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Special edition


Only for employees of the Melitta Group

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                                                        Special edition


w w w. r u n d u m - o n l i n e . i n fo
Introduction by the Corporate Management

    Ladies and gentlemen,
    In early May of this year, we in-
    formed you and the wider public
    that we would be pursuing a strate-
    gic repositioning of Melitta Group.
    By optimising our portfolio, improv-
    ing our organisational structures
    and concentrating on markets with
    high growth rates, we want to make
    Melitta Group more competitive
    and increase our company's success.

    Melitta 2020 Strategy envisions an
    even stronger concentration on the
    areas in which we already have suc-
    cessful operations and in which we
    foresee strong potential for growth.
    We will invest in economically profit-
    able product areas, develop new
    products and expand our presence in
    attractive markets. This will generate
    many new perspectives and opportu-
    nities over the years to come.

    However, since we will also be re-
    structuring the way we work and our
    responsibilities as well as continuing
                                              Volker Stühmeier, Jero Bentz, Dr. Stephan Bentz (f.l.t.r.)
    to optimise production processes,
    Strategy 2020 will also result in some
    positions being made redundant. We       more why we consider this strategic              ny's repositioning. Our responsibility
    are acutely aware of what this means     reorientation to be both necessary               toward our employees is something
    for the employees affected. For this     and right, what our strategy for the             we feel even more keenly in these
    reason, we have taken great effort to    future will look like and what impact            challenging times. Thus, if you have
    discuss the effects of Strategy 2020     these decisions will have on individu-           questions or find the information we
    frequently and have not made these       al business units. We aim to commu-              have provided insufficient, please do
    decisions lightly.                       nicate the coming changes to you as              not hesitate to discuss these changes
                                             transparently as possible and to en-             with your line manger, your manag-
    The intent of this special edition of    sure that you are always up to date              ing directors, the HR department,
    “rundum” is to present to you once       on the current status of our compa-              the Works' Council or with us.

    Best regards,

                        Dr. Stephan Bentz                            Jero Bentz                             Volker Stühmeier

                                                                                                              rundum Special edition_2015

   Changes for Melitta Group
   Our current structure

   T   he Melitta Group currently com-
       prises nine business units (in the
   chart below the units Melitta Coffee
                                            Earnings position
                                            Melitta Group has laid out an
                                                                                       of our products currently offer large
                                                                                       potential for growth. Moreover, our
                                                                                       production costs are high and our
   and Melitta Household Products           extraordinarily impressive success         structures and processes are often
   are shown combined under Melitta         story over a considerable period of        cumbersome.
   Europe) and has operations is the        time. However, since the millennium,
   business fields of coffee enjoy-         growth has slowed considerably and
   ment, storage and preparation of         sales development has in fact been
   foodstuffs, and household cleanli-       stagnant since 2011. In recent years
   ness. For business customers, we         we have frequently failed to achieve
   also produce specialist papers and       our annual growth and profit targets.
   specialist films for industrial ap-      The causes underlying this develop-
   plications.                              ment are varied. For one, we have

       Business Units of the Melitta Group (Status on 2014-12-31)
            Melitta Europe                  Melitta Brasil            Melitta North America                      Cofresco
        Turnover: 632 Mio. €          Turnover: 250 Mio. €           Turnover: 86 Mio. €              Turnover: 131 Mio. €
        Employees:1.480               Employees:601                  Employees:109                    Employees:292

                  MPCS                        Wolf PVG                               NKS                        ACW-Film
        Turnover: 125 Mio. €          Turnover: 20 Mio. €            Turnover: 41 Mio. €              Turnover: 7 Mio. €
        Employees:693                 Employees:213                  Employees:209                    Employees:38

   The business units each make dif-        noticed that conditions on the
   ferent contributions to the overall      markets in which we are active have
   success of the Group. With around        tightened considerably. Our com-
   49 per cent of total Group sales, the    petitors are gaining on us in many of
   Melitta Europa unit, which has been      our markets. Providers from other
   made up of the two units Household       countries that can produce their
   Products and Coffee since 2012,          goods at significantly lower costs are
   makes by far largest contribution        becoming more and more problem-
   to sales. This is followed by Melitta    atic. Many of our products have suf-
   Brazil (19%), Cofresco (10%), Melitta    fered declines in sales and earnings
   Professional Coffee Solutions (10%)      and some of them are now no longer
   and Melitta North America (7%). Neu      able to finance their cost of capital.
   Kaliss / Neukölln Spezialpapier, Wolf    Our former motors for growth are
   PVG and ACW-Film contribute a total      today in stagnant or contracting
   of five per cent to total sales.         market environments. Only a few

rundum Special edition_2015

    The Strategy 2020
    The three focus areas of Strategy 2020

    O     ur analyses have shown that
         our weaknesses compared to
    our competitors are not of a transi-
                                                                                        • The vacuum cleaner bag business:
                                                                                           responsibility for the worldwide
                                                                                           vacuum cleaner business, includ-
    tory nature, but rather are structur-                                                  ing brand and private label, will
    al. Thus, in the years to come, our                                                    in future be taken over by Wolf
    sales and profits would continue                                                       PVG. As a result, the product area
    to stagnate if we did not adjust our                                                   for vacuum cleaner bags at the
    strategy. In order to make ourselves                                                   Melitta Europa Household Prod-
    once again fit for the future and                                                      ucts Division will be carved out
    not lose further market shares, we                                                     and integrated into the existing
    must concentrate on business areas                                                     operations at Wolf PVG. We hope
    that offer the promise of growth.                                                      to generate numerous synergies in
    And we need to become faster,                                                          product development and coordi-
    more flexible and more economical                                                      nation of OEM and branded retail
    overall.                                                                               business under the Swirl brand via
                                                                                           this move.
     For precisely these reasons we have
     developed the Strategy 2020 over                                                   • The bin liner business:
     the past months. It envisions three                                                   the entire bin liner business
     focus areas:                             specialist papers and industrial films.      will in future be operated by
    - We want to optimise our portfolio.     Currently, the same or similar prod-         Cofresco. Cofresco has the neces-
    - We want to become more efficient.      ucts are in part manufactured and            sary expertise for procurement,
    - We want to make use of                 sold in different business units. We         development and production as
       opportunities for growth               are convinced that we will be able to        well as extensive experience in
                                              boost our effectiveness if we bundle         international marketing.
                                              our areas of expertise, create clear
                                              responsibilities and consolidate          We are also taking a close look at the
                                              production and marketing. To do so,       coffee capsule business: this busi-
                                              those product groups which have           ness, which we see as in future being
                                              until recently been manufactured          operated worldwide from an inde-
                                              and sold in various divisions of the      pendent unit, is today already being
                                              company will each be concentrated         pursued in a number of ways in vari-
                                              in a single division. These include in    ous regions. We want to change this
                                              particular the following areas:           and consolidate these activities to a
                                                                                        single area of responsibility – so that
                                                                                        we can foster greater effectiveness
                                                                                        by bundling our expertise.

    ❙ Optimising our portfolio                                                         We consider the area of gastronomy
                                                                                        coffee to be an additional important
    Our portfolio will in future be carried                                             international growth segment. This
    by three main pillars: coffee, coffee                                               area will in future also be managed
    preparation and household products.                                                 as an independent unit. We aim to
    In all these areas, the markets are                                                 take this business segment out of
    highly attractive and we have prom-                                                 stagnation and ensure that it devel-
    ising competitive positions in them.                                                ops an independent growth dynamic
    The three pillars of coffee, coffee                                                 in future. We see this area as a clear
    preparation and household products                                                  growth segment; we must thus take
    together form a highly balanced and                                                 our heretofore only German struc-
    future-proof portfolio. These com-                                                  tures to the next level and consist-
    petences are then supplemented by                                                   ently pursue internationalisation of
    our two industrial business areas of                                                this business field.
                                                                                                         rundum Special edition_2015

                                                                                     of great growth potential. Based on
                                                                                     our analysis of the markets, we see
                                                                                     promising opportunities in the fol-
                                                                                     lowing areas, for instance:

                                                                                     • Further internationalisation of our
                                                                                        coffee range by entering growth
                                                                                        countries and regions Develop-
                                                                                        ing our coffee capsule business
                                                                                        through internationalisation, in
                                                                                        particular in Europe, Latin America
                                                                                        and Asia
                                                                                     • Expanding the instant coffee
                                                                                     • Developing coffee capsule filling
                                                                                        business in North America
                                                                                     • Extending gastronomy coffee
                                                                                        business through marketing of
                                                                                        semi-automatic coffee machines
                                                                                     • Enter segment for office coffee
                                            • From August 2016, Cofresco pro-          machine solutions
➦   ❙ Improving our                           duction in Minden will be relocated   • Further internationalisation of our
      organisational structures                to our site in Brodnica (Poland).        product range at Cofresco
    We are convinced that we will be          The relocation is to be concluded      • Examine growth options in area of
    able to tangibly improve our com-          by autumn 2017.                          coffee enjoyment
    petitiveness if we critically examine
    our workflows, responsibilities and     • We will be closing the Wolf PVG       We are currently undertaking a
    functions throughout the company           site at Vlotho/Exter over the         thorough examination of which
    and reorganise and optimise them           coming months and relocating          growth opportunities will unfold
    correspondingly. The focus of these        its production to our Spenge site.    for us in these areas and how we
    efforts will be on processes and           Capacities at the Spenge site will    can best tap this potential.
    structures in Europe. The intention        be expanded correspondingly, in
    is to streamline decision-making           particular through the construction
    structures and reduce overheads.           of a new production hall
    As the years have passed, numerous
    redundant functions and inefficient      ➨ As announced at the all-staff
    structures have developed in the            meetings, comprehensive
    units and at the headquarters, and          packages will be offered for
    we aim optimise these.                      the employees affected by
                                                these measures. How these
    We will take a systematic and thor-         will be implemented specifi-
    ough approach to examining and              cally is currently being negoti-
    redesigning our organisational struc-       ated with the Works' Council.
    tures. Together with our own experts
    from the respective business units,
    the consultancy McKinsey will be        ❙ Leveraging opportunities
    analysing our organisational struc-       for growth
    tures, developing improvements and
    proposing these to the Management       In addition to our work optimising
    Board.                                  our portfolio and our workflows,
                                            we also want to concentrate more
    Two decisions in this regard have       strongly on attractive growth mar-
    already been made and are being         kets in future. To do so, we will be
    discussed in detail with the Works'     developing new products that meet
    Council to determine their exact        consumers' current and future de-
    implementation.                         mands and which offer the promise

rundum Special edition_2015

           Statements from
           Managing Directors
                                                      proven or novel approaches, quickly        hood will not always be able to meet
                                                      and with as much forethought as            all requirements. And eventually
                                                      possible.                                  the consultants leave and we are
                                                                                                 still here. We should create this new
                                                      Which aspect (optimise portfolio,          Melitta ourselves, with confidence
                                                      increase efficiency, tap new               and with a good eye. Management
                                                      growth areas) do you think will            will now face the challenging task
                                                      make the largest contribution              of keeping morale and motivation
                                                      toward enhancing Melitta Group's           up in our teams even during these
                                                      competitiveness?                           times of change. What is especially
                                                                                                 important? The people, of course.
                                                      Dr. Strege: Of profitable growth!          It is people who develop the strate-
                                                      It is important to remember that           gic measures, and it is people who
                                                      Melitta Group is made up of a              ensure their success. It is clear that
                                                      variety of business units, which are       many employees are currently great-
                                                      each faced with highly varied chal-        ly concerned with one very justified
                                                      lenges, both internally and in their       question: what does all this mean
                                                      respective markets. Competitive-           for me personally? We should put all
                                                      ness needs to be safeguarded in all        our efforts into making sure that this
                                                      areas of business: some segments           absolutely understandable question
                                                      are under considerable sales, cost or      is answered as quickly as possible.
                                                      profit pressure, others are growing        It goes without saying that my own
                                                      successfully and need to concentrate       door is open to everyone as well.
Dr. Frank Strege, Managing Director ME-K
                                                      their resources on expanding opera-
                                                      tions. Depending on the situation,         What did you feel the sentiment
                                                      differing focus areas need to be cho-      at the international management
           Dr. Frank Strege:                          sen so as to support the individual        conference was like?
                                                      business strategy. Thus, individual
           How do you see Strategy 2020               aspects of the strategy will receive        Dr. Strege: On the first day people
           in relation to the future success          a different weighting depending on          expressed very serious interest in
           of Melitta Group?                          the planning unit and the business          receiving more information about
                                                      segment, which will in turn result          Melitta 2020. On the second day –
           Dr. Strege: The strategic decisions        in a differing degree of impact.            which had a stronger involvement on
           reached are the logical and under-                                                     the part of the external consultants
           standable reaction to the long-term        In your opinion, what will be              – the varying perspectives and expec-
           sales trend, including the changes         particularly important when it              tations of management personnel
           that relate to production sites. The       comes to implementing Strategy              were expressed, not always without
           areas for action defined offer great       2020?                                       discord. I found this surprising: after
           opportunities and at the same time                                                     all, this is all about a common goal
                   considerable challenges. The       Dr. Strege: “Focus” is the keyword          and a bright future – growth, future
                     key will be to determine the     here. Focus on successful brands,           competitiveness and success for
                     structures, and thus respon-     on the greatest profitable growth           Melitta. The majority of employees
                         sibilities and authorities   areas and on the most critical prob-        are glad to work for our company,
                            to lead these areas       lem areas identified will be crucial        and most also like to be successful.
                               successfully with      to making significant progress.            That can be a lot of fun!
                                                      More-or-less standardised recom-
                                                      mendations, for example from
                                                      external consultants, are perhaps
                                                      part of the solution, but in all likeli-

                                                                                                                  rundum Special edition_2015

    Pieter van Halewijn:
➦   How do you see Strategy 2020              After that, we will be in a position
    in relation to the future success         to grow. It bears remembering
    of Melitta Group?                         though that there are differences
                                              from unit to unit that will require
    van Halewijn: I see Melitta 2020          differentiated implementation
    as a crucial factor for our success.      timing.
    Rethinking our positioning and our
    portfolio is a step long overdue.         In your opinion, what will be
    As I see it, focus will play a key role   particularly important when it
    here. We should also make better          comes to implementing Strategy
    use of our existing competences           2020?
    and structures, especially outside
    of Germany, to support our inter-         van Halewijn: Decisiveness,
    national expansion. The planned           accountability and an ability to
    Melitta 2020 Strategy addresses           get things done. The commitment
    these issues.                             and dedication of the entire staff is
                                              essential if we want to achieve our
    Which aspect (optimise portfolio,         goal. After all, we want to achieve
    increase efficiency, tap new              a transformation of the whole, not
    growth areas) do you think will           just of a select few.
    make the largest contribution
    toward enhancing Melitta Group's          What did you feel the sentiment           Pieter van Halewijn, Managing Director Cofresco
    competitiveness?                          at the international management
                                              conference was like?
    van Halewijn: As a first step, we
    should optimise our portfolio and         van Halewijn: Fundamentally posi-
    boost our efficiency. In my opin-         tive and constructive, though there
    ion, decisions and implementation         are naturally differing points of view.
    should not be a drawn out process.

rundum Special edition_2015

    Projects within the scope
    of Strategy 2020
    O     ver the course of the past business year, manage-
          ment already initiated several projects and took
    a number of decisions to improve processes in Melitta
                                                              in Cofresco, the renaming of Melitta SystemService
                                                              to Melitta Professional Coffee Solutions, the merging
                                                              of Melitta USA and Melitta Canada, and the launch of
    Group and to give the Group a clearer positioning.        the Melitta Administrative Excellence programme.
    This includes in particular the assumption of shares

    Cofresco: 100 per cent owned by Melitta
    As of the end of June 2014, Melitta Group is the sole     SC Johnson and thus to become sole shareholder of
    owner of Cofresco. Founded in 1996, the company was       Cofresco. The step was undertaken in order to be able
    a joint venture between Melitta and DowBrands (today:     to better integrate Cofresco into the Group and to
    SC Johnson). Last year, company management decided        optimise both its product portfolio and its structures
    to acquire the remaining 35 per cent of the shares from   and processes.

    Melitta Professional Coffee Solutions: the name says it all
    More than half of sales generated
    by the Melitta SystemService unit in
    2014 originated from countries other
    than Germany. Since the name often
    caused confusion abroad, in early
    July 2014 Melitta SystemService was
    renamed to Melitta Professional
    Coffee Solutions. The new name will
    support the further internationalisa-
    tion of the company's activities and
    makes it quickly apparent what the
    unit's portfolio for business custom-
    ers comprises.

    Melitta North America: bundling of competence areas
    Melitta has developed very positively in the USA in       and Melitta Canada. This move aims to condense
    recent years. Due to numerous product innovations,        innovation power, coordinate production and sales
    it has been possible to continually gain market shares    activities and foster synergies. Through its Melitta North
    and achieve high increases in sales. In the booming       America unit Melitta now offers coffee, filter papers
    single-cup preparation segment in particular Melitta      and products for coffee preparation in the USA, Canada,
    products have become best-sellers. In 2014, Manage-       Mexico, the Caribbean and Central America.
    ment Board decided to merge the units Melitta USA                                                                  ➥

                                                                                                   rundum Special edition_2015

    Good progress made in Melitta Administrative Excellence programme
➦   Optimised structures and processes throughout the
                                                                   „Procurement Excellence“
    Group – that is the goal of the Melitta Administrative
    Excellence programme, initiated exactly one year ago.          The structures and processes in pro-
    The strategy programme initiated by the Management             curement are being analysed by the
    Board is to review company-wide processes in the areas         sub-project Procurement Excellence.
    of IT, procurement and administration and will formu-          Since the third quarter of 2014, a pro-
    late ideas for improving the structures and take corre-        ject team led by Christian Bonk (Head
    sponding measures to implement these. The focus will           of Procurement, ME-H) and Alexander
    always be on the question: how can we become better            Wesemann (Z-U) has been apprais-
    in these functions and how must we be positioned in            ing how the organisation of materials
    order to remain competitive in the future?                     procurement and the purchasing of ex-          Christian Bonk
                                                                   ternal services can be improved. In the
    As the requirements for the three areas differ markedly,       meantime, the majority of all materials
    three projects have been initiated within the programme,       and services purchased by the company
    entitled IT Excellence, Procurement Excellence and Ad-         have been reviewed and subjected
    ministrative Support Excellence. The progress achieved         to a needs analysis. The analysis has
    over the past twelve months is impressive: the majority        concluded that a bundling of purchas-
    of the analyses have not only already been concluded,          ing volumes generates considerable
    but have given rise to numerous ideas for how we can           synergy effects and cost savings while
    work together even more effectively and efficiently.           also leading to in part more efficient
    Many of these ideas are already in the process of being        purchasing processes. The focus here is
    implemented.                                                   not only on achieving cost savings, but
                                                                                                                   Dr. Alexander Wesemann
                                                                   also on the availability of materials and
                              „IT-Excellence“                      a greater integration of suppliers and
                                                                   their expertise in order to be able to offer even better products and
                              In the IT area, from May through     services. Supplier management (selection, assessment, develop-
                              August 2014 the existing IT struc-   ment and integration of suppliers) will in future play a key role.
                              tures of the entire Group were
                              examined under the supervision
                                                                   „Administrative Support Excellence“
                              of Mike Böhm (Head of Corpo-
                              rate IT, Headquarters). Moreo-       Under the management of Katja Möller
                              ver, since last September, the       (Head of Business Development and
                              project team has been explor-        Controlling, Headquarters), the Admin-
 Mike Böhm                    ing the ideas, prioritising and      istrative Support Excellence project,
                              implementing them. The focus         which is made up of six sub-projects, is
   of the changes is on the formation of a new IT organisa-        concerned with improving administra-
   tion for Melitta Group. This is made up of a small team         tive support services. The individual
   in the headquarters as well as three competence areas           projects are lead by the business units
   (Enterprise Resource Planning, Infrastructure, Commu-           themselves and only in part implement-
   nication & Collaboration) that deal with Group-wide IT          ed by the corporate divisions. The team
   issues, in addition to IT teams in the individual business      is currently looking into the possibility          Katja Möller
   units, which are integrated into these virtual competence       of verifying incoming invoices accord-
   centres with worldwide activities. The aim is to create a       ing to a standardised, automated procedure, preparing electronic
   basis on which IT experts throughout the Group can work         invoices and more strongly coordinating internal and external book-
   together more intensively, to define uniform IT standards,      keeping. They are also analysing whether a company-wide manage-
   to reduce the amount of variation in software and hard-         ment information system can be implemented, whether payroll can
   ware, and to enhance the quality of IT infrastructure as        be centralised and whether personnel files can be digitised.
   well as reduce costs. Similar structures have also been set     The many good ideas generated from the Melitta Administrative
   up for the Digital and the Business Intelligence compe-         Excellence programme are impressive evidence of how prudent
   tence centres. The primary difference to the IT compe-          it was to initiate this project. It is making a significant contribu-
   tence centres is that these teams comprise members              tion to ensuring that the individual Melitta business units do not
   from Controlling and Marketing.                                 simply work alongside one another loosely related, but rather work
                                                                   toward common goals in close, dedicated cooperation. Although
                                                                   this project will bring additional tasks for all those involved, those
                                                                   participating are saying again and again how helpful it is to discuss
                                                                   with each other similar or even the same problem areas.

rundum Special edition_2015

          Realisation of
          Strategy 2020
          Key steps taken so far

             • Autumn 2014 to spring 2015: development of Strategy 2020
             • Presentation of Strategy 2020 to Melitta Group Advisory Board
                in first quarter
                • Presentation of Strategy 2020 to Managing Directors
                • Internal and external informational events

          Transformation management
          To implement Strategy 2020, a Trans-                          The Transformation Office
          formation Office is being formed.                             supports this body and
          A central decision-making body will                           the business units in their
          be managing the implementation                                work introducing and im-
          of Strategy 2020 and ensuring that                            plementing Strategy 2020.
          targets and timelines are deter-                              The Office ensures all steps
          mined. The body is made up of the                             are communicated accord-
          Management Board, the Heads of                                ingly, sets up the strategy
          the corporate divisions Corporate                             projects and supervises
          Development, Legal Affairs and                                realisation of the meas-
          Human Resources, Finance and the                              ures. The members of the
          Corporate Public Relations Office as                          Transformation Office are
          well as the Managing Directors of                             Dr Stefan Scholle (Head),
          the respective business units.                                Katharina Roehrig, Dirk
                                                                        Marek, Katja Möller and
                                                                        Dr Alexander Wesemann.

                                                                                   Concrete imple-
                                                                                   mentation of
                                                                                   strategic deci-
Imprint - Publication details                                                      sions will then
                                                                                   be the remit of
                    Special edition for employees of the following divisions       managers and
                    Melitta Europe - Household Products Division -,
                    Melitta Professional Coffee Solutions, Cafina, Melitta         experts in the
                    Europe - Coffee Division -, Cofresco Freshkeeping Products
                    Europe, Wolf PVG, Neu Kaliss Spezialpapier, Neukölln           various business              Dr. Stefan Scholle, Geschäfts-
                    Spezialpapier, ACW sowie der Melitta Zentral­gesellschaft      and/or planning units.        führer und Leiter Zentralbereich
Publisher:                                    Editor in Chief:
                                                                                   They are appointed by
Melitta Zentralgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG,     Heinz-Udo Bredemeier                 their business unit and are
Marienstr. 88                                 (hub/0571 - 86 1407)
32425 Minden                                  Editor:
                                                                                   responsible for implement-    analyse structures and processes at
Postbox 1126, 32371 Minden
Telephone 0571 - 4046-0
                                              Monika Meyer                         ing the projects defined.     Melitta Group, these specialists will
                                              (hub/0571 - 86 1408) deputy
Author of this edition:                       Design/technical production:
                                                                                   They will be supported by     be taking a look at the business units
Katharina Roehrig,
Head of Public Relations
                                              Advertising agency W. Böttger e.K.   staff from a management       over the coming weeks and may ap-
                                              Telephone 0 57 31 - 75 60 22
                                                                                   consultancy. In order to      proach you for information or figures.
Reprinting or online use, in whole or in part,
only with our written permission.
© 2015 Public Relations Department of the Melitta Group, Internal
        Information and Communication.

         rundum@melitta.de                                                                                                          rundum Special edition_2015

    The next steps
➦   The Transformation Office is current-     In 2015 and 2016, the focus will        The implementation of Strategy
    ly in the process of drawing up time-     be on optimisation of the existing      2020 will without a doubt bring
    lines and developing corresponding        Melitta portfolio. Organisational       with it more work for all involved.
    planning elements so as to be able        structures will be analysed con-        We will, however, take a successive
    to coordinate the transformation          currently and realigned once a          approach to this process and will
    process efficiently. These include        comprehensive concept has been          not be implementing all steps all at
    schedules of measures, appointment        developed. The strategy project will    once. Naturally, we want to proceed
    of responsibilities, determining of re-   concentrate on taking advantage         quickly with Strategy 2020, but it is
    porting structures and the initiation     of opportunities for growth. These      also important to us that the indi-
    of regular coordination meetings.         include the ongoing internationalisa-   vidual steps be carried out with care
                                              tion of our portfolio as well as the    and prudence.
                                              development of new products.

    We will keep you
    up to date
    I mplementing Strategy 2020 suc-
      cessfully is of critical importance
    for our future competitiveness.
                                              This applies in particular to those
                                              employees who will be affected
                                              by job cuts as a result of Strategy
                                                                                      We have prepared an extensive pack-
                                                                                      age of measures to support those of
                                                                                      you who are affected by the planned
    Thus, we set great store by inform-       2020. Exactly how many jobs and         job cuts at the two sites. These
    ing all our employees as frequently       which ones has currently not yet        include early retirement, expanded
    and as extensively as possible            been finalised. We want to first take   part-time opportunities, simplified
    about ongoing developments in this        a careful look at our processes and     changing of position within the
    project.                                  structures and then decide together     Group and a transfer company.
                                              with the Works' Council what shape
    At the same time, we ask that you         the future structure of our organisa-   Please speak with your line man-
    to actively inform yourself about         tion should take. We thus ask for       ager, the HR department, the Works'
    the changes in our Group and to           your understanding that we will not     Council, management or the Man-
    participate in this process. Please       be able to answer all of your ques-     agement Board if should you have
    let us know if you feel inadequately      tions today.                            questions.
    informed – we want to make this a
    joint journey.

rundum Special edition_2015
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