Page created by Megan Cobb
ISSUE 22 . DECEMBER 2020                                                          SPEAKING OUT ABOUT REAL ESTATE IN THE ACT

                REAL ESTATE

 2020 AWARDS

     You have a choice.    Keep. Throw. Donate.    Everything you need to know.
                      ACT SELLERS PACKAGE
                             ACT SELLERS REPORTS
                          NSW BUYER/SELLER REPORTS
                            BUILDING CERTIFICATION
                              TERMITE TREATMENT

              B U I L D I N G R E P OR TS                      CER TIFICATIONS
           T E R M I T E I N S P E CTIONS                       ENERGY R ATINGS

ACTProper tyInspections .com.au | 02 6232 4540

                                                         Y AWA R           WINNER OF REIACT SERVICE PROVIDER
                                                     2 0


                                                     1 8
                       LIC NO. 20111129                                    OF THE YEAR 2016, 2017 & 2018
                                                    XC           C

COMMITTEE STRUCTURE               President Hannah Gill
2020–21                           M 0438 247 898
                                  E hannah@thepropertycollective.com.au
Property Management
Craig Bright
Professional Practices            Deputy President Stan Platis
Craig Bright / Michelle Tynan /   P 6209 1502
Benjamin Grady                    E stan@independent.com.au
Stan Platis
Training                          Treasurer John Faulks
Michelle Tynan                    P 6264 8000
                                  E john@nexis.com.au
Peter Walker
                                  Director Craig Bright
John Faulks
                                  P 6239 4555 . M 0419 394 555
Corporate Governance              E craig@brightpartners.com.au
Michael Kumm
Guy Randell                       Director Tom Ellis
                                  M 0412 622 006
                                  E tom@bertramellis.com.au

CONTACT REIACT                    Director Benjamin Grady
                                  P 02 6274 0959
Phone 0499 881 168                E benjamin.grady@ballawyers.com.au
Email reception@reiact.com.au
Unit 7 - 1 Beaconsfield Street
Fyshwick ACT 2609                 Director Sandra Masters
                                  P 6255 3888 . M 0416 121 155
                                  E sandra.masters@ljhooker.com.au

                                  Director Col McIntyre
www.reiact.com.au                 P 6294 9393
                                  E col.mcintyre@mcintyreproperty.com.au

Images sourced from Unsplash

                                  Director Chris Wilson
                                  M 0418 620 686
                                  E chris.wilson@creamresidential.com.au

                                  Immediate Past President Michael Kumm
                                  P 6295 9911 . M 0402 943 191
                                  E mike.kumm@belleproperty.com

                                        REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020  1
From the President                           5     Domain House Price Report           9    Coping with Christmas                  17
2021 won’t be without its own                      The Domain House Price Report            For many people, the festive season
challenges, but I am positive about the            for the September quarter showed         is a jolly time to connect with others
opportunities ahead and continuing                 Canberra’s house prices increased        and celebrate the year. But financial
relationships and engagement with                  by 9.8 per cent year-on-year to          issues, family conflict and loneliness
our members, the broader industry,                 $817,810. This was a quarterly           can increase stress for people with
community and Government.                          growth of 3.5 per cent.                  anxiety or depression in the lead up
                                                                                            to Christmas and the new year.
From the CEO                                 7     Shifting the Status Quo             14
With heightened excitement that
                                                                                            Power to Stay Connected                24
                                                   The Declaration, which commenced
a vaccine is almost here, we look                  on 23 October 2020, brings an            If your tenants or landlords are finding
forward to 2021 with a hope for                    end to the moratorium period and         it difficult to pay their bills, ask them
something we always took for                       transitions landlords and tenants out    to contact us as soon as possible.
granted – “normal”.                                of the protections and restrictions      From short-term support to ongoing
                                                   imposed under the previous Emergency     payment arrangements, we’ll work with
                                                   Response Declarations.                   them to develop personal and practical


2  REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020
Landlord Insurance is Back              28     Build your Super Savings using      32      Temporary Lifeline for Commission 36
In the current environment this should be      these Hidden Super Perks                    – Only Employees
welcome news for uninsured landlords, as       Dreaming of retiring? So are we, and        To help employers and employees at this
well as their property managers. It means      that’s why we want to help you achieve      difficult time, we felt it was necessary
ACT landlords can protect their rental         your goals by uncovering some perks         to step in and do what was required
income by securing insurance cover for         within superannuation which you may         to secure appropriate adjustments to
loss of rent and other tenant-related risks.   not be aware of.                            commission-only arrangements.
                                                                                           Real Estate Software –                      39
Tax Guide for Real Estate               31     Supportive Tenancy Service          35
                                                                                           What's best for you?
Professionals                                  Works with Real Estate Agents
If you’re a real estate professional, it
                                               and Property Owners too                     Real Estate software is moving in
                                               STS aims to reduce and prevent              accordance with IT innovation, and we
pays to learn what you can claim at
                                               homelessness for Canberrans, and            are just at the start of the curve, with
tax time. With all work-related expense
                                               reduce pressure on the ACT social           the majority of changes yet to come.
claims it’s important to remember the
three golden rules.                            housing system.


                                                                                   REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020  3
Belconnen Construction, Canberra
Hannah Gill

Welcome to the Institute’s last             I’d also like to acknowledge and thank         She’s been a Director on the REIACT
                                            Michael Kumm for his contribution to           board since 2017 and actively
quarter recap, with a vastly                                                               contributed to Government discussions
                                            the Real Estate Institute over the past 25
different outlook of what can               years, and his steadfast leadership            in the property management space.
only be described as a year we              in the role of President.
                                                                                           A passionate advocate for affordable
will never forget. We have seen             2021 won’t be without its own challenges,      housing and build-to-rent, Hannah’s
more change this year than                  but I am positive about the opportunities      most recent accolades include 2020
any I can recall; our industry              ahead and continuing relationships             ACT Telstra Business Woman of the
                                            and engagement with our members,               Year (Medium & Large Business)
has united, innovated and                   the broader industry, community and            and the 2020 REIA Operational
collaborated and as a result,               Government; all with the intention to drive    Leadership award.
we have (for the most part)                 meaningful, positive change.
                                                                                           Hannah has recently launched her
weathered the COVID storm.                  With minimum EER standards on the              own real estate business, The Property
                                            horizon, further proposed changes to           Collective, and through her second
We were fortunate enough to enjoy           tenancy legislation and ongoing issues         business Gill & Hooper, consults
an ‘in person’ REIACT awards night          around housing supply and affordability        to Agencies across Australia and
recently, focussing on adaption,            in the Capital, there is plenty for the        New Zealand, regularly speaks at
innovation and education undertaken         Institute to focus on, and if we can assist    conferences and hosts study tours
by the industry to meet the challenges      you in any way, please don’t hesitate to       and training.
COVID-19 presented. It was a fantastic      reach out.
event, with over 170 guests and 21
awards presented. Congratulations to        A LITTLE BIT ABOUT OUR NEW PRESIDENT
the winners and a big thank you to the
sponsors. Also, a special thank you         Hannah is an award winning real estate
to our CEO Michelle Tynan and Vice          professional, with 13 years experience
President, Stan Platis for their tireless   in the property management and
work in putting the event together.         operational leadership space.

                                                                                   REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020  5
                                                                                                                      IMMEDIATE PAST
                                                   A changing of the guard for                It’s a toss of the coin in regard to activity
                                                                                              over the Christmas period but it seems
                                                   the REIACT.
                                                                                              that there will buyers around, but maybe
                                                                                              not as many as we experienced in Spring!
                                                   Well, the good news this quarter
                                                   is the relaxing of the COVID-19            I would also like to add my
                                                   restrictions and the reopening of some     congratulations to all the award winners
                                                   of Canberra’s excellent eating and         at the recent REIACT Awards for
                                                   drinking establishments.                   Excellence night; whilst a tad smaller
                                                                                              than usual due to social distancing, the
                                                   The Real Estate industry has been
                                                                                              quality of submissions was excellent.
                                                   subjected to a watchful eye from
                                                   Access Canberra who have overlooking       For those that attended the Awards
                                                   every move we make. Some of our            night, you already know that I am now,
                                                   members have not been “quite”              an “official” feather duster! I have
                                                   diligent enough in regard to social        decided to stand down as President
                                                   distancing with the number of              to give a younger, more enthusiastic
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT                           people in open-homes and attending         member an opportunity to head
Michael Kumm                                       auctions. Hopefully social distancing      the institute into the next decade. I
                                                   will shortly be a thing of the past,       have thoroughly enjoyed my time as
                                                   but we must be mindful with all the        President, but now is the right time to
                                                   auction requirements in regards to the     stand down and let Hannah Gill take
                                                   paperwork. Access Canberra have been       over the reins.
                                                   actively inspecting our compliance
                                                                                              Hannah specializes in property
                                                   processes at auctions. Whilst most
                                                                                              management and I have no doubt that
                                                   experiences have been very beneficial,
                                                                                              she will guide the institute through the
                                                   we are working with ACCESS
                                                                                              challenges that lie ahead for our industry.
                                                   Compliance to ensure this process is
                                                   not unduly interrupted. If you should      I would like to take this opportunity to
                                                   experience any undue disruption on         acknowledge and thank all REIACT
                                                   auction day, please let our CEO know       Board members who have done a power
                                                   and she can then take the issue directly   of work for us in this “most unusual”
                                                   to ACCESS Compliance.                      COVID-19 year.
                                                   It’s not only the weather that’s warming    And finally, a huge thank you to both
                                                   up, our market seems very active           Michelle and Rebecca who have done
                                                   with some great auction results being      a fantastic job for our members under
                                                   achieved and some substantial price        extreme conditions.
                                                   movements keeping most or our sellers
                                                   very happy.

6  REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020
                 What a year it has been!                     There is no “i” in team and quite
                                                              simply, the expertise and availability of
                 With heightened excitement that              the Board members and our Chapter
                 a vaccine is almost here, we look            representatives provided to myself
                 forward to 2021 with a hope for              has been extraordinary. I would like
                 something we always took for granted         to take this opportunity to thank each
                 – “normal”. To put what has been the         one of them for their commitment to,
                 craziest year of my working life (let’s      not only our industry, but the Institute.
                 just say 1983 was a good year) into          Their unwavering support in the last
                 perspective, here are some stats out         12 months has not only contributed to
                 of the REIACT office for 2020:               enormous work load encountered due to
                                                              the pandemic, but the seamless delivery
                 Ÿ   New Members – 17                         of everything we have achieved on
                 Ÿ   REI FormsLive forms created by           behalf of our members.
                     our users – 8106                         Our Awards presentation night held on
                 Ÿ   2020 REIA National Awards for            Saturday, 21st of November was one of
REIACT CEO           Excellence Winners – 4                   only three REI Awards for Excellence
Michelle Tynan   Ÿ   COVID-19 Principal Updates – 53          that was not a virtual event. To all of
                                                              our winners and finalists, thank you for
                 Ÿ   COVID-19 e-News Updates – 19
                                                              your incredible efforts as the standard
                 Ÿ   ACT Government COVID industry            of all the submissions was remarkable.
                     consultation meetings – 48               To our Corporate Partner Allhomes
                 Ÿ   National REIA Board & CEO                and our silver and bronze sponsors,
                     COVID-19 meetings – 29                   whilst not able to be a part of the night,
                 Ÿ   2020 REIACT Awards for                   thank you for your continued support
                     Excellence – 21                          of our Awards. The ACT will now be
                                                              represented in 16 categories at the
                 Ÿ   Number of staff at the REIACT – 2
                                                              2021 REIA Awards for Excellence, to
                 Ÿ   Number of REIACT Board                   be held in Darwin (COVID-19 willing!)
                     Directors – 10                           in June 2021.
                 Ÿ   Sleepless nights – too many
                                                              As we look forward to 2021 with
                     to count.
                                                              the promise that we can do all
                 Whilst the challenges we have                the “normal” things we have so
                 experienced this year at the Institute       desperately missed, I wish you and
                 have been significant, I am really proud     your families a happy and safe
                 that we have been able to deliver            Christmas. Please take the time to
                 consistent and precise messaging to          relax, re-charge and re-set, I know
                 assist our members and ensure your           I will be.
                 pathway through the pandemic was as
                 straightforward and clear as possible.

                                                      REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020  7
                                                                                                  CAROLINE ODGERS,
                                                                                                  REGIONAL MANAGER FOR
                                                                                                  GIVIT, SAYS THEY ARE SO
                                                                                                  GRATEFUL FOR ANY SUPPORT
                                                                                                  THEY RECEIVE AND AGREES
                                                                                                  NOW IS A PARTICULARLY
                                                                                                  VITAL TIME FOR MANY IN THE
                                                                                                  CANBERRA REGION.
                                                                                                  “We’re an online platform that matches
                                                                                                  generosity with genuine need. We support
                                                                                                  known national charities, but also many
                                                                                                  smaller ones that don’t have the resources to
                                                                                                  advertise and rely heavily on GIVIT.

Of all the stress that goes into packing up your   many people in the Canberra region with
house when you decide to sell, the chance to       the bushfires, COVID lockdowns and job
do a complete stocktake of everything you’ve       losses, and we all need to do what we can.
accumulated over the years is a definite plus.
Especially if it’s been a long time since your
                                                   “There’s never been a more crucial time to           DO YOU HAVE
last spring clean, these three words could
                                                   give generously, and packing up your home
                                                   provides the ideal opportunity to pick out           ITEMS TO
literally change your life:
                                                   what you don’t need and give it to someone
                                                   who could really benefit from it.”
KEEP. THROW. DONATE.                                                                                    ACT Property Inspections
                                                   Rob recommends GIVIT – an online charity
When deciding what to keep, professional                                                                will pick up items you wish
                                                   that connects those who have with those
organiser Marie Kondo recommends                                                                        to donate when we do your
                                                   in need.
considering whether an item gives you joy. If                                                           property inspection, and then
the answer is no, get rid of it.                   “GIVIT supports more than 350 charities,             drop them off to the charity.
                                                   community groups and schools in the
For items beyond repair that are unlikely to
                                                   Canberra region. Charities request specific          To take up ACT Property
bring joy to anyone, pile them up ready for
                                                   items on the GIVIT website, and donators             Inspections on their offer,
the tip. For everything else, there’s likely to
                                                   can view the list and see how they can help.         simply ask them about
be someone out there who could benefit –
including some individuals and families for                                                             it during your property
                                                   “Most charities accept drop offs, so we              inspection. To learn more
whom it could have a huge positive impact.
                                                   are keen to help out by picking up donated
                                                                                                        about GIVIT, visit givit.org.au
Rob Lowe, Director of ACT Property                 items when we do your property inspection,
Inspections, says it’s been a difficult year for   and then dropping them off to the charity.”

      GET IN TOUCH: 02 6232 4540 | info@actpropertyinspections.com.au | www.actpropertyinspections.com.au
                                                                                                                           NEW REIACT
                  REIACT CHRISTMAS


Jessica Taulaga

Canberra’s property market                                                                ONE AGENCY
has weathered the coronavirus                                                             SANDY MORRIS
pandemic and in the three
                                                                                          02 6296 4252
months to September 2020,                                                                 PO Box 2112, Kambah ACT 2902
the capital’s median house                                                                oneagencysandy.com.au
prices recorded the strongest
annual growth in three years,
according to new data.
                                         Domain senior research analyst Nicola        “Since 2015, house prices have risen
The Domain House Price Report for the    Powell said the city’s annual growth         29.6 per cent, making Canberra the
September quarter showed Canberra’s      was its strongest since early 2017 and       second best performer of all the capital
house prices increased by 9.8 per cent   looking back on the previous five years,     cities during this time, behind only
year-on-year to $817,810. This was a     Canberra’s house prices have been in a       Hobart,” Dr Powell said.
quarterly growth of 3.5 per cent.        healthy position.

                                                                              REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020  9
When looking at the unit market, prices
dropped by 2.6 per cent year-on-year to
$447,143. This was a quarterly decline
of 2.1 per cent.
“Unit prices have underperformed
compared to houses, increasing 6.1 per
cent over the past five years. Weak unit
conditions across other capital cities
have resulted in Canberra providing the
fourth-strongest growth,” she said.
Senior lecturer at the Canberra School
of Politics, Economics & Society John
Hawkins said Canberra’s strong house
price growth was a reflection of its
economic position.
“The underlying economic conditions are
just better in Canberra than the rest of
the country. ACT's unemployment rate is            “That demand certainly picked up by          other cities do. It’s a stable market and a
at 4 per cent, while across Australia it’s 7       May once people realised that Canberra       sensible place to park their funds.
per cent,” Dr Hawkins said.                        was able to manage and adapt to the
                                                                                                “There are families who are also looking
                                                   conditions of the pandemic,”
“More than half of the jobs that were lost                                                      to secure a house before the school term
                                                   Ms Corby said.
in April and May in the ACT because of                                                          starts next year. More and more buyers
COVID were regained by July.”                      What’s driving that growth? Investors        are acting out of the fear of missing out...
                                                   and families upsizing, she said.             there just isn’t enough supply,” she said.
Buyers agent Claire Corby, of Capital
Buyers Agency, said buyer demand                   “We’re seeing more investors return to the   When looking at house prices across
had been high the entire year, with the            market. They are seeing that Canberra’s      Canberra regions, all regions except for
pandemic only seeing a slight drop in              property market is a resilient one that      the Inner South recorded an increase
buyer appetite between March and April.            doesn’t tend to have that volatility that    year-on-year and over the quarter.

10  REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020
Houses in Woden Valley saw the biggest
increase over the year, up 13.3 per
cent to $950,000. This was a quarterly
increase of 5.3 per cent.
In the unit market across the regions,
Tuggeranong saw the biggest increase
year-on-year up 4.7 per cent to
$445,000, a figure that remained
unchanged over the quarter.

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Dr Powell said the capital’s success
in containing the spread of the virus,
coupled with historically low interest
rates, income support measures,
mortgage repayment holidays and
financial incentives had supported
the city’s prices.
“We'll see house price weakness in
the larger cities but the smaller cities
will benefit from these incentives,
particularly the low interest rates and
potentially future lower interest rates,
including Canberra,” she said.

                                                                          REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020  11
For REIACT members

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 12  REIACT           | AFSL
                 542 Estate    302522
                            Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020
Denials of business interruption            Those in the insurance sector have also        Beyond this, reduced or waived excess
and travel claims due to                    recognised the changing circumstances          amounts have also become available.
                                            SMEs are faced with, many of which
the pandemic have sparked                   have impacted their operations. With
                                                                                           Governments have also kept several
                                                                                           measures in place to support individuals
headlines, with some causing                this in mind, insurers have introduced
                                                                                           and businesses as the pandemic
individuals to believe insurers             special measures, providing much-
                                                                                           progresses. The Australian Competition
                                            needed assistance and financial support
have taken a step back; however,                                                           and Consumer Commission has
                                            in cases of hardship.
this is not the case.                                                                      provided clearances for several major
                                            For instance, in cases where policyholders     insurers to extend measures they had
Rather, in recent times, insurers have      have wanted to cancel their cover,             previously announced until the end of
actively sought out ways to help SMEs       many insurers have offered refunds on          the year, while other firms which devised
maintain their cover.                       the unused portion of their premium,           their own customer support schemes
                                            alleviating typical administration or          have also extended measures.
Amid this global pandemic, it's easy to     cancellation fees. Another option that's
become swept up in managing ever-                                                          As the pandemic continues, insurers
                                            become available to businesses is
changing government restrictions and                                                       are reviewing and adjusting their
                                            premium deferrals, allowing for greater
adjusting to a new way of life. While,                                                     operations and policies, continually
                                            flexibility depending on their needs.
undeniably, much has changed in past                                                       looking for new opportunities to help
months, normal pre-pandemic risks to        In response to many organisations now          enterprises recuperate as the
organisations remain - and are still just   conducting operations remotely, leaving        economy slowly recovers.
as important to cover.                      their premises unoccupied, insurers have
                                                                                           A reputable insurance broker such as
                                            widely introduced continuity of cover,
The situation has also impacted the types                                                  Coverforce (the preferred insurance
                                            meaning that there are no changes to a
of cover insurers provide today, with                                                      broker for REIACT) can assess your risks
                                            business' premiums terms or conditions.
pandemic risks now not being covered in                                                    and provide personalised advice on the
general. Largely because the effect isn't   Another insurer introduced a liability         right insurance program to protect your
targeted, in that it can impact locations   extension, which assisted their                business and assets. Contact Coverforce
everywhere simultaneously. In addition,     policyholders in serving customers             today on 1300 503 503 or visit
the global industry only has so much        outdoors when restrictions allowed.            coverforce.com.au to find out more.
capital in reserve to meet claims, and in   Some offered grants to eligible SMEs,          The information provided in this article is of
instances like the current pandemic, the    with funding available for advertising,        a general nature only and has been prepared
size of the risk exceeds this.              equipment, business consulting and             without taking into account your individual
                                            promotional printing.                          objectives, financial situation or needs. If you
However, insurers are continuing to                                                        require insurance advice that is tailored to your
provide cover for usual business risks      For the most part, many insurers are           specific business or individual circumstances,
during the pandemic, such as fire, theft    offering pay by the month instalments          please contact Coverforce directly.

and liability issues and; thus, have been   in certain cases, which are at no
paying out claims of this nature.           additional cost to the policyholder.

                                                                                 REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020  13
                                                                                                            RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES
2020 (NO 3)
                                                   As COVID-19 restrictions in        The Declaration, which commenced
                                                   the Australian Capital Territory   on 23 October 2020, brings an end to
                                                                                      the moratorium period and transitions
                                                   continue to ease, so too does      landlords and tenants out of the
                                                   the management and regulation      protections and restrictions imposed
                                                   of residential tenancies. There    under the previous Emergency
                                                                                      Response Declarations.
Joshua Vuk                                         is now an obvious shift by the
BAL Lawyers                                        ACT Government, through the        The Declaration, despite revoking
                                                                                      the Residential Tenancies (COVID-19
                                                   introduction of the Residential
                                                                                      Emergency Response) Declaration
                                                   Tenancies (COVID-19 Emergency      2020 (No 2), does not revoke the
                                                   Response) Declaration 2020         protections (including the moratorium
                                                   No 3, to return the status quo     on termination) afforded to a tenant
                                                                                      who was a member of an impacted
                                                   between landlord and tenant,
                                                                                      household prior to 22 October 2020
                                                   and the rights attributed to       (the end of the moratorium period).
                                                   each, to that existing pre         Those protections though only remain
                                                   COVID-19.                          valid so long as the tenant pays rent as

14  REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020
it becomes due and payable from 23           providing evidence that the tenant             We are here to help with navigating this
October 2020. Where the tenant does          resides in an impacted household.              minefield and are happy to discuss.
so, the landlord will be prevented from      Such evidence may include a statutory
                                                                                            At the end of the transitional period
terminating the residential tenancy          declaration, evidence of eligibility for
                                                                                            the Institute has forecasted that
agreement based solely due to the non-       JobKeeper or JobSeeker, a letter from
                                                                                            we may see a need for additional
payment of rent during the moratorium        an employer attesting to change in
                                                                                            information in regards to the process
period. This will not prevent the landlord   employment status or evidence of a
                                                                                            of evictions including the rights of both
from terminating on other grounds.           reduction in household income.
                                                                                            landlords and impacted tenants. BAL
The Declaration ALSO extends a tenant’s      It is important for landlords, tenants and     Lawyers will partner with the Institute
right to terminate a residential tenancy     managing agents alike to recognise that        to deliver this session should member
agreement during the transitional period     upon the transitional period coming to         feedback necessitate.
(ending 31 January 2021). If a tenant        an end (31 January 2021), the rights
resides in an impacted household             granted under former Emergency
(whether this occurs during or after         Response Declarations and which
the moratorium period), the tenant           continue under the new Declaration,
may terminate the residential tenancy        are likely to come to an end and to
agreement by giving the landlord three       make preparations for same.
(3) weeks prior written notice and

                                                                                  REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020  15
For many people, the festive
season is a jolly time to connect
with others and celebrate the
year. But financial issues, family
conflict and loneliness can
increase stress for people with
anxiety or depression in the
lead up to Christmas and the
new year.

16  REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020
                                             PLAN AHEAD                                    MANAGE CONFLICT

                                             As the end of the year fast approaches,       Christmas can be stressful if there’s
                                             it’s OK to feel overwhelmed or a little       tension between your family or friends
                                             burnt out. So be kind to yourself when        or an unrealistic expectation to just
                                             you’re planning what you will do.             ‘put on a smile’. If you find yourself in
                                             Christmas can be a difficult day, but         an uncomfortable situation, try to be
                                             it’s what you make it.                        as understanding as you can of other
                                                                                           people’s situations; most people are
                                             If you’re going to spend Christmas
                                                                                           under stress to some degree too.
                                             alone – or with a pet – take your mind
                                                                                           Some other suggestions:
This article was originally published by     off things by making sure you allow
Beyond Blue. Find it here: beyondblue.       plenty of time for the things you enjoy.      Ÿ    Break up celebrations; catch up with
org.au/personal-best/pillar/supporting-                                                         one group of relatives on Christmas
yourself/coping-with-christmas.              CHANGE YOUR EXPECTATIONS                           Eve and the other on Christmas Day
                                                                                                if possible.
                                             Being invited to social events and the
For many people, the festive                                                               Ÿ    Plan a group activity – such as
                                             pressure of living up to expectations
                                                                                                backyard cricket – to keep people
season is an exciting time                   can increase stress for people with a
to connect with others and                   mental health condition. Some people
                                             also might start putting too much             Ÿ    Try to avoid the silly season getting
celebrate. But for others, it can            pressure on themselves about what                  really silly; reduce the amount of
be the most stressful time of                they should buy or do for others. ​                alcohol that could contribute
the year.                                    Others might dread catching up with                to arguments.
                                             family because it may end in conflict.
                                                                                           For tips and advice for resolving
“This year I have decided to keep my
                                             You have a choice in how you spend            family conflict go to healthyfamilies.
expectations around Christmas ‘real
                                             your holiday season. It may be that           beyondblue.org.au/healthy-homes/
and achievable’. What I truly desire
                                             you simply need to change your                resolving-family-conflict.
Christmas to be will not happen due to
                                             expectations for the day; change
circumstances. I can make my Christmas
                                             Christmas to meet your needs and              BE FINANCIALLY FESTIVE
the best possible with what I have
                                             spend time with people who are
available to me.” – Doolhof, Online forum                                                  The gifts, food and expectations can all
                                             supportive. It’s OK to say no to things
Community Champion                                                                         start to add up. If you’re not able to spend
                                             or ignore it completely – or just the bits
For many people, the festive season          that you don’t enjoy. It doesn’t have         money comfortably, don’t – this will only
is a jolly time to connect with others       to include a massive to-do list and be        add to stress in the new year. Instead do
and celebrate the year. But financial        crammed with things you do out of             something meaningful for others and give
issues, family conflict and loneliness can   obligation or tradition.                      gifts such as a handpicked care package, a
increase stress for people with anxiety or                                                 babysitting voucher or offer to help with the
                                             “So I changed perspective. I told my          huge pile of dishes after Christmas lunch.
depression in the lead up to Christmas
                                             family spoil away...But not with toys.
and the new year.
                                             Give them your time. Buy a paddling           GIVE BACK
Here are some festive management             pool? OK now swim with them. Buy a
strategies to help you deal with the         book and read it to them. Don't buy           Volunteering is a great way to boost self-
holiday season – as well as experiences      craft unless you're going to get dirty        esteem and support people who may be
and advice from community members in         and create.”                                  going through a difficult time – or if you
our online forums.                           – Quercus, Community Champion.                don’t want to be on your own.

                                                                                  REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020  17
You could serve a meal at a community              It’s easy to make New Year’s resolutions     simple as sending a text, a message on
centre, take gifts to a children’s hospital,       – but sticking to them is the difficult      social media, inviting someone over for
visit people at a nursing home or if               part. A good place to start is to jot down   a cuppa or making a phone call. If you’re
you’re a Christian, attend a church                all the positive things you experienced      supporting someone who has anxiety or
service. Some councils may also offer a            and activities that made you feel good       depression these holidays it’s important to
community Christmas party you can join.            over the year. Focus on the things that      look after yourself too.
                                                   build your confidence and bring you one
There are also other ways to give a gift                                                        Occasions like Christmas can also bring
                                                   step closer towards better mental health.
that keeps on giving; donate to a charity,                                                      up feelings of sadness and grief for people
                                                   Staying well is about finding a balance
collect old nick nacks, books or clothes                                                        who have lost someone special. If you feel
                                                   that works for you.
and give them to an op shop or start a                                                          you can, talk about your loved one, share
conversation with a stranger or neighbour                                                       memories – and tears. You may also like to
                                                   STAY IN THE PRESENT
– it could be just the thing you both need                                                      spend some time alone so you can think
to get in the holiday spirit.                      Being mindful can be an effective way        about your loved one. It’s also OK to enjoy
                                                   to cope with holiday stress. If you find     yourself, don’t feel guilty, it doesn’t mean
“A couple of years ago I did help out with
                                                   yourself feeling overwhelmed, try to bring   you don’t miss them.
the Christmas lunch our Church puts on
for people in the community who have               yourself back to where you are, slow         “I like to light a candle for loved ones
nowhere to go for Christmas … After we             your breathing down or try a progressive     who cannot be with us for Christmas for
served the people, we ate with them at             muscle relaxation exercise. Incorporating    one reason or another. The glow of the
the tables … So it was not just a case             breathing and relaxation exercises,          candles is comforting to me and help
of ‘providing’ the food, but providing             practising mindfulness or yoga are great     provide a sense of peace and happiness.”
friendship and welcoming as well.”                 coping strategies to manage emotions         – Doolhof, Community Champion.
 – Doolhof, Community Champion                     that may get stirred up around this time
                                                   of year. Most of these activities you can    The mental health professionals at our
                                                   do almost anywhere and for little or no      Support Service are available over the
REFLECT AND SET GOALS                                                                           holiday period 24/7 on 1300 22 4636,
                                                   cost; if you download them ahead of
                                                   Christmas, or download the Smiling           online chat (3pm-12am AEDT) or email
You can choose to forget the year
                                                   Mind app, they’re right there in your        responses (within 24 hours). There are also
altogether or take the opportunity to look
                                                   pocket for when you need to find a sense     other services to contact for support over
back on your journey and celebrate your
                                                   of peace and calm among the chaos.           this time if you need someone to talk to.
achievements – regardless how small
they may seem.                                                                                  If you’re looking for virtual
                                                   GET SUPPORT                                  companionship, our Beyond Blue
As you plan for the year ahead, try to
                                                                                                forums are available to seek support
come up with positive and achievable               If you’re feeling alone or lonely, it’s
                                                                                                or information, join conversations, and
goals that contribute to making you feel           important to reach out and talk to
                                                                                                share holiday coping strategies.
positive, healthy and fulfilled – and give         someone. Sometimes it’s difficult to talk
you a great sense of achievement.                  about what’s going on but it could be as

18  REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020
Proudly sponsored by









                                        2020                                    IN
                                                                            REIACT Awards
                                                                            for Excellence

                             and the winners are...
                            AWARD        WINNER                                                            AWARD       WINNER
                 Rookie of the Year      Angus Baker - Sentia Real Estate                Small Residential Agency       Ashby Partners Real Estate
                                                                                                      of the Year
      Property Marketer of the Year      Jonny Warren - White Rhino
                                         Property                                    Residential Property Manager       Melissa Escreza - Ashby Partners
                                                                                                        of the Year     Real Estate
    Commercial Property Manager          Phillip Parker - Colliers
                      of the Year        International ACT                                     Solicitor of the Year    Megan North - Megan North
Commercial Salesperson of the Year       Guy Randell - Burgess Rawson
                                                                                  Business Development Manager          Susan Weaver - LJ Hooker
   Commercial Agency of the Year         Sentia Real Estate
                                                                                                    of the Year         Canberra City
         Community Service Award         Blackshaw Gungahlin
                                                                                    Operational Leadership Person       Zoe Ferrari - CBRE Canberra
                  Innovation Award       Capital Buyers Agency                                         of the Year

        Operational Support Person       Alison Austen - LJ Hooker                       Buyers’ Agent of the Year      Claire Corby - Capital Buyers
                        of the Year      Gungahlin                                                                      Agency

 Residential Property Management         Independent Property                            Large Residential Agency       Belle Property Kingston
                  Team of the Year       Management                                                   of the Year

    Public Housing Sector Property       John Mazengarb - Housing ACT,          Residential Sales Team of the Year      Our Team - Mark, Aaron & Tania -
              Manager of the Year        Community Services Directorate,                                                Independent Inner North and City
                                         ACT Government
                                                                                 Residential Salesperson of the Year   Maria Selleck - Maria Selleck
Project Property Marketer of the Year    Burgess Rawson                                                                Properties

                                                                    Hall of Fame Inductees
                                        Colliers International ACT - Commercial Agency of the Year 2017,2018 & 2019
20  REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020
21  REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020   REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . November 2020  21
Proudly sponsored by









                                    2020                                 IN
                                                                        REIACT Awards
                                                                        for Excellence

                         AWARD      FINALISTS                                                       AWARD       FINALISTS
               Rookie of the Year   Kieran Jackson - McIntyre Property        Residential Property Manager      Deanna Elmir - McIntyre Property
                                                                                                 of the Year    Emily Varga - Independent Property
    Property Marketer of the Year   Ryan Hedley - LJ Hooker Dickson                                             Management
                                    Guy Randell - Burgess Rawson                                                Jessica Cook - LJ Hooker
   Commercial Property Manager      Erika Hagemann - Sentia Real
                     of the Year    Estate                                                                      Stacie Sheldrick - LJ H Hooker
                                                                                                                Canberra City
        Commercial Salesperson      Matthew Winter - Colliers
                    of the Year     International                                       Solicitor of the Year   Kristen Porter - O’no Legal
                                                                                                                Daryn Griffiths - Capon & Hubert
  Commercial Agency of the Year     Colliers International ACT                                                  Solicitors and Mediators

       Community Service Award      Independent                            Business Development Manager         Braedan Kidd - Ashby Partners
                                    CBRE Canberra                                            of the Year        Lyn Fairweather - LJ Hooker
      Operational Support Person    Stephanie Lang - LJ Hooker Kippax
                      of the Year   Maddison Rennie - CBRE Canberra          Operational Leadership Person      Melissa Escreza - Ashby Partners
                                                                                                of the Year     Jasmine Henjak - McIntyre Property
Residential Property Management     McIntyre Property                                                           Lyn Fairweather - LJ Hooker
                 Team of the Year   Blackshaw Queanbeyan and                                                    Gungahlin
                                    Jerrabomberra                                                               Katie Goodall - Burgess Rawson
  Public Housing Sector Property    Jami Symons - Housing ACT                                                   Susan Weaver - LJ Hooker Canberra
            Manager of the Year                                                                                 City
                                    Tracie O’Keefe - Housing ACT
                                    Teresa Bambach - Housing ACT                  Large Residential Agency      Independent
                                                                                               of the Year
        Small Residential Agency    En Vogue Property Management
                     of the Year    Impact Properties Canberra            Residential Salesperson of the Year   Shaun Iqbal - Impact Properties
                                    White Rhino Property                                                        Canberra
                                                                                                                Gavin van Zyl - White Rhino
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before23  REIACT
       making an investment    decision.
                    . Real Estate         Past performance
                                  Voice . Issue 22 . Decemberis2020                                    REIACT
                                                                no indication of future performance. October 2020.
                                                                                                              . RealREIS
                                                                                                                     Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020  23
                                                   If your tenants or landlords are             Ÿ   Energy Support Fund:
                                                   finding it difficult to pay their bills,         Eligible customers could receive a
                                                   ask them to contact us as soon as                $100 credit on their electricity or gas
                                                   possible. From short-term support to             account. Vouchers are distributed
                                                   ongoing payment arrangements, we’ll              through the ActewAGL Staying
As Canberra’s local utility                        work with them to develop personal               Connected team and our community
retailers, ActewAGL and                            and practical solutions.                         partners, like Care Financial, who
                                                                                                    also provide financial management
Icon Water understand our
                                                   HOW WE CAN LEND A HELPING HAND IN                and counselling sessions.
commitment to the Capital                          TOUGH TIMES
Region and responsibility to the                                                                GETTING IN TOUCH
                                                   There are a number of ways we can help
people who live here. We’re here
                                                   customers. Here are just some of the         If you have their permission, you can pass
to assist our community after                      support measures available.                  your tenant or landlord’s details to us:
the unpredictable challenges
                                                   Ÿ   Job Keeper or Job Seeker:                Ÿ   stayingconnected@actewagl.com.au
of this year and want to make                          Customers who’ve lost                    Ÿ   1300 138 574
sure tenants and landlords alike                       employment may be eligible
                                                                                                Ÿ   actewagl.com.au/
know how to access the support                         to receive up to $900 off their
                                                       electricity account through the
they need to pay their bills.                                                                   We also have a range of fact sheets and
                                                       ACT Utilities Concession.
                                                                                                resources available that you can share with
Our local teams are here to assist                 Ÿ   Payment extensions and flexible
                                                                                                your clients, and are always here to answer
customers who’ve been affected by                      payment arrangements: Together,
                                                                                                your questions. Get in touch to let us know
job or income loss and are now under                   we'll work with affected tenants
                                                                                                what you’re after. We’re happy to help.
financial pressure. We know that when                  and landlords to tailor a flexible
tenants face financial stress, they can’t              payment plan that suits them.
pay their energy bills. In turn, landlords         Ÿ   Actsmart Energy Efficiency Support:
may need to negotiate rent reductions,                 Tenants can save on their energy bills
and this could impact their capacity to                with free home energy assessments
pay their water bills. But we can help.                from the ACT Government.

24  REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020
25  REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020
The right support,
right when you need it.

If you’re finding it difficult to pay your bill, please let
us know.
As Canberra’s local energy experts, we assist customers facing financial difficulty every day,
and this won’t change.
From short-term support to ongoing payment arrangements, we’ll do what we can to help
you keep the lights on. Just let us know what support you need.

I need some help to pay my quarterly energy bills
To make seasonal bills more manageable, there are a couple of things you can set up yourself at

1. Check that you’re on the best
   energy plan for you. A simple
   update could save you money.

2. Make sure you’re receiving any
   concessions or rebates that
   you’re eligible for. We can help
   if you’re unsure.

3. Request a payment extension.

4. Change your payment plan to
   direct debit EvenPay. EvenPay
   smooths your annual energy
   costs into smaller, predictable
   fortnightly or monthly payments.
   Think of it as an easy, regular
   payment plan. You’ll always know
   how much you’re going to pay,
   and when.

Also, be sure to check out our quick and simple tips on how to waste less and save more at actewagl.com.au/

1 ActewAGL The right support, right when you need it.                          ActewAGL Retail ABN 46 221 314 841
I’m under financial hardship and can’t pay very much
    right now
    If you think you’re about to be disconnected, contact our local, dedicated team as early as possible on
    13 14 93.
    Through our Energy Support Fund, you may be eligible for a $100 credit on your electricity or gas account.
    Vouchers are distributed by our community partners, like Care Financial.
    You can also ask us about our financial hardship program, Staying Connected. If accepted into the program,
    we’ll work together to develop practical solutions to keep your energy connected, including a flexible
    payment plan that suits you, because no two situations are the same.

    I’ve been affected by
    domestic or family violence
    Our Enduring Support Scheme supports
    customers to manage their energy account while
    navigating a domestic or family violence situation.
    We’ll provide a confidential and secure environment
    for you to discuss your needs and work together
    to develop a personalised solution.
    Find out more about the Staying Connected
    program and Enduring Support Scheme at

We’re here for you
Connect with a local energy expert today.
actewagl.com.au                            |       assist@actewagl.com.au                                       |      13 14 93

    2 ActewAGL The right support, right when you need it.                                                                  ActewAGL Retail ABN 46 221 314 841
  27  REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020
ActewAGL Retail ABN 46 221 314 841 a partnership of Icon Retail Investments Ltd ABN 23 074 371 207 and AGL ACT Retail Investments Pty Ltd ABN 53 093 631 586
In the current
                                                                                                  environment this should
                                                                                                  be welcome news for
                                                                                                  uninsured landlords, as
                                                                                                  well as their property
                                                                                                  managers. It means ACT
                                                                                                  landlords can protect
                                                                                                  their rental income by
                                                                                                  securing insurance cover
                                                                                                  for loss of rent and other
                                                                                                  tenant-related risks.

                                                   Temporary restrictions on the                  Property managers should encourage their
                                                                                                  landlords to ask the following questions of
                                                   sale of new policies during
                                                                                                  landlord insurers before placing cover:
                                                   COVID-19 have been lifted
                                                   and ACT property investors                     DOES THE POLICY PROVIDE COVER FOR
                                                   can again purchase landlord                    LOSS OF RENT?
Sarah Barton
Terri Scheer Insurance                             insurance for professionally                   Don’t assume landlords will be covered
Distribution Channel                               managed long-term rentals.                     for loss of rent under their new
Manager                                                                                           insurance policy.
                                                   In the current environment this should be
                                                   welcome news for uninsured landlords, as       Some, but not all landlord insurance
                                                   well as their property managers. It means      policies currently cover loss of rent for a
                                                   ACT landlords can protect their rental         defaulting tenant.
                                                   income by securing insurance cover for
                                                                                                  Historically, loss of rent is the most
                                                   loss of rent and other tenant-related risks.
                                                                                                  common reason for landlord insurance
                                                   These risks have heightened during             claims, so it’s important for landlords to
                                                   COVID-19 including the potentially higher      confirm how much loss of rent they can
                                                   likelihood of tenants defaulting as a          claim and under what circumstances.
                                                   result of widespread job uncertainty and
                                                                                                  Loss of rental income can result
                                                   property damage due to people spending
                                                                                                  from absconding tenants, defaulting
                                                   more time in their homes.
                                                                                                  payments, death of a sole tenant, failure
                                                   However, not all landlord insurance            to give vacant possession or a court
                                                   policies are created equal, particularly       awarding a tenant a release from lease
                                                   in relation to loss of rent.                   obligations due to hardship.

28  REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020
In instances where malicious damage             Be aware that a renegotiated rent reduction     Editor’s note
has been caused to a property, a loss of        in itself is not considered a default by a      About Terri Scheer Insurance:
                                                                                                Terri Scheer Insurance Pty Ltd ABN 76 070 874
rental income may result during the time        tenant and the gap between the original
                                                                                                798 (Terri Scheer) provides insurance cover for
required for the property to be repaired        rent and their renegotiated rent is unlikely    landlords, helping to protect them against the risks
and ready to relet.                             to be covered under landlord insurance.         associated with owning a rental property. These
                                                                                                include malicious damage by tenants, accidental
Generally, conditions will apply at the
                                                HOW DOES THE EVICTION MORATORIUM                damage, landlord’s legal liability and loss of rental
time of placing cover and for landlords                                                         income. Terri Scheer acts on behalf of AAI Limited
to be eligible for loss of rent, their tenant
                                                AFFECT LOSS OF RENT CLAIMS?
                                                                                                ABN 48 005 297 807. AFSL 230859 trading as
must not have been in arrears for more          In circumstances where a tenant cannot
                                                                                                ‘Vero Insurance’, the insurer which issues the
than a specified number of days within a                                                        insurance cover. Terri Scheer has not taken into
                                                be evicted while an eviction moratorium         account the reader’s objectives, financial situation
previous specified period.                      is in effect, landlords should ask their        or needs. If you are interested in any of Terri
Insurance can still be placed with cover        insurer whether the unpaid rent will            Scheer’s insurance products, the relevant Product
limited to other clauses, and policy            continue to accrue until the tenant             Disclosure Statement should be considered first.
                                                leaves the property, which may be after         It can be viewed online at www.terrischeer.com.au
holders can become eligible for loss of                                                         or obtained by calling 1800 804 016. Based in
rent cover when their tenant is out of          the end of the moratorium.
                                                                                                Adelaide, Terri Scheer services all states, territories
arrears for a specified time.                   Upon the eventual leaving of the tenant,        and capital cities.

                                                they should be able to follow the normal        Disclaimer: The information contained in this article
WILL MY LOSS OF RENT COVER REMAIN               processes to remedy the arrears or              is intended to be of a general nature only. Terri
VALID IF I NEGOTIATE A LOWER RENT WITH          lodge a claim.                                  Scheer does not accept any legal responsibility
MY TENANT?                                                                                      for any loss incurred as a result of reliance upon
                                                For further information, visit                  it. Insurance issued by Vero Insurance. Read the
Landlords wanting to negotiate lower            www.terrischeer.com.au or call                  Product Disclosure Statement before buying this
rents with their tenants should check           1800 804 016.                                   insurance and consider whether it is right for you.
with their insurer to ensure they will                                                          Contact Terri Scheer on 1800 804 016 or visit our
                                                Media contact: Corporate Conversation,          website at www.terrischeer.com.au for a copy.
remain covered under their policy to the
                                                08 8372 7822.
new rental amount.
Then, if a tenant stops paying rent at
the renegotiated amount and vacates
the property, there may be a valid
trigger for a claim.

                                                                                      REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020  29
The Allhomes Promise

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 30  REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020
If you’re a real estate professional, it     CLOTHING EXPENSES                            as you meet the eligibility criteria and
pays to learn what you can claim at                                                       record-keeping requirements.
tax time. With all work-related expense      With a few exceptions, clothing cannot
                                                                                          You can’t claim:
claims it’s important to remember the        be deducted as a work-related expense.
three golden rules:                                                                       Ÿ    Coffee, tea, milk and other general
                                             You can’t claim the cost of buying or
                                                                                               household items your employer may
Ÿ   You must have spent the money            maintaining conventional clothing such
                                                                                               provide you at work.
    yourself and weren’t reimbursed.         as business attire or shoes you wear to
                                             work, even if your employer requires you     Ÿ    The cost of rates, mortgage interest,
Ÿ   It must be directly related to earning
                                             to wear them and you only wear these              rent and insurance as an employee.
    your income.
                                             items of clothing at work.                   There are a few ways to calculate home
Ÿ   You must have a record to prove it.
                                                                                          office expenses depending on your
Ÿ   You can only claim the work-related      You can claim the cost of buying
                                                                                          circumstances. For more information go
    portion of the expense.                  and maintaining non-compulsory
                                                                                          to ato.gov.au/home
                                             uniforms so long as they are registered
CAR EXPENSES                                 with AusIndustry (check with your
                                             employer), or compulsory uniforms you
You can claim the cost of using a car        are explicitly required to wear under a      If you’re entitled to earn your income
you own when you drive:                      workplace agreement or policy, which         through commissions or commissions
Ÿ   Between separate jobs on the same        is strictly enforced and is sufficiently     and retainers, you can claim a
    day – for example, travelling from       distinctive to your organisation.            deduction for gift expenses. If you
    the real estate agency office to your                                                 earn a fixed income and do not receive
    second job as an auctioneer with         ENTERTAINMENT                                commissions, you cannot claim a
    another agency.                                                                       deduction. Deductions also cannot
                                             You can't claim a deduction for the
Ÿ   To and from an alternate workplace                                                    be claimed for gifts in the form of
                                             cost of any entertainment, fundraising
    for the same employer on the                                                          entertainment.
                                             or social functions such as business
    same day – for example, driving          breakfasts and lunches. This applies         You can’t claim a deduction if your
    between separate real estate offices     even if they are compulsory, non-            employer pays for or reimburses you for
    or residential open homes for the        compulsory or you discuss business           any work-related expenses.
    same employer.                           matters at the event.
                                                                                          For more information about what you
You generally can’t claim the cost of
                                                                                          can claim at tax time visit the ATO Real
trips between home and work, even            HOME OFFICE EXPENSES
                                                                                          estate professional page.
if you live a long way from your usual
workplace or have to work outside            You can claim the work-related portion
normal business hours – for example,         of additional running expenses you incur
weekend or early morning shifts.             when you work from home, so long

                                                                                 REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020  31
Super isn’t always
                                                                                                straightforward, but
                                                                                                this doesn’t need to
                                                                                                be the case. At REI
                                                                                                Super we’re dedicated
                                                                                                in providing every
                                                                                                single person with the
                                                                                                personalised service
                                                                                                they deserve.

                                                   Simply put, compounding means you                Salary sacrificing can help transfer
                                                   earn interest on your previous interest.         money that you would have lost in
                                                   If you think of a snowball, the higher           tax into your super savings. Use our
                                                   the hill the bigger the snowball will grow       salary sacrifice calculator to see how
Dreaming of retiring? So are we, and               when it reaches the bottom of the hill.          much tax you could be saving.
that’s why we want to help you achieve             The earlier you start, the bigger your       2. Voluntary after-tax contributions. You
your goals by uncovering some perks                super account will grow and especially if       can make after-tax contributions
within superannuation which you may                you make extra contributions.                   in lump sums from your after tax
not be aware of.                                                                                   income. These lump sum personal
                                                   Go on, have a play with this online
No matter your income bracket, no one              calculator and see how you could be             contributions are not taxed as you’ve
needs to miss out on a comfortable                 benefiting from compounding interest.           already paid the tax on the income.
retirement. Live the life in retirement that                                                    However, it is important to be aware of
you have always dreamed of.                        Reduce your income tax bill                  the restrictions and conditions around
                                                                                                tax deductions for after-tax contributions.
Here are some of those hidden perks.               Many people could reduce the amount          Some of these restrictions include;
                                                   of income tax they pay now and improve
Compounding interest                               their future retirement by making extra      Ÿ   If the fund no longer holds the
                                                   contributions to super, also known as            contribution
Let us tell you what we think is the best
                                                   voluntary contributions.                     Ÿ   On a payment to your super that is a
perk of all, and that is compounding
                                                                                                    rollover from another fund
interest. The best thing is, that everyone         The two main ways to add to your super;
gets to benefit from this perk, no matter                                                       Ÿ   On First Home Super Saver Scheme
                                                   1. Voluntary before-tax contributions            (FHSSS) amounts released to you
your super account balance, income
                                                      through an agreement with your                then recontributed to your super fund.
bracket or age we all get to reap the
                                                      employer (salary sacrificing).
benefits of compounding interest.

32  REIACT . Real Estate Voice . Issue 22 . December 2020
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