South-east Asia's forest fires: blazing the policy trail

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South-east Asia’s forest fires: blazing the policy trail
                                                                                                            D I N G L I Y O N G and K E L V I N S .- H . P E H

              Abstract Transboundary haze pollution as a result of indis-                            burning across the region (Quah, ), which cause signifi-
              criminate land clearance by fire has significant health and                            cant damage to peat swamp and lowland dipterocarp forest
              economic impacts on member states of the Association of                                ecosystems, including those in protected areas such as
              South-east Asian Nations (ASEAN). Meanwhile the impact                                 Giam-Siak Kecil (Fardah, ), Gunung Palung (Hiller
              of the associated carbon emissions, ecological disturbance                             et al., ) and Kutai National Park (van Nieuwstadt &
              and biodiversity loss extends well beyond South-east Asia.                             Sheil, ), with associated biodiversity loss and carbon emis-
              This is despite the fact there are relatively well-established                         sions (Cochrane, ; Page et al., ; Gaveau et al., ).
              mechanisms to combat forest fires, and policy-level solu-                                  Since the s forest fires and the resultant haze have
              tions have existed on paper for years. Although the fires                              served as an annual reminder of the failures of South-east
              are mostly in Indonesian territory, the involvement of mul-                            Asian governments and institutions in preventing trans-
              tiple hierarchies of stakeholders in Indonesia, Malaysia and                           boundary environmental problems. Monitoring and en-
              Singapore adds complexity to the quest for lasting solutions.                          forcement of a blanket ban on burning has proven
              A more robust approach is required from the region’s gov-                              difficult for the authorities, given that many forest fires
              ernments, especially in instilling accountability among large                          are started in small-scale, slash-and-burn land-clearance ac-
              companies, and this is feasible without increasing political                           tivities (Varma, ), and thus the problem continues de-
              tensions within ASEAN. Indonesia’s ratification of the                                 spite recognition of the damage, improved surveillance
              Haze Agreement is a significant development but needs to                               capabilities and fire-control knowledge, and a variety of pol-
              be complemented with actions at the local (e.g. grassroot in-                          icy approaches formulated over the decades. Here we review
              itiatives in forest protection, firefighting, policing of illegal                      the underlying causes of South-east Asia’s forest fires and
              clearance practices), national (e.g. centralizing ministry-                            haze, and discuss policy options that could help to provide
              level control of forestry resources) and regional levels (e.g.                         a lasting redress of the problem.
              implementing compliance mechanisms and legal standards
              to tackle haze and forest fires). Ultimately, actions to combat
              forest fires may also help secure the long-term conservation                           Causes of the haze
              of biodiversity-rich peat swamps. Rather than being a source
              of discord, combating haze pollution could become South-                               Across South-east Asia land clearance using the slash-
              east Asia’s defining environmental project.                                            and-burn method is common and is a leading cause of forest
                                                                                                     fires (Varma, ; Lohman et al., ). Much of the blame
              Keywords Air pollution, biodiversity, fire, haze, peat                                 has been placed on oil palm plantations, including compa-
              swamp forest, socio-economics, South-east Asia                                         nies registered in Singapore and Malaysia, based on evi-
                                                                                                     dence from satellite imagery and ground investigations.
                                                                                                     Investigations have also increasingly highlighted the role
                                                                                                     played by mid-level independent plantation owners and
              Introduction                                                                           smallholders using similar methods to clear land cheaply
                n mid June  a state of emergency was declared                                    (Barber & Schweithelm, ; Quah, ; Ekadinata
              I when air pollution in Singapore and Peninsular
              Malaysia reached hazardous levels, exceeding  on the
                                                                                                     et al., ). However, the fact that many large plantations
                                                                                                     also host smallholders makes it difficult to identify whether
              Pollution Standards Index (Hussain & Teo, ; Sim,                                   resident smallholders or the large corporate plantations are
              ; National Environment Agency, ). The problem re-                              directly responsible for these clearance practices (Gaveau
              curred, on a smaller scale, in  during the dry period driven                       et al., ). To add further complexity to the problem the
              by the El Niño Southern Oscillation (Soeriaatmadja, a).                            slash-and-burn technique is traditionally used by subsist-
              The haze is the most visible manifestation of the forest fires                         ence farmers to clear land in many parts of Indonesia
                                                                                                     (Varma, ).
                                                                                                         Murdiyarso & Adiningsih () noted that forestry pol-
              DING LI YONG Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian                  icy and practices endorsed by the authorities, especially the
              National University, Canberra, Australia
                                                                                                     regulation of logging concessions, were partly to blame for ex-
              KELVIN S.-H. PEH (Corresponding author) Institute for Life Sciences, University        acerbating forest clearance in Indonesian Borneo. Together
              of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK, and Conservation Science
              Group, University of Cambridge, CB2 3EJ, UK. E-mail               with natural bush fires, anthropogenic fires from land clear-
              Received  May . Revision requested  August .                               ance are exacerbated by seasonal drought and the El Niño
              Accepted  October . First published online  December .                      phenomenon, which drives dry conditions in the region

              Oryx, 2016, 50(2), 207–212 © 2014 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S003060531400088X
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208         D. L. Yong and K. S.-H. Peh

                (Heil & Goldammer, ). In areas of peat swamp forest it                             Glover & Jessup, ) as well as suffering indirect, longer-
                can take months to extinguish underground fires in the                                 term effects from cancers linked to inhalation of smoke
                highly combustible peat substrates (Page et al., ;                                 (Johnston et al., ; Marlier et al., ). The haze also
                Lohman et al., ), releasing significant amounts of carbon                          has an economic impact on the region. ‘Stay at home’ advi-
                dioxide into the atmosphere (Gaveau et al., ).                                     sories from national governments in the affected countries
                                                                                                       lead directly to loss of productivity and shrinking economies
                                                                                                       (Wong, ). Tourism, a major source of revenue for
                Impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems                                                 Singapore and Malaysia, is among the first industries to suf-
                                                                                                       fer; preliminary estimates indicate losses of c. USD  mil-
                For a region recognized as a biodiversity hotspot (Myers
                                                                                                       lion in this sector, assuming an –% decline in arrivals
                et al., ) the loss of biodiversity in lowland dipterocarp
                                                                                                       (Singh, ). Meanwhile, transport delays, accidents and
                and peat swamp forest ecosystems across Sumatra and
                                                                                                       cancellations as a result of poor visibility disrupt the shipping
                Borneo has received little attention from the media or
                                                                                                       industry and airlines, leading to cascade effects on logistics for
                from decision makers at the highest levels of government,
                                                                                                       industries such as construction. Where areas of production
                despite the evidence of forest destruction revealed by satel-
                                                                                                       forests and timber plantations are damaged by fire (Nicolas
                lite images and on-the-ground surveys. Forest fires destroy
                                                                                                       & Beebe, ) the multi-million dollar logging industry
                or damage large numbers of trees, impeding natural suc-
                                                                                                       also suffers from losses. Although there are no rigorous esti-
                cession and altering the floristic composition of surviving
                                                                                                       mates of economic losses as a result of recent fire episodes,
                vegetation in the process (e.g. Slik et al., ), and trigger-
                                                                                                       those generated during the s indicate that Singapore
                ing a positive feedback loop where fire-damaged forests are
                                                                                                       alone may have suffered losses of up to USD  million
                rendered more vulnerable to future fire events (Cochrane,
                                                                                                       from one such episode (Glover & Jessup, ).
                ). Smoke from forest fires may also cause a reduction
                in productivity during dipterocarp masting events (Curran
                et al., ). Moreover, these fires damage and fragment de-
                graded forest patches as well as pristine forests, reducing the                        What has been done and why it has not worked
                extent, quality and value of remaining habitat for surviving
                                                                                                       There is a well-established framework to combat forest fires
                wildlife. Some species may increase in abundance after fires
                                                                                                       and it is pursued on multiple fronts to target the diverse sta-
                but many suffer declines (e.g. Cleary, ), and surviving
                                                                                                       keholders. In Indonesia, preventive measures have included
                individuals are likely to perish if they are unable to find
                                                                                                       incentives for agricultural stakeholders to clear land using
                food, or fail to re-establish new territories in remnant habi-
                                                                                                       alternative means instead of burning (Chang, ), disincen-
                tats (Cochrane, ; Posa et al., ). In Sundaic
                                                                                                       tives such as fines, and awareness programmes targeting local
                South-east Asia many species affected already face threats
                                                                                                       communities. At a bilateral level Singapore and Malaysia, in
                such as habitat loss and hunting. These include a number
                                                                                                       collaboration with Indonesia, have coordinated mitigation ef-
                of ecologically important species such as the orang-utan
                                                                                                       forts in the form of community outreach, development of a
                Pongo spp. (Wich et al., ), Asian elephant Elephas max-
                                                                                                       haze warning system, knowledge-sharing in peatland re-
                imus, tiger Panthera tigris and various hornbill species
                                                                                                       habilitation, and capacity building for fire managers and
                (Bucerotidae). Furthermore, forest primary productivity
                                                                                                       other grassroot-level personnel (Quah & Varkkey, ).
                may be affected, at least in the short term, given the reduced
                                                                                                       The Australian government has helped establish IndoFire, a
                photosynthetic capacity arising from elevated levels of aero-
                                                                                                       real-time online tool for monitoring hotspots in Indonesia
                sol and atmospheric pollutants (Davies & Unam, ;
                                                                                                       (IndoFire, ). At a regional level countries of the
                Kobayashi et al., ), with consequences for ecosystem
                                                                                                       Association of South-east Asian Nations (ASEAN) affected
                functioning and processes. In the long term an altered land-
                                                                                                       by the haze have cooperated on fire-fighting and formulating
                scape configuration resulting from completely burnt-over
                                                                                                       policies to tackle the haze. For example, ministerial-level
                forests, with remaining forest patches occurring within a
                                                                                                       steering committee meetings have reviewed the 
                heavily degraded landscape matrix, is likely to hinder dis-
                                                                                                       Regional Haze Action Plan, resulting in the formulation of
                persal of wildlife. Increased accessibility of isolated wildlife
                                                                                                       the  ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze
                populations to poachers further increases the risk of
                                                                                                       Pollution (Nguitragool, ), a legally binding treaty ratified
                                                                                                       by all South-east Asian nations, most recently Indonesia.
                                                                                                           A lasting solution to the haze problem remains elusive,
                Socioeconomic impacts                                                                  however. The blanket ban on using fires to clear land in
                                                                                                       Indonesia (Glover & Jessup, ) has limited effectiveness,
                Haze pollution has affected the health of South-east Asia’s                            given the deep-rooted nature of clearance practices among
                human population, with an estimated  million people regu-                            local farmers and smallholders. Furthermore, bringing re-
                larly placed at risk of respiratory problems (Sastry, ;                            calcitrant plantation owners to justice has proved

                                                                                           Oryx, 2016, 50(2), 207–212 © 2014 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S003060531400088X
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South-east Asia’s forest fires              209

              challenging because political will and enforcement capabili-                           review its engagement strategy and implement appropriate
              ties are lacking, and the permitting process is beset by cor-                          reforms, which we recommend should include the
              ruption at multiple levels (Hussain, a).                                           following:
                  Another problem lies in divergent policies and actions re-
              sulting from the involvement of multiple ministries (Forestry,
              Agriculture, Home and Environment), and provincial and                                 Local empowerment
              district governments in tackling Indonesia’s forest fires, each
                                                                                                     Bottom-up initiatives need to be encouraged through grass-
              with different agendas and resource limitations (Glover &
                                                                                                     roots involvement to cultivate local ownership of sustain-
              Jessup, ; Varkkey, ). The situation is further compli-
                                                                                                     able development and forest protection, especially at the
              cated by problems with decentralization leading to increased
                                                                                                     village (desa) and district (kecematan) levels. For example,
              control of forestry resource regulations by the central
                                                                                                     within the affected provinces in Sumatra and Kalimantan,
              government in Jakarta, resulting in district governments
                                                                                                     local community networks could be formed to disseminate
              being in conflict with the forestry ministry (Varkkey, ).
                                                                                                     information on the location of hotspots and coordinate
              Problems of perception also exist. The fact that forest fires
                                                                                                     evacuation and fire-fighting efforts.
              are largely confined to Sumatra, Borneo and remote West
                                                                                                         Such efforts have been impeded by the lack of public ac-
              Papua may create a flawed perception among Indonesian leg-
                                                                                                     cess to complete, up-to-date concession maps, making it dif-
              islators in Jakarta that these are localized natural disasters
                                                                                                     ficult for the public to exert pressure on errant companies or
              (Pereira, ) and the need for regional cooperation through
                                                                                                     individuals. At the ASEAN sub-regional ministerial meeting
              ASEAN is an irrelevant constraint.
                                                                                                     on  July  a conditional agreement was made to share
                  National sovereignty and nationalist sentiments add
                                                                                                     updated concession maps between governments but not
              another barrier by limiting cross-border cooperation be-
                                                                                                     with the public (Hussain, b). Crowd-sourcing by
              tween Indonesia and neighbouring countries (Varkkey,
                                                                                                     means of citizen mapping could be a potential solution to
              ). Despite pressure from other ASEAN governments,
                                                                                                     the problem, with teams of amateur mappers and volunteers
              earlier ratification of the Haze Agreement was blocked re-
                                                                                                     working with simple, open-source tools such as Google Map
              peatedly by powerful parties in the Indonesian parliament
                                                                                                     Maker (Google, Mountain View, USA) to chart forest
              and regional authorities, citing nationalist concerns and a
                                                                                                     boundaries, hotspots and concessions. Although there
              perceived lack of credibility (Nguitragool, ). A bilateral
                                                                                                     may be limitations in the logistics needed to centralize
              collaboration between Singapore and the provincial govern-
                                                                                                     and integrate the data collected, such collaboratively com-
              ment of Jambi (Indonesia) to support fire-fighting and miti-
                                                                                                     piled maps could be circulated to the wider community,
              gation efforts was unilaterally terminated by Indonesia in
                                                                                                     authorities and local NGOs. By linking afflicted areas with
              , largely based on nationalist considerations (Toh,
                                                                                                     the plantation companies involved, a higher level of corpor-
              ). A similar project between Malaysia and the Riau
                                                                                                     ate accountability could be expected, or at least culprits
              provincial government also ended in impasse (Quah &
                                                                                                     could be identified.
              Varkkey, ).
                  Twelve years after the Transboundary Haze Agreement
              was conceived, Indonesia ratified the agreement on                                   National-level consensus and coordination
              September , the last ASEAN member state to do so
              (Soeriaatmadja, b). The  ASEAN Cooperation                                     Indonesia remains integral in providing the impetus to
              Plan on Transboundary Pollution had limited effect in pre-                             tackle haze pollution. Despite the former Indonesian
              venting forest fires; it focused on man-made fires but failed                          President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s unprecedented
              to make explicit the sensitive domestic issues in Indonesia                            apology to neighbouring countries during the  haze epi-
              that cause the fires, particularly illegal logging and unsus-                          sode (Hussain, c), more needs to be done to impress
              tainable land use (Nguitragool, ). The continuation of                             upon Indonesia’s political elite and legislators that a solution
              the haze crisis is a timely reminder of ASEAN’s weakness                               to the problem is needed without delay. A number of posi-
              in finding solutions to cross-border environmental prob-                               tive steps for forest conservation were pursued during
              lems, given its style of regional engagement, non-                                     President Yudhoyono’s tenure, in particular a moratorium
              interference and consensus-building, emphasizing national                              on deforestation (Murdiyarso et al., ), a national action
              sovereignty (Nguitragool, ).                                                       plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions (MNDP/NDPA, ),
                                                                                                     and the establishment of a national REDD+ (Reducing
                                                                                                     Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation)
              Charting the way ahead                                                                 plan and agency (Presidential Regulation No. /).
                                                                                                     The launch of the One Map initiative in , an on-going
              Notwithstanding the challenges, a lasting redress is possible.                         effort to consolidate various maps into a standardized ver-
              The haze crisis presents an opportunity for ASEAN to                                   sion, will also help synchronize land concession information

              Oryx, 2016, 50(2), 207–212 © 2014 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S003060531400088X
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210         D. L. Yong and K. S.-H. Peh

                between various stakeholder ministries (Samadhi, ) and                             ecologically significant carbon sinks as protected areas,
                will facilitate the government’s efforts to tackle forest fires.                       which could also improve ASEAN’s credibility
                Indonesia could further take the lead by aligning environ-                             internationally.
                mental protection with other high-priority issues such as                                 Singapore’s attempt to adopt extraterritorial regulations
                trade and foreign affairs; this would remind mid-level de-                             and explore possibilities for legal action against companies
                cision makers that environmental problems are serious                                  responsible for environmental pollution (Toh, ) has cul-
                and need to be tackled, in contrast with the current                                   minated in the Transboundary Haze Pollution Act 
                ASEAN practice of separating trade from environmental                                  (Chua, ). Although no prosecutions have yet been
                concerns.                                                                              made, those responsible for haze-causing fires on their
                    Indonesia is still adapting to a decentralized political                           land may be subject to lawsuits and loss of investment
                system, with provincial governments unable to respond                                  (Feng, a). Although there are challenges involved in
                as swiftly or with adequate resources to tighten enforce-                              sharing the information needed for prosecutions, parti-
                ment or deploy fire-fighting resources. Thus, the central                              cularly concession maps, some progress has been made
                government in Jakarta would need to exercise greater pol-                              in the adoption of the ASEAN Sub-Regional Haze
                itical resolve to ensure that national environmental regula-                           Monitoring System proposed by Singapore, and more re-
                tions take precedence over local rules (Ibrahim & Hussain,                             cently the finalization of a new memorandum of under-
                ). It remains to be seen how far the administration of                             standing between Singapore and the Jambi provincial
                the new president, Joko Widodo, who was inaugurated on                                 government (Feng, b).
                 October , will take these measures and implement                                   Singapore and Malaysia need to update their in-country
                tighter regulations to tackle Indonesia’s environmental                                cost analyses of the haze situation on a regular basis and seek
                problems in general and the haze and forest fires in                                   compensation from the companies prosecuted by the
                particular.                                                                            Indonesian government. Finally, richer member states
                                                                                                       such as Singapore could invest in better forest protection
                                                                                                       by supporting REDD+ policies in Indonesia.
                Regional cooperation

                The potential of a fully integrated approach by ASEAN in                               International outreach
                tackling transboundary environmental problems cannot
                be underestimated. Past failures in addressing the haze                                Besides action at various institutional levels, responsible
                problem and the recent outrage in the affected countries                               consumers can influence the behaviour of palm oil compa-
                could provide the impetus for future institutional reform,                             nies by demanding environmentally sustainable products
                and ASEAN will need to review its model of soft engage-                                (Mahbubani, ). Some of the biggest companies in the
                ment in tackling transboundary problems, and establish                                 palm oil and paper industries have committed to zero
                solidarity across member states in addressing these prob-                              deforestation and sustainable production (e.g. Wilmar
                lems. Indonesia has made significant progress by ratifying                             International, ), and other companies operating in the
                the Haze Agreement and implementing its plan of action                                 region must follow suit. Individuals and international
                in dealing with forest fires. ASEAN needs to ensure that                               NGOs can harness the global reach of social media to pub-
                the agreement is legally binding, with long-term monitoring                            licize the burning issues underlying the haze and commit to
                and compliance mechanisms in place.                                                    boycotting companies implicated, while ensuring more re-
                   In the interest of better ASEAN integration it is essential                         sponsible companies have financial incentives to adopt
                to harmonize legal standards across the region and to                                  best practices and green certification.
                strengthen legal frameworks for the region. The rule of                                    Applying these recommendations will be challenging and
                law should be the foundation of a framework for executing                              will require the collective will of institutions in South-east
                ASEAN’s environmental projects, guiding the interactions                               Asia. For the region as a whole, however, this is a crisis
                between member states when environmental crises                                        with an opportunity: the haze could become an impetus for
                arise. Under the Rio Declaration on Environment and                                    collaboration within ASEAN to address the challenges of bio-
                Development, states are responsible for preventing activities                          diversity loss and environmental protection. Recent political
                under their jurisdiction from causing damage to the en-                                movements such as the first Indonesian government audit of
                vironment of other states (Koh & Ewing-Chow, ).                                    plantation companies in August  (Soeriaatmadja, c)
                As a last resort, international arbitration, an established ap-                        and the merging of the Indonesian Forestry and Environment
                proach to settle disputes among member states in the past,                             Ministries into one entity in October  (Hussain, )
                should be sought. Given that Indonesia and Malaysia hold                               may be cause for optimism that broader efforts to tackle forest
                the largest expanses of peat swamp forests in South-east                               fires in the region are gaining momentum; and the ratifi-
                Asia, the onus is on both countries to designate these                                 cation of the ASEAN haze pact by Indonesia may indicate

                                                                                           Oryx, 2016, 50(2), 207–212 © 2014 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S003060531400088X
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South-east Asia’s forest fires                 211

              that regional action on tackling environmental issues is im-                                             National Park, Indonesia. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, ,
              minent. Although it is still too early to assess the efficacy of                                         –.
                                                                                                                   H U S S A I N , Z. (a) Haze update: rampant corruption fanned forest
              these measures we are confident that a growing frustration at
                                                                                                                       fires, say watchdogs. The Straits Times. Http://www.straitstimes.
              the annual forest fires, combined with wider awareness of en-                                            com/archive/tuesday/st/print/ [accessed  June ].
              vironmental and biodiversity conservation among the general                                          H U S S A I N , Z. (b) Jakarta’s info law forbids sharing of maps. The
              public, partly as a result of social media, will maintain the mo-                                        Straits Times. Http://
              mentum of these actions.                                                                                 story/haze-update-rampant-corruption-fanned-forest-fires-
                                                                                                                       say-watchdogs- [accessed  July ].
                                                                                                                   H U S S A I N , Z. (c) Indonesian leader says sorry for haze. The Straits
                                                                                                                       Times. Http://
              References                                                                                               AStory-.html [accessed  June ].
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