Spatial and temporal variations of the subtidal meiobenthic community of the central coast of Venezuela Variación espacial y temporal de la ...

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Spatial and temporal variations of the subtidal meiobenthic community of the central coast of Venezuela Variación espacial y temporal de la ...
Spatial and temporal variations of the subtidal
          meiobenthic community of the central coast of
         Variación espacial y temporal de la comunidad
         meiobentónica submareal de la costa central de
    Carlos Pereira1*, Evelyn Zoppi De Roa1†, Vanessa Hernández1, María Angélica Crespo2,
                             Joxmer Scott-Frías1 and Edie Montiel1

Meiobenthos is a sediment-dwelling community with various taxonomic groups ranging in size
from 63 to 500 µm. As a matter and energy link between primary producers and macrofauna,
they have other functions in the ecosystem. Since this group has been scarcely studied in
Venezuela, it was proposed to analyze the spatial and temporal variations in the composition and
abundance of subtidal meiobenthos in the country’s central coast. Samplings were conducted
monthly from June 2014 to March 2015. In each sampling campaign, 12 random stations were
established, and three samples were taken at each using a cylindrical sampler of 5.0 cm internal
diameter. Organisms were identified and counted using microscopes, and data was processed
using hypothesis tests (ANOSIM) and multivariate analyzes (SIMPER, nMDS). Meiobenthos
showed a richness of 164 morphotypes and 14 phyla, with a dominance of planktonic copepods
and foraminifers, followed by cnidarians and mollusks. Out of the total species reported, 84
are strictly benthic. Regarding abundance, there was a greater representation of foraminifera,
followed by nematodes and mollusks, with values higher than those reported for tropical areas.
Spatially, no differences were found in the composition and abundance of this community.
However, two maximums were found throughout the study period, one starting in June until
reaching maximum densities between August and October and the second one in February.

Keywords: Caribbean Sea, community structure, marine ecology, meiobenthos, meiofauna

1   Laboratorio de Ecología de Sistemas Acuáticos, Instituto de Zoología y Ecología Tropical, Universidad Central de
    Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela.* ORCID: OR-
    CID: ORCID: ORCID: https://orcid.
2   Escuela de Ciencias Aplicadas del Mar, Universidad de Oriente. Isla de Margarita, Venezuela. ORDIC: https://orcid.

Recepción 07 septiembre 2020 • Corregido 05 diciembre 2020 • Aceptado 07 diciembre 2020
DOI:                                                                                 95
Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 12 (2): 95-113, julio-diciembre 2020                                      Licencia Creative Commons
ISSN: 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X                                                          Compartir Igual 4.0 Costa Rica
Spatial and temporal variations of the subtidal meiobenthic community of the central coast of Venezuela Variación espacial y temporal de la ...
Carlos Pereira, Evelyn Zoppi De Roa, Vanessa Hernández,
                                                María Angélica Crespo, Joxmer Scott-Frías and Edie Montiel

El meiobentos es una comunidad que habita en los sedimentos, tiene una variedad de grupos
taxonómicos con tamaños entre 63 y 500 µm. Representan un vínculo de materia y energía entre
los productores primarios y la macrofauna, con otras funciones para el ecosistema. En Venezuela,
este grupo ha sido escasamente estudiado, por lo cual se planteó analizar las variaciones espaciales
y temporales de la composición y abundancia del meiobentos submareal en la zona costera central
del país. Los muestreos fueron realizados, por mes, desde junio de 2014 hasta marzo de 2015.
En cada campaña de muestreo, se establecieron 12 estaciones aleatorias y, en cada una de ellas,
se obtuvieron 3 muestras, con el uso de un dispositivo cilíndrico de 5 cm de diámetro interno.
La identificación y conteo de los organismos se realizó con microscopio. Para el análisis de los
resultados, se hicieron pruebas de hipótesis (ANOSIM) y análisis multivariados (SIMPER, nMDS).
La meiofauna mostró una riqueza de 164 morfotipos y 14 phyla, con dominancia de copépodos
planctónicos y foraminíferos, seguidos de cnidarios y moluscos. De estas especies, 84 eran
estrictamente bentónicas. En cuanto a la abundancia, hubo mayor representación de foraminíferos,
seguido de nemátodos y moluscos, con valores superiores a los reportados para áreas tropicales.
Con respecto al espacio, no se encontraron diferencias en la composición y abundancia de esta
comunidad. Sin embargo, temporalmente, se hallaron dos máximos, uno que inició en junio, que
alcanzó las densidades máximas entre agosto y octubre, y el segundo en febrero.

Palabras claves: ecología marina, estructura comunitaria, mar Caribe, meiobentos, meiofauna

INTRODUCTION                                              The meiobenthos community
                                                    resides in interstitial spaces of sedi-
       In marine sediments, countless               ments and above other organisms in
invertebrate species coexist and interact           all aquatic habitats, from the intertidal
with each other, making up a complex                to the deep ocean areas in all latitudes
trophic network (Giere, 2009). These                (Wołowicz et al. 2011; Dupuy et al.
organisms could be classified based                 2015). Marine meiobenthos include
on their size. In this work, we used the            more than 30 taxonomic groups, of
definition of meiobenthos from Coull                which nematodes, foraminifera, har-
& Bell (1979) and Giere (2009) that                 pacticoid copepods, cumaceans, ostra-
groups aquatic intermediate-sized ben-              cods, platyhelminthes, annelids, and
thic organisms and includes taxonom-                juvenile stages of other groups are the
ically diverse metazoans and proto-                 most abundant (Giere, 2009; Woło-
zoa. In fact, those organisms that pass             wicz et al. 2011; Dupuy et al. 2015;
through a 500 µm mesh-size sieve and                Warwick, 2018).
are retained on a 63 µm mesh, includ-                     Meiobenthos play a modulating
ing permanent and temporary small                   role as a trophic link to the macro-
metazoans and larger protozoans (cil-               fauna. Secondary production in shal-
iates, amoebozoans), are considered                 low aquatic systems is highly depen-
meiobenthos (Giere, 2009).                          dent on them because they transfer

96                                                 Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 12 (2): 95-113, julio-diciembre 2020.
                                                                    ISSN: 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X
Spatial and temporal variations of the subtidal meiobenthic community of the central coast of Venezuela Variación espacial y temporal de la ...
Spatial and temporal variations of the subtidal meiobenthic
                      community of the central coast of Venezuela

the energy produced by microalgae                            MATERIALS AND METHODS
and bacteria to benthic consumers of
higher trophic levels (Moncreiff &                           Study area
Sullivan, 2001; Ansari et al. 2012).                                The study area is located in the
Meiobenthos modify the physical,                             north-central continental region of Ve-
chemical, and biological properties of                       nezuela, at the end of the foothills of
sediments, participating in sediment                         Cordillera de la Costa. It includes the
stabilization, biogeochemical cycles,                        populations from Chirimena to Puerto
and waste removal (Wang et al. 2019).                        Francés in the state of Miranda (Fig.
Additionally, it has been widely used                        1). It is a heterogeneous area with
for monitoring environmental quality                         deep and shallow coasts influenced by
due to its fast response to changes in                       rivers and ephemeral streams, such as
the environment, species richness, and                       the Tuy river and the Tacarigua coastal
short life cycles with 3 to 5 genera-                        lagoon (Herrera & Bone, 2011). This
tions per year (Giere, 2009; Ansari et                       area is characterized by a dry tropical
al. 2012; Kitahashi et al. 2018).                            climate, according to Köppenˈs clima-
       In Venezuela, only a few studies                      te classification, with an average tem-
have been conducted on this commu-                           perature around 29.1°C. Annual preci-
nity. Woods & Tietjen (1985) analyzed                        pitation is 1,327 mm with the highest
the meiobenthos of the Venezuelan ba-                        precipitation in November (Schwarz,
sin; Reyes et al. (1999) studied the ben-                    2014). During the first months of the
thic community in the western side of                        year, coastal upwelling occurs, which
the country; Martín et al. (2007) con-                       keeps the waters fertilized during the
ducted a baseline study in the eastern                       dry season (Castellanos et al. 2002).
part of the country; Vásquez-Suárez et                       Regarding marine currents, the area
al. (2010) analyzed meiofauna tempo-                         presents a current pattern with an East-
ral variation in Raya Lagoon on Mar-                         West direction (Pereira et al. 2020).
garita Island; and Liñero et al. (2013)                      Sampling design
studied the spatial and temporal va-                                Samples were taken in each zone
riation of the subtidal meiofauna on                         from a multistage cluster design with
a beach in the eastern zone. For this                        subsamples. A 12 km coastline was es-
reason, this study proposed to descri-                       tablished and divided into three zones
be the spatial and seasonal variations                       separated by areas with sandy bottoms
of the composition and abundance of                          of 500 m approximately. For purposes
subtidal meiobenthos in the central                          of this study, these sandy areas were
coast of Venezuela.                                          considered barriers between zones.

Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 12 (2): 95-113, julio-diciembre 2020.                                        97
ISSN: 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X
Spatial and temporal variations of the subtidal meiobenthic community of the central coast of Venezuela Variación espacial y temporal de la ...
Carlos Pereira, Evelyn Zoppi De Roa, Vanessa Hernández,
                                         María Angélica Crespo, Joxmer Scott-Frías and Edie Montiel

Fig. 1. Location of the sampling zones in the coastal area between Chirimena and
Puerto Francés, Venezuela
Fig. 1. Ubicación de las zonas de muestreo en el área costera entre Chirimena y Puerto
Francés, Venezuela

Zones were called Chirimena (10°36’          The first one was creating a grid on a
42’’ N, 66°10’ 37.15’’ W - 10°36’ 1.3’’      map with five rows and five columns
N 66°8’ 8.3’’ W), Caracolito (10°36’         in each sampling zone. Each cell had
1.3’’ N 66°8’ 8.3’’ W - 10°35’30.7’’         a dimension of 50 meters long towards
N 66°6’6.7’’ W), and Puerto Francés          the sea and 870 meters along the coast
(10°35’ 30.7’’ N 66°6’ 6.7’’ W - 10°34’      with depths from 5 to 25 m. The se-
52’’ N 66°3’ 40.8’’ W) (Fig. 1).             cond one refers to the bottom type, viz.
       Sampling campaigns were con-          sand and rock. Each cell was assigned
ducted monthly from June 2014 to             a number, and sampling sites were
March 2015 at the three zones men-           chosen monthly through a random
tioned above (Chirimena, Caracolito,         number selection system.
and Puerto Francés). In each sampling        Sampling
zone, four stations were randomly se-              Sediment samples were collec-
lected every month, resulting in a total     ted at each station by SCUBA divers,
of 12 stations per month (Fig. 1). Two       using a 0.25 m2 quadrant divided into
criteria were established for the ran-       25 quadrants of the same size. Three (3)
domization of the sampling stations.         random samples were taken inside the

98                                          Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 12 (2): 95-113, julio-diciembre 2020.
                                                             ISSN: 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X
Spatial and temporal variations of the subtidal meiobenthic community of the central coast of Venezuela Variación espacial y temporal de la ...
Spatial and temporal variations of the subtidal meiobenthic
                      community of the central coast of Venezuela

quadrant, using a cylindrical corer of 5                     to species and others to family, gene-
cm inner diameter slowly buried about                        ra, or morphotype. The validity of the
1 cm in sandy substrates. The sampler                        scientific names was verified at mari-
was then covered to obtain a layer of               (WoRMS, 2020).
sediment with the inhabiting organisms                       Statistical analysis
using suction. In the case of rocky subs-                           Monthly data on the number of
trates, the sediment surface was scraped                     species or morphotypes, density, and
with the same sampler with circular mo-                      Shannon-Wiener biological diversity
vements at the rock bottom. The sam-                         of the meiobenthic community at three
pler was quickly covered on both sides.                      zones at the Caribbean Sea is presented,
On the boat, samples were fixed with a                       using descriptive statistical techniques.
5% v/v solution of buffered formalin.                        As part of the community’s characteri-
Laboratory analysis of samples                               zation, hypothesis tests were performed
       Sediment samples were was-                            from a bifactorial model (month and
hed with distilled water through a set                       zone) without interactions, using a si-
of 500 and 63 μm sieves. The filtered                        milarity analysis (ANOSIM). In cases
material was washed eight times insi-                        where significant differences were found
de the 63 µm mesh sieve and stained                          with a type I error (α) = 0.05, subsequent
with Rose Bengal. Organisms were                             tests (Less Significant Differences, LSD)
identified and counted directly, obser-                      were applied. A SIMPER test based on
ving the sediment under a Leica MZ95                         abundance was performed to determi-
microscope with a 400X magnification                         ne the percentage of similarity between
in the Ecology of Aquatic Systems                            sample groups according to the time and
laboratory at the Central University                         space factors. Non-metric multidimen-
of Venezuela. The works of Willey                            sional scaling (nMDS) ordering analyzes
(1930, 1932, 1935), Day (1967),                              were applied to visualize the pattern of
Owre & Foyo (1967), Trégouboff &                             similarity of the samples (Clarke et al.
Rose (1967a;b), Wells (1978, 1979),                          2014). The Bray-Curtis similarity index
Platt & Warwick (1983; 1998), Fiers                          was used for both analyzes. Statistical
(1984, 1986a, b, 1995), Todd & La-                           analyzes were performed with the PAST
verack (1991), Suárez-Morales &                              4.03 software (Hammer et al. 2001).
Gasca (1997), Warwick et al. (1998),
Conway (2012a,b), and Johnson &                              RESULTS
Allen (2012), as well as the Nemys
database (Bezerra et al. 2020) were                          Total community composition
used as references to identify sam-                                Meiobenthos of the marine and
ples. Organisms were identified to the                       coastal zone between Chirimena and
lowest possible taxonomic level, some

Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 12 (2): 95-113, julio-diciembre 2020.                                          99
ISSN: 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X
Spatial and temporal variations of the subtidal meiobenthic community of the central coast of Venezuela Variación espacial y temporal de la ...
Carlos Pereira, Evelyn Zoppi De Roa, Vanessa Hernández,
                                          María Angélica Crespo, Joxmer Scott-Frías and Edie Montiel

Puerto Francés was represented by 164        84 species of the total reported are
species or morphotypes and 14 phyla.         considered strictly benthic (51%). The
The phylum with the highest number           rest of the species belonged to plank-
of species was Arthropoda with 69            ton and were found in the sediment
morphotypes represented by 48 spe-           samples at very low densities (Fig. 2).
cies of copepods (representing 29.3%                Total densities of meiobenthos
of the total richness), 8 decapods, 3        varied between 1,230 and 23,058
cladocerans, 3 amphipods, 2 isopods,         ind/10 cm2 with an average density of
2 cirripeds, 1 stomatopod, 1 ostracod,       8,900 ± 4,037 ind/10 cm2. Regarding
and 1 mysid. Other important groups          the density by taxonomic groups, a
were Foraminifera with 34 species            greater contribution of foraminiferans
(20.7%), Cnidaria with 16 (9.8%),            was observed with an average densi-
Mollusca with 13 (7.9%), Chordata            ty of 6,729 ± 3,187 ind/10 cm2 that
with 9 (5.5%), and Polychaeta with           represented approximately 76.2% of
6 (3.7%). Moreover, other taxonomic          the total community. It was followed
groups with less than 5 species were         by nematodes with 967 ± 609 ind/10
identified, belonging to the phyla           cm2 (11%), mollusks with 739 ± 551
Bryozoa, Chaetognata, Ciliophora,            ind/10 cm2 (8.4%), and copepods,
Echinodermata, Nematoda, Phoroni-            mainly harpacticoid, with 346 ± 379
da, and Radiozoa, which together rep-        ind/10 cm2 (3.9%). The most abun-
resented 11% of the total species. Only      dant species were Neogloboquadrina
                                                              sp., Globorotalia me-
                                                              nardii, Globorotalia
                                                              scitula, Quinquelocu-
                                                              lina sp., Woodringina
                                                              sp., and Globigerina
                                                              sp.    foraminiferans,
                                                              Euchromadora vul-
                                                              garis and Epsilonema
                                                              sp. nematodes, the
Fig. 2. Monthly variation of the mean density of meiobenthos pteropod      Limacina
in the coastal zone between Chirimena and Puerto Francés, helicina, an uniden-
June 2014 - March 2015, showing the proportion of planktonic tified gastropod, and
and benthic species                                           several genera and
Fig. 2. Variación mensual de la densidad media del meiobentos species of harpacti-
de la zona costera entre Chirimena y Puerto Francés entre coid copepods such
junio 2014 y marzo 2015, mostrando la proporción de las
                                                              as Euterpina acuti-
especies planctónicas y bentónicas
                                                              frons,    Harpacticus

100                                          Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 12 (2): 95-113, julio-diciembre 2020.
                                                              ISSN: 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X
Spatial and temporal variations of the subtidal meiobenthic
                      community of the central coast of Venezuela

spp., Longipedia sp., Microsetella ro-                       difference was found between zones
sea, Paralaophonte sp., Peltidium sp.,                       (R = 0.133; P = 0.1). An average
Phyllopodopsyllus sp., Pseudobradya                          density of 8,341 ± 3,087 ind/10 cm2
sp., and Tisbe spp.                                          was obtained in zone 1 (Chirimena),
Spatial variability                                          9,029 ± 3,968 ind/10 cm2 in zone 2
       No remarkable differences were                        (Caracolito), and 8,993 ± 3,965 ind/10
observed in the spatial richness of the                      cm2 in zone 3 (Puerto Francés). The
three established zones (ANOSIM:                             proportion of taxonomic groups was
R = 0.146; P = 0.07). Richness was                           similar between zones, where nem-
between 121 and 124 with the same                            atodes and mollusks were the ones
proportion of taxonomic groups. Re-                          generating these slight differences.
garding the substrate type, greater                          The SIMPER test showed an aver-
richness was found in the sandy sub-                         age similarity among the samples of
strate with 146 species compared to                          27.71% in zone 1, 28.34% in zone 2,
the rocky substrate with only 133 spe-                       and 23.47% in zone 3. The species
cies. Although the proportion of tax-                        contributing over 70% to this similar-
onomic groups was similar, the sandy                         ity were the foraminiferans Globoro-
substrate had particular species, in-                        talia menardii, Globorotalia scitula,
cluding some planktonic species not                          and Neogloboquadrina sp., and the
found in the rocky substrate. Strictly                       nematode Euchromadora vulgaris.
considering the meiobenthic species,                               Additionally, a one-way ANOSIM
the following species were found in                          test was performed to compare the spe-
the sandy substrate: Foraminifera Am-                        cies composition between the two types
monia sp., Baculogypsina sphaeru-                            of substrates, and no significant differen-
lata, and two species of the order                           ces were found (ANOSIM, R = 0.033;
Rotaliida, the harpacticoid copepods                         P = 0.3). This result was confirmed with
Ameira trisetosa and Laophonte sp.,                          the nMDS, which showed a single point
an amphipod of the genus Elaspomus                           cloud (Fig. 3). Using the SIMPER test, a
sp., three mollusks, two polychaetes,                        30.79% similarity was obtained among
and an unidentified Phoronidae. The                          sandy substrate samples, 22.34% among
following species were found in the                          rocky substrate samples, and 25.5%
rocky substrate: the tintinnid Undella                       between both substrates. The foramini-
hyalina and the copepods: Tisbe spp.                         ferans Globigerina sp2., Globorotalia
and Robertsonia sp.                                          menardii, Globorotalia scitula, Neoglo-
       Using a two-way nested ANO-                           boquadrina sp., and Woodringina spp.,
SIM test to evaluate species compo-                          one gastropod, the nematode Euchroma-
sition (in which zones were includ-                          dora vulgaris, and several Calanoid co-
ed within months), no significant                            pepods contributed with more than 70%

Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 12 (2): 95-113, julio-diciembre 2020.                                         101
ISSN: 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X
Carlos Pereira, Evelyn Zoppi De Roa, Vanessa Hernández,
                                             María Angélica Crespo, Joxmer Scott-Frías and Edie Montiel

                                                                         to these similarities.
                                                                         Regarding the biolo-
                                                                         gical diversity index,
                                                                         the lowest diversity
                                                                         values were estimated
                                                                         in zone 1 with an ave-
                                                                         rage of 2.5 bits/ind,
                                                                         while zones 2 and 3
                                                                         had both a mean value
                                                                         of 2.6 bits/ind (Fig. 4).
                                                                                Regarding the
Fig. 3. Non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis (nMDS)              total temporal vari-
of the total abundance of meiobenthos in sandy substrate                 ability of richness,
(green) and rocky substrate (blue) in the coastal zone between           two maximums were
Chirimena and Puerto Francés, June 2014 - March 2015                     observed: one in
Fig. 3. Análisis de ordenación de escalamiento multidimensional          June, in which 86
no métrico (nMDS) de la abundancia total del meiobentos en               species were iden-
sustrato arenoso (verde) y rocoso (azul) de la zona costera entre        tified, and the other
Chirimena y Puerto Francés entre junio 2014 y marzo 2015                 in November with
                                                                         92 identified species.
                                                                         These peaks coin-
                                                                         cided with the tran-
                                                                         sitions between the
                                                                         rainy (August-No-
                                                                         vember) and dry
                                                                         seasons.       Samples
                                                                         presented a similar
Fig. 4. Shannon biological diversity index of meiobenthos by             proportion of species
zone in the coastal zone between Chirimena and Puerto Francés,           with some excep-
June 2014 – March 2015. Zone 1 (blue): Chirimena, Zone 2                 tions. For example,
(yellow): Caracolito, and Zone 3 (green): Puerto Francés.                the copepods pro-
Fig. 4. Índice de diversidad biológica de Shannon del meiobentos         portion varied from
por zonas en la zona costera entre Chirimena y Puerto Francés            27 to 30%, except
entre junio 2014 y marzo 2015. Zona 1 (azul): Chirimena, zona 2          in February, when
(amarillo): Caracolito y zona 3 (verde): Puerto Francés                  it decreased to 22%

102                                             Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 12 (2): 95-113, julio-diciembre 2020.
                                                                 ISSN: 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X
Spatial and temporal variations of the subtidal meiobenthic
                      community of the central coast of Venezuela

with 17-24 species. Foraminifera pre-         February with 10,478 ± 4,832 ind/10
sented percentages between 20 and             cm2. The lowest density was obtained
22%, except in October, February,             in December with 3,991 ± 1,555 ind/10
and March when their proportion in-           cm2 (Fig. 6). The two-way nested
creased, varying between 27 and 32%.          ANOSIM test showed significant dif-
Foraminifera richness varied between          ferences between months (R = 0.587;
14 species in July, August, and Sep-          P = 0). The post-test to compare each
tember and 25 species in October.             month indicated differences between
Another group that showed varied              July/November, July/January, July/
proportions between months was Cni-           February, July/March, August with
daria, going from 0 species in August         the months between November and
to 8 species in June and November,            March, September/December, Sep-
influencing the temporal variation of         tember/January,     September/March,
total richness. The rest of the groups        October/November, October/January,
remained somewhat constant (Fig. 5).          as well as between December, January,
       Regarding temporal variability         February, and March.
of density, two maximum densities                   As far as the SIMPER test,
were observed, the first between Au-          samples within each month present-
gust and November (rainy season)              ed different composition similari-
with an average density of 10,825             ties with an undefined pattern. The
± 2,898 ind/10 cm2 and the other in           highest similarity values (>35%)
                                                                  occurred in July,
                                                                  September, and
                                                                  October, and the
                                                                  lowest was in
                                                                  June (12%). Re-
                                                                  garding the sim-
                                                                  ilarity between
                                                                  months, it was
                                                                  found that June
                                                                  presented a sim-
                                                                  ilarity with the
Fig. 5. Monthly variation of the richness of meiobenthos in the rest of the months
coastal zone between Chirimena and Puerto Francés, June 2014      ranging from 9
- March 2015                                                      to 12.1%, July
Fig. 5. Variación mensual de la riqueza del meiobentos de la 12.1 - 29.8%, Au-
zona costera entre Chirimena y Puerto Francés entre junio 2014 gust 9.7 - 26%,
y marzo 2015                                                      September 10.7

Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 12 (2): 95-113, julio-diciembre 2020.                     103
ISSN: 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X
Carlos Pereira, Evelyn Zoppi De Roa, Vanessa Hernández,
                                       María Angélica Crespo, Joxmer Scott-Frías and Edie Montiel


                                                                   In this study,
                                                             a diverse meioben-
                                                             thic community with
                                                             a significant num-
                                                             ber of copepod spe-
                                                             cies characteristic
                                                             of the zooplankton
                                                             community was ob-
                                                             served in the central
Fig. 6. Spatial and temporal variation of the mean density coast of Venezuela,
of meiobenthos in the coastal zone between Chirimena and from the Chimin-
Puerto Francés, June 2014 - March 2015                       era region to Puerto
Fig. 6. Variación temporal y espacial de la densidad media Francés. Although
del meiobentos de la zona costera entre Chirimena y Puerto their densities were
Francés entre junio 2014 y marzo 2015                        low, their presence
                                                             in the meiobenthos
- 27.5%, October 9.7 - 21.6%, No- could indicate the link between the
vember 11.5 - 27.5%, December 9.6 planktonic and benthic communi-
- 23.6%, January 9 - 24.5%, Feb- ties, where these planktonic organ-
ruary 10.9 - 29.8%, and March 9.3 isms migrate to the bottom to feed on
- 24.9%. Some foraminifera, nema- benthic organisms (Schnack-Schiel
todes, and mollusks species contrib- & Isla, 2005). As in this study, Liñe-
uted in a greater proportion to this ro et al. (2013) identified 14 taxa on
similarity.                                a beach in eastern Venezuela. The au-
      The Shannon Diversity Index thors excluded foraminifera from their
showed temporal variation with va- analysis, and found a dominance of
lues between 1.8 (low diversity) and nematodes with an average density of
3.1 bits/ind (high diversity). Two di- 155.80 ± 29.07 ind/10 cm2 that repre-
versity peaks were observed, the first sented 58.36%, followed by ostracods
one in October with 2.9 bits/ind and with 45.60 ind/10 cm2 (17.10%), and
the second one between February and harpacticoid copepods with 41.96
March with 2.7 bits/ind. The lowest ind/10 cm2 (15.7%).
mean diversity value was 2.2 bits/ind            Liñero et al. (2013) explained
in June and December (Fig. 4).             the difficulty of making comparisons
                                           with other studies due to the method-
                                           ological differences that exist during

104                                       Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 12 (2): 95-113, julio-diciembre 2020.
                                                           ISSN: 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X
Spatial and temporal variations of the subtidal meiobenthic
                      community of the central coast of Venezuela

sampling, data analysis, and interpre-                       and French Guiana (
Carlos Pereira, Evelyn Zoppi De Roa, Vanessa Hernández,
                                            María Angélica Crespo, Joxmer Scott-Frías and Edie Montiel

       Páez et al. (2001) indicated that        total abundance. These researchers
foraminifera represent the most abun-           reported copepods with a density be-
dant group of organisms in the marine           tween 11.57 and 54 ind/10 cm2, which
meiofauna with more than 5,000 spe-             represented about 15% of total abun-
cies, of which benthic species are 30           dance, and foraminifera with densities
times more numerous than the plank-             between 16 and 47.29 ind/10 cm2, rep-
tonic species. These protists inhabit           resenting 14% of the abundance. How-
all depths of the seas, demonstrating           ever, unlike their study (Ansari et al.
a high level of efficiency and ecolog-          2012), ours did find mollusks.
ical adaptability to different substrates              The nematode density estimated
(Páez et al. 2001, Sabbatini et al.             in this study (1,218 ± 628 ind/ 10cm2)
2014), which explains the high domi-            coincided with the one estimated by
nance of foraminifera in this study.            Vásquez-Suárez et al. (2010) in Raya
       Other important groups in this           lagoon (1,209 ind/ 10cm2) and by
study were nematodes with 11% of                Díaz-Asencio et al. (2009) in Cien
total abundance and mollusks with an            Fuegos bay, Cuba (1,212.5 ± 889.7 ind/
8.4% representation. Gourbault et al.           10cm2). Moreover, the nematode spe-
(1998) pointed out that nematodes are           cies identified in this study coincided
the most dominant group in reef ar-             with the most frequent and abundant
eas, which suggests their need to stay          in the Cuban archipelago, such as Eu-
in more stable or protected areas. In           chromadora vulgaris and Epsilonema
fact, Dye & Lasiak (1986) and Liñero            sp. (Pérez-García et al. 2020). Another
et al. (2013) found that nematodes had          important group in terms of abundance
preferences for fine sands. Although            was harpacticoid copepods.
the sediments were not characterized                   A study conducted by Alfon-
in this study, this area is characterized       so & López (2006) in several coastal
by being of high energy with mud-               localities in the northern zone of Ha-
dy-sandy sediments (Solé & Vera,                vana showed wide-ranging densities
1997, Pereira et al. 2020), which ex-           between 892.12 and 7,133.48 ind/10
plains the abundance values found in            cm2, excluding foraminifera, of which
this research.                                  nematodes represented 49-90% of to-
       Despite not being the most rep-          tal abundance, while copepods repre-
resentative group, the density of nem-          sented 51-66%, which are at least an
atodes in this research exceeded the            order of magnitude higher than the
one obtained by Ansari et al. (2012)            abundances obtained in this study.
in a coastal area in southeast India            Soltwedel (2000) saw that in the ma-
with densities between 34.6 and 207.7           jority of oceanic areas, the proportion
ind/10 cm2, representing 57% of the             of nematodes exceeds 75% of the total

106                                            Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 12 (2): 95-113, julio-diciembre 2020.
                                                                ISSN: 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X
Spatial and temporal variations of the subtidal meiobenthic
                      community of the central coast of Venezuela

meiobenthos, excluding foraminifera.                         in which the highest densities were
Only in the tropical areas (in western                       reached from October to December
India and northeast Australia), did                          and the lowest in February, July, and
nematodes constitute less than 60%                           August (Liñero et al., 2013).
of the total abundance of microscop-                               Although no correlations were
ic metazoan organisms (Soltwedel                             made in this study with environmen-
2000). In fact, an analysis of 621 sta-                      tal variables, some studies indicate a
tions worldwide showed an average                            trend to increase density during the
nematode density of 525.27 ind/10                            dry season (Coull, 1970; Chindah &
cm2 and 1,116.25 ind/10 cm2 in 107                           Braide, 2001). In the coastal area be-
samples at depths between 20 and 200                         tween Chirimena and Puerto Francés,
m (Mokievskii et al. 2007). The results                      an increase was observed in density
obtained in this work are in the inter-                      during the rainy season and maximum
val reported by these authors.                               temperatures, coinciding with what
       Although granulometry was not                         was found by Venekey et al. (2014) in
analyzed in this study, samples were                         an intertidal zone in Brazil, Zaleha et
collected in a heterogeneous area                            al. (2016) on Karah Island in China,
with rocky and sandy substrates, con-                        and Baia & Venekey (2019) on san-
sisting mainly of medium to coarse-                          dy beaches in Brazil. This could be
grained sand. As indicated by De-                            explained by the availability of food
cho et al. (1985), Armenteros et al.                         during the rainy season due to the en-
(2009), Vásquez-Suárez et al. (2010),                        richment of the marine environment
and Liñero et al. (2013) in their spa-                       by the discharge of nutrients from the
tial analyzes, the lowest meiobenthic                        adjacent rivers and streams.
densities were obtained on sandy                                   Other variables that influence
beaches, while the highest were found                        the composition and distribution of
in finer grain sediments. In contrast,                       meiobenthos are salinity, water move-
Ruiz-Abierno & Armenteros (2016)                             ment, sediment characteristics, food
found no differences in the distribu-                        quality and availability, predation,
tion of meiobenthos depending on                             dispersal, biogenic structures, and bi-
the substrate, inferring that hydrody-                       ological disturbance (Edwards 2009;
namics nullified these differences as                        Giere, 2009; Baia & Venekey, 2019).
found in this study. Temporal patterns                       However, Alfonso & López (2006)
with two increases in density (Au-                           found that changes in the structure
gust-November and February-March)                            and composition of the meiofaunal
during this study period coincided                           communities were related to stochas-
with the one obtained by Liñero et al.                       tic events such as storm drains, tropi-
(2013). However, a gap was evident                           cal storms, and hurricanes.

Rev. Mar. Cost. Vol. 12 (2): 95-113, julio-diciembre 2020.                                      107
ISSN: 1659-455X • e-ISSN: 1659-407X
Carlos Pereira, Evelyn Zoppi De Roa, Vanessa Hernández,
                                           María Angélica Crespo, Joxmer Scott-Frías and Edie Montiel

      In addition, a study conducted           samples from the sandy substrate pre-
by Kumary (2016) about the temporal            sented a greater number of species than
variation of the interstitial meiofauna        the rocky substrate. Concerning abun-
in India indicated that some factors           dance, there was an important repre-
such as ecological interactions be-            sentation of foraminifera, followed by
tween species, organic matter content,         nematodes and mollusks. Temporarily,
sediment grain size, and oxygen had            two peaks were found. The first one
a considerable influence on the spa-           began in June with progressive increa-
tial variation of the components of            ses until reaching maximum densities
the meiobenthic community. While               between August and October. Subse-
temporarily, taxonomic composition,            quently, density gradually decreased
density, and distribution depend on            from October to December, after which
increases in temperature and salinity,         it started to climb until reaching the se-
the stability of sediments, and proba-         cond maximum in February.
bly the availability of food favored by
pre and post-monsoon population enri-          ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
chment. Therefore, subsequent studies
should estimate other variables related              We would like to thank Petró-
to the characteristics of the sediment         leos de Venezuela, S.A. for funding
and complement community studies               the project and the reviewers for their
with population analysis of the modu-          contributions to improve the quality of
lating species of this community.              the manuscript.

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