IODP/ICDP-France News - Juin 2021

Page created by Annette Frank
IODP/ICDP-France News - Juin 2021
IODP/ICDP-France News
Juin 2021

            Deadlines / Keydates / News

            Messages à la communauté IODP
            Soutien du bureau IODP-France à la valorisation des expéditions
            Le bureau IODP-France lance une vaste campagne de promotion des campagnes anciennes afin de valoriser
            le patrimoine exceptionnel que constituent les carottes et les données accumulées depuis 1968.

            Les données et rapports des Legs DSDP et ODP et des expéditions IODP sont librement accessibles en
            ligne. Des échantillons (prélèvements sur les carottes, lames minces de bord, …) peuvent être demandés
            en suivant une procédure assez légère de « sample request » auprès des différentes carothèques (BCR
    IODP    - Bremen Core Repository University of Bremen, Germany / GCR - Gulf Coast Repository Texas A&M Uni-
            versity, College Station, Texas / Rut¬gers-NJGS Repository satellite repository of the GCR for New Jersey/
            Delaware land cores / KCC - Kochi Core Center Kochi University, Japan). Si les procédures de « sample re-
            quest » auprès des carothèques vous sont peu familières, n’hésitez pas à solliciter notre aide.
            Infos :

            Le Bureau IODP-France encourage et soutien financièrement tous les projets qui incluent l’acquisition de
            nouvelles données et qui nécessiteraient un budget analytique. Nous vous rappelons l’existence d’un appel
            à projets IODP-France destiné à la valorisation des expéditions anciennes (i.e. ≥ 2 ans). Il n’y a pas de
            date limite pour le dépôt des demandes de financement qui seront transmises, dès réception, au comité
            IODP-France pour une évaluation « au fil de l’eau » et une prise de décision rapide
            Infos :
            Contacts : /

            Prenez bien soin de vous !
            Le bureau IODP-France (Georges Ceuleneer, Stéphanie Cuven et AnneMarie Cousin)
IODP/ICDP-France News - Juin 2021
Deadlines   + Call for Applications – JOIDES Resolution Facility Board (JRFB)

            The US Science Support Program for IODP is seeking senior sci-
            entists to serve on the JOIDES Resolution Facility Board (JRFB),
            including one representative from a non-U.S. IODP partner. The
            JRFB provides operational and management oversight of the
            JOIDES Resolution in fulfilling the objectives of the IODP Science
            Plan. New JRFB members will serve three-year terms beginning
            on October 1, 2021. Full terms of reference for the JRFB can be
            found here.
            Letters should clearly indicate your primary field of expertise,
            briefly document previous committee experience, and describe your interest in the scientific ocean drilling
            programs (now and in the future). Candidates for the JRFB should have an extensive history of participation
            in scientific ocean drilling.

            Info: Scientists interested in volunteering for this opportunity should send a cover letter and a two-page CV

            Deadline for submission: June 23, 2021.

            + CALL for applications – ECORD Science Support & Advisory
            Committee (ESSAC) Science Coordinator

            The ECORD Science Support and Advisory Committee (ESSAC) is responsible for the scientific and techno-
            logical planning and coordination of ECORD’s contribution to IODP.
    IODP    The activity of ESSAC is supported by the ESSAC Office, supervised by the ESSAC Chair and staffed with a
            ESSAC Science Coordinator.

            From 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2023 the ESSAC Office will be located at the National Institute of
            Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS in Trieste (Italy), with Dr. Angelo Camerlenghi in the role of
            ESSAC Chair.

            The ESSAC Science Coordinator will be expected to manage the activities of the ESSAC Office. The role will
            be wide ranging, from the day-to-day management of the Office to communication with ESSAC delegates,
            the wider European, Japanese and US science communities and national funding agencies. The Coordina-
            tor will assist in outreach activities and will be expected to take the lead in preparing scientific reports that
            detail ECORD scientific participation and general science activities in IODP.
            The Coordinator will act as full-time scientific secretary to the ESSAC Chair and, when requested, ECORD
            Council. The Coordinator will attend meetings with the ESSAC Chair. Depending upon circumstances, the
            Science Coordinator may have some time to be actively involved in academic research, including in IODP
            science themes.


            Deadline for submission: June 30, 2021.

            News IODP
            + Register for the IMPACT Workshop Series, which is aimed at envisioning broadening the impact of
            scientific ocean drilling in the coming decades.
IODP/ICDP-France News - Juin 2021
+ The Sio7 website is currently offline while MarE3 investigates a security incident. They
       will notify the community when access is restored.

       + New Policy: The IODP Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy has been approved by IODP's
IODP   Program Member Organizations and is now posted with other IODP-wide policy documents.

       + NSF has released a Dear Colleague Letter to request interest in proving a multi-decadal drilling
IODP   vessel to support future international scientific ocean drilling.

       + The JOIDES Resolution Science Operator has updated its operations schedule for 2021 and 2022 in
IODP   light of decisions by the JRFB and constraints due to COVID-19.

       + IODP sample requests are being accepted but completion and shipment of requests may be delayed
IODP   due to COVID-19. For the current status of each IODP core repository, contact the repository curator.

       + IMPORTANT: Recent JRFB Request for Information is open to all IODP nations.
       Letter from the Clive Neal, the Chair of the JOIDES Resolution Facility Board to IODP com-
       munity. Please note Clive’s request for responses to the issue of a "Request for Information” that is central
       to US efforts to secure a future replacement for the JR. Note that this request is directed to the global IODP
       community and not just US-based scientists. It is vitally important that responses from non-US scientists
       are also received in order to demonstrate support for future scientific ocean drilling from the international
       community. The procedure for responding is very quick (5-10 minutes), so please make this a priority in
       order to express your support.

       +      Now Sailing: Japan Trench Paleoseismology
                                                        Expedition 386 aims to test and develop submarine paleoseismology by
                                                        recovering the continuous upper Pleistocene to Holocene stratigraphic
                                                        successions of trench-fill basins along an axis-parallel transect in the
                                                        Japan Trench.

       +      Recently Completed (June 2021): Complete South Atlantic Transect Reentry Systems
                                                        The South Atlantic Transect is a multidisciplinary scientific ocean drilling
                                                        project that comprises of multiple expeditions aimed at recovering
                                                        complete sedimentary sections and the upper underlying oceanic crust
                                                        along a slow/intermediate spreading rate Mid-Atlantic Ridge crustal
                                                        flow line at ~31°S.
IODP/ICDP-France News - Juin 2021
           +        ICDP news: SPRING 2021
                                                         "Despite the pandemic situation, the number of 2021 ICDP proposals re-
                                                         mained on high level: eight full proposals, four workshop proposals, four
                                                         pre-proposals and a first Land-to-Sea drilling proposal (responding to the
                                                         newly established combined ICDP-IODP funding branch) were submitted
                                                         by the January 15 deadline. ICDP’s Science Advisory Group SAG convened
                                                         virtually during March 16-18 for an in-depth scientific evaluation of the
                                                         proposals. The ICDP Executive Committee and Assembly of Governors
                                                         will hold their annual meetings online in late April to decide about the
                                                         proposals. Flavio Anselmetti, SAG Chair during the last two years, will re-
                                                         tire from this position by rotation at the end of this year. I wholeheartedly
                                                         thank Flavio for his great engagement and efficient work as SAG Chair
                                                         and wish him all the best for the future, within and beyond the ICDP fam-
                                                         ily. At the same time we welcome our new SAG Chair Lisa Park Boush.
           Drilling projects in China (Songliao Basin) and UK (JET) have been successfully completed even under the currently
           extremely challenging conditions for which I congratulate the PIs. Several ICDP projects are ready to start once the
           pandemic situation allows. These include the DOVE (Drilling Overdeepend Alpine Valleys), STAR (A Strainmeter Array
           along the Alto Tiberina Fault System) and BASE (Barberton Archean Surface Environments) while GRIND (Geological
           Research through Integrated Neoproterozoic Drilling) will continue in Namibia and start in Brazil. We will hear more
           about these projects at the upcoming ICDP-IODP Town Hall Meeting at the EGU meeting on April 27, but already now I
           do wish the PIs all success and best luck!"


           +        DOVE Site 2 now flying: First drill cores at Basadingen drill site today

                                                                                                  Drilling started at the DOVE (Drilling Overdeepened Alpine
                                                                                                  Valley) Site 2 today, recovering the first 8 m of core. The
                                                                                                  Basadingen Site in Northern Switzerland drills into a 250 m
                                                                                                  deep glacially over-deepened trough filled with multiple se-
                                                                                                  quences of Quaternary sediments all the way to the bedrock
                                                                                                  contact. The field core-laboratory is set up with the ICDP Ge-
                                                                                                  otek MSCL and logging of the cores started today under the
                                                                                                  supervision of scientists from the University of Bern.

           Use link to find out more about the DOVE project and daily messages.

           +        DOVE continues flying: Drilling 2nd borehole can commence at Tannwald

                                                                                     At the Tannwald drill site borehole A is now equipped with a PVC
                                                                                     casing and ready to be part of a geophysical test site. Subsequently,
                                                                                     preparations for borehole B began and could be finished on June 1.
                                                                                     The standpipe is now set at a depth of 10 m and flush drilling Hole B
                                                                                     can commence - hopefully also without any technical problems. The
                                                                                     objective of DOVE is to support the reconstruction of the spatial and
                                                                                     temporal climate development during the ice ages in the Alpine re-
                                                                                     gion over the past 2.6 million years.

           More about the DOVE project (
           and LIAG press release (htps:/wwwe
                                                                                                                                                                        il ate-deveo

                           }   JOIDES Resolution Facility Board, June 23-25, 2021, La Jolla CA, USA
Réunions                   }   Chikyu IODP Board, July 12-13, 2021, Kobe, Japan VIRTUAL
                           }   Science Evaluation Panel, July 27-29, 2021, La Jolla, CA, USA VIRTUAL
 Panels                    }   ECORD Facility Board,September 29-30, 2021, Trieste, Italy

                           }   IODP forum, TBD
IODP/ICDP-France News - Juin 2021
IODP Meeting Outcomes

     IODP     +    New ! April 30, 2020 JRFB Working Group on Science Framework Proposal Requirements and
              Assessment Meeting (consensus items)

              +      April 2, 2020 JRFB Working Group on Science Framework Proposal Requirements and Assessment

              +      March 2021 JRFB Working Group on Science Framework Proposal Requirements and Assessments
              Meeting (consensus items)

              +     February 2021 JRFB Working Group on Science Framework Proposal Requirements and Assess-
              ments Meeting (consensus items)

              +     January 2021 Science Evaluation Panel Meeting (minutes)

              +     December 2020 IODP Town Hall - Dr. Terry Quinn's (NSF OCE Division Director) Presentation

              +     November 2020 Special Meeting of the JOIDES Resolution Facility Board (minutes)

  Infos       Expéditions IODP
              + Multiple expeditions postponed! Many expeditions have been postponed due to platform repairs,
              complications of drill sites in international waters, and the global health emergency. For more information
              see the Expedition Schedule or contact the platform science operator.


              Expedition News:
              + Expeditions 389 “Hawaiian Drowned Reef’’ and 373 "Antarctic Cenozoic Paleoclimate" are postponed
              until further notice. JR Expeditions 387 and 388 had to be postponed as permission for drilling in Brazilian
     IODP     waters has not been received.
IODP/ICDP-France News - Juin 2021
+ Read the update from the JR Science Operator on ship repairs and the outlook for a return to opera-
       tions and the ECORD minutes reports.
       The JR will operate again in the Northern Atlantic later in 2022 and in 2023.The JR is behind the initial
       schedule due to the COVID-19 crisis, but also technical problems. At the moment the US is facing in-
       creasing maintenance costs for the JR and there is also a maximum number of expeditions per year due
       to the age of the vessel. There is a strong proposal pressure in the Northern Atlantic and the JRFB needs
       to decide how long the JR should stay in this region. Parts of expeditions that have not been implement-
       ed properly need to be rescheduled by the JRFB.

       Links :

       + JRSO has produced a document called COPE - COVID Mitigation Protocols Established for
       Safe JR Operations - for implementing IODP expeditions during the pandemic.
IODP/ICDP-France News - Juin 2021
Actualités FRANCE

Futures   Expéditions IODP et scientifiques français sélectionnés :
          • Expédition 395 – Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate (6 June to 6 August 2021) TBD
 tions    Lien internet :

                    ´    Anne Briais (Co-Chief Scientist) - LGO-IUEM, Plouzané
                    ´    Gabriel T. Pasquet (Petrologist) - University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour

          • Expédition 396 – Mid-Norwegian Continental Margin Magmatism (6 August–6 October 2021)
          Lien internet :

                    ´    Geoffroy T.F. Mohn (Petrologist) - University de Cergy Pontoise

          • Expédition 386 – Japan Trench Paleoseismology (Offshore: 13 April 2021 – 1 June 2021 / Onshore: October
          to November 2021)
          Lien internet :

                    ´ Morgane Brunet (Sedimentologist and XCT specialist) - Geosciences Rennes
                    ´ Antonio Cattaneo (Sedimentologist) - IFREMER, Plouzané
                    ´ Chloé Seibert (Physical Properties Specialist) - Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
                    ´ Jean Noël Proust (Sedimentologist) - Geosciences Rennes

          • Expédition 391 – Walvis Ridge Hotspot (6 December 2021 to 6 February 2022)
          Lien internet :

                   ´ Claire A. Carvallo (Paleomagnetist) - Institut de Minéralogie, de Physique des Matériaux et de Cosmo-
          chimie Sorbonne Université, Paris
                   ´ Mark S. Zindorf (Inorganic/Organic Geochemist) - IFREMER, Plouzané

          • Expédition 392 – Agulhas Plateau Cretaceous Climate (5 February to 7 April 2022)
          Lien internet :

                    ´ pas de français sélectionnés

          • Expédition 390 – South Atlantic Transect #1 + Expédition 393 – South Atlantic Transect #2 (7 April - 7
          August 2022)
          Lien internet :

                    ´    pas de français sélectionnés

          • Expedition 393 – South Atlantic Transect
          Lien internet :

                    ´    pas de français sélectionnés
IODP/ICDP-France News - Juin 2021
• Expédition 387 – Amazon Margin (26 April to 26 June 2020)
              Lien internet :                                                EN ATTENTE

                          ´ Germain Bayon (Inorganic Geochemist) -IFREMER, Plouzané
                          ´ Florent J. Hodel (Paleomagnetist) - GET, Toulouse
                          ´ Alberto Machado Cruz (Stratigraphic Correlator/Physical Properties Specialist) - ISTeP, Paris
                          ´ Marina Rabineau (Physical Properties Specialist/Downhole Measurements) - IUEM, Brest

              • Expédition 388 – Equatorial Atlantic Gateway (June 26 - Aug 26, 2020)                                                       EN ATTENTE
              Lien internet :

                          ´      Marie Laugié (Physical Properties Specialist/Stratigraphic Correlator) - CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence

SOUTIENS      Soutiens financiers IODP-France :
   À LA
              Appel d’offres au fil de l’eau “Soutien Financier Post-Campagne”

              Cet appel d’offres est destiné spécifiquement au financement de l’exploitation des données et échantillons
              prélevés au cours des expéditions de forage scientifique IODP. Les projets portant sur des expéditions ve-
              nant de s’achever seront financés en priorité. Les demandes portant sur l’exploitation d’expéditions anciennes
              (programmes DSDP, ODP et IODP ≥ 2 ans) seront également considérées.
              Infos :
              Contacts : /

              “Sample Request” = valorisation des expéditions anciennes

              Vous pouvez à tout moment faire une demande de
              rééchantillonage auprès des 3 carothèques IODP afin
       IODP   d’initier de nouvelles études sur des expéditions passées.
              Une aide financière pour réaliser votre projet scientifique
              pourra vous être attribuée par le Bureau IODP-France
              dans le cadre d’un “Soutien financier Post-Cruise - cam-
              pagnes anciennes”, ceci après évaluation de votre projet
              par le comité IODP-France.

              Lien “sample access” :
              Lien “Demande de soutien financier Post-Cruise IODP-France” : htp:/wwwo
                                                                                                                      i dp-france/souteint-fn

              + About Sample Requests: IODP sample requests are being accepted but completion and shipment of
    IODP      requests may be delayed due to Covid-19. For the current status of each IODP core repository, contact the
              repository curator.

              Journées d’information “Porteurs de projet IODP” :

              Le bureau IODP-France organise actuellement des séminaires d’information dans toute la France sur le
              thème: “Historique et Fonctionnement du Programme IODP, comment participer, comment monter
              un projet d’expédition IODP ?”. Les scientifiques impliqués dans IODP en tant qu’embarquant seront
IODP/ICDP-France News - Juin 2021
invités à présenter leurs résulats et les scientifiques
           impliqués dans IODP en tant que porteur de projet
           ayant abouti à une expédition seront les bienvenus
           pour expliquer la procédure à suivre, donner des
           conseils sur le contenu et le format d’une demande
           “idéale”, sur les pièges rédactionnels à éviter, etc...
           Si votre laboratoire est intéressé pour nous recevoir,
           veuillez nous contacter aux adresses suivantes :
  / stephanie.cuven@get.

           En attendant de nous recevoir pour un séminaire, voici le
           lien pour télécharger le guide pour soumettre un projet
           de forage :

                     Workshops / Publications /
                        Annonces diverses
          Workshops ou congrès en rapport avec les programmes
Workshops IODP et ICDP

           ICDP First workshop on Afar Dallol Drilling (ADD-ON)
           The first ICDP ADD-ON Workshop will be held with the aim to develop a full ICDP Afar Dallol Drilling
           proposal. The PI's invite junior and senior scientists, industry partners and stakeholders interested in
           participating in the workshop. Contact:
           Dates et lieu : 29-30 June 2021, ONLINE
           Infos :
           (The second ICDP ADD-ON Workshop will be organized from 10 to 14 January 2022 in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)).

           36th International Geological Congress
           Dates et lieu : August 16-21 2021 - Delhi, India
           Infos :

           27ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre
           Dates et lieu : 1-5 Nov 2021 - Lyon, France
    IODP   Date limite pour déposer les résumés : 15 juin 2021
           Infos :

           MagellanPlus "IO:DIP – Indian Ocean: Delving Into the Past"
           Postponed due to Covid-19 situation
    IODP   Dates et lieu : 10-13 April 2022 – Graz, Austria. Online Pre-Workshop Meetup: 20-21 September 2021
           Flyers here:
           Infos :
IODP/ICDP-France News - Juin 2021
MagellanPlus Workshop COSNICA : "The life cycle of a mi-
     IODP   croplate at a convergent margin" Postponed due to Covid-19 situation
            Dates et lieu : spring 2022, Graz, Austria.
            Infos :

            MagellanPlus SCYLLA Workshop " Serpentinite diapir in the
     IODP   Calabrian subduction sYstem return Lower plate mantLe
            from eArth's odest ocean" Postponed due to Covid-19 situation
            Dates et lieu : 27-29 October 2020, Bologna, Italy
            Infos :

            MagellanPlus "Belize Barrier Reef " Postponed due to Covid-19 situation
            Dates et lieu : 2022 Frankfurt/Main, Germany -
            Infos :

            Workshop "DriMMLOC Drilling the Mantle, Moho, and Lower
    IODP    Crust" Postponed due to Covid-19 situation
            Dates et lieu : TBD, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
            Infos :

            Monsoon Seminar Series weekly in 2021
            A new online weekly meeting which will highlight recent developments in monsoon science including a
            sustained campaign of scientific ocean drilling offshore. Starting 13 January 2021
            Infos: Find out more about schedules, time table with seminar topics and links to Zoom meetings.
            Infos :

Publica-    Nouvelles publications IODP-France / ECORD / IODP
            New Issue of Scientific Drilling, a multidisciplinary ICDP-IODP program journal
            delivering peer-reviewed science reports from recently completed and ongoing international scientific
    IODP    drilling projects. Issue number 29 is available online.

                                      A fully designed, complete draft version of the 2050 Science
                                      Framework entitled “Exploring Earth by Scien-
                                      tific Ocean Drilling” is now available online on and
                                      ready for community review and your comments
                                      Download: https:/

                                     ICDP Newsletter SPRING 2021
ICDP Annual Report 2020

                                     Download :

          ECORD Annual Report 2019
          Download :

       New ! Technical Note 4: Recommendations for Microbiological Sampling and Contamination
IODP              Tracer Use Aboard the JOIDES Resolution Following 20 Years of IODP Deep Biosphere Research

          Parution des derniers Proceedings IODP

       New ! Expedition 382: Iceberg Alley and Subantarctic Ice and Ocean Dynamics - 20 May 2021

                   Expedition 379: Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History - 23 February 2021

          Proceedings of the Oman Drilling Project - 24 April 2020

          Parution des derniers "Data Reports"
       New ! Expedition 369 (Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics): Radiolarians from the Latest
                   Cenomanian and Turonian, Hole U2512A and U1516C

       New ! Expedition 369 (Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics): Moisture and Density Analysis and Ultra
                   sonic Velocity, Hole U1513E

          Parution des derniers "Preliminary Reports" IODP
                   Expedition 390C (South Atlantic Transect Reentry System) Preliminary Report

          Liens pour télécharger le rapport IODP-France

          Vous y trouverez les dernières statistiques sur la participation française au Programme
          IODP et les résultats majeurs des expéditions récentes.

Liens pour télécharger le Science Plan IODP 2013-2023 :


       Liens pour télécharger le Science Plan ICDP 2020-2030 :

       Video :
Sciences IODP
                            Avancées scientifiques : " SW Indian Ridge Lower Crust and
                            Moho " - Exp. IODP 360, ODP Leg 118, ODP Leg 176
                            Participant(e)s français : Carlotta Ferrando (Géosciences Montpellier) ; Lydéric France (CRPG) ; Benoit Ildefonse
                            (Géosciences Montpellier) ;

                            Données : Expéditions IODP 360 Hole U1473A, ODP Leg 118 Hole 1109A et ODP Leg 176 Hole 735B
                            Financement : IODP-France « Expédition anciennes» CNRS-INSU

Grain size variations record segregation of residual melts in slow-spreading oceanic
crust (Atlantis Bank, 57°E Southwest Indian Ridge)
C. Ferrando1,2,*, L. France1, V. Basch2, A. Sanfilippo2, R. Tribuzio2, M. Boulanger1

1: Université de Lorraine, CNRS, CRPG, F-54000 Nancy, France.
2: Dip. di Scienze della Terra e dell’Ambiente, Università degli Studi di Pavia, I-27100 Pavia, Italy

Beneath slow-spreading ridges, melt bodies are generally                                  Hole U1473A (Dick et al., 2019a; MacLeod et al., 2017), in
considered to represent ephemeral magma reservoirs filled                                 one of the best studied Oceanic Core Complexes (OCC),
with crystal mushes. Formation of the oceanic crust requires                              the Atlantis Bank OCC (Dick et al., 2000; 2019b) along the
at least partial extraction of melts from these crystal mushes.                           ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (Fig. 1). This
However, melts collection and extraction are processes yet                                raised dome exposes massive gabbro on the seafloor; its
to be fully constrained. This project aimed at understanding                              formation is interpreted to result from initial uplift by de-
processes of melt migration, collection and segregation                                   tachment faulting at the ridge-transform intersection, and
throughout the lower oceanic crust. We investigated olivine                               subsequently offset during a period of change in the spread-
gabbros from the plutonic section recovered at the IODP                                   ing direction (Baines et al., 2008).

Fig. 1: Location of the Atlantis Bank OCC and detailed 3D reconstruction of its dome structure (looking NE) modified after MacLeod et al. (2017). Holes were
drilled on the flat top of the dome. In details, Holes 1109A and 735B were drilled during Legs 118 and 176 of the Ocean Drilling Program, and Hole U1473A, stud-
ied here, during Expedition 360 of the Integrated Ocean Discovery Program.
Fig. 2: Example of recovered irregular grain-size contacts in U1473A olivine gabbros. (a) Core 74R-7 shows wavy and lobate contact with a close-up (orange box)
in (b). (c) Coarse-grained plagioclase displays corroded grain boundaries at contact with fine-grained crystals (mostly plagioclase and clinopyroxene). (d) Large
poikilitic clinopyroxene oikocryst embay plagioclase showing corroded grain boundaries. Images after Ferrando et al. (2021).

IODP Hole U1473A was drilled during International Ocean
Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 360 into the flat
summit of the OCC (MacLeod et al., 2017). This borehole
penetrated ~810 meters below sea floor (mbsf), recovering
a section of lower oceanic crust mainly composed of olivine
gabbros (76.5 %), less abundant disseminated-oxide gabbro
(containing 1–2% oxide; 9.5% of recovery), oxide gabbro
(>5% oxide; 7.5% of recovery), and gabbro (sensu stricto; 5%
of recovery), and minor felsic veins (1.5%). Throughout the
Hole, primary variations in grain-size (i.e., not overprinted
by crystal-plastic deformation) from fine- to coarse-grained
intervals are copious in olivine gabbros and observed at all
depths (121 contacts; on average one contact every ~4 m of
recovered core). Grain-size variations are mostly irregular
and “patchy”, i.e. sutured displaying variable orientation,
and show coarse-grained domains included into a fine-
grained matrix, with variable thickness of fine- (or medium-)
and coarse-grained intervals (Fig. 2a-b); these grain-size
variations are referred to as ‘irregular contacts’ and were
investigated in Ferrando et al. (2021) and Ferrando et al.                          Fig. 3: Mg# vs TiO2 (wt%) of clinopyroxene in a representative sample of
(under review). Less commonly, grain-size variations have                           grain-size contact. We report for comparison variations in clinopyroxene
                                                                                    compositions during: i) melt-mush reaction reproduced in reactive crystalli-
planar and subparallel contacts defining a layering; this type                      zation experiments of a primitive MORB percolating through a troctolite; ii)
of grain-size variations were studied by Boulanger et al. (sub-                     crystallization experiments of a tholeiitic basalt with composition corre-
mitted). Here, we present the irregular grain-size contacts.                        sponding to a microgabbro from Hole 735B at 1 kbar.
Fig. 4: Schematic reconstruction of the microstructure and chemical evolution from crystal mush to formation of grain-size variations in the studied olivine
gabbro. The processes recorded can be summarized as follows. (a) Heterogeneously distributed olivine + plagioclase crystals form after crystallization in-situ
(up to 20-30% of melt fractionation) of primitive melts in a crystal mush. (b) Melts within the crystal mush (possibly residual from former minerals crystalliza-
tion) begin to migrate through the permeable olivine+plagioclase (±clinopyroxene?) framework and, being in disequilibrium with the more primitive composi-
tions of pre-existing minerals, partially dissolve olivine1 and plagioclase1 and concomitantly crystallize olivine2, plagioclase2 and clinopyroxene2; crystals pref-
erentially grow and coarse-grained intervals are formed at temperatures of ~1150°C. Note that only plagioclase and olivine display resorbed grain boundaries,
while clinopyroxene does not show textural evidences of dissolution. It is possible that few crystals of clinopyroxene1 also formed the pre-existing crystal mush;
some crystal cores could represent former clinopyroxene, but we have no certain and clear evidence at this point. (c) The reactive melt migration proceeds at
decreasing TL and TS. Melts residual from interaction both crystallize at the rims of pre-existing coarse-grained minerals and are pervasively collected in high
porosity zones. In these zones, the delay in nucleation produces an increase in undercooling at decreasing TS that ultimately results in high nucleation rates;
new nuclei preferentially form, and the segregated residual melts crystallize to form the fine-grained olivine gabbros at temperatures of ~1050°C.
Textures of coarse-grained olivine gabbro are predominantly        References
subophitic with subhedral tabular plagioclase partly or fully
enclosed within poikilitic clinopyroxene (Fig. 2d), while fine-    Baines, A. G., Cheadle, M. J., John, B. E., & Schwartz, J. J. (2008). The rate of oce-
                                                                   anic detachment faulting at Atlantis Bank, SW Indian Ridge. Earth and Planetary
grained olivine gabbros are characterized by granular tex-         Science Letters, 273, 105–114.
tures with euhedral to subhedral crystals. Along the contacts,
coarse-grained minerals display resorbed grain boundaries          Boulanger, M., France, L., Deans, J. R., Ferrando, C., Lissenberg, J., & von der
against the fine-grained minerals (Fig. 2c), suggesting partial    Handt, A. (2020). Magma reservoir formation and evolution at a slow-spreading
                                                                   center (Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge). Frontiers in Earth Sciences.
dissolution by the melt crystallizing the fine-grained mate-
rial. Resorbed grain-boundaries are also observed in coarse-
grained intervals, commonly in plagioclase and olivine crys-       Boulanger, M., France, L., Ferrando, C., Ildefonse, B., Ghosh, B., Sanfilippo, A.,
tals against large grains of poikilitic clinopyroxene (Fig. 2d).   Morishita, T., Liu, C., Koepke, J. & Bruguier, O. (submitted). Melt migration and
                                                                   interactions in the lower oceanic crust: insights from Atlantis Bank interlayered
                                                                   series at IODP Hole U1473A (Southwest Indian Ridge). Journal of Petrology.
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and plagioclase geochemical zoning, showing progressive            Dick, H. J. B., MacLeod, C. J., Blum, P., Abe, N., Blackman, D. K., Bowles, J. A.,
chemical evolution from more primitive crystal cores to more       et al. (2019a). Dynamic accretion beneath a slow-spreading ridge segment:
                                                                   IODP Hole 1473A and the Atlantis Bank Oceanic Core Complex. Journal of
evolved crystal rims (Ferrando et al., 2021). From the core        Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, 2631–12659.
to the rim of clinopyroxene, compatible elements decrease          2018JB016858.
(e.g., Mg# and Cr) and incompatible elements increase.             Dick, H. J. B., Kvassnes, A. J. S., Robinson, P. T., MacLeod, C. J. & Kinoshita, H.
With respect to plagioclase core, the rims are enriched in         (2019b). The Atlantis Bank Gabbro Massif, Southwest Indian Ridge. Progress in
                                                                   Earth and Planetary Science, 6:64.
LREE, and slightly depleted in HREE and Y (Ferrando et al.,        Dick, H. J. B., Natland, J. H., Alt, J. C., Bach, W., Bideau, D., Gee, J. S., et al.
2021). Notably, crystal rim compositions display enrichments       (2000). A long in situ section of the lower ocean crust: Results of ODP Leg 176
in some of the most incompatible elements, such as Zr in           drilling at the Southwest Indian Ridge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
clinopyroxene and Ce in plagioclase, thereby leading to            179, 31–51.
stronger fractionations of most/less incompatible elements,        Ferrando, C., France, L., Basch, V., Sanfilippo, A., Tribuzio, R., & Boulanger,
namely. Ti is also remarkably enriched at the rims of clinopy-     M. (2021). Grain size variations record segregation of residual melts in
roxene crystals (Fig. 3). Fine-grained minerals are unzoned        slow-spreading oceanic crust (Atlantis Bank, 57°E Southwest Indian Ridge).
and chemically similar to rims of coarse-grained minerals,         Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2020JB020997. https://doi.
indicating a genetic relationship (Fig. 3).
                                                                   Ferrando, C., Basch V., Ildefonse, B., Deans, J., Sanfilippo, A., Barou, F., France,
These minor and trace element enrichments exceed values            L. (under review). Compaction-driven melt extraction and accumulation in a
predicted for magmatic crystallization at (low) pressures as-      slow-spreading oceanic crust: microstruc-tures of olivine gabbros from the
                                                                   Atlantis Bank (IODP Hole U1473A, SWIR). Tectonophysics.
sumed for gabbros formation beneath slow-spreading ridges
(Fig. 3). The dissolution-crystallization textures observed in     Gao, Y., Hoefs, J., Hellebrand, E., von der Handt, A., & Snow, J. (2007). Trace el-
the studied olivine gabbros point to reactive processes often      ement zoning in pyroxenes from ODP Hole 735B gabbros: Diffusive exchange or
described in sections of lower oceanic crust, mostly at the        synkinematic crystal fractionation? Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology,
                                                                   153, 429–442. https://doi. org/10.1007/s00410-006-0158-4.
Atlantis Bank OCC (e.g., Boulanger et al., 2020; Gao et al.,
2007; Lissenberg & MacLeod, 2016; Sanfilippo et al., 2020;         Lissenberg, C. J., & MacLeod, C. J. (2016). A reactive porous flow control on mid-
Zhang et al., 2020). We thus attribute significant enrich-         ocean ridge magmatic evolution. Journal of Petrology, 57, 2195–2220. https://
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reactive melt migration. Using the Assimilation-fractional         et al. (2017). Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Discovery Program (Vol. 360).
crystallization equation, we demonstrate that formation of
U1473A olivine gabbros, and their characteristic grain-size
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variations, involve early crystallization of a gabbroic matrix     (2020). Early-stage melt-rock reaction in a cooling crystal mush beneath a
in a crystal mush, and subsequent mineral-melt reactions           slow-spreading mid-ocean ridge (IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest
driven by melt reactive porous flow (Fig. 4; Ferrando et al.,      Indian Ridge). Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 579138.
2021). As temperature decreased, melts residual from the           feart.2020.579138.
reactive processes were segregated in magma pockets that           Zhang, W. Q., Liu, C. Z., & Dick, H. J. B. (2020). Evidence for multi-stage melt
ultimately crystallize the fine-grained intervals, also referred   transport in the lower ocean crust: Atlantis Bank Gabbroic Massif (IODP
to as microgabbros (Fig. 4). We document, for the first time,      Hole U1473A, SW Indian Ridge). Journal of Petrology, egaa082. https://doi.
that these microgabbros are crystallization products of            org/10.1093/petrology/egaa082.
melts modified by reactive melt migration; the melts were
extracted from the crystal mush and accumulated into dis-
crete melt-rich zones. Melt extraction from coarse-grained
intervals and melt accumulation into fine-grained intervals
was aided by compaction of the crystal mush (Ferrando et
al., under review). This process could have promoted partial
extraction of those melts that in turn potentially contribute
to MORBs erupted at the seafloor.
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