Solar Physics from Kodaikanal Observatory - Jagdev singh, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru - FTP Directory Listing
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Beginning of the Solar Physics Observatory, Kodaikanal • Kodaikanal Observatory traces its history back to 1787, when William Petrie, an officer of the Company, with two 3-in achromatic telescopes, two astronomical clocks with compound pendulum and a transit instrument started observing the stars at Madras (Chennai). • It was started to promote the knowledge of astronomy, geography and particularly, navigation so that ships coming to India find their way easily. • In 1879 a committee known as “Solar Physics Committee” was formed to suggest the ways to study the sun. • Committee recommended to take the photographs of the sun frequently and to begin the spectrographic observations of the sun. • One of the objective was to study the activity on the sun, particularly the sunspots and their relationship to the rainfall. Government had supported this program in the belief that a study of the Sun would help in the prediction of the monsoons, their success and failure, the failure often lead to famines (draught conditions).
White Light images of Sun • Telescope = 15cm aperture • Image Size = 200 mm • Data = Since 1904 to till today •Research Topics •Study of solar activity and its variation with time •White light Faculae and cycle prediction •Study of solar rotation and differential rotation •Variation of solar rotation with solar cycle phase •Rotation rate of young spots •Rotation rate of well developed spots •Correlation between sun spot area and other features e. g. Ca-K index, UV and EUV irradiance, 10-cm Index •Variation in tilt angle (Joy’s law) •Space weather predictions
Spectro-heliograph & Shelton’s Clock • Two parts, One Ca-K & other H-alpha • Objective makes image on the slit • Broad-band filter isolates different wavelength • Collimators makes the beam parallel • The parallel beam then falls on a disperser ( Prism or Grating) • Second slit separates the wavelength- band (pass-band) for making the image • Curvature corrector corrects the curvature in spectral line • The photographic plate is kept just after the second slit. • The whole system moves across the image with uniform speed controlled by hydraulic system. •The speed is controlled by an oarfish whose opening can be adjusted. Image is formed on the plate – step by step
Spectro-heliograph & Science H-alpha image Study of Solar activity, Flares, Prominences, Filaments, Dynamics of filaments with solar cycle phase, Heating of filaments before disappearing, Magnetic Neutral Lines using the Large-scale Solar Activity, Poleward migration of the magnetic neutral line and the reversal of the polar fields on the sun, Do polar faculae on the sun predict a sunspot cycle?, Space weather
Discovery of radial flow in sunspot penumbra • John Evershed took the spectra of sunspots on January 5, 1909 and found that absorptions lines are tilted, specially in penumbra region of the sunspots • Subsequently he found the similar tilt of the absorption lines when he kept the slit at different angles in the sunspot region • Then he concluded it can be explained if the there is radial flow from central region to outer regions of the sunspot, known as “Evershed flow”. The flow velocity is about 2 Km / sec. • Later on reverse flow in the upper chromospheric layer of the sun has been found. • There are various models to explain the “Evershed flow” • Bhatnagar (1964, Ph.D. Thesis) made a detailed study of the Evershed effect using Zeeman insensitive lines of Ni I and Fe I and found maximum tangential velocity of 0.6 km/sec, in the sunspot penumbrae. • Detailed studies of prominences were made in addition to sunspot activity
Study using H-alpha images obtained at Kodaikanal since 1912 • In the year 1980, Makarov and Sivaraman started a program to determine the position of filaments using the H-alpha images obtained at Kodaikanal since 1912 and used this information as proxy to study the dynamics of magnetic field on the sun. • They found the magnetic neutral line migrated towards the pole ward with a speed 4 – 29 m / sec and the speed appears to be related to the strength of solar cycle. (Solar Phys. 1983a, 1983b) • Further they found that both the polar region had one polarity for the duration of 0.5 -1.5 years for different solar cycles. • They found the direction of neutral line movement is same for low and high latitude zones on the sun (1989a, 1989b, 1989c). • They also found that smaller is the period between the end of polar field reversal and the beginning of new cycle, the stronger will be the new cycle. • They confirmed that the velocity of poleward migration is a linear function of the ‘strength of the solar cycle’ (Solar Phys. 2001). • They found that the duration of polar activity is more in even solar cycles than in odd cycles whereas the maximum Wolf numbers Wmax is higher for odd solar cycles than for even cycles (Solar Phys. 2003)
Detailed Study of rotation and differential rotation using sunspots • In the year 1990, Sivaraman, Howard and Gupta planned to determine the sunspot locations using the photoheliograms obtained at Kodaikanal since 1904 using a digitizer. • They studied in detail the rotation rate and differential rotation rate using this digitized data (Solar Phys., 1993, 1999a, 1999b) • They found the tilt angles ( angle between leading and following sunspot groups with respect to the equator of the sun) differ between the north and south hemispheres ( Solar Phys. 1999c) • Further, they found that tilt angle depends the size of the sunspot group (Solar Phys. 2000). • They also found the variation in the rotation rate of sunspots with the age of the sunspot group (Solar Phys., 2003) • Fast variations in the sunspot groups, such as rotation of the group has been found to be cause of triggering of flares and prominence eruptions ( Sundararaman, Selvendran and others).
Discovery of Large convective cells (Super-granules) • Leighton (1959) developed a new technique to study the magnetic field on the sun and found the agreement between magnetic field pattern and Ca-K line emission pattern (plage areas). • Simon and Leighton (1962) discovered the existence of large convective cells, known as “super-granules”. The mean size being ~30,000 Km with horizontal flow velocity ~ 0.4 Km / sec., from the center towards edges of the cell. • These cells have the similarity in appearance with the Ca-K network. • These cells have an average life time of ~ 20 hours. • Simon and Leighton (1964) found the existence of 5 min oscillations in the vertical component of the velocity.
Study of Super-granules (Ca-K network) using Ca-K images • With this back ground Singh and Bappu in the year 1977 started to look for the methodology to determine the average size of Ca-K network reliably. They experimented with different techniques such as, equal density contours, use of mm grid and enlarged images etc. •Using the long series of data available at Kodaikanal, Singh & Bappu (1981) found that Ca-K network cell size varies with the phase of solar cycle being small during the maximum phase by about 5% as compared to that at minimum phase.
Why Antarctic Expedition • It has been found that average life-time of Ca-K network representing super-granules is about 20 hours. Day & night cycle on most of the developed places on the earth does not permit to study the complete history of the super-granules. • Alternatively, one can go to space, Arctic or Antarctic region to make such a study. India has established a permanent center, known as “Maitri” in Antarctic region from where one can observe sun at mid-night. • We, therefore, planned an expedition to “Maitri” to obtain the images of the sun in Ca-K line continuously, 24 hours a day with out any gap. • It took our team consisting of 26 scientists from various research fields ~ 25 days to reach Antarctica by a dedicated ship from Goa.
Sky conditions at Mid-night
Details of the Instrument •15-cm plan mirror • 15-cm folding mirror •12.5-cm aperture with 300-cm focal length objective lens •1.2 A pass-band Day-star filter •Minolta camera-body fitted with timer to record the epoch of exposure automatically. •Heliostat reflects light from sun •Time sequence images with an parallel to the rotation axis of the interval of 5 minutes for longer Earth. stretch for days & also with 1 •Can track the sun 24-hours a day minutes for shorter stretch of few •Mirror rotates at 15-degrees/ hour hours •Image rotates at the image plan •We need to help in down loading the helicopter even during observations
Ca-K line images of the sun obtained from Antarctica •Data obtained for 106 hours with a gap of about 45 minutes everyday (24 hours). •Data used to study the life of Ca-K networks. •To compare the lifetime in active and quiet regions on the sun. •The data has been used for other investigations also
Lifetime of the active and quiet cells • To summarize the results of the analysis of 106- hour continuous time sequence of Ca-K filter-grams obtained at the Indian permanent station “Maitri” in the Antarctic region shows that: • The most probable lifetime of Ca-K network cell is about 22 hours.
Relation between the cell size & its lifetime for quiet region and Active region cells • There exists a correlation between the lifetime and cell size such that bigger cells live longer • Cells (of a given size) associated with active regions live longer than those in quiescent regions.
Other results - data from Antarctica and Kodaikanal • Using Temporal auto-correlation function (ACF) of the time series of 106 hours obtained from Antarctica Raju, Srikanth and Singh (1998) found the lifetime of network cells depends on the activity of the region. The estimated lifetimes are 24– 34 hours for quiet-region cells and 58–61 hours for active-region cells. They also showed the existence of long-period oscillations in the solar atmosphere. • Srikanth, Raju and Singh (1998) using the Antarctica data and found a linear dependence of lifetime on cell area, with a least squares fit slope of 3.34 x 107 km2 hr-1. This relation can be explained by assuming the network evolves by means of a diffusion process of the magnetic elements. • Srikanth and Singh (2000) studied the distribution of super-granule sizes in detail and found the evidence for the existence of meso-granules with size of ~10000 Kms. • From the Ca-K images obtained at Kodaikanal they found that the size of the cells varies with latitude being minimum at about 20o latitude. • Paniveni et al . (2010) determined the fractal dimension D for supergranulation using the relation , P ∝ AD/2 where A is the area and P the perimeter of the super-granular cells from KKL, Ca-K images. They find a fractal dimension of about 1.12 for active region cells and about 1.25 for quiet region cells, a difference that could be attributed to the inhibiting effect of the magnetic field.
Variation of solar rotation with time using Ca-K plage areas • We created a time series of plage areas for 10-15 and 15-20 latitude belts in both the hemispheres for the period of 1951-81. • FFT of the data of 512 data gave the average rotation rate for the belt. • We found that the average rotation rate varied with time in all the chosen four latitude belts. • There is good correlation between the adjacent latitude belts but no north south symmetry. • Several quasi-periodicities between 2- 11 years were found in the rotation rate in these belts. • 7- year periodicity was found to be present in these belts as well as in the variation of total plage area on the sun.
Sidero-stat & Coelostat Single mirror with the help of drive system follows the sun and directs the light to the fixed objective of large focal length and the spectrograph / spectro-heliograph. In this set up the image of the sun rotates. In coelostat the does not rotate but you need two mirrors of high quality.
Solar tower telescope (STT) at Kodaikanal M1, M2 & M3 = 60 cm Flat mirrors; Objective aperture = 38 cm; Focal length = 36.6 m; F -ratio = 96
STT & Science High resolution spectroscopy Grating as the disperser with 600 lines/mm blazed at 4th order green Littrow configuration Spectro-polarimetry Study of Evershed Flow Study of oscillations in intensity & velocity Sun as star in Ca-K line Ca-K line profiles of the sun as a function of latitude and integrated over the longitude
Bappu and Sivaraman (1971) •Comparing the images and spectra of Ca-K line obtained at KKL Bappu and Sivaraman (1971) concluded that bright fine mottling is responsible for the relation found by Wilson & Bappu (1957) between Ca-K emission line widths and absolute magnitude of stars.
Study of weak magnetic field on the sun • Bhattacharyya (1970) developed a Babcock type magnetometer using circular polarizer in front of electro-optic modulator and photomultiplier tubes at the Solar Tower Telescope, Kodaikanal. • He used it to study the velocity oscillations and life of bursts at different heights (up to 2220 Kms) by observing in Ni I, Fe I, Ti I, Ba II, Na I, Mg I and H-beta. He made observations in the range of 2 - 4 hours in each line. • He found the mean duration of bursts in the lower chromosphere is ~ 14 minutes less than that for the photospheric lines ~31 minutes. • He found that period of velocity oscillations for H-beta line is ~ 200 sec. while that for the photospheric lines is ~ 300 sec. • Bhattacharyya, Saxena and Singh (1975) used the magnetometer to investigate the relation between the photospheric magnetic field and Ca-k network.
Study of 5-minute oscillations • Simon and Leighton (1964) found the existence of 5 min oscillations in the vertical component of the velocity. • After the study of Evershed flow by Bhatnagar (1964), Sivaraman started to plan the study of 5-minutes oscillations in detail following the discovery these by Simon and Leighton. • Sivaraman made observations in three spectral bands, namely around 634, 658.7 and 428 nm with high temporal resolution for 30 – 40 minutes during the period 1969 -71 during the excellent seeing conditions to study the oscillations as a function height on the sun. • Using many lines of FeI, NiI, SiII, Ca I, C I, CH and telluric lines Sivaraman (1973) found that the period of velocity oscillations decreases with increase in height from the photosphere, being 304 sec. to 295 sec. • In core of one of the Fe I line he found intensity oscillations similar to that of velocity oscillations.
Study of sun as-a-star by monitoring the Ca-K line • Following his discovery of Wilson- Bappu effect in 1957; a relation between the absolute magnitude of stars and the Ca-K line-width , Bappu stared a long-term program to monitor the Ca-K line profiles of the sun as-a-star at the Solar Tower Telescope, KKL in the year 1969. He was the first to start such a program. Later, Livingston started this program in 1976 at KPNO and Keil in 1976 at the Sac Peak Observatory in USA. • The disk-averaged Ca -K profiles obtained at the Kodaikanal solar tower telescope for the period 1969- 1984 were used to study the chromospheric variations in the Sun as a star. The 1A index shows an increase of 18% and 28% during the 20th and 21st solar cycles, respectively. The corresponding enhancements in the central intensity in the K line are 24% and 40%, respectively. (Sivaraman, Singh et al., 1987)
Normalization of profiles All the profiles were normalized at the wavelength centered around 3935.16 Å considering the residual intensity of 13 % (White & Suemoto, 1968)
Ca-K line profiles of sun as a function of latitude and integrated over visible longitudes • Singh while analyzing the Ca-K line data of sun as a star and his study of variation of rotation rate at different latitudes, thought that it will be better to have information about the Ca-K profiles as a function of latitude on long-term basis. • He developed a methodology to obtain the Ca-K line profiles as a function of latitude and integrated as a function of latitudes at the STT and started to monitor the Ca-K profiles on daily basis whenever sky conditions permitted the observations as a function of latitudes and integrated over the visible longitudes since 1986. • The spectra were recorded on the photographic films till 1997 and later these were taken using CCD cameras. • This way data were collected till 2011 on regular basis with some gaps when the telescope was used for other type of observations.
Variation of K1 width with time at different latitude (N) The plots of K1 width with time at latitudes with an interval of 10 degrees indicate maximum solar activity at different latitudes occur at different times. The maximum variation occurs around 15 degree latitude and minimum variation occurs around 55 degree latitude. The variations with solar cycle in polar regions are at moderate level.
Variation of K1 width with time at different latitude in southern hemisphere
Variation of K2 width with time at different latitude in northern hemisphere The trend of variations in K2 widths at all the Latitudes with time is similar to that in K1 Widths. But K1 is Inversely related to K2 width. During the active phase K1 width increases whereas K2 width decreases as compared to minimum phase.
Variation of K2 width with time at different latitude in southern hemisphere
Distribution of K1 width for various latitudes for both the hemispheres •FWHM of distribution is 30% for equatorial region •FWHM of distribution only 6% for 55 & 65 degree latitude belts. •FWHM of distribution 11% for polar regions • The magnitude of variations is maxim around 20 degree latitude minimum around 60 degree. It is not clear why the Ca-K line widths show such a behavior with latitude.
Distribution of K2 width for various latitudes for both the hemispheres
Cross correlation function of K1 for latitude belts The cross correlation coefficients of K1 width of various latitudes with K1 width at 35° latitude belt as a function of phase difference indicate that Toroidal field shifted with velocity 5.1 m s-1 (North) 7.5 m s -1 (South). The phase difference between the maximum activity at polar regions and equatorial belts is ~5.5 years.
Table lists the maximum value of cross-correlation coefficients between two belts, significance level in % and the phase difference in months. Latitude Belts Correlation coefficient Phase difference (months) 80n & 35n 0.48 (99.9), 0.31 (98.7) -92.1 1.7 ; 77.2 1.4 65n & 35n 0.16 (82.4), 0.05 (32.34) -47.4 4.0 ; 50.1 14.9 55n & 35n 0.43 (>99.9) -7.8 1.2 45n & 35n 0.71 (>99.9) 2.1 0.8 35n & 35n 1 0 25n & 35n 0.85 (>99.9) 7.8 0.6 15n & 35n 0.84 (>99.9) 17.7 0.3 05n & 35n 0.83 (>99.9) 28.8 0.7 05s & 35s 0.81 (>99.9) 18.9 0.5 15s & 35s 0.84 (>99.9) 9.0 0.5 25s & 35s 0.85 (>99.9) 3.0 0.6 35s & 35s 1 0 45s & 35s 0.23 (96.7) -6.9 1.5 55s & 35s 0.50 (>99.9) 12.0 2.4 65s & 35s 0.09 (49.8), 0.40(99.7) -88.2 1.1 ; 42.6 1.5 80s & 35s 0.12(61.7), 0.22(93.7) -99.0 8.7 ; 49.5 11.6
Cross correlation function of K1 widths for adjacent latitude belts
Correlation coefficients with adjacent latitude belts Latitude belts Correlation coefficients Phase difference (months) 80n & 65n 0.11 (70) ; 0.1 (70) -57.9 0.04 ; 51.9 0.04 65n & 55n 0.1 (70) 6.3 0.04 55n & 45n 0.41 (>99.9) 11.7 0.03 45n & 35n 0.70 (>99.9) 1.6 0.02 35n & 25n 0.84 (>99.9) 8.0 0.01 25n & 15n 0.89 (>99.9) 9.1 0.01 15n & 05n 0.89 (>99.9) 9.6 0.01 15s & 05s 0.89 (>99.9) 9.1 0.01 25s & 15s 0.91 (>99.9) 5.8 0.01 35s & 25s 0.85 (>99.9) 3.2 0.01 45s & 35s 0.22 (96) 6.9 0.02 55s & 45s 0.17 (87) 1.1 0.02 65s & 55s 0.33 (99.9) 4.3 0.03 80s & 65s 0.11 (70), 0.1 (70) -0.5 0.04 ; -78.5 0.04
Summary of results The new method of observing as a function of latitude and integrated over 180° longitude developed at KKL observatory (Singh, 1989) has been very effective to study the chromospheric long term variability for the period of 1986 -2011 and its implication to meridional flows. •Comparison of Ca-K line parameters of Sun as a star derived from observations as function of latitude at KKL with those obtained at Kitt peak and NSO/Sac peak observatories shows a good agreement. •Average value of K1 width during the maximum phase of the solar cycle 22 is 0.673Å and 0.672Å for cycle 23. •The mean value of K1 width is larger during minimum phase of cycle 22 (0.55 ± 0.01Å) as compared to mean value of K1 width (0.53 ± 0.01Å) for cycle 23 implying that decrease in solar flux, probably due to very long term decrease in activity or extended minimum after cycle 23 .
Continue. •The values of K1 width for the activity phase are larger by about 10-15% than those for the quiet phase for the equatorial region up to ~ 35° latitude. •In the polar regions K1 width is 1-2 % smaller during the active phase of the sun than that at minimum phase indicating more activity at polar region during the minimum period . •No symmetry in the northern and southern hemispheres in terms of the speed of shifting of activity towards equator. •The speed of shift of activity due to poloidal field towards polar regions varies with time and complex. •Less variation in the poloidal field ~ 60° latitude belt as compared to those for the polar regions with the solar cycle is unexpected and reason for this need to be explored.
Solar Activity and Meridional flow The observed systematic variation in the activity on the solar surface has been used to study recycling of two components of magnetic fields namely, the toroidal and poloidal components through meridional flow (Choudhuri et al. 1995). The flow of material in the meridional plane from the solar equator towards the Sun’s poles and from the poles towards the equator deep inside the Sun to carry the dynamo wave towards the equator, plays an important role in the Sun’s magnetic dynamo (Choudhuri et al. 1995; Charbonneau 2007). Artist's concept of the Sun's meridional circulation, a large scale flow that transports solar plasma from the equator to the poles and back like a giant conveyor belt. Credit: Science@NASA.
Conclusion In view of transport of magnetic flux (the solar activity) from one latitude to other latitudes by the meridional flows (Choudhuri et al. 1995), we propose the following scenario. From these results we can conclude the existence of multiple cell model for meridional flows. We infer three types of cells. One those transports torodial flux from mid latitudes to equatorial belts, second those transport polodial flux from mid latitude to high latitude belts up to ~ 60° and the third those exist in the polar regions. Sindhuja, G. ; Singh, Jagdev; Ravindra, B., 2014, ApJ, 792, 22.
Digitization unit developed at Kodaikanal • 1 m Labsphere with exit port 35 cm • Uniformity of light 1% from center to edge of the exit port • Current control to stabilize the intensity of source • Imaging Lens : Negligible vignetting • CCD camera: Format 4K 4K •Pixel size 15 micron •Read out 16 bit •Image scale is 0.86 arcsec per pixel •Room conditions: Temperature, Humidity and dust controlled • While designing the digitizers, the requirement to study of networks was taken into account.
Ca-K line spectroheliograms and Analysis
Frequency distribution of intensity of Ca-K Images • High contrast Images in the top row show vignetting due to instrument. • High contrast images in the middle row show the removal of instrument vignetting. • Plots show the intensity distribution after correction due limb darkening and after the correction due to instrument.
Detection of Plages and Networks First time done for a long series of Ca-K Data. Worden (1998) did it for limited Sac Peak data
Variation of intensity of plages and networks with time The power spectral analysis of the temporal variations indicate that intensity of plages varies with solar cycle phase and with very large period . It also shows that intensity of active network varies with about 11 year period (solar cycle).
H-alpha Telescope at Kodaikanal
Coronal Temperature • Million Degree – Observed from the continuum scattered light by electrons (scale height) as well as the emission lines from highly ionized species. • Edlen 1939 – Coronal Green Line. • Why so high temperature is yet to be solved? • How to estimate the temperature? • By determining the scale height and modelling. • From the intensity ratio of emission lines of different spices such as 7892 [Fe xi] & 6374 [Fe x]. (or computing the abundances of different ions of same element. • From the width of emission lines
Why Observe during the Total Solar Eclipses: •A rare event of the nature which lasts impression through out life •Natural laboratory to study the high temperature plasma •The observations with the minimum of background scattered light This figure illustrates the importance of the scattered light for coronal observations. Observing sites with pure blue sky (which is very rare to find) gives a scattered light of about 10-6. In contrast, the solar eclipse provides a very low level of scattered light.
Expeditions by Indian Institute of Astrophysics • Feb 16, 1980 TSE, Locations:Jawalgera and Hosur in Karnataka ; Experiments • Spectroscopy of the solar limb as a function of height to study the temperature gradient in the solar surface using 60 feet tower telescope • High spatial resolution Photometry of solar corona using 21 focus lens • Polarization measurements of solar corona using 3 Polaroid's simultaneously • Multislit spectroscopy of the solar corona to determine the temperature and dynamics in the red line • Interferometry of solar corona in the green emission lines to determine temperature structure • Spectroscopy of the chromosphere to study the dynamics of spicules • Limb darkening measurements using photometer
July 22, 2009, Total Solar Eclipse, Anji, Shanghai, China Experiments: To study the existence of waves in the solar corona and their nature: • Spectroscopy of the Solar Corona in the green and red lines, simultaneously • Photometry of the Solar Corona in the green and red emission lines
July 22, 2009 Eclipse
July 11, 2010 Total Solar Eclipse at Easter Island, Chile
Development of Experiments over Time • 1980 Image-intensifier Red line Multislit Spectroscopy Spatial • 1983 Image-intensifier Red line Multislit Spectroscopy Spatial • 1994 Image intensifier Red & green Multislit Spectroscopy Spatial • 1995 PMT Continuum 1 location 10 Hz • 1998 PMT Continuum 4 location 50 Hz • 2006 CCD Green & Red Imaging 0.3 Hz Only one limb • 2009 CCD Green & Red Imaging 1.1 Hz • All around the sun up to 1.5 solar radii • 2009 CCD Green & Red Spectroscopy 0.2 Hz • 2010 CCD Green & Red Spectroscopy 0.23 & 0.9 Hz • 2010 CCD Spectroscopy in H-alpha line as function of height ~7 Hz ( New Experiment)
A coronal region observed in [Fe x], [Fe xi], [Fe xiii] and [Fe xiv] lines but not simultaneously
Variation of Line width of the four emission lines with height above the limb in the polar regions. The magnitude of variation is larger in polar regions as compared to the equatorial region except for the green line
Variation of line widths of red and green coronal emission lines with height above the limb up to 500 arcsec in the equatorial region. The line widths do not show any increase or decrease with height after about 250 arcsec
Typical variation of intensity ratios of emission lines with height for individual coronal loops as Seen in the previous slide by + mark
Expected Intensity Ratios • The abundances of different Fe ions as function of temperature indicate that • Intensity ratio of [Fe xi] to [Fe x] emission line should increase if the thermal temperature increases • Intensity ratio of [Fe xiii] to [Fe x] emission line should increase steeply if the thermal temperature increases • Intensity ratio of [Fe xiv] to [Fe x] emission line should increase more steeply if the thermal temperature increases
Empirical Model to explain the above discussed results of systematic observations during the period 1997-2007
Aditya-1 1. Visible Emission Line Coronagraph (VELC) 2. Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT) 3. Solar Low Energy X-ray Spectrometer (SoLEXS) 4. High Energy L1 Orbiting X-ray Spectrometer (HELIOS) 5. Aditya Solar wind Particle EXperiment (ASPEX) 6. Plasma Analyser Package for Aditya (PAPA) 7 Mangnetometer
Scientific Objectives of space coronagraph • Coronal waves and heating of the corona? • Dynamics of Coronal loops: formation and evolution • Temperature diagnostics of the corona (using line ratio techniques) • Development and origin of CME’S • Space weather Prediction • Topology of magnetic fields • Exploring the outer emission corona spectroscopically.
Aditya/VELC VELC has an entrance aperture (EA) of 147 mm primary mirror with clear aperture of 192 mm at a distance of 1570 mm from the EA M1 is an off axis parabola which focuses the solar disc and corona onto M2 M2 is a concave mirror with a central hole which allows the solar disc and coronal radiations up to 1.05 solar radii to pass through it. Disc light is reflected by a M3 out of the instrument through a small hole in a direction perpendicular to EA (instrument top) Coronal light reflected by M2 is collected and collimated using a doublet lens. The Lyot stop close to the collimator blocks the radiations due to the diffraction at the EA.
Key Technologies • Primary Mirror (
Thank you very much For your kind Attention
Discovery of Telescope •Lippershey invented the telescope and called his invention a "kijker", meaning "looker" in Dutch and in 1608 applied for the patent. • Galileo made the telescope in 1609 and discovered the sunspots on the sun. From the movement of sunspots he concluded that sun is rotating. Spatial resolution diffraction limit = 1.22 λ/D ( In radian- convert into arcsec) (1 arcsec = 720 km on sun) Plate scale p = 1/f (arcsecs/mm) Radian (in arcsec) / f in mm Focal ratio F# = f/D
Simple telescope for observing Sun • Earlier Times •Objective for imaging •Shutter at the focal plan •Broad band filter Red, Green, Blue •Finder telescope •Projection on a screen to centre the image •Magnifying lens •Photographic Plate/Film to record the image of sun • Present Times •Computer controlled to point •CCD cameras to record the image
Gravity Clock The telescope is driven by a gravity clock to track the sun or stars. A governor is used to control the speed of the telescope to compensate the seasonal variations in the velocity of earth around the sun.
Compact Telescopes Generally used for observing the faint objects during the night time. But now a days by taking care of heating near the secondary and focal plane, these can be used to study the sun. The 40-cm telescopes were used to observe the solar corona during the 2009 eclipse in China by taking images of the corona in Red (6374 A) and Green (5303 A) lines. Spectroscopic observations were also made in the red and green emission lines.
Solar Physics from Kodaikanal Observatory Jagdev singh
Imaging & spectroscopy
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