Strategic Monitoring " CLIMATE CHANGE IN AFRICA " - Africa Security Forum

Page created by Ralph Swanson
Strategic Monitoring " CLIMATE CHANGE IN AFRICA " - Africa Security Forum
Strategic Monitoring
      From May 11th to 17th 2020

                                   « CLIMATE CHANGE IN AFRICA »

                                   GEOSTRATEGIC RESEARCH AND STUDY CENTER
                                    RESEARCH AND STRATEGIC MONITORING UNIT


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Strategic Monitoring " CLIMATE CHANGE IN AFRICA " - Africa Security Forum

➢ East Africa faces triple crisis of Covid-19, locusts and floods

                        A year of exceptional       Africa just at the time of the Covid-19
                        rainfall, floods and        pandemic.
                        locust outbreaks is         The combination of these disasters is not
                        decreasing          the     random, as the floods, lake level and
   resilience of vulnerable populations in East     locusts can all been linked to climate

Source : (Link to the article)

➢ AFRICA: Desalination, now a key component of water supply strategies

                           Several African          new policy in favour of desalination stems
                           countries      are       from the scarcity of surface and
                                 increasingly       groundwater resources in some parts of
                           turning to non-          the continent. This water stress is caused
                                conventional        by climate change and human action on
   water resources such as desalination. This       rivers, streams, lakes and groundwater.

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Strategic Monitoring " CLIMATE CHANGE IN AFRICA " - Africa Security Forum

➢ African Group Responds to Postponement of COP 26

   The African Group of Negotiators on              emphasizes the vulnerability of African
   Climate Change (AGN) issued a response           countries to the negative impacts of climate
   to the decision to postpone the 26th             change, calls on developed countries to
   session of the Conference of the Parties         agree on a path forward to close the
   (COP 26) to the UNFCCC due to the global         climate finance gap in 2020, and stresses
   COVID-19      crisis.  The     statement         the importance of holding COP 27 in 2021.

Source : (Link to the article)

➢ Making every drop count in hydropower generation

                     Africa has the highest         concern raised is around how to take
                     percentage of untapped         advantage of this resource while taking into
                     technical      hydropower      account the effect of exploiting the
                     potential in the world, with   continent’s vast natural water supply.
                     only 11% being used. A

Source : (Link to the article)


                     Data     revealed     by       $12 million (Sh27.6 billion) annually, up
                     Tanzania’s       private       from zero five years ago.
                     sector      horticultural
                     apex body shows that           The Tanzania Horticultural Association
                     Avocado has become             (Taha), and the Avocado Catalogue 2020
                     the country’s latest           report, show that avocado exports jumped
   green gold, generating revenue of at least       from 1,877 tonnes in 2014 to 9,000 tonnes
                                                    in 2019..

Source : (Link to the article)

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Strategic Monitoring " CLIMATE CHANGE IN AFRICA " - Africa Security Forum

➢ Nedbank tables climate change resolutions for a vote

                       Nedbank has become           shareholder resolutions in its Notice of
                       the first company in         Annual General Meeting (AGM).
                       South      Africa      to    The move follows extensive engagement
                       proactively      include     with stakeholders, including investment
                       binding         climate-     organisation Just Share and Nedbank’s
                               change-related       shareholders, who will vote on these
                                                    resolutions at the bank’s AGM on 22 May.

Source : (Link to the article)

➢ Scientists create tool to forecast where East Africa’s devastating locusts will land next

                     A new generation of            scientists are using a sophisticated air
                     locusts is expected to         pollution model to anticipate where the
                     surge across East              destructive pests are being blown by the
                     Africa in June.                wind — and where they will strike next.
                     As a historic upsurge
   of desert locusts ravages East Africa,

Source : (Link to the article)

➢ MADAGASCAR: USAID and McCormick provide $3 million for biodiversity conservation

                       The U.S. Agency              suppliers of flavours, seasonings and
                      for International             spices, have contributed $3 million (more
                          Development               than 11.4 billion Madagascan ariarys) to
                      (USAID)      and              implement Madagascar's new biodiversity
                      McCormick      &              conservation project called "Sustainable
   Company, one of the world's leading              Vanilla for People and Nature (SVPN)".

Source : (Link to the article)

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Strategic Monitoring " CLIMATE CHANGE IN AFRICA " - Africa Security Forum

➢ Africa: COVID-19 Is Disrupting a Food Industry Already Thrown Into Turmoil By Climate

   Today's    COVID-19     pandemic    has           who today go hungry, almost 60 per cent of
   reinforced the critical role of rice in           them live in areas where rice consumption
   ensuring global food security while               accounts for over 40 per cent of their
   combating climate change.                         annual cereal diet. Paradoxically, it is often
                                                     those who grow food who are among the
   The world eats a lot of rice. Over 3.5 billion    world's most food-insecure. For over 100
   people rely on it as a staple part of their       million rice smallholders, rice is all that
   diet. The little grain is fundamental to global   stands between them and hunger.
   food security. Of the 820 million people

Source: (Link to the article)

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Strategic Monitoring " CLIMATE CHANGE IN AFRICA " - Africa Security Forum

➢ AfDB: ‘Apply climate change lessons to COVID-19 pandemic’

                           In an exclusive         investments towards supporting Africa’s
                          interview,      Dr       energy transition.
                          Anthony    Nyong,
                          Director        for      Dr Nyong was part of the expert future
                          Climate    Change        cities webinar during the Virtual African
                          and Green Growth         Utility Week and POWERGEN Africa on
   at the African Development Bank, shares         “Adopting new behaviours to influence
   his insights on climate change policies in      emissions across Africa”.
   Africa, as well as his role in steering

Source : (Link to the article)

➢ South Africa prepares to protect groundwater from coronavirus mass graves

   From building cemeteries away from              Accessing land that is environmentally safe
   human settlements to erecting fences            for mass graves is a long process, say
   around graves, South Africa is drawing up       environmental experts, warning that if the
   plans to protect the country's water supply     country's death toll spikes current
   from contamination if mass coronavirus          cemetery space won't suffice.
   burials become a necessity.

Source : (Link to the article)

➢ West Africa facing food crisis as coronavirus spreads

                       More than 43 million        Food insecurity could also double this year
                      people in west Africa        to affect 265 million people across the
                      are likely to be in          continent; west Africa, where the outbreak
                      urgent need of food          of the virus is most severe, is of increasing
                      assistance in the            concern.
   coming months – double the initial
   estimates – as the Covid-19 outbreak
   accelerates, the World Food Programme
   has said.

Source : (Link to the article)

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➢ A Plague of Ravenous Locusts Descends on East Africa, Jeopardizes Food Security

                     Weeks before most of            voracious locusts laid eggs, and now the
                    the world began to take          second wave, 20 times the size of the first
                    the spread of COVID-             group, is arriving. According to Locust
                    19 seriously, Africa was         Watch, “The current situation in East Africa
                    already threatened by            remains extremely alarming as more
   another plague, the biggest locust                swarms form and mature in northern and
   outbreak in the last 70 years. Locusts            central Kenya, southern Ethiopia, and
   swarmed into Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia,            probably in Somalia.”
   Uganda, and South Sudan in January and
   February this year. Those hordes of

Source : (Link to the article)

➢ African countries get new tool to predict climate-related disasters

    A new weather forecasting system in              The technology is already used in
   Africa allows meteorologists to track             developed countries but was not available
   approaching storms in real time, potentially      until recently in most of sub-Saharan
   saving lives from climate-related disasters,      Africa, according to scientists behind the
   scientists said on Monday.                        project at the University of Leeds..”

Source : (Link to the article)

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