STANDING OUT - Mounts Bay Academy

Page created by Mike Higgins
STANDING OUT - Mounts Bay Academy
3rd March 2017


                  T      INFO
                                                 ION I

                                       Cover: Allotment Team

                                                               20th March 2020
STANDING OUT - Mounts Bay Academy

                                                        …Work Hard, Be Kind, Be Proud
Today is the last day that the Academy will be open for the foreseeable future and I
would like to thank everyone for their patience regarding sharing of information following
the Government’s announcement about school closures on Wednesday evening.

If you need to contact us for any reason please email: in the
first instance and we will do our best to assist you.

We will remain open only for the children of key workers from Monday 23rd March, if
either or both parents at home are key workers. For the guidance on key worker
provisions click on the link below:

If you are in this group please complete the online form below so that we can arrange
suitable provision for your children:

It is important to underline that schools, colleges and other educational establishments
remain safe places for children. But the fewer children making the journey to school,
and the fewer children in educational settings, the lower the risk that the virus can
spread and infect vulnerable individuals in wider society. If you have a child who is
considered vulnerable then you will be contacted directly via the telephone by either
ourselves or your Social Worker
It is paramount that learning continues, and students will be set tasks each day
following their normal timetable. If you are not sure of what subject areas to focus on
and when, please use your child’s timetable as a guide. A newsletter will be emailed to
you each Friday outlining many of the tasks that have been set for each year group
during the week.

The next few weeks and months will be difficult for everyone and I would like to thank
 Good Luckfor
everyone      their
           Moll y    patience in advance, however if we all continue to work hard and be
kind, we will all be able to look back at what we did to support the community with
I am proud of the responsible attitude our students have exhibited so far, the
understanding parents have shown and the considerable effort my colleagues have
made to make sure that no learning is lost. Don’t forget to keep up to date with our
weekly newsletter and I look forward to seeing us all back together in the not too
distant future.

 Best wishes

 Les Hall - Academy Principal
STANDING OUT - Mounts Bay Academy
                          at Mounts

Whilst they are not physically attending the Academy we will be expecting all
students to continue their learning at home using the strategy below:
Start of Day
By 9am, teachers will have sent a Firefly task to students for the lessons that they
would otherwise be attending on the day. This will automatically be sent to the
parent Firefly app, just like homework.
The firefly task will include links to pages on Firefly that includes tasks and resources
that will provide students with 75 minutes worth of learning.
Students will be expected to have their iPads charged and connected to the internet
if possible. If no connection, students will need to refer to the ebooks that they
downloaded when in school as a contingency.
Students will receive an email and firefly notification from each of their teachers with
a firefly task for the lesson.
Students will be expected to complete these tasks during the day at the allotted time
according to their school timetable.
Teachers will be available to be contacted by students between 9am and 4pm via
email. Teachers will aim to reply to messages at their earliest convenience.

Students may be expected to show progress in their learning through a number of
possible ways. Students will be instructed on the Firefly tasks if this is the case. This
will be down to the teacher to decide on what is best for their subject. Here are some
               Firefly tasks - just like homework, students can be set tasks where they will be
               given specific work to be set where the could be expected to submit a piece
               of work in order to complete it. This is accessed through the student firefly
               app (left) on their iPads.

               Apple Schoolwork - using their usernames, students
               are connected to their classes through this app. Some teachers may set an
               assignment through this app which will allow students to submit completed
               documents directly to the teacher. This is found on the iPads.

               SeeSaw - this is a new app available to students. Students will need to press the
               “log in with Google ID” button and use their school email address to login. On
               here, a range of tools are available which can allow a student to reflect on their
               learning by filming, taking photos, annotating and explaining using audio. All work
               submitted will be stored in their own “portfolio” which will be approved by the

End of the Day
Teachers will set deadlines for work completed during allocated lesson time. If work
is expected to be finished on the same day, this should be with the teacher no later
than 4pm.

Students may be expected to submit their classwork within one of the online tools
explained. This will be stipulated in theHot
                                                  colate Friday
STANDING OUT - Mounts Bay Academy


     Subject                                   Learning Focus

                  Students will be studying the addition and subtraction of all types of
Maths             numbers including standard form using the eBook unless they are
                  instructed differently by their teacher.

                  Students will continue to read and enjoy Our Day Out and complete
                  related activities. Reading and creative writing tasks will also be set.

                  Students will be studying puberty and menstruation in Colonising
Science           Mars and Respiration and Plant reproduction in Old MacDonald had a

                  Students will be working on sections 2 and 3 of their ebook. Their
                  focus for this week will be looking at sports in French speaking
                  countries and talking about what they like to do. Extension activities
                  can be found on Firefly too.

                  Students will be working on sections 2 and 3 of their ebook. Their
Spanish           focus for this week will be looking at break time activities and the
                  present tense. Extension activities can be found on Firefly too.

                  Pupils to complete week 5 homework on their IPAD and to view the
                  exercise set on the iBook.

                  Students will be working on their current project - either the Art
REAL Project
                  History or Sustainability Project.

Creative          IT: Begin to interview people at home about their opinions on your
Industries        chosen global goal. Firefly task to follow.

RE                Working through iBooks provided

Food and          Reflection on previous work. Making of a time-plan to include health
Cookery           and safety.
STANDING OUT - Mounts Bay Academy


     Subject                                  Learning Focus

                 Students will be studying addition and subtraction of fractions using
                 the eBook unless they are instructed differently by their teacher.

                 Students will continue to read and enjoy Lord of the Flies and
                 complete related activities.

                 In Science at West Cornwall Hospital students will be studying
                 genetics, in Science at Home students will study how heat travels.

                 Students to work from their ebook. They will be working on the
French           sections 'Mon Style' and 'Le Weekend Dernier' Extension activities
                 can be found on Firefly too.

                 Students will be working on sections 2 and 3 of their ebook. Their
Spanish          focus for this week will be looking at break time activities and the
                 present tense. Extension activities can be found on Firefly too.

                 Pupils to complete week 5 homework on their IPAD and to view the
                 exercise set on the iBook.

                 Students will be working through Week 1 of the Literacy Skills
                 workbook whilst spending 20 minutes on each day reading.

                 Students will be working on their current project, one of the four
REAL Project
                 they will engage with this year.

                 IT: complete the next section on Swift Playgrounds. Firefly task to
                 follow. Dance: Students are researching a dance style and creating
                 their own information page in their dance diary.

RE               Working through iBooks provided

Food and
                 Pages 2, 3 and 4 within ebook working on bread theory.
STANDING OUT - Mounts Bay Academy


       Subject                                   Learning Focus

                    Students will be studying the use of fractions or data using the
                    eBook unless they are instructed differently by their teacher.

 English            Students will complete an extended package holiday project.

                    Biology B2 - monoclonal antibodies; definition, development and
 Science            uses, review of the bodies responses to infection. Biology B1 -Cells,
                    tissues and organs and the digestive system.

                    Chemistry C1 - Ionic Bonding

                    Physics P1 - students will be studying the module on Particles. There
                    are lots of relevant and inspiring video's for the student's to access
                    in lieu of practical work.
                    Students to complete Section 1 and 2 of their ebook. These sections
 French             cover French speaking festivals and the negative in French.
                    Extension activities can be found on Firefly too.
                    All pupils for BTEC to complete the deadline of getting their videos
                    annotated and complete for the end of the lesson.
                    Students to complete FF page planes and axis lesson 2 - then
                    upload picture of exercise book into seesaw assignment
                    Students will be experimenting with their primary photos linked to
                    their selected artists.

 Graphics           Students will create a series of draft final outcomes for the exam
                    unit in response to a Graphic designers style and technique.

 Food and           Pupils begin the task on the ebook as discussed within the previous
 Cookery            lesson. Working towards a exam brief task over the next few weeks.
                    And sort through their folders.

 Music              Research a contemporary musical style. Download the eBook to
                    help and give an overview of the assignment. This will be set as a
                    task through firefly.
STANDING OUT - Mounts Bay Academy


      Subject                             Learning Focus

 Music Tech     Research a contemporary musical style. Download the eBook to
                help and give an overview of the assignment. This will be set as a
                task through firefly.

 Creative       Complete Chapter one of the "Everyone can create video" iBook in
 iMedia         preparation for the next unit and make a video.

 History        Students should download and complete the activities in the ebook
                on Elizabeth's Golden Age.

 Geography      Students will need to work through firefly tasks and ebooks

 RE             Working through iBooks provided
STANDING OUT - Mounts Bay Academy


    Subject                                  Learning Focus

                 Students will be studying Pythagoras' theorem and trigonometry
 Maths           using the eBook unless they are instructed differently by their
                 Students will continue working on English Language Paper 1,
                 completing targeted work on particular questions. Opportunities will
                 be provided to revisit texts we have already studied AND look at the
                 poetry we are due to study next Quadmester.
                 In Biology students will be studying water balance and plant
 Science         hormones. On Thursday and Friday students will investigate human
                 effects on biodiversity.
                 In Chemistry we continue various topics relating to products from
                 Crude Oil, Reversible reactions and equilibrium, Quantitative
                 Chemistry and Chemical analysis.
                 All BTEC pupils to ensure that they have completed the ROLES of
                 the Officials and the first 5 RESPONSIBILITIES of Officials.
                 Students to complete the lesson from FF page sent on performance
 GCSE PE         enhancing drugs, prohibited methods, prescribed drugs and the
                 advantages and disadvantages of taking PEDs
                 Students to continue with their studies about future studies and
                 employment. This week will focus on reading activities and grammar
                 practice linked to the future tense. All activities can be found in their
                 ebook. Extension activities can be found on Firefly too.
                 Students to work on section 2 and 3 of their books. These sections
 Spanish GCSE    focus on healthy lifestyles and natural disasters. Extension activities
                 can be found on Firefly too.

                 Students to continue their studies about food. This week is focused
                 on revision of time and the present tense and further development
 Spanish FCSE
                 of their general understanding of food vocabulary. The work can be
                 found in their ebook. Extension activities can be found on Firefly too.
STANDING OUT - Mounts Bay Academy


       Subject                                 Learning Focus

                    Students will need to work through firefly tasks and ebooks

                    Students will be exploring creative approaches to observational

 Food and           Students work on tasks 1 and 2 within their Ebooks. Working
 Cookery            towards a exam brief task over the next few weeks.

 Business           Students will be working on tasks based around their hat designs
 Studies            and the finances to produce them.

                    Students will be recording through drawing, photography and digital
 Graphics           art to support the development of their project work. A focus will be
                    using the 'Adobe Creative Cloud' on iPads.

                    Research a contemporary musical style. Download the eBook to help
 Music Tech         and give an overview of the assignment. This will be set as a task
                    through firefly

 Music              1 lesson of research and theory work on Area of Study 2 - Music for
                    Ensembles. 1 lesson on practical skills. All tasks will be set through

 Textiles           Students will be documenting the creative journey of their ideas in
                    their sketchbooks, focusing on thoughtful and meaningful
                    annotation and the planning of further ideas through drawing.
STANDING OUT - Mounts Bay Academy


    Subject                                 Learning Focus

                  Students will complete their UI and create documents to outline
 Digital ICT
                  their functionality

                  Students to complete music video planning - mindmap and
                  storyboarding as well as pre-production paperwork - all set as tasks
                  on Firefly


      Subject                                 Learning Focus

                   Students to download and complete the appropriate "Aiming for
 Maths             grade..." workbooks found in the "Maths" folder on their iPads.
                   Students can also complete their physical revision workbook.

                   Students will be provided with a structured revision programme in
 English           which texts are revisited and support provided for both Language

 Science           In Biology students will be revising B1 Cell Biology and organisation

                   In Chemistry we continue various topics relating to products from
                   Crude Oil, Reversible reactions and equilibrium, Quantitative
                   Chemistry and Chemical analysis.

                   In Chemistry revision will be around Atomic Structure and Bonding

                   In Physics, students will be using PixL resources to revisit and review
                   Required Practical Activities

 RE                Working through iBooks provided

                   Unit 3 Learning Aim A completion of iBook on Personal Training

                   To complete Lo4 of the R066 assignment.

                   Students to download and complete the lessons outlined in the
 History           iBook. These will get students to explore Norman Towns and the
                   changes made to life by the Norman Conquest of England.


       Subject                                     Learning Focus

                    Students to continue to work on their A3 revision bingo sheet.
                    Continue to develop their understanding of the Spanish language
                    and culture. All instructions can be found in their ebook. Extension
                    activities can be found on Firefly too.
                    Students will continue to work through the weekly checklist in order
                    to complete the Exam unit. Annotations to be completed to explain
                    the creative journey so far. Draft final outcomes can be created at
                    home too.
                    Students should continue to work through exercises to continue to
                    develop their understanding of the french language and culture.
                    Activities can be found on their ebook. Extension activities can be
                    found on Firefly too.
                    Students should continue to rehearse and record performances - at
                    least 1 solo and 1 ensemble. All tasks will be set through firefly

                    Students will need to work through firefly tasks and ebooks

 Food and           Students work on tasks 1 and 2 within their Ebooks. Working
 Cookery            towards a exam brief task over the next few weeks.

                    Students will continue to work through the weekly checklist in order
 Graphics           to complete the Exam unit. Annotations to be completed to explain
                    the creative journey so far.

                    Students need to complete their genre magazine articles. All tasks
 Music Tech
                    will be set through firefly.

                    Students will be continuing with the development of their ESA
                    project work - using materials taken from school to further their
                    development, refine practical work and record the creative journey
                    through sketchbook annotation.
Attention all parents!
 Download the ParentMail App
for the best way to pick up school messages
   “Nice simple little App but such a
   great, effective way of accessing
    important school information”

                                                                            dback for the
                                                             More great fee
                                                                   Pa rentM ail App

    “Great communications tool -
   makes life a bit more organised”

   “Brilliant! I don't have to go back
      to all my emails to check up
   what's going on at my children’s
           school, 10 out of 10”

   Search “ParentMail” in your App store...

                                              Please note: If you are not already registered, you will
                                              need to register online on the ParentMail website before
                                              trying to access the App. Please ask the school office to
                                              send you a registration message

            New Allotment Sprouts up at MBA

The Eco Committee have teamed up
with Luke New to extend outside of the
poly tunnel and have created a whole
new outside growing area.

Raised beds are now filled with compost
courtesy of the Green Waste Company
and a lot of hard work from Mike the
gardener and the new student gardening
team. (Sorry about the muddy school
uniforms!)                                             Seeds donated by Mole Valley Farmers

Seeds donated by Mole Valley Farmers
have been planted and are currently
tucked under their fleeces and
germinating happily in the poly tunnel.
‘Shiver me Timbers’ reclamation yard
also heard that we were trying to create
an allotment in as eco friendly a way as
possible. They donated some lovely old
tools under the promise that we would
care for these little bits of history and
treat them with respect.

                                                   Chitting potatoes ready to plant in late March

Bella and Sunny work with Mike     Starting to sow seeds            Year 8 gardener team Sunny

   Former student Woody New helps out                     Some of the new Year 7 team

Fruit trees are in and so are the raspberry,
blackcurrant and blueberry plants.
We are very excited to see what works
and what doesn’t so we can develop our
growing skills in the school with the aim to
produce food, create our own compost
thereby reducing waste, enhance the
environment aesthetically and improve the
ecology of where we live by growing more
trees and plants and encouraging, insects
and other wildlife to thrive and develop
alongside us.
                                               More of the MBA team filling the raised beds

 Tools discovered by Mr Fish                               Recycled planting modules

                                                          Report by: Mr New

Big thanks to Ian Fish for finding the treasure of
tools at the back of a school shed and to Stacey
Wheeler for all the work already happening in the
poly tunnel.

We will be looking after the allotment and plants
growing around the MBA site in the coming weeks
and look forward to sharing pictures of its
progress with you.
                                                      Newly sown seeds under their fleece duvet

             u t o :
  h a n k yo
                                                     Terracotta pots donated by ‘Shiver Me Timbers’

                                                            Report by: Mr New

            Year 8 Source Analysis

During a Year 8 Real Project lesson the students were looking at different
sources portraying different information about the Industrial Revolution.
Students were asked to analyse the source and gather information that would help
them write their own conclusion of life during the revolution. An important skill that
they are able to learn in preparation for source analysis in GCSE humanity subjects
such as history and geography. Well done Year 8!
                                                            Report by: Miss Walters
Beauty Around the

Mrs Murray-Lambrou has taken some pictures of spring flowers emerging around the
Academy grounds to remind us that even in these turbulent times there is nature,
beauty and peace all around.

            CREST Award
Some of you have been asking about CREST Awards.
Now is a great time to take advantage of something
that could help further your education.

It is a nationally recognised scheme. It looks great on
a CV or UCAS statement to colleges and universities.
It is based on your own independent learning. It has
also been shown that doing a bronze and a silver
award can raise your GCSE grade in specific topics.

         A CREST Award is project based, it must be based on a question you
         want to find the answer to. It must have a practical experiment in it.

         For example:

         • How is a crime scene investigated?
         • Which shoes are the best to go running in and why?
         • Is there a difference between a frog and a rat anatomy?
         • What is the best way to make a loaf of bread?

No matter your future career goal there
will be a CREST project for you.

A Bronze Award is 10 hours work. A
Silver Award is 30 hours. This includes
your research, experiments and write up.

I will be available for any help and advice you may need. Below is the link to the
website for more information:
                                                                Report by: Mrs Wheeler
Let me know if you would like to take part.
           Food and Cookery Mocks
Year 9s had their second round of mocks recently.
They had to be prepared before coming into the
room with a time plan, so every detail of their 3
hours was filled, from sanitising the work surface
down, getting equipment out, cooking and clearing

The students had to prepare, cook and present two
dishes to fit the brief set by the exam board. In
order to pass they need to show skill and technique
in their preparation and cooking. This level can be
low, medium and high. We also have to look
closely at their knife skills, health and safety,
organisation and timing. Finally we look at how they
present their food, including selecting the correct
layout and serving dish. Finally, we consider the
colour, aroma, texture and taste the dishes.

The students have really developed their skills and
time management. Well done all of you!

Report by: Miss Osborne

To all members of the MBA community, students and staff. If you find yourself at a
loose end during the holidays and weekends, we thought we would run something
that we could all get involved in from home. We are going to hold an exhibition as and
when we return to MBA entitled, ‘Unprecedented Times’ and we want as many of you
as possible to get involved.

There are many ways in which you can get involved:

Choose your favourite medium from the categories below and record any moment or
event or story or experience or feeling that is important to you over the coming
weeks. It can be anything from a short video of a bird singing in your garden, to a
copy of a letter to your grandma. It might be a dance or a song that you do with your
sister in the kitchen or an original song you write about life without school! It could be
a series of photographs from your window taken each day or a single photo of
something that really mattered to you at the time. You get the idea, now here are the

Make a short film (max 3 mins) that reflects something of your experience

A single or series of photographs (can be digital or printed)

Written Word
A short story (fiction or non fiction)
An article
A diary of events
A poem
Lyrics for a song
A short play

A visual response using any media.
Sculpture (can be a photo of a piece of sculpture you create if temporary or too large
to move)
Carpentry and wood whittling
Story told through graphics or illustration
Patchwork or quilting
Natural dyes, print or paint on fabric
Make or adapt your own garments/accessories from recycled fabric
Design your own garments/accessories
A piece of knitting, crochet, weaving, rag rugging

Write an original piece of music
Perform and record of film your performance
Just sing and play lots

Create a new piece of choreography
Learn a piece of dance from an existing piece of choreography
Just dance!

One person shows
Speeches direct to camera
Short plays devised and performed by you and those around you
A Drama Diary to camera

Create a new recipe, or share an old one
Bake (bread, cakes) photograph the process.
Cook and serve a meal (photograph the process)
Make a preserve e.g. jam, marmalade, chutney and save a jar for exhibition day
Decorate and photograph a cake

Grow fruit and vegetables either in garden, balcony, or pots and photograph process
Create a wildflower area for the insects and birds and photograph process
Grow a single flower e.g. sunflower or a whole load of flowers of different varieties

You know how best to express yourself and it may not fit into the above categories.
We are writing new rules for our world at the moment on a daily basis so feel free to
step over the lines, mix it up and create something or lots of things that best express
your experience of these ‘Unprecedented Times’.
 Send recordings, photos, videos, writings etc as and when you finish them
 to and I will start the process of assembling it into a most
 unusual exhibition. Keep up to date with some examples of the submissions in our
 weekly newsletter.

 Take care everyone, stay safe and be kind!

 Looking forward to seeing you all again when we get back.

 The Arts Award Team

Music Award

Congratulations to Mrs Brown and her
team in the Music Department who have
been awarded the Bernice McCabe Award
by the PTI. The award comes with £5000
prize money.

                                                                                                                original aim,
                                                                               ha s no  t only achieved its
                                                       rd label,     wh  ich                             mmunity, with the
                           am created a reco hool life and that of the wider co
   Claire and her te                                    sc                                                 ess students
                            an integral part of                                     um covers, busin
   but now become played, art students designing alb                                            th e  tra ck s.
                             ly                                                      rming to
   songs being wide                 pr of its , an  d da  nce students perfo
   working out pote                                                                                    sition and song-
                                                                   n up    th e amount of compo                        s,
                               e record label ha
                                                        s   dr ive                             ability of student
    The success of th                            It ha s  dr ive n  up  the performance
                               the quality.
    writing as well as
                   se lf- ta ug  ht musicians.                                                                                 hr
    espe   cia lly                                                                                    e school had a 24
                                                         ro pe   du rin g   th e holidays, and th instruments,
                                 el now tours Eu                              cess’ fund to prov
     In addition, the lab               m  on   ey  for their ‘equal ac s.
                           to   ra ise                                         op
     sponsored gig                                           and worksh
                                 ns, software, trips
      instrumental lesso                                                                             d, projections, sm
                                                        ‘Te  ch  Te  am   ’ wi th all lights, soun            inv ite d to   sh adow
               ho  ol ha   s  its  next cohort of                     9   stu  de nt s. Th ey have been                 fo r
       The  sc                                             by Year                                          d sound
                                 ement being run                                   nning the lights an
       and stage manag                 M  ina   ck  Th ea  tre and will be ru
                                Th  e
       the tech team at
                                unity events.
       upcoming comm

    This week’s word is: Committed

    Definition: Pledged or bound to a
    certain course or policy.

    Etymology: Late Middle English: from Latin committere ‘join, entrust’ (in
    medieval Latin ‘put into custody’), from com-‘with’ + mittere ‘put or send’.


Last week’s winner was Annie. Well

To enter, simply write an original sentence correctly using the word committed.
Send in your sentence using the link below.

                 Click here to enter the competition


   Mounts Bay Academy

    Boscathnoe Lane, Heamoor,
    Penzance, Cornwall TR18 3JT
T: 01736 363240 | F: 01736 352326
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