Stand With Maine - Under the Avalanche MAINE'S $200 MILLION SENATE RACE - American Promise

Page created by Joe Wong
Stand With Maine - Under the Avalanche MAINE'S 0 MILLION SENATE RACE - American Promise
Under the Avalanche :

         Stand With Maine
                               APRIL 2021
Stand With Maine - Under the Avalanche MAINE'S 0 MILLION SENATE RACE - American Promise
 Introduction .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3

 What Our Examination of the 2020 Election Spending in
 Maine Revealed. .  .  .  .  .  . 4

 Super PAC Controlled by New York Democrat Spends
 Millions in Maine.  .  .  .  . 6

 Super PAC Controlled by Kentucky Republican Spends
 Millions in Maine. .  .  .  . 10

 The Impact of Big Money in Politics in Maine . . . . .15

 Mainers Are United to Fix Our Broken System . . . . 19

 Stand With Maine. . . . 20

2 / U nde r the Avala n ch e
Stand With Maine - Under the Avalanche MAINE'S 0 MILLION SENATE RACE - American Promise
No Maine voter needs reminding that               and the Democratic side, we seek to offer
our most recent Senate race was the               Mainers clear, fair information about how
most expensive – and quite possibly               the money degrades debate, decreases
the nastiest – in the state’s history. The        useful information, smothers the voices
intense partisanship, negative and divisive       of voters and of more independent
attacks belied Maine’s tradition of bucking       candidates – the opposite of what free
national fault lines, and of electing             speech under the First Amendment is all
independent-minded leaders more free              about.
of party bosses or moneyed interests. So
how did Maine, a fiercely proud and free-
thinking state, come to be embroiled in the
                                                    The Maine Millions report drew
same partisan warfare which has come to             the following conclusions:
characterize politics in Washington and             Almost all of the money in the race
around the country?                                 came through Super PACs.

                                                    The Super PACs in the Maine election
  “We were 20 feet under snow                       are closely entwined with the national
                                                    Republican and Democratic Senate
  in an avalanche, and no one                       leadership and political operatives in
                could hear us.”                     Washington, D.C.
                - David Trahan, former
                Republican State Senator and        A majority of the money that flowed in
                Executive Director of the Maine     the Maine election came from wealthy
                Sportsman’s Alliance
                                                    donors and interests outside of Maine.

                                                    Outside money funded negative attacks
This report from Maine’s chapter of the             and disinformation.
national, non-partisan organization,
American Promise, seeks to shine a light            All this money restricted free speech,
into some of that $200 million that poured          voter information and choice.
into the avalanche of often misleading,             Mainers support a Constitutional
toxic and divisive campaign advertising             amendment to end big money in
in the state.1 With a focus on the largest          politics.
spenders on both the Republican side

                                                                         Und e r t h e Avalan c h e / 3
Stand With Maine - Under the Avalanche MAINE'S 0 MILLION SENATE RACE - American Promise
What Our examination of the 2020
Election Spending in Maine revealed:
In Maine, Super PACs Provide             and Washington, D.C. political
the Majority of the Money.               operatives.
Most of the money spent in the 2020     In this report, we examined two
Senate race in Maine did not come       Super PACs: the Senate Majority
through the candidates’ campaigns but   Fund and the Senate Leadership
through “Super PACs.” A Super PAC is    Fund. The Senate Majority PAC, while
formed by those seeking to influence    ostensibly “independent,” effectively
the election with money that does not   is an arm of the Democratic Party and
go through the candidates’ campaigns.   New York Senator Chuck Schumer,
                                        now Senate Majority Leader. The
While campaign finance laws limit       group is headed by top Democratic
what an individual can contribute       strategist J.B. Poersch, the former
directly to a candidate’s campaign,     executive director of the Democratic
no limits apply to Super PACs since     Senatorial Campaign Committee
the Supreme Court struck down such      and a “confidant” of Senator Chuck
limits in 2010. According to the Court, Schumer.3 Treasurer Rebecca Lambe
because such groups are “outside” of    and Director Susan McCue both
and “independent” of the campaigns,     served on the staff of former Senate
the Court (over strong dissents)        Majority Leader Harry Reid.4,5
maintained that limits on the money
flowing through the Super PACs          Similarly, the Senate Leadership Fund
would violate the donors’ right to free is not “independent” but effectively is
speech under the First Amendment.2      an arm of the Republican Party and
                                        Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell,
In 2020, the Super PACs                 now Senate Minority Leader. The
operating in Maine were                 Senate Leadership Fund spent over
closely entwined with the               $287 million to support Republicans
national Republican and                 in key Senate races.6 Its president is
Democratic Senate leadership Steven Law, the former chief of staff

4 / U nde r the Avala n ch e
Stand With Maine - Under the Avalanche MAINE'S 0 MILLION SENATE RACE - American Promise
for then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch      ads concentrated on personal attacks
McConnell.                                 and distorted voting records.

Mainers are being left behind:             Super PAC Spending
Wealthy Donors and Interests               Restricts Free Speech, Voter
Outside of Maine Fund Super                Information and Choice.
PACs.                                      The high levels of spending ultimately
Most of the $200 million in the            reduced access to fact-based voter
Maine Senate race came from wealthy        information, drowned out public
Republican and Democratic donors           debate, and stymied the goals of the
outside of Maine, fighting a national      ranked-choice voting system that
battle for control of the US Senate. The   Mainers worked hard to implement.
Senate Majority PAC and the Senate
Leadership Fund spent, respectively,       Mainers Support a
$27.9 million and $12.6 million on the     Constitutional Amendment
2020 Maine Senate race.7 The largest       That Ends This Systemic
donations to both Super PACs were          Corruption of the American
from 501(c)(4) “dark money” groups,        Political Process.
followed by donations from wealthy         In August 2020, a survey of Mainers
individuals located in Chicago, New        by American Promise and Citizen
York, Las Vegas, and Palm Beach.           Data showed three out four voters
Not one of the 647 donations over          in favor of passing and ratifying an
$100,000 to either group came from         amendment to the US Constitution to
Maine.8                                    enable Maine and the nation to have
                                           reasonable limits on contributions
Super PACs Overwhelmingly                  and spending in elections. Maine,
Spend on Negative Attacks                  in a 2013 vote of Republican,
and Disinformation.                        Democratic, and independent
Both Super PACs spent over 98% of          legislators called on Congress to pass
their Maine budgets on attack ads,         such an amendment and return it to
and less than two percent on ads           the states for ratification. Since then,
supporting their favored candidate.9,10    22 states have joined in this call, and
As a result, Mainers faced a heavily       the supermajority support shown
negative campaign landscape in which       by Mainers is shared by Americans

                                                                Und e r t h e Avalan c h e / 5
Stand With Maine - Under the Avalanche MAINE'S 0 MILLION SENATE RACE - American Promise
across the nation. The American           and secretive donors, would be heard
Promise constitutional amendment          most, and candidates and elected
would ensure elections where money        representatives would spend time and
came in much smaller amounts, from        solve problems with their constituents
many more people. Voters, not big         in their states and communities.

Super PAC Controlled by New York
Democrat Spends Millions in Maine
The Senate Majority PAC is the largest    Major donors to the group come
left-leaning Super PAC in the country.    from across the country – New York,
At the time of writing, it has reported   Chicago, Palo Alto, West Palm Beach
spending just under $229 million on       – but rarely from Maine.15 Most of the
competitive Senate races nationwide,      money in the Senate Majority PAC
most heavily targeting Michigan,          comes from a small group of very
North Carolina, Iowa, Georgia, and        large donors. Over 85% of the total
Maine.11 The group is headed by top       money raised by this Super PAC came
Democratic strategist J.B. Poersch,       from just 394 donors who contributed
the former executive director of the      $25,0000 or more. 58 donors gave
Democratic Senatorial Campaign            more than $1 million each, making
Committee and a “confidant” of            up just under 67% of the total. Four
Senator Chuck Schumer.12 Treasurer        donors – three dark money 501(c)(4)
Rebecca Lambe and Director Susan          groups and one other Super PAC –
McCue both served on the staff of         contributed over $10 million each.
former Senate Majority Leader Harry
Reid.13,14 Given these connections to     While the Senate Majority PAC spent
the Democratic establishment, the         $27.9 million in Maine in 2020,
notion that the Senate Majority PAC       mostly on attack ads on Senator
is “independent” of any candidate or      Collins, Mainers had virtually no say
party is misleading.                      in the matter. Of the 394 donors who
                                          contributed more than $25,000 to the
Outside Money Dominates                   Senate Majority PAC, just a single one
Maine Elections                           was from Maine.16 In total, less than

6 / U nde r the Avala n ch e
Stand With Maine - Under the Avalanche MAINE'S 0 MILLION SENATE RACE - American Promise
one-tenth of one percent of the group’s   not required to publicly disclose its
funding came from Mainers.                donors; as such, the donations that
                                          it provides are commonly referred
 Many of the donors to the Senate         to as “dark money”. While such
Majority PAC are not people at all.       groups are ostensibly prohibited from
The largest donor is Majority Forward,    participating in political campaigns,
the dark money group created for          they can still exert tremendous
the purpose of funneling anonymous        influence on elections through
funds towards liberal causes – in this    donations to Super PACs. They
case, $47.8 million to the Democrats’     can also run their own “issue ads”
largest Super PAC.17                      which are legal so long as they do
Majority Forward is a “social welfare”    not expressly advocate for or against
group governed by section 501(c)(4)       a candidate. However, the resulting
of the Internal Revenue Code, and is      ads often appear nearly identical to
                                          typical attack ads (but notice that the
                                          linked video carefully shies away from
 AT A GLANCE:                             suggesting that Senator Collins be
                                          voted out of office).
                                          Although most of the donors to
                                          Majority Forward remain unknown,
             $229 MILLION                 we can paint an (albeit incomplete)
            Amount Spent Nationwide       picture of the organization based
                                          on the few donors who have been
            $27. 9 MILLION
            Amount Spent In Maine         disclosed, the organization’s past
                                          disbursements, and its staff and
            1 MAINER                      leadership. Between 2016 and 2018,
            Number Of Maine Donors
            Who Contributed Over          it received $1.5 million from liberal
            $25,000                       501(c)(4) group The Advocacy Fund,
            $27.4 MILLION                 $500,000 from the dark money Sixteen
            Amount Spent On Negative      Thirty Fund, and $250,000 from
            Ads And Disinformation In     CVS Health.18 Its most recent tax
                                          filings reveal that Majority Forward
                                          gave $14.8 million to America Votes,
                                          $10.1 million to the Black Progressive

                                                               Und e r t h e Avalan c h e / 7
Stand With Maine - Under the Avalanche MAINE'S 0 MILLION SENATE RACE - American Promise
Action Coalition, and $3.5 million to   legislative priorities. Federally,
the League of Conservation Voters in    GNYHA was part of a successful
2018.19 J.B. Poersch, Rebecca Lambe,    lobbying effort (along with a group
and Susan McCue all serve on the        of private equity firms) to defeat
organization’s leadership;20 this overlap
                                        consumer protections against surprise
in staffing with the Senate Majority    medical billing.25 According to a senior
PAC demonstrates the way in which       employee at the New York Department
Majority Forward acts as an arm of      of Health, GNYHA has the power
the Super PAC, allowing it to receive   to “make or break an assemblyman’s
anonymous donations despite the         campaign in Albany” through its
FEC’s requirement that all PACs         political spending. This spending, as
disclose their donors.                  well as spending in federal elections,
                                        has bought the group tremendous
James Simons tops the list of           influence, such that “nothing really
individual donors to the Senate         happens in Albany without Raske
Majority PAC, giving $9.5 million to    weighing in.”26 The situation is
the group. Simons is the now-retired similar in the nation’s capital, where

founder of Renaissance Technologies, GNYHA has spent heavily to support
a New York-based hedge fund, and has congressional candidates, and has had
a net worth of $23.5 billion.22         direct access to top advisors in the
Special interest groups also play a     White House.27
powerful role in Super PAC funding. A
                                        New York Democrat
prominent example is the Greater New
York Hospital Association (GNYHA), Controlled Super PAC Spends
which donated $8 million to the Senate Millions in Maine on Attack
Majority PAC.23 GNYHA is officially     Ads and Disinformation.
a trade association, representing       In Maine, the Senate Majority PAC
more than 160 New York hospitals        spent just under $28 million of the
and health systems. These member        money it received from dark money
organizations pay dues, and in return, groups, trade associations, and wealthy
GNYHA lobbies aggressively on their     individuals to attack Senator Susan
behalf in Albany and in Washington.  24
                                        Collins and help the candidacy of
                                        former Maine Speaker of the House,
The group has a wide variety of
                                        Sara Gideon. The vast majority (82%)

8 / U nde r the Avala n ch e
Stand With Maine - Under the Avalanche MAINE'S 0 MILLION SENATE RACE - American Promise
went towards broadcast advertising,
and a smaller amount to targeted web
ads.28 As any Maine resident can attest
to, the messaging was dominated by
attack ads. Across both broadcast and
web advertising, the group’s spending
was over 98% negative: the group spent
$27.4 million attacking Susan Collins,
but just under $500,000 supporting Sara
Three representative ads from the Senate
Majority PAC are linked here. The first
ad criticizes Collins for a 2006 Postal
Service bill that it says has crippled
the agency. The second accuses her of
working on behalf of wealthy donors
and corporations, and endangering
social security and Medicare through
her vote for the 2017 Republican tax        in Medicare,31 and the third makes it
cuts. The third attacks her record of       sound as though she voted for Amy
voting for conservative judges. Together,   Coney Barrett’s nomination to the
these and other ads distributed by          Supreme Court.
the Senate Majority PAC construct a
distorted image of Collins, painting        This incessant negativity and deceit
her as a puppet of corporations and         is a direct mark of spending by
the GOP leadership. While none of the       a group whose interest in Maine
ads make outright false claims, they        begins and ends with its Senate
are all misleading: the Postal Service      seats. There should thus be no
ad neglects to mention that Collins’        surprise that voters felt as though
bill received unanimous support in the      they were caught between “national
Senate and was co-sponsored by Chuck        entities fighting a proxy battle
Schumer.30 The second ad leaves out that    through the Maine Senate race,”
Collins acted to ensure that the tax cuts   as one American Promise Maine
did not result in an immediate reduction    chapter member put it.

                                                              Und e r t h e Avalan c h e / 9
Super PAC Controlled by Kentucky
Republican Spends Millions in Maine
Like its Democratic counterpart, the      than $1 million each, making up just
Senate Leadership Fund was one of         under 90% of the total. Six donors –
the most powerful forces in the 2020      one 501(c)(4) and five ultra-wealthy
elections, spending over $287 million     individuals – contributed at least $30
to support Republicans in key Senate      million each.
races.32 It is also headed by members
of the Republican establishment: the      While the Senate Leadership Fund
president of the Senate Leadership        spent $12.6 million in Maine in 2020,
Fund is Steven Law, the former chief of   very little of that money originated
staff for Senate Majority Leader Mitch    in Maine. Of the 339 donors who
McConnell,33 and the group’s board of     contributed more than $25,000 to the
directors includes Mike Duncan, the       Senate Leadership Fund, not a single
former chair of the Republican National   one was from Maine. In total, just one-
Committee.34 Duncan’s fellow director     hundredth of one percent of the group’s
Phil Cox is one of the nation’s most      funding came from Mainers.
prominent Republican strategists, and     The single largest source of funding
was called “a force for the GOP” by the   for the Senate Leadership Fund came
Boston Globe.35                           from One Nation, a group claiming to
                                          be a “social welfare” organization under
Outside Money Dominates
                                          a “501(c)(4)” that refuses to disclose
Maine Elections                           its donors. One Nation provided
As with the Senate Majority PAC, its      $62.6 million to the Senate Leadership
donors are concentrated in wealthy        Fund,36 and the source of the vast
urban areas far from Maine. Most of       majority of that money is unknown.
the money in the Senate Leadership
Fund comes from a small group of very     Nonetheless, we can gain a rough
large donors. Over 99% of the total       picture of One Nation’s donors through
money raised by this Super PAC came       those who have voluntarily disclosed
from just 339 donors who contributed      their donations to the group – the oil
$25,0000 or more. 60 donors gave more     company Tesoro donated $1 million in

1 0 / Under the Ava la n ch e
both 2016 and 2017, and the American
Health Care Association donated               AT A GLANCE:
$200,000 in 2016.37 One Nation is also
required to disclose the groups to which      REPUBLICAN SUPER PAC SPENDING IN
it makes grants; in 2018 it gave $1.6         2020 ELECTIONS
million to the pro-life Susan B. Anthony
List, and $1 million to the right-leaning                  $287 MILLION
American Economic Freedom Alliance.38                     Amount Spent Nationwide
One Nation “shares staff and offices” with
the Senate Leadership Fund,39 and other                   $12.6 MILLION
                                                          Amount Spent In Maine
staffing choices provide further insights.
One Nation Chairman Bobby Burchfield                      0 MAINERS
is a partner at the law firm McDermott                    Number Of Maine Donors
Will & Emery LLP, and has represented                     Who Contributed Over
corporate clients including Exxon, E.I.
duPont de Nemours and the American                        $12.5 MILLION
Automobile Association.40 One Nation                      Amount Spent On Negative
                                                          Ads And Disinformation In
Board member Ken Cole is a former                         Maine
lobbyist at General Motors, Honeywell,
and Pfizer,41 and fellow board member
Sally Vastola is the former executive        largely originated from Las Vegas Sands,
director and CEO of the National             his worldwide chain of casinos and
Republican Campaign Committee.42             resorts. His wife, Miriam Adelson, is a
While these bits and pieces of information   doctor specializing in drug addiction,
provide compelling suggestions, we           and the chair of drug abuse clinics in Las
cannot provide a clearer picture because     Vegas and Israel.45
One Nation conceals its donors.
                                             Sheldon Adelson’s interests in influencing
The single largest source of funding         electoral politics increased along with
in the 2020 elections was one couple:        his fortune – he lamented having to pay
Sheldon and Miriam Adelson, who              a greater share of his wealth in taxes
together donated at least $218 million       than the average American, and was
to conservative candidates and outside       frequently embroiled in bitter disputes
groups,43 including $70 million to the       with union workers at his resorts. (In
Senate Leadership Fund.44 Sheldon            fact, the New Yorker reports that it was
Adelson, who died in January 2021, was       these labor disputes which pushed him
a lifelong entrepreneur whose fortune        to make his first conservative political

                                                                   Und e r t h e Avalan c h e / 1 1
donations.)46 Another major influence        Another billionaire who wields political
on Mr. Adelson’s politics was his            influence through contributions to the
wife; it is widely acknowledged that         Senate Leadership Fund is Stephen
Mrs. Adelson, who was born in Israel         Schwarzman, who gave a total of
and runs a major Israeli newspaper,          $35 million to the Super PAC.52 The
pushed her husband to become a               chairman, CEO, and co-founder of the
more outspoken pro-Israel advocate.47        investment group Blackstone resides
Mr. Adelson lobbied successfully for         in New York City, and has a net worth
the American embassy48 in Israel to          of $22.4 billion.53 He was the largest
be moved to Jerusalem, and to assist         individual donor on Wall Street in the
the transition, he offered to partially      2020 elections.54
fund the new embassy. The Adelsons
also were large donors to entities            Following $5 million in contributions
that promoted the election of former         supporting Republicans in 2016,
President Donald Trump, spending a           President Trump named Schwarzman
total of over $20 million in 2016 and        as chair of the President’s Strategic and
$91 million in 2020.49 In 2018, President    Policy Forum in 2017, and to the Great
Trump awarded Miriam Adelson the             American Economic Revival Industry
Presidential Medal of Freedom. The           Groups formed during the coronavirus
Medal is “presented to individuals           pandemic.55 The Washington Post has
who have made especially meritorious         called him an “unofficial ambassador”
contributions to the security or national    to China, and credited him with
interests of the United States, to world     softening President Trump’s stance
peace, or to cultural or other significant   on Chinese trade.56 Schwarzman’s
public or private endeavors.”50              influence goes beyond economic
                                             policy; he also reportedly counseled the
The couple joined the ranks of major         former president towards the decision
Republican donors in 2012, when              to eliminate DACA.57 At Blackstone,
they spent $90 million, largely on the       Schwarzman has a clear interest in
presidential race. Their spending on         the policies that he is working in the
congressional races soon grew to match       White House to institute. He would
their spending on races for the White        have felt the effects of President
House, and their influence can now be        Obama’s proposed elimination of the
felt in elections across the country.51      carried interest tax loophole (which
                                             he notoriously compared to Hitler’s

1 2 / Under the Ava la n ch e
invasion of Poland),58 and he called      spent ten times as much on attack ads
the 2017 Republican tax cuts “a game      against Democrats as it did on pro-
changer.”59 Nonetheless, he maintains     Republican ads.61 In Maine, the ratio
that he is working in the interests of    was even more extreme: the group spent
the American people: “I have objectives   $12.5 million attacking Sara Gideon, but
I think are worthy for all people, and    just under $100,000 supporting Susan
everybody should benefit in that.”60      Collins.62 The result was over 40 different
                                          television and radio ads, nearly all of
Together, the Adelsons, Stephen           them attack ads. Together, the ads made
Schwarzman, and One Nation provided       just seven distinct assertions, incessantly
well over one-third of the Senate         repeating the same talking points. And
Leadership Fund’s total receipts.         while few of the claims were entirely
Kentucky Republican Controlled            false, many were dramatically blown out
                                          of proportion. The negativity, repetition,
Super PAC Spends Millions
                                          and distortion of truth were hallmarks of
in Maine on Attack Ads and                the most recent election season in Maine,
Disinformation.                           and they came as a direct result of Super
Overall, the Senate Leadership Fund       PAC spending.

                                                       Ad “Wrong” depicts a
                                                       woman in her living room,
                                                       describing Sara Gideon’s
                                                       “The choice comes down to
                                                       this: with Sara Gideon playing
                                                       politics, trying to raise gas
                                                       taxes, even the illegal campaign
                                                       contributions – it’s all bad. But
                                                       the sex predator? The teacher sex
                                                       predator in the legislature who
                                                       Sara Gideon protected after the
                                                       school put him on leave, after
                                                       the press investigated? I’m sorry,
                                                       but that’s just wrong. We can’t
                                                       trust Sara Gideon. She’s just too
                                                       risky a choice.”

                                                               Und e r t h e Avalan c h e / 1 3
One of the most reviled ads             the ads try to avoid specific claims that
distributed by the Senate               the woman really is a voter in Maine (or
Leadership Fund was                     Kansas or Iowa) the actress’s use of “we”
                                        certainly implies that she is an everyday
entitled “Wrong.”
                                        citizen of the state who is honestly
The “Wrong” ad makes three              considering her voting options.
distinct claims: that Gideon is
(or was) trying to raise gas taxes,
that she received illegal campaign
contributions, and that she
protected a sexual predator in her
legislature. The first two claims are
mostly true, though blown slightly
out of proportion: the revenue
from the gas tax would have been
refunded to consumers,63 and the
campaign finance violation was
minor.64 As for the third claim,
Gideon likely had no knowledge of
her colleague’s misconduct until the
press broke the story, after which
she immediately called for his
resignation. PolitiFact reported that
“there [was] no evidence she took
any action to cover up the matter”
and rated an ad making a similar
claim “mostly false.”65

Who is this?
In addition to making factually
questionable claims, this
advertisement used the same actress
to portray a concerned voter as ads
in Maine, Kansas and Iowa.66 While

1 4 / Under the Ava la n ch e
The Big Money in Politics
Impact on Maine
The $200 million spent in the Maine     Compare the back-and-forth between
Senate race in 2020 mostly came from    the Gideon and Collins campaigns
wealthy interests outside of Maine, and regarding Bath Iron Works to the best
mostly focused on tearing Mainers       attempts by the Senate Majority PAC
apart.                                  and the Senate Leadership Fund to
                                        connect with Maine voters. Neither
The most visible impact of the          Bath Iron Works ad is perfect – the
spending was the negativity of the      Collins ad especially was criticized
race. Despite accusations thrown by     as misleading – but they represent
both candidates, neither Gideon nor     appeals by candidates who know the
Collins was entirely responsible for    state well, and care about the issues
the race’s tone. Their campaigns ran    that matter to its voters. On the other
ads which were, respectively, 50% and hand, with a change to the narrators’
36% negative.67 The parties leave more accents, the two linked Super PAC ads
of the dirty work to the Super PACS,    could have been run in any federal
distancing themselves despite the close election in any state.
ties. Spending by the Senate Majority
PAC and the Senate Leadership Fund      Similarly, advertising by nationwide
was over 98% negative. Other top-       groups pulled the focus of the race
spending outside groups, including      away from Maine and towards national
the NRSC, the DSCC, the 1820 PAC,       “wedge” issues and attacks. For
and Women Vote! spent similarly large example, advertising by the Senate
portions of their budgets on negative   Majority PAC in Maine focused
advertising.68                          heavily on the (largely false) claim
                                        that Collins’ votes have threatened
Moreover, this negativity failed to     Mainers’ healthcare; here are ads
focus on the issues most important      broadcast in six different states which
to Mainers, who are interested in       repeat the phrase “X voted n times
solutions, not partisan affiliation.69  to eliminate protections for pre-

                                                            Und e r t h e Avalan c h e / 1 5
“We don’t want the messaging and
                                the debate controlled by out-of-state
                                money, no matter where it’s coming
                                        - Roger Katz, former Republican State Senator

existing conditions” in some form or             money, no matter where it’s coming
another. Across the aisle, the Senate            from.”70
Leadership Fund focused on personal
attacks against Sara Gideon rather than    An anecdote from an organizer with
national issues. But in other states, it   the Gideon campaign illustrates a
distributed ads with the same message      further issue. In the final weeks of the
again and again and again, promising       race, he recalls receiving a surprising
that the target state’s Democratic         message from canvassers: despite their
candidate was backed by radical far-left   frustration with the overwhelming
interests.                                 number of ads, voters were confused
                                           about what both Gideon and Collins
It may seem obvious that groups which stood for. “They never talk about the
operate in many states would repeat        issues,” was a voter complaint frequently
their messaging across different races.    relayed to him. It may seem absurd that
But it is a tremendous loss that every     with over $100 million already spent
competitive Senate race this cycle was     on messaging, voters could be confused
contested on the basis of the same         about the candidates’ platforms.
divisive national issues selected by party Yet such is the effect of campaigns
operatives.                                dominated by big-money outside
                                           spending groups, rather than messaging
It is a crucial component of our           from the candidates themselves:
democracy that members of Congress         discussion of the issues is crowded out
are responsive to issues unique to their by personal attacks.
home states. Former Republican State
Senator Roger Katz puts it more simply:
“We don’t want the messaging and
the debate controlled by out-of-state

1 6 / Under the Ava la n ch e
How Maine’s Millions Stymied                (rather than defining themselves in
True Reform                                 opposition to a single opponent), while
                                            also creating opportunities for third-
In 2020, Maine was the only state to
                                            party candidates to succeed (rather than
use ranked-choice voting (RCV) in a
                                            running “protest campaigns”).
Senate election. The adoption of RCV
in Maine required a massive effort,         The domination in Maine by millions
including a widespread signature-           of dollars in outside spending from
collection campaign, years of debate        wealthy factions fighting for control
over its correct implementation, and the    in Washington D.C. wiped out most
rare use of the “people’s veto” to rescue   or all of the proffered benefit of RCV
the law from legislative gridlock.71        in Maine. The money of outside Super
It was hailed by its proponents as an       PACS and the major-party candidates
effective tool for making elections more    was a daily blow to civility, thoughtful
democratic, more respectful, more           debate, policy or ideas from new voices.
open, and less polarized, and as one        Any message or information from the
of the many ways in which Maine sets        additional candidates that RCV allows,
itself apart from the ugly politics of      one on the right (Max Linn, a Bar
many other states.                          Harbor financial planner and supporter
                                            of former President Donald Trump)
RCV proponents say it will make
                                            and one on the left (Lisa Savage,
elections more accurately reflect the
                                            a Maine teacher) was completely
will of the people by ensuring that a
                                            smothered by the outside money
candidate can only win with a majority
                                            pouring into what national interests saw
of votes. Further, after adopting RCV,
                                            as a Democratic-Republican battle for
some local campaigns become more
                                            control of the US Senate.
positive as candidates tried to attract
their opponents’ second-choice votes.72     Linn received no Super PAC support,
Finally, RCV proponents claim its           and outside spending on behalf of
ability to decrease polarization and        Savage totaled just $19,140, less than
increase the openness of elections.         one-tenth of a percent of the outside
These goals are two sides of the same       spending for either Collins or Gideon.73
coin: aiming on the one hand to force       As a result of this extreme lack of
major candidates to define themselves       competitiveness, Collins and Gideon
by their ability to produce solutions       (and their outside spending supporters)

                                                                Und e r t h e Avalan c h e / 1 7
were still able to define their campaigns   about their choices. We see cookie-
in opposition to each other, rather than    cutter messaging that focuses on
in terms of the constructive solutions      national issues instead of the needs
Mainers were looking for. And the           of Mainers. We see the goals of
campaigns of Savage and Linn had no         a grassroots, Maine-led effort to
opportunities to make their alternative     implement ranked-choice voting
agendas heard against the din of            stymied by wealthy out-of-staters. And
outside spending. Linn in particular        ultimately, we see that the free exchange
seemed to acknowledge the futility of       of ideas among voters is weakened,
running against the interests of major      not strengthened, when the voices of
donors, running a protest campaign          Mainers are shut out by the moneyed
that resorted to dramatic stunts on the     interests crowding our airwaves.
debate stage rather than substantive
arguments.                                  Without significant and fundamental
                                            change, these problems will get much,
These are the ways in which the big         much worse. Outside spending to
money system has failed Mainers. We         influence elections doubled from $1.4
see misleading attack ads dominate          billion in 2016 to nearly $2.9 billion in
races, increasing our divisions. We         2020,74 and there is no reason to believe
see voters frustrated by overwhelming       that spending levels will not continue to
levels of advertising, yet less informed    grow in future elections.
                                            Nam aut quiamet del
                                                                ex et eos alic

1 8 / Under the Ava la n ch e
Mainers Are United to Fix Our
Broken System
We are currently on track for ever-               win the approval of their constituents,
increasing levels of election spending.           not of moneyed interests in New York,
But it does not have to be this way.              Palm Beach, Chicago, and other cities
In a world where the power of                     where wealth is concentrated and
money over democracy is reasonably                Mainers are few.
limited, elections would become
more respectful, more open, and                   This vision is within reach, but the
more representative of the people.                Supreme Court has blocked every
They would be contested by a wide                 effort to move towards it with the
range of candidates with diverse ideas.           controversial legal theory that
Campaigns would be funded through                 unlimited money is “free speech.”
small donations by people from all                That’s why Americans are turning
walks of life. All contributions would            toward a constitutional amendment to
be disclosed, so voters would know                limit the influence of money in politics
the origins of campaign money. The                (read the proposed text here). Only an
airwaves would be open to robust                  amendment can override misguided
debate and sharing of ideas between               Supreme Court decisions and provide
those actually impacted by an election’s          the foundational reform that the
outcome. Candidates would engage in               problem of political spending urgently
dialogue with voters, rather than “call-          requires. And this reform is not only
time” and fundraisers with wealthy                necessary – it’s popular.
donors. Elected officials would work to

          “We agree that policy should not be influenced by the
          biggest donors but should represent the voices and
          wisdom of the people and places involved.”
          [Portland Press Herald, 9/27/20]
            - Amy   Cartmell, American Promise Maine Chapter Leader

                                                                      Und e r t h e Avalan c h e / 1 9
A poll in August of 2020 showed that
73% of Mainers support a constitutional              Maine Support
amendment to limit political spending,
including 55% of Republicans and 87%                                  Overall
of Democrats;80 a national poll found
even higher levels of support with 75%         55%                Republican
in favor, including 66% of Republicans
and 85% of Democrats.81                        87%                        Democrat

Stand With                                       NationWide Support

Stand With Maine is the volunteer

state chapter of American Promise,                           79% of
a national non-partisan organization                      Independents
                                                68% of                   92% of
uniting Americans to ratify a                              support our
                                              Republicans amendment Democrats
constitutional amendment to enable            support our              support our
limits on the power of money in               amendment                amendment
elections, and ensure representation
and effective self-government for all      voters, not donors, first is growing fast.
Americans.                                 Stand With Maine has drawn on this
                                           bipartisan desire for change to build a
In 2013, Republicans, Democrats and        network of support ranging from the
Independents came together to in           Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine to Maine
the Maine State Legislature to make        Citizens for Clean Elections, from
Maine of the first states calling for an   businesspeople to farmers to former
amendment to the US Constitution to        state and U.S. senators. Every Mainer,
enable Americans to enact reasonable       regardless of political party - or no party
limits and rules for contributions and     - can join the thousands of Mainers
spending in elections. Now, 22 States      working together across the State to put
have done so and momentum for              Maine first, and end the domination of
this constitutional amendment to put       outside money in our elections.

2 0 / Under the Ava la n ch e
Elections where Mainers are heard and Maine issues are addressed. Respectful
debate with a wide range of views. Candidates and elected officials focused on
constituents and the interests of Maine and the country, rather than big donors
    and fundraising. A united America and problem-solving government.

With the support of Mainers from every corner of the state, we can make this
                              vision a reality.

                       Sign up at

 This report was made possible by American Promise, a national non-partisan
organization uniting Americans to pass and ratify a constitutional amendment
   to enable even-handed and reasonable limits on the role of money in our
political system. Volunteers in American Promise’s Maine Chapter, Stand With
 Maine, contributed to the report, which obtained data and analysis from the
  nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics/Open Secrets. American Promise
 and Stand With Maine thanks Ayden Nichol, a Bowdoin College student and
American Promise research fellow, who was the primary researcher and author.

                                                          Und e r t h e Avalan c h e / 2 1
1 SOURCE total amount spent in Senate race
2 Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010)
2F31%2F2020. All donation numbers come from FEC records downloaded January 22nd, 2021
16 Lyndel Wishcamper of Freeport gave $25,000
name= greater+new+york+hospital&two_year_transaction_period=2020
26 Interview with a senior employee at the New York Department of Health

2 2 / Under the Ava la n ch e

                                                                                 Und e r t h e Avalan c h e / 2 3








79 Chart data from the Center for Responsive Politics

2 4 / Under the Ava la n ch e
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