Page created by Carolyn Cross
MAY 2021


           SOLUTIONS THAT       14


             22            26                            29
             Harmonics     What makes                    Revenue
             are costing   a supply                      recovery: are
             you money!    chain                         you missing
                           resilient?                    out on

                                                                                                                       Turnkey cogeneration
                                                                                                                       solutions that reduce
                                                                                                                       energy costs
                                                                                                                                       See page 14
                                                                                        MAY 2021                                


                                                                                    PUBLISHER: Ralph Scrivens

  THE ONLY PUBLIC SECTOR                                                          PRODUCTION: Sarah Daviner
                                                                                                     sarah@            INSIDE

                                                                                                                        4	News                33	Finance

                                                                   ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE
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                                                                   ISSN 2057-5912 (Print)
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                                                                                                                                    ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • MAY 2021   3
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             NEWS

    WPD LEADS CONSORTIUM TO CREATE                                                                                                                 Baxi Heating releases
    COMBINED FUTURE ENERGY PLANNING                                                                                                                white paper on urgent                                                         ULTRAFLO U1000MKII RANGE

    APPROACH FOR LOCAL AUTHORITIES                                                                                                                 need for UK school                                                            THE CLAMP-ON ALTERNATIVE TO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CUTTING PIPES AND MECHANICAL

    AND UTILITY COMPANIES                                                                                                                          heating refurbishment                                                         METERS FROM MICRONICS, FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SIMPLE, LOW COST FLOW AND

                                                                                                                                                   to set buildings on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ENERGY MEASUREMENT FROM

               estern Power Distribution             authority and utility companies.                                                                                                                                            OUTSIDE THE PIPE!

                                                                                                                                                   path to net zero
               (WPD), the electricity distribution   EPIC is seeking to develop a
               network operator (DNO) for            standardised process and tool
    the Midlands, South West and South               that can be used with different

    Wales, has launched a project that               local authorities to create a                                                                        aking immediate action to refurbish ageing school
    works together with local authorities in         more accurate, local energy plan.                                                                    heating systems is vital to put ‘hard-to-tackle’
    south west England and other energy                 The project will look to                                                                          educational buildings on the road to the future of
    network companies to lower carbon/               develop an agreed process for                                                                 heating, according to a new report by Baxi Heating.
    achieve net zero carbon emissions and            identifying and analysing energy                                                                 The ‘Refurbishment of School Heating Systems’ white paper
    protect the environment. Its Energy              plans in relation to increased                                                                caomes on the heels of the UK government’s announcement
    Planning Integrated with Councils                uptake in electric vehicles, small                                                            that it will legislate a new target to reduce emissions by
    (EPIC) project will explore whether a            scale renewable generation,                                                                   78% by 2035, as part of a new Sixth Carbon Budget.
    combined approach to energy planning             the decarbonisation of heat.                                                                     The report:
    can provide greater benefits for local           Three areas in the South West                   the separate processes currently used.             • identifies drivers for improvement
    authorities and utility companies. The           of England will trial the process and              PSC will be providing a new tool                • encourages holistic systems thinking
    £540,000 Network Innovation Allowance            supported tool. Experts on regional local       for automated high voltage network                 • outlines the benefits of modern heating
    funded project, will see WPD, gas                authorities are providing expertise to          assessment while EA Technology will                    technologies and techniques
    company Wales & West Utilities, local            help ensure that the planning process           be adapting their Network Investment               • ims to deliver optimal efficiencies for improved
    authorities in the South West, Power             developed during the project can be             Forecasting Tool to analyse the low                    outcomes and progress towards net zero.
    Systems Consultants (PSC), energy                applied more generally across local             voltage networks in the trial areas. While       The urgent need to reduce emissions from heat in UK buildings
    consultants Regen and EA Technology              authorities. Energy consultants Regen will      strategic network planning, including         is particularly pressing in the education sector. Many of our schools
    work together to develop a tool to allow         lead on determining how the different           stakeholder engagement, is routine for
                                                                                                                                                   are ageing and their heating and hot water systems have seen better           Now available in the
    the investment plans for energy networks         planning processes can be aligned               the net-works operating at or over 33kV, it   days. The report reveals that around 65% of school buildings were             original pipe-mounted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 or new wall-mounted,
    and the local authorities to be jointly          so that local authorities and utilities         is hoped that modelling the high and low      constructed before 1976, 46% were built before 1966 and the rate              display & keyboard
    analysed to identify potential synergies.        plans are based on a common view.               voltage networks will pro-vide results that   of new school construction is low. The existing stock will therefore
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 format with extended
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 pipe range.
       In the current process to create                 Having agreed on a future energy             reflect changes at a local neighbourhood      continue to overshadow the sector for many years to come.
    Distribution Future Energy Scenarios             scenario, the impact on utility networks        level that are easier for local authorities      The UK government has recognised the issues with a ten-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The ULTRAFLO range of clamp-on metering solutions
    (DFES), utility companies consult local          will then be modelled to identify the           to relate to their own plans.                 year school rebuilding programme. It has also included schools                including the New U1000MKII-WM with wall or panel
    authorities who provide input into the           location and timings of required network           The tool is expected to assess the         in the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme to help them                      mounted display and keyboard offers a complete
    process. However, DFES are based on              investments to support the predicted            long-term cost to the consumer and            install energy efficiency and low carbon heating measures.                    package alternative to traditional in-line flow and
    national scenarios and do not wholly             energy consumption. These investments           support regional strategic development           But schools embarking on a heating refurbishment programme                 energy meters.
    adopt or incorporate local authorities’          will be assessed to optimise the potential      goals, such as decarbonisation and            often face a range of challenges – from poor insulation to overheating        If you need to monitor and manage water and energy
    longer term strategic plans. This can            benefits to all parties and will be further     supporting local jobs. The project                                                                                          consumption in your facility the ULTRAFLO range offers
                                                                                                                                                   – that make use of some alternative technologies very difficult.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 a best value solution including lower cost, no disruption
    lead to different expectations for future        assessed on whether the combined plans          is expected to last for 20 months.               The white paper reveals that 57% of England’s schools have faulty          installation and dry maintenance for hot and chilled
    energy requirements between the local            will deliver additional benefits versus                        boilers or heaters that add an unnecessary financial burden for this          water applications ranging from 22 to 225mm OD.
                                                                                                                                                   sector. The Carbon Trust Whole School Approach to Energy Savings              And the range can be used as a standalone installation
                                                                                                                                                   report estimates that UK schools could save £60 million annually              or form an integral part of your aM&T or Building

    BCIA releases new Technical Guide:                                                                                                                                                           through improved energy
                                                                                                                                                                                                 management, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Energy Management System.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Simple to install – connect power and enter the pipe        Suitable for:

    Control Sensor Selection and Installation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 inside diameter, adjust the sensors and clamp-on the        Steel, Plastic
                                                                                                                                                                                                 upgraded heating and hot        pipe – no specialist skills or tools required!              and Copper
                                                                                                                                                                                                 water systems – often the                                                                   pipe, 22 to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Compact, rugged and reliable, the ULTRAFLO range
                                                                                                                                                                                                 most significant energy                                                                     225mm OD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 has been designed to provide sustained performance in
    The Building Controls Industry Association (BCIA)                                                installation is key to better control.                                                      users in school buildings.      industrial environments.
                                                                                                     Often there are conflicts of interest in                                                       The report aims to deliver
    has released a new Technical Guide to add to its                                                 the location of sensors – architects want                                                   better outcomes for students
    portfolio of online Guides available to download.                                                them out of sight, control engineers ask                                                    and teachers, with reduced
                                                                                                     they be located central to the controlled                                                   operational costs, through

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             MADE IN
          he new Guide, entitled “Good               and transmit it as a measured value to          space. This document will show best                                                         a focus on systems thinking                                                                 BRITAIN
          Practice Guide – Control Sensor            the controller. It is crucial that the sensor   practice and help resolve such issues.”                                                     from design to installation
          Selection and Installation”, sets          should provide an accurate measurement             The BCIA’s Technical Guides are                                                          – and to make important
    out to describe good selection of                of the controlled variable at the reference     designed to help members and those in                                                       strides towards the UK’s         For fur ther information call us on
                                                                                                     the building controls and BEMS industry                                                     emissions reduction target.
    Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
    (HVAC) sensors used in Building Energy
                                                     point in the control loop. Failure to meet
                                                     the desired conditions satisfactorily can       work more effectively. All Technical                                                           The ‘Refurbishment of        + 44 ( 0 )1628 243064
    Management Systems (BEMS).                       lead to poor control, energy wastage and        Guides can be downloaded from the                                                           School Heating Systems’         or email
       A BEMS is only as good as the sensor          occupant complaints.                            “Resources” section of the BCIA website:                                                    white paper is available for
    used to measure the controlled variable             Terry Sharp, President of the BCIA,                                                               free download from: www.       
    (temperature, humidity, pressure etc.)           said: “Good sensor selection and                                                                                                  

4   ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • MAY 2021                                                                                                                                                                                              ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • MAY 2021                                  5

THE NHS STANDARD CONTRACT 2021/22                                                                                                                                                   Multi-occupancy dwellings such as student accommodation
                                                                                                                                                                                              use a lot of energy to keep the rooms comfortable.
WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR YOUR TRUST?                                                                                                                                 Accommodation of this type comes in all shapes and sizes but, one thing that
                                                                                                                                                                          is consistent is the endeavour to not use more energy than is needed.
Following a recent consultation with Trusts,
NHS England has recently confirmed the                                                                                                                                                A recent survey across seven accommodation sites ranging
new Standard Contract for 2021/22 which
                                                                                                                                                                                  from 75 to 1,236 bedrooms, showed average annual savings of
includes a greater focus on sustainability
                                                                                                                                                                                    £89.74 per room, across 2,534 rooms. That’s £227,401 saved!
in order to deliver the ‘Net Zero’ health
system goals outlined in October 2020.
Inenco Group, energy management
and sustainability consultants, explain                                                                                                                             Who wouldn’t want savings like that?
what this means for your Trust.

           he standard contract is used by      times of the person                                                                                             Our controls are always striving to minimise the use of heat. The 3-stage profile keeps students
           Clinical Commissioning Groups        holding this position.                           those who do have a green plan in place                       comfortable while they are in their rooms but, ensures energy isn’t wasted when rooms are empty
           and NHS England to contract             The development of a Green Plan was           will need to review the targets they’ve set                                                 – making potential savings of 30-40%*.
           for all healthcare services bar      included in last year’s contract however in      and update them to ensure they comply
           primary care. It’s likely the next   a recent survey of NHS Trusts conducted          with the standards outlined in section 18.4.
12 months will be another challenging           by Inenco 40% of respondents stated they            18.5 The Provider must ensure that
year for the NHS given the continued            do not have a Green Plan in place. Each          with effect from the earliest practicable
impact of COVID 19. However, the new            Trust is mandated to have a plan which is        date (having regard to the terms and
contract indicates a willingness to push on     approved by the board; with a summary            duration of and any rights to terminate
regardless with other key NHS priorities.       of progress against the targets provided         existing supply agreements) all electricity
   One of those key priorities is to address    to the Coordinating Commissioner.                it purchases is from Renewable Sources.
the NHS’s carbon footprint. The report             New to this year’s contract is the               New to this year’s contract is the
published in October, ‘Delivering a Net         requirement to appoint a Net Zero lead for       requirement of Trusts to procure green
Zero National Health Service’ outlined          your Trust and then notify the Commissioner      energy, which is a necessity from April
the steps Trusts must take to achieve           of who that is. Does your Trust currently        2021. Is your Trust procuring 100%
the net zero carbon goals set for 2040          have a nominated Net Zero Lead?                  REGO back renewable energy?
and 2045 but the document had no legal             18.4 As part of its Green Plan the               Section 18.6 covers the requirement
standing to make its recommendations            Provider must have in place clear,               of Trusts to set broader sustainability-
mandatory. Section 18 of the new                detailed plans as to how it will contribute      based targets that take the local
contract – ‘Green NHS and Sustainability’       towards a ‘Green NHS’ with regard                community into consideration, these will
includes stronger targets and other             to Delivering a ‘Net Zero’ National              also need to be agreed upon with the
changes to the previous years’ contracts.       Health Service commitments                       Coordinating Commissioner. For a full
   We have found that the impact                   Section 18.4 describes in further             overview of what is required of your Trust
of the standard contract can be                 detail the actions each Trust needs to           moving forward, the standard contract
overlooked when a Trust is considering          take in relation to air pollution, climate       for 2021/22 can be viewed here.
its sustainability measures. However,           change and single-use plastics & waste.          Driving the agenda
section 18 should now be addressed              The following updates have been made
when setting your goals and writing your        to section 18.4 in this year’s contract:
green plan to ensure compliance.                   • Your targets must now be aligned to            The message is clear that despite
                                                      those set in the ‘Delivering a Net Zero    the current challenges facing the NHS,
A stronger focus in                                   National Health Service’ document.         environmental sustainability is increasingly                                                        ecostat2                                                        Irus - Centrally controlled
this year’s contract                               • Reduce the proportion of desflurane         a key priority for NHS England and                                                             Programmed locally                                                     via the internet portal

  We’re going to highlight some of                    to sevoflurane used in surgery to          this is likely to be just the beginning of
the key conditions outlined in the new                less than 10% by volume, instead of        contractually required processes each
standard contract and discuss their                   the 20% target in last years contract.     Trust must undertake to be fully compliant
potential impact on your Trust….                      Nitrous Oxide has also been added to       going forward. Ensuring you have a
  18.2 The Provider must maintain                     the list of environmentally damaging       comprehensive Green Plan in place will
and deliver a Green Plan, approved                    gasses which must be addressed.            help to focus your Trust on the steps
by its Governing Body, in accordance               In our recent survey 47% of Trusts who        required to ensure you meet the targets
with Green Plan Guidance and must:              responded stated they did not know what          outlined in the ‘Delivering a Net Zero
  18.2.1 provide an annual summary              their current carbon footprint is. Data          National Health Service’ document.
of progress on delivery of that plan to         collection and analysis is crucial to not only      For more on how Inenco Group are
the Coordinating Commissioner; and              knowing what your Trusts carbon footprint        working with NHS Trusts to develop
  18.2.2 nominate a Net Zero Lead               is but also to set realistic goals and be        strategies for a net zero future
and ensure that the Co-ordinating               able to measure against those goals in           contact them on 01253 785294 or
Commissioner is kept informed at all            accordance with the updated contract. Even       go to
                                                                                                                                                                                                              • 01787 320604
6        ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • MAY 2021                                                                                                     The ETL symbol is a UK registered certification mark of the Department of Energy and Climate Change - Authorised User: 02371   * Savings are dependant on building, current control methods and settings used.

UNRELIABLE DATA IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VARIANCES                                                                                                                 Recover                                          NHS Trust: £1.4 million
                                                                                                                                                                                                              recovered on energy
       he new report by the Net Zero
       Infrastructure Industry Coalition
                                                       • Planning framework guidance for
                                                           carbon assessment in line with the
                                                                                                           The NZIIC harnesses the collective
                                                                                                        expertise of those who commission,
                                                                                                                                                             lost money                                       University: £1.7 million
                                                                                                                                                             from your
       (NZIIC) has uncovered huge variances                Paris Agreement. We need agreed              deliver and operate infrastructure at

                                                                                                                                                                                                              recovered on energy
in the way that carbon data is measured,                   carbon data measuring if we are to           scale, to influence the industry and UK
managed, and assessed for planning                         break the cycle of short-term solutions      Government on how infrastructure can
needs across the infrastructure sector.                    resulting from short timescales, short       achieve net zero carbon by 2050.

                                                                                                                                                             energy bills
The result is a lack of understanding,                     political cycles, and reactive solutions.       Its latest report is the result of a
meaning the true impact of infrastructure              • A shared understanding of the sector           thorough audit of the existing embodied
projects on carbon emissions is not clear.                 share of UK carbon budget. The               carbon measurement in the infrastructure
   The coalition believes a common
industry-wide approach is essential to the
                                                           development of common, long-term
                                                           sector targets and trajectories, from
                                                                                                        pipeline. This project-by-project approach
                                                                                                        was necessary in order to obtain a
                                                                                                                                                                                                              NHS Trust: £115,000
availability, quality and transparency of
data, underpinning initiatives to achieve
                                                           which individual companies and
                                                           projects can be measured against.
                                                                                                        true picture, where supply chains are
                                                                                                        long and complex. The analysis and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              recovered on water
net-zero carbon by 2050. It is also calling            • A carbon neutral design option for every       recommendations carry extra weight
for significant change in how new assets                   asset. If we are to achieve carbon neutral   because they source data and represent
are designed at feasibility stage.                         infrastructure, we must ensure that          views from across industry and academia.
   The report, entitled ‘is our carbon wallet              every asset solution has a carbon neutral
empty’, states that the infrastructure sector              outline design option, prior to planning
                                                                                                        About the coalition
will miss legally binding carbon budgets                   and tender, by the asset owners.                The Net-Zero Infrastructure Industry
that place restrictions on the total amount            “We need to create a common carbon               Coalition was formed in 2019 in response
of green-house gases the UK can emit. The           currency that works for everyone, from              to the UK government’s 2050 net-zero
report makes four key recommendations:              government and planning authorities to              greenhouse gas emissions commitment.
   • An agreed carbon zero definition that          customers, contractors and the supply chain,”       This report was led by Skanksa, with
      can be clearly assessed. The industry         said Chris Hayes, NZIIC board member and            coalition members comprising Mott
      must create a single, universally             Skanska’s Sustainability Operations Director.       MacDonald, Pinsent Masons, the Carbon             An energy revenue recovery
                                                                                                        Trust, UKCRIC, Leeds City Council, National
                                                                                                                                                          audit will also help with:
      recognised, managed and constantly               “While there is plenty of political and
      improving source of carbon emission           industry commitment to driving down                 Grid, and Transport for London.
      factors, for the full range of construction
      products and building materials that
                                                    carbon consumption, we lack consistent
                                                    methods to achieving it. Put simply, the
                                                                                                           Other coalition members include UK
                                                                                                        Green Building Council, Anglian Water, Engie,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               It's irrational to go to
      are used in infrastructure projects.          will is there but the tools are not.”               KPMG, and Energy Systems Catapult.
                                                                                                                                                             correct reporting on                         extreme measures to save
                                                                                                                                                              greenhouse gas                               money, but yet not consider
Schools: COVID fears will drive                                                                                                                               emissions from energy                        a revenue recovery audit of
deadly surge in toxic car use                                                                                                                                                                                         your energy
A                                                                                                                                                            better financial budgeting
        s schools across the UK return              environmentally-friendly school run have            vehicles banned from 2035 onwards.
        following months of COVID-19-               been driven by in-creasing demands from                These zero-emission ambitions are
        enforced disruption, new research           pupils and parents. A separate national             already being matched by action from many

reveals that ongoing infection fears are            survey of 1,000 parents, also commissioned          forward-thinking schools, with 21.6% of
predicted to significantly increase car             by Kura, revealed that over half (53%) of           schools reporting having already put in place         accurate energy procurement
usage on the daily school run, creating             parents would like their child’s school to be       investment plans in this area, and a further
more traffic congestion and toxic air               doing more to prioritise sustainability and         18% planning to invest in electric vehicles for
pollution around the school gates.
   According to a nationally-representative
                                                    green initiatives, with a further 49% reporting
                                                    that their children feel the same way.
                                                                                                        their transport fleets over the coming years.
                                                                                                        But cost and a lack of charging infrastructure                                                        OJEU framework compliant
survey of 250 school leaders, conducted                More promisingly, school leaders do              remain the main barriers to change.
by school transport technology specialist           predict a greener future for the school run in         Only a sixth of respondents (16.4%)
Kura, nearly one in four school leaders             the years to come. More than a third (36.8%)        reported that they believed that more
(23.2%) believe that infection fears are            of schools across the country now believe           environmentally-friendly shared transport,
set to drive increased car usage amongst            that the coming decade will see more pupils         such as school-managed coaches and
                                                                                                                                                               Call                          Visit                           Email
parents, rising to 35% in independent
schools. Research from the Department
for Transport (DfT) echoes this assertion,
                                                    walking and cycling to school, as pupils look
                                                    to avoid public transport and the toxic impact
                                                    of polluting, low-occupancy car journeys.
                                                                                                        minibuses, would rise in prominence – a
                                                                                                        concern given that one 49-seater coach
                                                                                                        equates to 31 cars taken off the roads.
                                                                                                                                                              01253 789 816      
reporting that car usage soared to 70%                 School leaders also predict a significant        However, schools have also been working
of normal levels since the reopening of             rise in electric vehicles on the daily school       towards making shared transport a
schools – the highest levels seen this year.        run over the coming decade, with nearly             safer, more attractive option for their
   Two in five respondents (40%) also               half (45.2%) asserting electric vehicles,           pupils, with a fifth of schools (20.8%)
highlighted traffic congestion around their         such as zero-emission school buses, to              having invested in additional contact-            Recovering lost revenue for
school gates as a problem, with a further
22% expressing concern around the level
                                                    be the future of school transport. This
                                                    comes amidst the UK’s wider shift towards
                                                                                                        tracing technology to improve infection
                                                                                                        control on the daily school run.
                                                                                                                                                          NHS, local authorities, national
of toxic car fumes around their school.             making zero-emission transport standard,               For more information: https://ridekura.        government, education and
   Calls for schools to do more to drive an         with sales of new petrol and diesel-fuelled         com/request-transport-guide-2021/
                                                                                                                                                          institutions since 1997                          Optimising energy costs sustainably

FIVE WAYS TO MAXIMISE THE IMPACT                                                                                                                                    Get your organisation seen,
Joanne Horrigan,
Head of Renewables
and Smart Cities
                                                             These often overlap. For example, EVs can
                                                        contribute to cleaner air, but so can easing
                                                        congestion. Being clear on your goals from
                                                        the outset can prevent enthusiastic project
                                                        managers jumping in too fast and allow them
                                                                                                                 opportunities are major projects such as
                                                                                                                 stadia, which by virtue of their size, can’t
                                                                                                                 help but effect the surrounding area.
                                                                                                                      When there are already large-scale
                                                                                                                 works in the pipeline or planned, it’s easier
                                                                                                                                                                    go green
at Enzen, a global                                      to align all relevant stakeholders as required.
                                                             If you’re looking to solve air quality with
                                                                                                                 to incorporate smart district ambitions and
                                                                                                                 secure agreement from different stakeholder
knowledge                                               EV charging, you’ll need the local power                 groups. For example, if a new arena is already

enterprise which                                        Distribution Network Operator (DNO) on board.
                                                        If you’re focusing on cycling, this isn’t so critical.
                                                                                                                 set to be built, the added disruption of
                                                                                                                 upgrading the local power grid for EVs may be
specialises in making                                        Any smart project requires a measured,              negligible. The same may apply for upgrading
                                                        integrated approach to deliver the                       street lighting and adding solar assets.
energy and water                                        best outcomes and most sustainable
                                                                                                                 4. CLEARLY ARTICULATE
more accessible,                                        solution. This is especially critical if you’re
                                                        incorporating renewables to support                         THE BENEFITS
affordable and                                          the generation of clean energy.                               Communication is key. If you can
sustainable for all.                                    2. CREATE AN ACHIEVABLE                                  articulate and sell the benefits to affected
                                                                                                                 stakeholders then you can reap multiple
                                                           ROADMAP                                               rewards. It allows stakeholders, whether
                                                             As with any project, you can achieve                they be local decision makers or the general
                                                        greater impact by breaking the task down                 public, to understand the path you’re taking
                                                        into smaller work packages. It may seem                  and help them realise benefits of their own.
                                                        like a paradox: the whole point of a smart                    A good example of this is the post-
                                                        city is to benefit from joined-up thinking and           Covid recovery. The pandemic has caused
                                                        systems using planning that sees the big                 everyone to take a step back and re-examine
                                                        picture, but to get where you want to be,                how we can build a more sustainable, fairer
                                                        you need to break down your ambitions.                   future – one that holistically tackles issues of
                                                             Instead of smart cities, we advocate                climate change, transport, local food, circular
                                                        planners start by thinking about smart                   economy and inequalities of all types.

                                                        districts. It’s easy for a city-scale project to              Smart projects have an integral role to
                                                        get bogged down by disparate and diffuse                 play in this and it’s important to communicate
           hange is coming. Smart cities are
                                                        projects dotted around a city, but a district            their advantages to local authorities. Make
           the future. How do we ensure
                                                        is more manageable. A smart district                     it a priority to engage with those leading the
           a collective approach to smart
                                                        looks at major developments happening                    recovery and show them how your contribution
           cities that does the best by UK
                                                        in one place and considers how to take a                 can help achieve their ambitions and create
           citizens and their tax pounds?
                                                        smart, joined-up approach at that scale.                 a more sustainable future for communities.
                                                                                                                                                                    There’s an easier way to achieve your sustainability targets and it
Here are five essential steps you must take:
                                                             Once several such districts have been                                                                  doesn’t have to cost the earth.
                                                        completed, then it’s time to start thinking about        5. WHAT TO DO NEXT
1. UNDERSTAND ’SMART’                                                                                                                                               The biggest and simplest thing you can do to green up your
                                                        aligning them at town or city-scale. The key
      Everyone’s definition of a smart city is
                                                                                                                      The four steps above can go a long way        organisation is to switch to truly 100% renewable electricity and carbon
                                                        to this approach is to remain independent,               to de-risking and getting the best return
different. As such, it can’t be quantified.                                                                                                                         neutralised gas with Ecotricity, Britain’s greenest energy company.
                                                        choosing technology and platforms that will              from a smart district project. But they’re not
It’s perhaps more useful to look at is                  enable future integration with open protocols.                                                              An average organisation using 30,000 kWh would reduce its carbon
                                                                                                                 easy, and the fact remains these projects
as a progression; a journey to improve                       There is also a need to think big picture           are complex and difficult by nature.               footprint by 6 metric tonnes simply by switching to us. We’re not for      Not all green energy
urban experiences for citizens through                  and allow for the future development of core                  The fifth and final step is to work           dividend, which means we invest our profits back into building more        is the same?
the use of technology, and to limit our                 infrastructure. The development of the EV                with a partner to achieve smart districts          sources of renewable energy, including wind, solar and the UK’s first      Ecotricity only supply 100% green
carbon footprint by being intelligent                   market is a good example for this approach.              success. By collaborating with independent,        geothermal contribution to the national grid.
about how we use the environment.                       Investing in future-proof city solutions is key.                                                                                                                                       electricity and carbon neutralised
                                                                                                                 impartial experts in this space, you’ll                                                                                       gas. But not all ‘green’ energy is the
      It’s therefore more accurate to say a                                                                                                                         We can also help your organisation operate more efficiently and cut
                                                                                                                 develop a customised, end-to-end                                                                                              same. Suppliers can label units of
smart city is an ethos. However, this ethos still       3. IDENTIFY THE GREATEST                                 solution to map your net zero journey.             your carbon footprint even further. From smart meter technology to         electricity as green (even if they were
requires direction if it is to become a reality.           IMPACT OPPORTUNITY                                         Ultimately, any successful venture or         generating your own green energy and more, we’re here to help.             generated using fossil fuels) with
      From the start, you need to be
                                                             What sort of scenarios are suitable for             project needs passion. At Enzen, we’re                                                                                        REGO certificates, which authenticate
specific. Smart is an ambition, but what
                                                        smart district projects? Transforming half               passionate about the power of collaboration                                                                                   green energy. The problem is that
does that exactly mean in your project’s                                                                                                                                                                                                       REGOs can be detached from the
                                                        a town or city is too big to be manageable,              and innovation to improve quality of life
context? What are the goals you’re working                                                                                                                                                                                                     green energy and sold separately -
                                                        while smart street lighting on a handful                 for local communities and leave a cleaner
towards? For example, do you wish to:                                                                                                                                                                                                          we need to get to 100% green energy
                                                        of residential roads is probably too                     planet for future generations. These,
    • improve local air quality                                                                                                                                                                                                                in the national grid mix, and we
                                                        small to yield noteworthy benefits.                      more than anything, are the ultimate
    • ease congestion with smart traffic routing                                                                                                                                                                                               can only do that by building more
                                                             Look for spots where major change is                benchmarks of smart districts success.
    • facilitate the Electric Vehicle (EV) revolution
                                                        already being scoped. Good examples are                       If you’d like to know more about                   Get a business quote today                                            renewable sources.
    • increase uptake of green heating
                                                        where a new transport hub is being proposed              how we can help you achieve long-term                                                                                         Join Ecotricity today and get your
       systems and renewable energy                                                                                                                                                                                                            organisation seen for going truly
                                                        or in the early stages of planning, such as a            value, discuss your project today.
    • monitor flood threats?
                                                        new train station or motorway. Other good                          Alternatively, call us on 0345 600 1994                                    green in the fight against the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               climate crisis. Get a quote today
  10        ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • MAY 2021                                                                                                                      or email
OPINION                                                                                                                                                                                                                          OPINION

                                                                                                                                              tropical waters and          island. A
                                                                                                                                              consisted of a collection    hydrolysis plant
                                                                                                                                              of interlinking hexagons.    is required
                                                                                                                                              Dominic Michaelis, an        to produce
                                                                                                                                              Anglo-French architect       Hydrogen,
                                                                                                                                              and structural engineer      another source
                                                                                                                                              was one of the first         of green fuel
                                                                                                                                              advocates of Energy          which can
                                                                                                                                              Islands. He explained        be produced
                                                                                                                                              that each hexagon            via electricity
                                                                                                                                              is: “made up of six          generated by
                                                                                                                                              equilateral triangles of     wind out at sea.
                                                                                                                                              300-metre-long sides         D. Michaelis
                                                                                                                                              and would have a             further adds:
                                                                                                                                              longest cross distance       “Although some
                                                                                                                                              of 600 metres and the        of this generated
                                                                                                                                              shortest cross distance      power will be
                                                                                                                                              of 520 metres. Its area      used as electricity, a large proportion
                                                                                                                                              would be 234,000m2,          can be transformed into hydrogen
                                                                                                                                              or 23.4 hectares. Its        fuel by electrolysis, with an efficiency
                                                                                                                                              size would guarantee         ranging from 80 to 90%. Hydrogen is
                                                                                                                                              its stability in heavy       a clean fuel, combining with oxygen
                                                                                                                                              seas.” This structural       when “burnt”, to give water or water
                                                                                                                                              configuration also offers    vapour as its by-product, creating
                                                                                                                                              the possibility to follow    no atmospheric pollution, and
                                                                                                                                              a cluster or linear plan.    therefore considered by many as the
                                                                                                                                                   Energy islands,         Fuel of the Future.” (D. Michaelis).

                                                                                                                                              said Michaelis, will              Denmark has begun planning on
                                                                                                                            produce and distribute energy that             installing two artificial energy islands
                                                                                                                            stems from four separate avenues:              in the North Sea which will triple the        up the possibility that neighbouring

                                                                                                                              • Wind Energy which will vary site to        country’s current installed wind capacity.    countries could also benefit.
                                                                                                                                 site. However, considering wind           The main energy island under planning              Two smaller UK energy islands
                                                                                                                                 conditions off land, maximising wind      will produce and provide 3 Gigawatts of       are currently being discussed: one in

                                                                                                                                 energy should not pose a problem.         energy rising to 10 over time. An area        Cornwall, the other in Anglesey. Both
                                                                                                                                 6 mills at varying heights spread         situated 80 km (50 miles) west off the        are hoping to generate cleaner forms
                                                                                                                                 across a 600-metre platform should        coast of Jutland has been identified as a     of fuel production for domestic and
                                                                                                                                 be able to generate 18MW at peak.         prime location for its wind and rough sea.    commercial use, as well as provide a

                                          Chris Goggin of Rinnai looks at the                                                 • Sea Current Energy is site                      An additional and smaller energy         scope of extra vocational options made
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         available through new industry. A case
                                                                                                                                 dependent but utilizing specifically      island is also being planned off Bornholm
                                          advent of energy islands which look                                                    designed enabling technology can          in the Baltic Sea, to the east of mainland    study carried out by researchers at

                                          set to be a major part of the drive                                                    generate between 2 and 10 MW.             Denmark, which eventually will produce        the Major Energy Delivery Programme
                                                                                                                              • Wave Energy is better suited to            2 Gigawatts of cleanly sourced power.         estimate that over a period of 15 years
                                          to de-carbonisation in both the                                                        deeper, rougher seas. The average              This project will prove to be the        the North West Wales regional economy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         could receive up to £2.5 billion with extra
                                                                                                                                 wave energy profile of the North          biggest construction project undertaken
                                          international arena and the U.K.                                                       Sea is 50kW compared to 15kW in           by the Danish government with initial         employment accounting for 8.6% of

                                                                                                                                 tropical waters. Wave energy has          estimations amounting to around £24bn.        Anglesey’s expected GDP (Hall, Gareth).
                                                       ecarbonisation of          of renewables. Denmark has                     the ability to contribute 6MW.                 Its projected size will be the                Man-made energy islands possess
                                                       the industrialised         heavily invested, both financially          • Solar Energy is the last natural           equivalent of 18 football pitches –           the capability of syphoning off natural
                                                       world’s fuel supply is     and ethically, in the idea of                  source that can feed the energy           120,000sq m. Further plans to expand          recourses to transmute into domestic
                                                       acknowledged as being      purpose built ‘energy islands’,                island. In terms of production, it is     its size by 300% are being discussed          and commercial power through a
                                                       the over-riding priority   floating in either international               also the most active. A wide range        by the relevant parties. This site will       range of innovative and diversifying
                                          in tackling climate change. Industry    seas or the territorial waters                 of solar collection systems can be        provide the floor space to accommodate        practises; the generation of electricity,
                                          and governments across the globe        of sovereign countries.                        considered for use. “Power Tower”         200 giant offshore wind turbines              hydrogen and oxygen is produced
                                          are currently working on advanced            An energy island is easily                operations in tropical latitudes can      which will work with the coastal wind         in quantities vast enough to power
                                          plans to alter the composition of       explained. It is a manufactured                generate collection efficiencies          to power 3 million households. Green          entire countries with fuel that does not
                                          fuel to ensure a carbon free future.    “island” designed with the purpose             of 75% and produce a secondary            hydrogen will also be mass produced.          cause levels of harm to the planet.
                                               This requires a diversification    of generating and distributing                 conversion ratio to electricity of 40%.        The Danish state will claim 51% of the        The installation and maintenance of
                                          of fuel production and distribution     power through renewable                   To put this energy generation                  ownership of the energy island leaving        energy islands will create new innovative
                                          which does not impinge on fuel          recourses situated and gathered           into perspective it has been cited             free a sizable percentage which is hoped      industries and job opportunities that
                                          supplies that allow the global          out at sea. The concept of a              that by multiple sources that                  to attract private financial investment.      will aid further expansion of the local
                                          economy to operate and grow.            floating island or, “Ile Flottante” was   1mw could power anywhere                            The Danish climate minister,             economies. If Denmark’s approach
                                               On mainland Europe in              first recorded and introduced by          between 400 and 700 homes.                     Dan Jorgenson, has recently been              proves successful, energy islands will
                                          countries such as Germany,              Commander Philippe Tailliez of the            A separate system dealing in               quoted referring to the idea that             become a primary source of greener
                                          France, and Italy there has been a      French Navy in the early 1950s.           Hydrogen conversion will also be               Denmark could produce too much                fuel production and economic growth.
                                          surge in demand and production               Early designs were set in            designed and situated on each energy           energy to use themselves, opening        

12   ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • MAY 2021                                                                                                                                                                        ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • MAY 2021                      13

    ndustrial cogeneration is the ideal             or with the implementation of
    choice for the combined production              a completely new technological
    of electrical and thermal energy in             lay-out. AB has the skills and
    many sectors, in particular for “energy-        solutions dedicated to tailor-
    intensive” companies that require a             made installations inside
significant production of heat on an continual      buildings without the need
basis, and use a considerable amount of             of the module. The design
electricity. Industrial cogeneration levers         and realization of these
the benefits of the simultaneous production         plants makes evident the
of these two energy carriers, starting from         engineering know-how of AB
a single source – natural gas, and in an            in determining the optimum
integrated system: the cogeneration plant.          configurations and dimension.
     The benefits CHP can provide to                     Skills to which is add the                                                                  C

businesses are several: significant                 professionalism in managing the installation                                                     M

primary energy savings, up to 30% (and              phase, even in the most complex conditions.
in some cases even more!), which mean                    If the right choice of the most suitable                                                    Y

cheaper bills, predictable costs, security          technology is very important, the choice                                                        CM

of supply, a reduced carbon footprint               of the right partner is even more crucial.
and additional income streams such as                    Since 1981, AB has been at the side
Capacity Market payments, Gas Peaking               of companies seeking to improve their                                                           CY

Plants or through DSR. For the adventurous,         own competitiveness, saving energy and                                                          CMY

there are further income streams to be              limiting environmental emissions. We
had from frequency response. If the plant           build relationships with our customers

qualifies for CHPQA, it’s possible to get           and partners based on openness and
a beneficial treatment under the CCL.               mutual trust: we manufacture, install
     The natural gas cogeneration plants            and manage systems as if they were our
developed by AB are ideal for many industrial       own. Over 40 years of work, we have
scenarios. In fact they meet the expectations       developed a know-how and a production
and specific needs of various companies in          capacity without equal on a world-wide
the manufacturing and commercial sectors,           level, which ensure the excellence of           around the world: AB Service is in fact
and they can be defined as a “taylor-made           the plants, the maximum quality of both         completely dedicated to the assistance
CHP plants”. The design and engineering of          the installation and after-sales service.       and maintenance of AB installations.
products take into account specific customer             AB is the only manufacturer, with               Over 90% of plants installed have a
needs, organising the module parts to obtain        an industrial process able to internally        “Full Service” 24 hour assistance, 365 days
an ideal plant engineering configuration.           manage the entire production cycle of the       a year, which provides remote monitoring
The first step is a free feasibility study, going   cogeneration plant. AB pursues the highest      of the plant and original replacement
through the check of available funding              degree of innovation with determination,        parts. The plant may be constantly kept
support mechanisms, analysis of technical           gathering knowledge, experience and             under control with the activation of the
performance of existing equipments and              technologies, in order to respond with          diagnostic and remote assistance service, by
further additional income opportunities, in         advanced solutions to a primary need            telephone or web, thanks to the monitoring
order to define a certain payback time.             of mankind: energy. Contributing to             systems, that allows also to choose the
     The CHP solution developed by                  the creation of a better future in the          best operating set-up, verify the operating
AB is called ECOMAX® and offers                     direction of an eco-sustainable system.         conditions, determine the daily profitability
the following benefits: it’s compact,                    The principal production and engineering   of the plant. Our local technicians, in
versatile and capable of delivering a high          research activities are concentrated in a       close contact with customer personnel,
performance and the utmost reliability.             modern industrial hub with its head offices     intervene in a timely and decisive manner.
     It’s an industrial product ready to            in Orzinuovi (BS) Italy, spread over about           The benefits to our customers

                                                                                                                                                                     AB ENERGY (UK) LTD
plug, with a rapid installation and start-          34,000m3 of connected buildings, where          are: machine stoppages reduced to
up, it requires no building permit and it’s         the production facility, engineering offices,   a minimum, a guaranteed payback
also relocatable, flexible and scalable.            service centre and management are located.      time and maximum reliability.

                                                                                                                                                          Lower Ground Floor, One George Yard, EC3V 9DF London (UK)
     The ECOMAX® solutions may even be                   To guarantee the plant best                     A strategic choice which gives
configured for installations within buildings       performance, AB offers the largest              certainty in payback on the investment.
through integrations with site installations        network of specialized technicians                                                Gary Collins - - +44 7584 354380
PEL 103

     THE NEW U1000-WM
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Power & Energy
     (WALL MOUNT) IS A                                                                                                                                                                             Logger
     SIGNIFICANT ADDITION                                                                                                                      Bridge the energy gap between today and tomorrow.
     TO THE MICRONICS                                                                                                                          Increase energy efficiency and reduce your costs.
     CLAMP-ON, HEAT/ENERGY                                                                                                                     Our future energy needs are changing and businesses need

                                                                                                                                               to improve their energy efficiency. You can reduce required
                                                                                                                                               power generation, save money and increase productivity.
     U1000 Heat/Energy                                                                                                                         Gain a competitive advantage now with the PEL 103.
     and Flow meters
     are now available
     in the original
     or new wall-
     mounted, display
     & keyboard format
     with an extended
     pipe range!

                 he U1000MKII is a “Best

                                                                                                                                               The key to a
                 Value” Clamp-on, Ultrasonic
                 heat meter alternative to

                                                                                                                                               reduced carbon
                 traditional inline energy meters,
                 for energy management and

                                                                                                                                               footprint & improved
     billing applications in domestic and
     commercial, district or shared heating or

                                                                                                                                               energy efficiency.
     cooling systems, which offers significant
     installation cost and dry maintenance
     benefits over traditional in-line products.
     And the new U1000 Wall Mount version
     offers the alternative of Clamp-on pipe-
     mounted flow and temperature sensors
                                                                                                                                               Measure and monitor power usage.
     but with a wall or control panel, display
     and keyboard plus an extended range             connectivity the new product supports         energy and flow meters continue to offer
                                                                                                                                               Identify inefficiencies and out of hours use.
     to cover larger pipe size applications.
          Micronics has built on its success
                                                     optional Mbus or Modbus RTU slave
                                                     and RS485 serial communications
                                                                                                   a “Best Value” clamp-on non-invasive
                                                                                                   alternative to traditional in-line meter    Discover power factor, phase balance and
     with the ULTRAFLO U1000 heat/energy             for aM&T or BEMs systems.                     installation, with no drain-down required
     & flow meter range to develop a WM                  Still simple to install: connect power    plus dry servicing, providing minimum       harmonic issues.
     (Wall Mount) version, which extends             and enter the pipe inside diameter,           downtime and maximum availability.
     the pipe size to cover applications             adjust the sensors and clamp-on the pipe          For further information on this
     from 25mm – 225mm (8”) OD pipe and
     the temperature range to 135°C.
                                                     with no specialist skills or tools required
                                                     but now with the added flexibility of
                                                                                                   product or the Micronics range call
                                                                                                   Micronics on +44(0)1628 810456, visit
                                                                                                                                               Contact us to learn more
          And whilst the U1000MKII-WM                an alternative wall or panel mounted
     can still be used as a stand-alone
     product, in the all important area of
                                                     keyboard and display and a wider range
                                                     of application the U1000 MKII heat/
                                                                                                   or take a look on YouTube.
                                                                                                                                                                     CHAUVIN ARNOUX UK Ltd 125 YEARS IN BUSINESS 30 YEARS IN THE UK         |
                                                                                                                                                                     1 Flagship Square | Shaw Cross Business Park | Dewsbury WF12 7TH | T: 01924 460494 | E:
         easy way  & METERING
                        to meter, measure and                                                       Energy Controls is an award-winning supplier of electricity
                                                                                                    SMART meters and prepayment metering systems.
     control your energy supplies.                                                                  With over 25 years’ experience behind us
                                                                                                                                                                                E470 GSM SMART meter
                                                                                                    we know everything there is to know about
                                                                                                    providing the best metering solution tailored                               Our GSM SMART meters offer the most
                                                                                                    specifically for our customers’ needs.                                      flexible metering solution to
                                                                                                                                                                                give you complete control
                                                                                                    Our SMART meters are ideal for all types of                                 of your energy supplies.
                                                                                                    sub-metering applications ranging from
                                                                                                    Landlord properties to Holiday Parks and
                                                                                                    Housing Associations.
                                                                                                                                                                                is our speciality!

                                                                                                    Prepayment services                                                         Key features
                                                                                                    Energy Controls is the UK’s No.1 operator of                                ● Approved to new
                                                                                                    prepayment metering services to the Landlord                                  MID standards
                                                                                                    sector. We have invested heavily in our IT                                  ● Prepayment of your energy supplies
                                                                                                    infrastructure to ensure that we have the most
                                                                                                                                                                                ● Exclusive access to PayPoint retailers
                                                                                                    reliable and robust online payment solution.
                                                                                                                                                                                ● Top-up online or via our FREE App
                                                                                                    We have joined forces with PayPoint so that
                                                                                                                                                                                ● Friendly disconnection override
                                                                                                    Landlords and Park Operators can offer their

     Get paid upfront for your energy with                                                          customers a convenient ‘Pay-As-You-Go’
                                                                                                    service for making energy payments.
                                                                                                                                                                                ● Remote disconnect/reconnect of supply
                                                                                                                                                                                ● ‘Fit for FREE’ solution!

     our prepayment smart meters
     Ask us if you qualify for our
     unique ‘Fit for FREE’ solution

     ● Prepayment of energy
       = instant boost to your cashflow!

     ● Integrates with the PayPoint retailer network                                                   SMART Software                                                         Smartphone App
                                                                                                       We have a fully hosted web based software solution that is             Users of our SMART Pre-Pay system can now make
     ● Your customers can top-up their meter                                                           considered to be the best on the market. Instant access to             quick, safe and secure energy payments from their tablet
                                                                                                       energy usage data is available to both Landlord and Tenant.            or smartphone.
       online or with our FREE App
                                                                                                                                                                              Download the App FREE from the App Store or Google Play.
     ● Online access to your meter readings
       for accurate energy monitoring
     ● As installed by British Gas and many                                                         ❝ The way that we manage our electricity supplies is vitally important to our
                                                                                                       business and to the customer service that we provide, but it can involve
       other Energy supply companies
                                                                                                       significant investment. With Energy Controls the entire process has been
                                                                                                       completely cost-neutral, from the supply and installation of the meters

     email:                                                                to the infrastructure and training. It’s all covered by a small daily service
                                                                                                       charge, that we can pass on to our customers through the meter. ❞                                     SMART metering
     or visit:                                                                                                           Finance Director, Billing Aquadrome

                         0845 230 4535                                                                               Energy Controls Group Ltd.

                   ENERGY CONTROLS                              PO Box 1141, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 1XN
                                                                                                                             Tel: 0345 230 4535
                                                                                                                                                                                          ENERGY CONTROLS
                          Metering, Measuring and Managing Resources                                                                                         Metering, Measuring and Managing Resources
18      ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • MAY 2021                                                                                                                                             ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • MAY 2021                19
                MONITORING & METERING                                                                                                                     Greenside Views, Mitcham, London                                                  CASE STORY - HEAT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MONITORING        NETWORK (89-UNIT)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          & METERING
                                                                            Greenside Views, Mitcham, London

                                                                                                                                                          CREDIT CONTROL OPTIONS
                                                                                                                                                          KURVE’s credit control heat disconnect facility is either automatic Pay As You Go,
                                                                                                                                                          or at the discretion of the heat supplier, Credit As You Go.                                                     HOME                      EB                      HOME                      EB

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CURRENT BALANCE                                   CURRENT BALANCE

                                                                                                                                                          Lotus Trident chose the PAYG option which gave all residents the ability to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Last Reading 13:20 • 13/09/19 • 355kWh            Last Reading 13:20 • 13/09/19 • 355kWh

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        £3.50                                             £3.50

                                                                                                                                                          access their consumption history and make payments quickly wherever they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Please top                                        Please top
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           up soon                                           up soon

                                                                                                                                                          are 24/7/365. Industry experience indicates that installing a PAYG solution
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Today you have used                               Today you have used

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         £        kWh                                      £        kWh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1.20        12                                    1.20        12

                                                                                                                                                          over credit billing can cut energy consumption by 10% in the first year, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           TOP UP                                            TOP UP

                                                                                                                                                          20% in the second year.
                                                                                                                                                          If a resident does not have a mobile device available, alternative vulnerable                     OPTION 1                                         OPTION 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Pay As You Go                                   Credit As You Go
                                                                                                                                                          customer support can be provided. In any case there is little investment
                                                                                                                                                          needed for metering hardware.

                                                                                                                                                          GREENSIDE VIEWS, 89-UNIT - KURVE’S CAPITAL COST SAVING
                                                                                                                                                          Looking at the cost of hardware and installation for each metering solution presented to
                                                                                                                                                          Lotus Trident, KURVE achieved an average saving of 60% or £33,000 across the site.


                                                                                                                                                               “The savings are genuinely impressive. The real
CP1 requires a metering strategy and selection of heat metering,                                                     18-22 °C                                  value to residents lies in the fact they can easily
prepayment and billing systems that are accurate and cost effective.                                                 Children’s

                                                                                                                                                               access their energy usage data and manage their
                                                                                                          18-19 °C    Rooms        19-20 °C
                                                                                                          Bedrooms                Living Rooms
Traditional in-home display infrastructures add significant capital costs,                 16-18 °C

incur replacement expenditure (REPEX) and typically require upgrading every
                                                                                       Hallways, Corridors,
                                                                                       Kitchens & Storage
                                                                                                                                              22-24 °C
                                                                                                                                              Bathrooms        account anywhere, from any internet device.”
10 years. Such infrastructures also tend to be proprietary to the billing host.
                                                                                                                                                               - Arjun Shah of Lotus Trident
To avoid these issues, the KURVE Smart M-Bus & Web energy metering and billing
platform was selected for Lotus Trident’s prestige development in Mitcham.
The KURVE platform uses the building’s hardwired M-Bus network for two-way
communication with the resident’s HIU energy meters, and communicates energy
data and payment functionality to residents across the web.
                                                                                                    By showing near real-time energy consumption,
For credit control purposes, KURVE can send a signal via the M-Bus network to close                  KURVE helps residents understand and better
off the HIU heating supply valve, minimising energy debt. KURVE’s low hosting costs,
                                                                                                                                                                                           KURVE IN ACTION
                                                                                                      manage their in-home temperature controls.
and open protocol M-bus network also ensures residents are not locked into KURVE.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Analysis of data collected from Greenside Views showed that
                                                                                                                                                                                           the most viewed page on the KURVE App is the consumption
A HEAT NETWORK FOR LONDON’S CLIMATE ACTION PLAN                                                                                                                                            page, accounting for over 47% of all visits.
The expansion of Greater London has had a profound effect on the small towns and villages surrounding the city.                                                                            For further information about KURVE please call us
Mitcham is one of those towns that has joined this ever-expanding London collective. In recent years Mitcham                                                                               on 020 3696 4977 or visit
has become a popular commuter town due to its proximity to London.
To meet the increasing demand for new residential housing, developer Lotus Trident created Greenside Views,
an 89-unit development of one, two and three-bedroom homes, served by a heat network and specifically
designed to meet the needs of young professionals and families.

                                                                                                                                                          KURVE IS A JOINT VENTURE BETWEEN INSITE AND SAV
KURVE IS A JOINT VENTURE BETWEEN INSITE AND SAV                                                                                                           Monument House, Monument Way West, Woking, Surrey GU21 5EN
                                                                                                                                                          Telephone: +44 (0) 20 3696 4977 • •
20      ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • MAY 2021                                                                                                                REV 1 2021                                                                        ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • MAY 2021                                                                              21
MONITORING & METERING                                                                                                                                                                                      MONITORING & METERING

                                                                                                                                          the power frequency current, they can       factor as described in the
                                                                                                                                          reduce the torque the motor produces        last paragraph. The second
                                                                                                                                          and increase vibration. As a result, it     component is the distortion
                                                                                                                                          may be necessary to use a bigger motor,     factor (DF), which relates

                                                                                                                                          and because of the vibration, the life      directly to harmonics.
                                                                                                                                          of the motor and the equipment it’s         Distortion factor is often
                                                                                                                                          driving may be reduced. Once again,         neglected or ignored but,

                                                                                                                                          this translates to increased costs.         because of the prevalence                    be done? Fortunately, there are many
                                                                                                                                               Harmonics are also a major cause of    of harmonics in today’s supply systems,      practical and effective ways of mitigating
                                                                                                                                          excess heating in power transformers,       it is no longer reasonable to do this.       harmonics. The first steps, however,
                                                                                                                                          which means that if significant levels            The overall true power factor for      are always the same – assess and
     If you operate a business that uses                                                     with no harmonics the current in the
                                                                                             neutral conductor will be zero. Introduce
                                                                                                                                          of harmonics are present in the supply
                                                                                                                                          system, larger and more expensive
                                                                                                                                                                                      a machine or installation is given by
                                                                                                                                                                                      displacement power factor multiplied by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   investigate the problem. The best way
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   to do this is to use a modern portable
     electricity – and which business doesn’t                                                harmonics, however, and things are very      transformers will be needed. It may be
                                                                                                                                          easy to assume that this is a problem
                                                                                                                                                                                      distortion factor and, since in practice
                                                                                                                                                                                      distortion factor is always less than 1,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   energy logger (PEL), such as the PEL104
                                                                                             different because the so-called triplen
     – then it’s a fact that harmonics are                                                   harmonics – those that are multiples of      for the supply company rather than          the true power factor is always worse
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   or PEL106 from Chauvin Arnoux.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        These compact and affordable
     costing you money, says Julian Grant of                                                 three times the power frequency
                                                                                             (150 Hz, 300 Hz, 450 Hz, etc.) – don’t
                                                                                                                                          the consumer, but bear in mind that
                                                                                                                                          anything that increases costs for
                                                                                                                                                                                      than the displacement power factor
                                                                                                                                                                                      considered alone. And it’s the true power
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   instruments can be readily connected at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   various points in an electrical installation
     Chauvin Arnoux. To find out how and                                                     sum to zero in the neutral conductor         the power company will ultimately           factor that determines how much non-         to measure and record the level of
                                                                                                                                          result in higher energy prices. And, if     productive energy – which has to be paid
     what you can do about it, read on!                                                      even in a perfectly balanced installation.
                                                                                             In fact, the harmonic currents add, so in    harmonic levels in an installation are      for – is taken from the supply system.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   harmonics present, along with many

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   other parameters such as voltage,
                                                                                             such cases the neutral will potentially be   too high, the power company may                   Clearly there’s an incentive to        current and power factor. The data
        f you’re thinking that I’ve already        frequency. For 50 Hz supplies, this       carrying a substantial current.              well refuse to provide a supply!            improve both the displacement power          provided by an exercise like this will
        written about harmonics in this            means 100 Hz, 150 Hz, 200 Hz, 250 Hz             Unless the neutral conductor has           Moving on from unwanted heating,       factor and distortion factor but there’s     give a good insight into the level and
        series, you’re right, but I make           and so on. The source of harmonics is     been sized to take this into account, it     another and much less well-known            a complication: distortion factor cannot     types of harmonic present, together
        no apologies for revisiting this           non-linear loads – that is, loads where   may well overheat and fail. And even         problem associated with harmonics is        be corrected by adding capacitors.           with an indication of their source. This
        important topic. Why? Because              the current isn’t proportional to the     if it is properly sized – which means        their effect on power factor. The usual     In fact, the addition of capacitors can      will allow suitable mitigation measures
     these days harmonics are present in           applied voltage throughout the whole      a larger and more costly conductor           assumptions are that power factor           actually make the situation worse,           to be devised, and once they have been
     every power system and they’re a major        of each voltage cycle. In the modern      – that unwanted heat represents              issues are related purely to inductive      because resonances may occur at one          implemented, further tests with the
     cause of unnecessary expenditure.             world, non-linear loads are everywhere.   wasted energy and whoever pays the           loads and they can be corrected by          of the harmonic frequencies. Achieving       PEL will confirm their effectiveness.
     Furthermore, the overall impact of            LED lighting systems, variable speed      electricity bill pays for that energy.       adding capacitors to the power system.      an effective solution will depend on the          In today’s highly competitive
     harmonics is often poorly understood.         drives, computers, office machines and           Of course, heating in neutral         Unfortunately, this is only true in power   application but will typically involve the   business world, you can’t afford and
          Let’s start with a very brief reminder   televisions are just a few examples.      conductors is not the only problem           systems where no harmonics are present.     use of both capacitors and chokes.           shouldn’t be paying for harmonics
     of what harmonics are and where they               But why do harmonics matter, and     caused by harmonics. Because they                 The real situation is that power             By now it should be readily apparent   in your supply system. So make sure
     come from. In simple terms, harmonics         why do they cost money? One answer        can produce a magnetic field that            factor has two components. The first is     that harmonics in the supply system          you don’t – invest in a PEL and set
     are currents (or voltages) at frequencies     is that they generate unwanted heat. In   rotates in the ‘wrong’ direction in a        the displacement power factor and this      are undesirable and also a potent            out on the path to savings today!
     that are integer multiples of the power       a balanced three-phase power system       motor, opposing the field produced by        corresponds to the usual view of power      source of increased costs. What’s to    

22   ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • MAY 2021                                                                                                                                                                                   ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • MAY 2021                      23
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