Statistics of Real-World Hyperspectral Images
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To appear in the Proc. of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011. c 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. Statistics of Real-World Hyperspectral Images Ayan Chakrabarti and Todd Zickler Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 33 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138. {ayanc,zickler} Abstract arately considered the spectral statistics of point sam- ples [18, 21, 25], we consider the spatial and hyperspectral Hyperspectral images provide higher spectral resolu- dimensions jointly to uncover additional structure. Using a tion than typical RGB images by including per-pixel ir- new collection of fifty hyperspectral images captured with radiance measurements in a number of narrow bands of a time-multiplexed 31-channel camera, we evaluate differ- wavelength in the visible spectrum. The additional spectral ence choices of spatio-spectral bases for representing hy- resolution may be useful for many visual tasks, including perspectral image patches and find that a separable basis is segmentation, recognition, and relighting. Vision systems appropriate. Then, we characterize the statistical proper- that seek to capture and exploit hyperspectral data should ties of the coefficients in this basis and describe models that benefit from statistical models of natural hyperspectral im- capture these properties effectively. ages, but at present, relatively little is known about their structure. Using a new collection of fifty hyperspectral im- 2. Related Work ages of indoor and outdoor scenes, we derive an optimized Our work is motivated by successes in analyzing and “spatio-spectral basis” for representing hyperspectral im- modeling the statistical properties of grayscale images [1, age patches, and explore statistical models for the coeffi- 30, 39]. These models have proved valuable for infer- cients in this basis. ring accurate images from noisy and incomplete measure- ments, with applications in denoising [12, 28] and restora- 1. Introduction tion [4, 20]. These low-level statistics have also found use as building blocks for higher-level visual tasks such as seg- Most cameras capture three spectral measurements (red, mentation and object detection [7, 23, 36]. Our work is green, blue) to match human trichromacy, but there is ad- also motivated by studies of the joint spatial-color structure ditional information in the visible spectrum that can be ex- of trichromatic images (corresponding to human cone re- ploited by vision systems. Hyperspectral images, meaning sponses, or the standard RGB color space) [15, 19, 27, 32, those that provide a dense spectral sampling at each pixel, 38], which may have implications for tasks such as demo- have proven useful in many domains, including remote saicking for efficient RGB image capture [14, 16] and com- sensing [2, 3, 5, 22, 35], medical diagnosis [10, 29, 33], and putational color constancy [6, 37]. Our goal in this paper is biometrics [31], and it seems likely that they can simplify to develop models that are even more powerful by consider- the analysis of everyday scenes as well. ing hyperspectral data and by considering the joint statistics When developing vision systems that acquire and exploit of variations with respect to space and wavelength. hyperspectral imagery, we can benefit from knowledge of The present study is enabled by recent advances in hy- the underlying statistical structure. By modeling the inter- perspectral capture systems, which include those based dependencies that exist in the joint spatio-spectral domain, on spatial-multiplexing with generalized color filter ar- we should be able to build, for example, more efficient sys- rays [41], spatial-multiplexing with a prism [11], time- tems for capturing hyperspectral images and videos, and multiplexing with liquid crystal tunable filters [13, 17], perhaps better tools for visual tasks such as segmentation and time-multiplexing with varying illumination [24, 26]. and recognition. Prior to these advances, studies of real-world spectra have This paper seeks to establish the basic statistical struc- been limited to collections of point samples, such as those ture of hyperspectral images of “real-world” scenes, such collected by a spectrometer or spectroradiometer. These as offices, streetscapes, and parks, that we encounter in studies have suggested, for example, that the spectral re- everyday life. Unlike previous analyses, which have sep- flectances of “real-world” materials are smooth functions
1 Sensitivity 0 420 570 720 Band Wavelength (nm) Figure 1. Hyperspectral Database of “real-world” images. Each image has a spatial resolution of 1392 × 1040 with thirty-one spectral measurements at each pixel. Left: Camera sensitivity for each wavelength band. Right: Typical images of indoor and outdoor scenes from the database, rendered in sRGB. that can be represented with 6-8 principal components [19, of the effective filters. The camera is equipped with an apo- 21, 25] (or a suitable sparse code [18]), and that the spectra chromatic lens (CoastalOpt UV-VIS-IR 60mm Apo Macro, of daylight and other natural illuminants can be represented Jenoptik Optical Systems, Inc.) and in all cases we used with even fewer principal components [40]. Our goal in the the smallest viable aperture setting. The combination of the present study is to move beyond point samples, and to in- apo-chromatic lens and the avoidance of a mechanical filter vestigate variations in spectral distributions within spatial wheel allows us to acquire images that are largely void of neighborhoods. chromatic aberration and mis-alignment. To avoid contam- We expect that accurate statistical models will aid in inating the statistics by having different per-band noise lev- the design of efficient hyperspectral acquisition systems. els, we did not vary the exposure time across bands or nor- Many proposed acquisition methods seek to reconstruct full malize the captured bands with respect to sensitivity. All re- spectral images from a reduced set of measurements based sults in the following sections must therefore be interpreted on assumptions about the underlying statistics [26, 41]. relative to the camera sensitivity function. However, the Such methods are likely to benefit from accurate statistical appendix includes a discussion on statistics computed after models that are learned from real-world hyperspectral data. normalizing for the sensitivity. These models may also prove useful for other applications, Due to the use of small apertures and the low transmit- such as relighting, segmentation, and recognition. tance of individual bands, the total acquisition times for an Other hyperspectral datasets that are related to that intro- entire image (i.e., all wavelength bands) are high and vary duced here include those of Hordley et al. [17] and Yasuma from fifteen seconds to over a minute. Accordingly, all im- et al. [41]. These datasets include 22 and 32 hyperspec- ages were captured using a tripod and by ensuring mini- tral images, respectively, and they are focused on objects mal movement in the scene. In the interest of having a di- captured with controlled illuminants in laboratory environ- verse dataset, we have captured images with movement in ments. More related is the database of 25 hyperspectral im- some regions— but these regions (and other areas affected ages of outdoor urban and rural scenes captured by Foster by dust, etc.) are masked out manually before analysis. We et al. [13]. A primary aim of our work has been to capture note that as a result, any regions with people in the captured and analyze a larger database that includes both indoor and scenes are masked out, and our analysis does not include outdoor scenes. samples of human skin tones. 3. Hyperspectral Image Database The captured dataset includes images of both indoor and outdoor scenes featuring a diversity of objects, materials To enable an empirical analysis of the joint spatio- and scale (see Fig. 1 for a few example images rendered spectral statistics of real-world hyperspectral scenes, we in sRGB). We believe the database to be a representative collected a database of fifty images under daylight illu- sample of real-world images, capturing both pixel-level ma- mination, both outdoors and indoors, using a commercial terial statistics and spatial interactions induced by texture hyperspectral camera (Nuance FX, CRI Inc.) The camera and shading effects. In addition to the analysis here, these uses an integrated liquid crystal tunable filter and is capable images may be useful “ground truth” to design and evalu- of acquiring a hyperspectral image by sequentially tuning ate methods for acquisition and vision tasks. We have also the filter through a series of thirty-one narrow wavelength captured twenty-five additional images taken under artificial bands, each with approximately 10nm bandwidth and cen- and mixed illumination, and while these are not used for the tered at steps of 10nm from 420nm to 720nm. Figure 1 (left) analysis presented in this work, they are being made avail- shows the relative sensitivity of the camera for each wave- able to the community along with the fifty natural illumina- length band, accounting for both the quantum-efficiency of tion images. The entire database is available for download the 12-bit grayscale sensor and the per-band transmittance at
−0.1 1 σj2 )j P 2 log10 (σi2 / −3 −4 3 −5 1 13 43 122 200 Principal Component i 4 Figure 2. General basis for 8 × 8 hyper-spectral patches learned across the database. Left: most significant basis vectors (in read- ing order) rendered in RGB. Right: variance of the coefficients for 5 the first 200 basis vectors. The variance decays rapidly indicating 420 470 520 570 620 670 720 that a small proportion of components are sufficient for accurate Wavelength (nm) reconstruction. Figure 3. Learned separable basis, with most significant spatial components {Sj } (left) and spectral components {Ck } (right). 4. Spatio-Spectral Representation The overall basis vectors for a patch are then given by Sj [n]Ck [l], In this section, we explore efficient representations for ever pair (j, k). for hyperspectral images. As is common practice with grayscale and RGB images, we first divide the entire im- set, meaning one in which every Vi can be decomposed into age into patches and consider the properties of each patch a Cartesian product of separate spatial and spectral compo- independently. Let X[n, l] be a random P × P hyperspec- nents. Notationally, we write Vi [n, l] = Sj [n]Ck [l], where tral image patch, where n ∈ {1, . . . P }2 and l ∈ {1, . . . 31} 2 index pixel location and spectral band respectively. For the {Sj }P 31 j=1 and {Ck }k=1 are orthonormal bases spanning the rest of the paper, we choose the patch size P = 8, but the re- space of monochrome P × P spatial patches and the space sults and conclusions from different choices of P are quali- of 31-channel spectral distributions, respectively. Note that tatively the same. by construction the components {Vi } formed by different Since X is high-dimensional, we seek a representation combinations of Sj and Ck also form an orthonormal ba- that allows analysis in terms of a smaller number of com- sis. Again, we use PCA to learn {Sj }j from monochrome ponents. Formally, we wish to find an optimal orthonormal patches pooled across all bands and {Ck }k from the spec- basis set {Vi } and express X in terms of scalar coefficients tral distributions at individual pixels. The combined spatio- xi as spectral basis vectors are then formed as Sj [n]Ck [l], for all X pairs of j and k. X[n, l] = µ[n, l] + xi Vi [n, l], (1) Figure 3 shows the first few spatial and spectral compo- i nents, {Sj } and {Ck }, learned in this manner. The spatial where xi = hX − µ, Vi i, and µ is the “mean patch”. components correspond to a DCT-like basis used commonly We begin by learning a set of general basis vectors us- for modeling grayscale images, with S1 corresponding to ing principal component analysis (PCA) on patches cropped the “DC” component. The spectral components in turn re- from images in the database. Figure 2 shows the top twenty semble a Fourier basis scaled by the camera’s sensitivity components rendered in RGB, as well as the variance for function (see Fig. 1). the top 200 components. We see that the first two Vi essen- In Fig. 4, we compare this learned separable basis to the tially correspond to spatially-constant “DC” components one derived with general PCA in terms of the relative re- with distinct spectral variation, followed by vertical and construction error horizontal derivative components. We also find that there is a sharp fall off in variance indicating that X can be de- (i) = log10 (E|X − X0:i |2 /E|X|2 ), (2) scribed accurately by a relatively small number of coeffi- cients. Indeed, the first 20 basis vectors (out of a total of where X0:i is the estimate of X reconstructed using only nearly 2000) account for 99% of the total variance. the first i components. A wavelet-based separable basis, with the spatial components {Sj } corresponding to Haar 4.1. Separable Basis Components wavelets, is also included for comparison. We see that We observe that the basis set in Fig. 2 has sets of vectors the error curves of the general and learned separable bases with similar spatial patterns but different spectra or “col- match almost exactly, indicating that the separable basis is ors”. Therefore, we explore the utility of a “separable” basis equally efficient.
Spatial Comp. Sj Spectral Comp. Ck 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 2 2 14 3 5 4 8 Figure 6. Top fifteen separable components Vi expressed in terms of combinations of the spatial and spectral components Sj and Ck . Note that combinations of the first spectral component C1 with various Sj often rank higher than the combinations of S1 (i.e. DC) Figure 4. Comparison of different spatio-spectral basis sets in with Ck , k > 1. This figure illustrates the relative importance of terms relative reconstruction error using a limited number of com- spatial to spectral resolution in terms of accurately representing a ponents. The figure compares a general basis set to one restricted hyperspectral image. to having separable spatial and spectral components. The sepa- rable basis has near identical reconstruction error to the general −4 −4 basis, indicating that it is equally efficient. A separable set with −5 −5 Harr wavelets as the spatial basis is also shown for comparison. −6 log p(x) −6 −7 −1 −7 S1 −8 Log-variance in Sj Ck S2 −8 −2 −9 S 3 −9 −10 S4 −3 S5 −10 −11 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 −4 x11 x12 Figure 7. Empirical histograms for DC coefficients correspond- −5 ing to different spectral components. In addition to having high −6 variance, these coefficients show comparatively less structure than those corresponding to higher spatial components (see Fig. 8). −7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Spectral Component Ck Figure 5. Variances in combinations with different spectral com- 5.1. Modeling Individual Coefficients ponents, for the first five spatial components. The horizontal grid lines correspond to the values of the DC component S1 . Note that Let xjk be the coefficient of X in the basis component the different Si have similar decays along the spectral dimension. Sj [n]Ck [l]. We begin by looking at empirical distributions of the “DC” coefficients x1k in Fig. 7. We find that these We next look at the variance along these separable com- distributions differ qualitatively from those of the other co- ponents in Fig. 5, which compares the variance for the efficients (see Fig. 8), and exhibit comparatively less struc- top spatial components when combined with each of the ture. In applications with grayscale and RGB images, DC top spectral components. We note that the total variance (or “scaling”) coefficients are found to be poorly described in the different spatial components is distributed in sim- by standard probability distributions and are often simply ilar proportions along the spectral dimension. Figure 6 modeled as being uniform [6, 28], and the same could be provides another look at the variances of different compo- done here. nents, and shows the relative ordering of the separable bases The statistics of the higher spatial coefficients Sj [n]Ck [l] in terms of variance. Only the top fifteen sepa- (xjk for j > 1) are more interesting. Figure 8 shows rable components are shown for clarity of display. Note empirical distributions of x21 and x22 (the second spatial that combinations of the first spectral component with vari- component). We see that these distributions are zero-mean, ous spatial components have higher variance than the latter uni-modal, symmetric, and more kurtotic than a Gaussian spectral components. distribution with the same variance, with heavier tails and a higher probability mass near zero. This matches intuition 5. Coefficient Models from grayscale and RGB image analysis that higher spatial Having identified a separable spatio-spectral basis we sub-band coefficients are “sparse”. now explore statistical models for coefficients in this basis. We use a finite mixture of zero-mean Gaussians to model We look at distributions for each coefficient individually, as the distribution of these coefficients. Gaussian mixture well as joint models for different spectral coefficients along models have been used for various applications with rea- the same spatial basis. sonable success [8, 28], and they have the advantage of al-
−2 −2 Histogram k’=2 Gaussian 0.025 −3 −3 Gaussian−Mixture k’=3 k’=4 [Other spectral coefficients] −4 −4 log p(x) −5 0.02 −5 σ2k0 |z21 (z) −6 −6 0.015 −7 −7 −8 −8 0.01 −9 −9 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 −0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02 x21 x22 0.005 Figure 8. Distributions of different spectral coefficients corre- sponding to the second spatial component. The empirical distri- 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 butions (shown in black) are uni-modal, symmetric, and heavier- tailed than a Gaussian distribution with the same variance (shown σ21,z [First Spectral Coefficient] in red for comparison). They are well-modeled by a mixture of Figure 9. Relationship between the variances of different spectral eight Gaussians (shown in blue). coefficients {x2k } for the same spatial basis S2 . We find that when x21 belongs to a mixture component having higher standard devi- ation σ21,z (horizontal axis), the other spectral components x2k0 lowing tractable inference. We define have higher standard deviations σ2k0 |z21 (z) (vertical axis) as well. This implies that the different spectral coefficients are not inde- Z X pendent, because if they were, these curves would be horizontal. 2 p(xjk ) = p(zjk = z)N xjk |0, σjk,z , (3) z=1 where p(zjk = z|xijk ) is computed for every training coef- where zjk ∈ {1, . . . Z} is a latent index variable indicating ficient as that xjk is distributed as a Gaussian with the corresponding 2 p(zjk = z)N (xijk |0, σjk,z 2 ) variance σjk,z . Without loss of generality, we assume that p(zjk = z|xijk ) = P . (5) the mixture components are sorted by increasing variance. z0 p(zjk = z 0 )N (xijk |0, σjk,z 2 0) 2 The model parameters {p(zjk = z), σjk,z }z are es- Figure 9 shows these variances for different coefficients timated from the database using Expectation Maximiza- x2k0 conditioned on the mixture index z21 for the first spec- tion (EM) [9], and in practice we find that a mixture of 8 tral coefficient, and compares them to the corresponding Gaussians (i.e., Z = 8) provides accurate fits to the em- 2 mixture component variances σ21,z . We see that the dif- pirical distributions for all coefficients. These fits for the ferent spectral coefficients are indeed related. When the coefficients x21 and x22 are shown in Fig. 8. first spectral coefficient x21 belongs to a mixture compo- 5.2. Joint Models nent having higher variance, the expected variances of the other spectral coefficients {x2k0 } increase as well. Since the spatio-spectral basis vectors have been esti- To capture this relationship, we update the model in mated through PCA, it follows that xjk and xjk0 will be (3) by including a joint distribution p({zjk }k ) on the mix- uncorrelated for k 6= k 0 , i.e. E(xjk xjk0 ) = 0. However, ture indices corresponding to different spectral coefficients given the model for individual coefficients in (3), this does along the same spatial basis as not necessarily imply that they will be independent. In- X Y deed, different spatial coefficients at the same spatial loca- p({xjk }k ) = p({zjk = zk }k ) N (xjk |0, σjk,zk ). tion in grayscale images are known to be related [8]. We z1 ,z2 ,... k now demonstrate that different spectral coefficients along (6) the same spatial basis are also mutually dependent, and pro- To fit this model, we first learn {p(zjk = z), σjk,z } for pose a model that encodes these dependencies. each coefficient xjk individually as before, and then we es- We begin by examining whether knowing the value of timate the joint distribution of the indices p({zjk }k ) from the mixture index zjk carries any information about the the training patches {X i } as statistics of the coefficient xjk0 for a different spectral XY component k 0 along the same spatial basis j. We define p({zjk = zk }k ) ∝ p(zjk = zk |xijk ). (7) 2 i k σjk 0 |z jk (z) to be the variance of xjk0 conditioned on the mixture index zjk being z, and estimate it from a set of Having fit this model, we can use the learned joint dis- training patches {X i } from the database, as tribution of the mixture indices p({zjk }k ) to reason about the relationships between the corresponding coefficients p(zjk = z|xijk )(xijk0 )2 P 2 i {xjk }k . Figure 10 shows the estimated conditional distribu- σjk 0 |z (z) = i , (4) tions p(z2k0 |z2k ) for different pairs of spectral coefficients P i p(zjk = z|xjk ) jk
0.5 0 p(z22 = z|z21 = z1 ) p(z23 = z|z21 = z1 ) p(z23 = z|z22 = z2 ) 0.5 z1 = 1 0.5 z1 = 1 z2 = 1 z1 = 4 z1 = 4 z2 = 4 k=1 0.4 0.4 ) 0.4 z1 = 8 z1 = 8 z2 = 8 −5 log(σ2k,z k=2 p(z22) p(z23) p(z23) k=3 0.3 0.3 2 0.3 −10 0.2 0.2 0.2 −15 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 −20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 z z z z Figure 10. Conditional distributions of the mixture indices p(z2k0 |z2k ) for different pairs of spectral coefficients along the same spatial 2 basis S2 . The corresponding mixture component variances σ2k,z are also shown for reference. Knowing the value of the mixture index z2k for one spectral coefficient changes the distribution of the index z2k0 , corresponding to a different spectral coefficient, from the marginal distribution p(z2k0 ) (shown with dotted black line for comparison). Broadly, these graphs suggest that higher/lower magnitudes of one coefficient make higher/lower magnitudes respectively for other coefficients, along the same spectral basis, more likely. along the spatial basis S2 . As expected, these distributions when estimating “clean” hyperspectral images from obser- are different from the marginal distribution p(z2k0 ) (also vations degraded by noise, blur, chromatic aberration, etc. shown for comparison). We find that conditioned on the The database can be also used as “ground truth” to evaluate mixture index z2k having a value corresponding to higher different strategies for these applications. mixture component variance, the index z2k0 for a differ- This paper presents a first look at spatio-spectral statis- ent spectral coefficient x2k0 is more likely to correspond to tics and representations for hyperspectral images. Future higher variance mixture component as well, which is con- work will include studying the statistics of specific classes sistent with our observations in Fig. 9. Therefore, observ- of objects or regions in hyperspectral images, and leverag- ing a high magnitude value for one coefficient makes a high ing these for vision applications. In addition to hyperspec- value for another spectral coefficient along the same spatial tral object models for recognition, understanding the differ- basis more likely. This joint model can be exploited during ence in the statistics of homogenous regions with variations inference, for example, when estimating a hyperspectral im- due to shading relative to that of regions that include mate- age from noisy or incomplete observations. rial boundaries may be useful for segmentation and recov- ering “intrinsic images” [34]. 6. Discussion Other avenues of future research include looking at rep- resentations derived using more sophisticated techniques In this work, we analyzed the joint spatial and spec- such as independent component analysis and fields of ex- tral statistics of hyperspectral images using a new database perts [30], with the choice of representation likely to be of real-world scenes. We found that a separable ba- geared towards specific vision tasks. We shall also explore sis, composed of independent spatial and spectral compo- using sparse codes, which have been previously proposed to nents, serves as an efficient representation for hyperspectral describe spatial and spectral components independently in patches, and we studied the relative variance in these com- hyperspectral images [26]. Our observation about the mu- ponents. We then explored the statistical properties of coef- tual dependence between spectral coefficients for different ficients in this basis and found that higher-frequency spatial spatial bands suggests that it would be useful to consider components are accurately described by Gaussian mixture joint spatio-spectral coding strategies. models. We also established that for the same spatial sub- band, different spectral coefficients are mutually dependent, Appendix: Camera-independent Statistics and we described a joint distribution for mixture indices for different coefficients that encodes these dependencies. As noted earlier, the analysis in the paper is performed A natural application of the statistical characterization relative to the camera’s sensitivity function shown in Fig. 1. described in this paper is in hyperspectral imaging. Ac- Since this function is known, it is possible to compute the quisition systems should be constructed to exploit the in- corresponding statistics for hyperspectral images captured terdependencies and correlations between different compo- by a different device with a different sensitivity, after mak- nents so that they can efficiently acquire hyperspectral im- ing appropriate assumptions about the observation noise in ages with fewer measurements. General color filter array the database. As a specific case of this, we look at proper- patterns (such as those proposed in [41]) can be designed ties of images captured by a hypothetical camera that has to trade off spatial and spectral accuracy based on the rel- a flat sensitivity function. These can be interpreted as the ative variances of different components, and reconstruction properties of the underlying scene itself, without varying methods can use the joint coefficient models during esti- attenuation applied to the different wavelength bands. mation. Similarly, these statistics are likely to be useful Formally, we relate the captured hyperspectral patch
comparison, the first three eigen-vectors {Ctk }2k=0 account 1 for 99.14% of the total variation. However, it is important to remember that human cone responses (as with any set 2 of sensors) are restricted to have non-negative responses at all wavelengths. Also, the human visual system is likely to 3 have evolved in different environments, and to be optimal for discriminative tasks that need not require capturing all 4 the spectral variation. 5 Acknowledgments 420 470 520 570 620 670 720 Wavelength (nm) We wish to thank the reviewers for their useful suggestions, and Figure 11. Basis vectors for hyperspectral patches from a camera Prof. David Brainard and Prof. Keigo Hirakawa for several insight- with uniform sensitivity. Left: Most significant joint basis vectors, ful discussions. We would also like to acknowledge CRI Inc. for rendered in sRGB. Right: Spectral basis vectors {Ctk } that, com- their technical support during this project, Brad Seiler for prelim- bined with the spatial vectors {Sj } in Fig. 3, define an efficient inary tests with the liquid crystal tunable filter, and Colleen Glenn separable basis. and Siyu Wang for their assistance in collecting the database. Funding for this project was provided by the US Army Research Laboratory and the US Army Research Office under contract/grant X[n, l] to the true un-attenuated version Xt [n, l] as number 54262-CI, as well as the National Science Foundation un- der Career award IIS-0546408. X[n, l] = s[l]Xt [n, l] + z[n, l], (8) References where s[·] is the known camera sensitivity, and z[·] is ob- servation noise. Following the analysis in Sec. 4, we [1] R. Baddeley, P. Hancock, and L. Smith. Principal compo- nents of natural images. Network, 3:61–70, 1992. 1 seek to find the optimal basis for Xt through an eigen- [2] E. Belluco, M. Camuffo, S. Ferrari, L. Modenese, S. Sil- decomposition of the covariance matrix EXt XtT . We as- i.i.d vestri, A. Marani, and M. Marani. Mapping salt-marsh veg- sume white Gaussian noise, z[n, l] ∼ N (0, σz2 ), which etation by multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing. gives us the following relation between the covariances of Remote sensing of environment, 105(1):54–67, 2006. 1 X and Xt : [3] M. Borengasser, W. Hungate, and R. Watkins. Hyperspectral remote sensing: principles and applications. CRC, 2008. 1 EXt2 [n, l] = s−2 [l] EX 2 [n, l] − σz2 , [4] J. Cai, H. Ji, C. Liu, and Z. Shen. Blind motion deblurring EXt [n, l]Xt [n0 , l0 ] = s−1 [l]s−1 [l0 ]EX[n, l]X[n0 , l0 ], from a single image using sparse approximation. In Proc. CVPR, 2009. 1 if n 6= n0 or l 6= l0 . (9) [5] A. Castrodad, Z. Xing, J. Greer, E. Bosch, L. Carin, and G. Sapiro. Discriminative Sparse Representations in Hyper- We use the values of EXX T estimated from our database, spectral Imagery. In Proc. ICIP, 2010. 1 and we set the noise variance σz2 to be equal to half of its [6] A. Chakrabarti, K. Hirakawa, and T. Zickler. Color con- lowest eigen-value, i.e., half the variance along the least sig- stancy beyond bags of pixels. In Proc. CVPR, 2008. 1, 4 nificant basis vector. We can now compute the covariance [7] H. Choi and R. Baraniuk. Multiscale image segmentation matrix for Xt , and the optimal basis vectors thus obtained using wavelet-domain hidden Markov models. IEEE Trans. through PCA are shown in Fig. 11 (left). Imag. Proc., 10(9):1309–1321, 2002. 1 Since X was shown in Sec. 4 to be represented effi- [8] M. Crouse, R. Nowak, and R. Baraniuk. Wavelet-based sta- ciently using a separable basis and the camera sensitivity tistical signal processing using hidden Markov models. IEEE is the same for all pixels, it follows that the basis for Xt Trans. Sig. Proc., 46(4):886–902, 1998. 4, 5 is also separable, and composed of the same spatial basis [9] A. Dempster, N. Laird, and D. Rubin. Maximum likelihood {Sj [n]} as for X and a spectral basis {Ctk [l]} shown in from incomplete data via the EM algorithm. J. of the Royal Fig. 11 (right). As expected, from comparing Fig. 11 to Stat. Soc. B, 39(1):1–38, 1977. 5 [10] D. Dicker, J. Lerner, P. Van Belle, S. Barth, D. Guerry, et al. Fig. 3, we find that spectral basis vectors {Ctk [l]} for Xt Differentiation of normal skin and melanoma using high res- represent an orthogonalized version of {s−1 [l]Ck [l]}. olution hyperspectral imaging. Cancer biology & therapy, Finally, we use our estimates of the covariance matrix of 5(8):1033, 2006. 1 Xt to explore how efficient the human cone responses are [11] H. Du, X. Tong, X. Cao, and S. Lin. A prism-based system at capturing the variance in the scenes in our database. We for multispectral video acquisition. In Proc. ICCV, 2009. 1 find that the sub-space spanned by the CIE XYZ vectors [12] M. Elad and M. Aharon. Image denoising via sparse and (designed to match the spectral response of human visual redundant representations over learned dictionaries. IEEE system) account for 77.22% of the total variance in Xt . In Trans. Imag. Proc., 15(12):3736–3745, 2006. 1
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