Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022 - For children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019

Page created by Lester Watson
Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022 - For children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019
Starting Nursery
in Tower Hamlets 2022
For children born between
1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019
Closing date for applications:
16 February 2022
Apply online at
Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022 - For children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019
Applying for a nursery place – summary
  Your child would be             If your child was born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 and you wish to
  eligible for a funded           apply for a nursery place for September 2022, you must complete an online application
  nursery place from              by 16 February 2022 through the E-admissions website:
  the term following              If you would like a nursery place at a voluntary aided school, free school or academy,
  their third birthday.           you must – as well as completing an online application – complete the school’s
                                  Supplementary Information Form (SIF), if they have one.

  From 10 June 2022,                                                    If your application was received on or before the closing
  Pupil Services will                                                   date (16 February 2022), Pupil Services will notify you
  identify nursery                  Your Child                          of the outcome of your application by letter and email.
  places for any                      Starts                            The letter will be sent on 6 May 2022 and will name
  children that are                                                     the nursery at which a place has been offered for your
  unplaced and those                 Nursery                            child. The email will be sent after 5pm on the same
  that applied late.                                                    day. This offer will be for a part-time place only.

  If you have not been offered a place at your                                                                  Once your child
  chosen nurseries, you will be sent a list of                     You must accept or decline the               has been offered
  nurseries that still have places remaining and                   offer of a place by 20 May 2022.             a part-time place,
  given the opportunity to visit and apply to one of               If you do not reply by 20 May                you may request
  these nurseries. Your child will also be placed on               2022, the offer will be withdrawn.           a full-time place
  the waiting list for your preferred nursery.                                                                  from your nursery.

From September 2021, parents wishing to make an in-year transfer application, or parents who wish to make an application
who have not yet done so, must make an application direct to the Local Authority using the ‘In-Year Nursery Admission
2021/22’ application form which will be available to download from the Tower Hamlets website or available from Pupil Services.
If your child turns three during the 2021/22 school year, you may apply for a nursery place for the term following their third birthday.
Please contact Pupil Services on 020 7364 5006 or email for more information.
Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022 - For children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019
Foreword by the Corporate Director

Dear parents and carers,
Starting nursery is a big moment for both        You should make your application            We’re proud that Tower Hamlets
parents and children. We know that you           online and, if you don’t have your own      schools are inclusive and that children
want your child to have the best start in        computer, you can access the internet at    with Special Educational Needs and
life and choosing the right place for your       any of the borough’s Idea Stores.           Disabilities are educated well and thriving
child can often be a difficult decision.                                                     in our mainstream settings.
This booklet is designed to help you             The website address is www.
make the right choice so that your child       I am sure you have very high aspirations
is happy and successful at school.               Please see page 34 for more information.    for your child and expect high levels of
                                                                                             achievement as well as good behaviour
Inside you will find information about schools   More than 97% of Tower Hamlets              and regular attendance.
in Tower Hamlets, including addresses,           maintained nursery and primary
phone numbers and maps showing exactly           schools have now been judged ‘Good’         The council and our schools look to work
where they are. We have also tried to answer     or ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted and the          in partnership with parents and carers.
the most frequently asked questions.             borough has some of the fastest             Together we can ensure your child and all
                                                 improving schools in the country. The       children in Tower Hamlets progress well
It is a good idea to visit some schools          latest nursery and primary school           and make the best of their time at school.
and take the time to see the range of            results show that very high standards       You can be sure our teachers and other
opportunities that are available before          are common in schools across the            staff strive for nothing short of excellence
making up your mind. School staff are            borough. This has meant a rise in the       and, working with you, we can achieve
always pleased to meet new parents               number of parents wanting to send           this for your child.
and carers. As long as you make an               their children to our schools and in turn
appointment first, they will be happy to         there is a greater demand for school        We look forward to your child attending
show you around. All of our local schools        places in the borough.                      one of our schools.
produce brochures about themselves, so                                                       Yours sincerely,
you may want to contact those you are            Most schools in Tower Hamlets receive
most interested in to ask for a copy. For        more applications than there are places     James Thomas
more information and advice, please call         available, so some children may not         Corporate Director, Children and Culture
Pupil Services on 020 7364 5006. We              be offered a place at the preferred         London Borough of Tower Hamlets
have a number of multilingual as well as         school(s). Please be aware of this when
Bengali speaking admissions officers.            deciding which schools to apply to in
                                                 order of preference.

                                                                                             Apply online at   3
Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022 - For children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019

1 	Introduction                                 5    3 	Maps of nursery schools and
                                                          schools with nursery classes                15
l   Who is nursery education for?                5    l    Schools list and catchment area maps       15
l   The benefits of choosing nursery education   5    l    School catchment area 1 (Stepney)          16
l   Nursery provision in Tower Hamlets           6    l    School catchment area 2 (Bow)              17
l   Other pre-school provisions                  6    l    School catchment area 3 (Poplar)           18
l   Nursery class sessions                       6    l    School catchment area 4 (Isle of Dogs)     19
l   Part-time and full-time funding              7    l    School catchment area 5 (Wapping)          20
l   Early learning for two-year-olds             7    l    School catchment area 6 (Bethnal Green)    21
                                                      l    List of nursery schools and
                                                            schools with nursery classes              22
2 	Applying for a nursery place                 8

l   Start dates                                   8
l   How to apply                                  8
                                                      4 	Children’s centres                         26

l   Completing an application                     8
                                                          	Frequently asked questions
l   Closing date                                  9   5     about nursery admission                   28
l   How decisions are made                       10
l   Admission arrangements for voluntary
    aided schools and academies                  11   6    Appendices                                 33
l   Notification of decisions                    11     Appendix A – Understanding school catchment
l   Appeals                                      11     areas and the oversubscription criteria       31
l   Waiting lists                                11     Appendix B – A step-by-step guide to
l   Post-offer process                           12     applying online                               34
l   Children with additional needs               12     Glossary
                                                      l	                                             38
l   Nursery readiness                            12     Useful contacts
                                                      l	                                             39
l   Applying for a nursery place in 2021/22      12
l   Transferring from one nursery to another
    (in-year nursery transfer)                   13
l   Admission to primary school                  13
l   Data protection                              14
Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022 - For children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019
1             Introduction

This booklet is for parents with a child born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019
who wish to apply for a place in a nursery school or a nursery class attached to a primary
school in Tower Hamlets for September 2022.
Children will usually start nursery in the September following their third birthday. It is possible for eligible children to
access a funded nursery place from the beginning of the term after their third birthday. Both part-time (15 hours per week)
and full-time (30 hours per week) places are available at Tower Hamlets nurseries.

                                             to be part of a large group of children of   12:30pm to 3:30pm. Some settings offer
 Who is nursery education for?               their own age. We work in partnership        wrap-around-care which means children
                                             with parents to give your child the best     can attend breakfast club (e.g. from 8am)
Nursery Education is free for all three to   possible start to their education and        and after school care (e.g. until 5:30pm).
four-year-olds. Your child is entitled to    prepare them for reception class.
15 hours free early years education per                                                   For more information on how a typical day
week and this is available from the term     Our nurseries are run by experienced,        in nursery is arranged you can contact
after their 3rd birthday. Eligible parents   early years trained teachers and             your local nursery. You can also learn more
may also be entitled to an additional 15     supported by nursery nurses and early        about the early years foundation stage from
hours per week. Some parents of two-         years trained teaching assistants. All
year olds are also eligible for 15 hours     nursery education in Tower Hamlets           or the Department for Education (DfE)
free nursery but must meet certain           nursery schools and nursery classes          website (
government (income-based) criteria.          in primary schools are rated good by
                                             Ofsted and many are rated outstanding.       Nurseries welcome visits from parents
                                                                                          as we want you to feel confident that you
 The benefits of choosing                    The nursery day is arranged to allow         pick the right setting for your child. It is
                                             each child to develop at their own pace.     well worth visiting a few nursery settings
 nursery education
                                             Nursery classes are usually organised        before making your application.
                                             in the same way as a school, with three
Attending a nursery school or a              terms. A typical day in nursery consists
nursery class gives children a valuable      of two sessions: a morning session from
introduction to school. They will have the   approximately 9am to 12pm and an
opportunity to develop their skills and      afternoon session from approximately

                                                                                          Apply online at   5
Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022 - For children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019

                                                                                              Usually children attend either a
     Nursery provision in                       Other pre-school provisions                   morning or afternoon session of three
     Tower Hamlets                                                                            hours, or a full day. Where a school
                                               Private, voluntary and independent             offers both morning and afternoon
    Nursery schools and schools with           nurseries, preschools and play groups          sessions, the school will allocate the
    nursery classes                            also offer pre-school provision. A list of     sessions. Sessions may be allocated in
                                               these providers is available from the Family   consultation with parents. No guarantee
    There are five nursery schools in          Information Service on 020 7364 6495.          is made of the session time when a
    Tower Hamlets:                                                                            place is offered. Children from multiple
    ll   Alice Model Nursery School                                                           births will be offered the same session
    ll   Children’s House Nursery School        Nursery class sessions
    ll   Columbia Market Nursery School
    ll   Old Church Nursery School             Nursery classes are part-time for 15
    ll   Rachel Keeling Nursery School         hours or full-time for 30 hours each week
                                               during school term.
    More information about these nursery
    schools can be found on page 22.
    Primary Schools with nursery classes
    There are 60 maintained primary schools
    which have an attached nursery class in
    Tower Hamlets.
    A full list of these nursery schools and
    classes, along with more information
    about them, can be found on page 22.

6    Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022
Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022 - For children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019

                                                 Parents not eligible for the additional free   Your child will be eligible if any of the
 Part-time and full-time funding                 15 hours may still access a full time place    following apply:
                                                 by paying a top-up fee. This fee will be       ll they have a current Education, Health
All parents are entitled to 15 hours per         set by each nursery. Please contact your          and Care Plan (EHCP)
week of free early years education for           local nursery for further information.
38 weeks each year from the start of the                                                        ll they get Disability Living Allowance
school term after their child’s third birthday                                                  ll they have left care through special
until the child reaches compulsory school         Early learning for                               guardianship or an adoption or child
age i.e. the term after their fifth birthday.     two-year olds                                    arrangement order
An additional free 15 hours will only be                                                        ll they are looked after by the local
                                                 Some children may be eligible for                 authority
available for families where both parents
                                                 15 hours of funded childcare from the
are working (or the sole parent is working).
                                                 term after their second birthday. Unlike       Families who have no recourse to public
Typically, each parent must earn the             the nursery education for three and            funds are not eligible for a funded Early
equivalent of 16 hours a week at the             four year olds which is open to all, the       Learning for Two Year Olds.
national minimum or living wage and              early learning for two- year-olds is only
                                                                                                You can check whether your child is
less than £100,000 a year to be eligible.        available to children and families that
                                                                                                eligible by going to:
                                                 meet certain criteria.
For more information on eligibility go to:                                                              Children love to play and learn, and
                                                                                                Alternatively, you can go to your nearest
costs/free-childcare-and-education-              Tower Hamlets has some excellent
                                                                                                children’s centre, and they will be able to
for-2-to-4-year-olds.                            nurseries, pre-school playgroups and
                                                                                                do the check. For more information on
                                                 childminders where they can do just that.
                                                                                                children’s centres please see page 26.
  Only part-time places will be                  Your child could take up their place in
  offered as part of this coordinated                                                           You can also call the Family Information
                                                 the term after they turn two, with 15
  scheme. Once your child has been                                                              Service on 020 7364 6495 to check your
                                                 hours a week of free care, if you are on
  offered a part-time place, you                                                                eligibility. The Family Information Service
                                                 a low income, if your child has additional
  may request a full-time place from                                                            will also be able to discuss with you what
                                                 needs or if your child is looked after
  your nursery. Full-time places will                                                           childcare is available and what best suits
                                                 by the council. If you have an older
  be subject to availability and will                                                           you and your child.
                                                 child at school and they receive free
  depend on the eligibility criteria             school meals, your younger children will
  outlined in the previous paragraph.            probably be eligible for a free two-year-
                                                 old place too.

                                                                                                Apply online at   7
Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022 - For children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019
2                      Applying for a nursery place

                                                  If you are not able to make an online         Applications must be made by the
     Start dates                                  application, you should contact Pupil         child’s parent or the person with parental
                                                  Services on 020 7364 5006.                    responsibility. If you are not the parent of
    Children will usually start nursery school                                                  the child on the application form, you must
    or a nursery class in the September                                                         include evidence of parental responsibility
    following their third birthday. However, it     If you wish to apply to a private
                                                                                                i.e. a Court Order, a solicitor’s letter, or a
    is possible for eligible children to access     nursery or a nursery in another
                                                                                                letter from the parent named on the child’s
    a funded place from the beginning of the        local borough, you must contact
                                                                                                birth certificate giving you permission to
    term after their third birthday.                the nursery directly.
                                                                                                care for their child. If you are not a blood
                                                                                                relative you must register with the local
                                                  To find out how to apply for a nursery        authority as a private foster carer. The pupil
     How to apply                                 place for other than a September start        services team will refer applications to the
                                                  i.e. January or April, please refer to page   local authority’s social care team if it has
    If your child was born between 1              12. Alternatively, you can contact Pupil      concerns about whom a child is living with.
    September 2018 and 31 August 2019             Services on 020 7364 5006 or email
    and you would like a nursery place for        When submitting your online application,
    September 2022, you must submit an                                                          you are confirming the information you
    online application by 16 February 2022.                                                     have given is accurate and complete,
    You should apply online at                     Completing an application                    and that you understand if it is not, the                                                                     local authority has the right to withhold or
                                                  Parents must complete and submit an           withdraw the offer of a place.
    Please see page 34 for instructions on
                                                  online application via the E-admissions       For guidance on completing an online
    how to make an online application.
                                                  website: You          application, please see Appendix B.
    When you have completed and                   can apply for up to three Tower Hamlets
    submitted your application you will           nurseries.                                    If you are unable to make an online
    receive an instant email confirmation.                                                      application, please contact pupil services.
                                                  If you would like a nursery place at a
    You can then make changes to your
                                                  voluntary aided school, free school
    application up until the 16 February                                                          You can contact Pupil Services
                                                  or academy, you must, – as well as
    2022 closing date.                                                                            on 020 7364 5006 or email school.
                                                  completing an online application, –
                                                  complete the school’s Supplementary   
                                                  Information Form (SIF) if they have one.

8    Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022
Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022 - For children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019
Applying for a nursery place

 Closing date
                                             It is very important not to apply late,
                                             because applications made after the            You must
The closing date for applications is
                                             closing date will be considered only after
                                             places have been allocated to children
                                                                                            submit an online
Tuesday 16 February 2022.
All applications made during the
                                             whose parents applied on time.                 application by
application period are treated in the same
way in accordance with the procedure
                                             Nursery class places are in considerable
                                             demand and most schools will not
                                                                                            16 February 2022
described in the following sections.         have vacancies once all applications
Applications are not processed on a first    that have been received on time have
come first served basis.                     been processed.

                                                                                            Apply online at   9
Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022 - For children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019
Applying for a nursery place

                                                 1. Children looked after by the local        7. Children living outside of the catchment
      How decisions are made                        authority including adopted children         area with a sibling at the school;
                                                    who were previously looked after and      8. Children living outside of the catchment
     The pupil services team will process           children who leave care under a special      area of the school applied to.
     applications and coordinate the                guardianship or residence order.
     decisions for all those who apply.             This also includes children who were
                                                    previously in care abroad;                  Tie-break
     Your application for each school is
     processed individually and, in each         2. Children for whom it is deemed there        In the event of oversubscription within
                                                    is strong educational, medical or           categories 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 above,
     case, a decision is taken to determine
                                                    social reason to attend the school          priority will be given to children who
     whether or not your child can be
                                                    applied to (see note 1);                    live closest to the school by the
     offered a place.
                                                                                                shortest walking distance. A digitised
                                                 3. Children living within the catchment        ordnance survey map is used to
     If we find that we can place your
                                                    area who have a sibling attending           measure the distance from the home
     child at more than one of your school
                                                    the school (including the school of         address to the school’s designated
     preferences only one school will be
                                                    separate infant and junior schools) and     official entrance. In the event of two
     allocated. This will be for the highest
                                                    who will continue to do so on the date      distances being the same, a decision
     preference school at which an offer
                                                    of admission (see note 2);                  will be made by random allocation.
     can be made.
                                                 4. Children whose parent is a member
     The decisions on applications for              of staff who has been employed at
     Tower Hamlets community nurseries              the school concerned for two or more        Notes
     are made by the local authority. If a          years at the time of application and/       Note 1: This can include the parents’,
     Tower Hamlets community nursery                or children of a member of staff who        carers’ or other family members’
     receives more applications than places         has been recruited to fill a vacancy        medical conditions and the family’s
     available, the decision on whether             for which there is a demonstrable           social needs. Parents must
     or not a place can be offered will be          skill shortage;                             complete the relevant section on the
     made in accordance with the local                                                          application form and attach medical
                                                 5. Children who live within the catchment
     authority’s admission criteria set out in                                                  and/or social reports from a suitable
                                                    area of the school and for whom the
     priority order as follows:                                                                 professional (e.g. a doctor or social
                                                    school applied for is their nearest
                                                    community school within the                 worker) to support the application.
                                                    catchment area;                             Note 2: Sibling means a whole, half
                                                 6. Other children from within the              or step-brother or step-sister resident
                                                    catchment area of the school;               at the same address.

10    Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022
Applying for a nursery place

 Admission arrangements                       Notification of decisions                       Appeals
 for voluntary aided schools,
 academies and free schools                  If your application was received on or         As nursery is non-statutory, parents do
                                             before the closing date (16 February           not have the right of appeal if they do
For voluntary aided schools, free schools    2022), Pupil services will notify you of       not get their preferred nursery choice.
and academies, it is the school’s            the outcome of your application by letter      However, parents may contact the Local
governors who will make decisions,           and email. The letter will be sent on          authority for more information on the
based on the information you provided        6 May 2022 and will name the nursery           reason as to why their child was not
in your application and the school’s         at which a place has been offered for          offered a place.
Supplementary Information Form (SIF).        your child. The email will be sent after
Admission policies and oversubscription      5pm on the same day. This offer will
                                             be for a part-time place only.                   Waiting lists
criteria for these schools can be found on
their websites or at www.towerhamlets.
                                             If you have not been offered a place at        All children will automatically be added
                                             your chosen nurseries, you will be sent        to the waiting lists of higher preference
                                             a list of nurseries that still have places     nurseries than the one offered, unless
  The Paradigm Academies (Culloden,          remaining and given the opportunity to         parents ask to remove their child from a
  Old Ford and Solebay), St Paul’s           visit and apply to one of these nurseries.     waiting list.
  Way Foundation Trust School,               Your child will also be placed on the
  The LETTA Trust Primary Schools            waiting list for your preferred nursery.       Waiting lists for Tower Hamlets
  (Bygrove Primary School and                                                               community nurseries will be kept and
  Stebon Primary School) and The             You must accept or decline the offer of        maintained by pupil services in the order
  Clara Grant Primary School (part           a place by 20 May 2022 so that nursery         of priorities set out on page 10.
  of The Tower Trust) have delegated         places can then be re-allocated. If you
                                             do not reply by 20 May 2022, the offer         Waiting lists for Own Admission Authority
  decisions on admissions to the local
                                             will be withdrawn.                             nurseries i.e. voluntary aided schools,
  authority and, therefore, use the
                                                                                            academies and free schools will be kept
  same oversubscription criteria as
                                                                                            and maintained by the nursery itself.
  Tower Hamlets community schools.

                                             You must accept or decline the
                                             offer of a place by 20 May 2022
                                                                                            Apply online at   11
Applying for a nursery place

      Post offer process                                Children with additional needs                Applying for a nursery place
                                                                                                      in 2021/22
     After 6 May 2022, unsuccessful applicants         If your child has an Education, Health
     will automatically be added to the waiting        and Care Plan (EHCP) then you must            If your child was born between
     list for their preferred nursery. At this         contact the local authority’s Special         1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018
     stage consideration will be given to late         Educational Needs (SEN) team to access        and does not attend nursery, you can
     applicants (i.e. those that applied after 16      a nursery place. You can contact the          apply for a nursery place for the 2021/22
     February 2022) alongside those that were          SEN team on 020 7364 4880.                    school year by making an application
     unsuccessful in the initial round of offers.                                                    direct to the local authority using the
                                                       If you child has additional/special
                                                                                                     ‘In-Year Nursery Admission 2021/22’
     From 10 June 2022, pupil services will            educational needs or a disability but
                                                                                                     application form which is available to
     identify nursery places for any children that     does not have an EHCP, you should
                                                                                                     download from the Tower Hamlets
     are unplaced and those that applied late.         apply for a nursery place through the
                                                                                                     website and available from Pupil Services.
                                                       usual route. You may also contact your
     From September 2022, parents wishing              local Children’s Centre for advice on         Pupil Services will normally let parents
     to make an in-year transfer application, or       getting additional support.                   know whether or not a place can
     parents who wish to make an application                                                         be offered within ten school days of
     who have not yet done so, must make an            Information on Children’s Centres in
                                                                                                     receiving an application for a child who
     application direct to the local authority using   Tower Hamlets can be found on page 26.
                                                                                                     does not have a nursery place.
     the ‘In-Year Nursery Admission 2022/23’
     application form which will be available                                                        If your child turns three during the
     to download from the Tower Hamlets                 Nursery readiness                            2021/22 school year, you may apply for
     website and available from pupil services.                                                      a nursery place for the term following
                                                       It is expected that you will have trained     their third birthday i.e. January 2022 or
     Once children are in nursery, transfers           your child to be toilet trained before they   April 2022.
     to other nurseries (in-year transfers) will       start in a nursery class. They should also
     only take place at the start of each term         be able to initiate requests and have to      Please contact pupil services for more
     (January and April), unless there are             and fro conversations with others.            information.
     exceptional circumstances for a transfer
     to be considered earlier.
     If your child turns three during the
     2022/23 school year, you may apply for a            You can contact Pupil Services on 020 7364 5006 or email
     nursery place for the term following their for more information
     third birthday.

12    Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022
Applying for a nursery place

                                               The local authority will consider transfer
 Transferring from one                         requests in line with the timetable below:       Admission to primary school
 nursery to another (in-year
 nursery transfer)                             Transfer          Closing     Parents          Whether or not your child is accepted
                                               point             date        sent             for a nursery class place, you will need
You may want your child to transfer from                                     outcome          to apply separately for a place in the
one Tower Hamlets nursery to another.                                                         reception class of a primary school.
This can be arranged by pupil services,        Spring Term       22          26
but you will first need to speak with the      (January 2022     October     November           There is no automatic right of
head teacher of your child’s current           Start)            2021        2021               transfer from the nursery class to
nursery and complete the ‘In-Year                                                               the reception class in the same
Nursery Admission 2021/22’ application         Summer Term 11
                                                                             18 March           school, and attending a nursery
form which is available to download from       (April 2022 February
                                                                             2022               class does not give any priority
the Tower Hamlets website and available        Start)      2022
                                                                                                for admission to reception class
from pupil services.                                                                            at the same school.
                                               For more information on submitting
Once children are in nursery, transfers
                                               an in-year nursery application, please
to other nurseries (in-year transfers) will                                                   You can apply for a reception place at
                                               contact the Pupil Services team on
only take place at the start of each term                                                     a different primary school to one where
                                               020 7364 5006.
(i.e. January and April), unless there are                                                    your child attends the nursery.
exceptional circumstances for a transfer
to be considered earlier.                                                                     Children eligible for nursery in 2022/23
                                                                                              would normally start primary school in
It is not always possible for a child to                                                      September 2023.
transfer to another school if that school is
already full or if there are more applicants                                                  The application period for admission to
than places available at the time you                                                         reception class in 2023 will be from
make your application. Your child will,                                                       1 September 2022 to 15 January 2023.
therefore, be placed on the school’s                                                          A booklet with information about
waiting list in line with the school’s                                                        applying for a reception place will be
admission criteria.                                                                           available online at www.towerhamlets.
                                                                                              1 September 2022.

                                                                                              Apply online at   13
Applying for a nursery place

      Data protection

     The information you provide on your
     application will be held by the London
     Borough of Tower Hamlets in accordance
     with the General Data Protection
     Regulation (GDPR). Your information
     may be shared with relevant council
     departments, schools or other local
     education authorities for the purposes of
     admissions or fulfilling a statutory duty.
     We will pass the information to the school
     your child is offered a place at, where it
     will form part of the pupil database that
     the school keeps. Your information will
     be kept by the local authority for eight
     years after an offer of a place is made.
     You may withdraw your consent for the
     processing of your information, which
     will also mean the withdrawal of the
     nursery place that is offered, at any time
     by contacting the pupil services team
     within the local authority. You also have a
     right to complain, object to or access the
     information that is held and processed
     about you. Please see the council’s
     website (
     for further details on contacting the
     Complaints and Information team.

14    Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022
3   Schools list and catchment area maps

                            1    Alice Model Nursery           35   Mowlem
                            2    Arnhem Wharf                  36   Old Church
                            3    Bangabandhu                   37   Old Ford
                            4    Ben Jonson                    38   Olga
                            5    Bigland Green                 39   Osmani
                            6    Blue Gate Fields Infants      40   Our Lady & St Joseph
                            7    Bonner (Mile End)             41   Rachel Keeling
                            8    Bygrove                       42   Seven Mills
                            9    Canon Barnett                 43   Sir William Burrough
                            10   Cayley                        44   Solebay
                            11   Children’s House              45   St Agnes RC
                            12   Chisenhale                    46   St Anne’s & Guardian
                            13   Christ Church CE                   Angels RC
                            14   Columbia Market Nursery       47   St Edmund’s RC
                            15   Columbia                      48   St Elizabeth’s RC
                            16   Cubitt Town                   49   St John’s CE
                            17   Culloden                      50   St Luke’s CE
                            18   Cyril Jackson                 51   St Mary & St Michael RC
                            19   Elizabeth Selby &             52   St Paul’s With
                                 Lawdale Junior                     St Luke’s CE
                            20   English Martyrs RC            53   St Paul’s Way Trust
                            21   Globe                         54   St Paul’s Whitechapel CE
                            22   Hague                         55   St Peter’s
                            23   Halley                             (London Docks) CE
                            24   Harbinger                     56   St Saviours CE
                            25   Harry Gosling                 57   Stebon
                            26   Hermitage                     58   Stepney Park
                            27   John Scurr                    59   Stewart Headlam
                            28   Kobi Nazrul                   60   The Clara Grant
                            29   Lansbury Lawrence             61   Thomas Buxton
                            30   Malmesbury                    62   Virginia
                            31   Manorfield                    63   Wellington
                            32   Marion Richardson             64   William Davis
                            33   Marner                        65   Woolmore
                            34   Mayflower

                                        Apply online at   15
School catchment area 1 (Stepney)

     Community nursery schools
     1  Alice Model Nursery
     36 Old Church Nursery
     41 Rachel Keeling Nursery

     Community schools
     with nursery class
     3   Bangabandhu
     4   Ben Jonson
     10 Cayley
     21 Globe
     23 Halley
     27 John Scurr
     32 Marion Richardson
     58 Stepney Park

     Academy/Free schools
     with nursery class
     43 Sir William Burrough
     44 	Solebay – a Paradigm Academy
          (uses same admissions policy as
          community schools)

     Area Covered
     ll South of Approach Road and Old Ford Road
     ll West of Regents Canal
         (up to the Railway Bridge on Grove Road)
     ll West of Grove Road and Burdett Road
     ll North of Limehouse Cut from Burdett Road
         to River Thames
     ll North of River Thames
     ll East of Brodlove Lane and Devonport Street
     ll East of Lukin Street
     ll North of Commercial Road
         (from Lukin Street to Sidney Street)
     ll East of Sidney Street and Cambridge Heath Road

                                                  To find out the catchment area for your home address, please visit
16    Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022
School catchment area 2 (Bow)

Community nursery schools
11 Children’s House Nursery

Community schools
with nursery class
7   Bonner (Mile End)
12 Chisenhale
30 Malmesbury
38 Olga
63 Wellington

Voluntary aided schools
with nursery class
45 St Agnes RC

Academy/Free schools
with nursery class
37 	Old Ford - a Paradigm Academy
     (uses same admissions policy as
     community schools)

Area covered
ll South of Approach Road and
    A106 Victoria Park Road
ll South of Cadogan Terrace
ll West of River Lea
ll East of Regents Canal (from
    Railway Bridge on Grover Road)
    and Burdett Road
ll North of the railway line
    connecting Limehouse and
    Bromley by Bow

 To find out the catchment area for your home address, please visit
                                                                                                          Apply online at   17
School catchment area 3 (Poplar)

     Community schools with nursery class
     18 Cyril Jackson
     29 Lansbury Lawrence
     31 Manorfield
     33 Marner
     34 Mayflower
     65 Woolmore

     Voluntary aided schools
     with nursery class
     40 Our Lady & St Joseph
     52 St Paul’s with St Luke’s CE
     56 St Saviours CE

     Academy/Free schools
     with nursery class
     8 	Bygrove (uses same admission
          policy as community schools)
     17 	Culloden – a Paradigm Academy
          (uses same admissions policy
          as community schools)
     53 	St Paul’s Way Trust
          (uses same admissions policy
          as community schools)
     57 	Stebon (uses same admission
          policy as community schools)
     60 	The Clara Grant (uses same admission
          policy as community schools)

     Area covered
     ll South of the railway line connecting
         Limehouse and Bromley by Bow
     ll West of River Lea
     ll East of Burdett Road and the River Thames
     ll North of South Dock Entrance

                                                    To find out the catchment area for your home address, please visit
18    Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022
School catchment area 4 (Isle of Dogs)

Community schools
with nursery class
2   Arnhem Wharf
16 Cubitt Town
24 Harbinger
42 Seven Mills

Voluntary aided schools
with nursery class
47 St Edmund’s RC
50 St Luke’s CE

Area covered
ll South of South Dock Entrance
ll North of River Thames

 To find out the catchment area for your home address, please visit
                                                                                                          Apply online at   19
School catchment area 5 (Wapping)

     Community schools
     with nursery class:
                                               Area covered                                            City of London
     5   Bigland Green
     6   Blue Gate Fields Infants              Tower Hamlets                                           ll South of Cornhill, Leadenhall Street,
     9   Canon Barnett                         ll South of Wentworth Street (up to                          Aldgate High Street
     25 Harry Gosling                              Osborn Street)                                      ll South of Harrow Place (from White
     26 Hermitage                              ll South of Commercial Road (from                            Kennet Street)
                                                   Whitechurch Lane to Lukin Street)                   ll West of Middlesex Street, Mansell
     Voluntary aided schools                   ll South of Poonah Street                                    Street and Trinity Square
     with nursery class:                       ll West of Lukin Street, Devonport                      ll North of River Thames
     20 English Martyrs RC                         Street and Brodlove Lane                            ll East of King Williams Street
     51 St Mary & St Michael RC                ll North of River Thames
     54 St Paul’s Whitechapel CE               ll East of Trinity Square, Mansell
     55 St Peter’s (London Docks) CE               Street and Middlesex Street

                                                 To find out the catchment area for your home address, please visit
20    Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022
School catchment area 6 (Bethnal Green)

Community nursery schools
14 Columbia Market Nursery

Community schools with nursery class
15 Columbia
19 Elizabeth Selby & Lawdale Junior
22 Hague
28 Kobi Nazrul
35 Mowlem
39 Osmani
59 Stewart Headlam                                                                                        Hackney
61 Thomas Buxton                                                                                          ll South of Ash Grove and Earlston Grove
62 Virginia                                                                                               ll East of Fremont Street
64 William Davis                                                                                          ll West and South of Christchurch Square
                                                                                                          ll North of Regent’s Canal (up to Ash Grove)
Voluntary Aided schools                                                                                   ll South of Dunloe Street (from Dawson
with nursery class                                                                                            Street to Columbia Road)
13 Christ Church CE                                                                                       ll West of Columbia Road
46 St Anne’s &                                                                                           ll North of Hackney Road
    Guardian Angels RC                                                                                    ll East of Weymouth Terrace (from Hackney
48 St Elizabeth’s RC                                                                                          Road to 14 Dunloe Court)
59 St John’s CE                                                                                           ll South of Cremer Street
                                                                                                          ll West of Hackney Road, Boundary Street
                                                                                                              and Shoreditch High Street
                                                                                                          ll North of Worship Street East of Scrutton
                                                                                                              Street, Christina Street,
                                                                                                          ll Gatesborough Street, Great Eastern
Area covered
                                                                                                              Street and Curtain Road
Tower Hamlets                                                                                             ll East of Shoreditch High Street (from
ll South of Hackney Road (from Shoreditch High Street to Goldsmiths                                           Rivington Street to Waterson
    Row), South of Teale Street Pritchard’s Road and Regent’s Canal                                       ll Street) and Nazrul Street City of London
ll West of Approach Road and Old Ford Road                                                                ll South of South Place, Sun Street, Appold
ll West of Cambridge Heath Road and Sidney Street                                                             Street and Worship Street
ll North of Commercial Road (from Sidney Street to Whitechurch Lane)                                      ll West of Norton Folgate and Bishopsgate
ll North of Wentworth Street (from Osborn Street to Middlesex Street)                                     ll North of Cornhill
ll East of Middlesex Street, Norton Folgate and Boundary Street                                           ll East of Prince’s Street and Moorgate

 To find out the catchment area for your home address, please visit
                                                                                                            Apply online at   21
List of Nursery schools and schools with nursery classes

                                                                                                         places available†

                                                                                                                             Full time places
     Nursery name
     and address

                                                                                                                                                            After school

                                                                                                                                                                           and website

                                                                                                         Number of



      Alice Model Nursery School                                                                                                                                            020 7790 5425
                                                               Stepney                 Community          21                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      14 Beaumont Grove, London, E1 4NQ                                                                                                                           
      Arnhem Wharf Primary School                                                                                                                                           020 7515 4310
                                                               Isle of Dogs            Community          40                    Yes             Yes          No
      1 Arnhem Place, London, E14 3RP                                                                                                                             
      Bangabandhu Primary School                                                                                                                                            020 8980 0580
                                                               Stepney                 Community          39                    No              No           No
      Wessex Street, London, E2 0LB                                                                                                                               
      Ben Jonson                                                                                                                                                            020 7790 4110
                                                               Stepney                 Community          90                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      Harford Street, E1 4PZ                                                                                                                                      
      Bigland Green Primary School                                                                                                                                          020 7702 7088
                                                               Wapping                 Community          120                   Yes             No           No
      Bigland Street, London, E1 2ND                                                                                                                              
      Blue Gate Fields Infant School                                                                                                                                        020 7790 3611
                                                               Wapping                 Community          90                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      King David Lane, London, E1 0EH                                                                                                                             
      Bonner Mile End Primary School                                                                                                                                        020 8980 1004
                                                               Bow                     Community          60                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      2C Ropery Street, London E3 4QE                                                                                                                             
      Bygrove Primary School                                                                                                                                                020 7538 4925
                                                               Poplar                  Academy            60                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      Bygrove Street, London, E14 6DN                                                                                                                             
      Canon Barnett Primary School                                                                                                                                          020 7247 9023
                                                               Wapping                 Community          52                    Yes             Yes          No
      Gunthorpe Street, London, E1 7RQ                                                                                                                            
      Cayley Primary School                                                                                                                                                 020 7790 1490
                                                               Stepney                 Community          50                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      Aston Street, London, E14 7NG                                                                                                                               
      Children's House Nursery School                                                                                                                                       020 8980 4662
                                                               Bow                     Community          33                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      92 Bruce Road, London, E3 3HL                                                                                                                               
      Chisenhale Primary School                                                                                                                                             020 8980 2584
                                                               Bow                     Community          36                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      Chisenhale Road, London , E3 5QY                                                                                                                            
      Christchurch CofE Primary School                                                                                                                                      020 7247 0792
                                                               Bethnal Green           Voluntary Aided    28                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      47A Bricklane, London, E1 6PU                                                                                                                               
      Columbia Market Nursery School                                                                                                                                        020 7739 4518
                                                               Bethnal Green           Community          21                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      Columbia Road, London E2 7PG                                                                                                                                
      Columbia Primary School                                                                                                                                               020 7739 3835
                                                               Bethnal Green           Community          72                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      Columbia Road, London, E2 7RG                                                                                                                               
      Cubitt Town Primary School                                                                                                                                            020 7987 3373
                                                               Isle of Dogs            Community          90                    No              No           No
      Manchester Road, London, E14 3NE                                                                                                                            
      Culloden Primary - A Paradigm Academy                                                                                                                                 020 7364 1010
                                                               Poplar                  Academy            90                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      Dee Street, London, E14 0PT                                                                                                                                 

          The number of places available may change and are subject to availability.

22    Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022
List of Nursery schools and schools with nursery classes

                                                                                                    places available†

                                                                                                                        Full time places
Nursery name
and address

                                                                                                                                                       After school

                                                                                                                                                                      and website

                                                                                                    Number of



 Cyril Jackson Primary School                                                                                                                                          020 7987 3737
                                                          Poplar                  Community          64                    Yes             Yes          Yes
 South Building Limehouse Causeway, E14 8AQ                                                                                                                  
 Elizabeth Selby Infant School                                                                                                                                         020 7739 6187
                                                          Bethnal Green           Community          52                    Yes             Yes          Yes
 Old Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 6PP                                                                                                                      
 English Martyrs RC Primary School                                                                                                                                     0207 709 0182
                                                          Wapping                 Voluntary Aided    26                    Yes             Yes          yes
 St Marks Street, London, E1 8DJ                                                                                                                             
 Globe Primary School                                                                                                                                                  0208 980 1738
                                                          Stepney                 Community          39                    Yes             Yes          Yes
 Gawber Street, London, E2 0JH                                                                                                                               
 Hague Primary School                                                                                                                                                  020 7739 9574
                                                          Bethnal Green           Community          25                    Yes             Yes          Yes
 Wilmot Street, London, E2 0BP                                                                                                                               
 Halley Primary School                                                                                                                                                 020 7265 8061
                                                          Stepney                 Community          30                    Yes             No           No
 Halley Street, London, E14 7SS                                                                                                                              
 Harbinger Primary School                                                                                                                                              020 7987 1924
                                                          Isle of dogs            Community          45                    No              Yes          No
 Cahir Street, London, E14 3QP                                                                                                                               
 Harry Gosling Primary School                                                                                                                                          020 7481 1650
                                                          Wapping                 Community          51                    Yes             No           No
 Fairclough Street, London, E1 1NT                                                                                                                           
 Hermitage Primary School                                                                                                                                              020 7702 1037
                                                          Wapping                 Community          70                    Yes             Yes          Yes
 Vaughan Way, London, E1W 2PT                                                                                                                                
 John Scurr Primary School                                                                                                                                             020 7790 3647
                                                          Stepney                 Community          102                   Yes             No           No
 Cephas Street, London, E1 4AX                                                                                                                               
 Kobi Nazrul Primary School                                                                                                                                            020 7375 3626
                                                          Bethnal Green           Community          30                    Yes             Yes          Yes
 Settle Street, London, E1 1JP                                                                                                                               
 Lansbury Lawrence Primary School                                                                                                                                      020 7987 4589
                                                          Poplar                  Community          90                    Yes             Yes          Yes
 Cordelia Street, London, E14 6DZ                                                                                                                            
 Malmesbury Primary School                                                                                                                                             020 8980 4299
                                                          Bow                     Community          60                    Yes             Yes          Yes
 Coborn Street, London, E3 2AB                                                                                                                               
 Manorfield Primary School                                                                                                                                             020 7987 1623
                                                          Poplar                  Community          90                    Yes             No           No
 Wyvis Street, London, E14 6QD                                                                                                                               
 Marion Richardson Primary School                                                                                                                                      020 7790 1441
                                                          Stepney                 Community          20                    Yes             Yes          No
 Senrab Street, London, E1 0QF                                                                                                                               
 Marner Primary School                                                                                                                                                 020 7987 2938
                                                          Poplar                  Community          104                   Yes             Yes          No
 Devas Street, London, E3 3LL                                                                                                                                
 Mayflower Primary School                                                                                                                                              020 7987 2782
                                                          Poplar                  Community          50                    Yes             Yes          Yes
 Upper North Street, London, E14 6DU                                                                                                                         

     The number of places available may change and are subject to availability.

                                                                                                                                                       Apply online at   23
List of Nursery schools and schools with nursery classes

                                                                                                         places available†

                                                                                                                             Full time places
     Nursery name
     and address

                                                                                                                                                            After school

                                                                                                                                                                           and website

                                                                                                         Number of



      Mowlem Primary School                                                                                                                                                 020 8249 6880
                                                               Bethnal Green           Community          30                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      Mowlem St Bishops Way, London, E2 9HE                                                                                                                       
      Old Church Nursery School                                                                                                                                             020 7790 2824
                                                               Stepney                 Community          160                   Yes             Yes          Yes
      Walter Terrace, London, E1 0RJ                                                                                                                              
      Old Ford Primary - A Paradigm Academy                                                                                                                                 020 8980 1503
                                                               Bow                     Academy            150                   Yes             Yes          Yes
      Wrights Road, London, E3 5LD                                                                                                                                
      Olga Primary School                                                                                                                                                   020 8981 7127
                                                               Bow                     Community          80                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      Lanfranc Road, London, E3 5DN                                                                                                                               
      Osmani Primary School                                                                                                                                                 020 7247 8909
                                                               Bethnal Green           Community          60                    Yes             Yes          No
      Vallance Road, London, E1 5AD                                                                                                                               
      Our Lady & St Joseph Catholic Primary School                                                                                                                          020 3764 8860
                                                               Poplar                  Voluntary Aided    60                    Yes             No           No
      Wades Place, London, E14 0DE                                                                                                                                
      Rachel Keeling Nursery School                                                                                                                                         020 8980 5856
                                                               Stepney                 Community          128                   No              Yes          No
      Bullards Place, Morpeth Street, London, E2 0PS                                                                                                              
      Seven Mills Primary School                                                                                                                                            020 7987 2350
                                                               Isle Of Dogs            Community          30                    Yes             No           No
      Malabar Street, London, E14 8LY                                                                                                                             
      Sir William Burrough Primary School                                                                                                                                   020 7987 2147
                                                               Stepney                 Academy            62                    Yes             No           No
      Salmon Lane, London, E14 7PQ                                                                                                                                
      Solebay                                                                                                                                                               020 8980 2414
                                                               Stepney                 Academy            50                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      Solebay Street, E1 4PW                                                                                                                                      
      St Agnes RC Primary School                                                                                                                                            020 8980 3076
                                                               Bow                     Voluntary Aided    26                    Yes             No           No
      Rainhill Way, London, E3 3ER                                                                                                                                
      St Anne’s & Guardian Angels RC Primary School                                                                                                                         020 7247 6327
                                                               Bethnal Green           Voluntary Aided    39                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      Underwood Road, London, E1 5AW                                                                                                                              
      St Edmund's RC Primary School                                                                                                                                         020 7987 2546
                                                               Isle of Dogs            Voluntary Aided    25                    Yes             no           Yes
      299 Westferry Road, London, E14 3RS                                                                                                                         
      St Elizabeth's RC Primary School                                                                                                                                      020 8980 3964
                                                               Bethnal Green           Voluntary Aided    50                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      Bonner Road, London, E2 9JY                                                                                                                                 
      St John's CofE Primary School                                                                                                                                         020 8980 1142
                                                               Bethnal Green           Voluntary Aided    26                    Yes             Yes          No
      Peel Grove, London, E2 9LR                                                                                                                                  
      St Luke's CofE Primary School                                                                                                                                         020 7987 1753
                                                               Isle of Dogs            Voluntary Aided    60                    No              Yes          Yes
      Saunders Ness Road, London, E14 3EB                                                                                                                         
      St Mary & St Michael RC Primary School                                                                                                                                020 7790 4986
                                                               Wapping                 Voluntary Aided    52                    Yes             Yes          Yes
      Sutton Street, London, E1 0BD                                                                                                                               

          The number of places available may change and are subject to availability.

24    Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022
List of Nursery schools and schools with nursery classes

                                                                                                    places available†

                                                                                                                        Full time places
Nursery name
and address

                                                                                                                                                       After school

                                                                                                                                                                      and website

                                                                                                    Number of



 St Paul's with St Luke's CofE Primary School                                                                                                                          020 7987 4624
                                                          Poplar                  Voluntary Aided    35                    No              Yes          Yes
 Leopold Street, London, E3 4LA                                                                                                                              
 St Paul's Way Trust Primary School                                                                                                                                    020 7987 1883
                                                          Poplar                  Academy            32                    Yes             Yes          Yes
 32 St Paul's Way, London, E3 4AL                                                                                                                            
 St Paul's Whitechapel CofE Primary School                                                                                                                             020 7480 6581
                                                          Wapping                 Voluntary Aided    28                    Yes             Yes          No
 Wellclose Square, London, E1 8HY                                                                                                                            
 St Peter's London Docks CofE Primary School                                                                                                                           020 7488 3050
                                                          Wapping                 Voluntary Aided    36                    Yes             Yes          Yes
 Garnet Sreet, London, E1W 3QT                                                                                                                               
 St Saviours CofE Primary School                                                                                                                                       020 7987 4889
                                                          Poplar                  Voluntary Aided    60                    Yes             No           No
 Chrisp Street, London, E14 6BB                                                                                                                              
 Stebon Primary School                                                                                                                                                 020 7987 4237
                                                          Poplar                  Academy            96                    Yes             Yes          Yes
 Burdett Estate, Wallwood Street, London, E14 7AD                                                                                                            
 Stepney Park Primary School                                                                                                                                           020 7884 5225
                                                          Stepney                 Community          90                    Yes             Yes          Yes
 Smithy Street, London, E1 3BW                                                                                                                               
 Stewart Headlam Primary School                                                                                                                                        020 7247 1201
                                                          Bethnal Green           Community          60                    Yes             Yes          No
 Tapp Street, London, E1 5RE                                                                                                                                 
 The Clara Grant Primary School                                                                                                                                        020 7987 4564
                                                          Poplar                  Academy            48                    Yes             Yes          No
 Knapp Road, London,E3 4BU                                                                                                                                   
 Thomas Buxton Primary School                                                                                                                                          020 7247 3816
                                                          Bethnal Green           Community          60                    Yes             No           No
 Buxton Street, London E1 5AR                                                                                                                                
 Virginia Primary School                                                                                                                                               020 7739 6195
                                                          Bethnal Green           Community          26                    Yes             No           No
 Virginia Road, London, E2 7NQ                                                                                                                               
 Wellington Primary School                                                                                                                                             020 8980 2413
                                                          Bow                     Community          45                    Yes             Yes          No
 Wellington Way, London, E3 4NE                                                                                                                              
 William Davis Primary School                                                                                                                                          020 7739 1511
                                                          Bethnal Green           Community          26                    Yes             Yes          Yes
 Wood Close, Cheshire Street, London, E2 6ET                                                                                                                 
 Woolmore Primary School                                                                                                                                               020 7987 2778
                                                          Poplar                  Community          104                   Yes             Yes          No
 37 Woolmore Street, London, E14 0EW                                                                                                                         

     The number of places available may change and are subject to availability.

                                                                                                                                                       Apply online at   25
4                      Children’s centres

     A Children’s centre, often                 Children’s centres in Tower Hamlets
     called a Sure Start Children’s
     Centre, is a place where                  The vision of the Integrated Early Years’ Service is for every child in Tower Hamlets to
     parents, carers or families               have the best possible start in life - through reducing inequalities and improving quality
     with children under the age               of life. Children’s centre services aims to support children and their families to be safe
     of five can go and use play               and happy - improving lifelong health and wellbeing.

     facilities, join in groups and            There are 12 children’s centres across the borough each offering both universal
     receive support.                          and targeted services for families:

     The purpose of children’s centres is to   Around Poplar                  John Smith                     Mowlem
     improve outcomes for young children       115 Three Colt Street          90 Stepney Way,                Wadeson Street
     and their families by shaping:            London, E14 8AP                London, E1 2EN                 London, E2 9DL
                                               020 7364 0540                  020 7364 0537                  020 7364 7935
     ll child development and school           Chrisp Street                  Marner                         Ocean
        readiness                              23 – 27 Market Way             Marner Centre                  Whitehorse Road
     ll parenting aspirations and              London, E14 6AH                Devas Street                   London, E1 0ND
        parenting skills                       020 7364 2856                  London, E3 3LL                 020 7364 0544
     ll child and family health and life                                      020 7364 3534
        chances.                               Collingwood                                                   Overland
                                               St Bartholomew Gardens         Meath Gardens                  60 Parnell Road
     Children’s centres work with parents,     Buckhurst Street               1 Smart Street                 Bow, London, E3 2RU
     families, settings and the community      London, E1 5QT                 London, E2 0SN                 020 7364 1925
     from as early as possible to make         020 7364 0539                  020 7364 0349                  Wapping
     sure children are ready for school.       Isle of Dogs                   Mile End                       Bigland Street
     The centres offer a range of support      Millwall Park,                 9 Bede Square                  London, E1 2ND
     to parents including dedicated school     Stebondale Street              Joseph Street                  020 7364 0423
     readiness workshops which include         London, E14 3BX                London, E3 4GY
     potty training and managing behaviour.    020 7364 1179                  020 7364 7557

26    Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022
Children’s centres

All Children’s Centre services are free,      Tower Hamlets
and they include:                             Children Centre
  	universal play sessions                   Mini Clusters
  	drop-in fun play activities, such
    as ball pools, rockers, sandpits,
    building blocks, story book and
    baby play areas
  	targeted sessions (Little Talkers,
     Invitation to Play, Thames music, baby
     massage, healthy eating, weaning
     advice, breastfeeding support, etc)
  	parenting programmes
  	support into volunteering and
    employment: Tower Hamlets
    WorkPath; adult learning courses
  	specialist programmes
     (e.g. Positive Change)
  	support with EL2 applications
  	Healthy Start vitamins and vouchers
  	signposting and referral on to
    appropriate services

 For more information on
 children’s centres please visit
 childrenscentres. Alternatively, you
 can contact the Family Information
 Service on 020 7364 6495 or email

                                                                Apply online at   27
5                      Frequently asked questions
                                about nursery admission

             When can my child                        What if my child turns                         What if I am not a Tower
      Q      start nursery?                      Q    three during the 2021/22                  Q    Hamlets resident but
                                                      school year?                                   would like a place at a
     Children can start nursery from the term                                                        Tower Hamlets nursery?
     following their third birthday.            If your child turns three during the 2021/22
                                                school year, you may apply for a nursery       If you are not a resident of Tower Hamlets
     If your child was born between
                                                place for the term following their third       but wish to apply for a Tower Hamlets
     1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019
                                                birthday by making an in-year application.     nursery, you can also submit an online
     and you would like a nursery place for
                                                For information on how to do that, please      application via the E-admissions website:
     September 2022, you must submit an
                                                refer to page 12. Alternatively, you can
     online application by 16 February 2022.
                                                contact Pupil Services.
     For guidance on how to make an
     application, please see page 34.
                                                      How can I make sure
                                                 Q    my child settles into
             What if I want a                         nursery quickly?
      Q      nursery place before
             September 2022?                    Important independence skills such as
                                                using the toilet independently, putting
     If you would like a nursery place for      on their coat, eating using cutlery,
     your child for the term following their    washing their hands, sharing with
     third birthday but before September        others, initiating conversation with peers
     2022 i.e. in January or April 2022,        and adults will help a child to settle into
     please refer to page 12 for advice         nursery quickly. It would also be helpful
     on how to make an in-year nursery          if children were used to spending time
     application, or contact Pupil Services.    away from their parents.

      Contact Pupil Services on
      020 7364 5006 or email school.
                                                You must submit an online
                                                application by 16 February 2022
28    Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022
Frequently asked questions about nursery admission

      Is there financial help                   For information on private or voluntary                Can my child attend more
 Q    available for nursery                     nurseries or playgroups, you can contact        Q      than one provision?
      provision?                                them directly or you can contact the Family
                                                Information Service on 020 7364 6495.          It is not recommended for a child to be
All children aged three and four are                                                           attending more than one type of under-
entitled to 15 hours a week of free nursery                                                    fives activity (e.g. playgroup in the morning
                                                      Will my child be offered a
education during school term times (38
weeks a year) from the term following their
                                                 Q    full-time place?
                                                                                               and nursery class in the afternoon).
                                                                                               The adjustment is too demanding and
third birthday. This entitlement can also be                                                   confusing for most children of this age
taken in a private or voluntary provision.      The local authority will only offer part-      and much of the benefit from either
                                                time places i.e. for 15 hours per week.        activity could be lost.
Only where both parents are working a           Once your child has been offered a part-
minimum of 16 hours (or a single parent         time place, you may request a full-time
working a minimum of 16 hours in a single       place from your nursery.                               Can I transfer my child
parent family) will a child be eligible for a                                                   Q      between nurseries?
free full-time place (30 hours a week).         An additional free 15 hours i.e. a full time
                                                place will only be available for families
                                                                                               Once children are admitted to nursery
If you are not eligible for a full-time place   where both parents are working (or the
                                                                                               education, it is in their interests to remain
and you would like for your child to            sole parent is working).
                                                                                               at that school until they have to move on
attend for longer hours you will be asked                                                      and start reception class. Children take
to pay for the additional services.             Typically, each parent must earn the
                                                equivalent of 16 hours a week at the           at least a term to settle and can find it
Some two-year-olds may also be eligible         national minimum or living wage and less       very upsetting to move at this stage.
for 15 hours funding for 38 weeks, but          than £100,000 a year to be eligible.
                                                                                               Transfers will only take place at the
must meet certain government (income-                                                          start of each term and should only be
based) criteria. You can check your             For more information on eligibility go to:
                                                      considered if a family has moved from the
eligibility by visiting www.myearlylearning.                                                   area or on exceptional grounds. Please or by calling            costs/free-childcare-and-education-
                                                for-2-to-4-year-olds.                          refer to page 13 for more information.
the Family Information Service on
020 7364 6495.                                  Parents not eligible for the additional free
Further information can be found at             15 hours may still access a full time place                 by paying a top-up fee. This fee will be in      Contact Pupil Services on
costs/free-childcare-and-education-             the region of £7.50 per additional hour.         020 7364 5006 or email school.
for-2-to-4-year-olds.                           Please contact your local nursery for  
                                                further information.

                                                                                               Apply online at   29
Frequently asked questions about nursery admission

             When can my child                           If my child is not offered                   Can I get help with free
      Q      move from a nursery                    Q    a nursery place can I                   Q    early education or childcare
             to primary school?                          appeal the decision?                         for my two-year-old?
     Children usually start the reception year     Parents do not have the right of appeal      Your two-year-old child may be entitled to
     of primary school in the September            against the decision to refuse their child   15 hours education or childcare a week if
     following their fourth birthday. If your      a nursery place. However, parents may        you are in receipt of low income welfare
     child was born between 1 September            contact the local authority for more         benefit or your child meets other criteria.
     2018 and 31 August 2019 they will             information on the reason why their          For a list of eligibility criteria visit www.
     start Reception in September 2023.            child was not offered a place.     
     Children who attend a school’s nursery                                                     free-childcare-and-education-for-2-
     class do not automatically transfer to                                                     to-4-year-olds.
     reception, as decisions on primary             Contact Pupil Services on
     school admissions are taken separately.                                                    Your child would be eligible from the
                                                    020 7364 5006 or email school.
     You must apply for a reception place by                                                    beginning of the term after their second
     15 January 2023.                                                                           birthday if you qualify for a funded
                                                                                                place. For more information, please
                                                                                                call the Family Information Service on
             If my child is already in                                                          020 7364 6495.
      Q      the school’s nursery class,
             is there an automatic
             right to a place in the
             reception class?
     No. When parents apply for their
     children to start reception, no priority is
     given to children that attend the nursery
     of the school. The decision on whether
     or not a place can be offered will be
     made in accordance with the school’s
     admission policy. The policy used for
     community schools in Tower Hamlets is
     explained on page 10.

30    Starting Nursery in Tower Hamlets 2022
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