SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION - Supply in Australia March 2019 - Get Building SDA

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SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION - Supply in Australia March 2019 - Get Building SDA
Supply in Australia
March 2019
SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION - Supply in Australia March 2019 - Get Building SDA
SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION - Supply in Australia March 2019 - Get Building SDA
Supply in Australia
March 2019
SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION - Supply in Australia March 2019 - Get Building SDA
Social Ventures Australia
Funding • Investment • Advice
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info@socialventures.com.au | socialventures.com.au | @social_ventures

Summer Foundation
Summer Foundation Ltd
ABN 90 117 719 516
PO Box 208
Blackburn 3180
VIC Australia
Telephone: +613 9894 7006
Fax: +613 8456 6325

© 2019, Summer Foundation Ltd. A copy of this report is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 License (international)

Social Ventures Australia and the Summer Foundation have prepared this report in good faith based on information available
to us at the date of publication. Information has been obtained from sources that we believe it to be reliable and up to date,
but we have not verified its accuracy or completeness. Social Ventures Australia and the Summer Foundation do not make
any warranty, express or implied, regarding any information in the report, including warranties as to the accuracy, completeness
or fitness for purpose of the information. Social Ventures Australia and the Summer Foundation are not liable to any person
for any damage or loss that has occurred, or may occur, in relation to that person taking or not taking action in respect of
any representation, statement, opinion or advice referred to in this report.
SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION - Supply in Australia March 2019 - Get Building SDA
Table of contents

Foreword................................................... 3          Modelling SDA undersupply................... 21                          Appendix A: New SDA supply
                                                                                                                                                as reported in survey.............................. 36
Executive Summary.................................. 4                  Where is SDA undersupply?................... 21
                                                                          Introduction to maps...................................... 21         Appendix B: SDA supply and demand
Background............................................... 5
                                                                          Map 8: New South Wales............................... 22              – New South Wales................................. 37
   What is SDA.....................................................5
                                                                          Map 9: Victoria............................................... 23
   Previous SDA market analysis..........................5                                                                                      Appendix C: SDA supply and demand
                                                                          Map 10: Queensland...................................... 24           Queensland............................................. 38
   New SDA data from the NDIS...........................5
                                                                          Map 11: South Australia................................. 25
   Survey methodology.........................................6                                                                                 Appendix D: SDA supply and demand
                                                                          Map 12: Western Australia.............................. 26
                                                                                                                                                – Victoria and WA.................................... 39
National overview of results..................... 8                       Map 13: ACT and Northern Territory............... 27

Type of new SDA reported........................ 9                        Map 14: Tasmania.......................................... 28         Appendix E: SDA supply and demand
                                                                                                                                                – ACT, NT, SA and Tasmania................... 40
Stage of SDA development.................... 10                        SDA Provider Profiles............................. 29
                                                                          Melba Support Services/                                               TECHNICAL NOTES................................ 41
Profile of new SDA developers                                             Community Housing Limited.......................... 30
and providers.......................................... 11
                                                                          Access 2 Place............................................... 31
Where is the new SDA supply?.............. 13                             Summer Housing............................................ 32
   Introduction to maps...................................... 13          Youngcare....................................................... 33
   Map 1: New South Wales............................... 14               Connecting the new market –
   Map 2: Victoria............................................... 15      The Housing Hub............................................ 34

   Map 3: Queensland........................................ 16        New SDA Data from the National
   Map 4: South Australia................................... 17        Disability Insurance Agency................... 35
   Map 5: Tasmania............................................ 18
   Map 6: Western Australia................................ 20
   Map 7: ACT and Northern Territory................. 20

                                                                                                                                SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION – Supply in Australia               1
SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION - Supply in Australia March 2019 - Get Building SDA
Figures and Tables                                   Table 1 – New SDA places by jurisdiction     GLOSSARY
Figure 1 – Location of new SDA places                Table 2 – New SDA supply by Building Type    CHP    Community Housing Provider
in development                                       and Design Category
                                                                                                  DGR    Deductible Gift Registration
Figure 2 – New SDA supply by jurisdiction            Table 3 – Provider type by Building Type
                                                                                                  DSP    Disability Support Provider
Figure 3 – New SDA supply by Building Type           Table 4 – Provider type by Design Category
                                                                                                  NDIA   National Disability Insurance Agency
Figure 4 – New SDA supply by Design Category         Table 5 – SDA modelled undersupply
                                                                                                  NDIS   National Disability Insurance Scheme
                                                     and new supply
Figure 5 – New SDA supply by stage
                                                                                                  NFP    Not for Profit
of development
                                                                                                  SA4    Statistical Area level 4
Figure 6 – New SDA supply – expected
completion date                                                                                   SDA    Specialist Disability Accommodation

Figure 7 – SDA provider type by number                                                            SIL    Supported Independent Living
of SDA places in development
Figure 8 – Number of providers by number
of SDA places in development
Figure 9 – New Build SDA enrolled compared
with new SDA supply
Figure 10 – New Build SDA enrolled compared
with new SDA supply by Design Category

SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION - Supply in Australia March 2019 - Get Building SDA

It is with great enthusiasm and optimism that        Our organisations partnered on this report because
                                                                                                                           Luke Bosher
Social Ventures Australia and the Summer             we know that robust evidence and data are key
Foundation present this report into the growth       enablers of a successful SDA market that delivers
                                                                                                                           Summer Foundation
in supply of Specialist Disability Accommodation     on this vision for people with disability.
(SDA) across Australia.
                                                     We hope this report will inform and guide the next
Specialist Disability Accommodation Supply in        phase of investment in SDA. Greater transparency
                                                                                                                           Diana Ferner
Australia is the most comprehensive snapshot         of what is underway and where, will enhance the
                                                                                                                           Director, Consulting and Disability Lead
undertaken to date on how the market is responding   confidence of those actively involved in the market
                                                                                                                           Social Ventures Australia
to the opportunity to expand housing supply for      and allow stakeholders to make more informed
people with disability.                              investment decisions.

The report’s finding, that more than 1,500 new SDA   We also anticipate that this data will aid governments
places are in the construction pipeline, should be   and market intermediaries to identify where the SDA
welcomed by people with disability, governments      market is lagging and where more focused efforts
and the broader supply market.                       to generate SDA supply might be needed.

This report highlights geographies and building      The SDA market is still in its infancy. There is still
types where the SDA market has had a strong early    much more to do to create an SDA market that
response, and shines a light on areas where SDA      delivers the scale of housing anticipated – including
supply remains weak and needs more focus by          12,000 new places and redevelopment of a large
providers and government.                            segment of the existing 16,000 places.

Social Ventures Australia and the Summer             Social Ventures Australia and the Summer
Foundation share a vision for an Australia where     Foundation look forward to continuing to work
people with disability have access to high quality   with people with disability, providers, investors and
housing that meets their needs and fosters           governments to create an SDA market that delivers
connection to communities.                           on the vision of housing for people with disability.

                                                                                                 SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION – Supply in Australia       3
SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION - Supply in Australia March 2019 - Get Building SDA
Executive Summary

Specialist Disability Accommodation Supply                The Specialist Disability Accommodation                • The estimated undersupply of SDA is
in Australia is a report on new supply and potential      Supply in Australia report was created to provide        concentrated in the major cities, except
undersupply of Specialist Disability Accommodation        much-needed data on the nascent SDA market to            for South Australia where Adelaide already
(SDA) across Australia.                                   encourage further investment and speed the creation      has significant new supply in the pipeline
                                                          of specialist housing for people with disability.
This report is based on a survey of SDA providers                                                               A range of provider types responded to the survey,
                                                          The report indicates that a solid start has been
across Australia undertaken in late 2018. The survey                                                            with not-for-profit providers dominating activity,
                                                          made in the new SDA market, with more than 2,000
collected data about new SDA projects under                                                                     mainly community housing providers (the latter
                                                          new SDA places either enrolled (registered with the
development in order to determine how many SDA                                                                  responsible for nearly 60% of the reported supply).
                                                          NDIS) or in the development pipeline. This takes
places are in the pipeline (i.e. being planned or
                                                          into account 718 places of newly built SDA enrolled
constructed). The data presented in the report came
                                                          with the NDIA as at 31 December 2018.
from 55 SDA providers who responded with details
of their SDA development projects.                        However, with around 12,000 new SDA places
                                                          needing to be created to meet the anticipated
The survey indicates that there are 1,518 SDA
                                                          demand from NDIS participants with SDA funding,
places in development around Australia, with the
                                                          increased market confidence to encourage further
most activity in NSW, Victoria and South Australia.
                                                          investment is essential.
Number of SDA places reported in development
or newly enrolled                                         The survey has revealed that:

                                                           • The current SDA development pipeline is
    ACT                                 32
                                                             dominated by High Physical Support designs,
    NSW                                 635
                                                             with very little Robust capacity being built
    NT                                   0
                                                           • The most common building types are
    QLD                                 99
                                                             apartments and group homes
    SA                                  336
                                                           • More than 80% of places are at pre-construction
    TAS                                 14                   or construction stages of development
    VIC                                 386
                                                           • Three-quarters of the reported supply would
    WA                                  16                   be delivered by early 2020
    National                           1,518

SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION - Supply in Australia March 2019 - Get Building SDA

What is SDA?                                         The SDA housing market is a new and exciting            conducted a limited survey of SDA providers
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is         market which is expected to create thousands of         to determine how many SDA places were under
                                                     new dwellings for people with disability over the       development around Australia. Due to limitations
housing that has been specially designed to suit
                                                     next few years. However, there is complexity in the     in the survey responses and the relative immaturity
the needs of people who have ‘extreme functional
                                                     way policy governing SDA payments operates,             of the market, the results were not published.
impairment’ or ‘very high support needs’.
                                                     set out in the SDA Pricing and Payment Framework        But more than 900 places of new SDA were
SDA payments for individual participants under the   and associated documents (ndis.gov.au/providers/        identified through this survey.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) enable   price-guides-and-information/sda-pricing-and-
                                                                                                             When the Market Insights report was presented
them to pay to live in SDA housing. It is expected   payments). To date there has been significant
                                                                                                             at a series of seminars and other forums around
that around 28,000 people under the NDIS will be     uncertainty in the market about where to build
                                                                                                             Australia in 2018, there were calls for data that
funded for SDA, with the NDIS eventually spending    new SDA housing and who for.
                                                                                                             would give an indication of the SDA development
around $700 million per year on SDA payments.
                                                     Previous SDA market analysis                            pipeline, to improve confidence in the direction
SDA payments are provided for purpose-built          In 2018 the Summer Foundation and SGS                   of locations for new SDA investment.
housing for NDIS participants with very high and     Economics and Planning published the Specialist
complex support needs, to enable them to lead
                                                                                                             New SDA data from the NDIS
                                                     Disability Accommodation Market Insights report
an ordinary life. These payments are made to a                                                               The lack of data about people being funded for SDA
                                                     which estimated current SDA supply and potential
provider of an SDA property when someone who                                                                 or current SDA supply was recognised in KPMG’s
                                                     demand. As NDIS data was not available at that
has been approved for SDA funding is living in it.                                                           NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation Pricing
                                                     time, this analysis used a proxy data source
                                                     (Disability Services - National Minimum Data Set,       and Payments Framework Review to be a significant
The SDA model of funding under the NDIS creates                                                              barrier for investment in growing the stock of SDA.
a user-driven market that enables people with        providing administrative data from state disability
                                                     service systems) to establish demand and supply         The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)
disability to decide where they live and who they
                                                     in indicative terms. You will find the Specialist       began providing more extended SDA data in
live with. The model will deliver better housing
                                                     Disability Accommodation Market Insights report         its September 2018 quarterly report. The latest
outcomes for people with very high and complex
                                                     at: summerfoundation.org.au/resources/                  available data (from the December 2018 report)
disability support needs.
                                                     sda-market-insights/                                    indicates 10,975 participants have SDA funding
                                                     In 2017, as part of the analysis being undertaken       in their plans (39% of an expected total of 28,000
                                                     for this report, the Summer Foundation and the          participants with SDA funding), and there are 2,593
                                                     Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute         dwellings enrolled as SDA.

                                                                                                SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION – Supply in Australia          5
SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION - Supply in Australia March 2019 - Get Building SDA
Background (continued)

However, there are a number of limitations with the         There is now a strong commitment from the NDIA,          In lieu of available data on the state of current and
reported data in providing indications of demand            backed by recent directions from the Disability          pipeline SDA supply from the NDIA, the Summer
for new SDA housing and where additional SDA                Reform Council, to continue to provide and improve       Foundation and Social Ventures Australia (SVA)
housing is needed:                                          SDA data on participants and supply.                     have partnered to undertake a survey on the
                                                                                                                     development pipeline of SDA supply to supplement
    • People living in supported accommodation              This report includes some newly released data
                                                                                                                     the previous Market Insights report. The results that
      prior to the transition to the NDIS often             on newly built SDA places provided by the NDIA.
                                                                                                                     follow highlight where the SDA market has had a
      automatically receive SDA funding in their plans      Refer to p.35 in this report.
                                                                                                                     strong early response and where there is a need
      reflecting the accommodation they are currently
                                                            In addition, as part of a number of reforms              for greater focus by providers and government.
      living in. If they move, it is unclear whether and
                                                            announced to the SDA Pricing and Payment
      at what level they would receive SDA funding                                                                   Survey methodology
                                                            Framework, a commitment has been made to
    • The number of enrolled dwellings is not               enable SDA providers to pre-certify dwellings            SVA partnered with the Summer Foundation to
      provided by number of bedrooms/places for             to be built. This is a potentially useful source of      develop the survey, undertake the data analysis
      SDA-funded participants, so it is difficult to        future data about the SDA development pipeline,          and jointly produce this report.
      assess capacity in current SDA supply                 but will only reflect those projects which are pre-      A survey instrument was designed to capture key
    • Enrolment data does not include “in-kind”             certified (not a mandatory process). Pre-certification   aspects of SDA development projects.
      SDA – these are dwellings owned by state and          processes for new SDA development are expected           Data items included:
      territory governments and enrolled as SDA, but        to commence later in 2019 (dss.gov.au/disability-
                                                                                                                      • Organisation
      SDA payments are treated as pre-paid support          and-carers-programs-services-government-
      in a participant’s plan. This housing is generally    international-disability-reform-council/review-           • SDA Building Type
      group homes or larger residential settings,           of-the-sda-pricing-and-payments-framework).               • SDA Design Category
      which do not reflect contemporary practice.                                                                     • Number of bedrooms
      This housing forms part of the current SDA
                                                                                                                      • SDA capacity (number of SDA places, which
      supply, but is not visible in the current reporting
                                                                                                                        could be less than number of bedrooms)
    • Due to the staged rollout of the NDIS, the
                                                                                                                      • Location
      quality of the data in some jurisdictions is less
      reliable than in others                                                                                         • Expected date available for occupancy
    • Enrolment data does not include committed
      SDA developments currently in the pipeline

Background (continued)

 • Stage of development:                                • SDA providers listing vacancies with
   a. Completed after 1 April 2017 and enrolment          The Housing Hub, an information platform
      confirmed with NDIA                                 to connect searchers with providers

   b. Construction completed, pending enrolment         • Providers who had engaged with the Summer
                                                          Foundation through seminars, meetings and
   c. Under construction
                                                          other contacts
   d. Development and building approval
      completed and contractually committed             • Peak provider organisations including the
      to build                                            Community Housing Industry Association,
                                                          PowerHousing and National Disability Services
   e. Land secured, waiting for development
                                                          were approached to promote the survey
      approval, building approval and/or
                                                          to their networks.
      finance approval
                                                       At the closing date of the survey in January 2019,
The survey instrument was developed and tested
                                                       more than 80 responses had been received, with
with six active SDA developers of different types
                                                       60 organisations providing data and most others
and two SDA investors to check utility of the
                                                       indicating they had no SDA development planned,
resulting data and willingness to disclose
                                                       or that their projects were at an earlier stage.
information requested.
                                                       A small number of providers indicated they could
A survey invitation list was developed from            not provide data for commercial reasons.
a number of sources:
                                                       Following data cleansing, data from a total of 55
 • An edited version of the NDIA’s provider list for   providers was used for the analysis in this report.
   SDA services (duplicates across jurisdictions
   were removed as well as providers listed that
   did not have a clear public online presence,
   or whose website indicated they were likely
   to be providers of existing SDA)

                                                                                                   SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION – Supply in Australia   7
National overview of results

Fifty-five SDA providers submitted data to the         Most new SDA development activity is occurring in    Figure 2 – New SDA supply by jurisdiction
survey and reported a total of 1,518 new SDA           New South Wales, followed by Victoria and South      700
places, most of which are in the development and       Australia. The following table sets out the number         635

                                                                                                            600         NSW Home4Life project
construction phase. The following map indicates        of SDA places in development or newly completed,                 (350 places)

the location of new SDA supply, as determined          reported by jurisdiction.                            500

from responses to the survey.                                                                                              386
                                                       Table 1 – New SDA places by jurisdiction             400
Figure 1 – Location of new SDA places in development                                                        300                                 SA Government
                                                                                                                                                (221 places)
                                                                                 Number of SDA places

                                                        ACT                                32               100

                                                                                                                                                                      16   14
                                                        NSW                                635                    NSW      VIC          SA         QLD          ACT   WA   TAS

                                                        NT                                  0
                                                                                                            Figure 2 indicates a large number of SDA places
                                                                                                            in the pipeline in NSW. Note that in both NSW and
                                                        QLD                                99
                                                                                                            SA the data reported reflects government initiatives
                                                                                                            to either transition existing SDA residents into
                                                        SA                                 336
                                                                                                            improved SDA settings or create new SDA supply.
                                                        TAS                                14               These are one-off supply initiatives outside normal
                                                                                                            market processes (in the case of NSW this is
                                                        VIC                                386              a supply initiative to rehouse people currently
                                                                                                            living in large residential facilities).
                                                        WA                                 16

                                                        National                          1,518

Type of new SDA reported

The NDIS provides funding for SDA on the basis of                        Design Category                                             Table 2 illustrates the spread of SDA design
specified building types and categories (refer SDA                       Figure 4 illustrates SDA places reported from the           categories across building types in the development
price guide - ndis.gov.au/providers/price-guides-                        survey by Design Category. The most significant             pipeline, indicating that most apartment and group
and-information/sda-pricing-and-payments).                               design category reported in the survey results was          home places reported are in the High Physical
                                                                         High Physical Support (960 places) with smaller             Support design category but many houses are
Building Type
                                                                         numbers of Improved Liveability (242 places) and            in the Improved Liveability category.
Figure 3 illustrates SDA places reported from the
                                                                         Fully Accessible (254 places) SDA. Only 62 Robust           Table 2 – New SDA supply by Building Type
survey by Building Type. Apartments are the most
                                                                         SDA places were reported.                                   and Design Category
frequent building type reported from the survey
(534 places reported). However, there are also                           Figure 4 – New SDA supply by Design Category                                                                High
significant numbers of other building types – villa/                          Improved Liveability             242                                Improved      Fully
                                                                                                                                                                           Robust   Physical
                                                                                                                                                  Liveability Accessible
duplexes of 1-3 residents (199 places), 1 to 3-bedroom                        Improved Liveability             242                                                                  Support
houses (336 places) and group homes of 4-5
residents (413 places – noting that 350 of these                                  Fully Accessi ble            254                    Apartment      88          121                  325
are reported
                (1-2one   provider, associated with
                     residents)                    534                            Fully Accessi ble            254
the NSW    government-funded
      Apartment (1-2  residents) initiative to replace
                 (1-2residents)                    534
                                                    534                                                                               Villa/
                                                                                                                                      duplex/        25          53          20       101
existing large residential
     Apartment              facilities in that state).
                (1-2 residents)                    534                                     Robust         62
Villa Apartment
      / duplex / townhouse   (1-3
                  (1-2 residents)                199       534                             Robust         62
Figure 3 – New  SDA supply by Building Type
                   townhouse   (1-3
                    (1-2 residents)                        534
                                                  199                                                                                 House          129         52          30       125
Villa /Apartment
         duplex / townhouse    (1-3
                    (1-2 residents)              199       534             High Physical Support                         960
Villa / duplex  / townhouse (1-3
            House (2-3 residents)                199336                    High Physical Support                         960          Group
Villa / duplex  / townhouse (1-3                                                                                                                                 28          12       409
             House  (2-3
                          residents)             199336                                                                               home
             residents)                              336                                              0         500   1000
Villa / duplex / townhouse (1-3
            House (2-3 residents)                199336
             residents)                                                                               0         500   1000
            home (2-3
                    (4-5 residents)                    336
   Group home  (2-3
          home(4-5  residents)
                     residents)                        336
   Group House (2-3 residents)
         home (4-5                                     336
   Group home (4-5homes  (5+)
                   residents)              36           413
   Group home  (4-5homes
            Larger  residents)
                    homes (5+)
                           (5+)            36
                                            36          413
   Group home  (4-5homes
           Larger   residents)
                          (5+) 0           362 00    400 413
                                                          600 800 1000 1200
           Larger homes (5+)               36
                               00            2200
                                                00   400
                                                      400 600
                                                           600 800
                                                                800 1000
           Larger homes (5+)               36
                               0             2 00    400 600 800 1000 1200
           Larger homes (5+)               362 00                                                                       SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION – Supply in Australia              9
                               0                     400 600 800 1000 1200
                                       0    2 00 400 600 800 1000 1200
Stage of SDA development

Figure 5 illustrates the stage of development of the              Figure 6 illustrates the expected completion date of SDA supply reported in the survey, with 76% of places
reported SDA supply in development (by number                     scheduled to be complete by early 2020.
of SDA places). This indicates most projects                      Figure 6 – New SDA supply – expected completion date
reported are at pre-construction and construction
phases (1,238 places in total). Fifty-three places                 450
are reported as newly enrolled.                                                                                383
Figure 5 – New SDA supply by stage of development
                                                                   250                            191
                                             533                   200
                                                                   150     118      120                 119
500                                                                                                                      93
                                                                   100                                                                             67
                                                                                                                                       46   35
                                                                    50                                                                                    18            20    4
400                                                                  0
                                                                           Qtr1     Qtr2      Qtr3      Qtr4   Qtr1      Qtr2      Qtr3     Qtr4   Qtr1   Qtr2      Qtr3     Qtr4
                      227                                                                  2019                                 2020                             2021


            A            B         C           D             E

 Legend: Development status
 A. Completed after 1 April 2017 and enrolment confirmed
    with NDIA
 B. Construction completed, pending enrolment
 C. Under construction
 D. Development & building approval completed & contractually
     committed to build
 E. Land secured, waiting for development approval, building
     approval and/or finance approval

Profile of new SDA developers and providers

The following charts and tables provide some insight       Figure 7 – SDA provider type by number of SDA places                                Figure 8 indicates the providers by number of
into the scale of SDA development activity by type         in development                                                                      places being delivered, indicating more than half the
                                                   Community housing provider (CHP)
of provider, and the type of SDA being developed Community housing
                                                               Community  housing
                                                                    provider  (CHP)
                                                                                                                                               providers who responded to the survey have 11 or
                                                                    provider (CHP)
by provider type.                                                                                                                              more SDA places in development, with 6 providers
                                                           NFP Disability service provider (DSP - NFP)         234
                                                                                NFP Disability service
                                                          NFP Disability service provider (DSP - NFP)          234                             with between 50 and 150 places in development.
This information highlights the range of                              provider (DSP - NFP)

organisations active in SDA development at this Prviate housing provider (Private housing)                     217
                                                                                                                                               Figure 8 – SDA providers by scale of SDA
                                                                  Private housing
                                               Prviate housing provider   (Private provider
                                                                                    housing)                   217                             development activity
stage, including the key role being played by                             (Private housing)

not-for-profit organisations (especially community
                                             NFP hous ing provider, non-CHP (NFP housing)
                                                                     NFP housing provider
                                                                                                                                                                                             1 provider (NSW
                                            NFP hous ing provider, non-CHP (NFP housing)                                                           150+
housing providers), but also activity emerging from               non-CHP (NFP housing)                                                                                                      Home4Life project) 350
private SDA providers.                                                         Government                53
                                                                                        Government       53                                    51 to 150                                                   6 providers
                                                                                                                                                                                                           483 places
Figure 7 shows that community housing providers
                                            Private Dis ability service provider (DSP - P rivate)   33
dominate new SDA development at this point,Private Dis ability servicePrivate Disability service
                                                                       provider (DSP - P rivate)
                                                                       provider(DSP) - Private)     33                                          21 to 50                                              15 providers
                                                                                                                                                                                                      437 places
associated with a total of 891 SDA places in                                                      0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
                                                                                                  0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
development. Figure 7 also indicates the diversity                                                                                                                   9 providers
                                                                                                                                                11 to 20
of providers developing new SDA. This includes                           Legend: Provider types                                                                      114 places

a range of not-for-profit and private housing                            Community housing provider (CHP): Organisations registered
                                                                         with the National Regulatory System for Community Housing               1 to 10                24 providers
organisations and disability service provider                            (NRSCH) as a Tier 1, 2 or 3 housing provider                                                   134 places

organisations involved in new SDA development,                           NFP housing provider, non-CHP (NFP housing): Organisations                        0   100         200         300    400        500          600

as well as government agencies.                                          with Deductible Gift Registration (DGR) status, that are not a
                                                                              provider of NDIS core or SIL services and not a registered CHP
                                                                              Private housing provider: Commercial entity that does not
                                                                              have DGR status, not a provider of NDIS core or SIL services
                                                                              Disability service provider (DSP): Organisations that are
                                                                              a provider of NDIS core or SIL services or aged care service
                                                                              (including not-for-profit and for-profit providers, private
                                                                              landlords, family run projects and organisations providing
                                                                              Residential Aged Care services)

                                                                              Government: Commonwealth, State or Territory or Local
                                                                              Government agencies that register as the SDA provider

                                                                                                                                  SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION – Supply in Australia                           11
Profile of new SDA developers and providers (continued)

The following tables show the building types and         Table 3 – Provider type by building type
design categories of SDA being developed by                                                                     Villa/duplex/
                                                                                           Apartment                             House        Group home
different types of SDA providers. There are a number                                                            townhouse
of group homes and High Physical Support design           Community housing
                                                                                               258                  98            174             361
category places reported by community housing             provider (CHP)

providers. This result is influenced by a NSW             NFP Disability service
                                                                                                78                  72             11              73
                                                          provider (DSP - NFP)
government initiative to build 350 new SDA places,
which is being delivered by a major community             Private housing provider
                                                                                                93                  27             87              10
                                                          (Private housing)
housing provider in that state. As noted earlier, this
                                                          NFP housing provider,
is a one-off initiative. Table 4 indicates the small                                            90
                                                          non-CHP (NFP housing)
number of Robust category places in development,
mainly by not-for-profit providers.                       Government                                                               53

                                                          Private Disability service
                                                                                                15                   2             11              5
                                                          provider (DSP - Private)

                                                         Table 4 – Provider type by design category

                                                                                       Improved Liveability   Fully Accessible   Robust   High Physical Support

                                                          Community housing
                                                                                              167                  133            40              551
                                                          provider (CHP)
                                                          NFP Disability service
                                                                                               19                  105            20              90
                                                          provider (DSP - NFP)
                                                          Private housing provider
                                                                                                                    12                            205
                                                          (Private housing)
                                                          NFP housing provider,
                                                          non-CHP (NFP housing)

                                                          Government                           53

                                                          Private Disability service
                                                                                               3                    4             2               24
                                                          provider (DSP - Private)

Where is the new
                                                                                                SDA supply?
                     Liz’s story                                                                Introduction to maps
                                                                                                The following maps indicate the extent of
                                                                                                new SDA in development (as recorded in
                                                                                                survey responses) mapped to SA4 level
Moving in to her new apartment in Summer Housing’s Fairfield development this year              (refers to Statistical Area Level 4 – for
has been life changing for Liz.                                                                 explanation of statistical areas, refer to the
“I’m in my 30s and I’d never had a place of my own to live – ever,” Liz said.                   Australian Bureau of Statistics website:
“Nothing is yours when you live somewhere that’s run by an organisation because you             nsf/homeAustralian+Statistical+Geography
always feel like you’re intruding. Now, I walk in the door and I think ‘hang on, I’m home       +Standard+(ASGS)).
and I’m not intruding on anyone else’s space’. It’s awesome.”
                                                                                                Charts for each jurisdiction compare
Liz, who has cerebral palsy, had lived in two group homes over six years before she             the distribution of new SDA supply
moved in to her Fairfield apartment.                                                            in that jurisdiction by building type
For the 33-year-old who works for a disability service provider, the location of the             and design category with the national
development is perfect. “It takes me 15 minutes to get into the city on the train and there’s   figures from the survey.
also a bus I could get, which I’m looking forward to trying. I actually have options now.”      Note that these figures do not represent
Liz has an NDIS plan with SDA – high physical support. “My NDIS plan gives me flexibility       all SDA development activity as a
of support and choice and control of who provides these supports.”                              numberof providers who may have
                                                                                                SDA developments underway did not
The Fairfield apartment is one of 10 peppered throughout a private development of               respond to the survey.
77 units. The SDA apartments, in single or multiple bedroom layouts, feature accessible
and customisable kitchens and bathrooms, as well as smart home technology to enable             Detailed data by SA4 is provided in
tenants to maximise their independence and privacy. Access to 24-hour on-site support           the appendices.
is available.

“I’m actually living in the community now,” Liz said. “It’s just normal.”

Map 1: New South Wales – New SDA development

    New South Wales overview
    There is significant SDA development
    underway in the south and west of Sydney,
    and around Newcastle.

    NSW – SDA new supply by Building Type
Villa/duplex/townhouse             2%
    Villa/duplex/townhouse         2%

                   House           3%
                                   3%                       22%

           Group home                                                              59%
               Group home
                                                             30%   30%

                              0%         10%
                                        10%      20%20% 30%   30%40% 40%
                                                                      5 0%       560%
                                                                                   0%     60%
                                                                                         70%         70%
                                               NSW     National
                                                NSW         National

    NSW – SDA new supply by Design Category
     Improved Liveability
Villa/duplex/townhouse             2%
         Fully Accessi ble                   14%

                   House           3%
                               1%                           22%
                                 4%                                                                              Key
                                                                                               59%             SA4 name
           Group home                                                                    76%
    High Physical Support                                          30%           63%                       + New SDA supply

                              0% 10% 10%20%
                             0%                      20%
                                                      30%     30% 50% 40%60%
                                                             40%                 570%
                                                                                   0%     60%
                                                                                         80%         70%
                                               NSW     National
                                                NSW         National

Map 2: Victoria – New SDA development
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              New SDA supply

                                                                                                                           2019Survey                                                                                                                                                                                                         1                191

    Victoria overview
    New SDA development is mostly spread around the
    Melbourne area, with some additional development
    in the north-west.                                                                                                                North West

    VIC – SDA new supply by Building Type                                                                                                                                   Bendigo
                                                                                                                                                                                                 +6                                                                                        Melbourne - North West
                                                                                                           39%                                                                +7                                                                                                                   +19
             Apartment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Melbourne - North East
                                                                                               35%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        +34

                 Apartment                                                                                                                                                      Melbourne - North West
                                                                    23%          35%
Villa/duplex/townhouse                                                                                                                                                                  +19
                                                   13%                                                                       Warrnambool and South West
                                                                                                                                                                                    Melbourne - Inner South
     Villa/duplex/townhouse                                   23%                                                                       +9
                                                  13%                                                                                                                               Mornington Peninsula                                                                                                                                                                    Melbourne - Outer East
                                                                                                                                                                                            +41                                                                                                                                           Melbourne - Inner East                    +47
                   House                                           24%                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Melbourne - West
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               +52                                  Melbourne - Inner
                      House                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               +70

                                                        15%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Melbourne - Inner South
           Group home                              15%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      +11
                                                                             Map based on Longitude (generated) and Latitude (generated). Color shows sum of 2019SurveyCapacity. The marks are labeled by sum of 2019SurveyCapacity and Sa4 Name16. Details are shown for SA4. The data is filtered on Ste Name16, which keeps Victoria. The
                Group home                                                   view is filtered on sum of 2019SurveyCapacity, which includes values greater than or equal to 1.

                               0%    5%
                                     5%    10% 15%
                                          10%    15%20%20%
                                                         25%        25%
                                                                     30% 30%  35% 45%
                                                                         35% 40%    40%                             45%
                         Warrnambool and South West                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Melbourne - South East
                                    +9                                                                                                                                                                                                    Geelong                                                                                                                                  +30
                                            VIC National
                                                  National                                                                                                                                                                                  +25

    VIC – SDA new supply by Design Category
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mornington Peninsula
      Improved Liveability                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           +41
Villa/duplex/townhouse                                              23%
                                                   13%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Key
          Fully Accessi ble                 20%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SA4 name
                   House                                              24%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           + New SDA supply
                                     6%                             22%                                                   Map based on Longitude (generated) and Latitude (generated). Color shows sum of 2019SurveyCapacity. The marks are labeled by sum of 2019SurveyCapacity and Sa4 Name16. Details are shown for SA4. The data is filtered on Ste Name16,
                                    4%                                                                                    view is filtered on sum of 2019SurveyCapacity, which includes values greater than or equal to 1.

           Group home
     High Physical Support

                              0%     5%
                                    10%    10%
                                          20%      15% 40%
                                                  30%   20% 50%
                                                             25% 60%
                                                                  30% 70%
                                                                        35% 80%
                                                                              40%                                   45%
                                            VIC National

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION – Supply in Australia                                                                                    15
Map 3: Queensland – New SDA development

        Queensland State overview
        New SDA development is concentrated
        around Brisbane, with some development
        in the Gold Coast and Townsville.
        QLD – SDA new supply by Building Type                                                             62%

Villa/duplex/townhouse                                                   30%
        Villa/duplex/townhouse                                       30%
                  House               3%
                         House             3%

          Group home                        5%
                   Group home                                            30%

                           0% 0% 10%
                                   10%                 20%
                                                        20%       30%
                                                                 30%       4 0%4 0% 50%   50%
                                                                                            60%    60%
                                                                                                    70%     70%
                                                  QLD         National

        QLD – SDA new supply by Design Category

         Improved Liveability

             Fully Accessi ble        1%

                      Robust           4%
                                       4%                                                                             SA4 name
                                                                                                                  + New SDA supply
        High Physical Support

                                 0%             20%           40%          60%            80%      100%

                                                      QLD     National

        16      SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION – Supply in Australia
Map 4: South Australia – New SDA development
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   New SDA supply

      South Australia overview
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1                191

      New SDA development is occuring mainly
      in Adelaide and the south-east.
                                                                                                                                                                               South Australia - Outback                                                                                                         Barossa - Yorke - Mid North
      SA – SDA new supply by Building Type
Villa/duplex/townhouse                            18%
                                               13%                                                                                                                                                        Barossa - Yorke - Mid North
       Villa/duplex/townhouse                     18%
                                                                                                          66%                                                                                               Adelaide - Central and Hills                                                                       Adelaide - North
                  House                                                                                                                                                                                                 +68                                                                                          +77
                                                       22%                                 66%
                                                       22%                                                                                                                                             South Australia - South East
           Group home                0%
                  Group home                                   30%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Adelaide - West
                           0% 0% 10%
                                   10%          20%
                                                 20%         30%
                                                            30%       40% 5 0% 5 0%60%
                                                                    40%                  60%
                                                                                           70%           70%
                                                                                               Map based on Longitude (generated) and Latitude (generated). Color shows sum of 2019SurveyCapacity. The marks are labeled by sum of 2019SurveyCapacity and Sa4 Name16. Details are shown for SA4. The data is filtered on Ste Name16, which keeps South Australia.
                                                                                               The view is filtered on sum of 2019SurveyCapacity, which includes values greater than or equal to 1.
                                               SA      National
                                                       National                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Adelaide - Central and Hills

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Adelaide - South
      SA – SDA new supply by Design
                                    Category                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              +81
        Improved Liveability
                                               13%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   South Australia - South East
            Fully Accessi ble                         22%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       +28
                  House                                                                                   66%
                                0%                                                                                                      SA4 name
           Group home                                  24%                                                                          + New SDA supply
       High Physical Support                                   30%

                            0%        10%
                                      1 0%       20%
                                                20%        30% 40%40% 50%
                                                         30%                     5 0%60% 60%
                                                                                           70%           70%
                                               SA      National

                                                                                                    Map based on Longitude (generated) and Latitude (generated). Color shows sum of 2019SurveyCapacity. The marks are labeled by sum of 2019SurveyCapacity and Sa4 Name16. Details are shown for S
                                                                                                    The view is filtered on sum of 2019SurveyCapacity, which includes values greater than or equal to 1.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION – Supply in Australia                                                                                17

      Map 5: Tasmania – New SDA development

      Tasmania overview
      Limited SDA development was reported for
      Tasmania, with known activity in the north-east
      and north-west.
      TAS – SDA new supply by Building Type
Villa/duplex/townhouse          0%                                                                                West and North West
                                          13%                                                                             +10
       Villa/duplex/townhouse        0%
                                           13%                                                                                                         Launceston and North East
                  House                   14%                                                                                                                     +4
                        House              14% 22%

                 homehome                                                         86%

                           0% 0% 10%
                                   10% 20%
                                        20% 30%
                                            30% 4 40%
                                                    0% 50%
                                                                 70% 70%
                                                                      80% 80%
                                                                          90%           90%
                                                TAS   National
                                            TAS       National

      TAS – SDA new supply by Design Category
        Improved Liveability
Villa/duplex/townhouse          0%
                                          13%                                                                                                                                                            Key
            Fully Accessi ble                                                     86%
                                           17%                                                                                                                                                        SA4 name
                  House                   14%                                                                                                                                                     + New SDA supply
                     Robust               14%    22%

                    Support                            30%          63%

                            0% 10%
                           0%   10%       20%
                                          20% 30%
                                               30% 40%
                                                     4 0%50%50%60% 60%
                                                                     70%    80%
                                                                           70%    90%
                                                                                  80%   90%
                                                TAS   National
                                            TAS       National

                                                 Map based on Longitude (generated) and Latitude (generated). Color shows sum of 2019SurveyCapacity. The marks are labeled by sum of 2019SurveyCapacity and Sa4 Name16. Details are shown for
                                                 view is filtered on sum of 2019SurveyCapacity, which includes values greater than or equal to 1.

      18       SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION – Supply in Australia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     New SDA supply
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1                191

      Map 6: Western Australia – New SDA development
      Western Australia overview
      Known new SDA development is occurring
      north of Perth and in Mandurah.
      WA – SDA new supply by Building Type                                                                                                                                                            Perth - North West
Villa/duplex/townhouse         0%
      Villa/duplex/townhouse     0%

                  House        0%
                       House     0%         22%
                                                                                                          Perth - North West
                 home home
                                 0%                                                                               +14
                           0%0%        20%
                                      20%          40%
                                                   40%     60%
                                                             60%       80% 80% 100%      120%
                                                                                      100%         120%
                                             WA     National
                                             WA      National

      WA – SDA new supply by Design Category
                      Map based on Longitude    (generated) and Latitude (generated). Color shows sum of 2019SurveyCapacity. The marks are labeled by sum of 2019SurveyCapacity and Sa4 Name16. Details are shown for SA4. The data is filtered on Ste Name16, which keeps Western
       Improved Liveability
                      Australia. The view is filtered on sum of 2019SurveyCapacity, which includes values greater than or equal to 1.
Villa/duplex/townhouse         0%
           Fully Accessi ble   0%
                               0%                                                                                     SA4 name                                                                                   Mandurah
                    Robust     0%           22%                                                                   + New SDA supply                                                                                 +2

           Group home
      High Physical Support
                                               30%                     63%

                           0%          20%
                                      20%           40%
                                                   40%           60%
                                                               60%          80%
                                                                          80%            100%
                                                                                      100%         120%
                                             WA     National
                                             WA      National
                                                          Map based on Longitude (generated) and Latitude (generated). Color shows sum of 2019SurveyCapacity. The marks are labeled by sum of 2019SurveyCapacity and Sa4 Name16. Details are shown for SA4. The data is filtered on Ste Na
                                                          Australia. The view is filtered on sum of 2019SurveyCapacity, which includes values greater than or equal to 1.

                                                                                                                                                                           SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION – Supply in Australia                                                19
Map 7: ACT and Northern Territory – New SDA development

       Territories overview
       ACT – SDA new supply by Building Type                                                   63%
       Villa/duplex/townhouse                                         38%
                  House          0%
                         House        0%

          Group home                  0%
                   Group home                                  30%

                           0% 0% 10%10%          20%
                                                  20%      30%
                                                           30%         4 0% 50%50% 60%
                                                                     4 0%                60%70%   70%

                                                ACT     National

       ACT – SDA new supply by Design Category
         Improved Liveability
Villa/duplex/townhouse                                                 38%
             Fully Accessi ble    0%
                                 0%                                                                           Key
                                  0%                    22%                                                 SA4 name
                                                                                                        + New SDA supply
          Group home                                                               100%
       High Physical Support                                   30%

                           0%0%        10%
                                         20%     20%
                                                   40%     30%
                                                             60%      4 0%
                                                                         80%   50%
                                                                                 100%    60%
                                                                                           120%   70%                      No data recorded
                                               ACT      National

       20       SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION Supply in Australia
Modelling SDA undersupply                                                                                                  Where is the
                                                                                                                           SDA undersupply?
In the 2018 report Specialist Disability                        At a jurisdiction level, the Market Insights report        Introduction to maps
Accommodation Market Insights, modelled supply                  found significant undersupply of SDA places in
of existing SDA (based on the number of people                  NSW, Victoria, Queensland and WA. This does not            The following maps combine the location
receiving disability accommodation services under               take into account any existing SDA stock which             of the new SDA supply (drawn from
the pre-NDIS system) and indication of areas                    may need to be replaced. The results from this             survey results) with the analysis of SDA
of undersupply was mapped across Australia.                     report (summarised in Table 5) indicate that an early      undersupply published in 2018. The tables
                                                                start has been made to develop new SDA places,             following indicate the modelled shortfall
“Undersupply” was modelled in that report using                                                                            based on the Market Insights report, less
                                                                but there is a long way to go to make up the SDA
a proxy indicator of SDA supply from pre-NDIS
                                                                supply shortfall.                                          the new supply from the survey.
administrative data (refer to Technical Notes, p.41).
                                                                Note: The data sources used in Table 5 and the
                                                                following maps are not based on NDIS SDA data
                                                                (due to the limitations on availibility). Analysis of
                                                                enrolled SDA ‘new build’ supply data available
Table 5 – SDA modelled undersupply                              from the NDIA is provided on p.35.
after existing and new supply

                                                     Existing SDA         National distribution of         SDA shortfall
                          New SDA Supply*
                                                 residents (pre-NDIS)     SDA places (per capita)           (places)**
 Australian Capital
                                 32                      212                         471                        227
 New South Wales                635                     5,738                       9,029                      2,658
 Northern Territory               0                      165                         286                        121
 Queensland                      99                     3,340                       5,656                      2,217
 South Australia                336                     1,720                       1,998                       -59
 Tasmania                        14                      511                         603                         80
 Victoria                       386                     4,262                       7,210                      2,559
 Western Australia               16                     1,580                       2,871                      1,341
 National                       1,518                   17,528                      28,124                     9,144

*Reported from survey     **Takes into account reported new supply

Map 8: New South Wales – SDA undersupply

Highest areas of SDA undersupply

                           New SDA         SDA shortfall
                        supply (places)*    (places)**

 Sydney - Inner
                               46              352
 South West

 Sydney - South
                               11              344

 Sydney - City
                               0               291
 and Inner South

 Sydney - Eastern
                               0               262

 Sydney - North
                               20              243
 Sydney & Hornsby

 NSW                          635             2,658

*Reported from survey
**Takes into account reported new supply


                                                                        New SDA supply

                                                                   SDA undersupply per capita

Map 9: Victoria – SDA undersupply

Highest areas of SDA undersupply

                    New SDA supply          SDA shortfall
                       (places)*             (places)**

  Melbourne -
                            30                  582
  South East

  Melbourne -
                            52                  494

  Melbourne -
                            70                  435

  Geelong                   25                  287

  Melbourne -
                            19                  256
  North West

  VIC                      386                 2,559

 *Reported from survey
 **Takes into account reported new supply


                                                                                                            New SDA supply

                                                                                                       SDA undersupply per capita

                                                            SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION – Supply in Australia               23
Map 10: Queensland – SDA undersupply

Highest areas of SDA undersupply

                           New SDA         SDA shortfall
                        supply (places)*    (places)**

 Gold Coast                    15              399                                                                                                                  +9

 Brisbane - South              10              233

                               6               192
 Inner City

 Sunshine Coast                0               191

 Logan -
                               0               188
 Beaudesert                                                                                                                                                               +2

 QLD                           99             2,217                                                                                                                             +10                    +0

*Reported from survey
**Takes into account reported new supply
                                                                          New SDA supply

                                                                    SDA undersupply per capita

                                                           Map based on Longitude (generated) and Latitude (generated) and Latitude (generated). The marks are labeled by sum of 2019SurveyCapacity. Details are shown for SA4. For pane Latitude (generated): Color show
                                                           The data is filtered on Ste Name16, which keeps Queensland.

Map 11: South Australia – SDA undersupply

Highest areas of SDA undersupply

                           New SDA         SDA shortfall
                        supply (places)*    (places)**
 Barossa - Yorke -
                               6               73
 Mid North

 South Australia -
                               8               54

 South Australia -
                               28              35
 South East
 Adelaide -
                              68               25
 Central and Hills                                                                                                                                                         +68

 Adelaide - West              68               -16                                                                                                                                                 +68

 SA                           336              -59

*Reported from survey
**Takes into account reported new supply                                                                                                                                                                                  Key

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     New SDA supply

                                                                                                                                                                                                               SDA undersupply per capita

                                                           Map based on Longitude (generated) and Latitude (generated) and Latitude (generated). The marks are labeled by sum of 2019SurveyCapacity. Details are shown for SA4. For pane Latitude (generated): Color shows sum
                                                           The data is filtered on Ste Name16, which keeps South Australia.

                                                                                                                                  SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION – Supply in Australia                                                  25
Map 12: Western Australia – SDA undersupply

Highest areas of SDA undersupply

                           New SDA         SDA shortfall
                        supply (places)*    (places)**

 Perth - North West            14              288

 Perth - South West            0               279

 Perth - South East            0               144

 Western Australia -
                               0               140
 Wheat Belt

 Perth - Inner                 0               139

 WA                            16             1,273

*Reported from survey
**Takes into account reported new supply                                     Key

                                                                        New SDA supply

                                                                   SDA undersupply per capita

Map 13: ACT and Northern Territory – SDA undersupply

Highest areas of SDA undersupply                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -434   581

                               New SDA                  SDA shortfall
                            supply (places)*             (places)**

 ACT                                 32                       227

                               New SDA                  SDA shortfall
                            supply (places)*             (places)**                                                           +32

 Darwin                               0                        79

 Northern Territory
                                      0                        42
 - Outback

 NT                                   0                       121

*Reported from survey
**Takes into account reported new supply

      Map based on Longitude (generated) and Latitude (generated) and Latitude (generated). The marks are labeled by sum of 2019SurveyCapacity. Details are shown for SA4. For pane Latitude (generated): Color shows sum of Revised Shortfall.
      The data is filtered on Ste Name16, which keeps Australian Capital Territory.

                                                                                                                                                    SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION – Supply in Australia                                      27
Map 14: Tasmania – SDA undersupply

Highest areas of SDA undersupply

                           New SDA         SDA shortfall
                        supply (places)*    (places)**

 Launceston and
                               4               31
 North East

 Hobart                        0               29

 South East                    0               21

 West and
                               10               -1
 North West

 Tasmania                      14              80

*Reported from survey
**Takes into account reported new supply


                                                                        New SDA supply

                                                                   SDA undersupply per capita

SDA provider
                     Kirby’s story                                                            The following four SDA providers, profiled
                                                                                              with one of their current projects, are
                                                                                              among the many providers who responded
                                                                                              to this survey. These profiles provide some
Kirby was a teacher working with special needs children. At 25 she bought her first home.     of the stories behind the early new SDA
                                                                                              projects. They represent a range of not-for-
A stroke after surgery for a brain tumour when she was 28 changed everything.
                                                                                              profit providers – some well-established,
She was left paralysed and had to move into aged care to access rehabilitation.
                                                                                              some new – developing a variety of
She lived in aged care for a year before moving back to live with her mum and dad.            SDA housing. Two of the projects are
Over the next two years the family worked towards Kirby’s eventual move in 2018               representative of SDA projects currently
to her own unit – an SDA high physical support category build that she purchased              in the development pipeline that started
from an SDA developer. The unit is one of four in a development in regional Victoria.         their early stages of development prior to
                                                                                              the SDA Pricing and Payments Framework
“I wouldn’t have been able to move out and in to my own unit without the SDA
                                                                                              being introduced in 2016. Three of the
funding in my NDIS plan,” Kirby said.
                                                                                              projects also highlight the important role
“I got in at the planning stage of the units. Being involved with the developer was good.     of state and local government in providing
He was understanding and I made choices about the way I wanted my unit - like blinds          access to well-located sites ideal for
I can operate myself, and tiles and flooring – to make it more my own.”                       SDA developments.

Independent living has brought choice and control back into Kirby’s life.

“I felt a big change coming through the doors, a sense of freedom,” she said. “It felt like
when I used to live on my own before.

“It feels good to make my own choices. I have my own space and I can choose what
I want to do and when I want to do it. It’s just the normal things I wanted.”

Having ticked off her goal of moving in to a home of her own, Kirby now has her sights
set on a return to school and study.

Melba Support Services/Community Housing Limited

     Melba Support Services is a disability support        The project inception predated the introduction of   The land for the project was purchased from
     and accommodation provider established in             the SDA Pricing and Payment Framework and is         the Uniting Church by Melba, with agreement that
     in 1972 by a group of parents that wanted to          now under construction and due for completion        Melba could use the church building on site to run
     provide services for their children. Melba provides   in early 2020.                                       disability services and programs, but it would still
     day programs and individual support, runs nine                                                             be used for the congregation to come together
                                                           The project is being undertaken collaboratively
     group homes and will soon deliver DHHS services                                                            for church services, weddings and funerals.
                                                           with Melba Support Services and Community
     in group homes across Victoria. The majority of
                                                           Housing Ltd (as developer). Community Housing        The project has funding support from the
     people Melba support have complex disability
                                                           Ltd will be the tenancy manager, and Melba will      Victorian Property Fund, Melba Support
     support needs.
                                                           provide 24/7 on-site support.                        Services, and Community Housing Ltd.
     Originating in Victoria in 1993, Community
                                                           The development is in the heart of Lilydale, close
     Housing Limited (CHL) has spread its operations
                                                           to shops, health services and other amenities,           Regardless of how good our group
     to South Asia, South-East Asia and South
                                                           and is a 10-minute walk or wheelchair ride to            homes are, people want their
     America. CHL currently has a portfolio of more
                                                           the train station.                                       independence, they want to live
     than 9,000 properties under management in
     Australia across six states including Victoria, New   The development comprises 15 dwellings, of               with whom they choose, and we
     South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia,      which 11 are intended for SDA tenancies. The             regard this as a human right.
     Queensland and Tasmania.                              remaining four dwellings will be built to Livable
                                                           Housing Australia Platinum standard, which will
     Melba regularly surveys the people they support,
                                                           ensure the units are customisable in the future.
     including questions about their satisfaction with
                                                           They will be available as general community
     current living arrangements. It was clear that
                                                           housing for people with disability. There is also
     some of the people that they supported were
                                                           one dwelling suitable for housing a family.
     not living where they wanted, or with whom
     they wanted. Melba decided to do something
     about this, and so the Anderson Street project in
     Lilydale, Victoria, came to fruition.

Access 2 Place

Access 2 Place Housing (A2P) is a community            The project is being funded by A2P through
housing provider in South Australia with a focus       investment from the organisation’s reserves and
on high needs disability housing. A2P aim for          finance from Homestart Finance. The South
their homes to be accessible, affordable, secure       Australian Government provided the land,
and appropriate to the person living in it. They are   following a tender process.
guided by the understanding that their tenants
                                                       Tenants were sourced through referrals from
want to live just like anyone else does – they want
                                                       support providers, transfers from existing Access
an independent life, and to live in a home that
                                                       2 Place Housing homes, and via the Summer
allows them to flourish.
                                                       Foundation’s website, The Housing Hub.
A2P’s latest SDA development is in Adelaide.
                                                       Support arrangements are left to the choice of
The development has 10 dwellings: two
                                                       tenants. Most tenants on site have a different
2-bedroom homes, and four 1-bedroom
                                                       support provider, and A2P has not had any issues
apartments at ground level. These homes
                                                       with “traffic” of support providers coming on site.
all meet the Platinum standard. The upper floor
has a further four 1-bedroom apartments.
                                                           We don’t want to build houses
An additional on-site space, The Hub, provides
                                                           which stand out from the
an opportunity for support providers to stay
overnight if the tenants require 24/7 support.             streetscape as ‘the disability
If this isn’t required, the space can be leased as         house’. Our future developments
another two-bedroom home. The purpose of this              will involve a co-design process
space has not been determined yet, but tenants             to ensure we are building
of the development are in discussions with the             to the needs of the
tenant engagement team to decide what they                 disability community.
would like to do with it. Tenants look after their
own support arrangements, as it minimises risk
and helps them support their tenancies.

                                                                                              SPECIALIST DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION – Supply in Australia   31
Summer Housing

     Summer Housing is a registered SDA provider           These dwellings have been acquired and designed
     with a mission to expand the range and scale          specifically for young people with disability.            ummer Housing’s vision is to see all
     of diverse housing options for people with            Priority is given to young people with high support      people with disability and complex
     disability living in, or at risk of admission to,     needs who are living in an aged care facility or         care needs have the opportunity
     residential aged care, particularly younger people.   are at risk of entering aged care. The shared            to live in high quality housing that
     Established in 2017, Summer Housing aims not          support model allows tenants to jointly select one       enables them to live as independently
     only to provide better lives and promote choice       Supported Independent Living provider to provide         as possible, enhancing their health,
     and control for its tenants, but also role model      24-hour back up assistance as and when required.         wellbeing and participation in
     best practice outcomes through providing an           Their daily one-to-one supports are provided by          the community.
     open source to all intellectual property.             their own chosen support provider.

     Summer Housing has recently acquired 11               An institutional social infrastructure investor has
     apartments in the View development in Rockdale,       financed Summer Housing’s View apartments.
     New South Wales - 13km from Sydney CBD. The           Summer Housing has acquired the 10+1
     apartments are peppered throughout the 91-unit        apartments and will receive a financial return
     private residential development across 11 levels.     to service third party debt funding, comprising
     View features three retail tenancies, a garden        the tenants’ rent contribution (which, under SDA
     terrace situated on the fourth floor, and is within   requirements, is capped at 25% of the disability
     500 metres of the Rockdale shopping complex.          support pension, plus Commonwealth Rent
                                                           Assistance) and SDA payments from the NDIS.
     The apartments are built to meet SDA
     requirements (including Livable Housing               Tenants will be sourced and matched to the
     Australia’s Platinum level certification). The use    development with the assistance of the
     of technology and customisable design are a core      Summer Foundation, who have been engaged
     feature of the Summer Housing model. The View         to undertake the tenancy matching services
     apartments all contain an accessible bedroom,         for the project.
     bathroom and kitchen, provision for assistive
     and communication technology, and have access
     to 24/7 on-site concierge support services.
                                                                                        View Apartments, Rockdale

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