SPOTLIGHT Data and Technology Research Project Update, May 2021

Page created by Ronald Hopkins
SPOTLIGHT Data and Technology Research Project Update, May 2021
Data and Technology Research
Project Update, May 2021

This Spotlight represents the views of PCAOB staff and not
necessarily those of the Board. It is not a rule, policy, or
statement of the Board.
Spotlight: Data and Technology Research Project Update, May 2021

Overview                                                              3

PCAOB Staff Activities and Observations                               3

  General Observations on Technology-Based Tools and
  PCAOB Standards                                                     4

  Service Centers                                                     5

  Automation                                                          5

  Auditor’s Responses to the Risks of Material Misstatement           5

  Effect of Technology on Auditing Inventory                          7

  Use of Technology in the Confirmation Process                       8

What’s Next?                                                          9

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Spotlight: Data and Technology Research Project Update, May 2021

OVERVIEW                                           The information in this Spotlight is not
                                                   staff guidance; rather, it highlights timely
Advancements in technology continue to
                                                   and relevant observations for auditors
affect the nature, timing, and preparation of
                                                   and other key stakeholders.
financial information, including preparers’
controls around financial information, and         The nature, timing, and extent of the
the planning and performance of audits. The        use of technology-based tools in an
Board’s strategic plan highlights the need to      audit is dependent on the particular
anticipate and respond to these advancements       facts and circumstances of each
and their corresponding opportunities and          engagement and may be governed by
risks. The PCAOB’s Office of the Chief Auditor     policies and procedures established by
established a research project on data and         the audit firm. Accordingly, the PCAOB
technology to assess whether there is a need       staff observations below should not
for guidance, changes to PCAOB standards, or       be viewed as an endorsement of or
other regulatory actions.                          recommendation for the use of any
                                                   specific technology-based tool in any
We are issuing this Spotlight to provide
                                                   particular audit.
transparency into our research project and
share insights from our research and outreach
activities during 2020. The observations
highlighted in this document build upon          Confirmation Process; and AS 2510, Auditing
those previously shared in our May 2020          Inventories – in the context of the evolving use
Spotlight for PCAOB Stakeholders – Data and      of technology-based tools.
Technology Research Project Update (“May
                                                 As highlighted in our May 2020 Spotlight, we
2020 Spotlight”).
                                                 assessed whether there is a need for guidance
                                                 on, or changes to, AS 1105, Audit Evidence. This
PCAOB STAFF                                      assessment, in conjunction with our outreach

ACTIVITIES AND                                   and research, suggested that guidance or
                                                 changes to the standard may be needed, given
OBSERVATIONS                                     the increasing prevalence of technology-based
                                                 tools and the increasing availability and use
Throughout last year, PCAOB staff continued      of information from sources external to the
to conduct research and outreach activities as   company, both in financial reporting and as
part of assessing whether regulatory action      audit evidence. We therefore added a project
is necessary in response to the increasing       related to audit evidence to our research
use of technology by auditors and preparers.     agenda in September 2020.
Our research focused on furthering our
understanding about how auditors are using       As part of our ongoing research activities,
technology-based tools to respond to the         we continued to gather information from
identified risks of material misstatement. Our   PCAOB oversight activities, review changes
work included analyzing the requirements         to audit firms’ policies and methodologies
of certain PCAOB standards – including AS        related to the use of technology-based tools,
2301, The Auditor’s Responses to the Risks       and consider relevant academic research.
of Material Misstatement; AS 2310 The            We continued to engage with preparers and

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Spotlight: Data and Technology Research Project Update, May 2021

key stakeholders on their experiences with           audit quality and determine any implications
data and technology, and we have monitored           for our standards.
the activities of other standard setters and
regulators. Our work has also been informed          The nature, timing, and extent of the use of
by the PCAOB Data and Technology Task                technology-based tools continue to differ
Force (“Task Force”), whose members provide          among audit firms. Investment in and use of
valuable perspectives on the use of technology       these tools are not, however, limited to only the
by auditors and preparers, as well as the            larger audit firms. Some smaller audit firms
application of PCAOB standards in relation to        are also making investments by developing
its use.                                             tools internally, partnering with software
                                                     companies to design and develop customized
In connection with our 2020 outreach, we             tools, or directly purchasing “off-the-shelf” tools.
inquired about the effect of the COVID-19            In addition, the auditor’s use of technology-
crisis on the use of technology by auditors and      based tools is influenced by preparers’ use of
preparers. Overall, our observations suggest         technology.
that the pandemic has not significantly
altered the nature, timing, and extent of            Audit firms continue to make progress in
risk assessment procedures or the auditor’s          developing their own technology-based tools
response to risks performed using technology-        by designing tools for use in multiple audits
based tools. In some cases, auditors expanded        and across multiple industries, as well as tools
the use of technology in areas such as               that are tailored for specific circumstances.
facilitating supervision and review. Certain         For example, some tools are designed to be
additional observations related to the effect        used in the audits of companies in specific
of COVID-19 were highlighted in Spotlight:           industries (e.g., healthcare), for a particular
Staff Observations and Reminders during the          engagement, or to assist with the auditing
COVID-19 Pandemic.                                   of specific transactions (e.g., analysis of
                                                     insurance company premiums and claims).
General Observations on                              Further, we have observed that some audit
                                                     firms are customizing tools for specific
Technology-Based Tools and                           accounting or finance systems or for auditing
PCAOB Standards                                      certain components of a system (e.g., general
To date, the results of our activities continue to   ledger, inventory management, investment
indicate that PCAOB auditing standards do not        recordkeeping, or payroll).
preclude audit firms’ use of technology-based
                                                     Some audit firms believe that the use of
tools during an audit. We have heard, however,
                                                     technology-based tools, in certain instances,
and we continue to acknowledge, that our
                                                     provides more persuasive evidence than
current standards do not explicitly encourage
                                                     traditional audit techniques. For example, as
the use of such tools, indicate when their use
                                                     part of performing audit procedures to test the
may or may not be appropriate, or highlight
                                                     occurrence of revenue, some auditors use a
related risks or possible pitfalls associated with
                                                     technology-based tool that matches revenue
their use. PCAOB staff will continue to gather
                                                     transactions with subsequent cash receipts for
input on advancements in technology and
                                                     an entire population in lieu of traditional audit
changes in how auditors use technology. We
                                                     techniques (e.g., manual tests of details of a
will consider the effects of those changes on
                                                     sample of transactions).

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Spotlight: Data and Technology Research Project Update, May 2021

Our outreach continues to reinforce our view       lease agreements for payment terms, contracts
that even as the use of technology-based           for unusual terms and conditions, and notes to
tools becomes increasingly common, PCAOB           the financial statements for changes from prior
standards will need to continue to address         periods).
traditional audit techniques (e.g., the use of
paper confirmations). This would, among other      Auditor’s Responses to the Risks
things, facilitate audits where technology-based   of Material Misstatement
tools are not used to perform audit procedures
or the use of such tools faces challenges (e.g.,   In 2020, we took a deeper dive into how
data extraction or system limitations, legal       auditors are using technology-based
restrictions, or data privacy concerns).           tools in responding to the risks of material
                                                   misstatement under AS 2301. That standard
Service Centers                                    describes two types of audit responses: (i)
                                                   overall audit responses (i.e., those that have an
Some audit firms have established shared           overall effect on how the audit is conducted
service centers or other specialist groups         such as incorporating unpredictability in the
(collectively “centralized resources”) that        selection of audit procedures to be performed)
are involved in the use of technology-based        and (ii) responses involving the nature, timing,
tools on individual audits. Such centralized       and extent of audit procedures that address
resources may, for example, extract, aggregate,    risks of material misstatement for each relevant
analyze, format, and disseminate information       assertion of each significant account and
to engagement teams in support of their            disclosure.
audit procedures. While the approach to
involving centralized resources in the use of      Our observations related to the use of
technology-based tools varies among audit          technology-based tools in the auditor’s overall
firms (e.g., depending on the type of tools        audit responses include the following:
used or availability of data), in most instances
                                                   yy Unpredictability. Technology-based
members of the engagement team test the
                                                      tools can aid auditors in incorporating
completeness and accuracy of company data
                                                      unpredictability in the nature and extent
used in the tools.
                                                      of audit procedures (e.g., aiding the auditor
Automation                                            in identifying transactions outside of the
                                                      traditional selection criteria). The nature
Some audit firms are using technology-based           and volume of information available to
tools (e.g., robotic process automation) to           auditors when using technology-based
automate certain aspects of repetitive or less        tools, including company data and data
complex audit procedures (e.g., reconciling           from third-party sources, may allow auditors
account balances to the general ledger,               to increase the level of unpredictability in
vouching sales transactions to subsequent cash        their work. For example, tools may give an
receipts, or preparing confirmations to be sent       auditor the increased ability to analyze, on a
to third parties). Certain audit firms are also       disaggregated basis, complete populations
using optical character recognition software to       of transactions in new or unexpected ways,
review certain company documents for specific         thus thwarting attempts by management to
terms selected by the auditor (e.g., reviewing        anticipate the auditor’s procedures.

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Spotlight: Data and Technology Research Project Update, May 2021

yy Management Bias. In certain instances,              improving the precision of an expectation
   technology-based tools can aid auditors             developed as part of a substantive
   in analyzing data for indicators of                 analytical procedure or the precision of an
   management bias. For example, such tools            independent estimate developed to test an
   may be used to identify instances in which          accounting estimate).
   management consistently selects prices
   from the upper end of a range when valuing       yy Testing Data. Technology-based tools
   securities.                                         have enabled some auditors to compare
                                                       current period and prior period data to
yy Revisions to Planned Audit Response.                identify changes in specific attributes in
   Technology-based tools may provide                  a data population that are not expected
   auditors with new information that may              to change (e.g., date of birth included in
   suggest a need for revisions to their planned       pension demographic data). Some auditors
   audit response. For example, through the            have used this approach to identify changes
   use of a tool, an auditor may identify new or       in a population compared to prior periods
   different risks of material misstatement for a      and focus their testing on the items that are
   certain population of transactions, which in        potentially more affected by the identified
   turn may require the auditor to revise their        risks of material misstatement in lieu of
   planned audit response.                             traditional audit techniques (e.g., selecting a
                                                       random sample).
Our observations related to how technology-
based tools affect the nature, timing, and extent   yy Testing Controls. While technology-
of audit procedures performed to address risks         based tools, in their current form, are
of material misstatement include the following:        not widely used to test all attributes of a
                                                       control, tools can provide evidence about
yy Refinement of Selection Criteria within an          certain attributes of a control’s design (e.g.,
   Audit Procedure. Some technology-based              analyzing system configurations, such
   tools enable auditors to perform multiple           as user access rights, access restrictions,
   iterations of a test. For example, in some          and segregation of duties), and operating
   instances, auditors ran several iterations of       effectiveness (e.g., the occurrence of an
   an audit procedure within a tool in order to        electronic signoff or the completeness
   detect items (e.g., specific transactions or        and accuracy of a system-generated
   journal entries) that may be affected by the        report), particularly if a control attribute is
   identified risks of material misstatement.          automated.
   With each iteration, the auditor would
   refine the selection criteria based on the       yy Substantive Procedures for Significant
   information learned from previous tests.            Accounts. Some auditors are using
                                                       technology-based tools to perform
yy Disaggregation of Data. In some instances,          substantive audit procedures to audit
   the use of technology-based tools may               certain assertions for significant accounts
   enable auditors to disaggregate data                such as revenue, cash, trade accounts
   to a level where the most plausible and             receivable, investments, and inventory. For
   predictable relationships are more readily          example, some auditors are using tools as
   identified, which in turn can improve               part of testing the occurrence of revenue by
   the precision of an audit procedure (e.g.,          comparing the quantity of items ordered to

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Spotlight: Data and Technology Research Project Update, May 2021

  the quantity of items shipped and invoiced           and evaluate – new policies and procedures
  for an entire population.                            and to implement new controls (e.g., new
                                                       information system access controls to ensure
yy Accounting Principles and Policies. Some            that only appropriate personnel have the
   audit firms have developed technology-              ability to manipulate electronic data, new
   based tools to assist in evaluating whether         automated controls to interface the inventory
   accounting principles and policies have             management system with the general
   been consistently applied to the relevant           ledger).
   populations of transactions (e.g., utilizing
   tools to ensure consistent application of         yy Design and Frequency of Inventory
   revenue recognition across transactions).            Counts. Automation and advanced inventory
                                                        management systems have resulted in some
yy Evaluating Disclosures. Some audit firms             management and internal audit groups
   have developed technology-based tools that           reassessing the design and frequency of their
   assist in evaluating the notes to the financial      inventory counts based upon the enhanced
   statements to identify incomplete or                 accuracy of perpetual inventory systems,
   inaccurate disclosures (e.g., the use of tools       which may affect frequency and timing of the
   to compare the company’s disclosures to              auditor’s inventory observations.
   those in prior periods or to industry peers).
                                                     yy Performance and Documentation of
Effect of Technology on Auditing                        Observations. Some audit firms have
Inventory                                               developed technology-based tools to assist
                                                        with performing and documenting inventory
Our outreach has shown that some preparers              observations. For example, technology-based
have implemented or plan to implement                   tools can enable the auditor to make test
advanced inventory management systems to                count selections, document the test counts
monitor and facilitate the movement, counting,          within the tool, and generate the resulting
and recording of inventory. This increase in            audit documentation.
the use of technology in the inventory process
is not limited to preparers, as auditors are         yy Remote Observations. We understand that
increasingly using technology-based tools to            some companies are using technology-based
assist in auditing inventory and in complying           tools, such as location cameras and drones,
with the requirements of AS 2510. While the             to conduct inventory counts remotely. Some
standards do not explicitly describe how the            auditors are using similar technology-based
auditor may use technology when auditing                tools to facilitate the remote performance
inventory, the existing requirements remain             of their inventory observation. In particular,
relevant when technology is used. Our                   we observed these tools being used during
observations related to the effect of technology        the COVID-19 pandemic to virtually observe
on auditing inventory include the following:            inventory or physical assets. Where the tools
                                                        are operated by management, internal audit,
yy New Controls (Including Policies and                 or a vendor, the auditor performs certain
   Procedures). At some companies, the                  procedures to determine that the tools
   increased use of technology in their inventory       produce reliable audit evidence. This may
   process has required the companies to                include assessing vendor qualifications (e.g.,
   develop – and the auditor to understand              licensing and experience).

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Spotlight: Data and Technology Research Project Update, May 2021

yy Analytical Procedures. Some auditors are        yy Design of the Confirmation Request.
   using technology-based tools to perform            Our outreach has shown that the use of
   analytical procedures in connection with           technology generally does not affect the
   auditing certain assertions related to             design of the auditor’s confirmation request
   inventory (e.g., to analyze how inventory          (i.e., positive or negative confirmations).
   composition has changed over time when             Many of the factors that may affect the
   testing the valuation of inventory or to           reliability of paper confirmations – such
   select items for inventory observation when        as the form of the confirmation request,
   testing for existence based upon certain risk      prior experience on the audit or similar
   characteristics, such as new or higher value       engagements, the nature of the information
   inventory).                                        being confirmed, and the intended
                                                      respondent – are also relevant to electronic
Use of Technology in the                              confirmations.
Confirmation Process                               yy Considerations Related to the Use of
Our outreach has shown that auditors are              Confirmations. While we have observed
increasingly using technology-based tools in          that in certain instances the use of
the confirmation process. In some instances,          electronic confirmations can make it easier
the tools used by auditors have been developed        for the recipient to respond efficiently, new
by their firm for their exclusive use. In other       considerations have emerged related to
instances, the auditors use tools and services        their use (e.g., confirmation email captured
provided by external parties. Our observations        by spam filter, respondent deletes or
related to the use of technology by auditors in       ignores the notification out of concern it
the performance of confirmation procedures            is a phishing scam), which may affect the
include the following:                                confirmation response rate.

yy The Confirmation Process. Technology is         yy Risks Related to the Confirmation Process.
   generally used to help the auditor maintain        Many of the risks that exist with the use
   control over the confirmation process and          of paper confirmations (e.g., false mailing
   improve process efficiency, by facilitating        address for the intended recipient, paper
   certain administrative aspects of the              response received from someone other than
   confirmation process, such as preparing,           the intended recipient) also exist with the
   distributing, receiving, and tracking              use of electronic confirmations, although
   confirmations. The use of technology               in a slightly different form (e.g., false e-mail
   may assist the auditor in communicating            address for the intended recipient, response
   with management about the status of                received from false e-mail account).
   outstanding positive confirmation requests,        Regardless of the form of the confirmation,
   as well as in the identification of accounts       auditors perform procedures to assess the
   or transactions that may require additional        reliability of the response (e.g., telephone
   investigation or alternative procedures.           call to the purported sender when received
                                                      electronically, internet search to verify the
                                                      validity of a business or other recipient).

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Spotlight: Data and Technology Research Project Update, May 2021

                                                 We Want to Hear from You
In 2021, PCAOB staff will continue to
conduct research and engage in outreach          These observations have been informed by our
activities, including with our Task Force,       outreach efforts and input from our Task Force.
focusing on:                                     We acknowledge, however, that others may have
                                                 different experiences with, and perspectives on,
yy Updating our understanding of                 the use of technology-based tools, particularly in
   changes in the use of technology              light of the challenges of the current COVID-19
   in auditing and financial reporting,          environment.
   including how requirements in PCAOB
   standards affect the use of technology        We welcome the opportunity to hear from
   by auditors;                                  auditors about how they are using technology in
                                                 the audit and how the use of the tools is affected
yy Obtaining a more in-depth                     by the requirements in the PCAOB’s standards.
   understanding of how auditors                 We also welcome hearing from preparers about
   are using technology-based tools              how technology is used in internal control
   in responding to identified risks of          over financial reporting and in the preparation
   material misstatement, focusing on,           of the financial statements, and from other
   for example, substantive analytical           stakeholders – including audit committee
   procedures and audit sampling;                members, investors, and academics – about
                                                 how technology may be used in auditing and
yy Understanding how auditors are using
                                                 financial reporting.
   technology-based tools to identify,
   assess, and respond to fraud risks            If you are interested in sharing your experiences,
   (e.g., risk of management override of         please contact us at TechnologyOutreach@
   controls); and                      

yy Collaborating with other regulators           You can learn more about this project on the
   and standard setters, as appropriate.         PCAOB’s Data and Technology Research
                                                 Project page. You can also visit the PCAOB’s
We are also continuing to consider how
                                                 Research and Standard-Setting Projects page
PCAOB quality control standards should
                                                 to learn about other research and standard-
address the evolving and greater use of
                                                 setting projects. We encourage you to also sign
technology by audit firms.
                                                 up for project updates.

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