Spring 2021 orecchio acerbo editore - Koja Agency

Page created by June Martin
Spring 2021 orecchio acerbo editore - Koja Agency
orecchio acerbo editore                     Foreign rights catalog
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P ublisher of the Y ear 2017, E urope      Spring 2021
Spring 2021 orecchio acerbo editore - Koja Agency
picture books
Spring 2021 orecchio acerbo editore - Koja Agency
  NEW by Daniel Fehr
           illustrations Elena Rotondo
for children 4 years and older
pp. 28 | cm. 23 x 21
ISBN 9788832070651 | July 2021                                    today
                                                          NEW by Daniel Fehr
big questions | Great adventures                                                                               Waiting for Walt
                                                                   illustrations Simone Rea
                                                        for children 4 years and older                         by Daniel Fehr
The story is about a young boy and his father.          pp. 64 | cm. 17 x 24                                   illustrations Maja Celjia
In the middle of the night they leave their house.      ISBN 9788832070590 | April 2021                        for children 5 years and older
For the boy it is the first time that he leaves home                                                           pp. 32 | cm. 24 x 32 | May 2020
at this time of the night when normally                 Under the gaze of time | recounting the present
he is asleep. As they walk through the forest                                                                  stories of the visionary and the absurd
the flashlight of the boy “turns on” part                                                                      laughter and smiles
                                                        A father who is leaving. Two brothers. A long wait.
of the vegetation and at the same time the rest         But together it is easier, together it is easy
disappear. He turns off the flashlight and “turns on”   to be strong. The older brother reads books            Two kids are waiting for Walt. But who is Walt?
all his senses: he experiences the darkness,            to the younger one who can’t read yet but can          And, if Walt was there with them, what would
the sounds of the forest, the sound of his father,      at least choose the book; then they go together        they all do together? They would have a lot
the roughness of the ground, the smells…                on a secret mission: is every mission of spies         of fun, because when he is there he always
He dares not ask for the space and time                 secret? Then one goes to play football, the other      has crazy ideas.
that separate them from their destination, not even     one stays home and “read” books watching               This is the beginning of a imaginary adventure
what their destination is.                              the pictures, as mom does with the magazines           plunged in a swarm of weird and bizarre
A walk to exalt and celebrate all five senses but       on Sunday. And then the spites, the jealousy,          characters, some invented, others already seen
also the value of waiting, surprise, solitude,          the fights, the solitude. And then together again…     and known. Yes, because this story contains
respect for the space of others.                        An essential book that gently shows us how the         a lot of references, from the most obvious
Elena Rotondo is a skilful newcomer illustrator         others are important, for growing up, to know          in the title Waiting for Godot and Walt Disney,
who was able to capture the delicacy of this text       ourselves, to take our measures, to make alliances,    to the Walt’s stories characters, from The Cat
and with her style she perfectly caught the             to feel strong, to live.                               in the Hat, to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
atmosphere described by the text.                       Simone Rea realized the images of this book            and to The Chronicles of Narnia…
                                                        between March and April 2020, day and night,           All references that the little reader can take or not
KOREAN AND SIMPLIFIED CHINESE RIGHTS SOLD               during the lockdown: a window, always the same         without affecting the force of the narration.
Original text: English                                  but each time unexpected, which reflects               An ode to the imagination and to the superpower
                                                        the stories of those who live there. And Daniel Fehr   that only children have: that of inventing stories
                                                        has “built” a text on these images, fully grasping     and plunge into adventures starting from nothing.
                                                        its essence: a diary without days told                 The illustrator, Maja Celija, must have kept this
                                                        by the youngest brother, made of a time that           super power considering how much she has
                                                        is fluid and difficult to measure, made of thoughts,   had fun in giving shape and colour
                                                        of relations with others, of discoveries, of life.     to this surprising imaginative journey!

                                                        Original text: English                                 TURKISH RIGHTS SOLD
                                                                                                               Original text: English
Spring 2021 orecchio acerbo editore - Koja Agency
How to Get Out of Here and if Yes, When?                How to read a Book
by Daniel Fehr                                          by Daniel Fehr
illustrations Maurizio A. C. Quarello                   illustrations Maurizio A. C. Quarello
for children 5 years and older                                                                                 Triclinio and the Beautiful Dorotea
                                                        the white ravens 2018
pp. 28 | cm. 23 x 33 | November 2019                                                                           by Jorge Ibargüengoitia
                                                        “soligatto” award 2019
                                                                                                               illustrations Maurizio A. C. Quarello
laughter and smiles                                     for children 3 years and older                         for children 6 years and older
                                                        pp. 28 | cm. 23 x 33 | April 2018                      pp. 44 | cm. 21,2 x 33,8 | March 2019
The second book by the explosive couple Fehr-           another point of view | laughter and smiles            big questions | laughter and smiles
Quarello. This time the little readers shall help the
two protagonists –always Hansel and Gretel- to
find out how to get out of the book. And they have      Reading the book seems easy, but it isn’t!             Triclinio has four sisters, but no friends; thanks to
to do it following suggestions and directions of the    Especially when you realize that the people drawn      his comical name everybody makes fun of him
weird characters they will come across: leaping         on the page don’t stay where the pencil has left       at school. It falls to Triclinio, the only son in the
from one page to another, the two dive into the         them but drift around in the white space               family, to accompany his sisters when they go
dense and often ironic scenarios drawn by the           of the paper and assume strange poses, depending       out with their boyfriends, happy and diverting
talented Quarello.                                      on how you hold the book. And so the two               themselves no end. But not for long: a telegram
But the scenarios and the characters seem               unfortunate Hänsel and Gretel appear upside down       announces the arrival of a cousin, the Beautiful
familiar… Of course, they are all intruders,            and old Baba Jaga’s hut has capsized.                  Dorotea. Greeted by all the men with open mouths,
“escaped” from eleven of the best known tales.          Worse still when the sea on which Ahab navigates       she unsettles the whole town and above all else
However, the titles of these tales will only be         in pursuit of Moby Dick begins to spill on the heads   the lives of Triclinio and his sisters. Until one night
revealed at the “end”, when the two have managed        of the children and the witch. Little serves           Triclinio discovers the secret of her beauty: her
to get out of the book.                                 the well meant advices to the reader: even the poor    opulent platinum exuberance is nothing but a wig -
A “leaper” adventure, a reading not at all linear,      emperor, naked as he is in the famous tale,            Dorotea is completely bald!
definitely exciting and -who knows?- maybe never-       ends up with his legs in the air.                      A funny and definitely politically incorrect tale,
ending…                                                 Spins, somersaults, pirouettes. Whether                by one of the most sharp and ironic Mexican author.
                                                        the images nor the words keep still on the pages.
TURKISH RIGHTS SOLD                                     And you can’t follow them unless you keep turning      french Rights Sold
Original text: English                                  the book around.                                       Original text: Spanish
                                                        A book to make your head spin!

                                                        GERMAN, FRENCH, SPANISH, TURKISH,
                                                        Simplified Chinese, greek
                                                        AND KOREAN RIGHTS SOLD
                                                        Original text: English
Spring 2021 orecchio acerbo editore - Koja Agency
bogeyman is looking for a house
                                                                                                                    by Maurizio A. C. Quarello
                                                                                                                    “primo voto” award 2006 children’s fiction
                                                                                                                    for children 3 years and older
                                                          Frantz and the Golem                                      pp. 28 | cm. 19 x 19 | September 2005
                                                          by Irène Cohen-Janca
                                                                                                                    OVERCOMING FEAR | another point of view
’45                                                       illustrations Maurizio A. C. Quarello
by Maurizio A. C. Quarello                                for children 8 years and older
                                                          pp. 48 | cm. 21 x 27 | March 2016                         Where the devil have the bogeyman, the ogre,
Andersen award 2018 best picture book                                                                               and the wolf man gone? And what’s happened
for children 11 years and older                           STORIEs of the VISIONary and the absurd | memory          to bugaboo? But there are certain wilderness
pp. 96 | cm. 21 x 30 | March 2017                                                                                   reserves -the dreams of children- where you can
                                                          That night, back in 1892, Frantz, a boy from              still find them.
memorY | war and peace                                                                                              Some fleeting signs of one little bugaboo, Ababù,
                                                          Prague, moves silently in the dark. He has a secret:
                                                          he’s going to a forbidden place, the attic of the         have been found under the beds of various
It is Christmas 1944. The partisans have set up an        synagogue of the city, where the remains of the           children. Nope, it’s not the work of anxious mothers
ambush for an SS truck, and a woman is waiting            Golem are kept, the giant made of clay that nobody        or of grumpy fathers. It’s him, Ababù, forever
for the return of her man. At daybreak she sees           could win or stop and that back in the Middle Age,        obliged to change his lodgings: if it’s not one thing
him coming from a hill and welcomes him with              protected the jews from Prague. The access to the         it’s another, nightmares, sickening attention... And
an embrace. But the partisan must hurriedly hide          attic is forbidden to everybody, under penalty            then, well, he’s looking for Amì, his favourite child.
in the attic as two German soldiers approach the          of madness and death, but Frantz can’t resist.            Ah yes, children grow fond of their fears, but
farmhouse in search of food. She hides the pistol         Shacking and shivering, the boy moves the pile of         sometimes their fears also grow fond of them.
he forgot on the window sill and prepares two fried       rags that hides a giant cloak and manages to wear
eggs, making herself understood with barely a few         it. Suddenly, everything starts to whirl around him
gestures. In that winter the partisans are waiting        and he finds himself traveling back in Time. So,
for the arrival of spring to resume their actions. The    through his eyes, we see the story of the creation of
war is coming to an end and they unite to prepare         the Golem by the cabalist Maharal, back in 1580.
the liberation of the big city. On the 24 of April 1945   A silent giant creature that has incised on its
they begin the Five Days of Turin: the city rises, the    forehead the word “Truth” and has received life
factories are being occupied. The moment of victory       in order to protect the jewish Prague people, but
and liberation has arrived. On the 6th of May, during     that one day seems to become mad and runs away,
the great manifestation in the Piazza Vittorio, in the    destroying everything on its way. Back in that time,
midst of the partisan army, celebrating at the side       it is Myriam, a girl, that is going to stop it, erasing
of her husband, the woman encounters her soldier          the first letter of the word “Truth” from its forehead,
son and as she embraces him her eyes meet those           turning it into the word “Death”.
of a captive soldier on a truck – in a flash she finds
herself back on that morning when two fried eggs          FRENCH (Europe only) and ENGLISH WORLD
saved her life and that of her family.                    RIGHTS SOLD
A true story of Maurizio Quarello’s grandfather, a        Original text: French
partisan commander, told in images.

Spring 2021 orecchio acerbo editore - Koja Agency
                                                                    PELICAN HERE PELICAN THERE                by Seysle Joslin
                                                          NEW by Leonard Weisgard                             illustrations Leonard Weisgard
                                                                                                              for children 3 years and older
                                                                   for children 4 years and older             pp. 48 | cm. 15,4 x 17,7| June 2016
           the florist of sarajevo                      pp. 32 | cm. 20 x 25
  NEW by Mario Boccia                                   ISBN 9788832070613 | May 2021                         laughter and smiles
           illustrations Sonia Maria Luce Possentini
for children 8 years and older                          Great adventures | The game of the gaze
                                                                                                              “My dear Baby Elephant” said Mother Elephant,
pp. 40 | cm. 22 x 31,5                                                                                        “I have only one suggestion. It is what I used to do
ISBN 9788832070729 | June 2021                          When Leonard Weisgard was in California               at the beach when I was a baby elephant. It is dig
                                                        for the Caldecott Medal award, he was fascinated      a hole to China.”
recounting the present | peace and war | Memory         by the pelicans diving off the coast. This interest
                                                        grew until it became this amusing and delightful      Baby Elephant is at the beach together with Mother
February 1992. Mario Boccia, photojournalist,           story. The rhythmic text tells of two pelicans        Elephant. She would like to read and sunbathe, but
crosses the Sarajevo market. His gaze meets             who live on Pelican Island, off the coast             he is bored and keeps pestering her.
that of a woman, a florist. A quick exchange of         of Florida. One of them is blown north by a big       So mother suggests he digs a deep hole to get to
words, a coffee together. In December of the same       wind. He returns to find a family to raise.           China. Baby Elephant sets to work enthusiastically,
year the photographer is there again. Under the         During his flight over handsome colourful places      and so begin for him a great adventure and a long
distracted eyes of Europe, Sarajevo is now prisoner     the pelican doesn’t notice some things that are       imaginary journey during which he will even learn
of a fierce siege that will last four years. From       in fact pictured in the drawings and enumerated in    some basic Chinese words.
the windows you hear shouting Pazite, Snajper!          the text.                                             After “Brave Baby Elephant”, this is another
(watch out, sniper!). But that woman resists with       This gives children the chance to pick out one by     entertaining story by two stars of American
her apparently superfluous flowers. He asks which       one the objects the bird misses                       children’s literature of the Fifties, about the cute
ethnic group she belongs to and the answer is: “I       and allows them to discover these on their own or     and courageous (and hungry) elephant so well
was born in Saraje-vo”. The photographer then           together with the reader.                             remembered by children.
asks her what her name is and she scribbles             The pictures by one of our most distinguished
something on a piece of paper: “Florist”. No name,      illustrators make this book an art experience that    Original text: English
no ethnicity, no affiliation. Since then, coming back   will be loved and read over and over again.           RUSSIAN rights sold
to see her be-comes for Mario an appointment not                                                              European and UK Commonwealth rights only
to be missed. Even after the Markale massacre at        Original text: English
the Sa-rajevo market, in 1994, the photographer         ENGLISH RIGHTS RESERVED
finds her in her place. Until the day she isn’t there
anymore. Nor her flowers. She’s gone for ever,
that woman who decided to be above all else -and
despite- the florist of Sarajevo.
A book to remember those who did not want to
bow to ethnic and religious divisions.
A delicate and poignant story of dignity and
Spring 2021 orecchio acerbo editore - Koja Agency
brave baby elephant
by Seysle Joslin
illustrations Leonard Weisgard                                    THE ISLAND OF SHADOWS
Andersen award 2015 best book 0-6 years                  NEW by Davide Calì
for children 3 years and older                                    illustrations Claudia Palmarucci
pp. 48 | cm. 15,4 x 17,7 | October 2014                for children 6 years and older
                                                       pp. 56 | cm. 23 x 30
                                                       ISBN 9788832070491 | April 2021                         marie curie IN THE COUNTRY OF THE SCIENCE
the difficulty of growing up | laughter and smiles
                                                                                                               by Irène Cohen-Janca
                                                       other animals | recounting the present                  illustrations Claudia Palmarucci
It was the night of Baby Elephant’s great                                                                      Bologna Ragazzi Award 2020 Non Fiction
adventure, when he was to go off by himself,           A real manual against bad dreams. From traps
all alone! In preparation he ate a double helping                                                              Orbil award 2020 “Divulgation” category
                                                       for gasping nightmares, to big holes dug for those
of everything for supper as well as the very special   giant ones; from cages for screaming nightmares         for children 8 years and older
dessert Mother Elephant had made                       to sticky foods for the swarming ones…: to every        pp. 88 | cm. 16,5 x 26,5 | October 2019
for the occasion. Thus strengthened, he carefully      type of nightmare is dedicated an ad hoc method to
chose what he should wear, and he also took his        hunt it down and vanquish it. A useful guide drawn      big questions
lantern, his sword, and his Bear with him.             up by a real expert in the subject, Dr Wallaby, with
Then, having said good-bye to his family               the help of his loyal assistant, Sirio, a dingo.        The life of Maria Sklodowska, marked by tragic events,
and armed with the basket of food Mother Elephant      One day Dr Wallaby bumps into a vey special case,       but also a story of courage, tenacity, love, solidarity
gave him, he sallied forth.                            at first sight insolvable: an empty, dull,              and thirst for knowledge. The death of her mother,
What happens in his great adventure makes a story      profound and motionless dream, the nightmare            the life in the dormitories, the death of one sister, an
that will keep small children chuckling with delight   of the Thylacine. It doesn’t correspond to any of the   impossible love… beside all this and despite all this,
right up to the surprise ending.                       dream’s categories, neither the more common ones,       in Maria’s life there is the play, the laughter, and above
                                                       nor the rare ones, and it needs the consultation        all the teaching: Maria grows up on the conviction that
Original text: English                                 of an old manual, very old, the oldest one…             knowledge is the only richness of life. And this is the
RUSSIAN rights sold                                    And in fact, the one of the Thylacine is a non-         driving force of all her choices. Thousand sacrifices
European and UK Commonwealth rights only               dream, the dream of an extinct animal.                  to go to the Sorbonne in Paris, since in her country
                                                       A funny book populated by unusual Australian            the universities are closed to women, then the great
                                                       animals, but addressing a the subject                   love for Pierre Curie, the discovery of polonium
                                                       of the dramatic extinction of some species.             and radium. And then the death of Pierre. Her love
                                                       The extraordinary images by Claudia Palmarucci          of people and of science prompts her to use her
                                                       give substance and life to all the characters of the    knowledge and discoveries to attend to the wounded
                                                       story. Moreover, in the final pages, Claudia gives      in the war. An emotional story by Irène Cohen-
                                                       us a compendium with all extinct and endangered         Janca and illustrated by the skilful hands of Claudia
                                                       animals, using an iconography with a flavour            Palmarucci in over 80 drawings.
                                                       inspired by the antique scientific manuals.
                                                                                                               spanish world, CATALAN, Korean, Portuguese
                                                       FRENCH, KOREAN AND COMPLEX CHINESE RIGHTS SOLD          (Brazil) and SIMPLIFIED chinese rights sold
                                                                                                               Original text: French
Spring 2021 orecchio acerbo editore - Koja Agency
THE HOUSES OF OTHER KIDS                                          kalief’s island                             the panther under the bed
by Luca Tortolini                                         NEW by Davide Orecchio
                                                                                                              by Andrea Bajani
illustrations Claudia Palmarucci                                   illustrations Mara Cerri                   illustrations Mara Cerri
bologna ragazzi award 2016                              for children 8 years and older                        “festival della Mente” award 2015
special mention                                         pp. 32 | cm. 21 x 30
                                                        ISBN 9788832070583 | March 2021                       “festival di Letteratura dei ragazzi Gianni Rodari”
for children 6 years and older                                                                                award
pp. 48 | cm 24 x 34 | August 2015                       the courage to say no                                 for children 7 years and older | pp. 44
 the difficulty of growing up | another point of view                                                         cm. 21,4 x 30,8 | March 2015
                                                        A girl is about to fly to school on her skateboard.
                                                        The air is pure and free, the surrounding nature      OVERCOMING FEAR | the difficulty of growing up
Ten kids and ten different ways of living in a house.   is wonderful and she is happy. But it hasn’t always   another point of view
Ten short stories telling different childhoods,         been like this on Kalief’s Island.
portraited beyond windows, walls and doors.             There are stories of a time when the air stank        Father and child in front of the night.
Small houses, or enormous ones, full of people or       of fumes and all that existed on the island was       In that mountain house, surrounded by silence,
full of things, houses looking like stables made of     an enormous prison, Rikers Prison, where one day      the young girl knows very well that in the dark
wood and tin. Silent houses or full of music ones.      Kalief was taken, an upright boy with big eyes.       everything will disappear. For that reason she
Houses where you can just imagine the movie,            He was accused of stealing a bag, but he insisted     comes to an agreement with her father: for night
although they are built exactly over the movie          on his innocence. Within those walls, under           pees, she can keep an old pan under her bed, so
theatre. Houses having a precise smell. Houses          punches than freedom through lying. What he was       she won’t be swallowed by darkness.
which are not hotels and houses which are hotels.       fighting for was no more than a fair trial.           The sleep doesn’t come, instead, timely, she needs
Houses that really exist and houses that it would be    But instead there was only an isolation cell.         to pee. Under the bed, the young girl doesn’t find
nice if they existed. In each one there is someone      Only after years of this Calvary a judge realized     only the pan: a panther, black and mysterious as
acting and moving: fat, happy, sad and foreign          that Kalief might be broken, but never bent into      the night, is waiting for her.
relatives (perhaps too many). House for kids means      admitting a truth that wasn’t his. When they          Facing the panther is almost like facing the night:
something like ‘shell’, not always comfortable.         liberated him, he had lost all of himself, even       both are scaring, but both can be explored.
Inside, kid are looking for their own dimension. Each   the will to live. He embraced mother and brothers     The adults believe that a bulb is enough to have
house, as much as each kid, is a whole other story.     and went out by the window, never to return.          back the world that has been taken by darkness,
And at the end there is the eleventh house: Claudia’s   However, his tenacious struggle did serve             but, during that magic night, the father must agree
one. With wooden floor, it’s plenty of pastels,         to transform that bleak time, that sordid city,       with his child: beyond the closed door there is
paintbrushes, and sheet of papers everywhere.           into a flowering garden where children                nothing, anymore. The young girl, however, has
Claudia, once grown up, will use them to create and     aren’t afraid to live.                                faced the panther and now she knows the mistery
paint stories with ‘other kids’.                        The story of Kalief, Kalief Browder, and the prison   of that darkness that made the mountain disappear.
                                                        on Rikers Island is a true story.                     Now she knows the night and it will be easy to
French and SIMPLIFIED CHINESE rights sold
                                                                                                              ride it by her pan, as a surfboard on the surface of
                                                                                                              another mystery: the sea.
Spring 2021 orecchio acerbo editore - Koja Agency
upon a falling star
                                                        VIA CURIEL 8                                           by Mara Cerri
the swimmer                                             by Mara Cerri
by Paolo Cognetti                                       book+DVD with the animated movie
                                                                                                               THE WHITE RAVENS 2005
illustrations Mara Cerri                                by Mara Cerri and Magda Guidi                          for children 10 years and older
for young people and adults                                                                                    pp. 32 | cm. 20 x 27 | March 2007
                                                        winner of Torino Film festival 2011
pp. 60 | cm. 19,5 x 27,8 | June 2013                                                                           first edition, september 2004 (MILLEMILLIMETRI)
                                                        for children 9 years and older | February 2012         SOLD OUT
OVERCOMING FEAR | big questions
recounting the present                                  the difficulty of growing up | big questions           the difficulty of growing up

One faceless writer. One nameless boy. Two fears.       Emma and Dario. Joy and gratification at being         Designer clothes. Nikes. Piercings.
Loosing inspiration and looking dominated by            the special one. Then, curiosity, the thrill of        There’s no trace of any of these things in Mara
childhood tremblings. In a muggy night the writer       anticipation, hesitation. Finally, assurance,          Cerri’s book of wishes.
dreams his own tale, worrying to forget it at the       complicity, tenderness, love.                          Her list of desires is more concrete: to be liked
awakening. Heat, frustration, a silent city, an         And, above all, the sure hope of being able to face    by others and to like oneself: to be in harmony
oppressive roof make him dreaming about a young         the future together. But right when everything         with the world around us. A tale about the desire,
swimmer. A twelve-year-old boy during training          seems to be going right, come doubts, trepidation,     and the fear, common to all adolescents, that of
has to prove his valour in face of everyone. He has     uncertainties. And fear. Fear of being abandoned,      becoming an adult.
to jump in a stretch of water in a cave. The young      fear of being alone. With tenderness and               In Italian, English, and French, because this is a
boy is very nervous on the trampoline and he            sensitivity, Mara Cerri addresses these feelings;      desire that knows no boundaries.
looks around hesitating. He crosses the trainer’s       she brings them to bloom, suggesting that we           A little how-to book on discovering one’s real
strict eyes. He jumps. And the water lulls him to       confront them together, the better to resolve them.    desires.
the depth. There, the writer and the carachter look
at each other and recognize themselves and their        FIRST EDITION, febRUARY 2009, ISBN 978-88-89025-69-7   Spanish Rights sold
fears. They realize they need to breathe again and      pp. 64 | cm. 23,5 x 33,5
to swim to the surface. A stretch of water, a mirror                                                           long seller!
with images and words reflected. A game which
changes the point of view in the course of reading.
A book, poetic like a held deep breath, and soft like
the stuff of dreams.

complex chinese rights sold
Spring 2021 orecchio acerbo editore - Koja Agency
THE mystery of ancient creatures
ALADDIN AND THE MAGIC LAMP                              by Lorenzo Mattotti and Jerry Kramsky
by Nadia Terranova                                      for children 8 years and older
illustrations Lorenzo Mattotti                          pp. 56 | cm. 25 x 24 | November 2007
for children 5 years and older
pp. 88 | cm. 24 x 24 | November 2020                    other animals
                                                        stories of the visionary and the absurd
Great adventures
stories of the visionary and the absurd                                                                        bertoldo, bertoldino AND cacasenno
                                                        A big abandoned park in the heart of the city. Rocky
                                                                                                               by Serenella Quarello
                                                        crevasses, dry twisted branches, sand dunes, and
This is the story of a street kid, of his adventures                                                           illustrations Michele Rocchetti
                                                        slimy bogs… The kingdom of the Ancient Creatures.
and of everything that happens to him:                                                                         for children 7 years and older
                                                        Maura and Rocco find it irresistible. Despite their
 getting lost, finding himself, falling in love,                                                               pp. 64 | cm. 21 x 29,7 | September 2020
                                                        fears, they’re hoping to meet Sirens and basilisks,
growing up, being afraid, tempting fate, falling into   chimeras and centaurs, hydras and dragons there.       laughter and smiles | big questions
disgrace, becoming courageous, despairing, and          Or at least their ghosts. But, once they’re over the
having a lot of fun. It teaches us one thing above      wall, they come up against a scary old man made of
all: that fortune belongs to no one but is available                                                           Three generations of villains, a little smart
                                                        flesh and bone. It’s Eustacchio, one-time zookeeper,
to those who know how to use it.                                                                               and a little dumb, at the King’s court.
                                                        when there still was a zoo! He accompanies them
The famous tale from One Thousand and One                                                                      The founder is Bertoldo, a simple but witty
                                                        on their journey as they discover the Winged Cat,
Nights rewritten by Nadia Terranova                                                                            countryman. In spite of his evident ugliness
                                                        the Deerfish, the Albino Trill, the Hare-Heron, and
–award-winning and translated in several                                                                       and certain rudeness the king wants him around
                                                        the Night Puma… A rich imagination and a longing
countries- accompanied by the drawings                                                                         in the throne room, to amuse himself with
                                                        for nature merge in this extraordinary and surreal
of an undisputed master of illustration.                                                                       his answers and for his cunning advice.
                                                                                                               To entertain himself, the king teases him with
                                                                                                               abstruse questions or pitfalls, to which the villain
                                                                                                               always responds by giving the king a good laugh.
                                                                                                               Clever but not immortal, one dark day even
                                                                                                               Bertoldo must die, and the king, who already
                                                                                                               misses his jokes, calls to court his ugly wife
                                                                                                               Marcolfa and Bertoldino, the son.
                                                                                                               Bertoldino, though slow of understanding, marries
                                                                                                               and has a son, Cacasenno. However, none of them
                                                                                                               can make the king laugh as Bertoldo could…
                                                                                                               A retelling of a witty 17th century folk tale
                                                                                                               by Giulio Cesare Croce, framed by the riotous
                                                                                                               drawings of Michele Rocchetti.
in the tube
                                                       by Alice Barberini
                                                       for children 5 years and older
                                                       pp. 64 | cm. 29,5 x 22 | September 2020

                                                       big questions

                                                       The early morning silence is broken by the fight
                                                       of two siblings –a girl, the older, a boy,
                                                       the younger- and by a number of warnings written
The ship of fools                                      in post-it notes by their mother.
by Marco Taddei                                        The last one, stuck on the front door, says HOLD
illustrations Michele Rocchetti                                                                                hamelin the city of silence
                                                       HANDS. And it’s exactly this one that will separate
for children 8 years and older                                                                                 by Alice Barberini
                                                       the two siblings: entering the subway to go
pp. 48 | cm. 23 x 30,1 | July 2016                                                                             for children 6 years and older
                                                       to school, the boy who didn’t see the post-it,
                                                                                                               pp. 80 | cm. 21 x 29,5 | September 2017
                                                       stopped to collect something that has been glued
STORIEs of the VISIONary and the absurd                under his shoe: it was the post-it. The girl goes       big questions | the difficulty of growing up
laughter and smiles                                    ahead and the two lose sight of each other.
                                                       From here their paths separate: the girl believes
Brandano, half Ulysses and half picaresque hero,                                                               The story of Hamelin, the town where every sound
                                                       she is following her brother but then she realises
has a dream: the earth is not flat as a carpet, but                                                            was banned, told by the grandfather, called
                                                       that she has mistaken him for another child.
is round as a barrel. From the village of Saggionia                                                            the lame, to his granddaughter.
                                                       The boy begins his adventure in search of his sister,
he leaves with a pierced vessel and a crew of fools.                                                           Many years ago the children of the town were
                                                       asking passer-bys, but without success.
Aiming to Orient, among many adventures they                                                                   forbidden to make noise, but the day the piper
                                                       At the end they find themselves united in picking
arrive to unexplored lands, meet dragons, Kraken,                                                              came all children joined him and his wonderful
                                                       up the post-it that had been lost again.
islands of sleepwalkers and wise maidens.                                                                      music. None returned. Only one child remained,
                                                       A wordless book, a metaphor about getting lost
The Journey doesn’t stop even when they arrive                                                                 the lame. From that day on, every sound was
                                                       and finding yourself again immersed in a rarefied
to hell sailing through the bowels of the earth.                                                               forbidden and without children and without music,
                                                       and suspended atmosphere that enhances
Not even the devils overcome this overwhelming                                                                 people shut themselves away in a grim silence.
                                                       moods and emotions.
crew. As Verne already proved, if you arrive and                                                               But today there is something new in the air: the
go beyond the centre of the earth, there is always                                                             sound of a barrel organ that, magically as then,
                                                       Simplified Chinese rights sold
something waiting for you on the other side….                                                                  will get together all people and make
Written in a compelling language that reminds                                                                  the children play. Again.
the simple and cultured one of Gargantua and
Pantagruele by Rabelais, Marco Taddei, and the
illustrator Michele Rocchetti produce a tale made
of astonishment and uncontrolled fun, where
reality succumbs to fantasy, wisdom to madness,
and where it is shown that Earth is round.
The Lumber Room
                                                                                                                  by Saki
                                                                                                                  illustrations Cinzia Ghigliano
                                                                                                                  for children 7 years and older
                                                                                                                  pp. 44 | cm. 22 x 22 | February 2018

                                                            rudyard                                               laughter and smiles | the difficulty of growing up
the dog and the moon                                        the child with glasses
by Alice Barberini                                          by Cinzia Ghigliano                                   Nicholas has found a frog in his bowl of milk.
for children 3 years and older                              for children 5 years and older                        Despite the incredulity of the aunt of his cousins,
pp. 84 | cm. 20 x 28 | September 2015                       pp. 44 | cm. 21 x 28,7 | August 2020                  he absolutely doesn’t want to eat his infested
                                                                                                                  breakfast: he knows that is all true, since
big questions | extraordinary friendships                   the difficulty of growing up | big questions          he is the one that let the amphibian take a dive
                                                                                                                  into the milk bowl! A punishment is essential
A little dog working in a circus has fallen in love         Imagined and desired – before he was even born –      and Nicholas is denied the supposed privilege
with a paper moon hanging down the big top.                 on the shores of lake Rudyard in England              of going to the beach with the other children.
It’s a complicated love story. The paper moon is old        by two parents in love; born in India                 He will stay with the old aunt, expert in
and broken and it’s ready to be thrown away.                and surrounded by the attention and affection         punishment for wicked children, who includes in
The dog escapes from the circus with the moon in            of his father and mother between the wild colours     the penance a prohibition to enter the gooseberry
its cart, but once in the big city, Paris, it experiences   of banana trees, tigers and antelopes – that India    garden. But the aunt doesn’t know that, contrary
loneliness, hunger and cold, until a young boy              where he learned not to be afraid of animals;         to what Nicholas will let her believe strategically
picks the dog up. But also for the moon who was             then growing up in the grey of England, far away      and astutely, his desired place is neither the beach
left alone on the pavement, there is a place in the         from his parents – where he met the magical and       nor the gooseberry garden, but the lumber room.
world: it is 1902 and that elegant man who picks            liberating power of books, unique – and strictly      A place, secret, mysterious and dimly lit that, once
it up is Georges Méliès.                                    forbidden – refuges from the vexations of the         reached, won’t disappoint his expectations and
The poster of “Le Voyage dans la lune” will make it         governess to whom he has been entrusted;              will stir his imagination: a piece of tapestry with a
famous forever.                                             going almost blind by dint of reading in secret       hunter who has hunted a stag, but will the hunter
                                                            in the dark of a closet…                              save himself from the four wolves that are stalking
French (Europe only) and Korean rights sold                 His name? Rudyard –as the lake- Kipling!              him? The shrill shrieks of the aunt jolt Nicholas out
                                                            The adventurous and melancholy childhood of           from his paradise: looking for him, she has fallen
                                                            the Nobel Prize for Literature told by the touching   into the empty rain-water tank and wants him to
                                                            drawings of Cinzia Ghigliano, who retraces and        help her get out from there. What better way to
                                                            describes atmospheres and emotions that have          make fun of her? Yet he is barred from the garden,
                                                            marked the life of the author as well as his work.    and what’s more, it doesn’t even seems to be the
                                                                                                                  aunt’s voice; it must surely be the Devil who wants
                                                                                                                  to tempt him… better to sneak off! The night falls,
                                                                                                                  the aunt has been saved by a maid, the children
                                                                                                                  have come back form the beach.
                                                                                                                  Nicholas is absorbed in his thoughts, he imagines
                                                                                                                  that the huntsman on the tapestry will escape
                                                                                                                  while the wolves devour the deer…

                                                                                                                  Original text: English
                                                          by Armin Greder
                                                          afterword Francesco Boille
                                                          for children 7 years and older
                                                          pp. 36 | cm. 29,4 x 20,4 | August 2020

                                                          recounting the present

                                                          Diamonds. Clear and pure, immaculate pledges
                                                          of undying love, adorning the beautiful, bestowing
                                                          prestige. Paid with credit cards here and with blood
“I will save you!” history                                there. A new book by Armin Greder, in the vein
of the unforgettable rin-tin-tin                          of The Strangers and Mediterraneo, Diamonds is         THE Mediterranean
by Anna Lavatelli                                         an indictment of the corruption and evil that stain    by Armin Greder
illustrations Cinzia Ghigliano                            diamonds and that we prefer to ignore,                 afterword Alessandro Leogrande
for children 6 years and older                            lest our conscience keep us awake at night.
                                                                                                                 Scelte di classe award 2018
pp. 40 | cm. 21 x 28,5 | February 2017                    A brief starting dialogue where a daughter, curious
                                                                                                                 SHORT-LISTED: CBCA Picture Book of the Year, 2019
                                                          about the diamonds that her mother is wearing,
big questions | memorY                                    wants to know what those are and above all know        for children 13 years and older
                                                          their provenance. The survey of the little girl        pp. 40 | cm. 22 x 31,5 | July 2017
Not far from Paris, in Asnières, there is a cemetery      is brushed off with a listless and summary answer,
                                                          but eloquent enough to open a big door in the little   Recounting the present
of dogs. There lies buried a famous dog: Rintintin,
known as Rinty, the dog made an American film             girl’s imagination. From now on the narration
star by the soldier Lee Duncan. His story begins          is left to images as powerful as only Greder is able   A lifeless body. One of the many in the waters of
in France, at the end of World War I. An American         to draw. And they narrate the nightmare of the girl    the Mediterranean, of our sea.
soldier finds a litter of German Shepherds in the         that others live, trapped far away in another world,   Repugnant dinners of fish that fill our tables.
ruins of a village between the Meuse and the Rhine.       and that yet others -far nearer to her- prefer         Dinner guests, our dinner guests, greedy
He decides to keep one and take it with him back to       to overlook and consequently perpetuate.               merchants of death.
California once the war is over.                                                                                 Shipments of weapons, their ships navigating in all
On his return he realises that the great bond             english world and korean RIGHTS SOLD                   safety the waters of the Mediterranean, of our sea,
between him and his dog can be put at the service         Original text: English                                 from north to south. Arming fratricidal hands,
of the cinema. And so, in Los Angeles, where the                                                                 tearing apart and emptying villages, regions,
studios of Hollywood are emerging, the dog found                                                                 countries. Processions of men, women, children,
in France, named after a traditional lucky charm doll,                                                           fleeing across the sands and stones of deserts. A
becomes a four legged star. On his death, Duncan                                                                 mirage of a boat, a precarious boat, to navigate the
decides to bury him not far from where he found                                                                  waters of the Mediterranean, our sea, from south
him, and so that cemetery near Paris came to receive                                                             to north. And often, each time more often, it is not
his remains. And it is from there that his spirit tells                                                          only hopes that drown.
its glorious history on Halloween Night.                                                                         After The Island, another severe act of accusation
A book to remember a childhood icon and an                                                                       signed by Armin Greder.
icon of cinema that comes back to life in a text of                                                              A book mute, without words.
Anna Lavatelli and the images of Cinzia Ghigliano,                                                               Against our indifference and complicity.
striking like still photographs.
                                                                                                                 English WORLD and Korean rights sold
                                                                                                                 Original text: English
by Armin Greder
for children 3 years and older
pp. 36 | cm. 21 x 19,8 | August 2016

laughter and smiles

A snake, newly awaken from his hibernation, is
looking for friends. But not everything that moves,     italy from a to z                                      the strangers
not everything that is long, not everything that is     by Armin Greder and Goffredo Fofi                      by Armin Greder
thin is necessarily a snake. In the garden, each time   for young adults                                       for children 11 years and older
the snake thinks he’s found a friend he is wrong.       pp. 48 | cm. 16,8 x 30 | October 2015                  pp. 32 | cm. 22 x 31,5 | June 2012
Scattered here and there are electrical wires, a
lizard, a garden hose, a shoelace                       recounting the present | big questions                 war and peace | recounting the present | MEMORy
and a belt but no snakes. Just when the snake is
convinced he will spend his life alone, in front of     From the A of Adriatic to the Z of Zombies, passing    An ancient country, cultivated with olive groves,
him appears an attractive female snake who invites      by the F of Fellini and the P of Pizzeria - forty-     and rocks. Home to an ancient people. One day,
him to follow her to the other side of the garden,      five merciless drawings of contemporary Italy, or,     the Foreigners arrive. “This country belongs to us.
where they see a man without a shoe and with his        maybe more to the point, forty-five selfies. Looking   We lived here for a very long time, then we were
pants dropped, scolding his dog who has stolen          through the images and the words it is difficult       cast out, and now, after much suffering, we have
laces, belts, and electrical wire.                      if not impossible to not to recognise ourselves,       returned. And we don’t intend to leave here ever
A visual feast for the eyes, with a play on shapes.     more than once, in our attitudes, situations and       again.” One country, for two peoples. A war which
                                                        behaviour. Postcards. Illustrated postcards telling    tears them apart, and then a wall, which divides
simplified chinese, spanish and catalan                 about Italy. Drawn and written by an extraordinary     them. In the style of an ancient parable which is as
rights sold                                             pair of travellers: Armin Greder and Goffredo Fofi.    relevant as ever, Armin Greder’s main themes
Original text: English                                                                                         come through in his pared down, simple style: the
                                                        Original text: English                                 loss of dialogue, the possibility of living side
                                                                                                               by side; and the universal right to life.
                                                                                                               And to happiness.

                                                                                                               Korean RIGHTS sold
                                                                                                               Original text: English
                                                                                                             by Francis Blanche
                                                                                                             illustrations Mirjana Farkas
                                                      Child’s play                                           for children 4 years and older
the city
                                                      by Alessandra Lazzarin                                 pp. 32 | cm. 24 x 29,5 | January 2020
by Armin Greder
translated by Alessandro Baricco                      for children 3 years and older
                                                                                                             big questions
afterword by Antonio Faeti                            pp. 36 | cm. 21 x 30 | June 2020
for children 12 years and older
                                                      POWER TO THE IMAGINATION                               The world comes alive on a line: clothes hanging
pp. 36 | cm. 22 x 31,5 | January 2009
                                                                                                             that play among themself, dancing birds singing
big questions | the difficulty of growing up          An afternoon at grandma’s house to play,               of love, a circus dancer who perilously glides along
OVERCOMING FEAR                                       an afternoon like any other, apparently…               under the spellbound eyes of children.
                                                      Yet nothing is obvious when there are three little     And then, with balls, puppets, light bulbs, spiders,
                                                      playing, and nothing is as it seems!                   “on the line all life is unfolding, on the line it ties
“A long time ago in a far-off land, there was a big
                                                      Under the leaves an enchanted world is hiding,         and unties itself ”together with our loves
city where the sky was always grey and sometimes
                                                      the wind that is drying the washing lines brings us    and our dearest hopes.
the winter lasted three years. A woman lived there.
                                                      to an exciting adventure, the somersaults turn us      A cheerful ballad in rhymes, sung by Charles
She had a child. A son”.
                                                      into acrobats in the circus, the hedges hide exotic    Trenet in the‘40s and now illustrated by the
Then war came, and with war, the death of the
                                                      and fierce creatures...                                colourful and joyful drawings of Mirjana Farkas.
child’s father. Motherly love, sweet and tender,
becomes stronger and firmer. And more protective.     The delicate hand of the emerging author
                                                      Alessandra Lazzarin takes us to a parallel world       Original text: French
Trying to find a place where her son would be safe,
the woman left her home and the city and took         of little girls and little boy’s imagination,
refuge in a far-flung place where she could           as true and concrete as the “real” one.
take care of him. Until one night,                    And the transition to this fantastical world is made
when there was no moon,                               even more easy and fluent thanks to a sparse
the mother died. And it was then                      and essential text made of word games that refer
that the wolves arrived…                              to the imaginary scenarios.
A fairytale for children and for mothers, which
speaks of the courage, the hard work and the pain
it takes to grow up and, above all, to let children

frencH, english AND SPANISH Rights Sold
Original text: English
                                                                                                             by Satomi Ichikawa
                                                                                                             for children 3 years and older
                                                                                                             pp. 32 | cm. 23 x 21 | October 2019

Here you are!                                                                                                big questions | laughter and smiles
by Mirjana Farkas
for children 3 years and older                                                                               There are many sayings on friends and friendship:
pp. 36 | cm. 24 x 29 | May 2014                                                                              “who finds a friends, finds a treasure”,
                                                    THE EVIL TIGERS
                                                                                                             “you know a true friend when trouble comes”,
big questions | laughter and smiles                 by Pierdomenico Baccalario
                                                                                                             “Little friends may prove great friends”…
                                                    illustrations Marta Pantaleo
                                                                                                             Everyone needs friends, to play, to share, to create,
What might a gentle fairy give a baby as a gift ?   for children 5 years and older
                                                                                                             to invent, to be moved, to seek refuge, to fight, to
She could present to him with the power             pp. 24 | cm. 21 x 30 | December 2019
                                                                                                             search for, to grow…
to fly like a rocket in the life space;             Great adventures                                         This ballad about friendship by Satomi Ichikawa
the games to laugh, to learn, to create;                                                                     reveals to the little readers what friendship means,
the words to ask questions;                                                                                  its importance, what the numerous treasures
the consolation against the tears, and even more    The city of Turin is in turmoil about the Turin
                                                                                                             hidden in it are.
curiosity, music and drawing to never get bored.    International Exhibition which is approaching, but
                                                                                                             The delicate and poetic text in rhyme is an added
Maybe we don’t need a fairy with her magic wand,    in the Pilone neighborhood all are gathered for the
                                                                                                             value to the revealing and eloquent illustrations.
because a baby is already endowed with all these    Captain’ funeral.
                                                                                                             Friendship is a world to find out, to live!
gifts. A welcome greeting, a colour delight,        Friends are there to say goodbye, and among
the perfect recipe for                              them cannot miss his several Tiger cubs, under
                                                                                                             FRENCH, GERMAN AND KOREAN RIGHTS SOLD
every new growing life.                             the guidance of Emilio, who’s now in the guise of
                                                    Yanez. The handful of valiant warriors, little boys
spanish and catalan rights sold
                                                    and little girls with knees in the breeze, wooden
Original text: French                               scimitars and improvised turbans, can’t believe it
                                                    and so they proceed to the Captain’s house to make
                                                    sure he has really left… And there, waiting for
                                                    them, is not the Captain but piles of written sheets,
                                                    statuettes, daggers and lots of books. But above
                                                    all there are his animals. It is the task of the Tiger
                                                    cubs to free them and to take care of them so that
                                                    at least they should not end badly. Only the parrot
                                                    flies away through window, repeating to the air the
                                                    name of the everyone’s hero: Sandokan!
                                                    Adventurous and touching.
the poor people                                          sredni vashtar
                                                         by Saki                                                   Charlie and me
by Lev Tolstoy
                                                         illustrations Francesca Pusceddu                          by Luca Tortolini
illustrations Chiara Ficarelli
                                                         for children 7 years and older                            illustrations Giacomo Garelli
for children 7 years and older
                                                         pp. 48 | cm. 21 x 29,7 | August 2019                      for children 5 years and older
pp. 36 | cm. 21,2 x 30,4 | August 2019
                                                                                                                   pp. 48 | cm. 21,5 x 30 | July 2019
big questions                                            STORIEs of the VISIONary and the absurd
                                                         the difficulty of growing up                              laughter and smiles

One of the four tales of the reading cycle for
                                                         Conradin is ten and lives with Mrs De Ropp, who is        “After only three hours, seven minutes and
children written in 1907 by Lev Tolstoy, inspired by
                                                         both his cousin and stern tutor. She secretly enjoys      sixteen very very long seconds in line, my mother,
the poetry of Victor Hugo “Les pauvres gens”.
                                                         her frequent reproaches and the harsh punishments         my father and I could at last sit down on the
Jeanne and Paul have three children. Paul, a
                                                         and privations to which she subjects him, including       comfortable chairs of the Roxy, the cinema near
fisherman, has gone out to sea that morning. A
                                                         butter and toasted bread. Little Conradin escapes         Times Square where a movie by the great Charlie
terrible storm convulses the sea and by evening Paul
                                                         into his fervent imagination, and hides in an old         Chaplin is being projected. After the first big
has still not returned. “Would he have drowned?”,
                                                         shed at the bottom of the garden, inhabited by an         laughs, suddenly, fire, flames and smoke invade
asks Jeanne, all the more anxious and worried by the
                                                         old hen and a ferret, where he is safe from the eyes      the cinema. Everyone runs away, including
thought of what would be of her and their children
                                                         of all. The animal becomes for the child a powerful       my parents, and guess who they think
if Paul was not to return. At that dramatic moment
                                                         exotic deity: Sredni Vashtar. In his devotion, Conradin   is the culprit? Charlie Chaplin!
Jeanne’s thoughts turn to Lise, her sick neighbour,
                                                         attributes every little or great misfortune that          And me, because I try to defend him.
a widow with two children. She decides to go and
                                                         happens to his tutor to the intervention of the god       This is the beginning of my exciting adventures
see her, but to her horror she finds her dead, the two
                                                         with sharp teeth and coarse pelt. Until the day when      alongside the great Tramp!”
children at the foot of the bed, holding on to each
                                                         his visits to the shed alarm the cousin who promptly      An escape through the New York’s 1920
other. Without hesitation she takes them and brings
                                                         goes and investigates. Conradin can only pray: “Do        skyscrapers, full of fun and hilarious encounters,
them to her own house. Now there are five children.
                                                         something, Sredni Vashtar!” Locked in the house the       as depicted in the wonderful illustrations
What to do if her husband does not return? And
                                                         boy watches anxiously from behind the window: it          by Giacomo Garelli and in graphics inspired
if he does return, would he let them stay? A short
                                                         is a long time, too long, he thinks, for her to be face   by silent movie title cards.
and intense story, a succession of strong emotions,
                                                         to face with the animal. It is then that the cousin       And accompanied by the sheet music
continuous, contrasting and painful. Chiara Ficarelli,
                                                         finds out what has happened, barely a few moments         –under the illustrations- of a melody
first time illustrator, has managed perfectly to
                                                         after a ferret sneaks toward the bushes, and only an      to be downloaded via a link to be found
grasp the drama of the story and to transfer it to her
                                                         instant before Conradin spreads a heap of butter          at the end of the book.
spectacular illustrations full
of emphasis and pathos.                                  on his second slice of toast. Saki makes us reflect on
                                                         the obtuseness of the world of the adults
KOREAN RIGHTS SOLD                                       and the redemption of childhood.
Original text: Russian
                                                         Original text: English
                                                                                                               by Kim Sena
                                                                                                               for children 4 years and older
                                                                                                               pp. 36 | cm. 24 x 25 | November 2014

                                                                                                               STORIEs of the VISIONary and the absurd
                                                                                                               big questions
                                                        lea and the elephant
It’s Time To Go
                                                        by Kim Sena                                            Hanna is glowing. She always speaks with animals
by Kim Sena
                                                        for children 6 years and older                         and trees and now she is looking forward to
for children 6 years and older
                                                        pp. 44 | cm. 23,2 x 33,4 | January 2017                meeting her father who, as a profession, takes care
pp. 44 | cm. 22,8 x 33,4 | February 2019
                                                        STORIEs of the VISIONary and the absurd
                                                                                                               of forests with its inhabitants. She’s travelling with
                                                        the difficulty of growing up
                                                                                                               her mother, but Hanna as luggage has just a small
                                                                                                               bonsai, the imaginative name is Fish-Living-Tree,
Mia and Lucy. A girl and an owl. An enduring                                                                   inseparable friend of her.
                                                        Lea fills her house with everything that she loves.     Alike imaginative is their travel mate, White
friendship. The moment to say goodbye has come.
                                                        But she always feels empty and always wants            Reindeer, contemporary Centaur, a head of a
Lucy must leave because the black panther which
                                                        more. One day she invites an elephant to tea, and      reindeer on a human body, joined by a moltitude
is waiting in the distance is about to take her away.
                                                        promises to teach him how to fly. She paints his        of frogs. Apologizing for the bother, he’s offering
But why right now? And where to?
                                                        skin and gives him a red balloon, but the elephant     some chocolates to Hanna and to her mother.
Will you maybe go back to where you came from?
                                                        still can’t fly. Days and days go by and the elephant   Magic pralines, both black red. The second ones are
asks the downcast child. Mia and Lucy return
                                                        has not been taught how to fly. In the end it is the    prohibited to humans, nevertheless, the intrigued
to the place where they first met, accompanied
                                                        elephant who teaches Lea something, that tricks        mother tastes one of them and suddenly becomes
by the thought that the many things lived together
                                                        and lies are not necessary in order to make friends.   a frog.
will keep them united forever. As long as
                                                        Kim Sena, Korean author and illustrator, in her        Desperately Hanna begs Mr. Reindeer to give her
she can imagine her she will not feel the pain
                                                        second book, creates a story about how the power       mother back but, looking at his sad eyes, she notes
of her absence, Lucy whispers to Mia. Silently,
                                                        of friendship can fill a void that material objects     he’s missing an antler.
the panther arrives. It is time to part.
                                                        cannot.                                                No hesitation in Hanna: here it’s necessary a graft.
Solace comes with the night, looking at the moon:
the same moon is reflected in the eyes of both                                                                 A generous transplantation by her magic and
                                                        Korean, Complex Chinese, Russian, GREEK,               inseparable bonsai.
of them, now so very distant, but always close.
                                                        PORTUGUESE and Turkish rights sold                     So, in that way, as a miracle, the double spell
A story that Kim Sena writes almost to herself,
                                                        Original text: Korean                                  is broken: the reindeer finds the forest again
trying to find a way to come to terms with
separation, to make sense of it.                                                                               and the mother her feature.

german, Korean, Russian and Greek rights sold                                                                  Original text: English
Original text: English
Where is the House of the Eagle?
There once was a hunter                              by Fabian Negrin
by Fabian Negrin
                                                     “Soligatto” Award 2017
for young people and adults
pp. 32 | cm. 24 x 32 | January 2019                  “Cassa di Cento” Award 2017 Illustrators category
                                                                                                           the tempest
                                                     for children 4 years and older                        by William Shakespeare
STORIEs of the VISIONary and the absurd
                                                     pp. 28 | cm. 23,5 x 29,5 | October 2017               adaptation by Mary Lamb
big questions
                                                                                                           illustrations Fabian Negrin
                                                     big questions | the difficulty of growing up          for children 8 years and older
A hunter wounds his prey. Following its tracks,      STORIEs of the VISIONary and the absurd               pp. 48 | cm. 20 x 30 | November 2016
he is reflected in the same water from which
the prey has just drunk, and so he changes into      The umpteenth little lamb has disappeared.            big questions
a mythological being, half man and half deer.        Who is responsible for this? It is the eagle,
When they finally meet, the prey has changed         as usual! There are those who would like to bump      Prospero, deposed Duke of Milan and magician,
into a woman. The two worlds, the human and the      off the bird, but another is fatally attracted        has been living for years on an island in the ocean,
animal, merge; hunter and prey fall in love. When    by it and want to rescue it. And so he sets out on    together with his daughter Miranda. His brother
the night ends, both return to their own universe,   an heroic adventure: searching for the predator’s     Antonio has relegated him there. The island is
but not for long. Love, the force that moves the     house, to advise him of the menace and save him.      magical. Once haunted by the witch Sicorace
world, draws them together again: an encounter       He asks for help from the shrewd fox,                 and now inhabited only by her son, the monster
from which springs... another life.                  from the wise owl, from the fearful squirrel,         Caliban, and by spirits imprisoned in the trunks of
In the tradition of the Greek myth of Actaeon        from the haughty deer, from the famished bear,        trees. Prospero takes along Caliban and frees the
and of the brothers Grimm and the White Doe          from the discouraging steinbock: none wants           spirits from the spell. Grateful, they all become
of Mme D’Aulnoy, the author takes the theme          to help him in his endeavour.                         his faithful servants, first and foremost Ariel,
of metamorphosis a step further.                     Finally he succeeds, he reaches his eagle!            their leader. With his arts and the power of the
Nothing is what it appears to be, everything         Despite the warning of its saviour, the generous      spirits Prospero is able to rule over the elements
changes, only love is permanent.                     and daring predator takes flight and, on his back,    of nature. And so, when he discovers the usurper
A book of images alone, because words are            brings him home, save and sound.                      Antonio and his accomplice, the King of Naples,
superfluous in love.                                 There, his parents are waiting for him, astonished.   at sea, he unleashes a storm to force them to land
Who is the hunter? Who is the prey?                  The tale, in rhymes, of the adventurous journey       on the island. And here begins the vengeance. In
Why hunting, when it is so bewitching                of a child across steep and inhospitable mountains    the end injustice and abuse will be defeated, the
to be hunted?                                        in the pursuit of a dream: meet and save              wrongs forgiven and love will triumph.
An introduction to the eternal play of love,         his favourite animal and… fly!                        A truly outstanding book with fold-out pages
in the form of an illustrated album.                                                                       in panorama format. 78 x 30 cm.

                                                                                                           Original text: English
fairy tales on THE MOBILE PHONE                          love awaits you                                         A THOUSAND DAYS AND ONE NIGHT
by Fabian Negrin                                         by Fabian Negrin                                        by Fabian Negrin
2010 “liber” award, 2° place, best book of the year      2009 bib plaque at the biennial illustrations           2009 bib plaque 2009 at the biennial illustrations
2011 finalist at “soligatto”                             of bratislava (bib)                                     of bratislava (bib)

for children 4 years and older                           for children 14 years and older                         finalist 2th cj picture book awards 2009
pp. 28 | cm. 21 x 28 | June 2010                         pp. 24 | cm. 10,7 x 21 accordion book
                                                         March 2009                                              for children 9 years and older
                                                                                                                 pp. 32 | cm. 24,3 x 30,6 | March 2008
stories of the visionary and the absurd
laughter and smiles | another point of view              big questions
                                                                                                                 stories of the visionary and the absurd

“Fairytales exert an irresistible force of gravity       Two naked bodies, one next to the other. Emotion
                                                         and hesitation, trembling and uncertainty in the        Two extraordinary, visionary, surreal, subtly
on anyone who wants to tell children stories.                                                                    ingenious stories from Fabian Negrin, who once
Fairytales carry an immortal narrative nucleus           eyes, and hands. Mouth, breast, stomach. But feet,
                                                         legs, shoulders and neck, too. It’s a cliché that the   again manages to astound us.
from one generation to the next, the origins of                                                                  From a town in which the sky bursts with suns
which are lost in the darkness of time, and mixed        roots of love should be sought in the heart. The
                                                         truth is, each part of our body becomes much more       gone mad to an impenetrable forest where a
up with the very origin of mankind. We carry true                                                                Gypsy’s dream goes astray and invents the moon,
forms of prehistoric life within us. Trying to contain   than a mere anatomical component when feelings
                                                         of love course through it.                              “A Thousand Days and a Night” accompanies us
them within the 160 characters of a text message                                                                 to places where all is possible, even encounters
is a playful homage, as well as an attempt to help       A three-metre-long concertina book. Page after
                                                         page, it reveals the bodies                             with painters like Rousseau the toll collector and
them along their journey into the future. With the                                                               musicians like Erik Satie.
hope that the fairytales will take us with them.” A      of a boy and a girl. A poetic text accompanies the
                                                         lover as he discovers the body of his beloved, step     Part comic book, part illustrated book, an amazing
fulminating anthology that brings together some                                                                  voyage into the world of the imagination
of the most famous fairytales. It revisits them,         after step. Only when fully opened does the book
                                                         reveal the image in its entirety, at almost three       and fantasy.
with sarcasm and irony, in the light of a collective
imagination that’s as fervid as it is savvy and          metres long: two young people lying down, hands
aware.                                                   interlaced, gazing into each other’s eyes.
                                                         An elegant, poetic book which tells youngsters
german and russian Rights Sold                           about love and eroticism, without censorship. A
                                                         hymn to the body as the location of love.

                                                         french and Spanish Rights Sold
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