Starting Primary School 2023 - Your choice for primary education A guide for parents with children transferring to primary school in 2023 - City ...

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Starting Primary School 2023 - Your choice for primary education A guide for parents with children transferring to primary school in 2023 - City ...
Starting Primary School
Your choice for primary education

A guide for parents with children
transferring to primary school in 2023
Starting Primary School 2023 - Your choice for primary education A guide for parents with children transferring to primary school in 2023 - City ...
Your choice for
         primary education
         If your child was born between
         1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019,
         you will need to apply for a primary school
         place by 15 January 2023.

         Apply online:

         The Pan London eAdmissions site opens on
         1 September 2022.

2 Starting Primary School 2023
Starting Primary School 2023 - Your choice for primary education A guide for parents with children transferring to primary school in 2023 - City ...
Andrew Carter, Director of the Department of Community             5
and Children’s Services

Starting primary school in 2023                                    6

Key dates to remember                                              7

How to choose a school                                             8

Things to consider when choosing a school                          9

How to apply                                                     10

Getting your results – National Offer Day                        13

Appeal process                                                   14

In-year admissions                                               15

Information about primary schools
The Aldgate School                                               16

Support for parents and carers                                   21

School admissions in other local authorities & useful contacts   22

Glossary                                                         23

                                                             Starting Primary School 2023 3
4 Starting Primary School 2023
FOREWORD                                                                       Andrew Carter
                                                                               Director of the
                                                                               Department of
                                                                               Community and
                                                                               Children’s Services

The City of London                The City of London has one       a much clearer picture of
Corporation (City of London)      maintained primary school,       the school’s environment,
has a very proud and long         The Aldgate School. The          how children interact with
history of providing excellent    school, which has been           each other, the school’s
educational services to           judged as ‘outstanding’          approach to partnership
children of all ages. We are      by Ofsted since 2008,            working with you, and the
committed to ensuring that        consistently achieves            community it serves. As such,
every child in the City of        high standards in English,       I do suggest you visit schools
London gets the best start        Mathematics and Science          you are interested in before
in life and receives the right    and has exceptional              making your preferences
support to reach their full       standards in Music. In May       on the eAdmissions website.
potential. I’m sure you will      2019, the school was judged      This will help you and your
agree that starting primary       ‘excellent’ in all areas by      child assess if the school
school is an important and        the Statutory Inspection of      will be a place where they
exciting time for your child.     Anglican and Methodist           will be happy and get the
Getting the right start at        Schools framework (this          best from their education.
primary school, making new        focuses on the impact            We are proud to be able to
friends, developing skills and    of a church school’s             say that over the last three
a love of learning set the        Christian vision on pupils       years approximately 91
foundation for later years.       and adults). The inspector       per cent of City of London
                                  said, ‘The school’s leaders      parents and carers who
In light of the recent            and those responsible            applied for a primary school
pandemic, I feel that it’s        for leading RE are wholly        place received an offer
important to acknowledge          committed to ensuring that       from one of their top three
the disruption that pre-school    all pupils, including the        preferences. We will do all
children have experienced         most vulnerable, flourish.’      we can to help you find a
over the last couple of years.    Many children living in          school place for your child.
It is positive news, however,     the City of London go to         The Education and Early
that the last academic year       schools in neighbouring          Years’ Service is available
has been impacted by              local authorities, such          to support you with your
the pandemic less than in         as Southwark, Hackney,           application if you need it. I
previous years, resulting in      Westminster, Islington, Tower    wish your child every success
more stability for our children   Hamlets, Camden and              and happiness in their
and young people.                 Lambeth, where they have         education as they start their
                                  access to many good and          journey through school.
This guide provides               outstanding schools.
information to help you
understand how and when           However, families living in
to make a primary school          the City of London must still
application for children          apply to the City of London
starting primary school in        for schools in other boroughs.
September 2023.                   Visiting schools will give you

                                                                          Starting Primary School 2023 5


Children are required by law to receive full-time education at the start of the school
term following their fifth birthday and remain until the end of the education year in
which they turn 16. This is known as compulsory school age.

When does my child start                                   If you are considering this option,
school?                                                       please let the School Admissions
                                       If your child was       Team know as soon as possible.
All children will be offered a          born between 1
full-time school place for the                                  If you choose deferred or
                                     September 2018 and          delayed admissions entry,
start of the education year          31 August 2019, they
in which they turn five. The                                     you must speak to the school
                                     are expected to start      about their policy as soon as
expectation is that the place          primary school in
is taken up in September at the                                 possible.
                                       September 2023.
start of the school year.
                                                           Can my child attend reception
Can I defer my child’s start in                          part-time?
reception class?                                 Yes, but only until the end of the term in
You can opt to defer your child’s start in       which they turn five years old.
reception class until later in the school
year. Your child must, however, be in full-      Junior school admissions
time education by the time they reach            If your child goes to an infant school, they
compulsory school age.                           will transfer to a junior school in September
                                                 after their seventh birthday. Children at
Can I delay my child’s start in reception        infant schools normally transfer to their linked
class?                                           junior school at the age of seven, but an
Parents of summer born children can make         application must be made to the junior
a request to delay their child’s admission to    school. Most linked schools are on the same
reception class until the following education    site and have the same name.
year when the child reaches compulsory
school age.                                      If your child is in Year 2 at any primary
                                                 school, you can also make an application
Summer born children are defined as born         to a junior school.
between 1 April and 31 August 2019.              • J unior schools cater for children attending
                                                    Year 3 to Year 6 (Key Stage 2).
Each admission authority publishes their         •C
                                                   hildren born between 1 September 2015
decision making process as part of their          and 31 August 2016 can apply for a junior
admissions policy. They may expect to see         school place.
evidence of a child’s educational need and
will want to discuss with parents the impact     The application process and timeline for
of a child being educated with children of a     junior school and reception class are exactly
different age group.                             the same.

6 Starting Primary School 2023
         1 September                               September/October

         You can start making applications         School open days (contact the specific
         to schools using the online Common        school for details).
         Application Form (CAF).
         15 January                                17 April
         Deadline date for applications and        The results of your application will be sent to
         additional documentation where            you on National Offer Day. If you applied
         applicable, such as Supplementary         online, you’ll receive an email or text alert in

         Information Forms (SIFs) and medical      the evening informing you of the outcome or
         assessments for consideration under       where to find it online.
         social/medical criterion.
         2 May                                     May to July
         Deadline for accepting an offer of a      Appeals heard against the refusal of a
         primary school place.                     place at a school on your application form.

Children with Special Educational Needs            Note: Children currently undergoing an EHC
and Disabilities (SEND)                            plan needs assessment must apply using the
All primary schools have written policies          CAF until they have a confirmed EHC plan in
(SEND Policy and SEND Information Report)          place.
outlining how they identify and assist children
with SEND. With additional school based            Children with an EHC plan
support, most children with SEND are able to       If your child has an EHC plan, you do not
successfully attend mainstream schools.            need to complete a CAF. The City of
                                                   London’s Education and Early Years’ Service
You will be able to see the school’s SEND          will support you with the process. The team
Policy and SEND Information Report on their        will help you to identify and apply to schools
website, or you can contact the school you         appropriate to your child’s needs. Once a
are interested in to request a copy.               school has been agreed, it will be named
                                                   on your child’s EHC plan.
The City of London has an Educational
Psychology Service, which can be consulted         SEND Local Offer
by an educational setting in the City for          Information about the provision and services
advice if the setting has identified and is        that are available for children and young
supporting your child with any difficulties with   people with SEND (0–25 years) can be
learning or wellbeing.                             found on the City of London’s SEND Local
                                                   Offer website. The SEND Local Offer sets out
If your child has special educational needs        information about services and provision
but does not have an Education, Health             both inside and outside the City. Please visit
and Care (EHC) plan, you must apply for a          the Family Information Service for full details:
primary school by completing a CAF. If your
child is at a nursery, the Special Educational     local-offer.
Needs Coordinator (SENCo) will work with the
SENCo at the primary school to make sure
the move to primary school goes as smoothly                    If you would like to discuss your
as possible.                                                 child’s special educational needs
                                                         or would like more information, please
                                                         contact the Education and Early Years’
                                                             Service on 020 7332 1002 or email

                                                                           Starting Primary School 2023 7


Get started                                      Each school’s information page provides
Our advice is: Don’t wait! Give yourself         a link to its Ofsted report. An Ofsted report
as much time as possible to explore and          details a school’s strengths and weaknesses
consider your options so that you can apply      in terms of teaching staff and leadership,
to schools that best fit your child’s needs      and its status at the time of its last inspection.
and aspirations and whose selection criteria     Schools are currently inspected every four
are favourable to you.                           years.

                                                 Once you’ve come up with a shortlist, find
Finding a school
                                                 out more about each school by reading its:
If you don’t know the schools in your area,
a good place to start your search is by          •p
                                                   rospectus – detailed information about
looking at your local authority’s primary         the school and its leaders, teachers,
school guide, or those of surrounding local       courses, facilities and philosophy
authorities. They contain general information    •a
                                                   dmissions policy – information about
about the local schools. You can download         admissions criteria should the school
copies from their websites. You’ll find           receive more applications than it has
contact details for local authorities near the    places available (oversubscribed).
City of London on page 22.
                                                 You’ll find prospectuses and admissions
Alternatively, you could visit the Department    policies on each school’s website or you
for Education’s ‘Find and compare schools        can contact them directly to request
in England’ website:          copies.

This website provides a comprehensive list
of schools across England, and it also allows
you to access performance tables that
give information on pupils’ results at
                                                 Get a complete picture
each school and show how they
compare with other schools.                      Prospectuses, league tables and Ofsted
                                                 reports alone will not give you a complete
                                                 picture of a school. We advise you to visit
                                                 the school for a closer look at its location,
                                                 facilities, and surroundings and to get a taste
                                                 of its educational environment. Arrange to
                                                 speak with the administrative staff, teachers
                                                 and, if possible, pupils and parents.

Look at the admissions criteria                    Most schools hold Open Days or Open
On your application you should list                 Evenings. Attending these along with
all the schools you want to apply to in                 your child will give you a better feel for
order of preference. Some schools receive                 the school.
more applications than they have places to
offer though, so you should always look at the
admissions criteria for each of your preferred
schools and consider whether you meet them.

8 Starting Primary School 2023
Things to consider
when choosing
a school
Here are a few questions to ask
when deciding whether a school fits
your child’s personality and needs.

What do other parents think about
the school?
Find out the experiences of parents
with children at the schools you’re
interested in.

Does the school have extended
services, such as breakfast clubs,
after-school clubs and after-school
Are there supervised activities for
pupils outside normal school hours if
parents or carers are at work?

Does the school have facilities
and resources for children with
SEND and does it offer additional
What provisions are there for children
with SEND?

How will your child get there?
  hat form of transport will they need
 to take?
  ow long is the journey (time and
• Is the travel route safe and

How are the school’s
Are the buildings,           Remember, the
classrooms and             school with the best
grounds well               reputation may not
equipped and               always be the most
maintained?                  suitable for your
                              child’s needs.

                     Starting Primary School 2023 9

You must apply to the local authority where           What is a SIF and why is it needed?
your child lives. Do not list independent             A SIF provides additional information that
fee-paying schools as you need to apply to            some schools use to allocate places when
them directly.                                        they are oversubscribed (they’ve received
                                                      more applications than they have places to
1. To make an application online, please             offer).
    visit the eAdmissions website: If you’re unable          To find out if your chosen schools require
    to apply online, please contact the City          a SIF, please contact them directly. If you
    of London School Admissions Team on               apply online, the eAdmissions website will tell                    you if a school requires a SIF. You must send
                                                      the completed SIF directly to the school
2. You can apply for any school located in
                                                      and not to the City of London. Choosing
    any borough, with up to a maximum of six
                                                      not to complete the SIF could reduce
    schools. We highly recommend that you
                                                      your chances of getting a place at that
    apply to as many schools as you can as this
                                                      school if it’s oversubscribed. Most voluntary-
    will increase your chances of getting one of
                                                      aided and foundation schools and some
    your preferred schools.
                                                      academies require a SIF.
3. List the schools in the order you prefer,
    with your favourite school listed first. Your     Applying under sibling criterion
    preference order is not disclosed to schools.
                                                      If your child has a brother or sister attending
    Make sure you are aware of schools that
                                                      any of your preferred schools at the time of
    require a SIF to be completed in addition
                                                      admission in September 2023, you should
    to your eAdmissions online/paper-based
                                                      complete the box marked ‘Sibling details’
                                                      alongside the relevant school.
4. It is a good idea to list your nearest schools.
    If you do not apply for any of the schools        Applying under exceptional reasons
    close to you, there is a risk that, if you
                                                      If you are making an application based on
    do not secure a place at one of your
                                                      medical, social, religious, philosophical or
    preferences, local schools may already be
                                                      educational reasons, you must complete
    full and your child could end up having to
                                                      the ’reasons for preference’ box on the
    travel further away to get to school.
                                                      application form.

                                                      You must also explain in writing why your
                                                      child must attend a specific school, and a
                                                      professional practitioner, such as a doctor or
                                                      educational psychologist, must support your
                                                      reasons and provide relevant evidence. The
                                                      City of London School Admissions Team must
                                                        receive this by the application deadline.
       The deadline for
        applications is
 15 January 2023
10 Starting Primary School 2023
Oversubscription criteria – an example            Your child’s home address
According to the list below, children looked      If you are separated from your child’s other
after by the local authority is a higher          parent and your child lives partly with you
criterion than distance to school:                and partly with the other parent, you should
  hildren looked after by the local              state the address where your child lives most
 authority.                                       of the time.
• Children whose siblings attend the school.     If you have an equal shared care
  istance to school from child’s home            arrangement, state the address of the
 address.                                         parent claiming child benefit, receiving tax
                                                  credits linked to the child or whose address
Proof of home address                             is registered at the child’s GP. If you are
Your address details will be checked by the       making an online application, you can
City of London Council Tax Team. You will         upload documents to your eAdmissions
be asked to provide additional supporting         account. If you are making a paper
documentation if the Council Tax Team is          application, you will need to send the
unable to verify your details. It’s important     documents to the City of London School
you give accurate information on your             Admissions Team.
application form as this can affect the
outcome of your application.                      Note: Only one address can be used for
                                                  school admission purposes and the final
You are also required to provide proof of the     decision will rest with the City of London
child’s residence. The document must not          School Admissions Team.
be older than one year and should be either
uploaded to the eAdmissions system or sent
electronically to the City of London School
Admissions Team. This can be in the form
of a child tax credit notification, letter from     Late applications
the NHS or any other document that has
                                                    Applications received
your child’s name and address. For more
                                                    after the closing date will be
information on the City of London address
                                                    deemed ‘late applications’ and will be
verification policy, please visit:
                                                    considered after those received on time.
                                                    If there are exceptional reasons why you
Note: The offer of a school place can be
                                                    couldn’t make the deadline, please write
withdrawn if the information supplied is
                                                    to the City of London School Admissions
knowingly incorrect. An admissions authority
                                                    Team and provide supporting evidence.
can also take legal action against anyone
who has knowingly given false information
                                                    If you wish to change your school
to get a school place for their child.
                                                    preferences after the closing date, your
                                                    application will be treated as a late

                                                    Note: You can only make a late
                                                    application using the paper application
                                                    form. You cannot make a late application

                                                                        Starting Primary School 2023 11
What happens after you’ve submitted              school’s admissions policy. Children meeting
your form?                                       criteria with a higher priority will be more
All London local authorities, and some local     likely to get a place than those meeting
authorities bordering London, are part of        lower priority criteria. You can get a copy
the Pan London Admissions Scheme. The            of the policy from each school’s admissions
scheme coordinates applications across           authority.
local authority borders.
                                                 Your child will receive only one offer. If more
Your child will be considered separately by      than one school can offer them a place,
each school on their application form. The       the school making the offer will be your
schools do not know which other schools          child’s highest preference and all lower
you’ve listed or your order of preference.       preferences will be withdrawn and released
                                                 to other children. Therefore, please make
If a school is not oversubscribed, every child   sure you put the school you really want first.
that applies will be offered a place.
                                                 Admissions authority
If a school is oversubscribed, places            For foundation schools, voluntary-aided
will be allocated by its admissions              schools, academies and free schools, this is
authority in accordance with the                 the school’s governing body. For all other
school’s oversubscription criteria. The          schools, this is the local authority.
oversubscription criteria are part of a

12 Starting Primary School 2023
The results of your application will be      I’ve been offered a place at one of my
sent to you on National Offer Day,           least preferred schools and plan to appeal.
which is 17 April 2023. If you applied       Should I reject the place?
online, you’ll receive an email alert
                                             You are strongly advised to accept the offered
that evening informing you of the
                                             place as it will ensure that your child has a place
outcome of your application and/or
                                             should your appeal be unsuccessful. Accepting
a text telling you where you can view
                                             the place will not affect the outcome of your
the outcome online.
                                             appeal. If you reject the offered place and your
                                             appeal is unsuccessful, the process of finding
The letter the City of London School         another school is likely to be difficult.
Admissions Team sends you will tell
you:                                         What if I don’t receive a place at any of my
  hich school can offer your child a        preferred schools?
 place                                       You will be allocated an alternative school that
• how to accept the place                    has a vacancy and the City of London School
  hat to do if your child was not           Admissions Team will work with you to find
 offered a place at any of their chosen      schools that have places available.
                                             You can also choose to appeal against
• how to appeal a decision.                 the refusal or go on your preferred school’s
                                             waiting list. Contact the school directly to find
Your child will receive only one offer. If   out its waiting list policy and if you’ve been
more than one school can offer them a        automatically added to the list.
place, the school making the offer will
be your child’s highest preference.
                                               How do waiting
Accepting an offer                             lists work?
You can accept the offered school              Your child’s place on a waiting list is determined
place by:                                      by the school’s oversubscription criteria, not
                                               by how long they’ve been waiting. Children
• completing the online acceptance          meeting higher priority criteria will be higher on
     form via your eAdmissions account         the list than those meeting lower priority criteria.
• replying to the Education and Early
   Years offer day email.                      Your child’s place can move down if children
                                               meeting higher criteria than yours join the list.
Either way, the City of London School          Late applications are included on the waiting
Admissions Team must receive your              list and are treated in the same way as on-time
response by 2 May 2023 or your place           applications.
may be offered to another child.
                                               Acceptance deadline
What if my child has a place at a              If your acceptance slip is not postmarked by 2 May
private or independent school?                 2023, your place may be offered to another child.
If you have accepted a place for your
child at a private or independent school,      If you are likely to be away from home between
please let the City of London School           17 April and 1 May 2023, please let the City
Admissions Team know in writing as soon        of London School Admissions Team know in
as possible so that the school place can       advance by emailing
be offered to another child.         

                                                                       Starting Primary School 2023 13

If you didn’t receive an offer from your most    etails of how to appeal will be included in
preferred school, you can appeal against        the offer letter.
the refusal.
                                                If you intend to make an appeal, you should
What you need to do:                            still accept the school place you’ve been
  ontact the school you want to make an        offered so that your child will have a place if
 appeal against as soon as possible. They       your appeal is unsuccessful.
 will provide you with information about
 their appeal process, e.g. what you’ll         Accepting the place you’ve been offered
 need to do and by when.                        will not affect the outcome of your appeal.
  resent your appeal. Your appeal will be
 heard during May, June or July 2023 by
 the Appeal Panel, which is made up of
                                                                 The Appeal
 people who have not been involved in
 any way in the allocation of school places.                       Panel’s
                                                                  decision is

14 Starting Primary School 2023

What is in-year admissions?                        Is there a closing date for in-year
In-year admissions is the process of applying      admissions?
to a school at any time outside the normal         No, although we advise you to make your
admissions rounds. Normal admissions rounds        application as soon as possible.
are those that take place during September
of the year a child starts either reception or     I don’t like the school that my child is
secondary school.                                  currently attending and want to change
                                                   their school. Can I make an
You must complete an in-year application if
                                                   in-year admissions application?
your child:
                                                   Yes. But before you do, please consider that
• is transferring from one primary school to
                                                   moving schools can be very unsettling for
                                                   children, particularly if they are preparing
  as been educated at home and now                for exams or have difficulty adapting to new
 wishes to apply for a school place                situations and surroundings.
• is newly arrived in the UK and is looking for
   a school place.

What do I need to do?
That depends, as the in-year admissions
application process varies. With some
schools, you apply directly to the school,          Watch the City of London’s
while with others you’ll need to complete           Information video
the local authority’s in-year application form.
Contact the school directly to find out more.

                                                                        Starting Primary School 2023 15


The Aldgate School
St James’s Passage,                     Religious affiliations       Nearest train stations
27 Duke’s Place, London EC3A 5DE        Church of England            Tower Gateway, Tower
t 020 7283 1147                                                      Hill, Liverpool Street
                                        Supplementary                and Fenchurch Street.
f 020 7626 5071
                                        Information Form (SIF)       London Bridge and
                                        required?                    Cannon Street are within
w              Yes. See page 10             a 15-minute walk
Head Teacher
Ms Alexandra Allan                      Ofsted rating                Nearest buses
                                        Outstanding                  8, 15, 25, 78, 100 and 205
                                        Nearest tube stations
3–11 boys and girls
                                        Aldgate, Aldgate East,
Reception places                        Liverpool Street, Tower
30                                      Hill and Moorgate

At The Aldgate School, we aim to provide         Our aim is for every child to have a wealth
an exceptional education for every child         of experiences and make exceptional
in a safe, stimulating environment where         progress in order to be well prepared for their
everyone is valued and respected. We             secondary education and life thereafter.
believe education is a partnership between
home and school. We encourage the                We provide:
spiritual development of the children and        •A
                                                   stimulating, broad and balanced
the knowledge of God and                          curriculum for every child.
the world.
                                                   religious education according to the
                                                  principles and practices of the Church of
We’re a diverse and inclusive school
                                                  England in a context where everyone is
community. We believe in the importance
                                                  valued and respected.
of a rich curriculum with excellent subject
teaching. Our Early Years Foundation Stage       •E
                                                   xcellent teaching and carefully
is a special place to learn. We believe play      targeted support to ensure every child is
is learning in the Early Years and that every     challenged to excel and achievements
child is unique and deserves the opportunity      are celebrated.
to interact in a creative, well-resourced        • S taff development to ensure our staff are
environment, which is rich with language            well trained.
and resources. In Key Stages 1 and 2, we         •A
                                                   safe, disciplined environment where all
seek to deliver a rounded education which         members of our school community are
prioritises the vital skills of communication,    expected to treat each other with
music, the arts and sport alongside reading,      courtesy and respect.
writing and mathematics.

16 Starting Primary School 2023
Behaviour                                       How to apply for a school place
We expect all members of our school             You have six preferences and should list
community to:                                   them in your order of preference on the
• respect and care for each other               City of London’s CAF. For example, if The
                                                Aldgate School is your first choice, then list
  elebrate our unique talents,                 this first.
 achievements and strengths
  ork hard every day and take                  Admissions information
 responsibility for our own learning            The Aldgate School is a Church of England
• be fair and honest in everything we do       Voluntary Aided Primary School. The
• look after our environment                    responsibility for the admission of pupils
                                                rests with the governing body. The school’s
  ove sensibly and quietly around the
                                                current maximum admissions number is
                                                30, with 30 children in each class. These
                                                arrangements and the admissions criteria
Homework                                        (below) are reviewed annually. When there
Each child is expected to do homework           are more applications than there are places
every week. This could be reading, maths,       available, the governors will admit pupils
project work or music practice. Work will be    according to the following criteria, which
set appropriate to age and ability.             are listed in order of priority.

Uniform                                         Note: Priority will be given to Looked After
Children, parents and staff have an agreed      children and children with an EHC plan
school uniform policy for reception upwards;    where this school is named in the plan.
you can find details of the uniform policy on
our website or by contacting the school.        Admissions criteria
                                                1. Children Looked After by a local authority,
The City of London Child and Family                 Previously Looked After Children who left
Centre                                              care under a child arrangement or special
The school has an integrated Sure Start             guardianship order, or those adopted
Children’s Centre, providing care and early         from local authority care.
education for children from three months old    2. Children with a sibling attending the
to nursery class age.                               school in the academic year of admission.

Childcare                                       3. a) Children whose parent(s) worship and
                                                    have done so fortnightly and continuously
We offer excellent and affordable childcare         and have done so for the previous three
for children aged three months to 11 years          years, in the Parish Church of St Botolph’s,
from 7.45am to 6.00pm 48 weeks a year.              Aldgate (equating to 26 times each year)
Contact the school for further information.
                                                NB: In the event that during the period
                                                specified for attendance at worship the
                                                church has been closed for public worship
                                                and has not provided alternative premises
                                                   for that worship, the requirements of
                                                           these admissions arrangements in

                                                                       Starting Primary School 2023 17
relation to attendance will only apply to the       • L ength of attendance at the church
period when the church has been available              must be by the application closing date.
for public worship.                                    If you are applying under criterion 3 or
                                                       4, a completed SIF should be sent to the
4. Children for whom this is the nearest
                                                       school directly and you should obtain
    Church of England school in order of
                                                       a receipt confirming the date the form
    proximity of home to school, measured in
                                                       was received by the school. You should
    a straight line distance, whose parent(s)
                                                       contact the school if you do not receive
    worship fortnightly and continuously in
                                                       a receipt within ten schools days as it may
    churches of other Christian denominations
                                                       mean we have not received your SIF. If we
    (such denominations being members of
                                                       do not receive your SIF by the deadline
    Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
                                                       date, we will not be able to apply your
    (CTBI) and the Evangelical Alliance) and
                                                       application to criterion 3 or 4 and will
    have done so for the previous three years.
                                                       be applied to either criterion 6 or 8 as
5. Children who have a place in the nursery           applicable instead.
    class of the City Child and Family Centre,
                                                    • T he Aldgate School will use the City of
    who live in the admissions priority area.
                                                       London’s Geographical Information
6. Children living in the admissions priority         System (GIS) to measure straight line
    area in order of proximity of home to              distance to prioritise applicants for
    school, measured by the shortest walking           admission. The distance will be measured
    route.                                             from the address point as indicated
7. Children of members of staff if the staff          within the Local Land and Property
    member is filling a post for which there is a      Gazetteer (LLPG) to the address point of
    demonstrable skill shortage. Priority will be      the school within the LLPG as a straight
    limited to one place for each form of entry        line. Measurements by alternative systems
    in any year.                                       and/or to other points will not be taken
                                                       into account in any circumstances.
8. Any other children in order of proximity of        Where applicants have identical distance
    home to school, measured over the shortest         measurements, priority among them will
    walking route.                                     be determined at random.
                                                    • S ibling refers to brother or sister, adopted
Terminology, definitions and notes on the              brother or sister, step brother or sister or
oversubscription criteria                              foster siblings of the child of the parent/
• If there are more applicants than places            carer’s partner where the child for whom
   in any of the above categories, priority will       the school place is sought is living in the
   be given to applicants living nearest to            same family unit at the same address as
   the school, in order of proximity of home           the sibling.
   to school, measured in a straight line           •C
                                                      hildren attending nursery class at the
   distance.                                         City Child and Family Centre will not gain
  ighest priority will be given to Looked           automatic entry into the reception class.
 After children and children who were                Parents must re-apply for a reception class
 previously Looked After.                            place.
  parent is a person who has parental
 responsibility for, or is the legal guardian of
 the child.

18 Starting Primary School 2023
Admissions priority area                               Number of places offered using the
The school has an admissions priority                  oversubscription criteria – 2022/23
area, which will be used in relation to                The table below shows how places were
oversubscription criterion 5 and 6. Please see         allocated using the oversubscription criteria
the map above. For a more detailed map                 last year. Each criterion number corresponds
or for a copy of the full policy, please visit         to the admissions criteria list.
                                                       Criterion               Number of children
Proof of home address                                                          allocated
You will need to produce proof of your                 1                       1
permanent home address. This can be a                  2                       13
current council tax statement, child benefit
                                                       3                       2
letter or similar documentation.
                                                       4                       0
                                                       5                       9
Fraudulent information
                                                       6                       5
If the allocation of a place has been made
on the basis of fraudulent or intentionally            Distance last pupil was allocated a school
misleading information, the governors                  place: 571.29 metres.
reserve the right to withdraw the place.
                                                       There was one appeal lodged for reception
                                                       2022, which was not upheld.



                                                                                               The Aldgate School
          Camden                                                                                  Priority Area

                                                                                                      The Aldgate School
                                                                                                      School Admissions
                                                                                                      Priority Area
                                                                                                      London Boroughs

                                      City of London                           Tower Hamlets          City of London

City of Westminster

                                                                                                     Created by:
                                                                                                     Amrul Khan

                                                                                                    Date Created:
                                                                                                    25 Jun 2021

                                                                                                0   60 120    240      360
       Lambeth                                                                                           Metres

                                                                                                 © Crown copyright and
                                                                                                  database rights 2021
                                                                                                     OS 100023243

                                                                             Starting Primary School 2023 19
       Autumn Term 2022
        Half Term 1                   Thursday 1 September to Friday 21 October 2022
        Children back to school on Monday 5 September 2022
        Half Term break               Monday 24 October to Friday 28 October 2022
        Half Term 2                   Monday 31 October to Friday 16 December 2022
        Children back to school on Tuesday 1 November 2022
        Children finish on Friday 16 December 2022 at 1.30pm
        Christmas Break               Monday 19 December 2022 to Tuesday 3 January 2023
        INSET Day                     Thursday 1 September 2022
        INSET Day                     Friday 2 September 2022
        INSET Day                     Monday 31 October 2022

       Spring Term 2023
        Half Term 3                   Wednesday 4 January to Friday 10 February 2023
        Children back to school on Wednesday 4 January 2023
        Half Term break               Monday 13 February to Friday 17 February 2023
        Half Term 4                   Monday 20 February to Friday 31 March 2023
        Children back to school on Tuesday 21 February 2023
        Children finish on Friday 31 March at 1.30pm
        Easter Break                  Monday 3 April to Friday 14 April 2023
        INSET Day                     Monday 2 January 2023
        INSET Day                     Tuesday 3 January 2023

       Summer Term 2023
        Half Term 5                   Monday 17 April to Friday 26 May 2023
        Half Term break               Monday 29 May to Friday 2 June 2023
        Half Term 6                   Monday 5 June to Friday 21 July 2023
        Children back to school on Tuesday 6 June 2023
        Children finish the school year on Friday 21 July at 1.30pm

                                            Christmas Day             Sunday 25 December 2022
                                            Boxing Day                Monday 26 December 2022
                                            Christmas Bank Holiday Tuesday 27 December 2022
                                            New Year’s Day            Sunday 1 January 2023
                                            New Year Bank Holiday Monday 2 January 2023
       BANK HOLIDAYS                        Good Friday               Friday 7 April 2023

       FOR 2022/23                          Easter Monday             Monday 10 April 2023
                                            May Day                   Monday 1 May 2023
                                            Late May Bank Holiday Monday 29 May 2023

20 Starting Primary School 2023


Help with home-to-school travel costs            If you meet these criteria, you can apply
Transport for London (TfL) provides free         for free school meals to the local authority
travel for children aged 11 years and            where your child’s school is located.
under at any time on London buses,
London Underground, trams, DLR, London           Young people who get paid these benefits
Overground and most National Rail services.      directly, instead of through a parent or
If children are travelling unaccompanied,        guardian, can also get free school meals.
they must have a valid ’5-10’ Oyster
photocard to travel free of charge.              School clothing grants
                                                 T he school clothing grant is a discretionary,
How to apply                                      one-off payment of £50, made in August
                                                  each year, to help with the cost of school
  ou must apply online via
                                                  uniforms and footwear, including PE kits. You and
                                                  must meet all of the following criteria:
 you’ll need a Zip Oyster photocard web
 account.                                        •Y
                                                   ou and your child must live in the City of
• If you have an Oyster photocard account
   for a non-Zip Oyster photocard, you’ll        •Y
                                                   our child is due to start attending a
   need to use a different email address to       publicly funded primary school reception
   create a Zip web account.                      class from September.
• F or more information, contact TfL on         • There is an agreed school uniform.
   0343 222 1234.                                •Y
                                                   ou are in receipt of one of the qualifying
                                                  benefits for free school meals.
Free school meals
Your child may be eligible to receive free       The grant is paid at the discretion of the City
school meals if they are in other year groups,   of London.
if you receive one of these benefits:
                                                 For more information, please contact the
• Income Support or income-based
                                                 School Admissions Team.
   Jobseeker’s Allowance.
• Income-related Employment and Support
• S upport under Part VI of the Immigration
   and Asylum Act 1999.
  hild Tax Credit where the parent is not
 entitled to Working Tax Credit and their
 annual income (assessed by HMRC) does
 not exceed £16,190.
• Guaranteed element of Pension Credit.
  orking Tax Credit run-on: This is normally
 paid for four weeks after you stop
 qualifying for Working Tax Credit.
  niversal Credit: If you apply on or after 1
 April 2018, your household income must be
 less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not
 including any benefits you get).

                                                                        Starting Primary School 2023 21
Camden School Admissions                      Tower Hamlets School Admissions
5 Pancras Square,                             Pupil Services,
London N1C 4AG                                Mulberry Place,
020 7974 1625                                 5 Clove Crescent,                  London E14 2BG
                                              020 7364 5006
Hackney School Admissions           
Hackney Learning Trust,
1 Reading Lane,                               Westminster School Admissions
London E8 1GQ                                 Hornton Street,
020 8820 7000 (option 3)                      London W8 7NX            020 7745 6433
Hammersmith & Fulham School Admissions
145 King Street,
London W6 9XY
020 8753 1085

Islington School Admissions
222 Upper Street,
London N1 1XR
020 7527 5515
                                                USEFUL CONTACTS     Coram Children’s Legal Centre
schools/apply-for-a-school-place                If you would like independent advice
                                                about making an appeal, you can
Kensington and Chelsea School Admissions        contact Coram Children’s Legal Centre.
Town Hall,                                      They offer free advice on the admissions
Hornton Street,                                 process and a range of education issues,
London W8 7NX                                   including bullying, exclusion, SEN and
020 7745 6432 or 020 7745 6433                  attendance.          0300 330 5485
Lambeth Admissions Service
International House,                            Independent Schools Council
Canterbury Crescent,                            First Floor,
London SW9 7QE                                  27 Queen Anne’s Gate,
020 7926 9503                                   London SW1H 9BU        020 7766 7070
Southwark Admissions
160 Tooley Street,                              Local Government & Social Care
London SE1 2QH                                  Ombudsman
020 7525 5337                                   PO Box 4771,           Coventry CV4 0EH
                                                0300 061 0614

22 Starting Primary School 2023

When reading through this guide, you may come across some words
or terms that you are unclear about. Below is a list of common terms
used in the primary school admissions process. If you need further help,
please call the School Admissions Team on 020 7332 1002.

Academy Schools         for both primary and    Education, Health          that employs
Academy schools         secondary school-       and Care (EHC) Plans       the staff and has
are publicly funded,    aged children.          EHC Plans are              primary responsibility
independently                                   legal documents            for admissions
managed schools         Appeal Panel            issued by a local          arrangements. Many
that benefit from       An independent          authority detailing        foundation schools
freedoms, including     panel of trained        the particular needs,      were formerly
freedom from local      people that hears       resources and              grant-maintained
authority control,      and makes decisions     provision required         schools.
the ability to set      on appeals made         to support the child,
their own pay and       against admissions      and can include a          Free Schools
conditions for staff,   decisions.              named school that is       Free schools are
freedoms around                                 suitable for providing     funded by the state
the delivery of the     Catchment Area          education for that         but set up and run
curriculum and the      A defined               child.                     by members of the
ability to change the   geographical area                                  community, such as
lengths of terms and    that some admissions    Education Year             parents, teachers,
school days.            authorities use         The school year starts     charities and
                        to decide which         in September and           businesses, on a
Admissions Authority    applications should     ends in July of the        not-for-profit basis.
The body that sets a    be given priority to    following calendar         Free schools can set
school’s admissions     attend a particular     year.                      their own admissions
arrangements            school.                                            policy.
and allocates                                   Faith Schools
school places. For      Common Application      Faith schools have         Governing Body
voluntary-aided and     Form (CAF)              a particular religious     Every school
foundation schools,     The form that must      character. They are        has a governing
it is the school’s      be used when            mostly run in the          body made up
governing body.         applying for a place    same way as other          of members of
                        in a state-maintained   state-maintained           the community,
Admissions Policy       school.                 schools. However,          local authority,
The policy that                                 their faith status         school staff and
determines how the      Community Schools       may affect their           parents. Governing
school will allocate    Community schools       curriculum and             bodies promote
places if the school    are run by the          admissions policies.       high standards
receives more           local authority,                                   of educational
applications than it    which decides           Foundation Schools         achievement. Their
has places to offer.    on the admissions       Foundation                 key objectives
                        arrangements. These     schools are state-         are around
All Through Schools     schools develop         maintained, but            setting strategic
These schools           strong links with the   it is the school’s         direction, ensuring
provide education       local community.        governing body             accountability, and

                                                                         Starting Primary School 2023 23
monitoring and                    subjects your child      is the government        about a child and
evaluation.                       will be taught during    department               their circumstances
                                  their time at school.    responsible for          that some schools
Independent Schools               Children aged five       inspecting and           use to allocate
Independent                       to 16 in maintained      producing inspection     places when they
schools set their                 or state-maintained      reports on schools.      are oversubscribed,
own curriculum and                schools must be                                   in accordance with
admissions policies.              taught the National      Oversubscribed           their own published
They are funded                   Curriculum.              School                   oversubscription
through fees paid by                                       A school where there     criteria.
parents. Applications             National Curriculum      have been more
for independent                   Key Stages               applications than        Undersubscribed
schools are made                  The National             places available.        School
directly to the school.           Curriculum is                                     A school that has
                                  organised into           Oversubscription         vacancies because
Infant Class Size                 blocks of years          Criteria                 there have been
Government                        called key stages.       Criteria used to         fewer applications
legislation requires              There are four key       decide which             than the school has
local authorities to              stages plus an ‘Early    children will be         places available.
make sure that no                 Years Foundation         given priority if the
Key Stage 1 class will            Stage’, which            school receives more     Voluntary-aided
have more than 30                 covers education         applications than it     Schools
pupils if there is only           for children before      has places available.    Voluntary-aided
one fully qualified               they reach five years                             schools are state
teacher available for             old (compulsory          Primary School           maintained and are
that class.                       school age). Each        Reception to Year 6      mainly religious or
                                  National Curriculum      classes.                 ‘faith’ schools. The
Infant School                     subject has a target                              governing body
Reception to Year 2               for each key stage       Secondary School         employs the staff and
classes of a primary              that sets out the        Year 7 to Year 11        sets the admissions
school.                           skills, knowledge and    classes and usually      criteria.
                                  understanding your       attended by children
Junior School                     child should achieve     aged 11–16.              Voluntary-controlled
Year 3 to Year 6                  at that level.                                    Schools
classes of a primary                                       SEND                     Voluntary-controlled
school.                           National Tests           Special educational      schools are similar
                                  The tests are            needs and                to voluntary-aided
Looked After Children             intended to show if      disabilities.            schools but are run
or Previously Looked              your child is working                             and maintained by
After Children                    at, above or below       State-maintained         the local authority.
Children who are in               the target level         Schools                  As with community
the care of a local               for their age. This      Any school that is       schools, the local
authority or who                  enables schools          maintained and           authority employs
were looked after but             to know whether          funded by the            the school’s staff and
cease to be because               they are teaching        local authority. This    sets the admissions
they were adopted                 effectively by           includes community,      criteria. School land
or became subject to              comparing their          voluntary-aided,         and buildings are
a residence order or              pupils’ performance      voluntary-controlled     normally owned by
special guardianship              with national results.   and foundation           a charity, often a
order.                                                     schools.                 religious organisation,
                                  Ofsted                                            which also appoints
National Curriculum               The Office for           Supplementary            some of the
The National                      Standards in             Information Form (SIF)   members of the
Curriculum sets out               Education, Children’s    A form containing        governing body.
the stages and core               Services and Skills      additional information

24 Starting Primary School 2023
If you would like this information in another
 language or another format such as Braille,
           Large Print or Audio Tape,
              please contact the
Family Information Service on 020 7332 1002,
                  or email us at

             Family Information Service
          Education and Early Years’ Service
   Department of Community and Children’s Services
             City of London Corporation
                      PO Box 270
                  London EC2P 2EJ
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