St Mary's Catholic Primary School Friday 28th May 2021

Page created by Bobby Sandoval
St Mary's Catholic Primary School Friday 28th May 2021
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
                 Coronation Crescent, Madeley, Telford, Shropshire, TF7 5EJ
                 Telephone: 01952 388255
                 Fax: 01952 388244

                                 Headteacher: Samantha Griffiths
                               Assistant Headteacher: Helen Lambie
                             School Business Manager: Suzanne Evans

           St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
                 Friday 28th May 2021

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St Mary's Catholic Primary School Friday 28th May 2021
Watch this space…

Next half term we have a really exciting English project that we will be
undertaking with the famous author Luke Temple.
He will be providing all the children with a writing masterclass based on his
wonderful books.
We will send more information out nearer the time. The children will be
able to order signed copies of his book, and ask him questions about his
work and how to be a top author.
St Mary's Catholic Primary School Friday 28th May 2021
Child Safety Week: National Guidance and
Information for Parents

Preventing Burns
 A small child’s skin burns reallyeasily
 as it’s so thin. Here’s how to prevent
 serious burns:

     Hot drinks – stay hot enough to scald a small
 child even after 15 minutes. 8 to 18 month-olds are
 most vulnerable as they love to grab.
 • Look for safe zones in your house where you
   know your child can’t reach your hot drink
 • Try to get into the habit of putting your child down
   before you pick up your drink.
                                                                  Cooking – young children don’t automatically
                                                                  pull away from something that’s burning them.
     Hair straighteners – can get as hot as                   They may forget the rules about not touching hot
 your iron and can still burn 15 minutes after they are       things.
 switched off.
                                                              • Push kettles to the back of the worktop and use
 • Keep straighteners and wands out of reach when               the back rings of the cooker first
   you’re using them
                                                              • If you’re able to keep children out of the
 • Put them in a heat-proof pouch or on a high shelf            kitchen when you’re cooking, great. Or try to
   to cool.                                                     keep them in a highchair or away from the
                                                                cooker if not.
     Button batteries – if a child swallows a
 lithium coin cell battery (the round silver battery like a       Bath water – these scalds are really
 5p coin) and it gets stuck in their food pipe, it can burn   nasty and can happen in seconds.
 a hole and cause internal bleeding and even death.           • Put cold water in first then top up with hot.
 • Keep any loose batteries out of reach and dispose            Then you don’t need to worry about there being
   of ‘flat’ batteries quickly and safely                       a scalding bath your child could fall or climb into
 • Keep objects out of reach if they have button              • Test the temperature of the water with your elbow
   batteries your child can get to.                             before putting your child into the bath
                                                              • Stay with your child in the bathroom in case they
     Magnetic toys – high-strength magnets                      fiddle with the hot tap.
 in toys can burn through the gut if your child
 swallows them.                                                   Fires and heaters – a risk to small children.
 • Buy from a reputable retailer or a brand name
   you know online or in-store, and avoid online              • Move cots away from radiators. Then your baby
   marketplaces.                                                can’t get their arm or leg trapped against the heat
                                                              • Fit fireguards around fires and heaters.
St Mary's Catholic Primary School Friday 28th May 2021
Prevent poisoning
Bright bottles of cleaning liquid, squidgy               Everyday painkillers – the most commonway for
washing tablets, shiny packetsof painkillers…        young children to be poisoned.
Small children are curious and want to learn         • Keep all medicines out of reach and sight of young
more by putting things in their mouth.                 children, ideally in a high up or lockable cupboard
                                                     • Watch out for painkillers left on the bedside table
Unfortunately things that make ourlives easier         or in the handbag on the floor.
can be harmful to smallchildren, as their
bodies process poisons differently. Thank                Cleaning products – helpful for you but they
                                                     can be harmful for small children.
goodnessit’s easy to keep children safe.
                                                     • What’s lurking under your sink or next to your
                                                       toilet? Move cleaning products to a high up or
    Laundry products – small children can              lockable cupboard
mistake brightly coloured products for sweets        • Put them out of reach again as after use
or toys, especially laundry capsules. But the        • Don’t rely on safety caps – they slow children
concentrated chemicals can do serious damage to        down but they’re not childproof
children’s insides, skin and eyes.                   • Look out for products with a bittering agent like
• It’s tempting to keep products beside the            Bitrex when you’re shopping
  washing machine. Move them to a high up or         • Don’t pour cleaning products into other bottles
  lockable cupboard                                    like drinks bottles. Children can get confused.
• Watch out for fast little fingers! Don’t leave a
  washing tablet on top of the washing
• Put products away out of reach as soon as
  you’ve used them
• When you’re shopping, look out for products
  with a bittering agent like Bitrex - it tastes
  so horrible, children spit it out instead of
  swallowing, preventing accidental poisoning.
St Mary's Catholic Primary School Friday 28th May 2021
Breathe easy
 Such a scary thought that somethingcould                   Nappy sacks – young babies naturally
                                                        grasp things and pull them to their mouths, but
 stop your child breathing.
                                                        aren’t able to pull them away. They can suffocate
                                                        on flimsy nappy sacks.
 But, the steps to stop that happeningare
                                                        • Store nappy sacks well out of reach of babies
 simple and make sense.                                 • Never store nappy sacks under the cot mattress.

     Window blinds – it can take just 20                    Choking – babies and young children are
 seconds for a toddler to die from strangulation        still learning to chew, swallow and breathe in the
 with an unsafe window blind cord.                      right order. There’s no sound to warn you. But
 • Fit a cleat hook or tensioner to keep blind cords    there are simple ways to stop it happening.
   and chains safely away and always use them.          • Don’t prop a baby’s bottle up to feed them
   New blinds should come with these                    • Cut round food like grapes, tomatoes and big
 • Consider cord free blinds for children’s rooms         blueberries in half lengthways or quarters, not
 • Remember children may climb and get higher             just across
   than you think. Move bedroom furniture away          • Cut hard food like carrots, apples, sausages and
   from cords and chains                                  cheese into thin strips, and chop nuts up small
 • Make sure the cords on the back of Roman             • Avoid popcorn, marshmallows and hard round
   blinds are connected using a device that               sweets like mini eggs or boiled sweets
   breaks under pressure.                               • Put small parts from older children’s toys out of
       Sleeping and slings – babies can besuffocated    • Watch the Chokeables film for first aid advice
 by things they can’t push away.                
 • A clear cot is a safe cot – avoid duvets, pillows
   and cot bumpers
 • Don’t sleep on the sofa with your baby as it
   increases their chances of suffocation massively
 • If you’re exhausted or have been drinking or
   smoking, or if they are premature or low birth
   weight, don’t sleep with your baby in your bed
 • Follow the T.I.C.K.S advice for slings or carriers
St Mary's Catholic Primary School Friday 28th May 2021
Free from falls
 Scrapes and bruises are a part of growing up. But even a fall from a highchair can cause
 a bad head injury. That’s because babies’ heads aretwice as big as ours, which makes
 them top-heavy. And when they land,their head takes much of the impact.

 It doesn’t make sense trying to stopall falls.            Windows – what’s that I can see?
 But there are some seriousones you can
                                                       • Small children are curious and want to see
 easily stop once you know how and why.                  what’s happening outside but have no real
                                                         understanding of danger
     Cots, beds and changing tables –now I can
                                                       • Take care not to put furniture in front of windows,
 wriggle and roll!
                                                         especially in children’s bedrooms
 • Even small babies can wriggle off a bed or          • If you can, get safety catches or locks fitted on
   changing table – so change their nappies on the       your windows
   floor and avoid leaving them on a raised surface    • If you opt for a lock, keep the keys somewhere
 • As soon as your baby can stand, remove any large      you can find them, in case there’s a fire and you
   toys they might climb on to get out of their cot,     need to get out.
   preventing serious falls.
                                                           Trampolines – how high can I bounce?
     Stairs – I can shuffle and I’m off!
 • Even before they’re mobile, babies are injured      • The biggest risk from trampolines is having
   when the person carrying them falls. So keep a        two people with very different weights
   hand on the rail going up and down stairs           • Let children take it in turns and avoid adults
 • As soon as your baby starts moving around, fit        and children jumping together
   safety gates to stop them climbing or falling       • Use a safety
   down the stairs.                                      net or cage
                                                         so children
     Highchairs – is that my drink?                      can’t be
 • Children may try to get things that are out of        onto the
   their reach                                           ground.
 • They may lean over the side and topple out or
   push themselves up and try to climb out
 • Get into the habit of using the straps on the
   highchair every time you use it.
St Mary's Catholic Primary School Friday 28th May 2021
Safe around roads
 It can be hard knowing how best to teach your child to stay safe. Here we helpyou to break it
 down and keep it simple.

      Pedestrians – younger children                        In the car
• Get young children into the habit of holding your     • Make sure your car seat is the right one for
  hand or use walking reins                               your child’s height and weight and for
                                                          your car - not all seats fit all cars
• Ask questions while you’re out to help them
  understand simple ideas like ‘fast’ and ‘slow’
• You can start teaching the Green Cross Code
                                                        • Get your child into the habit of wearing their
  from age five, encouraging children to stop, look,
                                                          helmet. If you cycle as a family, remember to
  listen and think
                                                          wear yours too
• But they won’t always remember safety rules,
                                                        • Look out for cycle training. Many schools offer
  especially if they’re excited or spot a friend
                                                          courses to help children gain practical skills.
  across the road
• Children will copy what you do, so try to avoid           Driving – speed is everything when it comes
  stepping into the road without checking for traffic   to a child’s chances of survival. They’re 3.5 times
  first. If you can do the right thing, it will help    more likely to die if hit by a car doing between
  them get into good habits.                            30-40 mph.
                                                        • Keep an eye on your speed
      Pedestrians – older children
                                                        • Keep your phone in the glove compartment
• Children find it difficult judging the speed and        so it can’t distract you.
  distance of traffic until they’re at least eight.
  Accidents peak around 12, as children start
  making independent journeys
• Children learn by doing and practising. If they’re
  moving to a new school, help them practise the
  route over the holidays. Where are the safe places
  to cross? What should they do if they see their bus
  and they’re on the other side of the road?
• They can be mesmerised by their mobiles, so
  remind them not to talk or text on their phones
  or listen to music while crossing the road.
St Mary's Catholic Primary School Friday 28th May 2021
Watch out in water
Drowning happens silently.

A drowning child can’t speak or control
their arms. They slip quietly under the
water. It’s onlyin the movies they splash
and cry for help. It’s a scary thought.
But once you understand how and where
drowning happens, there arethings you can
do to prevent it.

Babies and small children – mostly drownat home              Older children – can still get into difficulties. They
in the bath or in the garden, in just a few centimetres of   may over-estimate how strong a swimmer they are or
water.                                                       under-estimaterisks in the sea or open water.

    Baths                                                        Out and about
• Bath seats are great for supporting your baby              • Teach older children to choose safe places
  in the bath but they’re not safety aids – a baby             to swim like public pools and beaches with
  shouldn’t be left alone in one even for a moment             lifeguards
  as they can slip out
                                                             • Explain the dangers of swimming in open water,
• Get everything you need ready before bath time               including strong currents, deep, cold water and
  because you’ll need to stay with your baby or                things under the surface they can’t see.
  young child all the time they’re in the bath
• Don’t rely on your toddler to keep an eye on the               At the beach
  baby while you pop out for a towel, as they’re still
                                                             • Teach children to swim between the
  too young to understand danger.
                                                               two-coloured red and yellow flags – these
                                                               mark the areas patrolled by lifeguards
    In the garden
                                                             • Inflatables can be swept out to sea when the
• Empty the paddling pool out after you’ve used it             wind is blowing – keep children off inflatables
• Turn a pond into a sandpit, or fence it in or cover          when the orange windsock is flying
  it while your children are little                            and always keep an eye on them.
• Make sure your child can’t get to the neighbour’s
• Be alert to ponds or pools when visiting other
  people’s homes.
St Mary's Catholic Primary School Friday 28th May 2021
Fire safe families
 You and your family are eight times more likely to die in a fire if you don’t have a working
 smoke alarm. That’s because, if a fire breaks out at night, you won’t smell the smoke and
 wake up. Instead, the poisonous fumes willsend you deeper into sleep.

 So it makes sense to have a smoke alarm upstairs and downstairs, to saveyou from smoke
 that can kill in minutes, before you even wake up.

     Prevent fires                                          Check your smoke alarms
 • Cooking fires are the main cause of fires            • You need a working smoke alarm upstairs and
   in the home – stay in the kitchen if children          downstairs
   are cooking
                                                        • Test your alarms every month
 • Keep matches, lighters and lit candles or
                                                        • If you live in rented housing your landlord
   tea-lights well out of reach of young children
   and teach children not to play with them               is responsible for providing alarms.
 • Take care not to plug lots of chargers and
   equipment into an extension lead from
                                                            Plan your escape
   one electrical socket - the socket will be           • Work out your escape route in case of a
   dangerously overloaded                                 fire and practice it with your family
 • Stay close by when you have fat heating and          • Keep the stairs and escape route clear
   never pour water onto hot fat                          of clutter at night
 • Store things like hair straighteners safely –        • Keep keys to any doors on your escape
   avoid leaving them switched on or where a child        route in one place so you know where
   might be able to switch them on                        they are in an emergency.
 • Double check your cigarette is out and be
   careful smoking if you’re really tired (or in bed)         Teach children what to do if
   in case you fall asleep with it in your hand.              they see a fire
                                                        • To tell someone straight away – a grown-up
                                                          if possible
                                                        • Don’t try to put the fire out yourself
                                                        • Get outside as quickly as possible.
                                                          Don’t try to hide from the fire
                                                        • Never go back inside for anything.
Half Term
We break-up today for half-term. The children
will return to school on Monday 7th June. We
hope that you all enjoy your break and let’s pray
for a bit of sunshine too!!
Dates for the Diary

  Week        Activity
  24th May     28th May Break-up
  31st May    Half Term
  7th June    7th June Children return to school
              9th June Year Three Curriculum Activities
  14th June   16th June Year Four Curriculum Activities
              18th June Whole School Picnic on the field
  21st June   22nd June Year Five Curriculum Activities
              23rd June Year Six Curriculum Activities Day
  12th July   13th and 14th Whole School Olympics Days
              for the children only.

              15th Whole School Picnic on the field
  19th July   Year Six Leaver’s Days
              20th July Break-up for the Summer Holidays
Trainers for PE
Just a reminder that children need to come into school in
their trainers or pumps whilst they are still accessing daily
PE sessions.

                                Sun Safety
We kindly ask that parents ensure that your child is equipped with a
sunscreen that is clearly labelled with your child's name unless you apply
sunscreen that lasts for the entire school day before sending your child in.

It is recommended that all sunscreen provided by parents should have a
minimum Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 30+, be 'broad-spectrum' to provide
both UVA and UVB protection and if labelled with a UVA star rating, carry a
minimum of 4 stars

We ask that parents also ensure their child has access to a suitable sun hat
with them. Sun hats should be either broad brimmed (bucket style) or
legionnaire to shade the face, neck and ears. Baseball caps are not

Thank you
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