Sound Regular Expression Semantics for Dynamic Symbolic Execution of JavaScript - arXiv

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Sound Regular Expression Semantics for Dynamic
                                                    Symbolic Execution of JavaScript
                                                          Blake Loring                                     Duncan Mitchell                               Johannes Kinder
                                                 Information Security Group                       Department of Computer Science                     Research Institute CODE
                                                Royal Holloway, University of                      Royal Holloway, University of                  Bundeswehr University Munich
                                                           London                                            London                                         Germany
                                                       United Kingdom                                    United Kingdom                   
arXiv:1810.05661v3 [cs.PL] 7 May 2019

                                        Abstract                                                                            1 Introduction
                                        Support for regular expressions in symbolic execution-based                         Regular expressions are popular with developers for match-
                                        tools for test generation and bug finding is insufficient. Com-                        ing and substituting strings and are supported by many pro-
                                        mon aspects of mainstream regular expression engines, such                          gramming languages. For instance, in JavaScript, one can
                                        as backreferences or greedy matching, are ignored or impre-                         write /goo+d/.test(s) to test whether the string value of
                                        cisely approximated, leading to poor test coverage or missed                        s contains "go", followed by one or more occurrences of "o"
                                        bugs. In this paper, we present a model for the complete reg-                       and a final "d". Similarly, s.replace(/goo+d/,"better")
                                        ular expression language of ECMAScript 2015 (ES6), which                            evaluates to a new string where the first such occurrence in
                                        is sound for dynamic symbolic execution of the test and                             s is replaced with the string "better".
                                        exec functions. We model regular expression operations us-                             Several testing and verification tools include some degree
                                        ing string constraints and classical regular expressions and                        of support for regular expressions because they are so com-
                                        use a refinement scheme to address the problem of matching                           mon [24, 27, 29, 34, 37]. In particular, SMT (satisfiability
                                        precedence and greediness. We implemented our model in                              modulo theory) solvers now often support theories for strings
                                        ExpoSE, a dynamic symbolic execution engine for JavaScript,                         and classical regular expressions [1, 2, 6, 15, 25, 26, 34, 38–
                                        and evaluated it on over 1,000 Node.js packages containing                          40], which allow expressing constraints such as s ∈ L(goo+d)
                                        regular expressions, demonstrating that the strategy is effec-                       for the test example above. Although any general theory
                                        tive and can significantly increase the number of successful                         of strings is undecidable [7], many string constraints are ef-
                                        regular expression queries and therefore boost coverage.                            ficiently solved by modern SMT solvers.
                                                                                                                               SMT solvers support regular expressions in the language-
                                        CCS Concepts • Software and its engineering → Soft-                                 theoretical sense, but “regular expressions” in programming
                                        ware verification and validation; Dynamic analysis; •                                languages like Perl or JavaScript—often called regex, a term
                                        Theory of computation → Regular languages.                                          we also adopt in the remainder of this paper—are not lim-
                                                                                                                            ited to representing regular languages [3]. For instance, the
                                        Keywords Dynamic symbolic execution, JavaScript, regu-                              expression /.*?/ parses any pair of match-
                                        lar expressions, SMT                                                                ing XML tags, which is a context-sensitive language (be-
                                                                                                                            cause the tag is an arbitrary string that must appear twice).
                                        ACM Reference Format:                                                               Problematic features that prevent a translation of regexes
                                        Blake Loring, Duncan Mitchell, and Johannes Kinder. 2019. Sound
                                                                                                                            to the word problem in regular languages include capture
                                        Regular Expression Semantics for Dynamic Symbolic Execution of
                                                                                                                            groups (the parentheses around \w+ in the example above),
                                        JavaScript. In Proceedings of the 40th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on
                                        Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI ’19), June                     backreferences (the \1 referring to the capture group), and
                                        22–26, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 15 pages.                    greedy/non-greedy matching precedence of subexpressions
                                                                           (the .*? is non-greedy). In addition, any such expression
                                                                                                                            could also be included in a lookahead (?=), which effec-
                                                                                                                            tively encodes intersection of context sensitive languages.
                                                                                                                            In tools reasoning about string-manipulating programs, these
                                        PLDI ’19, June 22–26, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA
                                        © 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed           features are usually ignored or imprecisely approximated.
                                        to ACM.                                                                             This is a problem, because they are widely used, as we demon-
                                        This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here for your personal       strate in §7.1.
                                        use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published             In the context of dynamic symbolic execution (DSE) for
                                        in Proceedings of the 40th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Lan-               test generation, this lack of support can lead to loss of cover-
                                        guage Design and Implementation (PLDI ’19), June 22–26, 2019, Phoenix, AZ,
                                        USA,                                       age or missed bugs where constraints would have to include
                                                                                                                            membership in non-regular languages. The difficulty arises
PLDI ’19, June 22–26, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA                                Blake Loring, Duncan Mitchell, and Johannes Kinder

from the typical mixing of constraints in path conditions—            offer the match, split, search and replace methods that
simply generating a matching word for a standalone regex is           expect a RegExp argument.
easy (without lookaheads). To date, there has been only lim-             A regex accepts a string if any portion of the string matches
ited progress on this problem, mostly addressing immediate            the expression, i.e., it is implicitly surrounded by wildcards.
needs of implementations with approximate solutions, e.g.,            The relative position in the string can be controlled with an-
for capture groups [29] and backreferences [27, 30]. How-             chors, with ^ and $ matching the start and end, respectively.
ever, neither matching precedence nor lookaheads have been               Flags in regexes can modify the behavior of matching op-
addressed before.                                                     erations. The ignore case flag i ignores character cases when
   In this paper, we propose a novel scheme for support-              matching. The multiline flag m redefines anchor characters
ing ECMAScript regex in dynamic symbolic execution and                to match either the start and end of input or newline char-
show that it is effective in practice. We rely on the specifica-        acters. The unicode flag u changes how unicode literals are
tion of regexes and their associated methods in ECMAScript            escaped within an expression. The sticky flag y forces match-
2015 (ES6). However, our methods and findings should be                ing to start at RegExp.lastIndex, which is updated with
easily transferable to most other existing implementations.           the index of the previous match. Therefore, RegExp objects
In particular, we make the following contributions:                   become stateful as seen in the following example:
      • We fully model ES6 regex in terms of classical regular          r = /goo+d/y;
        languages and string constraints (§4) and cover sev-            r.test("goood"); // true; r.lastIndex = 6
        eral aspects missing from previous work [27, 29, 30].           r.test("goood"); // false; r.lastIndex = 0
        We introduce the notion of a capturing language to            The meaning of the global flag g varies. It extends the effects
        make the problem of matching and capture group as-            of match and replace to include all matches on the string
        signment self-contained.                                      and it is equivalent to the sticky flag for the test and exec
      • We introduce a counterexample-guided abstraction re-          methods of RegExp.
        finement (CEGAR) scheme to address the effect of greed-
        iness on capture groups (§5), which allows us to de-          2.2 Capture Groups
        ploy our model in DSE without sacrificing soundness            Parentheses in regexes not only change operator precedence
        for under-approximation.                                      (e.g., (ab)* matches any number of repetitions of the string
      • We present the first systematic study of JavaScript            "ab" while ab* matches the character "a" followed by any
        regexes, examining feature usage across 415,487 pack-         number of repetitions of the character "b") but also cre-
        ages from the NPM software repository. We show that           ate capture groups. Capture groups are implicitly numbered
        non-regular features are widely used (§7.1).                  from left to right by order of the opening parenthesis. For
   In the remainder of the paper we review ES6 regexes (§2)           example, /a|((b)*c)*d/ is numbered as /a|( 1( 2 b)*c)*d/.
and present an overview of our approach by example (§3).              Where only bracketing is required, a non-capturing group
We then detail our regex model using a novel formulation (§4),        can be created by using the syntax (?: . . . ).
and we propose a CEGAR scheme to address matching prece-                 For regexes, capture groups are important because the
dence (§5). We discuss an implementation of the model as              regex engine will record the most recent substring matched
part of the ExpoSE symbolic execution engine for JavaScript           against each capture group. Capture groups can be referred
(§6) and evaluate its practical impact on DSE (§7). Finally, we       to from within the expression using backreferences (see §2.3).
review related work (§8) and conclude (§9).                           The last matched substring for each capture group is also
                                                                      returned by some of the API methods. In JavaScript, the re-
                                                                      turn values of match and exec are arrays, with the whole
2     ECMAScript Regex                                                match at index 0 (the implicit capture group 0), and the last
We review the ES6 regex specification, focusing on differ-              matched instance of the i th capture group at index i. In the
ences to classical regular expressions. We begin with the             example above, "bbbbcbcd".match(/a|((b)*c)*d/) will
regex API and its matching behavior (§2.1) and then explain           evaluate to the array ["bbbbcbcd", "bc", "b"].
capture groups (§2.2), backreferences (§2.3), and operator
precedence (§2.4). ES6 regexes are comparable to those of             2.3 Backreferences
other languages but lack Perl’s recursion and lookbehind              A backreference in a regex refers to a numbered capture group
and do not require POSIX-like longest matches.                        and will match whatever the engine last matched the cap-
                                                                      ture group against. In general, the addition of backreferences
2.1    Methods, Anchors, Flags                                        to regexes makes the accepted languages non-regular [3].
ES6 regexes are RegExp objects, created from literals or the             Inside quantifiers (Kleene star, Kleene plus, and other rep-
RegExp constructor. RegExp objects have two methods, test             etition operators), the string matched by the backreference
 and exec, which expect a string argument; String objects             can change across multiple matches. For example, the regex
Sound Regular Expression Semantics for DSE of JavaScript                                 PLDI ’19, June 22–26, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA

Table 1. Regular expression operators, separated by classes               1   let timeout = '500';
of precedence.                                                            2   for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                                                                          3     let arg = args[i];
 Operator       Name                              Rewriting               4     let parts = /([0-9]*)/.exec(arg);
                                                                          5     if (parts) {
 (r )           Capturing parentheses
 \n             Backreference                                             6       if (parts[1] === "timeout") {
 (?:r )         Non-capturing parentheses                                 7         timeout = parts[2];
 (?=r )         Positive lookahead                                        8       }
 (?!r )         Negative lookahead                                        9       ...
 \b             Word boundary                                            10     }
 \B             Non-word boundary                                        11   }
 r*             Kleene star                                              12   assert(/^[0-9]+$/.test(timeout) == true);
 r *?           Lazy Kleene star                                                   Listing 1. Code example using regex
 r+             Kleene plus                       r *r
 r +?           Lazy Kleene plus                  r *?r
 r{m,n}         Repetition                        r n | . . . |r m       introduce our model for regex by example (§3.3) and explain
 r{m,n}?        Lazy repetition                   r m | . . . |r n       how to eliminate spurious solutions by refinement (§3.4).
 r?             Optional                          r |ϵ
 r ??           Lazy optional                     ϵ|r                    3.1 The Word Problem and Capturing Languages
 r 1r 2         Concatenation
                                                                         For any given classical regular expression r , we write w ∈
                                                                         L(r ) whenever w is a word within the (regular) language
 r 1 |r 2       Alternation                                              generated by r . For a regex R, we also need to record values
                                                                         of capture groups within the regex. To this end, we intro-
                                                                         duce the following notion:
/((a|b)\2)+/ can match the string "aabb", with the back-
reference \2 being matched twice: the first time, the cap-                Definition 1 (Capturing Language). The capturing language
ture group contains "a", the second time it contains "b".                of a regex R, denoted Lc (R), is the set of tuples (w, C0, . . . , Cn )
This logic applies recursively, and it is possible for backref-          such that w is a word of the language of R and each C0 , . . . , Cn
erences to in turn be part of outer capture groups.                      is the substring of w matched by the corresponding num-
                                                                         bered capture group in R.
2.4       Operator Evaluation
                                                                         A word w is therefore matched by a regex R if and only if
We explain the operators of interest for this paper in Table 1;          ∃C0, . . . , Cn : (w, C0, . . . , Cn ) ∈ Lc (R). It is not matched if
the implementation described in §6 supports the full ES6                 and only if ∀C0 , . . . , Cn : (w, C0, . . . , Cn ) < Lc (R). For read-
syntax [14]. Some operators can be rewritten into semanti-               ability, we will usually omit quantifiers for capture variables
cally equivalent expressions to reduce the number of cases               where they are clear from the context.
to handle (shown in the Rewriting column).
   Regexes distinguish between greedy and lazy evaluation.               3.2 Regex In Dynamic Symbolic Execution
Greedy operators consume as many characters as possible                  The code in Listing 1 parses numeric arguments between
such that the entire regular expression still matches; lazy op-          XML tags from its input variable args, an array of strings.
erators consume as few characters as possible. This distinction—         The regex in line 4 breaks each argument into two capture
called matching precedence—is unnecessary for classical reg-             groups, the tag and the numeric value (parts[0] is the en-
ular languages, but does affect the assignment of capture                 tire match). When the tag is “timeout”, it sets the timeout
groups and therefore backreferences.                                     value accordingly (lines 6–7). On line 12, a runtime asser-
   Zero-length assertions or lookarounds do not consume any              tion checks that the timeout value is truly numeric after the
characters but still restrict the accepted word, enforcing a             arguments have been processed. The assertion can fail be-
language intersection. Positive or negative lookaheads can               cause the program contains a bug: the regex in line 4 uses
contain any regex, including capture groups and backrefer-               a Kleene star and therefore also admits the empty string as
ences. In ES6, lookbehind is only available through \b (word             the number to set, and JavaScript’s dynamic type system
boundary), and \B (non-word boundary), which are com-                    will allow setting timeout to the empty string.
monly used to only (or never) match whole words in a string.                DSE finds such bugs by systematically enumerating paths,
                                                                         including the failure branches of assertions [17]. Starting
3       Overview                                                         from a concrete run with input, say, args[0] = "foo", the
In an overview of our approach, we now define the word                    DSE engine will attempt to build a path condition that en-
problem for regex (§3.1) and how it arises in DSE (§3.2). We             codes the branching decisions in terms of the input values. It
PLDI ’19, June 22–26, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA                                 Blake Loring, Duncan Mitchell, and Johannes Kinder

then attempts to systematically flip clauses in the path con-           capturing language constraint
dition and query an SMT solver to obtain input assignments
covering different paths. This process repeats forever or un-             (w 2, C 1 ) ∈ Lc ((?:a|(b))\1) =⇒
til all paths are covered (this program has an unbounded                  w 2 = w 1′++ w 2′ ∧(w 1′ , C1 ) ∈ Lc (a|(b))∧(w 2′ ) ∈ Lc (\1).
number of paths as it is looping over an input string).
   Without support for regex, the DSE engine will concretize           When treating the alternation, either the left is satisfied and
arg on the call to exec, assigning the concrete result to              the capture group becomes undefined (which we denote as
parts. With all subsequent decisions therefore concrete, the           œ), or the right is satisfied and the capture is locked to the
path condition becomes pc = true and the engine will be                match, which we model as
unable to cover more paths and find the bug.                                  (w 1′ ∈ L(a) ∧ C1 = œ) ∨ (w 1′ ∈ L(b) ∧ C1 = w 1′ ).
   Implementing regex support ensures that parts is sym-
bolic, i.e., its elements are represented as formulas during           Finally we model the backreference, which is case depen-
symbolic execution. The path condition for the initial path            dent on whether the capture group it refers to is defined or
thus becomes pc = (args[0], C0, C1 , C2 ) < Lc (R) where               not:
R = ([0-9]*). Negating the only clause                         (C1 = œ =⇒ w 2′ = ϵ) ∧ (C1 , œ =⇒ w 2′ = C1 ).
and solving yields, e.g., args[0] = "0". DSE then
uses this input assignment to cover a second path with pc =            Putting this together, we obtain a model for R:
(args[0], C0 , C1, C2 ) ∈ Lc (R) ∧ C1 , "timeout". Negating                (w, C0, C1 ) ∈ Lc (R) =⇒ w = w 1 ++ w 1′ ++ w 2′ ++ w 3
the last clause yields, e.g., “0”, enter-
ing line 7 and making timeout and therefore the assertion                  ∧ C0 = w 1′ ++ w 2′
                                                                           ∧ (w 1′ ∈ L(a) ∧ C1 = œ) ∨ (w 1′ ∈ L(b) ∧ C1 = w 1′ )
symbolic. This leads to pc = (args[0], C0 , C1, C2 ) ∈ Lc (R)∧
C1 = "timeout" ∧ (C2, C0′ ) ∈ Lc (^[0-9]+$), which, after                  ∧ (C1 = œ =⇒ w 2′ = ϵ) ∧ (C1 , œ =⇒ w 2′ = C1 )
negating the last clause, triggers the bug with the input “<
                                                                           ∧ w 1 ∈ L((:?.|\n)*?) ∧ w 3 ∈ L((:?.|\n)*?).
                                                                       3.4 Refinement
3.3 Modeling Capturing Language Membership
                                                                       Because of matching precedence (greediness), these models
Capturing language membership constraints in the path con-             permit assignments to capture groups that are impossible in
dition cannot be directly expressed in SMT. We model these             real executions. For example, we model /^a*(a)?$/ as
in terms of classical regular language membership and string
constraints. For a given ES6 regex R, we first rewrite R (see             (w, C0, C1 ) ∈ Lc (/^a*(a)?$/) =⇒ w = w 1 ++ w 2
Table 1) in atomic terms only, i.e., |, *, capture groups, back-              ∧ w 1 ∈ L(a*) ∧ w 2 ∈ L(a|ϵ) ∧ C0 = w ∧ C1 = w 2 .
references, lookaheads, and anchors. For consistency with
the JavaScript API, we also introduce the outer capture group          This allows C1 to be either a or the empty string ϵ, i.e., the
C0 . Consider the regex R = (?:a|(b))\1. After preprocess-             tuple ("aa", "aa", "a") would be a spurious member of the
ing, the capturing language membership problem becomes                 capturing language under our model. Because a* is greedy,
                                                                       it will always consume both characters in the string "aa";
(w, C0, C1 ) ∈ Lc ((?:.|\n)*?((?:a|(b))\1)(?:.|\n)*?),                 therefore, (a)? can only match ϵ. This problem posed by
                                                                       greedy and lazy operator semantics remains unaddressed
                                                                       by previous work [27, 29, 30, 34]. To address this, we use a
a generic rewriting that allows for characters to precede and
                                                                       counterexample-guided abstraction refinement scheme that
follow the match in the absence of anchors.
                                                                       validates candidate assignments with an ES6-compliant matcher.
   We recursively reduce capturing language membership
                                                                       Continuing the example, the candidate element ("aa", "aa", "a")
to regular membership. To begin, we translate the purely
                                                                       is validated by running a concrete matcher on the string
regular Kleene stars and the outer capture group to obtain
                                                                       "aa", which contradicts the candidate captures with C0 =
                                                                       "aa" and C1 = ϵ. The model is refined with the counter-
  (w, C0, C1 ) ∈Lc (R) =⇒ w = w 1 ++ w 2 ++ w 3                        example to the following:
                ∧ w 1 ∈ L((:?.|\n)*?)
                                                                         w =w 1 ++ w 2
                ∧ (w 2 , C1 ) ∈ Lc ((?:a|(b))\1) ∧ C0 = w 2
                                                                               ∧ w 1 ∈ L(a*) ∧ w 2 ∈ L(a|ϵ) ∧ C0 = w ∧ C1 = w 2
                ∧ w 3 ∈ L((:?.|\n)*?),                                                                                 
                                                                               ∧ w = "aa" =⇒ (C0 = "aa" ∧ C1 = ϵ) .
where ++ is string concatenation. We continue by decom-                We then generate and validate a new candidate (w, C0, C1 )
posing the regex until there are only purely regular terms             and repeat the refinement until a satisfying assignment passes
or standard string constraints. Next, we translate the nested          the concrete matcher.
Sound Regular Expression Semantics for DSE of JavaScript                                          PLDI ’19, June 22–26, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA

4    Modeling ES6 Regex                                                           expressed as
We now detail the process of modeling capturing languages.                        (w,C0 , C1, . . . , CK ) ∈ Lc (S {m, n}) ⇐⇒
After preprocessing a given ES6 regex R to R ′ (§4.1), we                            (w, C0, C1, 0, 0, . . . , CK,n−m,n ) ∈ Lc (S n | . . . | S m )
model constraints (w, C0, . . . , Cn ) ∈ Lc (R ′ ) by recursively
translating terms in the abstract syntax tree (AST) of R ′                         ∧∃x ∈ {0, . . . , n − m} :
to classical regular language membership and string con-                              (w, C0, C1, x, 0, . . . , CK, x,m+x −1) ∈ Lc (S m+x )
straints (§4.2–4.3). Finally, we show how to model negated                                                                                                   ′
                                                                                       ∧ ∀x ′ > x, (w, C0, C1, x ′, 0 , . . . , CK, x ′,m+x ′−1 ) < Lc (S m+x )
constraints (w, C0, . . . , Cn ) < Lc (R ′ ) (§4.4).                                                                                  
                                                                                       ∧ ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , K }, Ci = Ci, x,m+x −1 .
4.1 Preprocessing
For illustrative purposes, we make the concatenation R 1 R 2                      4.2 Operators and Capture Groups
of terms R 1 , R 2 explicit as the binary operator R 1 · R 2 . Any                Let t be the next term to process in the AST of R ′ . If t is
regex can then be split into combinations of atomic elements,                     capture-free and purely regular, there is nothing to do in
capture groups and backreferences (referred to collectively                       this step. If t is non-regular, it contains k + 1 capture groups
as terms, in line with the ES6 specification [14]), joined by                      (with k ≥ −1) numbered i through i + k. At each recur-
explicit operators. Using the rules in Table 1, we rewrite                        sive step, we express membership of the capturing language
any R to an equivalent regex R ′ containing only alternation,                     (w, Ci , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ Lc (t) through a model consisting of string
concatenation, Kleene star, capture groups, non-capturing                         and regular language membership constraints, and a set of
parentheses, lookarounds, and backreferences. We rewrite                          remaining capturing language membership constraints for
any remaining lazy quantifiers to their greedy equivalents,                        subterms of t. Note that we record the locations of capture
as the models are agnostic to matching precedence (this is                        groups within the regex in the preprocessing step. When
dealt with in refinement).                                                         splitting t into subterms t 1 and t 2 , capture groups Ci , . . . , Ci +j
   Note that the rules for Kleene plus and repetition dupli-                      are contained in t 1 and Ci +j+1 , . . . , Ci +k are contained in t 2
cate capture groups, e.g., rewriting /(a){1,2}/ to /(a)(a)|(a)/                   for some j. The models for individual operations are given
adds two capture groups. We therefore explicitly relate cap-                      in Table 2; we discuss specifics of the rules below.
ture groups between the original and rewritten expressions.                           When matching an alternation |, capture groups on the
When rewriting a Kleene plus expression S+ containing K                           non-matching side will be undefined, denoted by œ, which
capture groups, S*S has 2K capture groups. For a constraint                       is distinct from the empty string ϵ.
of the form (C1, . . . , CK ) ∈ Lc (S+), the rewriting yields                         When modeling quantification t = t 1 ∗, we assume t 1 does
                                                                                  not contain backreferences (we address this case in §4.3). In
       (C0 , C1, 1, . . . , CK, 1, C1, 2, . . . , CK, 2 ) ∈ Lc (S*S).             this instance, we model t via the expression tˆ1*t 1 |ϵ, where
                                                                                  tˆ1 is a regular expression corresponding to t 1 , except each
                                                                                  set of capturing parentheses is rewritten as a set of non-
Since S*S contains two copies of S, Ci, j corresponds to the
                                                                                  capturing parentheses. In this way, tˆ1 is regular (it is backreference-
i th capture in the j th copy of S in S*S. We express the direct                  free by assumption). However, tˆ1*t 1 |ϵ is not semantically
correspondence between captures as                                                equivalent to t: if possible, capturing groups must be sat-
                                                                                  isfied, so tˆ1* cannot consume all matches of the expression.
 (w, C0, C1, . . . , CK ) ∈ Lc (S+) ⇐⇒                                            We encode this constraint with the implication that tˆ1* must
            (w, C0, C1, 1, . . . , CK, 1, C1, 2, . . . , CK, 2 ) ∈ Lc (S*S)       match the empty string whenever t 1 |ϵ does.
                                                                                      Lookahead constrains the word to be a member of the
          ∧∀i ∈ {1, . . . , K }, Ci = Ci, 2 .
                                                                                  languages of both the assertion expression and t 2 . The word
                                                                                  boundary \b is effectively a single-character lookaround for
   For repetition, if S {m, n} has K capture groups, then S ′ =                   word and non-word characters. Because the boundary can
S | . . . | S m has K2 (n +m)(n −m +1) captures. In S ′ , suppose
 n                                                                                occur both ways, the model uses disjunction for the end of
we index our captures as Ci, j,k where i ∈ {1, . . . , K } is the                 w 1 and the start of w 2 being word and non-word, or non-
index of the capture group in S, j ∈ {0, . . . , n − m} denotes                   word and word characters, respectively. The non-word bound-
which alternate the capture group is in, and k ∈ {0, . . . , m +                  ary \B is defined as the dual of \b.
j − 1} indexes the copies of S within each alternate. Intu-                           For capture groups, we bind the next capture variable Ci
itively, we pick a single x ∈ {0, . . . , n −m} that corresponds                  to the string matched by t 1 . The i th capture group must be
to the first satisfied alternate. Comparing the assignment of                       the outer capture and the remaining captures Ci +1, . . . , Ci +k
captures in S {m, n} to S ′ , we know that the value of the cap-                  must therefore be contained within t 1 . There is nothing to
ture is the last possible match, so Ci = Ci, x,m+x −1 for all                     be done for non-capturing groups and recursion continues
i ∈ {1, . . . , K }. Formally, this direct correspondence can be                  on the contained subexpression.
PLDI ’19, June 22–26, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA                                                Blake Loring, Duncan Mitchell, and Johannes Kinder

                                                    Table 2. Models for regex operators.

 Operation                 t             Overapproximate Model for (w, Ci , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ Lc (t)
                                           (w, Ci , ..., Ci +j ) ∈ Lc (t 1 ) ∧ Ci +j+1 = ... = Ci +k = œ
 Alternation               t 1 |t 2                                                                      
                                         ∨ (w, Ci +j+1 , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ Lc (t 2 ) ∧ Ci = ... = Ci +j = œ
 Concatenation             t1 · t2       w = w 1 ++ w 2 ∧ (w 1 , Ci , ..., Ci +j ) ∈ Lc (t 1 ) ∧ (w 2 , Ci +j+1 , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ Lc (t 2 )

 Backreference-free                      w = w 1 ++ w 2 ∧ w 1 ∈ L(tˆ1*) ∧ (w 2 , Ci , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ Lc (t 1 |ϵ)
                           t 1*
                                                           ∧ w 2 = ϵ =⇒ (w 1 = ϵ ∧ Ci = . . . = Ci +k = œ)
 Positive Lookahead        (?=t 1 )t 2   (w, Ci , ..., Ci +j ) ∈ Lc (t 1 .*) ∧ (w, Ci +j+1 , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ Lc (t 2 )
 Negative Lookahead        (!=t 1 )t 2   (w, Ci , ..., Ci +j ) < Lc (t 1 .*) ∧ (w, Ci +j+1 , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ Lc (t 2 )
 Input Start               t1^           (w, Ci , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ Lc (t 1 ) ∧ (w, Ci , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ L(. ∗ h)
 Input Start (Multiline)   t1^           (w, Ci , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ Lc (t 1 ) ∧ (w, Ci , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ L(. ∗ h|\n)
 Input End                 $t 1          (w, Ci , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ Lc (t 1 ) ∧ (w, Ci , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ L(i.∗)
 Input End (Multiline)     $t 1          (w, Ci , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ Lc (t 1 ) ∧ (w, Ci , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ L(i|\n.∗)
                                         w = w 1 ++ w 2 ∧ (w 1 , Ci , ..., Ci +j ) ∈ Lc (t 1 ) ∧ (w 2 , Ci +j+1 , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ Lc (t 2 )
 Word Boundary             t 1 \b t 2                                                                                                    
                                           ∧ (w 1 ∈ L(.*\W) ∨ w 1 = ϵ) ∧ w 2 ∈ L(\w.*) ∨ w 1 ∈ L(.*\w) ∧ (w 2 ∈ L(\W.*) ∨ w 2 = ϵ)
                                         w = w 1 ++ w 2 ∧ (w 1 , Ci , ..., Ci +j ) ∈ Lc (t 1 ) ∧ (w 2 , Ci +j+1 , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ Lc (t 2 )
 Non-Word Boundary         t 1 \B t 2                                                                                                     
                                           ∧ (w 1 < L(.*\W) ∧ w 1 , ϵ) ∨ w 2 < L(\w.*) ∧ w 1 < L(.*\w) ∨ (w 2 < L(\W.*) ∧ w 2 , ϵ)
 Capture Group             (t 1 )        (w, Ci +1, ..., Ci +k ) ∈ Lc (t 1 ) ∧ Ci = w
                           (?:t 1 )      (w, Ci , ..., Ci +k ) ∈ Lc (t 1 )
 Base Case                 t regular     w ∈ L(t)

   Anchors assert the start (^) and end ($) of input; we repre-                    the backreference \1 and the second instance of \2 are im-
sent the beginning and end of a word via the meta-characters                       mutable. However, the first instance of \2 is mutable: each
h and i, respectively. In most instances when handling these                       repetition of the outer capture group under the Kleene plus
operations, t 1 will be ϵ; this is because it is rare to have regex                can change the value of the second (inner) capture group,
operators prior to those marking the start of input (or after                      in turn changing the value of the backreference inside this
marking the end of input, respectively). In both these cases,                      quantification. For example, the string "aabbaabbb" satis-
we assert that the language defines the start or end of input—                      fies this regex, but "aabaaabaa" does not. To fully charac-
and that as a result of this, the language of t 1 must be an                       terize these distinctions, we introduce the following defini-
empty word, though the capture groups may be defined (say                           tion:
through t 1 containing assertions with nested captures). We
give separate rules for matching a regular expression with                         Definition 2 (Backreference Type). Let t be the k th capture
the multiline flag set, which modify the behavior of anchors                        group of a regex R. Then
to accept either our meta-characters or a line break.
                                                                                        1. \k is empty if either k is greater than the number of
                                                                                           capture groups in R, or \k is encountered before t in
4.3 Backreferences                                                                         a post-order traversal of the AST of R;
Table 3 lists our models for different cases of backreferences                           2. \k is mutable if \k is not empty, and both t and \k are
in the AST of regex R; \k is a backreference to the k th capture                           subterms of some quantified term Q in R;
group of R. Intuitively, each instance of a backreference is                            3. otherwise, \k is immutable.
a variable that refers to a capture group and has a type that
depends on the structure of R.                                                        When a backreference is empty, it is defined as ϵ, because
   We call a backreference immutable if it can only eval-                          it refers to a capture group that either is a superterm, e.g.,
uate to a single value when matching; it is mutable if it                          /(a\1)*/, or appears later in the term, e.g., /\1(a)/.
can take on multiple values, which is a rare but particularly                         There are two cases for immutable backreferences. In the
tricky case. For example, consider /((a|b)\2)+\1\2/. Here,                         first case, the backreference is not quantified. In our model
Sound Regular Expression Semantics for DSE of JavaScript                                  PLDI ’19, June 22–26, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA

                                                  Table 3. Modeling backreferences.

 Type of \k    Capturing Language             Approximation     Model
 Empty         (w) ∈ Lc (\k)                  Exact             w =ϵ
 Immutable     (w) ∈ Lc (\k)                  Overapproximate   (Ck = œ =⇒ w = ϵ) ∧ (Ck , œ =⇒ w = Ck )
 Immutable     (w) ∈ Lc (\k*)                 Overapproximate   (Ck = œ =⇒ w = ϵ) ∧ (Ck , œ =⇒ ∃m ≥ 0 : w = ++ m                 i =0 Ck )
               (w,Ck ) ∈ Lc ((?:(t 1 )\k)*)                      w = ϵ ∧ Ck = œ ∨ ∃m ≥ 1 : w = ++ i =1 (σi, 1 ++ σi, 2 )
 Mutable                                      Overapproximate
                  t 1 is capture group-free
                                                                            ∧ ∀i > 1, (σi, 1 , Ck,i ) ∈ Lc (t 1 ) ∧ σi, 2 = Ck,i ∧ Ck = Ck,m
                                                                 w = ϵ ∧ Ck =œ ∨ ∃m ≥ 1 : w = ++ m
               (w,Ck ) ∈ Lc ((?:(t 1 )\k)*)                                                               i =1 (σi, 1 ++ σi, 2 )
 Mutable                                      Unsound
                  t 1 is capture group-free
                                                                               ∧ (σi, 1, Ck ) ∈ Lc (t 1 ) ∧ ∀i ≥ 1, (σi, 1 = σ1, 1 ∧ σi, 2 = σ1, 1 )

for R, Ck has already been modeled with an equality con-                4.4 Modeling Non-Membership
straint, so we can bind the backreference to it. In the sec-            The model described so far overapproximates membership
ond case, the backreference occurs within a quantification;              of a capturing language. We define an analogous model for
here, the matched word is a finite concatenation of identical            non-membership of the form ∀C0 , . . . , Cn : (w, C0, . . . , Cn ) <
copies of the referenced capture group. Both models also in-            Lc (R). Intuitively, non-membership models assert that for
corporate the corner case where the capture group is œ due              all capture group assignments there exists some partition of
to alternation or an empty Kleene star. Following the ES6               the word such that one of the individual constraints is vio-
standard, the backreference evaluates to ϵ in this case.                lated. Most models are simply negated. In concatenation and
    Mutable backreferences appear in the form (...t 1 ...\k...)*        quantification, only language and emptiness constraints are
where t 1 is the k th capture group; ES6 does not support for-          negated, so the models take the form
ward referencing of backreferences, so in (...\k...t 1 ...)* , \k
is empty. For illustration purposes, the fourth entry of Ta-                           w = w 1 ++ w 2
ble 3 describes the simplest case for mutable backreferences,                                ∧ . . . < Lc (. . .) ∨ . . . < Lc (. . .)
other patterns are straightforward generalizations. In this                                                                        
                                                                                               ∨ (w 2 = ϵ ∧ ¬(w 1 = ϵ . . .)) .
case, we assume t 1 is the k th capture group but is otherwise
capture group-free. We can treat the entirety of this term              In the same manner, the model for capture groups is
at once: as such, any word in the language is either ϵ, or
                                                                                       (w, Ci +1, ..., Ci +k ) < Lc (t 1 ) ∧ Ci = w.
for some number of iterations, we have the concatenation
of a word in the language of t 1 followed by a copy of it. We           Returning to the example of §3.3, the negated model for
introduce new variables Ck,i referring to the values of the             ∀C0, C1 : (w, C0, C1 ) < Lc ((?:a|(b))\1) becomes
capture group in each iteration, which encodes the repeated
                                                                          ∀C0, C1 : w = w 1 ++ w 1′ ++ w 2′ ++ w 3
matching on the string until settling on the final value for
Ck . In this instance, we need not deal with the possibility               ∧ C0 = w 1′ ++ w 2′
that any Ck,i is œ, since the quantification ends as soon as                ∧ ¬ (w 1′ ∈ L(a) ∧ C1 = œ) ∨ (w 1′ ∈ L(b) ∧ C1 = w 1′ )
t 1 does not match.
                                                                              ∨ ¬(C1 = œ =⇒ w 2′ = ϵ) ∨ ¬(C1 , œ =⇒ w 2′ = C1 )
    Unfortunately, constraints generated from this model are                                                             
hard to solve and not feasible for current SMT solvers, be-                   ∨ w 1 < L((:?.|\n)*?) ∨ w 3 < L((:?.|\n)*?) .
cause they require “guessing” a partition of the matched
string variable into individual and varying components. To              5 Matching Precedence Refinement
make solving such queries practical, we introduce an alter-             We now explain the issue of matching precedence (§5.1) and
native to the previous rule where we treat quantified back-              introduce a counterexample-guided abstraction refinement
references as immutable. The resulting model is shown in                scheme (§5.2) to address it. We discuss termination (§5.3)
the last row of Table 3. E.g., returning to /((a|b)\2)+\1\2/,           and the overall soundness of our approach (§5.4).
we accept ("aaaaaaaaa", "aaaaaaaaa", "aaaa", "a"), but not
("aabbaabbb", "aabbaabbb", "aabb", "b"). We discuss the                 5.1 Matching Precedence
soundness implications in §5.4. Quantified backreferences                The model in Tables 2 and 3 does not account for match-
are rare (see §7.1), so the effect is limited in practice.               ing precedence (see §3.4). A standards-compliant ES6 regex
                                                                        matcher will derive a unique set of capture group assign-
                                                                        ments when matching a string w, because matching prece-
                                                                        dence dictates that greedy (non-greedy) expressions match
PLDI ’19, June 22–26, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA                                             Blake Loring, Duncan Mitchell, and Johannes Kinder

 Algorithm 1: Counterexample-guided abstraction re-                               constraints. We number the original capturing language con-
 finement scheme for matching precedence.                                          straints 0 ≤ j < m so that we can refer to them as (w j , C0, j , . . . , Cn j , j ) ⊡j Lc
     Input : Constraint problem P including models for m                          where ⊡ ∈ {∈,
Sound Regular Expression Semantics for DSE of JavaScript                           PLDI ’19, June 22–26, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA

 Algorithm 2: RegExp.exec(input)                                         Algorithm 2 first processes flags to begin from the end of
 1 input
         ′   := ‘h’ + input + ‘i’;
                                                                      the previous match for sticky or global flags, and it rewrites
 2   if sticky or global then
                                                                      the regex to accept lower and upper case variants of charac-
 3        offset := lastIndex > 0 ? lastIndex + 1 : 0;                 ters for the ignore case flag.
 4        input ′ := input ′ .substring(offset);                          We introduce the h and i meta-characters to input which
                                                                      act as markers for the start and end of a string during match-
 5   source ′ := ‘(:?.|\n)*?(’ + source + ‘)(:?.|\n)*?’;
                                                                      ing. Next, if the sticky or global flags are set we slice in-
 6   if caseIgnore then
                                                                      put at lastIndex so that the new match begins from the
 7        source ′ := rewriteForIgnoreCase(source ′);
                                                                      end of the previous. Due to the introduction of our meta-
 8   if (input ′, C0 , ..., Cn ) ∈ Lc (source ′ ) then                characters thel lastIndex needs to be offset by 1 if it is
 9        Remove h and i from (input ′, C0 , ..., Cn );               greater than zero. We then rewrite the regex source to allow
10        lastIndex := lastIndex + C0 .startIndex + C0 .length;       for characters to precede and succeed the match. Note that
11        result := [C0 , ..., Cn ];                                  we use (?:.|n)*? rather than .*? because the wildcard .
12        result.input := input;                                      consumes all characters except line breaks in ECMAScript
13        result.index := C0 .startIndex;                             regexes. To avoid adding these characters to the final match
14        return result;                                              we place the original regex source inside a capture group.
15   else                                                             This forms C0 , which is defined to be the whole matched
16       lastIndex := 0;                                              string [14]. Once preprocessing is complete we test whether
17       return undefined;                                            the input string and fresh string for each capture group are
                                                                      within the capturing language for the expression. If they are
                                                                      then a results object is created which returns the correctly
                                                                      mapped capture groups, the input string, and the start of
ignore matching precedence. When the CEGAR loop termi-
                                                                      the match in the string with the meta-characters removed.
nates, any spurious solutions from overapproximation are
                                                                      Otherwise lastIndex is reset and undefined is returned.
eliminated. As a result, we have an exact procedure to decide
(non)-membership for capturing languages of ES6 regexes
                                                               6.2 ExpoSE
without quantified backreferences.
   In the presence of quantified backreferences, the model      ExpoSE is a DSE engine which uses the Jalangi2 [19] frame-
after CEGAR termination becomes underapproximate. Since        work to instrument a piece of JavaScript software in order to
DSE itself is an underapproximate program analysis (due to     create a program trace. As the program terminates, ExpoSE
concretization, solver timeouts, and partial exploration), our calls the SMT solver Z3 [13] to identify all feasible alter-
model and refinement strategy are sound for DSE.                nate test-cases from the trace. These new test cases are then
                                                               queued and the next test case is selected for execution, in the
6 Implementation                                               manner of generational search [18]. The ExpoSE framework
                                                               allows for the parallel execution of individual test cases, ag-
We now describe an implementation of our approach in the       gregating coverage and alternative path information as each
DSE engine ExpoSE1 [27]. We explain how to model the
                                                               test case terminates. This parallelization is achieved by exe-
regex API with capturing language membership (§6.1) and
                                                               cuting each test case as a unique process allocated to a ded-
give a brief overview of ExpoSE (§6.2).                        icated single core; as such the analysis is highly scalable.
                                                                  Our strategy for test case selection is similar to the CUPA
6.1 Modeling the Regex API
                                                               strategy proposed by Bucur et al. [9]. We use program fork
The ES6 standard specifies several methods that evaluate        points to prioritize unexplored code: each expression is given
regexes [14]. We follow its specified pseudocode for RegExp     a unique identifier and scheduled test cases are sorted into
.exec(s) to implement matching and capture group assign-       buckets based upon which expression was being executed
ment in terms of capturing language membership in Algorithm 2. when they were created. We select the next test case by
Notably, our algorithm implements support for all flags and     choosing a random test case from the bucket that has been
operators specified for ES6.                                    accessed least during the analysis; this prioritizes test cases
    RegExp.test(s) is precisely equivalent to the expression   triggered by less common expressions.
RegExp.exec(s) !== undefined. In the same manner, one
can construct models for other regex functions defined for      7 Evaluation
ES6. Our implementation includes partial models for the re-
maining functions that allow effective test generation in prac- We now empirically answer the following research ques-
tice but are not semantically complete.                        tions:
                                                               (RQ1) Are non-classical regexes an important problem in
1 ExpoSE is available at           JavaScript?
PLDI ’19, June 22–26, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA                                  Blake Loring, Duncan Mitchell, and Johannes Kinder

           Table 4. Regex usage by NPM package.                                  Table 5. Feature usage by unique regex.

 Feature                                    Count          %             Feature                Total         %    Unique        %
 Packages on NPM                           415,487 100.0%                Total Regex        9,552,546     100%    305,691    100%
  . . . with source files                   381,730 91.9%                 Capture Groups     2,360,178    24.71%   119,051   38.94%
  . . . with regular expressions           145,100 34.9%                 Global Flag        2,620,755    27.44%    90,356   29.56%
  . . . with capture groups                 84,972 20.5%                 Character Class    2,671,565    27.97%    71,040   23.24%
  . . . with backreferences                 15,968   3.8%                Kleene+            1,541,336    16.14%    67,508   22.08%
  . . . with quantified backreferences          503   0.1%                Kleene*            1,713,713    17.94%    66,526   21.76%
                                                                         Ignore Case Flag   1,364,526    14.28%    58,831   19.25%
                                                                         Ranges             1,273,726    13.33%    52,155   17.06%
(RQ2) Does accurate modeling of ES6 regexes make DSE-                    Non-capturing      1,236,533    12.94%    25,946    8.49%
      based test generation more effective?                               Repetition           360,578      3.7%    17,068    5.58%
(RQ3) Does the performance of the model and the refine-                   Kleene* (Lazy)       230,060     2.41%    13,250    4.33%
      ment strategy enable practical analysis?                           Multiline Flag       137,366     1.44%    10,604    3.47%
                                                                         Word Boundary        336,821     3.53%     9,677    3.17%
We answer the first question with a survey of regex usage                 Kleene+ (Lazy)       148,604     1.56%     6,072    1.99%
in the wild (§7.1). We address RQ2 by comparing our ap-                  Lookaheads           176,786     1.85%     3,123    1.02%
proach against an existing partial implementation of regex               Backreferences        64,408     0.67%     2,437    0.80%
support in ExpoSE [27] on a set of widely used libraries                 Repetition             2,412     0.03%       221    0.07%
(§7.2). We then measure the contribution of each aspect of               (Lazy)
our approach on over 1,000 JavaScript packages (§7.3). We                Quantified               1,346    0.01%       109    0.04%
answer RQ3 by analyzing solver and refinement statistics                  BRefs
per query (§7.4).                                                        Sticky Flag               98
Sound Regular Expression Semantics for DSE of JavaScript                               PLDI ’19, June 22–26, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA

Table 6. Statement coverage with our approach (New) vs.                regex queries presented in this paper has a substantial im-
[27] (Old) and the relative increase (+) on popular NPM                pact on practical problems in DSE. We also see that other im-
packages (Weekly downloads). LOC are lines loaded and                  provements to ExpoSE, such as ES6 support, have affected
RegEx are regular expression functions symbolically exe-               coverage. Therefore, we continue with an evaluation of the
cuted.                                                                 individual aspects of our model.

 Library       Weekly     LOC RegEx Old(%) New(%) +(%)                 7.3 Breakdown of Contributions
 babel-eslint     2,500k 23,047    902   21.0    26.8    27.6          We now drill down into how the individual improvements
 fast-xml-parser     20k    706    562    3.1    44.6 1,338.7          in regex support are contributing to increases in coverage.
 js-yaml          8,000k 6,768      78    4.4    23.7 438.6
                                                                       Methodology From the packages with regexes from our
 minimist        20,000k    229 72,530   65.9    66.4     0.8
                                                                       survey §7.1, we developed a test suite of 1,131 NPM libraries
 moment           4,500k 2,572      21    0.0    52.6     ∞
 query-string     3,000k    303     50    0.0    42.6     ∞            for which ExpoSE is able to automatically generate a mean-
 semver           1,800k    757    616   51.7    46.2 −10.6            ingful test harness. In each of the libraries selected, ExpoSE
 url-parse        1,400k    322    448   60.9    71.8    17.9          executed at least one regex operation on a symbolic string,
 validator        1,400k 2,155      94   67.5    72.2     7.0          which ensures that the library contains some behavior rele-
 xml                500k    276 1,022    60.2    77.5    28.7          vant to the scope of this paper. The test suite constructed in
 yn                 700k    157    260    0.0    54.0     ∞            this manner contains numerous libraries that are dependen-
                                                                       cies of packages widely used in industry, including Express
                                                                       and Lodash.2
                                                                          Automatic test generation typically requires a bespoke
chose for their popularity (with up to 20M weekly down-                test harness or set of parameterized unit tests [33] to achieve
loads) and use of regex. This includes the three libraries min-        high coverage in code that does not have a simple command
imist, semver, and validator, which the first version of Ex-            line interface, including libraries. ExpoSE’s harness explores
poSE was evaluated on [27]. To fairly compare original Ex-             libraries fully automatically by executing all exported meth-
poSE against our extension, we use the original automated              ods with symbolic arguments for the supported types string
library harness for both. Therefore we do not take advan-              , boolean, number, null and undefined. Returned objects
tage of other improvements for test generation, such as sym-           or functions are also subsequently explored in the same man-
bolic array support, which we have added in the course of              ner.
our work. We re-executed each package six times for one                   We executed each package for one hour, which typically
hour each on both versions, using 32-core machines with                allowed to reach a (potentially initial) coverage plateau, at
256GB of RAM, and averaged the results. We limited the                 which additional test cases do not increase coverage further.
refinement scheme to 20 iterations, which we identified as               We break down our regex support into four levels and mea-
effective in preliminary testing (see §7.4).                            sure the contribution and cost of each one to line coverage
                                                                       and test execution rate (Table 7). As baseline, we first ex-
Results Table 6 contains the results of our comparison. To             ecute all regex methods concretely, concretizing the argu-
provide an indication of program size, we use the number of            ments and results. In the second configuration, we add the
lines of code loaded at runtime (JavaScript’s dynamic method           model for ES6 regex and their methods, including support
of loading dependencies makes it hard to determine a mean-             for word boundaries and lookaheads, but remove capture
ingful LOC count statically).                                          groups and concretize any accesses to them, including back-
   The results demonstrate that ExpoSE extended with our               references. Third, we also enable full support for capture
model and refinement strategy can improve coverage more                 groups and backreferences. Fourth, we finally also add the
than tenfold on our sample of widely-used libraries. In the            refinement scheme to address overapproximation.
cases of moment, query-string, and yn, the lack of ES6 sup-            Results Table 7 shows, for each level of support, the num-
port in the original ExpoSE prohibited meaningful analysis,            ber and percentage of target packages where coverage im-
leading to 0% coverage. In the case of semver, we see a de-            proved; the geometric mean of the relative increase in cover-
crease in coverage if stopped after one hour. This is due to           age; and the mean test execution rate. The final row shows
the modeling of regex increasing solving time (see also §7.4).         the effect of enabling full support compared to the baseline.
The coverage deficit disappears when executing both ver-                Note that the number of packages improved is less than the
sions of ExpoSE with a timeout of two hours.                           sum of the rows above, since the coverage of a package can
                                                                       be improved by multiple features.
Conclusions We find that our modifications to ExpoSE
make test generation more effective in widely used libraries            2 Raw data for the experiments, including all package   names, is available at
using regex. This suggests that the new method of solving    
PLDI ’19, June 22–26, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA                                  Blake Loring, Duncan Mitchell, and Johannes Kinder

Table 7. Breakdown of how different components con-                             Table 8. Solver times per package and query.
tribute to testing 1, 131 NPM packages, showing number (#)
and fraction (%) of packages with coverage improvements,                                                   Constraint Solver Time
the geometric mean of the relative coverage increase from               Packages/Queries               Minimum Maximum          Mean
the feature (Cov), and test execution rate.
                                                                        All packages                        0.04s   12h 15m    2h 34m
                                                                        With capture groups                 0.20s   12h 15m    2h 40m
                                Improved        Cov                     With refinement                      0.46s   12h 15m    2h 48m
 Regex Support Level            #     %         +(%)       min          Where refinement limit is hit        3.49s   11h 07m    3h 17m
 Concrete Regular Expres-      -           -           -   11.46        All queries                        0.001s    22m 26s    0.15s
 sions                                                                  With capture groups                0.001s    22m 26s    5.53s
 + Modeling RegEx            528     46.68%    +6.16%      10.14        With refinement                     0.005s    18m 51s   22.69s
 + Captures & Backreferences 194     17.15%    +4.18%       9.42        Where refinement limit is hit       0.120s    18m 51s   58.85s
 + Refinement                  63      5.57%    +4.17%       8.70
 All Features vs. Concrete     617   54.55%    +6.74%

                                                                        Methodology We collected data on queries during the NPM
   In a dataset of this size that includes many libraries that          experiments (§7.3) to provide details on SMT query success
make only little use of regex, average coverage increases are           rates and execution times, as well as on the usage of the
expected to be small. Nevertheless, we see that dedicated               refinement scheme.
support improves the coverage of more than half of pack-
ages that symbolically executed at least one regex function.            Results We found that 753 (66%) of the 1,131 packages
As expected, the biggest improvement comes from support-                tested executed at least one query containing a capture group
ing basic symbolic execution of regular expressions, even               or backreference. Of these packages, 653 (58% overall) con-
without capture groups or regard for matching precedence.               tained at least one query to the SMT solver requiring re-
However, we see further improvements when adding cap-                   finement, and 134 (12%) contained a query that reached the
ture groups, which shows that they indeed affect program                 refinement limit.
semantics. Refinement affects fewer packages, although it                    In total, our experiments executed 58,390,184 SMT queries
significantly contributes to coverage where it is required.              to generate test cases. As expected, the majority do not in-
This is because a lucky solver may generate correct inputs              volve regexes, but they form a significant part: 4,489,581
on the first attempt, even in ambiguous settings.                        (7.6%) queries modeled a regex, 645,295 (1.1%) modeled a
   On some libraries in the dataset, the approach is highly             capture group or backreference, 74,076 (0.1%) required use
effective. For example, in the manifest parser n4mf-parser,              of the refinement scheme and 2,079 (0.003%) hit the refine-
full support improves coverage by 29% over concrete; in the             ment limit. The refinement scheme was overwhelmingly ef-
format conversion library sbxml2json, by 14%; and in the                fective: only 2.8% of queries with at least one refinement
browser detection library mario, by 16%. In each of these               also reached the refinement limit (0.003% of all queries where
packages the refinement scheme contributed to the improve-               a capture group was modeled). Of the refined SMT queries,
ment in coverage. In general, the largest increases are seen            the mean number of refinements required to produce a valid
in packages that include regular expression-based parsers.              satisfying assignment was 2.9; the majority of queries re-
   Each additional feature causes a small decrease in aver-             quired only a single refinement.
age test execution rate. Although a small fraction (∼1%) of                Table 8 details time spent processing SMT problems per-
queries can take longer than 300s to solve, concurrent test             package and per-query. We provide the data over the four
execution prevents DSE from stalling on a single query.                 key aspects of the problem: we report the time spent in the
                                                                        constraint solver both per package and per query in total,
Conclusions Full support for ES6 regex improves perfor-                 as well as the time in the constraint solver for the particu-
mance of DSE of JavaScript in practice at a cost of a 16% in-           larly challenging parts of our strategy. We found that the
crease in execution time (RQ2). An increase in coverage at              use of refinements increased the average per-query solving
lower execution rate in a fixed time window suggests that                time by a factor of four; however, this is dominated by SMT
full regular expression support increases the quality of indi-          queries that hit the refinement limit, which took ten times
vidual test cases.                                                      longer to run on average. The low minimum time spent in
                                                                        the solver in some packages can be attributed to packages
7.4   Effectiveness on Real-World Queries                                where a regular expression was encountered early in execu-
We now investigate the performance of the model and re-                 tion but limitations in the test harness or function models
finement scheme to answer RQ3. Finally, we also discuss the              (unrelated to regular expressions) prevented further explo-
refinement limit and how it affects analysis.                             ration.
Sound Regular Expression Semantics for DSE of JavaScript                            PLDI ’19, June 22–26, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA

Conclusions We find the refinement scheme is highly ef-                  code on NPM is very modular. For instance, among the top
fective, as it is able to solve 97.2% of encountered constraint        25 most depended-upon NPM libraries, the largest is 30 KLOC
problems containing regexes. It is also necessary, as 10% of           (but contains no regex). Several packages selected for our
queries containing a capture group had led to a spurious sat-          evaluation, such as babel-eslint, had between 20-30 KLOC
isfying assignment and required refinement.                             and were meaningfully explored with the generic harness.
   Usually, only a small number of refinements are required
to produce a correct satisfying assignment. Therefore, even
refinement limits of five or fewer are feasible and may im-              8 Related Work
prove performance with low impact on coverage.                         In prior work, we introduced ExpoSE and partial support for
                                                                       encoding JavaScript regex in terms of classical regular lan-
7.5 Threats to Validity                                                guage membership and string constraints [27]. This initial
We now look at potential issues affecting the validity of our           take on the problem was lacking support for several prob-
results, in particular soundness, package selection, and scal-         lematic features such as lookaheads, word boundaries, and
ability.                                                               anchors. Matching precedence was presented as an open
                                                                       problem, which we have now addressed through our refine-
Soundness In addition to soundness of the model (see §5.4),            ment scheme.
one must consider the soundness of the implementation. In                 In theory, regex engines can be symbolically executed
the absence of a mechanized specification for ES6 regex, our            themselves through the interpreter [9]. While this removes
code cannot be proven correct, so we use an extensive test             the need for modeling, in practice the symbolic execution
suite for validation. However, assuming the concrete matcher           of the entire interpreter and regex engine quickly becomes
is specification-compliant, Algorithm 1 will, if it terminates,         infeasible due to path explosion.
return a specification-compliant model of the constraint for-              There have been several other approaches for symbolic
mula even if the implementation of §4 contains bugs. In the            execution of JavaScript; most include some limited support
worst case, the algorithm would not terminate, leading to              for classical regular expressions. Li et al. [24] presented an
timeouts and loss of coverage. Bugs could therefore only               automated test generation scheme for programs with regu-
have lowered the reported coverage improvements.                       lar expressions by on-line generation of a matching function
Package Selection and Harness In §7.3, we chose pack-                  for each regular expression encountered, exacerbating path
ages identified in our survey (§7.1) where our generic har-             explosion. Saxena et al. [29] proposed the first scheme to
ness encountered a regular expression within one hour of               encode capture groups through string constraints. Sen et al.
DSE. This allowed us to focus the evaluation on regex sup-             [31] presented Jalangi, a tool based on program instrumen-
port as opposed to evaluating the quality of the harness (and          tation and concolic values. Li and Ghosh [23] and Li et al.
having to deal with unreachable code in packages). Use of              [22] describe a custom browser and symbolic execution en-
this harness may have limited package selection to simpler,            gine for JavaScript and the browser DOM, and a string con-
unrepresentative libraries. However, we found that simple              straint solver PASS with support for most JavaScript string
APIs do not imply simple code: the final dataset contains               operations. Although all of these approaches feature some
several complex packages, such as language parsers, and the            support for ECMAScript regex (such as limited support for
types of regexes encountered were in line with the survey              capture groups), they ignore matching precedence and do
results. On simple code we found that ExpoSE would often               not support backreferences or lookaheads.
reach 100% coverage; failure to do so was either due to the               Thomé et al. [32] propose a heuristic approach for solving
complexity of the code or the lack of support for language             constraints involving unsupported string operations. We choose
features unrelated to regex and APIs that would require ad-            to model operations unsupported by the solver and employ
ditional modeling (e.g., the file system).                              a CEGAR scheme to ensure correctness. Abdulla et al. [2]
                                                                       propose the use of a refinement scheme to solve complex
Scalability Scalability is a challenge for DSE in general,             constraint problems, including support for context-free lan-
and is not specific to our model for regex. Empirically, execu-         guages. The language of regular expressions with backref-
tion time for a single test (instrumentation, execution, and           erences is not context-free [10] and, as such, their scheme
constraint generation) grows linearly with program size, as            does not suffice for encoding all regexes; however, their ap-
does the average size of solver queries. The impact of query           proach could serve as richer base theory than classic regular
length on solving time varies, but does not appear to be               expressions. Scott et al. [30] suggest backreferences can be
exacerbated by our regex model. In principle, our model is             eliminated via concatenation constraints, however they do
compatible with compositional approaches [4, 16] and state             not present a method for doing so.
merging [5, 21], which can help DSE scale to large programs.              Further innovations from the string solving community,
   The scalability of our approach suffices for Node.js, how-            such as work on the decidability of string constraints in-
ever: JavaScript has smaller LOC counts than, e.g., C++, and           volving complex functions [12, 20] or support for recursive
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