SPRING 2022 - Children's Aid Foundation

Page created by Norma Wallace
SPRING 2022 - Children's Aid Foundation

In the midst of the ongoing challenges of the past year – a year defined by the continued               MILLION
impacts and uncertainty of COVID-19 – your unwavering generosity in support of
                                                                                                       78% OF OUR
Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada’s Stand Up for Kids: Futures Transformed                           $75 MILLION
Campaign has driven incredible progress toward our ambitious $75 million goal: we are                     GOAL
now 78 per cent of the way there!

Since the launch of the campaign in April 2019, every dollar raised has directly
contributed to our ability to impact the lives of over 84,000 children and youth and over
20,000 families involved with the child welfare system. Every dollar has created hope for
a better tomorrow and inspired more Canadians to get involved – an impact that will be
felt by families, within communities, and across society for years to come.

None of this work would be possible without the tireless efforts of our volunteer Campaign
Cabinet, led by Co-Chairs Bill Butt, Laura Dottori-Attanasio, and Dougal Macdonald, and all
those who stand up each day to advocate for and invest in the well-being of the young                84,000
people and families we serve. We are deeply grateful to all of you - our volunteers, donors,        children and
partners and champions – for your incredible support.
                                                                                                   young people
                                                                                                 supported to date
In this issue of our newsletter, we’re thrilled to share just a few of the many stories of
generosity, hope, impact, and change that emerged from across our donor community
over the past year. As you read, we hope you will be reminded of what is possible when we work together toward a
common goal: A brighter, bolder future for our country’s most vulnerable youth – built step by step, one child at a time.

Thank you for everything you do; we look forward to continuing to keep you updated as we work together to improve
the lives of thousands of children, youth and families through the Futures Transformed Campaign.

Valerie McMurtry, CFRE, President & CEO             Daniel Barclay, Chair, Board of Directors

                                                    “For many people aging out [of care], the Foundation
                                                    will be the first place where they experience the way it
                                                    feels for someone – whether that is the youth, the staff,
                                                    or the donors like you – to believe in them. To be seen
                                                    as more than a file or case number, or statistic. To be
                                                    supported and cared for in a way that many other
                                                    organizations attempt but fall short.”
                                                    – BRITTANY, Advocate, artist, Foundation funding recipient
                                                    and former youth in care.
SPRING 2022 - Children's Aid Foundation

Public–private investment empowers
launch of first-of-its-kind mentorship
On February 3, 2022, Children’s Aid Foundation of
Canada and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada were
thrilled to announce the launch of a first-of-its-kind
mentorship program for young people living in care
– a historic milestone made possible through
transformational public–private investments from
BMO Financial Group ($2.5 million), the Government
of Ontario ($2.2 million), and BridgeGreen Fund
($300,000). The program, called Big Steps to Success,
strives to improve education outcomes for Canada’s
most vulnerable young people by matching specially
trained mentors with young people between the ages
of seven and 14 in communities across Canada. Learn
more about Big Steps to Success.

                                                         *Identity protected

HSBC Bank Canada invests $1M to break down barriers to education and success
We are excited to share that HSBC Bank Canada has renewed its life-changing support of the HSBC National
Transformation Project with a new investment of $1 million over the next two years. Since 2016, HSBC Bank
                                           Canada’s generosity has helped over 4,000 young people across
                                           Canada access targeted supports at all stages of their educational
                                           journey – from elementary to post-secondary – in addition to
                                           breaking down barriers to work-readiness training and skill
                                           building opportunities. As a result, over 90 per cent of young
                                           people impacted by the program have made academic gains –
                                           a transformational result for a population of youth who face
                                           significant obstacles to high school completion and post-
                                           secondary enrollment. Thank you, HSBC!

                                                              HSBC BANK CANADA
                                                              has helped over 4,000 young people across
                                                              Canada access targeted supports at all stages of
                                                              their educational journey since 2016.

NATASHA, HSBC Youth Opportunity Fund
participant, Advocate, and former youth in care.
SPRING 2022 - Children's Aid Foundation

Advancing justice for Indigenous children, youth, and families
In Canada today, over half of young people living in government
care are Indigenous despite representing just eight per cent of
Canada’s child population – a direct result of the
intergenerational impacts of colonization and the traumatic
legacies of Canada’s residential school system. At Children’s Aid
Foundation of Canada, we are deeply committed to working with
our donors and partners to bring justice to Indigenous children
and their families through culturally responsive programs and
equitable opportunities to thrive.
                                                                         Over half of young
Over the past year, we have been grateful to celebrate a number
of major investments in programs and services designed to                people living in
advance the well-being of Indigenous young people involved               government care
with the child welfare system. These include:                            are Indigenous
•   The MacNaughtan family established a scholarship                     despite representing just
    endowment fund directed specifically to Indigenous students.         8% of Canada’s child
    The fund is named in honour of Eleanor A. MacNaughtan – a            population
    long-time foster parent who believed deeply in the power of
    education to change lives and advocated for the rights of
    Indigenous children in care.

•   Long-time Foundation supporter National Bank made a $300,000 investment to launch the National Bank
    Indigenous Youth Mental Health Fund, which will provide a range of mental health supports to Indigenous
    youth in the process of transitioning out of the child welfare system.

•   Shaw Communications made a generous gift in support of Back to the Land, a program delivered in
    communities across Canada that aims to improve the lives of Indigenous children and youth in care through
    opportunities to reconnect with nature and cultural
    experiences. Shaw’s investment will specifically support the
    Tiny Tots Pow Wow and Learning Showcase hosted by Siksika
    Family Resource Network and Trellis Family & Youth Support
    Services, which will take place in Calgary this June.

•   Tachane Foundation made a significant investment in Back to
    the Land, building on their previous support of the program
    since 2017. The Foundation’s gift is helping Indigenous
    children, youth, and families access outdoor day or overnight
    camps focused on Indigenous heritage, resiliency, and
    socialization skills, as well as family day camps or workshops
    focused on building and strengthening family relationships.

Thank you to each of our incredible partners for investing in the
healing, strength, and well-being of Indigenous children and
families across Canada!
SPRING 2022 - Children's Aid Foundation

Board member Aaron Zifkin gives in support of
the Foundation’s mission
Recognizing the importance of supporting the Foundation’s
mission and ability to respond to its highest priority needs,
Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada Board member Aaron Zifkin
recently made an unrestricted leadership gift – empowering the
Foundation to direct funds where they’re needed most.

Aaron’s gift was made in honour of several special individuals in
his life who inspired and supported him along his own journey: a
friend and mentor who recently passed away, and a couple who           “As a board member, I have an
helped fund Aaron’s first business. As owners of one of Canada’s       intimate understanding of how
largest day care providers, the couple are passionate advocates
                                                                       dilligent the team works to
of children and youth development.
                                                                       ensure the impact of every
Through his mission-focused gift, Aaron is celebrating their           donor dollar. They know where
impact by reciprocating the support he received to create a            those dollars are needed most,
brighter future for countless families and young people in need.
                                                                       and I’m truly honoured to be
                                                                       able to support their work and

                                          13 national                       In partnership with
                                          programs                          82
                                          providing life-changing
                                                                            child- and youth-
  Over 20,000                             support for children
                                                                            serving partners
  families involved with child            and youth at risk
  welfare supported to date

                                                   “The financial help is amazing but the emotional
                                                   support and care that I feel when given these
                                                   supports and the love I receive from my
                                                   communities helps me to continue to break the
                                                   cycle and achieve my goals.”
                                                   – SUZIE, Advocate, Foundation funding recipient,
                                                   and former youth in care.
SPRING 2022 - Children's Aid Foundation

                                             “I’ve received scholarships from the Foundation to help
                                             me pursue my academic goals and they were there for
                                             me to cover expenses that I faced when I wanted to
                                             take the Medical College Admissions Test. All of these
                                             supports allowed me to truly be on a level playing field
                                             with my peers and give me the best possible shot to
                                             reach my goals. At the end of the day, the biggest
                                             barrier facing youth in care is a lack of support and
                                             community. For some youth, becoming an adult is
                                             terrifying. No family, little to no money, few prospects.
                                             It can feel as if once you’ve turned 18, you’ve been
                                             abandoned. However, when you support these youth,
                                             you become part of their community, of their support
                                             team, and you give them hope. Hope in their future,
                                             hope that somebody, anybody, cares about them, and
                                             most importantly hope in themselves and their ability
                                             to achieve.”
                                             – CHRIS, Student, advocate, Foundation funding
                                             recipient, and former youth in care.

Second annual Holiday Bike
Challenge raises $110,000
The second annual Holiday Bike Challenge
– a community event launched in 2020 by
Toronto resident and long-time
Foundation supporter Stuart Johnson
and fellow committee members Michael
Homer and Karina Simone – raised an
incredible $110,000 in support of Canada’s
most vulnerable children and youth! Held
in December 2021, the event saw more
than 100 participants cover over 4,000
km of terrain from the comfort of home,
at the gym, or on the road. A special
thanks to event supporters, including
Signal Hill, BMO, McIntosh Perry, Romet
Limited, Northam Realty Advisors
Limited, CIBC, National Bank, and
Finastra for helping to make this fun and
impactful event a huge success!
SPRING 2022 - Children's Aid Foundation
Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada is extremely grateful to the following
leadership supporters and volunteers of the Stand Up for Kids: Futures Transformed
Campaign for their commitments to children and youth across Canada.
New cash contributions and pledge commitments from April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2022
*We are grateful to our Leadership Supporters from our previous Stand Up For Kids Campaign whose pledge commitments will continue
during the Futures Transformed Campaign period.

$10 Million +                                     Intact Financial Corporation    Christina Kramer              PRESIDENT & CEO
In Honour of Ted and                              Estate of Lynette Daphne        Panagiota Kyriazis            Valerie McMurtry, CFRE
  Loretta Rogers                                    Jones                         Loblaw Inc.
                                                  Medalist Capital*               The MacNaughtan Family        BOARD OF DIRECTORS
$5 Million - $9,999,999                           Estate of                       Vineet and Trish Malhotra     Chair
Anonymous                                           Beverley J. Moorhead          John and Gillian McArthur     Daniel Barclay
                                                  National Bank Financial         McConnell Foundation
$2 Million - $4,999,999                             Group                         The McLean Foundation         Past Chair
Balsam Foundation*                                P & L Odette Charitabe          Medavie                       Gordon Raman
BMO Financial Group                                 Foundation                    Leigh Merlo and Bill Bamber
 Lead Community Partner                           Scotiabank Group                Rory and Julie Mitz           Lynn Belzberg
Government of Canada,                             TELUS / TELUS Friendly          The Newlands Family           Bill Butt
 Youth Employment and                               Future Foundation               Foundation                  Kristina Depencier
 Skills Strategy / Stratégie                      the we know foundation          Kathleen O’Keefe and Mark     Christian Exshaw
 emploi et compétences                            The Hilary and Galen Weston       Hilson                      Pierre Frappier
 jeunesse                                           Foundation                    Michael O’Sullivan            John Gossling
Government of Ontario                                                             The Ovens Family*             Pruyn Haskins
RBC Foundation                                    $100,000 - $249,999             Grant and Mona Rasmussen      Barry Hildred
The Slaight Family                                Air Canada Foundation           RBC Capital Markets           Dougal Macdonald
 Foundation                                       Anonymous (4)                   Rogers Group of Companies     Sandra Roberts
                                                  Deborah Barrett and             Signal Hill Rocks             Sean St. John
$1 Million - $1,999,999                             Jim Leech                     Adam and Allison Sinclair     Nicole Stewart Kamanga
AMJ Campbell                                      Belsher Family                  The Linda Frum & Howard       Jeremy Walker
Dave Thomas Foundation                            Kuldeep Bilan                     Sokolowski Chairtable       Jaime Watt
 for Adoption                                     Bradley R. Black                  Foundation                  Andrea Weissman-Daniels
HSBC Bank of Canada                               Eric Blanchard and Olivia       Spin Master Ltd.              Aaron Zifkin
The Northpine Foundation                            Holland                       State Street Trust Company
TD Bank Group                                     Michael Bowick and Joanne         Canada                      CAMPAIGN CABINET
                                                    Peters                        Dr. Susan Storey and Julia    Co-Chairs
$500,000 - $999,999                               Centre for Disaster               Storey                      Bill Butt
The Azrieli Foundation                              Philanthropy                  David Summers                 Laura Dottori-Attanasio
Citi Foundation                                   CIBC One for Change Auction     Tachane Foundation Inc.       Dougal Macdonald
The Mark Daniels and                              Tracy Cooper and                Aaron Zifkin
  Andrea Weissman-Daniels                           John B. Friedrichsen                                        Daniel Barclay
  Charitable Foundation                           Crux Capital Corporation                                      Eric Bélanger
Lynn Factor and Sheldon                           Donner Canadian Foundation      MEDIA AND GIFT IN KIND        Jeff Bowman
  Inwentash*                                      Dottori-Attanasio Family        Air Canada Foundation         Richard D. Falconer
Estate of Hugh Rodney                             The K. Michael Edwards          Bell Media                    Michel Fortier
  Hanson                                            Family                        Corus Entertainment           Pierre Frappier
Joe Carter Classic                                Christian and Florence          Fairmont Royal York           John Gossling
Fred and Donna Leslie*                              Exshaw                        Globe & Mail                  Rahim Hirji
The Rossy Foundation                              Fitzrovia Real Estate Inc.      National Post                 Shael Kalef
                                                  The Gordon & Ruth Gooder        Navigator Ltd.                Nicolas Marcoux
$250,000 - $499,999                                 Charitable Foundation         PwC                           Sheila Murray
BridgeGreen Fund                                  In Memory of Muriel L. Gorrie   Rogers Communications Inc.    Adam Sinclair
Echo Foundation                                   The Lindy Green Family          Spin Master                   Damien Steel
Estate of Mardi Jane Falconer                       Charitable Foundation         Torys LLP                     Jeremy Walker
Richard and Darleen Falconer                      Green Shield Canada                                           Jaime Watt
Finastra                                          Holiday Bike Challenge                                        Aaron Zifkin

                                                                   To learn more, please contact:
                                                                   Valerie McMurtry, President & CEO
                                                                   Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada

                                                                   T: 416.923.0924 ext. 263
                Strength to change lives.
                                                                   E: vmcmurtry@cafdn.org
Charitable Registration Number: 108076480RR0001
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