SPRING 2020 Course Calendar - Courses offered January through May - Administration

SPRING 2020 Course Calendar - Courses offered January through May - Administration
Saturday Speakers
                                                              on back cover

                          For those 50 or better

 SPRING 2020                                Courses offered
 Course Calendar                            January through May

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                                                     where wisdom
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SPRING 2020 Course Calendar - Courses offered January through May - Administration
where wisdom
meets knowledge                                                                           For those 50 or better

Becoming a Member                                          Registering for your Membership
                                                           and Courses
An active VIU ElderCollege membership is required
before registration in all VIU ElderCollege courses.       VIU ElderCollege produces two Course Calendars per
Membership runs from June 1 (of the current year) to       year. Registration for the Fall Session starts in late June
May 31 (of the following year). The annual membership      and in late November for the Spring/Summer Session.
fee is $20 and offers many benefits.                       Emails will be sent to current and past members indicating
                                                           when registration will start.
Benefits of Membership                                     In preparation for course registration, memberships can
 • Early notification of course registration dates         be purchased starting June 1 for the upcoming
 • Course calendar mailed to your home address             VIU ElderCollege season.
 • Member emails and updates
                                                           On the phone:
 • Use of VIU Library during course
                                                           Using a credit card.
 • One free admission to Milner Gardens
    and Woodland                                           Call toll free 1-866-734-6252
 • Discount of $4 off entrance to Deep Bay
    Marine Field Station                                   In person:
                                                           Using a credit card, cash or debit.
 • Discount of $2 off Classical Coffee Concert Series
    Chamber Music at the Port Theatre                      Nanaimo Campus                    Parksville Campus
 • Discount of 10% off giftware                           Building 200                      Parksville Civic &
    and apparel at the VIU Campus Store                    Registration Centre               Technology Centre
 • Discount at the VIU Gym                                 900 Fifth Street                  100 Jensen Ave E, 2nd Floor
                                                           Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5               Parksville, BC V9P 2G3

  Look for these symbols indicating where the course will be held:
       Nanaimo                Parksville                Qualicum Beach                           Nanoose Bay
SPRING 2020 Course Calendar - Courses offered January through May - Administration
        Global Challenges, Local Solutions                                  Energy Medicine For Self-Help -
        Global challenges abound: climate change, growing                   Continued. . .
        inequality, loss of biodiversity, pollution, environmental          This is a continuation of the “Energy Medicine for Self
        destruction, resource depletion, etc. Many people                   Help - An Introduction” course which is a prerequisite.
        feel overwhelmed by these challenges, feeling there                 Participants will be presented, and invited to practice,
        is nothing they can do. This class will explore how                 additional energy healing techniques from Eden Energy
        people around the world are tackling these global issues            Medicine, Energy Psychology and PSYCH-K, etc.
        through local initiatives in their communities. We will             For maximum benefit, hands-on practice both in the
        use these lessons to explore what we could do in our                classroom and at home is recommended. Some issues
        local communities to address these global issues.                   typical of seniors’ health will be presented as well as
           ELDH 074 S20N01 (Nanaimo)                                        some practices that are done in pairs.
         6 sessions: Mon, Jan 13-Feb 24; 9:30-11:30 am                        ELDK 007 S20Q01 (Parksville)
        (No class Feb 17)                                                    8 sessions: Mon, Jan 6-Mar 2; 12:30-2:30 pm
        $42.00                                                              (No class Feb 17)
        DON GIBERSON is a professional Life and Business Coach and          $52.50
        Community Resilience Facilitator. He is working with individuals
        and community groups in Nanaimo and surrounding areas to            Recommended Text: Energy Medicine (2008)
        find local solutions to global issues.                              by Donna Eden with David Feinstein

                                                                            MIKE PROVENCHER worked for 38 years in the Mental Health
        Stop Getting Ready And Get Started!                                 field as a clinician and manager. Since 2004 Mike has been
                                                                            studying energy treatment modalities for ameliorating mental,
        Everyone gets stuck and everyone can get unstuck. This              emotional and physical conditions.
        fun interactive learning and teaching tool helps you: learn
        techniques to evaluate situations; make decisions that              Road Safety For Seniors
        are more in line with what you value; and problem solve
        where you can practice and role play real life situations.          This course is an amalgamation of the courses Safe
        Experience increased self-confidence. Apply what you                Driving for Seniors and Brushing Up for Seniors
        learn to get, keep and progress in practical matters.               previously presented at VIU ElderCollege. New material
                                                                            has been added, including an update for the Enhanced
           ELDH 078 S20Q01 (Parksville)                                     Road Assessment, preparing for re-examination and how
         5 sessions: Mon, Jan 13-Feb 10; 9:30-11:30 am                     aging affects driving.
        $36.75                                                                 ELDH 051 S20N01 (Nanaimo)
        JANIT BIANIC has been a self-employed Motivational Lifestyle         3 sessions: Mon, Jan 13-27; 1-3 pm
        Coach for 25 years. She applies improv techniques to the
        Sacred Awareness Wheel to improve decision-making, life-
        style shifts and communication. When you change one aspect,         TIM SCHEWE is a retired RCMP constable with 25 years of
        everything changes.                                                 service, including 20 in traffic enforcement and 10 as a technical
                                                                            collision investigator.

        “This was my first VIU
        ElderCollege course and it
        definitely will not be the last!”
2        Nanaimo             Parksville        Qualicum Beach             Nanoose Bay
SPRING 2020 Course Calendar - Courses offered January through May - Administration
Empires Of Asia:                                                   Disruptive Behaviors In Healthcare
Japan And China                           Now 6 Weeks             Patient safety should be the number one priority for
This course will analyse the nature of the Empires of              caregivers and patients. Disruptive behaviours are known
Japan and China in the 19th and 20th Centuries. We                 to increase medical errors and dissatisfaction with the
will focus on the disintegration of China while at the             quality of care in today’s healthcare settings. The purpose
same time Japan becomes a world power. We will look                of these interactive information sessions is to create a
at their search for security and motivating influences             broader awareness as to the behaviors, implications, and
for expansion as factors of instability in the region.             interventions used to mitigate the problem.
   ELDH 042 S20Q01 (Parksville)                                       ELDK 029 S20N01 (Nanaimo)
 6 sessions: Mon, Jan 13-Feb 24; 3-5 pm                            3 sessions: Tue, Jan 14-28; 10-Noon
(No class Feb 17)                                                  $26.25
$42.00                                                             DR. SUSANNE H. LOVEN-SKOLNIK is a nurse executive with
                                                                   43-years of experience in the Canadian and United States health
ROD SZASZ has lived in Japan and China for over 25 years
                                                                   care systems. Her PhD was motivated by her passion to affect
and is fluent in Japanese. He has a M. Sc. London School of
                                                                   positive change in the quality and safety in surgical care.
Economics, and is a UBC and VIU Alumnus. He has made original
contributions in research to the study of WWII in Asia and the
Pacific with translations of Japanese war-related documents.
                                                                   Writing Your Legacy
                                                                   Writing personal history and memoirs can be both
Physical Anthropology – An Introduction                            transformative and daunting. Using carefully selected
This course is an introduction to physical anthropology            legacy themes and sensitizing questions, you will be
which is concerned with human evolution and human                  encouraged to write two-page vignettes each week to
variation. Darwin’s theory of evolution will be discussed,         share with your fellow participants. You will learn to
and then we will go on to trace human origins from the             avoid a dry chronology by going deeper into themes
earliest primates to Homo Sapiens. We will study primate           that guide and shape the evolution of your life and lead
skeletal anatomy and maps of the areas of exploration.             you through the labyrinth of your deepest memories.
The last lesson will look at the extinction of Neanderthals           ELDH 006 S20Q01 (Parksville)
and the success of modern humans.                                   6 sessions: Tue, Jan 14-Feb 18; 12:30-2:30 pm
   ELDN 056 S20Q01 (Parksville)                                    $42.00
 6 sessions: Tue, Jan 14-Feb 18; 9:30-11:30 am                    MARVA K. BLACKMORE leads workshops in memoir writing
$42.00                                                             and is the author of “Telling Your Story: A Guide to Writing Your
                                                                   Memoir Stories”. Past President of the Storytellers of Canada, she
CHERYLE SOSNOWSKI received a BGS from Simon Fraser                 is also a Certified Guided Autobiography Instructor.
University and an MA from San Diego University. As a former
teacher in the public school system, she enjoys being a lifetime
learner. Cheryle enjoys learning and teaching about other
cultures, and the evolution of the human species on our planet.
Cheryle has taught at ElderCollege for several years.

                                                                               VIU ElderCollege
                                                                        Gift Certificates Available Now!
                                                                                        Any amount! 
                                                                       Can be used for all ElderCollege courses!
                                                                           Call or visit the Parksville Campus
                                                                                    to buy one today.
                                                                                                         JANUARY SESSION                3
Writing From Life                                                   Oceanography Of The Amazing
        This 6-part course is designed to help experienced and              Strait Of Georgia
        novice writers to mine their life experiences for stories           The Strait of Georgia remains one of the most productive
        and scenes to convert into memoir, stories, and poetry              ecosystems on the planet, but is warming and changing
        or personal essays. Participants will enjoy lively sessions         because of climate change. Learn how the Strait of Georgia
        using prompts, brainstorming, discussion, in-class                  ecosystem functions, review the changing dynamics of the
        writing and group feedback. The instructor will provide             fishes in it and discuss what you need to know to interpret
        useful writing techniques and strategies along with                 what you hear about Pacific salmon. Much of what you
        motivation and support for writers at all levels.                   think about salmon will change after this course.
           ELDH 034 S20N01 (Nanaimo)                                           ELDK 049 S20N01 (Nanaimo)
         6 sessions: Tue, Jan 14-Feb 18; 2-4 pm                             3 sessions: Wed, Jan 15-29; 10-Noon
        $42.00                                                              $26.25
        LOIS PETERSON has published eight children’s novels and             Recommended Text: The Sea Among Us – The Amazing Strait
        numerous articles, essays and short stories for adults. She has     of Georgia by Dick Beamish
        taught creative writing for more than 20 years at the community,
        primary/high school and college level.                              DICK BEAMISH C.M., O.B.C., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.C. is a retired
                                                                            fisheries scientist who continues to study the dynamics of fishes
        Origins Of Ancient Civilizations                                   including salmon.
        The Pyramids. Harappa. Babylon. The classical
        civilizations of the ancient world are known to every               Mindful Breath, Energetic Breath
        student, tourist, or History Channel buff. How did these            Do you ever wonder why your get up and go, got up and
        civilizations develop? What are their key characteristics?          went? Believe it or not, we can have our golden age and
        How and why did they collapse? This short course                    our energy too. Through mindful breathing exercises
        will take three of the best known - ancient Egypt,                  we will draw from the lessons of Vipassana (Mindful)
        Mesopotamia, Indus Valley - and address those key                   Meditation and Qigong (the practice of internal energy)
        questions as we tour their sites, cultures, and artifacts.          to bring vitality into our daily lives, for improved health,
           ELDK 045 S20Q01 (Parksville)                                     mental clarity and emotional joy.
         3 sessions: Tue, Jan 14-28; 3:30-5:30 pm                             ELDK 014 S20N01 (Nanaimo)
        $26.25                                                               4 sessions: Wed, Jan 15-Feb 5; 1-3 pm
        MITCHELL ALLEN (Ph.D) is an archaeologist affiliated with UC        $31.50
        Berkeley and the Smithsonian Institution. He has taught at          RALPH FRANK, a retired psychotherapist, has spent a lifetime
        five universities and had done archaeological fieldwork in the      investigating the intriguing connections between mind, body,
        Middle East and Central Asia.                                       emotions and energy. His passion is bringing lessons from
                                                                            Vipassana meditation, Tai Chi and Qigong, learned from Asian
        Canada In The Great War  New to Parksville                         masters, to Western students.
        This course will focus on the Canadian involvement in               Intelligent Investing
        WWI especially on the Western Front. The instructor,
        who has lived in Flanders and also in Canada, has a
                                                                            And Estate Planning Workshop
        unique close perspective of the courage and sacrifice               This is a comprehensive holistic course that helps to
        men and women made in WWI. All aspects of this                      educate seniors and retirees about money and finances.
        time will be covered. It is a study of Canadians and the            This course will review the following topics in detail:
        consequences for our country and the lessons we can                 estate planning; financial planning; investment strategies
        draw from that.                                                     to protect both capital and income; tax management;
                                                                            wealth succession and charitable giving. If requested,
           ELDK 051 S20Q01 (Parksville)
                                                                            banking and credit management will also be covered.
         8 sessions: Wed, Jan 8-Feb 26; 9:30-12:30 pm
                                                                               ELDQ 058 S20Q01 (Parksville)
                                                                             6 sessions: Wed, Jan 15-Feb 19; 1:30-3:30 pm
        JOHNNY COOPMAN is a musician and amateur historian.
        He is currently writing a concept album dealing with Canadians      $42.00
        who were in The Ypres Salient during WWI. Johnny’s passion is       WAHID ALI has been a Financial Planner and Retirement
        to share this history with others.                                  Specialist for twenty-five years and specializes in Estate
                                                                            Planning, Wealth Succession and Financial Planning.
4        Nanaimo             Parksville        Qualicum Beach             Nanoose Bay
Founders Of Religion                                               Aging Gracefully
The character of the founders of religions set the “DNA”           With Meditation                      New to Parksville
of the movement. This is indispensable for its beginning           Wisdom, like wrinkles, accrues with age, even if you
and continuity. Some are deemed perfect while others               can’t remember why you just walked into your closet.
less virtuous; some followers defend their founder to the          We will explore how the ancient practice of Vipassana
point of threat and violence, others are left to discern the       (Mindful) Meditation has immense benefits for aging,
truth. In all cases, understanding a religion is best gained       including dealing with pain, illness and loss. Come
by knowing the founder and conditions of the times in              prepared to learn, be curious about your next breath
any search for truth.                                              and observe your delightful mind in a compassionate
   ELDH 094 S20N01 (Nanaimo)                                       setting. You will develop an ability to continue
 8 sessions: Thu, Jan 9-Feb 27; 10-Noon                           practicing meditation at home.
$52.50                                                                ELDK 015 S20Q01 (Parksville)
Recommended Text: Eastern Religions (2005)                          6 sessions: Thu, Jan 16-Feb 20; 1-3 pm
by Michael D. Coogan                                               $42.00
DR. JACK DUCKWORTH (B. MUS, DIP. CS. , M. DIV. , D. MIN)           RALPH FRANK, a retired psychotherapist, has spent a lifetime
has spent over 25 years in Christian mission with extensive        investigating the intriguing connections between mind, body,
cross-culturally multi-generational experience in Canada and       emotions and energy. His passion is bringing lessons from
internationally through module teaching international students     Vipassana meditation, Tai Chi and Qigong, learned from Asian
in Eastern Europe and the Netherlands.                             masters, to Western students.

Salish Sea: A Year On The Wild Side                                Meditation For Health And Wellbeing
Would you like to be better informed about the                     What are the scientific facts about the different methods
intriguing natural world of the Salish Sea? Join us                of meditation? Why and how does it work? The enormous
as we investigate the life patterns of flora and fauna             proven benefits, especially for seniors, can easily be
whose habitats are within this region. We will base our            discovered through a simple practice. Discover what
reading and discussions on Briony Penn’s 2019 book,                works best for you. The instructor provides the theory and
A Year on the Wild Side: A Naturalist’s Almanac. The               the methods of practice. You may find out what works for
book provides perceptive commentary on the impacts                 you in the comfort and privacy of your home.
of human development and climate changes on this                      ELDH 033 S20Q01 (Parksville)
natural world.
                                                                    6 sessions: Thu, Jan 16-Feb 20; 3:30-5:30 pm
   ELDK 035 S20Q01 (Parksville)
 6 sessions: Thu, Jan 16-Feb 27; 10-Noon
                                                                   ARIE VANDER REYDEN (BA, BFA, MA, Ed. D) has studied at
(No class Feb 6)
                                                                   various schools of meditation on four different continents. He
$42.00                                                             has taught and conducted workshops in a variety of settings
                                                                   and audiences, from early childhood to seniors,
Required Text: A Year on the Wild Side: A Naturalist’s Almanac     from students to business executives.
by Briony Penn

NANCY RANDALL thoroughly enjoys teaching for VIU
ElderCollege, building on prior teaching experience at the post-
graduate, undergraduate, high school, and elementary school
levels. She particularly enjoys facilitating robust discussions
about the healthy future of our Salish Sea region.
                                                                    DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                    Course codes explained!

                  Celebrating                                                    S 20 N 01
             years in the community
                                                                               Spring 2020          N: Nanaimo
                                                                                                    Q: Parksville
                                                                                                    X: Off Campus

                                                                                                        JANUARY SESSION             5
The Meditations Of Marcus Aurelius
                                                  Stoicism is often portrayed as a cheerless philosophy
                                                  of suffering and doom. Yet through the writings of
                                                  Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, the Stoic approach
                                                  to life is surprisingly rich and friendly. With no previous
                                                  background in philosophy, students will discover the
                                                  intelligence and honesty of Aurelius. The material
                                                  covered offers an historical background of Stoicism, and
                                                  ways this ancient philosophy can offer psychological and
                                                  spiritual insight.
                                                     ELDN 032 S20N01 (Nanaimo)
                                                   6 sessions: Thu, Jan 16-Feb 20; 1:30-3:30 pm
                                                  Required Text: The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
                                                  by Russell McNeil

                                                  RUSSELL MCNEIL (PhD) studies pioneered a LIDAR technology
                                                  which was later deployed to measure the atmosphere of Mars
                                                  (“Phoenix” mission, 2010). Russell’s work as a science journalist
                                                  included documentaries for PBS and work in News for CBC TV
                                                  and Radio. His Liberal Studies teaching career at VIU included
                                                  an interest in Greek philosophy, and his book “The Meditations
                                                  of Marcus Aurelius, Selections Annotated and Explained” was
                                                  published in 2008.

                                                  Arts, Ideas And History
                                                  This course will look at how the works and ideas of
                                                  artists, writers and thinkers reflect and often influence
                                                  the history and culture of their times. Among those to
                                                  be considered are Delacroix, William Morris, J. S. Mill,
                                                  W. B. Yeats, James Joyce, Diego Rivera, and Frida Kahlo.
                                                     ELDK 038 S20N01 (Nanaimo)
                                                   6 sessions: Fri, Jan 17-Feb 21; 1:30-3:30 pm
                                                  GARVIN MOLES is a retired teacher who authored a number of
                                                  textbooks for BC schools. He is interested in the history of ideas
                                                  and enjoys sharing this interest.

        DID YOU KNOW?
                                                  “encourages me
        Your VIU ElderCollege membership
                                                    to stretch my
        covers one free admission to
        Milner Gardens and Woodland                 brain with new
        in Qualicum Beach.
6      Nanaimo    Parksville   Qualicum Beach   Nanoose Bay
Interpersonal Communication Skills
                                                                   Love of
This workshop is intended for anyone who is
interested in developing skills and tools necessary
to communicate effectively in a variety of situations.
Have you ever said Yes when you meant No? Are you
comfortable dealing with conflict, advocating for
yourself or others, initiating and ending conversations,
standing up for yourself or recognizing mind games?
Join us as we develop the confidence to design and
create our personal toolbox.
   ELDH 073 S20Q01 (Parksville)
 3 sessions: Fri, Jan 17-31; 9:30-12:30 pm
JACQUIE COTTINGHAM is a retired faculty member of the
Academic Studies department at Confederation College,
Thunder Bay, Ontario. She developed and taught this course
for over 3 decades both in the classroom and for various
organizations. She was nominated by her peers and then
selected by the committee for the National Institute for Staff
and Organizational Development Award of Excellence in 2007.

Indigenous Perspectives
On The Environment
This course will explore Indigenous perspectives on
the environment through Indigenous philosophies,
traditional knowledge systems and contemporary
academic work, emphasizing coastal Indigenous                    The Love of Learning program allows you
communities. Using stories, languages, song and                  to audit university courses which have
scholarship as starting points, the class will discuss ideas     unfilled seats.
about the “land as life”. We will use a variety of academic
and popular readings, films, guest speakers, and hands-
on activities to facilitate discussion and experiential            • No exams or assignments
learning about the “land” from an Indigenous point of
                                                                   • Wide selection of academic courses
view. The course fee includes a $5 supply fee.
                                                                      at a discount
   ELDK 034 S20Q01 (Parksville)
                                                                   • $99 per 3-credit course + student
 6 sessions: Fri, Jan 17-Feb 21; 1:30-4:30 pm
                                                                      union, services and activity fees
                                                                   • Simply for the Love of Learning!
range of academic knowledge in Indigenous histories,
literatures, epistemes and socio-political organizations. The    Visit: viu.ca/love-of-learning or
instructors share over 20 years of experience learning from
local Indigenous Elders and community members.                   call 250.740.6400 for more details.

                                                                   Classes start Jan. 6
                                                                   APPLY NOW!
                                                                                        JANUARY SESSION    7

    Fossils - Windows Into The Past                                 Coal Mining History On Vancouver Island
    This course provides an overall view of the fossil history      For over one hundred years, Scottish, English, Italian,
    of the earth, emphasizing the paleontology of Vancouver         Croatian and Chinese miners dug the coal that
    Island. Discussions include types of fossilization, rocks,      lies beneath the surface of Vancouver Island from
    minerals and geological time periods.                           Ladysmith to Port Hardy. Generations of miners
        ELDP 075 S20Q01 (Parksville)
                                                                    worked without the protection of a union; they died in
                                                                    floods, explosions and cave-ins. Their families survived
     6 sessions: Mon, Mar 2-Apr 6; 9:30-11:30 am
                                                                    on the strength of the community.
                                                                        ELDH 008 S20X01 (Downtown Nanaimo)
    GRAHAM BEARD is President of the Vancouver Island
                                                                     6 sessions: Mon, Mar 2-Apr 6; 10:30-12:30 pm
    Paleontology Museum Society, as well as Director and Curator
    of the Museum. He is Vice President of the BC Paleontological   $42.00
    Alliance and co-author of West Coast Fossils and numerous
    scientific papers.                                              LYNNE BOWEN is a writer and lecturer. Three of her seven books
                                                                    (Boss Whistle; Three Dollar Dreams; and Robert Dunsmuir, Laird
                                                                    of the Mines) tell the story of coal mining on Vancouver Island.
    Prepare For Emergencies
    And Disasters          New to Nanaimo                          Perspectives On Russia
    The course starts with a discussion of the many types of        This seminar will explore Russia through the lens of
    emergency events that can befall BC, how vulnerable we          influences from the Tsarist era and the Soviet period to
    are, and what governments are doing to minimize risks.          modern Russia. We will look at everyday life, and some
                                                                    of the events that have shaped the Russian psyche; as well
    We will then cover what we need to do as individuals,
                                                                    as language, literature, and humour, all of which provide
    households and neighbourhoods, as we are the first line
                                                                    insight into culture. This course includes extensive audio/
    of preparedness and response. The final session includes
                                                                    visual material.
    a few desk-top exercises to empower you to turn a
    potential catastrophe into a mere inconvenience.                    ELDH 025 S20Q01 (Parksville)

        ELDH 021 S20N01 (Nanaimo)                                    6 sessions: Mon, Mar 2-Apr 6; 12:30-2:30 pm

     4 sessions: Mon, Mar 2-23; 9:30-11:30 am                      $42.00

    $31.50                                                          DAVID PRUD’HOMME has an M.A. in Russian Literature and a
                                                                    Ph.D. in Slavic Linguistics. He has directly experienced Russian life
    ROSS PETERSON is a former Director of Emergency                 from several perspectives. He attended two intensive language
    Management for the North Shore municipalities (Vancouver),      seminars in the USSR. After the fall of the Soviet Union, David
    and has been providing personal and neighborhood                made four trips to Russia on a World Bank project.
    preparedness instruction for over 20 years.
                                                                    What Is Film Noir?
                                                                    Film Noir is a distinct genre of black and white film
                                                                    produced during the 1950’s. It differs from other genres
                                                                    by its creative lighting, femme fatales, campy dialogue
                                                                    and of course its drama. We will discuss lighting,
                                                                    costumes, hair, makeup and all the wonderful actors that
                                                                    make up film noir. After a 90 min movie we will discuss
                                                                    what we saw and how it was filmed.
                                                                        ELDK 039 S20N01 (Nanaimo)
                                                                     6 sessions: Mon, Mar 2-Apr 6; 12:30-3:30 pm
                                                                    CHRISTINE SHAW has a passion for black and white movies and
                                                                    believes that without education these films and their stars will be
                                                                    lost to us few who realize the importance of this Golden Age in film.

8      Nanaimo          Parksville        Qualicum Beach           Nanoose Bay
Classics For Pleasure                                             Why Write Poetry?
This course will feature selections of the great music of         Who writes poetry? What drives the desire to write
Western Europe, written during the 18th (Classical) and           it? This introductory course will focus mainly on free
19th (Romantic) centuries. We will listen to recorded as          verse; the joys of both reading and writing it. Come
well as live (by the instructor and others) performances.         prepared with something to write on for a treasure hunt
Experience the pleasure of listening to and learning about        to find the gems from which your writing will emerge.
music by Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky              We will explore the features of poetry including sensory
and Debussy, along with others.                                   detail, imagery, show and tell, use of strong nouns and
   ELDN 087 S20X01 (Parksville)                                   verbs, rhyme and rhythm.
 6 sessions: Mon, Mar 2-Apr 6; 1-3 pm                               ELDK 031 S20Q01 (Parksville)
$42.00                                                             6 sessions: Mon, Mar 2-Apr 6; 3:30-5:30 pm
DAVE KLINGER has taught many music courses in the area from       $42.00
Nanaimo to Qualicum Beach. He lives in Parksville with his wife
and two dogs. He has a Master’s Degree in Piano Performance       ROSE WILLOW has a Creative Writing degree from VIU. She
from Michigan State University.                                   writes poetry for the joy of it. Her poetry has appeared in literary
                                                                  magazines, and her chapbook “Cultivated Time” has recently
Vancouver Island History 1871-1914                                been released.

Beginning in 1871, we’ll see how British Columbia                 Travel Writing
became a province of Canada and how Victoria ended                Convert your travel experiences into compelling
up as its capital city. We’ll follow the life of Victoria, once   stories for family, friends and readers. In this engaging
the biggest town in all of British Columbia, how it slowly        workshop, new and experienced writers explore ways
lost its financial and economic position to Vancouver but         to bring journeys and destinations alive and imbue
survived as the political centre and base for the Royal           their work with their own personality and insights.
Navy (in Esquimalt). We’ll see the building of the island’s       Marketing, research and photography techniques
own railway: Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway which                  will also be explored in this interactive course which
promised prosperity for the island communities. We’ll             includes in-class writing, brainstorming, list-making,
drop in on the infamous Dunsmuirs, learn about the                discussion and gentle critiquing.
island’s collieries, Craigdarroch Castle, the seal fishery,
Victoria’s red light district, streetcars and breweries.             ELDK 028 S20N01 (Nanaimo)
We’ll also uncover the lives of some of our more                   6 sessions: Tue, Mar 3-Apr 7; 9:30-11:30 am
colourful Premiers including Amor De Cosmos, John                 $42.00
Robson, E. G. Prior, Richard McBride. And much more.
                                                                  LOIS PETERSON is an avid traveler and has shared her passion
   ELDQ 076 S20X01 (Downtown Nanaimo)                             for writing in schools, colleges, community programs and
                                                                  conferences for than 25 years. Her fiction and non-fiction have
 6 sessions: Mon, Mar 2-Apr 6; 1:30-3:30 pm                      been published internationally (loispetersonwriter.ca).
DAVID HOBSON is passionate about history and has degrees in
History and German from the University of Victoria and UCLA.
He has taught at numerous institutions in BC including UVic,
Camosun College and ElderCollege.

 Your VIU ElderCollege membership allows
 you to use the library at VIU’s Nanaimo
 Campus during your course.

                                                                                                            MARCH SESSION                9
An Ethical Toolbox:                                               In/Equality: An Alternative Anthropology
     Everyday Ethical Decision Making                                 Explore a short introduction to Anthropology which
     This course will offer a box full of tools to help us make        will provide you with a framework for thinking and
     ethical decisions. The emphasis will be on pragmatic              learning about other societies and about your own.
     everyday ethics as opposed to a philosophical theoretical         It is about learning to see in a new way through a
     perspective. The class will include much discussion, case/        different, hopefully clearer, pair of glasses. It is about an
     scenario analysis, videos, exercises and other activities.        anthropological understanding of the world, particularly
                                                                       the world of societies like our own, where some people
         ELDK 030 S20Q01 (Parksville)                                  have far more power and wealth than others.
      5 sessions: Tue, Mar 3-31; 9:30-11:30 am
                                                                          ELDN 086 S20N01 (Nanaimo)
                                                                        6 sessions: Tue, Mar 3-Apr 7; 12:30-2:30 pm
     DR. JOHN KNOX enjoyed a 45-year career as an academic,            $42.00
     consultant and practitioner. He has offered seminars and
     courses in Ethics across Europe, North America and Asia in both   DAVID ALIAGA has a BA (Anthropology) and an MA
     academic and practitioner settings.                               (Interdisciplinary Studies) from the University of Calgary. He has
                                                                       conducted migration field research among migrants in Italy and
     Disruptive Behaviors In Healthcare                               Canada, and enjoys teaching anthropology, sociology and Latin
                                                                       American studies.
     Patient safety should be the number one priority for
     caregivers and patients. Disruptive behaviors are known           Parliamentary Procedure -
     to increase medical errors and dissatisfaction with the
                                                                       Having Great Meetings
     quality of care in today’s healthcare settings. The purpose
     of these interactive information sessions is to create a          Meetings can be so contentious! Meetings can go on
     broader awareness as to the behaviors, implications and           and on without true progress. Roberts Rules of Order
                                                                       can solve many of the typical problems experienced by
     interventions used to mitigate the problem.
                                                                       non-profit societies. Using practical examples, students
         ELDK 029 S20Q01 (Parksville)                                  will be guided through the way of processing typical
      3 sessions: Tue, Mar 3-17; 12:30-2:30 pm                        motions in an orderly and logical manner.
     $26.25                                                               ELDK 043 S20Q01 (Parksville)
     DR. SUSANNE H. LOVEN-SKOLNIK is a nurse executive with             2 sessions: Tue, Mar 3-10; 3:30-5 pm
     43-years of experience in the Canadian and United States health   $21.00
     care systems. Her PhD was motivated by her passion to affect
     positive change in the quality and safety in surgical care.       TONY SHAW is a retired school principal, and is a certified by
                                                                       the National Association of Parliamentarians as a ‘registered

                                                                       Living With Depression
                                                                       This course looks at depression from both a medical
                                                                       and experienced point of view. The instructors will
                                                                       focus on management and empathy, both for the person
                                                                       suffering from depression and those with a depressed
                                                                       person in their life.
                                                                          ELDK 033 S20N01 (Nanaimo)
                                                                        3 sessions: Wed, Mar 4-18; 9:30-11:30 am

         DID YOU KNOW?                                                 JEF NICHOLS has suffered from lifelong depression and LORI
                                                                       NICHOLS has 30 years of experience as a psychiatric nurse and
                                                                       family member of a depression sufferer. Both have lectured on
                                                                       depression in Canada and the US.
         Obtaining your Required/
         Recommended Texts is now easier!
         Buy online or at your local bookstore,
         borrow from the library or a friend.

10       Nanaimo          Parksville        Qualicum Beach            Nanoose Bay
It’s Clouds Illusions                                                 Meditation For Health And Wellbeing
You’ll Recall                                 Now 6 Weeks!           What are the scientific facts about the different methods
Have you ever stared at a painting and wondered                       of meditation? Why and how does it work? The
how the artist created such a compelling sky? Did it                  enormous proven benefits, especially for seniors, can
deepen your desire to create your own painting of                     easily be discovered through a simple practice. Discover
a cloudscape? In this course science will mesh with                   what works best for you. The instructor provides the
both Art and Poetry, as we first become familiar with                 theory and the methods of practice. You may find out
nephology, the earth science study of clouds. We will                 what works for you in the comfort and privacy of your
then analyze how artistic Masters, such as van Gogh,                  home.
painted their clouds. Poems and songs centered on                        ELDH 033 S20N01 (Nanaimo)
clouds, will also be interwoven with this visual stimuli.              6 sessions: Wed, Mar 4-Apr 8; 12:30-2:30 pm
In the second part of each class, armed with ‘tricks of
the trade’ for creating powerful skies, you will create
your own acrylic landscape paintings (bring some                      ARIE VANDER REYDEN (BA, BFA, MA, Ed. D) has studied at
reference photos you might want to use). All materials                various schools of meditation on four different continents. He
                                                                      has taught and conducted workshops in a variety of settings
except brushes are provided by the instructor for                     and audiences, from early childhood to seniors, from students to
$35, payable at the first class. All levels welcome –                 business executives.
experience the joy of creativity!
   ELDH 001 S20Q01 (Parksville)                                       Understanding America (1898 to Present)
 6 sessions: Wed, Mar 4-Apr 8; 9:30-11:30 am                         This course will attempt to develop a better
                                                                      understanding of America by looking at its historical
                                                                      development. Key figures, critical events and central
TERRI BOWEN (B. Ed. , MA, Master Graphologist), a retired             ideas that have all had a role in defining the American
principal of a Fine Arts school in Calgary, is a four-time Grand      experience and shaping its society, culture and
Aggregate Arts Award winner from our local Lighthouse
Country. She works in many mediums and formats, including
                                                                      institutions will be explored and examined. Part II will
mural painting.                                                       cover the period from the Gilded Age to the present.
                                                                         ELDH 060 S20Q01 (Parksville)
Canada’s Iconic Group Of Seven
                                                                       6 sessions: Wed, Mar 4-Apr 8; 12:30-2:30 pm
Celebrate Canada by immersing yourself in a study of
the iconic Group of Seven painters. Begin by realizing
there were many more than seven in this group!                        BRETT BOWEN attended the University of Calgary for both his
Learn how this Group formed, continued and became                     undergraduate and graduate degrees. Upon graduation he
                                                                      began work with the Calgary Board of Education as (primarily) a
successful beginning in 1920, and how the cultural and                teacher of Social Studies, Humanities, and History.
political times influenced their styles. Following the
first hour of each class, students will paint in the style            Good Bugs/Bad Bugs                            Now 3 Hours!
of these Canadian Masters, using reference photos they                In the last six years there’s been a scientific revolution in
have brought from home. All materials except brushes                  understanding of the human microbiome - the trillions
are provided by the instructor for $35, payable at the                of microbes that live in and on us, and are now known
first class. All levels welcome – experience the joy of               to be essential for normal development and function of
creativity!                                                           our brain, immune systems and metabolism. Learn how
   ELDH 013 S20Q01 (Parksville)                                       medical science is taking the first baby steps that will
 6 sessions: Wed, Mar 4-Apr 8; 12:30-2:30 pm                         lead to powerful new approaches to obesity, diabetes,
                                                                      asthma, allergies and, perhaps, autism.
                                                                         ELDS 061 S20Q01 (Parksville)
TERRI BOWEN (B. Ed. , MA, Master Graphologist), a retired principal
of a Fine Arts school in Calgary, is a four-time Grand Aggregate       6 sessions: Wed, Mar 4-Apr 15; 3-6 pm
Arts Award winner from our local Lighthouse Country. She works in     (No class Apr 8)
many mediums and formats, including mural painting.
                                                                      JOHN NORTH received his PhD in Immunology from the
                                                                      University of Cambridge, England. He spent the majority of his
                                                                      career developing novel pharmaceuticals, retiring after nearly a
                                                                      decade leading a UBC spin-off biotech company.

                                                                                                             MARCH SESSION               11
Ethical Implications Of                                              The Human Journey
     Religious Spiritual Practices                                        From Conception To Birth
     All religions lived out in our society challenge us to               Advances in technology mean that we now know
     understand their spiritual and ethics praxis. This course            radically more about life before birth than any
     examines eight major world religions. All learners                   previous generation. In this course we will address
     carry convictions relevant to their culture therefore, a             such questions as: how do we develop from a fertilized
     key component of the class is to dialogue in a manner                egg to an individual made up of about 3 trillion cells,
     that acknowledges the validity of all insights and                   all containing the same genetic information?; how do
     experiences while accepting differences inherent in our              organs know where to form and what role to play?; and
     multicultural country.                                               what kinds of events can disrupt this complex process?
         ELDH 072 S20Q01 (Parksville)                                     ELDH 028
      6 sessions: Thu, Mar 5-Apr 9; 9:30-11:30 am                        $42.00
     $42.00                                                               Choose one of the following sections:
     Required Text:                                                          S20X01 (Off Campus):                S20X02 (Off Campus):
     God is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run The World –        6 sessions:                       6 sessions:
     And Why their Differences Matter by Stephen Plethero (2010)          Thu, Mar 5-Apr 9;                  Thu, Mar 5-Apr 9;
                                                                          10-Noon                            1:30-3:30 pm
     has spent over 25 years in Christian mission with extensive          ANNE TOBY received her doctorate in Genetics from Simon
     cross-culturally multi-generational experience in Canada and         Fraser University. Her career path led to her passion for
     internationally through module teaching international students       attempting to teach scientific concepts in a simple but accurate
     in Eastern Europe and the Netherlands.                               way to those with no formal scientific background.

     Whither Sovereignty                    New to Nanaimo               Introduction To Yoga Philosophy
     An examination of the evolution of sovereignty                       Yoga is a vast and ancient system for human wellness.
     from its initial concept in the 15th century to today.               Here in the west, we are beginning to see some of
     It challenges some of the assumptions about its                      the aspects and benefits of yoga, largely based on
     identifiable elements and examines the influence of                  the physical practice (asana). Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin,
     social dynamics, increasing globalized economics,                    Restorative and more - there are many forms and the
     accelerating technological change and shifting cultural              terminology can be confusing. This course will provide
     affiliations. It further questions the utility of sovereignty        an introduction to the history and purpose of yoga,
     to serve its nations’ needs in the age of populism, the              the different forms of yoga (and their benefits), and
     Trump effect and Brexit.                                             guidelines for both physical and meditation. We will
         ELDH 084 S20N01 (Nanaimo)                                        practice different meditation techniques in class.
      6 sessions: Thu, Mar 5-Apr 9; 9:30-11:30 am                           ELDS 057 S20Q01 (Parksville)
     $42.00                                                                6 sessions: Thu, Mar 5-Apr 9; 12:30-2:30 pm
     MICHAEL A WANSINK (Colonel Ret’d) CD, BA, MSc. After a career        $42.00
     in the RCAF, Mike has been involved in several international peace   DEBBIE NARVER has an undergraduate degree in Science, a
     efforts for the Canadian government. He served one term as a         MBA and a MSc in International Business. She is an experienced
     town councilor in Qualicum Beach as well as a member of the          manager, and currently works as a strategic management
     Board of VIU ElderCollege from 2010-2012.                            instructor and facilitator. Debbie has practiced yoga for 15 years,
                                                                          and realized the benefits so much that she went on to complete
                                                                          her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Certification in 2014. She enjoys
                                                                          sharing her passion for yoga with others.

         Refund Policy
         VIU policy permits refunds only if the withdrawal request is received at least 7 days prior to the
         start date of a VIU ElderCollege course. Extenuating circumstances may be considered if the
         withdrawal is made later.

12       Nanaimo          Parksville         Qualicum Beach              Nanoose Bay
Practical Photography                                              Mindful Breath,
This course is designed for beginning students using               Energetic Breath                        New to Parksville!
digital interchangeable lens cameras, or single lens               Do you ever wonder why your get up and go, got up and
cameras that also allow creative control. These cameras            went? Believe it or not, we can have our golden age and
allow the user to change the shutter speed, aperture               our energy too. Through mindful breathing exercises
size, ISO settings, and to adjust the focus and light              we will draw from the lessons of Vipassana (Mindful)
exposure (and other features). We will explore a variety           Meditation and Qigong (the practice of internal energy)
of hands-on photographic situations where creative                 to bring vitality into our daily lives, for improved health,
control can improve your images, leading to better                 mental clarity and emotional joy.
portraits, landscapes and close-ups.
                                                                      ELDK 014 S20Q01 (Parksville)
   ELDK 022 S20N01 (Nanaimo)
                                                                    4 sessions: Fri, Mar 6-27; 12:30-2:30 pm
 6 sessions: Thu, Mar 5-Apr 9; 1:30-3:30 pm
                                                                   RALPH FRANK, a retired psychotherapist, has spent a lifetime
RUSSELL MCNEIL is an amateur photographer and camera               investigating the intriguing connections between mind, body,
collector. Selections of his work has been exhibited at Port       emotions and energy. His passion is bringing lessons from
Place in Nanaimo and on flickr at the following link:              Vipassana meditation, Tai Chi and Qigong, learned from Asian
flickr. com/russellmcneil                                          masters, to Western students.

Afterlife                                                         Write On!
Good stories never die. These selections attest to the             You love to travel and want to share your experiences
cultural longevity of three classic novels: Whit Stillman          with friends, family or perhaps even for publication.
has a romp with early Jane Austen, Jean Rhys takes on              Through group discussions, interactive exercises and
Charlotte Bronte by giving voice and history to the first          hands-on assignments, this four-session travel writing
Mrs. Rochester, and John Banville answers the questions            course will include topics such as idea generation,
that Henry James leaves unanswered at the end of his               research, adding colour and atmosphere to your articles.
Portrait of a Lady. Our discussions will consider the who,            ELDH 047 S20Q01 (Parksville)
what, why, where, when and how of spinning off.
                                                                    5 sessions: Fri, Mar 13-Apr 17; 9:30-11:30 am
    ELDK 040 S20X01 (Nanoose Bay)                                  (No class Apr 10)
 8 sessions: Thu, Mar 5-Apr 23; 3:30-5:30 pm                      $36.75
$52.50                                                             MANDY TRICKETT is a freelance travel writer who has lived and
Required Texts:                                                    worked in 12 countries on four continents. Trained as a long haul
Love & Friendship: In Which Jane Austen’s Lady Susan Vernon Is     tour director, she has directed international travel programs and
Entirely Vindicated by Whit Stillman                               worked as a travel counselor. Mandy’s articles have appeared
                                                                   in newspapers, magazines and websites around the world from
Wide Sargasso Sea (Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre)                 South Africa to Sweden.
by Jean Rhys
The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James

SANDRA WALKER has a PhD in English from the University of
Toronto and taught mature students at York University’s Atkinson
College for twenty years. She enjoys exploring with like-minded
people whatever literary subject strikes her fancy.

                       25th Anniversary Legacy Fund
    Thanks to generous donations,
    you can have your VIU ElderCollege course fee paid.
    Please indicate at the time of registration that you require financial assistance.
    Availability is limited to one course from this Course Calendar. Membership fee is not covered.

                                                                                                          MARCH SESSION                13
Adventures in Mind                           Western Mahjong For Beginners
                                                      This course outlines the rules and play for Western
                                                      (Australian) Mahjong which is both challenging and
                                                      fun. Luck and skill combine to create winning hands.
                                                      Learn to organize Chinese tiles for this versatile game
                                                      that you can play with others. Students will practise
                                                      playing hands of Mahjong in class and will learn to
                                                      play Ordinary hand as well as other Mahjong hands
                                                      involving Pungs and Chows.
                                                         ELDH 023 S20Q01 (Parksville)
                                                       6 sessions: Fri, Mar 13-Apr 24; 9:30-11:30 am
                                                      (No class Apr 10)
                                                      KAREN STRONG (B. Ed, MA) has taught public school for 36
                                                      years. She learned Mahjong from Rhondda Sellars and plays in a
                                                      weekly group. She has also taught friends how to play.

                                                      Adventures In Comparative Literature
                                                      Discover how classical Athenian and Roman historians,
         3 Weeks in Italy!                            philosophers, and poets were reflected and adapted by
                                                      Shakespeare and his contemporaries, while listening
                                                      to translations of excerpts from Sappho, Herodotus,
         Renaissance in Florence                      Xenophon, Aurelius, Suetonius, Plutarch, and
                                                      Plautus. Elizabethan works will include Shakespeare’s
         May 2020                                     Coriolanus, The Comedy of Errors, Julius Caesar,
                                                      Antony and Cleopatra; and passages from Hall,
         Middle Ages in Bologna                       Holinshed; and Tudor sonneteers. Topics include
                                                      what is democracy, absolutism, stoicism, lyricism, and
         September 2020                               individuation.
                                                         ELDK 046 S20N01 (Nanaimo)
         Live in Italy for 3 weeks and immerse
                                                       8 sessions: Fri, Mar 6-May 1; 1-3 pm
         yourself in lectures, seminar discussions    (No class April 10)
         and visits to museums, galleries and         $52.50
         other sites covering art, architecture and
                                                      JOHN EDWARDS studied at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar and
         literature.                                  is the author of translations of many Greek and Latin poets. He
                                                      regards Shakespeare as an omniscient genius and as the god of
         Get your application in soon – spots are     our beautiful English.
         filling up!

         Cost starting at $4,995
         Group Leader:
         John Black, Professor of Liberal Studies
         For more information visit:
         viu. ca/adventures-in-mind
         or call 1.888.920.2221 Local 6536

14       Nanaimo      Parksville   Qualicum Beach    Nanoose Bay
Energy Medicine For Self-Help -                                  Populism, Social Media, Elections
An Introduction                                                  And Fake News
This hands-on course will introduce participants to a            This course examines the rise of populism and its
variety of energy healing techniques including Eden              relationship to social media, fake news, and recent
Energy Medicine, Energy Psychology, PSYCH-K,                     elections in the US, Canada, the UK and elsewhere.
etc. You will learn to test and adjust your own energy           Varieties of populism are explored and placed in
patterns to promote and sustain health and emotional             historical context. Whereas it first arose in the US,
wellbeing. You will be encouraged to practice the Daily          today it has spread worldwide challenging the basis of
Energy Routine throughout the course to balance and              representative democracy. Examined in particular is the
strengthen energy patterns that boost the body’s self-           role of social media in facilitating the rise of populism.
healing ability.                                                    ELDK 047 i20Q01 (Parksville)
   ELDK 009 i20N01 (Nanaimo)                                      3 sessions: Mon, Apr 20-May 4; 12:30-2:30 pm
 8 sessions: Mon, Apr 20-Jun 15; 12:30-2:30 pm                  $26.25
(No class May 18)
                                                                 Required Text:
$52.50                                                           The Populist Explosion: How the Great Recession Transformed
MIKE PROVENCHER worked for 38 years in the Mental Health         American and European Politics, Columbia Global Reports
field as a clinician and manager. Since 2004 Mike has been       (2016) by John B. Judis
studying energy treatment modalities for ameliorating mental,
                                                                 JAY SMITH is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at
emotional and physical conditions.
                                                                 Athabasca University, Alberta, Canada. He has published in
                                                                 such areas as new communications technologies, globalization,
Advanced Interpersonal                                           religion, trade politics, transnational networks, democracy and
Communication Skills 
This workshop is intended for anyone who is interested           Road Safety For Seniors
in enhancing their skills to facilitate more effective
                                                                 This course is an amalgamation of the courses Safe
communication in a variety of situations. Have you
                                                                 Driving for Seniors and Brushing Up for Seniors
ever said Yes when you meant No? Are you comfortable
                                                                 previously presented at VIU ElderCollege. New material
dealing with conflict, advocating for yourself or others,
                                                                 has been added, including an update for the Enhanced
initiating and ending conversations, standing up for
                                                                 Road Assessment, preparing for re-examination and how
yourself or recognizing mind games? Join us as we
                                                                 aging affects driving.
practice and refine our skills and tools in conversation
and conflict situations.                                            ELDH 051 i20Q01 (Parksville)

   ELDK 052 i20Q01 (Parksville)                                   3 sessions: Mon, May 11-Jun 1; 12:30-2:30 pm
                                                                 (No class May 18)
 3 sessions: Mon, Apr 20-May 4; 9:00-Noon
                                                                 TIM SCHEWE is a retired RCMP constable with 25 years of
JACQUIE COTTINGHAM is a retired faculty member of the            service, including 20 in traffic enforcement and 10 as a technical
Academic Studies department at Confederation College,            collision investigator.
Thunder Bay, Ontario. She developed and taught this course
for over 3 decades both in the classroom and for various
organizations. She was nominated by her peers and then
selected by the committee for the National Institute for Staff
and Organizational Development Award of Excellence in 2007.

                                                                 where wisdom meets knowledge
                                                                  Follow us on Facebook

                                                                                                             MAY SESSION              15
Making Your Dreams Come True                                         The Art Of Listening To Music
     Bring new clarity to what you REALLY want out of life.               Believe it or not, there is both art and skill involved
     You will learn about the steps you can take to manifest a            in listening to music. This enjoyable and interactive
     life you will love. The instructor will provide the tools to         6-hour course will involve a number of engaging
     create a vision and feeling a sense of self-empowerment.             activities to help participants develop their
     Her presentations are interactive and geared towards                 understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of a
     different learning styles with lots of fun, laughter and             variety of musical styles by learning to become active
     insights into how Universal Laws work.                               and creative listeners.
         ELDH 090 i20Q01 (Parksville)                                     ELDK 037
      3 sessions: Tue, Apr 21-May 5; 9:30-11:30 am                       $26.25
     $26.25                                                               Choose one of the following sections:
     DOROTHEA GORDON (B.A., M.Ed, Germany) taught French,                     i20N01 (Nanaimo):                i20Q01 (Parksville):
     German, Spanish and Latin to high school students in Europe           3 sessions:                      3 sessions:
     and Victoria, BC. She’s a certified DreamBuilder coach, giving       Tue, Apr 21-May 5;                Wed, Apr 22-May 6;
     presentations and workshops locally and internationally.             1-3 pm                            3:30-5:30 pm
                                                                          ED WASIAK (PhD) is a long-time educator, musician, author, arts
     Who Knew Writing Could Be Fun!?                                      advocate, and researcher, Dr. Wasiak is recognized widely as a
     Afraid to put pen to paper? This course will focus on                leader in Canadian music education. He recently retired from
     the process of writing and the pleasure in hearing                   the University of Lethbridge where he was a professor of music
     other’s stories. There will be no editing advice! Try this
     user-friendly workshop. By writing in a safe, non-                   Bridge 1
     critical environment you will avoid the “editor-in-your-
                                                                          This course is an introduction to basic bidding and play
     head” and discover you have something to say.
                                                                          using the Standard American 5-Card Major system. It
         ELDR 066 i20Q01 (Parksville)                                     is intended for both beginners and those who have not
      6 sessions: Tue, Apr 21-May 26; 12:30-2:30 pm                      played bridge for some time and wish to re-learn this
     $42.00                                                               currently used system. Homework is expected.

     SANDRA PETRIE has a teaching background in early learning                ELDP 070 i20X01 (Nanoose Bay)
     in both private and public schools in Scotland and Canada. She        6 sessions: Wed, Apr 1-May 6; 9:30-Noon
     is a student of learning who feels that all that happens in life
     teaches us something.                                                $42.00
                                                                          Recommended Text:
     Wonderful TREES!: Botany,                                            Bridge Basics 1: An Introduction by Audrey Grant
     Importance And Identification                                       BRIAN ATKINSON an architect by profession, has played Bridge
     An introduction to the world of trees during a highly                throughout the world: under a hanging car headlamp while
     experiential course. An overview of the evolution,                   bombs dropped overhead in Iraq; in the rain forests of Costa Rica;
                                                                          and beside the Mekong River in Laos, amongst other places.
     distribution, variety and classification of trees, along
     with their ecological and cultural importance, combines
     with a series of field trips. Participants will get to know
     trees and practice identification in a mature forest, an
     early successional forest, the Parksville Arboretum, and
     a provincial park. Native trees and “wildlife trees” will be
         ELDK 005 i20X01 (Off Campus)
      4 sessions: Tue, Apr 28-May 19; 1-4 pm                                                Celebrating

     LYNNE BROOKES (PhD), has a passion for nature and has taught
     biology, ecology, environmental science and conservation. She
     enjoys sharing with others the fascination of native plants, local
     ecology, birds and mindful gardening for wildlife.                                 years in the community

16      Nanaimo           Parksville         Qualicum Beach              Nanoose Bay
Bringing The World To Milner Gardens                             Painting Our Salish Sea
And Woodland                                                     Build knowledge of the land, sea and sky of our Salish
VIU’s Milner Gardens and Woodlands has been rated                Sea area. Follow with an examination of the lives of
one of the top gardens in Canada. In partnership with            Impressionists, Neo-Impressionist and Post-Impressionist
Vancouver Island rhododendron clubs, the Greig                   painters and their “water”-oriented scenes. Then use this
Rhododendron Species Garden has recently opened at               knowledge to create your own Impressionist paintings
Milner Gardens and Woodlands. This unique garden                 in watercolour, acrylic and/or mixed media. There is
has been designed to explore the incredibly diverse              a balance of theory and hands-on painting, and both
world of the Genus Rhododendron. There is far more               experienced artists and beginners will have fun learning
to this far-ranging genus that you ever imagined. This           together. All materials except brushes are provided by the
course will include a classroom session and subsequent           instructor for $25, payable at the first class. All levels are
tour of the new garden.                                          invited – experience the joy of creativity!

   ELDH 076 i20X01 (Off Campus)                                     ELDS 006 i20Q01 (Parksville)
 2 sessions: Wed, Apr 15-22; 1-3 pm                              3 sessions: Thu, Apr 23-May 7; 9:30-11:30 am
$21.00                                                           $26.25

JOHN DENISEGER is a retired aquatic biologist (BC Premiers       TERRI BOWEN (B. Ed. , MA, Master Graphologist), a retired
Legacy Award), outdoor enthusiast and avid gardener. He is a     principal of a Fine Arts school in Calgary, is a four-time Grand
member of the Milner Gardens and Woodland Board, and former      Aggregate Arts Award winner from our local Lighthouse
president of the Nanaimo Rhododendron Society.                   Country. She works in many mediums and formats, including
                                                                 mural painting.
Learn Mah Jong                                                   Bridge 1: Play And Learn
Sharpen your thinking skills and have fun learning the
                                                                 This course is for people who have completed Bridge
challenging game of Chinese Mah Jong. You will learn
                                                                 1, or those with some recent experience, but feel they
the western version of this ancient game. You will have
                                                                 need a little more practice before introducing their
the opportunity to learn some of the basic and most
                                                                 bridge talents to the world. Each session will include
popular hands and enjoy practicing your new skills in
                                                                 new nuggets of knowledge, the bidding and playing of
groups of 3 or 4.
                                                                 predetermined hands, and a review and discussion of
   ELDS 039 i20N01 (Nanaimo)                                     the bidding and play. The instructor will base comments
 6 sessions: Wed, Apr 22-May 27; 12:30-2:30 pm                  on Standard American bidding system of the American
$42.00                                                           Contract Bridge League.

RHONDDA SELLARS has played Mah Jong for over 10 years and            ELDR 015 i20X01 (Nanoose Bay)
has taught many students who now enjoy the game on a weekly       6 sessions: Thu, May 14-Jun 18; 9:30-Noon
basis. Currently she enjoys playing Mah Jong several hours per
week and is happy to share this exciting and rewarding pastime   $42.00
with her students.                                               Recommended Text:
                                                                 Bridge Basics 1: An Introduction by Audrey Grant

                                                                 KEITH RUTHMAN is an engineer and former contributor to
                                                                 Canada’s Space Program. He has been playing bridge since he
                                                                 was 15 years old and now enjoys teaching others with an easy-
                                                                 going patient approach.

 Parking is $3 for 3 hours when choosing
 the Economy option in Lot A which is
 a short walk to most classes.

                                                                                                              MAY SESSION           17
Cultural Art Patterns                                               Walking With Wallabies
     Throughout The Ages                                                 To Danube Dining
     Examine the artistic patterns of various cultures: Celtic           Explore Australia with the instructor while she shares
     knots and illuminated texts; East Indian mandalas;                  Aboriginal dream stories and discusses the three waves
     patterned Islamic tiles and Plains Indigenous people                of immigration to Australia. Then see the scenic Rhine
     and Haida art forms. Create your own patterned works                and Danube rivers through Karen’s eyes on a river
     of art. All materials are provided by the instructor for            cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest. You will learn
     $25, payable at the first class. All levels are invited -           about castle and fortress history, canal locks and taste
     experience the joy of creativity!                                   some traditional Australian and German foods. To
         ELDS 051 i20Q01 (Parksville)
                                                                         cover the cost of food $10 will be collected at the first
      3 sessions: Thu, Apr 23-May 7; 12:30-2:30 pm
                                                                            ELDK 006 i20Q01 (Parksville)
                                                                          2 sessions: Fri, May 1-8; 9:30-11:30 am
     TERRI BOWEN (B. Ed. , MA, Master Graphologist), a retired
     principal of a Fine Arts school in Calgary, is a four-time Grand    $21.00
     Aggregate Arts Award winner from our local Lighthouse
                                                                         KAREN STRONG is a retired teacher who has always enjoyed
     Country. She works in many mediums and formats, including
                                                                         travelling. She has travelled to Britain, Europe, Spain, Portugal,
     mural painting.
                                                                         Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama Canal, Samoa, Fiji, Australia, New
                                                                         Zealand, Alaska, and Hawaii.
     A Theory Of Everything - Made Easy
     The recent discovery of a fifth force of nature and the
     “Higgs particle” a few years ago, have had momentous
     implications about the structure of everything in the
     universe. Modern physics is closer today to a “Theory of
     Everything”, the basic shape of which confirms that we
     live in a cosmic sea of beauty and wonder, where anything
     is possible. This series will focus on leading ideas of
     modern physics, but requires no mathematics. You may,
     however, be required to suspend disbelief.
         ELDQ 061 i20N01 (Nanaimo)
      6 sessions: Thu, Apr 23-May 28; 1:30-3:30 pm
     RUSSELL MCNEIL (PhD) studies pioneered a LIDAR technology
     which was later deployed to measure the atmosphere of Mars
     (“Phoenix” mission, 2010). Russell’s work as a science journalist
     included documentaries for PBS and work in News for CBC TV
     and Radio. His Liberal Studies teaching career at VIU included
     an interest in Greek philosophy, and his book “The Meditations
     of Marcus Aurelius, Selections Annotated and Explained” was
     published in 2008.

         When there’s a will, there’s a way.
         Support a future VIU student                                    Contact Susie Caswell with VIU
         with a gift in your will, or                                    Advancement at 250.740.6216 to
         consider a gift today!                                          learn how your gift can change lives.

18      Nanaimo            Parksville         Qualicum Beach            Nanoose Bay
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