SOInter: A Novel Deep Energy Based Interpretation Method for Explaining Structured Output Models - arXiv
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JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, JANUARY 2022 1 SOInter: A Novel Deep Energy Based Interpretation Method for Explaining Structured Output Models S. Fatemeh Seyyedsalehi, Mahdieh Soleymani, Hamid R. Rabiee Abstract—We propose a novel interpretation technique to in the prediction step. Early efforts to utilize deep neural explain the behavior of structured output models, which learn networks in structured output problems adopt deep networks mappings between an input vector to a set of output variables to extract high-level features from the input vector to incor- simultaneously. Because of the complex relationship between the arXiv:2202.09914v1 [cs.LG] 20 Feb 2022 computational path of output variables in structured models, a porate them in calculating the energy function [2]–[4]. The feature can affect the value of output through other ones. We computational complexity of the inference step in models that focus on one of the outputs as the target and try to find the most use random fields limits their ability to incorporate complex important features utilized by the structured model to decide on structures and interactions between output variables. Recent the target in each locality of the input space. In this paper, we works in [5]–[8] propose to adopt deep networks instead of assume an arbitrary structured output model is available as a black box and argue how considering the correlations between random fields to model the structure of the output space. output variables can improve the explanation performance. The Nevertheless, complex interactions between problem variables goal is to train a function as an interpreter for the target output in such models make their interpretation too challenging, variable over the input space. We introduce an energy-based specifically when we focus on the model behavior in predicting training process for the interpreter function, which effectively a single output variable. considers the structural information incorporated into the model to be explained. The effectiveness of the proposed method is This paper attempts to interpret a structured output model confirmed using a variety of simulated and real data sets. by focusing on each output variable separately. Our approach to model interpretation is based on instance-wise feature Index Terms—Interpretation, Structured output, Energy func- tion. selection. Its goal is to find the relative importance of each input feature in predicting a single output variable. The subset of important features can vary across the input space. The com- I. I NTRODUCTION plicated interactions between computational paths of output The impressive prediction performance of novel machine variables in structured output models cause critical challenges learning methods has motivated researchers of different fields for finding a subset of important features associated with each to apply these models in challenging problems. However, their output variable. A feature may not be used directly in the complex and non-linear inherence limit the ability to explain computational path of output but affects its value through what they have learned. Interpretation gets more attention relations with other outputs. To compute the importance of when we want to discover the reasons behind the model’s a feature for a target output variable, we should aggregate its decision and be sure about the trustworthiness and fairness of effect on all output variables correlated to this target. a trained machine learning model in areas such as medicine, Existing approaches of model interpretation can be divided finance, and judgment. Additionally, interpreting a model with into two groups, model-based and post hoc analysis [1]. a satisfying prediction accuracy in a scientific problem, which The model-based interpretation approach encourages machine results in understanding relationships behind the data, leads to learning methods that readily provide insight into what the new knowledge about the problem domain. [1] model learned. However, it leads to simple models that are not In many real-world applications, the goal is to map an input sufficiently effective for complex structured output problems. variable to a high-dimensional structured output, e.g., image Here we follow the post hoc analysis and try to explain segmentation and sequence labeling. In such problems, the the behavior of a trained, structured output model provided output space includes a set of statistically related random as a black box. Many interpretation techniques to find the variables. Considering these dependencies can increase the importance of features as a post hoc analysis have been prediction accuracy, many structured output models have been introduced. Works in [9]–[11] make perturbations to some introduced. Many of these methods use graphical models, features and observe their impact on the final prediction. These including random fields, to capture the structural relations techniques are computationally inefficient when we search for between variables. Most define an energy function over these the most valuable features. Since we should perform a forward random fields, with a global minimum at the ground truth. propagation for all possible perturbations, in another trend, Therefore, an inference is needed to find the best configuration works in [12], [13] back-propagate an importance signal from of output variables for input by minimizing the energy function the target output through the network to calculate the critical This paper was produced by the IEEE Publication Technology Group. They signal of features by calculating the gradient of the target w.r.t are in Piscataway, NJ. the input features. These models are computationally more Manuscript received January 16, 2022. efficient than perturbation-based techniques because they need only 0000–0000/00$00.00 oneIEEE © 2021 pass of propagating. However, they need the structure
JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, JANUARY 2022 2 of the network to be known. As this approach may cause a saturation problem, DeepLIFT [14] proposes that instead of propagating a gradient signal, the difference of the output Θsb αIN t from a reference value in terms of the difference of features from a reference value to be considered. In addition to these approaches, other ideas have also been introduced in model interpretation. Authors in [15] introduce LIME which trains a local interpretable surrogate model to simulate the behavior sb y−t x ytsb of a black box model in the vicinity of a sample. It randomly selects a set of instances of the input space around that Fig. 1. The generative relationship between problem variables. sample and obtains the black box prediction for them, and trains the surrogate model by this new dataset. Therefore this interpretable model is a good approximation of the black box an n-dimensional k-hot vector. In this vector, the value of 1 around the locality of the selected sample. Shapley value, a shows the indices of selected k important features for target concept from the game theory, explains how to fairly distribute output yt . an obtained payout between coalition players. The work in We define Θsb as the set of all parameters and hidden [16] proposes the kernel SHAP for approximating the shapely variables inside the structured black box. The probabilistic value for each feature as its importance for a prediction. As an graphical model of Fig. 1 describes dependencies between information-theoretic perspective on interpretation, the work problem variables. In this figure, x shows the input variable, in [17] proposes to find a subset of features with the highest ytsb and y−tsb = {yisb |i 6= t} show black box predictions and mutual information with the output. This subset is expected to αIN t is the set of parameters of IN t . The bidirectional edge involve the most important features for the output. between ytsb and y−tsb emphasizes the correlation between the Existing interpretation techniques can be applied to explain outputs of a structured model. In fact αIN t is determined the behavior of a structured model, w.r.t. a single output, based on Θsb and the black box architecture, and the final by ignoring other output variables. However, none of these prediction of the ytsb does not directly affect its value. How- approaches consider possible correlations between output vari- ever, here, Θsb is a latent variable which makes active paths ables and only analyze the marginal behavior of the black between αIN t and output values ytsb and y−tsb . Therefore αIN t sb box on the target. In this paper, we attempt to incorporate the and y−t are dependent random variables and we have: structural information between output variables during training the interpreter. As our goal is to present a local interpreter, H(αIN t |x, ytsb ) > H(αIN t |x, ytsb , y−t sb ) (1) which is trained globally as [17], we train a function over where H(.|.) shows the conditional entropy. We use the the input space which returns the index of most important sb strict inequality because αIN t and y−t are dependent random features for decision making about the target output. Since the variables. The left term measures our uncertainty when we value of other output variables affects the value of the target, train the interpreter only by observing the target output ytsb . incorporating them into the training procedure of an interpreter This inequality confirms that the uncertainty is decreased when function may lead to higher performance and decrease our sb we consider observed y−t during estimating αIN t . Motivated uncertainty about the black box behavior. To the best of by this fact we propose a training procedure for an interpreter our knowledge, this is the first time an interpreter is de- IN t which incorporates the structural information of the signed mainly for structured output models, and dependencies output space by observing the black box prediction on all between output variables are considered during training the output variables. interpreter. We call our method SOInter as we propose it to train an Interpreter specifically for Structured Output models. II. P RELIMINARIES AND M OTIVATION III. P ROPOSED M ETHOD Structured output prediction models map an arbitrary n- dimensional feature vector x ∈ X to the output y ∈ Y where We consider psb (y|x) as the distribution by which the y = [y1 , y2 , . . . , yd ] includes a set of correlated variables structured black box predicts the output as follows, with known and unknown complex relationships and Y shows ysb = arg max psb (y|x). (2) y a set of valid configurations. Now we explain our intuition about an interpreter, which Our goal is to train the interpreter IN t (x; α) which explores explains the behavior of a structured output model in predict- a subset of most important features that affects the value of ing a single output variable. We assume a structured model is black-box prediction on the target output yt in each locality available as a black box we do not know about. Our goal is of the input space. The interpreter IN t (x; α) returns a k- to find indices of k important features of x which affect the hot vector in which the value of 1 shows the index of a black box prediction about the target output yt . As for different selected feature. As the desired interpreter detects the subset localities of the input space these indices may vary, the of most important features, we expect perturbating other ones n proposed interpreter is a function IN t (x; α) : X → {0, 1} does not change the black box prediction of the target yt . over the input space with a set of parameters α which returns Motivated by this statement, we are encouraged to compare
JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, JANUARY 2022 3 Finding the energy function minimizer Loss function Structured global energy Global energy for fine tuning blackbox Substituting the value of the energy the target block Structured blackbox output Local energy + Loss function to train the interpreter block Gumble softmax unit . F(x) Fig. 2. The architecture we use to train the IN t for the structured black box determined by sb. The interpreter block includes a neural network Wα and a Gumbel-Softmax (GS) unit. The input feature x is passed through the IN t and a k-hot vector is obtained. The black box prediction is calculated for two input vectors:(1) the feature vector x and (2) the element-wise multiplication of the x and IN t (x; α). Obtained target outputs ytsb and ỹt , alongside ỹ−t , are separately passed through energy block Eq . the black box prediction for the target output when a sample which is the zero function when ytsb = ỹt . and its perturbated version are passed through the black box. However, if the Esb does not describe the black box behavior We expect the value of the tth element of predictions to be the perfectly, it may be possible that the energy value to be same, and we can define a penalty over the value of the target decreased when ytsb 6= ỹt . In this situation, the penalty in in these two situations. However, since the structure of the eq. (6) should not be considered to avoid the propagation of black box is unknown, a loss function that directly compares the energy block fault. Therefore the following form of eq. (6) these two output values can not be used to find the optimal is more preferable, interpreter. Therefore, in the following subsection, we try to max{0, Esb (x IN t (x; α), ytsb , ỹ−t )− achieve a penalty according to the difference between these values for the target, which can transfer the gradient to the Esb (x IN t (x; α), ỹ)} (7) interpreter block. Meanwhile, the energy may not change after substituting the tth element of ỹ even with a perfect energy function Esb . A. Obtaining a tractable loss function When both pairs of (x IN t (x; α), ytsb , ỹ−t ) and (x We consider ỹ as the black box prediction when the masked IN t (x; α), ỹ) have a same chance to be the input and outputs input x̃ is given to the black box i.e., of the black box and we have, ỹ = arg max psb (y|x y IN t (x; α)). (3) p(yt = ytsb |x, ỹ, IN t (x; α)) = p(yt = ỹt |x, ỹ, IN t (x; α)) We define a random field over the input space x and output for some ytsb 6= ỹt (8) space y with the energy function Esb . We assume this random the energy value does not change. In this situation least field describes inputs and their corresponding outputs of the important features are selected by the interpreter and important structured black. Therefore we have ones are padded with zero and decreasing the value of penalty ysb = arg min Esb (x, y) (4) in (6) can guide to a better interpreter. Therefore, we add a y margin m to the penalty in (7) as follows, and according to the eq. (3) we have, max{0, Esb (x IN t (x; α), ytsb , ỹ−t )− ỹ = arg min Esb (x IN t (x; α), y) (5) Esb (x ∫b IN t (x; α), ỹ) + yt , ỹt } y As the ideal interpreter selects a subset of most effective (9) features on the value of the tth element, it is expected that which leads the gradient to be back propagated in the de- the tth element of ỹ and ysb to be the same. Otherwise, by scribed situation. The obtained form of loss function in (9) is substituting the tth element of ỹ with the tth element of ysb , analogous to the structured hinge loss, however has a different the energy value Esb is increased. We propose to consider this motivation. As Esb is a deep neural network and a function of increase as a penalty for the interpreter, element-wise multiplication of x and IN t (x; α), the gradient over the penalty of (9) can be back-propagated through the Esb (x IN t (x; α), ytsb , ỹ−t )− interpreter block. The variable ỹ is a function of the interpreter Esb (x IN t (x; α), ỹ) (6) and is obtained by passing the perturbated version of the input
JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, JANUARY 2022 4 vector x to the black box. So we should iteratively calculate The detailed architecture of the deep network depends on the the ỹ and then calculate the loss function (9) to update the inherence of x. The dimension of the interpreter output is the interpreter. It is worth mentioning that we consider a constraint same as the feature vector x. Fig. 2 describes the architecture only over the ytsb as we intend to find the best interpreter for used for training the interpreter IN t (x, α). The output of the the target. deep network Wα shows the importance of the elements of We will explain the final optimization problem for training the feature vector x. To encourage the interpreter to find top the interpreter block after presenting some details about the k important features associated with the target output yt , we energy block Esb and interpreter block IN t (x; α) in the use the Gumbel-Softmax trick as proposed in [17]. To obtain following subsections. top k important features, we consider the output of Wα (x) as parameters of the categorical distribution. Then we can B. The energy block independently draw a sample for k times. Each sample is a The energy block Esb is a deep network that evaluates the one-hot vector in which the element with the value of 1 shows consistency of a pair (x, y) with the structural information the selected feature. To have a k-hot vector, we can simply get incorporated into the black box. Therefore, for an input feature the element-wise maximum of these one-hot vectors. However x, the minimum value of the energy function Esb (x, y) should this sampling process is not differentiable and we use its occur when y is equal to the black box prediction for x. We continuous approximation introduced by the Gumbel-Softmax train this network in two steps. First, in a pre-training phase, trick. Considering following random variables, we generate a set of training samples by sampling from the gi = − log(− log(ui )) (12) input space and obtaining their associated outputs predicted by the black box. Different techniques to train an energy network where ui ∼ Uniform(0, 1), we can use the re- have been introduced recently [5]–[7] which can be used to parameterization trick instead of direct sampling from Wα (x) train Esb in a pre-training phase. Here we use the work in [6]. as follows: As shown in (9) to calculate the penalty function we exp{log(Wα (x)i + gi )/τ } ci = (13) should obtain the energy value Esb for perturbated versions of Σj exp{log(Wα (x)j + gj )/τ } samples from the input space. For different interpreters these samples come from different regions of the space. Therefore The vector c is the continuous approximation of the sampled we consider a fine tuning step for the energy network in which one-hot vector. To have k selected features, we draw k vectors it is adjusted to the interpreter. As mentioned the interpreter cj , j = 1 . . . k and obtain their element-wise maximum as block is iteratively optimized and updated, so in each iteration follows [17], the energy block should be adjusted to the new interpreter. For IN t (x, α)i = max {cji , j = 1 . . . k} (14) an arbitrary input vector x, the minimum of the Esb (x, y) j should be occurred for y = ỹ according to the definition of the energy function. However if the energy network does not D. The proposed optimization problem simulate the behavior of the black box perfectly, this minimum Finally, parameters of the ideal interpreter can be described may occur for a different value of y. As a common loss as follows, function in the structured learning literature, we propose to αopt = arg min Ep(x) [max{0, Esb (x IN t (x; α), ytsb , ỹ−t ) update the energy network based on the structured hinge loss α which is obtained as follows, − Esb (x IN t (x; α), ỹ) + L(ytsb , ỹt )}] max{0, Esb (x IN t (x; α), y0)− subject to: ỹ = arg max psb (y|x IN t (x; α)) (15) y Esb (x IN t (x; α), ỹ) + m0} (10) which is an optimization problem with an equality constraint. where The final proposed greedy iterative optimization procedure for training the interpreter block can be expressed as follows, y0 = arg min Esb (x IN t (x; α), y) (11) y (k−1) α(k) ← β∇α Ep(x) [max{0, Esb (x IN t (x; α), ỹ = arg max psb (y|x IN t (x; α)) y h i (k−1) (k−1) ytsb , ỹ−t ) − Esb (x IN t (x; α), ỹ(k−1) ) + m}] and m0 is a constant margin. The minimum value of the energy function Esb (x, y) is occurred for y = y0 which should be ỹ(k) = arg max psb (y|x IN t (x; α(k) )) y equal to ỹ. Otherwise, the loss function of (10) considers a (k−1) penalty for the energy network. In the proposed procedure, we y0(k) = arg min Esb (x IN t (x; α(k) ), y) y update the energy network according to (10) in each iteration (k) Esb ← β0∇Esb Ep(x) [max{0, Esb (x IN t (x; α(k) ), y0(k) ) of training the interpreter to adjust it to updated versions of the interpreter. − Esb (x IN t (x; α(k) ), ỹ(k) ) + m0}] (16) where ysb = arg maxy psb (y|x). At the first step of each iter- C. The interpreter block ation, parameters of the interpreter block is updated according The interpreter IN t includes a deep neural network, with a to the loss function introduced in (9). Then the solution of set of parameters α, followed by a Gumbel-Softmax [18] unit. the black box for perturbated versions of the input vectors are
JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, JANUARY 2022 5 Energy function#1 - output#1 Energy function#1 - output#2 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 accuracy accuracy 0.4 0.4 Lime Lime 0.2 KShap 0.2 KShap L2X L2X 0.0 SOInter 0.0 SOInter 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 #of input features #of input features (a) (b) Energy function#2 - output#3 Energy function#2 - output#4 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 accuracy accuracy 0.4 0.4 Lime Lime 0.2 KShap 0.2 KShap L2X L2X 0.0 SOInter 0.0 SOInter 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 #of input features #of input features (c) (d) Fig. 3. The accuracy of Lime, Kernel-Shap, L2X and SOInter as a function of input size. For each energy function E1 and E2 results on two outputs are reported. The SOInter performance is overall better than others. calculated in the second step. In the third and fourth steps the section IV-B and IV-C, the efficiency of SOInter is shown energy block Esb is fine tuned. with two real text and image datasets. The initial value α(0) is randomly selected and its associated ỹ(0) is obtained using the second step of (16). The energy network is also initialized be the pre-trained network. The A. Synthetic Data algorithm is continued until the value of the penalty does not Here we define two arbitrary energy functions on input considerably change which is usually obtained in less than 100 vector x and output variables y, E1 and E2 in (17), which iterations. are linear and non-linear functions respectively according to the input features. IV. E XPERIMENTS E1 = (x1 y1 + x4 )(1 − y2 ) + (x2 (1 − y1 ) + x3 )y2 (17) We evaluate the performance of our proposed interpreter on E2 = (sin(x1 )y1 y3 + |x4 |) (1 − y2 )y4 + (18) both synthetic and real datasets. In section IV-A, we define x2 two arbitrary energy functions to synthesize structured data. exp( − 1)(1 − y1 )(1 − y3 ) + x3 y2 (1 − y4 ) 10 We compare the performance of SOInter with two well-known Input features are randomly generated using the standard interpretation techniques, Lime and Kernel-Shap, which are normal distribution. Output variables are considered as binary frequently used to evaluate the performance of interpreta- discrete variables. For each input vector x, we found the tion methods, and L2X [17] which proposes an information- corresponding output by the following optimization, Theoretic method for interpretation. None of these techniques are specifically designed for structured models. Indeed, they y∗ = arg min E(x, y) (19) only consider the target output and ignore other ones. In y
JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, JANUARY 2022 6 Energy function#1 - output#1 Energy function#1 - output#2 Lime 7.0 Lime KShap KShap 7.0 L2X L2X SOInter 6.0 SOInter 6.0 median rank median rank 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 #of input features #of input features (a) (b) 7.0 Energy function#2 - output#3 Energy function#2 - output#4 Lime Lime KShap 7.0 KShap 6.0 L2X L2X SOInter SOInter 6.0 median rank median rank 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 #of input features #of input features (c) (d) Fig. 4. The median rank obtained by Lime, Kernel-Shap, L2X and SOInter as a function of input size. For each energy function E1 and E2 results on two outputs are reported. The ground truth value in all situations is 2.5. The SOInter performance is overall better than others. where E shows the energy function from which we attempt to important features with ground truths, we consider an order generate data. E1 describes the energy value over a structured for features and report the median rank of important ones in output of size 2 and E2 describes an output of size 4. For each Fig. 4 as proposed in [17]. As the first four features are the scenarios, we simulate input vectors with the dimension of 5, solution, the desired median rank is 2.5 in all situations. As 10, 15 and 20. shown, SOInter has the nearest median rank to 2.5 nearly in For each generated dataset, we train a structured prediction all cases. energy network introduced in [6]. As it has the sufficient As the number of input features is increased, the perfor- ability to learn energy functions in (17), we can assume it has mance of methods is generally degraded. This is because successfully captured the important features with a negligible the ratio of important features compared to the size of the error rate. We adopt each interpretation techniques to explain input vector is decreased, which can lead to confusion of the trained energy networks. According to (17) first four features interpreter. affect the value of outputs. Fig. 3 compares the accuracy of However, the obtained results confirm the robustness of results obtained by each method during the interpretation. SOInter for the more significant number of input features. Diagrams of Fig. 3 show results for target outputs y1 and Thus the proposed method is more reliable when the size of y2 in E1 and two arbitrary outputs y3 and y4 in E2 . There the input vector is large. may be randomness in interpretation methods, and we run each interpreter five times for each dataset. Each line in the diagrams shows the average value, and the highlighted area B. Multi-label Classification on Bibtex Dataset shows the standard deviation. SOInter has an overall better Bibtex is a standard dataset for the multi-label classification performance compared to others. of texts. Each sample in Bibtex involves an input feature vector As the accuracy measures the exact match of the subset of corresponding to 1836 words mapped to a 159-dimensional
JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, JANUARY 2022 7 TABLE I R ESULTS ON B IBTEX DATASET TAG T OP 30 IMPORTANT FEATURES ASSOCIATED TO EACH TAG GAMES - LEARNING - GAME - DESIGN - HOW- EXPERIENCES - NEW- SOCIAL - IDEA - FUTURE - MEDIUM - BEYOND GAMES SCHOOL - LOGIC - CONTEXTS - OPPORTUNITIES - COMPUTERS - COMPUTER - POINT- KNOW- TEACHERS EDUCATIONAL - ARGUE - BUILDING - DEVELOP - VIDEO - EDUCATION - KINDS - NEED - DEMONSTRATES INTERFACES - USER - CASE - P - LEARNING - E - B - CONTENT- SEMANTIC - ENERGY- CHEMICAL -2004 HCI MOLECULAR - DENSITY - APPLIED - BETTA - SIMULATIONS - FISH -2000- MINIMAL - APPLICATIONS - COGNITIVE SPLENDENS - PHYSICS - CONFERENCE - THESE - EDUCATION - APOLIPOPROTEIN - EFFICIENT- OBSERVED MOLECULAR - BIOINFORMATICS - GENOME - DYNAMICS - STRUCTURES - SMALL - FORCE - VELOCITY PARTICLES - SEQUENCE - EXTERNAL - WHILE - MOLECULES - FLUID - PARTIAL - PROTEINS - THREE - SEMANTIC MOLECULAR WEB - ORGANIZED - FORCES - ACID - VERSUS - MODEL - MOTIVATION - REDUCING - REVERSE - BIOLOGICAL ALGORITHMS - ADDRESSED DATA - CLUSTERING - E - MORE - THAT- WERE - TYPE -5- ANNUAL - REAL - CLUSTER - APPLICATIONS CLUSTERING OPTIMIZED - FUNCTIONAL - SAME - RETRIEVAL - DESIGN - AUTOMATIC - PROCEEDINGS - PROBLEM - GIVEN QUERY- THESE - SELECTION - ALSO - CHEMISTRY- HAS - EFFECTIVE - BOUND - INFORMATION TERM - WEIGHT - DIFFUSION - MOBILITY- CONFERENCE - OFTEN - DECREASE - IMAGING - SCIENCE - INCREASED DEFFUSION DISCOVERY- SOLUTION - QUALITY- E - ENZYME - FUNCTION - PROPOSE - WHICH - POSSIBLE - DEVELOPERS SUBJECTS - MUCH - AVAILABLE - APPROACH - PAPER - YEARS - DETAIL - HETEROGENEOUS - IDEAS - ENGINEERING REVIEW- QUANTUM - NETWORKS - PROPOSE - IT- WORKSHOP - INTERNATIONAL - WE - DISCUSS - COMPUTER FIRST- COLLABORATIVE - WEB - MECHANICAL - CONTEXT- ELECTROCHEMICAL - DO - FOUND ELECTROCHEMISTRY APOLIPOPROTEIN - LIPOPROTEIN - ELECTRODE - APPROACH - PHYSICS - AMPEROMETRIC - HIGH STATISTICAL - LANGUAGE - APPLICATIONS - CONCEPTUAL - IMMUNOASSAY OBSERVATIONS - SERUM - ACIDS - OBJECTS - PAST- UNIT- PARADIGM - NODES - FREQUENCIES - PERFORMED GRAPH GRAPHS - SOCIAL - WEAK - MEASUREMENTS - PROCEDURES - ANTI - ANTIBODY- FACT- EASY- AT- LITERATURE RELATION - PATHWAY- PARAMETER - ADAPTATION - CREATING - UNIVERSAL - DISCOVERY- FAMILY- COST ONTOLOGY - LANGUAGES - IUPAP - XXIII - TOP - INTEGRATE - KNOWN - KEY- STATISTICAL - GIVEN - BOOK PHYSICS - CONFERENCE - DISCUSSED - METHODS - SPLENDENS - OBSERVED - C - SHOW- DETERMINE ONTOLOGY PROPERTIES - MECHANISMS - EVALUATING - MONITORING - INTERNATIONAL - SOFTWARE - IMAGES CONVENTIONAL - FOUND - FISH output vector. Elements of the output vector are associated In Fig. 5 the pixel in [10, 10] is considered as target and with a set of tags that describes the sample subject. We train the interpretation results for arbitrary images are shown. We a structured prediction energy network (SPEN) as a multi- do experiments for different numbers of important features of label classifier on Bibtex with a desirable accuracy as shown 5, 10, 50, and 100. The red pixel shows the target, and green in [6]. A SPEN as a structured black box is a challenging ones are obtained important input features as expected green benchmark for an interpreter because of its ability to capture pixels are placed in the locality of the target. more complicated relations between output variables. During interpreting this classifier with SOInter, we select an output V. C ONCLUSION variable, i.e., a tag, as a target of explanation and find the We have presented SOInter, an interpreter for explaining top 30 features related to this tag for each sample. According structured output models. We focused on a single output to SPEN decisions, we aggregate those top features over all variable of a structured model, available as a black box, as the samples for each tag and find the top 30 features expected target. Then we train a function over the input space, which to be correlated to this tag. Table I shows the general top 30 returns a subset of important features for the black box to features for different 3 tags. More results are provided in Table decide on the target. This is the first time an interpreter has ?? of Appendix ??. As shown, word sets are meaningfully been designed explicitly for structured output models to the correlated to their corresponding tags. In addition, we highlight best of our knowledge. These models learn complex relations bold words that are correlated to each tag confirmed by human between output variables which ignoring them while interpret- experts. ing a single output can decline the explanation performance. We used an energy model to learn the structural information C. Image Segmentation on Weizmann-Horse Dataset of the black box and utilize it during the interpreter’s training. The effectiveness of SO-Inter is confirmed using synthetic and Image segmentation is another structured output learning real structured datasets. task in which the image is partitioned into semantic regions. Here we again train a SPEN for segmentation of 24 × 24 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Weizmann-horse dataset. Each image of this dataset is par- R EFERENCES titioned into two regions that determine the horse’s borders. [1] W. J. Murdoch, C. Singh, K. Kumbier, R. Abbasi-Asl, and B. 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