SOLUBLE CORN FIBRE: HEALTH BENEFITS AND PRODUCT APPLICATIONS - Innovating to Meet Nutrition, Health, and Wellness Needs Every Day - Tate & Lyle

Page created by Keith Horton
SOLUBLE CORN FIBRE: HEALTH BENEFITS AND PRODUCT APPLICATIONS - Innovating to Meet Nutrition, Health, and Wellness Needs Every Day - Tate & Lyle
Innovating to Meet Nutrition, Health,
and Wellness Needs Every Day

                                        Soluble Fibre
SOLUBLE CORN FIBRE: HEALTH BENEFITS AND PRODUCT APPLICATIONS - Innovating to Meet Nutrition, Health, and Wellness Needs Every Day - Tate & Lyle

                                             Decades of research point to the                                                       Dietary fibre gap:
                                             health benefits of dietary fibre,                                                      Intakes vs. recommendations
                                             including supporting cardiovascular                                                    Recommendations for fibre intakes
                                             health, tempering spikes in blood                                                      range from 25-38 g/day depending
                                             sugar, aiding weight management,                                                       on country specific guidelines. The                     2, 3

                                             and promoting a healthy gut. Yet,                       1-3

                                                                                                                                    World Health Organization suggests
                                             across the globe, average intakes                                                      worldwide recommendations of
                                             are well-below the recommended                                                         greater than 25 g/day, but fibre           4

                                             amount despite the widespread                                                          intakes in most countries are well
                                             knowledge of fibre’s role in a                                                         below this level (Figure 1). In the

                                             healthy diet.               3

                                                                                                                                    United States (US), for most age and
                                             While traditional sources of fibres                                                    gender groups, 5% or fewer meet
                                             like whole grains, fruits and                                                          the dietary recommendations for
                                             vegetables should be encouraged,                                                       fibre despite consistent messaging
• Despite the fact that many                 fibres added to foods, also known                                                      to the public to increase dietary
  consumers say that they are                as added fibres, are important                                                         fibre intake.      12, 13

  making efforts to consume diets            contributors to dietary fibre intakes.
                                             An abundance of research continues
                                                                                                                                    Fibre sources
  high in dietary fibre, current fibre
                                             to demonstrate that added fibres                                                       Dietary fibres are non-digestible
  intakes remain low.                        provide similar benefits as fibres                                                     carbohydrates in the diet that, when
• Research indicates that diets              inherent in whole foods.                                                               consumed, pass through the small
  higher in fibre are associated                                                                                                    intestine into the large intestine
                                             Tate & Lyle’s soluble corn fibre
                                                                                                                                    where they may be partially or
  with improved health and reduced           ingredient, PROMITOR Soluble                     ®

                                                                                                                                    completely fermented by colonic
  risk of certain diseases, including        Fibre, is commonly added to
                                                                                                                                    microbiota. Added fibres, also

                                             foods to boost fibre content
  cardiovascular diseases and                                                                                                       known as “functional fibres,” are
                                             without sacrificing taste, texture,
  diabetes.                                                                                                                         non-digestible carbohydrates that
                                             or enjoyment. Studies have also
                                                                                                                                    are isolated from a food source, or
• Added and functional fibres can            demonstrated health benefits of
                                                                                                                                    synthesized non-digestible
  help bridge the gap between                this SCF.
  actual intake and global dietary
• Tate & Lyle’s PROMITOR Soluble
                                             Figure 1
  Fibre is a soluble corn fibre (SCF)        Average adult fibre intakes by country                                          5-11

  ingredient that manufacturers
  can use in the development of                               40
  new and innovative products.
• PROMITOR Soluble Fibre helps
             ®                                                                                Recommended Range
                                         Fibre intake (g/d)

  to meet fibre needs of the
  population and provides health
  benefits including supporting                               20

  gastrointestinal health,
  maintenance of healthy blood



  glucose, and enhancing calcium




  absorption, thus potentially


  supporting bone health.                                      0

                                                                   2 | SOLUBLE CORN FIBRE
SOLUBLE CORN FIBRE: HEALTH BENEFITS AND PRODUCT APPLICATIONS - Innovating to Meet Nutrition, Health, and Wellness Needs Every Day - Tate & Lyle
PROMITOR Soluble Fibre has been
                                             • Is well-tolerated,     even at high
                                                                     20, 27-30
                                                                                                      • May assist with healthy weight
tested by a number of independent              intake levels (40 g/day bolus and                        management by providing
researchers to validate its                    65 g/day multiple doses), and                            minimal calories (1.2-2 kcal/g)                  18, 38

effectiveness and demonstrate                  has better overall tolerance than                      • Supports healthy blood
physiological health benefits. The             inulin or FOS    29

                                                                                                        glucose levels by decreasing
following are some highlights of             • Has prebiotic properties,         20, 23, 24, 31, 34
                                                                                                        postprandial glycaemic
the research on the health benefits            which may support a healthy                              response      19, 22, 32

of PROMITOR Soluble Fibre:

                                               gut by stimulating the growth or                       • May support bone health by
• Promotes healthy laxation and
                            20, 30
                                               activity of specific bacteria and                        increasing calcium absorption
  produces fewer negative faecal               producing short-chain fatty acids                        and bone calcium retention              21, 31, 34, 35

  metabolites  20

carbohydrates, that have beneficial          of coronary heart disease,                               dietary fibre and contains less
physiological effects in humans.     2
                                             stroke, hypertension, obesity,                           than 2% sugar with a caloric
These fibres can be extracted                prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, certain                    content of 1.1 kcal/g.*
from one food source and added               gastrointestinal disorders, and                          PROMITOR Soluble Fibre 90

to another (e.g., bran added to              some cancers . Evidence indicates
                                                                                                      provides a minimum of 90%
grain-based foods); or they can              that consumption patterns high in                        dietary fibre and contains less
be manufactured from grains like             certain fibres are associated with                       than 2% sugar with a caloric
corn or wheat (e.g., STA-LITE ®
                                             lower total and LDL cholesterol,                         content of 1.1 kcal/g.* PROMITOR                    ®

Polydextrose and PROMITOR    ®
                                             blood pressure, and blood glucose                        Soluble Fibre 85 and 90 are
Soluble Fibre) or from fruit,                in healthy individuals and in                            produced by the removal of low
vegetables, legumes, nuts, and               those with prediabetes and type 2                        molecular weight sugars from
seeds; or the fibres can be
                                             diabetes; can help with both weight                      PROMITOR Soluble Fibre 70,

modified forms of traditional fibres.    2
                                             loss and maintenance; and can                            yielding products with a higher fibre
Adding fibre to new or commonly              improve bowel regularity, laxation,                      content and reduced sugar content
consumed foods is one strategy to            and gastrointestinal health.        1-3, 14-17
                                                                                                      for products requiring more fibre,
increase the dietary fibre intake of         While the breadth of scientific                          with minimal additional sugars or
target populations in order to bridge        evidence supports these effects,                         calories. PROMITOR products are

the gap between usual intakes and            science continues to build on                            produced through the enzymatic
recommended intakes. SCF is a                additional health benefits of fibre                      hydrolysis of corn starch and are
source of dietary fibre that can be          consumption such as fermentation                         low in viscosity, water soluble,
added to a variety of foods.                 by colonic microbiota and                                and are very stable to heat, pH,
                                             immunomodulation.        17
                                                                                                      and processing stresses.
FIBRE INNOVATION                             PROMITOR Soluble Fibre is used

                                                                                                      Resists digestion and is
FOR HEALTH                                   in foods and beverages across the                        fermented in the gut
                                             Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific
Physiological functions and                  as a potential solution to increase                      PROMITOR Soluble Fibre contains

benefits of fibre                            fibre intake.                                            a mixture of α 1-6, α 1-4, and
The physical and chemical                                                                             α 1-2 glucosidic linkages that
structure of a dietary fibre and             Characterization of PROMITOR                        ®
                                                                                                      contribute to the low digestibility
its fermentation capacity are                PROMITOR Soluble Fibre 70
                                                        ®                                             of the ingredient. A study in pigs
partially responsible for the many           provides a minimum of 70%                                observed that at least 70% of
physiological benefits associated            dietary fibre and contains less                          PROMITOR Soluble Fibre resists

with dietary fibre consumption.              than 10% sugar with a
Increased dietary fibre has been             caloric content of 1.9 kcal/g.*
associated in epidemiological                PROMITOR Soluble Fibre 85

                                                                                                      *These caloric values reflect US labeling only.
studies with the reduced risk                provides a minimum of 85%                                 Caloric labeling varies based on global regulations.

                                                   3 | SOLUBLE CORN FIBRE
SOLUBLE CORN FIBRE: HEALTH BENEFITS AND PRODUCT APPLICATIONS - Innovating to Meet Nutrition, Health, and Wellness Needs Every Day - Tate & Lyle
digestion in the small intestine and                              PROMITOR Soluble Fibre is well    ®
                                                                                                                                                   Improves laxation
passes into the large intestine for                               fermented in the distal colon and                                                PROMITOR Soluble Fibre helps

fermentation. Changes in faecal
                                                                  leads to positive effects on the                                                 maintain digestive health through
short-chain fatty acids (SCFA),                                   activity of the gut microbiota and                                               its effect on laxation. Thirty-six
pH, and breath hydrogen are                                       its composition. Although additional                                             healthy adults who consumed
indicators that gut fermentation                                  research is needed, this effect                                                  20 g/day of fibre from SCF in
is taking place. Animal and in vitro                              in vitro may indicate that the fibre                                             breakfast cereal and muffins for
models are better utilized for                                    has immunomodulatory properties                                                  ten days in a randomized placebo-
assessment of faecal SCFA to                                      and could strengthen the gut                                                     controlled, double-blind crossover
understand colonic fermentation                                   barrier in vivo.                        26

                                                                                                                                                   study experienced an increase
of fibre because in humans SCFA                                                                                                                    in faecal wet weight (Figure 2).
                                                                  Good digestive tolerance

are readily absorbed. However, in                                                                                                                  Increased faecal wet weight
humans, breath hydrogen is easily                                 It is well known that a sudden                                                   was also observed in another
measured as an indicator of colonic                               increase in dietary fibre may cause                                              randomized, placebo-controlled,
fermentation. In a randomized,                                    mild gastrointestinal disturbances,                                              double-blind, crossover study of
controlled, single-blind, crossover                               but these are generally transient                                                21 healthy overweight men who
study, 24-hour breath hydrogen was                                and improve with adaptation to the                                               ingested 21 g/day of fibre from
found to be significantly increased                               dietary fibre source. PROMITOR                                               ®
                                                                                                                                                   SCF for 21 days. 20

after 18 overweight adults                                        Soluble Fibre is well-tolerated at
consumed breakfast and lunch                                      various doses.      Clinical trials    20, 27-30
                                                                                                                                                   Prebiotic benefits
foods in which 30% of the available                               assessing the gastrointestinal                                                   PROMITOR Soluble Fibre may

carbohydrate was replaced with                                    tolerance of SCF at doses of                                                     induce a prebiotic effect by
55 g of PROMITOR Soluble Fibre.
                              ®                     19
                                                                  12-27 g/day of fibre found it to be                                              promoting the growth of beneficial
Faecal pH was significantly lowered                               well-tolerated over a period of ten                                              bacteria while limiting the growth
in a randomized controlled,                                       days to three weeks.        In a trial             20, 27, 28, 30

                                                                                                                                                   of less desirable bacteria. After the
double-blind, crossover trial that                                of 20 healthy volunteers, SCF in                                                 consumption of 21 g/day of SCF
investigated the effects of 21 g/day                              both a single dose at 40 g of fibre                                              for 21 days, there was a 1 log
of SCF from PROMITOR Soluble               ®                      and in multiple doses reaching                                                   increase in Bifidobacterium spp.
Fibre in 21 overweight, healthy                                   65 g of fibre over the day were                                                  in 21 healthy men compared to a
adult men. In rats fed SCF, reduced
          20                                                      well-tolerated.                         29

                                                                                                                                                   no fibre control.

pH levels were observed in the                                                                                                                     Another study in 24 adolescents
cecum and colon and increased
                         21                                    Figure 2
                                                               Five day faecal wet weight (g) of                                                   noted an increase in beneficial
concentrations of the SCFAs acetate                                                                                                                bacteria – Bacteroides,
and propionate were detected in                                control vs. soluble corn fibre                                         30

                                                                                                                                                   Butyricicoccus, Oscillibacter and
the cecum. Similarly, two in vitro
           21, 22

                                                                                           1000                                                    Dialister – which was correlated
evaluations that utilized human                                                                                                                    with an increase in calcium
                                                         Faecal Wet Weight (g)/five days

faecal inoculum from healthy adults                                                                                                                absorption when 12 g/day of fibre
found acetate, propionate, and                                                             800                                             *       from SCF was consumed for three
butyrate levels were elevated with                                                                                                                 weeks. The significant increase

the addition of SCF. In another   23, 24

                                                                                                                                                   in beneficial bacteria observed in
in vitro simulation of gastric                                                             600                                                     human studies has been supported
digestion and large bowel                                                                                                                          by in vitro studies that have used
fermentation using animal faecal                                                                                                                   human faecal inoculum under
material, SCF was the most                                                                 400
                                                                                                                                                   conditions that simulate the human
fermented ingredient, followed by                                                          300                                                     gastrointestinal tract.
                                                                                                                                                                         23, 24

pullulan, polydextrose, soluble fibre
dextrin, and resistant starch.                 25                                          200                                                     Favorable blood glucose and
Further, in vitro research using                                                           100                                                     insulin response
the SHIME model (Simulator of                                                               0                                                      PROMITOR Soluble Fibre elicits

Human Intestinal Microbial                                                                              Control                       SCF          a low glycaemic response and
Ecosystem) has shown that                                            *Significantly different from control, P
SOLUBLE CORN FIBRE: HEALTH BENEFITS AND PRODUCT APPLICATIONS - Innovating to Meet Nutrition, Health, and Wellness Needs Every Day - Tate & Lyle
for individuals with diabetes and                      ingredient can not only serve as a                              increase in specific strains of
   in products intended to reduce                         source of fibre, but may also lower                             beneficial gut bacteria, namely
   glycaemic load. Two clinical                           blood glucose response, a desirable                             the phylum Bacteroidetes, and
   studies and one animal study
                       19, 32                       22
                                                          feature for healthy individuals as                              these increases were positively
   have evaluated the glycaemic                           well as those with diabetes.                                    correlated with increases in calcium
   effects of SCF. The postprandial                                                                                       absorption. If the adolescents in

                                                          Potential bone health benefits
   glycaemic response to SCF                                                                                              this study had continued to consume
   was compared to the glycaemic                          Adequate calcium consumption is                                 SCF, allowing for increased calcium
   response to glucose in 12 healthy                      important throughout the lifespan,                              absorption, the researchers
   adults in a randomized, controlled,                    particularly for building strong                                estimated that this would lead to
   crossover study (Figure 3). SCF had         32
                                                          bones, optimizing bone mass, and                                an additional 41 mg/day retained
   a significantly lower incremental                      reducing the risk of osteoporosis.                      33
                                                                                                                          calcium, and if persistent over a
   glucose and insulin response                           Calcium intakes usually fall below                              year, would account for an additional
   than the glucose control. Another                      the recommended levels, hence                                   15 g of calcium, or about 1.8% of
   acute study observed a significant
                                                          any attempts to increase calcium                                total body calcium.

   lowering effect on postprandial                        absorption and retention
                                                                                                                          Similar increases in calcium
   blood glucose and insulin at a dose                    are of critical significance.               33

                                                                                                                          absorption were reported in a
   of 55 g of SCF in a randomized,                                                                                        four-week, randomized, double-
                                                          In a three-week, randomized,
   single-blind, crossover study in                                                                                       blind, placebo-controlled, crossover
                                                          double-blind, placebo-controlled,
   18 overweight adults compared to a                                                                                     study in 26 free-living adolescent
                                                          crossover study of 24 adolescents,
   full-calorie control. Finally, a series                                                                                females who consumed 10 g and
                                                          calcium absorption was increased
   of SCF formulations investigated in                                                                                    20 g/day of fibre from PROMITOR
                                                          by 12% when 12 g/day of fibre from

   an animal study were found to yield                                                                                    Soluble Fibre with their habitual
                                                          SCF was consumed, compared
   significantly lower postprandial                                                                                       diet containing ≤ 800 mg/day of
                                                          to a control, in conjunction with a
   blood glucose and insulin                                                                                              calcium. A third randomized,
                                                          background controlled diet that

   responses than a maltodextrin                                                                                          placebo-controlled double-blind,
                                                          contained 600 mg/day of calcium.                        31

   control. To-date, the data on SCF

                                                                                                                          cross-over study in 14 healthy, free-
                                                          Additionally, the researchers
   supports a blood glucose and                                                                                           living post-menopausal women
                                                          found that when the adolescents

   insulin lowering effect. Thus, this                                                                                    demonstrated that bone calcium
                                                          consumed SCF, there was an

  Figure 3
  Effect of PROMITOR Soluble Fibre on glucose and insulin response
                                         ®                                                                 32

                      Glucose            PROMITOR® SCF                                           Glucose               PROMITOR® SCF
                       2                                                                         25
Incremental Glucose

                                                                           Incremental Insulin
 Response (mmol/L)

                                                                            Response (mU/L)

                      1.5                                                                        20
                       0                                                                          0
                  -0.5                                                                           -5
                            0        15 30 45 60 90 120                                               0         15 30 45 60 90 120
                                      Time in Minutes                                                            Time in Minutes
  Significant difference between treatments at each timepoint at P
SOLUBLE CORN FIBRE: HEALTH BENEFITS AND PRODUCT APPLICATIONS - Innovating to Meet Nutrition, Health, and Wellness Needs Every Day - Tate & Lyle
PROMITOR Soluble Fibre may help support

bone health by increasing calcium absorption
and bone calcium retention while providing
a source of fibre.

retention significantly increased             Figure 4
in a dose-dependent manner with               PROMITOR Soluble Fibre increases bone calcium retention

consumption of PROMITOR Soluble
                                              in postmenopausal women                                    35

Fibre at 10 g/d and 20g/d over
50-day treatment periods with 5%                                                10
                                             Change in Bone Calcium Retention                                                                 *
and 7% increases in bone calcium             Compared to Predicted Values (%)    9
retention, respectively (Figure 4).

While these human studies only
                                                                                 7                                     *
assessed calcium absorption and
bone calcium retention, a 12-week                                                6
study conducted in rats investigated                                             5
the impact of PROMITOR Soluble

Fibre on bone indices as well as                                                 4
calcium metabolism. Compared to
a cellulose control, SCF improved
total bone mineral content
(BMC), total bone mineral density                                                1
(BMD), trabecular BMC and BMD,                                                   0
cortical BMC, and cortical area                                                                  0                 10               20
and thickness in the distal femur                                                                    Added Soluble Corn Fibre (g/d)
(Figure 5). Bone strength of the
                                                                                                           (mean ± 95% CI)
distal femur was also significantly           *Significantly different from baseline, P
SOLUBLE CORN FIBRE: HEALTH BENEFITS AND PRODUCT APPLICATIONS - Innovating to Meet Nutrition, Health, and Wellness Needs Every Day - Tate & Lyle
Soluble Fibre

NUTRITIONAL IMPACT OF                                2,000-CALORIE MENU,                                     WITH PROMITOR SOLUBLE    ®

THE USE OF PROMITOR                             ®    BASELINE*                                               FIBRE** SUBSTITUTIONS
SOLUBLE FIBRE                                        Breakfast:
                                                     1 cup cinnamon toast crunch cereal
                                                                                                             1 cup cinnamon oat crunch cereal,
PROMITOR Soluble Fibre can be
               ®                                     ¾ cup low-fat milk                                        made with PROMITOR Soluble Fibre**

used in a wide variety of prepared                   1 cup grapefruit sections                               ¾ cup low-fat milk
                                                     1 slice toast with 1 tbsp apricot jam                   1 cup grapefruit sections
foods, beverages, and condiments                     1 cup latte with ¼ cup low-fat milk                     1 slice toast with 1 tbsp apricot spread,
including, cereals, baked goods,                                                                               made with PROMITOR Soluble Fibre**

candy, dairy products, frozen                                                                                1 cup latte with ¼ cup low-fat milk
foods, soups, salad dressings,
fruit drinks, carbonated beverages,
                                                     Lunch:                                                  Lunch:
meal replacement drinks, and                         1 cup tomato soup                                       1 cup creamy tomato basil soup,
flavored water.                                      Antipasto salad:                                          made with PROMITOR Soluble Fibre**

On a product’s ingredient listing,                    2 cups romaine lettuce                                 Antipasto salad:
                                                      1 oz salami                                             2 cups romaine lettuce
PROMITOR Soluble Fibre 70, 85

                                                      1 ½ oz provolone cheese                                 1 oz salami
or 90 can be listed as soluble corn                   2 tbsp chopped hard-cooked egg                          1 ½ oz provolone cheese
fibre, maltodextrin or resistant                      1 tbsp olives                                           2 tbsp chopped hard-cooked egg
maltodextrin.† Its contribution to                    2 tbsp oil & vinegar dressing                           1 tbsp olives
the product’s overall fibre would                     1 slice Italian bread                                   2 tbsp oil & vinegar dressing
                                                     1 cup unsweetened iced tea                               1 slice Italian bread
be included in the fibre listing on                                                                          1 cup unsweetened iced tea
the Nutrition Facts Panel.
Globally, average fibre intakes fall                 Dinner:                                                 Dinner:
                                                     Chicken fajitas:                                        Chicken fajitas:
well below recommended intakes.                       2 six-inch flour tortillas                              2 six-inch flour tortillas
Diets high in fibre have been                         1 cup sautéed red & green bell peppers                  1 cup sautéed red & green bell peppers
associated with a lower risk of heart                 ½ cup onion, 1 tbsp sour cream                          ½ cup onion, 1 tbsp sour cream
disease and improved blood glucose                    ½ cup Spanish rice                                      ½ cup Spanish rice
levels while also supporting digestive               1 cup low-fat milk                                      1 cup low-fat milk
health and laxation and aiding in
                                                     Snack:                                                  Snack:
healthy weight management.              1-3
                                                     1 cup apple juice                                       1 cup apple juice
Simple substitutions of similar                      2 oatmeal-raisin cookies                                1 fruit-filled cereal bar, made with
                                                                                                               PROMITOR Soluble Fibre**

foods made with SCF can help to
close the fibre intake gap. In this
menu example, fibre increases by                    NUTRITION FACTS                                                                 Change          % Change
20 g. PROMITOR Soluble Fibre is

                                                     Baseline menu                          Menu with
well tolerated and research to-date                                                         PROMITOR Soluble Fibre

suggests that it supports digestive
                                                     Calories                      1,980    Calories                      1,970
health and laxation, may help
decrease postprandial glycaemic                      Total Fat                      66 g    Total Fat                      64 g
                                                      Saturated Fat                 22 g     Saturated Fat                 22 g
response, has prebiotic benefits,
and may support bone health                          Cholesterol                225 mg      Cholesterol                 215 mg
through its ability to increase                      Sodium                   2,950 mg      Sodium                     2,750 mg
calcium absorption and bone                          Total Carbohydrate           266 g     Total Carbohydrate            278 g
calcium retention.                                    Dietary Fibre                15 g      Dietary Fibre                 35 g    +20 g fibre       +133 %
                                                      Sugars                      119 g      Sugars                       128 g
† Specific label names may vary in different
  countries or regions. Check with your local        Protein                        82 g    Protein                        84 g
  regulatory expert to determine appropriate
  labeling.                                         * Menu based on Healthy US Style Eating Pattern, Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015-2020.
                                                    ** These values reflect US labeling only. Labeling varies based on global regulations.

                                                             7 | SOLUBLE CORN FIBRE
Tate & Lyle’s Global Commercial and Food Innovation Center,
                                                              Hoffman Estates, Illinois, USA

To learn more about Tate & Lyle ingredients
and innovations as well as health benefits
and relevant research, please visit and

INNOVATING TO MEET                          which is a practical way to help                 to delivering innovative ingredients
                                            address global public health                     that can be incorporated into great-
NUTRITION, HEALTH,                          concerns. Nutrition professionals
                                                                                             tasting foods to help consumers
AND WELLNESS NEEDS                          can help to move consumers toward                meet their nutrition, health, and
                                            the goal of increasing fibre intake              wellness needs every day. That is
EVERY DAY                                   with education on benefits and                   because Tate & Lyle invests heavily
Nutrition professionals'                    sources of dietary fibre as consumers            in innovation and research and in
opportunity to educate                      desire to make dietary changes.                  developing ingredients that can be
consumers                                                                                    incorporated into a wide-variety of
While many people acknowledge               CONCLUSIONS                                      food and beverage solutions. Teams
                                                                                             of food and nutrition scientists
the added health benefits of fibre,         While individuals should increase                are continuously innovating,
only 25% of consumers around                their consumption of dietary fibre               researching, and testing ingredients
the world report daily consumption          from sources such as beans and                   that will meet current and future
of fibre.
                                            peas, other vegetables, fruits, and              health and nutrition needs.
Consumers want to consume more              whole grains, the incorporation

products with fibre, but struggle to        of added fibre like SCF into foods               At the same time, Tate & Lyle has
find them. In fact, 33% of consumers        as part of a well-balanced diet                  a robust market research program
claim they are not eating more fibre,       can help close the intake gap                    designed to provide the necessary
because not enough products with            between recommended and actual                   insights on market preferences
fibre are available on the market.36
                                            intakes. Tate & Lyle’s PROMITOR          ®       around the world. The research
                                            Soluble Fibre is a soluble corn fibre            program allows Tate & Lyle to
As people try to reach their                                                                 customize its offerings and provide
recommended daily intake of fibre,          ingredient that manufacturers can
                                            use in the development of new and                tailor-made solutions in local and
they look to specific food and                                                               regional markets.
beverage categories to fill the gap.        innovative products. PROMITOR        ®

For example, an average of 68% of           Soluble Fibre can help to meet                   Better-for-you ingredients
global consumers say they obtain            fibre needs of the population and                for health and wellness
fibre through cereals, 53% through          provides health benefits including
                                            supporting gastrointestinal health,              In response to global public health
baked goods and 45% through dairy.     36
                                                                                             efforts calling for people to reduce
                                            maintenance of healthy blood
Adding small amounts of fibre to            glucose levels and potentially                   calories and sodium and increase
foods that contain some dietary             supporting bone health.                          fibre intakes, Tate & Lyle offers a
fibre or to foods traditionally low in                                                       number of innovative ingredient
dietary fibre could help individuals        A commitment to innovation                       solutions that meet these needs.
meet their fibre requirements               Tate & Lyle, a global leader in
without exceeding calorie needs,            wellness innovation, is committed

                                                  8 | SOLUBLE CORN FIBRE
1. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015.
2. Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board. Dietary Reference Intakes: Energy, Carbohydrates, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein and Amino Acids.
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3. Stephen AM, Champ MM-J, Cloran, SJ, et al. Dietary fibre in Europe: current state of knowledge on definitions, sources, recommendations, intakes and
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10. Dehghan M, Martinez S, Zhang X, Seron P, et al. Relative validity of an FFQ to estimate daily food and nutrient intakes for Chilean adults.
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11. Sardinha AN, Canella DS, Martins AP, et al. Dietary sources of fiber intake in Brazil. Appetite. 2014 Aug;79:134-8.
12. Mobley A, Slavin JL, Hornick BA. The future of recommendations on grain foods in dietary guidance. J Nutr 2013;143:1527S_32S.
13. Storey M, Anderson P. Income and race/ethnicity influence dietary fiber intake and vegetable consumption. Nutr Res 2014;34:844_50.
14. Howlett JF, Betteridge VA, Champ M, et al. The definition of dietary fiber – discussions at the ninth Vahouny fiber symposium: building scientific agreement.
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