Spring 2022 Minutes Stated Meeting of Second Presbytery White Oak ARP Church 8 March 2022 at 10:00 a.m.

Page created by Zachary Estrada
Spring 2022 Minutes Stated Meeting of Second Presbytery White Oak ARP Church 8 March 2022 at 10:00 a.m.
Spring 2022 Minutes
    Stated Meeting of Second Presbytery
         White Oak ARP Church

        8 March 2022 at 10:00 a.m.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................................2
Second presbytery – March 8, 2022...........................................................................................................3
Roll of Presbytery......................................................................................................................................9
Memorial to Steve Kern...........................................................................................................................12
Committee on Accountability and Support..............................................................................................14
Candidates & Credentials Committee Spring Report..............................................................................16
Christian Education Committee Presbytery Report.................................................................................19
Second Presbytery Church Extension Committee Report.......................................................................20
MINISTER AND HIS WORK COMMITTEE REPORT........................................................................54
A CALL....................................................................................................................................................56
COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS......................................................................................................61
(Dr. Marr is presently Pastor of the Troy.................................................................................................61
Committee on Stewardship......................................................................................................................72

Second presbytery – March 8, 2022
                                White Oak ARP Church, Senoia, GA
                                           10:00 AM

The meeting of Second Presbytery was called to order at 10:30 AM and opened with prayer by the

A Quorum was established

The agenda was adopted.

Minutes from the summer meeting of Presbytery were approved.

Old business
Report of the Commission for the complaint against the Redeemer Session was received as information
and approved.

The judicial commission was dissolved with thanksgiving for their hard work.

Rev. Seth Yi was introduced as the new moderator and assumed the post.

The retiring moderator, Mr. Marc Falkenberry was recognized and thanked for his work.

Mr. Howard Cox was elected as vice moderator by acclamation.

Rev. John Paul Marr was appointed as parlementarian for this meeting as Rev. Scott Cook was unable
to attend.

New Business

Report of the Stated Clerk was received as information and approved.

The Executive Committee Report was received as information and approved.

Presbytery received and approved the memorial to Mr. Steven Francis Kern. The memorial is to be
included in the minutes of Presbytery and sent to Synod for their approval.

Standing Committee Reports

The report of the Accountability and Support committee was received as information and approved.

The following recommendations from the Candidates and Credentials committee were approved:

1. That Dr. Rob Gustafson and Mr. E. T. Reed be removed from the roll as a Students of Theology.
  2. That Students of Theology Alex Pettett and Ronny Hull have their preaching be received as
samples of their progress.
    3. That Presbytery take Mr. Caleb Evans (Oconee ARP) under care as a Student of Theology.
    4. That Student of Theology Alex Pettett be examined for licensure and ordination.
     •   Mr. Pettett took exception to question 109 in larger catechism.
     •   Mr. Pettett’s examination was sustained
The report of the Candidates and Credentials committee was received as information and approved.
The report of the Christian Education committee was received as information and approved.

The following recommendations from the Church Extension committee were approved:

1. That Village Presbyterian Mission be granted approval to organize as a particular
congregation. See attached Petition.

2. That Jay Younts and Austin Younts be approved as Elder candidates for Village Presbyterian
Mission. See Elder Recommendation document.

3. That the Church Extension Committee be approved as a commission for the organizational
service for Village Presbyterian Mission.

The report of the Church Extension committee was received as information and approved.

The following recommendations from the Minister and His Work committee were approved:

     1. That Presbytery appoint the following interim moderators for the following churches:
           a. Cedar Springs: Rev. John Paul Marr
           b. Young Memorial ARP: Rev. Scott Moore
           c. Thomson ARP: Leslie Holmes
           d. Long Cane: Eldridge Kelly
           e. Abbeville ARP: Mike Horne
           f. Hopewell ARP: Harper Price
           g. Wrens ARP: Carl Geisik
           h. Providence Church: Seth Yi
           i. Faith Church: Mark Hornby

     2. That Presbytery appoint the following stated supplies for the following churches:
           a. Thomson ARP: Leslie Holmes
           b. Abbeville ARP: Mike Horne
           c. Cedar Springs: Loyd Melton
           d. Johnston ARP: Paul Volpitto

e. Wrens: Carl Geisik
    3. That Presbytery give thanks to God for the ministry of Rev. Robby Bell upon the occasion of
       his retirement.

    4. That Presbytery take the following actions regarding Rev. John Cook at White Oak ARP:
          a. That Presbytery sever the pastor relationship between Rev. John Cook and White Oak
              ARP, effective March 15th, 2022.
          b. That Presbytery place Rev. John Cook on the roles of Presbytery as a retired minister,
              effective March 15th, 2022.
          c. That Presbytery appoint Rev. John Cook stated supply of White Oak ARP, effective
              March 15th, 2022.
          d. That Presbytery appoint Rev. John Cook as interim moderator for the session of White
              Oak ARP, effective March 15th, 2022.

    5. That Presbytery approve the call of World Witness to Alex Pettett. (see attachment)1

The report of the Minister and His Work committee was received as information and approved.


(1) As per the Manual of Procedure, the Committee on Nominations places the following nominees
before the presbytery for election, and we recommend their election to their specified places.
The recommended nominees are:

• Dr. John Paul Marr
(Dr. Marr is presently Pastor of the Troy
ARP Church; professor at ETS; Reading
Clerk of Second Presbytery; and he has
severed on many of the presbytery’s
Class of 2026

• Rev. Jonathan Cook
(Rev. Jonathan Cook is the Director of RUF-
Erskine; he was a church planter in the
1PCA; while in the PCA, he served on
committees in his presbytery.)

• Mr. Jason McCoy
(Mr. McCoy is an elder in the Newberry
ARP Church; he is a physical therapist; he
takes the reading of theology as an
1   The call of Mr. Alex Pettett was irregular, and the Moderator ruled the call out of order when the irregularity was
    discovered (after the meeting had ended).

avocation; he is recommended highly by
his Pastor, Seth Yi.)

Class of 2026
• No nominee at this time

Class of 2024
• Rev. Chris McCoy has completed his term
and is unwilling to serve a second term,
but his name was mistakenly left on the
roster of 2021/22. The Committee on
No m i n at i o n s i s p r e s e nt ly u n a b l e t o
identify a nominee to replace him.

Class of 2026
• The Committee on Nominations is
presently unable to identify a nominee.

Class of 2026
• Rev. Jay Crout
(Rev. Crout is a church planter whose
work will be particularized in a few
weeks; his presence on the Committee on
Church Extension bring the knowledge
2and insight of one who has recently
planted a church.)

• Mr. Herb Seigler
(Mr. Seigler is an elder in the Newberry
ARP church; in his career, he was an
entrepreneur and has experience in
s t a r t u p b u s i n e s s e s ; h e i s h i gh ly
recommended by his Pastor, Rev. Seth Yi.

Class of 2026
• Rev. Scott Cook (Chairman) (second term)
(Mr. Cook is the Pastor of the Oconee
Presbyterian Church; he is presently our

Parliamentarian; he teaches at Greenville
Presbyterian Theological Seminary.)

• Mr. John Calvin Grier
(Mr. Grier is a member of the Lower Long
Cane ARP Church; he is the grandson of
Dr. Manford George Gutzke who taught for
years at Columbian Theological Seminary;
Mr. Grier is well versed in theology; he is a
former Moderator and Vice Moderator of
Second Presbytery and Vice Moderator of
General Synod; he has served on many of
presbytery’s committees and many of
Synod’s Boards and committees.)

Class of 2026
• Mr. Philip Malphrus (second term)
( Mr. Malphrus is a member of the
Devenger Road Presbyterian Church; he is
a former Moderator of both Second
Presbytery and General Synod; his son,
Patrick, is presently the Moderator of
General Synod; during his career he was a
t e a c h e r, h i gh s c h o o l p r i n c i p a l , a nd
director of a community college; willing to
serve a second term on the Committee on
Stewardship, he has served on many
committees in our presbytery and many
boards and committees in General Synod).

• Mr. Rand Peterson
( Mr. Peterson is a member of the
Spartanburg ARP Church; in his career, he
was a successful investment banker; in the
past, he has served on the Committee on
Stewardship; his knowledge and advice on
investments have been invaluable and
lasting; his Pastor, Rev. Peter Waid,
recommends Mr. Peterson highly.)

Indefinite Term
• Rev. Billy Barron
( F Y I : This position is new. Synod’s

Committee on Nominations has requested
a representative from Second Presbytery.
As per the meeting of General Synod last
year, a Revision Committee was
recommended and adopted, and it was
constituted having a member from each of
the presbyteries.
(Rev. Barron has served as a church
planter and pastor in three presbytery; he
4has served on numerous committees in
three presbyteries and numerous boards
and committees in General Synod.)

(2) The Committee recommends the moderator
appoint an ad hoc committee of five members (also
specifying a chairman from the five members) to
evaluate the viability, composition, and primary
responsibilities of the Committee on Christian
Education, and that this ad hoc committee report
back at the summer meeting of presbytery with its
findings and recommendations.

(3) The Committee recommends the Moderator
direct the above ad hoc committee to investigate
whether the position on representative to General
Synod’s Revision Committee should be added to the
Manual of Procedure, and, if so, to write guidelines
and establish parameters for the position, and to
report back at the summer meeting of presbytery
with its findings and recommendations.

The report of the Nominations committee was received as information and approved

The following recommendation of the Stewardship committee was not approved and the Monetary
Policy document was returned to the committee for clarification:

We recommend the adoption of the proposed Monetary Policy and it’s addition to the MOP under
Chapter 10; Committee on Stewardship; as new item G; with the present item G becoming item H.

The report of the Stewardship Committee was received as information.

The following motion was made from the floor and approved by Presbytery:

The moderator appoint a committee to be directed to draw up a policy, giving guidelines and principles
for selling property; and bring that policy back to the court for a first reading at the summer 2022 stated

The Treasurer’s report was received as information and approved.

The report of the World Witness liaison was received as information and approved.

Other business

The summer meeting of Presbytery will be on June 7, 2022 at the Youth Activities Building at
Bonclarken. The meeting will begin at 10:00 AM.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PM and closed with prayer.

Respectfully Submitted,

Eric C. Skaar
Stated Clerk

                                  Roll of Presbytery


Rev. Robert W. Bell
Rev. Brett Blackman
Rev. Alexander S. Campbell
Rev. John D. Cook
Rev. Jonathan Cook
Rev. Andrew Di Iulio
Rev. David T. Griffin
Rev. Mark R. Hornby
Rev. Soren Kornegay
Rev. John Paul Marr
Rev. Todd Matocha
Rev. Chris McCoy
Rev. Matthew S. Miller
Rev. Scott W. Moore
Rev. Norman H. Price
Rev. Samuel F. Roper
Rev. Thomas C. Shoger
Rev. Peter A. Waid
Rev. Charles W. Wilson
Rev. R. Mark Wright
Rev. Seth Yi

Elder Representatives

 Congregation               Elder Representative
 Cannons Creek Prosperity   Joel Blackman
 Christ Reformed            Did not register an elder
 Due West                   Jim Winn
 Greenville Elder 1         Did not register an elder
 Greenville Elder 2         Did not register an elder
 Hopewell                   John Byce
 Lower Long Cane            John C Grier
 Newberry                   Marc Faulkenberry
 Oconee                     Mac Mcroberts
 Ora                        Did not register an elder
 Peachtree                  Tom Mccorkle
 Skylyn                     Chip Maley
 Unity                      Brion Holzberger
 White Oak                  Mark Dodds
 Young Memorial             Carl Price

Memorial to Steve Kern

Steven Francis Kern was born and raised in Staunton, VA. The son of Benjamin and Mary Kern, Steve
met his sweetheart and future wife, Jonnie, during his attendance at Robert E. Lee High School. As an
Eagle Scout and successful track runner, Steve showed his ability for commitment and diligence from
an early age.

Steve continued to practice this quality during his time at Virginia Military institute (1967-68), after
which he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force (1969-79), earning multiple Commendation Medals and Good
Conduct medals as an air traffic controller and instructor. Diligence and commitment continued to mark
his efforts in all things.

More than anything, Steve was committed to Jesus Christ, his Savior whom he loved. He was diligent
to pursue Christ in his personal life and in the life of the Church. He was a committed and life-long
student, particularly in the area of leadership and leadership training, continually reading books that
would improve his ability to serve the church and understand God’s Word. He used this knowledge
regularly to encourage, counsel, advise, and instruct others. Only God knows just how many
individuals were faithfully guided by the Lord through Steve’s words.

Steve’s words were not the only mark of his life. He was also diligent and committed in his works.
After joining the membership of Devenger Road ARP Church, Steve was shortly elected and ordained
to the office of Deacon, where he served until he was elected and ordained to the office of Elder, where
he served until the Lord called him home.

Steve also served the ARP Church at large. In Second Presbytery he served as Vice Moderator (2005)
and Moderator (2013). He also served multiple terms on multiple committees in Second Presbytery,
frequently as the Chairman. In 2014, Steve was elected to serve as Vice-Moderator of Synod and, as
with Second Presbytery, Steve served on many Synod committees during his life, faithfully and
carefully carrying out his duties.

Steven Francis Kern was a man of conviction and commitment. His skilled hands were never idle and
his sharp mind was always active. He was deeply loved by his wife (Jonnie), his daughter (Ginger), his
son-in-law (Eric), his grandchildren (Grace, Lydia, and Samuel), and his extended family. Steve’s
faithfulness in the life and ministry of Devenger Road ARP endeared him to the congregation and built
them up in Christ. He will be sorely missed.

Steve’s favorite Scripture passage was Romans 12:1-2, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the
mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your
spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,
that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

May we all serve with the same diligence and commitment the same Jesus Christ that Steve Kern loved
and served so dearly.

The Session of Devenger Road ARP Church

Committee on Accountability and Support
                                           Second Presbytery
                                             March 8, 2022

Fathers and Brethren:

Our report is simply a reminder that each Session is responsible to have their Minutes reviewed by our
committee each year. We do this as a Presbytery for the protection and good of the churches. But also, I
remind you that this is one of our duties as Presbyters to turn in our records annually for review. Your
Minutes for the year 2021 are due now.

Below is a simply stated description of our current process:
      A copy of the Minutes for the past year is given to the chairman of the committee
              1) you may bring the copy to the Presbytery Spring or Summer meeting
              2) you may email a copy of the Minutes to the chairman
              3) you may mail a copy of the Minutes to the chairman
              4) you may make arrangements to get the copy of the Minutes to the chairman

       The chairman disperses the Minutes to the various members of the committee
              1) the committee member will carefully review the Minutes
              2) the committee member will fill out the report form
              3) the committee member will make suggestions concerning the Minutes
              4) the committee member will then send this report to the chairman

       The Chairman of the committee will collect all the reports
             1) the chairman will send a copy of the report to the Sessional Clerk
             2) the chairman will keep a record of the reports and all interactions
             3) the chairman will give an annual summary of the reports to Presbytery

The duties of the Committee on Accountability and Support are broader than reviewing the Sessional
records. We exist to assist clerks and sessions in their record keeping and reporting. This is one of our
major focuses as we review your records. We stand ready to assist any clerk or session upon your

Last year, we received minutes from 14 sessions. That is only half! Gentlemen we know that we tend to
forget, so make a note. You have a variety of ways to send your Minute, and we are going to keep
reminding! Also, we will start this year in our report at the Fall Meeting listing the sessions that have
not sent their records. We hope there is no list!

If you have any questions or comments, please email me or give me a call.

                                              Respectfully submitted,
                                              William L. Barron, chairman
                                              Committee on Accountability and Support

(864) 420-8112

Candidates & Credentials Committee Spring Report
                                               March 2022

The Candidates and Credentials Committee met on February 22 at the ARP Center and again via Zoom
on February 24.

     6. Student Sermons—The committee recommends that Student of Theology Alex Pettett preach
        his second trial sermon and Student of Theology Ronny Hull preach his first trial sermon.

     7. Students of Theology—The Candidates & Credentials Committee met on February 22 with
        Caleb Evans (Oconee ARP). Having examined him in the areas of his saving relationship with
        the Lord Jesus Christ, Christian character, and conviction of being called by God to the ministry
        (FOG 9.16); and having received a letter of recommendation from the Session of Oconee ARP
        Church, we are recommending that Presbytery take Mr. Evans under care as a Student of
               Additionally, the committee received communication from Village Presbyterian Church
        that Mr. E. T. Reed is no longer on their membership roll, on account of which he must be
        removed from the roll of Second Presbytery as a Student of Theology. The committee has also
        received confirmation from Dr. Rob Gustafson, now residing in Pennsylvania, that he desires to
        be removed from the roll as a Student of Theology.

     8. Licensure Examination— Since the fall meeting of Presbytery, Student of Theology Alex
        Pettett graduated from Erskine Seminary (MDiv) and was subsequently examined by our
        committee for licensure. Our committee examined Mr. Pettett on February 22 in the areas of
        Bible, Theology, Church History, Church Government, and Christian Life/Care. The committee
        “sustained Mr. Pettett’s exam in all areas pending further written clarification on certain
        theological questions, at which time he will be presented to the floor of Presbytery at its June
                After speaking with Mr. Pettett about the areas the committee identified for further study
        and written clarification, and upon hearing his desire to complete this work as soon as possible,
        the committee met again via Zoom on February 24 and voted to modify the timeline, allowing
        Mr. Pettett to be “presented to the floor of Presbytery at its March meeting,” provided he has
        been able by that time to satisfy the stated need for “further written clarification on certain
        theological questions” (members of the committee, during the initial floor exam, will direct
        questions to Mr. Pettett pertaining to each of those areas).
                This initial floor exam will be conducted by:

                Rev. Brett Blackman – Bible
                Rev. Todd Matocha – Theology
                Rev. Matt Miller – Church History
                Mr. John Calvin Grier – Polity
                Rev. Tom Shoger – Christian Life / Pastoral Care


1. That Dr. Rob Gustafson and Mr. E. T. Reed be removed from the roll as a Students of Theology.

     2. That Students of Theology Alex Pettett and Ronny Hull preach at this meeting of Presbytery
        (Mr. Pettett in the morning, Mr. Hull in the afternoon).

     3. That Presbytery take Mr. Caleb Evans (Oconee ARP) under care as a Student of Theology.

     4. That Student of Theology Alex Pettett be examined for licensure and ordination.

Respectfully submitted,

Matthew S. Miller

Matthew S. Miller
Chair, Candidates and Credential Committee

                                       February 3, 2022

Mr. Chairman,

        Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. On behalf of the session
of Oconee ARP, I am writing to commend Caleb Evans to your committee as a candidate for the Gospel
ministry in Second Presbytery. Caleb has been serving our church since July of 2020. He is currently
under care of our session. He previously served as the College Intern at Second Presbyterian Church
(PCA) in Greenville, SC, and as Pastoral Intern at Sovereign Grace (PCA) in Charlotte, NC. He is in
the final semester of his MDiv studies at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte.

       Caleb has served our church well as our intern. He has primary responsibility for our college
ministry. We have been blessed through Caleb’s efforts to see our church go from having no college
students to regularly having over twenty Clemson students in worship at our church each Lord’s Day.
Caleb also regularly preaches and teaches at our church. The session has invited him to sit in on all
session meetings. Our session is confident that Caleb has both the internal and external call to Gospel
ministry. We, therefore, confidently present him to you as a candidate for being brought under care as a
Student of Theology of our Presbytery.

Please feel free to contact me if I can provide your committee with any further details.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rev. Scott Cook
Moderator of the Session
Oconee ARP

Christian Education Committee Presbytery Report
                                   March 8th, 2022, Spring Meeting

Members: Andrew Di Iulio (CHM), Chris McCoy, Timothy Rice, Sarah Barron

                                        Fall Retreats, 2021
The High School Fall Retreat went very well. Reverend Mark Miller spoke on the weekend of
September 24-26. Please pray for those who attended, that the Lord will use the words of those who
taught to bring honor and glory to the name of Jesus Christ.
The Middle School Fall Retreat took place on November 12-14th. Reverend Matt Joldersma was the
speaker for the retreat. Matt spoke on “Loving Your Neighbor” and focused on how we present what
we believe in a way that is gracious but does not compromise the truths of God’s Word. He was well-
received and the retreat was well-attended.

                                      Spring Retreats, 2022
High School: (March 4-6) Rev. Evan English from Crossings Community ARP will be the speaker for
the High School retreat (which will have taken place by the time of our meeting but not before
submitting these minutes). We ask for your prayers that the Lord will grow in the lives of all attendees
the seeds planted during this retreat.
Middle School: (March 18-20) Rev. Dean Franklin from Shiloh ARP will be the speaker for the Middle
School retreat. His focus will be on the importance of God’s Word and he will be teaching on
Colossians 3. Please pray for this time as we meet, that God will grant travel mercies and prepare the
hearts of the attendees for the hearing of his Word.

We have no recommendations at this time.

Humbly submitted,
Andrew Di Iulio, Chairman

Second Presbytery Church Extension Committee Report
The Church Extension Committee (Brandon Barrett, Brion Holzberger, Mark Hornby, Chip Maley,
Patrick Ward and Jay Younts) met via Zoom on February 17, 2022 to conduct business. See
recommendations below.

Village Presbyterian Church at Verdae – Jay Crout Jay will
give a brief oral report at presbytery.

VPC, with the Ch. Ext. Committee’s approval, is petitioning the Presbytery to organize as a particular
congregation. See petition and recommendation below.

Christ the King, Savannah – Soren Kornegay Soren will
give a brief oral report at presbytery.

We are preaching through a series on 1 Timothy, “Grace to the Walkabouts.” Trust in the church as an
institution is at an historic low in American culture. Whether its internal pressures such as scandal and
hypocrisy, or external pressures from the world, the temptation to leave the community of faith is
strong. Paul writes to Timothy to encourage the pastor of a community of people who are losing faith,
losing focus, and losing heart- a community much like the church today. Our attendance continues to
grow. We are averaging 65 people on Sunday mornings. In addition, we are taking our first ever church
retreat to Bonclarken the last weekend in February, and 59 people are attending!

Parish Groups:
Having spend the last quarter practicing the discipline of prayer, our parish groups are practicing the
discipline of Examen. As Calvin says, “Our wisdom consists chiefly in two parts, knowledge of God
and knowledge of ourselves.” Our groups are learning to discover the ways that God has worked in our
hearts and in our stories, and to share that knowledge evangelistically with others. We have added an
additional parish group, bringing our total number of groups to 5, with 42 people involved total. That’s
80% of our Sunday attendance, which demonstrates that our people are not just church attenders but are
committed to practicing their faith during the week.

At the end of last year, we welcomed 22 new members, bringing our total membership to 60 (45
communicant). In addition, we had our first adult baptism. Finally, we enrolled one of our men in
theological study at Erskine and hope to present him to the presbytery to come under care as soon as we

Our financial report is attached. Some categories say “deleted” because we are using different
budgeting categories this year. Please note that our giving exceeded expectations by $42,000. See 2021
Budget vs. Actuals Report.

RUF Erskine

The Church Extension Committee is requesting the Stewardship Committee to support RUF Erskine in
the amount of $36,667 (1/3 of the fundraising budget). See attached budget.

ONA Church Planting Assessment
ONA approved at its Fall 2021 board meeting a Concise Assessment Process that presbyteries could use
to receive ONA funds. See CAP Overview and CAP-CPAC Competencies Comparison.

The ChExt Committee has the following recommendation to present to the Presbytery:

1.      That Village Presbyterian Mission be granted approval to organize as a particular congregation.
See attached Petition.
2.      That Jay Younts and Austin Younts be approved as Elder candidates for Village Presbyterian
Mission. See Elder Recommendation document.
3.      That the Church Extension Committee be approved as a commission for the organizational
service for Village Presbyterian Mission.

____________________________                                              February 21, 2022
Seth Yi, Chairman

Budget vs. Actuals: CTK2021 - FY21 P&L
                                         January - December 2021

                                              ACTUAL        BUDGET        OVER BUDGET       %      OF
  Between Two Worlds                          6,000.00                         6,000.00
  Church                                      3,350.00      5,000.00            -1,650.00      67.00 %
  Denominational                              8,500.00      6,000.00           2,500.00       141.67 %
  Presbytery                                 25,000.00     25,000.00               0.00       100.00 %
  Supporter Contributions                    23,790.00     15,000.00           8,790.00       158.60 %
  Tithe                                     112,772.88     80,000.00            32,772.88     140.97 %
  Worship Grant                                  0.00                              0.00
 Total Donations                            179,412.88    131,000.00            48,412.88     136.96 %
Total Income                               $179,412.88   $131,000.00           $48,412.88     136.96 %
GROSS PROFIT                               $179,412.88   $131,000.00           $48,412.88     136.96 %
 Administrative                               3,036.72      1,500.00           1,536.72       202.45 %
  Building Decor (deleted)                    693.56          200.00             493.56       346.78 %
  Building Insurance (deleted)                -123.38       1,000.00            -1,123.38     -12.34 %
  Building Needs (deleted)                    1,654.08      1,000.00             654.08       165.41 %
  Misc                                        368.24        2,500.00            -2,131.76      14.73 %
  Rent                                       13,000.00     18,000.00            -5,000.00      72.22 %
 Total Buildings                             15,592.50     22,700.00            -7,107.50      68.69 %
  l Central
  Services                                    3,000.00      3,000.00                0.00      100.00 %
  Presbytery                                  405.54          500.00              -94.46       81.11 %
 Total Denominational                         3,405.54      3,500.00              -94.46       97.30 %
                                              146.94          500.00             -353.06       29.39 %
  Missions                                    487.22        2,000.00            -1,512.78      24.36 %
 Total Outreach                               634.16        2,500.00            -1,865.84      25.37 %
 Pastoral Care                                              1,500.00            -1,500.00
  Housing                                    20,004.00     20,004.00               0.00       100.00 %
  Insurance                                  23,642.81     23,000.00             642.81       102.79 %
  Retirement                                  6,371.75      6,951.00            -579.25        91.67 %
  Salary                                     39,840.00     39,840.00               0.00       100.00 %
 Total Personnel                             89,858.56     89,795.00              63.56       100.07 %

Small Groups/Social (deleted)
  Miscellaneous (deleted)
                                                   4,815.96        1,000.00          3,815.96             481.60 %
  Soren Kornegay (deleted)                         2,022.83        1,000.00          1,022.83             202.28 %
 Total Small Groups/Social (deleted)                      6,838.79          2,000.00                  4,838.79 341.94 %

                                  Accrual Basis Thursday, February 17, 2022 01:20 PM GMT-05:00                       1/2
                                                    ACTUAL           BUDGET         OVER BUDGET       %      OF
  Book Table (deleted)                             1,681.90                              1,681.90
  Childcare (deleted)                              3,441.11          3,600.00             -158.89         95.59 %
 Total Sunday                                      5,123.01          3,600.00            1,523.01        142.31 %
 Worship                                             50.90                                  50.90
  Bulletin (deleted)                               2,155.38          1,500.00              655.38        143.69 %
  Communion (deleted)                              1,282.59            600.00              682.59        213.77 %
  Guest Speaker                                     700.00             350.00              350.00        200.00 %
  Music (deleted)                                  500.92              40.00               460.92       1,252.30 %
 Total Worship                                     4,689.79          2,490.00            2,199.79         188.34 %
Total Expenses                                  $129,179.07      $129,585.00              $ -405.93       99.69 %
NET OPERATING INCOME                             $50,233.81         $1,415.00           $48,818.81      3,550.09 %
Other Expenses
 Reconciliation Discrepancies                       634.91                                 634.91
Total Other Expenses                                $634.91            $0.00              $634.91           0.00%
NET OTHER INCOME                                   $ -634.91           $0.00              $ -634.91         0.00%
NET INCOME                                       $49,598.90         $1,415.00           $48,183.90      3,505.22 %

                                  Accrual Basis Thursday, February 17, 2022 01:20 PM GMT-05:00                       2/2

RUF Erskine 2022 Budget

Total Budget: $111,000

Campus Minister Package:
     -Salary: $45,000
     -Housing: $30,000
     -Health Insurance: $12,000
     -Retirement: $8,880
     -Workers Compensation: $283
      Total: $96,083
RUF Ministry Expenses Estimate: $15,000
RUF Franchise Fee: $6,000
     (paid by Erskine College)

Total Budget: $117,000
Total Budget to Fundraise: $111,000

                               Spring 2022 Meeting of Second Presbytery
                                           March 8th, 2022

Update on the work of MHWC:

Thomson ARP: Rev. Leslie Holmes continues to work with Thomson. They have elected a search
committee and are beginning the search process.

Covington ARP: Harper Price continues to moderate the session of Hopewell ARP. They are still
searching for their next pastor.

Moderators of Sessions and Stated Supplies: Presbytery appoint interim moderators in the spring of
each year. The recommendations for interim moderators and stated supply are found below in our
committee recommendations.

Robbie Bell and Young Memorial: Rev. Robbie Bell is retiring from ministry. Given that Rev. Bell
needed his retirement to be effective on March 1st, the Minister and His Work Committee used its
commission status per Manual of Procedure 8.B.6.b to sever the pastoral relationship and grant Rev.
Bell retirement status. The Committee passed the following motion: “Per Manual of Procedure 8.B.6.b,
the Minister and His Work Committee dissolves the pastoral relationship between Rev. Robbie Bell and
Young Memorial ARP Church as of March 1st, 2022, and that Rev. Bell be placed on the rolls as a
retired minister, effective March 1st, 2022.”

John Cook Retirement and Stated Supply: Given dynamics brough about by the recent retirement crisis,
Rev. John Cook would like to retire and finish out the last few years of his ministry as the stated supply
at White Oak ARP. Much like the situation at Skyline Drive ARP, John Cook would like to sever his
pastoral relationship with the White Oak, be honorably retired, and continue at the church as the stated
supply and interim moderator of the session. The Minister and His Work Committee concurs with Rev.
Cook’s request and recommends that the actions be taken in the recommendation below.

Providence ARP: There have been some disturbances at Providence ARP. Rev. Barry Eller, appointed
as Providence’s stated supply and interim moderator in 2021, has elected not to continue with the
church. The MHWC has received a number of emails about divisions within the congregation. We are
planning on visiting the congregation and holding a listening day in the future.

Call for Alex Pettett: The MWHC recommends that Presbytery approve the call of Alex Pettett as the
Director of World Witness. Please see the terms of the call at the end of this report.


     9. That Presbytery appoint the following interim moderators for the following churches:
             a. Cedar Springs: Rev. John Paul Marr
             b. Young Memorial ARP: Rev. Scott Moore
             c. Thomson ARP: Leslie Holmes
             d. Long Cane: Eldridge Kelly
             e. Abbeville ARP: Mike Horne
             f. Hopewell ARP: Harper Price
             g. Wrens ARP: Carl Geisic
     10. That Presbytery appoint the following stated supplies for the following churches:
             a. Thomson ARP: Leslie Holmes
             b. Abbeville ARP: Mike Horne
             c. Cedar Springs: Loyd Melton
             d. Johnston ARP: Paul Volpitto
             e. Wrens: Carl Geisic
     11. That Presbytery give thanks to God for the ministry of Rev. Robbie Bell upon the occasion of
         his retirement.
     12. That Presbytery take the following actions regarding Rev. John Cook at White Oak ARP:
             a. That Presbytery sever the pastor relationship between Rev. John Cook and White Oak
                  ARP, effective March 9th, 2022.
             b. That Presbytery place Rev. John Cook on the roles of Presbytery as a retired minister,
                  effective March 9th, 2022.
             c. That Presbytery appoint Rev. John Cook stated supply of White Oak ARP, effective
                  March 9th, 2022.
             d. That Presbytery appoint Rev. John Cook as interim moderator for the session of White
                  Oak ARP, effective March 9th, 2022.
     13. That Presbytery approve the call of World Witness to Alex Pettett. (see attachment)

Respectfully Submitted,

John Cook
Scott Cook
R. J. Gore
Tom McCorkle
Harper Price





We, the officers and members of the Board of World Witness of the General Synod of the

Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, being well satisfied with your ministerial qualifications, and

confident that we have been led to you by the Holy Spirit as one whose ministry will be profitable to

our spiritual interest, do earnestly call you John A. Pettett to undertake the call as Executive Director

for World Witness. On the acceptance of this our call we promise you in the discharge of your duty all

proper support and encouragement in the Lord.

       That you may devote yourself wholly to the Ministry of the Word as you begin your ministry on

the 8th day of March 2022 we promise and obligate ourselves to:

5.             Basic compensation:
              a.              Salary $ 84,999.52
              b.              Provide you with a housing allowance of $24,000 in accordance with the
                              World Witness housing policies
              c.              Provide cost of living and service adjustments to your base salary and
                              housing allowance as prescribed by the Board of World Witness

2.     Pay into the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church 403(b)(9) Retirement Plan as prescribed
       by the General Synod.

3.     Provide 100 percent of the premiums for mandatory health, dental, and vision for World
       Witness employees (including spouses and dependents).

4.     Provide Life, Dependent Life, Long Term Disability and Accidental Death coverage as
       prescribed by the General Synod.

5.     Provide for continuing education according to the World Witness Board’s approved annual
       budget as it relates to the World Witness Manual and Missionary Handbook.

6.     Review with you annually the adequacy of this compensation. As part of the review the Board
       shall be encouraged to consider an increase to the previous year’s base compensation.
7.     Grant you an annual vacation of 4 weeks.

8.     Cover your expenses for the meeting of General Synod if you are in the United States at the
time of the meeting.
9.     Pay your travel expenses in country and abroad in accordance with World Witness Policies.
10.    In the event of total disability, as defined in the Synod's insurance program, we promise:

       a.       ___X___To continue for a minimum of three months the provisions of this call

                awaiting commencement of benefits from Synod's insurance program.

11.    In the event you should die during the terms of this call, we promise:

       a.        X __To continue the provisions of this call dealing with annual salary, housing, and

                group insurance for your immediate family for a minimum of three months.

In testimony whereof we have respectively subscribed our names this __ day of _________
A. D. ______.

Board Chairman: Rev. Matt Kuiken

      All members of the Board of World Witness issuing the call


                            Second Presbytery
                Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
                             Spring Meeting
              Meeting at the White Oak Presbyterian Church
                             Senoia, Georgia
                              March 8, 2022

Committee Members: Dr. Charles Wilson
   Dr. Steve Suits (24)
   Mr. Jim Wessells (24)
   Rev. Mark Wright (25)

Mr. Moderator,
(1) As per the Manual of Procedure, the Committee on Nominations places the
following nominees before the presbytery for election, and we recommend
their election to their specified places. The recommended nominee are:
          • Dr. John Paul Marr

(Dr. Marr is presently Pastor of the Troy
             ARP Church; professor at ETS; Reading Clerk of Second
             Presbytery; and he has severed on many of the presbytery’s
     Class of 2026
           4. Rev. Jonathan Cook
             (Rev. Jonathan Cook is the Director of RUFErskine; he was a
             church planter in the PCA; while in the PCA, he served on
             committees in his presbytery.)
           5. Mr. Jason McCoy

(Mr. McCoy is an elder in the Newberry ARP Church; he is a
            physical therapist; he takes the reading of theology as an
            avocation; he is recommended highly by his Pastor, Seth Yi.)
     Class of 2026
           6. No nominee at this time

     Class of 2024
           7. Rev. Chris McCoy has completed his term and is unwilling to
              serve a second term, but his name was mistakenly left on the
              roster of 2021/22. The Committee on Nominations is presently
              unable to identify a nominee to replace him.
     Class of 2026
           8. The Committee on Nominations is presently unable to identify a
     Class of 2026
           9. Rev. Jay Crout
             (Rev. Crout is a church planter whose work will be
             particularized in a few weeks; his presence on the Committee on
             Church Extension bring the knowledge and insight of one who
             has recently planted a church.)
           10. Mr. Herb Seigler
             (Mr. Seigler is an elder in the Newberry ARP church; in his
             career, he was an entrepreneur and has experience in startup
             businesses; he is highly recommended by his Pastor, Rev. Seth
     Class of 2026
           11. Rev. Scott Cook (Chairman) (second term)

(Mr. Cook is the Pastor of the Oconee Presbyterian Church; he
            is presently our Parliamentarian; he teaches at Greenville
            Presbyterian Theological Seminary.)
          12. Mr. John Calvin Grier
            (Mr. Grier is a member of the Lower Long
            Cane ARP Church; he is the grandson of Dr. Manford George
            Gutzke who taught for years at Columbian Theological
            Seminary; Mr. Grier is well versed in theology; he is a former
            Moderator and Vice Moderator of Second Presbytery and Vice
            Moderator of General Synod; he has served on many of
            presbytery’s committees and many of Synod’s Boards and
     Class of 2026
           14. Mr. Philip Malphrus (second term)
             (Mr. Malphrus is a member of the
             Devenger Road Presbyterian Church; he is
             a former Moderator of both Second Presbytery and General
             Synod; his son, Patrick, is presently the Moderator of General
             Synod; during his career he was a teacher, high school principal,
             and director of a community college; willing to serve a second
             term on the Committee on Stewardship, he has served on many
             committees in our presbytery and many boards and committees
             in General Synod).
           15. Mr. Rand Peterson
             (Mr. Peterson is a member of the
             Spartanburg ARP Church; in his career, he was a successful
             investment banker; in the past, he has served on the Committee
             on Stewardship; his knowledge and advice on investments have
             been invaluable and lasting; his Pastor, Rev. Peter Waid,
             recommends Mr. Peterson highly.)
          16.   Rev. Billy Barron
(FYI: This position is new. Synod’s Committee on Nominations
             has requested a representative from Second Presbytery. As per
             the meeting of General Synod last year, a Revision Committee
             was recommended and adopted, and it was constituted having a
             member from each of the presbyteries.
             (Rev. Barron has served as a church planter and pastor in three
             presbytery; he has served on numerous committees in three
             presbyteries and numerous boards and committees in General
6.    The Committee recommends the moderator appoint an ad hoc
committee of five members (also specifying a chairman from the five
members) to evaluate the viability, composition, and primary responsibilities
of the Committee on Christian Education, and that this ad hoc committee
report back at the summer meeting of presbytery with its findings and
7.    The Committee recommends the Moderator direct the above ad hoc
committee to investigate whether the position on representative to General
Synod’s Revision Committee should be added to the Manual of Procedure,
and, if so, to write guidelines and establish parameters for the position, and to
report back at the summer meeting of presbytery with its findings and
(3) The Committee recommends the adoption of the report by the Committee
on Nominations as a whole.
FYI: For your convenience, a revised copy of the Directory is attached to the
report. Respectfully submitted,

Charles W. Wilson
Chairman and for the Committee

                  Second Presbytery Directory
March 8, 2021
                                      2022/23 OFFICERS Moderator
• Rev. Seth Yi, 1206 Calhoun St., Newberry, SC 29108, (318)680-4375;

                                                Vice Moderator
• Mr. Howard Cox, 362 Country Lane, Seneca, SC 29478 (864)934-8967;

                                         Stated Clerk (4 years) 2023
• Dr. Eric Skaar, 216 Pea Ridge Road, Central, SC 29630; (864) 869-7979 h, (864)506-4739 c;
       ecskr@bellsouth.net, presbytery-mail: clerk@arp2presbytery.org.

                                         Reading Clerk (4 yrs.) 2023
• Dr. John Paul Marr, PO Box 673, Due West, SC 29639; (864)379-3302;

                                           Treasurer (4 yrs.) 2023
• Rev. Peter A. Waid, 1801 Skylyn Drive, Spartanburg, SC 29307 (864)583-6463 o, (864)590-
       7691 c; pastor@skylynpres.org.

                                       Parliamentarian (4 yrs.) 2023
• Rev. Scott Cook, 113 Muscadine Dr., Mauldin, SC 29662 (864) 901-8320;

                                         STANDING COMMITTEES
        The Moderator is an ex-officio member of each standing committee. Please inform him
of all meetings. (Ex-officio members have voice and vote, are not required to be present, and do
not count in the quorum.)

       Advisory members serve at the pleasure of the committee and have no vote.

                                    COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTABILITY
                                          AND SUPPORT
       (4 yrs. in rotation; may succeed themselves; 6 (3 teaching elders; 3 ruling elders)

• Dr. John Paul Marr (CHM), PO Box 673, Due West, SC 29639; (864)379-3302;
d. Rev. Bob Anderson, 1312 Stillwater Drive Seneca, SC 29672;
        (864)654-6716 h; (215)384-3231 c;
e. Rev. David Griffin, 105 Kenilworth Drive, Greenville, SC 29615; (864)268-2344 h;
   (864)569-2123 c; griffins.greenville@gmail.com.
• Rev. Scott W. Moore, P. O. Box 214, Due West, SC 29639; (864)202-1831;
• Rev. Jonathan Cook, P.O. Box 662, Due West, South Carolina 29639; (402)889-7953;
•Mr. Jason McCoy, 462 Amicks Ferry Rd., Chapin SC 29036; (803)479-4029l;
                                    COMMITTEE ON CANDIDATES
                                      AND CREDENTIALS 2023
• Dr. Matt Miller (CHM); 200 Highbourne Drive, Greenville, SC 29615; (864)884-8107;
• Rev. Brett Blackman, 14417 C. R. Koon Highway, Newberry, SC 29108; (919)924-4801;
• Mr. Howard Cox, 362 Country Lane, Seneca, SC 29478; (864)934-8967;
• Rev. Todd Matocha, 330 Camperdown Court, Easley, SC, 29632; (662)889-7134;
• Rev. Tom Shoger, 100 E. Pinecrest Drive, Flat Rock, NC 2871-4733; (770)833-5153;
• No nominee at this time

     3 yrs. — may succeed themselves— (4 members; at least 2 ministers and at least 1

• Mrs. Sarah Barron, 103 Willowtree Drive, Simpsonville, SC 29680; (864)884-7387;

• Rev. Chris McCoy has completed his term, but his name was mistakenly left on the roster.
  The Committee on Nominations is presently unable to identify a nominee.
• Mr. Tim Rice, 1028 Whitner Drive, Anderson, SC 29621; (864)940-1939;
• The Committee on Nominations is presently unable to identify a nominee.

                                           EXTENSION 2023
• Rev. Brandon Barrett, 12 Kenwood Lane, Greenville, SC 29609; (803)360-6946;
• Mr. Patrick Ward, 734 Sid Hunter Rd., Senoia, GA 30276; (678)675-8063;
• Rev. Alex Campbell, 1621 North Main Street, Alexander, SC 29621; (864)226-4364;
• Mr. Charles “Chip” Maley, 538 Riveredge Ct., Moore, SC 29369; (864)574-7454;
• Rev. Seth Yi (CHM), 1206 Calhoun St., Newberry, SC 29108, (318)680-4375;
• Mr. Jay Younts, 621 Chastine Dr, Spartanburg, SC, 29701; (864)907-8452;
• Rev. Jay Crouts, 35 Scarlett Street, Greenville, South Carolin 29607; (864)313-7988;
• Mr. Herb Seigler, 125 Quiet Cove Dr., Chapin SC 29036; (803) 201-4158;
                                 (4 yrs.; 3 teaching, 3 ruling)

• Dr. John Cook, 120 High Garden Terrace, Newnan, GA 30263; (706)466-1181;
• Mr. Brion Holzberger, 412 Hattie Road, Easley, SC 29643; (864)561-8193;
• Rev. Norman Harper Price, 5918 Spalding Drive, Peachtee Corners, GA 30082; (336)345-
  1714; normanhprice@gmail.com.
• Dr. R. J. Gore, P. O. Box 594, Due West, SC 29639; (864)378-7923; inaliam@gmail.com.

• Rev. Scott Cook (CHM), 113 Muscadine Dr., Mauldin, SC 29662 (864)901-8320;
• Mr. John Calvin Grier, 355 Eden Hall Rd., Troy, SC 29848; (864)746-6223;
                         COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS
     (4 yrs.; members, 2 SC, 2 GA, 2 laypersons; elects own chair)

• Dr. Charles Wilson (CHM), 204 Stonebrook Dr., Seneca, SC 29672; (864)882-6337;
• Dr. Steve Suits, 106 Cedar Creek Drive, Sunset, SC 29685; (803)960-6337;
• Mr. Jim Wessells, 26 Race Point Way, Sharpsburg, GA 30277; (770)468-9800;
• Rev. Mark Wright, 101 Grand Hollow Rd., Easley, SC, 29642; (864)855-6831 h;
       (864)845-7109 c; (864)593-9308 o; MarkARP@gmail.com.

     (4 yrs.; 6 members (3 ministers, 3 laypersons — if possible; staggered classes, 2 and then 1)

• Mr. Marc Faulkenberry; 1703 College Street, Newberry, South Carolina 29108. (803)351-
       0800; marcfaulkenberry@att.net.
• Rev. William Cain, 106 East 9th Street, Louisville, GA 30434-1412; (704)718-8620;
• Mr. Wes Page, 5 Brookford Court, Greenville, SC 29618; 864-607-5547 c; (864)527-0703 w;
• Dr. Charles Wilson (CHM), 204 Stonebrook Dr., Seneca, SC 29672; (864)882-6337;
• Mr. Philip Malphrus, 3612 HWY 101, Woodruff, SC 29388; (864)663-9284 h; (864)313-
  0872 c; philmalphrus@gmail.com.
• Rand Peterson, 306 Essex Ridge Ct. Spartanburg, SC 29307; (864)494-4368;
                                       REVISION COMMITTEE FOR
                                     GENERAL SYNOD Indefinite Term
• Rev. William L. (Billy) Barron; 5 Winsford Dr., Greenville, SC 29609; (864)420-8112;

                                      WORLD WITNESS LIAISON 2025
• Rev. David T. Griffin, 105 Kenilworth Dr. Greenville, SC 29615-2322; (864)268-2344 h,
       (864)569-2123 c; davidg@greenvillearp.com.

                                    (4 yrs.; Minister or Elder)
• Dr. Eric Skaar, 216 Pea Ridge Road, Central, SC 29630; (864) 869-7979 h, (864)506-4739 c;

                             (4 yrs.; either Minister or Elder)
• Dr. Robert Bell, 979 Murdock Road, Due West, SC 29639-0668; (863)379-2436 h, (864)314-
       4391 c; robbybell@youngmemorial.org.

Committee on Stewardship
                  Report to the Spring Meeting of Second Presbytery
                   Meeting at the White Oak Presbyterian Church
                                    Senoia, Georgia
                                     March 8, 2022

Dear Members of Second Presbytery,

     Presently the value of investments overseen by the Committee on Stewardship
(COS) is over $4,000,000.

      The directives in our Manual of Procedure (MOP) for the COS are silent regard-
ing a Monetary Policy and an Investment Policy.

       Attached is a proposed change to the MOP which will provide a Monetary Policy
for the COS.

      With regard to an Investment Policy, the members of the COS expect to have it
ready for review and adoption at the Summer Meeting of presbytery.


We recommend the adoption of the proposed Monetary Policy and it’s addition to the
MOP under Chapter 10; Committee on Stewardship; as new item G; with the present
item G becoming item H.

Respectfully submitted,

Charles W. Wilson
Chairman and on behalf of the COS

                                     MONETARY POLICY:
The Committee on Stewardship (COS) shall open, oversee, and advance an Investment
Account (IA).

      17.PURPOSE OF THE INVESTMENT ACCOUNT: The purpose of the IA is to
         provide income from stock dividends and/or interest earned from other financial

      18.USE OF INCOME EARNED: The monies earned by the IA are used (1) to assist
         the Committee on Church Extension in church planting endeavors; (2) to reinvest-
         ment in the IA in order to protect the account against inflation.

      19.CONTINUANCE OF THE INVESTMENT FUND: Funds added to the IA be-
         come a part of the principal of the IA.

            COUNT THAN OTHERWISE STATED: The process for requesting funds from
            the IA than otherwise specified in item #2: (1) A request shall be made at a Stated
            Meeting of presbytery; (2) If presbytery deems the request appropriate by a ma-
            jority vote, the request shall be forwarded to the COS for consideration and dispo-
            sition; (3) the COS shall make a recommendation to the next Stated Meeting of
            presbytery regarding the request; (4) A motion to use funds from the IA than oth-
            erwise specified in item #2 shall require a two-thirds (⅔) majority vote of pres-

            VESTMENT ACCOUNT: (1) A request shall be made at a Stated Meeting of
            presbytery; (2) If presbytery deems the request appropriate by a majority vote, the
            request shall be forwarded to the COS for consideration and disposition; (3) the
            COS shall make a recommendation to the next stated meeting of presbytery re-
            garding the request; (4) A motion to withdraw monies from the principal of the IA
            requires a two-thirds (⅔) majority vote of presbytery.

S e c on d Pre s b y te ry B u d g et R e p ort                        Ju ly 1 , 2 0 2 1 – Fe b ru a ry 2 5 , 2 0 2 2
                       C om m itt e e                       Bu d g et         E x p e n d itu re s               B a la n c e
     E x e c u ti v e C o m m itt e e
     Mod e ra tor’s E x p e n s e                           $ 5 0 0 .0 0                 $ 0 .0 0                   $ 5 0 0 .0 0
     E c c le s ia s ti c a l C o m m is s io n s           $ 3 5 0 .0 0                 $ 0 .0 0                   $ 3 5 0 .0 0
     S t a t e d C le r k
          Tra v e l                                         $ 2 5 0 .0 0                 $ 0 .0 0                   $ 2 5 0 .0 0
          O ffi c e                                         $ 5 0 0 .0 0                 $ 0 .0 0                   $ 5 0 0 .0 0
          C on ti n g e n c y for MO P                      $ 2 0 0 .0 0                 $ 0 .0 0                   $ 2 0 0 .0 0
          We b s ite                                        $ 5 0 0 .0 0                 $ 0 .0 0                   $ 5 0 0 .0 0
          H on ora riu m                                 $ 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0          $ 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0                       $ 0 .0 0
     Tre a s u re r
          Ex p en ses                                       $ 1 0 0 .0 0               $ 5 8 .0 0                     $ 4 2 .0 0
          O ffi c e                                         $ 1 0 0 .0 0               $ 8 4 .7 5                     $ 1 5 .2 5
          Profe s s ion a l Au d it                         $ 2 5 0 .0 0                 $ 0 .0 0                   $ 2 5 0 .0 0
          H on ora riu m                                 $ 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0          $ 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0                       $ 0 .0 0
     C u s t o d ia l P r o p e r ti e s
          G ra c e                                      $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0            $ 4 4 6 .8 4              $ 1 1 ,5 5 3 .1 6
          Tu c ke r                                       $ 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0              $ 6 7 .2 0                $ 4 ,9 3 2 .8 0
          L e g a l Fe e s                                $ 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0            $ 6 4 1 .0 0                $ 4 ,3 5 9 .0 0
          B rid g e                                     $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0         $ 6 ,1 9 8 .3 2                $ 5 ,8 0 1 .6 8
          In d e m n ity In s u ra n c e                $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0         $ 5 ,5 9 1 .0 0                $ 4 ,4 0 9 .0 0
          R e s e rv e S a v in g s                     $ 1 6 ,2 0 0 .0 0       $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0                $ 6 ,2 0 0 .0 0
     C h r is ti a n E d u c a ti o n
          C om m itt e e E x p e n s e s                    $ 5 0 0 .0 0                 $ 0 .0 0                   $ 5 0 0 .0 0
          Mid d le S c h ool R e tre a ts                $ 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0          $ 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0                       $ 0 .0 0
          S e n ior H ig h R e tre a ts                  $ 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0          $ 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0                       $ 0 .0 0
     C h u r c h E x t e n s io n
          C om m itt e e E x p e n s e s                  $ 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0            $ 5 1 9 .1 8                   $ 4 8 0 .8 2
          C on ti n g e n c y                           $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0                $ 0 .0 0              $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0
          S a v a n n a h Mis s ion                     $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0       $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0                $ 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0
     M in is t e r & H is W o r k                         $ 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0                $ 0 .0 0                $ 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0
          C h a p la in s                                 $ 3 ,0 0 0 .0 0         $ 1 ,6 0 0 .0 0                $ 1 ,4 0 0 .0 0
     A c c o u n t a b il it y & S u p p o r t               $ 1 5 0 .0 0                $ 0 .0 0                   $ 1 5 0 .0 0
     C a n d i d a t e s & C r e d e n ti a ls               $ 3 0 0 .0 0              $ 8 6 .4 2                   $ 2 1 3 .5 8
     N o m in a ti o n s                                     $ 1 0 0 .0 0                $ 0 .0 0                   $ 1 0 0 .0 0
     S t e w a r d s h ip                                    $ 5 0 0 .0 0                $ 0 .0 0                   $ 5 0 0 .0 0
     W o r ld W i t n e s s L ia is o n                      $ 2 0 0 .0 0                $ 0 .0 0                   $ 2 0 0 .0 0
     C a m p Jo y                                         $ 2 ,5 0 0 .0 0                $ 0 .0 0                $ 2 ,5 0 0 .0 0
     E r s k i n e S e m in a r y                         $ 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0         $ 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0                       $ 0 .0 0
     G r e e n v i lle S e m i n a r y                    $ 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0         $ 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0                       $ 0 .0 0
     B o a r d o f B e n e fi t s                                $ 0 .0 0     $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0           ($ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 )
     To t a ls                                         $138,200.00           $256,292.71                    ($ 1 1 8 ,0 9 2 .7 1 )
     R e s p e c tf u l ly S u b m i tt e d ,
     P e t e r A . W a id , Tre a s u re r

S e c on d P re s b y te ry In c om e R e p ort                          Ju ly 1 , 2 0 2 1 – Fe b ru a ry 2 5 , 2 0 2 2

     Balance on Hand                                     7/1/2021                                           $903,937.07
       Bridge Sale                                                             $2,038,247.92
       Bridge Rent                                                                $3,300.00
       Bridge General Fund                                                        $8,583.56
       Redeemer Loan Payment                                                        $900.00
       Presbytery Dues Fall 2021                                                 $26,648.33
       Presbytery Dues Spring 2022                                               $21,080.00
       Tucker Rent                                                                $5,200.00
       Tucker Sale                                                              $611,185.49
       Grace Rent                                                                 $2,000.00
       Grace Property                                                            $911,268.10
       McCormick Mortgage Payments                                                $6,680.00
       Gifts/Refunds/ONA Endowment*                                              $24,546.65
       Bethlehem                                                                  $1,000.00
       Vanguard Income                                                           $37,787.96
       Interest Income                                                                 $5.73
     Total Receipts:                                                                                      $3,698,433.74
     Total Disbursements:                                                                                   $256,292.71

     Balance on Hand                                    2/25/2022                                         $4,346,078.10

     Presbytery Bank Accounts:
     General Fund Checking - 1st Piedmont                                        $39,733.98
     Land & Building M. M. - 1st Piedmont                                      $165,224.48
     Grace Checking - Wells Fargo                                                 $5,470.14
     Presbytery Savings Acct. - Wells Fargo                                      $10,170.04
     Vanguard Investment Fund                                                 $4,125,479.46

     Total Presbytery Funds

                                                                      Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                      Peter A. Waid, Treasurer
     *Refund – C hurch Mutual                            $6,076.00
     G ifts                                            $ 10,074.36
     ON A                                                $8,225.00
     Refund - Litt le R iv er C o-op                         $7.6 9                          L oa n A m ou n t     P a id           B a la n c e
     Refund - G w innett C o. Wa ter                        $55.26      Mc C orm ic k :   1 0 6 ,0 0 0      6 2 ,7 8 0       4 3 ,2 2 0
     Refund - Ja c k s on E le c.                         $ 108.34      B eth leh em : 1 0 5 ,0 0 0        3 1 ,6 3 9       7 3 ,3 6 1
     Tota l                                            $ 24,546.65

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