SPE Eastern Europe Subsurface Conference - Call for Papers 23-24 November 2021 Kyiv, Society of ...

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SPE Eastern Europe Subsurface Conference - Call for Papers 23-24 November 2021 Kyiv, Society of ...
Host Organisation:

SPE Eastern Europe
Subsurface Conference
23–24 November 2021                                     Kyiv,


Call for Papers
Deadline: 30 June 2021

Gold Sponsor:      Lunch Sponsor:   VIP Reception Sponsor:               Sponsor:
SPE Eastern Europe Subsurface Conference - Call for Papers 23-24 November 2021 Kyiv, Society of ...
Welcome from the Conference Chair                         Technical Categories                                               2

Dear Colleagues,
                                                          Technical Categories
On behalf of the Executive and Programme
Committees, we would like to invite you to submit         The preliminary technical categories for which the
a paper proposal to be considered for inclusion in        programme committee invites paper proposals are
the technical programme of the SPE Eastern Europe         listed below. The committee particularly welcomes
Subsurface Conference taking place in Kyiv, Ukraine
                                                          regional case studies covering any of these topics.
on 23-24 November 2021.
This is an inaugural event for SPE and it comes at a
time when the Ukrainian oil and gas industry is centre                      Drilling and Completions
stage as a regional E&P hub with its huge oil and
gas resource base, capacious market, advantageous         • Managed pressure drilling
location and rich industry history.                       • Extended reach & horizontal drilling
                                                          • Multilateral wells & sidetracking
This is the first professional subsurface conference in
Eastern Europe, bringing you world class technical        • Under balance drilling
expertise, new exploration concepts and innovative        • Wellbore stability (geomechanical approach)
production enhancements and improvements.                 • Innovative well intervention technologies
                                                          • Extended reach drilling and multi-lateral wells
Please submit your paper proposal no later than
30 June 2021. If your abstract is accepted for            • Casing, cementing and cement evaluation
presentation you will be notified by mid-July 2021.       • Prevention and mitigation of lost circulation
                                                          • Drilling problems in deep depleted reservoirs
We look forward to receiving your technical proposals
and to seeing you in Kyiv in November.                    • Drilling and mitigation of complex reservoir (rock strength,
                                                            fractures, interbedded formation)
                                                          • Well integrity and reliability management in a life cycle
Kindest Regards                                             perspective

                                                          E&P Geoscience, Case Histories, New Technologies and
                                                          Techniques, Advanced Workflows Applied to Existing
                                                          • Regional geology, basin modeling and geochemistry
                                                          • New frontiers exploration
                                                          • Challanges in mature basins exploration
                                                          • Seismic imaging of geologic architecture and reservoir fluids
Otto Waterlander
                                                          • Depositional and diagenetic controls on reservoir quality in
Chief Operating Officer
                                                            unconventional reservoirs
Naftogaz Group
                                                          • Application of outcrop analogues in reservoir characterisation
                                                            and modeling
                                                          • Reservoir characterisation
                                                          • Numerical and physical modeling in geology and geophysics–
                                                            advances and challenges
                                                          • Integration of geophysical, geologic and geomechanical models
                                                          • Machine learning and artificial intelligence in earth science
                                                          • Integrated approach to processing and interpretation of borehole
                                                          • Exploring for new resources

Submit your paper proposal online by 30 June 2021
SPE Eastern Europe Subsurface Conference - Call for Papers 23-24 November 2021 Kyiv, Society of ...
Technical Categories                                                                                                                          3

Formation Evaluation and Geosteering, Conventional                      • EOR developments, (optimising selection, timing, etc.)
and New Technologies, Case Studies                                      • Pilot design, implementation, monitoring, and result evaluation
• Geosteering (well placement), look ahead advancements                   to full field deployment
• Wireline and logging while drilling (LWD)                             • Maximising the value of Brownfield assets
• Advances in machine learning in Petrophysics                          • Reservoir life cycle management (predicting and managing
• Core analysis and data interpretation                                   changing conditions – GOR, Water Cut, etc)
• Cased hole formation evaluation / analysis behind casing              • Using big data for reservoir management
• Surveillance (production/injection) logging                           • Gas field management

• Acoustic logging
• Magnetic resonance logging                                                      Production and Operations
• Quantitative petrophysical analysis – porosity, permeability,
  saturation                                                            • Well integrity
• Imaging techniques                                                    • Reservoir production improvements: fracturing, perforation
                                                                        • Water management: control and clean-up technologies
                                                                        • Sand production mitigation and management
         Reservoir Description and Dynamics
                                                                        • Flow assurance: prediction, control and mitigation
Conventional and New Technologies, Case Studies                         • Understanding well production: Metering, production
• Core analysis and modeling for improved recovery                        allocation etc

• Reservoir geomechanics                                                • Artificial lift

• PVT of complex reservoir fluids, EOS (equation of state) and          • Matrix stimulation, hydraulic fracturing (intelligent algorithms,
  miscibility                                                             well-to-well communications, simulators, conventional and un-
                                                                          conventional rock’s stimulation, novel stimulation methods, case
• Implementing reservoir surveillance in a challenging
• Advances in well test analyses/interpretation (build-ups, fall-offs   • Intelligent completions
  and interference testing, application benefits of permanent           • Improved well’s productivity through coiled tubing interventions
  DHPTG’s)                                                              • Remote real time monitoring
• Reducing uncertainties through history matching and                   • Edge analytics for oil and gas wells
  production forecast                                                   • Geothermal reservoir stimulation
• Assisted history match – benefits and shortfalls                      • Well portfolio optimisation
• Dynamic modeling challenges (integration with surface facilities,     • Work over candidate selection
  complex recovery processes modeling, etc)                             • Other technologies and methodologies for production operations
• New updates and developments in modeling software                       (tracers, logging, downhole or surface measurement, etc)
                                                                        Offshore Field Development
• 4D geomechanical modeling
                                                                        • Innovative subsea production and processing solutions
Reservoir Management/Maximising Recovery,                               • Enhanced production, and increased field recovery
Conventional and New Technologies, Case Studies                         • Subsea completions
• Reservoir surveillance (real time reservoir monitoring)
                                                                        Field Development/Optimising Investment /Full Life Cycle
• Risk and uncertainty management
                                                                        • Effective frameworks for optimising investments.
• Field management: optimised recovery including
                                                                        • Strategies to standardise well designs, well equipment,
                                                                          development technologies. Life cycle planning
• Integrated reservoir management                                       • Well abandonment & decommissioning developments &
• Optimisation of sweep efficiency and recovery                           innovative strategies
• Subsurface uncertainty management                                     • New technology for late life deployment
• Fit-for-purpose reservoir surveillance                                • Field portfolio optimisation
• Artificial lift retrofits and full field deployment                   • Integrated Approach for Field Development Management
SPE Eastern Europe Subsurface Conference - Call for Papers 23-24 November 2021 Kyiv, Society of ...
General Information                                                                                                                            4

1 Obtain clearance from your management BEFORE paper                         to provide a manuscript for inclusion in the conference
  submission.                                                                proceedings. Authors who do not submit a manuscript and the
2 The paper proposal must be no more than 300 words in                       associated publication forms by the manuscript due date will
  length. Include a description of the proposed paper, results/              be withdrawn from the programme and will not be allowed to
  conclusions, and the technical category applicable to your                 present. Manuscripts will be due at SPE no later than Friday 10
  paper.                                                                     September 2021.

3 The paper proposal must be received by Wednesday 30 June                9 If your paper proposal is accepted you will be required to
  2021.                                                                     produce a technical paper (Manuscript) in English with a
                                                                            second version in Ukrainian if you desire. The presentation for
4 Submit your paper online at https://www.spe.org/events/
                                                                            the conference is required in BOTH English AND Ukrainian.
  en/2021/conference/21eesc/call-for papers.html.
                                                                            If Ukrainian is not possible then it is permitted to have the
5 Do not include the title or author names in the body of the               second version in Russian. Providing the manuscript in English
  abstract. The title and author information will be requested              is obligatory for this Conference. Please note that the use of
  separately through the submission.                                        Google translator or a similar programme is not acceptable
6 Do not include tables, figures, bibliographic lists, or subscripts        for technical papers. Authors will be required to cover any
  in your abstract.                                                         translation expenses.
7 Please note that, if accepted, your paper proposal may be               10 Please note: if you are interested in having a technical paper
  published – as submitted – in conference information media,                published without presenting at a conference, you should
  including on the SPE website.                                              submit the paper as an unsolicited manuscript. For more details,
8 Authors whose paper proposals are accepted will be required                please visit https://www.spe.org/en/authors/peer-review/

Suggested Abstract Structure
Scope of Work (Please describe the objectives and scope of the proposed paper (25-75 words).
Methods, Technology, Process Description (Briefly explain the overall approach, including the methods used, technologies and processes.
(75-100 words).
Results and Conclusions (Please describe the main results and conclusions presented in this paper. (100-200 words).
The Achievements of the Paper (Description of how the paper will present a novel (new) or additive information and / or achievements
obtained as a result of works, as well as their contribution to the global knowledge base of the oil and gas industry. (25-75 words).
Changes, Cancellations, and Withdrawals SPE and the Programme Committee consider an accepted abstract as a commitment to present.
If extenuating circumstances prevent the author from making the presentation, it is that author’s obligation to find an alternative presenter
and notify their SPE Programme Lead and their session chair(s) (if applicable). Withdrawals must be made in writing to the SPE office as soon
as possible. Under no circumstances can a submitted abstract be changed once it has been submitted. Cancellations, particularly after a paper
has been accepted and publicised, are viewed by the Programme Committee as highly unprofessional.

SPE has a stated policy against use of commercial trade names, company logos, or text that is commercial in tone in the paper title,
text, or slides. Use of such terms will result in careful scrutiny by the Programme Committee in evaluating abstracts and the presence of
commercialism in the paper may result in it being withdrawn from the programme.

All authors of papers presented at the conference will be required to complete and submit a copyright release form to SPE or submit the
copyright exemption form where applicable.
SPE Eastern Europe Subsurface Conference - Call for Papers 23-24 November 2021 Kyiv, Society of ...
General Information                                                                                                                             5

SPE Conference Dual Submission Policy
As of 1 May 2013 authors will be allowed to submit abstracts to only one conference at a time. An abstract must be declined by a programme
committee prior to being submitted to another conference for consideration. In the event it is detected that an abstract has been submitted to
more than one conference, all versions/copies of that abstract will be removed from consideration.

Any paper previously presented at a conference and published in OnePetro may not be re-submitted for publication at another SPE
conference. The author may present the subject matter at subsequent conferences at the invitation of the programme committee, but the
paper will not be included in the conference proceedings.

No Presentation Policy
The failure of SPE conference authors to have at least one designated individual present the paper at the conference will result in the
conference paper being permanently withdrawn from the SPE technical paper archive in OnePetro.

The Society of Petroleum Engineers offers a wide range of sponsorship packages that will promote your company, increase awareness of your
company’s brand, and demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to the industry. Should you require further information, please contact
Phil Chandler at pchandler@spe.org

Conference Language
Abstracts will be accepted in English and Ukrainian. Simultaneous oral translation into English and Ukrainian will be provided in all conference
sessions onsite.

Sustainability Statement
SPE is committed to ensuring that the environmental impact of our events is kept to a minimum. We aim to make progress in the field of
sustainability through reducing energy usage, promoting eco-friendly mobility, reducing water consumption, and limiting waste, all core
values in keeping with those of the oil and gas industry.

If you have any questions about the submission process, please contact Annie Nagem at

About the Society of Petroleum Engineers
The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) is a not-for-profit professional association whose more than 140,600 members in 144 countries
are engaged in oil and gas exploration and production. SPE is a key resource for technical knowledge providing publications, events, training
courses, and online resources at www.spe.org.

Submission Deadlines
Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 June 2021
Manuscript Submission Deadline: 10 September 2021
SPE Eastern Europe Subsurface Conference - Call for Papers 23-24 November 2021 Kyiv, Society of ...
SPE Eastern Europe Subsurface Conference - Call for Papers 23-24 November 2021 Kyiv, Society of ...
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