Page created by Marvin Jenkins
G45 SOI (2019)

                                                                                                                                                             OF INTENT

ISSN 1177-8016 (Print)

Disclaimer: This document only contains general information and is not formal advice. The New Zealand Government and its associated agencies (‘the
New Zealand Government’) do not endorse or warrant the accuracy, reliability or fitness for any purpose of any information provided. It is recommended
that you seek independent advice on any matter related to the use of the information. In no event will the New Zealand Government be liable for any loss
or damage whatsoever arising from the use of the information. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein, the
New Zealand Government, its officers, employees and agents accept no liability for any errors or omissions or any opinion expressed, and no responsibility
is accepted with respect to the standing of any firms, companies or individuals mentioned.                                                    JUNE 2019
                               02   Foreword

                               05   Our journey so far

                               06   Our context

                               10   Our strategy

                               11      Our purpose

                               11      Know-how and know-who

                               12      Kāhu

                               14   Our operating models

                               23   One Global Team

                               24   Organisational health: People and capability

                               26   Measuring our performance

                               27   NZTE’s Performance Framework

                               28   NZTE’s international network

Our purpose is to grow
companies internationally
— bigger, better, faster —
for the good of New Zealand.
         As a small country with a domestic market of just under 4.8 million people                             good progress on building and aligning our                                                    Our Kāhu strategy is underpinned by the

         located at the edge of the world, New Zealand needs to think and act globally                          operating models, culture, and capabilities                                                   concept of mastery, and also by innovation.
                                                                                                                with our customers’ needs, and this has come                                                  A more competitive and complex international
         in order to be economically and socially sustainable. New Zealand depends
                                                                                                                through in the results we have achieved with the                                              environment demands more of New Zealand
         on trade and investment for our prosperity, so we need to help companies go
                                                                                                                completion of our recent ‘Ascent’ programme.                                                  business and of NZTE to help them grow into
         international, and to attract the capital required to support our economy.                                                                                                                           those markets and secure funding. It requires
                                                                                                                We know however, that the world doesn’t stand
                                                                                                                                                                                                              both excellence in our core disciplines that we
                                                                                                                still, and neither should our strategy. We have
         Trade, investment and innovation have a vital       purpose is to grow companies internationally                                                                                                     apply to help our customers, and in developing
                                                                                                                recently refreshed our strategy and put in place
         role to play in meeting the Government’s            – bigger, better and faster – for the good of                                                                                                    innovative ways of delivering value, including
                                                                                                                the next phase of our improvement journey.
         vision of building a productive, sustainable        New Zealand.                                                                                                                                     through digitalisation. Of course, at the heart
                                                                                                                Our new Kāhu strategy builds on the success
         and inclusive economy. The Government                                                                                                                                                                of our strategy are our people, and through
                                                             We see ourselves as an instrument in               of the Ascent programme by continuing to
         has underlined the importance of building                                                                                                                                                            inspiring them and their relationships with
                                                             the fundamental diversification of the             refine, and evolve, the development of our
         exports and export led growth as part of its                                                                                                                                                         our customers, and by providing the right
                                                             New Zealand economy over recent decades,           existing operating models. This underpins
         economic strategy. This is focussed on moving                                                                                                                                                        knowledge and tools, we will to continue to
                                                             from commodities to value-add, and across          our commitment to meeting our two top
         from volume to value in our traditional export                                                                                                                                                       create and deliver value for our customers.
                                                             a broader range of geographic markets. Our         line performance measures of helping our
         industries, and especially on growing more
                                                             small domestic market, and often relatively        Focus700 customers continue to achieve                                                        For us this is our core purpose: growing
         value from our primary sector while protecting
                                                             weak international connectivity have hindered      revenue growth of 3 percentage points over                                                    companies internationally – bigger, better, faster –
         the environment. It is also about leveraging
                                                             New Zealand’s economic productivity and            and above a New Zealand export revenue                                                        for the good of New Zealand.
         new opportunities to help lift productivity and
                                                             performance. We see NZTE as having a key           benchmark per year1; and investment impact of
         exports, and those that are linked to higher-
                                                             role to help bridge those gaps for the good        $2 billion per year2.
         value and more sustainable land use. Many of
                                                             of New Zealand. We need internationally            1 International Revenue Growth for our portfolio of Focus700 customers with revenue
Through our successive improvement programmes NZTE has focussed on particular areas to add more
value to our customers. The two most recent improvement programmes, ‘Impact’ and Ascent’, have
resulted in significant improvements in both export and investment outcomes.

Our current Kāhu strategy builds on these gains to take both NZTE and our customers forward to help
grow New Zealand.


  With NZTE’s
  help, our Export
  customers achieved
                                                                                   $  1.7b
                                                                                   EXPORT DEALS
                                                                                                                       GROWTH OUTCOMES

  Our Focus700
  customers rate
  us highly
                                                                                   63%                                 +69
                                                                                                                       NET PROMOTER
                                                                                   Say that NZTE has put them in a
                                                                                   STRONGER POSITION TO                SCORE
                                                                                   GROW INTERNATIONALLY


  Investment impact
  we achieved for
  New Zealand
                                                                               $     800m 57
                                                                               INVESTMENT DEALS                      INVESTMENT DEALS

  Quality of investment
                                                                               $     2.3b                            1 : 2.8
                                                                               INVESTMENT BENEFIT                    RATIO OF DEALS TO
                                                                                                                     ECONOMIC BENEFIT

3 This was a growth margin of 9.2% above the Export Sector Benchmark in 2017/18.

OUR CONTEXT                                                                                                                         the growing focus on sustainability that is an
                                                                                                                                             emerging theme, albeit to different degrees in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 With the focus of the Government’s Economic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Strategy on a more productive, sustainable
                                                                                                                                             different markets. With all these trends, what                                      and inclusive New Zealand, diversifying and
         Who we are                                                                     The broader environment                              sort of capabilities will our customers require                                     growing our export base will continue to be a
         NZTE is the New Zealand government’s                                           The global environment is fluid and complex          of us as they look to access global markets?                                        vital contributor to New Zealand’s economic
         international business development agency.                                     and becoming increasingly so. At a geopolitical      What sort of business models and market entry                                       and social wellbeing into the future. This will
                                                                                        level, we are continuing to see some of the          strategies will work best, and what does this                                       underpin a modern productive economy that
         Established under the New Zealand Trade and
                                                                                        major global shifts that we identified in our last   mean for NZTE, and the skills and capabilities                                      creates growth within ecological limits. The
         Enterprise Act 2003, our role is to “support
                                                                                        Statement of Intent continue to play out. While      we require, and the way in which we work with                                       Government’s Trade for All Agenda aims to
         the development of internationally competitive
                                                                                        trade tensions and the rise of protectionism         our customers?                                                                      ensure that all New Zealanders benefit from
         New Zealand business”. NZTE helps companies
                                                                                        have tended to dominate recent headlines, there                                                                                          trade, and this objective is being supported by
         to grow internationally through the application                                                                                     So, what does this mean for New Zealand
                                                                                        are also other structural forces at play that are                                                                                        modern trade agreements.
         of the ‘know-how’ (knowledge and experience)                                                                                        exporters? It means that the environment
                                                                                        fundamentally changing the way the global
         of our One Global Team, and the ‘know-who’                                                                                          they must navigate is even more complicated,                                        This underlines the importance of economic
                                                                                        economy operates. These major global forces
         to make the right connections at the right time                                                                                     complex and changeable. In helping our                                              cooperation and forums like APEC, which
                                                                                        or ‘megatrends’ at work include the rise of the
         along the way. As well as our connections with                                                                                      customers operate in this environment, specialist                                   New Zealand is hosting in 2020. As the
                                                                                        digital economy, and the new technologies
         New Zealand businesses and international                                                                                            know-how and know-who has become more                                               government seeks to expand its network of
                                                                                        and business models that are disrupting and
         markets, we leverage our connectivity                                                                                               important than ever. It is vital for both preparing                                 Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), New Zealand
                                                                                        reshaping established global value chains. The
         across both central and local government in                                                                                         companies for internationalisation, and in                                          remains focussed on supporting the World
                                                                                        growth of goods trade is slowing, and services
         New Zealand, to help our customers, and to                                                                                          helping them navigate, access and succeed in                                        Trade Organisation (WTO) and rules-based
                                                                                        trade is also growing in importance. The role
         support export and investment growth for the                                                                                        global markets. This focus on going deeper and                                      system that underpins international trade. As
                                                                                        of China, and other East Asian and developing
         good of the country.                                                                                                                working more intensively with our customers is a                                    part of the changing global trade architecture,
                                                                                        economies as they have grown and matured, are
                                                                                                                                             central underpinning of our Kāhu strategy.                                          New Zealand is supporting exporters through
         Our know-how and know-who is expressed                                         also reshaping patterns of production and trade.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 progressive and regionally based free trade
         in our Māori name: Te Taurapa Tūhono. Te                                       Consumption patterns of global consumers are
                                                                                                                                             Export and investment growth                                                        agreements. The recent entry into force of the
         Taurapa is the stern post of a traditional Māori                               changing and there is growing recognition of
                                                                                                                                             for the good of New Zealand                                                         Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement
         waka, which records valuable knowledge, and                                    the environment and social limits of growth.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) provides
         stabilises and guides the craft forward. Tūhono                                Expansionary monetary and fiscal policy              Exports
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 improved access for New Zealand businesses
         represents connections to people and an ability                                settings and a low interest rate environment         Traditionally, New Zealand’s trade has been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 into important markets around the Pacific rim
         to build relationships.                                                        remain a hangover from the Global Financial          focussed on commodity exports like dairy and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 that account for 30 percent of our goods and
                                                                                        Crisis. Of course, the speed with which change is    wool. We’ve been hampered by our distance
         As a Crown Entity, we are governed by a board                                                                                                                                                                           services exports. These sorts of agreements
                                                                                        occurring adds yet another layer of complexity       from major markets, and the small scale of
         of directors. Our Board provides governance                                                                                                                                                                             also provide an opportunity to diversify away
                                                                                        to the global operating environment which            New Zealand companies also makes it hard
         over our strategy and future operating                                                                                                                                                                                  from our traditional trading partners and be
                                                                                        New Zealand companies must navigate. With            to compete internationally. As it is, more than
         intentions, and monitors organisational                                                                                                                                                                                 part of growing intra-regional trading patterns
                                                                                        change comes opportunity, for New Zealand and        620,0004 New Zealand jobs already depend on
         performance. Our Board members have                                                                                                                                                                                     and emerging value chains. CPTPP is also our
                                                                                        for New Zealand exporters.                           trade. These are reliant on continued access to
         extensive international business experience                                                                                                                                                                             first FTA with Japan, Mexico and Canada. A
                                                                                                                                             diversified markets, connections, knowledge and
         and knowledge.                                                                 NZTE needs to understand these macro-                                                                                                    range of other trade negotiations are also
                                                                                                                                             capability, and quality investment.
                                                                                        forces so we can consider how they affect                                                                                                in play, including with the EU, the UK, Latin
         The Minister for Economic Development and
                                                                                        our customers and how NZTE can effectively           As the global environment evolves, we are                                           America, and with countries in North Asia,
         the Minister for Trade and Export Growth have
                                                                                        support customers, while being able to pivot         working hard to ensure that opportunities are                                       ASEAN, Australia and India through the Regional
         delegated responsibility for NZTE. The Ministry
                                                                                        as needed. For example, what do the rise in          identified and leveraged and that any disruption                                    Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP),
         of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
                                                                                        services-based trade, the growth of intra-           is minimised. We are carefully watching issues                                      as well as with China to upgrade and modernise
         and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
                                                                                        regional trade flows, the rise of tech companies     like the tensions between the US and China, and                                     the existing FTA.
         (MFAT) jointly monitor NZTE.
                                                                                        and digital business models and platforms, not       the implications of Brexit, for example.
         Subsequent to printing, on 27 June 2019 the Government announced a             to mention the changing nature of global value
         change in Cabinet responsibilities and the Hon Phil Twyford took over the
         Economic Development Portfolio. The Hon David Parker remains Minister for      chains, all mean for NZTE’s know-how and
         Trade and Export Growth. The Minister for Economic Development and the
         Minister for Trade and Export Growth have delegated responsibility for NZTE.   know-who in the coming years? There is also          4 Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership Overview
                                                                                                                                              Factsheet, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

06 NZTE Statement of Intent 2019-23                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     OUR CONTEXT   07
In this dynamic environment New Zealand’s                               Investment
         internationalising companies continue                                   Issues of scale and distance also exist for
         diversifying into a variety of value-added                              investment. New Zealand also needs productive
         sectors, such as higher-value food and beverage                         investment to help fuel growth, and we know
         and in tech, including Software as a Service. Our                       that there is a shortage of large-scale investable
         distance from key markets has been partially                            propositions in New Zealand to attract
         offset by ongoing economic growth in Asia,                              overseas investors. The New Zealand economy
         and ongoing demand for safe and high-quality                            is characterised by its capital shallowness
         goods and services.                                                     and relatively low long-run productivity
                                                                                 performance. Investment promotion is integral
         While there are about 12,000 New Zealand
                                                                                 to industry policy,
         exporters, most are very small, contributing
         4 percent of New Zealand’s total export                                 Foreign direct investment is more than just a
         earnings. The material impact to our export                             flow of capital. There is often no shortage of
         economy comes from around 286 companies,                                footloose capital seeking quality opportunities,
         who earn over $25 million a year and contribute                         but it is important that the capital is more
         the majority of New Zealand’s export earnings.                          than just funding, and that it brings with it the
         This underlines the importance for NZTE of                              knowledge, capability and connectivity that
         intensively focussing the bulk of our efforts in                        is just as important for growing New Zealand
         growing more medium-sized export firms that                             businesses internationally. Productive, high
         are committed to internationalising, rather than                        quality investment helps fuel growth by
         diffusing all our relatively limited resources over                     providing the financial capital needed to
         a much wider number of smaller firms. The                               establish or expand operations into new
         growing international opportunity for services                          markets, enhance the skills and capabilities
         and digital products also remains a focus.                              required to access global markets, and develop
                                                                                 new productive assets to help accelerate
         New Zealand needs to grow more companies
                                                                                 growth in our regions, as well as supporting
         of scale who can compete globally, so they
                                                                                 sustainable land use and opportunities in the
         can create jobs, make a larger contribution
                                                                                 Māori economy. This is not to downplay the
         to the economy, and boost standards of
                                                                                 importance of local investors who have a critical
         living for all New Zealanders. Compared with
                                                                                 role to play. If anything, offshore investors
         their domestically focussed counterparts,
                                                                                 will often look for local investors to provide
         exporting and foreign owned firms operating
                                                                                 validation of local investment opportunities,
         in New Zealand are typically more productive
                                                                                 before committing their own capital.
         and larger5, suggesting that international
         connectivity helps facilitate the spread of the
         skills and technology that are so important
         to help improve New Zealand’s international
         competitiveness and productivity.

         5 Can the Kiwi Fly? Achieving Productivity Lift-off in New Zealand”,
          Paul Conway, NZ Productivity Commission

08 NZTE Statement of Intent 2019-23
OUR STRATEGY                                                                                     Our purpose
                                                                                                          At NZTE, we’re here to be part of something           in-depth knowledge and experience of how to
                                                                                                          that is bigger than ourselves: to grow companies      compete in a range of markets. Our people have
                                                                                                          internationally — bigger, better, faster — for        the sharp commercial, investment and advisory
                                                                                                          the good of New Zealand. NZTE is uniquely             skills to help lift international growth. This is our
                                                                                                          positioned to do this through our global network      ‘know-how’.
                                                                                                          and our government access.
                                                                                                                                                                Our ‘know-who’ is the global network of
                                                                                                          We have a network of over 600 people across 50        committed people in New Zealand and
                                                                                                          locations, of which 40 are offshore. This gives our   around the world who we can call upon in
                                                                                                          customers a bigger footprint on the world stage       our customers’ interests. This includes our
                                                                                                          than they could ever have by themselves, helping      NZ Inc partners, industry leaders, local
                                                                                                          to overcome the challenges of scale and distance.     business people or expat Kiwis. We can
                                                                                                                                                                help with connections to experts who are
                                                                                                          NZTE’s government ‘imprimatur’ or endorsement
                                                                                                                                                                experienced in running international businesses,
                                                                                                          often provides credibility and mana to help open
                                                                                                                                                                both in New Zealand and in-market, as well as
                                                                 A PRODUCTIVE,                            doors for companies in markets around the world.
                                                                 SUSTAINABLE,                                                                                   partners and distributors, local experts, investors,
         WHY… FOR NEW ZEALAND                                      INCLUSIVE                                                                                    and links to other businesses at a similar stage
                                                                 NEW ZEALAND                              Know-how and know-who
                                                                                                                                                                on their international journey. Our connections
                                                                                                          Our global presence enables us to deliver value
                                                       To grow companies internationally                                                                        mean that we know the right person to call upon
         NZTE PURPOSE                                    – BIGGER, BETTER, FASTER –                       to our customers through our ‘know-how’ for
                                                                                                                                                                in our customers’ interests. We’re absolutely
                                                          for the good of New Zealand                     international growth and ‘know-who’ to make
                                                                                                                                                                committed to increasing our know-how and
                                                                                                          the right connections along the way. Having
                                                           KNOW HOW & KNOW WHO                                                                                  know-who for the benefit of our current and
                                                                                                          people in locations around the world gives us
                                                        to grow companies internationally                                                                       future customers.

                                                     FOR                           FOR
                                               EXPORT CUSTOMERS           INVESTMENT CUSTOMERS
                                              “Discover, Plan, Perform”   “Originate, Prepare, Connect”
                                              Preparing and enabling      Originating and preparing
                                      companies to succeed in market      investment opportunities that
                                      and sustain international growth    we connect to investors

                                                                          AMBITION DRIVES US
                                                                          ADVENTURE TEACHES US
         HOW                                                              HONESTY FREES US
                                                                          TRUST BINDS US
                                                                          MANAAKI IS US

10 NZTE Statement of Intent 2019-23                                                                                                                                                                     OUR STRATEGY    11
         NZTE’s strategy is to continue to build a                                               Our Kāhu programme combines a focus on
         customer-centric, professional services                                                 mastery, or excellence, in our existing operating
         organisation that helps grow value-added                                                models – the Customer Way and the Investment
         companies internationally and attracting                                                Way – with innovation. This is applied through
         investment for the good of New Zealand.                                                 using digital services to deliver value for our
                                                                                                 customers and by leveraging our existing
         We’ve accomplished a great deal in the last few
                                                                                                 knowledge resources. We’ve also established
         years. We believe that NZTE’s strategy is sound,
                                                                                                 practice areas on e-commerce and sustainability,
         but we are not complacent. Much of the hard
                                                                                                 where we think there are opportunities for
         work is still ahead of us. Growing companies
                                                                                                 customers to access greater value.
         internationally requires sustained effort over the
         long-term.                                                                              Of course, delivering our programme and value
                                                                                                 for customers is dependent on the skills and
         To implement our strategy, we have had three
                                                                                                 capabilities of our people, so our Kāhu strategy
         previous ‘challenge’ improvement programmes:
                                                                                                 is underpinned by a real focus on He Tangata
         ‘Playing to Win’, ‘Impact’ and ‘Ascent’.
                                                                                                 (our people – culture, leadership and capability).
         Our next evolution of our improvement
         programme is ‘Kāhu’, which will take us
         forward into the period that this Statement
         of Intent covers.

                                                                              GROWING COMPANIES
                                                                           – BIGGER, BETTER, FASTER –

                                                                            KNOW HOW & KNOW WHO

                                                                 EXPORT CUSTOMERS         INVESTMENT CUSTOMERS

                                                                     6% by 2021               $3b by 2021

                                        CUSTOMER WAY                                                                      INVESTMENT WAY

                                        Mastery of                                                                       Mastery of
                                 “Discover, Plan, Perform”                        Kāhu                          “Originate, Prepare, Connect”
                                  • Strengthening companies for growth                                           • Originate investment opportunities
                                  • Preparing companies for market                                               • Prepare opportunities
                                  • Enabling success in market                                                   • Connect to high quality investor networks

                                         DIGITAL                           KNOWLEDGE                               PRACTICE AREAS
                                         DELIVERY TO                       CREATION AND                            E-commerce
                                         CUSTOMERS                         CURATION                                Sustainability

                                                                   HE TANGATA (PEOPLE)
                                                            CULTURE, LEADERSHIP AND CAPABILITY
                                                                                         AMBITION DRIVES US
                                                                                         ADVENTURE TEACHES US
                                                                                         HONESTY FREES US
                                                                                         TRUST BINDS US
                                                                                         MANAAKI IS US

12 NZTE Statement of Intent 2019-23
         We have developed two operating models for our two overlapping groups                                                                     How we work with export customers                                  (or F700) customers. These are companies
         of customers: The Customer Way, and The Investment Way. We have defined                                                                   Our starting point in working with exporters                       that have the growth aspirations, commitment,
                                                                                                                                                   is that each New Zealand business and their                        and the capacity and capability to compete
         who we work with, how we work with them, the services we deliver, and what
                                                                                                                                                   international growth aspirations are different.                    internationally, and where NZTE and NZ Inc can
         outcomes we are aiming for.
                                                                                                                                                   We begin our journey with our customers                            deliver the biggest impact.
                                                                                                                                                   through a process of ‘discovery’. The first step
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      We bring new companies into the Focus700
                                                                                                                                                   is to discover and understand their business,
         The Customer Way                                                                   portfolio and support another 4,800 Foundation                                                                            portfolio when they are ready for intensive
                                                                                                                                                   and the opportunities and challenges each
         This is how we work with companies growing                                         customers who are ready to start or build their                                                                           engagement and have the hunger and capability
                                                                                                                                                   customer faces. By doing so, the second step
         out of New Zealand (export customers) into                                         international growth journey.                                                                                             to grow internationally. We insist that companies
                                                                                                                                                   is to work with our customers to develop
         international markets.                                                                                                                                                                                       focus and commit to target markets, and we
                                                                                            Our Kāhu strategy is focussed on lifting               and agree a ‘plan’ on the best NZTE services,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      design customised game plans for each customer
         Who NZTE works with                                                                performance in our Customer Way model.                 experts, and connections required to address
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and for each market. The Focus700 is regularly
         New Zealand’s export economy includes                                              It is about delivering greater impact for our          those opportunities and challenges, and how
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      reviewed, to ensure that our engagement is
         almost 12,000 companies exporting goods                                            customers and enabling them to succeed in              we can best leverage our partnerships across
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      continuing to add impact. If a company’s needs
         and services internationally. Most of these                                        market. To do this means working more deeply           NZ Inc. The third step is the ‘perform’ stage of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      have changed, or if we feel we can no longer add
         companies earn under $5 million per year.                                          with our customers to really understand their          the process – it is about the delivery of the plan,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      value, they are transitioned out of the portfolio.
         Conversely, a small number of companies earn                                       business and their product/market fit. This is         and how we best provide excellent customer
         over $25 million per year, but they contribute                                     their value and niche, and how they can set            experience and outcomes through the provision                      We’ve weighted the Focus700 towards tech,
         the majority of New Zealand’s export earnings.                                     up and scale for long-term growth in-market            of NZTE ‘know-how and know-who’ to help our                        high-value food and beverage, Māori companies
         We need to grow more companies of scale                                            – exporting is no longer the case of dropping          customers grow internationally.                                    and specialised manufacturing companies,
         who can compete globally, and in turn make                                         goods off at the port, but requires longer-term                                                                           reflecting the Government’s commitment to
         a larger contribution to the export economy.                                       commitment to markets, distribution chains,                            THE CUSTOMER WAY                                   helping speed the transition that New Zealand
                                                                                                                                                                        FOR EXPORT CUSTOMERS
                                                                                            and customers. Using local market knowledge                                                                               needs to make to an increasingly diversified
         NZTE works with companies who are committed
                                                                                            and quality connections at the right time can                                    INT’L BUSINESS                           economy that is sustainable, productive and
         to a journey of international growth and                                                                                                                        DEVELOPMENT MANAGERS
                                                                                            help drive growth for our customers and ensure                                                                            inclusive. This is a move from volume to value,
         where we can make the most difference. We
                                                                                            that these leads are converted into value.                                    EAST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the creation of higher-paid jobs, and a greater
         have around 700 companies in our Focus700                                                                                                                        ASIA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      focus on the regions.
                                                                                                                                                             AMERICA                                    IMEA

                                                                                                                                                                             INTERNATIONAL                            In addition to the Focus700, we also engage
                                                                                                                                                          NORTH                                              AUSPAC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      intensively with coalitions. A coalition is a self-
               EXPORT GOODS + SERVICES EARNINGS, YEAR TO DECEMBER 2017*                                              NZTE’s portfolio of around          AMERICA
                                                                                                                                                                                   DISCOVER                           selected, business-led group of companies, who
                                                                                                                      5,500 companies cuts                                           PLAN

                                                                                Number of New Zealand                  across all revenue bands,                                                                      are willing to work together to attack a common

                                                                                                                         with a concentration

                                                                               exporters by revenue band                                                                                                              opportunity or challenge. Companies who form


                                                                                                                          on small to medium-                               IN NEW ZEALAND


                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a coalition can benefit by sharing knowledge,

                                                                                                                           size companies

                                                                           286 COMPANIES




                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and leveraging collective resources, expertise
                                                                               earn > $25 million
                                                                                                                                                                                    F700                              and technology to bolster their chances of long-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      term success.

                                                                                                                                                                                 NZ CUSTOMER

                                                                 603 COMPANIES                                                                                                                                        We have a lighter touch engagement with our
                                                                    earn $5 – $25 million                      Focus700                                                                                               Foundation customers, which we’ve segmented
                                                                                                                                                   To achieve the most impact, and to use our                         into ‘Start’ and ‘Build’. Our Foundation customers

                                                                                                                                                   resources most effectively, we’ve segmented                        are at an earlier stage in their international
                                                    10,636 COMPANIES                                           Foundation
                                                                                                                                                   our customer base. NZTE works with about                           journey. They are either committed to getting
                                                           earn < $5 million                                                                       5,500 of the 12,000 exporters in New Zealand,                      started, already exporting and wanting to
                                                                                                                                                   with 80% of our effort focussed on working                         become better, or they may be companies who
                                                                                                      NUMBER OF NEW ZEALAND EXPORTERS
                                                                                                                                                   intensively with what we call our Focus700                         prefer a less intense engagement.

14 NZTE Statement of Intent 2019-23                                                                                                                                                                                                                 OUR OPERATING MODELS    15
Through our Regional Business Partner                          We focus our effort in two distinct areas driven                  THE INVESTMENT WAY                           Typically, these are long-term projects with
                                                                                                                                          FOR INVESTMENT CUSTOMERS
         Network (which includes chambers of                            by Government rationale and in support of and                                                                  significant cost and development risk and are
         commerce, for example), we also support                        in collaboration with other NZ Inc agencies and                                                                therefore not actively pursued by the private
                                                                                                                                                        INT’L INVESTMENT
         small emerging businesses which may be                         the private sector:                                                                MANAGERS                    sector. In many cases, greenfield investment
         tomorrow’s international growth success                                                                                                                                       opportunities are located in the regions, and we
                                                                        • Helping New Zealand growth stage
         stories. This partnership also helps provide                                                                                             NA
                                                                                                                                                    L                      DO          work closely with local Economic Development
                                                                          companies expand internationally via                                 TI
                                                                                                                                                 O                           M
         a potential pathway for us to engage with                                                                                                                                     Agencies and other local partners to identify

                                                                          investment, accelerating their ability to scale


         emerging businesses if and when they begin                                                                                                       INVESTORS                    and accelerate the development of such

                                                                          and compete
         their international journey, and aligns their                                                                                                                                 opportunities, and align them with international
                                                                        • Helping set up greenfield operations and new                                      ORIGINATE,
         needs with the services that we can provide                                                                                                        MATCHING
                                                                                                                                                             CONNECT                   markets and suitable investment partners.
                                                                          initiatives in New Zealand, providing new
         them through our Foundation and Focus700
                                                                          jobs, growing our regions and driving                                         NEW ZEALAND                    NZTE Investment adds value to these

         Customer segments.


                                                                          new innovation                                                                                               opportunities by helping develop and assess


         Under our Kāhu strategy we are focussing on                                                                                                                                   feasibility of business cases, building local
                                                                        In pursuing these focus areas, our overall goal is
         strengthening our offering with our Foundation                                                                                                   COMPANIES                    market context, and making connections to
                                                                        to Originate, Prepare and Connect investment
         Customers with the practical tools, knowledge                                                                                                                                 global sources of capital, access to markets and
                                                                        opportunities to investors that accelerate the                                  NZ INVESTMENT
         and advice they need to start or build their                                                                                                     MANAGERS                     knowledge. In this way NZTE can help mitigate
                                                                        growth of New Zealand. Our Investment Way
         international journey. This is an area where                                                                                                                                  development risk for significant local projects.
                                                                        operating model was established during our
         we believe there are real opportunities to
                                                                        ‘Ascent’ programme, and our learnings from           support in accessing bridging capital. NZTE’s             Domestic and international investors
         build greater connectivity and improve our
                                                                        the last three years are that we can add more        Investment expertise, resources and extensive             We leverage our domestic and international
         service offering through the provision of digital
                                                                        value to our customers and for the good of           domestic and international networks all work              networks to identify investors and connect
         products and services.
                                                                        New Zealand by working more deeply with our          together to support in this process.                      them with the right New Zealand opportunities
                                                                        customers and being more deliberate in the                                                                     and attract quality investment, for the good of
         The Investment Way                                                                                                  The current market landscape drives a distinct
                                                                        strategic origination of greenfield opportunities.                                                             New Zealand.
         NZTE Investment is tasked with generating                                                                           focus towards technology companies, but our
                                                                        This is as much about putting in place more
         productive, sustainable, and inclusive                                                                              mandate means we will support all growth stage            Beyond capital, our investment networks
                                                                        efficient and effective processes as it is about
         investment opportunities to accelerate the                                                                          companies within NZTE’s focus sectors.                    provide connections, in-market channels,
                                                                        developing and growing our people. We need
         growth of New Zealand. We do this by building                                                                                                                                 resource transfer of technology and know-
                                                                        our people’s mastery to truly identify, develop,     Our focus on growth-stage companies extends
         a sustainable pipeline of quality investment                                                                                                                                  how, and stimulate competitive, innovative and
                                                                        and match quality New Zealand opportunities          to the development of New Zealand’s early
         deals and connecting these with the right                                                                                                                                     productive growth.
                                                                        with the right investors.                            stage capital markets, both domestically
         investors who can help realise the full potential
                                                                                                                             and internationally. We do this through our               NZTE works with a range of investors both in
         of the opportunity. Investment promotion is                    Supporting growth stage companies                    efforts building the connectivity and creating            New Zealand and across NZTE’s global network,
         more than just a flow of capital. It comprises                 We help New Zealand growth stage companies           partnership opportunities for domestic venture            from angel groups, high net-worth individuals,
         a package that includes long-term capital,                     understand the capital raising process, support      capital funds internationally and continue to             private equity and venture capital firms, to
         technology, market access, knowledge and                       them through the preparation stage to become         connect Venture Capital funds to New Zealand              multinational corporations.
         capability. Local investors also play a crucial                investment ready, and successfully connect them      growth stage companies. In doing so we also
         role in this process. Their involvement often                  with capital for internationalisation and scale.                                                               These connections are leveraged to support
                                                                                                                             support the New Zealand Venture Investment
         provides the positive signal that international                                                                                                                               New Zealand companies with their export
                                                                        Growth stage customers are often cash-flow           Fund to deliver on its mandate.
         investors are looking for in determining whether                                                                                                                              goals, and for investment into new greenfield
                                                                        negative, have limited capability and capacity to
         to invest themselves.                                                                                               Initiating Greenfield operations                          operations in New Zealand, including supporting
                                                                        access channels and markets to scale, and need                                                                 offshore Investors to establish their businesses
                                                                                                                             We also work to originate, develop and
                                                                                                                             accelerate commercial greenfield investment               in New Zealand.
                                                                                                                             opportunities that capitalise on New Zealand’s
                                             DEAL           STAGE 1:    STAGE 2:                                                                                                       We are continuously working on fostering,
            IDEA/DEAL       PITCH/DEAL                                              DOCUMENT        CONDITIONS
                                         PREPARATION          DUE         DUE                                    AFTERCARE   sustainable competitive advantage. Our focus
                                         & ATTRACTION      DILIGENCE   DILIGENCE
                                                                                   NEGOTIATION      PRECEDENT                                                                          building and developing our networks (our
                                                                                                                             is on new operations or initiatives that create
                                                                                                                                                                                       know-who) and looking for new sources
                                                                                                                             investment and employment opportunities at
                                                                                                                                                                                       of investment for our customers and
                           INVOLVED                                    NOT INVOLVED                              INVOLVED    scale, generating significant economic benefit
                                                                                                                                                                                       New Zealand opportunities.
                                                                                                                             for New Zealand.

16 NZTE Statement of Intent 2019-23                                                                                                                                                                                  OUR OPERATING MODELS   17
Focus areas                                          both Māori companies and to New Zealand              expertise accessible to our customers – anytime     One is focussed on e-commerce, necessitated
         We focus on sectors where we can have the            from investment deals. Where Māori assets and        they need it. A large part of our Knowledge         by the global revolution in digital platforms that
         greatest impact: where there is investor demand,     capital are underutilised, NZTE’s Investment Way     work programme has been focussed on                 are redefining consumer behavior, global supply
         where New Zealand has a clear competitive            can assist in building the Māori investment story,   developing and curating hundreds of articles,       chains and logistics, with significant implications
         advantage and where there is strong economic         helping Māori companies get investment ready         videos, features, industry research and case        for how New Zealand companies go to market.
         benefit to New Zealand. NZTE Investment              and generating opportunities for Māori entities,     studies that we can serve up to customers,
                                                                                                                                                                       In an increasingly digital world, we need to help
         focuses on seven sectors for investment              particularly with underutilised land.                based on their individual preferences. We have
                                                                                                                                                                       our customers access and navigate the digital
         attraction: High-Value Food and Beverage,                                                                 only just begun this work and over the next year
                                                                                                                                                                       environment, and in a way that helps them
         Fibre, Specialised Manufacturing, Technology,        Digital                                              we will continue to build this knowledge base as
                                                                                                                                                                       capture value. As new channels redefine global
         Renewable Energy, Advanced Transport, and            An increased focus on the digital delivery of        part of our Kāhu strategy.
                                                                                                                                                                       value chains, New Zealand companies need to
         Tourism. Across the focus sectors, there is also     our offering to customers is a core part of our
                                                                                                                   Facilitating opportunities for our customers to     navigate this carefully and intentionally.
         a strong emphasis on sustainable land use, the       Kāhu strategy.
                                                                                                                   learn from each other is another stream in our
         regions, and the Māori Economy.                                                                                                                               The other practice area is focussed on
                                                              Over the past few years, NZTE’s digital focus has    knowledge strategy. We have just begun piloting
                                                                                                                                                                       sustainability and offering advisory services
         Our focus on the Māori economy and the regions       been on improving our IT environment, to ensure      a ‘peer-to-peer matching’ initiative, where we
                                                                                                                                                                       to New Zealand companies in this area. While
         is to support a more inclusive New Zealand,          our people have access to the technology             can help a customer find someone else that has
                                                                                                                                                                       attitudes to sustainability differ from market
         driving investment which will generate greater       they need to do their job effectively. Our Kāhu      been through a similar experience. Within the
                                                                                                                                                                       to market, sustainable credentials are growing
         impact and lift the wellbeing of these areas.        programme is focussed on improving our digital       Customer Portal we have also created a forum
                                                                                                                                                                       in importance as a way for companies to
                                                              service offering to our customers. We are            for companies to engage with and get advice
                                                                                                                                                                       differentiate themselves in existing markets and
         NZTE’s Māori strategy                                moving into an increasingly digital environment,     from each other. We will continue to look for
                                                                                                                                                                       accessing new and emerging markets.
         As part of the Government’s commitment               and our customers are asking for more digital        opportunities for companies to learn from each
         to Māori economic development, NZTE has              services and relationships. For NZTE this has        other, to lessen their execution risk.              These two areas were identified as key areas
         a specific focus on Māori companies and              the added benefit of enabling greater reach and                                                          of opportunity for our customers to grow
         investment, and the implementation of the            allowing us to scale at marginal additional cost.    Practice areas                                      their businesses internationally. The aim of
         Māori-Crown Economic Growth Strategy,                                                                     As part of our Kāhu strategy, we are gearing        the practice areas is to build, grow and apply
                                                              A key part of our initial digital service offering
         He kei kai aku ringa (HKKAR).                                                                             ourselves up in two new global practice areas (or   knowledge that will add value for our customers,
                                                              is the development of an online portal that
                                                                                                                   Centres of Excellence) where we think there is      and identify the best way for them to access and
         Māori economic development has huge potential        will create a digital window into NZTE for our
                                                                                                                   enhanced value for NZTE customers.                  leverage that knowledge to deliver value.
         to contribute to New Zealand’s future prosperity,    customers. This will provide more information,
         and NZTE is committed to growing more                connectivity and collaboration in a digital
         Māori companies of international scale across        environment between NZTE and our customers.
         a range of industries. This is a focus area and is   For NZTE, these new digital customer
         implemented through NZTE’s Te Pora Māori, or         relationships will allow us to use the data
         Māori Business Group, which works alongside          and insights to better service customers and
         NZTE’s Māori export and investment customers.        improve how we work internally. It will also free
         This team has the specialist Māori commercial        up our people to have deeper interactions and
         and cultural know-how and know-who to                higher-quality engagements with customers.
         engage with a wide range of Māori companies.         Our Customer Portal will be gradually rolled out
         At the same time NZTE is also focussed on            across our various customer segments.
         growing the Māori capability of all our people.
         NZTE aims to find ambitious Māori exporters to
                                                              An important part of our Kāhu strategy is
         bring into the NZTE portfolio and create impact
                                                              making sure our knowledge is captured,
         for those customers in international markets,
                                                              catalogued and distributed in an intuitive and
         whether through exports or investment. Our
                                                              effective way.
         focus is on working with Māori companies to
         increase the value of Māori exports year on          A benefit of our Customer Portal is that it
         year, and to increase the economic benefit to        enables us to make more of our knowledge and

18 NZTE Statement of Intent 2019-23                                                                                                                                                                OUR OPERATING MODELS      19
What we offer our customers
         As part of our operating models, The Customer         capability and digital marketing. Where required,   Our teams located in international markets          assist with developing a fit-for-purpose
         Way and The Investment Way, NZTE delivers a           we can also provide Focus700 customers with         have an in-depth knowledge of their market,         coalition and collaborative agreements, as well
         range of services, matched to a customer’s specific   tailored coaching and support to identify growth    appropriate business models, channels and           as clarifying objectives, market selection and
         needs and stage of their international journey.       constraints, focus on priority areas and develop    regulations. NZTE teams connect customers           appropriate collaborative business models.
                                                               or refine business purpose, strategy, goals and     with local experts, make introductions and
         These services run the full range of the export                                                                                                               NZTE helps customers invest in their growth
                                                               capital raising needs.                              facilitate meetings with regulators, potential
         development life cycle, as well as leveraging                                                                                                                 by expanding their networks and growing their
                                                                                                                   distributors, partners, and customers. With the
         the in-depth knowledge and experience of              Offshore, we can boost customers’ global reach                                                          knowledge of investment and capital options.
                                                                                                                   imprimatur of the New Zealand government,
         our people in how to compete and grow in a            by tapping into our local and international                                                             Foundation Build customers receive access to
                                                                                                                   NZTE in-market can help open doors and
         range of markets and industries. Onshore, NZTE        networks to provide insights and support. The                                                           investment readiness advice from investment
                                                                                                                   overcome commercial barriers.
         provides services to better prepare exporters to      services we provide include information about                                                           managers and help to develop investment
         go to market and to strengthen their business         trends in markets and sectors, as well as in-       Just as important is the peer-to-peer learning      plans. For Focus700 customers, we provide
         for sustained international growth. This ranges       market immersion programmes and access to           that we can facilitate. We help customers to        bespoke connections with international and
         from market research, to connections with NZ          export promotion and investment events. For         connect with other businesses to learn from         local investors and access to co-investment for
         Beachheads advisors and workshops on needs            Focus700 customers and coalitions, we can           their export experiences, as well as partner with   specific growth projects that are most likely to
         that are common to exporters irrespective of          help with tailored market-specific plans and        others to create scale and grow together. NZTE      contribute to New Zealand’s long-term growth.
         the markets they are targeting. These include         customised in-market support.                       can help to identify like-minded businesses,
         the fundamentals of exporting, improving sales





20 NZTE Statement of Intent 2019-23                                                                                                                                                               OUR OPERATING MODELS         21
Working with NZ Inc
         Our NZ Inc partners are fundamental to
                                                                New Zealand. This is through a free online
                                                                marketing toolkit to help showcase the unique         ONE GLOBAL TEAM
         delivering our strategy. They provide expertise        value that New Zealand offers the world through
                                                                                                                      We know that we can only provide optimal                           It’s about how we do what we do – we want
         and services that benefit our customers and            our people, culture and character.
                                                                                                                      value to our customers if our global team is                       to embody these characters working across
         are beyond NZTE’s expertise. NZTE works with           The New Zealand Story Group reports to an             aligned in terms of how we work together.                          continents and time zones.
         agencies such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs       independent Advisory Group made up of three           We share five characters, which guide our
         and Trade, the Ministry of Business, Innovation                                                                                                                                 We believe that together, as One Global Team,
                                                                private sector members and six government             actions and behaviour. It’s what we do and how
         and Employment, the Ministry for Primary                                                                                                                                        we can show the world just how big a small
                                                                agency Chief Executives, including NZTE (who          we treat others. Ambition drives us, Adventure
         Industries, and Callaghan Innovation, on a range                                                                                                                                country can be.
                                                                are the funding partners). With the foundations       teaches us, Honesty frees us, Trust binds us,
         of activities such as resolving non-tariff barriers,   in place, the strategy is now focussed on             and Manaaki is us.
         ensuring companies know how to benefit from            the continuous production of new content
         Free Trade Agreements, and identifying and             creation, communication and distribution of
         co-ordinating work with shared customers.              stories and content across the domestic and
                                                                international channels.
         New Zealand G2G Know-How
         NZTE’s joint venture with the Ministry of Foreign      Expo 2020
         Affairs and Trade, G2G Know-How, sells state-          Together with our partner agency MFAT, NZTE
         sector solutions to partner governments. G2G           is organising and facilitating New Zealand’s
                                                                                                                       AMBITION              ADVENTURE                 HONESTY                  TRUST                 MANAAKI
         opens new pathways for exports by leveraging                                                                  DRIVES US             TEACHES US                FREES US                 BINDS US              IS US
                                                                participation at Expo 2020 Dubai. The Expo
                                                                                                                       Our ambition for      Experimentation is        We explore               Our people may        We celebrate the mana
         the skills and experience of New Zealand’s             will bring together 190 nations and 25 million         our customers         more powerful than        challenges               be worlds apart,      (strength and dignity)
         Government ecosystem and its various agencies.         international visitors, from October 2020              is high, and we       perfection as only        with an open mind.       but it’s trust that   of each other as being
                                                                                                                       always rise to the    through learning          Only when we ask         holds us together.    equal to or greater
         It does this by originating a pipeline of deals        to April 2021. World Expos are international           occasion. We help     from our missteps         questions and truly      Growing a nation is   than our own. We
                                                                                                                       meet their business   can we truly              listen can we            only possible when    strive to enhance mana
         between the New Zealand Government and its             celebrations of commerce, culture and industry         expectations by       succeed. That’s why       discover                 we keep promises      in everything we do
         agencies and our partner governments. In this          where participating nations showcase their             expecting greatness   ‘giving it a go’ is the   the right way            and honour            through our hospitality,
                                                                                                                       of ourselves.         best way to learn.        forward.                 commitments.          generosity and mutual
         way G2G generates revenue for New Zealand              economic and trade capabilities and advance                                                                                                           respect.
         suppliers and enhances diplomatic relations by         their global reputation. New Zealand’s theme at
         helping other governments improve their own            Dubai is ‘Care for People and Place’. The Pavilion,
         state-sector performance.                              located within the Sustainability precinct at the
                                                                Expo, will promote New Zealand as a country
         The New Zealand Story                                  to trade and partner with, invest in, study and
         The mission of the New Zealand Story is to             visit. For New Zealand companies, Expo 2020 is
         “create storytelling and build our reputation in       a unique high-profile opportunity to align with
         international markets”. It is based on our belief      the Pavilion’s story, reach a global audience and
         in New Zealand as an innovative and creative           make a lasting mark in a highly dynamic region
         nation that cares for people and place for future      and a global hub for travellers.
         generations. With many businesses lacking the
         skills or tools to build their story and a more
         holistic view of the country, the New Zealand
         Story Group was established to develop and
         share a consistent and compelling story about

22 NZTE Statement of Intent 2019-23                                                                                                                                                                                      ONE GLOBAL TEAM         23
         He Tangata                                         public and private sector who are committed to       selection, development, management and              • Individuals take responsibility for their own
         At NZTE, it’s all about the people: He Tangata,    raising the value of diversity and inclusiveness     retention of all employees. We all contribute to,     and others’ health and safety
         He Tangata, He Tangata. We have learned that       throughout the wider business community.             and share in, the success of NZTE.                  • We proactively identify and regularly review
         high engagement of employees means a better                                                             We have implemented policies and practices            all our hazards
                                                            Prioritise the safety and wellbeing
         experience for our customers, and we have                                                                                                                   • We anticipate, plan and prepare for safety for
                                                            of our people                                        that include:
         evidence of this getting better over time.                                                                                                                    all activities
                                                            The safety and wellbeing of our people is crucial.
                                                                                                                 • Leadership, accountability and culture
         Through the Kāhu programme we have a               We want our people to go home from work                                                                  • We set the standard by what we walk past
                                                                                                                 • Recruitment, induction and selection
         dedicated people strategy (He Tangata) that        in the same or better condition as when they                                                             • We track incidents, root causes and
                                                            arrived. We are looking to invest in new health      • Employee development, promotion and
         sets out four strategic priorities:                                                                                                                           resolutions.
                                                            and safety technology, to improve the recording        transition
         • Support the growth of our people                                                                                                                          Our effort to look after the health and safety
                                                            and management of our critical risks. As part of     • Flexibility and work design
         • Build our ONE Global Team culture                                                                                                                         of our people is ongoing, and we ensure
                                                            our commitment to the wellbeing of our people        • Remuneration, recognition and conditions
         • Prioritise the safety and wellbeing of                                                                                                                    that it is kept top of mind through internal
                                                            we are also exploring how we might better
                                                                                                                 • Harassment and bullying prevention
            our people                                                                                                                                               communications, our Health and Safety
                                                            support their mental wellbeing and are planning
                                                                                                                 • Safe and healthy environments.                    dashboard and online training, as well as hazard
         • Master our people experience.                    to roll out an online wellbeing platform, which
                                                                                                                                                                     and incident management systems. We’re
                                                            allows users to monitor healthy habits like sleep,
         Supporting the growth of our people                exercise and eating well.
                                                                                                                 Safe and healthy environment                        continually learning how to keep our people
         We’ve learned that our customers value                                                                  At NZTE, the health and safety of our global        safe from potential harm as they embark on
         our expertise and our connections. We are          Master our people experience                         team is paramount. We look after ourselves and      travel, visit external workplaces, and encounter
         continuing to increase the capability of NZTE’s    We want to deliver an exceptional people             each other.                                         other hazards.
         One Global Team through dedicated capability       experience that enables our people to do their
                                                                                                                 NZTE’s Core Health and Safety Principles are:       With offices all over the world, we know how
         learning and developing programmes for our         jobs and focus on what matters most. We
                                                                                                                                                                     important it is to be prepared for a range of
         people, including our leaders.                     are working to make the people experience            • Individuals return home from work in the
                                                                                                                                                                     natural disasters and business disruptions.
                                                            seamless throughout the lifecycle at NZTE,             same, or better condition
         Build our ONE Global Team culture                  enabled by great technology, data, processes
                                                                                                                                                                     As part of our preparedness, we have a
                                                                                                                 • Leaders lead and create a safe work
         When our global team works well together, it                                                                                                                comprehensive Business Continuity Plan.
                                                            and practices.                                         environment
         really makes a difference to our customers. We
         have two key focus areas to continue to build,     Through these changes we are looking to deliver
         namely around the safety and wellbeing of          on our overall vision for our people:
         our people and in delivering a great employee      We have a strong ONE Global Team Culture
         experience. This will help build our ONE Global    where leaders lead. Our people grow while
         team culture, underpinned by a commitment to       at NZTE, through new experiences and
         diversity and inclusion.                           challenging work.
         Diversity and inclusivity
         We are a diverse organisation, with people         Good employer requirements
         located in 40 countries around the world. We       NZTE is committed to being a good employer
         want to build an even more diverse and inclusive   and an employer of choice. We are proud of
         culture. We will do this through activities like   our commitment to equality and our focus on
         unconscious bias training, changes to the way      having an even more diverse and inclusive work
         we recruit and specific targets for diversity      environment. We promote Equal Employment
         of leadership teams. NZTE is a member of           Opportunities through organisation-wide
         Champions of Change, a group from across the       practices relating to the recruitment and

24 NZTE Statement of Intent 2019-23                                                                                                                                     ORGANISATIONAL HEALTH: PEOPLE AND CAPABILITY    25
MEASURING OUR PERFORMANCE                                                                          NZTE’S PERFORMANCE FRAMEWORK
         NZTE’s measurement framework is designed to measure how we are growing
         our customers, and the economy, for the good of New Zealand.

         We have two headline growth measures that          our Focus700 customers with international
         are aligned with our two sets of customers:        revenues under $500 million, compared                             A productive, sustainable and inclusive New Zealand
                                                            with a New Zealand export revenue growth
         • Are export customers growing their
                                                            benchmark; and
            international revenue?                                                                                            Our purpose is to grow companies internationally
         • Are we attracting and matching high
                                                          • Potential Direct Economic Impact (pDEI) for                     – bigger, better, faster – for the good of New Zealand.
                                                            investment deals of $2 billion per annum.
            quality investment?
                                                          We also know that we need to have robust
         NZTE’s impact on our customers is the key to
                                                          organisational health to achieve the outcomes
         achieving growth. We look at measures such as:
                                                          we’re striving for. This means keeping our                           EXPORT CUSTOMERS                                                       INVESTMENT CUSTOMERS
                                                                                                                                 Annual F700 Customer Growth                                                    Annual Investment Impact
         • Are export customers achieving deals           finances healthy and keeping a close eye on the                        % International Revenue Growth                                                          $ pDEI
            in-market as a result of our efforts?         safety, wellbeing and engagement of employees.
         • Do our customers perceive that we are
                                                          To keep us on track, our Board and Leadership
            positioning them for international growth?
                                                          Team monitor organisational performance
         We have a range of indicators to track our       through a monthly dashboard of key
                                                          performance indicators.
                                                                                                                                  IMPACT MEASURES: CONTRIBUTIONS TO GROWTH
         servicing and engagement, including Net
         Promoter Score for our services. The two
                                                          At an operational level, a range of team and
         headline measures that we use to assess our                                                                  $ Export                   # International            $ International Growth           Customer View:                 $ Investment
                                                          individual dashboards provide information                    Deals                    Growth Outcomes                Fund: pDEI & rDEI               F700 NPS                      pDEI ratio
         performance are:
                                                          to monitor and track performance against
         • International revenue growth that is 3         individual and team key performance indicators.
            percentage points higher per annum for

                                                                                                                                            SERVICING & ENGAGEMENT INDICATORS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  # NPS            # F700
                                                                                                                                                #                         % Annual
                                                                                                                                #                                                        # IGF          #            #         Investment        Customers
                                                                                                              # F700                        Businesses      # Active      customer
                                                                                                                            Foundation                                                   & SIF     Foundation     Services      customers       working with
                                                                                                             Customers                      accessing      Coalitions      reviews
                                                                                                                            Customers                                                    grants     Build NPS       NPS        (completed         Callaghan
                                                                                                                                              RBPN                       completed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  deals)         Innovation

                                                                                                                                                           ORGANISATIONAL HEALTH
                                                                                                                                                 % Safety and Wellbeing
                                                                                                                                                                                # Leadership                                                 % Attendance
                                                                                                                                 % Learning       incidents and hazards                              % Challenge
                                                                                                             % Employee                                                           achieving                                  % Budget          Kia Kaha
                                                                                                                                   module        reported, investigated                              Traffic Lights
                                                                                                             Engagement                                                          40/40/20                                    Variance          (Cultural
                                                                                                                                 completion          and controlled/                                    (Green)
                                                                                                                                                                                  diversity                                                  programme)
                                                                                                                                                 closed within 4 weeks

                                                                                                            F700	Focus700 customers                     NPS 	 Net Promoter Score                      SPE Measures
                                                                                                            pDEI	Potential Direct Economic Impact       RBPN	Regional Business Partner Network        Non SPE Measures
                                                                                                            rDEI	Realised Direct Economic Impact        IGF	  International Growth Fund
                                                                                                            SIF Strategic Investment Fund

26 NZTE Statement of Intent 2019-23                                                                                                                                                                                   NZTE’S PERFORMANCE FRAMEWORK             27
SECTION HEADER                                                                                                                                                                                                  SECTION HEADER

         OUR IN-MARKET SUPPORT                                                                                                EUROPE     EAST ASIA             GREATER CHINA                     AUSTRALIA-PACIFIC
         7       regions                                                                                                      OFFICES    OFFICES               OFFICES                           OFFICES
         40      languages                                                                                                    Hamburg    Bangkok               Beijing                           Brisbane
         40      international locations
                                                                                                                              Istanbul   Ho Chi Minh City      Chengdu                           Melbourne
                                                                                                                              London     Jakarta               Guangzhou                         Port Moresby
         200     private sector advisors
                                                                                                                              Madrid     Kuala Lumpur          Hong Kong                         Sydney
         270     offshore NZTE employees                                                                                      Milan      Manila                Shanghai, NZ Central
                                                                                                                              Moscow     Seoul                 Taipei
                                                                                                                              Paris      Singapore

                                                                                     United Kingdom

                                                                                                                                                                                 Greater China

                                                                                                                                                                                 East Asia

                                                 North America

         OFFICES                   OFFICES            & AFRICA OFFICES
         Los Angeles               Bogotá             Abu Dhabi
         New York                  Mexico City        Dubai
         San Francisco             Santiago           Mumbai                                                                                         Australia and the Pacific
         Vancouver                 São Paulo          New Delhi
         Washington                                   Riyadh               Latin America                India, Middle East & Africa

     28 Statement
28 NZTE  NZTE Annual     Report
                  of Intent       2017/18
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