Solutions to Start and Stay Strong in Sports and Stadia

Page created by Ramon Carrillo
Solutions to Start and Stay Strong in Sports and Stadia
Solutions to Start and Stay Strong in Sports and Stadia
Solutions to Start and Stay Strong in Sports and Stadia
A Systematic Approach To Embracing
                    A Positive New World
                    In the midst of never-before-imagined circumstances, stadiums
                    and arenas have an opportunity to set a positive course for
                    their next normal. By embracing new ways to live our lives, we
                    can reimagine what is possible.
                    Simply put, Sodexo was made for this moment. We have the unique capabilities and
                    resources to combine a complete range of services - from disinfection and safety services
                    to space transformation and new styles of food service. Our global reach has given us
                    the benefit of learning from our early experience in restarting businesses in China during

preparing for the
                    the Covid-19 crisis, so we have developed a programme that helps our clients craft their
                    future and rise with confidence.

                    Sodexo has created a systematic and comprehensive approach to help you prepare for

next normal
                    and implement changes to your daily operations. These services enable you to rise to the
                    challenges and possibilities of a new world for our clients, fans, partners, communities and
                    society. When you Rise with Sodexo, you have access to a comprehensive offering of best
                    in class practices created by a team of experts and our experience from around the world.
                    Our unique programme prioritizes safety and wellbeing so everyone can get back to the
                    business of living.


                               of younger males                               of businesses
                        have said that watching live sports            indicate that their ability to run
                      with friends and family is what they are         their businesses effectively has
                        missing most during the pandemic                 been reduced by COVID-19
                          (Source: Consumer Perception of Covid-19;             (Source: McKinsey)
                                IMI’s NextWave consultancy )
Solutions to Start and Stay Strong in Sports and Stadia
Services &

                        PREPARE                  PROTECT                       ENABLE                      SUPPORT                      OPTIMIZE

                                          uman temperature           ° Catering & hospitality   ° Return to work guidance   ° Design and space
               ° Site restart process                                    reimagined                  for front and back of        management
                                                                                                     house teams, including       consultancy
                                        ° Disinfection cleaning     ° Grab & Go Convenience       PPE provision
                                                                         solutions and pop-ups                                 ° Energy management
                                        ° Changes to support
                                            physical distancing in                                ° Working with              ° Waste management
                                                                      ° Digital services and        local partners and
                                            food and beverage areas      contactless payment         communities               ° Merchandise
                                                                         solutions                                                management
                                        ° Consultancy-based risk
                                                                      ° Support with recipe
                                                                         ideas and wellbeing                                   ° Venue sales and
                                                                         advice                                                   marketing
Solutions to Start and Stay Strong in Sports and Stadia
Safer Environments for a
Better Tomorrow
Rise with Sodexo is our approach to support you with not
only the site restart process but also how we continue to
work together as we welcome fans and visitors back into
your venue. The safety of fans, visitors, your employees
and ours is our number one priority therefore we
guarantee that our teams will have had full training prior
to re-opening.

Our clients benefit from our award-winning site management system (Opex
Awards 2020 winner), which we use to monitor, inspect and analyse our operations
within your site for optimal visibility and transparency.

Delivering the right service at the right moment

   PRE RE-OPENING                  RE-OPENING                THE NEXT NORMAL

    PREPARE & PROTECT            ENABLE & SUPPORT                   OPTIMIZE
Solutions to Start and Stay Strong in Sports and Stadia
Ensure fans experience confidence
                                                                                      during every step of their visit
    CUSTOMER JOURNEY                                                                  Sodexo is committed to making a positive impact. Our

                                                                                      approach to keeping people healthy starts with understanding
                                                                                      their journey through your venue and how we map that to
                                                                                      ensure it is a safe and secure experience.
                    Order your pre-                                   from Kiosk
                    game drinks via                                                                        Watch the game
                       the app                                                                             from your seat

    Arrival at
   the stadium

                                                                  Product served by
                                                                     team in PPE                                                        Pre-Order
                                                                                                                                        with Phone
                                                                                                           Social Distancing
                      Pre-Order       Hand Sanitizing                                                           in Place
                      with Phone         Station

Human temperature                                                                                                                        Pre-Order
   monitoring                                                                                                                          Food & Drink
                                                                                                                                        at Halftime

                                                                                         Grab & Go Items

                                                        Merchandise                          Collect                              Hand Sanitizing
                                                                                           from Kiosk                                Station
Solutions to Start and Stay Strong in Sports and Stadia
                                          Amenity Kits
                                         available with a
                                         mask if required
                     Get to your
                     Club/Suite                                           Enjoy pre-game
                                                                           food & drinks

    Arrival at
   the stadium

                                          Social Distancing
                                      in Place in Club & Suites                                 Watch
                                                                                              the Game!
                    Hand Sanitizing
                                                                         Pre-Packed Meals

Human temperature

                                                                                            Social Distancing
                                                                    Staff dressed
                                                                                                in Place in
                                                                        in PPE
                                                                                              Club & Suites


                                        Purchase                      Halftime
                                       Merchandise                  Food & Drink
Solutions to Start and Stay Strong in Sports and Stadia
Ready to Rise Planning Roadmap
                                                  Order PPE,
                                                   sanitising                                              Four weeks lead-time
                                                stations, social
                            Site                  distancing                                                                                                                                                              Zone off       Team on
          Client        inspection                  barriers,    Team huddle                              Site                               Prepare                                                                   unused areas,      site to
       expectations/    and safety   COVID 19    disposables,     and review        Revised           inspection/          Agree customer       for                                         Deep           Confirm      install floor   prep areas
         strategy      review with    reopen    package sealing of training         service           compliance           communication      social     EPOS        Food          Team      clean         isolation     markings        and take
         meeting           client     toolkit     equipment       equipment      specifications         checks             plan with client distancing   set-up     orders        Huddle   all areas         room       and signage     deliveries


       4 WEEKS                                                     3 WEEKS                                                2 WEEKS                                                 1 WEEK

                                                           To support reopening our Ready to Rise roadmap will include consideration of the following key areas:

                  Contract                                              Policy                                      Stock control                                 Best practice                                              Team
• Regular client discussions / reviews            • Review Covid-19 Legislation changes           • Review and maintain minimum stock levels • Maintain customer communication plan                    • Hold daily team huddles/briefing
• Covid-19 toolkit                                  and Sodexo Policy                               of PPE, hygiene products, disposables    • Review business continuity plan (BCP)                   • Resource Planners
                                                  • Social distancing                               and packaging
                                                  • Site inspection/compliance checks
Solutions to Start and Stay Strong in Sports and Stadia
Site Restart                         Human Temperature                                        Disinfection                            Physical Distancing
             Process                               Monitoring                                             Cleaning                              Changes In F&B Areas

WHAT IT DOES                                WHAT IT DOES                                      WHAT IT DOES                                  WHAT IT DOES
•   Provision of site restart processes     •   Monitor the body temperature of an            •   Our disinfection programmes               •   Implement methods to reduce the
    and project management services to          individual prior to allowing access to site       help reduce the overall level of              spread of contaminants based on a local
    manage through facility and people                                                            contamination in the facility and             risk analysis
    centric issues                          WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU                                  maintain minimal contamination levels
                                            •   Establish enhanced access control                                                           WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU
WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU                            scheme to help provide a secure and safe      WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU                          •   Social distancing practices on site to
•   Receive advice and support to manage        environment for employees, visitors and       •   Ensures the health and peace of mind          keep individuals safe and the business
    the site comeback process smoothly          fans                                              for you and your venue visitors               operational

HOW IT WORKS                                HOW IT WORKS                                      HOW IT WORKS                                  HOW IT WORKS
•   Collaboration with your team based on   •   Provision of monitoring equipment.            •   Risk assessment and thorough analysis     •   Assess potential areas of improvement
    a clear restart framework process                                                             of different areas to be cleaned              to reduce spread of contamination.
                                            •   Perform a temperature check on all
                                                                                                                                                Example for food and beverage outlets:
•   Help to cope with new needs and             visitors, contractors and employees           •   Adapted cleaning frequency based on
                                                                                                                                                » Deploy sneeze guards where
    opportunities arising through a             entering the site.                                risk level
    different reality                       •   Ensure safety for all individuals based       •   Cleaning all high-touch surfaces (incl.       » Suites and clubs seating areas changed
                                                on social distancing, use of protective           door handles, dispensers, toilet seats,          to support social distancing
                                                equipment and materials                           etc.)                                         » Contactless payment
                                                                                                                                                » Individually packaged boxed menu
                                                                                                                                                » Grab & Go options
Solutions to Start and Stay Strong in Sports and Stadia
Grab & Go Convenience                         Catering & Hospitality                         Digital Services &                            Support with Recipe
 Solutions & Pop-Ups                              Re-Imagined                               Contactless Payment                            Ideas And Wellbeing

WHAT IT DOES                                  WHAT IT DOES                              WHAT IT DOES                                   WHAT IT DOES
•   Propose convenient food options for       •   New food options for clubs & suites   •   Strengthen existing and deploy new         •   Gives those unable to visit the venue a
    fans in the right locations around the        with safe service delivery to match       digital retail and catering facing tools       taster of what is to come and how they
    venue                                                                                                                                  can test recipe ideas at home
                                              WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU                      WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU
WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU                          •   Limits exposure for hosts and their   •   Help limit exposure of fans and            WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU
•   A simplified menu and tasty take away         guests when delivering catering           employees to infection risk while          •   continues engagement with fans to drive
    options to support social distancing          services for groups                       enabling new digital retail and catering       loyalty to their team and the venue
HOW IT WORKS                                  HOW IT WORKS                                                                             HOW IT WORKS
•   Establish pop-up food outlets in and      •   Individual pre-packed meals           HOW IT WORKS                                   •   Recipe cards made available online to
    around existing retail space                                                        •   Pre-ordering for catering and                  fans
                                              •   Catering set up in larger spaces to
•   Implement a specialized, simplified and       enable social distancing                                                             •   Video demonstrations from our culinary
    healthy menu focusing on grab & go                                                  •   Click and collect options for retail           team
                                              •   Screening used to separate groups
    options, already pre-packaged                                                           concessions
                                                  where required                                                                       •   Recommendations for health and
                                                                                        •   Contactless payment in all outlets             wellbeing whilst at home
                                              •   Sneeze guards deployed where
Solutions to Start and Stay Strong in Sports and Stadia
Return to Work Guidance for
                                                                     Working with Local                                           Design & Space
    Front & Back of House Teams
                                                                  Communities and Partners                                    Management Consultancy
         Including PPE Use

WHAT IT DOES                                                 WHAT IT DOES                                               WHAT IT DOES
•    Provides guidance on how our teams will return          •   Supports local communities with food drives and        •   Provides a user-experience approach to designing and
     to work safety and how to correctly use Personal            keeps local businesses active via partnerships             optimizing front and back of house space in the venue
     Protective Equipment (PPE) and sanitization chemicals
                                                             WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU                                       WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU
WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU                                         •   Maintains a link with the community and supports       •   Ensures the spaces that welcome employees and visitors
•    Protects the health and wellbeing of employees and          local businesses close to your venue                       back are safe and optimized for everybody who uses them
     the people they interact with at your venue
                                                             HOW IT WORKS                                               HOW IT WORKS
HOW IT WORKS                                                 •   Sodexo and Centerplate work to build partnerships      •   To help get the most function and user-friendliness
•    Sodexo helps facilitate the success of protection           with local chefs. brands and suppliers to help these       from any environment, we use a variety of tools and
                                                                                                                            methodologies to optimize space management,
     and prevention efforts with thoughtful training and         businesses thrive
                                                                                                                            including user personas, consumer journey maps,
     promotional materials that can be used in conjunction
                                                                                                                            experience design, consumer preference surveys and
     with established protocols. Benefits include:
                                                                                                                            more. Key areas of focus include:
     » Changing behaviors
                                                                                                                            » User experience
     » Improved effectiveness                                                                                               » Safety & Compliance
     » Reduced costs                                                                                                        » Technology
Energy Management                                         Venue Sales & Marketing                                    Merchandise Management

WHAT IT DOES                                                   WHAT IT DOES                                               WHAT IT DOES
•   Sodexo simplifies and optimizes energy management          •   Provides fully operational sales and marketing team    •   Provides one solution for your onsite services ensuring
    programmes through global expertise and local focus            to deliver best in class events at your venue on non       consistency of safe practice in food, beverage and
                                                                   game days                                                  merchandise management
•   Effectively managing energy usage can increase             WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU                                       WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU
    efficiency, significantly reduce utility costs and boost   •   Will drive more revenue in meetings and events to      •   Will help you save time and money as you navigate the
    the impact of sustainability programmes.                       optimize the venue 365 days per year                       implementation of your next normal

HOW IT WORKS                                                   HOW IT WORKS                                               HOW IT WORKS
•   Provides a single source for all the consultation,         •   Optimize the venue to ensure the best user             •   With our partner we offer a collaborative, consultative
    creation and continual improvement services needed             experience whilst ensuring the environment is ready        approach to merchandise management, bringing the best
    to achieve goals for today and scale potential for             for the next normal. Areas of focus include:               user experience for visitors while reducing the usage of
                                                                                                                              resources in the next normal. Areas of focus include:
    tomorrow. Key components include:                              » Lead generation, acquisition and customer
                                                                                                                              » User experience
    » Partnership                                                    retention
                                                                                                                              » Spaces & resources
    » Performance                                                  » Guest experience
                                                                                                                              » Re-engineer service delivery
    » Monitoring & Targeting                                       » Spaces & resources optimization
                                                                   » Reengineer service delivery
we will make great things happen

We’re a team dedicated to the spirit of rising to the challenge, evolving our
work to help you achieve your goals and exceed expectations.

As we begin to build your customised plan, your Sodexo team will work with
you to define critical activities that will prepare you to open.

Each year, Sodexo enhances the level of services provided
to guests across over 50 premier venues in the UK such as
stadia, arenas, conference centres, cultural and historical
destinations, and at major events.

Through consumer research, innovation and local
personalisation, we are positioned to deliver an unrivalled
array of services to successfully contribute to offer a
memorable experience for the guests in your venues.

Our clients trust us and rely on our expertise to design,
manage and deliver world-class solutions seamlessly tailored
to each setting and occasion.

                                                               Interested in speaking with an expert about services and solutions for your
Sports & Leisure UK and Ireland 2020 |              organisation? Email us at
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