4.9 billion a year
›› Notifiable infectious diseases                                                                                                                        Leverage off regional and national
                                                                                                                   Each year about 1700 Aucklanders      opportunities to contribute to
                                                                                                                   die from smoking, and over 1000       Smokefree 2025
                                                                                                                   Auckland children start smoking
›› Leadership                                                                                                                                            Maximise the public health benefit
                                                                                                                   We have a legal responsibility to     of effective compliance strategies
                                                                                                                   enforce Government regulations        and actions
                                                                                                                   around alcohol, tobacco and
Auckland Regional Public Health Service                                                                            psychoactive substances
Ratonga Hauora-ā-Iwi ō Tāmaki Makaurau
                                          Notifiable   N EX T

About us
Strategic priorities                        diseases
›› Live, learn, work and play

›› Environmental hazards

›› Harmful commodities

›› Notifiable infectious diseases

›› Leadership

Auckland Regional Public Health Service
Ratonga Hauora-ā-Iwi ō Tāmaki Makaurau
2017-2022                                                                Notifiable infectious diseases

                                          LONG TERM OUTCOME                                                          FOCUS           Influential partnerships for best outcomes
                                                                                                                                     Innovative use of resources
                                                                                                                     AREAS           Dynamic thriving team
About us                                  People are protected from the
                                          harm of notifiable infectious                                          WHAT’S              Tuberculosis
                                                                                                                                     Notifiable infectious diseases
Strategic priorities                      diseases                                                             INCLUDED              Refugee health screening
                                                                                                                                     Vaccinator authorisations

›› Live, learn, work and play
                                          BOL D GOAL                     WHAT WE D O                           W HY                                 HOW

›› Environmental hazards                  Reduce notifiable infectious   ARPHS will focus on prevention        Reduced incidence of infectious      Provide best practice for
                                          diseases                       and best practice management          diseases leads to sustainable        notification and management of
                                                                                                               health and wellbeing                 notifiable infectious diseases
                                                                         ARPHS will develop and maintain
                                                                         collaborations with key partners to   Management of infectious             Support ‘up-stream’ activities to
›› Harmful commodities                                                   grow its knowledge base               diseases leads to fewer              reduce the incidence of notifiable
                                                                                                               hospitalisations, and reduces the    infectious diseases
                                                                         ARPHS will develop relationships      burden of illness in communities
                                                                         with social sector partners to                                             Monitor, report and undertake
›› Notifiable infectious diseases                                        enhance sustainable wellbeing for     Comprehensive sharing of             surveillance on infectious and
                                                                         the people of Tāmaki Makaurau         information equips people with       emerging diseases
                                                                                                               the tools to reduce harm and
                                                                                                               affect change                        Build collaborations to support
›› Leadership                                                                                                                                       excellence in infectious disease

Auckland Regional Public Health Service
Ratonga Hauora-ā-Iwi ō Tāmaki Makaurau
                                          Leadership   N EX T

About us

Strategic priorities

›› Live, learn, work and play

›› Environmental hazards

›› Harmful commodities

›› Notifiable infectious diseases

›› Leadership

Auckland Regional Public Health Service
Ratonga Hauora-ā-Iwi ō Tāmaki Makaurau
2017-2022                                                                                                                                   Leadership

                                          LONG TERM OUTCOME                                                          FOCUS           Impacting where it matters most
                                                                                                                                     Creating a thriving culture
                                          SUPPORTED BY                                                               AREAS           Efficient and influential services
About us
                                          Public health leadership,                                              WHAT’S              Informatics        Workforce
Strategic priorities                      sustainability and workforce                                         INCLUDED              Emergency
                                                                                                                                                        Policy            Infrastructure

                                          development                                                                                management         Communications Intelligence and

›› Live, learn, work and play
                                          BOL D GOAL                        WHAT WE D O                        W HY                                  HOW

›› Environmental hazards                  ARPHS is a champion of            ARPHS has systems, processes,      Robust systems, processes and         Active surveillance of public
                                          innovation, public health gain,   and infrastructure to support      infrastructure support public         health hazards and provision of
                                          equity and world class outcomes   public health gain                 health action                         relevant intelligence

                                                                            ARPHS is one team, thriving and    A thriving and high performing        Ensure robust and innovative
›› Harmful commodities                                                      high performing                    team enables ARPHS to                 systems, processes and
                                                                                                               competently work with the people      infrastructure
                                                                            ARPHS has meaningful               of Tāmaki Makaurau
                                                                            stakeholder engagement to make                                           Implement ARPHS’ people action
›› Notifiable infectious diseases                                           a positive difference where it     Strong stakeholder relationships      plan
                                                                            matters                            support public health action
                                                                                                                                                     Build meaningful stakeholder
                                                                            ARPHS undertakes horizon           ARPHS is responsible for providing    relationships supported by
›› Leadership                                                               scanning to address emerging       public health intelligence to         a stakeholder management
                                                                            public health issues and threats   inform public health action           framework

                                                                            ARPHS provides public health                                             Ensure actions to support equity
Auckland Regional Public Health Service                                     intelligence and reporting
Ratonga Hauora-ā-Iwi ō Tāmaki Makaurau
                                          OUR VISION: TE ORA Ō TĀMAKI MAKAURAU
                                          +64 (0) 9 623 4600    
                                           Level 3, Building 15, Cornwall Complex, Greenlane Clinical Centre, Auckland

About us

Strategic priorities

›› Live, learn, work and play

›› Environmental hazards

›› Harmful commodities

›› Notifiable infectious diseases

›› Leadership

Auckland Regional Public Health Service
Ratonga Hauora-ā-Iwi ō Tāmaki Makaurau
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