Spring 2021 Catalog - Squarespace

Page created by Clara Bradley
Spring 2021 Catalog - Squarespace
Spring 2021 Catalog
M I N N E S O TA - B A S E D     |   BOUTIQUE PUBLISHER                     |    WOMEN-OWNED

                      F O X P O I N T E P U B L I S H I N G, L L P
   P.O. Box 623         |      Austin, Minnesota 55912               |   507.512.1373 (FAX)
                   All titles can be viewed on the Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP website:

Spring 2021 Catalog - Squarespace
                                   Chelsea Farr & Kiersten Hall

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Spring 2021 Catalog - Squarespace
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                                                                                                                                        Titles listed by publish date
Spring 2021 Catalog - Squarespace

“I DO”

By Kiersten Hall

Humor/True Stories/Bridal

Trade, 224 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, B/W

$21.95 ($29.80 CAN)

$14.95 ($20.34 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: June 2015

Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

                                      “I Do”
                                      Fifteen Years of Wedding
                                                                                               ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:

                                                                                               • Scout (Coming 2/21)
Kiersten Hall                         Misadventures                                            • JELLYBEANS
Between 1990 through 2006,                                                                     • JELLYBEANS – Coloring &
Kiersten Hall co-owned “I                                                                        Activity Book (Coming 3/21)
Do” Productions Wedding
                                      OVERVIEW                                                 • The Blue Frog
Videography. She worked with          15 years of memories from 1,400+ weddings as             • Ollie’s New Family
the couples both pre and post-        a professional videographer. There are plenty             (Coming 4/21)
nuptial, as well as videotaped        of entertaining stories to share with the readers!       • Corner Confessions - A
and edited the weddings. At the       Complete Bridal Planning Checklist Included.               Novel (BOOK 1 OF 3)
height of their success, “I Do”                                                                • The Lies We Live – A Corner
actually had three video crews        Chapter titles include:                                    Confessions Novel
going out on Saturdays. The                    • Where’s Grandma?                               (BOOK 2 OF 3)
stories within this book are of the            • Can I Get Your Autograph?                     • ...And The Burdens We Keep
weddings she personally worked                 • Who Brought the Gun?                            – A Corner Confessions
with, including videotaped and/                • Calisthenics in Formal Wear                     Novel (BOOK 3 OF 3)
                                                                                                (Coming 4/21)
or edited. This book is a work of
non-fiction. Full names have been                                                              • No Nonsense Sense: When
withheld for privacy purposes.        REVIEWS                                                    & How To Tell Someone To
                                                                                                 F*ck Off (Coming 3/21)
The experiences, impressions,
                                      “So happy I had a small wedding. Kiersten’s
and anecdote she relates remain
                                      writing is funny and I caught myself laughing out
substantially intact.
                                      loud more than a few times. A quick read but well written and kept my interest.” —
                                      Reader Review

                                      “I very seldom comment to authors about books. I feel my review does that, but this
                                      book is the exception to the rule. I laughed my socks off reading the book “I Do”! I
                                      have been married for almost 40 years and the book took me back to my wedding
                                      day. Thanks for making me laugh! (And cry?)” —Reader Review

          Return to INDEX
Spring 2021 Catalog - Squarespace


By Helen Holder


Trade, 62 pages, 7.5 x 9.25
44 Color Illustrations

$21.95 ($29.86 CAN)

$15.95 ($21.70 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: August 2020

Teacup Press
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

Helen Holder                           An Unusual                                               ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:

My childhood ambition was to be                                                                 • David’s Pretzels
a teacher, an author, and an artist.                                                            • Glorious Gertie’s Fabulous
I spent 34 years in the first grade                                                               Fireworks
(33 of them as the teacher). Since                                                              • Sleepover with Grandma
retiring from teaching, I write
children’s stories and serve as
                                       OVERVIEW                                                  (Coming 12/20)
                                                                                                • I Painted a Magenta
the secretary for both the Ladies      Don’t be afraid to try a new job if you don’t like         Flamingo
Floral Club and Friends of the         the one you have now. A knight and a dragon find
                                                                                                • Terrific Tongues
Creche.                                they can leave fairy tale stereotypes behind and          (Coming 12/20)
                                       be successful at other jobs that fit their talents.
My other hobbies include origami,
bookmaking, crocheting, traveling
to visit my 11 grandchildren, and      REVIEWS
collecting nativity scenes. During     “Helen’s books are creative, imaginative, colorful and inspire readers to think
the Christmas season, more than        outside the box. Highly recommend.” —Barb P., Minneapolis, MN
900 nativity scenes take over my
house and it becomes a tourist         “This is a wonderful take on the traditional prince/princess fairy tale. At each
destination.                           turn of the page, I wanted more. Would the prince succeed in his mission? What
                                       “unusual” twists and turns would he encounter along the way? The diversity of the
I live in Austin, MN, with my
                                       characters is wonderful and allows more children to see themselves in the story.”
husband, Bill, and a few very
                                       —Kristin B., Simi Valley, CA
hardy plants.
                                       “Everyone has heard fairy tales involving princesses, knights, and dragons before,
                                       but this story puts a new twist on it. I like that the text is conversational, like a
                                       grandma telling a story to her grandkids. The hesitant knight reminds me of my
                                       kids when they are reluctant to try something new out of their comfort zone.”
                                       — Kaye H., Austin, MN

          Return to INDEX
Spring 2021 Catalog - Squarespace


By A.J. Sullivan

(2nd in a 10-book series)

Trade, 64 pages, 7.5 x 9.25
52 Color Illustrations

$19.95 ($27.14 CAN)

$13.95 ($18.98 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: February 2021

Teacup Press
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

                                        Bob E. Bear                                               ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:
A. J. Sullivan                          Becomes a                                                 • Bob E. Bear Goes Fishing
                                                                                                   (BOOK 1 OF 10)

A.J. has a lot of stories to tell and
file cabinets of manuscripts to
prove it. She is finally starting
                                        Big Brother                                               • Finkle and Frannie

her career as an author with her
debut book scheduled for release        OVERVIEW
in July 2020. Many more books,          The big day is finally here and Bob E. Bear is about to become a big brother. He’s very
in a variety of genres for all age      excited, but he has a lot of questions: What is a new cub like? How can he be a good
ranges, are sure to follow quickly.     brother to this new cub? As he’s learning about these things, the whole family gets a
                                        big surprise... What could it be?
Her wide-range of stories comes
from her experiences to date.           Suitable for ages 4 to 8 years.
During A.J.’s childhood, her
father’s job moved the family
every two to four years, and            A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR:
A.J.’s adult-life began in the Navy     When my sons were still children, they would always want a story at bedtime. One
as a Russian Analyst. Later on,         day, I started telling tales of a little bear named Bob E. who learns important life
employment with an international        lessons on his many adventures. Those stories helped my boys learn life lessons,
corporation also moved her              too. Sometimes, children learn better from other children. It is my hope that these
frequently. So far, she’s lived in      stories about Bob E. and his family will help your little ones grow and learn like
12 U.S. States and Spain. Between       they did for mine. Thank you for reading!
work and leisure travel, she has
visited 47 of the 50 states and
has traveled all over Europe. A.J.
speaks Russian, German, Spanish,
and, of course, English.

          Return to INDEX
Spring 2021 Catalog - Squarespace


By A.J. Sullivan

(1st in a 10-book series)

Trade, 50 pages, 7.5 x 9.25
45 Color Illustrations

$19.95 ($27.14 CAN)

$13.95 ($18.98 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: July 2020

Teacup Press
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

A. J. Sullivan
A.J. has a lot of stories to tell and   Bob E. Bear                                                 ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:

                                        Goes Fishing
file cabinets of manuscripts to                                                                     • Bob E. Bear Becomes a Big
prove it. She is finally starting                                                                     Brother (BOOK 2 OF 10)
her career as an author with her
                                                                                                    • Finkle and Frannie
debut book scheduled for release
in July 2020. Many more books,
in a variety of genres for all age      OVERVIEW
ranges, are sure to follow quickly.     Bob E. Bear can’t wait to go fishing. His parents told him he can’t go until he’s old
                                        enough, but he’s five now and Gram P. says that’s when Daddy first went fishing. Daddy
Her wide-range of stories comes         has now agreed to take him on his first fishing trip and Bob E. is so excited! Let’s see if
from her experiences to date.           he catches anything!
During A.J.’s childhood, her
father’s job moved the family
every two to four years, and            A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR:
A.J.’s adult-life began in the Navy
as a Russian Analyst. Later on,         When my sons were still children, they would always want a story at bedtime. One
employment with an international        day, I started telling tales of a little bear named Bob E. who learns important life
corporation also moved her              lessons on his many adventures. Those stories helped my boys learn life lessons,
frequently. So far, she’s lived in      too. Sometimes, children learn better from other children. It is my hope that these
12 U.S. States and Spain. Between       stories about Bob E. and his family will help your little ones grow and learn like
work and leisure travel, she has        they did for mine. Thank you for reading!
visited 47 of the 50 states and
has traveled all over Europe. A.J.
speaks Russian, German, Spanish,
and, of course, English.                “I read the story and the kids really enjoyed it. It was very easy to follow, and having
                                        it identify with interactions they have with their parents also piqued their interest.
                                        Wonderful story, very relatable!” —Sue D., Austin MN

                                        “I have been fishing with my father since I was 7 years old. I was very excited to
                                        receive an advanced sample of this book. This book has strong family themes such
                                        as continuing the family’s fishing tradition of starting fishing at 5 years old (father
                                        and now son), reliving and creating childhood memories, and pregnant mother
                                        bear. Children who are about to be introduced to fishing or have started fishing
          Return to INDEX
                                        would enjoy this book. The writing is good and well-edited.” —Jan H., Medford, MA
Spring 2021 Catalog - Squarespace


By Kiersten Hall

(1st book of 3-book series)

Trade, 256 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, B/W
                                                                                                 THE CORNER
$21.95 ($29.80 CAN)                                                                              CONFESSIONS 3-BOOK
978-1-952567-31-5                                                                                SERIES
Hardcover                                                                                        Corner Confessions - A
                                                                                                 Novel (2016)
$14.95 ($20.30 CAN)                                                                              The Lies We Live (2018)
978-1-734588-51-4                                                                                ...And The Burdens We
Softcover                                                                                        Keep (2021)

Also available in e-book formats
                                                                                                    ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:
Pub Date: September 2016
                                                                                                    • Scout (Coming 2/21)
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP                                                                          • JELLYBEANS
                                                                                                    • JELLYBEANS – Coloring &

                                                                                                      Activity Book (Coming 3/21)
                                                                                                    • The Blue Frog

                                                                                                    • Ollie’s New Family
                                                                                                      (Coming 4/21)
                                                                                                    • “I Do” Fifteen Years of
                                                                                                      Wedding Misadventures
                                        A Novel                                                     • The Lies We Live – A Corner
                                                                                                      Confessions Novel
                                        OVERVIEW                                                      (BOOK 2 OF 3)
                                                                                                    • ...And The Burdens We Keep
                                        Everyone has that one secret… that one skeleton in          – A Corner Confessions
                                        their closet… which will never see the light of day.        Novel (BOOK 3 OF 3)
                                        No psychiatrist, priest, spouse, or best friend will        (Coming 4/21)
                                        ever hear this secret, yet the urge to share this         • No Nonsense Sense: When
                                        information can be found in most people’s natural           & How To Tell Someone To
                                        psyche… People want to share their experience               F*ck Off (Coming 3/21)
                                        with others… They want to tell someone their
                                        deep, dark secret. Although this secret rides
                                        on the subconscious - scratching at the surface to be revealed, it’s most often too
ABOUT THE AUTHOR                        embarrassing, or horrifying, or scandalous...
Kiersten Hall                           What better way to get that secret off the mind, and out of the closet than to tell someone
I drink coffee, I drive fast, I         who is a complete stranger? Someone who will not judge what has been said, and what
procrastinate, I think outside of the   has been done? This method is safe, anonymous, and there is no accountability or
box with my ‘vivid imagination’,        judgment - and if there is, the keeper of the secret can simply walk away.
I lose track of time, I have an
insatiable appetite for black           Meet fourteen individuals who have decided to clean at least one skeleton out of
jellybeans, I’m an expert nap-taker,    their closet by confiding in a complete stranger whom they meet at a local coffee
I am that one person in the tour        shop. Unassuming and safe with no judgments passed, learn about these secrets
group who gets lost, I have a knack     first hand, as if you were a fly on the wall listening in during their confession.
for run-on sentences, and I like to
think I’m funny. I also write books.    Everyone has a secret. What’s yours?

                                        “Kept me reading! Definitely worth picking up this book. Great writing combined
                                        with a good story.” —Reader Review

                                        “Juicy Confessions Indeed! This was a fun page turner. I enjoyed the author’s smooth
                                        style of writing and found myself laughing a lot. The secrets people keep are
          Return to INDEX               outrageous and the book is certainly one I will read again. Recommend reading for
                                        any season.” —Reader Review
Spring 2021 Catalog - Squarespace


By Helen Holder


Trade, 26 pages, 7.5 x 9.25
41 Color Illustrations

$18.95 ($25.78 CAN)

$12.95 ($17.62 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: June 2020

Teacup Press
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

Helen Holder
My childhood ambition was to be       David’s                                                     ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:

a teacher, an author and an artist.                                                               • An Unusual Tale
I spent 34 years in the first grade                                                               • Glorious Gertie’s Fabulous
(33 of them as a teacher.) Since                                                                    Fireworks
retiring from teaching, I write                                                                   • Sleepover with Grandma
children’s stories and record the
doings of the Ladies Floral Club
                                      OVERVIEW                                                     (Coming 12/20)
                                                                                                  • I Painted a Magenta
and Friends of the Creche as the      David’s Pretzels is an alphabet book that is not              Flamingo
secretary for each group. I also do   only fun to read aloud and great for 4 to 6-year-
                                                                                               • Terrific Tongues
a little illustrating.                olds to learn letter names and sounds but also             (Coming 12/20)
                                      helps with pre-reading skills such as the structure
Other activities include origami,     and pattern of books (left to right reading, left
book making, crocheting, traveling    page first), the feature analysis of letterforms and
to visit 11 grandchildren and         letter orientation, and how we talk about letters and words. It features some unusual
collecting nativity scenes. During    words and encourages expanding your vocabulary.
the Christmas season, more than
900 nativity scenes take over the
house and we become a tourist         REVIEWS
destination.                          “Really cute book, nice clean layout. Lots of new vocabulary words! I like that the
                                      author gives definitions because some of the words were new to me as an adult.”
I live in Austin, MN with my
                                      —MaryEllen W., St. Paul, MN
husband Bill and a few very hardy
plants.                               “Cute book! As a mom of a 4-year-old boy, there isn’t always a lot of patience to sit
                                      and listen to a story. But this book is so inviting, funny, and entertaining, all while
                                      being educational, too! And the illustrations are simple, yet cute and fitting for the
                                      book.” —Lucinda C., Austin, MN

         Return to INDEX
Spring 2021 Catalog - Squarespace


By Paula Baysinger Morhardt

POETRY (16+)
Emotions/Memoir/Life Changes/
Everyday Poetry

Trade, 50 pages, 5.5 x 7.5, B/W

$19.95 ($27.14 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: May 2020

Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

                                      Days of Daze                                              ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:

                                                                                                • Night Maze

ABOUT THE AUTHOR                      OVERVIEW                                                  • Through The Garden
                                                                                                  Window (Coming 12/20)
                                      This 23-poem, hardcover-chapbook, is filled with          • Sweet Sour Cherries
Paula Baysinger                       cats, bugs, heart wrenches, soul searching, and            (Coming 12/20)

Morhardt                              backed up sinks. It contains comments about
                                      things everyone knows - or thought they did.
                                                                                                • The Best Magic of All
                                                                                                 (Coming 3/21)
Paula Baysinger was born (as was      Waking in a daze, walking around in a daze,
her favorite author), on April 1st.   entire days of daze, all in poetic form.
Writing from the time she could
hold a pencil, Paula was never
brave enough to submit a book for     REVIEWS
publication until the unexpected
                                      “Makes you stop and think about your life and ‘what to do with it?’ You realize that we
death of her husband, LaVerne
                                      do indeed have a lot of time but you should spend it wisely.” —Carly B., Austin MN
Morhardt, in 2017. The loss of
her mother the next day was the       “The author gives you snippets of her life that could very well be your own.”
impetus to start writing every day,   —Lisa N., Paducah, KY
blogging about her journey as a
new widow.

Member of the Rockford
Writer’s Guild

         Return to INDEX


By A.J. Sullivan

[1. Insects – Fiction. 2. Travel
– Fiction. 3. Humorous Stories –

Trade, 84 pages, 6 x 9
72 BW Illustrations

$16.95 ($21.91 CAN)

$9.95 ($12.86 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: October 2020

Teacup Press                                                                                       ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

                                        Finkle and
                                                                                                   • Bob E. Bear Goes Fishing
                                                                                                    (BOOK 1 OF 10)
                                                                                                   • Bob E. Bear Becomes a Big
                                                                                                     Brother (BOOK 2 OF 10)
                                                                                                    (Coming 2/21)

A. J. Sullivan
A.J. has a lot of stories to tell and
file cabinets of manuscripts to         OVERVIEW
prove it. She is finally starting       When a family moving cross-country stops in Wyoming for the night, they leave the
her career as an author with her        next morning with two extra passengers. Finkle and Frannie join the human family in
debut book scheduled for release        search of a new home of their own. Ride along with these two small flies in a big car
in July 2020. Many more books,          for an even bigger adventure.
in a variety of genres for all age
ranges, are sure to follow quickly.     Suitable for ages 6 to 10 years.

Her wide-range of stories comes
from her experiences to date.           A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR:
During A.J.’s childhood, her            When my sons were still children, they would always want a story at bedtime. One
father’s job moved the family           day, I started telling tales of a little bear named Bob E. who learns important life
every two to four years, and            lessons on his many adventures. Those stories helped my boys learn life lessons,
A.J.’s adult-life began in the Navy     too. Sometimes, children learn better from other children. It is my hope that these
as a Russian Analyst. Later on,         stories about Bob E. and his family will help your little ones grow and learn like
employment with an international        they did for mine. Thank you for reading!
corporation also moved her
frequently. So far, she’s lived in
12 U.S. States and Spain. Between       REVIEWS
work and leisure travel, she has
visited 47 of the 50 states and         “”I love it!” said my 6-year-old. ‘Finkle and Frannie’ is a fun, exciting, and relatable
has traveled all over Europe. A.J.      story. This story teaches about friendships, emotions, and problem-solving in a fun
speaks Russian, German, Spanish,        and realistic way. As a parent and educator, I will definitely recommend this book.
and, of course, English.                We loved the story and couldn’t wait to find out what happened next. It was easy to
                                        follow and a real page-turner.” —MaryEllen and Ellie (the 6-year-old)

          Return to INDEX


By Liam Ulland-Joy

Genre: Fantasy, Sci-Fi
[War & Military – Fiction. 2.
Science Fiction – Fiction. 3.
Action & Adventure – Fiction.]

Trade, TBD pgs, 5.5” x 8.25”, B/W



Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: February 2021

Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

                                     Forsaken City: Book
                                     I of the Iron Spires
                                     Atoll, a young soldier in the near future, finds the course of his life changed after an
                                     assignment to the notorious, violence-wracked metropolis of Iron Spires. Along the
                                     way, the terrible conditions of the war will take their toll not only on Atoll, but on the
                                     comrades he relies on, causing tensions to boil over and eventually ignite. Will he and
                                     his squad survive? Will he come out of Iron Spires the same person?

Liam Ulland-Joy
Liam Ulland-Joy began writing
novels in elementary school
and entered his first writing
competition at age 13. He won a
national silver medal and Best-In-
Grade Award for the 8th grade
in the Midwest region in the
2019 Scholastic Art & Writing
Awards. He attends high school in
Marquette, Michigan, on the edge
of Lake Superior.

         Return to INDEX


By Helen Holder


Trade, 38 pages, 7.5 x 9.25
33 Color Illustrations

$19.95 ($27.14 CAN)

$13.95 ($18.98 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: September 2020

Teacup Press
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

Helen Holder                           Glorious                                                   ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:

My childhood ambition was to be                                                                   • David’s Pretzels
a teacher, an author, and an artist.                                                              • An Unusual Tale
I spent 34 years in the first grade

                                                                                                  • Sleepover with Grandma
(33 of them as the teacher). Since                                                                  (Coming 12/20)
retiring from teaching, I write                                                                   • I Painted a Magenta
children’s stories and serve as

the secretary for both the Ladies
                                                                                                  • Terrific Tongues
Floral Club and Friends of the                                                                      (Coming 12/20)

My other hobbies include origami,      OVERVIEW
bookmaking, crocheting, traveling
to visit my 11 grandchildren, and      The location of Gertie’s fireworks store means no sales, but that makes it possible
collecting nativity scenes. During     to rescue a town’s fireworks display. The rescue, in turn, helps her get the funds for
the Christmas season, more than        better advertising for her store. Her patriotic cat Uncle Sam is pleased by it all.
900 nativity scenes take over my
house and it becomes a tourist
destination.                           REVIEWS
                                       “I really love the small-town feel of this book, the old cash register with the moths, and
I live in Austin, MN, with my          the cat. The descriptive words/phrases and colorful illustrations work great in this
husband, Bill, and a few very          book. As a parent, I see these items as conversation starters - for example, “Whoa, hold
hardy plants.                          your horses.” I don’t know if children these days hear a lot of those nostalgic quotes.
                                       I’m looking forward to Glorious Gertie’s Fabulous Fireworks release at the end of
                                       September.” —Lori N. - Austin, MN

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By Ashley LaRue

Genre: Children’s
[1. Marriage & Divorce – Fiction. 2.
Parents – Fiction. 3. Emotions &
Feelings – Fiction.]

Trade, 24 pages, 7.5 x 9.25
20 Color Illustrations

$18.95 ($25.78 CAN)

$12.95 ($17.62 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: January 2021

Teacup Press
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

Ashley LaRue
I’ve always loved being creative

                                       Home Is Love
and helping people, and I thought
if I could combine the two, that
would be the most magnificent
thing to be able to do! Hopefully,
the books that I write will connect
with families everywhere, so           OVERVIEW
that if there is a topic that is not   When a young child whose parents are no longer together asks her mama where
easily discussed, my books can         her home is, her mama helps her understand that home is wherever she feels loved
help explore different avenues         and it’s wherever her heart is. Even if that means the child’s home is in more than
in talking about it with open          one place, home is always love.
communication and love. This has
been a dream of mine since I’ve        Suitable for ages 4 to 8 years.
been a child to write books, and
I’m so thrilled to finally be living
my dream, and showing others,
especially my little loves that
anything is possible if you believe
in yourself.

Ashley has three children,
Charlotte, Louis, and Emily. Now
expecting a baby with and her
husband, Baylen, the growing
family is looking forward to
another exciting adventure!

          Return to INDEX


by Helen Holder

Education/Artistic Expression/

Trade, 28 pages, 8.0 x 8.0
26 Color Illustrations

$18.95 ($25.78 CAN)

$12.95 ($17.62 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: September 2020

Teacup Press
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

Helen Holder                           I Painted                                                  ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:

                                       A Magenta
My childhood ambition was to be                                                                   • David’s Pretzels
a teacher, an author, and an artist.                                                              • An Unusual Tale
I spent 34 years in the first grade

                                                                                                  • Sleepover with Grandma
(33 of them as the teacher). Since                                                                 (Coming 12/20)
retiring from teaching, I write                                                                   • Glorious Gertie’s Fabulous
children’s stories and serve as                                                                     Fireworks
the secretary for both the Ladies                                                                 • Terrific Tongues
Floral Club and Friends of the         OVERVIEW                                                    (Coming 12/20)
                                       I Painted a Magenta Flamingo pits the
My other hobbies include origami,      imagination of a brother against the facts his sister
bookmaking, crocheting, traveling      knows about flamingos. The brother creates his fantasy world undeterred by his
to visit my 11 grandchildren, and      sister’s efforts to make him stick to reality. The sister does know her facts, so the
collecting nativity scenes. During     reader will become quite knowledgeable about flamingos, too.
the Christmas season, more than
900 nativity scenes take over my
house and it becomes a tourist         REVIEWS
destination.                           “Love the use of color and new vocabulary words! My 5 and 7 years-olds both enjoyed
                                       the magenta flamingo more than the pale pink.” —Rachel M. - Austin, MN
I live in Austin, MN, with my
husband, Bill, and a few very          “I like the gems and the other gems. This is my favorite part: All of it.” —From Kinsley
hardy plants.                          (age 4)

                                       “This book is full of imagination, facts, and rich vocabulary sure to capture the
                                       reader’s attention.” —Angela K. (Kinsley’s mom) - Austin, MN

                                       “My granddaughter, who is 6 years old, and I enjoyed reading this book together. The
                                       story and illustrations have a colorful, whimsical side that my granddaughter loved,
                                       and an education side that I loved. While you can imagine a world full of new colors,
                                       you can also learn about the flamingo! I hope there will be a series on this with more
          Return to INDEX              animals in the future!” —Brandi D. - Hollandale, MN


By Kiersten Hall


Trade, 50 pages, 11 x 8.5
45 Color Illustrations

$26.95 ($36.87 CAN)

$16.95 ($23.19 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: June 2019

Teacup Press
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

                                        JELLYBEANS                                              ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:

                                                                                                • Scout (Coming 2/21)
                                        OVERVIEW                                                • JELLYBEANS – Coloring &
                                                                                                  Activity Book (Coming 3/21)
                                        Thirty-five JELLYBEANS have come together to
                                        share a sweet and thoughtful poem promoting             • The Blue Frog
                                        kindness and inclusivity with children, 0 to            • Ollie’s New Family
                                        6-years-old. Join in their adventure as they             (Coming 4/21)
                                        discover their unique qualities while realizing         • “I Do” Fifteen Years of
                                                                                                  Wedding Misadventures
ABOUT THE AUTHOR                        they are all, ultimately the same.
                                                                                                • Corner Confessions - A
Kiersten Hall                           The JELLYBEANS book is sure to be a favorite
                                        among children and their family members.
                                                                                                  Novel (BOOK 1 OF 3)
                                                                                                • The Lies We Live – A Corner
I drink coffee, I drive fast, I                                                                   Confessions Novel
procrastinate, I think outside of the   JELLYBEANS: Reminding us we are all the same             (BOOK 2 OF 3)
box with my ‘vivid imagination’,        in the ‘candy dish’ of life.                            • ...And The Burdens We Keep
I lose track of time, I have an                                                                   – A Corner Confessions
insatiable appetite for black                                                                     Novel (BOOK 3 OF 3)
jellybeans, I’m an expert nap-taker,    REVIEWS                                                  (Coming 4/21)
I am that one person in the tour        “As a dad to a 2-year-old girl, I’m always looking      • No Nonsense Sense: When
group who gets lost, I have a knack                                                               & How To Tell Someone To
                                        for books I can read to her that will not only be         F*ck Off (Coming 3/21)
for run-on sentences, and I like to     entertaining but also educational. Something that
think I’m funny. I also write books.    will teach valuable life lessons such as empathy
                                        and inclusiveness. JELLYBEANS nailed it! I look
                                        forward to sharing this with her for years to come!” —Brian T., Osage, IA

                                        “Encouraging children to be accepting and unique in a fun and cool way,
                                        JELLYBEANS is a must-have for my children’s bookshelf!” —Dani S., Wadena, MN

          Return to INDEX


by JoAn Stevenson

Genre: Children’s
[1. Poetry – Fiction. 2. Bedtime
& Dreams – Fiction. 3. Nocturnal
Animals – Fiction. 4. Fairy tales –

Trade, 28 pgs, 7.5” x 9.25”
24 Color Illustrations

$18.95 ($24.89 CAN)

$12.95 ($17.01 CAN)

Pub Date: December 2020

Teacup Press
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

ABOUT THE AUTHOR                      Late Side of Midnight
JoAn Stevenson
JoAn Stevenson is a fifth-            OVERVIEW
generation Iowan and is now           A little boy is having trouble falling asleep when he suddenly has some surprise
beginning a retirement career         visitors. Who are these nocturnal critters and why are they in his bedroom?
of writing books, mainly in the
genres of children’s and poetry.      Suitable for ages 3 to 7 years.
She has always been an avid
reader and believes this is why
she took up writing decades ago.      REVIEWS
Every year, she and her family        “Late Side of Midnight is a cute story that I think children will enjoy. I can’t wait to
members submit poems to the           share it with my grandkids.” —Sherri S. - Salem, IL
annual publication, “Lyrical Iowa.”
                                      “This book was amazingly illustrated and the storyline is not only captivating for
JoAn has five children and            kids but for the adults, too; kept even the busiest of my kids entertained.”
several grandchildren. She            —Tori S. - Austin, MN
lives with three cats and enjoys
reading, knitting, traveling,         “The illustrations are beautiful and engaging. The artistry is realistic and has a
cooking, gardening, biking, and       feeling of movement. The pattern of the writing has a rhythm to it that moves the
volunteering. Her favorite color      story along.” —Sherry H. - Menomonie, WI
is blue and she adores apple pie,
Italian food, and potatoes in any

          Return to INDEX


by Thea Kvamme

Alzheimer’s Disease/Illness/

Trade, 52 pages, 7.5 x 9.25
29 Color Illustrations

$22.95 ($29.66 CAN)

$14.95 ($20.02 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: August 2020

Teacup Press
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

                                       Mausdrachen                                                ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:
                                       Curse Of The Laxness                                       • Mausdrachen: Vapors of
                                                                                                    Sadness (Coming Spring 2021)

                                       Mausdrachen is part mouse and part dragon - he has beautiful pink sparkly wings,
ABOUT THE AUTHOR                       whiskers, soft gray fur, a long tail, and the biggest heart of anyone. He loves his best
Thea Kvamme                            friend, Hannah, who he has been with since he was very young. He keeps Hannah
                                       and her friends safe and helps them through any danger that comes their way.
Thea Kvamme was born in a small        Many find themselves in some dangerous situations while trying to help loved ones.
town in northern Minnesota but         When fear sets in, Mausdrachen is there to help any way he can! Mausdrachen is
grew up in Decorah, IA. She is         the kindest, most gentle animal in the world.
currently living in Minnesota again
with her family and is a mom to        Mausdrachen - Curse of The Laxness is a fairytale about a grandma with a
four great kids. She has always        memory curse whose granddaughter goes on a quest to find her. The story is an
dreamed of being a writer and took     allegory for a family coping with Alzheimer’s Disease and how to explain it to
creative writing classes in both       young children.
high school and college.

Thea’s family has always meant         REVIEWS
the world to her, and she cherishes    “As an adult, I fully empathized with the author and characters in all they
every moment she has with her          encountered. My 10-year old son could easily understand what Queen Dorothy was
children and siblings, as she did      experiencing, as well as her loved ones, with the descriptive words and beautiful
with her parents. She hopes to         pictures. We enjoyed reading this together and would encourage anyone with
pursue a career in writing, to help    children, who may have a loved one facing Alzheimer’s, to do the same.”
anyone escape from reality - even      —Amanda H. - Harmony, MN
just for a short while - and enter a
fantasy world!                         “Beautiful and relatable story, of friendship, family, and working together.”
                                       —MaryEllen W., St. Paul, MN

                                       “My young students were engaged throughout my reading of ‘Mausdrachen -
                                       Curse of the Laxness’ and were enthralled by the pictures, especially those of
                                       Mausdrachen. The softness of the pastel pictures is pleasing and adds to the
                                       tenderness of the story. The content of the story easily led to the conversation
                                       concerning people who seem to be lost in a fog, especially older people who
          Return to INDEX
                                       struggle to remember common things they once knew. My students are hoping for
                                       more stories about Mausdrachen’s adventures.” —Debbie D., Climax, MN


by Paula Baysinger Morhardt

POETRY (16+)
Emotions/Memoir/Life Changes/
Everyday Poetry

Trade, 50 pages, 5.5 x 7.5, B/W

$19.95 ($27.14 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: May 2020

Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

                                      Night Maze                                             ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:

                                                                                             • Days of Days

ABOUT THE AUTHOR                      OVERVIEW                                               • Through The Garden
                                                                                               Window (Coming 12/20)
                                      This 23-poem, hardcover-chapbook, is filled with       • Sweet Sour Cherries
Paula Baysinger                       strange and unanswerable questions - or are they?       (Coming 12/20)

Morhardt                              Monsters under the bed, children questioning,
                                      women living with wolves, snowfalls, gateways to
                                                                                             • The Best Magic of All
                                                                                              (Coming 3/21)
Paula Baysinger was born (as was      other worlds, all asked in poetic form.
her favorite author), on April 1st.
Writing from the time she could
hold a pencil, Paula was never        REVIEWS
brave enough to submit a book for
                                      “A fresh young voice from the heart of an old soul whose poetry might tug at your
publication until the unexpected
                                      heart strings and your tears.” —Lisa N., Paducah, KY
death of her husband, LaVerne
Morhardt, in 2017. The loss of        “I thoroughly enjoyed reading these soulful poems; ‘The Marines Have Taken My
her mother the next day was the       Baby’ is so heartfelt.” —Thea G., Mabel, MN
impetus to start writing every day,
blogging about her journey as a
new widow.

Member of the Rockford
Writer’s Guild

         Return to INDEX


by Carmen Tribbett

Genre: Memoir
[1. Alzheimer’s & Dementia –
Health & Fitness. 2. Eldercare
– Family & Relationships. 3.
Personal Memoirs – Biography
& Autobiography. 4. Caregiving –

Trade, 50 pgs, 5.5” x 8.5”, B/W

$16.95 ($22.27 CAN)

$10.95 ($14.38 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: February 2021

Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

                                     Our Life                                              ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:

                                                                                           • The Monster Dog – A Small
                                                                                             Dog with a Big Attitude
                                                                                           • The Monster Dog – A Small

                                                                                             Dog with a Big Heart Learns
                                                                                             About Alzheimer’s Disease
                                                                                           • The Monster Dog – Tasse’s

                                                                                             Diary of Secrets
                                                                                           • The Monster Dog - Life’s
                                                                                             Lessons Learned

                                     My husband and I sat in stunned silence when we heard his doctor’s diagnosis of
                                     dementia. We had no idea what the future held, but we were determined to live
                                     day to day as we faced the unknown together.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR                     This is an account of those many years of care given while the person we knew
                                     and loved drifted away from friends and family into his own world and eventual
Carmen Tribbett                      death.
Carmen Tribbett taught sixth
                                     Our Life with Alzheimer’s Disease also describes what it’s like to be an advocate
grade, was a registered nurse, and
                                     for an Alzheimer’s patient and make the hard decisions for them regarding their
taught nursing skills at Riverland
                                     legal issues, physical health, hospice, and death.
Community College. She lives in
Austin, Minnesota, with the real     This journey was not without great sadness, but as Helen Keller stated, “We could
“Monster Dog,” who continues to      never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.”
be an inspiration for her writing.

         Return to INDEX


by Lydia Emma Niebuhr

Genre: YA
[1. Epistolary (Letters & Diaries)
– Fiction. 2. 19th Century United
States – Fiction. 3. Friendship
– Fiction. 4. Coming of Age
– Fiction. 5. Girls & Women –

Trade, 315 pgs, 5.5” x 8.25”, B/W

$21.95 ($28.83 CAN)

$14.95 ($19.64 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: February 2021

Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

                                     Sarah’s New Moon
Lydia Emma
Lydia Emma Niebuhr has               OVERVIEW                                                   ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:
undergraduate degrees in both        Sarah Hermann arrived at her new home in the
                                                                                                • The Hitchhiker (Coming 1/21)
Chemistry and Biology and a          Minnesota Territory in the spring of 1856. Her
graduate degree in Chemistry.        first friend there was New Moon, a Dakota girl             • The Badge (Coming 3/21)
She began her career in medical      who lived close by. Sarah shared her passion for           • The Sand Dancer
research at the University of        writing with New Moon and gifted her a notebook
Minnesota, later transferring to     to start her own journal. Through Sarah’s and New
the Hormel Institute, and then       Moon’s journal entries, the story of their friendship unfolds against the backdrop
onto Hormel Foods Corporation in     of the Dakota Conflict of 1862. How will the conflict affect the two girls? Will their
their Research and Development       friendship stand the tests of time and war?
Department. Although Lydia
Emma wrote during those years,       Suitable for middle-grade readers. The book explores some controversial topics
she didn’t become a full-time        from a child’s point of view, such as war, violence, and sexual assault. Some readers
writer until 2010.                   may need parental guidance.

Lydia Emma lives on a farm near
Corning, MN. In addition to her
husband Dean, her family includes
three children, their spouses, and
eight grandchildren.

          Return to INDEX


By Kiersten Hall

Genre: Children’s
[1. Dogs – Fiction. 2. Pets –
Fiction. 3. Humorous Stories –

Trade, 40 pgs, 7.5” x 9.25”
39 color illustrations

$19.95 ($26.21 CAN)

$13.95 ($18.33 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: February 2021

Teacup Press
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

                                        SCOUT                                                 ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:

                                                                                              • JELLYBEANS
                                        OVERVIEW                                              • JELLYBEANS – Coloring &
                                                                                                Activity Book (Coming 3/21)
                                        A spunky little dog named Scout gets adopted into
                                                                                              • The Blue Frog
                                        a wonderful family who loves him and gives him a
                                        bunch of attention. Unfortunately, Scout soon finds   • Ollie’s New Family
                                                                                               (Coming 4/21)
                                        out that his new family has to leave him at home
                                        alone sometimes while they go off to work and         • “I Do” Fifteen Years of
                                                                                                Wedding Misadventures
ABOUT THE AUTHOR                        school. They task him with protecting the house
                                                                                              • Corner Confessions - A
                                        while they’re away. Is he up to the challenge?
Kiersten Hall                           What’s the worst that could happen?
                                                                                                Novel (BOOK 1 OF 3)
                                                                                              • The Lies We Live – A Corner
I drink coffee, I drive fast, I         Suitable for ages 3 to 7 years.                         Confessions Novel
procrastinate, I think outside of the                                                          (BOOK 2 OF 3)
box with my ‘vivid imagination’,                                                              • ...And The Burdens We Keep
I lose track of time, I have an                                                                 – A Corner Confessions
                                                                                                Novel (BOOK 3 OF 3)
insatiable appetite for black
                                                                                               (Coming 4/21)
jellybeans, I’m an expert nap-taker,
I am that one person in the tour                                                              • No Nonsense Sense: When
                                                                                                & How To Tell Someone To
group who gets lost, I have a knack                                                             F*ck Off (Coming 3/21)
for run-on sentences, and I like to
think I’m funny. I also write books.

          Return to INDEX


by Raven Eckman

Genre: NA Dark Fantasy
[1. Dark Fantasy – Fiction. 2.
Occult – Fiction. 3. Mythology –

Trade, 420 pgs, 6” x 9”, B/W

$25.95 ($34.23 CAN)
978-1-952567-22-3 Hardcover

$16.95 ($22.27 CAN)
978-1-952567-23-0 Softcover

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: February 2021

Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

Raven Eckman                            OVERVIEW
Books have always been                  Once there was a girl who spoke to shadows...
Raven’s passion… Well, after her
grandmother’s challenge to read a       Rune’s mother is uncaring and her brother is too young to protect her, so when
book a day, and obtaining her B.A.      Rune’s father sells her to the depraved city of Wraith at the young age of ten, no one
in English with a concentration         stops him. His last words to her are of a debt he cannot pay. The shadows who’ve
in creative writing from Arcadia        kept Rune company as long as she can remember seem to know what he speaks of
University.                             and yet they keep their silence.

Currently, she’s drowning in her        And so Rune grows up living in servitude to Wraith’s brothel and its manipulative
‘TBR’ (to be read) list, revising her   mistress, Agata, all while having only the faintest recollections of her forgotten
‘WIP’ (work in progress) while          childhood. Years later when she finally escapes Wraith, a wild place wrapped up in
brainstorming a new project, and        hedonism and old world ritual, she vows to never return...
expanding her freelance business
- all while looking for more bookish    When a child prince is kidnapped by a masked killer in a neighboring kingdom,
things to get involved with.            however, Rune no longer has a choice. Joined by Weylin, her old love and a fellow
                                        Wraith runaway, she returns to the accursed city and the shadows of her past.
Raven is active on Twitter,
Instagram, and sometimes                Not all is as it seems as threads of memory begin to unravel, revealing old lies and
Facebook, when she remembers.           dark secrets.

                                        The debt of her past may be too high to pay.

                                        The shadows are speaking.

                                        Death is waiting.

          Return to INDEX


By Helen Holder

Genre: Children’s
[1. Grandmothers – Fiction. 2.
Humorous Stories – Fiction. 3.
Imagination & Play – Fiction.]

Trade, 28 pgs, 7.5” x 9.25”
24 color illustrations

$18.95 ($24.89 CAN)

$12.95 ($17.01 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: December 2020

Teacup Press
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

Helen Holder                           Sleepover                                                  ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:

                                                                                                  • David’s Pretzels

My childhood ambition was to be
a teacher, an author, and an artist.   with                                                       • An Unusual Tale
                                                                                                  • Glorious Gertie’s Fabulous

I spent 34 years in the first grade
                                                                                                  • Terrific Tongues
(33 of them as the teacher). Since                                                                 (Coming 12/20)
retiring from teaching, I write
                                                                                                  • I Painted a Magenta
children’s stories and serve as                                                                     Flamingo
the secretary for both the Ladies      OVERVIEW
Floral Club and Friends of the
Creche.                                What happens when you bring your grandma to a
                                       sleepover? A little bit of chaos and a whole lot of fun.
My other hobbies include origami,
bookmaking, crocheting, traveling      Suitable for ages 4 to 8 years.
to visit my 11 grandchildren, and
collecting nativity scenes. During
the Christmas season, more than        REVIEWS
900 nativity scenes take over my       “Cute story of how a grandmother, granddaughter, and friend get into trouble during
house and it becomes a tourist         a sleepover. I love the repetitive nature of stuff being everywhere! This is a fun
destination.                           relatable story because who doesn’t love getting in mischief with grandma!

I live in Austin, MN, with my          The pictures are fun and enhance the story with welcoming tones and colors.
husband, Bill, and a few very          Overall a cute book sharing the special relationship between a grandmother
hardy plants.                          and her granddaughter. Would be a cute book for grandma’s to share with her
                                       granddaughter(s).” —Mary Ellen W. - St. Paul, MN

                                       ““Sleepover with Grandma is a fun book with cute illustrations. My grandkids will
                                       say I’m a boring Grandma after they read this book and see all the fun ideas, or
                                       they’ll want a sleepover just like it!” —Mary W. - Gainesville, GA

                                       “I want to take Grandma on a sleepover just like this book. I have so many ideas now
                                       of what we can do together.” —Nora M. (6-years-old)
          Return to INDEX              “If you’ve got a special, fun-loving Grandma, you need this book.” —Emily M.
                                       (Nora’s mom) - Oakdale, MN


By Amanda Skou

Genre: Children’s
[1. Disabilities – Fiction. 2.
Superheroes – Fiction.]

Trade, 36 pgs, 7.5” x 9.25”
36 color illustrations

$19.95 ($26.21 CAN)

$13.95 ($18.33 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: December 2020

Teacup Press
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

                                      Superhero Joey
ABOUT THE AUTHOR                      Joey just discovered he has superpowers. He still needs a lot of practice, but he
                                      wants to start helping people now. The only problem is he doesn’t know how.
Amanda Skou                            One day, Joey and his mother are walking through town and Joey sees a sign
Amanda Skou is beginning a new        for a class on spotting seizures and giving first aid. Being epileptic himself, Joey
chapter in life with help from a      understands how scary having a seizure can be. He sets out to learn more, but
superhero. Yes, you read that last    what will happen when his new first aid skills and his new superpowers are both
line correctly. A superhero.          suddenly put to the test?

Her interest in writing, primarily    Suitable for ages 4 to 8 years.
stories for children, began when
attending Augsburg University in
Minneapolis, MN between 2000 &
2005. Since then she’s settled into
married life, has three wonderful
kids, and works in the field of
insurance. However, this entire
time, she’s been considering the
idea of writing.

           Return to INDEX


By Paula Baysinger Morhardt

Genre: Children’s
[1. Rabbits – Fiction. 2. Values &
Virtues – Fiction. 3. Emotions &
Feelings – Fiction.]

Trade, 36 pgs, 7.5” x 9.25”
33 color illustrations

$19.95 ($26.21 CAN)

$13.95 ($18.33 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: December 2020

Teacup Press
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

                                      Sweet Sour                                                   ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:

                                                                                                   • Night Maze
                                                                                                   • Days of Days
ABOUT THE AUTHOR                                                                                   • Through The Garden
                                                                                                     Window (Coming 12/20)
Paula Baysinger                       OVERVIEW                                                     • The Best Magic of All
Morhardt                              Ralph can be a very well-behaved bunny when
                                                                                                    (Coming 3/21)

Paula Baysinger was born (as was      he wants to be. The trouble is, he forgets and
her favorite author), on April 1st.   does naughty things sometimes. Will Ralph learn
Writing from the time she could       his lesson after eating a particularly sour cherry pie? A picture book for young
hold a pencil, Paula was never        readers, Ralph and his family come alive with the wonderful words of author
brave enough to submit a book for     Paula Baysinger Morhardt and the delightful illustrations of Kim Hanzo.
publication until the unexpected
death of her husband, LaVerne         Suitable for ages 3 to 7 years.
Morhardt, in 2017. The loss of
her mother the next day was the
impetus to start writing every day,   REVIEWS
blogging about her journey as a       “A very relatable story for siblings. Ralph seems to be looking for attention! Typical
new widow.                            behavior sometimes for brothers and sisters! I think most will enjoy his story of
                                      mischief!” —Marie K., Austin, MN
Member of the Rockford
Writer’s Guild                        “The kiddos and I enjoyed the book very much. I loved the ‘every day in the life’ of a
                                      child-concept and the kiddos, age 3 to 7, enjoyed it, too. It’s also a very relatable story
                                      for them to identify with. We all have bad days and get into trouble from time to time
                                      and this was a great way to lead into that discussion. We all loved the illustrations.”
                                      —Sue D., Austin, MN

                                      “If you like bunnies and have a brother or sister you will like this book. I feel for
                                      Ralph- it’s not always easy to behave. I think other kids will relate, too. I can’t wait to
                                      share with my friends.” —Evangeline age 4, Oakdale, MN
          Return to INDEX


By Helen Holder

Genre: Children’s
[1. Animals – Nonfiction. 2.
Anatomy & Physiology –

Trade, 32 pgs, 7.5” x 9.25”
30 color illustrations

$19.95 ($26.21 CAN)

$13.95 ($18.33 CAN)

Also available in e-book formats

Pub Date: December 2020

Teacup Press
Fox Pointe Publishing, LLP

Helen Holder
My childhood ambition was to be        Terrific                                                ALSO BY THIS AUTHOR:

a teacher, an author, and an artist.                                                           • David’s Pretzels
I spent 34 years in the first grade                                                            • Glorious Gertie’s Fabulous
(33 of them as the teacher). Since                                                               Fireworks
retiring from teaching, I write                                                                • An Unusual Tale
children’s stories and serve as        OVERVIEW                                                • I Painted a Magenta
the secretary for both the Ladies                                                                Flamingo
Floral Club and Friends of the         The animal kingdom is full of amazing critters
                                       with terrifically interesting tongues. Curly ones.      • Sleepover with Grandma
Creche.                                                                                         (Coming 12/20)
                                       Backwards ones. Ones for smelling. Ones for
My other hobbies include origami,      cleaning. Even ones for eating ice cream! This
bookmaking, crocheting, traveling      book is packed with totally weird facts about those
to visit my 11 grandchildren, and      terribly unique tongues, including the flamingo
collecting nativity scenes. During     tongue, which really isn’t a tongue at all!
the Christmas season, more than
900 nativity scenes take over my       Suitable for ages 3 to 7 years.
house and it becomes a tourist
I live in Austin, MN, with my          “Suitable for multiple audiences! Both my first grader and preschooler loved this
husband, Bill, and a few very          book and the beautiful artwork within. My first-grader was able to read the larger
hardy plants.                          text with ease and connect the words with the artwork. An enjoyable book that
                                       captures a multitude of ages.” —Kristin W., Austin, MN

          Return to INDEX
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