SOUTH AFRICA National Overview 2017 by Raymond Louw, Veteran Journalist and Media Freedom Activist - Media Institute of Southern Africa

       National Overview 2017
       by Raymond Louw,
       Veteran Journalist and
       Media Freedom Activist
NATIONAL OVERVIEW 2017                       The depth and breadth of state capture –

                                                  defined as the looting of state resources
     FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION                        by politically-connected individuals - is
                                                  widely acknowledged. The friendship of
                              lthough South       President Jacob Zuma and the business
                              Africa’s Consti-    association of his son Duduzane with
                              tution protects     a wealthy Indian immigrant family, the
                              freedom of ex-      Guptas, resulted in them being accused
                              pression     and    of state capture with the tacit approval of
                              media freedom,      Zuma. They were accused of influenc-
                              the country la-     ing presidential appointments, of having
                              bours under an      knowledge of cabinet appointments be-
                              assessment by       fore they were officially announced and
                              the New York-       even offering cabinet posts to ANC MPs.
     based Freedom House that the nation
     and its media are only “partly free”. The    A few weeks before the year ended, for-
     extent of the decline from the status of     mer investigative reporter Jacques Pauw
     “free” which it had enjoyed after the        published a blockbuster of a book ex-
     African National Congress (ANC) took         posing criminal and corrupt conduct
     over from the apartheid government           that he says brought South Africa to the
     in 1994, was spelled out by the World        brink of a mafia state. The book, entitled
     Association of Newspapers and News           The President’s Keepers, Those Keep-
     Publishers (WAN-IFRA) at a conference        ing Zuma in Power and Out of Prison,
     in Durban on 7 June 2017.                    confirmed much of what had been pub-
                                                  lished in newspapers and was rapidly
     The Board of WAN-IFRA expressed con-         sold out, resulting in an urgent reprint.
     cern that a decade after the Declaration
     of Table Mountain was adopted by the         Print Media
     World Editors’ Forum Conference in
     Cape Town in 2007, conditions for me-        The print media had a tough year with
     dia freedom in South Africa had deterio-     attacks by police on journalists cover-
     rated, with the government considering       ing protests, obstruction by the police of
     a range of measures that would intimi-       journalists and photographers at crime
     date the press, promote self-censorship      and accident scenes - in the process
     and silence criticism.                       flouting their own Standing Order 156
                                                  which regulates their conduct in pub-
     The country’s political and social atmos-    lic treatment of the media and at crime
     phere was described as being “toxic” by      scenes - as well as threats made to jour-
     an official of the Eastern Cape African      nalists on assignment by demonstrators
     National Congress (ANC), the national        and members of the public.
     ruling party, with faction-fighting in the
     ANC and the main opposition party, the       There were demonstrations and pickets
     Democratic Alliance; the prevalence          outside journalists’ homes, death threats
     of fake news especially in social me-        levelled at Sipho Masondo of City Press,
     dia and the heavy stench of corruption       former SABC journalist Vuyo Mvoko and
     and state capture by private individuals,    Sunday Times’ Mzilikazi wa Afrika; theft
     politicians, state officials and corporate   of mobile phones and equipment while
     interests.                                   on assignment, with photographers the

88   So This is Democracy? 2017
South Africa
frequent victims, and obfuscation by         Print investigative reporters have ex-
government officials and business peo-       celled in unearthing much of this infor-
ple when requests for information were       mation and gaining access to and pub-
made.                                        licising the contents of correspondence
                                             in leaked emails - the so-called secret
Concerns continued to be raised about        Gupta emails – which revealed details
the low compliance with South Africa’s       of the corrupt activity. In the course of
Promotion of Access to Information Act       the year, criticism of Zuma’s indiscre-
(PAIA), with denial of 46% and 67% of        tions and poor governance mounted
requests by the public and private sector    and the calls on him to resign or be dis-
respectively.                                missed became more strident.

WAN-IFRA expressed mounting con-             The trend in declining print media cir-
cern over what it described as the suf-      culations over the last few years con-
focation of independent and critical         tinued in 2017 and was reflected in
media through the Government Com-            the latest Audit Bureau of Circulation
munication and Information System’s          figures for Quarter 4 (Q4). Losses were
withdrawal of advertising spending,          incurred “across the board” in the news-
and the opaque allocation processes for      paper category, with a 2.1% drop from
state financial resources to media.          Q3 2017 and 5.1% from the previous
                                             year. The dailies showed a 17% drop on
                                             2016, although there were some small
                                             individual gains.

                                             Magazines presented a gloomy picture
   The print media had a                     with an 8.1% decline over Q3, and a
                                             further nasty 16.6% decline over the
   tough year with attacks                   previous year. The ABC reported that
                                             “significant declines” occurred in the
   by police on journalists                  custom sector, but that the consumer
                                             magazines suffered too with only some
   covering protests, ob-                    showing marginal increases.

   struction by the police                   The losses were attributed largely to the
                                             onslaught of the internet, social media
   of journalists and pho-                   in particular, and led to a further decline
                                             in advertising revenue with knock-on ef-
   tographers at crime                       fects on the financial viability of publi-
                                             cations and consequent cuts in expendi-
   and accident scenes.                      ture on news-gathering and staffing.

                                             The most dramatic result of the decline
                                             in advertising revenue together with the
The media, especially the daily and          effects of the country’s weak economy,
weekly newspapers, have performed a          was the closure by the Tiso Blackstar
sterling service for the country in pub-     publishing house of the print edition of
licising stories about state capture, cor-   The Times, the sister daily publication of
ruption, abuse of power and question-        the Sunday Times which was launched
able conduct of politicians and officials.   in 2007. It closed in December and was

                                                               So This is Democracy? 2017   89
to be replaced by a digital-only online         editor-in-chief, and set aside Retief’s rul-
     publication. In addition staff were re-         ing. On the specific matter related to
     trenched.                                       hate speech and unfair discrimination,
                                                     the judge said that for an article to con-
     On the positive side, complaints by the         stitute hate speech, it needs to not only
     public to the Press Council and its Press       advocate hatred but also incite to cause
     Ombudsman that publications contra-             harm. “It could well be that the piece
     vened the Press Code totalled 499, 37           irritated or annoyed some people; but to
     fewer than the 536 received in 2016             classify it as a hate speech would be too
     and 92 fewer than the 591 received in           huge a jump,” said Ngoepe. The Ombud
     2015. The Public Advocate, the official         did not deal with Roodt’s subterfuge.
     who initially deals with complaints, dis-
     missed 199, noted that 39 were with-            BROADCASTING
     drawn and 145 sent to the ombudsman
     who made 137 findings, in which he too          The year began with a series of posi-
     dismissed a number of grievances.               tive developments indicating that the
                                                     South African Broadcasting Corporation
     Among the findings of the Press Om-             (SABC) was headed for conversion into
     budsman against the media was a                 a genuine public broadcaster. A par-
     strongly-worded order on the Huffing-           liamentary ad hoc committee had con-
     ton Post South Africa, launched in 2016         ducted hearings into the SABC, which
     by the Media24 publishing house, to             started late in 2016 and ended early in
     apologise to the public for publishing a        2017.
     ‘’racist and sexist’’ blog titled Could It Be
     Time To Deny White Men The Franchise?           The institution was subjected to sys-
     that was viewed as inciting hate speech.        tematic, sustained and well-researched
                                                     scrutiny on a wide range of key aspects
     Ombud Johan Retief said the paper               that had led to it being labelled an or-
     had violated numerous sections of the           ganisation in the clutch of an unpro-
     Press Code and had “contributed to the          fessional clique who used it to pursue
     erosion of public trust in the media”.          questionable interests. These activities,
     He also found that the Huffington Post          which included improper editorial in-
     had accepted without checking that the          struction and censorship, contributed to
     blog was written by a supposed femi-            the SABC’s losses of approximately R1
     nist researcher Shelley Garland. It later       billion in 2016/17. The committee had
     emerged that Garland was a pseudonym            heavily criticised then Communications
     for Centre for Development and Enter-           Minister, Faith Muthambi.
     prise researcher Marius Roodt, who said
     he had done so because he wanted to             The SABC board, which had counte-
     make a point about lack of fact-check-          nanced these activities was dismissed
     ing in the media and the fact that, in his      and replaced first by an interim and
     view, white voices were being drowned           then a full-term board which drastically
     out. Editor Verashni Pillay resigned after      cut the losses and showed clear signs of
     the scathing ruling of the Ombud, but           wanting to be accountable.
     later appealed the finding.
                                                     The minister who succeeded Muthambi,
     On 22 August, the Appeals Panel of the          Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, the third
     Press Council chaired by Judge Bernard          minister in 2017, according to the SOS
     Ngoepe upheld the appeal by the former          Support Public Broadcasting Coalition,

90   So This is Democracy? 2017
South Africa
appeared eager to serve the factional       Despite the inclusion in the board of
interests of President Jacob Zuma and       several members with close ties to the
also seemed deeply compromised by           ruling ANC party, it was seen to be oper-
the new board’s expressed desire to im-     ating in a united and independent man-
plement the SABC’s public service man-      ner. It removed from office the two top
date.                                       officials responsible for “the clique” and
                                            pursued through the courts the repay-
                                            ment of certain funds by them to help
                                            offset the R1 billion loss. It appointed
                                            four top executives and the appoint-
                                            ment of the Group Chief Executive Of-
   The media, especially                    ficer and Chief Financial Officer were
                                            expected to follow. The board ceased
   the daily and weekly                     to apply the editorial code adopted by
                                            the previous board, reverted to the code
   newspapers, have                         of 2004, and began a process of wide-
                                            spread public consultation to update
   performed a sterling                     itself in order to embrace the best prin-
                                            ciples of a free media.
   service for the country
                                            But the board was also grappling with a
   in publicising stories                   number of other issues which included:

   about state capture,                     • The corporate behaviour of Multi-
                                              choice, the main subscription TV
   corruption, abuse of                       service provider;

   power and question-                      • Questionable negotiations between
                                              the SABC and Multichoice over the
   able conduct of politi-                    former’s supply of its archive mate-
                                              rial to Multichoice;
   cians and officials.
                                            • A contract between Multichoice and
                                              the professionally deficient ANN7
                                              TV news programme; and
She entered an appeal against the 17
October 2017 ground-breaking Gaut-          • An approach to the Independent
eng (Pretoria) High Court judgement           Communications Authority of South
preventing her as minister from appoint-      Africa (ICASA) to reverse its regula-
ing and firing members of the SABC            tion requiring the SABC to supply
board. This judgement resulted in the         three of its free-to-air channels to
board having court-sanctioned freedom         Multichoice’s DSTV service free of
to appoint its top executives, a right it     charge.
had not enjoyed for more than a decade.
The SOS Coalition also noted that the       It argued that it was ultra vires the Elec-
board and the Parliamentary Portfolio       tronic Communications Act which re-
Committee on Communications were            quires these channels to be carried “at
seeking closer cooperation with it on       commercially negotiated rates”. The
that mandate.                               financial consequences of bringing the

                                                              So This is Democracy? 2017   91
regulations in line with the legislation       having disrupted proceedings.
     are likely to have significant impact on
     the financial health of the public broad-      A heavy security presence set up by
     caster.                                        members of the police, Defence Force
                                                    and State Security Agency - which in-
     Public disclosure of the minutes of the        cluded heavily armed military police
     negotiations between SABC and Mul-             - was intimidating. Journalists were
     tichoice, and revelations about Multi-         prevented from doing their jobs despite
     choice’s contract with ANN7, put severe        assurances given to the media that they
     pressure on Multichoice to change its          would not be obstructed, and civilian
     corporate behaviour. The key institution       clothed police officers prevented pho-
     this brought into focus was ICASA. It is       tographers and journalists from freely
     ICASA which should enforce rules of            moving through parliamentary corri-
     editorial professionalism on ANN7 and          dors. Journalists based in Parliament’s
     it appeared not to have done so.               media offices were obstructed from
                                                    leaving and returning to their offices as
     The SOS Coalition complained that the          a line of riot police blocked off the ac-
     Communications Minister continued to           cess road.
     delay in making a decision about set top
     box (STB) encryption and inter-operabil-       Police also attempted to prevent pho-
     ity, thereby stalling digital migration to     tographers from capturing scenes in the
     the point that South Africa may be fac-        precinct. Sanef noted that security meas-
     ing the collapse of digital terrestrial tel-   ures, including the greater role played
     evision (DTT) as envisaged, and where          by the State Security Agency, appear to
     it may have to consider alternatives such      have increased year-on-year since 2015.
     as migrating directly to broadband and/
     or satellite.                                  Cybercrimes and Cyber Security
     The SOS Coalition has misgivings about
     the future. It says that as much as there      Raising concern on the WAN-IFRA
     are encouraging signs, the battle for the      board at its June 2017 conference in
     heart and soul of the public broadcaster,      Durban as likely to lead to a further de-
     with its key information provision and         terioration in media freedom, were le-
     education mandates, is expected to             gal issues in the Cybercrimes and Cyber
     heat up as the country heads towards           Security Bill before the South African
     its 2019 national and provincial govern-       Parliament. The draft includes vague
     ment elections.                                language that affords an opportunity for
                                                    repressive implementation, as well as
     ACCESS TO INFORMATION                          enhanced investigative and surveillance
                                                    powers for security agents.
     The South African National Editors’ Fo-
     rum (Sanef) protested angrily at the se-       The Bill also establishes “reasonable
     curity measures implemented by Parlia-         suspicion” for use of encryption, and
     mentary officials and security personnel       empowers officials to obtain decryption
     during President Jacob Zuma’s State of         keys to “search for, access or seize” ar-
     The Nation address in February 2017.           ticles pursuant to a search warrant. The
     Journalists were impeded in doing their        board also denounced other features of
     work, especially when some parliamen-          the Bill, including “an assault on digi-
     tarians were dramatically ejected for          tal privacy”, which remains central to

92   So This is Democracy? 2017
South Africa
the basic tenets of media freedom, and         anti-government and anti-media censor-
that it may also “reverse burden of proof      ship protests outside the broadcaster’s
requirements, which would force jour-          Cape Town offices, died suddenly on
nalists to prove their innocence”. It also     June 29 at the age of 32 from what was
includes “regulations that would crimi-        described as “broken heart syndrome”,
nalise certain use of social media”.           stress cardiomyopathy, as a result of the
                                               trauma she endured.
WAN-IFRA also drew attention to other
prospective legislation that may be used
to further erode press freedom in South
Africa, notably, the draft Prevention and
Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate
Speech Bill, which would criminalise              Concerns were ex-
“bringing contempt and ridicule” to fig-
ures of authority; and the Film and Pub-          pressed about the po-
lications Board Amendment Bill, which
broadens state power to censor content.           tential for censorship
The Board welcomed the commitment                 in two Bills being pro-
by the governing African National Con-
gress, to decriminalise defamation, and           cessed through Parlia-
urged it to fast-track legislation to effect
this as a matter of urgency. WAN-IFRA             ment, namely the Cy-
pointed out that this would be in line
with the 2010 resolution by the Afri-             bercrimes and Cyber
can Commission on Human and Peo-
ples’ Rights, which states: “Criminal             Security Bill and the
defamation laws constitute a serious
interference with freedom of expres-              Prevention and Com-
sion and impede the role of the media
as a watchdog, preventing journalists             bating of Hate Crimes
and media practitioners [from] practis-
ing their profession without fear and in          and Hate Speech Bill.
good faith.” Journalists expressed con-
cern that the ANC may not implement
its promise because some ANC leaders
had second thoughts about the outcome          She had received death threats, been as-
of the repeal of the law.                      saulted, shot at and had her apartment
                                               broken into several times. Her car’s
JOURNALIST SAFETY                              brakes were tampered with and the tyres
Suna Venter, a current affairs journal-
ist and producer for the South African         Foeta Krige, Venter’s senior producer at
Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), who           SABC for eight years and also a mem-
together with seven of her broadcast-          ber of the SABC 8, said he had received
ing colleagues became known as the             death threats on 13 or 14 occasions.
“SABC Eight” after being unlawfully            Other members of the SABC 8 also re-
suspended and later fired for publicly         ceived death threats.
disagreeing with orders not to cover

                                                                So This is Democracy? 2017   93
On the day of her death, radical Black         seats from the stands which they then
     Land First (BLF) activists picketed the Jo-    hurled onto the field. Fans snatched
     hannesburg home of Peter Bruce – Tiso          his wallet with R400 (approx. USD 33)
     Blackstar publishing group’s editor-at-        and a spare camera from his bag but
     large and assaulted Business Day editor        returned them when he pleaded with
     Tim Cohen and a former Business Day            them. BackpagePix2’s Sydney Mahlangu
     journalist Karima Brown who had visited        was struck by a metal object the fans
     the house to ensure Bruce had suffered         had ripped from the advertising bill-
     no harm. On July 17, BLF activists as-         boards surrounding the field. His laptop,
     saulted journalist Micah Reddy, a mem-         which he used to download, edit and
     ber of the amaBhungane1 Centre for In-         transmit images from the stadium, was
     vestigative Journalism, and 10 days later      stolen. Makofane said that “the situation
     threatened him again at another media          was so scary, the police started running
     event which BLF disrupted.                     for cover like the rest of us.”

     Meanwhile, Sanef had obtained an inter-
     dict against BLF and its founder, Andile
     Mngxitama, at the South Gauteng High
     Court in Johannesburg, requiring them to
     stop harassing, intimidating, assaulting          South Africa’s politi-
     and threatening eleven senior journal-
     ists, editors and commentators who had            cal scene underwent
     been targeted for their reporting on state
     capture.                                          a dramatic change in
     BLF later threatened more editors and             February 2018 with
     journalists with similar protests at their
     homes, despite having complied with               the resignation of
     the court order by issuing a statement on
     11 July that the group did not condone            President Jacob Zuma
     its members intimidating, assaulting and
     limiting peoples’ freedom and carrying            in response to calls
     out other conduct about which there had
     been complaints.                                  for him to step down
     On 11 February 2017, Orlando Pirates              from ANC, Opposi-
     soccer fans, angry at the 6-0 winning
     streak by their Sundowns opponents at             tion members and the
     Loftus Versfeld Stadium in Pretoria, riot-
     ed and vandalised the stadium, injuring           public, followed by
     scores of people, including two photog-
     raphers. The rioters invaded the pitch,           the election of Cyril
     tampered with TV cables and interrupted
     the live broadcast of the match. The Daily        Ramaphosa as the
     Sun’s Themba Makofane was hit on the
     foot with a blunt object as he took pho-          new President.
     tographs of fans ripping plastic stadium

     1 AmaBhungane is isiZulu for ‘dung beetles’.   2 A media syndication agency based in South Africa

94   So This is Democracy? 2017
South Africa
South Africa’s digital media environ-       Media freedom faces an uncertain future
ment was generally free and open. A         in 2018 with the pending legislation on
culture of diverse and active free ex-      the Cybercrimes and Cyber Security Bill
pression existed online and is protected    and the restrictions contained in the Pre-
by the Constitution which provides for      vention and Combating of Hate Crimes
everyone having the right to freedom of     and Hate Speech Bill raising concerns.
expression which specifically includes
freedom of the press and other media        But South Africa’s political scene un-
and the freedom to receive or impart        derwent a dramatic change in February
information or ideas. ICT development,      2018 with the resignation of President
however, continues to be constrained        Jacob Zuma in response to calls for him
as a result of an earlier government        to step down from the ANC, Opposition
decision to divide the communica-           members and the public, followed by
tions portfolio into two departments.       the election of Cyril Ramaphosa as the
Concerns were expressed about the po-       new President. Ramaphosa is seen as
tential for censorship in two Bills being   more liberal than Zuma and may take an
processed through Parliament, namely        interest in the effects the two Bills will
the Cybercrimes and Cyber Security          have on freedom of expression and per-
Bill and the Prevention and Combating       haps reduce their restrictive impact. He
of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill.        is much more attuned to an open soci-
                                            ety than Zuma was and some members
The Cybercrimes and Cyber Security          of the ANC who have been calling for
Bill has an important role in combat-       Parliament to consider the desirability of
ing cybercrime which resulted in South      introducing a statutory Media Appeals
Africa having the third highest number      Tribunal which would inevitably usurp
of cybercrime victims in the world, but     the self regulatory functions of the Press
some of the provisions criminalise what     Council and exercise unwanted controls
many would regard as unexceptional          over the print media.
online behaviour. The Hate Crimes Bill
expands the definition of hate speech
so that some legitimate expressions are
criminalised. It also plans to monitor
electronic forms of communication and
this, together with proposed amend-
ments to the Film and Publications Act,
has the potential to stifle legitimate
expression. The urge to regulate social
media and blogs is strong and this, seen
together with the other legislation re-
ferred to, has the potential to adversely
affect the country’s internet freedom.

                                                              So This is Democracy? 2017   95

    10 January 2017                        8 April 2017
    KILLED OR MISSING                      CENSORED
    South African photojournalist Shi-     Freelance photojournalist Jacob
    raaz Mohamed, was kidnapped            Mawela complained of intimida-
    in northern Syria by unidentified      tion attempts by security officials
    armed men as he tried to leave the     of the Gauteng Member of Ex-
    country in the company of mem-         ecutive Council, Lebogang Maile.
    bers of the South African charity      Mawela was covering the Town-
    Gift of the Givers. Amid fears for     ship Entrepreneurship Awards at
    his safety, attempts are still being   Carnival City when he was ac-
    made to have him freed.                costed by the security officials for
                                           having focused his camera on the
                                           MEC. He was ordered to either
    23 February 2017                       pack up his photographic equip-
    THREATENED                             ment and leave or be physically
    Two members of the SA Police           removed from the venue.
    visited the offices of the Mail and
    Guardian newspaper in Johannes-
    burg on what they described as an      7 May 2017
    investigation of a complaint by the    ASSAULTED
    Public Protector. They requested a     SABC journalists covering public
    statement from journalist Philip de    protests in Vuwani, Limpopo, were
    Wet on the source of a “leaked”        physically attacked. One camera-
    draft report by the Public Protec-     person was assaulted and three
    tor on a questionable apartheid        vehicles belonging to the public
    era state financial bail-out, that     broadcaster were damaged.
    has become known as the Absa-
    Bankcorp matter. Sanef protested,
    reiterating that the confidentiality   8 May 2017
    of sources was not only sacrosanct     ASSAULTED
    but the cornerstone of the ability     Protestors and farmers in Coligny
    of whistleblowers to expose cor-       attacked and chased away journal-
    ruption and other malfeasance in       ists who were covering the vio-
    the public interest.                   lence that erupted in the aftermath
                                           of a court decision. Photographic
                                           equipment belonging to journal-
    24 February 2017                       ists from various media houses
    ASSAULTED                              was also damaged. The Minister
    SABC journalists reported attacks      of Police, Fikile Mbalula, con-
    by demonstrators taking part in        demned the attacks.
    protests in Pretoria. They were
    robbed of their mobile phones and
3 October 2017                          14 November 2017
THREATENED                              CENSORED
SABC correspondent in Lesotho,          Journalists in KwaZulu Natal ex-
Nthakoana Ngatane, had to flee          pressed concern about plans by
the country following numerous          the eThekwini (formerly Durban)
threats on her life. This was the       Municipal Council to introduce
latest in a series of incidents of      new Rules of Order which would
violence and intimidation against       deny access by reporters to some
journalists in the landlocked coun-     meetings; and/or restrict the use
try. Due to the deteriorating secu-     of electronic equipment in filing
rity situation in Lesotho, the safety   stories. Sanef called on the council
of journalists in the country is un-    to drop the plan because the con-
der threat and therefore imperils       templated restrictions would be an
press freedom. Sanef offered its        unconstitutional infringement of
support to Ngatane and issued a         media freedom, thus illegal, and
protest to the Lesotho government.      would restrict the public’s right to
                                        know about developments that af-
                                        fect their lives. The issue has been
18 October 2017                         deferred to the next council meet-
NOTEWORTHY DEVELOPMENT                  ing.
Sanef commemorated the 40th an-
niversary of Black Wednesday the
day, October 19, in 1977 when
the apartheid government in an
attempt to gag the media, banned
scores of newspapers aligned with
the black consciousness move-
ment, along with 19 pro-democ-
racy organisations, and arrested a
number of prominent journalists.
Black Wednesday triggered years
of resistance to the government
on the issue of media freedom and
stoked Sanef’s fight for media free-
dom in South Africa and across the
continent. Sanef commemorated
Black Wednesday by launching its
new identity and a Media Freedom
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